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Sexual Revolution
Sexual Revolution
so cute xD
Am I emo yet mom?

Ciara Horan (AKA Eliza) is an attention whore tripfag who peruses various boards on 4chan, mainly r9k, spreading her unimportant opinions over anyone who'll listen. Which is usually no-one. She has a tendency to make shitty videos and uses her army of beta orbiters so as to easily inject all of her autistic views into the large anonymous membrane, which always result in threads that always reach the bump limit that rot both the eye and brain.

She is mainly known and hated for being spammed by her beta orbiters who she begs to make threads. As 4chan is almost entirely made up of dirty jobless hippies, people actually reply to these garbage threads. It is often suggested that Eliza is simply a poorly executed troll as her views often piss off great quantities of people to lulzy extents.

The Eliza chronicles

I will put things in ((brackets)), if Eliza's word is all I have to back it up. I probably messed up the timing for a few things, but nothing major.


   14 years old
   ((gets high on Etizolam)), shows her breasts and vagina to a black kid on omegle
   ((gets hooked on benzos after a bad LSD trip))
   ((does benzos regularly recreationally from here on out))


   all nudes are without face, so she is not identifiable at the time, but nudes and face pictures have the same automatic naming scheme, which allows for their eventual discovery


   ((regularly does drugs with her boyfriend))
   turns 15


   buys Etizolam, LSD, Heroin and weed online
   snorts heroin and vapes weed
   investigates how to sell her Ritalin script online
   ((experiments with prescription pills and drugs))
   ((boyfriend injects Heroin))
   ((starts to self post on /b/ towards the end of summer))


   still a druggie
   spends time in chatrooms with /b/tards, ((streams herself while stoned and tripping))
   posts herself on mchan and 8chan, spends time in related video chats
   regular in /r9k/ omegle
   starts to make videos


   posts nudes on /r9k/ and /b/
   posts her face


   posts SFW pictures for the first two weeks
   gets kicked out of her private school ((for giving drugs to other children))
   posts nudes on /soc/, /b/ and /r9k/
   posts nudes on reddit, thousands of upvotes
   posts videos of herself pissing on reddit, ten thousands of views
   starts to cut herself seriously
   ((tries to commit suicide, is hospitalized))
   stops brushing her teeth


   not much activity for most of the month
   posts a nude on /r9k/ on Christmas
   posts cute pictures a lot on 8chan, /r9k/, mchan after Christmas
   gets the nickname "Eliza" on mchan on December 29th


   doxxed around early January, but the knowledge stayed relatively obscure for the next months


   begins to attend a ghetto school with >50% blacks and >20% mentally retarded students ((is bullied and lost all her IRL contacts following the 2015 incident))
   braces are removed, her teeth are revealed to be thoroughly rotten
   becomes popular on /r9k/
   posting focuses on 4chan again
   omegle nudes show up on 4chan, she gets a letter from the police for posting porn on /b/ while underaged


   popularity on /r9k/ continues to increase
   threads, cute and funny videos, pictures, drama, tripfagging, streams around the clock
   her core skype group forms
   her later boyfriend contacts her and they hook up ((she gives head, he is the first person she has sex with))
   shitposting, drama and streaming with Erica [Erica leaves r9k later after getting doxxed]
   shares nudes with her skype contacts regularly

   hack_blastard starts to interact with her in late March, the following occurs over the next weeks
       makes a video complaining about her getting attention for zero effort unedited videos
       she invites him to stream with her
       tells her to fuck off, insults her
       he asks her to stream with him, she agrees
       he refuses to do it, spams threads about her, trying to run her off the board
       uses rediscovered doxx to contact the police


   she is increasingly disliked due to the amount of shitposting of her and her orbiters and because she tries to make money from orbiters
   fakes her own death with a forged certificate, comes back to /r9k/ within a week
   meets with Guy Maimon, beginning of the Guy Maimon arc [see below]
   turns 16


   sends her nudes to King_Black_Chad, he posts them on 4chan, her boyfriend is informed
   she and hack_blastard work together to get the police involved, Black_Chad disappears
   Eliza becomes less active overall


   more drama with Guy Maimon, hostility on 4chan
   ((fails tenth grade))
   buys  heroin, starts to use it irresponsibly, one of her online friends alerts her parents
   gets institutionalized for a few weeks
   ((raped after getting released)) posts protocol, brochures about Plan B and dealing with rape


   parents and boyfriend force her off the internet
   very little activity all summer, a few videos and pictures
   moves to a new city
   someone on /fa/ impersonates her

