Skype Con Leak/22 dec

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Skype Con Leak/22 dec is part of a series on the Skype Con Leak.
Dates:  Highlights22 dec23 dec24 dec25th dec26 dec27 dec28 dec29 dec30 dec31 dec01 jan dec02 jan03 jan04 janserious longserious short
[22/12/2014, 7:18:20 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Not trusting her over having been in GG is uncalled for. Not trusting her because she is real quick to serious anger at people is kinda justifiable.
[22/12/2014, 7:18:34 PM] Remy: True enough
[22/12/2014, 7:19:12 PM] Remy: But they wouldn't be trust issues if they were rational x-x
[22/12/2014, 7:19:30 PM] drinternetphd: she's also gone full harassment on me 3 times
[22/12/2014, 7:19:34 PM] Remy: All of the most awesome people are here
[22/12/2014, 7:19:45 PM] drinternetphd: and reverted and apologized and then a few weeks later repeated the cycle
[22/12/2014, 7:19:48 PM] Veerender Jubbal: sighs
[22/12/2014, 7:19:54 PM] drinternetphd: which really sucked cause the first time I vouched for her
[22/12/2014, 7:20:00 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Like, so many people forgive her, and like, come on.
[22/12/2014, 7:20:14 PM] drinternetphd: like I stood up for her a bunch and said "she's apologized, everyone. I stand behind her."
[22/12/2014, 7:20:24 PM] drinternetphd: and then weeks later it's back to "zoe's an entitled slut who should fuck off forever"
[22/12/2014, 7:20:31 PM] Remy: Aww
[22/12/2014, 7:20:32 PM] drinternetphd: so like
[22/12/2014, 7:20:34 PM] Remy: wtf
[22/12/2014, 7:20:42 PM] Remy: faith in humanity
[22/12/2014, 7:20:45 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Alex Lifschitz added Ian Cheong to this conversation
[22/12/2014, 7:20:46 PM] Remy: I'm still unfamiliar with Grace. I remembered she used to be in GG and I have soups trust issues
[22/12/2014, 7:20:48 PM] Ian Cheong: Woah.
[22/12/2014, 7:20:49 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Yep.
[22/12/2014, 7:20:49 PM] Remy: I eventually followed her b/c everyone was RTing her into my TL anyway
[22/12/2014, 7:20:52 PM] Ian Cheong: Collusion central.
[22/12/2014, 7:20:55 PM] Remy: Hey Ian :)
[22/12/2014, 7:20:59 PM] Rob: Hey, Ian
[22/12/2014, 7:21:00 PM] Remy: C-O-L-L-U-S-I-O-N
[22/12/2014, 7:21:02 PM] drinternetphd: one of us
[22/12/2014, 7:21:04 PM] drinternetphd: gooble gobbl
[22/12/2014, 7:21:05 PM] Remy: Welcome to the Illuminaughty
[22/12/2014, 7:21:05 PM] Ian Cheong: Hey everyone!
[22/12/2014, 7:21:12 PM] Rob: <---unseenperfidy
[22/12/2014, 7:21:30 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Ian!
[22/12/2014, 7:22:04 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Dunno if you have access to some of the convo backlog, but saying again here: Please be on the lookout on twitter for any typical 8chan behavior, mostly towards Zoe. This 8chan Patreon thing got REALLY stuck in their craw and they are trying their best to destroy her and get her de-listed.
[22/12/2014, 7:22:14 PM] Alex Lifschitz: We've been working on the Patreon thing in here for a while.
[22/12/2014, 7:22:15 PM] Ian Cheong: Nope, I don't think I have access to the backlog.
[22/12/2014, 7:22:18 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Grace talks bare ish about anyone.
[22/12/2014, 7:22:26 PM] Veerender Jubbal: hugs Ian
[22/12/2014, 7:22:32 PM] Ian Cheong: Hey Veerender!
[22/12/2014, 7:22:48 PM] Ian Cheong: Are we talking about Grace? Because she harassed me back when she was pals with Ryan Perez.
[22/12/2014, 7:23:45 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Forget that.
[22/12/2014, 7:23:51 PM] Veerender Jubbal: That is horrible.
[22/12/2014, 7:23:52 PM] drinternetphd: it evens out to me to a "I think it's total shit that she has been completely failed by a lot of shitty stuff in society"
[22/12/2014, 7:23:54 PM] Remy: right?
[22/12/2014, 7:24:01 PM] drinternetphd: it's horrible but she has a lot going on
[22/12/2014, 7:24:11 PM] drinternetphd: and I want her to get better and be able to do better for herself and others
[22/12/2014, 7:24:16 PM] drinternetphd: she's clearly suffering tremendously
[22/12/2014, 7:24:29 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Agreed.
[22/12/2014, 7:24:35 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: That said though, her heart's in the right place lately, and she seems to be in a REALLY nasty place emotionally at the moment, so, kind words her way if you can manage'em I say
[22/12/2014, 7:24:36 PM] Remy: Seems like there's just so much pain to go around x-x
[22/12/2014, 7:24:48 PM] drinternetphd: so I'll support her when she's on the up and up and shake my head and be bummed when she isn't but never go after her
[22/12/2014, 7:25:10 PM] drinternetphd: yeah. I'll be kind but I can't trust her and I have to look out for the friends of mine she has massively hurt too
[22/12/2014, 7:25:14 PM] drinternetphd: she has done real harm to a lot of people
[22/12/2014, 7:25:19 PM] drinternetphd: and I can't totally ignore that, either.
