High Score

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The hand that pulled the trigger that killed your sons now masturbates to the memory. Fuck all of you.


TJ Lane

You thought it was one pathetic boy's life you were extinguishing. Thanks to you, I die like Jesus Christ, to inspire generations of the weak and the defenceless people.


Cho Seung Hui

God told me to eat Leung's colon.


Lam Kor Wan

Remember lads, subscribe to PewDiePie.


Brenton Tarrant

This is payback day!


George Hennard

There will be a day when one Jew will take revenge on the Arabs.


Baruch Goldstein

On the gun [license] application form I stated: “hunting deer”. It would have been tempting to just write the truth; “executing category A and B cultural Marxists/multiculturalist traitors” just to see their reaction:P


Anders Behring Breivik

I understand what they felt... I have no sympathy for them.


Timothy McVeigh

Screw your optics, I'm going in.


Robert Bowers

Meme magic is real. May the LORD Christ be with you all.


John Earnest

I'm still waiting for a mass shooter who eschews 9mm pistols and instead buys an AK-47 pistol, 30 30-round magazines, and 1000 hollow points.


Adam Lanza

You will die next.


Mr. Saari

Today is the day. The day that it all begins. The day of my massacre shall begin. All the kids in school will run and fear and hide. From the wrath of my power they will know who I am. I am nothing. I am no one. My life is nothing and meaningless. Everything that I hold dear I let go beyond your half. Every day I see the world ending another day. I live a lone life, live in seclusion and solitude. I hate everyone and everything. With the power of my AR you will all know who I am.


Nikolas Cruz

If you're going to do something, do it well.


Charles Manson

I feel Manson was possessed by demons and I think I was possessed by the same spirit that Charles Manson was possessed by. The psychiatrists called it shared madness. That is, we were all in one devil and we did what the devil said do. I am not blaming what I did on him, or evil spirits. I yielded myself to it, so I take the blame.


Tex Watson

About 26.5 hours from now the judgement will begin. Difficult but not impossible, necessary, nervewracking & fun. What fun is life without a little death? It's interesting, when i'm in my human form, knowing i'm going to die. Everything has a touch of triviality to it.


Dylan Klebold

Everyone is always making fun of me because of how I look, and how fucking weak I am and shit. Well, I will get you all back, ultimate fucking revenge here. You people should have showed me more respect, treated me better, asked for my knowledge or guidance more, treated me more like a senior, and maybe I wouldn't have been as ready to tear your fucking heads off.


Eric Harris

Oh shit!


Marc Lepine

Behold, the most treasured and infamous of all rankings in human civilization. From depressed loners to religious extremists, below are the names of the individuals who have achieved the most kills in modern history. They are proof of how depraved and batshit crazy humanity can become, and they will forever be etched into the annals of bad memories. Oh, and for fuck's sake, don't try to get yourself on this list, retard.


Single Player

The VIP club of the 21st century gold standard of murder. These 50 persons hold the highest number of kills by a single gunman. Every year, a new inductee vies for a place in the club and must oust one member. This constant struggle for membership guarantees a virtuous cycle of lulz that appears to have no end in sight.

Please note that as of now, the club is comprised entirely of men, so if there's one glass ceiling that feminists should strive to break, it's this one.

1 Anders Behring Breivik6 69 (67 by Breivik)4 110 (33 by Breivik) N 2011 32 69.7%
2 Stephen Craig Paddock 60 867 (411 by Paddock) Y 2017 64 12.7%
3 Woo Bum-kon6 56 35 Y 1982 27 61.5%
4 Brenton Harrison Tarrant 51 89 (40 by Tarrant) N 2019 28 56.0%
5 Omar Mir Seddique Mateen 49 58 N1 2016 29 45.8%
6 Abdulkadir Masharipov 39 79 N 2017 28 33.1%
7 Seifeddine Rezgui Yacoubi 38 39 N1 2015 22 49.4%
8 Democratic Republic of the Congo William Unek 36 30 N1 1957 27 54.5%
9 Panya Khamrab 36 10 Y 2022 34 78.2%
10 Martin John Bryant 35 24 (23 by Bryant) N 1996 28 60.3%
11 Ahmed Ibragimov 35 20+ N2 1999 43 ≤63.6%
12 Cho Seung-Hui 32 23 (17 by Cho) Y 2007 23 65.3%
13 Mutsuo Toi 30 3 Y 1938 21 90.9%
14 Baruch Kopel Goldstein 29 125 N2 1994 37 18.8%
15 Jakrapanth Thomma 29 58 N1 2020 31 33.3%
16 Campo Elías Delgado Morales 29 12 N1 1986 52 70.7%
17 Tian Mingjian 28 47 N1 1994 30 37.3%
18 Adam Peter Lanza 27 2 Y 2012 20 93.1%
19 Unknown 26 ? N2 1938 ? ≤100.0%
20 Devin Patrick Kelley 263 20 Y 2017 26 56.5%
21 Richard Komakech 26 13 N2 1994 ? 66.7%
22 George Pierre Hennard 23 27 Y 1991 35 46.0%
23 Patrick Wood Crusius 23 23 N 2019 21 50.0%
24 Abbas al-Baqir Abbas 22-27 31 N1 2000 33 41.5%-46.6%
25 Gabriel Wortman 22 3 N1 2020 51 88.0%
26 Unknown 22 ? N1 1994 ? ≤100.0%
27 James Oliver Huberty 213 19 N1 1984 41 52.5%
28 Salvador Rolando Ramos 21 18 N2 2022 18 53.8%
29 Unknown 21 ? Y 1983 ? ≤100.0%
30 João Pereira Lima 20+ ? N 1952 ? ≤100.0%
31 Vladislav Igorevich Roslyakov6 20 70 Y 2018 18 23.1%
32 Artyom Igorevich Kazantsev 18 23 Y 2022 34 43.9%
33 Giuseppe Marco Fieschi 18 22 N 1835 44 45.0%
34 Robert Russell Card II 18 13 Y 2023 40 58.0%
35 Jaafar 17 45 N8 2003 ? 22.4%
36 Charles Joseph Whitman 173 31 (29 by Whitman) N1 1966 25 37.0%
37 David Kozák 177 (16 by Kozák)4 25 Y 2023 24 40.4%
38 Nikolas Jacob Cruz 175 17 N 2018 19 50.0%
39 Thomas Watt Hamilton 17 15 Y 1996 43 53.1%
40 Sun Fuji 17 (16 by Fuji)4 1 N 1979 ? 100.0%
41 Unknown 16 60 ? 1978 ? 21.1%
42 Michael Robert Ryan 16 15 Y 1987 27 51.6%
43 Sanurip 16 11 N 1996 36 59.3%
44 Robert Bales 16 6 N 2012 38 72.7%
45 Ronald Gene Simmons 16 4 N 1987 47 80.0%
46 Robert Steinhäuser 16 1 Y 2002 19 94.1%
47 Tim Kretschmer 15 9 Y 2009 17 62.5%
48 Abd el Maleck 15 9 N 1945 ? 62.5%
49 Éric Borel 15 4 Y 1995 16 78.9%
50 Vladislav Chelakh 15 0 N 2012 19 100.0%

1. Killed by cops

2. Killed by civilian

3. Spawn kill bonus

4. At least one of the commies Breivik, Fuji, and Kozák were targeting happened to die attempting to escape. For Fuji and Kozák, it's 1. For Breivik, it's 2.

5. 2 survivors an hero'd a year after his High Score attempt (their deaths don't go towards the tally though).

6. Used explosives in their High Score attempts. However, Breivik and Woo managed to score some extra frags (Breivik's Bomberman score is below, while Woo became an hero with his hostages via grenade), whereas Roslyakov only saddled them with extra medical bills.

7. 14 in the University, 2 in the Klánovice Forest 6 days earlier and his father.

8. Escaped.

9. Efficiency Rank (Direct kills by player+Indirect kills)/(Injuries by player+Direct kills by player)

Co-Op Mode

Teamwork, fuck yeah! These death squads send a positive message that collaboration, communication, and cooperation are key components in any group-oriented mission.

1 Team Riyad-us Saliheen 385+ 783 N3 2004
2 Team Red Group 367 ? N 2000
3 Team Hamas 364 ? N 2023
4 Team IS 311 122+ N 2017
5 Team Hutu 300 ? N 1991
6 Team Atlácatl Battalion 200+ ? N 1982
7 Team JNIM 200+ 300+ N 2024
8 Team Los Zetas 193 0 N 2011
9 Team Lashkar-e-Taiba 175 600+ N4 2008
10 Team Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan 149 132 Y 2014
11 Team IS 145 551 N 2024
12 Team Hamas 135 ? N 2023
13 Team IS 130 368 Y 2015
14 Team Muslim Brotherhood 83 ? N13 1979
15 Team Hamas 73 ? N 2023
16 Team KPA 68 21 N 1950
17 Team Al-Shabaab 67 175 N1 2013
18 Team Al-Jama'a al-Islamiyya 62 26+ Y 1997
19 Team Los Zetas 52 10 N 2011
20 Team Hamas 52 ? N 2023
21 Team ADF 42 8 N 2023
22 Jiang Liming, Feng Wanhai 32 16 Y, N1 1995
23 Team TIP 31 143 N1 2014
24 Murtaza Hafiz Yasin, Ashraf Ali Mohammad Farooq 31 80+ N1, N1 2002
25 Team KPA 30 66 Y - 1, N - 30 1968
26 Team Al-Qaeda 30 56+ N1 - 4, N - 3 2016
27 Team IS 28 22 N 2017
28 Team Brabant 28 22 N 1981-1985
29 Russian Army 26 3 N 2022
30 Team Hamas 25 ? N 2022
31 Team IS 22 45 N1 2024
32 Disputed between Team IS and Al-Qaeda 22 42 N1, N1 2015
33 Team Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan 22+ 12+ N, N, N, N 1981
34 Team Abu Nidal Organization 22 6 Y, Y 1986
35 Wang Mingfang, Wang Mingchao 21 5 N, N 1981
36 Team FNL 21 0 N 2000
37 Team Hamas 20+ ? N 2023
38 Unknown 18 0 N 2017
39 Unknown 17 14 N 1997
40 John Allen Muhammad, Lee Boyd Malvo 17 10 N2, N 2002
41 Kurbanjan Hemit, Abdurahman Azat 16 16 N, N 2008
42 Team Black September 15 0 N 1972
43 Syed Farook, Tashfeen Malik 14 17 N1, N1 2015
44 Team Barrio Azteca 14 8 N 2017
45 Unknown 14 3 N, N 1939
46 Jean-Pierre Lardanchet, André Friedli  14 0 Y, Y 1995
47 Unknown 14 0 N 1999
48 Team Hamas  14 0 N 2023
49 Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold 13 24 (21 by the team) Y, Y 1999
50 Victor Korshunov, Yuri Surovtsev 13 11 N, N 1968
51 Team Hamas 13 ? N 2023
52 Bonnie Parker, Clyde Barrow 13 1 N1, N1 1932-1934
53 Said Kouachi, Cherif Kouachi 12 11 N1, N1 2015
54 Khalid al-Islambuli, Muhammad Abd al-Salam Faraj 11 28 N,N 1981
55 4 Unknown Lenapes 11 1 N 1764
56 Robledo Puch, Jorge Ibáñez 11 0 N, N 1971–1972
57 Kumatarō Kido, Yagorō Tani 11 0 Y, Y 1893
58 Team Bolshevik 11 0 N 1918
59 Charles Starkweather, Caril Ann Fugate 11 0 N, N 1957-1958
60 Macedonian Army 10 2 N 2001
61 Uwe Mundlos, Uwe Böhnhardt, Beate Zschäpe 10 1 N, N, N 2000-2007
62 Unknown 10 0 N, N, N 1978
63 Unknown 10 0 N, N, N 1999
64 Antonio Izquierdo, Emilio Izquierdo 9 12 Y12, N 1990
65 Almaz Shageev, Mikhail Sukhorukov 9 2 Y, N11 2002
66 Johnathan Doody, Allesandro Garcia 9 0 N, N 1991
67 Marcos Taverna, Marcos Proceke 9 0 N, N 2003
68 Emival Menezes Lima, Carlos Roberto Ximenes 9 0 N, N 1984
69 Khuram Shazad Butt, Rachid Redouane, Youssef Zaghba 8 48 N1, N1, N1 2017
70 Nairi Hunanyan, Karen Hunanyan, Vram Galstyan, Derenik Ejanyan, Eduard Grigoryan 8 30+ N 1999
71 Dale Hausner, Samuel Dietman 8 19 Y12, N 2005-2006
72 Walter Jones, William Jones 8 14 N, N 1913
73 Unknown 11 attackers 8 13 N·11 2020
74 Guilherme Taucci Monteiro, Luiz Henrique de Castro 8 11 Y, N11 2019
75 Ishmael LaBeet, Beaumont Gereau, Meral Smith, Warren Ballentine, Raphael Joseph 8 8 N 1972
76 Team NLA 8 0 N 2001
77 Sylvester Beukes, Gavin Beukes 8 0 N,N 2005
78 Alexandre Gaferiza, Joseph Furaha 7 4 N,N 1998
79 Team Casalesi clan 7 1 N 2008
80 Van Hiep V.,Trong D.C. 7 0 N,N 2007
81 John Michael Legg, Frederic Rogers 7 0 N,N 2020
82 Jean Roussel, François Arpinot, Gérard Rolland 7 0 N 1983
83 Ezequias Souza Ribeiro, Edgar Ricardo de Oliveira 7 0 N1, N 2023
84 Omar Rub, Yousef Rub 6 34 N1, N1 2002
85 Team IS 6 30+ N1 2024
86 Unknown 6 19 N 1997
87 Árpád Kiss, István Kiss, Zsolt Pető 6 5 N,N,N 2008-2009
88 Dmitry Belkov, Andrey Bogdashin 6 3 N,N 1994
89 Denis Smyshlyaev, Yevgeny Samoilov  6 1 N,N 2001
90 Giovanni Strangio, Giuseppe Nirta 6 0 N,N 2007
91 Noah David Beard, Angel Uriarte 6 0 N,N 2023
92 Team American Nazi Party & Team Ku Klux Klan 5 12+ N,N 1979
93 Team Black Axe 5 11 N 1999
94 Mitchell Johnson, Andrew Golden 5 10 N,N 1998
95 Team La Torre Clan 5 7 N 1990
96 Marciano Aguiar González, Juana Correa Villalba, Walter Escobar, Wilson Escobar 5 6 N, N, N, N 2024
97 Rodrigo Castro Salas, Carlos Vargas Durán 5 3 N, N 2019
98 David Anderson, Francine Graham 5 3 N1, N1 2019
99 Agim Ismailovic, Afrim Ismailovic, Alil Demiri, Fejzi Aziri, Haki Aziri 5 0 N, N, N ,N, N 2012
100 Unknown 5 0 N,N 2017
101 David Protter, Charles Protter 4 51 N,N 1975
102 Aleksandr Zhidkov, Michael Veretel'nik 4 14 N2, N2 1975
103 Ohio National Guard 4 9 N 1970
104 Khalid al-Mahmara, Muhammad Mahmara 4 7 N,N 2016
105 Badsha Mahommed Gool, Mullah Abdullah 4 7 N1,N1 1915
106 Jermaine Curry, Peter Rolle, Justin Williams 4 6 N, N, N 2013
107 Jack Twinning, Bobby Davis 4 1 Y, Y12 1970
108 Josef Kott, Michael Kutílek 4 1 N,N 1990
109 Perry Smith, Richard Hickock 4 0 N2, N2 1959
110 Sergey Khrushch, Konstantin Krylov 4 0 N,N 1996
111 Team Hamas 4 ? N 2023
112 Unknown 3 20 N 2021
113 Stanisław Ławrynowicz, Janusz Obrąpalski 3 10 Y,Y 1925
114 Unknown 3 8 N 2020
115 Unknown 3 7 N, N 2005
116 Alfredo Luís da Costa, Manuel Buíça 3 4 N1, N1 1908
117 Hans-Jürgen Rösner, Dieter Degowski 3 4 N, N 1988
118 Nathaniel Train, Gareth Train, Stacey Train 3 2 N1, N1, N1 2022
119 Kam McLeod, Bryer Schmegelsky 3 0 Y, Y 2019
120 Jerad Miller, Amanda Miller 3 0 N1, Y 2014
121 Harry Roberts, John Duddy, John Witney 3 0 N 1966
122 Robert Mone, Thomas McCulloch 35 0 N,N 1976
123 Esteban Pérez Corradi, Cristian Lanatta, Martín Lanatta, Víctor Schilacci, Marcelo Schilacci 3 0 N, N, N, N, N 2008
124 Frank Felix, Josh Acosta 3 0 N, N8 2016
125 Lavelle Davis, Jimmy Mays 3 0 N,N 2017
126 Paul Helfeld, Jacob Lepidus 2 21 Y, Y 1909
127 Two unknown soldiers 2 21 N, N 1948
128 Marwan Hasan, Hesham Mohammed Rajeh 2 18 N,N 1981
129 Adam Abdulahi, Ahmed Warsame, Jonis Adan, Onur Corap, Josef Hällgren Abdulrahman 2 15 N 2015
130 Ayman Ighbariah, Ibrahim Ighbariah 2 12 N1, N1 2022
131 William Matix, Michael Platt 2 5 N1, N1 1986
132 Steven Carrillo, Robert Justus 2 3 N, N 2020
133 Milosz Olak, Ronnie Casim Delen 2 2 N,N 2023
134 Howard Wilson, John Sim, Ian Donaldson 2 1 N 1969
135 Kawin Brockton, Kelsey Perry, Mario Tony, Brandon Wade 2 1 N 2008
136 Lyle Menendez, Erik Menendez 2 0 N, N 1996
137 Benjamin Matthew Williams, James Tyler Williams 2 0 N, N 1999
138 Yuri Dovgan, Alexander Kochetkov 2 0 N, N10 1996
139 Marco Ahonen, Juha Mikael Heinonen 2 0 N,N 2001
140 Larry Phillips Jr, Emil Mătăsăreanu 1 21 Y, N 1997
141 Terry Brown, Devondre Phillips. 1 14 N, N 2021
142 Columbus Jones Jr, Braylon Rogers 1 11 N 2011
143 Sergey Taboritsky, Pyotr Shabelsky-Bork 1 9 N, N 1922
144 Belisario Delgado, Manuel Delgado, Christopher Harven, Russell Harven, George Smith 1 9 N 1980
145 Michael Sanon, James Echols 1 8 N, N 2017
146 Devon Erickson, Alec (Maya) McKinney 1 8 N, N 2019
147 Alan Pilon, Robert Mason, Jason McVean 1 4 Y, Y, Y 1998
148 Adel Ankush, Bra'a Salah, Asama Ahmed 1 4 N1, N1, N1 2017
149 Unknown 1 4 N 2005
150 Arturo Santato, Egidio Santato 1 3 N, N 1956
151 Francesco Fenech, Lorin Scicluna 1 3 N, N 2019
152 Jason Harless, Jason McCoy 1 3 N,N 1988
153 Kevin Lapeire, Dietwin Hægeman 1 36 N, N7 2018
154 Unknown 1 2 N 2016
155 Team IS 1 1 N 2024
156 Tadgh O'Sullivan, Diarmuid O'Sullivan 1 0 Y, Y 2020
157 Team The Order 1 0 N9 1984
158 Anthony Rutherford, Jonathan Moore, Joseph Burris 1 0 N 1986
159 Team NOKAS 1 0 N 2004
160 Akash Yadav, Vikas Yadav 1 0 N, N 2007

1. Killed by police.

2. Executed.

3. "From 34 attackers, 32 of which entered, 31 died. [1]" One was lynched by civilians.

4. All but one of the 10 attackers were killed by police. The other one was captured and then executed in 2012.

5. Robert Mone was also a school shooter, however the person he killed in his shooting was not included here.

6. Mentally injured due to trauma of seeing their mother slaughtered in front of them.

7. Dietwin fled to Gent, was later caught by the police.

8. If they truly wanted to snuff out those bushy-tailed pedophiles, they should've turned the gun on themselves.

9. The Order's leader, Bob Mathews, died in a shootout with police a few weeks later. Other members would later die in prison, as well.

10. Yuri Dovgan and Alexander Kochetkov were both shot dead by a fellow soldier after committing the double murders.

11. Was too much of a pussy to kill himself and was shot by his teammate.

12. An heroed in prison.

13. Escaped.


Proof that "basement dweller" is not necessarily an insult, especially if they're making bombs inside them. Whether it's for religious vocation or political activism, these guys figured out how to get the biggest bang for their buck.

1 Al Qaeda12 792 1562+ Y, Y, Y, Y 2007
2 Sergey Atroshchenko 600 130 N 2022
3 Al-Shabaab 587+ 316 N 2017
4 Team IS 341 246+ Y 2016
5 Babbar Khalsa 329 0 N 1985
6 Argentine Army 308 ? N11, N11, N11 1955
7 Ibn Al-Khattab, Achemez Gochiyayev 307 1000+ N 1999
8 Islamic Jihad Organization 305 150 Y, Y 1983
9 Russian Army 298 0 N 2014
10 US Army 290 0 N 1988
11 Team PLO12 270 0 N 1988
12 ISIS & Thowheeth Jama'ath 269 500+ Y 2019
13 Gennadiy Osipovich 269 0 N 1983
14 Team IS 224 0 N 2015
15 Al Qaeda & Jemaah Islamiyah 202 209 Y, Y 2002
16 Al Qaeda 193 2050 Y 2004
17 ISIS-KP 183+ 150+ Y 2021
18 Iranian Army 176 0 N 2020
19 Timothy McVeigh 168 680+ N1 1995
20 Petar Zadgorski, Abadzhiev Pavlov, Asen Pavlov, Nikola Petrov 150 500 N, N, N, N 1925
21 Lai Sanyang 134 28 Y 1978
22 Kim Hyon-hui & Kim Seung-il 115 0 N, Y 1987
23 Team Abu Nidal Organization 112 0 N 1983
24 Jin Ruchao 108 38 N 2001
25 Yahya Ayyash 101 338 N2 1993-1996
26 Al-Shabaab 100 110+ Y 2011
27 Team IS 94 284 Y 2024
28 Amanta Nagayeva & Satsita Dzhebirkhanova 90 0 Y, Y 2004
29 Ma Hongqing 89+ 98+ N 2001
30 Ahmad Qasir 89+ 55 Y 1982
31 Xu Fenghao & Xu Fengde 86 222 N, N 1979
32 Hezbollah 85 300 Y 1994
33 Team Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari 85 200+ N 1980
34 Alexander Keith 81-83 200 Y 1875
35 Unknown 81 0 N 1972
36 Team IS 80 260 N 2016
37 Chingis Yunusogly Rzayev 80 0 Y 1973
38 Ukrainian Army 78 0 N 2001
39 Team Al-Shabaab 74 85 Y 2010
40 Freddy Lugo & Hernan Lozano 73 0 N, N 1976
41 Sri Lanka Army 71 150 N 1995
42 Team EOKA12 66 0 N 1967
43 Abu al-Abbas al-Muhajir 60 200 N 2016
44 Russian Army 60 110+ N 2022
45 Team SPLA 60 0 N 1986
46 Team ZIPRA 59 0 N 1979
47 Sergey Alekseychik 58 0 N 2004
48 Unknown 57 50 Y 2023
49 Hasib Hussain, Mohammad King, Germaine Lindsay, Shezad Tanweer 56 700 Y, Y, Y, Y 2005
50 Unknown 54 80 Y 2023
51 Russian Army 53+ 75+ N 2022
52 Unknown 52 0 N 1965
53 Russian Army 48 9+ N 2022
54 Russian Army 46 80 N 2023
55 Team IS 45 126 Y 2017
56 Andrew Kehoe 44 58 Y 1927
57 Jack Gilbert Graham 44 0 N 1955
58 Thomas Doty 44 0 Y 1962
59 Team IS 43 230 Y 2016
60 John Maxwell 43-300 126+ N10 1864
61 Russian Army 43+ 89+ N 2022
62 US Army 42 30 N 2015
63 Li Chucai 42 27 Y 2001
64 Team Galleanisti 39 143+ N 1920
65 Team Communist Party of Nepal 38-53 71 N 2005
66 Şeyh Abdurrahman Alagöz 33 104 Y 2015
67 Russian Army 32 88 N 2022
68 Team IS 31 260 Y 2016
69 Gao Haiping 31 127 Y 1985
70 Team Hamas 30 140 Y 2002
71 Team Al-Shabab 30 40 Y 2023
72 Ukrainian Army 27 25 N 2024
73 Louis Michel Rieul Billon 26 41 N 1789
74 Mateu Morral Roca 25 100 Y 1906
75 Team IS 25 49 Y 2016
76 Russian Army 25 31 N 2022
77 Vladimir Tatarnikov 23 ? Y 1950
78 Albert Guay 23 0 N 1949
79 Team MPM 23 110 N 1976
80 Salman Ramadan Abedi 22 239 Y 2017
81 Santiago Salvador Franch 22 35 Y 1893
82 Islamic Jihad Organization 21 242 Y 1992
83 John McNamara, James McNamara 21 100+ N, N 1910
84 Russian Army 21 56 N 2022
85 Asadbek Madiyarov 21+ 50+ Y 2024
86 Rahama Tullah 21 47 N 1980
87 Team ETA 21 45 N 1987
88 Ali Hawa Jamal 21 0 Y 1994
89 Team CSPPA 20 255 N 1985-1986
90 Antoni Guzy 20 35 N 1939
91 Team ULFA 18 40 N 2004
92 Hu Baoqiang 17 40 Y 2008
93 Dzmitry Kanavalau, Uladzislau Kavalyou 15 204 N, N 2011
94 Akbarzhon Jalilov 15 64 N 2017
95 Thenmozhi Rajaratnam 15 43 Y 1991
96 Pero Raecivich 14 15 Y 1942
97 Russian Army 14 0 N 2022
98 Team ETA 13 71 N 1974
99 Gundolf Köhler 12 211 N3 1980
100 Team ETA 12 32 N 1986
101 Bobomurad Ismatov 12 28 Y 1994
102 Team ETA 11 88 N 1987
103 Vitoon Sulngarm 11 12 Y 1973
104 Peter Kuzmich Volynsky 10 90 N 1971
105 Justin Angelo Gbaki 10 32 N 2018
106 Team Al-Shabaab 10 18 Y 2023
107 Team Al-Shabaab 10 15 N 2024
108 US Army 10 7 N 2021
109 Rodger Warren 9 0 N 1992
110 Serbian Army 9 ? N 1994
111 East Asia Anti-Japan Armed Front 8 376+ N 1974
112 Anders Behring Breivik 8 209 N 2011
113 Felice Orsini 8 142 N 1858
114 Manuel Castillo 8 ? Y 1952
115 Ilya Galkin, Mikhail Denisenko 8 46 N 2008-2009
116 Unknown 8 30+ N 2024
117 Team Al-Shabaab 8 27 Y 2024
118 Team Al-Shabaab 8 13 Y 2021
119 Russian Army 8 0 N 2022
120 Märt Ringmaa 7 6 N 1995-2005
121 Ramzi Yousef 6 1042 N 1993
122 Petri Erkki Tapio Gerdt 6 166 Y 2002
123 Ahlam Albashir 6 81 N 2022
124 Mohamad Hassan El-Husseini 6 32 Y 2012
125 Émile Henry 6 20+ N 1892-1894
126 Team Al-Shabaab 6 14 N 2018
127 Team Les Exclusifs 5 26 N 1800
128 Paul Harold Orgeron 5 18 Y 1959
129 Isa Dare 5 0 N 2016
130 Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev 4 2644 N11, N 2013
131 Hassan Diab 4 46 N 1980
132 Gianfranco Bertoli 4 45 N 1971
133 Julio Retana 4 45 Y 1989
134 Team IS 4 24 Y 2016
135 Claus von Stauffenberg 4 20 N 1944
136 Naum Tyufekchiev 4 8 N10 1915
137 David Copeland 3 140 N 1999
138 Eric Rudolph 37 120 N 1996-1998
139 Thomas Bernard Brigham 3 70 N 1984
140 Ted Kaczynski 3 23 Y 1978-1995
141 Team Al-Shabaab 3 15 Y 2014
142 Bernhard Johansson 3 7 Y 1932
143 Team IS 3 3 N 2019
144 Ernst-Robert Grawitz 3 0 Y 1945
145 Niels Poulsen 2 19 N 1996
146 Heidrun-Erika Jung 2 13 Y 1996
147 Rodolfo Garcia 2 11 N 1969
148 Triston Jay Amero 2 7 N 2006
149 Mark Anthony Conditt 2 6 Y 2018
150 Juha-Pekka Rautiainen 2 1 N 1983
151 Darya Trepova 1 42 N 2023
152 Serhiy Batryn 1 25 N 2023
153 Anton Nilson 1 23 N 1908
154 John Gerhard Berg 1 22 N 1997
155 Said Al Nasr 1 20 N 1980
156 Maciej Gumkowski 1 15+ ?9 2021
157 Yrjö Armas Laine 1 5 N 1979
158 Giovanni Vantaggiato 1 5 N 2012
159 Diana Ramazova 1 1 Y 2015
160 Max Hupli 1 0 Y 1996
161 Adan Kousa 1 0 N 1956
162 Niilo Vilppu Pirinen 1 0 N 1985
163 William Leonard Engström 1 0 N 2002
164 Reynaldo Barnett, Joshua Dietrich Sjölund 1 0 N 2023
165 Anonymous Student 0 58 N 2007
166 Ahmed Hassan 0 305 N 2017
167 Ahmad Khan Rahami 0 29 N 2017
168 Auguste Vaillant 0 20 N 1893
169 Unknown 0 17 N 1994-2006
170 George Metesky 0 15 N 1940-1956
171 Mohammad Daleel 0 12 Y 2016
172 Link=Russia Vladislav Struzhenkov 0 11 N 2021
173 Anthony Quinn Warner 0 8 Y 2020
174 Anonymous 0 7 Y 1999
175 Luke Helder 0 6 N 2002
176 Allan Steen Kristensen 0 5 N 1977-1978
177 Unknown 0 4 ? 1965
178 Petter Kristian Kyvik 0 4 N 1979
179 Adhuham Ahmed Rasheed 0 4 N 2021
180 Akayed Ullah 0 3 N6 2017
181 Taimour Abdulwahab al-Abdaly 0 2 Y 2010
182 Unknown 0 2 Y 2023
183 Ole Kristian Brastad 0 1 N 1985
184 Mohamed Game 0 1 N 2009
185 Paweł Reczuch 0 1 N 2016
186 Cole Carini 0 18 N 2020
187 Emad Al Swealmeen 0 1 Y 2021
188 Unknown 0 0 Y 2022
189 James Yoo 0 0 Y 2023
190 Richard Reid 0 0 N 2001
191 Terry Lee Loewen 0 0 N 2013
192 Jake Bilardi 0 0 Y 2015
193 Oussama Zariouh 0 0 N 2017
194 Cesar Sayoc 0 0 N 2018
195 Team IS 0 0 N 2024

1. McVeigh was executed by lethal injection in 2001, he was quoted as saying before his execution "it's still 168 to 1 so I still win".

2. Ayyash was assassinated when a booby-trapped cellphone blew off his head.

3. While technically not an hero, he did die during the attack because he didn't run away in time.

4. 14 people required immediate amputations.

5. Ahmed's "bomb," despite injuring more people than Ahmad, only set people's hair on fire.

6. The retard attempted a suicide bombing, killing no one, not even himself.

7. One of the victims was killed by a heart attack.

8. Carini only managed to blast off one of his own hands and a few fingers on the other one.

9. Later found drowned.

10. Escaped.

11. Killed by police.

12. It is unknown if they were responsible for the attack, but some suspect that they might have.

Microsoft Flight Simulator

The human desire to soar the skies blue has been present in all of recorded history. So has the desire to pwn others. These daring aces have ingeniously combined the two.

1 (((Al-Qaeda))) 2,977 6,000+ Y 2001
2 Zaharie Shah8 239 0 Y 2014
3 Gameel Al-Batouti8 216 0 Y 1999
4 Andreas Lubitz1 150 0 Y 2015
5 Jiang Xiaofeng 127 53 Y 1990
6 Zhang Pilin5 111 0 Y 2002
7 Tsu Way Ming8 103 0 Y 1997
8 Arkadiusz Protasiuk 96 0 N 2010
9 Le Duc Tan 74 0 Y 1974
10 Francisco Paula Gonzales 44 0 Y 1964
11 Younes Khayati8 43 0 Y 1994
12 David Burke 42 0 Y 1987
13 Herminio dos Santos Fernandes 32 0 Y 2013
14 Seiji Katagiri4 24 141 N 1982
15 Ara Zobayan6 8 0 Y 2020
16 Iranian Air Force7 8 0 Y 2024
17 Mauro Milhomem 6 4 Y 1980
18 Vladimir Serkov 4 6 Y 1976
19 Colin Forman 4 4 Y 1977
20 Joe Stack 1 13 Y 2010
21 David Mark Robinson 0 3 N 2003
22 Charles Bishop 0 0 Y 2002
23 Frank Eugene Corder2 0 0 Y 1994
24 Auburn Calloway3 0 4 N 1994
25 Mitsuyasu Maeno 0 2 Y 1976
26 Richard Russell 0 0 Y 2018

1. Lubitz became the first German pilot in 70 years to kill 150 people.

2. Corder was butthurt about his life being shit, so he decided to go out in style by getting drunk, stealing a plane, and crashing it into the White House. Instead, he faceplanted his Cessna on the South Lawn, missing the White House completely. Even if he did pwn the White House, the President was out since the White House was being renovated at the time.

3. Calloway inflicted more injuries than Bishop, but somehow managed to drop the ball and got restrained by the very same flight crew he had just brutally beaten with a hammer and thus survived his attempt to become An Hero.

4. Katagiri was found not guilty by reason of insanity after failing to an hero, and has since been released from the psych ward.

5. Zhang poured gasoline and set fire to his passenger cabin, causing the crash. He purchased seven air insurance policies worth $170,000 before boarding.

6. Accidental but was significant since Kobe Bryant was killed in this crash.

7. Caused by loss of visual contact but was significant since 4 politicians (including the President of Iran) were killed in this crash.

8. Some experts disagree on these being done on purpose.

Ship Simulator Extremes

These are the lulziest ships that ever touched the sea. Trust them and you'll receive a 100% discount ticket. You can see this leaderboard is full of Britfags.

1 MV Wilhelm Gustloff 9343 Torpedoed and sunk 1945
2 MV Goya 6000 Torpedoed and sunk 1945
3 Jun'yō Maru 5620 Torpedoed and sunk 1944
4 MV Doña Paz 4385 Sunk 1987
5 MV Le Joola 1863 Sunk 2002
6 SS Imo
SS Mont-Blanc
1782 Exploded and Sunk 1917
7 MV Spice Islander I 1573 Sunk 2011
8 RMS Titanic 1514 Sunk 1912
9 Tek Sing ~1500 Sunk 1822
10 Taiping 1500 Sunk 1949
11 Neptune 1500 Sunk 1993
12 SS Castillo de Olite 1476 Sunk 1939
13 RMS Lusitania 1168 Sunk 1915
14 Sultana 1168 Sunk 1865
15 Tōya Maru 1159 Sunk 1954
16 RMS Empress of Ireland 1024 Sunk 1914
17 PS General Slocum 1021 Sunk 1904
18 MS al-Salam 1012 Sunk 2006
19 SS Kiche Maru 1000 Sunk 1912
20 SS Hsin-Yu 1000 Sunk 1916
21 SS Hong Moh ~1000 Sunk 1921
22 Wusung 900 Sunk 1927
23 HMS Victory 900 Sunk 1744
24 MV Bukoba 894 Sunk 1996
25 MS Estonia 852 Sunk 1994
26 SS Eastland 844 Renamed and scrapped 1915
27 MV Princess of the Stars 832 Sunk 2008
28 HMS Ramillies 829 Sunk 1760
29 Lefort 826 Sunk 1857
30 HMS Royal George 800+ Sunk 1782
31 SS Vaitarna 746 Lost 1888
32 SS Indigirka 741 Sunk 1939
33 SS Camorta 737 Sunk 1902
34 HMS Bulwark 736 Exploded and sunk 1914
35 HMS St George 731 Sunk 1811
36 Leusden 702 Sunk 1738
37 HMS Queen Charlotte 673 Sunk 1800
38 San Telmo 644 Sunk 1819
39 SS Princess Alice ~640 Sunk 1878
40 SS Norge 627 Sunk 1904
41 SS Ramdas 625 Sunk 1947
42 Novorossiysk 608 Scrapped 1955
43 HMS Coronation 600+ Sunk 1691
44 HMS Glorieux 600 Sunk 1782
45 MV Shamia 600 Sunk 1986
46 HMS Defence 583 Sunk 1811
47 SS Grandcampe 581 Exploded and sunk 1947
48 Tampomas II 580 Sunk 1981
49 SS Afrique 575 Sunk 1920
50 HMS Minotaur 570 Sunk 1810
51 SS La Bourgogne 565 Sunk 1898
52 SS Utopia 564 Scrapped 1891
53 SS Principe de Asturias 558 Sunk 1916
54 Cahaya Bahari 550 Sunk 2000
55 RMS Atlantic 546 Sunk 1873
56 Ertuğrul 533 Sunk 1890
57 MV Nasrin-1 528 Sunk 2003
58 HMS Namur 520 Sunk 1749
59 Atlas Star 500 Sunk 1986
60 SS Valbanera 488 Sunk 1919
61 MV Salem Express ~470 Sunk 1991
62 MV Dongfang zhi Xing 442 Sunk 2015
63 SS Heimara 400 Sunk 1947
64 Unnamed dinghy ~400 Sunk 2015
65 MS Jambelí ~380 Overloaded and sunk 1973
66 ARA General Belgrano 323 Torpedoed and sunk 1982
67 SS E. A. Bryan 320 Exploded and Sunk 1944
68 MV Sewol 304 Sunk 2014
69 Sobral Santos II ~300 Sunk 1981
70 Unnamed boat
Unnamed boat
251 Sunk 2014
71 SS Heraklion 200 Sunk 1966
72 MV Rabaul Queen 165 Sunk 2012
73 MV Vipya 145 Sunk 1946
74 Al-Baraqua II 116 Sunk 2006
75 Samson 111 Sunk 2004
76 Unnamed boat 106 Sunk 2023
77 Zico 90 Sunk 2024
78 Kateri i Radës
83 Collided and sunk 1997
79 Adrianna 82+ Sunk 2023
80 MS Express Samina 82 Sunk 2000
81 MV Butiraoi 81 Sunk 2018
82 Unnamed boat 76 Sunk 2022
83 Unnamed boat 50 Sunk 2024
84 Unnamed boat 47 Sunk 2023
85 SS Andrea Doria
MS Stockholm
46 Collided Sunk 1956
86 MV Derbyshire 44 Sunk 1980
87 Heleanna 41 Sunk 1971
88 Rubber Dinghy 35-39 Sunk 2023
89 USS Liberty 34 Torpedoed and sunk 1967
90 Unnamed catamaran 33 Sunk 2009
91 Virgen de Covadonga 32 Bombed and sunk 1880
92 Costa Concordia 32 Scrapped 2012
93 Britannic 30 Bombed and sunk 1916
94 Royal Pacific 30 Sunk 1992
95 Golden Dawn 28 Sunk 1983
96 B/C DISTOS 20 Sunk 1996
97 Unnamed boat 17 Sunk 2022
98 SS Norwich City 11 Ran aground 1928
99 City of Poros 11 Attacked, bombed and sunked 1988
100 Deepwater Horizon 11 Exploded and sunk 2010
101 Jascon 4 11 Sunk 2013
102 County of Roxburgh 10 Ran aground 1906
103 Villa de Pitanxo 10 Sunk 2022
104 4 Unnamed Boats 10 Sunk 2022
105 Unnamed boat
Unnamed boat
9 Sunk 2024
106 Keoyoung Sun 8 Sunk 2024
107 Unnamed boat 7 Sunk 2023
108 MV Dali 6 Crashed into bridge 2024
109 Titan 5 Imploded and sunk 2023
110 Gooduria 4 Sunk 2023
111 MS Sea Diamond 2 Sunk 2007
112 MV True Confidence 2 Missiled and sunk 2024
113 Kapitan Lobanov 1 Missiled and sunk 2024


Sedans, SUVs, trucks, bulldozers, or excavators—you name it, they've tried it. These gearheads have proven themselves worthy behind the wheel on any public track.

1 Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel‎ 86 434 N - Killed by police 2016
2 Uyghur Force Five 39 90+ Y - 4, N - 1 apprehended 2014
3 Unknown 24 121 N 1939
4 Eugen Grigore 24 ~50 N1 1974
5 Manuel da Mota Silveira 23 40 N 1960
6 Li Baoping 21 29 N - Executed 1983
7 Zhang Baogang 20 16 Y 2020
8 Li Xianliang 17 20-30 N 2010
9 Craig Mosionier 17 8 N 2023
10 Abd al-Hadi Ghanim 16 27 N 1989
11 Jaskirat Singh Sidhu 16 13 N 2018
12 Younes Abouyaaqoub 15 131 N - Killed by police 2017
13 Yang Zanyun 15 43 N - Executed 2018
14 Alfredo de Freitas 13 40-77 N 1967
15 Anis Amri 12 56 N - Killed by police 2016
16 Unknown 11 ? N 1894
17 Juan Manuel Álvarez 11 177 N 2005
18 Alek Minassian 11 15 N 2018
19 Santosh Maruti Mane 9 27-37 N 2012
20 Khalil Abu Olbeh 8 26 N 2001
21 Olga Hepnarova 8 12 N - Executed 1973
22 Sayfullo Saipov 8 11 N 2017
23 George Alvarez 8 10 N 2023
24 Unknown 8 3 Y 1996
25 Priscilla Ford 7 22 N - Died on Death Row 1980
26 Tomohiro Katō 7 10 N - Executed 2008
27 Karst Roeland Tates 7 10 N - Died later in hospital 2009
28 José Vidal Céspedes 7 9 N 1993
29 Darrell Brooks 6 62 N 2021
30 Dimitrious Gargasoulas 6 36 N 2017
31 Wen Qingyun 6 29 N 2023
32 Bernd Walter 6 23 N 2020
33 Keisuke Takeuchi 6 20 N - Died while awaiting execution 1949
34 Cui Lidong 6 8 N - Killed by police 2019
35 Hipólito L. V. 6 3 N 2024
36 Jennifer Hart & Sarah Hart 6 0 Y,Y 2018
37 Amado Amir González Nava 6 0 N 2022
38 Khalid Masood 5 49 N - Killed by police 2017
39 Yao Jinyun 5 19 N 1982
40 Douglas John Edward Crabbe 5 16 N 1983
41 Rakhmat Akilov 5 15 N 2017
42 Yasuaki Uwabe 5 10 N - Executed 1999
43 David Edward Attias 52 0 N 2001
44 Adacia Chambers 4 46 N 2015
45 Jens Alexander Rüther 4 20+ Y 2018
46 Fadi al-Qanbar 4 17 N - Killed by police 2017
47 Mohammed Faruz Abdallah 4 11 N - Executed 1970
48 Micael 4 8 N 2022
49 Anonymous 4 2 N 2023
50 Nathaniel Veltman 4 1 N 2021
51 Hussam Taysir Duwait 3 40 N - Killed by off-duty soldier 2008
52 Alen Rizvan Rizvanović 3 36 N 2015
53 Ho Chung-ming 3 20 N 1964
54 Robert Kabolowsky 3 20 N 1980
55 Stephen Michael Ressa 3 11 N 2005
56 Kirsi Mirjami Huhtilainen 3 9 Y 2014
57 Michael Avery 3 8 Y 2024
58 Steeve Gagnon 3 8 N 2023
59 Jose Luis Nieto Avila 2 22 N 2002
60 Eric Parkdel 2 16 N 2003
61 Trevor J. Heitmann 2 8 Y 2018
62 Veeti Erkki Olavi Nikunen 2 8 N 2022
63 Pierre Ny St-Amand 2 6 N 2023
64 Steven Allen Abrams 2 5 N 1999
65 Roger Self 2 3 N 2018
66 Narcos 2 1 N 2024
67 Janek Tammemäki 2 0 N 2020
68 Daniel Lee Young 1 54 N 1984
69 Lakeisha Holloway 1 36 N 2015
70 James Alex Fields 1 35 N 2017
71 Elias Antonio 1 29 N 1953
72 Ronald Joseph Popadich 1 26 N 2002
73 Richard Rojas 1 22 N 2017
74 Bradley Rein 1 22 N 2022
75 Qassem Mughrabi 1 19 N - Killed by off-duty soldier 2008
76 Omeed Aziz Popal 1 18 N 2006
77 Mahmoud & Ahmad Zidat 1 18 N 2006
78 Adrian Reyes 1 17 N 2022
79 Abdelkader Gridda 1 15 N 2007
80 Peter Clarke 1 14 N 2006
81 Unknown 1 14 N 2022
82 David Patterson 1 12 N 2017
83 Toshiaki Hikiji 1 10 N 2010
84 Darren Osborne 1 10 N 2017
85 Sébastien Sarron 1 9 N 2014
86 Team Hamas 1 9 N - Killed by motorcyclist 2023
87 Muhammed Naif El-Ja'abis 1 5 N - Killed by police 2014
88 Anon 26 year old man 1 5 N 2023
89 Ari-Pekka Hyppölä 1 4 N 2017
90 Anonymous 1 3 N 2017
91 Yasin Fayes Mohammed Jabr 1 2 N 2001
92 Mikese Morse 1 2 N 2018
93 Terje Vagnild Skaugstad 1 2 N 2023
94 Garcia Blom 1 1 N 2022
95 Martin Couture-Rouleau 1 1 N - Killed by police 2014
96 Lars Sonny Russel 1 0 N 1986
97 Jesse Nieminen 1 0 N 2022
98 Daniar Fouad Mohammed 1 0 N 2023
99 Rohan Dennis 1 0 N 2023
100 Maurice Pahler 0 154 N 2020
101 Michał L. 0 23 N 2014
102 Grzegorz Łempicki 0 20 N 2024
103 Carlos Eduardo Gonzales 0 15 N 1993
104 Raymond Wilson 0 14 N 2002
105 Anonymous 0 11 N 2014
106 Abdul Razak Ali Artan 0 11 N - Killed by police 2016
107 Valentin Marius Parfenie 0 10 N 2018
108 Andreas N. 0 10 N 2019
109 Mohammed Reza Taheri-aza 0 9 N 2006
110 Kazuhiro Kusakabe 0 9 N 2019
111 Unknown 0 8 N 2008
112 Isaiah Peoples 0 8 N 2019
113 Weng Sor 0 8 N 2023
114 Refail A. 0 7 N 2020
115 Hamou Benlatrèche 0 6 N 2017
116 Sarmad al-Z. 0 6 N 2020
117 McCauley Cox 0 4 N 2018
118 Salih Khater 0 3 N 2018
119 Christian Weston Chandler 0 1 N - Probation charges 2011
120 Unknown 0 1 N 2023
121 Hamza Velic 0 1 N 2024
122 Shawn Nelson 0 0 Y 1995
123 Marvin Heemeyer 0 0 Y 2004
124 Hans Arne Nystad 0 0 N - Killed by police 2022

1. He was released in 2001, and ultimately died in 2009 from the same method that he scored with; being hit by a truck.

2. The lone surviving victim had seizures from the damage and died in 2016.

Sid Meier's Civilization

The Supermen of history, the Gods among mortals. These are the spirits of immensely powerful celestial beings who have committed the most egregious atrocities on the planet via their possessed human hosts. Their names shall forever stain the sands of time with blood.

