The Great Habbo Raid of July 2015

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On July 12th, 2015, the 9th annual Great Habbo Raid occurred, in 2016; next years' 10th anniversary raid however will make this look like the faggotry it actually is independently. It will still trigger the kids and mods at Habbo for being the secret racists that they pretend to despise.

The Great Habbo Raid of July 2015

Picnic is closed
Trying to get SJWs involved against habbo
after the US raid ended, around midnight. We leejun again

Planning and instructions were made on the traditional #nigra rizon channel and 4 threads in total on 8chan as invasion threads got banned on 4chan after the Independence Day Invasion. 4chan SJW mods deleted any threads that were created. It's 4channers did play a role, especially during the US raid (17:00 NY time) when the nigras got massive blackup. 8channers also shilled their raid on 7chan and 420chan but those threads either died or got deleted.

During the raid a few problems occured. There were snitches and SJW white knights who tried to join the ranks of nigras in order to snitch on them later to the mods. It is also believed that they were monitoring the 8chan threads and the rizon channels as they regularily made it into the password-protected nigra headquarter rooms. Known snitches were zachsafety, macklebee and alexd. Mods who had no mercy with their banhammers were MODdavjuthetired, blancotrash and Boom. Boom was a special case as he had a twitter account (BamboofromHabbo) going with his IRL pic and as anons found him and started spreading the intel on the thread he deleted his twitter account. It was too late, anons already saved his pic.

Generally spoken the whole raid was a cat and mouse game between the mods+snitches and the raiders. Raiders constantly spammed new habbo accounts and mods spammed bans for everyone who even looked black.
A few innocent kids who took over the nigra uniform for fun also got banned until September 2016 with their real habbo accounts that they spent real money for to buy habbo furniture. There has also been a side project during the raid. 8chan's twitter ops and tumblr ops departements (#nigganetwork and OPneighbourhood) started spreading awareness of habbos racism online on tumblr and twitter. Twitter hashtags like #racisthabbo and #habboscandal were created and a few tumblr pages in order to get actual SJWs attacking habbo for their racism.

Despite all those complications and the initial fears of having not enough participants the raid was not a complete failure.
Nigras managed to occupy various public and private rooms, spammed bobba language and told the racist crackas to check their privilege. Later during the US time raid Nigras even raided the mod headquarters room in revenge for the racist bannings.

The raid ended at about 22:30 NY time as anons were annoyed by the constant account creations and many of them left. However, a few anons stayed for at least another 1.5 hours and transformed to normal habbos.
They went to the mod lounge to snitch on the mods and many interesting behind-the-scenes details were revealed that were almost as good as the raid itself.

Time Line

The official raid was set to begin at 17:00 EU time but at 13:30 some nigras already started to flood the ClubNX. Nigras were banned after about half an hour from ClubNX. Nigras had to regroup at their headquarter and they decided to wait for 3 hours until the official date. Until then they practiced swastigets.
At 17:00 the Picnic place was flash raided and mods were triggered into banning all the innocent niglets. After this the twitter and tumblr shaming started and anons had to create new habbo accounts and regroup. Snitch alexd00703 already was there to spy on nigras. After this initial banning things got messy and anons had struggle to decide on a room and many of them were disbanded into various rooms. Soon after this mods boom... and blancotrash found the Blacc Ops #1 headquarters and wrecked it, frocing nigras to create new HQ's. After some time raoming around in various public and private rooms nigras joined forces to raid the info bus room. Mods started cracking down there too and so nigras got disbanded and went roaming to different rooms like the hallways of coffee house until the official USA (17:00 NY time) raid. During the EU raid no successfull swastigets were made outside of the headquarters rooms.

When the US raid started at 17:00 NY time, nigras got lots of blackup and were able to flash raid various places with those new forces. New places that got raided include a few pool and beach themed rooms, the LGBT wonderland, the US Army room, the steakhouse, the daycare and kid adoption room, the wedding chapel and many more. In one of the pool rooms at least 1 swastiget was realized. As mods were following nigras they had to be fast and move from place to place before mods had a chance to ban all of them when they show up. However the racist mods did not succeed in stopping the nigra insurrection. In one of the last action nigras raided the mod hub to mark presence and demonstrate that they will not give in to racist policies pushed by white habbo mods. The raid started to end around 22:30 NY time with many nigras leaving.


Great Habbo Raid 2015 (Check Archive links for all pics and webms) About missing Pics
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External links


The Great Habbo Raid of July 2015 is part of a series on the Habbo raids. [CollapseExpand]

The Great Habbo Raid of July 2015 is part of a series on 8chan


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