[22/12/2014, 7:25:22 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Well aware
[22/12/2014, 7:25:28 PM] drinternetphd: the whole situation boils down to being fucking heartbreaking
[22/12/2014, 7:25:39 PM] drinternetphd: and I really wish shit would get better for her
[22/12/2014, 7:25:53 PM] drinternetphd: cause I want to trust her and stuff
[22/12/2014, 7:25:58 PM] Ian Cheong: All that shit about Jon McIntosh being the 'puppetmaster' behind Anita Sarkeesian is Grace's doing, too.
[22/12/2014, 7:26:09 PM] drinternetphd: like when the nudes of me leaked she was one of the only people I could talk to about sex work and dev and doing both
[22/12/2014, 7:26:16 PM] drinternetphd: so bleh
[22/12/2014, 7:26:22 PM] drinternetphd: bleh to everything
[22/12/2014, 7:26:33 PM] drinternetphd: bleh to the world being a trash heap that makes people suffer and lash out
[22/12/2014, 7:26:42 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: yeah, pretty much
[22/12/2014, 7:27:01 PM] Remy: I'm telling you
[22/12/2014, 7:27:06 PM] Remy: We gotta form the Illuminati
[22/12/2014, 7:27:17 PM] Remy: They already think it exists
[22/12/2014, 7:27:33 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Again though, not really a fan of people generally making her out as responsible for Patreon people getting sent threats
[22/12/2014, 7:27:40 PM] Ian Cheong: Do we get to wear secret illuminati badges and put freemason-ish codes at the side of our blogs?
[22/12/2014, 7:27:58 PM] Remy: Push you don't even have to leave clues, have you seen H8chan?
[22/12/2014, 7:28:05 PM] Remy: They will come up with the theories on their own
[22/12/2014, 7:28:21 PM] Remy: Psh* was corrected into "Push" fuck you, Apple
[22/12/2014, 7:28:24 PM] Ian Cheong: Haha.
[22/12/2014, 7:28:42 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: I'd blame that more on GGers doing the whole "false flag" thing they always do and/or bringing things down on themselves by being really really stupid and irresponsible
[22/12/2014, 7:28:45 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I could wear a special turban colour for this.
[22/12/2014, 7:28:55 PM] Remy: I'm just saying as long as we're here... colluding... we may as well go all the way. In for a penny, in for a pound
[22/12/2014, 7:29:04 PM] Remy: <3
[22/12/2014, 7:29:17 PM] Veerender Jubbal: My Gosh shirts should be out by February, hopefully!
[22/12/2014, 7:29:43 PM] Remy: I'll have to break my rule about wearing shirts with words on them
[22/12/2014, 7:29:50 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Hahaha!
[22/12/2014, 7:32:20 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Plus it really really sucks when all info available info to you on some people makes them look like the absolute scum of the earth, and nobody's agreeing because they know something you don't.
[22/12/2014, 7:32:42 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: As I could attest to as recently as like, this afternoon.
[22/12/2014, 7:32:49 PM] drinternetphd: yeahhhh
[22/12/2014, 7:33:04 PM] drinternetphd: see I just tend to err on the side of assuming that I don't know everything or even most things about a lot of situations
[22/12/2014, 7:33:15 PM] drinternetphd: I'm pretty much constantly ODing on existentialism tho
[22/12/2014, 7:33:35 PM] drinternetphd: but I mean I saw a lot of that while being friends with phil and seeing people talk about him on the outside like they knew anything about him
[22/12/2014, 7:33:41 PM] drinternetphd: and that's the situation where I'm in now
[22/12/2014, 7:33:56 PM] drinternetphd: and a lot of times you get pushed into no win scenarios and situations where you can't be transparent
[22/12/2014, 7:34:09 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: plus honestly, even with the knowledge you were tossing around earlier, I'm still Not Really Cool with Patreon and want to see them do a whole lot more beyond killing some projects.
[22/12/2014, 7:34:55 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: I mean yeah, they got themselves stuck in a really terrible situation, but they did so by being incredibly irresponsible
[22/12/2014, 7:35:30 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Aw cool they're doing that thing with my family again
[22/12/2014, 7:35:49 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: your billionaire parents?
[22/12/2014, 7:35:51 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Jeeeeeesus wow. I'm not concerned but MAN this is not a good look for them when they kick it up to Patreon
[22/12/2014, 7:36:08 PM] Remy: wtf
[22/12/2014, 7:36:14 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Yeah, my dad the hojillionaire arms dealer killing innocent children in Gaza and or on the moon
[22/12/2014, 7:36:15 PM] Ian Cheong: Wow.
[22/12/2014, 7:36:32 PM] Ian Cheong: Who started that rumor about your dad being a billionaire anyway? sargon?
[22/12/2014, 7:36:35 PM] drinternetphd: and I am clearly going to kill alex by smothering him with ethics for his moondollars
[22/12/2014, 7:36:38 PM] Remy: I forgot that Alex's dad is Nicholas Cage in that one movie
[22/12/2014, 7:36:44 PM] Ian Cheong: Lord of War
[22/12/2014, 7:36:45 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Damn.
[22/12/2014, 7:36:56 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Lord of War?! Hahahahaha!
[22/12/2014, 7:36:57 PM] drinternetphd: I was hoping for Vampire's Kiss personally
[22/12/2014, 7:37:02 PM] Remy: XD
[22/12/2014, 7:37:10 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: I'M A VAMPIRE! I'M A VAMPIRE! I'M A VAMPIRE! I'M A VAMPIRE! I'M A VAMPIRE!
[22/12/2014, 7:37:19 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Sorry, reflex.
