Talk:High Score

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someone add Anders Behring Breivik fast!!

The spree was only 85 7 more came from the bombing please don't revert --some retard

considering adding a new bracket

I am considering adding a new bracket for style points. This Is usually low kills but high style. Zodiac killer would probably top.

Thoughts? --Duster 14:49, 1 December 2014 (EST)

We should

We should add as much spree killers as posible. EmilyPlays 12:17, 25 July 2011 (CEST)

BBC revised down his score to 68. Anon1000 15:55, 26 July 2011 (CEST)

He's still number one, though. I hope someone told him he's number one. G'orzak 23:16, 26 July 2011 (CEST)

There's more here, somebody add for me cos Im a lazy fuck

Here Comes a New Challenger!

he respawned -Anon1000 14:46, 4 August 2011 (UTC)

Should we add in driving rampages?

Just a thought but shouldn't we have a driving rampage mode too? Maybe we can call it death race. Based off of the old school movie because the newer one sucked dick and didn't have them race across America and killing random civilians. We'd also have to separate DUI and DWI cases... But for the sake of the lulz, we should have an option for someone to go for the high score with a vehicle as well don't you think? Even death race 2000 had a point scale. As shown in this video:

If you think this is a good idea just reply. And if you think this is a shit tier idea, just tell me to gtfo and enjoy my aids. -Klasher 6:00, 25 March 2012 (GMT-6 DST)

It's a cool idea on paper but it's not really competitive as shootings and we can't get a solid scoring system --Duster 14:52, 1 December 2014 (EST)

For your consideration


She didn't score very high, but she did show that with enough strength and perseverance, even a mentally handicapped person can follow their dreams and shoot a bunch of people.


Didn't the Unabomber kill like, over 100 people in the plane he took down? Correct me if I'm wrong but that would put him in second place would it not?

--Gizmo19401 17:44, 18 August 2012 (EDT)

He injured 12, nobody died. ---4ourty (talk)

Andrew Phillip Kehoe

We seriously need an article on this guy, especially after the Sandy Hook shooting. Andrew had THE most killed and injured in any school shooting in U.S. history, with the majority being around 8 years old. His total score was 44 killed, and 58 injured. He did kill himself and several others with a truck bomb as well. The most interesting and sickening part of this guy, is that he was a sadist who would torture his farm animals (He was a Farmer) in public view. His last message was "Criminals are made, not born," which was found written on a sign wired to the farm's fence after his death.

Link To the Wikipedia article with all the info on the shooting: And the info on the man himself:

--Foof 02:58, 16 December 2012 (EST)

Definitely. Wiki even says he was the first suicide bomber. This man deserves ED recognition. --One With The Lulz 23:11, 24 December 2012 (EST)

Richard Kuklinski

This motherfucker has killed over 250 without haven't drawing any police's attention for a long time, and his cold blood emotion has made him "The iceman". He is also known for cleaning up hobos on the street. Maybe he should be on the highscore list. --WeeabooHunter 01:06, 30 January 2013 (EST)WeeabooHunter

MH370 for Flight simulator

239 passengers dead, 12 crew members dead, should this be second place? ••General Niggerson Page me. 12:52, 17 July 2014 (EDT)

But it was shut down by Putin rite? or pilot parker?--WeeabooHunter 16:52, 18 July 2014 (EDT)

Graded Score + Wanted Level

Hey, I've been wanting to discuss the scoring for each killer, as long as adding an additional feature to all of them, that has been featured in only a select few. A lot of the graded scores for the killers are a bit inaccurate.. I just felt like discussing ways to greatly improve the quality of these reviews.

Kill count: X/20 For kill count, I've been thinking of keeping it locked to exactly how many murders the 'player' got. For instance, the Columbine dudes killed 13, so it would be 13/20. I want to petition for an official ED rule on it or something though.. Say, Adam Lanza. He killed 27 people. So it would be 27/20 right? We could make it 20/20, +7 points for the extra kills. This would definitely help their grades out.

Accuracy: X/20 I think accuracy is the accuracy of their shooting skills, but it should also include the planning and execution of their attacks, resources, tactics, etc..

Style: X/20 Style... now I think that's pretty self-explanatory. The Columbine Killers got a nearly perfect score, and for good reason. They had style; the trenchcoats, music, teen angst, OG shooters, all of it. While as adam lanza was antisocial as fuck and just showed up to the school and died 5 minutes later, not wasting time.