1 Mao Zedong ~45 Million 31 Years
2 Joseph Stalin ~20 Million 25 Years
3 Adolf Hitler ~01 or 17 Million or 85 Million 12 Years
4 Democratic Republic of the Congo Leopold II of Belgium ~10 Million4 44 Years
5 Hideki Tojo ~6 Million 3 Years
6 Napoleon Bonaparte ~5 Million 12 Years
7 Pol Pot ~3 Million 4 Years
8 Ranavalona I ~2.5 Million 13 Years
9 Enver Pasha ~1.6 Million 5 Years
10 Kim Il-sung >1 Million 45 Years
11 Yakubu Gowon >1 Million 9 Years
12 Ho Chi Minh ~900,000 24 Years
13 Rwanda Jean Kambanda ~900,000 -1 Year
14 Rwanda Théoneste Bagosora ~741,620 100 Days!
15 Mengistu Haile Mariam ~700,000 14 Years
16 Saddam Hussein ~700,000 24 Years
17 Abraham Lincoln ~620,000 4 Years
18 Donald Trump >571,000 4 Years
19 Milton Obote ~547,723 10 Years
20 Sukarno >500,000 22 Years
21 Vladimir Lenin >500,000 7 Years
22 Yahya Khan >500,000 2 Years
23 Bashar al-Assad >500,000 2.5 Years
24 Benito Mussolini 344,238 24 Years
25 Jean-Baptiste Bagaza ~300,000 11 Years
26 Harry Truman ~250,0003 8 Years
27 Francisco Franco ~227,300 39 Years
28 Idi Amin ~223,607 8 Years
29 Michel Micombero ~173,205 10 Years
30 Salman5 139,821 9 Years
31 Ivan the Terrible 124,900 51 Years
32 Nicolae Ceaşescu 118,730 44 Years
33 Vladimir Putin5 ~100,000 16 Years
34 Ali Khamenei5 65,132 29 Years
35 Francisco Macías Nguema ~63,246 11 Years
36 Bolesław Bierut ~50,000 11 Years
37 Sheikh Hasina5 45.000 14 Years
38 Fidel Castro 30,000 32 Years
39 Rafael Videla ~30,0001 7 Years
40 Harold Keke 30,000 4 Years
41 Enver Hoxha ~25.000 44 Years
42 James Madison ~23,000 2 Years
43 Radovan Karadžić ~20,0001 3 Years
44 Nicolás Maduro5 >18,000 5 Years
45 Tomás de Torquemada ~15,787 18 Years
46 Xi Jinping5 15,673 12 Years
47 Benjamin Netanyahu5 >10,000 16 Years
48 Grégoire Kayibanda ~10,000 11 Years
49 Tiberius 9,500 23 Years
50 Caligula 9,000 4 Years
51 Rafael Trujillo ~5,0001 5 Days!
52 Fulgencio Batista 4,472 7 Years
53 Augusto Pinochet ~4,0002 17 Years
54 Hugo Banzer 200 7 Years
55 Naftali Bennett >100 1 Year

1. Disputed. Der Fuhrer's inclusion in this list does not imply that he did anything wrong.

2. Plus 38,254 tortured people in prison[citation needed]

3. Not including untold numbers of Japanese citizens and American Servicemen stationed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki who died years later from cancer. Number is an estimate of those who were instantly killed or died within days of Nuclear Attack. [2] [3] Source

4. Disputed. Unconfirmed source. This number seems to make up 150% of Congo's then population.

5. Ongoing

RIOT: Civil Unrest

For those who go beyond simple protesting and escalate into full-on chimpouts.

1 Indian Partition 1,000,000 1947
2 French Revolution 870,000 1789 – 1799
3 La Violencia 200,000 1948-1960
4 Tibetan Uprising 86,000 1959
5 Jeju Uprising 60,000 1948-1949
6 Nika riots 30,000 532 CE
7 El Salvadoran Peasant Uprising 30,000 1932
8 228 Massacre 28,000 1947
9 Apartheid 21,000 1948-1994
10 Bloody Week 20,000 1871
11 Romanian Peasants' Revolt 11,000 1907
12 Batavia Massacre 10,000 1740
13 March 1st Movement 7,500 1919
14 8888 Uprising 3,000 1988
15 Onsong concentration camp 1,666 1987
16 Batken conflict 1183 1999
17 South Kyrgyzstan 893 2010
18 Fez 708 1912
19 Axum 400 2020
20 Santa María School 300 1907
21 Patagonia Rebelde 300-1,500 1920-1922
22 Caracazo 277-5,000 1989
23 Kazakh unrest 238 2022
24 Ethnic clashes 220 2022
25 Ürümqi 197 2009
26 Conakry 174 2021
27 Tragic Week 158 1909
28 Solhan and Tadaryat 157 2009
29 Tragic Week 141 1919
30 Euromaidan 106 2013-2014
31 Guayaquil 90-900 1922
32 Democracy party 80 2021
33 Tribes 64 2024
34 Kishinev pogrom 49 1904
35 Léopoldville 49 1959
36 Jaffa 47 1921
37 Popular Will 43 2014
38 Bobi Wine 40 2020
39 Buenos Aires 39 2001
40 Tribes 30 2022
41 Eswatini protests 27 2021-2023
42 La Modelo prison Riots 23 2020
43 Yeste massacre 19 1936
44 2010 FIFA World Cup qualification 19 2009
45 Anti-Democratic Progressive Party 19 2011
46 George Floyd 19 2020
47 March Unrest 18 1848
48 Rock concert by Steven Kekane 17 1980
49 Banjul school 15 2000
50 James Marape's tax deduction 15 2024
51 Central University of Madrid 14 1865
52 Chinese middle school 13 1956
53 Zimbabwe fuel 12 2019
54 Wamena 12 2023
55 Oil town clashes 11 2011
56 Newport Rising 10 1839
57 Nyasa Big Bullets VS Silver Strikers 8 2017
58 L'Amicale 7 1999
59 University El Alto railing 7 2021
60 Nukuʻalofa 6 2006
61 Vitoria massacre 5 1976
62 Mauritian riots 5 1999
63 US Capitol 51 2021
64 Belle Vue Harel 4 1943
65 Union Flacq 3 1937
66 Rosariazo 3 1969
67 Solomon Islands 3 2021
68 Curepipe 2 1911
69 Complutense University of Madrid 2 1930
70 2018 FIFA World Cup 2 2018
71 Sydney 1 1916
72 Cullera events 1 1911
73 Kyrgyz protests 1 2013
74 Kyrgyz Revolution 1 2020
75 Killing of Samuel Luiz 1 2021
76 2022 FIFA World Cup 1 2022
77 Bashkortostan 1 2024

1. Plus 4 cops who an heroed afterwards.

Playing History 2 - Slave Trade

When you're totally lazy and don't want to do it alone, just follow these magnificent examples! OFC, a little money in your wallet is necessary. The list includes: Concentration camp killings, slavery trade, laboral abuse...

1 Laogais 6,363,961 31 years Punish
2 Congo Free State Slavery 6,244,998 23 years Everything
3 Gulags 2,514,552 20 years Punish
4 Auschwitz 1,284,523 5 years Punish
5 Forced Labor camp 774,597 49 years2 Punish
6 Hacienda peonage and chattel slavery 590,419 20 years Laboral abuse
Korea-Manchuria Slavery 467,654 6 years Punish
8 Portuguese Empire Slavery 325,000 25 years Fields

Barbary trade 305,123 100 years Everything
10 Amazon rubber boom 250.000 12 years Fields
11 Deir ez-Zor 150,000 3 years Punish
12 Burma Railway building 102.621 4 years Construction abuse
13 Jasenovac 87,750 4 years Punish
14 Peru-China slavery 44,746 26 years Fields
15 Tuol Sleng 17,000 4 years Punish
16 Danube-Black Sea Channel building 11,454 5 years Construction abuse
17 Suez Channel building 10,609 10 years Construction abuse
18 Fort Dimanche 3,000 30 years Punish
19 Tammisaari 2,963 4 months Punish
20 FIFA World Cup 2022 1,470 8 years Construction abuse
21 Rana Plaza factory 1,134 1 day Laboral abuse
22 Omarska 700 2 months Punish
23 Villa Grimaldi 226 17 Years Punish
24 Escuela Superior de Mecánica de la Armada 150 7 Years Punish
25 Trnopolje 90 7 months Punish

1. Type of slavery method

2. Ongoing


Here are the most epic nuclear and atomic accidents and bombings of the Lulzistory. Those who did this deserve the Retard Of The Year Medal (ROTYM).

1 Hiroshima ~146,000 1945 N2
2 Chernobyl ~90,000 1986- 7
3 Nagasaki ~80,150 1945 N
4 Nevada Test Site ~49,000 1951- N
5 Fukushima 19,729 2011 7
6 Kyshtym ~6,000 1957- 6
7 Windscale ~240 1967-2007 5
8 Fairfield-Suisun 19 1950 N
9 San Juan de Dios 17 2000-2001 N
10 Manzano Base 13 1950 N
11 San Juan de Dios 13 1996 N
12 Clinic of Zaragoza 11 1990 ~4
13 Chazhma Bay 10 1985 N
14 Mohammedia 8 1984 N
15 Palomares 7 1966 N
16 Operation Plumbbob 6 1957 N
17 Los Alamos National Laboratory 5 1945-1946 N
18 Mihama 5 2004 1
19 Nyonoksa 5 2019 N
20 RAF Lakenheath 4 1956 N
21 Cobalto-60 4 1962 N
22 Kramatorsk 4 1980-1989 N
23 Surry 4 1986 N
24 Goiânia 4 1987 5
25 SL-1 3 1961 4
26 Goldsboro B-52 3 1961 N
27 Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant 3 1975-2018 ~4
28 Pelindaba 3+ 1986-2009 4
29 Samut Prakan 3 2000 N
30 RAF Greenham Common 2 1958 N
31 Baneberry 2 1970-1971 N
32 Bohunice 2 1976 4
33 Tokaimura 2 1999 4
34 Daigo Fukuryū Maru 1 1954 N
35 Vinca 1 1958 3
36 Wood River Junction 1 1964 N
37 Philippine Sea A-4 1 1965 N
38 Mayak 1 1968 N
39 Thule 1 1968 N
40 Atucha 1 1983 4
41 Fukushima 1 1993 N
42 Tammiku 1 1994 N
43 Mayapuri 1 2010 4
44 Marcoule 1 2011 N
45 Russellville 1 2013 N

1. Means the years of radiation pollution.

2. No level has been guaranteed.


When something goes wrong and ends up exploding, that means that you have entered this incredible section of the 9000 that are here.

1 Wanggongchang 20,000 1626 ?
2 Brescia 3,000 1769 ?
3 Smederevo Fortress 2,500 1941 ?
4 Halifax 1,782 1917 ?
5 Benxihu Colliery 1,549 1942 ?
6 San Andrés Chalchicomula 1,400–2,280 1862 ?
7 Courrières 1,099+ 1906 ?
8 Jesse pipeline 1,082 1998 ?
9 Hamont 1,007 1918 ?
10 Grenalle 1,000+ 1794 ?
11 Hōjō 687-1,000 1914 ?
12 Texas City 581 1947 ?
13 Ufa 575 1989 ?
14 Oppau 500-600 1921 4.500
15 San Juanico 500-600 1984 ?
16 Senghenydd colliery 439 1913 ?
17 Wankie No. 2 colliery 426 1976 ?
18 Port Chicago 320 1944 ?
19 Soma 301 2014 ?
20 Campo Maior 256–1,500 1732 ?
21 Berkadzor 218 2023 ?
22 Beirut 218 2020 1100
23 Los Alfaques 215 1978 23
24 Juba 206 2015 ?
25 Tianjin 173 2015 256
26 Birgu 150–240 1806 ?
27 Bata 108 2021 ?
28 Zasyadko 101 2007 ?
29 Maputo arms depot 93 2007 ?
30 Cap-Haïtien 90+ 2021 ?
31 Drummond 70 1873 ?
32 RAF Fauld 70 1944 3.500 - 4.000
33 Marcelino Ugalde School 67 1980 ?
34 Brunner 65 1896 ?
35 Gbomblora 60 2022 ?
36 Lac-Mégantic 47 2013 ?
37 San Pablito Market 42 2016 ?
38 Totota 40 2023 ?
39 Sèmè-Kpodji 35 2023 ?
40 Conakry oil depot 24 2023 ?
41 Enschede 23 2000 0.8
42 Kampong Speu 20 2024 ?
43 Texas City 15 2005 ?
44 Hyesan 15 2020 ?
45 Imperial Sugar refinery 14 2008 ?
46 Evangelos Florakis Naval Base 13 2011 480
47 Río Tercero 7 1995 ?
48 Nairobi 6 2024 ?
49 Black Tom 4-7 1916 ?
50 Madrid 4 2021 ?
51 Chemical Industries of Ethylene Oxide 3 2020 ?
52 PEPCON 2 1988 4500
53 Seest 1 2004 ?

Great Prophet(s)

Here be the Enlightened Ones, they who sought the Truth and shared it with their brothers and sisters.

1 Jim Jones The Peoples Temple of the Disciples of Christ 918 35 Mass Self-Sacrifice Y 1978 Self-proclaimed socialist-God commanded that his followers drink cyanide-flavored Kool-Aid after realizing that pwning a congressman on a friendly visit to his humble town was bad PR.
2 Joseph Kibweteere, Credonia Mwerinde Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God 778 0 Mass Sacrifice Unknown, Unknown 2000 Promised the apocalypse at the turn of the millennium; locked their followers in a church during service and then blew it up after being exposed. Directed by Michael Bay.
3 Paul Nthenge Mackenzie Good News International Ministries 429-1042 72 Mass Sacrifice N 2023 Told followers to starve themselves to death to meet Jesus.
4 Mariam Soulakiotis The Old Calendarist Pefkovounogiatrissas Monastery 177+ 0 Conquest N 1939-50 Upset over changes being made to the calendar, a bunch of naughty nuns went and started their own renegade convent, where their nubile young novices were kept in chains when not being beat, whipped, and flogged. Like all greasy Greeks, they also insisted that everyone hand their monies over to them.
5 Tomo Nyirenda Mwana Lesa Movement 176 0 Conquest N 1925 Nigger priest traveled to several Africunt countries until he became friends with the chief of a random village, then decided to hunt down the people he viewed as dirty witches and drown them in a river.
6 Motecuhzoma Xocoyotzin People of Aztlan 100+ 1 Conquest Y 1502-20 In fear of the world ending in 2012 and the calamity caused by Spanish Jews trying to find El Dorado, he did what is nowadays often referred to as the first Holocaust ever by no one, only to get stoned by his own people and becoming an hero by refusing to eat or have his wounds dressed.
7 David Koresh Branch Davidians 86 50 Disputed Y 1993 After stockpiling weapons for the upcoming apocalypse, the ATF showed up to raid them. This lasted 51 days before their entire compound was burned down.
8 Joseph Di Mambro, Luc Jouret Order of the Solar Temple 75 3 Mass Self-Sacrifice/Conquest Y,Y 1994-97 Prophetically deemed a newborn the Antichrist and commanded for it to be stabbed. Subsequently a mass suicide was ordered by the prophet and his followers, dressed in ceremonial robes with plastic bags on their heads.
9 João Ferreira The Stone of the Kingdom 54 0 Mass Self-Sacrifice/Conquest N (Killed by follower) 1838 Some weird brazucas that believed Dom Sebastião would return and that his kingdom was enchanted by some stones. Just like another cult leader, he made his followers drink supposed "holy water". After that, João announced that he had a vision where a blood sacrifice would be needed for Sebastião as proof of their faith, so obviously this then led to a 3-day massacre where some of his followers would jump off high places while others would carry out murders.
10 Marshall Applewhite Heaven's Gate 39 1 Mass Self-Sacrifice Y 1997 Castrated self to prevent earthly desires. Had his followers dress aesthetically and wrap plastic bags on their heads when Comet Hale-Bopp came near Earth so that the alien spaceship hiding behind it would beam them up to their salvation.
11 Clementine Barnabet The Church of Sacrifice 35+ 0 Conquest N 1909-11 'Murrica's first Negress serial killer and the mammy of a coon quintet that hacked up other jiggaboos for bad juju rituals that would make them immortal and invisible to the poh-leece. Lawdy.
12 Ervil LeBaron Church of the First Born of the Lamb of God 35+ 0 Conquest N 1972-81 Instructed the rightful killings of many false prophets and pharisees, including his heretic of a brother and Rulon Allred.
13 Park Soon-ja Odaeyang Trading Co. 33 0 Mass Self-Sacrifice Y 1987 Trading company that was a front for a religious sect that committed mass suicide because of doomsday shit. The leader was also being investigated for fraud. So convenient that doomsday was approaching, right?
14 Adolfo de Jesús Constanzo, Sara Aldrete Los Narco-satanicos 25+ 1 Conquest Y,N 1986-89 Found favor with the dark Voodoo gods and ensured a bountiful drug trade by sacrificing Spic street trash, but then went and fucked it all up and drew attention to themselves by offing a Gringo.
15 Yahweh ben Yahweh Nation of Yahweh 23 2 Conquest N 1979-90 Black Hebrew Israelite whom had his disciples deliver holy judgment to defectors, Edomites, and so-called Jews. DAS RITE!!!!
16 Shoko Asahara Aum Shinrikyo 20 5200+ Conquest N 1994-95 The second coming of Christ unleashing his wrath on this sinful world via gassing.
17 Robin Gecht The Ripper Crew 18+ 4 Conquest N 1981-82 A breast-fetishizing Satanist had his flock help him rape whores, who were then given mastectomies so that their precious mammaries could be stored for later use as snacks and sex toys.
18 J.C.X. Simon Death Angels 15-270 10 Conquest Y 1973-74 Nigger Mudslimes (is there a worse combination?) popped caps in honky asses, and occasionally honored their dual heritages by groping and/or cutting the heads off of cracker women.
19 Charles Manson The Manson Family 9 2 Conquest N 1969 Convinced people to murder strangers to start a race war prophesied by The Beatles.
20 Charlie Ouyerack, Peter Sala The Belcher Islands Cult 9 0 Conquest N, N 1941 A pair of ice niggers, presumably out of it on fire water, decided to become the Eskimo Jesus and God, and clubbed anyone who objected like baby seals when not locking them outside naked in the snow to be the Injun-cicle welcome wagon for OG white Jesus.
21 Magdalena Solís The High Priests of Blood 8+ 0 Sacrifice/Conquest N 1962-63 Brought the Incan ways back in style with sex, drugs, and good old-fashioned Blood for the Blood Gods.
22 Immanuel David (formerly known as Charles Bruce Longo) Family of David 8 1 Mass Sacrifice Y 1978 Guy who believed that he was Jesus and whatnot, that thought he could destroy the world if he concentrated hard enough, saying that the Star of David didn't belong to the dirty Jews and actually belonged to him. Three days after killing himself, his wife become an heroine by throwing herself off a balcony along with her seven children. One of the children survived.
23 Woo Jong-min Youngsang Church 7+ 0 Conquest (before his leadership, during his leadership it is unknown)/Mass Self-Sacrifice Y 1998 Standard Korean doomsday cult that committed mass suicide in 1998. Also killed a person in 1984, if not more.
24 Miyamoto Shinji The Church of the Friends of the Truth 7 0 Mass Sacrifice N 1989 After his death, his wife, daughter, and five unmarried women known as the "Brides of God" killed themselves to join him and possibly have sex with him in the afterlife.
25 Mancoba brothers Seven Angels Ministry 6 0 Conquest N (3 were killed by police) 2018 Sex cult run by seven brothers who turned women into their sex slaves to satisfy God and their mother. Due to financial issues, they killed five cops and one off-duty officer. After that, the police pwned seven people, including three of the Mancoba brothers, and the rest were arrested.
26 Roch Thériault The Ant Hill Kids 5 0 Penitence/Prayer N 1977-89 Moses risen to spread free love to all of God's children, when not beating the sin out of them, or attempting to cure their afflictions through a combination of faith and games of Operation.
27 Glen Taylor Helzer The Children of Thunder 5 0 Conquest N 2000 Extorted and murdered their brokerage firm clients as the first step in their plan to train Brazilian orphans to assassinate the heads of the Mormon Church, allowing them to take it over and use it to hasten the Second Coming of Jesus.
28 Valentina de Andrade Superior Universal Alignment 3-19+ 5 Conquest N 1989-93 Convinced that boys born after 1981 were corrupted by evil, they hacked the cocks off of random shotas in hopes that it would appease their alien overlords, who would then save them from an upcoming Judgment Day.
29 Carl H. Drew, Robin Murphy The Fall River Cult 3 0 Conquest N,N 1979-80 Pimps and hoes doin' the usual Satanism thang, and butchering anyone who got sick of all of the schlock horror flick-inspired animal mutilation and ominous Latin chanting.
30 Nicola Sapone Beasts of Satan 3 0 Conquest N 1998-2004 A gang of dumbass teenage metalheads, thinking that it was still the 1980s, went out and slaughtered three of their friends for the Prince of Darkness.
31 Silvia Meraz The Human Sacrifices Sect of Nacozari 3 0 Conquest N 2009-12 Encouraged family fun in the form of axings committed in the name of Santa Muerte.
32 Helge Fossmo Word of Faith 2 1 Conquest N 1999-2004 Pentacostal priest who could speak with God and lived with his followers in a small, secluded village. Shot his first wife while she took a bath and convinced the family nanny to murder his second wife.
33 Rod Ferrell Vampire Clan 2 0 Conquest N 1996 Edgy teen that thought of himself as a vampire named Vesago. Decided to kill the parents of a girl he liked, because she described them as abusive. Then they escaped, traveled to other states, ran out of money, and thought it was a good idea to ask another member's grandma for money. It wasn't, and they were arrested.
34 Arnaud Mussy Néo-Phare 1 2 Sacrifice N 2001 Claimed he was Jesus and that the world would end and that flying saucers would take them to Venus. This led to one member becoming an hero and two trying to and failing.
35 Antares de la Luz Calypso 1 0 Sacrifice Y 2012 Music teacher told followers that he was Jesus, then had sex with all of the women and got one pregnant. After his son was born, he threw him into a bonfire due to believing he was the Antichrist.
36 Koji Takahashi Life Space Movement 1 0 Prayer N 1999 A healer who tried to help one of his followers after he hit his head and fucked it up. The follower left the hospital trusting him, but he just fucked him up even more, resulting in his death. The healer did mental gymnastics to claim that he was still alive, like how blood isn't what keeps people alive, but rather air circulating in their bodies (yes, his followers actually believed this shit). The body stayed there for four months before it was found and the healer was arrested.
37 Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh Rajneeshee Movement 0 751 Conquest N 1984 Contaminated salad bars in the hope that the disease would cause low voter turnout in an upcoming local election and in turn help their shills win the oh-so honorable prestige of county council.
38 Anne Hamilton-Byrne Santiniketan Park Association 0 14 Conquest N 1968-75 Would take care of 14 children of adult cult members, telling them she was their mother, giving them drugs and beatings, making them wear matching clothes, and dyeing their hair blonde.
39 "Jen", "Renee" Final Fantasy House 0 5 Conquest Unknown, Unknown 2002 Lesbian lovers who believed they were characters from Final Fantasy 7 reincarnated on Earth. Convinced a couple of retards to live with them and were told they were also reincarnated, or "soulbonded" as characters from the game. They would be emotionally, physically, and sexually abused.

Fire Emblem

The dudes who never outgrew their twisted childhood obsession with fire, because lighting up bushes just wouldn't cut it anymore.

1 Kim Dae-han 192 151 2003 Dead Set fire to a stopped subway train, which then spread to another nearby train. Police couldn't find him for 10 hours.
2 Héctor Escudero, Armando Jiménez, José Rivera 96+ 140 1986 Incarcerated Angry hotel workers burned down the hotel after a labour dispute with the staff.
3 Julio González 87 6 1990 Dead Got so mad at his girlfriend that he burnt down the club she worked at. The peaceful refugee didn't even manage to kill her, but he at least removed almost 90 spics from the gene pool.
4 29-year-old man 77 88 2023 V& Beat and burned a guy to death in an apartment at the order of his drug dealer. Instead, the whole building burned down.
5 Felix Ngumbao, Davis Opiyo 67 ? 2001 Incarcerated Two angsty niggerfags that were pissed about the new management of their school. They set fire to their dormitory and tried to escape justice by lying like little bitches, lol.
6 Shoresh Kaveh, Housein Arsani, Mohammad Mohammadamini, Meysam Mohammadyeh 63 213 1998 Released A group of four angry muslim teens set fire to a club after being denied free entry, and ended up killing mostly immigrants. Due to their young age, they all got less than 8 years in prison and were released.
7 Dong Yangling 61 15 1993 Executed Female factory worker who burned her workplace down after being fired for stealing from their facility.
8 Nassra Yussef al-Enzi 57 90 2009 Incarcerated Mudslime woman that was jealous of her ex getting married again. Poured petrol on a tent where friends and family were partying, trapping them inside and sealing their fate.
9 Chen Shuizong 46 34 2013 An hero Suicidal IRL oldfag who set fire to a bus, causing it to explode. Died in the flames.
10 Andrew Zimmer 42 22 1977 Released Teenager set fire to the county jail.
11 Elnora Epperly 41 24 1950 Dead Mental patient lit fire to her curtains and burned the ward to the ground.
12 Louis Chiasson 40 2 1969 Dead Quebec man who was totally one of the only survivors of a tragic fire at a retirement home. Kept coming back to the scene of the crime and was convicted almost a month later.
13 Jessie Javier Carlos 38 70 2017 An hero He set casino tables on fire, stole chips, and spammed bullets at objects before becoming an hero.
14 John Thompson 37 23 1980 Dead Poured petrol into the letterbox of a bar, dropped some paper inside, and watched the fireworks. Died in prison on the 28th anniversary of the attack.
15 Shinji Aoba 36 33 2019 Sentenced to death Butthurt otaku who sperged out after the KyoAni anime studio killed off his favorite waifu. Shouted "Die!" before lighting up the office with petrol.
16 Erik Solbakke Hansen 35 17 1973 Institutionalized Set fire to a hotel in Copenhagen, got away with it, and wasn't caught until 14 years later when he fucked up and tried to relive the glory days by lighting up a neighborhood.
17 Team Black September 34 21 1973 Released Attacked an airport in Rome, and firebombed a plane about to take off. Hijacked another flight and went to Kuwait, where they were captured and later released to Palestine.
18 Kadir Çal 34 7 1991 An hero Killed a group of Greek tourists by torching their bus. Died in the flames.
19 Zhang Yunliang 27 73 2009 An hero Lone wolf attack on a bus. Told his kids he wanted to "die differently."
20 Bruce George Peter Lee 26 30 1973-79 Incarcerated Took a novel approach to serial killing by using fire instead of weapons or his bare hands. Up until his arrest, all of the blazes were believed by investigators to have been either natural or accidental.
21 Mahammad Mammadov 26 4 2018 Incarcerated Junkie who attempted to an hero via self-immolation. Having a bout of Troll's Remorse, he decided to change his mind, tossing the burning blanket in the fireplace, which led to the burning down of the methadone clinic he was being treated at.
22 Morio Tanimoto 26 1 2021 An hero Shinji Aoba wannabe spilled petrol all over the floor of a psychiatric clinic and ignited it. Died in the hospital a few weeks later.
23 Eva Kováčová 26 ? 1984 An hero 16-year-old girl sat fire to an institution. Killed herself in 2014 under the name René Lízna and calling herself a man.
24 Su Ming-cheng 25 0 2016 An hero Another bus arsonist, this time in Taiwan, surprisingly leaving no injuries!
25 Peter J. Leonard 24 32 1974 Released Burned down a nightclub to cover up a robbery in an adjacent building.
26 Humberto Diaz de la Torre 24 32 1981 Incarcerated Angsty teen that tried to kill his uncle by setting fire to his apartment, but ended up burning down the entire building. Also killed an unborn child, so it could be 25 depending on your outlook.
27 Szilveszter Matuska 22 120+ 1930-31 Dead? Dapper engineer that literally got off on burning bridges and causing train derailments. Was captured and sentenced to death, but escaped from prison and was never seen again.
28 Pedro Arredondo 22 6 1978 Incarcerated Got so shitfaced drunk that he decided to set fire to a nightclub.
29 15-year-old girl 20 29 2023 Incarcerated Set fire to her school dorm because she was pissed that her phone got taken away.
30 Ma Yongping 17 32 2016 Incarcerated Another Chinese bus arsonist, but this time he actually escaped only to be captured hours later.
31 Damião Soares dos Santos 13 37 2017 An hero Old pedo torched a daycare and himself in the process.
32 José Luis Limón Espinoza 13 4 2023 V& 28-year-old man threw a molotov into a bar after he was refused entry.
33 Bai Ningyang 12 5 2006 Executed Attacked a kindergarten with gasoline after being rejected by someone who worked there.
34 David Lauwers 11 13 1994 Dead Deaf hobo set fire to a cinema after an argument with staff.
35 Walter Seifert 10 22 1964 An Hero Attacked a school in an epic fashion using a homemade flamethrower and melee weapons. Poisoned himself with rat poison and died in hospital.
36 Unknown 10 20 2018 Escaped after the attack Unknown burned down a whole school killing 10 students and escaped without a trace.
37 Todd Hall 9 11 1996 Dead Literal retard who was peer pressured by his friends into igniting a box of fireworks in a fireworks store, killing 6 adults and 2 children. Died in prison in 2015.
38 Philip Bruce Cline 8 350 1981 Incarcerated Junkie busboy high on weed, cocaine, and angel dust played with fire near a curtain and set a hotel ablaze in Las Vegas.
39 Bald Anon 6 15 2008 ? Unknown bald man set fire to a student dorm killing six people. He was seen celebrating and talking to medics outside the building while firemen attempted to extinguish the flames, but escaped unidentified.
40 Samson Øvrevåg 6 0 1683 Executed Lost his farm to another family because he couldn't pay his rent and returned to take his revenge, murdering a servant girl with an axe and burning the children alive before robbing the house of any valuables.
41 Tenho Olavi Rusanen 6 0 1981 Released Set fire to an apartment, sentenced to 3 years in prison.
42 Arthur McElhill 6 0 2007 An hero Abusive registered sex offender father who set his home ablaze along with all of his family members, including a baby, after his wife was planning on leaving him with the children. When given a rescue ladder to escape from the house, he just grinned and went into the flames.
43 Felix Köhnen, Christian Reher, Christian Buchholz, Markus Gartmann 5 14 1993 Incarcerated1 Four Neo-Nazis that burned down a large Turkish family's house.
44 Raymond Lee Oyler 5 12 2006 Incarcerated Serial arsonist who managed to frag 5 firefighters with one of his wildfires.
45 Kyle Alwood 5 1 2019 V& 9-year-old burned down his family mobile home.
46 Zak Bolland, David Worrall, Courtney Brierley 5 0 2017 Incarcerated Gang of chavs who petrol bombed a house of some wanker they had an argument with. Managed to kill all his siblings & mother.
47 Josef Saller 4 6 1988 Released Neo-nazi burned down a house full of turks. Released in 2001.
48 Alfon Antonsen 4 4 1980 An hero 54-year-old sheep farmer set fire to his neighbor's house in the middle of the night and fired at survivors with a shotgun before blowing his brains out behind a barn. Known as a strange guy, Alfon would often accuse people of stealing his sheep or being part of "the Black Guerrilla", or threaten to kill everybody in the area.
49 Sari Maaria Leinonen 4 3 2001 Released Burned down a house to avenge her son, who died a month earlier while drinking bad moonshine at a party there. Sentenced to 12 years in prison.
50 Louis I of Orléans 4 0 1393 Dead The king ordered several dancers to perform in a strange game; wearing robes covered in flammable resin, the audience were going to attempt to identify who was who while the performers danced. The brother of the king, Louis used cheat codes and lit fire to the dancers in order to win, resulting in the deaths of 4 performers.
51 John Leonard Orr 4 0 1984-91 Incarcerated An arson investigator who would set small fires on the outskirts of LA, distracting firefighters from the bigger ones that he would then start in stores. After his arrest, he wrote a novel about a fireman who moonlights as an arsonist, and whose name is an anagram of "I set L.A. arson."
52 Michael Peters, Lars Christiansen 3 9 1992 Incarcerated Neo-nazis who fire bombed the houses of two turkish families. Snuffed out two lolis and one of their grandmother.
53 Karim Abbas, Zakhariya Hassan 3 5 2010 Released Set fire to a pizzeria owned by brothers Araz and Aram Bibani in an insurance scam plot. All four were sentenced to between 9 and 11 years in prison.
54 Jari Tanskanen 3 1 2001 Incarcerated Set fire to a house and killed some of his friends. Escaped from prison in 2008.
55 Justo Fernando Barrientos 3 1 2024 V& Oldfag screamed at some random lesbians before throwing a molotov at them.
56 Lefter Canaj 3 0 2016 An hero Dyalisis patient set the ward alight after an argument. This was captured by CCTV.
57 Darren Patrick Clover 3 0 2017 Incarcerated Hobo who torched his ex-girlfriend, her daughter and new lover. Those retards chained themselves inside thinking that they would be safer.
58 Paul Kenneth Keller 3 0 1992-93 Incarcerated Drove around in a company car looking for places to burn, and was eventually caught after a fire that he had set at a retirement home incinerated three of the residents.
59 Juhani Helmeri Koivuniemi 2 2 2010 Incarcerated A man in Kauhajoki set fire to a house. One of the dead was a fireman who rescued the two injured.
60 Mikael Turunen 2 1 2002 Released Robbed a house while a party was going on, waited until they all passed out and set fire to the house. Sentenced to 12 years in prison.
61 Jonas Olsson 2 1 2013 Incarcerated 39-year-old locked his kids in a cabin and set it on fire. He was sentenced to life in prison.
62 Ronja Johanna Emilia Heino 2 0 2004 Incarcerated 23-year-old mother set fire to her apartment killing her young sons. She was sentenced to life in prison.
63 Sini Åkerberg 2 0 2005 An hero Drugged her kids and burned down the house while her eldest son Harri was at school.
64 Nina Elizabeth de Lange Davies 2 0 2007 An hero Mother drugged her daughters and set the house on fire to avoid losing custody.
65 Janne Tapani Tihinen 2 0 2011 Incarcerated Burned down his house with gasoline and gas tanks to spite his wife and tried to slit his own throat.
66 Satu Ingalsuo 2 0 2017 Institutionalized Woman set fire to her grandmother's house. Previously, Satu changed her name to all sorts of things and complained about her problems on Facebook and YouTube.
67 Haruo Hayashizaki 1 26 2015 An hero Oldfag who wanted to go out in a blaze of glory...literally. Decided the best way to do this was to set himself alight on a bullet train. Managed to get one frag because of this.
68 Lasse Göran Laakso 1 2 2001 Released Set fire to his house, killing his wife and injuring his kids.
69 Esa Aarnilamme 1 1 2003 Incarcerated 41-year-old alcoholic set fire to his friends house for some reason. Sentenced to life in prison.
70 John David Jones 1 1 2017 Incarcerated American immigrant set fire to his house, killing his wife and almost killing his son.
71 Raimo Juhani Nyman 1 0 2001 Incarcerated 49-year-old captured a believed thief, chained him up in a basement for 12 days before pouring gasoline on him and burning him alive.
72 Jari Petteri Räsänen 1 0 2007 Incarcerated Poured gasoline on a woman and set her on fire after arguing about alcohol.
73 Mika-Matti Mäkelä 1 0 2007 Released Set fire to an abandoned car for the lulz, unknowingly killing a hobo that was sleeping in the back seat. Sentenced to 10 years in prison.
74 Teuvo Päiviö Saarinen 1 0 2008 Released Delusional man set fire to his disabled wife's bed.
75 Henna-Mari Sofia Viitanen 1 0 2011 Released 27-year-old drug addict set fire to a man sleeping at a bus stop along with her two friends. Sentenced to 9 years in prison.
76 Hilkka Annikki Alanko 1 0 2018 Incarcerated 53-year-old alcoholic set fire to her house, killing her husband.
77 Lauri Juhani Taavitsainen 1 0 2020 Incarcerated 37-year-old sick fuck burned his aunt alive and forced his uncle to watch.
78 Ritva Maria Leppänen 1 0 2020 Incarcerated 62-year-old woman poured flammable liquids on her 68-year-old boyfriend and lit him on fire because he didn't take her dog's disappearance seriously. She had tried to burn him up in 2011 and 2013 as well.
79 Salo Jussi 1 0 2021 Institutionalized Insane man set fire to a house.
80 Paul Streeton 0 1 1996 Incarcerated Burned up an aboriginal ausfailian, beacause his skin color was ugly.
81 Musab Mohammaed Masmari 0 0 2013 Incarcerated Mudslime who wanted to purge the earth of fags with the holy hellfire of Allah. The bartender managed to put out within seconds however. Nice going, towel head.
82 John Earnest 0 0 2019 Incarcerated Torched a mosque and left graffiti saying "For Brenton Tarrant -t. /pol/", but failed to kill or injure any mudslimes. A month later, he went for the High Score again, this time on FPS Single Player at a synagogue.
83 Aaron Bushnell 0 0 2024 An hero Immolated himself and shouted "Free Palestine!" repeatedly. By the time the pigs arrived at the scene, it was already too late.

1. Two of them were released early on good behavior.

Tactical Espionage Action

Remember when your mother warned you as a child to not talk to strangers? These people are the absolute worst examples of who you might encounter if you do.

