Daily Stormer

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File:Daily Stormer Banner 1.jpg

The Daily Stormer is the most infamous and visited alt-right on the web, and currently one of the top 10,000 visited sites on the web. The Daily Stormer's goal is to rant about, troll, and archive any tomfoolery and drama perpetrated by the kikes, anti-whites, leftist fags, etc; generally the documentation of the civilizational downfall that is the 21st century west. Unlike most neo-nazi sites, TDS isn't run by baby boomer fags (such as Stormfront but is written exclusively to target the vulnerable demographic that is young adult males. They accomplish this through witty satire and troll humor. Consider the Daily Stormer, in essense, a more racist spiritual successor of Encyclopedia Dramatica, /pol/ and OG Anonymous culture, as many of us trolls have now long moved on from ED or 4chan, and often congregate on TDS. One of which is our nigga weev, who became the IT guy for TDS, preventing kikes from shutting it down.

The Daily Stormer was created by Andrew Anglin, a balding manlet with a hard-on for jailbait (it's all good, we all know teenage girls are hot, lets be real)gooker girls aryan hotties, after jewish people kept inconveniencing him for trying to spread hate speech on other services, and as a successor to his original nazi site or whatever the fuck. TDS was created in 2013, but didn't become very relevant until the mass shooting perpetrated by Dylann Roof which resulted in the deaths of 9 niggers and caused a severe shitstorm. It was quickly discovered that Dylann was a reader of the blog; you probably know what happened next. Later in the year, Donald Trump began the process of running for president, bringing in a year and a half of severe butthurt from leftist fags. Andrew was smart and utilized this brewing shitstorm to boost his blog to the absolute top- far outpacing Encyclopedia Dramatica, even perhaps during our prime (yeah, we're jelly ;~;)

Note how they officially state that any declarations, hints, or jokes of violence/murder or support thereof is an instant permaban, yet here they are supporting and idolizing the deadliest mass shooter in history. It's surprisingly common to see comments everywhere calling for the extermination of the entire African and Jewish races. Or just plain brutally beating up minorities to death in often cartoonish and unrealistic ways. Free speech? Of course. But very hypocritical nonetheless.


Before the Daily Stormer's creation, Andrew had other websites, such as for conspiracy theories and other shit. By 2012, like many of us, he began the process of getting redpilled, leading him down the rabbit hole to discovering that Hitler wasn't entirely bad and that there's literally nothing wrong with the color of your white boy skin. Thus, the creation of his first evil nazi (actual holocaust omg) site, Total Fascism. Unfortunately, the articles were tl;dr and didnt appeal to retarded teenagers, so shortly after, he launched the Daily Stormer and significantly dumbed down the material to appeal to those with IQ's that dont penetrate the triple digit figure; a cohort which makes up the vast majority of the right wing, the collective Andrew sought to attract and utilize for his chaotic schemes.

Article Format

Every Daily Stormer article ever:

[Introductionary paragraph, slur against (Variable A), sewn into being related to topic at hand

Weak Sentence

Longer Sentence, satirical.

(Variable B)

Several sentences separated from each other, discussing the subject of the topic; more slurs against (Variable A) and satire (that many of the dumber viewers never catch on to, such as the kike media who falls for the constant pranks)

(repeat sequence from "weak sentence" to "Several sentences")

[More pictures here]

(Variable C) if applicable

Closing statements in split-sentence format

[Probably another banepost pic]

File:Bane stomp.gif


  • A: Jews, Niggers, Media, Women, Betas, etc
  • B: shoop relating to article, .gif of bane, random image,
  • C: quotes from external article, with important information bolded, followed by insults heaped towards the news source if in contradiction against DS narrative

Rising Popularity

File:Daily Stormer Google Trends.png

Like stated before, as TDS continued churning out content, more and more people showed up for the party. By 2015, it was notable but not entirely mainstream. The Trump presidency and subsequent golden age for alt-right troll culture caused a skyrocket in viewership for the site. By 2017, TDS secured its place at the top of the food chain, now becoming public enemy #1 for the ZOG and other crybaby pieces of shit.

Notable Happenings


Dylann Roof

Dylann Roof was a racist sperglord from the south who was sick and tired of the negronic menace and used his Glock to put those filthy fuckin' chimps in the grave. He read the Daily Stormer, so leftists used this to make a strawman argument claiming every racist / white person was a mass murderer and pure evil. Just like how reactionary morons wanted to frame Marilyn Manson or Eminem for Columbine (even though the shooters hated them.)

Great Printer Hack of 2016

Our nigga weev promoted TDS by hacking into every fucking internet-accessable printer in sight and forcing them to print out flyers for the site in a first of its kind of trolling. A majority of the printers affected belonged to educational facilities, which are breeding grounds for butthurt millennial communist fags who get offended over everything, bringing bonus points for the butthurt it caused.

File:Weev did it for the lulz.jpg


Our boy Andrew managed to build a big ass community which he utilized to form a troll army of his own to command, which he utilized to have some fun with (((specific individuals))). Often times, mentally ill idiots such as Dylann Roof, who show up in any community in general, are found to have been lurkers or contributors to TDS, prompting old media retards to frame every DS user as a threat.

