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{{quote| >"great" shitain}}
[[Image:Bomber_Harris.jpg|thumb|Brit/pol/'s [[antifa|Hero]]]]
'''Brit/pol/''' or '''Britpol''' is a never-ending containment thread on [[8chan]]'s /pol/ board where [[English|yellowed-teethed queenfanciers]] [[LARP]] at the UK still having an Empire or any relevance outside of their [[European_Union|Brussel's run country]].
[[Image:britpol.jpg|thumb|Smug pepes began appearing during [[Brexit]] and have infested the thread]]
[[Image:britpol.jpg|thumb|Smug pepes began appearing during [[Brexit]] and have infested the thread]]
[[Image:nigelfaragepub.jpg|thumb|Nigel Farage demonstrating how Brit/pol/ thinks problems are solved]]
[[Image:Peterhitchensrogerscruton.jpg|thumb|Immaculate photoshop of Peter Hitchens (left) duelling Roger Scruton representing the battle over who can best carry the moral burden of Brit/pol/. Loser has to try to excuse the degeneracy of white NEETs as the fault of immigration.]]
Its major feature is its [[tryhard|persistance]], having a continuous run of threads numbered from #1 to [[Over_9000|over #1000]] as of June 2016. Of course, no one has ever bothered to archive these threads because this is an impossible feat to do on the internet and [[garbage|no one wants to read them anyway]].
Though tempting to compare this tenacity to a cancer, cancers grow and Brit/pol/ has largely been the same assortment of tripfags, NEETS, and closet normies since its inception after the mass migration from [[M00t's_GamerGate_Sellout|halfchan]]'s /pol/ in 2014.
Brit/pol/ is not to be confused with threads of the same name found on halfchan, as by virtue of being on [[M00t's_GamerGate_Sellout|halfchan]] are never read by anyone interested in politics.
== What gets posted there==
No politics gets posted on Brit/pol/.  Mods of the site clearly use it as a containment thread so the rest of /pol/ can be an [[Alt-right]] safespace and focus on the big issues like [[yes|'Does Trump love (((Our Greatest Ally)))?']] and [[huge|'How much does Trump love (((Our Greatest Ally)))?']].

Instead, a heavy regimen of [[mommy|mummyposting]], Carswell [[Black_chicks|civic nationalism]], and general bantz constantly peppered by images of [[UKIP|Nigel Farage Drinking Ale In A Traditional English Public House]].

[[internet_famous|Ecelebs]] have taken notice of the steady supply of empty minds and have pandered to the thread creating a deafening feedback loop of [[heaven|WOGS OUT]].
{{quote|>"great" shitain|color=red|center=auto}}

'''Britpol''' (often [[gay|"stylized"]] as '''Brit/pol/''') is a cancerous containment thread on [[8chan]]'s /pol/ board where Britfags post their [[shit no one cares about|political arguments]] regarding their country's government. Nobody who is interested in politics ever posts on Brit/pol/. The moderators of the site clearly use it as a containment thread so the rest of /pol/ can be an [[Alt-right]] hotspot and focus on conservative questions, such as whether or not [[The Donald]] approves Great Britian as an ally, and if so, how much he likes them as an ally. Aside from that, it's mostly just people sharing their opinions that nobody asked for, nor does anyone care about.

Like all [[morons|articulate minds]], Brit/pol/ likes being told what it wants to hear and has an obsession with being [[god|moral]].
Its major feature is its [[tryhard|persistance]] to have a continuous run of threads numbered from 1 to 1,000 as of June 2016. Of course, no one has ever bothered to archive these threads because this is an impossible feat to do on the internet and [[truth|no one wants to read them anyway]]. Most of the threads on Brit/pol/ are pure [[cancer]], often infested with [[tripfags]] and retarded people trying to get others to think like them. These faggots are often dismissed and/or ignored by [[retards|the other people on there]]. Brit/pol/ is not to be confused with threads of the same name found on halfchan, as by virtue of being on [[M00t's_GamerGate_Sellout|halfchan]] are never read by anyone interested in politics.