1 Luis Garavito 142 172-400+ 1992-1999 Died in prison Raped, tortured, and killed children.
2 Olga Briscorn 128 128 1818-1822 Dead Tortured and killed peasants working for her.
3 Thug Behram 125 931 1790-1840 Executed Strangled hundreds of victims until the British caught up and hanged him.
4 Pedro Alonso López 110 310-350+ 1969-2002 Free, lol Raped, tortured, and killed children.
5 Gilles De Rais 100 200-600+ 1432-1440 Executed Raped, tortured, and killed children.
6 Liu Pengli 100 100+ 144-116 Dead Prince killed people and stole their shit afterwards. When he was caught, the court wanted him to face the death penalty, but his aunt couldn't bear him getting executed. In the end, he only got exiled to some random county in Chinkland.
7 Javed Iqbal 100 100 1998-1999 An hero Raped and murdered little boys before dissolving their bodies with acid. He confessed to his crimes through a letter to police and hung himself on his 45th birthday.
8 Delfina de Jesus Gonzalez, Maria de Jesus Gonzalez 91 150-200+ 1950-1964 Died in prison Whorehouse owners and pimps killed their hookers when they got on their bad side.
9 Elizabeth Báthory 80 600+ 1590-1610 Dead Killed women to bathe in their blood to help her skin. Only received house arrest in her cozy castle due to being a Count.
10 Mikhail Popkov 78 83+ 1992-2010 In prison Known as "The Werewolf" Mikhail, a policeman, lured dozens of women away in his police car, driving them to distant locations to murder them with various tools before having sex with their bodies.
11 Daniel Camargo 72 150 1974-1986 Killed in jail Raped, tortured, and killed children.
12 Pedro Rodrigues Filho 71 100+ 1967-2003 Free, lol Murdered Killer of criminals. Avenged the death of his mother by killing his father and eating his heart. Killed 47 inmates in prison. He was freed and even got a JewTube channel to flex on his victims until he was gunned down by two men in 2023.
13 Kampatimar Shankariya 70 70+ 1977-1978 Executed Disguised in the dark as a hobo before whacking unsuspecting strangers in the head with a hammer.
14 Ivomoku Bakusuba 67 67 1940-1944 An hero Strangled, raped and beat little kids.
15 Yang Xinhai 67 67 2000-2003 Executed (alias the "Monster Killer") Would go into random Chink houses at night, armed to the teeth. After entering, he would proceed to pwn every-fucking-thing in sight.
16 Samuel Little 60 93 1970-2005 Died in prison Picked up women in his car before killing them. Samuel had been in and out of prison 26 times for assault, attempted rape and fraud before ultimately being linked to some of the murders after a 2012 DNA test. After confessing to 93 murders and drawing many sketches of his alleged victims, he died in prison at the age of 80.
17 Martin Roháč 59 59 1568-1571 Executed Retired soldier turned robber and serial killer, who with alongside other fellow soldiers, would kidnap and murder merchants and craftsmen, was caught and executed by breaking at the wheel.
18 Andrei Chikatilo 53 56+ 1978-1990 Executed Impotent teacher who only got hard by murdering wimmins and boys in the forest, raping their corpses, and eating their flesh and organs (he especially liked to eat balls, vaginas and wombs). Three people were previously convicted and executed for his crimes.
19 Anatoly Onoprienko 52 52+ 1989-1996 Died in prison Robbed home after home, brutally killing entire families.
20 Gary Ridgway 49 71-90+ 1982-2000 In prison Trucker who strangled prostitutes, dumped them in the Green River, and returned to the bodies later for some sweet necrophilia.
21 Alexander Pichushkin 48 61+ 1992-2006 In prison Beat hobos with a hammer then stabbed them with a broken vodka bottle. Wanted to kill 64 people to fill a chessboard.
22 Mohammed Bijeh 46 46 2002-2004 Executed Raped and murdered little boys.
23 Wang Qiang 45 45+ 1995-2003 Executed Raped and killed women randomly, sometimes together with his friends.
24 Ahmad Suradji 42 80+ 1986-1997 Executed Strangled girls in order to get magical powers.
25 Raman Raghav 41 41+ 1965-1968 Died in prison Roamed Mumbai for three years, slaughtering random people in their sleep.
26 Catalina de los Ríos y Lísperguer 40 40+ 1622–1660 Dead Redheaded rich spaniard landowner who killed and tortured her submissive slaves and several lovers.
27 Micajah Harpe, Wiley Harpe 39 50+ 1775-1804 Executed America's first serial killers, these British red coats turned outlaws robbed, raped, tortured and mutilated Americunts that pissed them off, becoming the most wanted guys in the country before it was cool.
28 Moses Sithole 38 76 1994-1995 In prison Beat, raped and strangled women he lured to remote areas.
29 Serhiy Tkach 37 100+ 1980-2005 Died in prison Cop killed young girls and had sex with their dead bodies. Was caught after attending the funeral of a victim in 2005 and died of heart failure in 2018.
30 Hadj Mohammed Mesfewi 36 36+ 1906 Executed Moroccan shoemaker who would drug young women and murdered them while they slept, was executed by immurement (also known as being put in a enclosed place where people hear your screams until the day you die) the same year.
31 Ted Bundy 35 36+ 1974-1978 Executed Escaped from prison twice, strangled and raped 35 girls over 4 years.
32 Fernando Hernández Leyva 33 137 1982-1999 In prison Killed and kidnapped people. In an attempt to hang himself, the rope snapped because he was too fat.
33 John Wayne Gacy 33 34+ 1972-1978 Executed Killed and raped little boys, often dressed up as a clown. Hid bodies in his crawlspace.
34 Ramadan Abdel Rehim Mansour 32 32+ 1999-2006 Executed Raped and tortured little boys on various trains, disposing of them by throwing them off the train.
35 Karl Denke 30 42+ 1903-1924 An hero Killed homeless vagrants and travelers, selling their flesh as pork.
36 Jaime Cárdenas 30 30+ 2009-2012 In prison Killed people by shooting or stabbing them, and then stealing from the corpses, all of this just to impress his dad.
37 David Thabo Simelane 28 45 2000-2001 In prison. Abducted, raped, stabbed, strangled and beheaded women.
38 Dean Corll 28 42+ 1970-1973 Killed by his accomplice Raped, tortured, and killed at least 28 boys in Houston. Shot to death by his accomplice after flipping his shit about the accomplice bringing a girl to his house.
39 Darya Nikolayevna Saltykova 26 138 1756-1762 Died in prison Tortured and killed peasants working for her.
40 Béla Kiss 24 24 1915-1916 Dead Strangled, killed and conserved women (including his wife) in barrels of alcohol until his landlord opened one of the barrels while Béla was at war. Escaped from a Serbian hospital and was never seen again.
41 Juan Fernando Hermosa 22 22 1991-1992 Dead 15-year-old boy who with the help of some friends, would kill taxi drivers and faggots (11 of them, including a tranny!) with a 9mm Pistol he bought from a guard, Juan began a shootout with the police which ended with him being V&, before escaping from jail, but being captured again, sadly, on the year of 1996, on his 20th birthday, he would be killed by five hooded men.
42 Vasile Tcaciuc 21 26+ 1917-1935 Dead Crazy gypsy that lured people in and then killed them with an axe, he was shot dead by a guard while he was trying to escape from jail.
43 Larry Eyler 21 24 1982-1984 Died in prison Tortured and killed teenage boys. Died from AIDS in 1994.
44 Viktor Sayenko, Igor Suprunyuk 21 21 2007 Incarcerated Serial killer duo from Ukraine. Creators of 3 guys 1 hammer.
45 Tadeusz Grzesik 20 40+ 1991-2007 Incarcerated The leader of a gang which went on to be called The Gang of Moneychangers Killers. Attacked owners of currency exchanges offices. The group was responsible for 20 to 40 murders committed over a 16-year period.
46 Mohan Kumar Vivekanand 20 20 2005-2009 Incarcerated Tricked women to marry him before giving them cyanide pills and stealing their jewelry. Originally sentenced to death, commuted to life in prison.
47 The Psychopath 19 19+ 1986-1996 Unidentified Anon who would kill people with a M3 submachine gun in three different towns.
48 Richard Cottingham 18 19+ 1967-1980 In prison Raped, tied and strangled hookers before mutilating them.
49 Pedro Pablo Nakada Ludeña 17 25 2005-2006 In prison Killed drug addicts, prostitutes, homosexuals, and criminals on a mission from god. His brother Vayron Jonathan Nakada Ludeña went on a three day knifing spree, and can be found on the Hack'N'Slash scoreboard.
50 Robert Hansen 17 21 1972-1983 Died in prison Abducted prostitutes and flew them out into the Alaskan wilderness so he could hunt them like animals.
51 Jeffrey Dahmer 17 17 1978-1991 Killed in prison Lured fags to his apartment before drugging and strangling them, later eating their flesh. While in prison, Jeffrey was beaten to death by an angry nigger.
52 Wichi child Murderer 17 17+ 2000-2010 Unidentified Anon or Anons, who is suspected to be part of the security forces, murdered more than 17 wichis around the 2000's and 2010's.
53 Ángel Maturino Reséndiz 16 23+ 1986-1999 Executed The Railroad Killer, spic robbed and killed random people in their homes while living the life of a trainhopping hobo.
54 José Antonio Rodriguez Vega 16 16 1987-1988 Dead Killed, abused and stabbed grannies
55 Donald Henry Gaskins 15 110 1953-1982 Executed The Meanest Man in America, Pee Wee raped, robbed, stabbed, shot, drowned, and poisoned over a dozen people and was sentenced to life. He later won himself a death sentence in prison by playing Hitman and sending disguised C4 explosives to another inmate.
56 Richard Ramirez 15 15+ 1984-1985 Died in prison The Night Stalker, this Satanist entered homes at night and tortured and killed everyone inside, sometimes allowed people to live by making them pray to Satan.
57 Julio Pérez Silva 14 19 1999-2001 In prison Raped and murdered over a dozen women in northern Chile, constantly getting away with it because the local pigs, being the incompetent fuckers that they are, just wrote off the disappearances as the girls going off to Peru and Bolivia to work as prostitutes.
58 Zdzisław Marchwicki 14 14 1964-1970 Executed Polish serial killer known as The Zagłębie Vampire. Killed 14 women and sexually assaulted 7 others. He was sentenced to death and executed in 1977, but since then his guilt has been questioned. Acted together with several accomplices, including his younger brother who turned out to be a fag.
59 Marcelo Costa de Andrade 14 14 1991 In a psychiatric hospital Killed little boys randomly before being sent off to the nuthouse.
60 Madman of the route 14 14 1996-1999 Unidentified Off-brand modern-day argentine version of Jack the Ripper, raped, killed, and mutilated some prostitutes to get his monies back.
61 Peter Sutcliffe 13 22+ 1975-1980 Died in prison The Yorkshire Ripper killed women and died from Covid-19.
62 Cleveland Torso Murderer 13 20+ 1934-1938 Unidentified Anon mutilated vagrants alive and dumped their torsos around Cleveland.
63 Joseph James DeAngelo 13 13 1975-1986 In prison The Original Night Stalker AKA the Golden State Killer, family man and cop had a double life robbing, raping and killing women and almost got away with it. v& after 30 years due to DNA evidence.
64 Maury Travis 12 17+ 2000-2002 An hero Crazed nigger kidnapped black prostitutes and made snuff films with them before being caught and hanging himself in jail.
65 Dennis Nilsen 12 15 1978-1983 Died in prison UK Jeffrey Dahmer, faggot who killed sexy boys for epic necro sex.
66 Fred West, Rose West 12 13+ 1967-1987 1 An hero, 1 in prison Husband and wife raped, tortured and killed over a dozen women while raping their own children.
67 John Bunting 12 12 1992-1999 In prison Tortured and killed fags, pedos, people he thought were weak, and would steal their bank accounts for personal use.
68 Stephano, Mika and Fabian Mailoni 12 12 2007-2013 Killed by police A trio who killed random people with an axe and a machete.
69 Herb Baumeister 11 24+ 1980-1995 An hero Herbert the pervert, a business owner (of course) liked to LARP as a faggot in gay bars to lure other faggots to their inevitable death by strangling. Shot himself in 1996 while on the run.
70 Leonard Lake, Charles Ng 11 25 1983-1985 1 An hero, 1 in prison Paranoid survivalist and his chink right hand man killed friends and families.
71 Gerald Gallego, Charlene Gallego 11 11+ 1978-1980 1 died in prison, 1 free (Pussy Pass Bonus) Raped and enslaved women and teenage girls before killing them.
72 Marc Dutroux 11 11+ 1986-1996 In prison Raped and killed little girls.
73 Francisco García Escalero 11 11+ 1987-1994 Dead Batshit insane dude who raped bodies and eated them.
74 Nikolai Dzuhumagaliev 10 10+ 1979-1991 In psychiatric hospital Killed and ate women, serving them up at dinner with friends before being thrown in the loony bin. He escaped several years later and killed a few more before being recaptured.
75 Masten Wanjala 10 10+ 2019-2021 Dead 20-year-old nigger who confessed to drugging, killing and drinking the blood of more than 10 young boys, lynched by a mob of angry niggers.
76 Edmund Kemper 10 10 1964-1973 In prison Started off at 15 years old by killing his grandparents. Soon after being released he would begin picking up hitchhiking women to kill them, behead them and have sex with the severed head and corpse. After killing his mom and her friend, he turned himself in.
77 Dennis Rader 10 10 1974-1991 In prison Known as BTK (Bind, Torture, Kill) Dennis would do just that to unsuspecting families, mailing letters to police and news stations and crossdressing in his victims clothing for kinky photo shoots. After going quiet and evading law enforcement for 10 years, he began mailing again and played himself by asking if floppy disks were traceable. When the police said they were not, he mailed a traceable floppy disk and was subsequently arrested.
78 Manuel Blanco Romasanta 9 20 1844-1852 Executed Killed people and used their fat to make soap.
79 Umesh Reddy 9 18+ 1996-2002 Incarcerated Convicted of 9 killings of women. Originally sentenced to death, but commuted to life in prison.
80 Peter Kürten 9 9+ 1913-1929 Executed The Vampire of Düsseldorf, killed girls and women and drank their blood.
81 Tamara Ivanyutina 9 9 1976-1987 Executed School dishwasher poisoned children and other people that annoyed her.
82 Rodney James Alcala 8 130+ 1971-1979 Died in prison Brutally raped and slaughtered several girls, appearing on the Dating Game while on the run, and evading the death sentence several times.
83 Joachim Kroll 8 12 1955-1976 Died in prison Raped, killed and mutilated women.
84 Michel Fourniret, Monique Olivier 8 12+ 1987-2003 1 died in prison, 1 incarcerated Couple of sick lovers kidnapped, raped and murdered several young girls.
85 John Christie 8 8+ 1943-1953 Executed Killed women including his wife before being hanged.
86 Angeline Mabhiza 8 8 2012-2014 An heroine She poisoned little kiddies to death.
87 Bruce McArthur 8 3 2010-2017 In prison Invited gays to bondage and choked them with his penis.
88 Manuel Delgado Villegas 7 48+ 1964-1971 Died in a mental hospital Killed people and raped the bodies.
89 Todd Kohlhepp 7 10+ 2003-2016 In prison After being humiliated by staff at the local motorbike store, Todd shot the place up and got away with it in 2003. He would continue killing and would later be known as "The Amazon review killer" because of lulzy, incriminating reviews left by him were uncovered after he was caught red handed with some bitch chained up in a storage container and dead bodies on his property. Although only seven victims have been confirmed, Todd claims to have killed many more.
90 Aileen Wuornos 7 7+ 1989-1990 Executed Crazy hooker robbed and killed men she fucked.
91 Aloys Tubarimo 7 7+ 2007 In prison Beat cycle taxi drivers to death after he stole their vehicles.
92 Wesley Brownlee 7 7+ 2021-2022 In prison Random nigger shot random spics in the middle of the night, probably cus 'rona.
93 Tadeusz Ensztajn 7 7 1933 Sentenced to 15 years in prison Raped and killed women.
94 Chicago Tylenol murderer 7 7 1982 Unidentified Anon laced Tylenol pills with cyanide when they hit the pharmacy shelves.
95 Filita Malisha 7 7 1995 In prison? Woman killed her 7 sons for satanic rituals.
96 K. P. Jayandan 7 7 2003-2008 Executed Went on a robbing spree killing people along the way. Sentenced to death and hanged in 2013.
97 Motta Navas 7 7 2012 Incarcerated Bludgeoned random hobos at night.
98 Nikos Metaxas 7 7 2016-2018 In prison A jewtuber who killed 7 foreigns in Nicosia.
99 Robert Pickton 6 49 1983-2002 Killed in prison Kidnapped and stabbed at least six women in and around his pig farm.
100 Volker Eckert 6 19+ 1974-2006 An hero Hair-fetishist strangled women to stroke their hair. Committed his first kill as a 14-year-old and killed himself after he was caught.
101 David Berkowitz 6 6 1976-1977 In prison Son of Sam, schizo took orders from his neighbors demon dog to kill women.
102 Richard Chase 6 6 1977-1978 An hero Killed people, drank their blood, and fucked and ate their corpses. Overdosed on meds in prison.
103 Gowri Shankar 6 6 1975-1989 Executed Gangster and serial killer. Hanged in 1995.
104 Antanas Varnelis 6 6 1992 Executed Killed old people to get their money.
105 Alfredo Galán Sotillo 6 6 2003 Imprisioned Killed randoms and left tarot card near the bodies.
106 Artyom Alexandrovich Anoufriev, Nikita Vakhtangovich Lytkin 6 6 2010-2011 1 incarcerated, 1 an hero 2 teenagers who tried to imitate Dnepropetrovsk maniacs.
107 Lázaro Barbosa de Sousa 6 6 2021 Killed by police Crazed satanist killed a family of 4 before escaping, triggering a 20-day manhunt and 2 more kills before he got riddled with police bullets.
108 Carl Panzram 5 21-100+ 1915-1929 Executed Robbed, sodomized, and killed men due to serious anger issues. After getting a dishonorable discharge from the army and a prison sentence signed by president William Howard Taft, he later robbed his mansion, stole his gun, and killed several victims with it. He refused to appeal his death sentence and told death penalty opponents "The only thanks you will ever get from me is that I wish you all had one neck and that I had my hands on it."
109 Zodiac Killer 5 20-37 1968-1969 Unidentified Attacked and killed couples while sending puzzles to the cops taunting them.
110 Joe Ball 5 20 1936-1938 An hero The Alligator Man, saloon owner fed his pet alligators women he hired. Shot himself when the cops came to ask questions.
111 Ray Copeland, Faye Copeland 5 12 1986-1989 Died in prison Farmer couple had drifters buy them cattle with bad checks and shot them to leave no trace.
112 Jack the Ripper 5 5+ 1888-1891 Unidentified Anon tortured and gutted women.
113 Ian Brady, Myra Hindley 5 5 1963-1965 Died in prison Raped, tortured, and killed children.
114 Link=Spain Joaquín Ferrándiz Ventura 5 5 1995-1996 Incarcerated Raped women and killed them.
115 Lee Chow Meng 5 5 1996-1997 Died in prison Raped and killed women and the elderly.
116 Severino Tchivinda 5 5 2015-2017 In prison Killed couples with a machete, ripped off their heads and preserved them in alcohol.
117 Lam Kor Wan 4 15 1982 In prison Strangled women he picked up in his taxi and mutilated them, saving the vaginas and boobs in tupperware.
118 Roger Herbert Haglund 4 6 1991-1992 Dead Suspected of a double murder in the 80's and convicted of four murders in Tistedalen, as well as a bank robbery. In 1992 Roger shot and killed a shop owner in his own car, before robbing him. Unfortunately for Roger, the bag he grabbed was full of milk instead of money. He was caught in 1993, released in 2007 and died a free man in 2011.
119 Jukka Lindholm 4 4+ 1985-2018 In prison Tranny who has been in and out of prison for several murders and prison escapes.
120 Piedad Martínez del Águila 4 4 1965-1966 Free? At 12 years old, she poisoned her 4 brothers one by one because they were fucking up her life.
121 Bogdan Arnold 4 4 1966-1967 Sentenced to death and executed Killed and dismembered prostitutes and lived with their bodies, hiding them at his apartment.
122 Fritz Honka 4 4 1970-1975 Dead Heavy alcoholic killed prostitutes he didn't feel satisfied with. Released in 1993 and died in 1998.
123 Thor Nis Christiansen 4 4 1976-1979 Killed in prison Danish immigrant killed hitchhikers and had epic necro sex with their corpses. Was killed in Folsom prison by another inmate at the age of 23.
124 Tsutomu Miyazaki 4 4 1988-1989 Executed Abducted, killed, mutilated and had epic necrosex with the corpses of young ladies and also drank the blood of one, was featured in Sad Satan.
125 Link=Spain Ramón Laso Moreno 4 4 1988-2009 Imprisoned Killed his wife, child and other randoms.
126 Per Fredrik Bamer 4 4 1998-2023 In prison Career criminal and drug addict stabbed and robbed an elderly couple in 1998, got busted, imprisoned and later released in 2012. After being released, Per began breaking into houses again, and it is not known if he murdered more people until 2023, when he committed another double murder using a knife. One of the victims in 2023 was a former friend who testified against him in the 1998 case.
127 Stephen Port 4 4 2014-2015 In prison Known as The Grindr Killer, a faggot who drugged other fags he met through the app before raping them. Many of his victims died of overdoses. Stephen had lots of prison sex with fellow inmate, prolific paedophile Richard Huckle before the latter was brutally murdered.
128 Henry Lee Lucas 3 250+ 1960-1983 Died in prison Killed his mom and two other women. Falsely confessed to killing hundreds of people before being revealed to be an attention whore and having his death sentence commuted by governor Dubya.
129 Rex Heuermann 3 18 1996-2011 V& Suspected "Long Island serial killer", a respected architect currently charged with three of the murders because he got bored and called families of his victims to taunt them. Was busted due to DNA and searching for stuff regarding his victims online, including "asian twink".
130 Israel Keyes 3 11+ 2001-2012 An hero Robbed banks and murdered random people in his free time. Slit his wrists after being v&.
131 Albert Fish 3 9+ 1924-1928 Executed The Gray Man, schizo raped and tortured children because god told him to. Went on a childkilling spree after a buddy told him how sweet child flesh tasted. Got caught after sending mail to a victims mother telling her how delicious her daughter was and executed in the electric chair.
132 Martin Ney 3 4 1992-2001 In prison Pedophile known as "The Black Man" who would break into various buildings to fondle and snatch little kids.
133 Edgar Antonsen 3 3+ 1962-1974 An hero Killed an 80-year-old woman to cover up a robbery before joining forces with his brother to kidnap, rape and kill hitchhikers. After being released for the murders and moving to another part of Norway under a new name, Edgar raped the 10-year-old daughter of his parole officer. Suddenly, the parents of the girl recieved an anonymous call informing them that Edgar was about to get what was coming to him. Soon after this Edgar's body was found laying lifeless along the shore, dead from an apparent suicide.
134 Paul Bernardo, Karla Homolka 3 3+ 1990-1992 1 in prison, 1 free (Pussy Pass Bonus) Husband and wife raped and murdered teenage girls. Karla raped and ate out her sister while she was on her period.
135 Akku Yadav 3 3+ 1991-2004 Killed Gangster and rapist killed random people. Lynched in 2004.
136 Hamisi Prince 3 3+ 1998-1999 Institutionalized A 9 year old kid who clubbed and strangled kids with a club and also stoned them.
137 Stephen Shaun Griffiths 3 3+ 2009-2010 Incarcerated Killed and ate prostitutes. Famous for a photograph taken by CCTV in his apartment building showing Stephen holding a crossbow and showing his middle finger to the camera shortly after killing his last victim.
138 Jorge Ignacio Palma 3 3+ 2018-2019 In prison Killed bitches to fuck the bodies and get the money back.
139 Mary Maher 3 3 1906 An hero 11 year old strangled her brothers before drowning herself.
140 Graham Young 3 3 1962-1971 Died in prison He poisoned his stepmother and 2 co-workers with toxic tea.
141 Ensio Koivunen 3 3 1971 Dead Spent the summer kidnapping hitchhikers and gassing them to death using his car. Pardoned in 1981 and died in 2003.
142 Dámaso Rodríguez Martín 3 3 1981-1991 An hero Canarian pedophile witch who left several magical symbols in an abandoned house where he hid before an hero.
143 Joaquín Villalón Díez 3 3 1981-1992 Released Killed 2 trannies and his wife.
144 Charles Albright 3 3 1990-1991 Died in prison The Eyeball Killer, shot hookers and surgically removed their eyes.
145 Gustavo Romero Tercero 3 3 1993-1998 Incarcerated Redneck pervert who raped chicks.
146 Amarjeet Sada 3 3 2006-2007 Free, lol Killed a random baby and his sister and cousin strangling them.
147 Billy Chemirmir 2 22 2016-2018 Killed in prison Nigger robbed and killed a bunch of elderly women, making it look like they died in their sleep.
148 Jesse Harding Pomeroy 2 10 1871-1872 Dead When Jesse was 12 and 13 years old, stabbed and killed 2 kids before being arrested.
149 Ed Gein 2 9 1954-1957 Died in psychiatric hospital Killed and robbed the graves of women and made furniture and clothing out of their remains.
150 Per Anders Eklund 2 4+ 2000-2008 Incarcerated Strangled and raped a woman in 2000 and did the same to a 10-year-old girl in 2008, for which he was arrested. He is suspected of two other murders in the 90's and has raped other women throughout the years.
151 Tor Hepsø 2 2+ 1976-1977 Dead Confessed to the rape and murder of two women on his deathbed in 2005. Another man had been convicted of both murders.
152 Mary Bell 2 2 1968 Free, lol Insane 10 year old strangled, stabbed, raped and gutted little kiddies.
153 Simba Mamphori 1 4 2016-2019 In prison Killed women who dated him with a screwdriver.
154 Philip Patrick Westh 1 2+ 2016-2023 Incarcerated Killed some 17-year-old girl in 2016, is suspected of killing a mutual acquaintance who went missing the following year, and was v& after abducting and raping a 13-year-old in 2023.

Trauma Center

The Hippocratic Oath is taken by a physician to promise that they will act compassionately and not harm their patients. The following were laughing inside when they took it.

1 Harold Shipman 218 250+ 1975-1998 Hanged himself in prison Would inject diamorphine into his patients and then falsify the medical records, reporting that his patient had been in poor health.
2 Hu Wanlin 146 150+ 1997-1999 In prison Ran hospitals in three different cities, all while administering "miracle cures" with a suspicious amount of the shit that goes in laundry detergent.
3 Jack Kevorkian 130 130 1990-1998 Dead Euthanized people who were terminally ill.
4 Miyuki Ishikawa 103+ 169 1946-1948 Dead Carried out "extra-late"-term abortions of infants born to parents unwilling to care for them.
5 Steven Massof 100 100+ 2003-2008 In prison Snipped the spines of babies the second they showed signs of life.
6 Niels Högel 85 300+ 2000-2005 In prison Nurse who injected patients with poison.
7 Louay Omar Mohammed al-Taei 43 43 2005-2006 In prison Undercover terrorist administered wounded police anti-coagulants, making them bleed out.
8 Daniela Poggiali 38 96 2013-2014 In prison Would insert a shitload of potassium into patients she found annoying then take selfies with their dead bodies.
9 Donald Harvey 37 87 1970-1987 Dead Claimed to be "easing the pain" of terminally ill victims, before discovering how fun it was to kill innocent people.
10 Jane Toppan 31 31 1885-1901 Dead Got her rocks off by injecting patients with morphine and then spooning them as they dipped in and out of consciousness.
11 Christine Malèvre 30 30 1997-1998 Released Injected terminally ill patients with drugs, claiming that they asked for it.
12 Charles Edmund Cullen 29 400+ 1988-2003 In prison Injected patients with shit for 16 years, confessed to 40 murders but is suspected to have committed several hundred more.
13 Stephan Letter 29 80+ 2003-2004 In prison Injected patients with drugs.
14 Arnfinn Nesset 22 138 1977-1981 Released in 2004 Injected patients at the nursing home he managed with curacit.
15 Roger Andermatt 22 22 1995-2001 In prison Injected patients with drugs.
16 Anders Hansson 15 27 1978-1979 Institutionalized 18-year-old intern gave patients corrosive cleaning liquids to drink.
17 Skin Hunters 14 50+ 1998-2002 In prison Injected elderly patients with Pavulon to get money from funeral homes for information about deaths.
18 Antoinette Scieri 12 12 1924-1926 Dead Poisoned patients with weedkillers.
19 Maxim Petrov 11 19 1999-2000 In prison Injected patients with poison before robbing their homes.
20 Joan Vila Dilmé 11 11+ 2009-2010 In prison Injected elderly patients with shit.
21 Vickie Dawn Jackson 10 10+ 2000-2001 In prison Injected patients with drugs and got sentenced to life in prison.
22 Ludivine Chambet 10 10 2012-2013 In prison A nurse who poisoned elderly people.
23 Kermit Gosnell 9 47+ 2006-2010 In prison Ran a shady abortion clinic that illegally performed late-term abortions that were often botched, having unsanitary conditions within his clinic, and even snipping the spines of infants that survived abortions.
24 Richard Angelo 8 10+ 1987 In prison Injected patients with poison to heroically resurrect them when they went into cardiac arrest.
25 Elizabeth Wettlaufer 8 8 2007-2016 Incarcerated Injected elderly patients with insulin.
26 Marianne Nölle 7 17 1984-1992 Dead Injected patients with drugs.
27 Petr Zelenka 7 7 2006 In prison Injected patients with blood thinner, causing internal bleeding.
28 Lucy Letby 7 7 2015-2016 In prison Killed babies by injecting them with air or insulin during her time working as a nurse.
29 Orville Lynn Majors 6 130 1993-1995 Dead Injected patients with drugs, causing the death rate at his hospital to skyrocket.
30 Santosh Pol 6 6 2003-2016 In prison Injected patients with drugs.
31 Frans Hooijmaijers 5 259 1970-1975 Dead Injected patients with drugs. After serving 18 years in prison, he was released. He later died in 2006.
32 Sonya Caleffi 5 18 2003-2004 In prison Suicidal nurse who injected air into the bloodstream of patients, resulting in embolism.
33 Irene Becker 5 8 2005-2006 In prison Injected patients with drugs.
34 Aino Nykopp-Koski 5 5 2004-2009 In prison Injected elderly patients with drugs.
35 Edson Izidoro Guimarães 4 131 1999 In prison Injected AIDS-ridden patients with poison to end their suffering.
36 Michael Swango 4 60 1981-1997 Incarcerated Poisoned patients.
37 Colin Norris 4 10 2002 In prison Injected elderly patients with insulin.
38 Pier Paolo Brega Massone 4 4 2010-2014 In prison Performed unnecessary surgeries on patients to collect more money.
39 Abraão José Bueno 4 4 2005 In prison Injected AIDS-ridden kids with drugs.
40 Christina Aistrup Hansen 4 4 2016 In prison Injected patients with drugs.

Sniper Elite

Silent but deadly. These guys won't hesitate to 360 noscope trickshot you IRL. High concentration of Sovietfags. NOTE: Only soldiers are allowed on here and not normalfags who did their kills with sniper rifles such as Charles Whitman or the DC snipers.

1 Abdorrasul Zarrin 740 1979-1983
2 Simo Häyhä 542 1939-1940
3 Vasilij Kvachantiradze 526 1941-1945
4 Ivan Sidorenko 500 1939-1945
5 Nikolai llyin 494 1941-1943
6 Fedir Dyachenko 425 1932-1945
7 Fyoder Okhlopkov 423 1941-1945
8 Stepan Petrenko 422 1941-1945
9 Francis Pegahmagabow 378 1914-1919
10 Semyon Nomokonov 367 1941-1945
11 Abukhadzhi Idrisov 349+ 1939-1944
12 Matthäus Hetzenauer 345 1943-1945
13 Abu Tahsin al-Salhi 341+ 1973-2017
14 Lyudmila Pavlichenko 309 1941-1953
15 Josef Allerberger 257 1943-1945
16 Ivan Kulbertinov 252 1941-1945
17 Vasily Zaitsev 242 1937-1945
18 Mikhail Surkov 236 1941-1945
19 Ranjith Premasiri Madalana 217 2000-2009
20 Zhang Taofang 214 1953-1985
21 Bruno Sutkus 209 1944-1945
22 Zhou Xixiang 203 1950-?
23 Noah Adamia 200+ 1938-1942
24 Friedrich Pein 200+ 1943-1945
25 Unknown 173 2006-2007
26 Chris Kyle 160 1999-2009
27 Vladimir Pchelintsev 152 1941-1945
28 Billy Sing 150+ 1914-1918
29 Lucky Bisht 139 2003-2019
30 Olga Minchakievich 129 1917-1920
31 Henry Norwest 115 1915-1918
32 Adelbert Waldron 109 1968-1970
33 Chuck Mawhinney 103 1967-1970
34 Herbert W. McBride 100+ 1914-1918
35 Neville Methven 100 1916-1918
36 Carlos Hathcock 93 1959-1979
37 Tatianna Minchakievich 93 1918-1920
38 Johnson Paudash 88 1914-1918
39 Herman Davis 88 1918
40 Musa Herdem 80 2006-2015
41 Roza Shanina 60 1943-1945
42 Graham Ragsdale 56 1988-2003
43 Charles Marlowe 46 1987-1990
44 Philip McDonald 42 1914-1916
45 Tatang Koswara 41+ 1975-1976
46 Juba 37 2005-2007
47 Nicholas Irving 33 2004-2007
48 Marie Ljalková 30+ 1942-1953
49 link:Australia Ian Robertson 30+ 1945-1953
50 link:Canada Patrick Riel 30 1914-1916
51 link:America Alvin York 28 1917-1918
52 link:France Brian Ogoti Nixons 13 2019-

RollerCoaster Tycoon

Trust these parks with your children's lives.

1 Seoul Halloween 159 2022
2 Walt Disney World 46 1964 -
3 Transvaal park 28 2002 - 2004
4 Ride the Ducks 24 1977 - 2017
5 link:Spain Local fairs 24 1994-
6 Disneyland 23 1955 -
7 Formosa Fun Coast music stage 15 1989-2015
8 King's Island 9 1972 -
9 Luna Park 7 1979 -
10 Coney Island 6 1895 -
11 Overseas Chinese Town 6 2010
12 Playland 6 1928 -
13 Action Park 6 1978 - 1996
14 Six Flags Georgia 5 1967 -
15 Six Flags Texas 5 1961 -
16 Battersea Fun Fair 5 1951 - 1974
17 California's Great America 5 1980 -
18 Disneyland Paris 5 1992 -
19 Dreamworld (brutal) 4 2016 -
20 Six Flags St. Louis 4 1971 -
21 King's Dominion 4 1971 -
22 Knott's Berry Farm 4 1983 -
23 Kennywood 4 1899 -
24 Krug Park 4 1895 - 1940
25 Lagoon Amusement Park 4 1886 -
26 Lake Compounce 4 1846 -
27 Transport 4 2013-
28 Dorney Park 3 1926 -
29 Star City 3 2006 -
30 Prater 3 2010-
31 Phantasialand 3 2011-
32 Ocean Park Hong Kong 3 2014-
33 Canada's Wonderland 2 1986 -
34 Rainbow's End 2 1990 -
35 Worlds of Fun 2 1995 -
36 Elitch Gardens 2 1997 -
37 link:Spain El saltamontes 2 1997-
38 Port Aventura World 2 1997-
39 Nickelodeon World 2 1998-
40 Europa Park 2 2005-
41 Parc Saint-Paul 2 2009 -
42 Six Flags Darien Lake 2 2009 -
43 Longshan Amusement Park 2 2015 -
44 La Feria de Chapultepec 2 2019-
45 Kankaria Theme Park 2 2019-
46 link:Denmark Legoland 1 1968-
47 Silver Dollar City 1 1980 -
48 Carowinds 1 1987 -
49 link:Spain Aquàtic Paradís 1 1987-1992
50 Waterworld California 1 1997 -
51 link:Spain Centro Comercial Europa 1 2003-
52 link:Spain Warner Park Madrid 1 2005-
53 link:France Parc Astérix 1 2006-
54 link:Italy Mirabilandia Savio 1 2007-
55 link:Japan Expoland 1 2007-
56 link:Thailand Siam Park 1 2007-
57 link:Spain Tibidabo 1 2010-
58 link:France Naudières 1 2011-
59 link:USA Go Bananas 1 2011-
60 Hopi Hari 1 2012-
61 Terra Mitica 1 2014-
62 Energylandia 1 2014-
63 Holiday Park 1 2014-
64 Wild Waves 1 2016 -
65 Istikol Park 1 2019 -
66 Kishkinta 1 2016 -
67 Shanghai Disneyland 1 2021-
68 Tivoli Friheden 1 2022-
69 Wild- und Freizeitpark Klotten 1 2022-
70 Gröna Lund 1 2023 -
71 Liseberg 1 2024 -

Gran Turismo

These are the most lulziest vehicle race tracks to evar exist in teh earth.

1 Happy Valley Racecourse 614 1845 -
2 Isle of Man TT Mountain Course 280 1908 -
3 Circuit de la Sarthe 107 1925 -
4 link:Italy Monza Circuit 88 1922 -
5 Nürburgring 80 1928 -
6 Indianapolis Motor Speedway 74 1909 -
7 Brands Hatch Circuit 56 1949 -
8 Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps 53 1925 -
9 Daytona International Speedway 41 1959 -
10 Silverstone Circuit 35 1960 -
11 Dundrod Circuit 32 1950 -
12 Oulton Park 26 1969 -
13 Autodromo de Buenos Aires 21 1952-
14 Fastnet Race 17 1925-
15 Mille Miglia 13 1933-
16 Grenzlandring 13 1952-
17 Kyalami Grand Prix Circuit 11 1974 -
18 Reno Air Races 11 2011-
19 Autodrome de Linas-Montlhéry 6 1962-
20 AVUS 3 1932-2000
21 Quad Oval 3 1984 -

Plague Inc: Evolved

1 Black Death ~150 million 1346–1353 Bubonic plague
2 Spanish flu 20–100 million 1918–1920 Influenza (the flu)
3 Plague of Justinian 15–75 million 541–549 (oldest major outbreak) Bubonic plague
4 HIV/AIDS 42 million 1981–present As self
5 COVID-19 7–28 million 2019–present Coronavirus
6 Third plague pandemic ~13 million 1855–1960 Bubonic plague
7 Cocoliztli Epidemic ~10 million 1545–1548 Unidentified
8 Antonine Plague 5–10 million (factor for falling of the Roman Empire) 165–180 Measles or smallpox
9 Unit 731 experiments 400,000+ 1936-1945 Bubonic plague, anthrax, cholera, smallpox
10 Swine flu 18,449 2009-2010 Influenza (the flu)
11 Ebola 15,000+ 1976-present As self
12 SARS 774 2002-2004 Coronavirus
13 Sverdlovsk anthrax leak 66+ 1979 Anthrax
14 Zika 18 2015-2016 As self
15 Amerithrax 5 2001 Anthrax

Diner Dash

These products and dishes are so tasty that even Gordon Ramsay couldn't match them. Buy them and we will give you a 99% discount coupon.

1 Unknown 8,000 1858
2 Cargill 650 1865-
3 Unknown 600 1981
4 Tiger Brands 216 1921-
5 S.E Massengill Company 105 1937
6 Morinaga Milk Industry 100+ 1917-
7 Bostock & Co 70 1888-1900
8 Disputed 53 2011
9 Jensen Farms 33 2011-2012
10 Khalid Mahmood 33 2016
11 Thomas Coutts 23 1847
12 Maple Leaf Foods 23 1927-
13 Wendy's Durian Candies 21 2009-
14 Doñihue Ltda 16 1993-
15 PCA 9 1977-2009
16 Andrew Beveridge 8-20 1846
17 Sanlu Group 6 1956-2008
18 Jack in the Box 4 1951-
19 Blue Bell Creameries 3 1907-
20 Cheong Ah-lum 3 1857
21 Silk
Great Value
3 1977-
22 Similac 1 1929-
23 Pepsi 1 1929-
24 Odwalla Inc. 1 1980-
25 John Tudor & Son 1 1966-


"Do you wanna know why I use a knife? Guns are too quick. You can't savor all the little emotions." In an era of firearms and explosives, going old-school from time to time isn't so bad.

