The Best of

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Jump to navigationJump to search is a memetic reprogramming agent created by a subset of Gerard Gardner's modern esoterricist sect. In the most obscure genre-mash of the 21st century: an entire choose-your-own-adventure subforum of the internet is dedicated to fiction demonstrating a unique fusion of coming-of-age teen drama and extreme paraphilic sexual sadism written by authors who are likely thrice the age of the eldest protagonist. with any layman's conjecture is a whole concentric ring further into hell than either Your Own Adventure or by virtue of this zoo's taxonomy being a peaceable userbase of perverts who, perhaps due to the paywall, are less likely to be harassed or questioned on their artisanal abuse porn obsession due to the high cost of entry to leave a reasonable-sized graffiti within their Black Forest Castle fantasies.

Portfolio profile picture archtetype #1 - Notice how you don't understand what the fuck is going on in the image, or why someone would want to represent themselves this way.
Portfolio profile picture archetype #2 - Notice how she's a middle-aged white woman who's moderately successful in life.

My God

"Stunningly beautiful, and divinely endowed, Flavius is the God of Youth and Beauty!"

The boys want to share Flavius's bed, to see what it's like - Shangas

This is good.

"Now!" said Flavius, "As my favourite friends, you are of course, entitled to stay in the VERY best accommodation that the palace has to offer..."

"We get our own private suites?" Ryan asked, grinning.

"You get the most private suite of all", said Flavius, "MINE. You guys can share my bed tonight and we'll have a sleepover!"

"...woah..." said Eric, "Uh...Flavius are you sure this is OK?"

"Of course it is!" said Flavius, "Why wouldn't it be? C'mon! We can stay up late and talk and do whatever..."

Timmy ran ahead into the bedroom while Eric started snapping pictures of everything on his phone.


"Timmy!?" Eric yelped, spinning around. Flavius hurried into his bedroom to see Timmy hopping and dancing around the middle of the room while...



"HEY!" Flavius yelled. "HEY!...NO! NO!! BAD BIRDIE!! NO!! AURUM COME HERE!!...I SAID COME HERE!!"

"Au--" Eric began, but then a BLINDING bright golden flash of flames filled the air and Timothy yelped!

"Flavius wha..." Ryan began, but then something SWOOPED at him from overhead and he ducked!


There was another defiant jet of golden flames, and then...

With a flash of gold, a magnificent golden bird with shimmering red and orange plumage and sapphire blue eyes, the size of an eagle, landed on Flavius's arm. It clicked its beak sharply flicked its golden plumage.

"S..sorry...about...that!" said Flavius, panting. "I forgot to warn you guys...about...Aurum!"


Flavius held out the magnificent, golden bird on his arm.

"Wooooaaaahhh!!" said Ryan.

"RYAN!!" Eric snapped, "That stupid peacock nearly scalped my brother!"

"Yeah, sorry about that..." said Flavius, "Eric, Ryan...Timmy...this is Aurum. Aurum is my pet phoenix".

The three boys moved closer.

"Wooooooow..." said Ryan, reaching out carefully.

"Aurum! Be NICE!" said Flavius, "And you apologise for swooping!"

The bird glared at its master...but then tears welled up in its eyes.

"Good birdie".

Aurum pecked affectionately at Ryan's hand and rubbed his beak across his wrist.

"Awww...oh he's cute..."

"I am SO sorry about that, I forgot all about him!" said Flavius, laughing, "Don't worry Timmy, you're safe now..."

The boys stripped down to their undies and climbed into the huge bed nearby. Eric yelped as he SANK into the SOFT, COOL, FLUFFY SHEETS!!

"OOooooooohhhhh..." he moaned. "Oooh this feels SO good..." he groaned. "Uuuuuuhhhh..."

  • POP!!*


"Hey Tiberius", said Flavius, chuckling, and kissing his baby brother, "Where you been, huh?"


"Aaah, OK..."

"Eeeeh! Awwum! Awwum!!" the toddler squealed, and raced after Aurum, chasing the bird around the bedroom! Aurum swooped on the baby god, and Tiberius squealed and vanished and reappeared at random all over the room while Aurum tried to swoop him!

"Hahahaha!!" said Flavius, "C'mon now you two! Stop playing!"

"Awww..." Tiberius pouted, but popped into his brother's bed again and kissed him.

