Daily Stormer: Difference between revisions

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[[File:Dailystormfag.jpg|thumb|700px|center|A DS Banner Proudly featuring a [[Ainsley Harriott|Negro]] and a [[Pewdiepie|Jew]].]]<br>
[[File:Daily_Stormer_-_08.jpg|thumb|230px|A [[typical]] Daily Stormer [[Faggot|reader]].]]
[[File:Daily_Stormer_-_08.jpg|thumb|230px|A [[typical]] Daily Stormer [[Faggot|reader]].]]
The '''''DailyStormfag''''' is a play-pretend [[Alt-Right]] website for [[virgin|angry]] asshats who refused to become trannies, as required by [[ANTIFA]]. They typically blame Jews, niggers, rich people, and everyone else besides themselves for everything wrong with their lives.
[[File:Pepe merchant.jpg|thumb|230px|A [[typical]] Daily Stormer Writer.]]
The '''''DailyStormfag''''' is a play-pretend [[Alt-Right]] website run by self-hating jews for [[virgin|angry]] asshats who refused to become trannies or join [[ANTIFA]]. They typically blame [[Jews]], [[niggers]], [[Trannies]], [[Faggots]], and everyone else besides themselves for everything wrong with their lives.

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==See Also==
==See Also==
[[File:CDvr_-UVEAINSvC.jpg|thumb|Their #1 Youtuber who they circlejerk to [http://dailystormer.name/tag/pewdiepie/]. Thinking he is a tru neo nazi.]]
[[File:CDvr_-UVEAINSvC.jpg|thumb|Their #1 Youtuber who they circlejerk to [http://stormer-daily.rw/tag/pewdiepie/]. Thinking he is a tru neo nazi.]]
*[[Andrew Anglin]] - The yellow fewered fbi communist that runs the site (from [[Nigeria]])
*[[Andrew Anglin]] - The yellow fewered fbi communist that runs the site (from [[Nigeria]])
*[[User:AlGore/Daily Stormer|Alternate version]]
*[[User:AlGore/Daily Stormer|Alternate version]]
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==External Links==
==External Links==
*<s>[https://www.dailystormer.com/ Daily Stormer Official Website]</s> {{Archive|HrLvH}}
*[https://stormer-daily.rw/ Daily Stormer Official Website] {{Archive|HrLvH}}
*[https://dstormer6em3i4km.onion Moved to the dark web]
*[https://http://stormer5v52vjsw66jmds7ndeecudq444woadhzr2plxlaayexnh6eqd.onion/ Moved to the dark web]
*[http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/The_Daily_Stormer RationalWiki]{{atheist}}'s take
*{{RWlink|The_Daily_Stormer|RationalWik}}{{atheist}}'s take
*[https://www.stormfront.org/forum/t1165766/?s=0dd87012d726ce0b4b518b56db467fb9 Stormfront: Andrew Anglin is a fraud] {{Archive|KCpl7}}
*[https://www.stormfront.org/forum/t1165766/?s=0dd87012d726ce0b4b518b56db467fb9 Stormfront: Andrew Anglin is a fraud] {{Archive|KCpl7}}

Revision as of 01:58, 1 July 2022

A DS Banner Proudly featuring a Negro and a Jew.

A typical Daily Stormer reader.
A typical Daily Stormer Writer.

The DailyStormfag is a play-pretend Alt-Right website run by self-hating jews for angry asshats who refused to become trannies or join ANTIFA. They typically blame Jews, niggers, Trannies, Faggots, and everyone else besides themselves for everything wrong with their lives.

The Site's Creator

Inside a serial child rapist's basement.

The Daily Stormer was created by Andrew Anglin, your typical beta male manlet who thinks lifting will magically make him taller. Views the site's viewers as his personal army.

The site eventually gained national notoriety when some nobody took pictures of himself masturbating with the confederate flag surrounded by pretty flowers, which he uploaded to the site, shortly before going all Elliot Rodger on some random group of black people.

As a result the news media gave Andrew all sorts of attention that his parents never gave him, egging him on to keep pushing for more negative reinforcement. This started a long cycle of stupidity as mainstream media continually used Andrew as their personal Neo Nazi whipping boy and Andrew in turn kept bending his butt on over their knee begging for more.


The article that pushed the Daily Stormer onto the dark web
Move along you "Nazis".

In August the site's domain registrar GoDaddy decided they, thankfully, had enough of Andrew's antics, especially after it became abundantly obvious that the site was pointing out that Heather Heyer was killed by one too many packets of Ho-Hos, instead of the media narrative that she was crushed by a Nazi car. Being a complete, dishonest coward, Anglin kept insisting the entire site was just an ironic troll-job. Even thought it led one of their users to go trashcan bowling with SJWs; it became abundantly obvious that the site wasn't simply a social experiment gone terribly wrong.

They also attempted to get a Russian domain but were likewise booted. CloudFlare also booted them from their service, along with dozens of other supposed Neo Nazi websites which have also been perma-fucked from the world wide web. One might question of course, even as retarded as the Daily Stormer is, isn't this going a bit too far? Doesn't this pretty well shit all over free speech? And, well, yes it does! But that's a GOOD THING in this case. Why you ask? Simple, since corporate controlled DNS has now, ironcally, gone all SIEG HEIL on the world and has started burning sites like Hitler enjoyed burning books there is only one alternative... that is, alternative DNS configurations.

Remember, destruction breeds creation!