1 Petar Brzica 1360 ? 1942 Unknown Guard at the Jasenovac concentration camp in Croatia made a bet with his fellow guards on who could kill the most prisoners during a single night. Armed with only a knife, Petar allegedly slaughtered well over a thousand people in a fit of ecstasy. Other estimates place his score somewhere between 670 and 1100, which is still an incredible amount. It might all be bullshit, though. After the Nazis were defeated, Petar vanished into thin air never to be seen again.
2 Sano Jirozaemon 100 ? 1696 Slipped on a rooftop and got executed After getting his new katana, he suffered a psychotic episode, ending with him killing dozens of whores after they rejected him before fucking it up, getting caught and executed for his crimes. One of the earliest known examples of reaching for the High Score.
3 Unknown 32 ? 1905 Got caught and stoned to death like a fucking bitch, lol. Pwned just as many as Cho did, but with a fucking knife. Oh, and, if you think Devin Kelley and Matthew Murray are the OG christianfag killers, you are nothing but a naive zoomer. This pig-worshiping latino had so much satanic hatred inside his heart that he cornered entire groups of church-goers just to kill them with a shitty knife. You know, for the lulz.
4 Unknown 22 ? 1950 Unknown Random soldier got angry at the fact of a poorfag marrying a rich bitch, that he hacked everyone at the wedding.
5 Democratic Republic of the Congo William Unek 21 ? 1954 Escaped to commit another killing spree, but was taken down by cops. A Police Soldier who went on two killing sprees, both of which killed at least 20 niggers! His first one consisted of him massacring people with an axe for less than 90 minutes before escaping. His second one landed him a solid spot on the FPS Single Player list.
6 Wirjo 20 12 1987 Hanged himself An alcoholic gambling farmer. Beat his son and beat, stabbed, and killed his friend before going around stabbing and hitting more people.
7 Abdul Waheed 20 4 2017 Incarcerated A janitor. Pulled off the ultimate April Fools' prank by calling pilgrims to his shrine so he could trick them into eating drugged food before going to work on them with bludgeons, blades, and sticks.
8 Satoshi Uematsu 19 26 2016 Sentenced to death A noble eugenicist who removed 19 disabled people from the gene pool at a facility near Tokyo. Turned himself in an hour later.
9 Yang Qingpei 19 0 2016 Incarcerated A chink. Went Hitman and managed to kill nearly 20 people - with no survivors. All of this with a shitty knife, too!
10 Arsenio Formentera 17 ? 1968 V& Schizo farmer killed 17 people with a machete, and somehow robbed and raped along the way.
11 Ou Yangpu 17 0 1976 Hanged himself Killed 17 of his own family members with a kitchen knife and hanged himself in a forest. Holds the crown for familicides.
12 Huang Guozhen 16-17 1-2 1989 Sentenced to death After fighting with his brother, he decided to kill him and his wife and burn his house down before going around town stabbing people while drunk.
13 Hodeng 16 1 1879 Dead Went on a stabbing spree in the Dutch East Indies before being v&.
14 Domingo Salazar 16 1 1956 Sentenced to death A revenge-seeker. Killed his wife and nephew before attacking people.
15 Magu 15 5 1873 Killed by people Another Indonesian who went on a rampage before being captured and killed.
16 Florentino Basobas 15 4 1977 Killed by people Yet another stabbing spree by a farmer in the Philippines.
17 Anatkin 15 3 1897 Killed by people Malay stabbed his wife for cheating on him and went amok before a guy shot him down.
18 Pusok Anak Ngaik 14 4 1965 Escaped? Went amok before possibly escaping
19 Hasnain Anwar Warekar 14 1 2016 Hanged himself A sandnigger. Sedated his family members and slit their throats before hanging himself.
20 Guo Zhongmin 13 0 2003 An hero by pesticide Armed with a knife and a stick, Guo fatally beat and stabbed 13 people, before swallowing pesticide.
21 Shi Yuejun 12 5 2006 Executed Angry man decided to take revenge on the society that had humiliated him.
22 Mogo 12 1 1929 Sentenced to death After getting kicked out of a farm, this former farmer nigger stabbed people with a spear before getting arrested.
23 Juhani Aataminpoika 12 0 1849 Incarcerated (Dead) Horse thief that escaped and went on a murderous rampage for around a month before being recaptured and sentenced to death. His sentence was later commuted to 40 lashes and life in prison.
24 Lazaro Obwara 12 0 1950 V& by pigs Being pissed about his son dying, he decided to go around and stab people before getting V&.
25 Fano militia 12 0 2021 Escaped Beated and killed 12 people on a GTA style ambulance robbing.
26 Myles Brandon Sanderson 11 18 2022 An hero? Canadian injun went on a stabbing spree killing some of his family members including his brother and neighbors before going on the lam for several days. He was finally captured after being run off the road by cops and died later in the police custody from an alleged suicide by overdose.
27 Dương Văn Môn 11 6 1998 Sentenced to death Vietnamese schizo went on a stabbing rampage through his village.
28 Gregorio Caceres 11 4 1942 Shot by pigs A farmer. Hacked and stabbed people with a hatchet and knife before being shot by the pigs.
29 Andangan 11 0 1921 An hero Killed a bunch of his relatives with a bolo and then became an hero.
30 Vadim Gritsuk 11 0 2000 Incarcerated 46-year-old ruskie with alcoholism went on a stabbing spree for 16 days before he got V&.
31 Huang Zhiheng 10 0 1985 An hero in prison Murdered a family over a gambling debt before killing himself in prison the next year. Also killed a man in 1973.
32 Zhao Zewei 9 19 2018 Executed Chinese school stabber who took revenge on his childhood school for making him a faggot.
33 Tore Hedin 9 10+ 1952 An hero Swedish cop who went on a killing spree, starting by killing mommy and daddy, and also some random oldfags, before an heroing by drowning himself, also killed his friend in 1951.
34 Jamin Mukobero 9 6 2001 Incarcerated Nigger who stabbed 15 people, mostly family members.
35 Yang Mingxin 9 3 1998 Incarcerated 39-year-old farmer stole ten geese before being caught by the owner and threatened, resulting in an axe rampage. Tried to kill himself but failed.
36 Yan Yanming 9 3 2004 Executed Attacked a school with a knife.
37 Christoff Bihl 9 0 1580 Executed Killed his children.
38 Berri Khan 9 0 1914 An Hero by poison Merchant killed his 9 family members. After, he commited suicide by poison with some drugs.
39 Antonio Alvarez 9 0 1923 An hero Mexican stabbed his wife and 8 children to death with an axe because he wrongly predicted a future earthquake.
40 Lorne Acquin 9 0 1977 Dead Killed his relatives with a tire iron before burning down the house. Died in prison in 2015.
41 Onyekachi Ugwu 9 0 2015 Escaped! Stabbed his father with a machete and then hacked his neighbours before escaping forever.
42 Mamoru Takuma 8 15 2001 Hanged A suicidal janitor. Went to the private Ikeda Elementary School and killed rich kids. Only used a kitchen knife.
43 Thaddeus Hyatt 8 14 1959 Hanged 26-year-old insane worker and part-time musician attacked "police informers" with a machete, ice pick, and later dagger, before dismembering them.
44 Zheng Minsheng 8 5 2010 Incarcerated Bonus points for using a machete to end the lives of schoolchildren.
45 Nils Narumseie 8 0 1833 Executed Nils was a known thief in his youth. On the night of his 25th birthday he would target a farm and kill everyone living there with an axe before burning it down in an attempt to get away with stealing a watch. He was soon arrested, confessed to his crimes and was executed by beheading with an axe.
46 Fritz Angerstein 8 0 1924 Executed Killed a bunch of his close acquaintances with an axe and a dagger.
47 Andrew Day 8 0 1929 Dead Canuck who stabbed his wife and 7 children to death. Was then declared insane and put in a mental hospital.
48 Richard Speck 8 0 1966 Died in prison Went into a Chicago townhouse dorm for female college nursing students and raped, beat, tortured, stabbed and strangled all 8 women to death.
49 Christopher Kasoma 8 0 2004 An hero Killed his relatives in the shopping centre before poisoning himself to death.
50 Oleg Belov 8 0 2015 Incarcerated Slaughtered his family and mother using knives and hatchets, pretending nothing was wrong for several days before being v&. Oleg explained that it all went down after an argument between him and his wife over his 6-year-old son's "parrot haircut".
51 Liang Wu 7 13 2021 V& Stabbed random people in the street to vent from his family issues.
52 Soera Brotto 7 10 1786 Executed Javanese prisioner went amok in NIGHTMARE MODE and permabanned 7 guards before being sentenced to death.
53 Yang Moufeng 7 7 2020 V& A man in his 60's stabbed people nearby a school.
54 Paulino Fernández Vázquez 7 6 1989 An Hero An old hillbilly stabbed with a knife and an axe random people before becoming an hero with fire. The reason, fear to lose his lands.
55 Nicolae Lungu 7 6 2019 Incarcerated Smacked a bunch of people to death with an IV stand in a psychiatric hospital.
56 U Win-maung 7 5 1975 Killed by police The school principal got tired with the inbreed students and decided to teach them the magic of the High Score. He died, clearly because of a shot by the pigs.
57 Thubelihle Kheshow 7 5 2021 Incarcerated Businessman went postal in the middle of nothing in Zimbabwe, killing 7 people and injuring 5 before being V&
58 Malam Kaigama Alhaji Jikurko 7 3 2008 V& Pull out a carnage before the keen officers caught him.
59 Unknown 7 2+ 1913 V& Bolivian got mad at his boss and killed 7 people before getting arrested.
60 Ramon Salcido 7 (5 by Salcido) 2 (1 by Salcido) 1989 Incarcerated After a fun night of binge drinking and doing coke, he drove his three young daughters to have fun at an isolated dumping site, but wanted to show his daughters how much he really loved them. After having sex with his young daughters like how any great father would, he decided to cut their throats and leave them there to play by themselves, while he went to run a few errands. Two of his daughters later mysteriously died while the other was found in a trash can (wtf?). He then drove to visit his mother-in-law, but was violently attacked for no good reason, prompting him to justifiably stab her and her two kids to death in self-defense. He then returned home, where he shot his bitch wife for refusing to make sandwiches. His next stop on his errands was Grand Cru Vineyard, where he decided to get even with his supervisors after they had made fun of him for being overweight and having a small dick, shooting both of them, killing one, wounding the other.
61 Gregor Makranicz 7 1 1930 Escaped? Killed 7 on a barber shop before probably escaping
62 Jerry Langobon 7 1 2002 Incarcerated Pinoy who bolo'd his family.
63 Karl Emil Malmelin 7 0 1899 Dead Slaughtered a farm with an axe. Pardoned in 1912.
64 Suku 7 0 1930 Executed Killed a entire family by stabbing before setting the house in fire.
65 Eivind Axelsen Larsen 7 0 1932 Dead A young man who feared he had gone insane and decided to kill his family with an axe and burn down the house, to spare them of suffering the same fate.
66 Luis Sandoval Troncoso 7 0 1963 Hanged himself Suicidal maniac plagued by economic troubles killed his entire family and then himself.
67 Gardo Pagkay 7 0 1968 An hero Another pinoy who made holes in his family before becoming an hero by stabbing himself in the throat.
68 Abdallah Byekwaso 7 0 2007 An Hero Killed his children and wife before An Heroing
69 Lee Chi Hang 6 38 1982 Incarcerated Dual wielding knives and chisels, he killed his mom and sister, then entered the nearby kindergarten.
70 Julian Marcelino 6 13 1932 Dead Filipino immigrant who ran amok through the streets of Seattle and stabbed people for half an hour before surrendering to police.
71 Joel Cauchi 6 12 2024 Killed by police 40-year-old escort stabbed people in a mall before da pigs killed him.
72 Yang Jia 6 4 2008 Executed Was arrested some time before the stabbing for riding a bike and was beaten and interrogated when brought to the police station. When he failed to sue them he decided to deal with it himself using molotovs and a knife.
73 Anonymous police officer 6 3 1967 V& Anon pig got so angry and stabbed people arround the town before getting V&.
74 Hubert Headley 6 3 1994 Killed by police Druggie friend killed 6 and a dog in his rural Blackneck village before being killed by the pigs
75 Rosa Rufo Barquero 6 2 1896 Dead A schizo woman who threw 8 children into a well. She tried to kill herself by jumping into the well herself, but was rescued and imprisoned.
76 Valerio Rivas 6 2 1941 Killed by police Spaniard killed his wife and daughter, then entered a random bus and started to rape people with knives before being filled with lead by the police.
77 José Misael Roldán Concha 6 2 1957 Died in prison Killed a mom and 5 of her kids while on parole for an earlier murder, topping it all off with some sweet dead woman pussy. The husband wasn't home though, so he had to deal with the aftermath.
78 Miguel Barreto 6 2 1991 Killed by person 50-year-old man NEET slashed some neighbours and relatives with a machete before having it stolen by one of the few surviving NPCs and then being killed with it.
79 Lemison Kapambe 6 1 2012 Killed by people Bat shit insane man killed his family before being torched alive by some angry citizens.
80 Wu Moujie 6 1 2023 V& 25 year old man went amok after assaulting a guy outside a kindergarten.
81 Febrio De-Zoysa 6 1 2024 V& Sri Lankan immigrant stabbed a family of Sri Lankan immigrants he was living with. Only the dad survived.
82 Rajko Marić 6 0 1901 Executed Killed people with a 2kg weight and a knife before being hanged.
83 Viktor Nikolics 6 0 1906 Dead Grabbed an axe and murdered his brother's family right after a 20-year prison sentence.
84 Unknown 6 0 1922 Escaped and never been found Armed with a mattock, mined the head of a whole family ripping off his heads before escaping forever.
85 Onni Poikonen 6 0 1930 An hero Killed his family before burning down the house and drinking poison.
86 Toivo Harald Koljonen 6 0 1943 Executed Chopped up a family of farmers with an axe.
87 Ervi Matti Lehtikoski 6 0 1944 An hero 31-year-old man from Kauhajoki killed his family with a razor before shooting himself.
88 Jorge Valenzuela Torres 6 0 1960 Executed Pooron farmer who hacked his recently-widowed girlfriend and her children into pieces. Also stomped the 6-month old baby baby to death.
89 Uuno Suni 6 0 1962 An hero Killed his family with an axe before hanging himself.
90 Anonymous man 6 0 1614 Executed Killed his wife and children before being executed in diferent ways
91 Ryszard Sobok 6 0 1981 Sentenced to death and executed Killed members of his family with a bayonet knife.
92 Chang Yee Loong 6 0 2000 V& Chink thought that chopping his family with a sword was a good idea. Then he fleeds out of the house and then his car crashes. Police V& him when he was trying to fleed for second time.
93 Orelesitse Thokamolemo 6 0 2008 Executed Stabbed his 6 family members dressed like Jason from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. After that, he got executed by hanging.
94 Damian Rzeszowski 6 0 2011 Dead Polack slaughtered his family and tried to stab himself to death. Hung himself in prison in 2018.
95 Vayron Jonathan Nakada Ludeña 6 0 2015 Incarcerated Went on a three day stabbing spree, breaking into three homes. His brother, serial killer Pedro Pablo Nakada Ludeña can be found on the Tactical Espionage Action scoreboard.
96 Akwasi Ganu 6 0 2016 Killed by people Killed his 2 parents, 2 children and his anoying ass neighbours before a angry mob lynched him to death.
97 Elias Abuelazam 5 13 2010 Incarcerated A good Jew, believe it or not, who did his part by thinning out the black.
98 Jorge José 5 6 2009 V& Portunigger got so high and began to stab random people on streets before police arrested him.
99 Seon Hope 5 5 1933 Executed Decided to kill a donkey and a pig, before making his carnage. He was V& and then sentenced to death.
100 Alberto Garan 5 4 2017 Shot by cops Went on a stabbing spree in an apartment building after killing his GF.
101 Espen Andersen Bråthen 5 3 2021 Institutionalized Insane islamic convert that went amok in true Skyrim style wielding a knife and the bow and arrow. He did relatively good, even hitting a pig and some others with arrows, but ultimately used his knife to rack up his score.
102 John Murphy 5 3 1901 Dead Made PETA proud by killing slaughterhouse workers.
103 Feodor Mihailov 5 2 1910 An hero Slaughtered a family and jumped from a window during his interrogation.
104 Tito Weski 5 1 1902 Dead Estonian traveller killed a family with an axe.
105 Anonymous schizo 5 1 1994 Incarcerated? Schizo whacked 4 babies to death in a madrase, then killed a random woman trying to stop him before getting beaten by a bunch of angry niggers.
106 Matthew de Grood 5 1 2014 Incarcerated Matthew went Hitman on people with a kitchen knife before being V& not too long after he left the house.
107 Isabel Martinez 5 1 2017 Incarcerated An illegal immigrant who decided to clean house (and not in the maid way) by eviscerating her husband and four of their children while rambling about how they were going to "see Jesus."
108 Fabiano Kipper Mai 5 1 2021 At hospital (attempted an hero) Stabbed babies in a daycare in a feeble attempt to copycat Sandy Hook. Was attacked by an angry mob after attempting to kill himself.
109 Geneviève Lhermitte 5 0 2007 Euthanized Crazy lady killed her children with a stolen kitchen knife. 16 years later she was willingly euthanized in prison.
110 Dexter Lewis, Lynell Hill and Joseph Hill 5 0 2012 Incarcerated 3 apes and one FBI informant had robbed a bar for $170, but Dexter had stabbed the bar owner and four patrons to death, while Joseph Hill had held up the cashier at gunpoint. Joseph's brutha, Lynell Hill, had blocked the door. They set fire to the bar afterwards before fleeing. All three were charged except for the undercover agent.
111 Anonymous man 5 0 2024 An hero Hawaii man killed his family before himself
112 Cheng Chieh 4 24 2014 Executed Schizo chink stabbed some randoms at the metro before being V& and executed on 2016
113 Alejandro Amigó Vergara 4 9 1974 Shot by cops Escaped from a psychiatric hospital to murder people with rocks.
114 Christian Soto 4 7 2024 V& Former boss went amok before being V&
115 Maksim Gelman 4 5 2011 Incarcerated Druggie delusional wannabe gangster from some fucked up Slavic country who tried to take down "rats" who had wronged him by stabbing his stepdaddy, a girl who rejected him, her mom and running over a fuckton of people before trying to hijack a train, failing and then trying to kill some guy who tackled him. Said guy who tackled him got trolled by the pigs who acted like they subdued him without any help when in reality they hid like pussies in the driver's cab of the train until the guy had tackled him.
116 Luiz Henrique de Lima 4 5 2023 V& 25-year-old jumped a fence and slashed some kids to pieces with an axe in a daycare. In prison, Luiz was subjected to standard Brazilian street justice; tortured and raped.
117 Daniel Gonzalez 4 2 2004 An hero in prison Stabbed some people to imitate horror movies.
118 Aobakwe Lehupu 4 2 2014 Incarcerated Yet another botswana guy who went amok, this time in his town. Killed 2 family members and wounded 2 anothers before killing 2 randoms.
119 Mickaël Harpon 4 2 2019 Shot by cops Decided to one-up everyone on this leaderboard by playing on ULTRA HARDCORE NIGHTMARE MODE DIFFICULTY (a.k.a. at a police station), all in the name of Allah.
120 Alexander Koryakov 4 1 1999 Incarcerated Killed 3 children and a teacher and injured another teacher before being arrested.
121 Jason Abbott 4 1 2008 Incarcerated Killed his aunt, uncle and grandparents and wounded another aunt with a hunting knife after his mother threatened to call the police on him because he was yelling about orange and red being "evil colors".
122 Peter Westerstrøm 4 0 1809 Executed Swedish man robbed a business owner in Norway by killing everyone present with an axe and looting whatever he could find before trying to escape to Sweden, only to be stopped by bad weather. He was beheaded and his head put on a stake.
123 Fredrik von Sydow 4 0 1932 Dead Killed his father and his employees with a flatiron before shooting his wife and himself later the same day.
124 Väinö Armas Kalevi Kilpiäinen 4 0 1953 Died in prison Killed a family with a hammer before robbing their house. Died in 1973.
125 William Patrick Mitchell 4 0 1993 Incarcerated Spent the day getting high on a combination of cannabis, alcohol and amphetamines before driving to a remote farm wielding an axe, killing the small family that resided there and raping the mother's corpse.
126 Seppo Juhani Kokkonen 4 0 1997 Institutionalized Stabbed his family because his wife wanted a divorce.
127 Milos Ilic 4 0 2020 Incarcerated Crazy Serb killed his family with an axe.
128 Peter Lundin 4 0 1991 & 2000 Incarcerated Strangled his mother in 1991, before he was released from the US to Denmark. Here, he stabbed the female owner of a brothel and her two sons. He used an ax and a grinder to remove all the body parts, before putting them into separate trash bins.
129 Hector Hugo Miranda Miranda 4 0 2001 An hero Chilean man who had gone insane because he had been tortured in the past strangled his family and burned down the house.
130 Richard Samuel Mcroskey 4 0 2009 V& Horrorcore wigger who smashed his underage girlfriend, her parents, and friend's faces in with a hammer.
131 Saeid Ahmadzadeh 4 0 2010 An hero Former guerilla soldier from Iraq strangled his wife and drowned his kids before drowning himself.
132 Bryan Kohberger 4 0 2022 V& Slaughtered some students in their home before disappearing without a trace, leaving police scratching their heads for over a month. After celebrating Christmas with his family, Bryan was ultimately busted due to pesky DNA evidence.
133 Edward Chirombe 4 0 2023 An Hero Old 43 year old father stabs his 2 daughters and his wife before raping de bodies and commit suicide.
134 Kim De Gelder 3 12 2009 V& Went to a local kindergarden and killed 2 children and a teacher and injured 10 more and 2 teachers before being caught by police.
135 Phoe Htin 3 11 1991 V&? Drunk chink hacked some guys
136 Chad Ryan DeSoto 3 11 2013 Incarcerated Some guy from Guam crash his car and stabbed people randomly before getting life V&.
137 Axel Muganwa Rudakubana 3 10 2024 Incarcerated Rwandan immigrant stabbed random lolis at a Taylor Swift-themed dance class.
138 Mark Jonnie Pelen 3 9 2013 V& Edgelord got drunk and killed 3 people with a bolo knife before being V&.
139 26-year-old Syrian anon 3 8 2024 V& Islamist from Syria stabbed random people at a diversity festival for Allah.
140 Abdirahman Jibril A. 3 7 2021 V& Islamist from Somalia stabbed random people for Allah.
141 Noelia De Mingo 3 6 2003 Institutionalized Schizo nurse stabbed to death in the local hospital a patient, her workmate and another workmate, also injured 6 more before getting arrested and sented to a mental hospital for 25 years.
142 Felin Mateo 3 6 2010 Killed by people Criminal stabbed random people in a primary school before being stabbed with his knife by some villagers.
143 Liu Mouhui 3 6 2022 V& Entered a kindergarten and stabbed people randomly before escaping.
144 Abdel-Rahman Shaaban 3 4 2017 V& Sand nigger stabbed female tourists in a hotel before getting mobbed and v&.
145 Väinö Edvard Kuhlman 3 3 1953 Dead Father of 9 killed some of his kids, injured his wife and others and tried to slit his own throat. Died in 1974.
146 Khairi Saadallah 3 3 2020 V& Cheft up some old cunts for Allah after a BLM protest.
147 Valdo Calocane 3 3 2023 V& African immigrant stabbed a young couple and an old man, stole the old man's van and tried to ram others.
148 Mohammad Souf 3 3 2022 Shot by cops 18-year-old Palestinian stabbed some Israelis before being raped by bullets.
149 Anonymous teacher 3 2 1969 Incarcerated Mad teacher went to school and killed 3 students and injured 2 before being V&
150 Edward Mwanje 3 2 2002 Killed by People Stabbed 5 people killing 2 girls in a kindergarten. He got stoned by people .
151 Gregorio Ramos 3 2 2007 An Hero Killed his mother, wife, and son and injured his 2 daughters via axe before jumping off the roof from a 9th floor.
152 Kunuunnguaq Korneliussen 3 2 2012 Incarcerated Inuit comrade used a hammer to try to beat Abel's high score in his village but failed and got v& via helicopter. Was also imprisoned in the same prison as Abel.
153 Illutak Anautak 3 2 2017 Shot by cops Broke into 3 houses and stabbed 5 people before getting killed by police.
154 Lempi Kananen 3 1 1953 An hero 20-year-old girl attacked her family with an axe and killed herself with a knife. Her mother survived.
155 Väinö Olavi Svahn 3 1 1971 Dead Stabbed and axed some people before getting his wrist broken and arrested. His wife, who was injured during his attack, committed suicide by overdose later.
156 Bahadir Mirzaolimov 3 1 2007 Incarcerated Drunk 27-year-old Uzbek strangled and beat his much older and pregnant Norwegian ex-wife, molested her 10-old-daughter and killed a random 7-year-old girl.
157 Anton Lundin Pettersson 3 1 2015 Shot by cops Anton used the force to cut through Mudslime students while blaring the shit out of Suicide Commando before getting raped to death by bullets.
158 Gabriel Alejandro Galaviz 3 1 2024 An hero in prison 20-year-old western spic and Suzano fan went to a motel with a combat axe and killed a woman, then pwned 2 more and injured a male student at a local university before the cops caught him.
159 Veli Hemming Lahti 3 0 1939 Dead 27-year-old painter snapped and killed his family. Tried to kill himself by stabbing himself in the chest, but survived.
160 Keijo Kyösti Vilpponen 3 0 1960 Dead 22-year-old killed his family.
161 Ben Rickhard Wiberg 3 0 1995 Released Stabbed some friends at a party.
162 Jose Rabadan Pardo 3 0 2000 Institutionalized Final Fantasy fan slashed his parents and his dawn sister with a katana.
163 Atteye Aden Mahamed 3 0 2003 Institutionalized Somalian stabbed his wife and kids to death.
164 Petri Antero Moilanen, Markus Tapani Väisänen 3 0 2004 Released, died in prison A pair of troublemakers were invited to a party and ended up stabbing three people and a dog. Moilanen allegedly turned his life around in prison and was released on parole in 2022, and Väisänen died of a heart attack in prison.
165 Timo Antero Lukkarinen 3 0 2005 Released 34-year-old stabbed and strangled his family before trying to commit suicide. Sentenced to life in prison, but released in 2020 and now goes by the last name "Apell"
166 Richard Chia Kok Hiong 3 0 2004 V& Suffocated his family with a pillow before being V&.
167 Shahzad Khan 3 0 2006 Incarcerated Chopped his family to bits with an axe after an argument about money.
168 Atle Thomas Knutstad Johansen 3 0 2007 An hero 45-year-old man strangled his family before killing himself due to going through a stressful time.
169 José De Yebra Uñates 3 0 2007 Incarcerated Law student choked his girlfriend to death, killed his in-laws, and tried to an hero by shooting himself in the head three times, but somehow he fucking survived all of them.
170 Yu-Hsiu Fu 3 0 2007 Incarcerated Taiwanese mom strangled her kids after failing to poison them with sleeping pills. Sentenced to life in prison.
171 Ragnar Nilsson 3 0 2010 Incarcerated 21-year-old killed his step-father and siblings with an axe before trying to escape to Russia. Suspected of killing two other people in a similar fashion five years earlier.
172 Jarmo Malinen 3 0 2011 Incarcerated Stabbed his family and tried to kill himself.
173 Charles Franklin 3 0 2012 Escaped! Killed his daughters and wife before escaping forever.
174 Henrik Johannes Arra 3 0 2012 Incarcerated Stabbed his family to death and burned down the house.
175 Julio Saquil 3 0 2012 Killed by people Spic got drunked and stabbed 2 kids in a school before being pwned by people by being torched.
176 Peter Roy Paul Beak 3 0 2013 An hero in prison South-Sudanese refugee entered a bus and killed everyone on board because he was denied asylum and due to be shipped out of the country the next day. Killed himself in prison in 2014.
177 Christakis Thoma 3 0 2015 Incarcerated Christakis discussed with 3 men and killed them outside his father restaurant. He was V& and life sentenced.
178 Violet Tiliri Phiri 3 0 2016 V& 38-year old mother killed all her sons before being V&.
179 Zweli Shongwe 3 0 2019 An hero He is the now highest score instead of Sicelo. Got surpassed by another random guy. He murdered his 7 and 9 year old children and his wife before committing suicide by drinking pesticide.
180 Anonymous man 3 0 2020 V& Killed 3 with a piece of glass before police catched him.
181 Shaban Mukhooli 3 0 2023 Killed by people Killed his family before an angry mob opposite day'd him
182 Graciano Bilas 2 29 1931 Institutionalized Insane 42-year-old pinoy who stabbed several people on the empress of canada, since he suspected they were going to throw him out.
183 Anonymous hindi 2 18 1929 V& Hindi went postal with a clasp knife killing 2 people because another hindi insult his wife.
184 Ryuichi Iwasaki 2 18 2019 An hero Hikikomori incel who stabbed 20 people, killing one child and an adult with dual-wield knives on a school bus, and then committed seppuku.
185 Basilio Martínez Ávila 2 15 1971 Institutionalized? Crazy spic killed 1 student and the guard, and injured 15 students before being stoped by randoms and being reviewed by doctors
186 Choi Won-jong 2 12 2023 Incarcerated Crazy gook rammed his car into pedestrians, went to a department store, and stabbed random people.
187 Anibal Gómez Fernández 2 10 1927 Institutionalized After stabbing his family, a 27 year old man went amok in his local village. Got V& and sent to a mental hospital.
188 Robert Kerby K. 2 10 1986 V& Aryan teacher taked some mushrooms and went on a local psychiatric ward to kill. Was found on a expressway naked.
189 Sicelo Dlamini 2 10 2009 Killed by people Schizo from South Africa's minor tumor who went amoklauf with a lance and a knife. He killed a bitch before being beaten to death by a bunch of niggers.
190 Abderrahman Bouanane 2 8 2017 V& ISIS nigger dual wielded kitchen knives and attacked people in the street.
191 Chen Mouying 7 2023 V& Batshit insane Chink killed his mother, and went amok on a small town killing a man and injuring 7 other people.
192 Yoni Barrios 2 6 2022 V& Illegal immigrant stabbed girls after they refused to take a picture with him.
193 Carl Girouard 2 5 2020 V& Celebrated Halloween by putting on medieval gear and stabbing 7 people with a katana.
194 Joseph Parker Hunter 2 4 2003 Shot by cops A trenchcoat-wearing schizo who went on a stabbing spree with a samurai sword at the supermarket he got fired from.
195 Anonymous man 2 4 2017 V& A guy that stabbed 6 people in a hotel before getting V&.
196 Veli Lappalainen 2 3 1984 Institutionalized 57-year-old forest worker stabbed some of his colleagues in a fit of madness.
197 Anonymous student 2 2 2005 V& Drugged student began stabbing 3 teachers and a janitor, killing 2 teachers.
198 Timo Tapio Pesonen 2 2 2009 Incarcerated Criminal was released from prison and attacked some acquaintances.
199 William Lyte 2 2 2010 Incarcerated A man with a machete began to attack during the preparations for a funeral, killing a chink and a guy with the surname Blackman and injuring 2 more people before his arrest.
200 Huang Yichuan 2 2 2018 Executed Stabbed a family outside a school.
201 Vadim Miloshevsky 2 2 2019 Incarcerated 15 year old belarusian student stabbed his history teacher to death, then he stabbed two students who were defending themselves, and after, killed a 17 year student.
202 Jari Antero Karhu 2 1 2001 Released Drug addict went berserk in a home, beating and stabbing people randomly.
203 Christine Schürrer 2 1 2008 Incarcerated German woman who killed two children and seriously wounded their mother with a hammer. She was sentenced to life imprisonment.
204 Jaakko Kinnunen 2 1 2014 Incarcerated Stabbed some of his family and set the house on fire.
205 Jeremy Joseph Christian 2 1 2017 V& A white supremacist. Stabbed 3 people, killing 2, on a train as people tried to stop his rant on Muslims.
206 Sunil Rai 2 1 2023 Incarcerated Peasant chink who killed his adoptive fathers and left wounded his brother before the pigs catched him.
207 Tobias Bordi 2 1 2024 An hero 19-year-old autist stabbed his mom and step-dad to death, wounding his little sister before killing himself, only 5 hours into the new year.
208 Irma Vuorinen 2 0 1958 Released A young woman killed another woman and her child with an axe after arguing about money. Caught 3 years later and released some time after that.
209 Taisto Aleksi Tuominen 2 0 1971 Dead Chopped two people to bits with an axe. Also stabbed someone to death in 1967.
210 Raimo Vilho Kalevi Kankare 2 0 1973 An hero in prison 25-year-old beat two people to death with a clothes iron. Killed himself in a mental hospital in 1975.
211 Mauno Matias 2 0 1975 An hero 56-year-old man stabbed his daughters and killed himself.
212 Eero Rantanen 2 0 1984 Released Strangled his sons, put them in his car and set it on fire.
213 Olle Ville Siponen, Seppo Tapani Hyytiäinen 2 0 1987 Released, Killed Killed a gypsy couple, cut their eyes and tongues out. Seppo was stabbed to death in 2013, Olle turned his life around and got a job.
214 Matti Kalevi Rytkönen 2 0 1989 Institutionalized Stabbed his wife and son before leaving. He was captured and sent to the nuthouse.
215 Tommi Pelkonen 2 0 1990 Released Stabbed two buddies during an argument. One died in hospital a day later.
216 Jalo Allan Kantoniemi 2 0 1995 Released Beat his girlfriend and daughter to death with a hammer.
217 Harri Antero Hyttinen 2 0 1995 An hero in prison Stabbed a woman and her baby because she wouldn't have sex with him. Killed himself in 1998.
218 Peter Juhani Nissilä 2 0 1996 Incarcerated Stabbed two men while drunk in 1996 and escaped from prison in 2011.
219 Rainer Rafael Björklund 2 0 1996 Released 42-year-old got drunk with his wife and another friend before chopping them up with an axe. Sentenced to 14 years in prison.
220 Mika Repka 2 0 1997 Incarcerated Killed two men with a sledgehammer during a party.
221 Outi Wredberg 2 0 1997 Released Lesbian man-hating prostitute stabbed two old customers.
222 Pasi Elias Manner 2 0 1998 Released Stabbed two of his friends after an argument. Sentenced to 14 years in prison.
223 Ari Pekka Pihkanen 2 0 1999 Released Stabbed his ex-wife and her friend while his children slept in another room.
224 Jan Helge Andersen 2 0 2000 Released 19-year-old pedo lured two young girls to a remote location before raping and stabbing them both, blaming it on his friend Viggo. They both were sentenced to prison, and in 2022 Viggo was exonerated.
225 Kaarlo Puhakainen 2 0 2000 Institutionalized Drugged and stabbed his step-son and his girlfriend together with his 12-year-old son.
226 Tero Johannes Pentinmäki 2 0 2002 Released Stabbed and robbed two older men before burning down the house.
227 Jari Ensio Rantakari 2 0 2003 Incarcerated Got drunk and killed his brother and friend.
228 Daniel Nyqvist 2 0 2004 V& 21-year-old shanked an 8-year-old boy and a woman with a butterfly knife before escaping. He was identified 16 years later from DNA evidence.
229 Tero Tapani Holopainen 2 0 2005 Released 35-year-old dad got drunk and tried to sleep, but was awakened by his sons crying and strangled them with his belt.
230 Tomasz Edward Fleszer 2 0 2006 An Hero Polack stabbed his wife and their daughter, hid their bodies in the basement and killed himself in the woods nearby.
231 Mika Varjakoski 2 0 2007 Institutionalized 36-year-old man killed his parents before cutting them into pieces and hiding them in the woods.
232 Jonne Lehtisyrjä 2 0 2007 Released Stabbed his wife and sister on Christmas eve.
233 Janne Mikael Salomaa 2 0 2008 Released 41-year-old stabbed two people. While in prison, Janne became a painter.
234 Jarkko Juhani Malinen 2 0 2010 Released Stabbed two of his friends during a party. Sentenced to 12 years in prison.
235 Toivo Erik Nikkinen 2 0 2011 Incarcerated Stabbed two friends at a party.
236 Mikko Harju 2 0 2013 Released Stabbed some people.
237 Thomas Hamberg 2 0 2015 An hero 55-year-old schizophrenic man chopped his parents to bits with an axe before riding his bike to a wooded area to sleep. When he couldn't sleep and realized what he had done, he rode to a nearby river, got naked and drowned himself.
238 Abraham Ukbagabir 2 0 2015 Incarcerated Eritrean malnourished nigger stole a knife in IKEA and stabbed a mother and son due to being denied asylum in Sweden and failed to an hero.
239 Jonatan Krister Andersen 2 0 2016 An hero in prison 15-year-old columbiner stabbed some 14-year-old nigger that had previously scammed him before being interrupted by some old bitch who he also stabbed to death for the lulz. Killed himself in 2022 after becoming a drug addict and having gay sex with pedophiles in prison.
240 Osmo Tapani Kujala 2 0 2016 Incarcerated Broke into his ex's house to kill her and her new man, got shot twice but still managed to kill them both.
241 J.T. Rajala 2 0 2016 Incarcerated Killed his parents with an axe.
242 Larossi Abballa 2 0 2016 Shot by cops Islamist stabbed a cop and his wife before starting a livestream on facebook to brag about his actions.
243 Marcel Hesse 2 0 2017 Incarcerated Edgelord faggot who killed a child and an ex-classmate. Posted photos on 4chan.
244 Sido Sabri Rashid 2 0 2020 Incarcerated Stabbed his ex-wife and her new boyfriend to death in order to "restore his honor".
245 Fabian Vidar Cederholm 2 0 2022 Incarcerated 18-year-old autist masked with a balaclava, headphones and a cap, killed two teachers with an axe before surrending. Was sentenced to life in prison. Also brought 2 knives.
246 Mikael Löw-Larsen 2 0 2020 Incarcerated 28-year-old tranny killed his parents.
247 E. Hietala 2 0 2021 Incarcerated Schizo stabbed his parents before escaping, only to get caught a few hours later.
248 Ilkka Juhani Jäntti 2 0 2021 Incarcerated 37-year-old stabbed his two children.
249 Anton Vartiainen 2 0 2021 An hero Leftist and fashion guy stabbed his wife and child before crashing his car in another car.
250 Alwan Ahmed Alawneh 2 0 2023 An hero 46-year-old muslim killed his 8-year-old daughter and his ex wife with blunt force before escaping. His body was found in the ocean a little over a week later.
251 Levi Bröms Lundberg 2 0 2023 Incarcerated 19-year-old schizo faggot murdered his mother and brother.
252 Konrad Kolano 1 9 2017 Incarcerated Went on a stabbing rampage at shopping mall because he lost his job.
253 Joel Otto Aukusti Marin 1 9 2019 V& Emo retard attacked his school with a sword and threw a molotov in the classroom. He also brought an airsoft gun, but did not use it.
254 Daniel Marczak 1 9 2023 Incarcerated 19yo normie stabbed up an orphanage after being rejected by his gf. He stabbed and killed her after an argument then went on a stabbing rampage.
255 Thomas Jansson 1 7 2003 Institutionalized Mentally ill man went berserk with a crowbar.
256 Jake Hill 1 7 2023 V& Stabbed people randomly outside a nightclub.
257 Ivan Čulok 1 6 2020 Killed by pigs Slovak man went on a stabbing spree, killing a school sub-principal and injuring some kids before injuring 3 pigs and being killed.
258 Zakaria Bulhan 1 5 2016 Incarcerated Somalian mudslime stabbed some people for the lulz.
259 Guilherme Reis 1 5 2023 V& 13-year-old boy attacked his school with a knife dressed as one of his idols, killing an old granny before being disarmed and pinned to the ground by female teachers. This was captured by CCTV.
260 Barbora Orlova 1 4 2014 Institutionalized, again She took a second chance and the batshit Insane of Barbora killed a guy at a school and injured 4 others before she was arrested and taser raped.
261 Max Porta 1 4 2015 Free 13-year-old boy brought a machete and a crossbow to school, killed a teacher and injured 4 people before being stopped by a teacher.
262 Grafton Thomas 1 4 2019 Institutionalized A nigga who decided to conclude a particularly turbulent Hanukkah by trying to outdo Team Black Hebrew Israelite. Unfortunately, since this is Jew York we're talking about, any High Score attempt is bound to fail (unless you're a mudslime).
263 Kendrex White 1 4 2017 V& Replaying an over 50-years-old map, a Christfag Nigger stabbed people with a bowie knife before getting V&.
264 Yasin Kanza 1 4 2023 V& A Moroccan with a Zombie Killer machete went to a church destroying christian imagery. The priest ordered to leave but suddenly, grabs his machete and injuries him. After, he enters another church and begins to slash christian objects. The sexton, ordered to leave and again, stabbed him to death in the outside. Other 3 people where injured during his chasing.
265 Marcus Aurelio Arduini Monzo 1 4 2024 V& 36-year-old man crashed his car into a house and began slashing people with his sword before being tasered and arrested.
266 Morné Harmse 1 3 2008 Incarcerated Killed a student and injured another before injuring some farmers and being arrested.
267 28-year-old man 1 3 2015 V& After a knife fight with a random guy, a 28-year-old man stabs a 15 year old schoolgirl in the school's entrace killing her. Then stabs a teacher in a class and finally, in the backyard of the school tires to an hero with his airsoft pistol but failed obiously.
268 Adel Kermiche 1 3 2016 Shot by cops Pwned some Christfags in the Normandy church in France.
269 Anonymous 27-year old man 1 3 2016 V& Went amok 2 months before The Sonboly's Carnage. Killed a single fag and got V&.
270 Mohammed Mogouchkov 1 3 2023 V& Chechen hobo stabbed 3 personel in a french high school killing a teacher and wounding another teacher and a janitor before being arrested for bad scoring.
271 Into Johannes Korsman 1 2 1957 An hero Spent a February prowling around town searching for prostitutes to kill. His first two attempts were failures as the women were able to run away before he murdered them, but two weeks later Into finally got his kill. He then turned himself in, confessed and later hanged himself.
272 Neomugicha 1 2 2000 Incarcerated A 17-year-old anon who hijacked a bus, stabbed some people and had a little road trip before his bus got blocked and was stormed on May 5th. Posted a warning on 2channel using the name "Neomugicha".
273 Tang Yongming 1 2 2008 An hero 47-year-old stabbed two american tourists and their guide in a tower before jumping to his death.
274 Hussein Abikar Haji Abdulkadir 1 2 2020 Incarcerated 31-year-old Somali immigrant went amok in the name of Allah, stabbing three women, one of which died.
275 David Kachope 1 2 2021 V& Killed a 2 year old girl and injured random people before getting V& by the pigs.
276 Mika Tapani Koskinen 1 1 2011 Incarcerated 45-year-old man beat another man to death with a crutch and stabbed another man.
277 Olli Mikael Juntunen 1 1 2014 Incarcerated 18-year-old half-turk stabbed some of his friends and escaped. Sentenced to 11 years in prison.
278 Thomas "Death to Traitors, Freedom for Britain" Mair 1 1 2016 Life imprisonment Shot and stabbed to death a traitor whore working for Parliament, as well as a white knight who tried to stop the whole ordeal.
279 Carlos Omar Peralta López 1 1 2016 Institutionalized Another insane islamic convert, this time in Sudakalandia, stabbed and killed a merchant, and also injured the son of said merchant who was trying to stop the attack.
280 Bjørn-Edvard Amadeus Ramstad Rones 1 1 2016 Released 24-year-old druggie stabbed two young men he owed money to in a car due to freaking out and believing he was about to be killed. Cried in court like a bitch and claimed it was in self defense. Unknown persons tried to burn down his former apartment after the ordeal, nearly killing two innocent niggers who lived upstairs. Bjørn seems to be released as of 2024.
281 Roni Peter Perovuo 1 1 2016 Incarcerated 27-year-old man robbed a house and ended up stabbing some of the people.
282 Toni Petteri Haikonen 1 1 2021 Incarcerated 27-year-old druggie attacked some people as revenge for one of them fucking his girl.
283 Abdella Ahmed Haji 1 1 2021 Incarcerated 40-year-old refugee stabbed two women working in a Norwegian Welfare office, one fatally.
284 Anonymous gangster 1 1 2021 Incarcerated Gangster stabbed 2 students killing one in his school.
285 Anonymous father 1 1 2021 Incarcerated Stabbed his 4 month old baby to death. Also stabbed his wife but she survived.
286 Philip Austin Brant 1 1 2024 Killed by police Random Man stabs teen dad and unnamed man before the pigs shot him.
287 Randi Amundsdatter Grønsveen 1 0 1776 Executed 14-year-old girl and her 10-year-old brother killed their mother, planning to kill their father when he came home. After being arrested, Randi was sentenced to death and her brother sent to do slave labor. Randi was tortured and executed two years later.
288 Otoya Yamaguchi 1 0 1960 An heroed in prison Made sure evil could never take root in his country by ramming his sword into a fat Jap commie poised to drag Japan into socialism, all on live television.
289 Urho Somersalmi 1 0 1962 An hero Famous actor chopped his wife up with an axe he had recieved as an award, and hanged himself.
290 Unknown 1 0 1981 Unknown 18-year-old used a shovel to beat a teacher who died three weeks later.
291 Bård "Faust" Eithun 1 0 1992 Incarcerated; later released Black metal drummer stabbed some faggot 37 times in a park at night and left. The next day, Bård travelled to Oslo with Varg Vikernes and "Euronymous" (who was later killed by Varg) and burned down a church. He was caught in 1994 and released in 2003.
292 Varg Vikernes 1 0 1993 Incarcerated; later released Black metal musician who stabbed one of his bandmates 23 times after an argument in his apartment. Was sentenced to 21 years in prison for murder, as well as arson from when he burned down four churches. Trolled the media hard by smiling during the sentencing and saying that it was to promote his shitty music. After he was released, he would continue to record more albums and eventually start a YouTube channel where he would rant about how sand niggers are invading Europe, how Europeans can "preserve their heritage", and other shit no one cares about.
293 Jhegarajah Shangaran 1 0 1998 Incarcerated Immigrant from Sri Lanka raped, robbed and stabbed a 59-year-old woman before burning down her house. He was captured 20 years later and sentenced to 17 years in prison.
294 Siaosi Vanisi 1 0 1998 Dead Tongan immigrant murdered a Sheriff's Deputy with a hatchet near the University of Reno campus in Nevada before taking his gun, gun belt, radio, and uniform and fleeing the scene. He was captured the following day in Salt Lake City, Utah and got into a stand-off with police before getting shot and taken into custody. He was sentenced to death the following year and died on death row in 2023. Known for being the only Hack'N'Slash player to try Nightmare Mode and actually kill someone without dying.
295 Kim Poulsen 1 0 2001 Released Danish welder, serial rapist and possible serial killer. He caught up to a 32-year-old woman who was headed home from a party with the intent of raping her when a teenager passed by and saw what was going on, causing Kim to freak out and kill her before escaping. He was caught in 2004 due to DNA evidence, serving 14 years before being released and banished from the country.
296 Unknown 1 0 2002 Escaped Unknown nigger stabbed a swazi journalist in his home.
297 Tsuji Natsumi 1 0 2004 Released 11-year-old girl with assburgers slit a classmates throat with a box cutter after being called fat. Was released in 2008 under a new name.
298 Daniel Petry 1 0 2007 Institutionaled, now free 16 year old gay killed, raped and mutilated Gabriel Kuhn, a 12 year old kid on a excitement attack while he was on his house, playing Tibia.Gabriel's brother tired to kill the fag with a shovel but got stoped by another neighbour. Some assclowns who didn't know about the incident, spread a false version and it became more viral than the true one.
299 Anonymous student 1 0 2008 Institutionalezed? 12-year-old boy killed a 9-year-old girl with a knife before failing to commit suicide.
300 S.E.L.P 1 0 2008 V& A 17 year old gravellbellie, stabbed a kid with a butter knife for no reason in a seedy bar.The bar closed forever.
301 Jodi Arias 1 0 2008 Incarcerated Killed her Mormon ex-BF while he was showering.
302 Dylan Schumaker 1 0 2013 Incarcerated He bricked a poor 23-month-old toddler to death. Now he's suffering the same fate as the above, the only difference being he doesn't have a pussy. He's turned into one!
303 Marko Toni-Juhani Vehmanen 1 0 2014 Incarcerated 30-year-old brought a knife to a school with plans to stab a random man and ended up killing a 16-year-old boy.
304 Ebrima Sanyang 1 0 2014 V& Teacher who gone postal killing his fellow friend and teacher Jobareth. He killed him beacause he touched his chair.
305 Roland Sumo 1 0 2015 An hero Physic instructor grab his scissors and stabbed his friend. He commited suicide by hanging.
306 Anonymous student 1 0 2015 V& Sudanese student got his phone stolen by principal of his school on the night. One day after, the principal got stabbed by him.
307 Anonymous student 1 0 2016 V& Another bored student stabbed his classmate in a misunderstood in Botswanna.
308 Barbara Orlova 1 0 2016 Institutionalized, again Barbara, in his 3rd time, escaped custody and killed a 16 year old boy
309 Peter Madsen 1 0 2017 Incarcerated 46-year-old self-taught engineer known for building rockets, submarines and other extravagant constructions, had an appointment with a journalist who would come onto his submarine and interview him. The submarine disappeared during the night and was discovered the next day, sunken and with no journalist in sight. It turned out Peter had tortured, murdered and dismembered the journalist during their voyage and gore videos were found on his computer. Tried to escape from jail in 2020, but was unsuccessful.
310 Sean Urbanski 1 0 2017 V& Stabbed a nigger who was in the army after he wouldn't get out of his way
311 Andréi Yemelyannikov 1 0 2017 An Hero Cutted the throat of his teacher with a bleeding knife and taked a selfie with the body. Some minutes later, taked another selfie with a circular saw and commited suicide.
312 Mohammed Altaha 1 0 2019 Incarcerated Murdered his wife for no reason and blamed racists for the heinous act. Initially expelled, Mohammed "converted to christianity" and the expulsion was revoked, as his life was now in danger if he were returned to his home country.
313 Guilherme Von Neutegem 1 0 2020 V& Satanist who knifed an old muzzie who was the caretaker of a mosque. Might have killed a sandnigger five days prior too.
314 Abdullakh Anzorov 1 0 2020 Shot by cops 18-year-old Russian islamist beheaded his teacher, Samuel Paty with a meat cleaver after he showed a drawing of Muhammad in class.
315 Anonymous student 1 0 2020 Institutionalized? 13 year old boy stabbed to death his 15 year old enemy with a kitchen knife.
316 Sicelo Dlamini 1 0 2020 An Hero Another swazi named like the school killer, abducted, whacked and stabbed a young girl before commiting suicide by hanging.
317 Eirik Hermansen 1 0 2021 Incarcerated 30-year-old man killed his 23-year-old ex-GF in a drunken rage, stabbing her over 50 times and switching between 4 different knives as they broke from the force of which they were used. Even though she had been stabbed in the face and neck and her skull was partially crushed, she was conscious by the time police entered the apartment, only able to say "I can't take it anymore" repeatedly. She died 5 days later in hospital, and Eirik was sentenced to 17 years in prison and fined over 1 million NOK.
318 Aiden Fucci 1 0 2021 Incarcerated 14-year-old bragged about his plans to murder and ended up stabbing his classmate to death for the lulz. Tried to get away with it, ended up being sentenced to life in prison.
319 Anonymous student 1 0 2021 Institutionalized 16 year old boy stabbed with an ax a 13 year old student in the school bathroom.
320 Anonymous student 1 0 2021 V& Another stabbing fight with a mate in a normal day in Botswana.
321 Unknown 1 0 2021 Escaped Random anon stabbed to death a 15 year old teen and escaped
322 Anonymous student 1 0 2022 V& Bully went on a fight with a nerd and unfortunatly, the nerd got stabbed with a pen knife in the kidney and died in the hospital.
323 Anonymous student 1 0 2022 Incarcerated? One Monday afternoon, a jealous girl killed her 26-year-old boyfriend with a knife. Her family turned her over to the police.
324 Leon Sibandze 1 0 2022 V&? He stabbed a tobacconist with his knife before the relatives of the dead man beat him. He was transferred to the hospital.
325 Anonymous student 1 0 2022 V&? Student killed his teacher with a knife in a disagreement, who did'nt like some comments from the teacher towards the fagot student.
326 Herman Schlaupitz Kihle 1 0 2023 V& 26-year-old horse racing commentator with a cleft palate got drunk as fuck at a Christmas party with his co-workers, lured some middle aged man to an apartment for unknown reasons before beating him to death with a crowbar, all while filming the whole ordeal and sending the video to his co-workers on Snapchat. The next day, he called the police and told them there was an injured man in an apartment, but couldn't remember exactly where. After a few hours of searching, the police found the apartment and arrested Herman, who plead not guilty. He also knocked a random man out for no reason in 2021, breaking his jaw. He can be seen in some videos on this channel.
327 Anonymous student 1 0 2023 V&? 1 year after a nerd got stabbed to death by his bully, another nerd got the revenge with a piece of glass. Stabbed his bully to death.
328 Daniel Sancho 1 0 2023 Sentenced to death Dago chef son of famous gypsy actor, stabbed and mutilated a Colombian surgeon for unknown reasons. In Spain there was a lot of butthurt and lulz for the incident.
329 Jonas Diego Halvorsen 1 0 2023 V& 18-year-old tranny who went by the name of Julia murdered his 22-year-old "boyfriend", another tranny and art student who went by the name Oliver, using a baseball bat. The pair had previously called the cops several times after moving in together, and the murder happened as Oliver came to retrieve her stuff alongside her mother, who witnessed the brutal act.
330 6 year old 0 37 2021 Free The youngest hack'n'slasher. Stabbed with a syringe all his classmates while playing.
331 Mike P. 0 34 2006 Incarcerated 16 year old boy stabbed 34 people in a metro station. He didnt kill a single soul.
332 Min Yongjun 0 24 2012 Incarcerated 36-year-old attacked a school with a kitchen knife.
333 Alex Hribal 0 21 2014 Incarcerated An Eric Harris cucksmoking pizza-faced retard, dual-wielding mommie's unsharpened kitchen knives and randomly stabbing people before getting his ass v&.
334 Marivaldo Teixeira da Silva 0 18 2015 V& This psychopath went to a random house and stabbed a man who tried to stop him. After some minutes, went to the local school and stabbed some kids before using a use chair to make it. Got V& by the pigs.
335 Aihin 0 16 1878 Dead Malay stabbed with a sword and a chopper knife 15 people (including his wife). He died in the police station by some injuries.
336 Anonymous 18 year old student 0 16 1960 Incarcerated Stabbed some girls in Montreal with a pen knife. Stabbed them in the legs and failed horribly. His shitty rampage lasted 3 hours and he still didn't kill anyone.
337 David Cedric Morgan 0 15 1994 Incarcerated Attacked a mall with two knives before being subdued by a man with a golf club.
338 Dylan Quick 0 14 2013 Incarcerated Some deaf guy who failed horribly at his plot to go on a "stabbing rampage," likely due to the fact that this loser had used a knife that was used to shave paper and a surgical knife (wtf)? Could've easily went on a shooting instead because he lived in fucking Texas but didn't for some reason. Got tackled and shackled which he deserved for being so shit.
339 Abdul Razak Ali Artan 0 11 2016 Shot by cops A mudslime nigger rapefugee from Somalia. Got sympathy from SJWs because "muh oppression".
340 Hwang Bom-nae 0 10 2002 V&? The voice of Kim Il-Sung told Hwang to kill a bunch of people, but he only managed to injury 10 kids in a cafeteria with kitchen 2 knifes.
341 Yusuke Tsushima 0 10 2021 Incarcerated Incel went Elliot on the metro injurieng 10 before being V&
342 William Stankewic 0 9 2001 V& Went amok with a machete and a baseball bat injuring 3 adults and 6 kids before being V&.
343 Breanna Rose Long 0 9 2016 An hero 15-year-old stabbed people at her school. None of them even had life-threatening injuries, she was so shit. Killed herself in 2018.
344 Fatmir H. 0 9 2017 Institutionalized Refugee from Kosovo went berserk with an axe on a train.
345 Xie Zhongcai 0 8 2003 Incarcerated Rejected by a teacher. Went on to rightfully stab children and teachers/staff.
346 30 year old woman 0 8 2011 Incarcerated Used a box cutter to slash 8 people. Only injured one severely.
347 Tamim Sultani 0 7 2021 Incarcerated Some Afghan refugee went amok in the streets with a knife.
348 Horrett Campbell 0 7 1996 Institutionalized Invaded the school's picnic (probably pretended to be Ant Man). Also, he owned a Volvo and used a machete.
349 Na Teck Ker 0 6 1999 Incarcerated, later released Some guy who got bullied by his only friends, take revenge on a high school with a knife, injuring 6 students. Got arrested, and got sentenced for 3 years in prision.
350 Wang Yonglai 0 6 2010 An Hero Chink hillbilly hammered 5 kids and a teacher in a kindegarden before An Hero by pouring himself gasoline and went bonzo.
351 Aleksandrs I. 0 6 2017 V& ? Swiss nazi-obsessed faggot who attacked some people with an axe, did GTA IRL and attacked some moar people in a gas station before getting shot.
352 Badreddin Abadlla Adam 0 6 2020 Shot by cops Vantablack nigger from Sudan went amok in a hotel.
353 Abdalmasih Hanoun 0 6 2023 V& Syrian refugee living in Sweden travelled to France to stab toddlers in a park in broad daylight.
354 Alejandro Ruiz Vidal 0 5 2015 Incarcerated Neonazi who went on a rampage attack. Didnt kill nobody and its currently in prision for being a massive idiot.
355 Luke Dollahite 0 5 2016 Incarcerated Sliced 'n' diced some faggots in the boys' locker room. Did it to feel what dying felt like before he became an hero but got tazed instead.
356 Riaz Ahmadzai 0 5 (+14 shock victims) 2016 Shot by pigs Mudslime ISIS cucksmoker who tried to attack a train but failed on account of axing people in the forebrain. Only managed to hurt some Chinese tourists.
357 Anonymous student 0 5 2017 Incarcerated Bullied 17 year old boy stabbed 4 of his classmates and the teacher before being V&.
358 14 year old student 0 5 2023 V& 14 year old idiot went on a school stabbing with pen knifes injuring 3 teachers and 2 pupils. The boy finished his nonsense attack like Pivnev did.
359 Arda Küçükyetim 0 5 2024 Arrested 18-year-old neo-nazi türkröaçh decided to stab up a mosque while wearing his trademarked SIEGE™ mask, killing absolutely noone. When will the Tarrant kids learn?
360 Pauline Janet Williamson 0 4 1990 Institutionalized Nazi woman stabbed 4 children on a jewish daycare before a jewish teacher disarmed her.
361 Jitrada Tantiwanichayasuk 0 4 2005 Incarcerated Batshit insane woman stabbed 4 babies in a kindergarten.
362 Gatis Lagzdins 0 4 2006 Incarcerated Stabbed 4 of his classmates before getting V&. Motive:Imitate a movie.Also, after the V&, he would become and anti-vegan and ate squirrels and pig heads. Also has a Jewtube channel.
363 Grigory Belyaev 0 4 2023 V& Knifed 4 people in his school 4 teh lulz. Also weared a golden Guy Fawkes's mask for his attack.
364 Jorge Julio Prieto Mondongo 0 4 2023 Free 8 year old boy tried to make his amoklauf with a pencil. He injured the teacher and 3 of her classmates before being sent to school and then unable to be sentenced for being 8 years old.
365 Riad Bouchaker 0 4 2023 V& 50-year-old Algerian knifed 3 kids and a teacher outside a school before a Brazilian bypasser subdued him.
366 Anonymous teen 0 4 2024 V& (also tried to an hero) 16-year-old mudslime shouted "allahu akbar" and stabbed some catholics before being v& after trying to an hero by cutting his fingers off. The bishop he stabbed is a JewTube streamer named Mar Mari Emmanuel.
367 linkTemplate:Russia Roman Gizatulin 0 4 2024 V& 13-year-old boy tried to sh0t sk00l, injuring three classmates and a teacher with a hammer and knife before trying to commit suicide with a compressed air gun.
368 Piotr P. 0 3 1998 Sentenced and incarcerated, now free 19-year-old gothic student got angry at his teachers for failing his exams. Decided to go on a stabbing rampage while wearing a dark trench coat before it was cool. Injured 3 ugly old whores with an axe before being disarmed and overpowered by other students.
369 Mathews Khonje 0 3 2001 Incarcerated, later released Some bully stabbed in a fight 3 students for punching him. After that, he got V&
370 Ben Moynihan 0 3 2014 Incarcerated Shanked 3 old ladies because girls didn't want him.
371 Hicham Diop 0 3 2016 Incarcerated Islamist attacked some cops with a machete before being arrested.
372 Rafael Charles 0 3 2019 An hero A mute guy who went batshit insane at a birthday party before hanging himself.
373 Kinga Herbut 0 3 2020 V& Aesthetic 17 year old girl who started stabbing her classmates with 2 butcher knives in High School no. 5 in the village of Zielona Góra. She was arrested thankfully. Also has a ' Jewtube Channel'and a Steam account
374 Anonymous man 0 3 2022 V& The Zambian Adam Lanza version entred a primary/elementary school and with a knife, slashed 3 kids before his arrest.
375 13-year-old boy 0 3 2023 V& Edgelord attacked his school in Goiás with knives and a hatchet ' after posting edgy pics on Twitter'.
376 12-year-old boy 0 3 2023 V& Edgelord attacked his school in Manaus with a knife. Also had molotovs in his backpack.
377 David Jakeladze 0 3 2023 V& A masked 15 year old boy with a knife and an axe slashed 3 teens in a middle school before getting V&.
378 Albert Gut 0 3 2023 Attempted an hero Schizo 18-year-old attacked his classmates with a knife. He was wearing Jason Voorhees mask during the attack.
379 Anonymous Girl 0 3 2024 V& A 13-year-old girl who wanted to attract attention by stabbing 2 teachers and a classmate before being V&.
380 Aquilino Padial 0 2 1993 Incarcerated. now free Schizo 18 year old boy after watching a ninja movie in his TV, went amok dressed with a ninja suit and slashed with a katana and shot with a crossbow a husband and a wife. Also robbed 400 pesetas from the husband who Aquilino tied him to a tree. Finnaly, Aquilino got V& and a sentence for 20 years in prision.
381 Brahim Bouteraa 0 2 2004 Repatriated Boarded a small plane with 6 passengers and two pilots and attacked them with a hatchet. After hitting the pilots with the hatchet, Brahim sent the plane on a steady course to the ground before getting the shit beaten out of himself by passengers. Miraculously the pilots were able to steer the plane to safety and Brahim was sentenced to 15 years in prison and later shipped off to his native Algeria.
382 Artyom Kazantsev 0 2 2008 Free, now an hero Our hero Artyom, in his attempt to enter in the Hack'N' Slash section, stabbed a granny and a 12 year old boy before getting free. In 2022 he will attempt to enter in the FPS and he did it.
383 Anonymous student 0 2 2012 V& A 14 year old girl went to Columbine High School with a hammer. Only managed to injury two 16 year old girls.
384 Moussa Coulibaly 0 2 2015 V& Sandnigger in Nice, France (home to the famous Bastille Day Massacre) charged a group of soldiers who were guarding a Jewish community center.
385 Khaled Babbouri 0 2 2016 Shot by cops Algerian Islamist tried to kill some cops with a machete before being shot dead.
386 Evie (Karl) Booth Amati 0 2 2017 Incarcerated Some crazy emo tranny swung an axe at some strangers inside a 7-Eleven after being rejected by a lesbian.
387 Haashi Ayaanle 0 2 2017 Shot by soldiers Islamist stabbed some soldiers before being shot.
388 Unknown 0 2 2017 Shot by cops Stabbed 2 people at a metro station before being shot by cops.
389 Artyom Tagirov 0 2 2018 V& Ruski neo-nazi kid who stabbed a couple people and set his teacher on fire. All in all, another normal day in Russia.
390 Noelia De Mingo 0 2 2021 Institutionalized After being released from the mental hospital, 1 month later Noelia turned amok again, injuring 2 shop assistants before being raped by the pigs in an attempt to escape. She was sentenced to prison for not scoring enough. UPDATE, she got sentenced to another mental hospital.
391 Laaiti Ekenstéen 0 2 2022 V& Hugo Jackson copycat and IRL friend. Went on a school stabbing only injuring a teen and a teacher while playing "Dont Stop Me Now" by Queen on a modern speaker.
392 Milad Salari 0 2 2023 V& Schizo Iranian immigrant stabbed a random Dutch 10-year-old girl and her grandmother for no reason. Milad was a known criminal and had previously robbed a goldsmith with an airsoft AK.
393 Anonymous student 0 2 2023 V& 23-year-old pharmaceutical student failed his exam and stabbed two teachers at his university before surrendering to cops. The first proper attack on a Norwegian school.
394 Anonymous student 0 2 2023 V& Batshit insane injured a prefect and a student in a boarding school before getting V&.
395 Mukamusoni 0 1 2007 V& Got manipulated by a vengative ex of a girl and stabbed her with a sharp knife in the back as well as the left jaw just next to the eye.
396 Anonymous student 0 1 2008 V& Mad missunderstood conversation caused a fight that ended with a knife stabbing to his mate
397 David Hartanto Widjaja 0 1 2009 Dead Random guy who stabbed a teacher but failed to kill him. After, fell off the roof intentionally killing himself.
398 Anonymous 0 1 2010 V& Attempted to commit mass murder at comic-con and just stabbed a fat guy in his eye after "Resident Evil: Afterlife" leaked. other fat edgys joked that the new movie should have eye-popping 3-D.
399 Anonymous Principal 0 1 2011 Incarcerated, now free A principal punished a second grader using old-fashioned methods with a pencil. The student (perhaps some bully idiot) received stitches on his back, hand, and arm. Received 3 years in jail.
400 Barbora Orlova 0 1 2012 Institutionalized The player who repeated the most in the high score stabbed a 16-year-old teenager in her first gameplay. She was sent to an asylum.
401 Bongani Matsenjwa 0 1 2013 Incarcerated, Now free Stabbed 10 times on the chest to a primary school teacher and failed to got his kill. Got 7 years in prision.
402 Anonymous student 0 1 2014 V& Quarrel between two 15 year old teens ended up in a school stabbing. The young criminal got V& after being chased by the police
403 Morgan Geyser & Anissa Weier 0 1 2014 1 institutionalized, 1 released Two schizo girls stabbed their friend because Slenderman told them to.
404 Anonymous student 0 1 2015 V& Mad girl student stabbed his teacher with a machete in da face and arm.
405 Kali J. Bookey 0 1 2016 Incarcerated Cute jailbait broad stabs her brother's GF to near-death. Sauce (dead)
406 Nyrasabimana 0 1 2017 V& Tobaco seller girl went crazy and stabbed the hand of a girl and collapsed there. Survived an there is image of the crime Here
407 Sphasha Dlamini 0 1 2018 V& The candidate for the Swaziland National Association of Teachers (SNAT) stabbed her husband in a rage quit. He was stabbed near the Ncabaneni high school, where 9 years after, Sicelo Dlamini went batshit insane.
408 Daniil Pulkin 0 1 2019 V& Vlad Roslyakov wannabe threw some molotovs and stabbed a girl before being V& and sentence to 7 year in prision.TRY AGAIN.
409 Anonymous student 0 1 2019 V& 17 year old Pakistani slashed with a ham knife a classmate beacause he insulted his prophet
410 Yuka Takaoka 0 1 2019 Released Stabbed her BF out of love. Was released in 2023 and became a Twitch streamer.
411 Anonymous student 0 1 2020 V& Stabbed on the early morning another student with a knife.
412 Rustam Louis Foss Dadaev 0 1 2021 Shot by cops Former small-time actor went bananas with a knife VS a cop car while screaming "Allahu akbar!", got rammed twice, got back up and stabbed one of the officers in the foot before being shot dead. The same officer had also been shot in the foot.
413 Hugo Jackson 0 1 2021 V& 15-year-old spic who decided to save the white race at a local school by stabbing random people. Couldn’t even kill anyone and pussied out.
414 Anonymous man 0 1 2021 Killed by people A random guy stabbed a pig before some bunch of people beated him to death in 2021.
415 Anonymous gangster 0 1 2022 V& Gangsta stabbed a kid in a school fight in the capital of Eswatini
416 Anonymous student 0 1 2022 Free 13 year old boy stabbed his irish teacher.
417 Anonymous student 0 1 2022 V&? 17 year old boy, after being sended to the principal by his teacher for not arriving soon, stabbed a teacher in the face.
418 Anonymous teacher 0 1 2022 V&? Random teacher stabbed his friend also teacher in some deadly points.He couldnt claim his kill.
419 Adam H. 0 1 2023 Free Moroccan14 year old gangster and also zoomer stabbed another 14 year old zoomer with a pen knife in the foot in a high school. There was almost no news and it was forgotten forever in 3 days.
420 Anonymous gangster 0 1 2023 V& Random Gangster fighted against a random guy who got stabbed.
421 Jeanine Inamuco 0 1 2023 V& Stabbed his husband while he was punnishing one of his sons.
422 Anonymous man 0 1 2023 V& Unknown random stabbed a guy on Palma de Mallorca. Travelled to Malaga by plain but got arrested for being a massive idiot.
423 Nokulunga Gwebu 0 1 2023 V& Stabbed his gangster boyfriend in the shoulder and ribs for no apparent reason.
424 Kim Jin-sung 0 1 2024 V& Tried to assassinate South Korea's opposition leader by stabbing him in the neck.
425 Lau Hui Chung 0 0 2011 Shot by cops Junkie take hostages on a kidergarten with a machete before being shot by pigs.
426 Nicholas John Miller 0 0 2013 Incarcerated Played Grand Theft Schoolbus. Took a detour. Was arrested. Completely useless.
427 Unknown 0 0 2020 Hospitalized Attempted to defend a bar against protesters with a machete. In the fucking USA. Guess how well that went.
428 Logan Clark 0 0 2016 Rehab Some kid, who was mad as hell and wasn't going to take the bullying anymore, decided to pull out a knife and not use it. He got shot by a cop and was hospitalized.

