Aidan Maese-Czeropski

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Ridin' with Biden

It isn't often we get an opportunity to make history, so when that chance comes along it is important to make the most of it. A great example of this is the case of young Aidan Maese Czeropski, a former US Senate staffer who made American history by being filmed taking a monster hog in the Hart Senate Office Building. EDiots expect the National Archives to preserve the video so that future generations can learn from this faggotry, and as a proper representation of the current state of the US government.


Aidan Maese Czeropski is a doughy twink and unremarkable manwhore who took a position in the US Senate as a staffer. Fortunately for EDiots, this twinkslut and boring bureaucrat is also an attention whore and amateur pornographer with glistening bulbous manglobes, a perfect tight pink bussy, and a superhuman ability to take girth better than any porn star. EDiots were impressed with his ability to do a deep douche to avoid any santorum that might make the normies barf.

Georg Gauger, the top

Georg Gauger's handsome face
"Real Daddy Dick", an uncircumcised Aryan übermensch

The well-hung top was identified as German otter Georg Gauger shortly after his social media accounts and other online activities were discovered by internet autists.

Not my alt. My alt Twitter is the one where I'm wearing clothes and pretending to be professional. 18+ and NSFW unless you work at a bath house.


Real Daddy Dick's Xitter bio

Just a guy who likes guys and showing off the goods. NSFW. 21+


"Brady", before making historic pornography

This account doesn’t exist


—"Brady", after making historic pornography

The video

A censored version was uploaded to the internet by old media, however an uncensored version was quickly located on 4chan's /hm/ board. EDiots are encouraged to upload the four minute version, for... research.

External links

Biden also rides with Aidan Maese Czeropski

Aidan Maese-Czeropski
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[LOL AIDSFap fap fap]

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Aidan Maese-Czeropski
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