[22/12/2014, 7:37:19 PM] Alex Lifschitz: 8chan dug up stuff because they're half-assed at any doxxing and then Sargon pushed it out there
[22/12/2014, 7:37:31 PM] Veerender Jubbal: You could be like Vampire Princess Miyu.
[22/12/2014, 7:37:47 PM] Alex Lifschitz: So somewhere, my dad, who runs a hotel in New York, became a literal billionaire arms dealer with a 4chan mod son
[22/12/2014, 7:37:48 PM] drinternetphd: SHE'S KILLED BEFORE SHE WILL KILL AGAIN an idiot types into an 8chan board. he then moves onto another OP where he talks about the location of his bug out bag and escape plan and bitcoin stockpile
[22/12/2014, 7:37:55 PM] Ian Cheong: You know what's scary? Sargon and KoP are like the moderates of GG.
[22/12/2014, 7:38:16 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: I don't know about that
[22/12/2014, 7:38:21 PM] Alex Lifschitz: I will relish getting Sargon's pattern investigated but that's way down the line.
[22/12/2014, 7:38:29 PM] Alex Lifschitz: *patreon
[22/12/2014, 7:38:30 PM] Remy: He keeps a pile of bitcoin in a duffel bag tethered to the bottom of a lake
[22/12/2014, 7:38:38 PM] Remy: Hoping the bitcoin doesn't get wet
[22/12/2014, 7:38:51 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: I'd say the closest GG has to moderates is the swarm of 14 year olds who are absolutely oblivious to the fact that you can cause real harm to people over the internet
[22/12/2014, 7:39:19 PM] drinternetphd: an 8channer writes about video game people boning before tabbing out to ask how to get urine stains out of his light khakis because there's still a shadowy patch there no matter how many times he runs it through the wash
[22/12/2014, 7:39:58 PM] Remy: I honestly feel like some sort of parental warning should have gone out of "ARE YOUR CHILDREN TALKING ON A CHAN SITE"
[22/12/2014, 7:40:16 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Go look at my tweets from Semptember?
[22/12/2014, 7:40:21 PM] Rob: I hope the new TOS stuff goes through because the very first thing I'm going to do is compile a very long list of all the harassment thunderf00t has engaged in and supported and then send it to patreon
[22/12/2014, 7:40:24 PM] Remy: For all the unhealthy scare that surrounded Games in the '90s and DND in the '80s, we need that parental scare about chan culture
[22/12/2014, 7:40:29 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: but it really needs to be a full blown PSA
[22/12/2014, 7:40:31 PM] Ian Cheong: What are your Twitter accounts anyway? I'm not familiar with your Skype handles.
[22/12/2014, 7:40:38 PM] Rob: <----unseenperfidy
[22/12/2014, 7:40:50 PM] drinternetphd: "does your child look like he is growing into someone who will someday be banned from a chuck e cheese? check their browser history"
[22/12/2014, 7:40:52 PM] Remy: We need to figure out how to get this story on Good Morning America and all the morning talk shows
[22/12/2014, 7:41:00 PM] Remy: "Is your child talking to a pedophile"
[22/12/2014, 7:41:07 PM] Remy: "Is your child talking to a White Supremacist"
[22/12/2014, 7:41:12 PM] drinternetphd: "Is your child beginning to dress like a suspicious uncle?"
[22/12/2014, 7:41:18 PM] Remy: "IS your child chatting with Mike Cernovich"
[22/12/2014, 7:41:25 PM] drinternetphd: "Does your child talk about wanting to become a private detective"
[22/12/2014, 7:41:31 PM] Ian Cheong: "Is your child drinking Gatorade?"
[22/12/2014, 7:41:36 PM] Remy: Does your child suddenly care about a dude called roos
[22/12/2014, 7:41:38 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Is your child REALLY into "ethics" lately?
[22/12/2014, 7:41:38 PM] Remy: roosh*
[22/12/2014, 7:41:44 PM] Rob: :D
[22/12/2014, 7:41:46 PM] drinternetphd: "Has your child been signing up for email notifications about orgies"
[22/12/2014, 7:42:03 PM] Remy: But like srsly we gotta get that out there and make it viral. Get the parents informed and involved
[22/12/2014, 7:42:10 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: yeah
[22/12/2014, 7:42:23 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: although honestly
[22/12/2014, 7:42:26 PM] Remy: With the 14 and under crowd gone GG is going to be reduced to a handful of YouTubers
[22/12/2014, 7:42:33 PM] Alex Lifschitz: They're digging up a lot of those old "heir to old money" conspiracy theories about Zoe too
[22/12/2014, 7:42:39 PM] Remy: Also
[22/12/2014, 7:42:41 PM] Ian Cheong: There's got to be some really good graphic designers who can put together pretty infographics warning parents about Chan culture.
[22/12/2014, 7:42:45 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: how terrible a parent do you have to be for your kid to get into the chan scene in the first place?
[22/12/2014, 7:42:46 PM] Remy: Only children would believe these fucking conspiracy theories
[22/12/2014, 7:42:54 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I could become a YouTuber, and become cool.
[22/12/2014, 7:42:56 PM] Ian Cheong: I spotted myself in several conspiracy theories today.
[22/12/2014, 7:42:57 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: they all seem really emotionally damaged
[22/12/2014, 7:43:10 PM] Ian Cheong: Notably in one that contained me, Jon McIntosh and Anita Sarkeesian about how we're pro-censorship.
[22/12/2014, 7:43:17 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Oh, God.
[22/12/2014, 7:43:35 PM] Ian Cheong: I literally want to ban games!