Aurum swooped down onto his perch and dozed off in the corner of the room, his feathers shimmering a soft golden colour.

"So..." said Flavius, also making himself comfortable in bed, with Tiberius curled up and hugging against his chest, "What do we wanna talk about?"

A Squishy Girl

More written fantasies of young adolescents as objects. The sex-deprived mind of the author has libidinally weaponized a beyond-imagistic storytelling device of a playdough woman for hundreds of pages on end. Scarier than any horror story as abduction and torture begins at the fantasy-level.

You’re reinflated and won the next day - Shiny

Your vaginal is inflated.

The tile floor felt cold on your flattened body as the employee notices you. “I knew I should’ve tied the balloon tighter” you feel the employee pick up your flat form and carrying you to the familiar metal tank. Unlike before the employee started looking over your body for the opening. Eventually he saw your vaginal and assumes it’s the opening and starts to fill you with hydrogen. You feel your body expand due to the hydrogen. After your body is filled with enough hydrogen you feel the flaps around your vaginal being pulled and tied into an extremely tight double knot . “There we go now you won’t deflate anytime soon” the employee says as he double checks the tag saying 25 points he put on you earlier before putting you back with the other balloons in the prize counter. You spent the rest of the night floating in air. Never getting remotely close to the ground. As the arcade opened up again you were only floating for a few hours before someone won you and began dragging you around the mall. Who won you?

The Demonstration - A former member who's likely gone on to investigate how to transform women into ass silicon

Ur transformed into ass silicon lamo.

“Why Miss Sarah, you can use my test tube!” Kara calls out loudly, not missing a beat. Had Miss Sarah not been the biggest ditz in the school, she may have noticed how odd it was that Kara already had a test tube set to go. Sadly, Miss Sarah was as oblivious as always. The bombshell teacher walked over and picked you up from Kara, and then carried you to the front of the room.

“Thank you Kara.” Miss Sarah smiled. “Oh! I see you've already inserted your gummy material and heated it up to the proper temperature.” Miss Sarah flicked your test tube, causing your liquid body to bubble. The class laughed softly.

“I just like science Miss Sarah.” Kara replied, hiding her smug grin with her hand. Miss Sarah set you down in a test tube holder, making sure the entire class was paying attention. She grabbed a few other supplies, and then began the demonstration.

“Okay class, today I'm going to teach you how to make something a little special. Girls, you may get more use out of this than the boys, but I'm not going to judge.” Miss Sarah cracked her knuckles. She may be a huge ditz, but she did know her science, and it was her passion.

“The first step is that you need to take some gummy material and place it in your test tube. Heat the gummy until it melts and boils into a nice liquid state.” The students followed Miss Sarah's example, and she allowed them several minutes to do so. You tried in vain to reform or escape during this time, even though you knew it was useless. Miss Sarah's experiments had a tendency to make your life hell, and this would surely be no different.

“After that, I assume you all notice the red bottle sitting on your desk.” Miss Sarah picked up her own red bottle. “This is a brand new chemical straight from the gummy company, and it's called Beta8. While Beta4 is used to harden gummy into different shapes, Beta8 is a chemical that actually liquefies and breaks apart gummy material. It does this to such a degree that the gummy material can then easily be absorbed into any substance in the world, with little to no pressure.”

The class oohed and aahed at Miss Sarah's explanation. Most of them didn't understand the science jargon, but you did. You had never heard of this Beta8 chemical before, but it already terrified you. If what Miss Sarah said was true, all it would take would be a small dose of the Beta8, and your life could be over. A careless student could knock you to the floor, and even the cement floor would suck you up, trapping you in the floor for the rest of your pathetic life.

“There is a warning I must add first.” Miss Sarah cautioned. “The Beta8 chemical is so new that a solvent has not yet been produced. If you use this on gummy material, that gummy material will be broken down liquid forever.” As Miss Sarah finished her sentence, you felt your entire world collapse down around you. No solvent? FOREVER? In the back of the classroom, you could tell that Kara was silently laughing.

There was nothing you could do. Miss Sarah continued talking to the class while she popped the cap on her red bottle and poured the Beta8 down into the test tube. The chemical splashed into your body, and went to work right away. You mentally screamed and screamed as your body was broken apart at the seams, your molecules seemingly ripped to shreds. You bubbled furiously, the only physical sign of the overbearing trauma you were being put through.