As being moral is hard and requires not wanking to cartoon children, they have instead outsourced their moral obligations to hacks such as Peter Hitchens (yes, [[Christopher_Hitchens|his]] brother) and Roger Scruton. Posting images of these two allows them to continue their fascination with [[traps|Recent Women]], getting blowjobs from their mothers, and race-mixing.
As they were "Too Racist For /Pol/™", britpol moved to their own /britpol/ board aroung thead #1251 after much fuckery from the /pol/ mods. '''SPLENDID ISOLATION'''.

==Owen Jones==
==Owen Jones==
[[File:Owen jones leather fetish club.jpg|right|150px]]
[[Image:owenjones1.jpg|thumb|Some unusually competent OC starring the everpopular Owen Jones]]
[[Image:owenjones1.jpg|thumb|left|Some unusually competent OC starring the everpopular Owen Jones]]
[[Image:owenjones2.jpg|thumb|upright|Owen Jones spending literally hours regretting having such a docile fanbase]]

The board has been highly successful in trolling left-wing pundits at [[Guardian|The Guardian]], who are actually desperate for the attention and no doubt appreciate the fuel for their [[social_justice|proto-commie bullshit]].
The board has been highly successful in trolling left-wing pundits at [[Guardian|The Guardian]], who are actually desperate for the attention and no doubt appreciate the fuel for their [[social_justice|proto-commie bullshit]].

Their favourite [[gay|cosmopolitan liberal]] pundit is Owen Jones, an 8-year old trapped in a 12-year-old's body. Like all pundits, Jones is a hack who tells his audience half-truths and "just so" stories so they can maintain unaltered opinions despite mountains of evidence to the contrary. This makes his already gullible audience readily [[stupid|trollable]].
Their favorite [[gay|cosmopolitan liberal]] pundit is Owen Jones, an 8-year old trapped in a 12-year-old's body. Like all pundits, Jones is a hack who tells his audience half-truths and "just so" stories so they can maintain unaltered opinions despite mountains of evidence to the contrary. This makes his already gullible audience readily [[stupid|trollable]].

In the run-up to the [[scam|EU referendum]] an anon who is handy with a guitar wrote a [[flame war|charming song]] calling Jones some naughty names. Jones posted this song in full on his [[twitter]] feed because victimhood is currency.This anon will probably end up in prison due to Britain's hate speech laws. [ FOR THE BANTZ.]
In the run-up to the [[scam|EU referendum]] an anon who is handy with a guitar wrote a [[flame war|charming song]] calling Jones some naughty names. Jones posted this song in full on his [[twitter]] feed because victimhood is currency.This anon will probably end up in prison due to Britain's hate speech laws. [ FOR THE BANTZ.]

==European Union==
Deciding that there are too many attractive [[hawt|Polish women]] coming to the UK, Brit/pol/ has adopted a pro-[[Brexit]] stance to help increase the number of Indian, Chinese and Nigerian workers coming to pay taxes for their dole.

Some bint around #500 (or was it #300?) came to the threads. Once. Since then she has been supplying these NEETs with photos of herself so she can raise her profile as a right-wing blogger. They just won't let it die.
On the eve of the referendum, Queen Elizabeth II poured a pint of Princess Diana's blood over the Alter of [[Kek]] as Prince Philip flayed the house darkie with a cat-o-nine-tails. That is the only explanation that can account for Brexit actually being voted in. It was a jarring experience for most on the board, as they actual held the majority opinion for once. This led to spamming "THE RIGHT SIDE OF HISTORY" and generally embracing the UK's [[lonely|splendid isolation]].
[[Image:ginnie.jpg|thumb|upright|left|This is what it takes to derail Brit/pol/ for several years]]

==European Union==
==Brit/pol/ irl==
One fateful day in 2013, Emokiddeh gained recognition for his appearance on Question Time.

