Skype Con Leak/29 dec

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Skype Con Leak/29 dec is part of a series on the Skype Con Leak.
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[29/12/2014, 12:00:05 AM] Peter Coffin: relates to cp/philippines
[29/12/2014, 12:00:17 AM] Peter Coffin: shady photo in this context
[29/12/2014, 12:00:22 AM] drinternetphd: eugh
[29/12/2014, 12:00:43 AM] drinternetphd: I mean
[29/12/2014, 12:00:48 AM] drinternetphd: its not exactly a smoking gun
[29/12/2014, 12:00:52 AM] Peter Coffin: no
[29/12/2014, 12:00:57 AM] Peter Coffin: circumstantial
[29/12/2014, 12:01:08 AM] Peter Coffin: but connects a couple dots, I promise you
[29/12/2014, 12:01:24 AM] Peter Coffin: which dots is the question, and are they all visible yet
[29/12/2014, 12:03:20 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): AHAHA:

    I have historically allowed myself to be published in far left publications (HuffPo, Daily Dot). I see no difference in an opinion piece in a far right publication.

Oh come on, do whatever you want, but don't use such ridiculous fake comparisions. There is no way you can seriously say that Daily Stormer is comparable to HuffPost of Daily Dot in terms of exremism.
[29/12/2014, 12:03:53 AM] Peter Coffin: hahaha
[29/12/2014, 12:04:10 AM] Peter Coffin: is that your commentary or someone elses?
[29/12/2014, 12:04:17 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Someone else
[29/12/2014, 12:04:21 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): in the thread I linked above
[29/12/2014, 12:04:32 AM] Peter Coffin: wow
[29/12/2014, 12:04:46 AM] Peter Coffin: they actually are turning on him
[29/12/2014, 12:05:18 AM] Peter Coffin: some at least
[29/12/2014, 12:05:43 AM] Peter Coffin: juicebro’s “not a full time lawyer right now" thing
[29/12/2014, 12:06:04 AM] Peter Coffin: basically “this fucker is going to fuck me if I stay involved"
[29/12/2014, 12:06:09 AM] Rob: Back, had to feed the chickens
[29/12/2014, 12:07:34 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Well, as much as GGers say they don't care about PR/image, they do. We dealt a huge blow with the CP issue and now Hotwheels is hurting their image more by writing for a White Supremacist website
[29/12/2014, 12:10:55 AM] Peter Coffin: cp issue is going to get worse for them, they indefinitely linked themselves to the idea cp is free speech/okay
[29/12/2014, 12:11:05 AM] Rob: Yep.
[29/12/2014, 12:13:57 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Holy shit, a GGer out of the loop asks the group of any positive news this last month. The responses are a bit depressing
[29/12/2014, 12:13:58 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[29/12/2014, 12:14:05 AM] Rob: haha
[29/12/2014, 12:14:41 AM] Rob: omg I can't stop laughing
[29/12/2014, 12:14:48 AM] Peter Coffin: “we defended child porn and literally ended it all”
[29/12/2014, 12:14:53 AM] Rob: I have so much schadenfreude right now because of what my old compatriots are doing
[29/12/2014, 12:15:29 AM] Peter Coffin: [–]EzraTwitch 0 points 8 hours ago 
Holiday season pretty much has us grinding to a halt if I am being honest. Not that it really matters we pretty much already won, we got almost everything we have asked for (except an apology), and that looks like its just not gong to happen. Cognitive Dissonance would literally kill them.
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[–]GamergateOfficial 1 point 7 hours ago 
We need to go into rebuild phase.
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[29/12/2014, 12:15:31 AM] Peter Coffin: LOL
[29/12/2014, 12:15:36 AM] Peter Coffin: “we pretty much already one"
[29/12/2014, 12:15:44 AM] Peter Coffin: no, it wasn’t the holidays that grinder you to a halt
[29/12/2014, 12:15:48 AM] Peter Coffin: it was DEFENDING CHILD PORN
[29/12/2014, 12:16:12 AM] Peter Coffin: rebuild phase involves erasing that defense from history and we’re sure as fuck not going to let that happen
[29/12/2014, 12:16:44 AM] Peter Coffin: [–]Takonite 0 points 10 hours ago 
some antigamer might go to jail for DLing CP, that's a thing
not GG related though
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[–]DillCrump [score hidden] 30 minutes ago 
lol, good luck with that
[29/12/2014, 12:16:52 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ha
[29/12/2014, 12:17:03 AM] Peter Coffin: like that person literally knows that isn’t happening
[29/12/2014, 12:17:28 AM] Peter Coffin: Honestly, it's been a relatively slow month in terms of 'happenings'. There are still issues being discussed, and the biggest thing right now is various controversies surrounding new Patreon policies, as well as various attempts by anti-GG to take down 8chan.
I figure things will likely change once the holidays are all done with.
[29/12/2014, 12:17:36 AM] Peter Coffin: that is super delusional
[29/12/2014, 12:20:18 AM] Ian Cheong: good morning
[29/12/2014, 12:20:24 AM] Peter Coffin: morning ian
[29/12/2014, 12:20:43 AM] Ian Cheong: did i miss anything big
[29/12/2014, 12:21:08 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I don't think so.
[29/12/2014, 12:21:15 AM] Rob: Hey ian
[29/12/2014, 12:25:06 AM] Ian Cheong: hey
[29/12/2014, 12:25:08 AM] Ian Cheong:
[29/12/2014, 12:25:15 AM] Ian Cheong: sigh they are going after veerender again
[29/12/2014, 12:26:04 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Tauriq is awesome: sums it up pretty well
[29/12/2014, 12:27:05 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Is /u/Logan_Mac mundanematt? I always see then submitting stuff from MundaneMatt
[29/12/2014, 12:27:21 AM] Ian Cheong: no
[29/12/2014, 12:27:22 AM] Ian Cheong: logan mac is logan mac
[29/12/2014, 12:27:26 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ah
[29/12/2014, 12:27:31 AM] Ian Cheong: hes on twitter too
[29/12/2014, 12:27:33 AM] Ian Cheong: i forget what his account is
[29/12/2014, 12:30:30 AM] Ian Cheong: I hope they don't go after Lauren Wainwright.
[29/12/2014, 12:30:39 AM] Ian Cheong: Logan Mac made a post about her and it's gaining a lot of traction
[29/12/2014, 12:31:03 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETHICS
[29/12/2014, 12:31:03 AM] Peter Coffin: yup
[29/12/2014, 12:31:54 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL, this #OppressAGamer hashtag that is taking off
[29/12/2014, 12:33:31 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): GGers don't read
[29/12/2014, 12:33:47 AM] Peter Coffin: book no hahahahaha no book no
[29/12/2014, 12:39:43 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Hahaha jesus christ

"We already won, you know. All is well in the Glorious Gamergate Republic. Glorious Leader Baldwin hits 18 hole-in-ones a day."
[29/12/2014, 12:40:04 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Like, what did you win, updated disclosure policies? You mean "that thing you could get with a polite conversation with Stephen Totilo?"
[29/12/2014, 12:40:12 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Also that thing that happened in, like, week 1?
[29/12/2014, 12:48:51 AM] Alex Lifschitz: I get the feeling TB is gonna have a real awkward time with game devs this year.
[29/12/2014, 12:49:45 AM] Peter Coffin: well correct me if I’m wrong, but Angry Joe is a male
[29/12/2014, 12:50:01 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ^
[29/12/2014, 12:51:20 AM] Randi Harper: who is locke742
[29/12/2014, 12:51:27 AM] Randi Harper: because they seem unnecessarily angry
[29/12/2014, 12:51:35 AM] Randi Harper: also confused
[29/12/2014, 12:52:21 AM] Ian Cheong:
[29/12/2014, 12:52:30 AM] Ian Cheong: ralph's post on KIA got downvoted into oblivion
[29/12/2014, 12:52:42 AM] Ian Cheong: gators are finally getting sick of him
[29/12/2014, 12:52:47 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yup
[29/12/2014, 12:52:55 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Randi, locke742 on Twitter? Where?
[29/12/2014, 12:53:34 AM] Randi Harper:
[29/12/2014, 12:53:59 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): o.o
[29/12/2014, 12:54:55 AM] Randi Harper: right?
[29/12/2014, 12:55:39 AM] Peter Coffin: uhhh
[29/12/2014, 12:56:15 AM] Randi Harper: that's the first time I've ever been to Ralph's site
[29/12/2014, 12:56:23 AM] Randi Harper: and his grammar is atrocious.
[29/12/2014, 12:56:31 AM] Randi Harper: that post also wasn't very impressive and I won't be going there again.
[29/12/2014, 12:56:38 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Randi, he always makes typos and has horrible grammar
[29/12/2014, 12:56:57 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): But, he supports GG, so GGers will keep promoting his crap
[29/12/2014, 12:57:11 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): because he feeds them the rage they drive on
[29/12/2014, 12:57:18 AM] Ian Cheong: He's gotten some advertising deals from the likes of Roosh and his ilk for supporting GG
[29/12/2014, 12:57:23 AM] Ian Cheong: so he's actively making money off of this
[29/12/2014, 12:57:45 AM] Randi Harper: meh.
[29/12/2014, 12:58:59 AM] Randi Harper: he's written a lot of shitty posts that people keep quoting.
[29/12/2014, 12:59:02 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL, if you have Rob on Facebook or Instagram, he is enjoying recording the chickens at his parents(?) house
[29/12/2014, 1:00:07 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): such ethics
[29/12/2014, 1:01:25 AM] Randi Harper: look, if you've got a good site that is well put together and you generally write interesting stuff, you can probably come out with a few attack articles that people will believe. but if you are consistently only putting out hit pieces on people, the only people that are going to believe you are the ones that society really shouldn't care about. these are the people that are looking to believe terrible shit. that if some crazy dude on a street corner said "IAN EATS BABIES" and was talking about some entirely different ian anyways, they'd still attribute it to you.
[29/12/2014, 1:01:48 AM] Peter Coffin: make “edgy” comment a decade ago, you are a nazi
[29/12/2014, 1:01:58 AM] Peter Coffin: write for nazi publication though?
[29/12/2014, 1:02:01 AM] Peter Coffin: nahhhhhhh
[29/12/2014, 1:02:03 AM] Ian Cheong: god tier mental gymnastics
[29/12/2014, 1:02:23 AM] Peter Coffin: write for nazi publication…. NOW
[29/12/2014, 1:02:24 AM] Randi Harper: no one of any consequence will believe this shit
[29/12/2014, 1:02:27 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Oh, did Faruk finish his subreddit analysis of KiA?
[29/12/2014, 1:02:31 AM] Randi Harper: why do you think I've never been upset or really cared about meth babies?
[29/12/2014, 1:02:54 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): So crazy that Milo started asking you stuff he read off ED
[29/12/2014, 1:03:02 AM] drinternetphd: no it's not
[29/12/2014, 1:03:12 AM] drinternetphd: he links to the ED articles on me in his shit about me on brietbart
[29/12/2014, 1:03:16 AM] Randi Harper: milo is a tool, and everyone knows it.
[29/12/2014, 1:03:17 AM] drinternetphd: he regularly uses them as a source
[29/12/2014, 1:03:17 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Uh
[29/12/2014, 1:03:20 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Wow
[29/12/2014, 1:03:24 AM] Peter Coffin: randi, a shitload of people believed my fake girlfriend incident. influential people from the youtube community and basically made sure I had no credibility there
[29/12/2014, 1:03:33 AM] Peter Coffin: you’d be surprised what people will believe
[29/12/2014, 1:03:38 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I think we also caught TechRaptor quoting ED, too, when writing about Randi
[29/12/2014, 1:03:44 AM] drinternetphd: everyone loves a story.
[29/12/2014, 1:03:44 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): So many ethics
[29/12/2014, 1:03:52 AM] Ian Cheong: Zoe's right.
[29/12/2014, 1:04:20 AM] Randi Harper: so, I've had an ED article about me for like... what.. a decade?
[29/12/2014, 1:04:23 AM] Randi Harper: since the site was up
[29/12/2014, 1:04:25 AM] Ian Cheong: It's just depressing, you know?
[29/12/2014, 1:04:27 AM] Randi Harper: I was one of the first articles.
[29/12/2014, 1:04:37 AM] Randi Harper: I've been dealing with people trying to trash my rep for a long time.
[29/12/2014, 1:04:49 AM] Peter Coffin: wow I feel sorry for you, I didn’t realize that was there that long
[29/12/2014, 1:04:49 AM] Randi Harper: I can tell you definitively that no one that matters ever believes this shit.
[29/12/2014, 1:05:08 AM] Randi Harper: people that "love a story" are shitty people that don't matter.
[29/12/2014, 1:05:33 AM] Peter Coffin: not being argumentative, but the people in my case affected my income greatly
[29/12/2014, 1:05:52 AM] Randi Harper: see, that's a problem. :P
[29/12/2014, 1:05:53 AM] Peter Coffin: at one point I made $4000-6000 a month on youtube, I make $100 now
[29/12/2014, 1:05:55 AM] Randi Harper: my income doesn't depend on asshats.
[29/12/2014, 1:06:06 AM] Peter Coffin: very good point
[29/12/2014, 1:06:10 AM] Peter Coffin: I didn’t believe mine did
[29/12/2014, 1:06:41 AM] Peter Coffin: but the ray william john sons and the phil defrancos apparently had the power to break my channel
[29/12/2014, 1:07:12 AM] Peter Coffin: rwj was someone I constantly criticized, so I think he had a motive
[29/12/2014, 1:07:21 AM] Randi Harper: who are those people?
[29/12/2014, 1:07:22 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Eww, RayWJ
[29/12/2014, 1:07:28 AM] Ian Cheong: popular youtubers.
[29/12/2014, 1:07:33 AM] Peter Coffin: yeah just pretend they are no one
[29/12/2014, 1:07:36 AM] Peter Coffin: you’ll feel better
[29/12/2014, 1:07:38 AM] Peter Coffin: I promise
[29/12/2014, 1:07:58 AM] drinternetphd: that's always an interesting bit in these things
[29/12/2014, 1:08:08 AM] drinternetphd: everyone you've ever pissed off, even for the right reasons, appears to shit on you
[29/12/2014, 1:08:37 AM] drinternetphd: like that psycho photographer
[29/12/2014, 1:08:49 AM] Peter Coffin: well here is the thing, randi is employed privately, my youtube channel was basically hinged on the idea public opinion of me was good
[29/12/2014, 1:08:52 AM] drinternetphd: and everyone will believe them verbatim without questioning motives
[29/12/2014, 1:08:55 AM] Ian Cheong: They crawl out of the woodwork to get their revenge.
[29/12/2014, 1:08:56 AM] Peter Coffin: so I think both of us are probably right
[29/12/2014, 1:09:04 AM] Randi Harper: yeah, I could see that being a problem.
[29/12/2014, 1:10:18 AM] Randi Harper: if I was privately employed, or maybe in a field that wasn't mostly a shitton of aspie dudes that are heads down in code, my feelings might be a lot different.
[29/12/2014, 1:11:01 AM] Randi Harper: errr, not privately employed
[29/12/2014, 1:11:06 AM] Ian Cheong: All the people I pissed off on the RPG Codex showed up during this GamerGate thing when I started to speak out against it. I don't even remember their names, but they make themselves known to me.
[29/12/2014, 1:11:07 AM] Peter Coffin: I figured :D
[29/12/2014, 1:11:34 AM] Ian Cheong: Amidst all the "Ian said Nazi things!" they fail to mention that they called me a gook and a chink every day.
[29/12/2014, 1:11:56 AM] Ian Cheong: And made a whole wikipedia-like page with details about me.
[29/12/2014, 1:12:23 AM] Randi Harper: why would they point that out?
[29/12/2014, 1:12:36 AM] Peter Coffin: because they are not particularly clever and fuck up a lot
[29/12/2014, 1:12:42 AM] Peter Coffin: but apparently not in this case
[29/12/2014, 1:13:01 AM] Ian Cheong: Of course they'd never point out how awful they were.
[29/12/2014, 1:13:08 AM] Randi Harper: precisely
[29/12/2014, 1:13:43 AM] Peter Coffin: I feel like this is all going to coalesce eventually. the discussion here about these things is really important
[29/12/2014, 1:14:02 AM] Peter Coffin: when I read it I feel like it’s a path
[29/12/2014, 1:14:07 AM] Peter Coffin: to something
[29/12/2014, 1:14:09 AM] Peter Coffin: not sure what yet
[29/12/2014, 1:15:02 AM] Peter Coffin: you all seem very intelligent to me, and a lot of the people here seems to get these similar things happening to them
[29/12/2014, 1:15:03 AM] Peter Coffin: seem
[29/12/2014, 1:15:28 AM] Randi Harper: this is depressing
[29/12/2014, 1:15:32 AM] Randi Harper: i'm going to go make eggnog French toast
[29/12/2014, 1:15:52 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Oh, for sure. The way harassment, stalking, etc is handled online will be changing, and it will be largely due in part to our involvement
[29/12/2014, 1:15:54 AM] Peter Coffin: that sounds really good
[29/12/2014, 1:16:21 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): It's just gonna take a bit to get there
[29/12/2014, 1:18:01 AM] Ian Cheong:
[29/12/2014, 1:18:25 AM] Peter Coffin: fuck these people
[29/12/2014, 1:18:27 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): wwwwwwwwwow
[29/12/2014, 1:19:15 AM] Peter Coffin: I am literally in no way upset gta5 is meteoritic got 2014
[29/12/2014, 1:19:23 AM] Peter Coffin: I am SUPER upset at this comment thread
[29/12/2014, 1:21:50 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): had to tweet that out:
[29/12/2014, 1:21:56 AM] Peter Coffin: I did as well
[29/12/2014, 1:22:31 AM] Peter Coffin:
[29/12/2014, 1:24:03 AM] Ian Cheong: this isnt creepy or anything.
[29/12/2014, 1:24:04 AM] Ian Cheong:
[29/12/2014, 1:24:21 AM] Ian Cheong:
[29/12/2014, 1:24:25 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): "That Ghazi, SRS, etc. are all the same people and the source is Something Awful, they all got started there. They are all connected. "
[29/12/2014, 1:24:31 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): oh, really?
[29/12/2014, 1:24:40 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[29/12/2014, 1:24:44 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Not really.
[29/12/2014, 1:25:03 AM] Ian Cheong: it's a pretty stupid conspiracy theory.
[29/12/2014, 1:25:23 AM] Peter Coffin: that is so half-assed
[29/12/2014, 1:25:46 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I want to comment and say "hey, /r/conspiracy, looks like some of your users are lost"
[29/12/2014, 1:25:52 AM] Ian Cheong: that one post comparing nathan grayson to jimme saville. what the fuck.
[29/12/2014, 1:26:34 AM] Peter Coffin: I had a something awful account I never posted to
[29/12/2014, 1:26:35 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I commented:
[29/12/2014, 1:26:48 AM] Peter Coffin: didn’t even lurk
[29/12/2014, 1:26:55 AM] Peter Coffin: someone gifted it to me
[29/12/2014, 1:27:12 AM] Peter Coffin: lol
[29/12/2014, 1:27:29 AM] Peter Coffin: downvote hell
[29/12/2014, 1:27:39 AM] Ian Cheong: these people are so obsessed with who zoe's allegedly slept with or not.
[29/12/2014, 1:27:51 AM] Peter Coffin: yes, and it’s about to be 2015
[29/12/2014, 1:31:02 AM] Ian Cheong: "So I followed GG since the LW beginnings and have continued to read more and more as GG has been able to grow and show to the world that Gamers are not dead. I am new with how to deal with Anti-GG and I had my first argument with one. I made sure to avoid calling here names and to not resort to SJW. Even thought she called GG monsters and MRA's. I tried to link some info from my mobile phone(Thanks You Guys) to help my argument but I feel like I need more links so as to disprove any kind of arguments that GG is misogynistic and is not about ethics and that GG is not responded in whole for death threats and doxxing. Maybe a time line would also be cool to be linked. Sorry if I didn't follow any rules. I'm new to posting here. Hope to talk to all you lovely people."
[29/12/2014, 1:31:52 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): They "debate/argue" like they are playing a game.
[29/12/2014, 1:31:54 AM] Randi Harper: O.O
[29/12/2014, 1:32:01 AM] Randi Harper:
[29/12/2014, 1:32:36 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Randi, did you teach your bot the "bot fight" command?
[29/12/2014, 1:32:46 AM] Randi Harper: I wrote support for it into the codebase, yes.
[29/12/2014, 1:32:50 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ha
[29/12/2014, 1:34:26 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL, Zoe:
[29/12/2014, 1:36:32 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Senpai noticed me:
[29/12/2014, 1:37:01 AM] Peter Coffin: lol
[29/12/2014, 1:37:05 AM] Randi Harper: goddamnit twitter let me scroll
[29/12/2014, 1:37:09 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): (says that as if Chris doesn't hang out with us in here)
[29/12/2014, 1:37:20 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Randi, I know, right? THIS BUG HAS BEEN BUGGING ME FOR THE LAST FEW DAYS
[29/12/2014, 1:39:06 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I'm about to write a browser userscript to fix this
[29/12/2014, 1:39:09 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): it's so annoying
[29/12/2014, 1:40:11 AM] Peter Coffin: excellent point randi
[29/12/2014, 1:40:17 AM] Peter Coffin: just fucking 100%
[29/12/2014, 1:45:44 AM] Randi Harper: hm?
[29/12/2014, 1:46:38 AM] Peter Coffin: what you’ve been tweeting
[29/12/2014, 1:46:48 AM] Randi Harper: oh
[29/12/2014, 1:46:50 AM] Randi Harper: people are dumb.
[29/12/2014, 1:46:59 AM] Dina : yes
[29/12/2014, 1:47:02 AM] Dina : but I have new shoes
[29/12/2014, 1:47:08 AM] Dina : so it's gonna be ok
[29/12/2014, 1:47:10 AM] Randi Harper: yessss
[29/12/2014, 1:47:11 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Dina... how much did you spend?
[29/12/2014, 1:47:15 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): XD
[29/12/2014, 1:47:16 AM] drinternetphd: oh you ended up getting those?
[29/12/2014, 1:47:17 AM] Randi Harper: what kinda shoes?
[29/12/2014, 1:47:19 AM] Dina : all in all?
[29/12/2014, 1:47:32 AM] Dina : flashy snake skin studded sneakers
[29/12/2014, 1:47:38 AM] Dina : black
[29/12/2014, 1:47:41 AM] drinternetphd: woah shit I have some like that
[29/12/2014, 1:47:57 AM] Dina : Zoe what *fistbump*
[29/12/2014, 1:48:35 AM] Dina : and classy camel daim (<- french for a fluffy type of leather, fake tho) high boots with cute straps
[29/12/2014, 1:48:40 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL:
[29/12/2014, 1:49:15 AM] drinternetphd: dina:
[29/12/2014, 1:49:15 AM] Dina : oh and 2 pairs of leather sneakers with funky laces for my little brother cause he doesn'T know how to dress smdh
[29/12/2014, 1:49:27 AM] Dina : Holy hell <3
[29/12/2014, 1:49:51 AM] Dina : the Snake skin is black on mine but these are like disco balls for your feet
[29/12/2014, 1:50:16 AM] drinternetphd: yeah! they're doc martens
[29/12/2014, 1:50:29 AM] drinternetphd: they were on sale for like 20 bucks cause I guess no one wants to be a gaudy motherfucker like I do
[29/12/2014, 1:50:36 AM] Dina : aaaah docs are the best <3
[29/12/2014, 1:50:36 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): haha
[29/12/2014, 1:50:39 AM] Dina : WHAT
[29/12/2014, 1:50:44 AM] Dina : 20 bucks for docs?!!
[29/12/2014, 1:50:50 AM] Peter Coffin: dayum
[29/12/2014, 1:50:54 AM] drinternetphd: yeah it was ridic
[29/12/2014, 1:50:59 AM] Dina : that's a steal!!
[29/12/2014, 1:51:00 AM] drinternetphd: they only had them left in my monsterfoot size too
[29/12/2014, 1:51:15 AM] drinternetphd: I am pretty much queen of internet sales
[29/12/2014, 1:51:20 AM] Dina : (says the girl who just got a pair of sneakers for free)
[29/12/2014, 1:51:24 AM] drinternetphd: haha
[29/12/2014, 1:51:30 AM] Dina : I believe that <3
[29/12/2014, 1:51:55 AM] Dina : I'm still salty Dolls Kill despite their obnoxious branding only takes Paypal
[29/12/2014, 1:52:10 AM] Dina : because I want literally every shoe on that website and most of the clothes
[29/12/2014, 1:52:23 AM] drinternetphd: hnnng I know that brand
[29/12/2014, 1:52:31 AM] drinternetphd: oh geez what about hades footwear
[29/12/2014, 1:52:35 AM] drinternetphd: they shit is CRACK
[29/12/2014, 1:53:02 AM] Dina : they insist on calling you "bae" and saying shit like "steez" in their newsletters though
[29/12/2014, 1:53:07 AM] Dina : Hades footwear?
[29/12/2014, 1:53:30 AM] drinternetphd: mhmm
[29/12/2014, 1:53:45 AM] drinternetphd: lots of metal and stuff
[29/12/2014, 1:53:48 AM] drinternetphd: they made my bullet hell heels
[29/12/2014, 1:53:49 AM] Dina : <- guuuuh
[29/12/2014, 1:54:03 AM] drinternetphd: also dina
[29/12/2014, 1:54:11 AM] drinternetphd: I have fishbowl and cupcake pink for you at my apartment
[29/12/2014, 1:54:15 AM] drinternetphd: fyi
[29/12/2014, 1:54:18 AM] Dina : oh my God
[29/12/2014, 1:54:29 AM] Dina : I haven't seen fishbowl in years ;-; <3
[29/12/2014, 1:54:47 AM] Dina : 2015 is the year of Fishbowl with cupcake streak, ilu Zoe
[29/12/2014, 1:54:50 AM] drinternetphd: yeah they kinda vanished on the blue front but I guess their factory had some issue that is now resolved?
[29/12/2014, 1:54:57 AM] drinternetphd: so it's easier to get again, finally
[29/12/2014, 1:55:17 AM] drinternetphd: so when I'm back in town again I'll mail it out to ya
[29/12/2014, 1:55:21 AM] Dina : yeah idk what the hell happened but for a really long time fishbowl and sometimes atomic pink were IMPOSSIBLE
[29/12/2014, 1:55:31 AM] drinternetphd: yeah!
[29/12/2014, 1:55:36 AM] Dina : yay! Much obliged!!
[29/12/2014, 1:55:45 AM] Dina : Lemme know if you want Japan things
[29/12/2014, 1:55:47 AM] drinternetphd: blue mayhem and some of their blue based purples vanished for a long time too
[29/12/2014, 1:56:04 AM] drinternetphd: became impossible to even get them irl
[29/12/2014, 1:56:08 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): (are SJW's talking about hair dye?)
[29/12/2014, 1:56:10 AM] Dina : whaat
[29/12/2014, 1:56:14 AM] drinternetphd: yeah
[29/12/2014, 1:56:15 AM] Dina : Izzy lol
[29/12/2014, 1:56:19 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :P
[29/12/2014, 1:56:23 AM] drinternetphd: it sucked I was super worried they were permaclosing
[29/12/2014, 1:56:39 AM] Dina : I would have stopped dying my hair if SFX closed
[29/12/2014, 1:56:46 AM] Dina : I hate Manic Panic
[29/12/2014, 1:57:01 AM] Dina : their dye is garbage
[29/12/2014, 1:57:05 AM] Dina : and expensive
[29/12/2014, 1:58:07 AM] Dina : uuuh Zoe Hades footwear is AMAZING
[29/12/2014, 1:58:21 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): GUYS. Kiwikku just sent me a private message on reddit. IDK how to feel
[29/12/2014, 1:58:22 AM] Dina : thank you for turning me onto that one
[29/12/2014, 1:58:25 AM] Dina : LOL
[29/12/2014, 1:58:32 AM] Dina : banned people can message?
[29/12/2014, 1:58:43 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Only banned from 1 subreddit
[29/12/2014, 1:58:59 AM] drinternetphd: I'm deep purple right now but I'm trying to grow my hair out again so I can go back to doing this with it
[29/12/2014, 1:59:27 AM] Dina : sorry for being gross but goddamn you are hot
[29/12/2014, 1:59:32 AM] drinternetphd: what no aaa
[29/12/2014, 1:59:37 AM] drinternetphd: I am like a 5 at best
[29/12/2014, 1:59:42 AM] Dina : lmao no
[29/12/2014, 1:59:48 AM] drinternetphd: and only from certain angles
[29/12/2014, 2:00:07 AM] Dina : pretty sure you're hot from every angle
[29/12/2014, 2:00:20 AM] Dina : will need to cross reference evidence with Alex
[29/12/2014, 2:00:25 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL
[29/12/2014, 2:00:34 AM] Dina : (or maybe just stop being gross about it I'm sorry)
[29/12/2014, 2:00:57 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): If we're gonna complement looks, Dina, can I marry your eyes?
[29/12/2014, 2:01:24 AM] Dina : haha you can ask them directly but be warned the left one is kinky as fuck
[29/12/2014, 2:01:31 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[29/12/2014, 2:02:31 AM] Dina : @brandssayingbae is the best thing
[29/12/2014, 2:02:45 AM] Dina : thank you Leigh Alexander
[29/12/2014, 2:02:49 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I know! I found out about that account today. Maybe it was from you RT'ing it
[29/12/2014, 2:02:59 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Taco Bae
[29/12/2014, 2:03:01 AM] Dina : LOL
[29/12/2014, 2:04:42 AM] Dina : ngguuuuuuh:
[29/12/2014, 2:05:23 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): GG has given me an aversion to skulls, :(
[29/12/2014, 2:05:27 AM] drinternetphd: dina you're not being creepy don't worry
[29/12/2014, 2:05:46 AM] drinternetphd: honestly it's a nice change of pace from 5 months of every inch of my body being under 4chan scrutiny
[29/12/2014, 2:05:58 AM] drinternetphd: not exactly the best thing for confidence
[29/12/2014, 2:06:27 AM] Dina : I'm really sorry about that and reminder that you are gorgeous and I keep hearing that from multiple men and women and agreeing
[29/12/2014, 2:06:40 AM] drinternetphd: what gosh
[29/12/2014, 2:06:50 AM] Dina : and that's before we move onto all the other things that are so great about you so yeah
[29/12/2014, 2:06:57 AM] drinternetphd: pfwaaaa
[29/12/2014, 2:07:00 AM] Dina : the Zoe Crush Club
[29/12/2014, 2:07:01 AM] drinternetphd: dinaaaaa
[29/12/2014, 2:07:04 AM] drinternetphd: I am gonna get all embarassed
[29/12/2014, 2:07:05 AM] Dina : I'm the president
[29/12/2014, 2:07:16 AM] drinternetphd: thank god alex is in the other room he always makes so much fun of me when I am embarassed
[29/12/2014, 2:07:30 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I forgot who it was, someone on Twitter put it well: "Zoe is the ideal gamer girlfriend that Gaters could never have". something like that
[29/12/2014, 2:07:33 AM] Peter Coffin: you folks are awesome
[29/12/2014, 2:07:45 AM] Dina : Izzy that is so perfect
[29/12/2014, 2:07:52 AM] Dina : Peter <3
[29/12/2014, 2:07:53 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): HateBoner 101
[29/12/2014, 2:08:01 AM] Dina : ouch
[29/12/2014, 2:08:11 AM] Peter Coffin: oh I love making fun of the hate jacking these fucks do
[29/12/2014, 2:09:54 AM] drinternetphd: hnnnng
[29/12/2014, 2:10:01 AM] drinternetphd: my dad left me a sweet voicemail
[29/12/2014, 2:10:06 AM] Dina : aww
[29/12/2014, 2:10:10 AM] drinternetphd: and I just remembered I've been forgetting to fix my voicemail
[29/12/2014, 2:10:12 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Dina, HateBoner is in reference to why some guys harass women. They find them attractive, but are upset they can't "get" them.
[29/12/2014, 2:10:24 AM] drinternetphd: someone hacked it and changed the password and the greeting to some "five guys" horseshit
[29/12/2014, 2:10:31 AM] drinternetphd: I keep forgetting to reset it
[29/12/2014, 2:10:33 AM] Dina : UGH
[29/12/2014, 2:10:37 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): wow
[29/12/2014, 2:10:50 AM] Dina : this shit makes me so angry
[29/12/2014, 2:10:57 AM] drinternetphd: yeah. i mean it's nothing they haven't been screaming at him on his own phone line for months
[29/12/2014, 2:10:59 AM] drinternetphd: but still
[29/12/2014, 2:13:35 AM] Chris Kluwe: GREAT NEWS, EVERYBODY!
[29/12/2014, 2:13:58 AM] Dina : JESUS
[29/12/2014, 2:14:01 AM] Chris Kluwe: Patreon Team (Patreon)