Within seconds, the Beta8 had finished it's job. Your liquid gummy body still looked the same, but you knew it wasn't. You would never reform again. The entire rest of your life would be spent as a liquid, at least until a solvent was developed. That might never happen though. Your body had been dissolved into nothing, and only your conscience remained. You mentally cried and cried, but no one could hear your pleas.

“Is everyone finished?” Miss Sarah asked, and the entire class nodded. “Now you might ask yourselves, what do we do with this. For the females in the class, I came up with the perfect idea. Have any one of you ever wanted a slightly bigger bust? Or perhaps a jiggly bubble butt to entice the boys?” The class giggled at Miss Sarah's disregard for public decency. “This is the stuff for you!”

“Since this liquid is just begging to be absorbed, why don't you let it? Just pour this stuff onto your boobs, and in seconds the broken down gummy will be absorbed right into your skin. The gummy will instantly fill out your flesh, increasing your boobs by a cup size at least! Best of all, the process is entirely safe and healthy!” The boys in the class frowned at this idea, but most of the girl's faces lit up with excitement.

“Now, the class is about to end, but before you leave, I have one more question. Does anyone want my liquid gummy?” Miss Sarah held you out to the class, and gestured to her incredibly curvy and sexy body. “Goodness knows I don't have need of it.” You mentally gasped at this suggestion. You knew hardly anyone in this class, and now you might be spending the rest of your life stuck inside of their body? What happens next?

A Squishy Teen

"a teen with an unusual condition tries to make it through the day, will he survive?". More importantly, will Kentwolf manage to get off to his anthology of psychic-onamistic and paedophillic ideas again today?

Consumed by her Cumming Bowels - Kentwolf

Vicarious literary essence of a steel-beam-melting-brain-fatberg.

Mary's ass would rub and flex into the bead as it farted to feel more tasty vibrations. Her hungry butt forced you to kiss the bead, as her gushing bursts of flatulence made it pound back into your head. As the explosion finally petered off the bead stopped moving, and came to a rest. The massive orb and pools of grime smothered you, it took all you had to just gasp for a tiny bit of air. Fiery hot fecal fumes filled your lungs, fresh from the girls colon. You choked and gagged just as the humongous butt started to notice there were no more vibrations. A meaty hug consumed you as your girlfriend's lust squeezed down hard on the bead.

"Oh god that fart felt so good! I'm close!" she cooed.

You felt every lump of her bowel walls crushing you into the hard plastic toy. Her ass throbbed and clenched, yearning for stimulation. It was getting ready to cum, the massive heaving ass of your girlfriend was going to cum with you inside it. You heard, no, felt her heartbeat increasing, the naughty bead-farts had made her incredibly aroused. An anal orgasm was building inside the giantess, as sure as her bowels were twitching, she was getting closer.

The hungry anal walls slurped on the beads, sucking them deeper inside. You involuntarily went with the bead that was pressing down on you, pulled along the girls greasy crud-caked walls. As her bowels dragged you inwards their lumpy folds caused you to shift from under the bead. You could feel your legs dangling out, free of the painful crushing grip. Seeing your chance you tried your best to shimmy around, worm your body in such a way that you could slip the rest of you out. Mary's ass clenched and chewed the sex toy like a piece of gum in its maw. The heavy squeezing hurt, but the uneven movements of her rolling bowels actually helped separate you from the bead.

After wiggling around in a puddle of sticky muck, you finally managed to break free. Your body rolled over and you lifted yourself up, finally you weren't being crushed by that bead anymore. Reaching around you tried to find the string to hang on to again... only it wasn't there. You waved your hands around in the darkness to find nothing but dank air and an accidental grope of Mary's walls. Your heart froze in place, you were on the wrong side of the bead. Not just that, but since it was the final and deepest bead in the chain, that meant you were further inside her bowels than the sex toy. Terrified, you turned around, clinging to the back of the bead for dear life. One wrong move and her shit tunnel would swallow you up. You would be stranded inside of her, with no hope of safely getting out.

