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ItsAboutJesus (also known as GlennReb) is a former felon, steroid pumped, batshit insane, Christfag, Internet tough guy, welfare queen, 100% not gay YouTube user who has a borderline sexual attraction towards Jesus and who is well known primarily by the Christian and Atheist community on YouTube. He is known famously for making videos that involve him shitting his pants and ranting about how God will pwn all atheists and all those who reject Jesus in at least 100 years. His lulzy actions and attitude has resulted in numerous parody accounts dedicated to Glenn. He was supported emotionally and financially for years by an insane fundie dying of butt cancer. Also, he talks like a Jew, so he did WTC.

Glenn showing the love.

Note: This video (while Glenn's) is a mirror, because the original has been blocked from embedding.

His Video Content

While he has a plethora of videos trying to spread the word of God; he also makes a lot of not gay videos where he shows off his huge bulging forehead and semi-Italian decorated house with matching weightlifting equipment and crucifix shaped dildos. While being a close runner for a goatse poser match (hairy arms and glowing red eyes); his asshole nature spreads much wider than any prolapse thrill seeker ever could, due to his roid induced comment posting sprees on other JewTube comment channels; where he tells people that they are cowards because they don't want to meet him IRL for some action.

He also makes a lot of references about how his parents told him to GTFO from a young age; and how Jesus saved him and turned him into a God warrior. What he fails to realize is that he only became a warrior for his own ego, and that the main reason why he's so butthurt is because he knows that he, and his ragtag book of stories are bullshit. Thus making him more angry at Atheists and Theists because it would be so much easier if everyone could just believe everything that his big book of dreams says.

ItsAboutJesus Classic Hits

GlennReb on Women

Like most religious fruitcakes GlennReb shows his love towards women (because he's not gay) with the usual wife beating mentality to make up for his already bruised masculinity. While he is right that Women should stay in the kitchen; he has a sick fascination about how his psychic powers (AKA Christianity) are inevitably moving his future wife towards his open waiting fists (because we all know that a Christian marriage is a happy marriage). While he has over 9000 videos dedicated to this subject; he has forgotten that fapping to porn is a lot quicker and relieves all need for Women in a few hours (or in Glenn's case a few milliseconds, amirite?).

Fan Favourites

Glenn the Christfag



See Also

External Links

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Blessed by God [-+]
Beliefs, Events, Traditions and Other Drama [-+]
Pissing Off the Almighty [-+]
Heathens [-+]

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