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'''Montenegro''' is not a mountain-nigger-colony, in spite of the name. It's a little [[Balkans|Balkan]] shithole full of loose Greeks, Slavs and [[Albania]]ns. They speak/argue in a mishmash of Serbo-Croatian and Albanian. They want to join the EU and [[NATO]] which is a rich source of comedy.  
'''Montenegro''' is not a mountain-nigger-colony, in spite of the name. It's a little [[Balkans|Balkan]] shithole full of loose Greeks, Slavs and [[Albania]]ns. They speak/argue in a mishmash of Serbo-Croatian and Albanian. They want to join the EU and [[NATO]] which is a rich source of comedy.  
[[File:Budva.jpg|thumb|left|It has dirty beaches and looks like Game of Thrones]]
[[File:Budva.jpg|thumb|left|It has dirty beaches and looks like [[Game Of Thrones]]]]
A country called "Montenegro" didn't exist [[Shit_nobody_cares_about|from 1922 when it was annexed by Serbo-Croatia]], until 2006 when it finally split off from [[Serbia]] after much warfare and stupid shit (plus Milosevic finally died, causing the Serb government to fall apart). Military people from Montenegro had assisted the Serbs in committing atrocities in [[Bosnia]] and [[Croatia]] in the 1990s and they don't like to talk about ''that''.
A country called "Montenegro" didn't exist [[Shit_nobody_cares_about|from 1922 when it was annexed by Serbo-Croatia]], until 2006 when it finally split off from [[Serbia]] after much warfare and stupid shit (plus Milosevic finally died, causing the Serb government to fall apart). Military people from Montenegro had assisted the Serbs in committing atrocities in [[Bosnia]] and [[Croatia]] in the 1990s and they don't like to talk about ''that''.

Revision as of 18:54, 5 December 2015

Montenegro is not a mountain-nigger-colony, in spite of the name. It's a little Balkan shithole full of loose Greeks, Slavs and Albanians. They speak/argue in a mishmash of Serbo-Croatian and Albanian. They want to join the EU and NATO which is a rich source of comedy.

It has dirty beaches and looks like Game Of Thrones

A country called "Montenegro" didn't exist from 1922 when it was annexed by Serbo-Croatia, until 2006 when it finally split off from Serbia after much warfare and stupid shit (plus Milosevic finally died, causing the Serb government to fall apart). Military people from Montenegro had assisted the Serbs in committing atrocities in Bosnia and Croatia in the 1990s and they don't like to talk about that.

There's a "national airline" with all of 6 aircraft, mostly cheap Brazilian Embraer jets. Sounds a bit like The Mouse That Roared, doesn't it? Think of Peter Sellers in drag, and you have the idea.

This is either the president of Montenegro or your mom

And we can't think of anything else to say about Montenegro. Blah. The Balkans really suck.


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