Suddenly Mary jerked the chain forwards. She had had her fill of squeezing and was now adding pulling to the mix. The line of beads dragged forwards to her hole, digging through the tender anal meat as it went. Then she would clench with her ass some more, sucking the chain back down. Back and forth it went, in a constant tug-of-war to escalate her arousal. You found it difficult to stay attached to the bead, it was slippery with anal juices and hard to grip. The rhythm of sucking and pulling increased, growing faster in time with Mary's gasps. She was masturbating her ass vigorously, and loving every second of it.

The erotic slurping of her ass was both loud and wet. Hot anal mucus built up into a bubbly froth and splashed against your back as she repeatedly fucked herself. You tried to hang on to the rampaging anal beads with all your might, until the muscles in your fingers were going numb with strain. If you slipped off it would be over, her ass would gulp you down and pull you into the dark beyond. You had to stay on the chain until she finished cumming, in order to ride it back out her asshole. The bead bucked and turned with the winding anal passageway. The more Mary played with herself, the more rambunctious and twisty her bowels became. The starving muscles clenched and bent, squeezing down hard on the delicious beads. A massive quiver rocked your sticky chamber and Mary shouted out loud.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! YES! OH GOD!!"

The bead chain was pulled taut as Mary began to cum. The plastic ring with her finger running through it was sucked all the way against her contracting anus. Inside her muscles tensed up, crushing down on you with an incredible force as she had her anal orgasm. The beads were pulled as far as they could go, deep into the sweltering hot tunnel, but her ass kept sucking. As hard as you tried to stay on, the grip of your girlfriend's bowels slurped you off the bead like a pair of wet meaty lips. You were separated from the chain of beads and dragged down into the darkness. You screamed in horror only to be cut off as her gigantic anal contractions started.

Mary's anal meat smothered you, chewing you up in a frothy hell of mucus and flesh. You felt the hot spasming ass swallow you deeper and deeper, further than the beads could ever reach. Your body entered new untouched areas, filled with sickening sludge and powerful pulsations. Your girlfriend's cumming bowels pulverized you, rhythmically constricting your small body to elicit feelings of pleasure. The walls didn't open and close, rather they stayed touching you at all times, pulsating joyously. Huge contractions crushed you again and again, grinding you up inside her throbbing meat. A flood of sticky anal fluids surrounded you, there was no space for you to move so they filled your mouth. The taste was thicker and more rancid than her farts ever were, you cried as the viscous juices entered your body.

The hard clenches grew harder and more violent until they reached their highest point. A deadly powerful squeeze took hold of your body for several seconds, testing the resilience of your soul, until finally your girlfriend's bowels relaxed. The orgasm was finally finished and her ass stopped crushing you. You coughed and gagged on the globs of slime in your throat. The worst seemed to be over, but a wave of dread filled your chest. You were utterly fucked, Mary's ass has swallowed you so far deep that you didn't even know where you were now. Nothing could save you, it was over.

Outside the giant girl was panting and covered in sweat. She was laying on her bed in a post-orgasm daze. Her legs had gone limp during the orgasm and she thought she peed a little. Smiling, she giggled to herself. That felt amazing, almost like something had tickled much farther up her ass than the beads did. Whatever it was, she loved it, and would definitely have to use these beads again another day.

One at a time she pulled the bead chain out her plump butt, making her ass cheeks jiggle with every one. Slowly the beads popped out her wrinkled hole, leaving you imprisoned inside her ass. For each bead that came out you could hear her voice let out an erotic yelp, enjoying the feeling of her anus being stretched again. The sensation made her ass lazily clench down on you some more, sucking you in a little deeper with each bead that left. Her muffled moans drifted off into the distance as you slowly passed out.

Mary finished pulling out all the beads and felt sexually satisfied. She hadn't had a masturbation session like that in a while. She checked her sheets and sure enough some pee sprayed out when she came. Looking at the anal beads they were glistening in the light, wet with intestinal juices. Something was off though.

"Huh? Weren't there eight beads? Or were there seven?" she said.

She looked at the odd space between the last two beads, where you were originally before becoming separated.

"Hmmmm... Oh well! Guess I was imagining things."

Without giving it another thought she went to get some towels to clean up her mess. Her thick juicy ass jiggled seductively as she walked, just like it would any other day. There was no other clue for her to know what had happened, but deep down inside her sexy butt you were trapped. Your little body was lost to her steamy bowels, stuck there for the rest of your life.

