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The subject of this article is a lolcow, and is currently ripe for milking.
You can help by trolling the shit out of them whenever you see them, then laughing at their lulz-inducing theatrics.
This faggot waits for the child to make the first move in a sexual situation.
You can help by contacting Federal Authorities and alerting Chris Hansen.

The subject of this article is a virgin with rage.


With Spics,
Do not mix!

Yes, this motherfucker claims to be a white dude on his Twitter account.
(And no, this pic is not edited, he really looks like that).

Doomentio (Powerword: Manuel Arturo Coronado Preciado) is an anorexic 28-year old mexican /pol/tard, racist, homophobic, pedophile, basement-dweller, weeaboo, manchild, "member" of the alt-right, incel, supposedly catholic, holocaust denier, antisemitic (Despite being a kike himself) and self-proclaimed white person (Despite truly being a brown-skinned mestizo). Asides from that he is also a failed YouTube critic and animation reviewer like his long-distant american cousin TheMysteriousMrEnter. He also goes online by the aliases "Perezoso Doom", "NoireDoom", "@VeteranAnon" and "Youquendo".

Who the hell is this spic and why he is in my ED? You may be asking, read this article to find it out!

Doomentio is a mexican youtuber that despite having less than 70,000 subscribers on his YT channel as of November 2022, is a very well-known idiot on the spanish-speaking side of the internet for many dramas where he had been involved, mainly for his retarded political ideologies. This has led to him gaining recognition as the biggest lolcow in all of the hispanic internet, he has generated an enormous amount of lulz since he began to be active on the internet on the year 2008, with people now comparing him to titanic figures like Christian Weston Chandler. Doomentio's antics have even led to the creation of a troll group known as "La Pasión del Doomposting" (The Passion of Doomposting), a group exclusively dedicated to trolling him and his friends/butt buddies: Kalcifer Vallarta, La Oveja, Skiso and Nancysauria, other failed animation-related youtubers. Doomentio has many times claimed to be the "hispanic version" of another youtuber and anime reviewer known as "ThatAnimeSnob", a youtuber accused of being a child molester.

His empire of failure has been followed by the legendary Hispanic imageboard Hispachan since at least the year 2016. A thread on him would finally be created on the Kiwi Farms international clique subforum on October 22, 2020.

Doomentio: The twitter /pol/tard morenazi

Doomentio has called himself "part of the Alt-right" multiple times. He has frequently praised /pol/ more than anything, heck, he has even said ridiculous shit like this:

/pol/ is, in a non-ironic way, a better way of study than a Spanish university. I wonder how many of you have gone to a serious discussion thread that collects books and sources, and not just got stuck with the shitpost.


—Yeah it's as retarded as it looks

Whiter than a ghost...

He has affirmed several times to being part of the "master race", even making a cringy video where he said that he was "proud of being white":

But come on, do you guys think this dude has even a little bit of white?

Fun fact: He later said on a livestream that he's not even sure about any of his ancestors being actually spanish.

He's also a holocaust denier and an antisemite, and while you could say that both of these things are actually "based," just look at this:

Is as bad at it seems
Is as bad at it seems

He hates spics and kikes even though he is part of those two groups, he hates himself.

Doomentio likes to spend his time tweeting a lot of nonsensical and autistic bullshit on his various Twitter accounts, here you can see some of these:

Gallery of whiteness About missing Pics
[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

Doomentio once made an interview to a member of the terrorist and neo-nazi group known as the Attomwaffen Division, which you can see here, shortly after this interview, a member of the group publicly said that he felt sorry to have someone like Doomentio in the interview, mainly because of the way he is and because of his physique.

A meeting of the Mexican Nazi legion, notice the two guys on the right corner of the photo and their reaction to this.

Doomentio's extreme poverty and his Third Worldism

Despite claiming to have "superior genes", Doomentio is a prime example of why Mexico is still a third world country.

He is known to live in a state of extreme poverty, this has led him to have a rather peculiar diet, confessing that he has a love for offal arguing that it is "european food" (But mainly because it's cheap), his taste for "sheep's milk" and his interest in the vitamin Zinc, which according to him has miraculous nutritional properties. He has also claimed to be suffering from a strange disease that "makes iron shit" (According to him) and that has no cure, he never spoke again about this "disease", probably because it was just a made-up shit just to gain a little sympathy.