Dec 27 11:37 PM

Hey there Chris!

Yes, thank you. We’re phasing in enforcement of the new Community Guidelines from now until the end of the month, when it officially goes into effect. No worries, we’re on it. This page is definitely in violation of our Community Guidelines and will face appropriate action. We appreciate you being proactive and looking out for the Patreon community.

[29/12/2014, 2:14:04 AM] Dina : I mean Chris
[29/12/2014, 2:14:10 AM] Rob: w00t!
[29/12/2014, 2:14:17 AM] Alex Lifschitz: *tiny woo hoo*
[29/12/2014, 2:14:19 AM] Dina : aw yis
[29/12/2014, 2:14:21 AM] Dina : also
[29/12/2014, 2:14:28 AM] Dina : *hugs Zoe non pervertly*
[29/12/2014, 2:14:42 AM] Randi Harper: what page?
[29/12/2014, 2:14:45 AM] Dina : and sending good vibes to Zoepapa
[29/12/2014, 2:14:47 AM] Chris Kluwe: hotwheels
[29/12/2014, 2:14:50 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Zoe is not the ideal gamer girlfriend. She has never played a 3D Sonic. She doesn't know my pain.
[29/12/2014, 2:14:52 AM] Dina : catwheels?
[29/12/2014, 2:15:03 AM] Chris Kluwe: naziwheels
[29/12/2014, 2:15:14 AM] Dina : She has never played a 3D Sonic = the ideal gamer gf
[29/12/2014, 2:15:20 AM] Dina : Alex you're clearly insane
[29/12/2014, 2:15:29 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Ohhhhhh man, next month is going to start off reeeeeal poor for GG.
[29/12/2014, 2:15:31 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Alex, she needs to play Sonic 06
[29/12/2014, 2:15:38 AM] Dina : IZZY WHY
[29/12/2014, 2:15:41 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): to be true gamer
[29/12/2014, 2:15:53 AM] Chris Kluwe: a single solitary tear runs down Hitler's portrait
[29/12/2014, 2:15:56 AM] Chris Kluwe: watching what happens to GG
[29/12/2014, 2:16:03 AM] Chris Kluwe: also redundancy
[29/12/2014, 2:16:27 AM] Alex Lifschitz: We know of at least two articles coming out in the first week that's going to give them a goddamn hissyfit, and since Zoe is angling to keep pounding away on the book pitch, I might take the helm on the Cernovich article. (Partially so we don't have to keep Chris waiting, also I spew rhetoric like hot fire.)
[29/12/2014, 2:16:34 AM] Chris Kluwe: oh no worries there
[29/12/2014, 2:16:52 AM] Dina : when is the able gamers stream?
[29/12/2014, 2:16:58 AM] Chris Kluwe: i keep watching him dig himself deeper and deeper holes
[29/12/2014, 2:17:00 AM] Dina : not that it's GG related
[29/12/2014, 2:17:08 AM] Alex Lifschitz: We're also going to be launching Antholojam and Crash Override.
[29/12/2014, 2:17:11 AM] drinternetphd: omg
[29/12/2014, 2:17:15 AM] drinternetphd: I just caught up
[29/12/2014, 2:17:16 AM] drinternetphd: yaaaay
[29/12/2014, 2:17:23 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Dina, AbleGamers dropped GG. They are doing a stream not related to GG?
[29/12/2014, 2:17:26 AM] drinternetphd: yes
[29/12/2014, 2:17:28 AM] drinternetphd: I am setting one up
[29/12/2014, 2:17:31 AM] drinternetphd: so
[29/12/2014, 2:17:32 AM] Dina : Zoe and Chris are
[29/12/2014, 2:17:37 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): NICE
[29/12/2014, 2:17:40 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Well, let's see what happens with Cernovich. It might be best to strike while he's down but I'll be preparing a draft.
[29/12/2014, 2:17:41 AM] Chris Kluwe: yeah i'll be helping with whatever i can
[29/12/2014, 2:17:53 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Zoe is amazing at callout posts, I'm more the one-liner generator.
[29/12/2014, 2:17:59 AM] Alex Lifschitz: We'll be double-teaming it.
[29/12/2014, 2:18:02 AM] Dina : good combo
[29/12/2014, 2:18:04 AM] drinternetphd: together we are an asshole voltron
[29/12/2014, 2:18:10 AM] Dina : LOL
[29/12/2014, 2:18:17 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): voltranus
[29/12/2014, 2:18:20 AM] drinternetphd: lol
[29/12/2014, 2:18:23 AM] Chris Kluwe: heh
[29/12/2014, 2:18:25 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Chris: I'm personally hoping it's gonna make Cernovich's close law confidants real, real uncomfortable.
[29/12/2014, 2:18:32 AM] drinternetphd: yeah and honestly
[29/12/2014, 2:18:36 AM] Chris Kluwe: yeah
[29/12/2014, 2:18:45 AM] drinternetphd: another lawfriend told me that cernovich is an archetype
[29/12/2014, 2:18:47 AM] Chris Kluwe: i think a lot of them haven't really been paying attention to what his blog has become
[29/12/2014, 2:18:56 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Randazza is gonna have to say "I stand behind this chucklefuck who is actively tarnishing the image of first amendment lawyers."
[29/12/2014, 2:19:00 AM] drinternetphd: so I am trying to see if I can kick enough shit up to use him as a case study in asshole first amendment lawyers
[29/12/2014, 2:19:01 AM] Chris Kluwe: yup
[29/12/2014, 2:19:14 AM] drinternetphd: the bar won't do shit about him because he doesn't have client relationships with the people he's harassing
[29/12/2014, 2:19:17 AM] Chris Kluwe: it'll be interesting to see Randazza's reaction
[29/12/2014, 2:19:17 AM] Alex Lifschitz: I think his relationship to R is the only thing he values nowadays.
[29/12/2014, 2:19:24 AM] drinternetphd: but if we make him inconvient to other lawyers he's fucked
[29/12/2014, 2:19:42 AM] drinternetphd: and hopefully will have less ability to ruin people's shit
[29/12/2014, 2:19:44 AM] Chris Kluwe: because it's clear randazza agrees with him on quite a bit of this stuff
[29/12/2014, 2:20:01 AM] Chris Kluwe: but he doesn't seem stupid enough to say so in public
[29/12/2014, 2:20:08 AM] Alex Lifschitz: It's of course going to be couched in the context of something larger, namely the bottom-of-the-barrel "professionals" trying to lend their credibility in the vacuum that is Gamergate and actively fucking their cause.
[29/12/2014, 2:20:18 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Based ________.
[29/12/2014, 2:20:25 AM] Chris Kluwe: right
[29/12/2014, 2:21:05 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Might also draw some of Cerno's aggro towards me, which would be fine. The only things his PIs have turned up about me have been demonstrably false.
[29/12/2014, 2:21:41 AM] Dina : you are not a lvl 89 Jewverlord
[29/12/2014, 2:21:46 AM] Dina : ?
[29/12/2014, 2:21:57 AM] Chris Kluwe: lol
[29/12/2014, 2:22:00 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[29/12/2014, 2:22:21 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Level 89 is the new cap. I got my first mount at the bar mitzvah.
[29/12/2014, 2:22:44 AM] Peter Coffin: fuck they capped it?
[29/12/2014, 2:22:55 AM] Alex Lifschitz: He has spent more on people digging through our trash than I've ever had in my bank account at one time.
[29/12/2014, 2:23:10 AM] Randi Harper: hmm
[29/12/2014, 2:23:11 AM] Randi Harper: I wonder.
[29/12/2014, 2:23:13 AM] Randi Harper: Randi Harper checks database
[29/12/2014, 2:23:18 AM] Alex Lifschitz: oh boy
[29/12/2014, 2:23:21 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): .... why the fuck is this person tagging Chobitcoin in their reply to me....
[29/12/2014, 2:23:33 AM] Chris Kluwe: because they're ethicsing as hard as they can
[29/12/2014, 2:23:55 AM] Randi Harper: oh shit
[29/12/2014, 2:23:56 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Oh, but of course. Chobitcoin retweeted me
[29/12/2014, 2:24:05 AM] Randi Harper: playdangerously's #1 mentioned user: chriswarcraft
[29/12/2014, 2:24:07 AM] Dina : Chobitcoin T_T
[29/12/2014, 2:24:17 AM] Peter Coffin: lol
[29/12/2014, 2:24:18 AM] Dina : lol Randi
[29/12/2014, 2:24:21 AM] Dina : Imagine that
[29/12/2014, 2:24:28 AM] Chris Kluwe: hahaha
[29/12/2014, 2:24:29 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Randi, when are you gonna drop your data bomb?
[29/12/2014, 2:24:30 AM] Chris Kluwe: shocking
[29/12/2014, 2:24:38 AM] Randi Harper: jan 4th
[29/12/2014, 2:24:41 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ok
[29/12/2014, 2:24:42 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :)
[29/12/2014, 2:24:45 AM] drinternetphd: cool
[29/12/2014, 2:24:50 AM] Chris Kluwe: but he's not stalkerish
[29/12/2014, 2:24:52 AM] Chris Kluwe: at all
[29/12/2014, 2:25:00 AM] Dina : speaking of Hateboners
[29/12/2014, 2:25:12 AM] Dina : Cerno 8==D Kluwe
[29/12/2014, 2:25:19 AM] Peter Coffin: yaaaaaaass
[29/12/2014, 2:25:22 AM] Randi Harper: after that, his next top 4 are sash, chuckcjohnson, mirahwood, jokeocracy
[29/12/2014, 2:25:28 AM] Randi Harper: sashh
[29/12/2014, 2:25:35 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): chuckcjohnson. lol
[29/12/2014, 2:25:38 AM] drinternetphd: lol
[29/12/2014, 2:25:40 AM] Dina : pretty sure one is his gf
[29/12/2014, 2:25:46 AM] Dina : probably chuckcjohnson
[29/12/2014, 2:25:46 AM] Chris Kluwe: 8==D  ETHICS 
[29/12/2014, 2:25:49 AM] Chris Kluwe: goddamit
[29/12/2014, 2:25:53 AM] Chris Kluwe: stupid strikethrough code
[29/12/2014, 2:25:54 AM] Randi Harper: he loves chris more than his girlfriend.
[29/12/2014, 2:25:55 AM] Dina : LOL
[29/12/2014, 2:26:07 AM] Peter Coffin: whats not to love lol
[29/12/2014, 2:26:30 AM] Peter Coffin: probably shits rainbows
[29/12/2014, 2:26:47 AM] Peter Coffin: I mean I HAVEN’T SEEN IT PERSONALLY
[29/12/2014, 2:26:51 AM] drinternetphd: chris, skype just can't handle the superserum
[29/12/2014, 2:26:55 AM] Chris Kluwe: apparently
[29/12/2014, 2:27:04 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Anyways, January is gonna be the fucking reckoning. We'll see about stacking it on even further.
[29/12/2014, 2:27:10 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I remember when I found out Mike C. actually makes fruit/vegetable juice for a living.
[29/12/2014, 2:27:16 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Hostilities will commence after the holidays. *puts on Dukakis helmet*
[29/12/2014, 2:27:24 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I thought it was only for the steroids reference
[29/12/2014, 2:27:25 AM] drinternetphd: du
[29/12/2014, 2:27:27 AM] drinternetphd: dukak
[29/12/2014, 2:27:29 AM] drinternetphd: du kak kis
[29/12/2014, 2:27:35 AM] drinternetphd: metal guitar
[29/12/2014, 2:27:42 AM] Chris Kluwe: i still haven't been able to find out his "seven figure payout"
[29/12/2014, 2:27:44 AM] Randi Harper:
[29/12/2014, 2:27:46 AM] Randi Harper: what
[29/12/2014, 2:27:59 AM] drinternetphd: hmmm
[29/12/2014, 2:28:00 AM] drinternetphd: hmmmmmmm
[29/12/2014, 2:28:03 AM] drinternetphd: hmmmmmmmmm
[29/12/2014, 2:28:04 AM] drinternetphd: so
[29/12/2014, 2:28:14 AM] drinternetphd: I am connected to randall of xkcd
[29/12/2014, 2:28:23 AM] drinternetphd: I wonder if he'd feel like shitting on these nerdlords
[29/12/2014, 2:28:38 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I saw him the other month when he came to our Amazon office
[29/12/2014, 2:28:41 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): He's cool
[29/12/2014, 2:28:44 AM] drinternetphd: yeah
[29/12/2014, 2:28:55 AM] drinternetphd: I am apparently a carbon copy of his wife. we even dated the same person and stuff
[29/12/2014, 2:28:55 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Izzy, you at Amazon?
[29/12/2014, 2:29:00 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Alex, yes.
[29/12/2014, 2:29:08 AM] Alex Lifschitz: God damn. We're crashing in Belltown.
[29/12/2014, 2:29:15 AM] Randi Harper: belltown <3
[29/12/2014, 2:29:17 AM] Randi Harper: I used to live there.
[29/12/2014, 2:29:30 AM] Alex Lifschitz: We can grab coffee, like, whenever.
[29/12/2014, 2:29:40 AM] Randi Harper: zoe: pass it onto randall plz
[29/12/2014, 2:29:40 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Alex, yeah. Mentioned it to Zoe earlier today
[29/12/2014, 2:30:08 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Stephen is also in the area
[29/12/2014, 2:30:15 AM] Chris Kluwe: ok, well i'm gonna get back to writing
[29/12/2014, 2:30:19 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): We could have a caffeine collusion party one day
[29/12/2014, 2:30:21 AM] drinternetphd: well
[29/12/2014, 2:30:29 AM] Dina : bbl less than three
[29/12/2014, 2:30:29 AM] Chris Kluwe: have to do something useful before i 'debate' juicebrolater
[29/12/2014, 2:30:35 AM] drinternetphd: oh wait is that today
[29/12/2014, 2:30:40 AM] Chris Kluwe: yarp
[29/12/2014, 2:30:45 AM] Peter Coffin: lol how is this going down
[29/12/2014, 2:30:46 AM] drinternetphd: when and how can I view the tears
[29/12/2014, 2:30:49 AM] Randi Harper: wait what
[29/12/2014, 2:30:51 AM] Randi Harper: how are you debating him
[29/12/2014, 2:30:53 AM] Chris Kluwe: i'll throw it on my twitch stream
[29/12/2014, 2:30:55 AM] Chris Kluwe: over skype
[29/12/2014, 2:30:57 AM] Peter Coffin: noice
[29/12/2014, 2:31:02 AM] drinternetphd: oh lord
[29/12/2014, 2:31:07 AM] Chris Kluwe: it'll probably end up with us yelling at each other
[29/12/2014, 2:31:09 AM] drinternetphd: you're recording it too I take it
[29/12/2014, 2:31:12 AM] Chris Kluwe: oh definitely
[29/12/2014, 2:31:17 AM] Peter Coffin: excellent
[29/12/2014, 2:31:23 AM] Randi Harper: what time
[29/12/2014, 2:31:24 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): this is good for bitcoin
[29/12/2014, 2:31:27 AM] Alex Lifschitz: I don't think it has to be said we shouldn't let on that we've been combing his blog.
[29/12/2014, 2:31:27 AM] drinternetphd: lol
[29/12/2014, 2:31:35 AM] Chris Kluwe: i haven't advertised it anywhere though, but i'll put a post up in ghazi in a bit
[29/12/2014, 2:31:39 AM] Chris Kluwe: 4pm pacific
[29/12/2014, 2:31:39 AM] Randi Harper: this is one of the few things i'll pay attention to.
[29/12/2014, 2:31:43 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Should be fun though.
[29/12/2014, 2:31:48 AM] drinternetphd: oh my.
[29/12/2014, 2:31:50 AM] Randi Harper: ok. I will stop doing arenas for this.
[29/12/2014, 2:31:54 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[29/12/2014, 2:31:54 AM] Chris Kluwe: for sure, i don't plan on revealing anything from the blog
[29/12/2014, 2:32:13 AM] Chris Kluwe: twitch stream is
[29/12/2014, 2:32:32 AM] Chris Kluwe: if he doesn't show i'll play hearthstone or something
[29/12/2014, 2:32:37 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Cool. If it's recorded we can see if there's anything we can add to the litigation pile in there.
[29/12/2014, 2:32:40 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I can stream this on my TV with the Twitch Xbox 360 app!
[29/12/2014, 2:32:51 AM] Chris Kluwe: yeah, my hope is to get him to say something stupid on accident
[29/12/2014, 2:32:53 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I just realized.
[29/12/2014, 2:32:56 AM] drinternetphd: shouldnt be hard
[29/12/2014, 2:32:58 AM] Chris Kluwe: true
[29/12/2014, 2:33:01 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[29/12/2014, 2:33:07 AM] Peter Coffin: you should be able to get him to say something stupid on purpose