Kerbal Space Program

The rarest and most expensive way to attempt high scores.

1 Космическая программа СССР 49 1957–1991
2 AEB 21 1994–present
3 NASA 19 1958–present
4 CASC 6 1998-present


These people have shown that a man's rod of delight is also a weapon. All victims (whether animal or human) are counted.

1 Robert Anderson 1050-2110 Yaoi 1966-2003
2 Carl Panzram 1000+ Yaoi 1907-1928
3 Mohamed Mustapha Tabet 518 Straight 1986-1992
4 Larry Nassar 500+ Lolicon 1994-2015
Juan Carlos Sánchez Latorre 276 Shotacon 2008-2011
6 Jimmy Savile 217+ Lolicon and Shotacon 1955-2009
7 Richard Strauss 177+ Shotacon 1978-1998
8 Keith Raniere 156 Straight 1998-2018
Joji Obara 150-400 Straight 1992-2000
10 Fanwell Khumalo 103 Lolicon and BDSM 1999-2001
11 Marcelo Sajen 93 Schoolgirls 1991-2004
Johann Eichhorn 90 Straight 1928-1939

William Vahey 90+ Shotacon 1963-2014
14 Richard Choque 77+ Straight 2013-2021

Richard Huckle 71 Lolicon and Shotacon 2006-2014
16 Peter Nygård 67+ Straight 1968-2020
17 Erik Andersen 66-160+ Shotacon 1976-2010
18 Ralph Rowe 60-500 Shotacon 1970-1980
19 Sunil Rastogi 60 Lolicon 2004-2017
20 Bill Cosby 58+ Date rape 1984-2014
21 Atheer as-Suhairy 58 Lolicon 1999-2006
22 Wang Wanming 54 Straight 1981-1998
23 Jerry Sandusky 52 Shotacon 1994-2009
24 Roger Abdelmassih 52 Somnophilia 2009
25 Joseph James DeAngelo 51 Straight 1974-1986
26 Karl Vignir Þorsteinsson 50+ Shotacon 1988-2012
27 Bobby Joe Long 50 Straight 1980-1984
28 Gemma Watts 50 Yuri 2016-2018
29 Reynhard Sinaga 48 Yaoi 2015-2017
30 Martin Ney 45+ Shotacon 1992-2004
31 Yap Weng Wah 45 Shotacon 2009-2012
32 Anatoly Slivko 43 Shotacon and Snuff 1964-1985
Oleg Kosarev 40 Lolicon 1984-2011
34 Henrique Sotero 40 Lolicon 2008-2009
35 =UK Peter Moore 39 Yaoi 1975-1995
36 Jeffrey Epstein 36 Lolicon and Shotacon 1996-2019
37 Roland Cazaux 36 Straight 1987-2002
38 Miguel Ángel Parada 36 Straight 2012-2020
39 Paul Ogorzow 31 Straight 1939-1941
40 Keith Simms 31 Straight 1985-2001
Paul Schäfer 28 Lolicon and Shotacon 1958-2005
42 Andrzej Kunowski 27 Straight 1972-2001
43 Donald Trump 26 Pussy grabbing 1970
44 Benny Sela 24 Hyperphilic 1985-1999
45 Gonzalo Rivadeneira 24 Lolicon and Shotacon 1993-2019
46 Andreas Holm 24 Somnophilia 2019-2020
47 John Svahlstedt 22 Straight 1971-2013
48 House For Sale Rapist 20 Straight 1979-1980
49 Julio Gonzales 19 Straight 2001-2013

Paul Francis Gadd 18+ Lolicon 1970-2000
51 Jordanis Kouroutsidis 18+ Straight 1987-2020
52 Batman Rapist 17 Straight 1991-2000
53 Steingrímur Njálsson 16+ Shotacon 1961-1988
54 Johan Martin Vie 16+ Shotacon ?-2006
55 Francisco Antonio Laureana 15+ Straight 1974-1975
56 Cedric Maake 14 Straight 1996-1997
57 Niklas Erik Axel Eliasson 14 Straight 2005-2010

Christopher Paul Neil 12 Shotacon 2007
59 Sigurður Ingi Þórðarson 9-70+ Shotacon 2010-2014
Francis Evrard 9 Shotacon 1962-2007
61 Kurt Niklas Lindgren 9 Straight 1998-2005
62 Marcel Lychau Hansen 8 Straight 1987-2010
63 Larry Murphy 8 Straight 2001
Christopher Wilder 7+ Straight 1963-1984
65 Roy Svanur Shannon 6-9+ Lolicon 1997-2012
66 Roberto Martínez Vásquez 6 Straight 2001-2002
67 Ágúst Magnússon 6 Shotacon 2004
68 Graham Capill 6+ Lolicon 2001-2005
69 Peter Scully 5-75+ Lolicon and Snuff 2011-2015
Somsak Ponnarai 4+ Straight 1980-1995

Mark Dixie 4-6 Straight 1980-2005
72 Róbert Árni Hreiðarsson 4-335 Lolicon 2005-2006
Paul Hickson 3+ Lolicon 1976-1992
74 José Antonio Rodríguez Vega 3+ Straight 1978-1988
75 Mr. Cruel 3 Lolicon 1987-1990
Jon Schillaci 3+ Shotacon 1989-2007
77 Claudine de Culam 1 Furry 1601
78 Josef Fritzl 1 Incest 1977-2008
79 Hjalti Sigurjón Hauksson 1 Incest 1992-2004
80 Steven van de Velde 1 Lolicon 2014
81 Joshua Hoffman 1 Furry 2018
82 Christian Weston Chandler 1 Incest 2021

Payday: The Heist

KACHING! These trolls pwn noobs in a more indirect way by stealing money from banks, stores, and random fags. If they get lucky, whoever they robbed may an hero after all their life savings are gone.

1 US Army $920 million 2003
2 Unknown $282 million 2007
3 Valerio Viccei $97 million 1987
4 Lee Murray $83 million 2006
5 Unknown gang $71.6 million 2005
6 Amil Dinsio $66 million 1972
7 Unknown $44.5 million 1975
8 Unknown $41 million 2004
9 Brian Robinson $26 million 1983
10 Allen Pace $18.9 million 1997


Playing as a god wasn't a good idea when they generated these animals. Some of them, would have a official high score rank, but they are only animals. NOTE:They need to go Amok, like the casual high score.

1 Champawat Tiger 436 ? 1900-1907 Killed by a hunter Tigress pajeet who started killing humans after suffering an injury which left her unable to kill regular prey.
2 Gustave 200-300 ? 1987-2015 Unclear A crocodile killed and ate up to 300 people while evading every attempt to kill or capture him. He hasn't been seen since 2015, so it's unclear if he's alive or not.
3 Osama bin Laden 27 ? 2004-2006 Killed by a hunter This well-named elephant made several lulzy stampedes removing kebab along its path until the villagers of a town cornered it in fire and a local hunter sniped it.
4 Unnamed wolf trio 22 ? 1880-1881 Unclear Three wolves attacked several children, killing 22 of them, in Turku, Finland.
5 Unnamed wolf 22 ? 1944-1954 Unclear A wolf attacked young people in the Soviet Union for 10 years. He disappeared without a trace.
6 Dhurbe 16 ? 2009-2012 Killed by a soldier An elephant runned amok and destroyed 50 houses in Nepal. 16 people inside were killed before the elephant was shot by a soldier with the same name.
7 Unnamed wolf 12 19 1820-1821 Killed by unknown A wolf terrorized a Swedish village, killing children until he was killed by an unknown person
8 Kolakolli 12 ? 1998-2006 Dead He trampled several houses in the same town until they finally captured him and he died of thirst years later.
9 Osama bin Laden 2 11 10+ 2008 Killed by unknown He rose from the dead and did his thing again, killing 11 humans until he was shot by an unknown person.
10 Unnamed Hippo 8 ? 2023 Unclear A hippo rammed a canoe, killing a baby. Then, 6 bodies were found floating and another one. Still, 16 are still missing in the backrooms.
11 Unnamed bear 7 3 1915 Killed by a guide A brown bear began attacking in a national park, for more than a week until it was shot,
12 Unnamed Lion 6 ? 1991 Killed by a hunter A lion killed six before a patriotic murican hunter killed it on his way.
13 Laden 5 ? 2019 Dead Again, he resurrected and killed people, this time, he did it worse and killed 5 before being put into captivity and died the same year after many anti-Islamic torture.
14 Unnamed Hyena 3 16 2003 Unclear Attacked a village killing 3 and wounding 16 before disappearing. The villagers say that its a demon or a terrifying being, but in truth, he was a spotted hyena.
15 Unnamed bear 2 2 1997 Killed by a hunter Another bear went crazy in Alaska, killing a father and his daughter, and injuring the wife and a Norwegian tourist before a hunter sniped him in the back of the head.
16 Unnamed bear 2 0 1995 Escaped A mother and her son were liquidated after a grizzly bear defended its territory and its food.
17 Anayoot 1 20 2007 Subdued, probably alive An elephant, after being stoned by unruly spectators, kills its rider and injures 20 spectators before being subdued.
18 Tyke 1 13 1994 Killed by police Tyke, a female Mozambican Elephant, who was fed up with his owner, the drug addict Allen Campbell, hits him with a host and becomes amok, injuring 2 of the box. Along the way, 11 more are wounded before being killed by pigs and hunters.
19 Frodo 1 3 1988-2002 Dead A chimpanzee defending its territory attacked a girl in 1988. Then in 2002, he killed and ate the legs of a baby and injured 2 more adults. He died in 2013 from an infection from a bite wound.
20 Tatiana 1 3 2006-2007 Killed by police She gave the best Christmas gifts during both years, until in 2007, after his second attempt, the tigress was shot by the police.
21 Unnamed stingray 1 0 2006 Unclear Pierced Steve Irwin's heart while he was filming a nature documentary.
22 Unnamed elephant 0 18 2019 Unclear 18 people were injured after an elephant began hitting them and causing a stampede.
23 Unnamed leopard 0 11 2011 Killed by a mob Poor animal security and poor conditions caused a leopard to go amok and injure 11. Villagers, on a butthurt mode, stabbed it to death in a mob.
24 Unnamed bear 0 5 2024 Killed by police A bear attacked 5 people including a 10-year-old girl, all of them were injured. A drone located him and the police killed him.
25 Unnamed Pitbull 0 4 2018 Subdued A mad dog attacked 4 in a hospital, injuring them all before being subdued.
26 Unnamed boar 0 3 2019 Died Injured 3 people and several dogs before dying for no apparent reason.
27 Unnamed Jaguar 0 3 2024 Escaped A jaguar rammed into a taxi and injured 3. Nothing interesting here.
28 Travis 0 1 2009 Killed by police A chimpanzee, fed up with its owner making him Marihuana, bit her face off and almost left her with lethal wounds. The bitch of Travis didn't even have time to attack the other woman who was on the phone and was killed by the pigs. After his failed McMassacre, our pedo hero Adam Lanza talked about the fail.
29 Harambe 0 1 2016 Killed by a zoo worker Tried to protect a 3-year-old boy and failed.
30 Unnamed olive baboon 0 0 2023 Killed by a hunter A baboon escaped from Leofoo Village Theme Park for 18 days before bleeding out due to untreated injuries because nobody realized it got shot instead of tranquilized.


Difficulty Levels

Easy: This level includes slow-moving targets, easy-to-navigate locations and a pretty much nonexistent chance of victims being armed or able to fight back in any meaningful way. It also has limited respawning NPC's and police response is slow. Common places include:

  • Libraries
  • Nursing homes
  • Any liberal's house
  • Public parks
    • Even easier (Pacific mode): Children's parks
  • Schools
  • Swimming pools (as well as beaches)
  • Gun free zones
  • Bowling Alleys
  • Churches, mosques, synagogues, and temples
  • Orphanage

Countries and regions

  • Himalayan countries
    • Bhutan
    • Nepal
    • Myanmar
    • China
    • Pakistan
  • Europe
    • Austria (Pacific mode)
    • Britain
    • Czech Republic (Pacific mode)
    • Denmark (Pacific mode)
    • Finland (Pacific mode)
    • France
    • Germany
    • Greece
    • Italy
    • Norway (Pacific mode)
    • Spain
    • Switzerland (Pacific mode)
    • Sweden (Pacific mode)
  • Japan (Pacific mode)
  • South Korea (Pacific mode)
  • New Zealand
  • New England, Northeast, Pacific (US Servers)
  • Oregon, USA

Medium: Although more difficult than easy, this level is still fairly easy for the experienced high-scorer. This level has faster police response time and more people with faster reflexes. Also, the locations are harder to navigate, may have light security already present and (depending on location and jurisdiction) a small to medium chance of encountering armed victims. Several people have played on this level including James Holmes, Charles Whitman and Andrea Pignani. Places include:

  • Hospitals
  • Malls
  • Rooftops
  • Africa (Rich countries)
  • Colleges
  • Theatres (as well as cinemas)
  • Detention centers
  • Train stations

Countries and regions

  • Australia (after 2017 national firearms amnesty)
  • Midwest (US Servers)
  • London (UK server)
  • Birmingham (UK server)

Nightmare Mode: Without a doubt, the most difficult level. It has infinitely respawning NPC's, an almost immediate police response, high security, confusing and small maps and a medium-to-high chance of victims being armed and/or fighting back. The only known people to have a good score on this mode were Major Malik Nadal Hasan, who went 13/30 on the map Fort Hood, 2nd Lt. Sanurip who went 16/11 in an Indonesian airport and Salvador Ramos. Locations include:

  • Airports
  • Government offices
  • Gun stores / shows
  • Shooting ranges
  • Sports stadiums
  • International borders
  • Military bases
  • Walmart
  • Police stations (as well as Doughnut shops by extension)

Countries and regions

  • Texas
  • Florida
  • Africa (poor countries)
  • Israel
  • Palestine
  • Alabama
  • Wyoming
  • Syria
  • Rocky Mountains, Southwest, Southeast (US Servers)

How to Get The High Score

  1. Be from somewhere where murder isn't an everyday occurrence and people actually care when you go on a shooting rampage. If you speak English and are white, you probably have this covered.
  2. Take some cues from Charles Whitman and start at home. By killing your mom and dad, you're guaranteed at least 2 easy kills, three if you have a wife or a brother/sister, but this is you we're talking about.
  3. Play violent video games (Grand Theft Auto, Ryan Lambourn games, Hitman and Manhunt series and FPS games like Doom, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Halo, etc...) and listen to metal (Marilyn Manson, Rammstein, Slipknot, Cannibal Corpse, Debauchery, Rob Zombie etc...). They will train you to kill better and will ensure that after the murder and harm is over you can continue the lulz by ensuring that misguided idiots everywhere will be wiped up into a rage of fascism and will push for censorship laws.
  4. It is preferable, but not necessary, that all firearms, ammunition and other weapons used and/or any ingredients used to make explosives are acquired legally so that, like in section 2, retards will call for stricter gun/weapon laws, demand 1984 style security at schools, airports, etc and attempt to demonize anyone who has an interest or hobby in firearms and the like afterwards. This has the doubly lulzy effect that if stricter gun laws are passed, and anyone decides to follows in your footsteps, their victims will be even more disarmed and helpless than they were before, leading to higher body counts, less personal freedom for everyone and greater amounts of lulz.
  5. Leave behind lulzy, dramawhore-esque statements and media, also remember to take a photo of yourself just beforehand, preferably with a big shit-eating grin on your face as well as a trollface, for the papers and news sites to splash all over their front pages and send a clear signal to all the other limp-dicked social rejects who cram their faces with anti-depressants to numb the pain of their worthless existence out there that all they need to do to make everyone pay attention to them and make their name and face nationally or internationally known is go for the high score. This point is essential for weapons-grade lulz, nobody cares about a vanilla killer.
  6. Ensure all, or at least the vast majority, of the people you kill are complete strangers and have absolutely nothing to do with any problem you have or any real or perceived injustice against you or society as a whole. They still deserve it, for some reason.
  7. It is customary, when you've satisfied your bloodlust/run low on ammo/been cornered by police or some other armed individual/gotten bored, to off yourself. This does not count as a kill, but it does make you an hero.
  8. DON'T USE A .22
  9. In addition to buying your weapons legally, buy a bunch of armor, such as bulletproof vests, gloves, masks and other shit so that people will want to ban those as well.
  10. Shoot and/or stab people in the brainstem and the cerebellum. Not the forebrain, or anywhere else. Kill little kids, animals, and women (especially pregnant) as opposed to adults and teenagers.
  11. If you plan on committing arson, make sure you use propane gas. If you plan on going on a mass stabbing, use a long bladed knife, a thick knife or a machete that's been sharpened. If you plan on doing a vehicle attack, make sure you use a truck. If you plan on strangling people, use a garrote or a dildo.
  12. If you want to not get caught with mass murder or serial killing, use latex gloves, wear booties over your shoes, wear a balaclava with cool 80's shades, wear a black coat, and wear long black pants.
  13. If a wannabe hero or pig draws a weapon, make sure that you aim for the lower bridge of the nose or the ear so that way they die instantly.
  14. Leave a note on you saying you have planted a bomb somewhere that will go off in a certain amount of time at a certain place to cause more drama.
  15. Don't tell anyone about your plans, dont give hints and hide your manifesto on a thumb drive or a notebook.
  16. Wear an Encyclopedia Dramatica t-shirt/tabard to promote our website. You will gain 2500+ rep with our faction. (dead)

Hall of Shame

Notable Losers

FPS players who couldn't break into the top 50 list (again fat Americans everywhere). Typically under 15 kills. However, we extend our appreciation for the top 10 in this list for their exceptional skills at PvP combat. Notice the extreme abundance of Amerifags.

Tip: Instead of making a stub article on a loser, post about him here.