The Site's Users

Repressed Homosexuals

These are the people primarily drawn to Angliln's talks about fitness and being "manly".

Tryhard Edgelords

The reason why Anglin appeals so hard to the kids in high school. Aware that there has always been a market for edgy 13 year old boys, Anglin makes the site as "memey" as possible

Naked Troll Rats

Pepe avatars on Twitter

Social Rejects

Uses the term "roastie" excessively. The primary audience for the "All white women are whores" articles and the ones usually getting butthurt at a woman who has gone to college instead of getting knocked up at age 15 like a proper Aryan woman. Gets way too excited when the third sexbot article of the day has been posted. Still values "tradition" somehow

The Site's Supporters

Andrew "Weev" Auernheimer

Someone you take seriously

Needs no extensive write-up as everyone knows weev.Lost his fucking mind during his stint in white collar prison. A somewhat inactive writer these days although he occasionally posts a bizarre, even for DS standards, article. As he spends most of his time squatting in shithole countries while on the run from imaginary US government agents.

Michael Coombs aka Mikemikev

Mike was banned for this post.

Neo-nazi lolcow Mikemikev used to post regularly on The Daily Stormer and was friends with Andrew Anglin. However, Mikemikev was later banned after encouraging violence against Jews, writing: "sad that 'not advocating violence' has to be the official position of this site".


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See Also

Their #1 Youtuber who they circlejerk to [1]. Thinking he is a tru neo nazi.

External Links

Daily Stormer is part of a series on


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Daily Stormer
is part of a series on
The New Right Reich

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Daily Stormer is part of a series on National Socialists
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Sieg Heil!

SchutzstaffelIdeologie, Tradition, Praxis, und StolzMöchtegern-NazisFeinde, Verräter, und verboten

Daily Stormer
is part of a series on Politics.
Ideologies: [You are wrong!We are right!]

Alt-rightAnarchyCapitalismCentrismCommunismConservatismCyanismDemocratHippieLiberalismLibertarianismMiltopismNaziNihilismNeo-conPacifismRepublicanReconquistaSocialismStoner GuruTory

Issues: [Fuck it, Too lazy.Get it fixed!]

AbortionArab SpringBahrainBarron TrumpBirthCISPADeath penaltyDrugsEnvironmentalismGaysGeorge Bush doesn't care about black peopleGirlfriendsMarijuana AddictionGround Zero MosqueMarijuana AddictionMass ShootingGun controlGunsHealthcare (2) (3)• HomelessHousing CrisisHuntingIceslaveIranMarriageMiller TestMiltopiaNAUPimpin'RacismShoesTaxesTerrorismUnemploymentWarWelfare

Politicians: [Rigging Elections is funVote for me]

AhmadinejadAkinAOCB.AllenG. AllenAngleAshburnBachmannBhuttoBin LadenH.BidenJ.BidenBlagojevichBlairBoehnerG.BrownS.BrownBunningJim TraficantDubya BushGeorge H. W. BushBurrByrdCainCameronChavezCheCheneyChomskyChretienChurchillClintonClinton IIChelsea Clinton Hillary Clinton CleggCohenColemanCorbynCowgerCraigCthulhuCunninghamCurtisD'AlemaDeanDelayDuterteDwyerEdwardsFaganFiorinaFoleyGerald FordRob FordGellerGillardGingrichGiulianiGonzalesGoreGrahamGravelGreeneGriffinHagueHansonHardingHarperHarrisHitlerHowardHuckabeeHusseinJacksonJamesJidetteJohnsonJohnson, BorisKennedyLaRoucheLBJLottKerryKindKissingerKucinichLewinskyLiebermanLimbaughLoughnerMajorMarceaux.comMarxMcBerryMcCainMcConnellMcHenryMcKinneyMercerMichael BloombergMooreMorocco MoleMussoliniNaderNixonObamaO'DonnellOsbornePainePaladinoPalinPaulPelosiPencePerryPinochetPrittPutinQuahQuayleRasanskyReaganRendellRiceRobertsonRomneyRoveRuddRumsfeldRyanSaakashviliSandersSantorumSchumerSchwarzeneggerSharptonCyril SmithJacqui SmithSpitzerStevensStranahanSupremeTaitzThatcherThompsonThorleyTPMMuckraker MoleTrudeauTrumpVenturaVitterWarsiWashingtonWaxmanWeinerWestWilliamsWilsonWolfowitzXXenophon

Parties: [No beer? Fuck that.Hell yeah, a party!]

America's Third PartyBlack BlocDramacratic PartyHard PartyLemon PartyLiberal Party of AustraliaNorth American DONG PartyOBAMACORNSocialist Workers PartyPirate PartyZapatistas

Tactics: [Rage Quit.How do I get elect?]

2013 US Government ShutdownBlaming ChinaCaptain Nigga DefendaCloward Piven StrategyCritical race theoryCuckservativesDemockeryDoomsday ClockG20 Toronto LollercaustLiberal Butthurt SyndromeLiberal guiltMacaca#NotMySuperbowlChampsOccupy DemocratsOperation LemonpartyRaped StatisticsThe ResistanceUpworthyWunderground

See also: 2012 Elections2016 Presidential Elections2020 Presidential Elections2024 USA Presidential ElectionsInternet PoliticsPizzaGatePolitical communitiesRoe v. Wade

Featured article August 18 & 19, 2017
Preceded by
James Alex Fields
Daily Stormer Succeeded by