[22/12/2014, 7:43:38 PM] Veerender Jubbal: So, Anita retweeted one of my tweets, and then I just had people saying I am censoring video games.
[22/12/2014, 7:43:38 PM] Ian Cheong: Apparently.
[22/12/2014, 7:43:55 PM] Remy: Wow Anita RTed one of your tweets tho <3
[22/12/2014, 7:43:59 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I got threats saying people will put me in Hatred, and shoor my head off.
[22/12/2014, 7:44:01 PM] Remy: Sorry but that's pretty cool to me
[22/12/2014, 7:44:01 PM] Ian Cheong: Senpai noticed you.
[22/12/2014, 7:44:08 PM] Remy: Eew
[22/12/2014, 7:44:10 PM] Veerender Jubbal: shoot*
[22/12/2014, 7:44:15 PM] Remy: More like the Eye of Sauron
[22/12/2014, 7:44:17 PM] Remy: The Eye of Senpai
[22/12/2014, 7:44:28 PM] Remy: The Eye of Scauron
[22/12/2014, 7:44:35 PM] Remy: with David Scaurini
[22/12/2014, 7:44:53 PM] Veerender Jubbal: This is the second tweet of mine she has retweeted! The first got more than 3000 retweets, and 3000 favourites.
[22/12/2014, 7:44:53 PM] Ian Cheong: Naked tub man and skull man make a movie. Give them 15,000 a month.
[22/12/2014, 7:45:07 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Bathrobe-senpai.
[22/12/2014, 7:45:19 PM] Remy: eew
[22/12/2014, 7:45:23 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: hey now, Skull Man is cool, don't bring him into this
[22/12/2014, 7:45:39 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: I mean yeah, he just gives you a lousy Leaf Shield knockoff but still
[22/12/2014, 7:45:40 PM] Ian Cheong: I've had this discussion with a few people, but like, I can't help but think about how Gamergate is made up entirely of a rogue's gallery of comic book villains.
[22/12/2014, 7:45:47 PM] Remy: I'm sad that none of that money will be spent on mental health services
[22/12/2014, 7:45:59 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Oh, snap, Ian.
[22/12/2014, 7:45:59 PM] Ian Cheong: Most of them have skulls as avatars.
[22/12/2014, 7:46:25 PM] Veerender Jubbal: They are not a good rouge's gallery, though.
[22/12/2014, 7:47:05 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Way back when GG was first getting started, there was this youtube clip going around of a meeting of the old Superfriends Legion of Doom with major GGers just slotted in here and there
[22/12/2014, 7:47:15 PM] Ian Cheong: GG is trying to rope in Kevin Dent, FYI.
[22/12/2014, 7:47:22 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Ugh.
[22/12/2014, 7:47:28 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: who?
[22/12/2014, 7:47:31 PM] Ian Cheong: Because he got "blacklisted" by the industry
[22/12/2014, 7:47:40 PM] Ian Cheong: hold on, let me grab you a link so you can know who KEvin Dent is
[22/12/2014, 7:47:50 PM] Ian Cheong:
[22/12/2014, 7:47:58 PM] drinternetphd: ah lovely they're digging into my family again
[22/12/2014, 7:48:53 PM] Remy: :(
[22/12/2014, 7:48:54 PM] Ian Cheong:
[22/12/2014, 7:49:10 PM] Ian Cheong: there's the infographic about how GG is going to mail the FTC about anti-trust violations for blacklisting Kevin Dent.
[22/12/2014, 7:49:15 PM] Remy: Kevin Dent where have I heard that name before
[22/12/2014, 7:49:23 PM] Ian Cheong: I just find it funny that Kevin Dent and Slade Villena have names after Batman villains.
[22/12/2014, 7:49:42 PM] drinternetphd: ian they were also going after a Quinn and a Grayson so
[22/12/2014, 7:49:44 PM] Veerender Jubbal: convulses on floor
[22/12/2014, 7:49:52 PM] Remy: Is Dent the one who made the documentary about Japanese game developers and managed to offend just about everyone he met over there?
[22/12/2014, 7:50:00 PM] Ian Cheong: Haaaa that's true Zoe.
[22/12/2014, 7:50:03 PM] Ian Cheong: Nah that's some other guy, a-top.
[22/12/2014, 7:50:16 PM] Remy: Oh
[22/12/2014, 7:50:24 PM] Remy: My memory sucks I need to pay attention
[22/12/2014, 7:50:49 PM] Veerender Jubbal: #UnfollowKevinDent was a hashtag, as well.
[22/12/2014, 7:50:52 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Good times.
[22/12/2014, 7:50:59 PM] Ian Cheong: Kevin Dent is a notable dirtbag.
[22/12/2014, 7:51:00 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: the best tortured metaphor still comes from when they started the whole "Operation Skynet" thing
[22/12/2014, 7:51:12 PM] Remy: And yet they failed to become self aware
[22/12/2014, 7:51:23 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: and someone just sat down and really analyzed the hell out of that at excessive length
[22/12/2014, 7:51:25 PM] Ian Cheong: Kevin tried to get one of my writers fired after she called him out on being a sexist over Twitter.
[22/12/2014, 7:51:34 PM] Rob: What a fucking scumbag.
[22/12/2014, 7:51:36 PM] Remy: Ouch
[22/12/2014, 7:51:39 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I should have used my "Isis" skills.
[22/12/2014, 7:51:54 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Secret Gamer Girl should really sleep
[22/12/2014, 7:52:29 PM] drinternetphd: kevin dent also stalked the shit out of phil fish
[22/12/2014, 7:52:33 PM] drinternetphd: and harassed him to creepy ends
[22/12/2014, 7:53:11 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: are they sure he isn't already IN GG?