He resists going to a doctor and has proclaimed that it is better to "use traditional Greek medicine" which consists of not eating anything at least for 24 hours, this is probably the reason of why he looks extremely skinny on all of his pictures. He has stated several times on his twitter account that he suffers from constant bouts of diarrhea, probably because of his shitty diet.

Look at this image, you can see the misery from your monitor.

And if you are still wondering, yep, he has never had any sort of job, all of his income was earned by people he scammed on Patreon who just wanted an anime review from his dead youtube channel, fortunately his patreon was later taken down by the doomposters.

Doomentio, the virgin weeb

Doomentio is also known to be an incel and weeb who, even while being 27-years old, still hasn't got laid, he instead prefers to continually jerk off to anime girls and lolis like it was the hottest shit ever. He even has role-played on his Twitter account about having a loli "daughter", he has been making a lot of misogynistic tweets, but at the same time still questions why no girl has ever been interested on him. The only times he has been on "relationships", have been online ones, and in the end, Doomentio's "girlfriends" end up being men posing as women, or trannies, ironically enough he has said to be homophobic and transphobic.

He says he supports genocide and rape to preserve the "white race" of which he is not even part of, disgusting mestizo scum.

This guy has a weird tendency to add anime girls to all of his tweets for some reason

Aryan history

Before becoming the laughingstock he is today

Manuel Arturo Coronado was born on Obregon City, Sonora, Mexico on November 27, 1995, according to him he came from a lower-middle-class family and grew up in a "violent environment" while having poor social skills, it would be perhaps be the mixture of all these factors, along with his slightly white skin (Obtained for not receiving sunlight by not leaving his house) and his "heterochromia" that led him to say things like this:

I am the best of two worlds, my idiosyncrasy is that of the european gentleman, but my spirit and character are that of the cowboy of the Americas.


—Actual quote

Funnily enough, a YouTube video of a high school project where Arturo participated was later found by the doomposters. Here we can see his whiteness in all his glory:

After finishing high school, Arturo never went to any sort of university, and neither got a job, instead he decided to waste the rest of his life on the internet.

Arturo's 13 years-old boy era: Youquendo

Different-colored eyes? We can see a foreshadow here.

Arturo joined the internets on the year 2008, he created a YouTube channel named "Youquendo", it is known that he was 13 years-old at the time. He made his videos using the speech synthesizer "Loquendo".

Most of Youquendo's videos focused on child cartoons of the era, but nobody cares about that, let's speak about the drama:

Arturo was widely hated on the hispanic YouTube community even during this time, because all the otakus were butthurt that Arturo uploaded videos where he criticized their favorite anime-garbage shows, this led to several videos like this one being dedicated to him:

Thankfully to everyone's luck, the Youquendo channel was removed by YouTube on 2011 following a copyright infringement claim.

NoireDoom and "Mirenle la carita"

Arturo quickly returned to the youtube stage as "NoireDoom", during this time he uploaded his currently most-viewed video, a low-effort Dragon Ball Z "creepypasta" (Or rather said, a sexual fanfic, because that's what it is).

On the year 2014, Arturo made a shit-ton of retarded publications on his Google+ account, including one where he admitted to masturbating more than 10 times to a hentai (Which was later discovered to be a lolicon, btw).

Nobody cares if you are mentally ill, Arturo.
Ok, I think I've already masturbated like 10 times watching this hentai.

Holy mother of god please, this little cartoon woman is so cute, give the designer an award please, this animation has many of my weaknesses together i am mentally ill.
Look at her little face.



—Doomentio, 2014

Shortly after this publication, he deleted fucking everything and tried to re-start again on youtube.

Perezoso Doom

Later, Arturo returned to Youtube yet again, now as "Perezoso Doom", while initially successful and popular as an animation reviewer, his downfall began shortly thereafter, when he had various internet fights with other hispanic youtubers and internet users (Like Chucho Calderón / La Zona Cero, the biggest and most famous hispanic reviewer), mainly because Arturo is such an arrogant and elitist person that can't stand at least one-bit of criticism or someone disagreeing with his stupid ideas and opinions.

How he thinks he looks like...
...And how he really looks like.

During this time, he proved his mental retardation doxxing himself after revealing his real name and face to everyone. This later led to his family being doxxed too:

The mutt meme is real.

The PHY Group

While still being known as "Perezoso Doom", Arturo made his own reviewer group known as "PHY Group" with his OL friends La Oveja, Indagación del Ocio and a troon known as Midori Prism. This group made some boring videos about animation together, one of these being about the rule 34.

