Casey Neistat
Casey Neistat ✡ is a JewTube "personality" who did daily vlogs and owned tech company Beme, despite being in the 21st century, he doesn't look a day past the stone age.
Hillary Clinton
Casey endorsed Hillary Clinton in one of his vlogs a few weeks before 2016 presidential election, while also defaming current president Donald Trump using points that can easily be brushed aside as it is clear that he did absolutely no research on the subject he was talking about, that's not important though because research is only for people past the Renaissance. Or people that aren't being held by the balls by CNN.
CNN has bought Beme (Casey's company) and the team who was behind Beme (11 people), including main developer Matt Hackett for $25 million dollars, which includes total control over them, they are like puppets now for CNN, they bought Beme to shut it down and take control over the people worked for it. CNN will use Beme team and Casey for it's political needs and connection to younger audiences who hate CNN and mainstream media. Lügenpresse (CNN) ratings are dropping like flies because of Jewish-like lying during the election campaign, lying about Trump, now they have to do something - buy Hillary shill's failed tech company to spread their propaganda.
Casey is a sellout and a shill for Hillary Clinton and CNN, he said that he will be making a new tech company together with CNN in summer of 2017, it's possible that it's name will be Casey Neistat Network.
See Also
External Links
- CaseyNeistat
- Matt Hackett explains "Beme is Shutting Down, But Our Work Is Just Starting"
- ArsTechnica: "CNN hopes to bring in millennial viewers by letting Neistat shape a new media brand."
- Judas Watch: Casey Neistat