Big Red

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Not to be confused with #OpRollRedRoll
Chanty doing what she does best. Being a bitch.
Porn is oppressive to women.


Chanty Binx, or "Big Red" as internet fucktards have dubbed her, is an angry feminist with very little control of her temper or manners. With all her yelling, screaming and name-calling, she makes Rebecca Watson look like a cuddly little puppy dog by comparison. Sporting obviously fake red hair and hipster glasses, this proud "social justice" warrior is a poster child for every thing the Internet Hate Machine dislikes about feminism. She prefers abusive censorship, name-calling, and harassment to honest discussions about gender equality.

First video

Toronto Protest

In happier days, she was sluttier and less of a cunt, but still a rodent-faced bitch.
One of the whore's key talking points.

In University of Toronto, an author of "Men's rights" literature was having a lecture about man-hating dick choppers. Rather than just let them give their opposing point of view, the man-hating dick choppers resorted to childish temper tantrums and bullying techniques. Feminists were harassing all the guys that were trying to enter the building.

Once inside the hallway, our hero can be seen holding a bullhorn and interrupting the MRA (Men's Rights activists) lecture. How dare men complain about their problems? Only women getting asked out for coffee can do that! None of the students could hear the lecture and they didn't deserve to because they were sexist male oppressors. But the lecture continued until Big Red or one of her delightful and rational friends pulled a fire alarm. That may sound like unnecessary and unfair censorship abuse, but they had to remove male privilege or they would have been almost raped.

After everyone was forced to evacuate the building, Chanty Binx could be seen debating men. And by debating, we mean constantly interrupting everyone by calling them "fuckface" every ten seconds. No matter how calmly the men addressed her, she would go into rage mode and resort to all the worst behaviors of a 13-year-old boy which are behaviors a feminist would find disgusting in an adult male. Our experts here at ED have determined that it's only bullying when a man does it a women is the target.

We dare you to sit through the whole 12 minutes of this without throwing your computer (or yourself) out a window:

Only Feminists Have The Right to Protest Someone Else's Event

Chanty looking smart.

Some fans of AMC's zombie drama, The Walking Dead, were running around in zombie makeup and offending some local Christians who were protesting. While the Christians in question did have a stupid fucking point of view, they were far more composed and well-behaved in their protest than Chanty Binx's swarm of castrating egalitarians. Big Red happened to be passing by and she decided to add in her two cents. She was quickly called out on how unproductive her yelling, name-calling, and cussing are by the local reverend. She accused the church of being too judgmental. To amplify her hypocrisy, she told the church that if they don't like an event, they shouldn't show up for it. But it was obviously okay for her to show up and ruin an MRA lecture.

Setting the gay rights movement back 20 years

In a separate event she verbally harassed the same preacher. While the preacher is a bigoted piece of shit, it doesn't change the fact that she thinks she can change someone's opinion by acting like a spoiled child screaming at her mother in the toy store for the newest barbie.

Moar vids

In University of Toronto, an author of "Men's rights" literature was having a lecture about man-hating dick choppers. Rather than just let them give their opposing point of view, the man-hating dick choppers resorted to childish temper tantrums and bullying techniques. Here is footage of a group of feminists harassing a guy that it's trying to enter the building.

Doxing drama

A big debacle ensued after her dating site profiles were exposed and she made newspapers complaining about it.

See also

External Links

Big Red is part of a series on


Visit the Whores Portal for complete coverage.

Big Red is part of a series on

Social Justice

Visit the Social Justice Portal for complete coverage.