Deciding that there are too many attractive [[hawt|Polish women]] coming to the UK, Brit/pol/ has adopted a pro-[[Brexit]] stance to help increase the number of Indian, Chinese and Nigerian workers coming to pay taxes for their dole.
Like all [[morons|articulate minds]], Brit/pol/ likes being told what it wants to hear and has an obsession with being [[god|moral]].
On the eve of the referendum, Queen Elizabeth II poured a pint of Princess Diana's blood over the Alter of [[Kek]] as Prince Philip flayed the house darkie with a cat-o-nine-tails. That is the only explanation that can account for [[Brexit|Brexit actually being voted in]]. It was a jarring experience for most on the board, as they actual held the majority opinion for once. This led to spamming "RIGHT SIDE OF HISTORY" and generally embracing our [[lonely|Splendid Isolation]].
[[Image:Peterhitchensrogerscruton.jpg|thumb|Immaculate photoshop of Peter Hitchens (left) duelling Roger Scruton representing the battle over who can best carry the moral burden of Brit/pol/. Loser has to try to excuse the degeneracy of white NEETs as the fault of immigration.]]
As being moral is hard and requires not wanking to cartoon children, they have instead outsourced their moral obligations to hacks such as Peter Hitchens (yes, [[Christopher_Hitchens|his]] brother) and Roger Scruton. Posting images of these two allows them to continue their fascination with [[traps|Recent Women]], getting blowjobs from their mothers, and race-mixing.

[[Image:Gordonjahans.png|thumb|Listening to Gords talking is a sobering experience and not for those with anything better to do]]
{{quote|Every morning I check to see if Gords has made any videos, immediately downvote them, then watch for 15 seconds. Every time my decision is vindicated.}}
{{quote|Every morning I check to see if Gords has made any videos, immediately downvote them, then watch for 15 seconds. Every time my decision is vindicated.}}

What can be said about Alexander Gordon Jahans that hasn't already been said about [[sad|cot death]]?
What can be said about [[ Alexander_Jahans | Alexander Gordon Jahans]] that hasn't already been said about [[sad|cot death]]?
His balls never dropped, his family life sucks, he comments freely about his [[micropenis]]. You'd think that all this would garner some sympathy, but he has instead decided to become a [[commie|left-wing pundit]] posting videos 1-2 hours long talking about shit he has no idea about.
His balls never dropped, his family life sucks, he comments freely about his [[micropenis]]. You'd think that all this would garner some sympathy, but he has instead decided to become a [[commie|left-wing pundit]] posting videos 1-2 hours long talking about shit he has no idea about.

On good days, he hides his wank tissues before recording his videos. He owns three t-shirts. He wears them one month at a time.
On good days, he hides his wank tissues before recording his videos. He owns three t-shirts. He wears them one month at a time.
[[Alexander_Jahans | More can be found about our Lord and Saviour on this page]]

[ As of July 21st Gordon's parents have both cut ties with him and decided he's on his own. The mother of his autistic boyfriend is now his only source of money for food and unless brit/pol/ funds his Patreon he will starve.]
[ As of July 21st Gordon's parents have both cut ties with him and decided he's on his own. The mother of his autistic boyfriend is now his only source of money for food and unless brit/pol/ funds his Patreon he will starve.]
Line 63: Line 50:
[ Gordon has been dumped by his bf and his life is in our hands.]
[ Gordon has been dumped by his bf and his life is in our hands.]

==Who posts there==
==So, Who Posts There?==
Tripfags, mainly. There is a common cycle that often accompanies them when they post on this board:
Holy shit, talk about [[tripfag]]s.
There is a common cycle that happens with tripfags on Brit/pol/

*1) Anon chats there for about 50 threads and thinks he is amongst friends
# Anon makes around fifty threads, and thinks the people whom they are chatting with are their "friends".
*2) Adopts a trip
# Adopts a trip.
*3) Posts photo of self
# Posts a picture of themselves.
*4) Bullied/doxed by everyone for being so stupid
# Ends up bullied by everyone for their stupidity.
*5) Comes back as anon saying "hey I miss tripfag"
# Comes back as another anon and says "I miss that tripfag".

The common anon is a NEET, probably white or wishes they were, probably stupid but thinks they are smart, always talks about the demise of the white race but has no children and never will.
The common anon is a NEET, probably white or wishes they were, probably stupid but thinks they are smart, always talks about the demise of the white race but has no children and never will.