[29/12/2014, 2:33:11 AM] Chris Kluwe: haha
[29/12/2014, 2:33:13 AM] Peter Coffin: forget accidents
[29/12/2014, 2:33:21 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Just balance a weenie on his nose and he'll bark.
[29/12/2014, 2:33:22 AM] Chris Kluwe: i'm definitely going to hammer him on hotwheels
[29/12/2014, 2:33:28 AM] Chris Kluwe: because i want an answer to that
[29/12/2014, 2:33:29 AM] Peter Coffin: good
[29/12/2014, 2:33:30 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Oh, Peter! How did your radio thing go last night?
[29/12/2014, 2:33:36 AM] Peter Coffin: it actually went good
[29/12/2014, 2:33:39 AM] Chris Kluwe: nice!
[29/12/2014, 2:33:42 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I wasn't able to catch it. That's good
[29/12/2014, 2:33:45 AM] Peter Coffin: they did get some gg calls, AFTER I WAS GONE
[29/12/2014, 2:33:48 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Haha
[29/12/2014, 2:33:53 AM] Chris Kluwe: heh
[29/12/2014, 2:33:57 AM] Peter Coffin: they literally took notes on what I said and rebuked it
[29/12/2014, 2:34:02 AM] Chris Kluwe: "that's so Gator!" <camera wink>
[29/12/2014, 2:34:03 AM] Peter Coffin: chicken shit as hell
[29/12/2014, 2:34:07 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ha
[29/12/2014, 2:34:08 AM] Peter Coffin: isn’t it though
[29/12/2014, 2:34:22 AM] Peter Coffin: 4 hour show, they had me on the first two
[29/12/2014, 2:34:33 AM] Peter Coffin: gator called while I was driving home
[29/12/2014, 2:34:42 AM] Peter Coffin: just chicken shit
[29/12/2014, 2:34:50 AM] Chris Kluwe: how did they link their youtube video over radio?
[29/12/2014, 2:34:56 AM] Peter Coffin: HAHA
[29/12/2014, 2:35:03 AM] Randi Harper: okay, is it just me, or is this tweet incredibly condescending and sexist:
[29/12/2014, 2:35:10 AM] Peter Coffin: he bombarded them with info about ethics and how it’s not about zoe quinn
[29/12/2014, 2:35:16 AM] Peter Coffin: which
[29/12/2014, 2:35:20 AM] Chris Kluwe: oh he's got a bunch like that randi
[29/12/2014, 2:35:21 AM] Peter Coffin: zoe, I think you know different
[29/12/2014, 2:35:23 AM] Charloppe: morning evil sjws :3
[29/12/2014, 2:35:28 AM] Peter Coffin: morning
[29/12/2014, 2:35:31 AM] Peter Coffin: how are you
[29/12/2014, 2:35:36 AM] Randi Harper: like it's some dude's responsibility to show women how to take care of themselves
[29/12/2014, 2:35:36 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Morning, Charlotte
[29/12/2014, 2:35:44 AM] Chris Kluwe: he's the alpha protector
[29/12/2014, 2:35:45 AM] Charloppe: alright, you?
[29/12/2014, 2:35:51 AM] Randi Harper: like excuse me, it was actually a woman who taught me how to shoot
[29/12/2014, 2:35:54 AM] Chris Kluwe: HE MUST TEND HIS FLOCK
[29/12/2014, 2:35:57 AM] Peter Coffin: very good
[29/12/2014, 2:36:27 AM] Charloppe: i see juicebro is being talked about agian
[29/12/2014, 2:36:37 AM] Peter Coffin: chris is debating him on twitch later
[29/12/2014, 2:36:42 AM] Peter Coffin: it’s going to be amazing
[29/12/2014, 2:36:46 AM] Charloppe: wait really?
[29/12/2014, 2:36:48 AM] Peter Coffin: yes
[29/12/2014, 2:36:49 AM] Chris Kluwe: good times!
[29/12/2014, 2:36:50 AM] Chris Kluwe: yup
[29/12/2014, 2:36:53 AM] Chris Kluwe: 4pm pacific
[29/12/2014, 2:36:55 AM] Charloppe: omg will watch
[29/12/2014, 2:37:11 AM] Peter Coffin: I may be at my brothers at that point
[29/12/2014, 2:37:17 AM] Peter Coffin: so I will sadly not get to watch live
[29/12/2014, 2:37:24 AM] Chris Kluwe: he called me out on twitter a couple days ago and i was like "I love debate! I'll do that! See what happens when you don't challenge people to fistfights?"
[29/12/2014, 2:37:45 AM] Charloppe: trys to imagine juicebro debating
[29/12/2014, 2:38:12 AM] Charloppe: im sure this will give me all the lols
[29/12/2014, 2:38:34 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Chris you should totally be taking nonchalant swigs from a hydration bottle labeled Super Serum
[29/12/2014, 2:38:36 AM] Chris Kluwe: i'd imagine it starts normally, and then veins start appearing, and then he hulks out and smashes the camera
[29/12/2014, 2:38:41 AM] Chris Kluwe: oh my god yes
[29/12/2014, 2:38:44 AM] Chris Kluwe: let me make that
[29/12/2014, 2:38:46 AM] Charloppe: i can totally see that
[29/12/2014, 2:38:46 AM] Tesseract: oh god that's perfect
[29/12/2014, 2:38:49 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): hahaha
[29/12/2014, 2:38:54 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): plz
[29/12/2014, 2:38:57 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Chris, plz
[29/12/2014, 2:38:59 AM] Charloppe: probably scream something about alpha males
[29/12/2014, 2:39:10 AM] drinternetphd: omg
[29/12/2014, 2:39:24 AM] Chris Kluwe: i'll throw a sticker on top of a nalgene bottle
[29/12/2014, 2:39:28 AM] Alex Lifschitz: "What can I say, I'm addicted."
[29/12/2014, 2:39:29 AM] drinternetphd: looooool
[29/12/2014, 2:39:31 AM] Rob: "Bro do you even KNOW the secrets of spoogeomancy like I do?"
[29/12/2014, 2:39:36 AM] drinternetphd: god
[29/12/2014, 2:39:38 AM] drinternetphd: if you had the time
[29/12/2014, 2:39:40 AM] Randi Harper: oh my god
[29/12/2014, 2:39:41 AM] drinternetphd: I'd say make two labels
[29/12/2014, 2:39:42 AM] Chris Kluwe: I AM A LEVEL 99 JIZZARD
[29/12/2014, 2:39:44 AM] Charloppe: my sides
[29/12/2014, 2:39:49 AM] drinternetphd: and have the first one fall off during
[29/12/2014, 2:39:50 AM] drinternetphd: slowly
[29/12/2014, 2:39:53 AM] drinternetphd: to reveal the super serum
[29/12/2014, 2:39:59 AM] Chris Kluwe: looooool
[29/12/2014, 2:40:00 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): yes
[29/12/2014, 2:40:05 AM] drinternetphd: maybe make the first one some jab at his stupid juice biz
[29/12/2014, 2:40:07 AM] Charloppe: so many super jizz jokes
[29/12/2014, 2:40:16 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): First one: "Gater tears"
[29/12/2014, 2:40:21 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): 2nd: "Super Serum"
[29/12/2014, 2:40:43 AM] Chris Kluwe: i like gator tears
[29/12/2014, 2:40:49 AM] Randi Harper: I don't think he's going to show up
[29/12/2014, 2:40:52 AM] Charloppe: today at 4 caption america, the truth behind the serum
[29/12/2014, 2:40:55 AM] Randi Harper: when has mike ever done anything without promoting the hell out of it first
[29/12/2014, 2:40:56 AM] Tesseract: too busy raw dogging
[29/12/2014, 2:40:57 AM] Chris Kluwe: i doubt he will, to be honest
[29/12/2014, 2:41:02 AM] Chris Kluwe: exactly randi
[29/12/2014, 2:41:10 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): He showed up to his stream with Gordie Tait, though
[29/12/2014, 2:41:13 AM] Chris Kluwe: i bet he figured i was gonna plaster it all over twitter and the web
[29/12/2014, 2:41:21 AM] Chris Kluwe: and drive up juice sales
[29/12/2014, 2:41:26 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[29/12/2014, 2:41:40 AM] Peter Coffin: lol
[29/12/2014, 2:42:06 AM] Charloppe: in all seriousness I'm happy your taking a stand against him. Hes such a fucking bully
[29/12/2014, 2:42:13 AM] Peter Coffin: same
[29/12/2014, 2:42:19 AM] Chris Kluwe: no problem
[29/12/2014, 2:42:20 AM] Tesseract: yeah
[29/12/2014, 2:42:23 AM] Chris Kluwe: i don't like bullies
[29/12/2014, 2:42:27 AM] Alex Lifschitz: OMG you should grill him on gamer trivia
[29/12/2014, 2:42:36 AM] Chris Kluwe: especially those who try to disguise themselves as "fighting bullying"
[29/12/2014, 2:42:38 AM] Chris Kluwe: hehehehe
[29/12/2014, 2:42:50 AM] Chris Kluwe: "So Mike, who was your favorite Final Fantasy 6 character?"
[29/12/2014, 2:42:53 AM] Rob: He's not a bully, he's just tyring to prevent SJWs from sapping and impurifying all of our precious bodily fluids.
[29/12/2014, 2:42:56 AM] Charloppe: locke
[29/12/2014, 2:43:01 AM] Charloppe: cause i play games
[29/12/2014, 2:43:06 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Zelda!
[29/12/2014, 2:43:10 AM] Chris Kluwe: Mario!
[29/12/2014, 2:43:10 AM] drinternetphd: haaaa oh god that made my eye twitch for a second charlotte
[29/12/2014, 2:43:12 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Probably Gau, he has a gorilla mindset
[29/12/2014, 2:43:12 AM] Tesseract: metroid
[29/12/2014, 2:43:17 AM] Peter Coffin: “Let me think” *googles*
[29/12/2014, 2:43:18 AM] Chris Kluwe: rofl
[29/12/2014, 2:43:20 AM] Chris Kluwe: alex that was perfect
[29/12/2014, 2:43:26 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Metroid, he doesn't afraid of nothing
[29/12/2014, 2:43:27 AM] Charloppe: wouldn't it be cool if zelda was a girl?
[29/12/2014, 2:43:32 AM] drinternetphd: my favorite character is link zelda
[29/12/2014, 2:43:42 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Kirby is my favorite Pokemon
[29/12/2014, 2:43:42 AM] Peter Coffin: mine is zink
[29/12/2014, 2:43:46 AM] Chris Kluwe: in all honesty, that's one of the things i'm going to ask
[29/12/2014, 2:44:02 AM] Charloppe: im going to digivolve my pikachu into a dinosaur with guns
[29/12/2014, 2:44:06 AM] Chris Kluwe: "Why do you, as someone completely uninterested in video games, have such a vested interest in Gamergate?"
[29/12/2014, 2:44:18 AM] drinternetphd: if he doesn't mention eron he's a liar
[29/12/2014, 2:44:20 AM] Chris Kluwe: "Isn't that remarkably similar to........ white knighting?"
[29/12/2014, 2:44:25 AM] Peter Coffin: “it’s about the rights of men”
[29/12/2014, 2:44:27 AM] Charloppe: you could say lol
[29/12/2014, 2:44:28 AM] drinternetphd: do you need like
[29/12/2014, 2:44:30 AM] Alex Lifschitz: perfect
[29/12/2014, 2:44:31 AM] drinternetphd: data on that
[29/12/2014, 2:44:33 AM] Peter Coffin: “men’s rights"
[29/12/2014, 2:44:37 AM] drinternetphd: like how my ex looped him in or anything
[29/12/2014, 2:44:38 AM] Peter Coffin: “uhhhh games"
[29/12/2014, 2:45:03 AM] Chris Kluwe: i'm not totally sure how eron got him involved, i know he was trying to post to any message board that would accept a captcha
[29/12/2014, 2:45:07 AM] Tesseract: I should probably be digging through juicebro's tweets for shit right about now
[29/12/2014, 2:45:18 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): To the ethicsmobile!
[29/12/2014, 2:45:26 AM] Charloppe: stalker going to stalk :/
[29/12/2014, 2:45:28 AM] Alex Lifschitz: DOX DOX DOX
[29/12/2014, 2:45:31 AM] Chris Kluwe: i figured it filtered through the manosphere like some unholy stain
[29/12/2014, 2:45:36 AM] Alex Lifschitz: WHAT DO YOU DOOOO TO ESS JAWY DOUBLE-YEWWWWWS
[29/12/2014, 2:45:36 AM] drinternetphd: kluwe: he reached out personally
[29/12/2014, 2:45:40 AM] Chris Kluwe: oh wow
[29/12/2014, 2:45:43 AM] drinternetphd: asked for legal advice with his shitbag friend ben hitov
[29/12/2014, 2:45:46 AM] Chris Kluwe: WHITE KNIGHT MIKE, SAVE ME
[29/12/2014, 2:45:48 AM] drinternetphd: they did that with popehat too
[29/12/2014, 2:45:53 AM] Charloppe: lolololol
[29/12/2014, 2:45:56 AM] drinternetphd: and popehat told him publicly to go fuck himself
[29/12/2014, 2:46:05 AM] Chris Kluwe: that's even better
[29/12/2014, 2:46:14 AM] drinternetphd: I wish I'd saved the tweets but I didn't know who cerno was or what was going to come of it
[29/12/2014, 2:46:27 AM] drinternetphd: but I do have the tweets from cerno about eron
[29/12/2014, 2:46:35 AM] Tesseract:
[29/12/2014, 2:46:37 AM] drinternetphd: and how he was a "nice guy" but mike isn't
[29/12/2014, 2:46:46 AM] drinternetphd: and then threatening to dox sjws with subpoenas
[29/12/2014, 2:46:48 AM] drinternetphd: I have those tweets.
[29/12/2014, 2:46:57 AM] Peter Coffin: juicebronovich
[29/12/2014, 2:47:09 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Hahaha, I remember when he said that and Popehat shut him down like a disobedient dog
[29/12/2014, 2:47:21 AM] Tesseract: a disobedient raw dog
[29/12/2014, 2:47:22 AM] Alex Lifschitz: "You gonna dox me, Mike?"
"oh shit oh shit oh shit"
[29/12/2014, 2:47:25 AM] drinternetphd: lol
[29/12/2014, 2:47:27 AM] drinternetphd: that was hilarious
[29/12/2014, 2:47:43 AM] Chris Kluwe: heh
[29/12/2014, 2:47:45 AM] Chris Kluwe: BACKPEDAL
[29/12/2014, 2:47:47 AM] Chris Kluwe: FASTER
[29/12/2014, 2:48:12 AM] Alex Lifschitz:
[29/12/2014, 2:48:27 AM] drinternetphd: [cackles]
[29/12/2014, 2:48:43 AM] Charloppe: sigh just say fight me in the street already
[29/12/2014, 2:49:42 AM] Randi Harper: mike also doesn't seem to understand that not all martyrs die.
[29/12/2014, 2:49:44 AM] Chris Kluwe: trying to go back through his feed to august/sept but HE NEVER FUCKING SHUTS UP
[29/12/2014, 2:49:50 AM] Randi Harper: ugh plz get a better handle on English kthx
[29/12/2014, 2:50:06 AM] Chris Kluwe: i swear he went from 3k tweets to 18k in the span of 3 months
[29/12/2014, 2:50:20 AM] Tesseract: whenever I do these searches I find some horrible shit from before gg by sheer coincidence
[29/12/2014, 2:50:21 AM] Tesseract: like this
[29/12/2014, 2:50:23 AM] Charloppe: insert clip of english mothafucka do you speak it!?
[29/12/2014, 2:50:53 AM] Chris Kluwe: oh that's classy
[29/12/2014, 2:51:08 AM] Peter Coffin: ugh
[29/12/2014, 2:51:09 AM] Chris Kluwe: "Forget being a decent human beings, how many vaginas have you slain?!"
[29/12/2014, 2:51:13 AM] Peter Coffin: juicebro, come on
[29/12/2014, 2:51:45 AM] drinternetphd: [points to numberous vaginas with x's over them painted on the side of a overcompensating sports car]
[29/12/2014, 2:52:19 AM] Charloppe: that is just perfect zoe
[29/12/2014, 2:52:22 AM] Charloppe: no words
[29/12/2014, 2:52:25 AM] Chris Kluwe: Mike Cernovich @PlayDangerously  ·  Dec 6

I was almost peered out of officer candidate school. The tacs used me to lecture. "You might not like Cernovich but you will remember him."
[29/12/2014, 2:52:49 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Like a bad bout of crabs.
[29/12/2014, 2:53:10 AM] Charloppe: but but alpha males cant get stds!?
[29/12/2014, 2:53:23 AM] Chris Kluwe: not if your serum is pure
[29/12/2014, 2:53:27 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Uh...
[29/12/2014, 2:53:39 AM] Chris Kluwe: the alpha body has ways of shutting that down
[29/12/2014, 2:53:52 AM] Charloppe: just flush that shit out
[29/12/2014, 2:53:59 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Mike, we really should meet in person. I feel like Skype destroys pair bonding.
[29/12/2014, 2:54:08 AM] Chris Kluwe: lol izzy, i saw that one
[29/12/2014, 2:54:15 AM] Chris Kluwe: they're really not even bothering to hide it anymore
[29/12/2014, 2:54:53 AM] Peter Coffin: not if they use whatever he wanks with after he “has sex with” women
[29/12/2014, 2:55:00 AM] Tesseract: he linked that "rape van" article like 3 times for some unknowable reason
[29/12/2014, 2:55:09 AM] Peter Coffin: because it says rape
[29/12/2014, 2:55:12 AM] Peter Coffin: and it’s a pua
[29/12/2014, 2:55:18 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): gotta defend my homies
[29/12/2014, 2:55:23 AM] Tesseract: Mike Cernovich @PlayDangerously 17 Oct 2013

