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2024 is part of a series on Time

The Current Year


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2024 is the current year; and it already fucking sucks. It has been foretold to be just as boring, if not MORE boring than 2023. However, we can only wait and see. For no matter how corrupted the material is that we are given, it must be brought to the table.

If you need a recap of that other one, click here.


  • 3rd - 102 people are blown up while mourning the death of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani at Kerman, Iran.
  • 4th
    • Another transgender shooter, Dylan Butler, shoots up an Iowa school.
    • Yet another terrible Star Wars film is announced, this time directed by a feminist, as if the franchise hasn't been on life support for the past decade now.
  • 9th - MatPat announces his retirement. Thank God.
  • 15th
    • Feeling the drought of anything remotely interesting happening in this month, many commentary YouTubers decided to jump Chris Hansen and Batman wannabe MamaMax.
    • Due to having blind confidence in leaks, over 1 million Chinese Genshin Impact fans would mass unfollow the game's official accounts due to not getting any free skins.
  • 21st - Random Nigger Romeo Nance decides to shoot his family instead of a Basketball for once, pwns 8 noobs.
  • 29th - YouTuber Doktor Skipper would an hero his own career by uploading a video essentially shitting on nearly every Godzilla film with your average fandom tard rage damaging his reputation.



  • 1st - Akira Toriyama, creator of Dragon Ball Z has died at the ripe old age of 68 from a blood clot, 1 month before he turned 69.
  • 2nd - Backyardigans creator, Janice Burgess, dies at the age of 72.
  • 6th - Rooster Teeth begins a month-long process of shutting down. Ensue the tears of weeaboos and subhuman meat calculators alike.
  • 11th - The Noise Campaign in Pizza Tower is released. Fucking hit Peppino 100 times quickly or beat the fucking game to get him.
  • 12th
    • Alex Kister is revealed to have been a pedophile and gets his ass canceled.
    • StoneToss is doxed and exposed as a Jew.
  • 13th - Ricky Berwick gets involved in Twitter drama after offending troons as well as supporting Israel.
  • 22nd - ISIL blows up a Russian stadium, killing 145 and injuring 551. The perpetrators later get v& and tortured by the Federal Security Service.
  • 26th - Azns go Pearl Harbor on the Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore.
  • 28th - 45 people die in South Africa when a bus acquired a mind of it's own and drove off of a bridge.
  • 30th - Controversy goes on Twatter about if trans men can date lesbians. No, they fucking can't.





  • 7th - Crunchyroll get exposed by using AI to replace Translator on Hit Animu Show!
  • 8th
    • People start taking note of the TikTok AI covers of "Not Like Us" by Kendrick Lamar.
    • Encyclopædia Dramatica returns to the clearnet after a month of being Tor-only; at encyclopediadramatica.win.
  • 12th - Boogie2988 strike again! This time, he pretended to have cancer and scammed more people.
  • 13th
  • 16th - Microsoft laid off an entire DEI Team, GamerGate is saved!
  • 19th - A buggy CrowdStrike update crashed a lot of Windows computers; causing outages all over the world.
  • 21st - Joe Biden released the announcement. (Long story short: He dropped out.)
  • 23rd - Mr Beast is finally kicks out Ava Kris Tyson. (You guessed it, pedophilia again!)
  • 25th - ED goes down for more than a week due to AifoxHi reporting the site to Cloudflare, who in turn forwarded the report to the previous host Contabo.
  • 31st - Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh gets assassinated in Iran.


  • 1st - August curse starts once again.
  • 2nd - ED comes back on a new host that is more tolerant to controversial articles.
  • 8th
  • 9th - Susan Wojcicki dies of cancer at the age of 56. (You can't blame her because she's dead!)
  • 12th
  • 16th
    • Valve decides to end TF2's wokeness by removing the pride flags from the Desk Engineer.
    • Ukrainian forces destroy a bridge over the Seim River in Kursk Oblast.
    • Some retard decided to fuck up Encyclopedia Dramatica by creating yet another shitty attack article called "Icewillow9", with the braindead admins refusing to baleet the article, completely destroying what was left of ED's reputation. (the preceding comment was brought to you by icewillow9)
  • 18th
    • EWU releases bodycam footage of Chris-chan, revealing that the police somehow didn't know about him beforehand.
    • A second bridge is destroyed by Ukraine in Kursk Oblast.
  • 20th
    • Ukraine accomplishes their goal of destroying every bridge in Kursk Oblast.
    • FurAffinity gets hacked. All links to the site now redirect to Kiwi Farms.
  • 21st - Nimbus the dog died from a coyote attack because he was left outside.
  • 22nd - Fake and .gay gets b& by its host and goes down for a day; it later comes back on its old domain, edramatica.com.
  • 23rd - Sony's biggest flop, and probably the biggest flop in vidya history, Concord, releases.
  • 26th - The founder of Telegram gets v& in France.
  • 28th - DOOM is ported to Jewgle AI.
  • 30th - Isaac Freeman III, aka Fatman Scoop, dies at the age of 53.


See Also

is part of a series on

The History of Encyclopedia Dramatica
[Seal ThemOpen the Records]

Dramatic Years
Preceded by
2024 Succeeded by