Trapped forever, good luck.... - J869

"(...) tortures and destroys the totality of the beings which it presents" - Bataille

As you remain flattened deep within the hot, slimy, moist confines of your own mother's asscrack you finally come to the realization that your mom's pores have definitely absorbed your entire body, you are now just a part of her buttcheek deep in her crack beside her anus, you have lost any hope of ever being found or rescued from this hellish prison, "WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS!!!" you cry to yourself, the taste of your mom's rancid buttcheese, sweat and farts stuck in your throat as you are covered by a thick coating of the sludge, "I WANT TO DIE INSTEAD OF LIVING THE REST OF MY LIFE LIKE THIS!!" you think to yourself as another massive shart explodes over you.

Trish exhales loudly and smirks as she pushes the last turd out of her ass followed by a couple of massive wet farts, "That feels ssooo much better" she says as she pats her stomach "I love having big poos, it always makes me feel relaxed, and I always feel so much lighter afterwards! *giggle*". Trish's smile drops however as she sees that there is not much toilet paper left, "Aw well, i'll just have to make the most of what I got, people will just have to put up with my stinky ass for now!" she says as she grabs the few remaining sheets of paper and brings them around to her ass for a not-so thorough wiping of her crack. After Trish was finished she pulled down the lever to flush the toilet, her eyes grew wide as she watched her massive turds spiral then crash together, becoming stuck at the bottom of the bowl completely clogging the toilet, Trish let out a sigh "Not again..." she said "I'll have to get the building's janitor up to unblock it again, I feel terrible doing that though, he's such a lovely man and he's had to do this for me a few times now, it's a disgusting task, he probably thinks that I'M disgusting" Trish thought with a worried look on her face, then an idea came into her head, "Well... Jack is always saying how he would like to get a job in the near future, and we are always encouraging him to try and get work, so maybe I can hire him to help me out in my office, then he can fix and clean my toilet without me having to call the janitor every other day, that would save me sooo much embarrassment!" Trish thought to herself with a grin, "But then again..." she thought, "Maybe he wouldn't be too excited about working as my personal toilet unclogger, or cleaner, especially after a mexican night" Trish giggled "Maybe I could guilt him into it? tell him that 'a jobs a job after all' i'm not sure if he'll buy that though, especially if he's covered in my poo after every day at work" Trish began to laugh at the thought of you having to wrestle with one of her massive turds, little did she know that you were suffering much worse than she could imagine, deep in her crack, swallowing her shit, sweat and farts as she stood there giggling.

Trish went about her day at work as she sat, farting and sweating on you throughout the day. By the time that she got home and noticed that you weren't around she tried not to worry about you, remembering what Tina had told her about how she needed to stop worrying so much about you, and that you always turned up no matter how long it took, weeks, months, even a year at one point (Stuck to Stacy's panties). Trish calmed down and figured that Tina was right, you always turned up....eventually, Trish then began her exercise routine before relaxing and watching a movie while (of course) eating some very gassy foods.

Days soon turned into weeks and weeks into months, with you stuck deep in your mom's asscrack having to endure the taste of her shit, farts and sweat. You would be drenched in sweat every workout your mom did (Sometimes she did them with Tina or Barbara), then other days you would have to endure your mom's hangovers with her toxic beer farts, the worst was when you have to deal with your mom's shit after a mexican meal, which usually happened during her hangover days, all while you silently thought to yourself ", I want to die......pleeaaseeee" as you cried on the inside.