Obese people cannot wipe their own butts. Literally. That's why products exist to help them wipe. How is that healthy? #FatShamingWeek
[29/12/2014, 2:55:30 AM] Charloppe: dont fuck with kirby
[29/12/2014, 2:55:37 AM] Peter Coffin: “guy rapes with van, need to make sure he is regarded well”
[29/12/2014, 2:55:58 AM] Charloppe: ummm that logic
[29/12/2014, 2:56:00 AM] Charloppe: wtf mike
[29/12/2014, 2:56:15 AM] Tesseract: ooh apparently he's dyslexic
[29/12/2014, 2:56:26 AM] Tesseract: that explains his crippling inability to spell
[29/12/2014, 2:56:41 AM] Tesseract: "mastubate"
[29/12/2014, 2:56:44 AM] Peter Coffin: I am too, I do get that from his tweets sometimes.
[29/12/2014, 2:57:06 AM] Peter Coffin: although you’ll see I tend to do this thing called proofreading
[29/12/2014, 2:57:26 AM] Tesseract: "If you're an employee of Polytron, reach out to me. I will represent you in your case against Phil Fish. Pro bono. @TheQuinnspiracy" ????????????????????????????????
[29/12/2014, 2:57:27 AM] Peter Coffin: not here, obvoiusly
[29/12/2014, 2:57:39 AM] Tesseract: that's from august 22nd
[29/12/2014, 2:57:41 AM] Peter Coffin: here on Skype I’m like “alright dyslexia your turn”
[29/12/2014, 2:57:47 AM] Chris Kluwe: heh
[29/12/2014, 2:58:13 AM] Chris Kluwe: anyone have a link to an archive of his tweets from august? my google-fu is failing me right now
[29/12/2014, 2:58:16 AM] Peter Coffin: that is…. weird
[29/12/2014, 2:58:16 AM] Charloppe: keep forgetting hes a lawyer
[29/12/2014, 2:58:27 AM] Chris Kluwe: except
[29/12/2014, 2:58:28 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Which ones? Just all of 'em?
[29/12/2014, 2:58:32 AM] Chris Kluwe: i've never seen him represent a case
[29/12/2014, 2:58:35 AM] Chris Kluwe: yeah all are fine alex
[29/12/2014, 2:58:46 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Twitter search will do that. Lemme get the query for you.
[29/12/2014, 2:58:59 AM] Tesseract: ah here we go, from the same day "If Zoe Quinn conspired with Phil Fish to fake a hack, she is a co-conspirator. We will sue her, too."
[29/12/2014, 2:59:03 AM] Charloppe: the only reason why i know he is one is because he threatens ppl
[29/12/2014, 2:59:21 AM] Alex Lifschitz:
[29/12/2014, 2:59:21 AM] Charloppe: like that
[29/12/2014, 2:59:23 AM] drinternetphd: oh lovely.
[29/12/2014, 2:59:35 AM] Peter Coffin: phil fish very clearly was hacked. his tone was extremely panicked and aggressive
[29/12/2014, 2:59:41 AM] Peter Coffin: THAT is enough to tell
[29/12/2014, 2:59:49 AM] drinternetphd: he was hacked.
[29/12/2014, 2:59:55 AM] Chris Kluwe: thanks
[29/12/2014, 2:59:58 AM] drinternetphd: and I have the ip address of the guy who did it and it matches who hacked my tumblr.
[29/12/2014, 3:00:03 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Be sure to ask him how that Weird Twitter Gawker Shill investigation into the five figures is going. I'm awaiting my subpoena.
[29/12/2014, 3:00:10 AM] drinternetphd: good fucking luck getting law enforcement to give a fuck tho
[29/12/2014, 3:00:17 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): as someone who works in web hosting... I facepalm everytime GGers try to explain how websites work
[29/12/2014, 3:00:24 AM] Peter Coffin: “IP address? Like is that where you pee?"
[29/12/2014, 3:00:36 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Also worth noting, you can use tweetsave to see all his deleted tweets.
[29/12/2014, 3:00:37 AM] Charloppe: you and sarah could talk for days about that izzy
[29/12/2014, 3:00:40 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): haha
[29/12/2014, 3:00:58 AM] Peter Coffin: now you see, THAT is interesting
[29/12/2014, 3:01:02 AM] Peter Coffin: alex
[29/12/2014, 3:01:05 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Filter for deleted.
[29/12/2014, 3:01:14 AM] Peter Coffin: because he did play the delete game
[29/12/2014, 3:01:20 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): like when AbleGamers went down because of database failure, they were like "LOOK THE WEBSITE STILL PULLS UP BUT IT'S BLANK. FAKE DOWNTIME!"
[29/12/2014, 3:01:54 AM] Charloppe: i learned all my hacking from anime
[29/12/2014, 3:01:56 AM] Tesseract: Mike Cernovich @PlayDangerously Oct 15

It's misogyny to claim Eron is physically capable of abusing an almost 200 pound Zoe Quinn. #GamerGate …

Eron Gjoni @eron_gj Oct 15

@PlayDangerously I feel both supported and emasculated.
[29/12/2014, 3:01:57 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): "but the data isn't loading from the database... that's why it's blank". ... "DON'T MATTER. I SEES HTMLS"
[29/12/2014, 3:02:03 AM] Charloppe: Charloppe types radomally on keyboard
[29/12/2014, 3:02:39 AM] Charloppe: save that cat
[29/12/2014, 3:02:51 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Charlotte:
[29/12/2014, 3:03:14 AM] Charloppe: im best hacker
[29/12/2014, 3:03:22 AM] Charloppe: got through the backdoor
[29/12/2014, 3:03:30 AM] Charloppe: now to download all the files
[29/12/2014, 3:03:47 AM] Charloppe: oh no the cyber aliens are after me
[29/12/2014, 3:03:52 AM] drinternetphd: ugh
[29/12/2014, 3:04:40 AM] Charloppe: you ok zoe?
[29/12/2014, 3:04:50 AM] Tesseract: "Poor Anita Sarkeesian. She took the spotlight from Zoe Quinn by faking death threat. How will she one-up the celeb nudes?"
[29/12/2014, 3:04:56 AM] Tesseract: that was just like, four of his tweets in a row
[29/12/2014, 3:05:28 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): o.o
[29/12/2014, 3:05:35 AM] drinternetphd: yeah my head is just doing that thing that it does when I see too much toxic shit from my abuser
[29/12/2014, 3:05:42 AM] drinternetphd: like I get really aggro headaches
[29/12/2014, 3:05:53 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :( (hug)
[29/12/2014, 3:05:59 AM] Charloppe: :( can't imagine what thats like
[29/12/2014, 3:06:04 AM] Peter Coffin: i’m sorry zoe
[29/12/2014, 3:06:10 AM] drinternetphd: it's ok
[29/12/2014, 3:06:57 AM] Alex Lifschitz: It's okay we're gonna play Alan Wake and have sushi later.
[29/12/2014, 3:07:06 AM] drinternetphd: AND DDR
[29/12/2014, 3:07:10 AM] drinternetphd: I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT DDR
[29/12/2014, 3:07:33 AM] Peter Coffin: I’m headed out, probably won’t be on much today, much love to you folks though. have a wonderful day
[29/12/2014, 3:07:46 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): See you later, Peter. Take care
[29/12/2014, 3:07:48 AM] Rob: Really tempted to get divinity: original sin
[29/12/2014, 3:07:49 AM] Charloppe: later peter have fun
[29/12/2014, 3:08:18 AM] Peter Coffin: will do! see yous
[29/12/2014, 3:08:33 AM] Chris Kluwe: Mike Cernovich @PlayDangerously Jul 27

We will all fall short of those standards. Men of honor apologize. We move on. A man who won't apologize has no standards.
[29/12/2014, 3:08:40 AM] Chris Kluwe: later peter
[29/12/2014, 3:08:41 AM] Alex Lifschitz: hahahahahahaha
[29/12/2014, 3:08:49 AM] drinternetphd: pfwaahaha yeah ok
[29/12/2014, 3:09:01 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): At least Mike is self-aware he has no standards, right? right?
[29/12/2014, 3:09:02 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): jk
[29/12/2014, 3:09:04 AM] Chris Kluwe: Mike Cernovich @PlayDangerously Jul 27

An apology is not degrading. It's simply a recognition that you didn't meet the standard of integrity. It happens to everyone.
[29/12/2014, 3:09:14 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Her Chris remember when he though a guy named Jerry Beans was coordinating an astroturfing campaign
[29/12/2014, 3:09:21 AM] Chris Kluwe: hehe
[29/12/2014, 3:09:30 AM] Chris Kluwe: well, he is a conspiracy theorist after all
[29/12/2014, 3:09:39 AM] Alex Lifschitz:
[29/12/2014, 3:09:39 AM] Tesseract: oh god he has a huge youtube channel
[29/12/2014, 3:09:46 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Mike C?
[29/12/2014, 3:09:47 AM] Tesseract: I can only imagine what horrors lurk within
[29/12/2014, 3:09:48 AM] Tesseract:
[29/12/2014, 3:09:55 AM] Alex Lifschitz: BiddleFail?
[29/12/2014, 3:10:14 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Featured video: "How to deal with haters"
[29/12/2014, 3:10:15 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): OMG
[29/12/2014, 3:10:30 AM] Chris Kluwe: Mike Cernovich @PlayDangerously Jul 25

Lawyers can and do make accusations that are without merit. We issue subpoenas. Then we drop the lawsuit.
[29/12/2014, 3:10:33 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Watching BronzeHammer fuck with Cernovich like that was glorious
[29/12/2014, 3:11:18 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): His voice is so much higher than you'd expect
[29/12/2014, 3:12:00 AM] Chris Kluwe: the self awareness
[29/12/2014, 3:12:02 AM] Chris Kluwe: Mike Cernovich @PlayDangerously Jul 23

Once you create an image or persona, you will lie to preserve that image. Or you believe that image is real and act like the persona.
[29/12/2014, 3:12:37 AM] Tesseract: "Did Zoe Quinn admit to killing someone? If so, I will file a police report on Monday. Source please. #GamerGate"
[29/12/2014, 3:12:42 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): "Alpha Male Body Language Exercises " is the title of one of his videos
[29/12/2014, 3:13:34 AM] Charloppe: bahahahahahhahahahah
[29/12/2014, 3:13:51 AM] Rob: Let me guess, it's basically 'pelvic thrust all the time'?
[29/12/2014, 3:14:00 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): close. it'
[29/12/2014, 3:14:08 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): it's puffing out your chest when lifting
[29/12/2014, 3:14:26 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): NSFL:
[29/12/2014, 3:14:52 AM] Charloppe: so alpha
[29/12/2014, 3:14:54 AM] Charloppe: very wow
[29/12/2014, 3:15:20 AM] Charloppe: pls go on to tell me how you abuse women in a alpha way too
[29/12/2014, 3:15:41 AM] Rob: Mike Cernovich's Juice and Man Chowder Bar
[29/12/2014, 3:15:55 AM] Charloppe: best gay bar name ever
[29/12/2014, 3:15:55 AM] Tesseract: puff out your chest to intimidate other males
[29/12/2014, 3:16:23 AM] Chris Kluwe: loooool rob
[29/12/2014, 3:16:35 AM] Chris Kluwe: my twitch stream name is "Topless Vorici's Sushi Bar and Stab Shack"
[29/12/2014, 3:16:40 AM] Rob: Hahahhaa
[29/12/2014, 3:16:41 AM] drinternetphd: kluwe
[29/12/2014, 3:16:42 AM] Rob: that's awesome
[29/12/2014, 3:16:44 AM] Chris Kluwe: was a path of exile joke
[29/12/2014, 3:16:47 AM] drinternetphd: can I make a request?
[29/12/2014, 3:16:50 AM] Chris Kluwe: of course
[29/12/2014, 3:17:00 AM] drinternetphd: if there's any way you could get juicebro to admit eron brought him into this
[29/12/2014, 3:17:03 AM] drinternetphd: that would be tremendous
[29/12/2014, 3:17:07 AM] drinternetphd: especially if it's being recorded.
[29/12/2014, 3:17:07 AM] Chris Kluwe: no problemo
[29/12/2014, 3:17:27 AM] Chris Kluwe: that's actually what i told him we'd start with, "the origins of gamergate"
[29/12/2014, 3:17:33 AM] Chris Kluwe: so it shouldn't be hard at all
[29/12/2014, 3:17:34 AM] Tesseract: Mike Cernovich @PlayDangerously Oct 22

Zoe Quinn wanted to be a high priestess. To keep the high ground, you must be moral. The mask always falls off a hypocrite. #GamerGate
[29/12/2014, 3:17:35 AM] Tesseract: what
[29/12/2014, 3:17:47 AM] drinternetphd: motherfucker aint even playin persona
[29/12/2014, 3:17:57 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I was about to say. trying too hard there, Mike
[29/12/2014, 3:18:19 AM] Charloppe: is playing persona q right now
[29/12/2014, 3:18:26 AM] drinternetphd: so uh
[29/12/2014, 3:18:32 AM] drinternetphd: I may have pointed a journo in the direction of the debate
[29/12/2014, 3:18:33 AM] drinternetphd: hope that's ok
[29/12/2014, 3:18:55 AM] Chris Kluwe: no worries at all
[29/12/2014, 3:20:01 AM] drinternetphd: I am turning into a social justice rogue
[29/12/2014, 3:20:05 AM] Chris Kluwe: Mike Cernovich @PlayDangerously Sep 27

@jennatar @felisconcolori @KevinWGlass @Popehat I believe people who make unlawful threats should be ID'ed. Not sure why controversial.
[29/12/2014, 3:20:19 AM] Tesseract: now he's posting about zoe doxxing him like a fucktrillion times
[29/12/2014, 3:20:37 AM] Tesseract: !!!!!!!!!
[29/12/2014, 3:20:44 AM] Tesseract: attn zoe
[29/12/2014, 3:20:49 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Chris, uh oh, that goes against GamerGate's "don't dox us" rule
[29/12/2014, 3:21:14 AM] Chris Kluwe: Mike Cernovich @PlayDangerously Sep 26

I just heard that Eron Gjoni is facing a lawsuit. If you know him, put him in touch with me. I will help him pro bono. #GamerGate
[29/12/2014, 3:21:29 AM] drinternetphd: link?
[29/12/2014, 3:22:03 AM] drinternetphd: nvm found it
[29/12/2014, 3:22:36 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Tess/Zoe: both of those tweets archived:
[29/12/2014, 3:28:04 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Chris, you screencapping these tweets too? Could always use them for the article.
[29/12/2014, 3:28:44 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Another avenue of publicity re: Cernovich has recently made itself apparent but we're not moving until it's more concrete. For now, we're still planning our big-picture callout and kicking it up to the right folks.
[29/12/2014, 3:28:48 AM] Chris Kluwe: i haven't been, but i can go back and find them
[29/12/2014, 3:29:10 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Eh, at your leisure. We'll pool resources post-interview.
[29/12/2014, 3:29:16 AM] Chris Kluwe: it's basically just going through his twitter feed from august-october
[29/12/2014, 3:29:26 AM] Alex Lifschitz: We still have his ongoing dossier in the Trello with all those C&F links you posted.
[29/12/2014, 3:29:33 AM] Chris Kluwe: ok cool
[29/12/2014, 3:29:44 AM] Chris Kluwe: i think those are the important ones
[29/12/2014, 3:30:01 AM] Chris Kluwe: because it's clear he's writing for a totally different audience there than his gorillablog
[29/12/2014, 3:30:09 AM] Tesseract: Mike Cernovich @PlayDangerously Dec 8

It's called "subspace." Yes, I literally fuck the life of god into women.
[29/12/2014, 3:30:09 AM] Chris Kluwe: and you can still see the vileness
[29/12/2014, 3:30:15 AM] Tesseract: what the hell is the context of that
[29/12/2014, 3:30:29 AM] Tesseract: super juice bros: the subspace emissary
[29/12/2014, 3:30:41 AM] drinternetphd: um
[29/12/2014, 3:30:46 AM] drinternetphd: that's not even what subspace means in kink terms
[29/12/2014, 3:30:49 AM] Alex Lifschitz: If you find anything, like, horrid, be sure to screencap and upload to the trello or paste the link in his dossier.
[29/12/2014, 3:32:28 AM] Chris Kluwe: well, it's pretty much all horrid, but i know what you mean
[29/12/2014, 3:32:31 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ugh, Twitter has been bugging out a lot lately. I'll reply to a tweet but then when I refresh the page, it will put my tweet as a reply to another in the thread (or its showing them out of order)
[29/12/2014, 3:32:54 AM] Rob: HAHA I love it when old enemies of mine come back
[29/12/2014, 3:33:02 AM] Rob: especially fucking MRA shitbags
[29/12/2014, 3:33:25 AM] drinternetphd: oh?
[29/12/2014, 3:33:36 AM] Rob:
[29/12/2014, 3:33:49 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Like, we have him up and down going WOMEN SUCK AND RAPE IS SPLENDID but anything new or particularly hinky should be good to note.
[29/12/2014, 3:33:53 AM] Rob: He's one of the "I'm not an MRA but I believe everything MRAs say but never criticize them" assholes
[29/12/2014, 3:36:08 AM] Randi Harper: "RAPE IS SPLENDID"
[29/12/2014, 3:36:12 AM] Randi Harper: that line has me cracking up
[29/12/2014, 3:36:19 AM] Tesseract: lmao he ended an article with "Yet when the media refuses to acknowlege that I have been a victim (by their standards) of harassment, doxing, and a potential Swatting, we know that there is a serious problem with ethics in journalism."
[29/12/2014, 3:36:37 AM] Tesseract: I cannot believe juicebro dropped an Actually It's About Ethics
[29/12/2014, 3:36:38 AM] Alex Lifschitz: "Potential" swatting?
[29/12/2014, 3:36:44 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Can he please make up his fucking mind already
[29/12/2014, 3:36:44 AM] drinternetphd: i'm sorry tesseract you appear to have typed something but all I see is fart noises
[29/12/2014, 3:36:59 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): OMG. He's not even sure he was swatted now?
[29/12/2014, 3:37:01 AM] Randi Harper: "i thought someone was going to SWAT me so it practically almost happened and why isn't anyone reporting on this"
[29/12/2014, 3:37:22 AM] Alex Lifschitz: So far he has two answers for who doxxed him, if he got swatted, etc. He's like the Quantum Asshole
[29/12/2014, 3:37:38 AM] drinternetphd: "I thought someone was going to swat me from telling a nonprofit org that I was doing things that I was doing why is this not on the nyt frontpage"
[29/12/2014, 3:38:03 AM] drinternetphd: like no one even called the police
[29/12/2014, 3:38:09 AM] drinternetphd: crimestoppers is a 3rd party tip line
[29/12/2014, 3:38:09 AM] Randi Harper: it makes me sad that he blocked me
[29/12/2014, 3:38:12 AM] Chris Kluwe: oh the swatting
[29/12/2014, 3:38:17 AM] Chris Kluwe: i can't wait to pin him down on that
[29/12/2014, 3:38:21 AM] Tesseract: iirc he claims he fled his home as a "precaution"
[29/12/2014, 3:38:22 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): The Swattening
[29/12/2014, 3:38:46 AM] Randi Harper: does he also wear a tinfoil hat as a precaution?
[29/12/2014, 3:38:53 AM] Tesseract: thus making it seem like he's the victim of a credible swatting threat and he didn't just stay in a hotel overnight in a ploy to make himself look like a victim
[29/12/2014, 3:39:04 AM] Chris Kluwe: unknown, randi, does tinfoil interfere with thetans?
[29/12/2014, 3:39:07 AM] drinternetphd: lol
[29/12/2014, 3:39:13 AM] drinternetphd: god wouldn't that make so much sene
[29/12/2014, 3:39:15 AM] drinternetphd: *sense
[29/12/2014, 3:39:21 AM] drinternetphd: if he just becomes a scientologist
[29/12/2014, 3:39:32 AM] Tesseract: how many thetans are in super serum
[29/12/2014, 3:39:39 AM] Chris Kluwe: well we already know he's a conspiracy theorist
[29/12/2014, 3:39:42 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): FYI, if you want to see some mental gymnastics and conspiracy theories in a single tweet, Jordan Owen's got your back:
[29/12/2014, 3:39:47 AM] Chris Kluwe: so scientology would be the next logical step
[29/12/2014, 3:39:51 AM] Rob: "I fled my home as a precaution, but condoms are stupid. RAW DOG!"
[29/12/2014, 3:40:01 AM] Chris Kluwe: izzy
[29/12/2014, 3:40:02 AM] Chris Kluwe: wut
[29/12/2014, 3:40:04 AM] Chris Kluwe: is
[29/12/2014, 3:40:04 AM] Chris Kluwe: that
[29/12/2014, 3:40:15 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Jordan believes we were the ones posting CP to 8chan to frame them
[29/12/2014, 3:40:38 AM] Dan Olson: I picked up Nidhogg. I am now prepared to get schooled harder than I ever have before.
[29/12/2014, 3:40:41 AM] Chris Kluwe: oh no, i got the context, it just refused to compute in my mind
[29/12/2014, 3:40:44 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): haha
[29/12/2014, 3:41:07 AM] Chris Kluwe: it was like reading "The sun came up therefore lizard people are controlling Obama"
[29/12/2014, 3:41:39 AM] Dan Olson: The only ones trading CP are SJWs who then accuse pedophiles of trading CP!
[29/12/2014, 3:41:54 AM] Dan Olson: Pedophiles don't actually like CP!
[29/12/2014, 3:42:01 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): SJWCONSPIRACY
[29/12/2014, 3:42:32 AM] Randi Harper: dying laughing
[29/12/2014, 3:42:32 AM] Randi Harper:
[29/12/2014, 3:42:52 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Or when GGers say we are pulling the "protect the children" card. and I repond with "Oh, so you don't think child porn hurts real children?" and then go silent
[29/12/2014, 3:42:59 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): or double down on their stupidity
[29/12/2014, 3:44:18 AM] Dan Olson: From my research the grimdark real answer is that tons of these sick fucks convince themselves the kids really like it, too
[29/12/2014, 3:44:53 AM] Randi Harper: "Consensual sex" is a myth. It's all simply training young boys to be future rapists. #GamerGate
[29/12/2014, 3:44:56 AM] Randi Harper: this person is amazing
[29/12/2014, 3:45:09 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): o.o
[29/12/2014, 3:45:17 AM] Randi Harper:  I love this troll.
[29/12/2014, 3:45:22 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): AH!
[29/12/2014, 3:45:29 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yeah, they are brilliant
[29/12/2014, 3:45:35 AM] Randi Harper:
[29/12/2014, 3:45:41 AM] Randi Harper: @715d1 @_icze4r @Maffewgregg @CNN tried to get more info about the hacker known as 4chan but he is anonymous. And behind 7 proxies.
[29/12/2014, 3:45:55 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): XD
[29/12/2014, 3:47:43 AM] Tesseract: alright I finished digging through his tweets on anything about zoe, going to a movie now but I'll go through the rest of my list of names later
[29/12/2014, 3:47:46 AM] Tesseract: Conspiracy bullshit: - Polytron Hack - Anita death threats


Zoe Quinn: - Whore - Threat (?) - Killed someone - Killed someone - Killed someone - Killed someone - Killed someone, possible doxx - Court info - "If Zoe hadn't obtained a protective order to shut someone up, I never would have been involved. People who don't like me have her to thank." - Possible doxx

Article 1 (Zoe Quinn, Eron Gjoni):