They tried to sell PHY group t-shirts (Without Midori), but the video-ad was so ridiculous that it was very mocked online. Midori later left the group, and Oveja, a graphic design graduate, couldn't get the fucking t-shirts printed right, the "group" then died. And nothing of value was lost.

They tried to sell this bad-printed bullshit to a client...

The Team Loco Saga

The Dunning-Kruger Effect would come to play after a scam known as "Team Loco", an attempt to create the latino version of Crunchyroll, surfaced online. Arturo thought this was the opportunity to become the mexican equivalent of Hayao Miyazaki, and had no doubt in moving from his home in Sonora to Mexico City (Abandoning his family all the way), along with his already mentioned online friends, La Oveja (Who ilegally came from Colombia) and Indagación del Ocio. The three of them were such idiots that they seriously thought a "independent streaming project" sustained through crowdfunding would actually make them rich and famous.

But, a challenger appears, another hispanic reviewer (And future A-Log of Doomentio) known as Jerry started uploading videos where he criticized Team Loco and tilded it of being a fraud, this obviously made Doomentio and others scammed by Team Loco to go BAWWWWW, and they started making videos where they defended this poorly-made scam.

A frame of the infamous cat video.

After uploading a video of a cat being roadkilled just to trigger people online, The Team Loco project ultimately failed and Jerry ended up being right, it is known that some members of the project used the money gathered in the crowdfunding to travel to Japan. At the end, Doomentio, Oveja and Ocio ended up living together in a state of misery and poverty on Mexico City.

This saga in a nutshell.

Shortly after the failure of Team Loco, Arturo had no better idea than to upload a video where he blamed the "Latin American genes" as the main responsibles of Team Loco's failure.

Doomentio gets pwned

You are talking to me about a law that i am unaware of, i don't know if you are taking it out of context, i don't know if that has already been refuted, i don't know anything about that.


—Doomentio about Mendelian inheritance

During his first months on Mexico City, Arturo's life had many memorable moments, but one of them that many people remember is when he went to a livestreamed debate with a spanish guy known online as nDante, who humiliated Arturo after showing everyone that Arturo didn't know a shit about Mendelian inheritance, something basic in biology (And keep in mind that in the same livestream Arturo started talking about genetics and races), btw, Arturo affirmed that somehow, he is more spanish than nDante just because (supposedly) his grandmother emigrated from Spain to Mexico.

Some weeks after this, IdiotaDoom (How nDante used to call him), had another livestreamed debate, this time with a professor named Alberto Pleguezuelos Ginel, this "debate" ended up being a a class about egyptian demography to Arturo (Maybe because Alberto actually went to an university and got a degree instead of spending his last 5 years reading useless shit on 4chan).

What basically happened.

During this debate, Arturo slandered nDante, which later led Dante to make a video response to Arturo that left him even more humiliated:

We aren't flies


—IdiotaDoom when told about the genetic similarities between humans and fruit flies

Ocio vs Doom

Doom, should we tell him?



Tell me what?



No Oveja, you already screwed up!



Look at the three of them, they look so happy together, they don't know that in a few months they will want to kill each other for food.

Doomentio has always been a lazy faggot that spends all his day writing autistic things on his twitter account, meanwhile Oveja couldn't work due to his illegal immigrant status. Ocio was the only person working to maintain the house, and while he tried to force Doom to at least work on a Call Center, apparently Doom (The same dude who claimed to have 140 IQ once) couldn't apply for the job. Sadly, Ocio had just bought a pizza to "celebrate" his friend's entrance to his new job, but when he found out that it hadn't been like that, he ragequited and left the house, tired of having to maintain the two idiots that lived there. This entire thing was like a Nickelodeon sitcom, however it actually happened in real life.

Shortly after this, Ocio told a lot of lulzy facts about his time living Doomentio and Oveja on his twitter account, some of them are:

I think you already understood the rest by now...

Doomentio's friend is a pedophile (Skiso)

After Ocio departed from the house, another online friend of Doomentio known as "Skiso" would arrive to replace him, acting as the chef of the house with his famous "chilaquiles", however Ocio with a desire for revenge made a livestream with the users Super Wario Man and Ken L Wright where they exposed Skiso for grooming a 14-years old girl. They also leaked chat logs where Skiso showed his degenerate fetishes about "wanting to become an ice cream, full of chocolate and strawberries, and be eaten by the young girl".

