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The Coffin of Andy and Leyley is an autistic puzzle game that was made on the best engine evah, RPG Maker.

The main quirks in this game are "humor", dialogue written by a porn addict, questionable art style and a shit-ton of implied sexual tension between siblings; Oh yeah, and also cannibalism - 'cuz why not?? It is a game that desperately tries to be controversial by trying to explore taboo subjects, like cannibalism, toxic relationships, demon worship, satanic rituals and incest, “trying” being the key word here. Of course, most of these topics were added into the game just to make it controversial and to trigger some butthurt retards for free publicity. And oh boy, did it succeed!!


This page is a centralized resource for everything related to gaming. Whether it be consoles, games, or virgins who drain their lives obsessing over them, add it here. If you want to put some gaming-related article into this portal's spotlight, nothing is stopping your lazy ass from featuring it yourself. The same goes for media, in that case use this one.



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