By the time a year had passed your mother was in a panic, a year was the longest that you had ever disappeared, it was now over a year and there was no sign of you. Your mother Trish and girlfriend Mary searched everywhere for you, all while Tina tried to calm the two of them maintaining that you would show up eventually. Gary loved the fact that you had been away so long, he hated that a loser like you was going out with his sister and that you were always around, he knew that you were probably just stuck somewhere, unable to get out, and that his sister and Trish might have a chance of finding you if they kept looking, he then decided to hatch his most evil plan yet, with a tiny bit of paper he began writing in very very small writing with a very sharp pencil, he wrote a note, claiming to be from you, saying that you have run away, because you no longer loved Mary, or your mother Trish either, and that you were glad to be away from them. Smiling at his handy work Gary then left the tiny note under Mary's bed for her to find while searching for you, it didn't take long for Mary to find it, and reveal it to the family and Trish, Mary and Trish were both heartbroken at first but their sorrow soon turned to anger "That piece of shit!!" Mary cried out angrily with tears in her eyes, Trish also shouts "I can't believe that heartless little brat! If I ever get my hands on him...." , Tina hugged both of them, and ensured them that you weren't worth their tears or anger, Gary watched on with a massive smile, happy with how his plan unfolded, "Told you he was a scumbag!" Gary shouted over, "You were right Gary! I should've listened to you!!" Mary replied. And with that your fate was sealed, that week they all agreed to never mention you again, Trish remained a good friend of family and always hung out with Tina and spent the holidays with them. You however, suffered a horrible torturous life, never getting used to the taste and smell of your prison as is seemed to get worse everyday, after a couple more years your mind was completely broken and you no longer had any solid memories or brain function, the one thought you always had before your mind went was that you wanted to die, and eventually you got your wish, even your resilient body couldn't handle all those years of ingesting nothing but shit and sweat, and you eventually pass away in your smelly tomb. that the end?

A Squishy Boy (rebooted)

What the fuck.

Having a Ball - Derpus

Die u maggot. Die in m cum ball u maggot wither n die disind m cum balls and u fer awful maggit.

You gulped in fear, wondering just what it was that this bully had in mind for you. You soon realized that your fears were well-founded as Gary pressed your head down and pulled down his pajamas, revealing his hardened member! You whimpered as you looked up at him, while he simply responded with a smirk. "Hehe, guess you figured out where you're going, huh, Squishy?" You tried to open your mouth to scream once again, only for the bully to squish your head into a wad. Your vision was limited as he pressed you into the head of his cock, your gooey body squishing in with little resistance. Gary bit his lip as he forced more of you down his shaft, occasionally moaning in between his snickering. As much as you tried, there was no way you were going to overpower him. He was simply too strong, and you were just too weak. You uselessly struggled as more of your body was squished down Gary's shaft, and it wasn't long before you reached the end of your journey. Finally, you were compressed tightly in a soft, warm, and sticky area; one that smelled awful.

Gary panted as he fell back onto his bed and looked down at his groin. He snickered as he poked his sac, which had become quite swollen. "Haha! Hope you like your new home, you little weenie!" As Gary laughed outside, you silently gasped, realizing where you were. You were currently residing in the bully's balls! This was potentially worse than being up his butt. At least you could expect to get out at some point. In here, you had no clue when or if you would be escaping. It didn't take long for you to begin melting due to the heat, slowly turning you into a much more gooey consistency and seeming to mix you with some other weird goo that was in here. Gary poked your fleshy prison once again. "I'm gonna play some Fortnite now. You better get comfy, little nut-buddy!", he laughed. Gary pulled his shorts back up and plopped down on his chair before turning his system on, making sure to get his headset on so as to not wake his mother or sister up. You felt yourself getting rattled as Gary fell on top of the chair, and you could feel his thighs compressing you slightly within your prison. You tried fruitlessly to squeeze yourself out of the bully's sac, only to discover that you were incapable. It seemed that the only way you were getting out is if the boy let you out. For the whole night, you could hear him obnoxiously yelling through the microphone. It was tough to make out whether he was doing well or not, but you could tell from the sound of his voice now that you had played against him before. And you knew that it was going to be a long time until he gave you a little bit of silence.

By the time he finally did go to sleep, you had melted into a sticky, goopy consistency, and had taken on a much lighter shade, sort of a light pink color. Even though he was asleep, you wouldn't be getting the same comfort, as his loud snoring had kept you up for the whole night. Morning would soon come, and he slowly rose as he awoke. "*YAAAWWWWNNN* That was an awesome dream...", he said. "I can't believe I-" Gary soon looked down as he heard a gurgling sound coming from his groin and he held his mouth as he tried to keep from laughing. "Oh man... I thought that was just a dream... haha!" The boy poked his now-only-slightly swollen sac, bringing a gurgle from you in response. "I really did eat you with my weiner! That's hilarious!" Gary kept playing with his balls for a bit, enjoying the feeling of dominance he had over you. "Hmmm... but... I guess I can't keep you in there", he said. "I kinda wanna do other stuff with you... hmmm..."

What is Gary's solution?

Gary's Eternal Prisoner - Derpus

What the fuck.