Butthurt: X/20 Obviously, the amount of lulz and drama the killer created from the attack. Sandy hook was at least a B+, while as Columbine was a solid A+.

Bonus: X___ 0/20 You are to find a creative, entertaining and accurate rank/title for each shooter. Give points somewhat carefully, this grading category is meant to either pass or fail the 'student' LOL Total Score:X/100 and/or (A+/A/A-, B+,B,B-, C+,C,C-, D+,D,D-, F) X- is say for A, 90~93. X+ is say for D, 67~69.

Wanted Level I vouch for it to be replaced to the GTA 5 standard of 1~5 stars; * * * * *. Find some small images to represent the stars I guess.. Each killer will be awarded a number of stars based on the severity of their crime and the reaction of the world.

1 star = Minor crimes, nobody cares; example: Asa Coon 2 stars = Notable situations. Most n00bs at the high score. 5 kills and under. TJ Lane 3 stars = The median; Halfway between I guess.. Very notable, but not everywhere in the news for weeks. 4 stars = Serious Business; Extreme IRL drama, but not as much as 5 stars; Cho Seung Hui. 5 stars = A world of shit; 9/11, Columbine and Sandy Hook are good examples.

I implore any who read this to discuss this to the max. Let's work on creating a template! AlGore 23:26, 11 September 2014 (EDT)

  • I think the score should be based entirely on kill-to-injury ratio. I'm not passionate about this idea but that is a standard measurement for mass killings. Uberfukken 23:37, 11 September 2014 (EDT)


someone wanted to add Bibi to the list of dictators, but couldn't grasp the markup. i can not add him because i am incompetent and old, so i will ask you to add it instead. :) -hipcrime 02:33, 25 March 2015 (EDT)

  • Bibi isn't rigging election, stupid people just keep voting for him. Olmert killed a lot more arbs than him but neither of them killed many Israeli citizens or enough to be on any list of anything. Wait till Ivet Liberman gets elected here, then this will become a real dictatorship. oddguy 05:41, 25 March 2015 (EDT)
  • Sorry, didn't know dictator was in the criteria. But Bibi is pretty far right wing (see also: National Socialist). And he's definitely committed some anti-lulzy war crimes like bombing the shit out of hospitals and residential neighborhoods. Frankmiller 23:57, 26 March 2015 (EDT)
  • To be a dictator you need to commit crimes against your own people. Also, he's center right. oddguy 04:35, 27 March 2015 (EDT)

Bank Robbers?

Bracket for Bank robbers, and their score is how much money they stole?? --Little Dark Age (talk) 01:32, 2 December 2021 (EST)

Actually not a bad idea, but the only issue I can see arising is if a particular robber killed someone/people in the process. KingWewuz (talk) 13:19, 2 December 2021 (EST)
then maybe add a bracket for whether they killed someone or not(Y/N)/how many they killed. Y/N would proabably be more suitable as most high profile robberies have low/no casualties. --Carpice (talk) 16:21, 2 July 2022 (EDT)
I like the idea though the page is more focused on kills. I can get to work on a list if no one objects. LooseCaboose (talk) 17:39, 14 July 2023 (EDT)
Please do! --4ourty (talk) 16:59, 19 July 2023 (EDT)

New guy on the block

Salvador Ramos, its still developing, but you know every time this happens people flock to this page, he has killed 21 so far in Texas, we know he is Mexican and he was probably trans, 4chan is circulating images of the dude at the moment. His number will probably rise, no an hero though, but he was shot and killed

Thoughts on Wikipedia linking?

Would it be frowned upon to link all no-article players to Wikipedia? For example using syntax: [[Wikipedia:14 October 2017 Mogadishu bombings|Team Al-Shabaab]]

At least it would give readers some context.

--Jewjetter (talk) 04:59, 23 June 2022 (EDT)

I agree. Wikipedia is annoying, but readers will still appreciate the additional info. --4ourty (talk) 16:59, 19 July 2023 (EDT)

Flags: Perpetrator's country of origin OR country where the attack took place?

I think it makes much more sense to use the flag of the country where the attack took place rather than where the perpetrator is from. For example, Cho Seung-Hui is ethnically South-Korean and lived there until he was 8, yet it is much more reasonable to use the American flag rather than the South-Korean flag considering the attack happened in America, Americans were killed etc, and the only reason South-Korea is involved at all is because it was one of their people who did it.

11 Cho Seung-Hui

However I find others, such as Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel‎, a Tunisian immigrant who committed his attack in France has his flag listed as Tunisia.

