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Prepare for Clickbait

WatchMojo is a website known for their shitty top ten lists. All they do is regurgitate the popular opinion with little research thrown in and mediocre editing. They have a YouTube channel dedicated to their work. Like the majority of YouTube, WatchMojo is just generic unremarkable clickbait cancer, and absolutely nothing else.

Miraculously, the channel has managed to keep getting more subscribers while they keep dishing out the same bullshit every hour. As the channel is 8 years old and used nearly every single goddamn topic possible for their videos, they have completely scraped the bottom of the barrel and nearly ran out of ideas. The monkeys who work for Watchmojo had to resort to DMT, bong hits and Shrooms to come up with bizarre ideas to see if there are any more uninteresting things to drone on about. Doing a quick search on their channel will find such gems as "Top 10 Hipster Movies" and "Top 10 OneRepublic Songs". You get extra points for knowing who OneRepublic actually are, as none of us at ED got any fuckin' idea.


You will find no imagination when venturing into WatchMojo's video list. You will only find mundane videos such as "Top 10 Songs about California" or "Top 10 Got Milk? Commercials". WatchMojo tries to present itself as a professional opinion channel despite the fact almost every video is commentated by the same blabbering boring bitch whose voice has the same level of interest as Kristen Stewart's face.

It took half an hour to create these!

Top 10 True Shit about WatchMojo Videos

  1. WatchMojo has no life.
  2. They're boring as hell.
  3. They require no talent to make videos.
  4. They have more videos than fucking Pewdiepie. I mean they have more than 20000 videos, what the fuck.
  5. You have no idea how's their studio like. It might be messed up.
  6. They're downright mediocre.
  7. If you actually get entertained by their videos, you either never heard of opinions or your life sucks as much as them.
  8. They're very uncreative and mundane.
  9. If you work there, congrats you fuck.
Honorable mention: They somehow have 19 million subscribers despite their videos feeling like the exact fucking same 
  1. If you subscribe to them, then you must be some kid who thought their transitions are cool and you want to make videos yourself with fucking Windows Maker.


Top 5: Elliot Rodger

Alien bitches

inb4 hitler

Soccermom vs Vidya gaem

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