[22/12/2014, 7:53:20 PM] Ian Cheong: Kevin Dent only has a place in the industry because he has money and schmoozes around with Michael Pachter.
[22/12/2014, 7:55:26 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Off Pachter? Wow.
[22/12/2014, 7:57:44 PM] drinternetphd: let sarah know they're angling to somehow get us to fight
[22/12/2014, 7:57:44 PM] drinternetphd:
[22/12/2014, 8:01:01 PM] Ian Cheong: These assholes think they can manipulate us into doing stupid things to each other.
[22/12/2014, 8:01:50 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Pretty sure she was in here when that first came up
[22/12/2014, 8:02:06 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: also pretty sure "oh yeah good luck with that"
[22/12/2014, 8:02:59 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Did I ever mention the time Liana confided in me that a trusted source let her in on how you had a friend dox and send death threats to Brianna to get her to join your side?
[22/12/2014, 8:05:00 PM] Ian Cheong: What is up with Liana?
[22/12/2014, 8:05:37 PM] Remy: o.O
[22/12/2014, 8:05:43 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: This was months ago
[22/12/2014, 8:06:08 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: just citing it as an example of how much clever planning goes into those wedge driving operations
[22/12/2014, 8:06:27 PM] Ian Cheong: Liana seems more interested in driving her personal vendettas than she is in any principled activity.
[22/12/2014, 8:06:30 PM] drinternetphd: what the fuck
[22/12/2014, 8:06:53 PM] drinternetphd: fun fact: liana's also buddies with my ex now
[22/12/2014, 8:06:56 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: unless you meant in general, in which case... she's a hardline GGer with a really great poker face who's particularly creepy since she's been on the receiving end and knows exactly what she's exposing people to.
[22/12/2014, 8:06:58 PM] Remy: Ew
[22/12/2014, 8:07:05 PM] Ian Cheong: Like she tried to get me to publish an anti-Anita Sarkeesian article up on Gameranx.
[22/12/2014, 8:07:09 PM] drinternetphd: she also told me all this is my fault and that I should shut up and go away in response to abuse
[22/12/2014, 8:07:20 PM] Remy: You mean he's not too busy curing cancer with his MRA buddies?
[22/12/2014, 8:07:22 PM] drinternetphd: so liana can fuck right the hell off if she's also fucking saying I doxed and sent threats to brianna
[22/12/2014, 8:07:46 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Seriously, she held the title of GGer Who Scares Me The Most until Chobitcoin came along and swiped the title
[22/12/2014, 8:08:03 PM] drinternetphd: her "trusted source" is likely my "psycho ex" who is also making up that I make false rape claims because he knows I have PTSD about actually being assaulted
[22/12/2014, 8:08:08 PM] Ian Cheong: Liana's a snake.
[22/12/2014, 8:08:15 PM] Veerender Jubbal: She is a GGer?
[22/12/2014, 8:08:15 PM] drinternetphd: fuck her fuck her fuck her oh my god
[22/12/2014, 8:08:17 PM] drinternetphd: yes
[22/12/2014, 8:08:20 PM] Rob: Yeah, she is.
[22/12/2014, 8:08:20 PM] Ian Cheong: Yeah she is a GGEr.
[22/12/2014, 8:08:23 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: hell yes she's a GGer
[22/12/2014, 8:08:25 PM] Rob: She tries to do the faux-moderate bullshit
[22/12/2014, 8:08:30 PM] Rob: Or tried. Did she drop that act?
[22/12/2014, 8:08:44 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: she was still keeping it up last I checked
[22/12/2014, 8:08:44 PM] drinternetphd: oh and yknow when he piped up to fucking attack me and blame all of GG on me? When I was saying Nero treated her fucking unfairly.
[22/12/2014, 8:08:46 PM] Ian Cheong: Oh yeah fun fact: She's been on a crusade against BioWare and Dragon Age Inquisition ever since one of their developers shut down one of her arguments about GG being a good thing.
[22/12/2014, 8:08:49 PM] Remy: She's been a snake for months it seems
[22/12/2014, 8:08:53 PM] drinternetphd: she popped up and was like DON'T WEAPONIZE ME
[22/12/2014, 8:08:57 PM] drinternetphd: fuck her.
[22/12/2014, 8:08:59 PM] Ian Cheong: She goes after anyone and anything that slights her ego.
[22/12/2014, 8:09:00 PM] Veerender Jubbal: That explains so much. Fuck.
[22/12/2014, 8:09:10 PM] Ian Cheong: If you see her talking shita bout Dragon Age Inquisition, you know why.
[22/12/2014, 8:09:21 PM] drinternetphd: I sent her a fucking message early on in this that I hoped she was ok and stuff
[22/12/2014, 8:09:30 PM] Remy: Bioware has to be like the last bastion of AAA studios that I actually like and don't hate
[22/12/2014, 8:09:35 PM] drinternetphd: and instead she goes and starts cozying up to my psycho stalker ex
[22/12/2014, 8:09:38 PM] drinternetphd: oh my god fuck everyone
[22/12/2014, 8:09:47 PM] drinternetphd: humanity is fucking irredeemable trash
[22/12/2014, 8:09:56 PM] Remy: Snake Pliskin was right
[22/12/2014, 8:10:00 PM] drinternetphd: I'm going to go live in a goddamned cave with phil
[22/12/2014, 8:10:05 PM] Remy: When he fried everything and hit the reset button
[22/12/2014, 8:10:06 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: nah, most people are cool. All the awful ones are just in this one pile right here
[22/12/2014, 8:10:19 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: or at least a pretty significant percentage of them
[22/12/2014, 8:10:38 PM] Ian Cheong: I'm going out for dinner, I'll be back.