Within your dark, sticky prison, you were further compressed inside of Gary's sac and sloshed a bit as he scratched his crotch. Trying to fight out of Gary's balls was hopeless. You were far too weak, and melted and mixed with his cum. The only way you would be getting out is if he decided to play with you. You weren't looking forward to getting stuffed up his butt again or being squished up, but anything would be better than being stuck in another boy's nuts.

It was unfortunate, then, that as he finished scratching himself, Gary looked down at his groin and smirked as he made a decision: you weren't going to be getting out. Sure, he would miss seeing all of the fun stuff he could do with you, but he knew you wouldn't be going anywhere, and you would be absolutely miserable the entire time. After getting to school, he went about his day as normal, though he made sure to make your stay in his balls even worse for you any chance he got. As he sat in his desk, he put his weight on the toes of one of his feet and kept moving it up and down. While no one noticed him, you felt every vibration as it violently sloshed you around. At gym, he made sure to stay lower to the ground when doing jumping jacks, bouncing your prison around and making you incredibly dizzy. You could hear some noises outside of another kid's whining while Gary laughed. He must have been bullying another boy into giving him his lunch, as you heard him stuffing his face soon after and letting out a loud belch.

Soon, he would get on the bus and head home, where you were once again squished inside of his sac as he scratched himself. Shortly after the twins had gotten home, Gary's mom had him take a bath. As he sat in the tub, he looked down and snickered as he jabbed his finger into his balls, further compressing you in your fleshy prison. "Hey, Nut Buddy", he said in a mocking voice. "How'd you like your first day riding along with me? I bet it was... nuts!"

You groaned as he laughed at his own dumb joke. You hoped he decided to let you out soon. Just these past two days had been hell. Any more and you were sure you'd lose your mind.

He stuck his tongue out and cupped his sac in his hand. "Y-y-you bet, Gary", he said in a whiny, scared-sounding voice while moving his balls up and down. He was likely (poorly) imitating you. "You sure are a nice guy giving a wimpy little nerd like me somewhere nice and safe to hide."

"Please just let me out...", you mentally pleaded. "I can't take any more of this."

"Yeah, yeah, I know", Gary smugly chuckled. "You know, since I'm such a great guy, I think I'll let you stay in your little hidey hole... FOREVER!"

"WHAT?!" He had to be joking. There was no way Gary intended to keep you inside of him for the rest of your life. "No! You can't be serious! You can't keep me here forever!"

"Gee, do ya really mean it?", Gary asked, once again mockingly imitating you as he shook his sac. "Yep! You get to have your cozy little safe house for the rest of my life!" Gary poked his balls once more and continued laughing.

You wanted to cry your eyes out. This wasn't fair. You just wanted to go home and play with Andrew, and hug your mom. Even arguing with your dumb little sister and getting chewed up by her dumb cat sounded good right now. You wished with all your might that this horrible dream would end and you could return to your life and never think about talking to Mary and staying away from her bully of a brother.

Unfortunately, he was completely serious. The days would soon turn into weeks, which turned into months, which turned into years, and Gary was true to his word, refusing to consider the idea of letting his prisoner free. Every day, he would mock and torment you every chance he got, jabbing at you with his finger and jumping up and down, sloshing you around your tiny prison and making you sick to your non-existent stomach. You hoped that he would at least forget about you, but he made it part of his routine to talk to his little inmate. Even as he grew to a teenager, he still made it a point to remind you of where you were and how much of a wuss you were.

Years later, he would start high school, and he would eventually take sex education classes and learn that the testicles were meant for creating sperm and semen, and how to release it. While the class was watching a movie, you felt a jab from outside of his shorts. "Hehe, guess I know what not to do now, huh, Nut Buddy?", he snickered. "Wouldn't wanna take you away from your home."

You silently sobbed. Finding out that there was a chance he could finally release you and he was refusing to take it broke you. All this time you had hoped that he would one day do something to accidentally squeeze you out of your prison, but now that was shattered. Gary was free to live his life and grow up, while you were trapped inside of him as his little prisoner for life. You would never get to talk to the girl of your dreams again. You had even forgotten what her voice sounded like. And your family's voices for that matter. The only voice you were allowed to hear was from Gary, and it was only to remind you of how pathetic you were. You may not have been able to die, but it was safe to say that your life as a person was effectively over.

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