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Did You Know: A Public Policy Polling poll showed that Marceaux would lose to President Barack Obama by only 25 points if he were a candidate in the 2012 presidential election?

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Say YES to Basil

I Basil Marceaux Sr. as a Force Recon Marine is the first Freedmen's Bureau Agent/ Great Man of 2008 who is asking for your support and vote for the following Republican prosition:

Make the Court system, Congess, Army, Navy, Air Force to Fly the same flag as the Marine Corp which is the three color U.S. Flag.

Make sure that if national insurance is put in place, I will make sure the roots of such bill with not inclued any type measuring of the waist like other counties.



Basil Marceaux Dot Com (born May 26, 1952) is an inventor, entrepreneur, importer-exporter, Vietnam War veteran and historian from Soddy-Daisy and a Republican candidate for governor, senator, and any other political office he could fail to accede to in a shithole called Tennessee. This despite the fact that the local GOP disowns him and have even physically escorted him out of a Republifag meeting. Basil likes canned vegetables (well, until 2002 when something happened at Food Lion), replacing tattered flags (until he got Tasered 12 times and institutionalized for 7 days), judo and reading Supreme Court rulings.

In early August 2010 he gained e-notoriety soon after his appearance on a local television station to pitch his candidacy and where he demonstrated his perfection of the art of oration. Some argue that Basil was drunk in his televised spot but Mr. has countered those scurrilous charges.

My speech was slurred because I only have three teeth and the news program's producers forced me to modify and shorten my statement as I was delivering it.


—someone who translated

The TV Pitch

On a subsequent appearance on Jimmy Kimmel, Mr .com said that he would consider moving to Kollyfornia to replace The Governator if he fails to win his local race. This would be made of EPIC and WIN and since Californians don't have a problem with voting in retards with speech impediments or any political experience whatsoever, he'd have a p. good chance.

On Jimmy Kimmel

Official Campaign Videos

Basil on Opie & Anthony.

Official Runoff Debate

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Colbert approved
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Basil by any means necessary.
Basil is clearly the best candidate.
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Mr is endorsed by ED.
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Even hipsters are

Mr. has an interesting view on The Constitution. After much research he has concluded that we've interpreted it all wrong. He thinks the government doesn't have the right to enforce all the laws they have passed. He also believes that a law passed in the 1800s allows veterans (or Marines, like himself) to serve as instant judges and enforce their personal rulings. And he also believes the right to bear arms means you MUST do it.

Apart from that, most of Basil's platform is based on his personal 'criminal' history and the fact that The Man keeps busting him freeing slaves at traffic stops. was found not guilty by reason of insanity on July 25, 2005, in seven cases involving mostly traffic offenses ranging from driving an unregistered vehicle to failing to have insurance. In previous years, he had been found guilty in a case involving vandalism and possession of drug paraphernalia. He was also once arrested for theft and check kiting which he pled guilty to claiming he was duped into accepting campaign contributions from a donor with insufficient funds to cover the deposit.

Mr .com claims that he he broke these laws on purpose to test law enforcement and expose laws he believes to be unconstitutional. said he still visits a psychiatrist based in Rhea County “so I can verify nothing is wrong with me.”

As Tennessee Governor in 2010 I will using the Civil Right Act of 1966 for the first time in history to find out two things:
  1. why Democracy invaded the U.S. State on July 16, 1866
  2. stop Constitutional Right violations in our state at all cost I will tell you all this

VOTE FOR ME AND IF I WIN I WILL IMMUNE YOU FROM ALL STATE CRIMES FOR THE REST OF YOU LIFE! See why dental is not in most plans a tooth aches hurt more than a back aches and no teeths depresses people.

Because the last republican form of government which was 1866 thought they would rather have fifty murders on the street than one constitutional violator, now in 2008 all office holders break their oath the next day



Basil Marceaux wants to plant grass on all vacant lots and sell it. He has elaborated on this idea of his by saying that he and his people (despite not having a campaign committee) want to find out what kind of vegetarians would have the best energy returns or, if radishes don't turn out to be a fuel source, then selling the radishes for gas. His fascination and expertise in plants, some say, is due to him being named after a culinary spice.