And perhaps you may believe that Doomentio, upon finding out about this, quickly got rid of Skiso, but we are talking about Doomentio... ¡¡HE DEFENDED HIM!!, Doomentio tried to no avail on his retarded twitter account to defend and justify Skiso's actions, even saying that "it was the fault of modernity" and that everything was just a "roleplay". Even to this day he keeps saying these sort of bullshit and defending the pedophile known online as Skiso.

Skiso loves Cuties.

The Doomposting attacks: Oveja gets epicly trolled

This is what happens when you have to live with a 30-year-old virgin man that has never had been on a relationship.

For a time, despite being in situations of extreme poverty and malnutrition, everything was calm for Doomentio. However, we haven't talked a lot about his main friend/slave that lives with him, Oveja, who was brutally trolled by a "girl" known as "VENUS" (AKA Rapunzel), who got to be his "friend" and discovered various weird facts about Oveja in the process, one of them being that he apparently LOVES futanaris and wants a girl with a dick to penetrate him (But he is not gay, guys). Later he fell in love with "her" and told "her" his house address (Yep, to his online "girlfriend") just so they could fuck. It was later revealed that his "girlfriend" was in reality a doomposter posing as a girl.

The tranny hooker that went to visit Oveja.

And of course after this happened, Doomentio and Oveja got some pizzas delivered to their house, and one of the doomposters decided to send a tranny hooker to visit Oveja, they later had to move from there.

But he is not gay guys, stop mocking him!11!1!!

A New Hope: Nostrafort

Arturo, despite knowing his bad e-fame, decided that he still wasn't autistic enough and went to create Nostrafort, a shitty online comics publisher and "enterprise" (Although it has never been legally registered as one)

Secret Discord Server

Ruinaversal Saga

Current times

His friends (The Aryan gang)



PROTIP: If you don't know spanish but want to see this video you should better GTFO.

See also

Social Media

External Links

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ADoseOfBuckleyAlex JonesAngry GrandpaAngry JoeAnita SarkeesianAnthony FantanoArmored SkepticAsalieriAssburgerAydin PaladinBearingBen ShapiroBenthelooneyBLACKB0NDBoogie2988Bourg ProductionsBoxxyBrandon SmithBrenton TarrantBrian MuellerBrittany VentiBrucesnoopCammehYaBamsCasey NeistatChad WardenChannel AwesomeChris ChanChris CrockerChristianU2uberClay ClaymoreCorey MargeraCoughlan666Count DankulaDanger DolanDarknessthecurseDarksydePhilDevon TraceyDigibronyDJKeemstarDLAbaoaquDoctorRandomercamDoopie DoOverDoomentioDoomSlayer34Elliot RodgerEmery BowmanEmpLemonEric AbramovFanFic CriticFilthy FrankFuturisticHubGame DudeGhostGradeAUnderAGurigorloXHayvenHbomberguyiDubbbzTVI Hate EverythingJackSepticeyeJaclyn GlennJeremy HamblyJerry PeetJim SterlingJoseph8276KeffalsKingMasterReviewKono ReizeiKraut and TeaLaci GreenLane DavisLauren SouthernLeafyIsHereLindsay EllisLowti3rgodLS MarkMaddoxMarblesPoundcakeMarkiplierMia BrownMilo YiannopoulosMister MetokurMonica PunkMoromillasMoviebobMrRepzionMumkey JonesMundaneMattMustDestroyAllNateTalksToYouNerd3Nickolas CruzNihilistic SnakeNixxiomNo BullshitOfficialGATGPaul Joseph WatsonPewDiePiePkrusslPMRantsProfessor KuhtoonsPyrocynicalQuinton ReviewsRandy StairRanterInShadesRazörfistRebelTaxiReviewbrahReviewTechUSARMG ProductionsRoosh VSam HydeSammyClassicSonicFanSargon of AkkadShoe0nHeadSimply OkamiSONYFANBOYSpax3SpoonyStuart K. ReillySteven CrowderTakeShotActionThatKidDouglasTheAmazingAtheistTheAtheistGamerTheArchfiendThe Harlan ShowTheMysteriousMrEnterTheRalphRetortThe Ranting CommunityThe rEactorTheTruthHurtsNetworkThunderf00tTodd in the ShadowsTommy SotomayorTotalbiscuitTranime GirlTurkey TomTyler GarmanyUndertakerfreak1127UnMaskingTheTruthUrinatingTreeVailskibum94WaymuuWingsofRedemptionXiao RishuXPstar214YoungdefiantYourMovieSucksDOTorgYoutube NobodiesZoe Quinn

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