1 Mohammad Zaman 15-16 ? Y 2009 Greedy sandnigger shot and killed his family over some land disputes.
2 Omar Abdul Razeq Abdullah Rifai 15 ? N (Shot by cops) 2013 Ex-convict shot up a village because they failed to support his family in a vendetta, important to mention that he was also connected to some fraud that killed 23 people in 2008.
3 Nidal Malik Hasan 14 33 (32 by Hasan) N 2009 Tackled Nightmare Mode in an attempt to reach the High Score, but got crippled by a feminist at the site. But at least he has 14 frags to his name.
4 Unknown 14-17 19 Y 1995 Soldier lured a crowd to one of his victims and shot them before becoming an hero.
5 Friedrich Leibacher 14 18 Y 2001 Paranoid Swissfag who disguised himself as a cop and killed a bunch of members of parliament.
6 Marc Lépine 14 14 Y 1989 Canuck who hated feminists for stealing his jobs and fucking up his life. Was the former champion of the Canadian branch for High Scores.
7 Siavash Rahmani-Aqdam 14 11 N (Killed by cops) 1998 Deserted his army post to play GTA: Tehran edition, pwning several cops along the way.
8 Ernst Wagner 14 11 N 1913 Insane kraut who killed his entire family before shooting random people and setting things on fire until some civilian bludgeoned him. Somehow avoided getting B& IRL because of said insanity. His reason? He was paranoid that he was being made fun of for getting arrested for bestiality.
9 Democratic Republic of the Congo Longo Dhendonga 14 10 N 2020 Congolese soldier got drunk as fuck and shot anyone who got in his way.
10 Ramesh Sharma 14 9 N (Shot by cops) 1983 Shot up a hindu temple with a bolt-action rifle.
11 Christian Dornier 14 8 N 1989 Schizo baguettefag grabbed a double barrel shotgun and got a pretty good score, before being wounded and arrested. Bonus points for killing his sister and mom. Found not guilty on basis of insanity.
12 Patrick Sherrill 14 6 Y 1986 Shot up the post office he worked at, resulting in the deadliest workplace shooting in America. I guess you could say he really did go postal.
13 Unknown 14 2+ N (Shot by soldiers) 1912 Chink soldier went amok before getting pwned by fellow soldiers.
14 Genildo Ferreira de França 14 1 Y 1997 Went on a murderous rampage over two days to stop people from calling him gay. An hero by shot to the chest.
15 Sobhan Komrouni 13 40+ N (Shot by cops) 2022 Shot up a mosque and died in hospital later.
16 Banda Khumalo 13 16 N (Shot by cops) 1977 Rhodesian policeman shot up a police camp with a shotgun, before being gunned down by his friends.
17 Alfred Ogwang 13 14 N 1994 Ugandan cop shot up a disco before being v&.
18 Unknown 13 10 Got away with it, LOL! 2016 Anon who shot up a club before creating a manhunt that is still going on to this day.
19 Jiverly Wong 13 4 Y 2009 Chink whose accent was made fun of one too many times.
20 Deng Guoxiang 13 3 Y 1982 Militiaman shot up his place of work after being accused of stealing random shit from there.
21 Howard Unruh 13 3 N 1949 WW2 vet went for a morning stroll and ended up killing 13 of his neighbors, including a 2 year old named Thomas Hamilton. Also found not guilty for being batshit insane.
22 David Malcolm Gray 13 3 N (Shot by cops) 1990 New Zealander that went on a rampage lasting 22 hours before being riddled with bullets.
23 Democratic Republic of the Congo Babby Ndombe Opetu 13 2 N 2023 Angry soldier shot up his son's funeral after not being invited.
24 Ljubiša Bogdanović 13 1 Y 2013 Serb went postal shooting his mom and wife before going house to house killing people.
25 Liu Aibing 13 1 N 2009 34-year-old man killed members of his family before torching five random houses down.
26 George Emil Banks 13 1 N 1982 Crazy nigger killed five of his kids and their respective baby mamas as well as some bystanders.
27 James Eagan Holmes 12 70 (62 by Holmes) N 2012 Schizo retard edgelord put on tactical gear and shot up a theatre during the film The Dark Knight Rises, causing a lot of damage and butthurt.
28 Wellington Menezes de Oliveira 12 22 Y 2011 Brazilian that continued Cho's legacy with a cowboy-style massacre at a local school using only revolvers.
29 Mark Barton 12 13 Y 1999 Some delusional Mormon. Clubbed his family like a baby seal with a hammer before spewing a few one-liners and shooting people in both good and shitty areas.
30 Farda Gadirov 12 13 Y 2009 Some Georgian who shot up an oil academy before an heroing. Presumably was influenced by Dumbfuckistan's quest for moar oil.
31 Derrick Bird 12 11 Y 2010 Went GTA in Cumbria, England with a .22 caliber bolt-action rifle and a 12 Gauge double barrel shotgun and did pretty decent.
32 Ian David Long 12 11 (1 by Long) Y 2018 Ex-marine went postal at a bar, killing one of the survivors of Paddock's wrath.
33 Cho Jun-hui 12 11 N 1984 Soldier went amok at a military camp before escaping to North Korea.
34 Aaron Alexis 12 8 (3 by Alexis) N (Shot by cops) 2013 Some schizophrenic nigger who went for the high score armed with a sawed-off shotgun. Straight outta doom.
35 DeWayne Antonio Craddock 12 4 N (Shot by cops) 2019 Nigger got angry and shot up his office.
36 Sidnei Ramis de Araújo 12 3 Y 2016 Shot up a New Year's party his estranged wife was attending. He also killed his 8 year old son.
37 Amar Lajdah 12 3 N (Shot by cops) 2020 Shot his family and some cops before being shot dead.
38 Bahram Jeshanpur 12 3 N (Shot by cops) 2024 30-year-old man shot his family.
39 Fekadu Nasha 12 2 Y 2013 Malnourished nigger cop got drunk and shot up his village before jumping into a river and dying.
40 Ben Jebir 12 0 Y 1985 Schizo sand nigger farmer shot a bunch of people with a shotgun.
41 Pedro Augusto 12 0 N 1900 After falling in love with a woman who rejected him publicly, Pedro sought guidance from a fortune teller. He was told that the only way to find peace was to murder her and her entire family.
42 Saeed al-Qashash 12 0 N 1998 Killed his family because they told him how much of a NEET he was for not passing the final exam.
43 Taian Gong 12 0 N 1999 Shot up a fishing vessel. Three people died after jumping overboard.
44 Basudev Thapa 11 19 N (Shot by soldiers) 2005 Soldier went amok shooting villagers before being killed by his comrades.
45 Huu Can Tran 11 9 Y 2023 Angry 72-year-old azn with a MAC-11 shot a bunch of azns in a dance club before escaping. Upon entering another club, Huu was disarmed by a patron and escaped yet again only to shoot himself during a police standoff a few hours later.
46 Grigory Grachev 11 8 N 1925 Lost a land dispute and then retaliated by setting his neighbors' houses on fire and ambushing them with a double-barreled shotgun.
47 Juan de Jesús Lozano Velásquez 11 7 N 2000 Shot up a club with an Uzi because a bitch refused to dance with him.
48 Robert Bowers 11 7 (6 by Bowers) N 2018 The current US champion for eliminating the greatest (((menace))) to our society.
49 Bulelani Vukwana 11 6 Y 2002 Nigger that got into a fight with his girlfriend, resulting in him dual wielding two pistols and shooting 11 people dead.
50 James Pough 11 6 Y 1990 A nigger who went on an epic spree killing adventure. Before that, he murdered a friend of his in a fit of negronic rage. Had a fierce history of mental illness but was known as an extremely reliable worker. The latter aspect is almost unheard of among black people.
51 Harphul Singh 11-17 4 N 1930 Poo in the loo pajeet who shot some mudslimes because they butchered a cow, also killed 5 hindus (friendly fire, lol).
52 Leung Ying 11 0 Y (In prison) 1928 Chink immigrant from hong kong attacked a ranch while he was high on coke.
53 Jalal Osman Khoja 11 0 Y 2000 Shot his family.
54 Abdul Emir Khalaf Sabhan 11 0 Y 2003 Shoemaker went crazy and shot people randomly.
55 James Urban Ruppert 11 0 N 1975 Decided to spend Easter Sunday killing his 11 family members in rapid succession before calling the cops on himself. He told arriving officers :"My mother drove me crazy by always combing my hair, talked to me like I was a baby, and tried to make me into a homosexual".
56 Manuel António Silva Ribeiro 11 0 N 2016 Disgruntled soldier who shot up a barracks, in the only African country not overrun with niggers. (EDIT: Apparently Portuniggers count as niggers.)
57 Chris Amanyire 10 25 Y 2014 A soldier shot up a bar.
58 Abdullah Saleh Zaid al-Kohali 10 15 N 2008 Waded into a mosque and opened fire, got arrested and sentenced to death.
59 Dimitrios Pagourtzis 10 14 (13 by Pagourtzis) N 2018 17-Year Old White Gangsta rap artist who went on a killing spree pwning noobs at Santa Fe High School.
60 Viktor Bagizhev 10 13 Y 1976 A soldier went amok in the Estonian SSR.
61 Mr. Saari 10 11 (1 by Saari) Y 2008 An unoriginal faggot who copycatted Pekka's 2007 school shooting a year later and managed an extra two kills.
62 Hajula 10 10 N (Shot by soldiers) 1932 Pinoy shotgunned 20 people before being killed by a group of soldiers 2 days later.
63 Michael McLendon 10 6 Y 2009 A hillbilly living in a very small town in the deep south. Wiped out several family members, went on a driving rampage, got into a shootout with the pigs and systematically became an hero, leaving his quiet little village with PTSD.
64 Kosta Kecmanović 10 6 N 2023 A 13-year-old boy went postal in his school with his daddy's guns (including a .22 caliber pistol).
65 Vučko Borilović 10 6 N (Killed by civilians) 2022 Shot up the town after arguing with his old lady.
66 Tobias Rathjen 10 5 Y 2020 German schizo followed by secret agents and guided by the voice in his head shot up 2 shisha bars, before going home to kill his mom and himself. He also did not like azns
67 Kim Won-je 10 3 Y 1974 Soldier went amok after getting drunk.
68 Artur Vaganov 10 3 Y 1997 Soldier massacred his sleeping comrades.
69 Payton Gendron 10 3 N 2022 Savior of the white race (and furfag) streamed shooting up a supermarket in Niggersville, NY.
70 Patrick Okot Odoch 10 3 N 2013 Ugandan soldier shot up a bar with an AK-47.
71 José Marimón Carles 10 2 N (Shot by cops) 1928 26-year-old soldier shot some kids and neighbors before falling asleep in a field and being killed by his comrades. He also used an axe in his attack.
72 Óscar Flores Lopez 10 2 N (Lynched) 2005 Ex-soldier got high as fuck, stabbed some of his family and a cop, stole the cop's AR and started shooting up the neighborhood. He was shot by cops before being lynched by civilians.
73 Benito Torres 10 1 Y 1938 Mulatto cuban kills his family before hanging himself.
74 Ahmad Al Aliwi Al-Issa 10 1 N 2021 Schizo mudslime shot up a supermarket, killing ten people including a cop before taking a bullet in the leg and getting v&.
75 Roger Gired 10 0 Y 1965 Paranoid farmer killed his family to save them from a possible nuclear war.
76 Clifford Bartholomew 10 0 N 1971 Dad of the year smacked his family unconscious with a mallet before shooting them dead.
77 Christopher Thomas 10 0 N 1984 Broke into a house and killed 8 children aged 3-14 and two of their mothers. He is now released on mandatory parole.
78 Peter Karanja 10 0 N 2010 Kenyan cop with AIDS shot up 3 bars before failing to an hero because he ran out of ammo.
79 Ali David Sonboly 9 36 (4 by Sonboly) Y 2016 An Iranian-German who was fed up with the filthy turkroach infestation of Deutschland and decided to take matters into his own hands.
80 Connor Stephen Betts 9 27 (17 by Betts) N (Shot by cops) 2019 Schizo antifa warrior druggie retard went ballistic at a nighttime street, doing quite some damage before being killed by the cops.
81 Ilnaz Galyaviev 9 23 N 2021 Ruskiy edgelord shot up a school with a semi-auto shotgun, but still did worse than his idol and crush Vladislav Roslyakov.
82 Clarence Bertucci 9 19 N 1945 American soldier who pwned kraut POWs at a camp in Utah.
83 Carel Johannes Delport 9 19 N 1992 78 IQ farmer snapped and went on a rampage, burning down his house and shooting random people with the same gun Breivik used. Currently free after serving his 22 year prison sentence.
84 Uroš Blažić 9 13 N 2023 A 21-year-old drug addict went amok with an AK the day after Kosta Kecmanović's school rampage.
85 Mark Essex 9 13 N (Shot by cops) 1973 This motherfucker shot up a police station and took out nearly a dozen filthy pigs. God bless this man's soul!
86 Ronald Bae 9 11 N (Shot by cops) 2013 Killed some fags. His maid was v& for assisting in his shooting spree.
87 Chris Harper-Mercer 9 8 Y 2015 "Do you believe in god?"
88 Vinko Palić 9 7 Y 1993 Soldier got rejected by a 17-year-old girl, went home, got into his army uniform & weapon and returned to exact his revenge.
89 Dipendra of Nepal 9 5 Y 2001 Nepalese prince massacred his family and other servants before shooting himself in the head. As his entire family was dead, he was considered king of Nepal for the 3 days he lay in a coma.
90 Jeff Weise 9 5 Y 2005 A traumatized goth Injun fatass. Slaughtered his family, crashed into his former school, and came close to surpassing Columbine if not for a surprisingly fast police reaction time, especially for a Native American reservation. Like Chris Mercer and the Columbine fags, Jeff asked his victims if they believed in God.
91 Rosario Tranchita 9 4 N (Shot by nephew) 1925 Insane wop went on a shooting spree after arguing with one of his neighbors, before being shot and killed by his nephew.
92 Marciano Contaoe 9 4 N 1988 Drunk pinoy started shooting glasses off of tables and then started shooting people.
93 Nikola Radosavljević 9 4 N 2007 Smacked his bitch a little, jumped in a well, got pulled out by a neighbor, retrieved a shotgun and decided to go for the High Score. Police found him near his parent's grave, having shot himself in the stomach as an attempted hero.
94 Mile Matić 9 3 Y (In prison) 1986 Some schizo prison guard who flipped his lid because his brother-in-law interrupted his Minecraft session. Realizing he wouldn't get out of the loony bin alive, he decided to cut his life sentence short in 1994.
95 Shawkat Fouad Shakar 9 3 N 1991 Went on a rampage to avenge the deaths of his parents and brother.
96 Satan Claus 9 3 Y 2008 He came into the houses dressed as santa shooting some families. He gave us the lulziest Christmas evar!
97 Mark Chahal 9 2 Y 1996 Indian-Canuck who killed 9 family members and then became an hero.
98 Yusuf Taş 9 2 N 2016 Shot his wife and other people before being arrested and sentenced to life in prison.
99 Dylann Storm Roof 9 1 N (Awaiting execution) 2015 An ugly, traumatized, retarded-sounding crusader in the southern USA. He killed Christfag niggers at a church before being v& by the pigs.
100 Leonardas Zavistonovičius 9 1 N (Killed by civilians) 1998 Pole schizo shot dead 9 Lithuanians before being beaten to death.
101 Andrey Shpagonov 9 1 N 1992 23-year-old tried to rob his former workplace for guns but ended up killing fucking everyone instead. He was executed in 1995.
102 Samuel James Cassidy 9 0 Y 2021 Another workplace shooting, this time at a railyard.
103 Victor Ernest Hoffman 9 0 N 1967 Insane Canuck who pwned 9 members of a family in Saskatchewan.
104 Tang Jiansheng 9 0 N 1982 Shot up the Chinese embassy in Mozambique.
105 Marcus Wesson 9 0 N 2004 Boomer nigger shot his inbred children.
106 Nasir Abbas 9 0 N 2009 Cop went crazy, shot his family and some others before being captured and sentenced to death.
107 Sergey Egorov 9 0 N 2017 Ex-soldier shot up a party after being offended by one of the attendees.
108 Mazen Harfoush 9 0 N 2020 Killed his wife, then 8 other dudes she was gangbanging on the side (including his own brother!)
109 Jonathan Moreño 8 29 N (Shot by cops) 2005 Policeman shot up a festival.
110 Gilbert Twigg 8 26 Y 1903 Shot up a concert armed with a double-barreled shotgun.
111 Richard Durn 8 19 Y 2002 Got sick of life so he decided to go for the high score. He initially got arrested after the shooting, but jumped out of a window during questioning and died.
112 Barend Hendrik Strydom 8 16 N 1988 A white supremacist who cleansed 8 niggers from apartheid-time South Africa. He was initially sentenced to death but ended up being released 3 years later by the president.
113 Pekka-Eric Auvinen 8 13 (1 by Auvinen) Y 2007 Some retarded, delusional Eric Harris wannabe that killed 8 people as well as firing rounds at inanimate objects for an hour before becoming An Hero.
114 Joseph Thomas Wesbecker 8 12 Y 1989 Started taking Prozac and ended up shooting up his former workplace.
115 Alaa Abu Dhaim 8 11 N (Shot by civilian) 2008 Palestinian who tried to play on Nightmare mode at an Israeli school. Did pretty decent, going 8/11 before his spree got cut short. AND I WOULD HAVE GOTTEN A HIGHER SCORE IF IT WASN'T FOR YOU MEDDLING JEWS!!
116 Mehdi Jemaii 8 9 N (Killed by soldiers) 2015 Tunisian soldier stole a weapon and shot up his military base.
117 Rolando Mendoza 8 9 N (Shot by cops) 2010 Cop who got fired and decided that the best way to get his job back was to take a bus hostage and threaten to murder them. Eventually shot up the bus and got sniped.
118 Branimir Donchev 8 8 N (Shot by cops) 1974 17-year-old schizo attacked a hostel. Initially captured and found insane, he tried to escape and got shot to death.
119 Brandon Scott Hole 8 7 Y 2021 A retarded brony who shot up FedEx in honour of his beloved animated horse waifu, Applejack
120 Mauricio Garcia 8 7 N (Shot by cops) 2023 33-year-old edgelord neo-nazi spic and avid Encyclopedia Dramatica reader shot up a mall in Texas.
121 Gian Luigi Ferri 8 6 Y 1993 Some pizza pasta wop who caused massive amounts of butthurt by getting 8 noobs rekt 34 stories up
122 Robert Hawkins 8 6 (4 by Hawkins) Y 2007 Some hippie emo-looking faggot. Stole his daddy's AK and shot a couple of magazines worth of ammo at people before becoming An Hero.
123 Frank Vitkovic 8 5 Y 1987 Aussie went berserk in an office, inspired by Julian Knight's Hoddle street massacre four months earlier.
124 Ahmed Ali Mansour 8 5 N 2002 Shot up an office.
125 L. S. Hasebeng 8 4 Y 1992 Policeman went amok in a prison complex.
126 Suleiman Khater 8 4 ? 1985 Some sand nigger shot Israeli tourists and was later Epstein'd in prison.
127 Sergio Eduardo A. 8 4 N (Shot by cops) 2022 Sicario known as "El Nenuco" went berserk, killing and carjacking people left and right before being shot by police.
128 Stephanus Swart 8 3 Y 1927 Killed his wife and then went on a random spree.
129 Carl Robert Brown 8 3 N (Shot and run over by civilians) 1982 Shot up a welding shop with a pump action shotgun before getting run over as he tried to escape on his bike.
130 Robert Steward 8 3 N 2009 Extra credit for doing it at a nursing home.
131 Moses Katwesigye 8 3 N 2016 Another mad pissed off soldier in Bongo Bongo Land.
132 David "Chippa" Mateane 8 3 N (Shot by cops) 2006 Nigger shot up his bitch's house, then shot up the police station he worked at. Nobody even heard of it because it happened in Africa.
133 Alexander Kuzminykh 8 2 Y 1998 19-year-old soldier shot up a submarine.
134 Unknown 8 2 N (Shot by soldiers) 1933 A soldier who killed 8 natives and wounded 2 before being shot dead by soldiers.
135 Anvar Madaminov 8 2 N 1998 Killed 8 soldiers and wounded 2 before being V&.
136 Mohsin Yahya Munassar Al-Hilali 8 2 N 2003 Yemeni who went on a shooting spree at a mosque.
137 Omar Sheriff Thornton 8 2 Y 2010 Shot up the beer company he formerly worked at.
138 Ramil Shamsutdinov 8 2 N 2019 20-year-old soldier killed his colleagues after too much hazing.
139 Wasyl Tymkow 8 1 Y 1937 Uke shot 7 Polish people dead before an heroing. He also killed a person a few weeks before his rampage.
140 Mohamed Jamil Ahmed 8 1 Y 1955 Shot his kids and tortured his wife before killing himself.
141 Germán García Antonio 8 1 Y 1985 A Jehova's Witness who lived in a cave and terrorized the local catholics, stealing their cattle and threatening to kill them. One day he made good on his word and shot up the town as well as his brother, who disproved of his actions.
142 Germain Nabénéza 8 1 Y 1994 Killed some relatives and neighbours before himself.
143 Zdeněk Kovář 8 1 Y 2015 Shot up a restaurant and called the news station before killing himself.
144 Romeo Nance 8 1 Y 2024 Criminal nigger went crazy and shoot up the hood before heading for Mexico. Killed himself after being spotted in Texas.
145 Gildardo Urrego 8 1 N 1977 Colombian who massacred 9 members of a family on Christmas Eve.
146 Venus Chukamnerd 8 1 N 2008 Shot up a karaoke bar in a drunken rage.
147 Robert Aaron Long 8 1 N 2021 Zoomer "sex-addict" with the worlds ugliest beard, shot up two asian massage parlors in search of a happy ending.
148 Scott Dekraai 8 1 N 2011 Shot his ex-wife because she was a bitch, then pwned 7 more noobs at a hair salon before getting V& by the pigs.
149 Spencer Hight 8 1 N (Shot by cops) 2017 Shot his ex-wife and 7 other randoms during a handegg watching party.
150 Phu Lam 8 0 Y 2014 Canuck gook killed members of his family before becoming an hero.
151 Faiz Karbalawi 8 0 Y 2021 Shot his family.
152 Mateo Banks 8 0 N 1922 Mick-argie farmer killed his family and some employees for losing the fortune, died in 1949 after slipping and breaking his head while on the bathroom.
153 Arturas Sakalauskas 8 0 N 1987 Soldier shot up a train.
154 Oleg Dolzhenko 8 0 N 2000 Shot some soldiers.
155 Ömer Taşçı 8 0 N 2007 Shot his family before escaping, being captured and sentenced to 80 years in prison.
156 Murat Yüksel 8 0 N 2009 Shot his family.
157 Ritvan Zykaj 8 0 N 2018 Killed his family after they accused him of stealing chickens. He also filmed their corpses and sent the video to a relative.
158 Willie Godbolt 8 0 N 2017 A man that wasn't fit to live. Shot and killed a pig and 7 others before he was shot and apprehended after being treated for his wound.
159 Seth Ator 7 25 N (Shot by cops) 2019 Actually went GTA in Texas, but only after having to improvise because his initial plan failed.
160 Robert Crimo 7 25 N 2022 Decided to celebrate America's 246th birthday in Chicago by participating in its national pastime.
161 Robert Charles 7 20 N (Shot by cops) 1900 A nigger went berserk in New Orleans.
162 Julian Knight 7 19 N 1987 Schizo Aussie shot up a busy street before being v& for life.
163 Ami Popper 7 16 N 1990 21-year-old stole a rifle and shot some Palestinians.
164 Ľubomír Harman 7 15 Y 2010 Slovakian went on a rampage in his city, killing himself after being wounded by police.
165 Tristan van der Vlis 7 15 Y 2011 God-hating bitch that went an hero with 2 pistols and a .22 rifle. He drew guns and was inspired by Columbine.
166 William Ray Bonner 7 9 N 1973 Another nigger who went on a GTA killing spree, this time in Los Angeles.
167 Philipp Fusz 7 8 Y 2023 Former Jehova's witness attacked his former brethren before shooting himself. Also had a website for his business and wrote a book before his attack.
168 Larry Gene Ashbrook 7 7 Y 1999 Run of the mill schizo that shot a couple christfags. Shortly after the shooting someone made an epic website in Larry's memory.
169 Wade John Frankum 7 6 Y 1991 Wade was enjoying his coffee in a café before suddenly snapping and killing anyone in his path. He got his first kill with a Bowie knife, like a real Australian.
170 Hermann Schwarz 7 6 N 1912 Sniped some people from his apartment before escaping into the woods. Not guilty due to insanity and sent off to the nuthouse.
171 Mikhail Tselousov 7 6 N 1958 Shot up a hostel with a single-shot rifle.
172 Ramzan Aliyev 7 6 N (Shot by soldiers) 2012 Shot some soldiers.
173 Guy Martel 7 5 N 1985 Another French schizo went on a shooting rampage before getting arrested.
174 Antonio Calvente Guerrero 7 5 N (Shot by soldiers) 1902 Soldier went amok.
175 Franck Zoritch 7 4 Y 1992 Shot up his former factory after being fired.
176 Jožef Meneder 7 4 Y 1993 Broke out of military detention, stole a rifle and killed people before killing himself.
177 Terry Michael Ratzmann 7 4 Y 2005 Computer technician who shot up his church, leaving no clue behind as to why.
178 Dragan Čedić 7 4 Y 2002 Serb that fucking snapped and killed some of his friends and family.
179 Richard Wade Farley 7 4 N 1988 A creep who stalked his co-worker for years. Her restraining order would have been made permanent the day after he shot up his workplace.
180 Michel Van Wijnendaele 7 3 Y 1987 Shot up two farms before shooting himself after a car chase.
181 Wade Michael Page 7 3 Y 2012 A Neo-Nazi retard that tried to kill Jews - by shooting up a Sikh church.
182 Tsui Yin 7 3 N 1962 Gym teacher lost his job and decided to take revenge.
183 Mattias Flink 7 3 N 1994 Military man got drunk and set out for a killing spree. Got sentenced to life, but ended up being released in 2014.
184 Edgardo Fernandez 7 3 N 1995 16-year-old boy shot up a hospital.
185 One L. Goh 7 3 N 2012 Realizing that he'll forever remain a NEET due to mounting college debt, he did the only thing he could do; attempt to outscore Cho. Although he failed miserably, he caused a decent amount of butthurt in Oakland. (UPDATE: Goh is ded as of March 20, 2019; possible prison An Hero)
186 Abdullah Jaber Al-Malki 7 3 N 2016 Teacher shot up an education office before being v&.
187 Khairi Alqam 7 3 N (Shot by cops) 2023 Palestinian shot up a synagogue in Jerusalem to avenge his fallen brethren.
188 Rodrick Dantzler 7 2 Y 2011 After realizing that bitches really aren't shit, he decided to bust a cap in every one of his baby mamas and his illegitimate children before leading police on an epic chase!
189 Ctirad Vitásek 7 2 Y 2019 Shot up a hospital.
190 Isaac Obua 7 2 N (Killed by soldiers) 2016 Another mad soldier from Bongo Bongo Land and yet another shooting. Normal day in Bongoganda.
191 Will Reynolds 7 2 N (Shot by cops) 1902 Alabama nigger attacked a sheriff's department.
192 Deka Samarendra 7 2 N (Shot by cops) 2004 Soldier killed his co-workers.
193 Edward Charles Allaway 7 2 N 1976 Schizo shot up a university, found not guilty by reason of insanity.
194 Colombo 7 1 Y 1936 Ran amok at a coffee plantation after being caught flirting with the daughter of his boss.
195 Yuriy Chubarov 7 1 Y 1997 Shot a parish before pwning himself
196 Antun Mataić 7 1 Y 1998 Guy went postal at a cafe, drove to another cafe to order a cognac and say "I just killed eight people", then drove to a shooting range and blew himself up in his car.
197 Ángel Campo Solana 7 1 Y 1980 Stuck it to the man by shooting a few of his useless as shit neighbors.
198 Vítor Jorge 7 1 N 1987 38-year-old man killed his lover and her friends, and then his wife and daughter, died on January 15, 2019 at the age of 69
199 Martin Nelson 7 1 N (Shot by bystanders) 1885 Attacked a family and others before being shot dead.
200 Jim Jumper 7 1 N (Shot by bystanders) 1889 A half-nigger half-injun attacked his local chief and his family after being refused to marry his daughter.
201 Abel Klemmensen 7 1 N 1990 Some inuit got into an argument with his friend at a party, went home to retrieve his rifle and returned to kill them all.
202 Oleg Naumov 7 1 N 1998 Soldier shot up the base before fleeing. Caught two days later.
203 Chunli Zhao 7 1 N 2023 66-year-old azn forklift driver shot up two farms before being v&.
204 Edmund Wilsdorf 7 0 Y 1907 Kraut who shot dead his wife and 6 children before becoming an hero.
205 John Etter Clark 7 0 Y 1956 Canuck politician who went on a rampage and then became an hero.
206 Leonard Hogue 7 0 Y 1965 Dirty cop who stole $1.2 million dollars in a daring heist, except that the money was completely worthless because it was all hole punched. Realizing that he fucked up a simple job, and that the real cops are closing in, he decided to seppuku his wife and 6 kids, each with a Magnum headshot, before finally choosing death over dishonor.
207 Jennifer San Marco 7 0 Y 2006 The only woman man enough to kill more than 3 people in a shooting, probably because she targeted azns, darkies and spics.
208 Michael Orwin Haight 7 0 Y 2023 Abusive husband shot and killed his entire family, truly starting the new year with a bang.
209 Theodor Matvievsky 7 0 N 1959 Soviet navy sailor shot up an island, sparing two children before escaping in a motor boat and eventually succumbing to the elements.
210 Manuel Martínez Coronado 7 0 N 1995 Slaughtered a family over a land dispute with the help of his stepfather. Executed by lethal injection.
211 Bryan Koji Uyesugi 7 0 N 1999 Hawaiian technician shot up his workplace.
212 Michael McDermott 7 0 N 2000 Shot up his workplace and tried to fake mental illness to get away with it.
213 Shahzado Behan 7 0 N 2003 Shot some of his relatives.
214 Hasan Danışmaz 7 0 N 2008 Shot his family. He also killed a truck driver in 2001.
215 Saleh Mohammed 7 0 N 2009 Shot his family and tried to kill himself.
216 Carlos Gabriel Pericolo da Rosa 7 0 ? 2018 Gangster killed other gangsters to protect his family or some shit. He was found dead near a river the next day.
217 Luiz Gonzaga Pereira dos Santos 7 0 N (Shot by cops) 1979 Angry man killed a family because one of their sons fucked his virgin daughter. He was killed by police in 1981.
218 Ihsanullah 7 0 N (Shot by cops) 2015 Drug addict shot his family.
219 Abdihakim Maslah 7 0 N (Shot by cops) 2016 Police officer shot up the station.
220 Nordine Amrani 6 125 Y 2011 Some Belgian drug dealer who sprayed bullets and stun grenades from a rooftop onto shoppers with an FN FAL before an heoring. Also tried to rape and then killed a maid at his flat before going amok.
221 Timur Bekmansurov 6 47 N 2021 Russian Farquaad looking edgelord school shooter who ended up getting his leg amputated after being shot by cops. TRY AGAIN FAGGOT
222 Abdul Salaam Sadek Hassouneh 6 33 Y 2002 Shot up a bar mitzvah party before exploding.
223 Jørgen Haagen Schmith 6 20 N (Shot by Gestapo) 1944 Resistance fighter suddenly had Gestapo at his door, hid under the bed and opened fire with machine guns and grenades. After being surrounded by over 200 soldiers and his house was on fire, Jørgen exited and was shot dead.
224 Alexandre Bissonnette 6 19 (5 by Bissonnette) N 2017 Some paranoid Canuck who shot up a mosque and tried to become an hero, but pussied out and called the cops on himself crying like a little bitch.
225 Colin Ferguson 6 19 N 1993 The nigger version of Dylann Roof, with a good bit of Jared Lee Loughner tossed in for good measure. Unlike his cracker counterpart, the liberal faggots at New York gave him a lenient sentence because of MUH BLACK OPPRESHUN.
226 Jared Lee Loughner 6 14 (13 by Loughner) N 2011 A schizo. Tried to assassinate a person that didn't answer his question by shooting her in the head but failing hard due to him using FMJ and aiming for the Forebrain before getting what he deserved which was getting apprehended by various people while trying to reload.
227 Elliot Rodger 6 13 Y 2014 A tiny dick Brit-Azn butthurt because he was still a virgin at 22.
228 Mohammad Ahman al-Nazari 6 12 N 1997 Shot up his children's school due to allegations of one of them being raped by school staff.
229 Belarminio Antonio Rodriguez 6 9 N 1968 A soldier angry at life due to a lack of pussy.
230 Erwin Mikolajczyk 6 8 Y 1994 Shot up a courtroom where he was due, killing most people present before blowing himself up with an IED.
231 Douglas Williams 6 8 Y 2003 Killed a bunch of niggers he worked with.
232 Jean-Claude Ndayisaba 6 7 N (Executed) 1999 A soldier went amok in a reagrupament camp. He is actually the Burundian champion.
233 Reuben Rolle 6 6 Y 1964 Negro carpenter kills his wife and wents amok before an heroing
234 Edwin James Grace 6 6 Y 1972 Security guard shot up a building.
235 Leo Held 6 6 N (Shot by cops) 1967 A devout christian went on a rampage at various locations after dropping his family off at work and school.
236 José Ángelo Santana Cedano 6 6 N (Shot by cops) 2021 After having enough of his broken marriage, José went on a killing spree through his neighborhood.
237 Erminio Criscione 6 6 N 1992 Drove around town shooting up random houses.
238 Krešimir Pahoki 6 6 N 2024 Shot up a nursing home, killing his mom, four other residents, and an employee.
239 Frederick William Cowan 6 5 Y 1977 Neo-nazi shot up a moving company.
240 Vlado Chernozemski 6 5 N 1934 Bulgarian assassinated the king. He was beaten up by a mob and died to his injuries later.
241 Charles Roberts 6 4 Y 2006 Extra credit for doing it at an Amish schoolhouse.
242 Andre Bing 6 4 Y 2022 Patrick Crusius 2: Electric Boogaloo.
243 Çevdet Yilmaz 6 4 N 1983 Turkroach shot a cafe before being V&
244 Stephen Lawrence Anderson 6 4 N 1997 Shot up a ski lodge with a shotgun. Was found not guilty for being batshit insane.
245 Fan Jieming 6 4 N 2013 62-year-old man beat a coworker to death with a metal pipe before going on a killing spree with a rifle.
246 John Felton Parish 6 4 N (Shot by cops) 1982 Crazy nigger shot up some warehouses before escaping and ultimately dying in a police shootout.
247 Viateur Nkurunziza 6 3 N (Shot by police) 1998 Soldier went amok in a local bar with a Sub-machine gun. (Probably he was drunken)
248 Andrew John Engeldinger 6 2 Y 2012 Shot up his former workplace after being fired.
249 Kyle Huff 6 2 Y 2006 Goth fatass who filled degenerate ravers with buckshot before an heroing.
250 Kumajiro Takazawa 6 2 N 1912 Criminal who went amok before vanishing into thin air.
251 Rosario Bilodeau 6 2 N 1934 Killed some of his family members before shooting up the post office. He was hanged.
252 Ikuya Hatakeyama 6 2 N 1975 Depressed loner shot people for the lulz.
253 Anatoly Fedorenko 6 2 N 1977 Soldier shot up a school before being executed.
254 Sergei Lepney 6 2 N 1997 Soldier shot up a military school.
255 Veera Jitantuk 6 2 N 1997 A village chief that killed people for accusing him of corruption. He was later sentenced to death.
256 Ghulam Mustafa 6 2 N 2005 Killed his wife, her parents and some others.
257 Jason Dalton 6 2 N 2016 A fatass Uber driver that did some drive-bys.
258 William Roberto Ferreira Costa 6 2 N 2016 Hairdresser shot up a bar before surrendering to police.
259 Marian Ryszard Majka 6 1 Y 1957 Polish electrician went amok killing his wife, daughter and another family before killing himself.
260 Tyler Peterson 6 1 Y 2007 Cop who killed his ex-GF and 5 others at a pizza party, all because they laughed at his dumb ass.
261 Jaras Surasak 6 1 Y 2011 Policeman shot several colleagues.
262 Veysi Erim 6 1 Y 2014 Psychologist went psycho and shot up his old clinic.
263 Kalle Heikkilä 6 1 N 1905 Shot and stabbed his family before being arrested.
264 Charles Newton Layman 6 1 N 1935 Killed his co-workers. Later found to be insane.
265 Yuri Ilyasov 6 1 N 1964 A farmer who shot up a village with a double-barreled shotgun. He was executed by firing squad in 1966.
266 Pantelís Bizónis 6 1 N 1985 Butcher shot up his neighbourhood before being V&.
267 Tomislav Petrović 6 1 N 2008 Shot up a bus and the neighbourhood before being v&.
268 Dmitry Vinogradov 6 1 N 2012 A Russian lawyer whose girlfriend had recently dumped him. Fed up with humanity's shit, he decided to go for the high score in Russia and failed considerably.
269 Kulbarak Uulu Balbay 6 1 N (shot by soldiers) 2012 Crazed border guard killed 5 and a unborn baby before his comrades shot him.
270 Sergey Pomazun 6 1 N 2013 Shot up a gun store and got sentenced to life in prison.
271 Rade Šefer 6 1 N (Killed by civilians) 2015 A broken man shot up his son's wedding party, before one of the attendees hit him with a chair and strangled him to death.
272 Malcolm George Baker 6 1 N 1992 Shot his ex and some others with a sawed off shotgun.
273 Charles Lee Thornton 6 1 N (Shot by cops) 2008 Some nigger with a construction company that got angry at the city and shot them up Leibacher style.
274 Mohammad Ali 6 1 N 2014 20-year-old shot his family.
275 Richard Dale Crum 6 1 N 2023 52-year-old shot up the neighborhood and killed his ex-wife.
276 Audrey Hale 6 1 (0 by Hale) N (Shot by cops) 2023 28-year-old female-to-male tranny shot up a christian elementary school in the name of trans rights and Satan.
277 Lauri Tainio 6 0 Y 1937 Killed his family before shooting himself.
278 Josip Capan Joko 6 0 Y 1995 Coomer who decided to kill a family, because he was arrested for fapping in front of their house, the day before.
279 John Bauer 6 0 Y 2001 Killed his family before burning down the house and killing himself.
280 Rosen Angelov 6 0 Y 2017 53-year-old pedo shot a woman and her dog before driving to her house to kill her family. He was found dead in a car a week later with child porn in his car. After police searched his house, they found more child porn.
281 Peter Miles 6 0 Y 2018 Grandpa killed four of his grandkids, his wife, his daughter and then himself.
282 Igor Nađ 6 0 Y 2019 Attacked his ex-gf's place before killing himself.
283 Jesse McFadden 6 0 Y 2023 Pedophile killed a bunch of kiddies in his house to avoid going to jail again.
284 Phillip Adams 6 0 Y 2021 Former handegg player who pulled a Chris Benoit on a doctor, his family, and two other randoms.
285 Teodoro Macias 6 0 Y 2021 Shot up his girlfriend's birthday party and an hero'd
286 Juan Medina Gordillo 6 0 Y 1996 Grandpa, equiped with a shotgun, killed his family and shot some neighbours in a local village before comiting suicide.
287 Unknown 6 0 N 1918 Shot six eastern European settlers before escaping. The case was never solved.
288 Nicanor Rodriguez Taboadelo 6 0 N (failed) 1971 Killed his family, his made and a random portuguese before being arrested on a an hero attempt
289 Bruce Alfred Blackman 6 0 N 1983 22-year-old shot his family.
290 Drago Miličić 6 0 N 1992 Yugoslavian soldier got drunk, went to his barracks and killed some of his comrades, threw grenades at security posts, stole a car and killed his girlfriends family before surrendering to police.
291 Yevgeny Gorbunov 6 0 N 1997 20-year-old soldier shot his comrades on guard duty.
292 Jay Handel 6 0 N 2002 Shot his children and burned down the house to spite his wife.
293 Salvador Tapia 6 0 N (Shot by cops) 2003 6 months after being fired Salvador returned to shoot up the warehouse.
294 Dennis Karbovanec 6 0 N 2007 Gangster killed some people. He turned himself in in 2009, after surviving an assassination attempt in 2008 due to wearing body armor.
295 Arif Mubashir 6 0 N 2011 Shot his daughters to restore his honor.
296 Patrick Purdy 5 32 Y 1989 80s version of Adam Lanza.
297 Siniša Zlatić 5 22 N 2016 Serb shot up a café before being disarmed by other guests.
298 Stephen Kazmierczak 5 21 (17 by Kazmierczak) Y 2008 A severely depressed bisexual faggot with shitty taste in women as well as shot placement. Tried to copy Cho but wasn't Azn enough.
299 Anderson Lee Aldrich 5 19 N 2022 22-year-old fatass shot up a gay club before being beaten up by patrons and v&. Also had an ED page from 2015.
300 Kevin Neal 5 18 (11 by Neal) Y 2017 Schizo redneck that shot his wife, his neighbors, and a bunch of randoms at various locations (including an elementary school) before an heroing in a 2v1 with small town cops.
301 Heinz Jacob Friedrich Ernst Schmidt 5 18 N 1913 Schizo shot up a school.
302 Lawrence William Moore 5 18 N 1981 Shot up a museum before being overpowered by patrons and subsequently v&. One of the victims died from complications due to the injuries sustained, in 2013.
303 Karel Charva 5 14 Y 1983 Czechoslovakian native got drunk and shot up a school in Germany.
304 Günter Hermann Ewen 5 11 Y 1999 After being thrown out of a nightclub because he was broke, Günter returned with a shotgun and a revolver to exact his revenge. He then fled to France, killing another man during a carjacking. After this he fled to Luxembourg and shot himself inside a hotel.
305 Chérif Chekatt 5 11 N (Shot by cops) 2018 Muslim fag who killed 5 at some gay ass Christmas market, stole a taxi, and got killed by cops.
306 Sergey Semidovskiy 5 10 Y 2002 Police captain got drunk and argued with several bar patrons before shooting them all, and shooting himself in the chest. He was taken to hospital and died of cardiac arrest two days later.
307 Alvin Lee King III 5 10 N 1980 Former high school teacher shot up a church because some of the members had declined to appear as character witnesses for him in a trial in which he was accused of raping his daughter.
308 Eduardo Romero Naupay 5 9 N (Shot by cops) 2017 Went on a rampage after the man tried to shut down his humble food stand.
309 Micah Xavier Johnson 5 9 N (Blown the fuck up by cops) 2016 A Black Lives Matter acolyte from Texas. Set out to kill white cops, and succeeded.
310 John Filip Nordlund 5 8 N 1900 25-year-old boarded a steamboat with the intent to rob everyone aboard and escape, but ended up just killing anyone he came across before being captured and sentenced to death. Two of the victims were stabbed, one with such force that the knife broke inside her body.
311 Connor Sturgeon 5 8 N (Shot by cops) 2023 Normie redditor with brain damage or something shot up the bank he worked at for the lulz. Also livestreamed it on Instagram, but the footage has yet to surface.
312 Unknown 5 7 N 1930 Anon shot up a liberal meeting, 2 people died from shock.
313 Gary Montez Martin 5 7 (6 by Martin) N (Shot by cops) 2019 Former employee shot up his workplace.
314 Igor Zenkov 5 6 Y 2017 Embarked on a two-day killing spree before shooting himself.
315 Vyacheslav Bugakov 5 6 N 1995 19-year-old schizo border guard shot some of his comrades.
316 Denis Soloviev 5 6 N 2002 Shot some soldiers.
317 Esteban Santiago 5 6 N 2017 A Spic schizo. Played on Nightmare Mode in a Fort Lauderdale airport, but ran out of ammo and got V&.
318 Battista Pestallazzi 5 5 Y 1922 Shot up a train station with two revolvers.
319 Chaiyaworn Hiranwadee 5 5 Y 1997 Police sergeant shot up the station.
320 Nodar Atuashvili 5 5 Y 2023 Former soldier sniped people from his balcony. He managed to kill one of the responding officers.
321 Anwar Mohammed Salama al-Saad Abu Zaid Bani Abdu 5 5 N (Shot by cops) 2015 An officer opened fire on a police training center.
322 Artemiy Yuryovich Riabchuk 5 5 N 2022 An Ukrainian soldier went postal and shot up a factory shortly before Russia's invasion.
323 John Samir Zawahri 5 4 (2 by Zawahri) N (Shot by cops) 2013 You want more proof that gun control doesn't work for niggers? There's your fucking proof.
324 Euler Fernando Grandolpho 5 4 Y 2018 49-year-old system analyst suddenly went amok and shot up a cathedral.
325 Sulejman Talović 5 4 N (Shot by cops) 2007 Some Bosnian guy who put on a trenchcoat and used a cheap shotgun (using birdshot) and a .38 revolver to shoot a few people in a mall before getting shot by pigs. Family was Muslim. However, the police said he wasn't motivated by Terrorism.
326 Khalil Khalilov 5 4 N (Shot by cops) 2018 ISIS nigger attacked a church.
327 Barry Kenneth Williams 5 3 N 1978 Went on a shooting spree killing his neighbors.
328 Jake Davison 5 2 Y 2021 UK Elliot Rodger shot up his neighborhood.
329 Canh Le 5 2 Y 2024 Shot his family and set the house on fire.
330 Verlin Spencer 5 2 N 1940 Principal shot five colleagues dead while on a heavy dose of painkillers. Verlin was released in 1970.
331 Austin Thompson 5 2 N 2022 15-year-old killed his brother before dressing up in camo and killing 4 other people, including an off-duty cop and escaping into the forest. After being cornered inside a barn by police, Austin shot himself in the head and was taken into custody. He also killed a dog.
332 Lyndon McLeod 5 2 N (Shot by cops) 2021 AKA Roman McClay: Alpha male went on a shooting spree after making a movie and several books about it. Ended up being killed by a female cop.
333 Jason Nightengale 5 2 N (Shot by cops) 2021 A crazy nigga from Chiraq who kicked off 2021 with a bang. If anyone thought 2021 was going to be different than 2020, they'd be dead wrong.
334 Jarrod Ramos 5 2 N 2018 Some angry mutt who rekt 5 journalists with a shotgun. Bonus points for causing massive amounts of butthurt among liberals.
335 Robert Benjamin Smith 5 2 N 1966 18-year-old tried to score higher than fellow OG shooter Charles Whitman, but ended up failing pretty hard.
336 Kimbrady Watson Carriker 5 2 N 2023 40-year-old nigger tranny shot up the neighborhood.
337 Gang Lu 5 1 Y 1991 Chink who got pissy that his dissertation didn't receive a prize, and decided to ventilate members of his physics department before an heroing.
338 Clifton McCree 5 1 Y 1996 Nigger killed wypipo as revenge for being fired.
339 Douglas Araya 5 1 Y 2005 Taxi driver went on a shooting spree before hanging himself from a tree and shooting himself in the head.
340 Pavel Bakhtin 5 1 Y 2015 Shot some soldiers.
341 Amaro Batista de Matos 5 1 N 1973 Shot some teenagers who were trying to get a handout from him before traveling to a bar and shooting some more people after an argument.
342 Francesco Villi 5 1 N (Shot by cops) 2022 Crazy 73-year-old wop shot up his condo because of a secret plot against him.
343 Colin Gill 5 0 Y 1986 Detective shot his family because his wife was cheating on him.
344 Jiří Zouhar 5 0 Y 1988 Shot his ex and her family.
345 Ibrahim Shkupolli 5 0 Y 2009 A Yugoslavian who started his murderous rampage by killing his ex-girlfriend, then he shot up a mall, went back home and killed himself.
346 Ilya Aseev 5 0 Y 2016 Shot up a biker club. Killed himself in police custody in 2018.
347 John Robert Neumann Jr. 5 0 Y 2017 A discharged soldier. Shot people in the head at Fiamma days prior to the 1 year anniversary of Pulse.
348 Thomas Young 5 0 N 1958 Shot up a christmas party while drunk. Executed in 1959.
349 Jeremy Bamber 5 0 N 1985 24-year-old shot his family before being captured and sentenced to life in prison.
350 Ali Younes 5 0 N 2017 14-year old grabbed a shotgun and killed his father for beating him. Then, 4 noisy neighbours and got arrested.
351 Diaa Hamarsheh 5 0 N (Shot by cops) 2022 Palestinian who shot up a street and died after a police standoff. He planned to commit a suicide bombing in 2011 but got ratted out by an accomplice.
352 Anton Franchikov 5 0 N 2020 Shot people from his balcony because they were making too much noise.
353 Anthony Ferrill 5 0 Y 2020 Literal carbon copy of Omar Thornton. Also is one of only two Americunt High Scores to take place in 2020 (thanks Corona-chan!!).
354 Arcan Cetin 5 0 Y (In prison) 2016 A Leftist turkroach used his Call Of Duty MLG Noscope Skillz to rek 5 noobz in the makeup department of a mall in Washington with a Ruger 10/22, sparked a manhunt. Evaded police for almost a day before being caught.
355 Zephen Xaver 5 0 N 2019 Ventilated women at a Florida bank before having a bout of Troll's Remorse, and v& himself.
356 Francisco Oropesa 5 0 N 2023 Illegal immigrant shot some other illegal immigrants before escaping. Found in his sisters closet a few days later.
357 Kip Kinkel 4 25 N 1998 Some retarded-looking crybaby schizo. Killed his mommy and daddy, then managed to kill 2 people before getting tackled while reloading after spamming shit at people which resulted in him being dog-piled and thrown into the slammer for life which finally led to him getting sausage up his ass.
358 Kujtim Fejzulai 4 23 N (Shot by cops) 2020 ISIS nigger went berserk in a busy street, like they always do.
359 Tommy Zethraeus 4 20 N 1994 Tommy and his friends were denied access to a restaurant, resulting in him going home to retrieve his AG-3 and return to enact his revenge.
360 Redouane Lakdim 4 15 N (Shot by cops) 2018 Islamist shot and stabbed people for allah.
361 Gabriel Rodrigues Castiglioni 4 12 N 2022 16-year-old with a Siege mask guns down 3 teachers and a student in two schools. Will be released since he is a minor.
362 Eden Natan-Zada 4 12 N (Beaten to death by an angry mob) 2005 A good (((kike))) who put down some rabid mudslimes at a bus before being removed from the gene pool by said mudslimes.
363 Michael Louis 4 <10 Y 2022 Crazy-eyed nigger took revenge on the surgeon that fucked up his back by shooting up the hospital he worked at.
364 Hamza Hassan Mohamed 4 9 N 2021 ISIS Wannabe blew up to death 4 pigs and wounded 9 before another killed him.
365 Travis Posey 4 9 N 2024 White trash shot up a supermarket in the middle of nowhere.
366 Colt Gray 4 9 N 2024 14-year-old who shot up his school and failed.
367 Janusz Ochnik 4 8 N 1990 Shot his fellow soldiers then escaped from the military base, but was arrested shortly thereafter.
368 Borislav Bešlić 4 8 N 1994 41-year-old shot up a cafe before surrendering.
369 Martin Peyerl 4 7 Y 1999 The closest we will ever get to a German Charles Whitman, some 16 year old kraut fucker shot at people from his bedroom with his daddy's firearms before an'heroing in a bathtub
370 Jean-Pierre Roux-Durrafourt 4 7 N 2001 Shot up the neighborhood after being divorced.
371 Nathan Gale 4 7 N (Shot by cops) 2004 Butthurt meathead who shot his former idol Dimebag Darrell. Ended up getting bored and got 3 more kills before getting his head Kurt Cobain'd by the cops.
372 Randan Fontaine 4 7 N 2016 Kid who chimped-out at La Loche Community School.
373 Ethan Crumbley 4 7 N 2021 Edgelord who shot up his high school. His parents were v& for involuntary manslaughter.
374 Christopher Dorner 4 6 (3 by Dorner) Y 2013 Got kicked out of the LAPD, so he decided to kick them out of life before permabanning himself.
375 Gökmen Tanis 4 6 N 2019 Shortly after Brenton's Kebab removal adventures (literally 3 days after it happened, lol.), an islamist shot up a tram to take revenge for the 51 mudslimes.
376 Aziz Kelmendi 4 5 Y 1987 20-year-old conscript shot up an army base.
377 Matthew Murray 4 5 Y 2007 A guy who had 2 pistols and an AR15 clone but only got 4 kills.
378 Viktor Berisha 4 5 Y 2013 Shot up a wood-processing plant and ended up shooting himself, possibly accidentally during a scuffle with one of the workers.
379 Itamar Alon 4 5 Y 2013 Shot up a bank and took a hostage before killing himself.
380 Michael Charles Hayes 4 5 N 1988 Shot demons that needed to be killed before realizing they were just random passersby.
381 Terry Clark Hughes Jr 4 4 N (Shot by cops) 2024 Nigger shot some cops as they tried to raid his house.
382 Jaylen Fryberg 4 3 Y 2014 A butthurt drama queen Injun normie jock. Stole his daddy's .40 and shot people at a table before some cunt tried to stop his ass which led to him shooting himself in the neck.
383 Aneury Heredia 4 3 Y 2015 26-year-old shot up the neighborhood to avenge his dead friend.
384 Georgy Borisovich Yudaev 4 3 Y 2016 Set fire to the neighborhood and shot some people.
385 Chase Garvey 4 3 Y 2024 Shot up a birthday party. Also raped a 13-year-old girl in 2021.
386 Bjørn Braskerud 4 3 N (Shot by cops) 1938 A "completely normal guy" suddenly killed some people, including his father and a policeman due to the ever nearing race war.
387 Rudolf Polák Jr. 4 3 N 1962 Shot a bunch of people during a failed robbery.
388 Oleg Lokhmatov 4 3 N 1997 Soldier shot some of his comrades as well as some civilians.
389 Dale Cregan 4 3 N 2012 One eyed gangster killed two police women in an ambush before turning himself in. It was later revealed that he had shot up a pub earlier in 2012, killing one Mark Short and injuring three, as well as the murder of Mark's father David a few months later.
390 Ezekiel Kelly 4 3 N 2022 Some crazy 19-year-old nigger got high, chimped out and shot random people before crashing his car and getting v&. He also streamed some of the shooting.
391 Joey Eaton 4 3 N 2023 Retarded closet-homo shot his parents and some friends shortly after getting out of jail.
392 Jan Kostrzewski 4 2 Y 1930 Left-wing political activist shot up a hospital for the lulz.
393 Eino Matti Ahtiainen 4 2 Y 1958 A jealous worker went berserk before shooting himself three times.
394 Pierre Labrun 4 2 Y 1999 Shot up a transit station.
395 Daniil Monakhov 4 2 Y 2020 Ruskie who pwned his own grandmother & a nosey neighbour before shooting up a bus stop and becoming An Hero
396 Joaquin Roman 4 2 Y 2020 Sperged out at a gas station after attempting (and failing) to copy Seth Ator. Only reason this sperg-out made national news was due to the Cop Killer bonus this scorer accrued. Also is one of only two Americunt High Scores to take place in 2020 (thanks Corona-chan!!).
397 Martin Fenton 4 2 N 1973 Shot a cop before shooting up a casino and escaping, ultimately being arrested.
398 Unknown 4 2 N 1988 23-year-old schizo gun nut sniped people at a shooting range with a shotgun before fleeing into the woods and being captured.
399 Gavin Eugene Long 4 2 N (Shot by cops) 2016 Shot some cops in Baton Rouge, just merely 10 days after Micah Xavier Johnson's spree.
400 Travis Reinking 4 2 N 2018 Schizo retard who shot up a Waffle House with an AR15 wearing only a jacket. Some dude took the rifle from him which made him take off the jacket and run away completely naked.
401 Claudio Campiti 4 2 N 2022 57-year-old stole a gun from a shooting range and attacked a bar, killing a close friend of Italian prime minister Giorgia Meloni.
402 Robert Hicks Murray 4 1 Y 1912 A mysterious man who shot his family, consisting of three children and two wives who were sisters. After luring them all to a mansion he had rented and shooting them all, Robert shot himself. One of his wives survived, and during the investigation it was discovered that Robert was using a fake name and was likely a serial killer.
403 Upendra Ranjan Biswas 4 1 Y 1937 Indian shot his family and bystanders before killing himself.
404 Toivo Sigurd Hohti 4 1 Y 1938 Bootlegger who shot a few of his neighbours and himself.
405 Alois Huber 4 1 Y 2013 55-year-old poacher refused to be caught by police and led them on a chase of epic proportions. It all ended in a secret basement as Alois lit the place on fire and died.
406 Ruslan Akhtyamov 4 1 Y 2022 Russian Adam Lanza shot up a kindergarten and himself. He also killed the owner of the gun that was used.
407 Danilo Chávez 4 1 N 2022 Killed his ex-wife and children one day after International women's day.
408 R. A. Butler 4 1 N 1901 Former soldier shot his children before being arrested.
409 Martin Muniz 4 1 N 2023 Killed some of his family members and injured his 8-year-old niece.
410 Gunnar Bengtsson 4 1 N 1971 Old man shot up a courtroom killing his ex, her lawyer, his own lawyer and a court official. When police searched his home, one was injured by a booby trap.
411 Raymond Russell Rafuse 4 1 N 1988 Shot up a party. Also stabbed a woman in 1977 and served his sentence.
412 Valery Fabrikant 4 1 N 1992 Belarusian professor shot up the school he worked at, killing coworkers.
413 Joshua Green 4 1 Y 2021 Man shot up a supermarket and then shot himself at an apartment after setting himself on fire. Police discovered his parents' bodies at their home.
414 Aminadab Gonzalez 4 1 N 2021 Shot up a office complex before being shot by cops and jailed.
415 Denys Mashonsky 4 1 N 2022 Got high on drugs and killed a family.
416 Iren Byers 4 1 N 2023 20-year-old nigger shot random people for fun in Arizona.
417 Giorgi Orvelashvili 4 1 N 2024 Shot up a market after being fired by his uncle.
418 Maurice Clemmons 4 1 N (Shot by cops) 2009 A nigger who should've been executed for his many crimes, but instead was given clemency by none other than Mike Huckabee. He celebrated his newfound freedom by chimping out on 4 random pigs who dindu nuffin.
419 Johmar Villabito 4 1 N (Shot by soldiers) 2023 Army private went amok in the barracks before being killed in a scuffle.
420 F. Holmes 4 0 Y 1908 Killed his wife, daughter and two maids before killing himself.
421 H. C. Tebbutt 4 0 Y 1932 Shot his family.
422 Paul Beecham 4 0 Y 1969 25-year-old man shot his parents and grandparents before escaping, later getting arrested and sent to prison for 16 years. In 1997, Paul killed his wife, buried her under his patio and killed himself.
423 Gustav Svojsík 4 0 Y 1969 Shot his family and burned down the house.
424 Neil Rutherford 4 0 Y 1976 Former Navy commander shot up a hotel in Wales, set it ablaze and killed himself.
425 Lubomír Bugár 4 0 Y 1980 Slovakian soldier stole a gun and shot random people.
426 Jim Donnelly 4 0 Y 1988 30-year-old man shot his family.
427 Erkki Peltonen 4 0 Y 1993 45-year-old went bankrupt and killed his family to spare them of the shame of having to sell their house. One of his sons was able to escape the house.
428 Sergey Khanov 4 0 Y 2003 Shot some soldiers and himself.
429 Adán Milla Rojas 4 0 N 2005 Ranchero got pissed after his girlfriend left him, so he took revenge by killing her entire family.
430 James Roszko 4 0 Y 2005 Shot RCMP constables as they were going to seize his weed farm. Killed himself after being wounded.
431 Raif Kačar 4 0 Y 2009 Shot his ex and her family.
432 Jaime Ibáñez Romero 4 0 Y (in prison) 2014 Killed his wife's family to get the inheritance money.
433 Amiran Georgadze 4 0 Y 2015 Shot up the city hall.
434 Lauri Pessala 4 0 N 1961 Bank manager shot his wife and kids.
435 Tauno Veikko Pasanen 4 0 N 1969 Drunk man went amok and shot cops who came to check on him. Also strangled his wife in 1996.
436 Kari Timmerbacka 4 0 N 1987 Shot his ex and her friends.
437 Denis Pertsev 4 0 N 2001 Shot some soldiers.
438 Andrei Rastegaev 4 0 N 2002 Shot some soldiers.
439 Kori Ali Muhammad 4 0 N 2017 A hater of white people. Shot people in multiple places with a revolver before getting V&.
440 Jody Lee Hunt 4 0 Y 2014 Angry man killed his enemies after posting a suicide note to Facebook.
441 Thomas Hartless 4 0 Y 2017 A woman-beater with a long criminal record. Shot up a nursing home. One of the victims was a pig.
442 Charles Slacks 4 0 Y 2023 Disgruntled ex-army nigger killed his kids and his baby mama's new boyfriend.
443 Palle Sørensen 4 0 N 1965 Shot four cops while escaping from a robbery. Turned himself in two days later and spent 32 years in prison before being paroled.
444 Charles L. Meach 4 0 N 1982 Schizo was let out on leave from his mental hospital and ended up shooting 4 teenagers in a park.
445 Ricardo Barreda 4 0 N 1992 Killed his family with a shotgun. He was released in 2011 and died in 2020.
446 Asher Weisgan 4 0 N 2005 Stole an M16 from a security guard and killed his muslim friends.
447 Alexandr Lyovin 4 0 N 2007 Used a handmade pistol to complete a contract killing but ended up shooting everyone in the apartment to leave no witnesses.
448 Pere Puig Puntí 4 0 N 2010 Construction worker got fired and then killed his former bosses and two bank employees.
449 Volkan Bayar 4 0 N 2018 University investigator shoots and kills 4 faculty members before his V& by the pigs.
450 Stephen Marlow 4 0 N 2022 Drove around assassinating the people responsible for him being under mind control.
451 Robert Crayton Jr. 4 0 Y 2023 Small time actor and nigger shot his family dead.
452 Mehdi Nemmouche 4 0 N 2014 Algerian man shot up a Jewish museum.
453 Matthew Vincent Raymond 4 0 N 2018 48-year-old man shot up the street before being arrested and found not guilty due to insanity.
454 John Brittain 4 0 N 2019 69-year-old man shot some bitches who harrassed his wife. Sentenced to life in prison.
455 Masanori Aoki 4 0 N 2023 Stabbed some woman to death for the lulz and shot responding officers with a hunting rifle.
456 Marat Hajiyev 4 0 N (Shot by soldiers) 2017 Shot some soldiers.
457 Michael Stone 3 60+ N 1988 British soldier who thought it would be funny to shoot and throw grenades into a funeral for some dead IRA soldiers. Currently alive and out of prison on parole.
458 João de Gouveia 3 29 N 2002 Batshit insane schizo Portuguese migrant and James Holmes lookalike shot up an anticommie rally.
459 Sabine Radmacher 3 18 N (Shot by cops) 2010 Female lawyer shot her husband and strangled their son before burning down the house and shooting up a nearby hospital.
461 Cedric Larry Ford 3 14 N (Shot by cops) 2016 An employee shot up a lawnmower business.
462 Denis Lortie 3 13 N 1984 Ex-soldier shot up the parliament building.
463 Santino William Legan 3 12 Y 2019 Decided to shoot up a garlic festival of all places.
464 Anthony Barbaro 3 11 Y 1974 17-year-old attacked his school with guns and smoke bombs. Hanged himself in prison a year later.