Article 2 (Zoe Quinn, Margaret Pless, little bit on Randi Harper): - Blatant
[29/12/2014, 3:48:02 AM] Tesseract: there's a lot less than I thought, mostly it's just the same shit
[29/12/2014, 3:48:08 AM] Chris Kluwe: thanks
[29/12/2014, 3:48:39 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): damn, Tess. A+ digging as usual
[29/12/2014, 3:48:41 AM] Tesseract: now I'm curious about this "subspace" shit he was tweeting about
[29/12/2014, 3:48:57 AM] drinternetphd: ok so
[29/12/2014, 3:49:14 AM] drinternetphd: that term means the headspace people who are subs get into where they're like totally roleplayed out
[29/12/2014, 3:49:31 AM] drinternetphd: like the "will do anything for the dom/enjoying anything being dished out actively" type stuff
[29/12/2014, 3:49:44 AM] drinternetphd: basically it's been described to me as like a transcendant kind of roleplay headspace
[29/12/2014, 3:49:50 AM] Tesseract: oh I meant I thought he was posting some ridiculous super serum esque shit but this explanation works also
[29/12/2014, 3:49:57 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Damn good work, Tess. Add to his dossier in the trello?
[29/12/2014, 3:50:03 AM] drinternetphd: (I have a lot of friends into kink stuff and seem to be everyone's sex therapist haha)
[29/12/2014, 3:50:37 AM] drinternetphd: the more you know ===*
[29/12/2014, 3:50:37 AM] Tesseract: yeah
[29/12/2014, 3:50:52 AM] Tesseract: I suspect he's posted a lot of incriminating shit that I didn't pick up with the search terms
[29/12/2014, 3:50:56 AM] Tesseract: esp. images
[29/12/2014, 3:51:37 AM] Tesseract: lol (attn untimely)
[29/12/2014, 3:52:11 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Hey, there's me in that screenshot, too!
[29/12/2014, 3:52:39 AM] Tesseract: oh it was in response to this tweet (attn ian)
[29/12/2014, 3:52:59 AM] Tesseract: I thought he was just fucking with us with that tweet in an attempt to backpedal from his super serum shit but I guess not?
[29/12/2014, 3:53:30 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): o.o
[29/12/2014, 3:53:35 AM] Tesseract: Correct. @ChuckCJohnson was well within his legal rights to protect the public from a predator. #IStandWithJackie
[29/12/2014, 3:53:53 AM] Tesseract: lol
[29/12/2014, 3:54:37 AM] Tesseract: alright see ya
[29/12/2014, 3:54:42 AM] Tesseract: will finish digging when I get back
[29/12/2014, 3:54:44 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): cya
[29/12/2014, 3:55:07 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Cool. Tess, I added that first tweetdump to Cerno's dossier.
[29/12/2014, 3:56:55 AM] Tesseract: oh I almost forgot, if anyone could archive those it'd be helpful
[29/12/2014, 3:58:28 AM] Randi Harper: oh god I need to get off modcloth nowww
[29/12/2014, 3:58:52 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Archived. I added them in a tweetdump card and linked it to Mike's dossier.
[29/12/2014, 4:09:32 AM] Chris Kluwe: Chris Kluwe can now participate in this chat
[29/12/2014, 4:14:23 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Just checking, has anyone sent Aurini's really noxious racist stuff to Patreon?
[29/12/2014, 4:15:59 AM] Quinnae: Afternoon all.
[29/12/2014, 4:16:43 AM] Chris Kluwe: heya
[29/12/2014, 4:16:45 AM] Rob: Hi, Katherine. And not sure, alex.
[29/12/2014, 4:16:46 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Afternoon Katherine
[29/12/2014, 4:17:13 AM] Alex Lifschitz: I'd say we give them some breathing room since they're gonna be fucking pounded when 8chan gets taken down, then move to get SE de-listed
[29/12/2014, 4:20:03 AM] Chris Kluwe: loooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
[29/12/2014, 4:20:04 AM] Chris Kluwe:
[29/12/2014, 4:20:19 AM] Chris Kluwe: they're full /r/conspiracy now
[29/12/2014, 4:21:36 AM] Quinnae: "Gamergate did some digging..." a sentence that portends naught but facepalms and migraines.
[29/12/2014, 4:22:17 AM] Chris Kluwe: apparently
[29/12/2014, 4:22:22 AM] Chris Kluwe: we're all part of a vast conspiracy
[29/12/2014, 4:22:24 AM] Chris Kluwe: started at SA
[29/12/2014, 4:22:33 AM] Chris Kluwe: and ending with the Frankfurt School
[29/12/2014, 4:22:40 AM] Quinnae: The Frankfurt School nonsense is doubly irritating because it is part of the sociological canon, but I've been afraid of explaining that publicly for fear of feeding their conspiracy mongering.
[29/12/2014, 4:23:17 AM] Quinnae: It's just that the Frankfurt School is one of dozens of influences on modern social theory, and one that plenty of social scientists are skeptical of or outright critical of.
[29/12/2014, 4:23:47 AM] Quinnae: You know. Like most disciplines. We're hardly a unified field marching in lockstep, there remains plenty of lively debate.
[29/12/2014, 4:23:54 AM] Chris Kluwe: NO
[29/12/2014, 4:23:57 AM] Chris Kluwe: CONSPIRACY
[29/12/2014, 4:24:07 AM] Chris Kluwe: WHAT ARE YOUR CRIMES?!
[29/12/2014, 4:24:09 AM] Quinnae: To say nothing of the fact that there were many different Frankfurt School theorists, some of whom I prefer over others.
[29/12/2014, 4:24:12 AM] Quinnae: laughs
[29/12/2014, 4:24:26 AM] Quinnae: My crimes are disagreeing with Theodor Adorno about Richard Wagner's opera. =O
[29/12/2014, 4:25:06 AM] Chris Kluwe: HATE
[29/12/2014, 4:25:07 AM] Chris Kluwe: HATE
[29/12/2014, 4:25:08 AM] Chris Kluwe: HATE
[29/12/2014, 4:25:21 AM] Chris Kluwe: please report to the GamerMinistry for processing
[29/12/2014, 4:28:44 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Okay, brbing with Zoe to Pike Place Market to get some baller-ass ginger beer and eggnog
[29/12/2014, 4:29:02 AM] Quinnae: Haha, have fun you two. :)
[29/12/2014, 4:29:04 AM] Chris Kluwe: sounds delicious
[29/12/2014, 4:29:09 AM] Chris Kluwe: i'm gonna go write
[29/12/2014, 4:29:15 AM] Quinnae: I do miss Seattle. Hopefully I can go back there before too long.
[29/12/2014, 4:29:17 AM] Chris Kluwe: be back for "DEBATEHAPPYETHICSFUNTIME" later
[29/12/2014, 4:29:26 AM] Quinnae: Haha, have fun, Chris!
[29/12/2014, 4:29:43 AM] drinternetphd: chris we will also I am learning how to poach eggs just to destroy you
[29/12/2014, 4:29:55 AM] drinternetphd: fyi
[29/12/2014, 4:30:16 AM] drinternetphd: later~
[29/12/2014, 4:40:49 AM] Veerender Jubbal: I made it on a top hashtag list of the year!
[29/12/2014, 4:41:02 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Also, hi.
[29/12/2014, 4:46:26 AM] Remy: Good afternoon everyone!
[29/12/2014, 4:47:01 AM] Remy: And hello Veerender :D
[29/12/2014, 4:51:35 AM] Quinnae: Afternoon!
[29/12/2014, 4:51:43 AM] Quinnae: Also, grats, Veerender!
[29/12/2014, 4:51:45 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Hey, Stephen!
[29/12/2014, 4:51:56 AM] Veerender Jubbal: blows kiss at Katherine
[29/12/2014, 4:52:23 AM] David Gallant: Hey folks.
[29/12/2014, 4:57:49 AM] Quinnae: Mr. Gallant. curtsy
[29/12/2014, 4:59:00 AM] Veerender Jubbal: So, I heard--that Mundane Matt's tweet about me got into Reddit, and that must be why it has not stopped.
[29/12/2014, 4:59:13 AM] David Gallant: Sounds about right, Veerender.
[29/12/2014, 4:59:17 AM] Veerender Jubbal: I did not know until someone just told me on Twitter, right now.
[29/12/2014, 4:59:21 AM] David Gallant: How are you, Katherine
[29/12/2014, 4:59:33 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): work from home:
1. wake up 15 min before having to start shift.
2. take shower during lunch break
3. chill with cats and dog by your side
[29/12/2014, 4:59:35 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :)
[29/12/2014, 4:59:59 AM] Quinnae: pets Izzy
[29/12/2014, 5:00:01 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Haha
[29/12/2014, 5:00:05 AM] Quinnae: Sorry Veerender. :(
[29/12/2014, 5:00:10 AM] Quinnae: And, I'm quite well, David!
[29/12/2014, 5:00:32 AM] Quinnae: Relaxing, slept late, watching my girlfriend play the VN I got for her for Christmas, drinking coffee, and Twitter being relatively nice to me.
[29/12/2014, 5:00:44 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Sounds like a lot of fun!
[29/12/2014, 5:01:01 AM] Quinnae: That said, I got a tweet from David Auerbach being all "Yeah, I'm surprised GG didn't give into Nazism sooner" and I just wanted to slap him.
[29/12/2014, 5:01:17 AM] Quinnae: Few people have upset me quite as much as he has throughout this sorry saga.
[29/12/2014, 5:01:22 AM] Athena Hollow: He's such a fence hopping asshat.
[29/12/2014, 5:01:54 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Holy crap! You are now AcidBurn?! That is metal, Athena!
[29/12/2014, 5:01:59 AM] David Gallant: I had forgotten about him. Been hard to keep track of all the players.
[29/12/2014, 5:01:59 AM] Athena Hollow: haha
[29/12/2014, 5:02:03 AM] Quinnae: He's a man who has uniquely combined moral cowardice with preening, condescending sexism in a way I didn't think possible.
[29/12/2014, 5:02:30 AM] Athena Hollow: Yeah, I've wanted to toss him into a volcano since the first day he entertained "MAYBE TWO SIDES??"
[29/12/2014, 5:02:58 AM] Quinnae: He's such a massive wanker. He personally insulted my writing and that of other women as "defective social science," reinforced the slandering of Leigh Alexander (and mansplained Twitter to her in the process), kept the Nazi meme about Ian alive...
[29/12/2014, 5:03:07 AM] Athena Hollow: all under the guise of being an ethical journalist; propping up the golden mean fallacy. such. a. douche.
[29/12/2014, 5:03:15 AM] Quinnae: He also tried to pick apart my First Person Scholar essay with esoteric quibbles that had little to do with what I was arguing.
[29/12/2014, 5:03:45 AM] Quinnae: But he, of course, needed to heap his superior man-knowledge on me, because only he knew how best to stick up for the ladies. Unlike, you know, the actual ladies who were being attacked.
[29/12/2014, 5:03:56 AM] Quinnae: So for him to be all "yeah I saw this coming" No, fuck you, asshole
[29/12/2014, 5:04:37 AM] Quinnae: We were under fire for weeks and months while you were busy trying to get on GG's good side when it was convenient.
[29/12/2014, 5:04:47 AM] Athena Hollow: I cant wait until the next few years shows more and more of these assholes complaining about not being able to find quality gigs anymore, all because they pulled this bullshit.
[29/12/2014, 5:04:50 AM] Remy: I don't know who this person is
[29/12/2014, 5:04:52 AM] Athena Hollow: From devs to writers, etc.
[29/12/2014, 5:05:16 AM] Quinnae: And now that you can't sell us up the river because it's dried up, now you're all "Yeah, saw it coming"? extends middle finger
[29/12/2014, 5:05:20 AM] Quinnae: Sorry, needed to rant. :P
[29/12/2014, 5:05:27 AM] Quinnae: And yes, Athena, totally agree.
[29/12/2014, 5:05:29 AM] Remy: lol
[29/12/2014, 5:05:37 AM] Athena Hollow: hahaha he's a writer Stephen. A douchebag elitist mansplaining fuckwad.
[29/12/2014, 5:05:41 AM] Quinnae: And Stephen, this guy is a Slate writer who covered GG for them in editorials.
[29/12/2014, 5:05:46 AM] Remy: Just gimme his Twitter handle and let me find some pro-GG stuff in his timeline to remind him of his modesty
[29/12/2014, 5:05:54 AM] Quinnae: He doesn't have the class to be an elitist.
[29/12/2014, 5:06:00 AM] Athena Hollow: Sorry
[29/12/2014, 5:06:04 AM] Athena Hollow: PRETEND elitist
[29/12/2014, 5:06:08 AM] Athena Hollow: he THINKS he's elite :D
[29/12/2014, 5:06:17 AM] Quinnae: Eh, I'd rather not start fights with him but I appreciate the sentiment, Stephen. :)
[29/12/2014, 5:06:34 AM] Remy: lol okay
[29/12/2014, 5:06:45 AM] Remy: I wasn't gonna drag you into it ^_^
[29/12/2014, 5:06:49 AM] Remy: But I understand
[29/12/2014, 5:07:05 AM] Remy: I just like to call people out when they pretend they aren't backtracking
[29/12/2014, 5:07:51 AM] Quinnae: But yeah, in one editorial he was all "What is wrong with Leigh Alexander? Twitter is what's wrong with her!"
[29/12/2014, 5:08:12 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Veerender, wtf is Izel doing trying to bug you?
[29/12/2014, 5:08:16 AM] Quinnae: He took cheap shots at people who were already under heavy fire.
[29/12/2014, 5:08:17 AM] Athena Hollow: ugh izel.
[29/12/2014, 5:08:22 AM] Athena Hollow: izel has me blocked LOL
[29/12/2014, 5:08:29 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Same. Blocked me a long time ago
[29/12/2014, 5:08:31 AM] Quinnae: Yeah, I saw that. Hope you're alright Veerender.
[29/12/2014, 5:08:36 AM] Quinnae: Best not to engage him.
[29/12/2014, 5:08:46 AM] Remy: I was actually surprised at how much and how quickly I became blocked
[29/12/2014, 5:08:47 AM] Athena Hollow: Izel is straight bonkers
[29/12/2014, 5:08:57 AM] Remy: I rarely jump into other timelines to bash GG they're usually more than willing to come to me
[29/12/2014, 5:08:59 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Izel started going at Veerender it seems. :(
[29/12/2014, 5:09:06 AM] Athena Hollow: He's another one that is either one epic troll, or a true tin foil hatter.
[29/12/2014, 5:09:29 AM] Athena Hollow: Mr. RICO act XD
[29/12/2014, 5:10:05 AM] Veerender Jubbal: I should be fine...
[29/12/2014, 5:10:16 AM] David Gallant: Remember how well that RICO shit went?
[29/12/2014, 5:10:22 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[29/12/2014, 5:10:41 AM] Quinnae: Veerender, I think you ought to hang out with us in here instead of doing battle with these fools. ;)
[29/12/2014, 5:11:57 AM] Quinnae: (Granted, I've not been the best at taking my own advice in this regard, but, do as I say and not as I do! winks)
[29/12/2014, 5:12:08 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[29/12/2014, 5:13:46 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Hahahahaha!
[29/12/2014, 5:13:51 AM] Remy: Hey Izzy I sent out some bait to see if I could distract that Izel dude
[29/12/2014, 5:13:57 AM] Veerender Jubbal: None of us take our own advice!
[29/12/2014, 5:14:01 AM] Remy: But honestly unless I change my avatar to something that isn't a white dude
[29/12/2014, 5:14:13 AM] Remy: I'm never going to be given the kind of priority everyone else gets for abuse
[29/12/2014, 5:14:22 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Obvs.
[29/12/2014, 5:14:43 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Change it to a Sikh character. winks
[29/12/2014, 5:14:50 AM] David Gallant: Stephen - just talk about masturbation, and make a direct threat against their precious games.
[29/12/2014, 5:14:54 AM] David Gallant: It worked for me.
[29/12/2014, 5:14:55 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[29/12/2014, 5:15:03 AM] Remy: I couldn't pull it off Veerender I'm not sexy enough
[29/12/2014, 5:15:09 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): a DMX song started playing on the radio. my dog came running from the bedroom to see what was up...
[29/12/2014, 5:15:14 AM] Veerender Jubbal: sniggers
[29/12/2014, 5:15:47 AM] Remy: That's a nice thought, David. I have been considering recommending masturbation to improve their attitudes about life
[29/12/2014, 5:15:55 AM] Remy: XD
[29/12/2014, 5:16:03 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Mastubation
[29/12/2014, 5:16:04 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): *
[29/12/2014, 5:19:28 AM] Remy: azalea tried to snark back once but he's got no traction with me so I doubt he'll go full in.
[29/12/2014, 5:19:43 AM] Remy: Gah, I need to give them the appearance of weakness. Perhaps if I pretended that their opinions affected me somehow
[29/12/2014, 5:21:03 AM] David Gallant: They do like to focus on my meltdowns, Stephen.
[29/12/2014, 5:21:56 AM] Remy: I haven't seen you have a meltdown, which isn't to say that you haven't had one, but that I have never been present for behavior that would lead me to believe you were experiencing one
[29/12/2014, 5:22:17 AM] David Gallant: Yeah. I've had a few.
[29/12/2014, 5:22:31 AM] David Gallant: I tend to vent on Twitter when I'm low.
[29/12/2014, 5:25:33 AM] Veerender Jubbal: People be obsessive.
[29/12/2014, 5:25:54 AM] David Gallant: Indeed, Veerender.
[29/12/2014, 5:27:52 AM] Quinnae: Speaking of obsessive, I hope that creep isn't still following me.
[29/12/2014, 5:28:27 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Just called out GG and Roosh. See Serious chat for Twitter link to report
[29/12/2014, 5:28:28 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[29/12/2014, 5:29:08 AM] Athena Hollow: the one I went off on & called creepy, Katherine? lol
[29/12/2014, 5:29:17 AM] Quinnae: Yeah, Athena
[29/12/2014, 5:29:29 AM] Quinnae: Izzy, already reported him. thumbs up
[29/12/2014, 5:29:41 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Cool
[29/12/2014, 5:30:25 AM] David Gallant: Oh yeah. I need an invite to the new serious chat.
[29/12/2014, 5:30:54 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ah. Do you haev 2FA enabled for your Skype account?
[29/12/2014, 5:31:21 AM] David Gallant: I do now.
[29/12/2014, 5:31:27 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ok. i'll add you
[29/12/2014, 5:32:17 AM] David Gallant: Thanks
[29/12/2014, 5:32:23 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): np
[29/12/2014, 5:33:47 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): David, report this tweet for doxing/Private Info
[29/12/2014, 5:33:49 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): On 29/12/2014, at 5:19 AM, Izzy (@iglvzx) wrote:

[29/12/2014, 5:39:04 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): On 29/12/2014, at 5:38 AM, Izzy (@iglvzx) wrote:
> MRA's are such lovely people:

