Brian Connors

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Brian Connors(formally known as Godiscool212)-What happens when you take a ultra religious mentally unstable person and feed him a bunch of conspiracy bullshit that nobody in the right mind would actually believe in. Well Brian Connors is what happens. A insestious, super religious paranoid lunetic who is souronded by people just a crazy.

The discovery of Brian Connors

Brian Connors came to Efame when his videos were discovered by InternetAristocrat last Thursday. Not being as popular as he is to day the Internets own aristocrat decided to create a all new video series called Internet insanity were he finds legitimately crazy people and discusses them and the first candidate for review was Brian Connors. Internetaristocrat was originally gonna make his internet insanity discussion about Brian Connors a two parter but do to his growing popularity he did not want to many people to search for Brian Connors as he was in a very bad state of mind. As such the two parter got cancelled and instead Internetaristocrat decided to make his next Internet Insanity episode about Nick Bate. In the first videos that Brian Connors made he talks about aviation and child molestation and his failed attempt to become an hero. However it is not until he gets introduced to the conspiracy known as gangstalking that he goes full crazy and gets locked into a insane asylum since then he has been let lose again since unlike certain other lunatics Brian Connors is completely harmless as far as we can tell.

The video

Wanting to Marry his cousin

Like many religious people in the united states Brian Connors has no qualms about marrying his relatives and has done multiple videos expressing his love for his cousin and his intentions of marrying her.

Warning-Watching this might cause great disturbance

External links

Brian Connors
is part of a series on
Blessed by God [-+]
Beliefs, Events, Traditions and Other Drama [-+]
Pissing Off the Almighty [-+]
Heathens [-+]

Brian Connors is part of a series on


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