1 Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel‎

In cases like Brenton Tarrant, an Australian who committed his attack in New Zealand, I don't mind if he has the Australian flag as the two countries are so similar and close that nobody really cares anyways. Cases like the above, where the difference is Tunisia and France, there is a lot more difference geographically.

I think it would make more sense and generally be easier to simply use the flag of the country where the attack took place, as you can know for 100% certain where an attack took place but it might be harder to define where a perpetrator is from, due to immigration and such. I still think people who are part of a military, if the attack is done in another country (such as Robert Bales) should have the flag of the army of which they belong.

What do you guys think? --Carpice (talk) 13:22, 2 July 2022 (EDT)

Yeah, I think that would be easier, to have the flag be the one where they did their mortal act of faggotry. --Just Call Me Mister (talk) 04:08, 3 July 2022 (EDT)
I like the current olympics format. It implies a game of some sort, plus there's no flag for Babbar Khalsa in international waters. --Jewjetter (talk) 16:38, 4 July 2022 (EDT)
I wouldn't say any of the two uses are the "current" norm, they have both been used randomly all over the list, probably as it was left to each editor to decide which flag they would use. As for special cases like a terror attack in international waters, I guess try to factor in who did it, where approximately it happened and who were the victims, add a little common sense and pick whatever you find is the most suitable. Or better yet, put something in the description, if available.

Another solution as for the "olympics format" aspect, wouldn't it work to add a miniflag of the perpetrator's nationality next to their name, like so:

11 Cho Seung-Hui

--Carpice (talk) 17:58, 4 July 2022 (EDT)

Use footnotes. Don't spam the chart. The selected flag is most recognizable, not truth and reality. --Jewjetter (talk) 02:35, 5 July 2022 (EDT)
Footnotes good yes, as for everything else uhhh wat? By "the selected flag" do you mean we should just leave everything as it is now even in clear cut cases, such as truck attacks where the driver is your standard terrorist immigrant from some random shit hole. The country where the attack happened is more relevant than exactly which shit hole the attacker is from, especially if we disregard "truth and reality".. --Carpice (talk) 03:20, 5 July 2022 (EDT)
By most recognizable I mean what you'd say to buddies in a locker. Yo did you hear about the plane that blew up? Who did it? Oh some idiots from Canada. -- that way. Only a total sperg calls it some Babbar al-asdfghjkl from Khalistan. My 2 cents. I have nothing to add. --Jewjetter (talk) 05:14, 5 July 2022 (EDT)

Separate Leaderboards

What about leaderboards for Nightmare Mode articles? That's all. Just Call Me Mister (talk) 04:46, 10 July 2022 (EDT)

New Sections

I was thinking for a while about making a new section on nuclear accidents, but I ignored that because this page is about random guys killing others and whatnot. And I think we should probably do a new section on shootings at protests, like the Santa Maria school massacre, where the Chilean government killed about 2,300 protesters. Forgot about it, new idea:EARTHQUAKE SECTION. It's just an idea and maybe if they accept it we can get down to work. ForcedMeme (talk) 011:07, 19 July 2023.

Add map

Could we add a map section in the table? For some of the gamesession we don't know where it took place, other than country. For instance in Carmageddon there is an entry on a Spaniard hitting 1, killing nobody. Yet he is unknown, and the only info we got is that it happened in 2023 and in Spain. The issue, I know, is if gamers move to different locations. Life for instance These retards that went from a restaurant to a Walmart. What do you think? Cobaltcat (talk) 01:17, 16 December 2023 (EST)

i propose a "did hitler know what sex is?" variable divided by "all shooters are autistic" cosine, and have it actively charted in realtime using a windows 98 gui, whatever the actual fuck that even means. kinda like a shittier 2 hour SB Nation chart party video except its not gay. really simple shit, people Disassemblyline (talk) 01:56, 16 December 2023 (EST)