[29/12/2014, 5:39:17 AM] David Gallant: Reported.
[29/12/2014, 5:39:20 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Thanks
[29/12/2014, 5:49:21 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Who is this? The way they tweet is worrysome. can't tell what they are up to..
[29/12/2014, 5:49:44 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Looks like another reincarnation of @TFYCulturalMarxist
[29/12/2014, 5:50:12 AM] Remy: yup
[29/12/2014, 5:50:59 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): \distances himself\
[29/12/2014, 5:52:46 AM] Remy: I've been doing that as well, Izzy
[29/12/2014, 5:54:19 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Yo.
[29/12/2014, 5:54:26 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Hey!
[29/12/2014, 5:54:29 AM] Veerender Jubbal:
[29/12/2014, 5:54:34 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Look at this.
[29/12/2014, 5:54:40 AM] Veerender Jubbal: White folk.
[29/12/2014, 5:54:48 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Wow
[29/12/2014, 5:54:52 AM] Remy: talk about fan art
[29/12/2014, 5:55:03 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Yo--it is pretty fucking ugly!
[29/12/2014, 5:55:10 AM] Randi Harper: o_O
[29/12/2014, 5:55:20 AM] Remy: The text bubble is physically painful to look at
[29/12/2014, 5:55:32 AM] Remy: Like it feels like it's literally stabbing my eyes
[29/12/2014, 5:55:33 AM] Veerender Jubbal: I have the best life at 20.
[29/12/2014, 5:55:39 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): and then the reply by  Sgt. Giggle Mittens. Such irony
[29/12/2014, 5:55:53 AM] Randi Harper: I had this user blocked already
[29/12/2014, 5:55:55 AM] Randi Harper: and all of the replies
[29/12/2014, 5:55:57 AM] Randi Harper: I am queen of blocks
[29/12/2014, 5:55:59 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[29/12/2014, 5:56:05 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Randi is the best.
[29/12/2014, 5:56:14 AM] Remy: ^
[29/12/2014, 5:56:17 AM] Remy: agreed
[29/12/2014, 5:56:21 AM] Quinnae: Veerender, you're 20?
[29/12/2014, 5:56:28 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Yeah!
[29/12/2014, 5:56:29 AM] Remy: That is also shocking me as well
[29/12/2014, 5:56:30 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): 20 years wise
[29/12/2014, 5:56:33 AM] Veerender Jubbal: I am the baby of the group.
[29/12/2014, 5:56:33 AM] Athena Hollow: they are the fuckin worst at photochops LOL
[29/12/2014, 5:56:48 AM] Veerender Jubbal: People think I am late twenties because of how I tweet, and write.
[29/12/2014, 5:56:52 AM] Remy: Now I feel guilty for flirting with you Veerender you're so young XD
[29/12/2014, 5:56:59 AM] Athena Hollow: hahaha
[29/12/2014, 5:57:11 AM] Randi Harper: hold on, screencapping and replying OOB
[29/12/2014, 5:57:19 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Hahaha!
[29/12/2014, 5:57:21 AM] Quinnae: Wow, and here I thought at 27 (well, 28 as of last week) I was the "baby" :P
[29/12/2014, 5:57:29 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Hahahahahaha!
[29/12/2014, 5:57:39 AM] Veerender Jubbal: takes Katherine's throne of being a child
[29/12/2014, 5:57:56 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Katherine, I'm 24
[29/12/2014, 5:57:58 AM] Veerender Jubbal: I rarely say my age on the Internet.
[29/12/2014, 5:58:38 AM] Athena Hollow: >_>
[29/12/2014, 5:58:49 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Oh, shit. I just say this, Randi.
[29/12/2014, 5:58:49 AM] Athena Hollow: I'll be 30 in july lol
[29/12/2014, 5:59:02 AM] Rob: I'll be 30 in june, athena
[29/12/2014, 5:59:04 AM] Veerender Jubbal: saw*
[29/12/2014, 5:59:09 AM] Athena Hollow: ^5 Rob!
[29/12/2014, 5:59:10 AM] Randi Harper:
[29/12/2014, 5:59:16 AM] Veerender Jubbal: 21 in January.
[29/12/2014, 5:59:33 AM] Remy: Your birthday is next month as well?
[29/12/2014, 5:59:45 AM] Randi Harper: so young.
[29/12/2014, 5:59:50 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Babies.
[29/12/2014, 6:00:03 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Still older than a lot of GGers
[29/12/2014, 6:00:18 AM] Athena Hollow: And yet, still more mature than the 30 somethings in GG too LOL
[29/12/2014, 6:00:29 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): The older GGers are depressing
[29/12/2014, 6:00:45 AM] Veerender Jubbal: People are too obsessed with me.
[29/12/2014, 6:01:05 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): because most GGers are racist as fuck
[29/12/2014, 6:01:09 AM] Remy: The older ones that should know better and are usually in it more out of obsession than hunger for attention
[29/12/2014, 6:01:20 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Holy crap. I think another Reddit forum was made about me saying games are trash.
[29/12/2014, 6:01:45 AM] Quinnae: This never fails to amuse me. smirks
[29/12/2014, 6:02:02 AM] Quinnae: Yeah, Veerender, statements like that are made to be taken out of context.
[29/12/2014, 6:02:27 AM] Randi Harper: gamergate's ideal world: bunch of white dudes going around shooting brown dudes while hiring prostitutes.
[29/12/2014, 6:02:42 AM] Randi Harper: every game should be like that, no?
[29/12/2014, 6:02:47 AM] Quinnae: It's why I'm very, very careful about what I say publicly and I think it's helped (aside from that one time I said it should be a priority to report Fart to Continue and was accused of "putting out a hit" on Fart because of it. That was unwise of me.)
[29/12/2014, 6:02:59 AM] Athena Hollow: Don't forget: then killing said prostitutes to get their money back.
[29/12/2014, 6:03:00 AM] Veerender Jubbal: I like Far Cry 2 because I can play as a Sikh, and shoot white people in the face!
[29/12/2014, 6:03:10 AM] Remy: XD
[29/12/2014, 6:03:12 AM] Veerender Jubbal: I can play as myself, and shoot white people in the face!
[29/12/2014, 6:03:13 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[29/12/2014, 6:03:22 AM] Randi Harper: haha
[29/12/2014, 6:04:02 AM] Remy: XD
[29/12/2014, 6:04:03 AM] Remy: That picture
[29/12/2014, 6:04:30 AM] Veerender Jubbal:
[29/12/2014, 6:04:34 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Gosh.
[29/12/2014, 6:04:48 AM] Veerender Jubbal: I laud the crap about Depression Quest.
[29/12/2014, 6:04:59 AM] Athena Hollow: KiA's dumb.
[29/12/2014, 6:05:03 AM] Athena Hollow: I <3 kiatxt tho
[29/12/2014, 6:07:41 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): #WINNING
[29/12/2014, 6:11:05 AM] Quinnae: KiA is rather dumb, yes.
[29/12/2014, 6:12:42 AM] Quinnae: But Veerender, as we get closer to the New Year, I strongly suggest you begin withdrawing your attention from these people.
[29/12/2014, 6:13:08 AM] Quinnae: I will say this, what keeps me going is remembering that no one who matters believes any of the nonsense that GG has spread or insisted about me.
[29/12/2014, 6:13:21 AM] Veerender Jubbal: They reach after me, but all right.
[29/12/2014, 6:13:38 AM] Quinnae: David Auerbach is probably the most "important" person who's insulted me in the midst of this and thinks I'm a "defective" scholar. But he's David Auerbach.
[29/12/2014, 6:14:21 AM] Quinnae: Beyond that, everyone who matters doesn't give GG's misapprehensions and petty bigotries the time of the day.
[29/12/2014, 6:15:06 AM] Quinnae: I know. They reach after me too, but sometimes you just have to slam the door in their face. They feed on the attention because they live for battle. Remember, these are people who have devoted all of their free time and energy to fighting their opponents.
[29/12/2014, 6:15:20 AM] Quinnae: As opposed to us, who have lives and aspirations well beyond GG.
[29/12/2014, 6:17:02 AM] Quinnae: Again, I know I'm not the perfect example here, but... :P
[29/12/2014, 6:17:08 AM] Quinnae: I've been trying
[29/12/2014, 6:21:03 AM] Remy: And no doubt game makers and other media creators have heard the cry for more diverse games and more complex stories
[29/12/2014, 6:21:44 AM] Remy: And these trolls will be left complaining that the elitist mainstream medianista didn't accept their misogynist fan fiction and make it canon :P
[29/12/2014, 6:24:05 AM] Randi Harper: i just want to start using #NotYourShield all the time to make gamergate angry.
[29/12/2014, 6:24:14 AM] Randi Harper: since you're only supposed to use that hashtag if you're a minority that supports GG.
[29/12/2014, 6:24:17 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[29/12/2014, 6:24:22 AM] Remy: Nice
[29/12/2014, 6:24:27 AM] Quinnae: Heh.
[29/12/2014, 6:24:30 AM] Athena Hollow: Anytime I see them bring up Mercedes, I mention NYS
[29/12/2014, 6:24:41 AM] Athena Hollow: "I am not your porn shield, assholes" LOL
[29/12/2014, 6:25:01 AM] Faruk Ates: Hi everyone
[29/12/2014, 6:25:14 AM] Remy: Although if I keep tweeting things like "Just fed toast to my rabbit, #NotYourShield" eventually someone's going to think I'm a member of GG and un-follow me
[29/12/2014, 6:25:20 AM] Quinnae: Randi, I'm curious, are you seeing anything about how much GG's tweet count is inflated by opponents using the hashtags?
[29/12/2014, 6:25:20 AM] Faruk Ates: my timing is perfect.
[29/12/2014, 6:25:23 AM] Remy: It's not my fault I've re-named my rabbit #NotYourShield
[29/12/2014, 6:25:30 AM] Quinnae: Hi hi, Faruk.
[29/12/2014, 6:25:41 AM] Faruk Ates: <Faruk arrives>  "I am not your porn shield."   Yep, that sounds about the right time for me to walk in.
[29/12/2014, 6:25:46 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[29/12/2014, 6:25:47 AM] Randi Harper: i haven't done much to track that, but based on observation alone, i don't think there's a lot of people using the hashtag repeatedly that don't already support GG
[29/12/2014, 6:25:52 AM] Randi Harper: just because, well, you know what it's like when you use it.
[29/12/2014, 6:26:00 AM] Remy: That's a joke but now I totes wanna get another rabbit and name him/her #NotYourShield
[29/12/2014, 6:26:06 AM] Athena Hollow: haha
[29/12/2014, 6:26:07 AM] Remy: I'd call her Nacho for short
[29/12/2014, 6:26:11 AM] Faruk Ates: Hi Katherine, Athena, Randi, Stephen, whoever else is paying attention <3
[29/12/2014, 6:26:20 AM] Randi Harper: the grocery store was out of eggnog
[29/12/2014, 6:26:24 AM] Remy: :D
[29/12/2014, 6:26:25 AM] Remy: D:
[29/12/2014, 6:26:25 AM] Athena Hollow: ^_^
[29/12/2014, 6:26:27 AM] Randi Harper: worst emergency
[29/12/2014, 6:26:28 AM] Randi Harper: halp
[29/12/2014, 6:26:43 AM] Remy: RANDI
[29/12/2014, 6:26:48 AM] Remy: My husband has had the worst holidays ever
[29/12/2014, 6:26:55 AM] Remy: B/C the stores nearby don't carry real egg nog
[29/12/2014, 6:27:08 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): GGers are nuts:
[29/12/2014, 6:27:08 AM] Remy: I gotta admit it was starting to affect me too
[29/12/2014, 6:27:37 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): oops typo
[29/12/2014, 6:27:41 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): fixing
[29/12/2014, 6:27:45 AM] Remy: lol Izzy
[29/12/2014, 6:27:50 AM] Remy: "Cultural genocide"
[29/12/2014, 6:27:56 AM] Remy: Ten bucks says they're white
[29/12/2014, 6:28:21 AM] Remy: "Kyoto Night Stick"
[29/12/2014, 6:28:29 AM] Randi Harper: Stephen: right now i'm looking at recipes
[29/12/2014, 6:28:31 AM] Remy: That sounds like the stage name for a very violent stripper
[29/12/2014, 6:28:33 AM] Randi Harper:
[29/12/2014, 6:28:44 AM] Remy: I'm picturing a male stripper but it could be a lady, pick whichever you prefer
[29/12/2014, 6:28:56 AM] Remy: Either way, don't mess with Kyoto Night Stick on dollar night
[29/12/2014, 6:29:13 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): fixed:
[29/12/2014, 6:29:24 AM] Remy: They start playing "Black Betty" really loud and Kyoto Night Stick just kinda gets lost in the music
[29/12/2014, 6:30:00 AM] Randi Harper: wtf
[29/12/2014, 6:30:01 AM] Randi Harper: amazon
[29/12/2014, 6:30:02 AM] Randi Harper: Note: Available at a lower price from other sellers, potentially without free Prime shipping.
[29/12/2014, 6:30:04 AM] Randi Harper: potentially?
[29/12/2014, 6:30:07 AM] Randi Harper: HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW?
[29/12/2014, 6:30:10 AM] Remy: o.O?
[29/12/2014, 6:30:21 AM] Remy: They're being too lazy to check
[29/12/2014, 6:30:26 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Randi, send me screenshot. I'll get an answer for you tomorrow from the retail team
[29/12/2014, 6:30:27 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[29/12/2014, 6:30:33 AM] Remy: That would require, like, at least one person to look, and another to code
[29/12/2014, 6:30:34 AM] Randi Harper:
[29/12/2014, 6:30:37 AM] Randi Harper: i'm not actually that curious :P
[29/12/2014, 6:30:42 AM] Randi Harper: but i thought the wording was hilarious
[29/12/2014, 6:30:57 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ha
[29/12/2014, 6:32:32 AM] Remy: I'm tweaking my Dragon Age world import
[29/12/2014, 6:33:02 AM] Remy: I never had any of my characters do the dark deed with Morrigan but now I wanna see what our baby would look like.
[29/12/2014, 6:38:29 AM] SF: I just woke up and I'm so dizzy it's difficult to sit up. I would like to back up my brain and move to a different one with fewer structural issues.
[29/12/2014, 6:39:08 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Whoa. What if we could do that in the future? o.o
[29/12/2014, 6:39:39 AM] Faruk Ates: <cue Dollhouse theme>
[29/12/2014, 6:39:48 AM] SF: Randi: I recommend Earth's Own brands if they're out of regular. They're vegan ones but I prefer them for the spice mix/lightness.
[29/12/2014, 6:39:52 AM] Faruk Ates: la la la laaa la, la la la laa la…
[29/12/2014, 6:42:26 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): hehehehe:
[29/12/2014, 6:42:38 AM] SF: Burger King doesn't think Dracula is about emotional and sexual abuse of women hahaha
[29/12/2014, 6:48:43 AM] Athena Hollow: Ok, Kluwe/Juicebro thing is in like an hour, right?
[29/12/2014, 6:48:52 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): yeah
[29/12/2014, 6:48:58 AM] Athena Hollow: kk. I'm gonna go play deus ex till then lol
[29/12/2014, 6:49:02 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ok. cya.
[29/12/2014, 6:49:07 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): hopefully JuiceBro doesn't bail
[29/12/2014, 6:49:08 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): we'll see
[29/12/2014, 6:49:30 AM] Athena Hollow: I will make tons of "couldn't keep up under pressure" jokes if he does.
[29/12/2014, 6:49:57 AM] SF: It's supposed to be in an hour but I somehow suspect Juice will come early.
[29/12/2014, 6:50:03 AM] Athena Hollow: hah!
[29/12/2014, 6:50:07 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[29/12/2014, 6:50:58 AM] Faruk Ates: hah
[29/12/2014, 6:51:20 AM] Faruk Ates: New Skype product for 2015: Super Serum
[29/12/2014, 6:51:37 AM] Faruk Ates: (apologies for the grossness of that terrible joke)
[29/12/2014, 6:51:49 AM] Faruk Ates: (I know that any reference to Skype is disgusting.)
[29/12/2014, 6:51:50 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): We asked Chris to have a water bottle with the label as "Super Serum"
[29/12/2014, 6:51:59 AM] Athena Hollow: XD
[29/12/2014, 6:52:10 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): That's why I want it to happen. just for that
[29/12/2014, 6:55:41 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL:
[29/12/2014, 6:58:22 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Is this GGer for real? They can't pick up sarcasm at all:
[29/12/2014, 7:02:38 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): hehe:
[29/12/2014, 7:04:42 AM] David Gallant: Why are these gaters so damn bad at grammar?
[29/12/2014, 7:04:58 AM] Faruk Ates: because they're teenagers
[29/12/2014, 7:05:15 AM] Faruk Ates: Many of them are, at least.
[29/12/2014, 7:05:16 AM] David Gallant: I was great with grammar as a teenager. Does not compute.
[29/12/2014, 7:05:31 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): US education system is horribly broken? :(
[29/12/2014, 7:05:38 AM] Faruk Ates: I was, too, but I know many of my peers at the time didn't care so much other than for language classes' tests.
[29/12/2014, 7:06:08 AM] Faruk Ates: SMS-speak has additionally made grammar less relevant for people in leisure text conversations.
[29/12/2014, 7:06:25 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[29/12/2014, 7:06:30 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: So while I catch up on backscrollery- Did anyone mail gratipay about funding child porn, and have you heard back?
[29/12/2014, 7:06:35 AM] Faruk Ates: These are people who haven't had to write résumés and important documents for jobs, etc.
[29/12/2014, 7:06:45 AM] Athena Hollow: I did and I have not, sgg
[29/12/2014, 7:07:00 AM] Faruk Ates: Note the handful of actual adults among them; they all spell like independent, capable people.
[29/12/2014, 7:07:10 AM] Athena Hollow: But I honestly don't expect any response at all until next week cuz of the weekened and upcoming holiday.
[29/12/2014, 7:17:54 AM] Chris Kluwe: back
[29/12/2014, 7:17:59 AM] Chris Kluwe: getting ready for debate time
[29/12/2014, 7:18:00 AM] Faruk Ates: wb
[29/12/2014, 7:18:03 AM] Faruk Ates: good luck
[29/12/2014, 7:18:11 AM] Faruk Ates: do you have your Man Tears mug?
[29/12/2014, 7:18:26 AM] Chris Kluwe: making it right now
[29/12/2014, 7:18:31 AM] Chris Kluwe: Gator Tears and Super Serum
[29/12/2014, 7:18:40 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[29/12/2014, 7:21:29 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: Hmm
[29/12/2014, 7:22:38 AM] David Gallant: Debate?
[29/12/2014, 7:22:49 AM] Randi Harper: is he gonna show?
[29/12/2014, 7:23:46 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: Who can spot the key difference between this- And these- and
[29/12/2014, 7:24:26 AM] Chris Kluwe: no idea randi
[29/12/2014, 7:24:44 AM] Faruk Ates: is this on Skype or Hangouts?
[29/12/2014, 7:24:48 AM] Chris Kluwe: skype
[29/12/2014, 7:24:51 AM] Chris Kluwe: gonna stream it through obs
[29/12/2014, 7:24:54 AM] Chris Kluwe: to my twitch feed
[29/12/2014, 7:25:14 AM] Athena Hollow: sgg "This Patreon page is currently under review by staff per Patreon's community guidelines:"?
[29/12/2014, 7:25:59 AM] Faruk Ates: oh interesting
[29/12/2014, 7:26:09 AM] Faruk Ates: Sarkeesian Effect lost about $200 of monthly contributions
[29/12/2014, 7:27:15 AM] Athena Hollow: ugh. they're making nearly as much in a month as I do in a year for doing literally nothing.
[29/12/2014, 7:27:50 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: WTF are those not all "under review?"
[29/12/2014, 7:28:10 AM] Chris Kluwe: can anyone give me a videocall on skype real quick so i can test this?
[29/12/2014, 7:28:12 AM] Faruk Ates: TSE isn't hate speech necessarily
[29/12/2014, 7:28:14 AM] Faruk Ates: Chris: sure
[29/12/2014, 7:28:52 AM] Faruk Ates: well so that's working :)
[29/12/2014, 7:29:02 AM] Chris Kluwe: oh, i forgot to show you the cup
[29/12/2014, 7:29:07 AM] Chris Kluwe: the cup is awesome
[29/12/2014, 7:29:09 AM] Faruk Ates: Chris: do you like how I was STEALTH PERSON?
[29/12/2014, 7:29:14 AM] Chris Kluwe: haha yeah
[29/12/2014, 7:29:15 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[29/12/2014, 7:29:24 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I think Faruk just fangirled
[29/12/2014, 7:29:24 AM] Faruk Ates: oh! I wanna see the cup. Can I see the cup?
[29/12/2014, 7:29:26 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): just saying
[29/12/2014, 7:29:29 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :P
[29/12/2014, 7:30:11 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: it isn't hate speech because they aren't actually producing anything. It's totally defrauding the whole system though, and its the project of a well-established white supremist
[29/12/2014, 7:30:54 AM] Faruk Ates: yes, unfortunately those claims are hard to defend in case TSE bring a lawsuit against Patreon for pulling them
[29/12/2014, 7:31:01 AM] Faruk Ates: thing is, Patreon will likely _win_ that lawsuit
[29/12/2014, 7:31:02 AM] Faruk Ates: BUT
[29/12/2014, 7:31:20 AM] Faruk Ates: they risk alienating their target demographics of people with the bad press
[29/12/2014, 7:31:31 AM] Athena Hollow: Every fucking website needs the "If we don't like you, we'll pull your account" clause in their TOS
[29/12/2014, 7:31:39 AM] Athena Hollow: it's a private company
[29/12/2014, 7:31:41 AM] Remy: They already basically do
[29/12/2014, 7:31:43 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): wait, you could sue Patreon for them kicking you out? Is Patreon a public company?
[29/12/2014, 7:31:45 AM] Faruk Ates: It sort of technically does, generally
[29/12/2014, 7:31:46 AM] Athena Hollow: I can kick a dude out of a restaurant for being a douchebag.
[29/12/2014, 7:32:02 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: they've had that clause in their TOS forever
[29/12/2014, 7:32:06 AM] Remy: Any "free speech" case against Patreon will die
[29/12/2014, 7:32:18 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: this is why I have yet to retract my big fire and brimstone screed against them
[29/12/2014, 7:32:26 AM] Remy: You can't force them to accept to fund you as long as you codify whatever you do as expression
[29/12/2014, 7:32:28 AM] Faruk Ates: Izzy: in America, being kicked off a service for nothing you did wrong is hard to defend for the company
[29/12/2014, 7:32:34 AM] Athena Hollow: ugh. techbro free speech & capitalism -_-
[29/12/2014, 7:32:54 AM] Remy: yup
[29/12/2014, 7:34:58 AM] Faruk Ates: THE CUP IS REAL, PEOPLE
[29/12/2014, 7:35:26 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[29/12/2014, 7:35:58 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Chris, has Mike given you any confirmation that he will be participating in less than 30 min?
[29/12/2014, 7:36:02 AM] Chris Kluwe: NOPE
[29/12/2014, 7:36:10 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Oh boy
[29/12/2014, 7:36:24 AM] Chris Kluwe: and oooooooh how i hope he wimps out
[29/12/2014, 7:36:46 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): If he wimps out, you need to take a picture with the cup and post to twitter
[29/12/2014, 7:36:50 AM] Chris Kluwe: i'm sure he'll have some sort of excuse
[29/12/2014, 7:36:58 AM] Chris Kluwe: "my feefees were acting up"
[29/12/2014, 7:37:04 AM] Chris Kluwe: "too many SJWs around"
[29/12/2014, 7:37:17 AM] Chris Kluwe: "the forum wasn't alpha enough"
[29/12/2014, 7:37:20 AM] Faruk Ates: "my balls shrank too much and I had to go see a doctor"
[29/12/2014, 7:37:34 AM] Faruk Ates: too real?
[29/12/2014, 7:37:42 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): They hit... 26% tops... :(
[29/12/2014, 7:38:03 AM] Faruk Ates: Perhaps Mike C. just… *puts on sunglasses* …ran out of juice.
[29/12/2014, 7:38:07 AM] Faruk Ates: YEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHH
[29/12/2014, 7:38:07 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[29/12/2014, 7:38:17 AM] Remy: XDS
[29/12/2014, 7:38:43 AM] Remy: You win the entire day Faruk
[29/12/2014, 7:39:02 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Stephen, is that an XD face with the arms waving around?