For some reason, not understood by God, Science, or anyone in the threads, people from outside the UK post in Brit/pol/. They think is is amazing andthey keep fucking going on about how they don't live in the UK. This is the international version of [[Tits_or_gtfo|girlposting]] and results in anon being buttblasted that no one cares that they aren't British.
For some reason, not understood by God, Science, or anyone in the threads, people from outside the UK post in Brit/pol/. They think is is amazing andthey keep fucking going on about how they don't live in the UK. This is the international version of [[Tits_or_gtfo|girlposting]] and results in anon being buttblasted that no one cares that they aren't British.
==Brexit #2==
Around thread #1250, the mods of /pol/ began acting like [[American|total]] [[cuck|fucking]] [[Faggots|cunts]] and banned lads for shitposting. Yes, shitposting in brit/pol/ threads. This is like going to the beach and complaining about the sand, or going to Vancouver and complaining about having [[Yellow_fever|constant erections]].
Still in the post-orgasm afterglow of the Brexit referendum victory, a cry of '''SPLENDID ISOLATION''' rang out on the threads and everyone up and left for the other boards like /britpol/ and /brit/. This left /pol/ even more of an [[Alt-right]] [[hugbox]] where they can debate how many times they would let Trump fuck their wives.
There is the occasion brit/pol/ thread on /pol/, bobbing up and down the catalog for months like a corpse in the ocean. This is one sad prick refusing to accept the world as it is presented to him. He sits there, shouting into an empty room, waiting for things to go back to the way they were.
Image:Gordonjahans.png|Listening to Gords talking is a sobering experience and not for those with anything better to do
Image:owenjones2.jpg|Owen Jones spending literally hours regretting having such a docile fanbase.
Image:Britpoltripfags2014.jpg|Brit/pol/ during its height of tripfaggotry.

==See Also==
==See Also==
Line 84: Line 86:
* [[Polandball]]
* [[Polandball]]

==External Link(s)==
==External Links==
* [ .8ch /pol/]
* [ .8ch /brit/]
;Gimps that have tried to break off because they can't handle the bantz
* [ .8ch /britpol/]
* [ .8ch /index/]

Latest revision as of 13:04, 7 November 2021

Brit/pol/'s Hero
Smug pepes began appearing during Brexit and have infested the thread

>"great" shitain


Britpol (often "stylized" as Brit/pol/) is a cancerous containment thread on 8chan's /pol/ board where Britfags post their political arguments regarding their country's government. Nobody who is interested in politics ever posts on Brit/pol/. The moderators of the site clearly use it as a containment thread so the rest of /pol/ can be an Alt-right hotspot and focus on conservative questions, such as whether or not The Donald approves Great Britian as an ally, and if so, how much he likes them as an ally. Aside from that, it's mostly just people sharing their opinions that nobody asked for, nor does anyone care about.

Its major feature is its persistance to have a continuous run of threads numbered from 1 to 1,000 as of June 2016. Of course, no one has ever bothered to archive these threads because this is an impossible feat to do on the internet and no one wants to read them anyway. Most of the threads on Brit/pol/ are pure cancer, often infested with tripfags and retarded people trying to get others to think like them. These faggots are often dismissed and/or ignored by the other people on there. Brit/pol/ is not to be confused with threads of the same name found on halfchan, as by virtue of being on halfchan are never read by anyone interested in politics.

As they were "Too Racist For /Pol/™", britpol moved to their own /britpol/ board aroung thead #1251 after much fuckery from the /pol/ mods. SPLENDID ISOLATION.

Owen Jones

Some unusually competent OC starring the everpopular Owen Jones

The board has been highly successful in trolling left-wing pundits at The Guardian, who are actually desperate for the attention and no doubt appreciate the fuel for their proto-commie bullshit.

Their favorite cosmopolitan liberal pundit is Owen Jones, an 8-year old trapped in a 12-year-old's body. Like all pundits, Jones is a hack who tells his audience half-truths and "just so" stories so they can maintain unaltered opinions despite mountains of evidence to the contrary. This makes his already gullible audience readily trollable.

