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#MeToo is a so-called "movement" that was created in 2006 by an obese black woman named Tarana Burke in the same way that the Alt-Right was created by Richard Spencer. In reality, #MeToo is simply a retarded hashtag on Twitter where people tweet out sob stories about how they were "raped" and beg random strangers on teh internets to feel sorry for them – as you'd expect, many of these stories are pure fiction that was crapped out for the sole purpose of getting attention or getting a Twatter mob to harass someone into killing themself. But Tarana Burke, the creator of the #MeToo movement, once said, "it's not really a women's movement, it's a movement for all survivors of sexual violence."

See Also

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MeToo is part of a series on

Social Justice

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Surprise Sex

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Rapey Shit

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[No means no!Moar ræp plox!]