[29/12/2014, 7:40:06 AM] Chris Kluwe: YEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH
[29/12/2014, 7:40:25 AM] Faruk Ates: has he shown up?
[29/12/2014, 7:40:43 AM] Chris Kluwe: he's "away" on skype right now
[29/12/2014, 7:40:46 AM] Chris Kluwe: haven't sent a message yet
[29/12/2014, 7:41:17 AM] Chris Kluwe: just sent "Ready in 20 minutes?"
[29/12/2014, 7:41:23 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahha he ended up blocking me on twitter as well
[29/12/2014, 7:42:02 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): <--- Chris will stream here if JuiceBro shows up
[29/12/2014, 7:42:30 AM] Athena Hollow: all these dudebros and their censorship of me. I just want to yell at that them that they are rape enabling fuckwads that can't ever get laid! gosh.
[29/12/2014, 7:47:04 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): GOSH
[29/12/2014, 7:47:15 AM] Faruk Ates: Gosh.
[29/12/2014, 7:47:17 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ugh, this Seahawks Vs Ram game is tied 6-6
[29/12/2014, 7:47:31 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): in the last quarter
[29/12/2014, 7:47:33 AM] Chris Kluwe: A REAL BARNBURNER
[29/12/2014, 7:47:57 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I live in the Seattle area, so of course I'm rooting for the Seahawks.
[29/12/2014, 7:48:06 AM] Peter Coffin: I have been monitoring this /cow/ thread about me for quite a while now and it is still being posted to somehow. If you want to see the most serious mental gymnastics. does anyone have some idea what I could do about this other than like write a fiction novel using their ideas? I'm getting tired of it and their insane digging for literally ANYTHING they can find on this issue
[29/12/2014, 7:48:55 AM] Peter Coffin: Like they have a fever, and the only prescription is proof I don't have a wife and kid
[29/12/2014, 7:48:57 AM] Faruk Ates: Sorry to hear that Peter
[29/12/2014, 7:49:29 AM] Peter Coffin: I haven't linked it in here because I figured they'd eventually stop
[29/12/2014, 7:49:49 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Wow. that's so obsessive/creepy
[29/12/2014, 7:50:16 AM] Faruk Ates: They probably won't stop until something else catches their attention and is more fun
[29/12/2014, 7:50:26 AM] Faruk Ates: I don't know how you could actively take the fun out of it
[29/12/2014, 7:50:36 AM] Randi Harper: kek
[29/12/2014, 7:50:42 AM] Faruk Ates: But that'd be what I would try, probably
[29/12/2014, 7:51:01 AM] Peter Coffin: Thing is they haven't gotten New info for a month now and are still at it
[29/12/2014, 7:51:26 AM] Peter Coffin: That's what's bugging me. I checked in today with it to see if it was finally dead
[29/12/2014, 7:51:40 AM] Chris Kluwe: hell hath no fury like a neckbeard scorned
[29/12/2014, 7:52:17 AM] Peter Coffin: Top kek randi
[29/12/2014, 7:53:08 AM] Randi Harper: who is chuckcjohnson and why is he so mad at chipotle did they burn his burrito?
[29/12/2014, 7:53:22 AM] Remy: lol
[29/12/2014, 7:53:29 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Was it a Chipotle that he pooped in?
[29/12/2014, 7:53:33 AM] Remy: They made him shit on the floor in college
[29/12/2014, 7:53:39 AM] Peter Coffin: Must have made him shit the floor
[29/12/2014, 7:53:40 AM] Remy: That's why he mad
[29/12/2014, 7:53:44 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[29/12/2014, 7:54:03 AM] Randi Harper:
[29/12/2014, 7:54:16 AM] Randi Harper: I am grievously offended by their capitalization.
[29/12/2014, 7:55:01 AM] Peter Coffin: Are you shitting me
[29/12/2014, 7:55:08 AM] Remy: lol
[29/12/2014, 7:55:09 AM] Faruk Ates: has JB said anything yet, Chris?
[29/12/2014, 7:55:10 AM] Peter Coffin: He's mad at that?
[29/12/2014, 7:55:13 AM] Chris Kluwe: Chuck Johnson (allegedly) (pooped the floor) (of his dorm) (and people hate him)
[29/12/2014, 7:55:19 AM] Chris Kluwe: NOPE
[29/12/2014, 7:55:24 AM] Remy: (sheep)
[29/12/2014, 7:55:43 AM] Remy: Here we have a ChuckcJohnson in its natural pooping habitat
[29/12/2014, 7:56:50 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): WTF, they capitalized Every Word
[29/12/2014, 7:56:51 AM] Tesseract: back
[29/12/2014, 7:56:52 AM] Tesseract: lmao
[29/12/2014, 7:57:12 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL
[29/12/2014, 7:57:19 AM] Chris Kluwe: so looks like Cernovich may think our debate is Monday, since he put "Monday the 28th" in his tweet
[29/12/2014, 7:57:29 AM] Chris Kluwe: except for the 28th being today, but whateves i guess
[29/12/2014, 7:57:32 AM] Peter Coffin: Lol
[29/12/2014, 7:57:34 AM] Tesseract: pff
[29/12/2014, 7:57:35 AM] Peter Coffin: Lol
[29/12/2014, 7:57:36 AM] Tesseract: amazing
[29/12/2014, 7:57:36 AM] Peter Coffin: Lol
[29/12/2014, 7:57:38 AM] Peter Coffin: Lol
[29/12/2014, 7:57:40 AM] Peter Coffin: Lol
[29/12/2014, 7:57:41 AM] Remy: Okay so when you bring your "Super Serum" mug for Mike
[29/12/2014, 7:57:46 AM] Remy: Maybe bring him a calendar
[29/12/2014, 7:58:02 AM] Remy: I mean I thought they put that shit on your phones nowadays but  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[29/12/2014, 7:58:12 AM] Chris Kluwe: i put it on mine!
[29/12/2014, 7:58:17 AM] Chris Kluwe: had a reminder and everything
[29/12/2014, 7:59:39 AM] Peter Coffin: Monday Jancember 96th
[29/12/2014, 7:59:43 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Damn. Will you be able to do it tomorrow?
[29/12/2014, 7:59:46 AM] Chris Kluwe: yup
[29/12/2014, 7:59:49 AM] Chris Kluwe: kids are on break
[29/12/2014, 7:59:52 AM] Chris Kluwe: I'M HOME ALL DAY
[29/12/2014, 7:59:55 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ah, that's good.
[29/12/2014, 8:00:00 AM] Chris Kluwe: DANCE FOR ME, JUICE MAN
[29/12/2014, 8:00:03 AM] Chris Kluwe: DANCE FOR ME
[29/12/2014, 8:00:29 AM] Peter Coffin: wonder if he fucked it up on purpose for playable deniability
[29/12/2014, 8:00:34 AM] Remy: (dance)
[29/12/2014, 8:00:36 AM] Peter Coffin: Plausable
[29/12/2014, 8:01:00 AM] Peter Coffin: "Oh Chris didn't show"
[29/12/2014, 8:01:02 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I GAVE YOU A FAKE DATE SO I WOULDN'T HAVE TO SHOW UP!
[29/12/2014, 8:01:04 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): MWA HA HA
[29/12/2014, 8:01:09 AM] Remy: lol
[29/12/2014, 8:01:17 AM] Chris Kluwe: "I wager $texas"
[29/12/2014, 8:01:33 AM] Remy: I'll bet you a million doll hairs
[29/12/2014, 8:01:38 AM] Peter Coffin: Lol
[29/12/2014, 8:01:44 AM] Chris Kluwe: I SAID DOLL HAIRS LOLOLOL WHAT A LOSER
[29/12/2014, 8:01:49 AM] Peter Coffin: Spongebob
[29/12/2014, 8:01:50 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Remember: No hitting below the belt. His testicles have suffered enough as it is
[29/12/2014, 8:01:58 AM] Remy: XD
[29/12/2014, 8:02:03 AM] Remy: have they tho
[29/12/2014, 8:02:06 AM] Alex Lifschitz: (but seriously let's not make fun of his testicles or anything)
[29/12/2014, 8:02:13 AM] Alex Lifschitz: He gives us way too much to resort to that
[29/12/2014, 8:02:22 AM] Remy: ^ truer words
[29/12/2014, 8:02:34 AM] Peter Coffin: You could say he's... testing us?
[29/12/2014, 8:02:41 AM] Remy: XD
[29/12/2014, 8:03:22 AM] Chris Kluwe: gonna stream some Hearthstone
[29/12/2014, 8:03:55 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Is there a Ghazi thread advertising the showdown?
[29/12/2014, 8:03:59 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Wanna read the comments
[29/12/2014, 8:04:13 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[29/12/2014, 8:04:17 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Chris posted it
[29/12/2014, 8:05:26 AM] Remy: lol "Misandering down the lane"
[29/12/2014, 8:05:30 AM] Remy: I'm so jealous I didn't think of that
[29/12/2014, 8:06:10 AM] Remy: I bet you if I had gotten introduced to reddit a few years ago I probably would have loved it as much as Twitter
[29/12/2014, 8:06:30 AM] Alex Lifschitz: I bet Zoe $5 Cernovich wouldn't show
[29/12/2014, 8:06:53 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Also she had her first taste of unadulterated jersey cow milk today and it was *adorable*
[29/12/2014, 8:08:15 AM] Remy: I prefer my milk cows to be pumped full of hormones by the loving mega-conglomerates that know what's best for me
[29/12/2014, 8:08:36 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Haha
[29/12/2014, 8:15:04 AM] SF:
[29/12/2014, 8:15:45 AM] Tesseract: if his mentions weren't overwhelmed with people demanding he apologize for shitting the floor I will be disappointed
[29/12/2014, 8:18:14 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[29/12/2014, 8:21:03 AM] Quinnae: What's going on now?
[29/12/2014, 8:21:32 AM] Tesseract: chuck c johnson remains a floor shitter
[29/12/2014, 8:21:40 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[29/12/2014, 8:21:46 AM] Randi Harper: i still have no idea who that is.
[29/12/2014, 8:21:53 AM] Chris Kluwe: he poops on floors
[29/12/2014, 8:21:58 AM] Tesseract: some fucker who tried to out a rape victim
[29/12/2014, 8:22:04 AM] Tesseract: feel no sympathy for him
[29/12/2014, 8:22:12 AM] Athena Hollow: And he's done just as shit stuff before that too
[29/12/2014, 8:22:15 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Katherine, Mike C did not show up for his debate with Kluwe. It appears that he got Sunday and Monday mixed up. Kluwe will try to have the debate tomorrow at 4pm Pacific
[29/12/2014, 8:22:22 AM] Athena Hollow: He's a shitty shitty fuckwad
[29/12/2014, 8:22:31 AM] Peter Coffin: He's a journalist who's main claim to fame seems to be for shitting
[29/12/2014, 8:22:34 AM] Tesseract: did mike c shit the floor... or /is/ mike c the shit on the floor?
[29/12/2014, 8:22:36 AM] Peter Coffin: Floor
[29/12/2014, 8:22:37 AM] Athena Hollow: "journalist"
[29/12/2014, 8:22:52 AM] Tesseract: err
[29/12/2014, 8:22:53 AM] Tesseract: chuck c
[29/12/2014, 8:22:58 AM] Athena Hollow: LMAO
[29/12/2014, 8:23:05 AM] Peter Coffin: Floor Shitter
[29/12/2014, 8:23:08 AM] Tesseract: both are floor shit though
[29/12/2014, 8:23:15 AM] Athena Hollow: I think you just created some slash there tess
[29/12/2014, 8:23:17 AM] Athena Hollow: shudders
[29/12/2014, 8:23:23 AM] Rob: hi
[29/12/2014, 8:23:28 AM] Athena Hollow: hey rob
[29/12/2014, 8:24:01 AM] Rob: <3
[29/12/2014, 8:24:59 AM] Tesseract: mike cernovich raw dogs chuck c johnson, a fanfic by tesseract
[29/12/2014, 8:25:08 AM] Athena Hollow: welp
[29/12/2014, 8:25:12 AM] Chris Kluwe: barf
[29/12/2014, 8:25:13 AM] Athena Hollow: i think i just threw up
[29/12/2014, 8:25:17 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): x_x
[29/12/2014, 8:25:24 AM] Randi Harper: SOMEONE IN GENERAL CHAT JUST SAID AYY LMAO
[29/12/2014, 8:25:25 AM] Randi Harper: time to find my rogue
[29/12/2014, 8:25:33 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[29/12/2014, 8:25:36 AM] Tesseract: END THEM
[29/12/2014, 8:25:46 AM] Randi Harper: there are reasons why i have rogues on each faction. >.>
[29/12/2014, 8:26:59 AM] Quinnae: Heh
[29/12/2014, 8:27:01 AM] Remy: XD
[29/12/2014, 8:27:16 AM] Peter Coffin: Did Twitter just take a shit for anyone else
[29/12/2014, 8:27:31 AM] Remy: I'm assuming the AYYY LMAO bit is basically the internet version of shouting "Git R Done" in public
[29/12/2014, 8:27:49 AM] Quinnae: Not for me, Peter.
[29/12/2014, 8:27:53 AM] Rob: farming knothide leather. this is the most boring.
[29/12/2014, 8:27:53 AM] Athena Hollow: if by that you mean "Will make me stab you in the face" then yes.
[29/12/2014, 8:28:09 AM] Quinnae: And yeah, I'd really like to know where that nonsense comes from, Stephen.
[29/12/2014, 8:28:16 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Peter, I'm seeing a lot of people saying that Twitter won't let them log in or that the timestamps are messed up
[29/12/2014, 8:28:26 AM] Peter Coffin: Thank fuck
[29/12/2014, 8:28:44 AM] Peter Coffin: I was headed for hack panic
[29/12/2014, 8:28:46 AM] Athena Hollow:
[29/12/2014, 8:28:51 AM] Athena Hollow: /dies/
[29/12/2014, 8:30:58 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Need help please.
[29/12/2014, 8:31:09 AM] Veerender Jubbal: What is this?
[29/12/2014, 8:31:11 AM] Veerender Jubbal:
[29/12/2014, 8:31:13 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Sorry.
[29/12/2014, 8:31:17 AM] Veerender Jubbal: That second link.
[29/12/2014, 8:31:32 AM] Athena Hollow: abort & ignore.
[29/12/2014, 8:31:38 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Who are they?
[29/12/2014, 8:31:47 AM] Athena Hollow: The ones that libeled the SHIT out of zoe
[29/12/2014, 8:31:57 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Oh.
[29/12/2014, 8:31:59 AM] Athena Hollow: claimed she doxed a trans girl
[29/12/2014, 8:32:01 AM] Athena Hollow: when she fucking didnt
[29/12/2014, 8:32:15 AM] Athena Hollow: They're shit.
[29/12/2014, 8:32:22 AM] Quinnae: The Fine Young Capitalists, the "charity" that GG likes to claim absolves them of misogyny.
[29/12/2014, 8:32:34 AM] Athena Hollow: "We want you to give us ideas so we can profit off of you, without you getting any good out of it!"
[29/12/2014, 8:33:01 AM] Quinnae: As to what they're doing with that tweet, which appears to be one in a series, they're trying to bait people by offering to engage with them on diversity issues (which they have neither the interest nor the resources to follow through on).
[29/12/2014, 8:33:17 AM] Quinnae: When you ignore them, as you should, they will turn around and claim that you're not really serious about diversity.
[29/12/2014, 8:33:20 AM] Athena Hollow: they want to idea mine and sell it to other people, probably.
[29/12/2014, 8:33:32 AM] Quinnae: In other words, they're being children, which is their stock and trade.
[29/12/2014, 8:33:36 AM] Athena Hollow: yup
[29/12/2014, 8:33:38 AM] Veerender Jubbal: nods
[29/12/2014, 8:33:47 AM] Peter Coffin: Aye
[29/12/2014, 8:33:48 AM] Athena Hollow: But! They are canadian, so if they start shit, you can easily sue :)
[29/12/2014, 8:33:54 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Damn.
[29/12/2014, 8:33:56 AM] Athena Hollow: way easier than someone from the states at least.
[29/12/2014, 8:34:16 AM] Athena Hollow: But yeah, they are shitty & baiting :-/
[29/12/2014, 8:34:41 AM] Chris Kluwe: WUB WUB
[29/12/2014, 8:34:52 AM] Athena Hollow: i would be playing deus ex right now but demon spawn is fighting sleep -_-
[29/12/2014, 8:35:15 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yes. Avoid them, Veerender. Not good news
[29/12/2014, 8:35:47 AM] Veerender Jubbal: OKay.
[29/12/2014, 8:35:55 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Should I tweet at them or reply?
[29/12/2014, 8:35:59 AM] Athena Hollow: Not at all.
[29/12/2014, 8:35:59 AM] Veerender Jubbal: They followed me?
[29/12/2014, 8:36:02 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Okay.
[29/12/2014, 8:36:06 AM] Athena Hollow: I'd just ignore/mute and or block.
[29/12/2014, 8:36:40 AM] Athena Hollow: They have the ability to bring the hate mob down further on you. Avoid at all costs :-/
[29/12/2014, 8:36:58 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Yeah--I do not need more on top of what I get.
[29/12/2014, 8:38:22 AM] Remy: Oh wow
[29/12/2014, 8:38:30 AM] Remy: That group is trying to target you?
[29/12/2014, 8:38:38 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Yeah, yo!
[29/12/2014, 8:38:39 AM] Remy: I promise you, Veerender, whatever they offer, they are trying to target you.
[29/12/2014, 8:38:41 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Popular!
[29/12/2014, 8:38:49 AM] Athena Hollow: They are gaslighting assbags.
[29/12/2014, 8:38:52 AM] Athena Hollow: To put it nicely.
[29/12/2014, 8:39:01 AM] Charloppe: anita and carolyn petit are doing a stream together
[29/12/2014, 8:39:18 AM] Veerender Jubbal: They are super cool!
[29/12/2014, 8:39:29 AM] Charloppe:
[29/12/2014, 8:44:42 AM] Rob: So did juice bro show
[29/12/2014, 8:45:03 AM] Athena Hollow: Of course not! He made the appt for a year in the future when December 28 falls on a monday
[29/12/2014, 8:45:04 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[29/12/2014, 8:45:33 AM] Athena Hollow: So Chris said he'd reschedule for tomorrow because the kids are out of town anyways xD
[29/12/2014, 8:47:03 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: People need to quit calling TFYC a "group." It's just one creepy dude named Matt playing pretend company.
[29/12/2014, 8:47:27 AM] Rob: :D
[29/12/2014, 8:47:28 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Like RogueStar and his "Mercenary Gamez"
[29/12/2014, 8:47:40 AM] Rob: Excuse me. It's a party of one.
[29/12/2014, 8:47:42 AM] Athena Hollow: oh wow I didn't realize that.
[29/12/2014, 8:47:50 AM] Athena Hollow: I assumed it was at LEAST two people lol
[29/12/2014, 8:48:02 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: If anyone else worked with him, they'd have yanked the keyboard out of his hands and beat him over the head with it a LONG time ago
[29/12/2014, 8:48:10 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[29/12/2014, 8:48:16 AM] Athena Hollow: Not necessarily. See: Brad Wardell
[29/12/2014, 8:48:19 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Oh, he's not alone.
[29/12/2014, 8:48:43 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: He claims his Girlfriend Who Lives In Canada is also part of the company, but can't ever talk to anyone because she's in a wheelchair.
[29/12/2014, 8:48:44 AM] Alex Lifschitz: TFYC is run by one guy, Matt. Matt also happens to be the EP of Autobotika, the devs they're "hiring" to make the game.
[29/12/2014, 8:48:52 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: well yeah
[29/12/2014, 8:48:59 AM] Alex Lifschitz: The "feminist charity" is just sourcing their own paycheck.
[29/12/2014, 8:49:03 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: but he makes it very very clear that none of them are part of TFYC
[29/12/2014, 8:49:18 AM] Athena Hollow: Which is so fucking scummy. Just do what non-scummy people do and run a KS for your goddamn games.
[29/12/2014, 8:49:31 AM] Athena Hollow: If it floats, awesome; if not, sorry. This charity shit pisses me off :-/
[29/12/2014, 8:49:34 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: which is a totally separate company that just works for/with this other company he works for (but is never paid this is all totally legit!)
[29/12/2014, 8:49:38 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Really, everything can be summed up in Zoe's tumblr post about them.
[29/12/2014, 8:49:52 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: yeah pretty much
[29/12/2014, 8:49:56 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Also, they never billed themselves as a charity, despite GG's insistence.
[29/12/2014, 8:50:07 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: except occassionally when he does
[29/12/2014, 8:50:10 AM] Athena Hollow: Well until now.
[29/12/2014, 8:50:19 AM] Athena Hollow: And this 'we're running the charity for the porn show' thing
[29/12/2014, 8:50:21 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Like, whenever a gater says "we raised $70,000 for charity," every word in that sentence is a lie.
[29/12/2014, 8:50:45 AM] Alex Lifschitz: GG didn't raise it, it wasn't $70,000, and they're not a charity.
[29/12/2014, 8:50:52 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: yup
[29/12/2014, 8:51:19 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Curious to see if knifehorse digs anything further up re: the fraudulent nature of the contest.
[29/12/2014, 8:51:22 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: Dude really does need to be sued into a crater sometime
[29/12/2014, 8:51:32 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: also why has nobody invited him in here?
[29/12/2014, 8:51:37 AM] Alex Lifschitz: We also know they faked their credentials in game development.
[29/12/2014, 8:51:52 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Dunno. If you wanna invite him, be my guest. I don't have his skype.
[29/12/2014, 9:17:23 AM] Randi Harper: i dunno what's up with this guy, but zoe, since GG went after your patreon:
[29/12/2014, 9:24:50 AM] Tesseract: haha funfact they had a list of patreons they wanted to go after and things to report to get them pulled and yours was just "we've got nothing but I KNOW SHE DID SOMETHING"
[29/12/2014, 9:25:24 AM] Quinnae: Also, if any of you are interested: Here's a broad sample of my writing!
[29/12/2014, 9:28:55 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: Belated because I was eating but on the TFYC contest front- the voting page (which is still theoretically live) doesn't seem to hook to an actual database, reject old IPs, register anything, etc. and the winner's actual name doesn't match the one on the winning pitch.
[29/12/2014, 9:33:00 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Bobby Oliveira is that dude that sent threats to CH Sommers
[29/12/2014, 9:33:08 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I would not enage him
[29/12/2014, 9:35:03 AM] Chris Kluwe: cerno got back to me, we're on for 4 tomorrow
[29/12/2014, 9:35:31 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): oh, nice!
[29/12/2014, 9:35:35 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): looking forward to it
[29/12/2014, 9:48:58 AM] Quinnae: Best of luck with the debate. :)
[29/12/2014, 9:49:03 AM] Tesseract: did they buy an ad on a subreddit that wasn't ghazi
[29/12/2014, 9:50:39 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Hmm
[29/12/2014, 9:53:05 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL, these 3 cat bots that show up when you have "fish oil" in your tweets:
[29/12/2014, 9:54:49 AM] Chris Kluwe: i can't wait for this thing tomorrow
[29/12/2014, 9:54:51 AM] Chris Kluwe: CANNOT WAIT
[29/12/2014, 9:54:57 AM] Tesseract: end him
[29/12/2014, 9:55:01 AM] Chris Kluwe: anyways,off to cook dinner for the children
[29/12/2014, 9:55:08 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ok, see you later!
[29/12/2014, 9:55:08 AM] Chris Kluwe: because apparently CPS doesn't like it when children starve
[29/12/2014, 9:55:09 AM] Tesseract: oh right I should get back to combing his twitter
[29/12/2014, 9:55:14 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ha
[29/12/2014, 9:55:45 AM] Tesseract: next up: her holiness, saint sarkeesian
[29/12/2014, 9:55:50 AM] Tesseract: will probably return little to nothing
[29/12/2014, 9:56:22 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): You are going to comb through Anita's tweets? Or Mike's tweets to Anita?
[29/12/2014, 9:56:27 AM] Tesseract: mike's
[29/12/2014, 9:56:29 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ah
[29/12/2014, 9:56:30 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I see
[29/12/2014, 9:57:02 AM] Tesseract: I just use these search terms for going through people's tweets
[29/12/2014, 9:57:03 AM] Tesseract: bitch bitches cunt cunts whore whores nigger niggers fag fags faggot faggots tranny trannies jew jews nazi nazis rape
zoe quinn thequinnspiracy literally lw lw1 chelsea van valkenburg
femfreq anita sarkeesian lw2
lw2 brianna wu spacekatgal deceitfulwu john walker flynt lwu lw3
freebsdgirl randi harper blue
leigh alexander leighalexander
srh sarah butts srhbutts
devi ever deviever grace lynn pixelgoth devinever deviwhatever disgracedlynn
chloe sagal chloesagal
ian miles cheong stillgray
arthur_affect arthur chu
alex lifschitz alexlifschitz
jonathan mcintosh radicalbytes #FullMcintosh
[29/12/2014, 9:57:38 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Does twitter do partial word searches? So
[29/12/2014, 9:57:43 AM] Tesseract: no
[29/12/2014, 9:57:55 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ah. So, maybe add "jewskeesian"
[29/12/2014, 9:58:21 AM] Tesseract: hm, there's much more here than I expected
[29/12/2014, 9:58:45 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): nevermind. jewskeesian doesn't find anything
[29/12/2014, 9:58:47 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[29/12/2014, 9:59:08 AM] Tesseract: oh looks like juicebro has been a fan of proto-gg as early as september 2013
[29/12/2014, 9:59:25 AM] Tesseract: "Feminist who got paid 160K via Kickstarter to play and review video games stole footage from male gamers"
[29/12/2014, 9:59:49 AM] Tesseract: lol
[29/12/2014, 10:01:52 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL, the reply: "Be careful. She might be able to fake those. She faked everything else so far.."
[29/12/2014, 10:02:50 AM] Tesseract: HAHAHAHA
[29/12/2014, 10:03:04 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): OMG
