Jean Chretien

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"I don't know. What happened? If you don't know, The cameras were there. Some people came in my way, it might have been... I had to go, so if you are in my way, I am walking. So I don't know what happened. Something happened to somebody who should not have been there."

Jean Chretien the former Liberal leader of Canada who has butchered the English Language no worse than George Bush. When they get together its a lulz shit storm. He suffers from a face paralysis, and people have often compared him with a dictator because he just wouldn't retire when he was supposed to.

We start with some of the epic failures of his time.

Chretien's Mistalks

Is this a Prime Minister?
  • "I don't know. A proof is a proof. What kind of a proof? It's a proof. A proof is a proof, and when you have a good proof, it's because it's proven."
  • "Perhaps there were a few million dollars that might have been stolen in the process. But how many millions of dollars have we saved because we have re-established the stability of Canada by keeping it a united country?"
  • "Well, that is free trade!"
  • "It's like the story of the Hippo and the Zerba. That Hippo, he paint the stripe on him to look like the Zerba. But at the end of that day he still a Hippo."
  • "I don't know what is marijuana. Perhaps I will try it when it will no longer be criminal. I will have my money for my fine and a joint in the other hand,"
  • "For me, pepper, I put it on my plate."
  • "To have a referendum to decide on the fate of the minority, it's a problem. It's why we have constitutions – to protect the rights of the minority. It's why we have the Charter of Rights. So if it is always the majority vote by referendum, who will defend the minorities?"
  • "I'm the Prime Minister of a country of 28 million, he's the President of a country with 1.2 billion. I can't tell the Premier of Quebec or Manitoba what to do, how can I tell him what to do? Sometimes you just don't have enough influence."
  • "When I entered politics 40 years ago, I said watch out, it would be a hell of a ride. Well, today I can say, it has been a hell of a ride!"
  • "I don't know. What happened? If you don't know, The cameras were there. Some people came in my way, it might have been... I had to go, so if you are in my way, I am walking. So I don't know what happened. Something happened to somebody who should not have been there."
  • "We hate the GST and we will kill it"
  • "Vive le Canada!"
  • "If there is a problem with fraud, we have to arrest those who are frauding."

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Jean Chretien
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