Nuclear War

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Nuclear War is when the Big Boys come out and play, or rather the select few of the Rich and Government officials descend into their hardened bunkers, like Cheyenne Mountain or Raven Rock, 2,000 feet below the Earth's surface and deep into the bedrock, stocked with months of food, water and other amenities to insure the survival of their genetic pool along with the mistresses they want to breed with while You are either atomized from a ground zero blast, die from third degree burns or have the best week of your life as you feel better than you ever have as your hair falls out, your skin peels off and you die from radiation sickness in what Doctors refer to as The Surge

Divided we live, united we die


—Mordecai Roshwald, Level 7 (1959)[1]

Nuclear War comes in 2 mouth watering flavors. Strategic Nuclear War is where everyone, except the rich, high ranking Government Officials, the Sand Niggers making their home in the middle of a nowhere desert, the paranoid survivalists and the jungle niggers in the Amazon, are pretty much fucked because the Earth most likely will be reduced to a gigantic pile of Kitty Litter because the goal is to hit large cities, Military Bases and infrastructure such as factories, steel mills and shipping yards, so China's first strike will most likely be against itself because so many American factories are inside their borders. Then there's Tactical Nuclear War, which uses smaller yield weapons - compared to Strategic Nuclear War and in theory are to be used on the battlefield with friendly forces somewhere in the immediate area as a way to take out large forces of troops, tanks etc so that friendly troops can advance more easily.

It's best to stay away from the East Coast


Strategic Nuclear War


Have you ever had that one country that just pissed you off to no end and you wanted to see it permanently removed from the map and a giant crater drawn in its former place, replacing its spot on the map? For those of us here are ED it's France. We can't stand those uppity, snail slurping frogs and their unwarranted conceit. Their only decent contribution to the world being Pasteurization because who really wants the Hershey Squirts after eating a bowl of Froot Loops?

There's good News for you, if you're the Dictator of an oppressed, nuclear armed, third world country like Best Korea, all you need to do is pick a target and let fly a couple dozen 100 or more Kiloton nukes at their capital, population centers, industry and military bases while laughing your ass off, over the phone, to that country's leader.

The big problem with this tactic, and this is a biggie, is that once your chosen country to destroy's satellites picks up your launches, the people you've named as the bad guys will be rushing to launch their nukes before yours have a chance to hit and take out all their offensive weapons.

This will most likely lead to a domino effect that has other Nuclear armed Countries firing at you and your allies or your allies at your enemy and their allies.

What has saved us during the last 80 years from this mess is that rationale, level headed, intelligent White countries like the U.S. and England have guided us through these turbulant waters without incident. It was when the non-whites like the Cow Worshipers, Rag Heads, Jews and the Yellow Bastards from Best Korea started getting their hands on them that the world started to become perturbed to a point that Nuclear War seems likely, almost imminent.

Need more proof? Look at what happened when the Island Niggers in Cuba got their hands on a few nukes. They were looking for an excuse to start World War 3. It was only through the leadership and perserverance of an all white, American President and World War 2 hero that we were able to find our way out of that mess.

Tactical Nuclear War


Tactical Nuclear War is when nuclear weapons are used on the battlefield or contested territory rather than civilian targets like factories, government buildings or, let's just say it, population centers where your Realdoll most likely shares a room with you in Your Mom's basement.

Tactical Nuclear War is best known for all the toys it has such as: Metal Gears, artillery shells, shipborne surface to air missiles, artillery shells, the suitcase nuke, and the grandfather of the Metal Gear - The Davy Crockett Recoilless Rifle.

There has never been any use of Tactical Nuclear War because the pussies in government are afraid that it will lead to an all out shit storm, and before you know it we're at full blown Nuclear War with you cannibalizing your neighbor's hot 18 year old daughter instead of kidnapping her, taking her down into your shelter and filling her to the brim with your baby gravy.

In other words, it's really not advised, not because the people in charge are afraid to die, their staffs are ready and trained to retreat to their government bunkers at a minute's notice. What they are afraid of is, for most of those big guns in government . . . A lot of American officials like Congress Men and Supreme Court Justices don't get to take their families' with them to those super secret government bunkers buried deep inside granite mountains as the world gets turned into a single, giant charcoal briquette because some crazy ass, Middle-Eastern Raghead decided to up the ante and go full blown nuclear war because they were losing to A forehead with a dot and decided it better to launch their full salvo because they felt it better to bring about the apocalypse because this is what Muhammad would want them to do.

Airblast or Groundblast


Nuclear explosions come in two savory flavors for the experianced palatte and both need some serious thought before you use one or the other because they have different results.