465 Ahmed Mustafa Ibrahim Ali 3 11 N (Shot by cops) 2004 Policeman shot up a jail.
466 Michael Andrew Clark 3 10 Y 1965 16-year-old boy sat atop a hill shooting at passing cars. When police closed in on him, he committed suicide.
467 Napoleon Green 3 9 Y 1955 21-year-old airforce nigger from Chicago shot up the base before escaping, engaging in a shootout with cops before killing himself.
468 Robert Lewis Dear 3 9 N 2015 Bonus points for targeting a Planned Parenthood clinic.
469 George Sodini 3 9 Y 2009 A guy desperate to have a woman in his life decided to shoot up a Gold's Gym while Latin dance music played.
470 Mohammed Alshamrani 3 8 N (Shot by cops) 2019 Fort Hood copycat who tried to record his spree Brenton Tarrant style. Ended up paying none of the homage and getting double the failure.
471 Noah Esbensen 3 7 N 2022 22-year-old schizo uploaded a bunch of videos to YouTube practicing his an hero skills before shooting up a mall the very next day.
472 Sylvia Wynanda Seegrist 3 7 N 1985 A schizo female mall shooter who had a crush on James Huberty.
473 Nasha'at Melhem 3 7 N 2016 Arab stole his father's gun and shot up a bunch of different establishments.
474 Luke Woodham 3 7 N 1997 16 year old killed his mom and shot up his school before being subdued by an armed teacher. When the teacher asked Woodham of his motive, he replied "Life has wronged me, sir".
475 Raad Hazem 3 6 N 2022 Palestinian shot up a busy Israeli street.
476 Beau Wilson 3 6 N (Shot by cops) 2023 Went on a rampage in his neighborhood and only managed to kill 3 old ladies.
477 Timothy Hendron 3 5 Y 2010 Another workplace shooter that failed to take Patrick Sherrill's score.
478 Anthony Dwayne McRae 3 5 Y 2023 43-year-old tiny nigger shot up Michigan State University.
479 Michael Carneal 3 5 N 1997 14 year old that shot up his school because he got bullied, brought a small arsenal of weapons but surrendered immediately after unloading his Ruger MK II.
480 Rafael Solich 3 5 N 2004 15-year-old stole a gun from his father and shot up his school.
481 Mateus da Costa Meira 3 4 N 1999 A fat fuck who fancied himself "pure evil", but really just spent all his time in his window-less apartment room wageslaving. This desperate swine even got into cocaine to lose some weight, which only made him go Aurora at his local movie theater. He didn't even get to an hero due to being tackled by a random HUE! Fat people, amirite?
482 Prasittichai Khaokaew 3 4 N 2020 Gangster shot up a mall, robbed the place and fled on a motorcycle. He was caught a few weeks later.
483 Lance Storz 3 4 Y (In prison) 2022 Wife beater had a standoff for several hours while shooting cops from his house.
484 Master Phasid Trutassanawin 3 4 N 2023 Degenerate wannabe American and furry shot up a mall for the lulz before being v&.
485 Benjamin Herman 3 4 N (Shot by cops) 2018 31-year-old white guy converted to Islam and killed some people, including two police women, while on leave from prison. He was ultimately killed by police while holding a woman hostage.
486 Antti Pohja 3 3 Y 1957 26-year-old man shot his father and burned down the house before shooting some cops and killing himself the next day.
487 Helmut Oxner 3 3 Y 1982 Neo-nazi shot niggers, turks and other immigrants before shooting himself in the chest.
488 Arnaud M. 3 3 Y 2017 Cop went amok before killing himself.
489 Snochia Moseley 3 3 Y 2018 The first black tranny player, clearly added to the game to meet the diversity quotas of The Current Year.
490 Nermin Sulejmanović 3 3 Y 2023 Bodybuilder livestreamed killing his wife before going on a rampage.
491 Yuri Gaev 3 3 N 1970 Shot a bunch of soldiers.
492 Peter Odighizuwa 3 3 N 2002 43-year-old Nigerian shot up the law school he previously studied at before being arrested.
493 Amy Bishop 3 3 N 2010 An attempt by a woman to get onto both the School Shooting & Workplace Shooting leader-boards, that failed miserably, proving that women can't shoot for shit. One of the injured had a heart attack 7 years later.
494 William M. 3 3 N 2022 69-year-old man went out hunting Kurds.
495 Anthony Polito 3 3 N (Shot by cops) 2023 Professor shot up the University of Nevada.
496 James Allen Moore 3 2 Y 1992 24-year-old shot up a Sinn Féin HQ before driving to a lake and killing himself.
497 Geir Kaldahl 3 2 Y 2006 Shot his father and GF with a shotgun before driving over to his ex and attacking her and her family with a knife, killing his own 14-year-old son. He later escaped to a gas station, firing into the wall several times before leaving and blowing his brains out in a corn field.
498 Shannon Gooden 3 2 Y 2024 Nigger shot some cops.
499 Mohamed Ishmail 3 2 N 1960 Somailan shot up a pub in hopes of being executed, but was instead sent back to Somalia where he allegedly tried to go on another rampage, only to be gunned down.
500 Sabi Nikoloff 3 2 N 1975 Set his house on fire and shot at passersby before being arrested.
501 Justin Bourque 3 2 N 2014 Canuck who went on a cop-killing spree in Moncton, Canada. Led the cops on a manhunt for over 24 hours. Bonus points for letting them call for backup.
502 Chao-Tiao Yumol 3 2 N 2022 Some pinoy shot up a graduation, assassinating some former mayor.
503 Jonathan Sapirman 3 2 N (Shot by civilian) 2022 Some random mall shooter who got rekt by an armed civilian.
504 TJ Lane 3 2 N 2012 One of the lulziest failures around. Broke out of jail in 2014 only to be recaptured.
505 Christopher Darnell Jones 3 2 N 2022 22-year-old nigger killed three other niggers who were also members of a football team on campus before making a run for it.
506 Evin Geovanny Mata-Guzman 3 2 N 2023 25-year-old spic shot up an apartment complex.
507 Unknown 3 2 N 2023 Some random guy who went amok his neighborhood before getting V&
508 Hasan Abdulakhadov 3 2 N (Shot by soldiers) 2017 Shot some soldiers.
509 Wilfred Gibbs 3 1 Y 1935 Shot up a bus, killing some of his family and a random passenger before killing himself.
510 Stefan Bykowski 3 1 N (attempted) 1936 A teacher who decided to take revenge for being fired for drinking too much vodka. Shot and killed 3 teachers then barricaded himself with hostages in the classroom. He later injured a pig during gunfight and eventually attempted to kill himself by shooting himself in the head, but survived.
511 John Thomas Haw 3 1 Y 1941 Killed his family and himself, but failed to kill his 9-year-old daughter.
512 Gunnar Kelstrup 3 1 Y 1955 Doctor went nuts and shot his colleagues and his wife before killing himself in front of police.
513 Graham Green 3 1 Y 1983 Former police cadet shot up his house before killing himself.
514 Michael Berger 3 1 Y 2000 After being stopped by the police for driving without his seatbelt fastened, Michael opened fire before escaping and killing himself.
515 Roger Kjetså 3 1 Y 2002 25-year-old soldier dressed in his uniform and wielding his AG-3 killed his friend and his parents, after evicting them from his own birthday party.
516 Adam Labus 3 1 Y 2002 The antecesor of Robert Steinhäuser, on february 2002, shot some people in histown before moving to a school to shot some NPCs before an hero. His motive was he was fired from there. That make Robert after his ban went amok.
517 Damian Ciołek 3 1 N 2007 Prison guard shot and killed 3 pigs with his AK-47 before surrendering.
518 Derek Jensen 3 1 Y 2011 21-year-old killed his girlfriend and her friends before killing himself.
519 Michael Atherton 3 1 Y 2012 42-year-old man shot his family with a shotgun on New Year's day.
520 Anton Konev 3 1 Y 2017 Shot up the FSB.
521 Ariel Santángelo 3 1 Y 2017 Pissed off businessman and 1# Barreda fan wiped out the family that was trying to fuck him over.
522 Artur Ibragimov 3 1 Y 2019 Shot his wife and neighbors.
523 Dmitry Zakharov 3 1 Y 2020 Shot up a party he hosted.
524 Cedric Anderson 3 1 Y 2017 A Navy veteran with a criminal history. Shot his special ED teacher wife and two students before becoming an hero.
525 Frédérik Limol 3 1 Y 2020 Former soldier shot an officer responding to a domestic dispute. He then set his house on fire and shot two more officers before escaping for a short while, finally crashing his car and killing himself.
526 Fazil Bahramov 3 1 Y 2020 Attacked a family.
527 Russel Jones 3 1 N 1949 American soldier got drunk and killed random people with a stolen rifle.
528 Barry Dale Loukaitis 3 1 N 1996 14 year old depressed kid shot his algebra teacher and 3 students before being subdued by his gym coach.
529 Pavel Przenioslo 3 1 N 1997 After an armed robbery, Pavel was upset with his accomplice because he didn't get enough of the loot. They later met up and Pavel shot him in the head with a revolver. He then shot his accomplice's girlfriend in the head, causing her severe brain damage and killing her unborn child. He then shot her father as he slept. Pavel was released in 2010 and permabanned from Denmark.
530 Sanna Riitta Liisa Sillanpää 3 1 N 1999 Schizo woman shot up a gun club before trying to escape on a plane to London.
531 Risto Pekka Leinonen 3 1 N 2000 18-year-old shot his family.
532 Travis Baumgartner 3 1 N 2012 Shot his coworkers before stealing an armored car and escaping. He was later caught and sentenced to life in prison.
533 Aynoddin 3 1 N 2012 The police chief's child sex slave stole an AK-47 and shot American soldiers. He was not arrested.
534 Yaroslav Mazurok 3 1 N? 2012 Shot security guards at a mall for no reason and was found dead in the woods a few days later. According to Ukrainian government, Yaroslav was a trained assassin and illegal gunsmith, but this was disputed by family and friends who claimed he had been framed. Considering pre-war Ukraine's track record with corruption and other monkey business, this is most likely a false flag operation.
535 Allen Christopher Ivanov 3 1 N 2016 A spoiled butthurt teen decided to shoot up a house party after seeing his ex-girlfriend with another man.
536 Hideaki Nozu 3 1 N 2020 Hikikomori killed his family for the lulz with a crossbow.
537 Anton Makarov 3 1 N 2020 20-year-old soldier shot up an airbase before being v&.
538 Sergei Shinkevich 3 1 N 2021 Killed a family having a picnic before fleeing the scene. He was v& later.
539 Noah Jacob Harpham 3 1 N (Shot by cops) 2015 A Christfag. Shot up a street in Colorado, then got pwnt by cops.
540 James Hawke 3 0 Y 1886 Shot his sister, her husband and a visitor after returning from Australia.
541 William Williams 3 0 Y 1898 Killed his family and himself with a revolver.
542 Francis Klatovsky 3 0 Y 1901 Russian man shot his family and himself.
543 David Taylor 3 0 Y 1905 Business owner couldn't get a hold of poison to kill his family, so he shot them instead.
544 Walter Bayless 3 0 Y 1906 Shot his brother's family before killing himself.
545 James Standen 3 0 Y 1914 Shot his kids before shooting himself.
546 William Juta 3 0 Y 1914 South African man shot his family before going to a club and shooting himself after writing a suicide note.
547 A. Gamblin 3 0 Y 1924 Killed his family with a shotgun before blowing his brains out.
548 Donald MacDonald 3 0 Y 1924 Shot his sisters, his niece and himself.
549 Samuel William Daw 3 0 Y 1929 53-year-old man killed his family.
550 Henry Simms 3 0 Y 1929 35-year-old man shot his wife, son and a neighbor.
551 John James Blackburn 3 0 Y 1937 20-year-old man shot up the farm he had recently been fired from.
552 Aatos Maaranen 3 0 Y 1959 Shot up the neighborhood and burned down his house. Shot a 9-year-old girlscout when she came to check on the situation.
553 Michael Anthony Brown 3 0 Y 1974 Tiny man shot up an unemployment office before shooting himself.
554 Martti Kumpeli 3 0 Y 1992 Shot his family because his TV stopped working.
555 Brendan O’Donnell 3 0 Y (in 1997) 1996 Pwned some bitch and her 3 year old son as well as some random priest. One of Ireland's few spree killers.
556 Unknown 3 0 Y 1997 32-year-old man shot his wife, daughter and mother-in-law in Joroinen.
557 Iván Arancibia Navarro 3 0 Y (in 2011) 1999 Teacher killed his boss, his own daughter and someone else before shooting himself in the head, only to survive. Successfully killed himself in 2011 by suffocating himself with a trashbag.
558 Leif Urban Edvinsson 3 0 Y 2000 47-year-old man shot his family after his wife of 20 years wanted a divorce. He also killed their dog.
559 Kyösti Nyman 3 0 Y 2001 32-year-old half-gypsy shot his kids and himself.
560 Per Steinar Seljelid 3 0 Y 2002 67-year-old met up with his friends to play a friendly game of bridge, like they had done for many years. Ended up losing and shooting fucking everyone including himself, later dying in hospital.
561 Morten Vollan 3 0 Y 2002 37-year-old shot his wife and kids with his service weapon, after his wife filed for divorce.
562 Oddvar Stølen 3 0 Y 2003 50-year-old shot his family with a shotgun. His oldest daughter lived on, as she was not at home during the incident.
563 Unknown 3 0 Y 2004 A mother drugged and shot her family because of economic failure.
564 Lauri Haajanen 3 0 Y 2008 88-year-old musician shot his wife at a medical center after shooting their disabled twin daughters. After leaving the medical center and speaking to the police over the phone, Lauri shot himself.
565 Unknown 3 0 Y 2008 43-year-old teacher shot his family and himself.
566 Ian Jeffrey Paget 3 0 Y 2009 Shot some family members and killed himself.
567 Yasuhisa Sugiura 3 0 Y 2010 Shot up a bar due to a failing marriage. Shot himself in the stomach after killing his mother-in-law and some workers.
568 Vladimir Levkin 3 0 Y 2015 Shot up a bank.
569 James Milroy 3 0 Y 2016 37-year-old man shot his brother and some other people before killing himself.
570 Lionel Desmond 3 0 Y 2017 Afghanistan veteran and nigger shot his family befor killing himself.
571 Randy Robert Stair 3 0 Y 2017 A retarded Columbiner tranny. Shot up a grocery store with two sawed-off shotguns when the store closed.
572 Mark Jones 3 0 Y 2018 Stalked some woman and shot her and others before killing himself.
573 Sevastyan Putintsev 3 0 Y 2020 Handcuffed and tortured his ex to death. He also killed some of her family.
574 J.M.B.G. 3 0 N 2020 Killed some marines.
575 Helge Høvik 3 0 Y 2021 Dad of the year shot his family and himself then burned down the house.
576 Andrea Pignani 3 0 Y 2021 Schizo Italian opened fire in a park killing an old man and two children.
577 Jacek Jaworek 3 0 N? 2021 Killed his family members at home then fled the scene. Polish police still haven't found him.
578 Ashley Little 3 0 Y 2023 Crazy bitch shot her family and a man.
579 Ryan Palmeter 3 0 Y 2023 Fat fuck shot some niggers in a Dollar General. Also wrote a manifesto entirely in Comic Sans, in which he used the word "nigger" over 200 times, including the entire TND copypasta.
580 Steinar Korslund 3 0 Y 2024 65-year-old man and former mink farmer shot his daughters, granddaughter and dog before calling the cops, setting the house on fire and killing himself.
581 Unknown 3 0 Y 2024 70-year-old Egyptian shot up a shipping company.
582 Arne Slaatten 3 0 Y 2024 Former soldier shot his family and killed himself.
583 Kyle Clifford 3 0 N (failed) 2024 Pissed off faggot killed his ex's family with a crossbow before failing to An Hero.
584 John Amos 3 0 N 1913 Refused to leave the job he was being fired from and shot police who tried to evict him before being shot by a civilian and taken into custody.
585 John Simpson Thompson 3 0 N 1914 Killed his family and tried to kill himself.
586 Matti Pauli August Michelsson 3 0 N 1982 Shot his ex-wife, her new boyfriend and one of his sons.
587 Veli Virtanen 3 0 N 1988 Shot his family and escaped to USA.
588 Juha Veikko Valjakalla 3 0 N 1988 Finnish gangster and his GF stole a bike from a father and son before Juha shot them dead with a sawed-off shotgun. The mother later arrived and was killed.
589 Jan Oleif Henriksen 3 0 N 1989 36-year-old man killed his housemates after arguing about rent.
590 Mika Kalevi Muranen 3 0 N 1994 22-year-old military conscript stole a rifle from his barracks and returned to his hometown, still dressed in his military uniform. After spending some time with his dog in the forest the next day, Mika grabbed a crossbow and shot two of his neighbors dead. The next day after that, he shot a postman with his rifle before fleeing into the woods with his dog when the police arrived. During the night, Mika's dog was shot by police before Mika himself was shot in the shoulder, causing him to surrender. He served 20 years in prison and was released in 2014.
591 Veijo Hänninen 3 0 N 1997 Shot his friends during a dinner party.
592 Simo Tapio Latvala 3 0 N 2000 Shot up a restaurant killing his ex-gf, her new boyfriend and another customer.
593 Ricard Nilsson 3 0 N 2000 Killed some people for money. Released in 2019 and became a journalist.
594 Devin Moore 3 0 N 2003 Black guy and professional GTA player, after being arrested for playing GTA IRL by stealing a car, goes crazy at the police station killing 3 officers before being arrested for being an idiot. He also said something extremely mongolic: "Life is a video game. Everybody's got to die sometime."
595 Evgeny Demyanov 3 0 N 2004 Shot some soldiers.
596 Morten Skipper-Pedersen 3 0 N 2011 Got drunk as fuck and shot his three kids before trying to kill himself with an overdose.
597 Trey Eric Sesler 3 0 N 2012 Anime JewTuber killed his parents and brother so they wouldn't be subjected to the aftermath of his plan to shoot up a school, which he pussied out of.
598 Jori Juhani Lasonen 3 0 N 2016 23-year-old who shot up a mall. He was found not criminally responsible and committed to psychiatric treatment.
599 Grigory Gryaznov 3 0 N 2016 Rapist went on a murderous rampage with a Saiga rifle.
600 Grant Amato 3 0 N 2019 Florida man shot his family because they were pissed that he stole their money and gave it to a Bulgarian camgirl.
601 Maximillian B. 3 0 N 2020 19 year old Sonboly fan, shot up his friend's family and him.
602 Santiago N. 3 0 N 2022 A 15 year old kiddo who ragequited after his fathers taked away their PlayStation and turned off their Wi-Fi. Also shotguned his brother and hided all the family's corpses in the house garage for 3 days
603 Jarid Haddock 3 0 Y 2023 Shot up a Circle K before stealing a car and escaping. He later killed himself in his home during a police standoff.
604 Kentavious White 3 0 Y 2023 Basketball American shot up a McDonald's and other locations before shooting himself.
605 Fouad Lakhlili 3 0 N 2023 32-year-old schizo and sandnigger in denial shot his neighbors before shooting up and attempting to burn down his university.
606 Morries Dlamini 3 0 N 2023 Angry soldier shot his family before burning 2 cars and surrendering.
607 Cristian Borja 3 0 N 2024 A jealous 22-year-old killed his ex-girlfriend's family (including her) before was arrested for being a massive idiot. Day before, turns out the ex was the venezuelan ex-president's cousin.
608 Getulio Lillini 2 23 Y 1950 Peasant killed his GF before attacking the street.
609 Zaniar Matapour 2 21 N 2022 Iranian migrant tried to pull an Omar Mateen in Oslo (right before Oslo Pride, causing it to be cancelled) before being tackled and disarmed by some butch dyke. For using an "automatic weapon", his score is pretty shit.
610 Anonymous 2 14-17 N 2016 Pulled off a shitty sequel to the Pulse Nightclub Massacre.
611 Gabe Parker 2 14 N 2018 Broke up with his tuba.
612 Michael Slobodian 2 13 Y 1975 16-year-old shot up his school to take revenge on the school system.
613 Faisal Hussain 2 13 Y 2018 Some schizo muzzie who failed miserably at going GTA, only scoring 2 kills before becoming An hero.
614 Tyrone Mitchell 2 12 Y 1984 Nigger shot up a playground with an AR-15 and two shotguns, did absolutely shit and then killed himself.
615 Gregor Schallert 2 11 Y 2016 27-year-old shot up a concert after arguing with some bitch.
616 David Katz 2 11 (10 by Katz) Y 2018 Threw a temper tantrum because he lost a fucking video game.
617 Robert Kenneth Smith 2 10 Y 1969 Shot up the Chrysler factory he was employed at.
618 Matu Tangi Matua Reid 2 10 (7 by Reid) Y 2023 Hori went amok in the female world cup with a shotgun.
619 César Carada 2 10 N (Shot by cops) 1951 Italian immigrant shot random people before barricading himself in his house and engaging in a shootout with responding officers.
620 James William Wilson 2 9 N 1988 Shot up an elementary school with a .22 revolver. The two killed were 8-year-olds Shequila Bradley and Tequila Thomas.
621 Brenda Ann Spencer 2 9 N 1979 Lesbian teen who pulled off a shitty massacre from her house because she hated Mondays.
622 John Russel Houser 2 9 Y 2015 Another generic mentally-ill faggot who went postal at a movie theater which caused the unfunny fatass Amy Schumer to get triggered and spout ignorant and stupid-ass gun control shit.
623 Eero Samuli Hiltunen 2 8 N 2012 Sniped a few people outside a restaurant for the lulz. Escaped from prison in 2020, but was recaptured hours later.
624 Erik Salvador Ayala 2 7 Y 2009 An Hero who just wanted to take some preppy bitches in an nightclub with him before pwning himself.
625 Denis Evsyukov 2 7 N 2009 Policeman shot up a supermarket.
626 Oleg Shishova 2 7 N 2016 Argued with some gypsies and had to ward them off to escape with his family.
627 Rahmatullah Nowruzo 2 7 N 2023 Shot up the same mosque as Sobhan Komrouni just 9 months later, but did completely shit in comparison.
628 Orlando Harris 2 7 (4 by Harris) N (Shot by cops) 2022 19-year-old nigger shot up a school full of niggers. Fucking yawn. Only notable for being a black columbiner.
629 Jim David Adkisson 2 7 (6 by Adkisson) N 2008 Attempted to cleanse his church of leftists and Democrats; got hindered by an oldfag standing in front of his gun.
630 Masayoshi Magome 2 6 Y 2007 37-year-old shot up a gym before killing himself.
631 Dylan Butler 2 6 Y 2024 17-year-old gay redditor shot up his school in Iowa with a 22. revolver. Notable for being the first school shooting of 2024 and being extremely ugly. He also posted some cringy shit to TikTok leading up to the shooting.
632 Philip J. Ward 2 6 N 1941 31-year-old soldier drove around town shooting people randomly before being arrested.
633 Alexey Skorobogatykh 2 6 N 2000 Shot some soldiers.
634 Italo Nolli Olivan 2 6 N (Shot by cops) 2011 Ex-organized criminal looking for redemption shot up the local feds.
635 Gheorghe Vlădan 2 6 N 2012 Shot up a hair salon, killing his wife and another bystander.
636 Stepan Komarov 2 6 N 2014 Shot up a church.
637 Robert Poulin 2 5 Y 1975 Lured a neighbor to his house to rape and stab her before shooting up his school with a shotgun.
638 Darion Marcus Aguilar 2 5 (1 by Aguilar) Y 2014 Nigger obsessed with the Columbine killers shoots dead clothing store employees in a mall. 4 others injured themselves in a panic over it.
639 Isaiah Steven Williams 2 5 Y 2022 Nigger geared up in tactical gear, dindu nuffin and killed himself.
640 Huan Yun Xiang 2 5 N 2002 V-Tech Massacre: Ausfailian Edition.
641 Luis Felipe Hernández Castillo 2 5 N 2009 Shot up a metro station in the name of god. He was sentenced to 151 years in prison.
642 Christopher Husbands 2 5 N 2012 Nigger gangster shot up a mall before turning himself in.
643 Omar El-Hussein 2 5 N (Shot by cops) 2015 Some mudslime tried to assassinate an oldfag who had drawn Muhammed, missed his shots and killed some other dude before running away to shoot up a synagogue and killing another dude.
644 Jacob Robida 2 4 Y 2006 Neo-Nazi juggalo who injured 1 person with a hatchet and 3 people with a gun at a gay bar. Managed to regain some dignity by pwning a cop and a bitch he took as a hostage before becoming an hero.
645 Osvaldo Campos Azócar 2 4 Y 2017 A gambling-addicted veterinarian who shot up the town casino, killing 2 guys before hiding in the bathroom and shooting himself.
646 Scott Beierle 2 4 Y 2018 Tried to channel the spirit of George Hennard in his incel-fueled campaign against women. Unfortunately, he got shafted with George Sodini instead, and him miserably failing only gave feminists more reasons to laugh at men.
647 Nikolai Gavrilovich Romanov 2 4 N 1954 Shot up a protest.
648 Sergei Glazov 2 4 N 2021 Shot up an establishment after being refused service for not wearing a mask.
649 Man Haron Monis 2 4 N (Shot by cops) 2014 Attacked a chocolate cafe and terrorized hostages for 16 hours before getting owned by the pigs.
650 Hesham Mohamed Hadayet 2 4 N (Shot by cops) 2002 Failed to Aloha Snackbar at LAX. Specifically targeted an Israeli airline in hopes of garnering sympathy for Palestine.
651 Yevgeny Manyurov 2 4 N (Shot by cops) 2019 Attacked the FSB headquarters before being sniped.
652 Wayne Lo 2 4 N 1992 Azn that shot up his school before it was cool.
653 Nathaniel Jouett 2 4 N 2017 Gen-Z teenaged faggot. Shot up a random library for no reason and surrendered immediately to the police. Later gets torn to shreds in jail. Good riddance.
654 Trystan Andrew Terrell 2 4 N 2019 Tried to shoot up his school but surrendered like a pussy after only two frags.
655 Gianluca Casseri 2 3 Y 2011 Shot up a market killing a couple of Senegalese niggers before shooting himself.
656 Nathaniel Berhow 2 3 Y 2019 Sperged out on his shitty high school as a nice birthday present for himself.
657 Henry Rogers 2 3 N 1735 Killed some officers and soldiers after they tried to arrest him, escaped but was arrested and then hanged.
658 Tim Sumela 2 3 N 1988 18-year-old adopted man got drunk and shot his "father" and his new wife before escaping in a stolen car, crashing into a ditch. As cars approached to help Tim, he opened fire again and took hostages. When Tim was out of ammo, one of the hostages snatched his shotgun and beat him up with it.
659 Valery Sakharov 2 3 N 1995 Shot some soldiers.
660 Stephan Balliet 2 3 (2 by Balliet) N 2019 Neo-nazi wannabe who tried to follow the path of Saint Bowers by shooting up a synagogue Saint Tarrant style - and didn't manage to even kill a single Jew. At least he managed to record some gameplay footage.
661 Jesse Osborne 2 3 N 2016 Killed his dad and attempted to pull off a sequel to Sandy Hook, failed miserably.
662 James Paul Diaz 2 3 N 2014 Another California man attempting to out-score Cho.
663 Alfonso Lama G. 2 3 N (Shot by cops) 2022 52 year old nerd beat his 80 year old father (also called Alfonso) in a discussion, shot and killed his rural redneck neighbour, policeman and injured 2 more cops before being killed by a civil guard.
664 Carroll 2 2 Y 1907 Coachbuilder shot two co-workers and injured a policeman before killing himself.
665 Arthur Towell 2 2 N 1967 Shot up the neighborhood.
666 Arto Varjakoski 2 2 Y 1992 Went to check on his children and found his soon to be ex-wife throwing a party and not caring about the kids. Arto said he would bring the kids with him, a fight broke out and Arto opened fire, killing the wife and another man.
667 Flemming Nielsen 2 2 Y 1994 Incel shot some women at a university before becoming an hero.
668 Bekir Nebiev 2 2 Y 2015 After having a heart-attack, Bekir began fearing for his health. As his concerns were shrugged off by the local hospital, he decided to take matters into his own hands and shoot the place up.
669 Jeremy Patterson 2 2 Y 2017 A revenge-seeker. Rammed his vehicle into his ex-girlfriend's vehicle and began shooting her and her kids before becoming an hero.
670 Bullotti 2 2 N 1908 Russian man and unknown accomplices robbed and killed two people at a farm before escaping. He was later arrested after wounding two policemen and sentenced to life in prison, dying in 1943.
671 James Bloomfield Rush 2 2 N 1848 Killed his landlord and his son in an attempt to frame someone else, but failed and was hanged.
672 Harold Winstanley 2 2 N 1952 19-year-old worker shot up the mansion he worked at, before escaping and being arrested.
673 Larry Darnell Gordon 2 2 N (Shot by cops) 2016 Michigan convict going to a court appearance when he broke free and killed two bailiffs. Tried to take hostages but bailed for no reason and was shot by the piggies while escaping.
674 Evan Ramsey 2 2 N 1997 16 year old that was so angry at life, he decided to shoot up his school. Killed the principal and another student, and wounded 2 others. Some students were aware of his intention to shoot up the school, bringing cameras to the school on the day of the shooting and watching from an overlooking balcony.
675 Arid Uka 2 2 N 2011 Islamist shot up Frankfurt airport, killing two Americans.
676 Anonymous man 2 2 N 2011 A guy killed 2 and injured 2 others before being arrested. The shooting happened 7 days before Tristan's shooting.
677 Kevin Addison 2 2 N 2014 Sawmill worker shot up the place with a sawed-off shotgun.
678 Ubaid Said 2 2 N 2018 Shot some people before escaping.
679 Joshua Williams 2 2 N (shot by citizens) 2021 Shot up a gun store before getting lit up by employees.
680 John S. 2 2 N 2022 Shot up a disabled children kindergarten.
681 Unknown 2 2 N 2023 Masked man shot up a pub before escaping.
682 Jordan Daniel Goggin 2 2 N (Shot by cops) 2022 28-year-old shot homeless people before being killed in a police shootout.
683 Edward Thomas Boutilier 2 1 N 1964 Rode a bicycle around shooting kids. Killed himself in prison.
684 Hans-Peder Jensen 2 1 Y 1990 43-year-old shot his kids before shooting himself.
685 Kimmo Lohilahti 2 1 Y 1992 Shot a cop and his gf. Wounded another cop.
686 Pyotr Babin 2 1 Y 2007 Shot some soldiers and himself.
687 Keith Luke 2 1 Y (After conviction) 2009 Attempted to purify his town of Brockton, but failed miserably.
688 Nils Gunnarsson 2 1 Y 2013 Told his friends he wanted to pay back some money he had borrowed in the past, but shot them instead. He then drove home to his GF and shot her while she slept and killed himself. The GF survived.
689 Vester Lee Flanagan 2 1 Y (After chase with cops) 2015 Niggerfag that shot his coworkers for being "racist", and recorded footage of himself doing the deed.
690 Ethan Miller 2 1 Y 2022 Idiot who wanted to wreak havoc in a supermarket but ended up killing himself after a mere two kills. He also documented his final days and posted them as his "manifesto" to Wattpad.
691 Juraj Krajčík 2 1 Y 2022 Another 19-year-old Brenton Tarrant fanboy posted a manifesto before shooting up a gay club running home, tweeting about it and ultimately killing himself.
692 Veikko Järvinen 2 1 N 1966 Drunk worker shot random people.
693 Finn Hauge Jensen 2 1 N 1976 Shot his ex-girlfriend in a fit of rage. When her little brother came to see what was going on, he was shot too. Finn then escaped to a hotel where he took a woman hostage, raping her. Changed his name and escaped to Guyana in 1980, only to be recaptured and extradited.
694 Olli Rantanen 2 1 N 1977 Shot some people with a shotgun.
695 Timo Hautamäki 2 1 N 1983 Shot a farmer and the farmers children, one of which survived.
696 Naum Conevski 2 1 N 1985 Macedonian immigrant shot up a campsite while whistling. Also raped a woman in 1981 while working as a taxi driver.
697 Birgitta Elisabeth Lindberg-Schwartz 2 1 N 2002 A woman shot people who were coming to her house to avoid getting beaten up or something. Changed her name to Bricilla Marjatta Elizabeth Grönfors.
698 Turar Abugaliev 2 1 N 2002 Shot some soldiers and tried to kill himself.
699 Vyacheslav Ustalov 2 1 N 2004 Shot some soldiers.
700 Hans Van Themsche 2 1 N 2006 18-year-old goth was caught smoking at his school and decided to shoot up the town. After shooting three people, killing two, Hans was shot by a cop and arrested.
701 Bernd G. 2 1 N 2015 47-year-old man drove around shooting random people before being overpowered by civilians in a gas station.
702 Unknown 2 1 N 2017 Shot up a school killing 2 teacher and wounding a random guy.
703 Kyle Rittenhouse 2 1 N 2020 Proud American zoomer patriot who slotted two degenerate looters and crippled a commie while providing security for business at a BLM riot. Found not guilty by the courts because of self defense.
704 Sergey Gordeyev 2 1 N 2014 The voices in his head told this 15 year old to pwn some cops and take his class hostage, which he did, and then promptly told him to puss out and surrender.
705 José Gustavo Suarez 2 1 N 2017 Schizo shot up an ice cream factory and stabbed the boss with a pair of scissors.
706 John Shaw 2 1 N 2021 Shot up the town.
707 Raïssa Kengne 2 1 N 2022 Negress who blew the whistle on her former boss' fraudulent schemes, causing them to retaliate by silently breaking into her safe to delete her evidence. After having enough, Raïssa killed her former boss, another man and wounded another.
708 Kenneth Darlington 2 1 N 2023 77-year-old American lawyer opened fire on environmental protestors blocking the road.
709 Abdesalem Lassoued 2 1 N (Shot by cops) 2023 Illegal immigrant from Tunisia shot a couple of Swedes attending a football match before escaping and posting a video where he pledged allegiance to ISIS. A few hours later, he was shot dead by police.
710 Rustam Ashurov 2 1 N (Killed by security guards) 2023 After being banned from Moldova, Ruslam, armed with a firearm, shot several people, killing 2 and wounding 1 before security pigs shot him down. 3 days later, he died from his wounds.
711 Albert Högberg 2 0 Y 1907 20-year-old factory worker shot some of his colleagues with a revolver before being hogtied. Later killed himself in custody.
712 Hugo Lingvist 2 0 Y 1937 Lured his children to a bathroom and shot them before killing himself.
713 Leonard O'Neal Redden 2 0 Y 1960 Principal shot two teachers before fleeing into a forest and committing suicide.
714 Jouko Kuisma 2 0 Y 1968 Shot his sons and himself.
715 Jorma Juhani Vaajavirta 2 0 Y 1973 Shot his wife and father-in-law on Christmas day.
716 Eino Jousiaho 2 0 Y 1976 Shot some people after his brother and father left to call the cops on him.
717 Armas Kudjoi 2 0 Y 1980 Shot a woman and her brother before shooting himself.
718 Karl Aage Pedersen 2 0 Y 1986 Shot his daughters with a hunting rifle before killing himself.
719 Pasi Matias Kylen 2 0 Y 1989 19-year-old shot his ex and her new boyfriend before driving away and killing himself.
720 Giorgios Petrodaskalakis 2 0 Y 1990 The predecessor of Patmanidis, used a shotgun to kill a physics teacher and his colleague before shooting himself
721 Henri Hujanen 2 0 Y 2000 Shot his parents and himself.
722 Unknown 2 0 Y 2006 49-year-old man shot his wife and his maid before killing himself.
723 Harald Borgen 2 0 Y 2009 Shot his ex-wife and her daughter before killing himself.
724 Unknown 2 0 Y 2011 37-year-old man shot his ex-wife and son in Ikaalinen.
725 Peter Keller 2 0 Y 2012 Dad shot his wife and daughter, before escaping to a homemade bunker to escape from society while making vlogs. Killed himself after he was discovered.
726 Samuel Rehn 2 0 Y 2019 46-year-old horse racer and trainer shot his two sons before going live on Facebook to cry, complain about his ex-GF and kill himself.
727 Olaf Arnstad Jr. 2 0 Y 2023 71-year-old businessman shot his wife and son with a shotgun after falling into a deep debt.
728 Marcos Vinícius da Silva Damas 2 0 Y 2023 21-year-old attacked a school, killing a 16-year-old girl and wounding her boyfriend, who later died in hospital. Marcos killed himself in police custody two days later. He just managed to kill the same kill ratio as Atchison did.
729 Rolf Tollefsen 2 0 N 1920 19-year-old shot two people in a car before robbing them.
730 Anders Kristian Jørgensen 2 0 N 1948 Shot two men on a boat and dumped them in the water. Confessed to another double murder the same year, but it was probably bullshit. Died in 1981.
731 Palle Wischmann Hardrup 2 0 N 1951 28-year-old man shot up a bank due to "hypnosis". Died in 2012.
732 Raimo Holmanto 2 0 N 1954 Shot and robbed a mother and child after escaping from a mental hospital.
733 Herman Katajainen 2 0 N 1970 Shot and robbed an old man before escaping, and struck again two weeks later.
734 Georg Sergejeff 2 0 N 1972 Police officer shot two gypsies in a bar.
735 Najim Najim 2 0 N 1976 Shot up the American University of Beirut killing 2 deans before being shot and injured by some random.
736 Johnny Edvin Olsen 2 0 N 1981 18-year-old neo-nazi and his friends executed two snitches after stealing weapons from the army, before being surrounded by cops, shooting their way out only to crash their car soon after and getting arrested. Johnny committed more violent acts after getting out of prison in 1993, including bombings, shootings and stabbings, but has not killed anyone else.
737 Eero 2 0 N 1984 Shot his kids in Siilinjärvi, tried to kill himself but failed and lost one of his eyes. Died from heart failure in 2012 after being an alcoholic for many years.
738 Ari Erkki Ilari Asp 2 0 N 1985 Robbed a store, shot the owner and a taxi-driver. He was also arrested in 2008 for firing blanks in his house.
739 Ingemar Ekstrand 2 0 N 1986 23-year-old forced his co-workers to drive him to a drug dealer he owed money to so he could kill him, but when they couldn't find the drug dealer the co-workers tried to escape and were shot dead. Released from mental hospital in 2014.
740 Mika Antero Voutilainen 2 0 N 1987 Shot and killed a couple. Also killed another man the year before during a robbery. Mika died in 2010.
741 Tero Toivola 2 0 N 1989 Predecessor to Mr. Auvinen and Mr. Saari, a young boy brought his daddy's pistol to school after being bullied and shot two classmates dead. Changed his name later.
742 Sten Johansson 2 0 N 1989 Pyromaniac shot a random man, cut off his thumb to leave fake fingerprints and escaped. A few weeks later, he shot the man's sister and burned down her house. He changed his name to Sten Erik Lennart Lind.
743 Yoshio Tani 2 0 N 1990 Japanese businessman shot two other businessmen to rob them of the money they were set to pay Yoshio for some fake Nazi-gold.
744 Keijo Johannes Laaksorinne 2 0 N 1991 27-year-old man shot two of his friends while out doing petty crimes and drinking. Sentenced to life in prison.
745 Yngve Karl Mauritz Bergqvist 2 0 N 1992 Dentist was about to be evicted from his house and shot the landlords after they came to inform him of this. He later went to work and pretended like nothing had happened.
746 Pekka Kalevi Kalliomäki 2 0 N 1995 46-year-old artist who also goes by the name "Jan Susi" was accused of theft by some of his friends, and shot them in anger. It was later proven that Pekka was innocent of the theft he was accused of.
747 Steen Viktor Christensen 2 0 N 1997 Danish criminal escaped from prison and went to Finland for a crime spree, robbing banks, raping wimmin and shooting pigs.
748 Konstantinos Iordanidis 2 0 N 1998 Greek restaurant owner shot a man and his girlfriend as he suspected the man to have burglarized him.
749 Anders Johansson 2 0 N 1999 Shot his girlfriend and drowned his 3-week-old daughter after economic troubles. He was sentenced to life in prison.
750 Alpo Taipale 2 0 N 2000 Shot his wife and daughter. Sentenced to life in prison.
751 Christopher Frank Pittman 2 0 N 2001 12 year old maniac kid after getting punched by his grandpa, grab a hunting shotgun and killed his grandparents before setting fire to the house.Now his name changed to Kristen and he is now a tranny
752 Juha Kalevi Rauti 2 0 N 2002 Shot two of his friends and aimed at police, got shot in the leg twice and arrested.
753 Awat Shwani 2 0 N 2002 Shot his wife and her friend because he suspected her to be cheating.
754 Eino Pekka Hirvonen 2 0 N 2004 Shot his kids because his wife left him.
755 Aki Voitto Matias Raiskio 2 0 N 2004 23-year-old man shot his ex-GF and a friend in a blind rage.
756 Alexandr Siekkinen 2 0 N 2007 19-year-old met two women at a gas station and offered them to stay the night with him. When the women went to sleep, he shot them with a crossbow. When he didn't have any more bolts to fire, he pulled them out of his victims and reused them. He was initially sentenced to life in prison but was able to get out on parole in 2023, only to be put back in prison for violence four days later.
757 Aimo Juhani Tornio 2 0 N 2007 Shot his ex-wife and her co-worker inside a school.
758 Vesa Henrik Takoja 2 0 N 2008 25-year-old corrupt doctor shot a couple after they threatened to expose his drug business.
759 Mladenko Bozanovic 2 0 N 2009 Bosnian man shot his mother and sister with a Zastava pistol before shooting himself in the temple and surviving.
760 Unknown 2 0 N 2009 52-year-old school security guard shot the principal and a teacher after being accused of embezzlement, and shot himself in the hand to claim a masked man did it. He was arrested along with another 36-year-old former employee of the school who had helped him plan the attack.
761 Per Henrik Halslev 2 0 N 2011 37-year-old man shot a couple in the forest before robbing them. Changed his name to Vincent Smith before being sentenced to life in prison.
762 Pierre Karlsson 2 0 N 2012 Shot a couple he was friends with and burned down the house. Sentenced to life in prison.
763 Unknown 2 0 N 2014 48-year-old schizo shot two of his neighbors with a revolver, disposed of one of the bodies and tried to clean up the crime scene while leaving the other body to be found. Sentenced to 21 years in prison.
764 Bengt Ronald Hansen 2 0 N 2016 Shot and killed his Thai-wife and step-son before blasting his right cheek to smithereens in an attempted an hero.
765 Alexey Alexandrov 2 0 N 2018 Shot and killed two young girls on a mountain using a self-made shotgun.
766 Esa Pellikka 2 0 N 2023 Shot his ex-wife and her gypsy boyfriend.
767 Maksymilian Faściszewski 2 0 N 2023 Shot and killed two pigs in a partyvan with a SHITTY BLACK POWDER REVOLVER while handcuffed. He then fled the scene, but was finally found and apprehended by other pigs. He was also an avid conspiracy theorist who hated Amerijews.
768 Angelo Grasso 1 32 N 1983 Wop who opened fire on a crowd of unruly faggots at a football match with an automatic shotgun.
769 Ulysses Cribbs 1 25 N 1977 A nigger dumb enough to think that buckshot could kill anyone at long range; even while shooting up a crowded nightclub. It's honestly a miracle that he managed to kill anyone at all.
770 Kimveer Gill 1 19 Y 2006 An Indian Eric Harris wannabe gothfag. Went to a college and shot people randomly with a shitty hangfire carbine before taking someone hostage which resulted in him accidentally shooting himself in the arm which made him become an hero.
771 Misao Katagiri 1 17 N 1965 GTA LARPer shot a cop and random people before hijacking four cars. After being v&, he was sentenced to death and executed.
772 Albert Bako 1 15 N 2014 Albanian doing Albanian things AKA shooting up a Greek bar. Also shot up three other bars which led him to get a frag and nearly pwn a bitch.
773 Robert Sartin 1 14 N 1989 22-year-old went amok and shot up the neighborhood with his daddy's shotgun.
774 James Griffiths 1 13 N (Shot by cops) 1969 Scottish thug who had a shootout with the pigs before painting the town red á la Derrick Bird before getting pwned by the cops.
775 Elias de Souza 1 12 N 1989 Shot up a nightclub after being thrown out for fighting. He escaped and never faced justice.
776 Ashin Tricarico 1 11 N 2021 Schizo who thought people were pointing guns at him shot at random vehicles over the course of 90 minutes.
777 Duane Roger Morrison 1 7 (by raep) Y 2006 Took a high school classroom hostage while raping every one of the schoolgirls in the room, one by one, letting them out after he nutted in them. When the pigs busted in, he took the easy way out of this one and became An Hero, though not before ensuring a sex slave in hell by shooting one of the bitches dead.
778 Jamal Wayne Wood 1 7 N (Shot by cops) 2024 37-year-old had an argument at a martini bar and took out his anger on a security guard.
779 Ove Conry Andersson 1 6 Y 1961 17-year-old shot up a school dance. He became an hero 47 years later.
780 Henry Bello 1 6 Y 2017 A revenge-seeking nigger. Shot 7 people at a hospital before shooting himself.
781 José Ángel Ramos Betts 1 6 Y 2020 11-year-old Eric Harris cosplayer shot up his school, killing one teacher and himself.
782 Larry Bollin 1 6 N 2021 Employee shot up a cabinet store.
783 Ronald Gay 1 6 N 2000 Shot up a gay bar, because he was always mocked for his last name. Also wanted to end AIDS, by making all the fags go to San Francisco.
784 Henry Toews 1 5 Y 1902 Angry 33 year old teacher, injuries 2 of his child and kills his daughter (Anna Kehler) and injuries other 3 school workers and shots himself.
785 Alan Parkhill 1 5 Y 1990 24-year-old crashed into another car before opening fire randomly, ultimately killing himself.
786 Alina Afanaskina 1 5 Y 2023 14-year-old columbiner stole her daddy's shotgun and shot up her school because of bullying, wrapping it all up by exploding her own face.
787 Stan Williamson 1 5 N 1959 Used a shitty .22 caliber rifle to shot up his school killing a 16 year old student and wounding 5 more before being aprehended to being V&.
788 James Briggs 1 5 N 1975 Killed his classmate and injured 5 others in his school in Oklahoma
789 Jason Rodriguez 1 5 N 2009 Follow-up of the Fort Hood shooting.
790 David Wenwei Chou 1 5 N 2022 Boomer chink went Dylann Roof on some other chinks before getting fucking hogtied. Nobody cared because of what happened the day before.
791 Benjamin Jeffrey Smith 1 5 (4 by Smith) N 2022 Degenerate babyfurfag that tried to remove BLM protesters, but got crippled by one instead.
792 Víctor Campillay Sandoval 1 5 N (Shot by cops) 2023 Gangster shot up a police station before driving away and being killed in a police shootout.
793 Stephen Titus 1 4 N 1912 Shot up a hotel before being subdued by bystanders.
794 Risto Rafael Heinonen 1 4 N 1963 15-year-old got drunk and shot up a party.
795 Anonymous student 1 4 N 2005 A student shoots 5 people in his class, killing the teacher and injuring 4 classmates before being arrested while fleeing.
796 Lakeem Scott 1 4 N 2016 Obese BLM activist got an AR-15 and shot up a highway.
797 Malique Francis-Taylor 1 4 N 2020 20-year-old shot some nigger and got arrested.
798 Nigel Gutu 1 4 N 2021 20-year-old nigger shot another nigger before being arrested.
799 Gregory Ulrich 1 4 N 2021 Old man shot up a clinic. He also detonated several IEDs, but they didn't injure anyone.
800 Connor Chapman 1 4 N 2022 Lad shot up a pub on Christmas eve, killing one random bitch.
801 Deion Patterson 1 4 N 2023 Basketball American who shot up a medical center in Atlanta.
802 Jorma Nyfors 1 3 Y 2016 67-year-old man opened fire on police as they raided his property, before killing himself.
803 Manuel O. 1 (Stabbed) 3 Y 2016 Rich nigger decided to go postal in a islamic center killing a single idiot by stab wounds and injuring 3 by gunshots before an hero.
804 Federico Guevara Elizondo 1 3 Y 2017 Spic who got a .22 revolver and tried to kill people with headshots, but only killed 1 person. Was also so shit that he missed when attempting suicide and died 1 day later. Watch the shitty gameplay footage here!
805 Daniil Zasorin 1 3 Y 2019 Tried to copy the massive success his fellow slav Vlad obtained a year before, but with firearms only. You can figure out how well his plan went.
806 Nikolai G. 1 3 Y 2022 18-year-old shot up his school before killing himself.
807 Thomas Allen 1 3 N 1909 Pest exterminator sniped a policeman and wounded people as they came to his aid.
808 Udham Singh 1 3 N 1940 Indian assassin killed a former army man to avenge some massacre 20 years earlier. He was hanged.
809 James Alan Kearbey 1 3 N 1985 Some bullied little kid who brought a gun to school, got noticed carrying the gun, and got asked by some dumb fuck if it was for a school project. Surprisingly, he did manage to pwn the principal and was released on his 21st birthday.
810 Unknown 1 3 N 2009 23-year-old student was told off during class and stormed out of the classroom only to return minutes later and open fire, killing a classmate and wounding others.
811 Petko Savov 1 3 N 2014 Schizo 53 year old man who taked a class hostage before the police entrenched him in his apartament. After that, Petko shot the police killing 1 and injuring 3 before being injured by a policeman.
812 Alexei Bychkov 1 3 N 2016 Ex-soldier got beat up by some punks and came back packing heat.
813 Caleb Sharpe 1 3 N 2017 Edgy autist, notable young school shooter. Got pwn'd by a school security guard and later V&'d.
814 Ibrahim Khair 1 3 N 2018 Shot up a market before being arrested.
815 John Earnest 1 3 N 2019 Tried to live up to his idols by shooting up a synagogue, but got chased out of the place by a bunch of oldfags.
816 Michael Zehaf-Bibeau 1 3 N (Shot by cops) 2014 Typical muslim that tried to assassinate the Canadian prime minister with somebody's grandpa's lever rifle. Got owned by some RCMP officer who is then promoted to an ambassador.
817 Mevlüt Mert Altıntaş 1 3 N (Shot by cops) 2016 Off-duty cop shot the Russian ambassador at an art exhibit before being gunned down.
818 Thomas Matthew Crooks 1 3 N (Shot by cops) 2024 Tried to assassinate Donald Trump but only managed to make him bleed from his ear and was killed by cops.
819 Louis Thain 1 2 Y 1913 Tried to kill his ex-wife before being attacked by a bystander who was shot dead. He then shot himself.
820 Nathan Goldberg 1 2 Y 1954 30-year-old former soldier shot random people in London before killing himself.
821 Raoul Moat 1 2 Y 2010 Chav who shot his ex, her boyfriend and a cop because she said her boyfriend was a cop to scare him even though she knew he hated the cops. One of his victims later killed himself.
822 Jose Reyes 1 2 Y 2013 Some 12 year old autistic spic that attempted to pull a Columbine at his middle school
823 Larry Rosenberg 1 2 Y 2016 77-year-old nursing home resident that had issues with the "damn poker gambling" others were participating in.
824 Per Mikael Torevall 1 2 N 1984 Sniped a cop while hiding in a bush, before getting shot in the leg and arrested.
825 Alvaro Castillo 1 2 N 2006 Yet another degenerate loser who jacked off to the Columbine killers and failed miserably to surpass their legacy. Blasted his abusive dad and went to his old school where he set off some firecrackers and shot at objects before getting tackled.
826 Vladimir Buldakhin 1 2 N 2009 Shot some soldiers.
827 Tyler Brehm 1 2 N (Shot by cops) 2011 Disgruntled man shot up a Hollywood intersection. Unfortunately, no liberal entertainers were killed, but a random music executive was.
828 Adam Purinton 1 2 N 2017 An Injun hater. Got triggered by the sight of them and decided to shoot them while yelling "Get outta my country".
829 Lucas de Oliveira 1 2 N 2023 16-year-old tranny tiktoker who went by the name "Luluzinho" shot up the school before being v&.
830 Unknown 1 2 N 2023 An unknown started shooting around before running away.
831 Unknown 1 2 N 2024 12-year-old boy shot up his school to take revenge for bullying.
832 Nerdin Ibrić 1 2 N (Shot by cops) 2015 Muslim shot up a police station before being shot dead.
833 Javier Romero 1 1 N 2000 Teenager who shot up his school as revenge for bullying. Was acquitted due to his young age.
834 Dragoslav Petković 1 1 Y 2002 17-year-old shot up his school, killing one teacher and injuring another before shooting himself in the mouth.
835 Jari B. 1 1 Y 2008 25-year-old gay soldier shot up a gay bar to take revenge on his ex-boyfriend for finding another man.
836 Ryszard Cyba 1 1 N 2010 62-year-old liberal faggot who shot a member of the Polish cuckservative political party Law and Justice and wounded another with a knife. He told the police that he wanted to kill the leader of Law and Justice Jarosław Kaczyński, but instead decided to make apeshit at their local parliamentary office.
837 Adrian Crevan Mackin 1 1 Y 2011 Irish republican who pwned the fuck out of a Guard and wounded his own girlfriend before becoming An Hero
838 Robert Butler Jr. 1 1 Y 2011 Some nigger who shot his principal.
839 Janne Tapani Vähäsarja 1 1 Y 2012 24-year-old criminal shot up a pizzeria, shot himself and later died in hospital. He also killed a man with an axe in 2006.
840 Peter Reeve 1 1 Y 2012 Wannabe Derrick Bird. Tried shooting his neighbors, failed and shot an off-duty pig before becoming An Hero in a graveyard.
841 Austin Wyatt Rollins 1 1 Y 2018 Some nerd shot his ugly oneitis and some other kid before getting cornered by a pig.
842 Johannes Peltonen 1 1 Y 2019 Shot his ex-wife and another man. The man died and the woman had her face blown off, but survived. Johannes died the next day in hospital. His half-brother, Janne Sulkava shot his own wife and himself in 2021.
843 Janne Sulkava 1 1 Y 2021 Shot his wife and their child before escaping into the woods and killing himself. His half-brother, Johannes Peltonen shot his own ex-wife and her new man before killing himself in 2019.
844 Toivo Tiainen 1 1 N 1974 Shot his wife and son over an argument about money for food. After the son died, Toivo escaped into the woods, but later returned and surrendered.
845 Verner Erling Larsen 1 1 N 1975 20-year-old schizo stole a shotgun and shot random people. Tried to rob a gas station in 1987, escaped from the nuthouse in 1988 and strangled a woman. Died in 2013.
846 Roger Needham 1 1 N 1978 Killed a student and injured another in a school shooting.
847 Grétar Sigurður Árnason 1 1 N 1982 Tried to kidnap two French sisters who were on vacation, ended up killing one of them before escaping to a cave and surrendering.
848 Esa Tapani Turunen 1 1 N 1991 Ex-soldier shot two women at a bar after they teased him for being bald.
849 Toivo Johannes Kinnunen 1 1 N 1991 Robbed a bank together with Jari Sakari Koski and shot some cops while escaping.
850 Jari Taisto Räsänen 1 1 N 1994 Drunk man shot up a restaurant.
851 Helmut Z. 1 1 N 1997 Brought a .357 revolver to class to impress his crush but when the teacher punish him, he shots 3 shots at her (missing one) killing her. Then lefts the school and shots in the leg another teacher.
852 Todd Cameron Smith 1 1 N 1999 14-year-old shot up his school.
853 Kazimierz J. 1 1 Y 2001 Shot and wounded his wife because she was a bitch, then shot a random student at a university before an heroing.
854 James von Brunn 1 1 N 2009 88-year-old killed a nigger security guard at a Holocaust museum.
855 Nhan Lap Tran 1 1 N 2013 Mentally ill man shot at passing vehicles.
856 Heikki Aaro Uolevi Venäläinen 1 1 N 2013 65-year-old man argued with his neighbors and ended up shooting them.
857 Philip Manshaus 1 1 N 2019 Killed his chink adoptive sister then tried to shoot up a mosque but ended up being beaten and manhandled by some old mudslime boomer before doing any considerable damage.
858 Alec Baldwin 1 1 N 2021 Unfunny liberal actor who "accidentally" killed an assistant producer and wounded the director while filming a shitty indie western film. Obviously failed Gun Safety 101.
859 Julio Rodarte 1 1 N 2024 Baldy shot at cars along the road gangsta-style before stripping naked and getting arrested.
860 Eugen Schauman 1 0 Y 1904 Finnish nationalist assassinated the Russian appointed governor before killing himself.
861 Anon Student 1 0 Y 1984 Killed his teacher for being late and shots himself.
862 Leonardo Aguirre 1 0 N 1997 Another argie who shot his classmate using his dad's military gun. Only notable for being the first school shooter in Latin America.
863 Steve Stephens 1 0 Y 2017 Got mad after being bankrupt and losing his girlfriend and went on a "rampage", only killing a elderly man of the same race on Facebook. After being spotted in Pennsylvania, he an hero'd after a brief chase that only lasted 2 miles. Can you say Joy Lane?
864 Rolv-Are Pettersen 1 0 Y 2009 A police officer shot his ex outside the school she worked at and killed himself.
865 Anthony Powell‎ 1 0 Y 2009 Decided to shoot some nigger bitch who was on YouTube, in the name of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
866 Endrit Llambaj 1 0 Y 2010 A 19-year-old gangster, after being rejected by Greta Baja, 20, shoots her in the face with a pistol at a class in the Mahir Domi gymnasium in Elbasan. Then he is barricaded by some police officers. The retarded Endrit was such a fail that he couldn't even hurt one of them and ended up shooting himself in the head.
867 Dorothy Dutiel 1 0 Y 2016 15-year-old lesbian shot her girlfriend at school.
868 Erik Morch Kristiansen 1 0 Y 2023 73-year-old driving instructor shot his wife and himself with a handgun because of his unbearable back pain.
869 Mikołaj Bachosz 1 0 Y 2023 30-year-old man shot his ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend outside a hotel before shooting himself in front of her.
870 Joseph Semmes 1 0 N 1840 Killed his law teacher.
871 Mathews Flounoy Ward 1 0 N 1853 Killed his teacher because he brutally punished his brother.
872 George W. Longfelt 1 0 N 1864 Unreasonable teacher killed one of his students and escaped.
873 William Guess 1 0 N 1887 Revenge-shot a teacher, his little sister's teacher, for whacking the ass of her the day before.
874 Sigurbjörn Ingi Þorvaldsson 1 0 N 1957 26-year-old farmer shot his 19-year-old fiancé in school before surrendering. It was later revealed that Sigurbjörn was severely depressed and had tried to poison himself shortly before the killing.
875 Robert Mone 1 0 N 1967 Took a classroom hostage with a shotgun at his old school and molested some girls. When the teacher told him to stop, he shot her in the face. Later broke out of a mental hospital with another inmate and increased his kill count.
876 Anon Student 1 0 N 1974 He blew his teacher's brains out because he reprimanded him for disrupting class.
877 Mariette Sonjaleen Bosch 1 0 N 1996 50 year old woman, angry cause his boyfriend cheated her with another girl, shot that ranadom girl in the stomach and ribs before getting dead sentence by hanging.
878 Víctor Córdoba Jr. 1 0 N 1999 Columbiner tred to commit an hero with a .22 but failed and the bullet hit a girl on the head.
879 Brandon McInerney 1 0 N 2008 Killed a tranny classmate who was hitting on him during a computer lab class before fleeing and later being arrested.
880 Anon Student 1 0 N 2010 Random 17 year old boy headshot his principal to death
881 Unknown 1 0 N 2013 An unnamed man escaped from police after he fatally shot a teenager in the face with an automatic rifle in a Shkozet school.
882 Abdulaziz Al Maamari 1 0 N 2013 Mad teacher shot his troublemaker pupil (Abdul Aziz Al Balushi) because he said he abused his son
883 Vahur 1 0 N 2014 15-year-old boy shot his teacher with his daddy's revolver. He got 9 years in prison.
884 Gene Evin Atkins 1 0 N 2018 Held some NPC's hostage at a Trader Joe's in California.
885 Nicholas Kyle Moffitt 1 0 N 2019 Some random guy who shot and killed a man in Cock Island Bar and Grille in Portsmouth
886 Alimamy Cole 1 0 N 2020 Gangster opened fire on a man entering a bus, killing him instantly before escaping. His DNA was found on shell casings at the scene and he was caught by the bus' CCTV, and sentenced to life in prison but acquitted after an appeal and only sentenced to 10 months in jail for weapons offenses.
887 Stephen Silver 1 0 N 2020 Schizo who put some holes into a pig's chest with his own gun after being pulled over.
888 Jovanus Oliver Turay 1 0 N 2021 Nigga gangster shot a girl before getting V&
889 Hayden Jagst 1 0 N 2021 Edgy Columbiner shot his cop daddy after his mom took away his AR-15.
890 Jesus Uribe 1 0 N 2021 Shot up a gas station.
891 Ssali Abdul 1 0 N 2022 Mad gangsta tried to kidnap a teacher but the teacher got killed by Ssali Abdul with an AK-47 beacause he was screaming.
892 Isaac Chagas 1 0 N 2022 14-year-old boy killed a girl in a wheelchair with a machete and a revolver before getting shot by a cop and hospitalized.
893 Abel Guzmán 1 0 N 2024 Headshot his friend and then escaped through the window, went on a 70-day manhunt which ended in him getting arrested by the police.
894 Anonymous 45-year-old 1 0 Y 2024 A shitty frenchman killed a spanish architect before An villian.

