Harvey Milk

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Professional poofter and human target Harvey Milk.

Harvey Bernard Milk was a fudge-packing homosexual Jewish pedophile who, in 1977, became the first gay elected official in California history when he was elected as a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. Unfortunately for Harvey, he would ultimately only end up holding this position for under a year before tragedy, the wrath of a virulently heterosexual God, and an angry man high on Twinkies would strike him down in a hail of gunfire along with the wop Mayor of San Francisco.

Harvey Milk is remembered as an LGBTWTFBBQ and MAP rights activist and a pretentious pseudo-intellectual who, much like Andy Warhol, absolutely deserved to be fucking shot. When not getting gunned down by a deranged man on a snack cake bender, Harvey could usually be found grooming and molesting 16-year-old runaways that he picked up off the streets.

Early Life

Harvey and his older brother playing Ram Ranch in 1934.

Harvey Milk was born in Jew York on May 22, 1930, to Lithuanian Jewish parents William Milk and Minerva Karns. During his childhood Harvey would regularly play Brokeback Mountain with his older brother Robert.


34-year-old Harvey Milk with his 16-year-old victim. Harvey is the smaller one.

In 1962, when Milk was 34 and living in Greenwich Village, he took in and began "dating" a 16-year-old runaway named John Galen "Jack" McKinley. This is hardly surprising since of course the first thing that a typical degenerate homosexual faggot would do upon finding a lost child would be to stick his dick in it.

All young people, regardless of sexual orientation or identity, deserve a safe and supportive environment in which to achieve their full potential.


—Harvey Milk

Milk & Twinkies

Dan White - Devourer of Twinkies, Slayer of Homos

Daniel James White, a fellow member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and known Christfag, resigned from the board on November 10, 1978, following multiple disagreements with Milk. Within days, however, White realized he had dun goofed and went crawling back to San Francisco mayor George Richard Moscone to beg for his job back. While Moscone initially agreed, Milk and the other libtards on the board decided to bitch about how they'd rather have a genderqueer non-binary transnigger on the board to help reflect San Francisco's growing diversity and tolerance – an act that eventually made Moscone relent and agree to bring in a dumb diversity hire rather than accepting an experienced person like Dan White back onto the board.

On November 27, 1978, after developing depression and downing a metric fuckton of Hostess Twinkies, Dan White grabbed his Smith & Wesson revolver and went to San Francisco City Hall where he gunned down both Mayor Moscone and Harvey Milk. Following the shooting, Dianne Feinstein—the President of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors—fingered Harvey Milk's bullet wound and then went on live TV while still covered in his AIDS-infested blood to announce to the people of San Francisco that the mayor and some stupid homo were both dead.

Pop goes the homo.

Feinstein goes on TV after fingering a dead guy's bullet hole.

Srsly, we aren't even making up the fingering!

Dan White was later convicted of the lesser charge of manslaughter after convincing a jury of twelve dumbfucks from San Francisco that he had only killed the two men because he was under the influence of depression-inducing Hostess pastries in what would become known as the "Twinkie Defense". Despite getting away nearly scot-free after originally being charged with two counts of capital murder, Dan White still ended up killing himself less than two years after his release from prison by giving his car a blowjob and swallowing too much carbon monoxide.

If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door.


—Harvey Milk

School Board Bans Harvey Milk

A children's book celebrating a pedophile.

My question is, why even mention a pedophile?


—Joseph Komrosky, asking why Harvey Milk is in books for kids

My remarks about Mr. Milk are not based upon being a homosexual, but rather, based upon an adult having a sexual relationship with a minor.


—Joseph Komrosky

Harvey Milk was not a pedophile, period. People who use that word ought to look it up in the dictionary. It’s been a slander against gay people for a long time. Pedophilia is about prepubescent children.


AIDS activist Cleve Jones defends 30-year-olds fucking teenagers

See Also

Harvey Milk is part of a series on

Homosexual Deviants

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Harvey Milk
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