Shortcut for rankings

Newfag here, is there a shortcut for changing the ranking of each scorer down one each time someone gets added instead of doing it manually? For example, if someone in FPS gets 10 kills, they would be in notable losers and towards the top, but there's 600 fucking people behind them, how do u automate moving everyone behind them down one? -User:Genberg47 (talk) 16:30, 21 January 2024 (EST)

not that I know of, I tried adding someone from the Loserinfo page and gave up after attempting to manually adjust the rankings Coelacanth (talk) 22:29, 5 February 2024 (EST)
I looked for a way of automating row numbers on Wikipedia. They have two templates for it. One is Static row numbers, which simply numbers the rows from top to bottom, regardless of how the table is sorted. Another is Row numbers, which requires a module and seems closer to what we want. I wonder if it could be used here. - RkNAME (talk | contribs) 17:55, 23 February 2024 (EST)
I tested the second template on a Sandbox page. It appears to work. To use it, you place the table inside the template, replace the rankings with "_row_count", and escape equals signs with {{=}}. Genberg47 and Coelacanth, what are your thoughts? - RkNAME (talk | contribs) 17:56, 24 February 2024 (EST)
I meant to mention you two, Genberg47 and Coelacanth. - RkNAME (talk | contribs) 17:19, 25 February 2024 (EST)
They work pretty nicely. Coelacanth (talk) 17:42, 25 February 2024 (EST)

RkNAME nice that should work well I’m just wondering what everyone else has been doing for the last decade I seriously doubt everyone has been doing it manually but idk - Genberg47 (Talk) 18:04, February 25 2024 (EST)

Thanks Coelacanth and Genberg47. I don't know how everyone else has been changing the row numbers either. Paul in the Mall, ForcedMeme, Carpice you frequently make changes to this page. Do you want this added? - RkNAME (talk | contribs) 18:28, 25 February 2024 (EST)
Yeah, I've been doing it manually this whole time and it'd be nice to have a workaround. - Paul in the Mall (talk) 19:15, 25 February 2024 (EST)
Done. - RkNAME (talk | contribs) 19:21, 27 February 2024 (EST)

Natural Disaster Section

For things like Hurricanes, Wildfires, Earthquakes, etc. Coelacanth (talk) 20:23, 9 February 2024‎ (EST)

Not a bad idea, but it would have to be separate sections for those 3 things since earthquakes kill shitload moar than wildfires for example, so I don’t think grouping them into one natural disaster section is the right move - User: Genberg47 (Talk) 18:06, 24 February 2024 (EST)

Fix the flags for Serbia and Hong Kong

I noticed the New Zealand flag finally got changed to the real one but the Serbia flag still uses a lulzy EDified version. The Hong Kong flag uses the old flag when it was still under British rule, even for people that did their kills after 1997 when it was changed. -Drip_Lord_123

There, I did it. - Paul in the Mall (talk) 19:47, 28 March 2024 (EDT)


It's hard to read black on red. Is it alright to replace the red with orange? - RkNAME (talk | contribs) 23:41, 20 April 2024 (EDT)


Nah, you better change the letters color with a white one to see it more clearly ✞𝓝㠪ㄖ 㠪丂尸✞ ®✞𝓝㠪ㄖ 㠪丂尸✞ ® 21/04/24 11:48 UTC+1

I don't know if white on red looks good. I will leave it unchanged. - RkNAME (talk | contribs) 18:56, 27 April 2024 (EDT)


Lots of spam here now.
-Teardown overlaps Bomberman
-Fallout overlaps Bomberman
-Playing History overlaps Bomberman/Sid Meier
-RIOT overlaps Sid Meier
-Diner Dash overlaps Plague Inc
-Rapelay doesn't involve kills. Overlaps Tactical Espionage.
-Payday doesn't involve kills. No an-hero, it's an insurance payout.

I believe contents should be in the order of Humans > Organizations > Events and disasters.
--Jewjetter (talk) 14:21, 2 May 2024 (EDT)

When i first read your comment, i got my shit out, but i see the bottom, and think, yes, that order looks good. Also, i think if they don't kill, they maybe GTFO of the High Score, because if theres no lulz, no place is guaranteed

We should handle this and, use the next order Humans>Animals>Corps, enterprises and shit>Disasters and accidents. Also, Notable Losers and Fucking Failures, Musn't get moved to another place. Even worse, DON'T THINK ABOUT MOVING KING OF ALL LOSERS. ✞𝓝㠪ㄖ 㠪丂尸✞ ®✞𝓝㠪ㄖ 㠪丂尸✞ ® 03/05/24 10:42 UTC+1 is currently unable to handle this request.

Does anyone else get this HTTP Error 500 when trying to save changes to the High Score page? - Paul in the Mall (talk) 01:00, 2 June 2024 (CDT) Yep, it's always happen. --P0008874 (talk) 03:48, 2 June 2024 (CDT)

Finally fixed it. Turns out PHP needed more RAM than 128MB. MarioMario456 (Talk to me | My contributions) 06:51, 8 June 2024 (CDT)