[22/12/2014, 8:10:51 PM] Remy: bon appétit
[22/12/2014, 8:11:29 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Katherine, and I talked a bit about Liana, and how she used colonization, and it was bad.
[22/12/2014, 8:11:39 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Okay, so judging by the reaction I'm seeing regarding this Patreon flareup on 8chan, my advice other than staying vigilant:

Just, uh, keep being right, loudly.
[22/12/2014, 8:11:51 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: yup
[22/12/2014, 8:11:55 PM] drinternetphd: yeah they are coming after me fucking hard
[22/12/2014, 8:12:00 PM] Rob: OH GOD
[22/12/2014, 8:12:02 PM] Rob: The colonization thing
[22/12/2014, 8:12:03 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Stay alert and be correct and this looks like it'll resolve itself pretty nicely for us and poorly for them.
[22/12/2014, 8:12:04 PM] drinternetphd: I could really really use the support
[22/12/2014, 8:12:08 PM] Rob: "I REALLY meant manifest destiny"
[22/12/2014, 8:12:15 PM] Rob: Which is just as fucking bad because jesus christ
[22/12/2014, 8:12:21 PM] Remy: We're with you Zoe & Alex <3
[22/12/2014, 8:12:24 PM] Rob: Like, is liana an American?
[22/12/2014, 8:12:26 PM] drinternetphd: and if people could fight back against the blatant lies re: me doxing cernovich and re: me doxing TFYC please please please do
[22/12/2014, 8:12:30 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Canadian
[22/12/2014, 8:12:32 PM] Veerender Jubbal: hugs Zoe, and Alex
[22/12/2014, 8:12:33 PM] Rob: Zoe - when I see that stuff, I do
[22/12/2014, 8:12:36 PM] Rob: OK, Canadian, still no excuse
[22/12/2014, 8:12:37 PM] drinternetphd: in the meantime I am meeting with a libel lawyer today to destroy cernovich
[22/12/2014, 8:12:38 PM] Alex Lifschitz: They're doing that thing again where they don't read the thing they're railing against and channel that into directionless anger at Zoe
[22/12/2014, 8:12:47 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: woo
[22/12/2014, 8:12:48 PM] Remy: OMG THAT'S AWESOME NEWS
[22/12/2014, 8:12:50 PM] Rob: Nice!
[22/12/2014, 8:12:51 PM] Veerender Jubbal: her tweets after that, Rob--were just garbage.
[22/12/2014, 8:12:52 PM] drinternetphd: especially since I have him now a) admitting to knowing about the threats against me and b) actively trying to harm my business
[22/12/2014, 8:13:04 PM] Rob: yeah, I got a lot of GGers coming at me when I was tweeting about it, veerender
[22/12/2014, 8:13:08 PM] drinternetphd: also saying I was trying to murder him is so fucking far beyond the pale
[22/12/2014, 8:13:14 PM] Rob: And how fucking foolish and asinine her excuses were
[22/12/2014, 8:13:17 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: I kinda have this thing against passing out DM logs without a really good reason
[22/12/2014, 8:13:21 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Yep.
[22/12/2014, 8:13:21 PM] Remy: HE DESERVES IT AND MORE
[22/12/2014, 8:13:29 PM] Remy: Sorry for the all-caps but that dude is a danger to society
[22/12/2014, 8:13:34 PM] drinternetphd: that is a good thing to have
[22/12/2014, 8:13:36 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: but if I ever have a really good reason, man, that last conversation I had with her had so many gems
[22/12/2014, 8:13:51 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Holy crap. She did not even apologize. She was like--"Why is everyone focusing on me, and what I said?!"
[22/12/2014, 8:13:55 PM] drinternetphd: like I kept my shit with TFYC confidential till they started leaking it out of context to go after maay
[22/12/2014, 8:14:00 PM] drinternetphd: *maya
[22/12/2014, 8:14:08 PM] Veerender Jubbal: It was literally my mentions on my feed.
[22/12/2014, 8:14:21 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: tl;dr she's the freaking devil though
[22/12/2014, 8:14:24 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Like, I already see enough ignorant garbage by white people.
[22/12/2014, 8:14:26 PM] Rob: Liana did not strike me as very intelligent
[22/12/2014, 8:14:27 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Fuck that.
[22/12/2014, 8:14:34 PM] Rob: She could have easily just fake apologized instead of tripling down
[22/12/2014, 8:15:15 PM] Veerender Jubbal: eyes gape, and shakes head
[22/12/2014, 8:15:28 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I was just like--white people are the worst.
[22/12/2014, 8:15:36 PM] Remy: yes
[22/12/2014, 8:15:56 PM] Remy: also MRAtheists
[22/12/2014, 8:15:59 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Nicholas did the screenshot before she deleted it, and it spread a lot--thank God.
[22/12/2014, 8:16:36 PM] Rob: "Oh, I didn't mean colonization, I meant this SPECIFIC colonization event!"
[22/12/2014, 8:16:36 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Manifest destiny--ugh.
[22/12/2014, 8:16:48 PM] Veerender Jubbal: F**king white people.
[22/12/2014, 8:17:29 PM] Rob: Seriously, she should have just said "Those dirty SJWs think they need Lebensraum in games!"
[22/12/2014, 8:17:41 PM] Rob: and then feigned ignorance
[22/12/2014, 8:18:13 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Too many people I am friends with follow her--I was done, right then.