Now both will turn the immediate area into a fireball that is 15 Million Degrees and reduce everything to Atoms in a thermal flash and a giant mushroom cloud, so if anyone you knew was in the immediate area - you'll probably be breathing them in when the wind shifts your way.

The blast effect depends on how you detonate the weapon as each have different results.

Airbursts are nuclear blasts that are exploded thousands of feet above the target, much like how we'd like to dump you out of a helicopter with a rope around your neck and have you land right in the middle of an elementary School Playground during lunch. Airburst explosions tend to do more damage because the nuke is above the target and the blastwaves reflect off the ground which, in effect, increases its destructive power.

Think of it like this Stud. Your Mom just dragged you off to a nice restaurant for lunch. Instead of going to the bathroom to Fart you decide to let it go in the dining area. What you find out is that the smooth surface of the vinyl seat amplifies the sound of your rudeness because it bounces of the material and now you have everyone calling you a piece of Autistic scum.

Groundblasts, on the other hand, are obviously nuclear explosions that were exploded on the ground. Yes, we did have to explain that to you. It's explosion pulverized everything in it's vicinity and it sends a Shit load of Fallout into the air and area around it. Unlike the air blast it has a smaller range of damage because the ground acts as a buffer, dampening the Nuke's power by putting most of its energy into blowing out a large hole.

For our less than intelligent readers, pretty much You. A ground blast would be like taking a hammer and beating a hole into the ground with it.

Unlike air blasts that would be used on cities and other population centers - ground blasts, because of their ability to carve out holes where cities used to be and why we want to use one on Paris, ground blasts would be used on hardened bunkers and missle silos.

Surviving One


HA HA HA! Oh that's good.

Unless you're Elon Musk and his Family or the President and his immediate family that have underground bunkers that they can live in for years. Read that word again Stupid. YEARS!. You're not going to make it because the best you can do is stock for a couple of weeks, and sooner or later you're going to run out of water or food and have to leave your bunker and expose yourself to Radiation that will burn out your Sperm Sacks and ensure that all your kids will have skin peeling off their faces and tiny dicks. You know you, but after a nuclear war.

You can go through all the precautions like Duck And Cover or digging a fallout shelter in your backyard but sooner or later you're going to have to come out and have your life span severely reduced

Becoming A Shadow


Imagine it. It's a nice day. You decided to walk to work, school or you decided to skip your Anime Drawing Class For Gaijins to take in the day - walk around town with mirrors on your shoes to check out the School Girls, see what style of panties they're wearing and before you know it, before your brain can even register the blinding light boiling the water in your eyes and causing them to explode out of your head - you're dead even before your brain can register it. All that's left of your existence is a shadow left on the concrete because the instantaneous explosion of a light a number of times brighter than the sun has bleached the concrete everywhere your shadow didn't fall.

The Japanese have a lot of legends and ghost stories surrounding this event, saying that the dead can not rest because they died so fast that they have no idea that they are dead and haunt the ground zero areas of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, doing day to day things, such as shopping, going to work and basically just enjoying the day because they still think that they're alive.

Think of it like your Fat Ass getting thrown out of an all you can eat buffet. Your stomach says you're not full but there you are in the parking lot.

There also exists American Urban Legends about these same areas, (Some will argue convincingly that they are the truth) where the U.S. Military stationed its healthiest members in Hiroshima and Nagasaki so that they could study the effects of placing strong and healthy people in differing levels of fallout, such as stationing troops directly at ground zero and troops as far as 20 miles from the epicenter so that they could study how distance from a nuclear bomb's epicenter affects radiation exposure.

Modern conspiracy theorists have named these soldiers Atomic Soldiers and even argue that, because doctor records are now easaly accessible over the internet, that the government is closely monitoring the descendants of these soldiers to see what lasting effects have been passed down and to see how many generations it takes to remove these negative effects from the family gene pool.

Vault Boy


Vault boy's "Thumbs Up" is based on a bit of disinformation that was sold to the bottom 5% of the U.S. population, U.S. Soldiers, Marines and Sailors. Rather than the OK sign that every idiot with an X Box, that has played Fallout, thinks that he is giving - it means something differant.

Back in the 50s, it was believed, or rather told to everyone, pretty much anyone beneath the rank of Full-Bird Colonel and its equivalents in other Branches, if you can cover a Mushroom Cloud, from a Nuclear Explosion, with your thumb - then you were safe from bad things like radiation and fallout.

Purposely ignoring things like wind and weather that would be dumping tons of the fallout on the soldiers that was blown into the sky and would be getting dumped on them, in a few days time by rain, or more likely snow, the thumbs up idea was to soldiers as The Duck And Cover PSA was to Kids.


See Also


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