He is also tough on crime. He advocates everyone having guns, and believes that if you kill someone or get murdered, then you ought to go to jail. He also wants to eliminate traffic stops by the police.

Finally, and probably most importantly, Basil Marceaux wants everyone to say the Pledge of Allegiance and pray to God.

Basil is clearly the best candidate.


  • Basil Marceaux Dot Com is dedicated to the abolition of slavery (especially at STOP signs).
  • Basil Marceaux Dot Com is dedicated to arming nutcases and convicted felons in accordance with the Second Amendment which Mr .com says states that we all have right -nay, obligation- to bear arms against our government.
  • Basil Marceaux Dot Com will fine your arse $10 if you do not buy a handgun.
  • Basil Marceaux Dot Com will remove all traffic stops in Tennessee (and crack down on any slavery at said locations).
  • Basil Marceaux Dot Com will arrest the police.
  • Basil Marceaux Dot Com will make Death Row murderers die the way they killed. Suffocate someone with a plastic bag? Death penalty = plastic bag.
  • Basil Marceaux Dot Com will turn Tennessee into a Republic.
  • Basil Marceaux Dot Com will pardon you for all crimes in Tennessee.
  • Basil Marceaux Dot Com will establish a slush fund for criminals who help him plant grass to balance the state budget. This despite the fact that there won't be anyone in jail.

tl;dr? If you like bedlam, Basil Marceaux Dot Com is your man!

Things Basil Has Done For You

Things I done for my citizens. Let me us put me in office.



  1. Served in the U.S. Marine as a Force Recon, Bn. Recon, and a plain Marine who is maintain and recognized as once a Marine always a Marine with a Protect and Defend Oath land and sea , foreign and domestic against all enemy land and sea for life and no other services has this authority.
  2. Fix the Flag at Mill Park to fly right at a high cost of 12 stun by stun gun and now it fly right thank to 311. (translation: he got Tased 12 times by cops replacing a tattered flag and institutionalised).
  3. Ran for governor for three times, state senator 4 times, U.S. Senate once.
  4. Filed a suit against Governor Sunquest for promoting slavery in Tenn.
  5. Filed a suit against Soddy Daisy Judge for promoting slaving at traffic stops.
  6. Filed a suit against Chattanooga Free Press, Tennessean, all TV stations, Hamilton county attorney, D/A for extortion jury fixing, racketeering, promoting slavery at traffic stops.
  7. Filed a suit against Chattanooga Free Press, Tennessean, all TV stations, Cumberland county attorney, D/A for extortion jury fixing, racketeering, promoting slavery at traffic stops.
  8. Filed a suit against Chattanooga Free Press, Tennessean, all TV stations, Bradley county attorney, D/A for extortion jury fixing, racketeering, promoting slavery at traffic stops.
(All cases was taken all the way to Tennessee Supreme Court all dismiss allowing counties court to overruled the U.S. Supreme Court concerning traffic stops and media protect them).

Basil Marceaux: Doing It For The Lulz Since 2002

Before the Internets, Basil was just Basil Marceaux.

About Basil

Name: Basil Sr.

Date of Birth: May 26, 1952

Place of Birth: Strousburg, PA

Place of Residence: 810 Hyatte Road, Soddy Daisy, TN 37379, (423) 362-0088 [email protected]

Wife: Getona

Children: Basil Jr. (34) and Basil Jr Jr (32)

Education: 13 3/4 years

Service: U.S. Marine Corps-Force Recon 71-73 Lance Corporal

Company: A Granny Sayers/GNB (sporting goods, import/export, home remodelling)

See Also

Get out there and vote. Together, we can make Basil into Basil


Stephen Colbert

Although we don't condone the meanie-head attitue of one Steven Colbear, any press is good press.

Campaign Links jr.png
Like father, like son
Is the website seriously his website? I mean, really it just doesnt compute for me... can we get some confirmation/other sources?


hater on TOW

Other Links

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