Special episode: The Guy Maimon arc

   is a rich Israeli Jew, two years older than her
   sees her posted on /r9k/
   comes to her house following her invitation on April 19th, spends some time with her
   she pretends to like him
   he falls in love with her
   she tells her skype friends that he's an autistic loser and she lied to him to get him to leave
   makes him shill for her on 4chan, makes him think she will go to Rome with him
   he sends her $800 as for the flight

she sends nudes to Black_Chad he posts the omegle nude, demands that she sends him a nude as collateral or the trip to Rome is off she does so, but then ghosts him shortly after she stalls giving the money back, he tells her father a version of the story that makes him look less degenerate and her father pays him back she posts logs of her shittalking him he posts her nude [this will later allow people to identify her body in the 2015 nudes]

   over a period of time he leaks skype logs showing that she got drunk frequently all throughout 2016, masturbates a lot, and snorted cocaine with an adult man at otakon


   activity very slowly picks up throughout November, posts a few pictures, mostly on /b/
   new nude leaked to /b/
   starts to tripfag on /r9k/

>December ((tapering off her 225mg/day Effexor))

   boyfriend leaves her for good, ((she threatens to kill herself, he says he doesn't care anymore)) ((cuts her wrist)) and leaks the picture
   she starts to make youtube videos again, posts a lot under her new trip on /r9k/
   her ten year old cat dies
   Guy Maimon leaks her 2015 nudes
   Guy Maimon leaks her current address
   Guy Maimon leaks her reddit fetish porn and proves the nudes are Eliza
   dozens of Eliza nudes spread
   Eliza disappears for a few days, returns with her trip, and denies everything drops trip, opens her ig to orbiters, keeps posting videos

>early 2018

    becomes friends with Sunny(An underaged girl who has many orbiters)
    befriends her, Does live streams with her talks to her on Discord etc
    leaks her nudes
    Sunny makes a post calling out Ciara

>mid-late 2018

    working at target 
    meets 30 year old man named Jay
    starts dating the 30 year old man

Unbiased Eliza timeline:

summer 2014: infamous "omegle nudes" event, screencapped
8/2015: posted on face rate thread on /b/, posted face and feet, no nudes, said she was 15, said she did drugs before
9/2015: no activity
10/2015: some posts on /r9k/ threads in response to pics of her
11/2015: same as above
12/2015: posts on 8ch pictures of face, no feet. /r9k/ adidas tracksuit thread, more pics of her face
1/2016: starts youtube channel, later in month livestreams, gets doxxed, posts on masterchan and on tinychat mentions her drug use
2/2016: omegle nudes leaked, more of her posting in threads
3/2016: erica vs. eliza starts, erica starts posting, they both tripfag 
4/2016: eliza gets hair cut short, meets guy maimon on 4/19, turns 16 on 4/20, sends black chad photo of vagina and breasts on 4/30
5/2016: does heroin for a week, guy maimon gets scammed, he posts nudes and blackmails her
6/2016: in mental ward for majority of month, sent to rehab, gets released 6/22, is sexually assaulted on the 23rd when meeting with friend from school 
7/2016: occasional videos posted, she dumps her trip password
8/2016: meets with people from otakon, not much activity 
9/2016: not much activity, closes youtube account
10/2016: hardly any activity, youtube and twitter are closed
11/2016: someone who may be eliza is tripfagging, not confirmed to be her, not much activity
12:2016: present

Alleged Death

On February 8th, 2020, Ciara was allegedly OD'd herself to death. However, considering she had faked her death before, it is possible this is just another hoax. Although this time her family, friend, and her boomer bf, spoke about her "death" and "confirmed" it. But, hey, they probably just playing along with her to make news of her "death" more plausible. Nevertheless, no death record, obituary, and/or pic of her corpse was ever found if she truly dies


See also

Ciara is part of a series on


Visit the Chans Portal for complete coverage.

Ciara is part of a series on 8chan


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