Whitefish Montana Assault

You are surprisingly easy to find on the Internet. And in real life


—A troll to Tanya Gersh, before consequences were never the same

File:Tanya Gersh.jpg
Primary (((Target))) of operation

TL;DR some leftist fags and a filthy kike bitch named Tanya Gersh were harassing Richard Spencer's family in their town, trying to make his mom lose her property via extortion, and other typical leftist malicious bullshit. So when the Daily Stormer community learned of this, Andrew formed his first official Troll Storm, even though the same thing has been organized before several times by TDS. Thousands of trolls conducted malicious bullshit too- but since they're right-wing and go against the status quo / matrix the kikes want to enforce, they were the only ones to face any legal or societal consequences for their actions. For months, the kikess who harassed Richard Spencer's mom, faced sexual abuse calls, death threats, loud nigra micspam, and other inconveniences.

Quickly, the trollstorm reached the television, further fueling the popularity of the site, and summoning the whiny little heebs at the Southern Poverty Law Center, which organized a lolsuit against Andrew Anglin, causing him to go into hiding at UkraineSulawesi Nigeria, where he currently resides in a top secret military compound. The kikes have used this incident trying to attempt to set a new law in place criminalizing the act of posting someone's public information and asking people to politely contact the person and respectfully disagree or disavow their actions.

Though this is going to get a lot of publicity, I am asking all of you, genuinely, that you don't attempt to contact the Gershes during this process. This has escalated from jokes on the Internet to something which could potentially lead to a big step towards the hellish, Orwellian world that the enemies of freedom wish to bring down on this country.


—Just a year after the troll storm, and most of the major internet services began to completely shut down free speech / new-right communities without warning or ethical reason.

Alison Rapp Attack

Alison Rapp was a pedophile feminist thot working for Nintendo. She was already infamous before TDS came along, but her whorish behavior and pro-pedophilia and feminist bullshit pissed off thousands of people. Everyone in the overall scene (GamerGate, /pol/, ED, DS, etc) were on board to attack this sick fuck bitch and ruin her life. But DS had a leading role from their troll storm. Eventually, all the letters overwhelmed Nintendo and they took a rare action of actually firing a woman for her bullshit politics. TDS got the bulk of the blame by the leftist media. The filthy little liberal whore cried like the pedophile bitch she is on twatter for weeks on end, whilst her beta vrigin white-knights tried to passionately stroke her asshole in a counter-clockwise motion in a futile attempt to get their dicks wet through the internet. In the end, this operation was a complete success, not only for Daily Stormer, but for the GamerGate betas and the amount of drama it produced will be potentially made into lore for your grandchildren to hear about before bedtime.

Milo Yiannopoulos never got a single video game feminist fired. We got the first one we targeted fired, destroyed her life and allegedly forced her into prostitution. We have destroyed not only her career, but presumably her marriage as well.


Disgraced Nintendo Pedo Alison Rapp is a Literal Prostitute (Allegedly)

Arizona Vandal

Some guy from the forums (anonymous) went around the Scottsdale / Mesa areas and vandalized shit, leaving antisemetic flyers, swastika vandalism and other juvenile pranks. This caused the local media and synagogues to cry about it.

News Appearances


White Sharia

File:White Shariah.jpg

A recent meme sub-movement created by Andrew, White Shariah is about hardcore white nationalism and patriarchy, in which the goal is to fully reduce women to nothing more than property, like our forefathers had figured out. This is mainly because every single time we let women have equal rights and no responsibility or stigma, they always become retarded toddlers who fuck everything up. Why do you think there was never a feminist civilization - or at least one that lasted more than like 5 seconds? As bad as it looks at surface value, most civilizations existed because they suppressed women's rights, sexuality and power, and purged the weaklings and beta fags out. This is the basic tenants of the ideology; lock the thots in a cage, and enslave them before they can cause societal decay.

However, Andrew's shilling for this meme caused a major split in his own community, a dumbed down (albeit comedically top-notch) variant of the neo-nazi scene. This is because most white nationalists / neo-fascists / alt-right fags are usually beta male autists and still put pussy on a pedestal. Hence, when the redpill on women is dropped, most communities will sperg out over it and probably ban you, while their white knighting never gets their dicks wet.


After the Daily Stormer and its affiliates helped in organizing an irl trollstorm (Unite The Right) that accumulated in the Battle of Charlottesville in August 2017 (in which people actually got killed) the ZOG media, in ecstasy over the stupidity of the alt-right for giving them a reason (however invalid it may be) to shut down their shit, utilized the shitstorm unfolding to begin the process of fully terminating the alt-right's internet presence. The Daily Stormer had their domain un-hosted by GoDaddy, and then by (((Google))). But before it happened, Andrew Anglin framed the autist faggots still claiming to be Anonymous, and made it look like they hacked the Daily Stormer, as a smokescreen for what was really happening- and tricked the gullible and unprofessional American Media congregation into running along with the story.

The rally and subsequent shitstorm provided Daily Stormer with a fuckload of media coverage bringing in an Eternal September before they got whacked in which the number of FBI informants, CIA shills, newfags and leftist cocksuckers increased 100-fold. Unbeknown to the (((Old Media))) this coverage would only empower the Daily Stormer, and provide them with even more potential sympathizers.


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See Also

External Links


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See also: 2012 Elections2016 Presidential Elections2020 Presidential Elections2024 USA Presidential ElectionsInternet PoliticsPizzaGatePolitical communitiesRoe v. Wade