Absolute Fucking Failures

These assclowns couldn't even manage to get a single kill! They are the Polygon of real life. (Again fat Amerifags everywhere).

1 David & Doris Young 79 Y, N (Shot by partner) 1986 Tried to bomb Cokeville Elementary School in middle of nowhere Wyoming.
2 Sebastian Bosse 37 Y 2006 An Eric Harris wannabe. Tried to shoot up his school with pirate guns and various other weapons which didn't go well at all.
3 Unknown 33 N 1934 A coal miner who was infected with rabies attacked several people on the streets before getting overwhelmed, died some hours later.
4 Frank James 33 N 2022 Schizo nigger who shot up a subway because of "muh evil whiteys!".
5 Unknown 25 N 2017 A person tried to yet again replicate Pulse and failed profusely.
6 José Carlos Alves dos Santos 16 N 1985 19-year-old street vendor ran amok and shot random people with a shotgun before being arrested.
7 Georg Rieß 15 N (Injured by Polizei) 2009 Some faggot who threw 2 molotovs in a classroom and sliced some bitch up with an axe before trying to commit suicide by cop and failing.
8 Lev Bidjakov and Aleksandr Buslidze 13 N (Stabbed each other but didn't die) 2018 Two Ruskie gay lovers who tried to recreate Columbine at a school in Russia and stabbed 14 kiddies and a teacher, then getting into an argument and stabbing each other.
9 Abdul Razak Ali Artan 11 N (Shot by cops) 2016 Some ISIS Cock-smoking mudslime. Went on a stabbing and vehicle-ramming spree at Ohio State University, stabbed people in unbelievably shitty places like in the arm, and because of this, he was the only casualty in the attack.
10 Chad Escobedo 10 N 2007 Former latin student shot a window 2 times and injured 10 teens before escaping. Pigs catched him and got V& for 6 years.
11 Nathan Desai 9 N (Killed by police) 2016 Neonazi lawyer shot random people before being shot by the pigs.
12 Edmar Aparecido Freitas 8 Y 2003 Former fat fuck tried to shoot up his school but failed to kill anyone and shot himself in the head.
13 Robério Souza de Oliveira 7 Y 2001 18-year-old farmer shot up his former school before shooting himself in the head.
14 Natalya Kabakova 7 N 2018 13-year-old girl shot people with a pneumatic revolver in school.
15 Dominick Maldonado 6 N 2005 A methhead who wanted the world to "feel his anger". Shot up a mall with a Chinese AK-47 and a pistol, taking people hostage before getting V&. He tried taking a pig hostage with scissors but failed.
16 Anthony "T.J." Solomon 6 N 1999 A month after the lulzy attack at Columbine, Anthony brought a .22 rifle to his school and shot 6 students in shitty parts of the body. While trying to bring himself to suicide, a principal talked him out of it and he turned himself to the pigs.
17 James Hodgkinson 6 N 2017 Jared Lee Loughner wannabe, tried to assassinate House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and kill as many Republicans as he could, but failed miserably.
18 Anton Bichivin 6 N (Attempted) 2018 Some Columbine-obsessed Ruskie who threw a molotov in a class and tried to an hero with an axe but failed. Wore a KMFDM t-shirt during the attack.
19 Luca Traini 6 N 2018 28-year-old wop shot some niggers to avenge an 18-year-old girl who was killed by a nigger.
20 Seth Trickey 5 N 1999 Seth shot people and pussied out in front of a teacher who commanded his stupid ass to drop his gun.
21 Unknown 5 N 2022 Gangster alcoholic dutch shot some spics in a disco in Marbella before being stabbed by a random.
22 Lamar Moore 4 N (Shot by cops) 2011 Died bravely in a line of fire by police inside a police station after he brought a shotgun in the building and wounded 4 officers, none of them critically, even at point-blank range. He was falsely accused by The Man of kidnapping and raping a 13 year old girl, when she probably deserved it anyways. So that was when he heroically stepped into the office and amazed the whole world of how much of an incredibly amazing man he truly is.
23 Asa Coon 4 Y 2007 Emo, he was punched by a nigger, shot people in really shitty places, and became An Hero. To add insult to injury, the cops leaked photos of his corpse. Here is the shitty gameplay footage. (dead)
24 Raymond Spencer 4 Y 2022 Armed with 4 rifles, scopes and over 1000 rounds of ammunition, Raymond tried to shoot up a school from his apartment window Paddock style. He failed miserably, and after firing over 200 rounds without a single kill he decided to end it all.
25 Bernie Goetz 4 N 1984 Shot some niggers who were trying to mug him on a subway. Was only convicted of illegal gun possession and v& for a year, then released early on good behavior 8 months later.
26 Darren Lloyd Fowler 4 N 1988 16-year-old Michael Ryan fan shot up his school with a shotgun after getting expelled.
27 Marin Eugen Sabau 4 N (Willingly euthanized) 2021 Security guard shot three of his colleagues before barricading himself in a house with an arsenal of weapons. Cops breached and ræp'd him with bullets, paralyzing him and causing him to have to amputate one leg. Eugen was euthanized before his trial took place, as he claimed his life was unbearable with chronic pains from the incident.
28 Dimitris Patmanidis 3 Y 2009 A bullied, human-hating revenge-seeker. Went to his school and shot people in shitty places like the legs, arms, hand, and chest before becoming an hero.
29 Nasim Aghdam 3 Y 2018 Some dirty vegan towelhead that decided that YouTube's shitty policies couldn't be changed by peaceable means and started shooting in the corporate offices in California. She didn't manage to kill anyone but herself.
30 Mehmet Ali Ağca 3 N 1981 Tried to assassinate the Pope.
31 Humberto Ferreira Santos 3 N 2017 Shot up a wedding to avenge his fallen son and father. After injuring some of the attendees and leaving, the wedding continued a few hours later.
32 Armando Hernandez 3 N 2020 Tried shooting up a mall due to incel rage, failing horribly at that. He also recorded some of the attack on snapchat.
33 6th grade girl 3 N 2021 Shot 2 students and 1 adult, then just gave up. A math teacher, Krista Gneiting, asked if she was okay, took the gun from her, and hugged her.
34 Henrique Lira Trad 3 N 2022 18-year-old emo tried to attack his former school with crossbows, knives and molotovs. Ended up getting rekt and hogtied before doing any considerable damage.
35 Jasmine Hollis 3 N 2022 Some ugly 23-year-old nigger bitch shot up a warehouse due to some dispute over a big black cock.
36 Unknown 3 N (Escaped?) 2023 Started a shooting in West Edmonton Mall and got same victimes as Armando Hernandez.
37 Julius Becker 2 N 1871 18-year-old student shot his bullies before surrendering.
38 Haraldur Olafsson 2 N 1973 Drunk man who shot his son and a woman before being shot and inmovilized by a taser.
39 13 year old student
15 year old student
2 N, N 1998 They shot some 11 year old kids with pellet guns hitting 2 before getting V&.
40 Adam Fulton 2 Y 2004 Newgrounds doomer who stabbed his Injun neighbor in an argument after they both got drunk. The neighbor called the cops and when they showed up, Adam shot at one of the cops before running away and hiding in a dumpster for three days. He broke into his house and sent his suicide e-mail to his family and Tom Fulp and then an heroed.
41 Edgar Robles 2 N 2014 A revenge-seeker. Wounded 2 people on a fucking packed bus.
42 Marissa Wallen 2 N 2017 21-year-old hooker who somehow failed to kill her john with two headshots after giving her bad oral sex.
43 Mason Campbell 2 N 2014 Some 12-year old-loser who tried to go Cho. He sawed off daddy's shotgun and used birdshot, randomly firing everywhere, before being tackled and shackled.
44 Neil MacInnis 2 N 2013 4chan Post
45 Mondrone Shooters 2 N, N 2018 Brazilian Columbiners that, due to being mentally retarded zoomers, decided to follow in Eric & Dylan's footsteps, but failed miserably. A pretty good metaphor for Brazil in general, if you think about it.
46 Marek Nowak 2 N 2019 18-year-old shot up his school with black powder guns and firecrackers.
47 Unknown 2 N 2023 23-year-old Pakistani gangster shot two other gangsters during a fight before escaping to Italy.
48 Unknown 2 N 2023 Went postal in a bus stop and injured 2 randoms.
49 Fantahun Girma Woldesenbet 2 N (Shot by civilian) 2021 Fort Hood 3: 2 is better than 1- oh wait, this guy was worse than Tranny fucking Phantom.
50 John Åreskjold 2 N (Shot by cops) 2023 Known criminal and business owner crashed his car into another car, left the scene and hijacked another car, taking the driver hostage before getting into a shootout with police outside a tunnel. John opened fire, shooting the hostage and an officer in the chest, leading to police opening fire into the vehicle, killing John. The officer wore a bulletproof vest.
51 Genesse Ivonne Moreno 2 N (Shot by cops) 2024 36-year-old spic who shot up one of Joel Osteen's megachurches with her kid and was shot and killed by an off-duty cop.
52 William Norris 1 Y 1884 28 year old teacher tried to kill his crush beacause she rejected him several times. Ended his spergout by killing himself.
53 David Mota Nogueira 1 Y 2011 A depressed 10-year-old sperg that got so mad about his teacher's sexual advancements that he decided to go NBK.
54 Floyd Lee Corkins 1 N 2012 Inspired by the SPLC, he tried to shoot up an anti-fag group, but, like most libtard gunmen, he couldn't even hit the broad side of a barn, and was thus unable to go through with his plan to smear Chick-fil-A on the victims' faces.
55 Mikhail Pivnev (alias: Mike Klebold 1 N 2017 Some Columbiner Ruskie who shot a teacher with an air rifle and set off some smoke bombs. Shouted that he'd come there to die, yet was arrested.
56 Robert Gladden Jr. 1 N 2012 An Emofag. Shot a student in the back before being tackled by various people in the cafeteria.
57 Jon Romano 1 N 2004 A bullied outcast fascinated by Columbine. Brought a shotgun and shot a teacher in the leg like a dumbshit. He pussied out and surrendered to the staff, and agreed to a plea deal for 20 years in prison.
58 Ilya Ivanistov 1 Y 2018 Another columbine coomer went to his ruskie school to shot a school mate with a double barrel shotgun before killing himself.
59 Florian Klein 1 Y 2003 A 16-year-old Satanist who shot at his teacher, missed and accidentally shot another teacher (who tried to disarm him) in the thigh before committing suicide.
60 Mikese Morse 1 N 2018 Former Olympic Track Star goes Bat Shit Insane and tries to run down a family of 3 in his car.
61 Sky Bouche 1 N 2018 Shot through a classroom door with a shotgun, injuring a student in the foot, and surrendered immediately afterwards. This happened on April 20.
62 Chad Padilla 1 Y 2019 Some retard shot a girl several times, she survived. In 2022, he will become an hero in his cell
63 M.A.C. 1 N 2019 15-year-old anon planned to recreate Columbine but pussied out after taking his first shot.
64 Unknown 1 N 2021 Random shot 2 times and escaped with no kills.
65 Mats Ditlow Wibe-Lund 1 N 2023 43-year-old manchild wannabe gangster with too much money and time on his hands shot some random nigger in the leg with an automatic AK-style rifle to scare him or something. Was arrested shortly after and is married to some bad-boy loving hybristophile skank that works for old media, covering crime cases.
66 Gabrijel Mijatović 1 N 2023 13-year-old boy shot his teacher.
67 Unknown 1 N (Escaped) 2023 Anon member of a shitty latin band, stabbed in all the body and shot in the gluteus a 22 year old boy.
68 Anonymous man 1 N 2023 Shot a man who pissed him off on a disco in Seville before being aprehended by people.
69 6 year old boy 1 N 2023 Kid from CWCistan who shot his first grade teacher.
70 Shokri Keryo 1 N 2023 "Swedish" gangster opened fire at a group of people after getting high.
71 Grzegorz Braun 1 N 2023 Polish far-right politician decided to spray powder from a fire extinguisher on Jews who were performing their Satanist Hanukkah rituals on the corridors of the Polish parliament. One Jewish woman suffered minor injuries when she tried to stop MP from extinguishing the candles lit on the Hanukkah menorah. This event generated a lot of lulzy reactions and BAWWWWing in (((Polish and international mainstream media))).
72 Unknown 1 N 2024 16-year-old anon stabbed some 13-year-old boy over a relationship with some bitch.
73 Dillon Cossey 0 N 2007 Fat 14-year-old guy was caught by the police while planning a school shooting after his friend, Pekka committed his bloodfest.
74 Samuli Saarinen 0 N 2008 Matti Saari and Pekka-Eric copycat threatened to shoot up his school on his 18th birthday and Pekka's 1 year anniversary because of bullying, but gave up and became a local Lolcow.
75 9-year-old boy 0 N 2009 Fourth grader brought a shotgun to school to get back at bullies, firing and missing twice before being subdued and getting a time-out.
76 Thomas Kane 0 Y 2009 Brought a sawed-off shotgun and molotov cocktails to school, said he wanted to kill "just to kill" and then just killed himself.
77 Justin Doucet 0 Y 2009 Ordered a teacher to say "Hail Marilyn Manson", who refused. Tried to shoot twice and hit no one. Asked a student to leave with him, who also refused. He probably felt ashamed no one would listen to him even as a school shooter. He shot himself and died a miserable 5 days later.
78 Clay Duke 0 Y 2010 Tried to take revenge on the Florida school board but ended up missing every shot. The entire event was captured on video.
79 Colton Tooley 0 Y 2010 Walked around in his college campus and fired shots into the air and ground before running into the library to become an hero.
80 Grant Acord 0 N 2013 A 17-year-old Columbiner was ready to attack his high school but the pigs searched his room and saw that he had bombs and a gun. He was sent to jail for not knowing how to hide things.
81 Michael Brandon Hill 0 N 2013 Brought a rifle to an elementary school and fired at least 6 shots towards the police. He was talked down by one of his hostages, school bookkeeper Antoinette Tuff. Listen to the 911 call here.
82 James Oliver Seevakumaran 0 Y 2013 Pulled the fire alarm as part of his plan, which prompted his roommate to investigate. He immediately called 911 after seeing James pointing a gun at him. James shot himself as the police arrived.
83 Liam Lyburd 0 N 2014 Nearly committed a mass shooting at Newcastle College with a Glock he bought on the Deep Web but was stopped hours before he was going to do it due to posting threats on Facebook.
84 Lindsay Kantha Souvannarath 0 N 2015 Planned to shoot up a Halifax mall with two of her cuntbuddies, but got arrested due to posting about her plan on tumblr, and is now in jail getting grabbed by the pussy in the shower.
85 Brooke Higgins, Sienna Johnson 0 N, N 2015 Two 16-year-old girls threatened to shoot up Mountain Vista High School and got v&. They were sentenced to 3 years and 5 years in prison, respectively, and were released.
86 Carter Boyles 0 Y 2016 Tried to open fire in his high school but failed and ended up shooting himself. He had a YouTube channel where he uploaded Gmod shooting videos.
87 Karma Hietanen 0 N 2016 Delusional Pekka fan who visited his grave several times, had an altar for him at her home and soil from his grave in a zip-bag in her bra at all times. Planned to shoot up an elementary school as a gift to Pekka so that they would date in the afterlife, but ended up getting v& prematurely due to posting about it on Instagram.
88 Kyle Davies 0 N 2016 19 year old pedophile face who obtained a glock on the dark net like sonboly and planed a shooting his school. He got V& after the internet police catched him.
89 Ethan Stables 0 N 2017 Faggot who was so ashamed of being bisexual that he tried to commit a machete attack at a gay bar. Was apparently arrested just as he was walking to the bar and was in Cumbria, where more successful attacker Derrick Bird committed his shootings.
90 Lloyd Gunton 0 N 2017 Another Britfag who tried to commit mass murder, this time for ISIS at a Justin Bieber concert with a car, a hammer and a knife in some Westminster-inspired attack. Was arrested hours before he was going to, though, because he posted about it on social media, just like Liam Lyburd and Ethan Stables.
91 Eric Torell 0 N (Shot by cops) 2018 20-year-old man with Downs ran away from home, bringing a toy gun with him. When police were called to the scene, Eric did not listen to their commands and pointed the toy gun at the cops, resulting in death by 25 bullets.
92 Brandon Clegg 0 Y 2018 Mommy knew he was heading to school with a gun and tried to save his life by calling 911. Unfortunately for her, Brandon became an hero after a brief shootout with the police.
93 Keith Simons 0 Y 2018 13-year-old would-be Columbine copycat who realized school shootings weren't as awesome as he thought and shot himself in a bathroom.
94 Nicole Cevario 0 N 2019 19-year-old columbiner planned a school shooting but got caught after her daddy read her diary and called the cops.
95 Brian Isaack Clyde 0 N (Shot by cops) 2019 2019's biggest failure yet! Some nobody who tried to tackle Nightmare Mode at a courthouse in Texas for some reason. He shot out a window before pussying out, then got capped by a security guard. Nobody really cared.
96 Sol Pais 0 Y 2019 Traveled to Colorado all the way from Florida to shoot up Columbine High School. Only managed to send threats and hype everyone up before she pussied out and shot herself in the woods. At least she got a 4 star wanted level.
97 Charles Landeros 0 N (Shot by cops) 2019 Tried to go to his son's middle school over a custody battle before cops stopped him. Outside the school, Landeros fired 2 shots at a cop before being pwn'd.
98 Christopher Paul Hasson 0 N 2019 Avid reader of Breivik's writings who planned to massacre high-profile leftist politicians and other libtards in general. Apprehended before any attack was committed and sentenced to over 13 years in prison.
99 Angel Granados-Diaz 0 N 2019 Autistic spic who got his ass beat by his gym teacher over his cool new NERF Super Soaker.
100 Willem Van Spronsen 0 N (Shot by cops) 2019 Anarchist boomer liberal tranny Antifa member who decided to shoot up an ICE "concentration camp" in Tacoma. Didn't even manage to achieve a single kill and was essentially dead on arrival.
101 Unknown 0 N 2019 Some crazy serbian with a rifle shot some bullets to the roof and take some kids as hostages. He said some schizo random words about his family before being taken down by a gym teacher.
102 Jim Holmgren 0 N 2021 25-year-old Breivik fan and member of the Nordic Resistance Movement was caught with bomb making materials, 3D printed weapon parts and a half written manifesto. Sentenced to 3 and a half years in prison.
103 Anonymous 0 N 2021 Shot some windows in a university and random doors before getting V&
104 Reed Wischhusen 0 N 2022 30-year-old columbiner built his own weapons, wrote a manifesto and planned to shoot up his former school. When police arrived to search his apartment, Reed pulled a gun from his coat and was shot three times by cops. He was later sentenced to life in prison.
105 Ahmad & Anas K. 0 N 2023 Two Syrian brothers living in Germany made bombs with plans to blow themselves up in a Swedish church to take revenge for a Quran-burning, but were v& before anything could be done because they bought all their bomb-making ingredients over eBay.
106 Unknown 0 N 2023 15-year-old boy tried to shoot up a religious school with his daddys guns but the school locks and the boy got arrested.
107 Seann Pietila 0 N 2023 19-year-old retard got baited by feds into posting threats to shoot up a synagogue in Michigan and was v&.
108 Sahal J. 0 N 2023 Quarrel between gangsters resulting in an epic nigga moment as everyone drew guns and 23-year-old Sahal began firing randomly, before running away.
109 Unknown 0 N 2023 The predecessor gangster of the dutch disco shooter tried to commit a massacre in the nearest shopping center in Marbella with a UZI. The shooter escaped.
110 Nathan Cruz 0 N 2023 17-year-old cousin of Salvador Ramos threatened to shoot up a school and got v&.
111 Anonymous man 0 N 2023 A moroccan ploted a terrorist church attack. Got V& for idiot.
112 Mikhail Olson 0 N 2023 Rococks dev known as Simbuilder that got RDC 2023 cancelled for showing up uninvited with a gun in his car, Possibly trying to become the Roblox Couch Cuck. Got v& almost immediately for being retarded then was permabanned from his only source of income.
113 Michael Pengchung Lee 0 N 2023 Chink incel Elliot Rodger wannabe plotted a shooting on the University of Arizona, and tried to kill "Chads and Stacys". Failed and the pigs catched him.
114 Diego Barajas Medina 0 Y 2023 20-year-old spic who planned a mass shooting at an amusement park in Colorado but changed his plan and an hero'd in a women's bathroom. His last message was "I'm not a killer, I just wanted to get in the cave".
115 Anonymous Turkroach 0 N 2023 A stressed man who wanted to take custody of his daughter away from him ends up taking her hostage at an airport before being V& for being a massive retard.
116 Elizabeth West 0 N 2024 56-year-old tranny nazi wanted to kill niggers, jews and transphobes, caught with an arsenal of guns and ammo.
117 Bezhani Sarvar 0 N 2024 28-year-old islamist from Afghanistan shot up Edmonton city hall, hitting absolutely nobody before giving up and being arrested.
118 S.T. 0 N 2024 17 year old kid who made a bomb plot in his school. Failed and the pigs catched his plans.
119 Evita Kolmonen 0 N 2024 23-year-old columbiner wanted to shoot up a school because of climate change or something, but couldn't help herself and started yapping about her plans on the internet, leading to her getting caught.
120 Ryan Routh 0 N 2024 Another Trump assassination attempt, and an even bigger failure.
121 You 0 N (sadly) The current year Soon... hopefully. Don't disappoint us...

King of all losers

9,999,999,999 William Atchison 2 0 Y 2017 Our own ED admin AlGore spent literal years obsessing over this very page, updating it every time someone so much as shot a stray cat and participating in an act of worship for school shooters like an edgy teenager, only to have his own shooting spree stopped by a sofa.

See Also

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Single Player Elite Hall of Fame

Adam LanzaAnders Behring BreivikAndrew KehoeAriana Grande MassacreBaruch GoldsteinBrenton TarrantCampo Elías DelgadoCho Seung-HuiDevin Patrick KelleyGabriel WortmanJack Gilbert GrahamJakrapanth ThommaJames HubertyLuby's massacreMartin BryantMutsuo ToiNice Truck Attack 2016Omar MateenPanya KhamrabPatrick CrusiusReina Nightclub MassacreSalvador RamosShinji AobaStephen PaddockTed BundyVladislav RoslyakovWilliam UnekWoo Bum-kon

Single Player Amateur Division

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Multiplayer Co-Op Mode

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Civilization and Great Prophets

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Banned From Scoring

Alex HribalAnthony WarnerAnton BichivinAsa CoonBen MoynihanBilly MitchellBrandon CleggBrian Isaack ClydeCharles BishopClay DukeDillon CosseyFaisal ShahzadFrank JamesHayden JagstHugo JacksonIlya IvanistovJohn EarnestKyle RittenhouseLaaiti EkenstéenLindsay Kantha SouvannarathLogan ClarkMAGABomberMikhail PivnevNasim AghdamNicky ReillyPhilip ManshausRichard ReidRyan RouthSam HydeSebastian BosseSol PaisStephan BallietTodd RogersWillem Van SpronsenWilliam AtchisonYou

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[DeadCry yourself to sleep]

Those Who Have Died Alone

Aaron AlexisAaron BushnellAaron SwartzAdam LanzaAlexis ArquetteAmanda ToddAmy WinehouseAnal CuntAndy KaufmanAngry GrandpaAnna Nicole SmithAnthony WarnerAsa CoonBrian AdamsBrandon CrispByuuCharmaine DragunCho Seung-HuiChris BenoitChris Harper-MercerChynaCodey PorterDavid BowieDavid CarradineDragoneerEazy-EEdaremElliot RodgerElvis PresleyGeorge SodiniGizgizGleb KorablevHappyCabbieHarambeH.P. LovecraftHeath LedgerJake DavisonJeff WeiseJewWarioJim MorrisonKate SpadeKitty0706Kurt CobainLemonade CoyoteLeelah AlcornLil PeepLiloLoki BlackfangLowtaxMia JaninMegan MeierMichael JacksonMitchell HendersonMySpaceNathan GaleNikita LytkinOtoya YamaguchiPekka-Eric AuvinenPrinceRandy StairRehtaeh ParsonsRicardo LopezRina PalenkovaRipperRobin WilliamsRonnie McNuttRudolph ZurickRyan PalmeterShawn WoolleyShayShuaibySol PaisSteve StephensThomas Matthew CrooksTony48219TooDamnFilthyTyler DumstorfVester FlanaganWilliam AtchisonXXXTentacionZhao Zewei

Those Dying Alone

03bgood2cash2 gryphon7jackass77Adam SandlerAhuviya HarelAIDS SkrillexAkewsticRockRAlex FordAlison RappAmerica's Third PartyAmy SchumerAndrew AllansonAngry JoeAnimatedJamesAnita SarkeesianAnonymous BorgAnthony 'A-Log' LoGattoAntony AguilarApril DavisAquagirlwhitefoxArgent009Arguecat3Arin HansonArmake21AsalieriAsher2500Austin AlexanderAvantGardePonyBambifan101BarneyfagBasement DwellersBen FordBen MoynihanBenny_the_SnakeBenthelooneyBig RedBikerfoxBill9929Bill GaedeBill GatesBLACKbusterCriticBob RehahnBrandontheMovieGuyBrandon SmithBrian MuellerBrian Richard ZaigerBrianna WuBroniesButLovaByAppointmentToCarl the CuckCartoonjunkieCaseydeckerCatboyKamiCheeyevChloe SagalChris-chanChris CrockerChuck M.Clint of Rise and FallCopperCabCorey MargeraCoughlan666CrazyvideosandrantsCrinklemonCyraxxDaniel BrandtDan CilleyDane CookDani FilthDarius McCollumDarknessthecurseDarksydePhilDave ChapelleDave MustaineDavid HockeyDaxflameDBoyWheelerDeekerDeterminedToDrawUTDev-catscratchDGTrixieDiaper BoyDillon CosseyDiogo MendesDisneyFan01DisneyMasterDJ KEEMSTARDnepropetrovsk maniacsDodgerofZionDogpatch PressDon RobertsDoodletonesDoomer3868Dorian_GayDoug WalkerDrakonDrossRotzankDoomentioDustinEDP445Emer PrevostEmosEpic Fat GuyEpicKitty54Eric AbramovEric RidenourErik RibsskogErtasVideosFilthy FrankFagolescentsFanFic CriticFast EddieFat ManFaust & Pory Five Nights at Freddy's fansFlardoxFluffy teh wolfForeverKailynFriends of A-LogFurriesG-ZayGather Against FateGeorge LopezGeosheaGhostGirlvinylGlobelampGoddessMilleniaGraykatGreg MazujianGwen GaleGwen StefaniHarmful OpinionsHellkiller777I Dislike Cis PeopleI Hate EverythingIan Miles CheongIchverboticze⁴rImma-The-DeerInkBunnyIsabella Loretta JankeJamil The KingJessi SlaughterJessica LeedsJim ProfitJINXDROWNEDJoe Crusher PicklesJoekerJohn BullaJohn FieldJohn KricfalusiJohn Patrick RogersJonathan McIntoshJonmonJonTronJoseph CampJoseph8276Joshua "Null" MoonJuggalosJustinRPGKat DenningsKendall JennerKeegan SalisburyKathleen ToddKenny GlennKevin HavensKeffalsKimmo Johan AlmKingEmpoleonKingMasterReviewKrashedLaci GreenLarry the Cable GuyLauren FaustLeafyIsHereLecarickLeigh AlexanderLeisureSuitGamingLena DunhamLeonard F. Shaner Jr.Leslie JonesLifeInATentLikeicareLinkaraLittleCloudLittleKuribohLogo KidsLordelthibarLow Tier GodLucian HodobocM. ChaosA Man in BlackManchildrenMar9122MarblesMariotehplumberMarjan SiklicmasteroogwgayMatthew DavisMatthew NicholsonMcJuggerNuggetsMDetector5‎MeowbarkMeganSpeaksMichael BattonMichael FitzhywelMichael GimsonMike SandyMoleman9000Monica PunkMonkeyGameGuidesMoviebobMumkey JonesMuZemikeMylarBalloonFanMysteriousMrEnterMysticArkNaokoElric2250NawlinWikiNeckbeardsNeoGAFNick BateNick BravoNikkineko333Noah AntwilerNostalgia ChickNotchNullcherriObjectfagsOFWGKTAOnideus Mad HatterOnyx ForepawPacificoceanasiaPaigeGirlPaul FeigPaulie CalafioreParkourdude91Peter BrightPeter CoffinPhantomStrider8Phil FishPhunWithLogicPinkieponyPit ViperPixyteriPeluchin EntertainmentPMRantsPreachingthegospelQuentin TarantinoRachael MacFarlaneRandi HarperRichard ReidRicki RavenRMG ProductionsRobert StaintonRobert Wayne StilesRockosockoRomeo RoseRootbrianRose3212Ryan RouthSad FrogSammyClassicSonicFanSam PepperSarah ButtsSarahisniftySaturnDOSSceptreSchnookumsSegacampSega KidSeth MacFarlaneSethistoShadmanSimply OkamiSlowbeef & DiabetusSnapesnoggerSonic SaviorSonmanicSony-MaeSophie LabelleSpax3StormySuperlisamcbSusan BoyleTara StrongTheAmazingAtheistTheDOSFagTheSockDetectiveTim BuckleyTJ LaneTodd in the ShadowsTom PrestonToonEGuyTourneyfagsTrey Eric SeslerTrigglypuffTyciolTyler GarmanyUlillilliaThe Unknown AutobotVadeVinceintheBayWade FulpWeatherManKevinWesley!!!WoWfan4lifeWwwareaWeegeeisgoingtokillmXenuriaYandereDevYoshiwii1Youyoungbloodfantasy91Zoe QuinnZone

Their Methods

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