[22/12/2014, 8:18:25 PM] Rob: I mean if she's going to start making really bullshit comparisons, she might as well follow along with all the bullshit Nazi stuff gaters do like when they said "Anti-GG" was engaging in Kristallnacht or some shit.
[22/12/2014, 8:18:32 PM] Remy: I dunno who told me to romance Dorian but sorry nope
[22/12/2014, 8:18:36 PM] Remy: Not romancing a slavery apologist
[22/12/2014, 8:18:42 PM] Veerender Jubbal: It was me!
[22/12/2014, 8:18:45 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Oh, God.
[22/12/2014, 8:18:47 PM] Remy: Fucking Tevinter mages
[22/12/2014, 8:18:51 PM] Remy: I swear
[22/12/2014, 8:19:04 PM] drinternetphd: ok I gotta fuck off for a bit to get into the right headspace for court
[22/12/2014, 8:19:04 PM] Veerender Jubbal: But he's Indian--how can he like slavery?!
[22/12/2014, 8:19:11 PM] Rob: Later, Zoe, and good luck.
[22/12/2014, 8:19:12 PM] Remy: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[22/12/2014, 8:19:15 PM] drinternetphd: please monitor shit
[22/12/2014, 8:19:15 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Take care, Zoe! You are super rad!
[22/12/2014, 8:19:26 PM] drinternetphd: and if anything major comes up please have someone text me at [REDACTED]
[22/12/2014, 8:19:29 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Well, I'm passing out for the next 8 hours
[22/12/2014, 8:19:34 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: but otherwise sure
[22/12/2014, 8:19:37 PM] Remy: When I confronted him about it he's like "you don't get it man I grew up with it it's normal to me"
[22/12/2014, 8:19:54 PM] Remy: Get some rest Zoe I hope today ends up being a good day for you
[22/12/2014, 8:20:03 PM] Remy: Have some waffles <3
[22/12/2014, 8:20:11 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Please monitor shit, feel free to kick up anything alarming to me via DM. I will be with Zoe all day and she could stand to not be distracted.
[22/12/2014, 8:20:34 PM] Veerender Jubbal: For sure! We will be sure to tell you!
[22/12/2014, 8:20:36 PM] Remy: WillCo
[22/12/2014, 8:20:41 PM] Alex Lifschitz: And for reference, yes, Patreon is alerted to GG's planned shitbaggery, we will be in correspondence with them.
[22/12/2014, 8:20:46 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Thanks everyone.
[22/12/2014, 8:22:43 PM] Remy: Alex and Zoe are so damn cool
[22/12/2014, 8:22:45 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Gosh, Dorian.
[22/12/2014, 8:22:48 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Right?!
[22/12/2014, 8:23:31 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Just a humble bounty hunter ma'am
[22/12/2014, 8:23:51 PM] Veerender Jubbal: blows kiss at Alex
[22/12/2014, 8:23:54 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Jesus christ dude you were boots down in terrorist compounds give yourself some credit
[22/12/2014, 8:24:09 PM] Alex Lifschitz: *catches kiss from Veerender, slaps self*
[22/12/2014, 8:24:18 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Hehehehe!
[22/12/2014, 8:24:24 PM] Remy: talkin' to me?
[22/12/2014, 8:24:28 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Yeah
[22/12/2014, 8:24:38 PM] Remy: lol I did some pretty cool stuff but you wouldn't know it from the stories I like to tell
[22/12/2014, 8:24:39 PM] Alex Lifschitz: You are rad awesome
[22/12/2014, 8:24:49 PM] Remy: All the stories I like to tell are like how I fell into EVERY DAMN RIVER IN THAT COUNTRY
[22/12/2014, 8:24:59 PM] Remy: middle of winter and I'm buck naked doing jumping jacks so I can feel my toes
[22/12/2014, 8:25:22 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Trying very hard to not suggest Zoe wear her Fuck Gamer Gate Forever shirt to the hearing
[22/12/2014, 8:25:28 PM] Remy: lol
[22/12/2014, 8:25:38 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Hahahahahahahahaha!
[22/12/2014, 8:25:44 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I should have bought one.
[22/12/2014, 8:25:48 PM] Remy: We need to get her a Gosh shirt for the next ones
[22/12/2014, 8:26:02 PM] Veerender Jubbal: There are two designs right now!
[22/12/2014, 8:26:24 PM] Veerender Jubbal: These:
[22/12/2014, 8:26:57 PM] Veerender Jubbal: People wanted to have a turban on it or it would not be "real" so we are going to figure that out, as well.
[22/12/2014, 8:27:07 PM] Remy: BTW I dunno how to fit this into conversation but as long as we're talking about cool things I did... back when I got pulled into the Company Intelligence Support Team I learned how to use this one intelligence aggregator
[22/12/2014, 8:27:15 PM] Remy: The makers are SUPER Tolkien nerds
[22/12/2014, 8:27:21 PM] Remy: So the software is named Palantir
[22/12/2014, 8:27:25 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Cool!
[22/12/2014, 8:27:31 PM] Remy: and all the servers are named like "The Shire" and "Mordor"
[22/12/2014, 8:27:41 PM] Remy: I just thought that was so nerdy
[22/12/2014, 8:27:44 PM] Remy: I had to share it
[22/12/2014, 8:28:47 PM] Alex Lifschitz: If people could monitor these threads in particular that will help.