In the run-up to the EU referendum an anon who is handy with a guitar wrote a charming song calling Jones some naughty names. Jones posted this song in full on his twitter feed because victimhood is currency.This anon will probably end up in prison due to Britain's hate speech laws. FOR THE BANTZ.

European Union

Deciding that there are too many attractive Polish women coming to the UK, Brit/pol/ has adopted a pro-Brexit stance to help increase the number of Indian, Chinese and Nigerian workers coming to pay taxes for their dole.

On the eve of the referendum, Queen Elizabeth II poured a pint of Princess Diana's blood over the Alter of Kek as Prince Philip flayed the house darkie with a cat-o-nine-tails. That is the only explanation that can account for Brexit actually being voted in. It was a jarring experience for most on the board, as they actual held the majority opinion for once. This led to spamming "THE RIGHT SIDE OF HISTORY" and generally embracing the UK's splendid isolation.

Brit/pol/ irl

One fateful day in 2013, Emokiddeh gained recognition for his appearance on Question Time.


Like all articulate minds, Brit/pol/ likes being told what it wants to hear and has an obsession with being moral.

Immaculate photoshop of Peter Hitchens (left) duelling Roger Scruton representing the battle over who can best carry the moral burden of Brit/pol/. Loser has to try to excuse the degeneracy of white NEETs as the fault of immigration.

As being moral is hard and requires not wanking to cartoon children, they have instead outsourced their moral obligations to hacks such as Peter Hitchens (yes, his brother) and Roger Scruton. Posting images of these two allows them to continue their fascination with Recent Women, getting blowjobs from their mothers, and race-mixing.


Every morning I check to see if Gords has made any videos, immediately downvote them, then watch for 15 seconds. Every time my decision is vindicated.


What can be said about Alexander Gordon Jahans that hasn't already been said about cot death? His balls never dropped, his family life sucks, he comments freely about his micropenis. You'd think that all this would garner some sympathy, but he has instead decided to become a left-wing pundit posting videos 1-2 hours long talking about shit he has no idea about.

On good days, he hides his wank tissues before recording his videos. He owns three t-shirts. He wears them one month at a time.

More can be found about our Lord and Saviour on this page

As of July 21st Gordon's parents have both cut ties with him and decided he's on his own. The mother of his autistic boyfriend is now his only source of money for food and unless brit/pol/ funds his Patreon he will starve.

Gordon has been dumped by his bf and his life is in our hands.

So, Who Posts There?

Tripfags, mainly. There is a common cycle that often accompanies them when they post on this board:

  1. Anon makes around fifty threads, and thinks the people whom they are chatting with are their "friends".
  2. Adopts a trip.
  3. Posts a picture of themselves.
  4. Ends up bullied by everyone for their stupidity.
  5. Comes back as another anon and says "I miss that tripfag".

The common anon is a NEET, probably white or wishes they were, probably stupid but thinks they are smart, always talks about the demise of the white race but has no children and never will.

For some reason, not understood by God, Science, or anyone in the threads, people from outside the UK post in Brit/pol/. They think is is amazing andthey keep fucking going on about how they don't live in the UK. This is the international version of girlposting and results in anon being buttblasted that no one cares that they aren't British.

Brexit #2

Around thread #1250, the mods of /pol/ began acting like total fucking cunts and banned lads for shitposting. Yes, shitposting in brit/pol/ threads. This is like going to the beach and complaining about the sand, or going to Vancouver and complaining about having constant erections.

Still in the post-orgasm afterglow of the Brexit referendum victory, a cry of SPLENDID ISOLATION rang out on the threads and everyone up and left for the other boards like /britpol/ and /brit/. This left /pol/ even more of an Alt-right hugbox where they can debate how many times they would let Trump fuck their wives.

There is the occasion brit/pol/ thread on /pol/, bobbing up and down the catalog for months like a corpse in the ocean. This is one sad prick refusing to accept the world as it is presented to him. He sits there, shouting into an empty room, waiting for things to go back to the way they were.


See Also

External Links

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Parties: [No beer? Fuck that.Hell yeah, a party!]

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