[22/12/2014, 8:29:17 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Also feel free to document and blast out anything particularly batshit if you feel like it, just nothing that will signal boost some of the grosser shit about Zoe
[22/12/2014, 8:30:06 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Basically just normal operation. I'm gonna watch some LPs with Zoe to ease her mind and then prep for some Social Justice
[22/12/2014, 8:30:23 PM] Remy: YAYA
[22/12/2014, 8:30:27 PM] Remy: GO KICK SOME ASS
[22/12/2014, 8:30:35 PM] Alex Lifschitz: ROGER DODGER
[22/12/2014, 8:30:39 PM] Remy: XD
[22/12/2014, 8:30:51 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Body bare scrubs!
[22/12/2014, 8:31:17 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Also it seems they're taking the "ableist" angle with regards to Hotwheels, remember that no one buys that shit except GG. Feel free to gently remind people about, I dunno, THE HORRENDOUS CHILD PORNOGRAPHY FOR YEARS AND YEARS
[22/12/2014, 8:31:48 PM] Remy: Yeah it's always stomach-churning to see them try and shop that BS
[22/12/2014, 9:18:39 PM] Ian Cheong: im back
[22/12/2014, 9:18:41 PM] Ian Cheong: how goes it everyone
[22/12/2014, 9:19:45 PM] Rob: Howdy, ian. sleepy. coffee. you?
[22/12/2014, 9:34:04 PM] drinternetphd: ok so
[22/12/2014, 9:34:34 PM] drinternetphd: what if someone puts together a good thing with all of the fucked shit 8chan has done
[22/12/2014, 9:34:39 PM] drinternetphd: not a storify cause those get lost to the tides
[22/12/2014, 9:34:52 PM] drinternetphd: maybe a medium article?
[22/12/2014, 9:35:04 PM] drinternetphd: shit I'm in social not serious
[22/12/2014, 9:45:49 PM] Ian Cheong: I need more coffee, physical.
[22/12/2014, 9:48:30 PM] Rob: I wish I could change my Skype id name lol
[22/12/2014, 9:50:26 PM] Rob: but there, now you should be able to see who I am.
[22/12/2014, 9:50:37 PM] drinternetphd: :3
[22/12/2014, 9:50:38 PM] Rob: I have no idea why Skype will show user names (vs. ID) for some people but not others.
[22/12/2014, 9:50:40 PM] drinternetphd: alex is singing in the shower
[22/12/2014, 9:50:46 PM] Rob: :D
[22/12/2014, 9:50:49 PM] drinternetphd: having a "holy lord I love that man" moment
[22/12/2014, 9:50:51 PM] drinternetphd: excuse me.
[22/12/2014, 9:50:53 PM] Rob: Awww
[22/12/2014, 9:51:20 PM] Ian Cheong: :D
[22/12/2014, 9:51:39 PM] drinternetphd: sometimes I get gushy.
[22/12/2014, 9:51:48 PM] Rob: My singing has charitably been described as a crime against humanity.
[22/12/2014, 9:52:01 PM] drinternetphd: he's just... really goddamned great.
[22/12/2014, 9:52:16 PM] Rob: Awww, that's awesome
[22/12/2014, 9:52:17 PM] Ian Cheong: He's a keeper.
[22/12/2014, 9:56:18 PM] Rob: My parent's cats are weird. I have no idea what they want, ever.
[22/12/2014, 9:59:09 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): GamerGate is a cult. You cannot "leave".
[22/12/2014, 9:59:17 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): This time confirmed by RogueStar!
[22/12/2014, 9:59:41 PM] Ian Cheong: you stole that from ghazi
[22/12/2014, 10:00:10 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yes. But look at the tweet I replied to. It's so weird when they say you can't "leave".
[22/12/2014, 10:00:16 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Always put it in quotations
[22/12/2014, 10:00:19 PM] Ian Cheong: Oh, yeah.
[22/12/2014, 10:00:21 PM] Ian Cheong: It's creepy.
[22/12/2014, 10:01:25 PM] Ian Cheong:
[22/12/2014, 10:01:35 PM] Ian Cheong: I'm waiting for my check from Lockheed Martin.
[22/12/2014, 10:01:58 PM] Ian Cheong: I'm going to tweet that out and see if they add me to a new infographic/conspiracy.
[22/12/2014, 10:02:13 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Hehe
[22/12/2014, 10:05:48 PM] Ian Cheong:
[22/12/2014, 10:06:13 PM] Ian Cheong: Looks like someone's doing research into the shit hosted on 8chan
[22/12/2014, 10:06:50 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ah, yes. The "Well, technically, it's NOT illegal" defense. Classic GG.
[22/12/2014, 10:07:33 PM] Rob: Nice.
[22/12/2014, 10:11:28 PM] Ian Cheong: Someone's written a terrible open letter to Patreon.
[22/12/2014, 10:11:32 PM] Ian Cheong: in defense of pedophilia!
[22/12/2014, 10:11:33 PM] Ian Cheong:
[22/12/2014, 10:11:51 PM] drinternetphd: oh gosh court is so soon
[22/12/2014, 10:12:00 PM] drinternetphd: I get so scared every time
[22/12/2014, 10:12:06 PM] Ian Cheong: You're gonna be okay Zoe.
[22/12/2014, 10:27:26 PM] drinternetphd: jesus fuck I am nervous
[22/12/2014, 10:27:55 PM] Ian Cheong: Don't forget to bring your Nintendo 3DS to pass the time with.
[22/12/2014, 10:28:50 PM] drinternetphd: not a bad idea.
[22/12/2014, 10:28:59 PM] drinternetphd: I can just raise more skitties
[22/12/2014, 10:29:04 PM] Ian Cheong: Yup