[29/12/2014, 10:04:15 AM] Tesseract: he's really obsessed with claiming anita faked her threats
[29/12/2014, 10:04:58 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): as are most MRAs
[29/12/2014, 10:04:58 AM] Tesseract: lol gg you fucking idiots
[29/12/2014, 10:05:53 AM] Tesseract: he seems to have some sort of faux-respect for anita for supposedly being a good con artist
[29/12/2014, 10:06:13 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: common attitude
[29/12/2014, 10:07:36 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: oh yeah
[29/12/2014, 10:07:52 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: before I got distracted- Drag @knifehorse in here, yea or nay?
[29/12/2014, 10:08:25 AM] Tesseract: what
[29/12/2014, 10:08:31 AM] Tesseract: I dont recognize knifehorse at all
[29/12/2014, 10:08:36 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I don't interact with them, so i can't comment
[29/12/2014, 10:12:45 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): (I recognize knifehorse's name, but don't follow them)
[29/12/2014, 10:12:55 AM] Ian Cheong: Do not interact with TFYC.
[29/12/2014, 10:13:25 AM] Ian Cheong: Also hi everyone
[29/12/2014, 10:13:30 AM] Ian Cheong: What's the story?
[29/12/2014, 10:13:32 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): hey
[29/12/2014, 10:13:56 AM] Quinnae: I... need to find leftovers to reheat.
[29/12/2014, 10:14:03 AM] Ian Cheong: "Anita and Denton have kept hands clean re: me. A very high level Gawker editor was in on the planned Op against me, though."
[29/12/2014, 10:14:05 AM] Ian Cheong: lol planned Op
[29/12/2014, 10:14:08 AM] Quinnae: I also have no idea who Knifehorse is.
[29/12/2014, 10:14:10 AM] Ian Cheong: What, does he think we're roguestar?
[29/12/2014, 10:15:02 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: The guy behind this blog-
[29/12/2014, 10:17:01 AM] Ian Cheong: I don't know Knifehorse very well but he seems cool on Twitter.
[29/12/2014, 10:17:31 AM] Rob: Hey, ian.
[29/12/2014, 10:18:14 AM] Ian Cheong: Hey
[29/12/2014, 10:18:31 AM] Ian Cheong: Apparently Chris Chan (you know the guy, he's infamous) got arrested for spraying mace on a GameStop employee.
[29/12/2014, 10:18:45 AM] Ian Cheong: Gators are painting this as "anti-gamergater ... blah blah blah"
[29/12/2014, 10:18:56 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: haha what
[29/12/2014, 10:18:57 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: link
[29/12/2014, 10:19:02 AM] Ian Cheong: there's video too
[29/12/2014, 10:19:04 AM] Ian Cheong:
[29/12/2014, 10:19:16 AM] Rob: wtf
[29/12/2014, 10:19:37 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): But Chris Chan, though. I didn't even know they had a stance on GG
[29/12/2014, 10:20:12 AM] Ian Cheong: "If this counts as an Anti-GG action, wouldn't they also be able to spin it to say that the harassment(irl too, death threats and bullying he received from Encyclopedia Drammatica is #GamerGate's fault because ED is Pro-GG?
Do you even think of the consequences before you declare victory over something?"
[29/12/2014, 10:20:29 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): AHAHA
[29/12/2014, 10:20:31 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): wow
[29/12/2014, 10:20:43 AM] Rob: haha
[29/12/2014, 10:22:09 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I sincerely hope naive GGers didn't take this as a signal to go harrass Chris Chan further
[29/12/2014, 10:24:34 AM] Randi Harper: if someone pepper sprays other people, i could care less if they get harassed tbh
[29/12/2014, 10:24:56 AM] Randi Harper: pepper spray is brutal
[29/12/2014, 10:24:56 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: ^
[29/12/2014, 10:25:02 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i mean
[29/12/2014, 10:25:07 AM] Ian Cheong: did serumbro show up for Chris's debate earlier?
[29/12/2014, 10:25:14 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i say that but there's still stuff that crosses the line, of course
[29/12/2014, 10:25:16 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): No. moved to tomorrow
[29/12/2014, 10:25:34 AM] Rob: Eh, but he's been arrested, right?
[29/12/2014, 10:25:44 AM] Rob: At that point as long as he's prosecuted I don't really see an issue
[29/12/2014, 10:26:14 AM] Ian Cheong: Chris Chan ain't right in the head.
[29/12/2014, 10:26:28 AM] Rob: I don't really know who he is
[29/12/2014, 10:26:55 AM] Ian Cheong: He's famous for making videos where he's married to Sonic the Hedgehog.
[29/12/2014, 10:27:03 AM] Ian Cheong: He drew a series of comics about it.
[29/12/2014, 10:27:09 AM] Rob: uhm
[29/12/2014, 10:27:14 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): "Christian Weston Chandler (b. Christopher Weston Chandler), also known as Chris-Chan and CWC, is a YouTube vlogger and creator of the webcomic Sonichu. Around late 2007, Christian became a trolling target by Encyclopedia Dramatica and 4chan, due to his low quality body of work, unusual behaviors, and extreme reactions to hostility."
[29/12/2014, 10:27:21 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): more background here:
[29/12/2014, 10:27:30 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): the whole thing is really fucked up.
[29/12/2014, 10:27:33 AM] Quinnae: Oh wow, I remember this.
[29/12/2014, 10:28:26 AM] Charloppe: certainly did not see this happening
[29/12/2014, 10:28:45 AM] Ian Cheong: Hey everyone
[29/12/2014, 10:28:47 AM] Ian Cheong: Context DO matters!
[29/12/2014, 10:28:49 AM] Ian Cheong:
[29/12/2014, 10:28:52 AM] Ian Cheong: rofl
[29/12/2014, 10:29:01 AM] Randi Harper: During this time at the college, Chris had been expelled for a year after attempting to pick up women via signs.
[29/12/2014, 10:29:02 AM] Randi Harper: wut
[29/12/2014, 10:29:06 AM] Ian Cheong: this is a quotable goldmine
[29/12/2014, 10:30:14 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): IDK. Just from that description alone, I picture someone with a sign that says "Hey, cutie, go out with me. please"
[29/12/2014, 10:31:28 AM] Rob: Is it wrong that I feel bad for him?
[29/12/2014, 10:31:53 AM] Ian Cheong: No, it's not wrong
[29/12/2014, 10:32:00 AM] Ian Cheong: He's been bullied by ED and the channers.
[29/12/2014, 10:35:16 AM] Ian Cheong: Jack Thompson apologism
[29/12/2014, 10:35:17 AM] Ian Cheong:
[29/12/2014, 10:37:03 AM] Ian Cheong: "Yeah, Thompson is down right reasonable compared to Feminazis & other SJWs."
[29/12/2014, 10:37:14 AM] Rob: lolol
[29/12/2014, 10:37:23 AM] Rob: And yeha I just finished reading that article, I feel bad for the kid
[29/12/2014, 10:43:40 AM] Ian Cheong:
[29/12/2014, 10:43:50 AM] Ian Cheong: from the article: "Of course, we all have a right to be offended, but that does not entitle us to demand bans as soon as we see something we disagree with."
[29/12/2014, 10:43:57 AM] Ian Cheong: ironic that they're posting this
[29/12/2014, 10:44:12 AM] Ian Cheong: considering they want writers like leigh alexander banned for expressing their opinions
[29/12/2014, 10:46:24 AM] Ian Cheong: also in another post, about sexism against men:
[29/12/2014, 10:46:27 AM] Ian Cheong: "Most American women are probably higher than me, socioeconomically. Certainly seems that way on OkCupid, where they all have masters degrees and list their favorite obscure hipster authors and artists. Of course, they never reply, because they still hold men to gender roles. I'm no breadwinner. I can't even afford to live in a trailer park, so I moved back home with my gram. I'm curious how someone at the bottom of the food chain has "power"."
[29/12/2014, 10:47:08 AM] Rob: oh dear.
[29/12/2014, 10:47:11 AM] Randi Harper: why do dudes always use the loser argumernt
[29/12/2014, 10:47:14 AM] Randi Harper: argument
[29/12/2014, 10:47:22 AM] Ian Cheong: because these men are pathetic
[29/12/2014, 10:47:38 AM] Rob: I always ask them "Please explain how any of that is because of you being a man qua man."
[29/12/2014, 10:48:25 AM] Randi Harper: it's true, i don't reply to unemployed people on okcupid
[29/12/2014, 10:48:27 AM] Randi Harper: but that's not because of gender roles
[29/12/2014, 10:48:34 AM] Ian Cheong: Yep. It has nothing to do with being a man and everything to do with the fact that the guy is probably a pathetic waste of skin.
[29/12/2014, 10:48:39 AM] Randi Harper: that's because I've dated guys that were unemployed or made far less than me in the past, and it NEVER worked out well.
[29/12/2014, 10:48:51 AM] Randi Harper: usually because they had a problem with it
[29/12/2014, 10:48:57 AM] Ian Cheong: Yeah.
[29/12/2014, 10:49:21 AM] Randi Harper: but admittedly, i like going on nice vacations, i like going out to good restaurants, i buy too many gadgets. and that can be a difficult thing in a relationship if people aren't on the same socioeconomic levels.
[29/12/2014, 10:54:11 AM] Ian Cheong: another post:
[29/12/2014, 10:54:13 AM] Ian Cheong: "women in the US are a majority of the population and a solid majority of the electorate. Women live longer, healthier, happier lives, with less work, more time with friends, more time with family, and less chance of violent victimization. Women receive preferential treatment in education, in employment, in criminal law, in family law, in government services, in healthcare, and in social interaction. Women decide 70% of all consumer spending and thus advertisement driven media is forced to pander to female sensibilities, regardless of truth or merit.
Despite all of these measurable empirical facts which show women are living better than any other demographic in the history of the human race, the zeitgeist of today is that women are horribly oppressed by evil men. We truly live in an age of deception."
[29/12/2014, 10:55:18 AM] Rob: I love how full of shit that entire thing is.
[29/12/2014, 10:55:34 AM] Ian Cheong: it's what MRAs believe
[29/12/2014, 10:55:35 AM] Rob: Like until the ACA, being a woman was a pre-existing condition for insurance.
[29/12/2014, 10:56:48 AM] Rob: I need to make more anti-MRA videos.
[29/12/2014, 10:57:23 AM] drinternetphd: yooo how'd the debate go
[29/12/2014, 10:57:37 AM] Rob: Juicebro fudged the time, rescheduled to tomorrow
[29/12/2014, 10:57:42 AM] Rob: I believe
[29/12/2014, 10:57:57 AM] drinternetphd: shit I owe alex 5 bucks
[29/12/2014, 10:58:28 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: heh
[29/12/2014, 10:59:07 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: ... help, I need to work on my game and SKR is tempting me with the siren song of playtesting a weird mutant version of D&D!
[29/12/2014, 11:25:14 AM] nicholas.boterf: So why exactly is TFYC basically painting targets on Veerender’s back?
[29/12/2014, 11:25:47 AM] Quinnae: Good lord, TFYC appeared in my mentions because I used the damn acronym.
[29/12/2014, 11:25:59 AM] nicholas.boterf: Oh they name search terribly.
[29/12/2014, 11:26:07 AM] Veerender Jubbal: They sent me two tweets.
[29/12/2014, 11:26:09 AM] nicholas.boterf: They’re ASSHOLES.
[29/12/2014, 11:26:10 AM] Quinnae: I know.
[29/12/2014, 11:26:12 AM] SF: They've popped up literally every time I've mentioned them.
[29/12/2014, 11:26:12 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Call out tweets.
[29/12/2014, 11:26:39 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: There's a reason you keep seeing me say stuff like The Fuzzy Yellow Caterpiller.
[29/12/2014, 11:27:27 AM] nicholas.boterf: Like I don’t even remember you Veerender criticizing them or anything? Why this SUDDEN INTEREST in Sikh community (other than to harass you?)
[29/12/2014, 11:29:19 AM] Quinnae: hugs Veerender
[29/12/2014, 11:29:41 AM] Quinnae: Tried to leverage my powerful, evil SJW web brand to send some love your way, dear. :P
[29/12/2014, 11:33:36 AM] Remy: Ugh, I see TFYMatt is still trying to harass Veerender into giving him attention
[29/12/2014, 11:34:12 AM] Remy: lol with 3 favs and zero RTs he's obviously just swimming in community support
[29/12/2014, 11:34:20 AM] Quinnae: Only hang out with Fine Young Social Democrats.
[29/12/2014, 11:34:36 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Yeah...
[29/12/2014, 11:34:54 AM] Remy: I got tired of it all, now I only hang out with Those Crazy Old Fucking Communists
[29/12/2014, 11:35:02 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: And still denying anyone is a journalist when called out about giving any journalist contact info for his totally existent contestants.
[29/12/2014, 11:36:18 AM] Remy: TFYC is the internet version of a van with tinted windows hanging around in your neighborhood
[29/12/2014, 11:38:00 AM] Faruk Ates: Hey all
[29/12/2014, 11:40:19 AM] Remy: heyo
[29/12/2014, 11:40:52 AM] Rob: you are all awesome~
[29/12/2014, 11:40:55 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: So am I correct that inviting @knifehorse in here is still 1 for, 15 "who?"
[29/12/2014, 11:40:56 AM] Rob: also I am buzzed so boops
[29/12/2014, 11:41:02 AM] Remy: boops back
[29/12/2014, 11:41:20 AM] Tesseract: yes
[29/12/2014, 11:44:11 AM] Quinnae: No idea who they are, yeah.
[29/12/2014, 11:45:41 AM] Quinnae: boops Rob back I just got started with my drinking tonight.
[29/12/2014, 11:47:49 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: very fact-checky blogger who tries to keep a low profile and clue other people into stuff
[29/12/2014, 11:47:50 AM] Secret Gamer Girl:
[29/12/2014, 11:49:14 AM] Rob: :D
[29/12/2014, 11:49:35 AM] Remy: wait
[29/12/2014, 11:49:41 AM] Remy: Knife horse is the person behind cathodedebris?
[29/12/2014, 11:49:45 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: Yeah
[29/12/2014, 11:49:48 AM] Remy: whoa
[29/12/2014, 11:49:52 AM] Remy: badass
[29/12/2014, 11:50:03 AM] Quinnae: Ohhhhhh!
[29/12/2014, 11:50:20 AM] Remy: one of the only people who've been on-point from day one with this whole boondoggle
[29/12/2014, 11:50:25 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: Apparently I haven't made that clear by linking to posts of his every time someone asks "Who?"
[29/12/2014, 11:50:59 AM] Remy: :( I'm sorry
[29/12/2014, 11:55:54 AM] Ian Cheong: I'm for.
[29/12/2014, 11:57:13 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: So that's now more like Yes x4 "Who?" x10 then?
[29/12/2014, 11:57:41 AM] Rob: I abstain
[29/12/2014, 11:57:48 AM] Rob: since I'm not familiar with them personally
[29/12/2014, 11:57:57 AM] Rob: (basically whatever everyone else wants is fine w/ me)
[29/12/2014, 11:58:21 AM] Quinnae: I'm a bit agnostic on adding more members at this point.
[29/12/2014, 12:05:43 PM] David Gallant: Evening, I'm back.
[29/12/2014, 12:07:01 PM] Remy: I have no objections to knife horse, but I also understand any hesitation, as I think it's healthy to be mindful of the level of trust and privacy we enjoy in this circle that is afforded to us because of the smart security decisions we make
[29/12/2014, 12:10:56 PM] Ian Cheong: Yup
[29/12/2014, 12:11:11 PM] Quinnae: Howdy David.
[29/12/2014, 12:11:24 PM] David Gallant: I don't quite know who that person is, if my input matters.
[29/12/2014, 12:23:49 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): o.o a judge on The Voice Holland passed out after hearing a contesting sing:
[29/12/2014, 12:46:13 PM] David Gallant: Poor Veerender is getting slammed out there.
[29/12/2014, 12:46:42 PM] Remy: Are they still railing at Veerender on Twitter?
[29/12/2014, 12:46:53 PM] David Gallant: Still.
[29/12/2014, 12:46:56 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: what happened with veerender? why are they after him now D:
[29/12/2014, 12:47:00 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: figured they were focused on angry joe
[29/12/2014, 12:47:08 PM] Tesseract: who?
[29/12/2014, 12:47:39 PM] David Gallant: Sarah - someone glomped onto an thing he answered with "video games are garbage". His tweets have been spread around GG and KiA
[29/12/2014, 12:47:41 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: angry joe is a youtuber that closed some GG threads on his forum
[29/12/2014, 12:47:43 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: and people went batshit
[29/12/2014, 12:47:57 PM] Tesseract: lol
[29/12/2014, 12:48:03 PM] Tesseract: what forum?
[29/12/2014, 12:48:11 PM] Remy: TFYMatt has been trolling Veerender on twitter goading him with offers of doing a video game project for Sikh people
[29/12/2014, 12:48:42 PM] Remy: Obviously designed to put a spotlight/target on Veerender for harassment
[29/12/2014, 12:49:37 PM] David Gallant: Whoa whoa whoa... Matt from TFYC is in on this?
[29/12/2014, 12:49:55 PM] David Gallant: Oh that sniveling little fuck.
[29/12/2014, 12:50:11 PM] David Gallant: Same guy who claimed they could make Depression Quest in a week.
[29/12/2014, 12:50:24 PM] David Gallant: (and I challenged them to do so, which they never did)
[29/12/2014, 12:53:16 PM] Tesseract: seems juicebro had a bit of an issue with john scalzi before this as well
[29/12/2014, 12:54:17 PM] Tesseract: lol him and icer are a perfect fit
[29/12/2014, 12:55:07 PM] David Gallant: ... uhhhhhh
[29/12/2014, 12:55:09 PM] David Gallant: Wow.
[29/12/2014, 12:55:13 PM] David Gallant: Mike is dumb.
[29/12/2014, 12:55:27 PM] Faruk Ates: o_O
[29/12/2014, 12:55:34 PM] Faruk Ates: how did the debate go? did it happen?
[29/12/2014, 12:55:52 PM] Tesseract: no
[29/12/2014, 12:55:54 PM] Faruk Ates: I had to leave abruptly 'cause my friend arrived at the coffee shop (Chris can attest to the ultimate SJW-SF-hipster nature of my situation)
[29/12/2014, 12:55:59 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: He didn't show and said "tomorrow!"
[29/12/2014, 12:56:04 PM] Faruk Ates: ah of course
[29/12/2014, 12:56:45 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: so uh
[29/12/2014, 12:56:50 PM] Secret Gamer Girl:
[29/12/2014, 12:56:53 PM] Tesseract: b/c he listed the date as "monday, september 28th"
[29/12/2014, 12:57:14 PM] Tesseract: old news
[29/12/2014, 12:57:17 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: this is an 8 day week grace period I guess?
[29/12/2014, 12:58:27 PM] David Gallant: The original Patreon message to Brennan was that he had until the end of the month.
[29/12/2014, 12:58:37 PM] David Gallant: I hope they shut down whatever new page he sets up.
[29/12/2014, 12:58:47 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: david: no affiliation with hate groups is allowed
[29/12/2014, 12:58:52 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: and he's publishing on the daily stormer
[29/12/2014, 12:58:56 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: so he'll get booted
[29/12/2014, 12:59:38 PM] David Gallant: It's a matter of when, how long does it last, will they prevent him from trying again, etc.
[29/12/2014, 12:59:39 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: if no affiliation with hate groups is allowed, WTF is Sarkeesian Effect still up?
[29/12/2014, 1:00:04 PM] David Gallant: I'm not bully on Patreon living up to their promises right now. They've shown themselves to be a bit spineless.
[29/12/2014, 1:00:34 PM] Tesseract: lmao
[29/12/2014, 1:00:35 PM] Faruk Ates: they probably have to spend some more time investigating the hard link between aurini and whatever nazi white supremacy thing he's with (I forget)
[29/12/2014, 1:01:18 PM] Faruk Ates: Talking in Matrix analogies about real life is so, so sad. :/
[29/12/2014, 1:01:19 PM] Tesseract:
[29/12/2014, 1:01:44 PM] Tesseract: lol idiot
[29/12/2014, 1:02:33 PM] Remy: lol
[29/12/2014, 1:02:42 PM] Remy: which color pill makes him stfu
[29/12/2014, 1:03:01 PM] Faruk Ates: hahaha
[29/12/2014, 1:03:26 PM] Faruk Ates: Which color pill makes you grow a pair of balls?
[29/12/2014, 1:03:31 PM] Faruk Ates: (literally)
[29/12/2014, 1:04:29 PM] Remy: Okay nobody tell Zoe
[29/12/2014, 1:04:43 PM] Remy: but I bought myself Nidhogg on PS4 since it's on sale and I'm gonna try it for the first time now
[29/12/2014, 1:04:47 PM] Remy: I SUCK at fighting games
[29/12/2014, 1:04:52 PM] Remy: no reflexes
[29/12/2014, 1:05:12 PM] Remy: I'm an expert marksman but I'm a huge flincher in a close-up fight
[29/12/2014, 1:05:31 PM] Faruk Ates: Are you a sniper type warrior, Stephen?
[29/12/2014, 1:05:35 PM] Faruk Ates: (sorry for the simplification)
[29/12/2014, 1:09:12 PM] Faruk Ates: Either my connection has suddenly dropped/become ineffective, or I said the most offensive thing possible and the entire room is in SJW-induced shock.
[29/12/2014, 1:09:20 PM] Faruk Ates: Or people are busy.
[29/12/2014, 1:09:52 PM] Faruk Ates: I'll go with #3 and lie down some more to cater to my sudden intense headache
[29/12/2014, 1:11:43 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Well, your connection's fine
[29/12/2014, 1:12:03 PM] Remy: Sorry I was AFK trying the game
[29/12/2014, 1:12:15 PM] Remy: And yeah, I stink at Nidhogg XD
[29/12/2014, 1:12:33 PM] Remy: I never went full sniper 'cause I'm a terrible runner and that's pretty big in sniper school apparently
[29/12/2014, 1:12:49 PM] Remy: But I guess I took to marksmanship quite naturally
[29/12/2014, 1:18:06 PM] Remy: what the fuck is this
[29/12/2014, 1:18:33 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: oh yeah, you didn't catch that?
[29/12/2014, 1:18:53 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Cernovich talked her into it yesterday IIRC?
[29/12/2014, 1:19:40 PM] Remy: wtf
[29/12/2014, 1:19:43 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): o.o
[29/12/2014, 1:19:46 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): oh god, why
[29/12/2014, 1:22:42 PM] David Gallant: Yeah. "Feminist Frequency XXX". Saw that thread.
[29/12/2014, 1:23:14 PM] Tesseract: oh god does he have a daughter
[29/12/2014, 1:23:49 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): they are calling the GG camshow "Boob Frequency" ...
[29/12/2014, 1:24:09 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): that poor girl.
[29/12/2014, 1:24:33 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): wait. is that his daughter? or his girlfriend?
[29/12/2014, 1:24:45 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): "my girl" could mean either
[29/12/2014, 1:25:20 PM] Remy: I believe that tweet is referring to his gf or whomever he is dating or merely a photo he is posting to pretend it is his gf
[29/12/2014, 1:26:02 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): OMG, what if he ends up faking a girlfriend. it would be poetic justice for Peter
[29/12/2014, 1:26:55 PM] Remy: The photo didn't have any clones on tineye
[29/12/2014, 1:26:59 PM] David Gallant: I don't even want to begin deconstructing how teaching someone to use a gun is never a complete defense against abuse.
[29/12/2014, 1:27:06 PM] Remy: ^
[29/12/2014, 1:27:20 PM] David Gallant: So many people I know who have been abused have been the victims of people they were close with.
[29/12/2014, 1:27:36 PM] David Gallant: People they would never confront with a weapon, even after the fact.
[29/12/2014, 1:28:04 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): yeah. like the whole "you're more likely to be raped when out in public" myth
[29/12/2014, 1:28:05 PM] David Gallant: It is SUCH a damaging notion that abuse only comes from strangers in dark alleys, and that weapons are the only defense needed.
[29/12/2014, 1:28:37 PM] David Gallant: But Cernovich is all about damaging notions and harmful ideas.
[29/12/2014, 1:28:47 PM] Tesseract: juicebro makes some bold claims about his dick size
[29/12/2014, 1:29:30 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): o.o
[29/12/2014, 1:29:39 PM] Remy: More importantly
[29/12/2014, 1:29:56 PM] Remy: if he is becoming overly familiar with this... member... then that means he may be running low on magic
[29/12/2014, 1:31:21 PM] Tesseract: this contradicts his later claims
[29/12/2014, 1:32:09 PM] Tesseract:
[29/12/2014, 1:32:28 PM] Tesseract:
[29/12/2014, 1:32:43 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): He is such a tool
[29/12/2014, 1:32:54 PM] Tesseract: ah who could forget this classic
[29/12/2014, 1:33:22 PM] Tesseract: haha what the fuck is this
[29/12/2014, 1:33:41 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[29/12/2014, 1:33:48 PM] Tesseract: juicebro classy as always
[29/12/2014, 1:33:59 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: ROFL
[29/12/2014, 1:35:33 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yeah, probably the best tweet ever from Chuck
[29/12/2014, 1:35:46 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Pretty sure it's that last one
[29/12/2014, 1:35:47 PM] Quinnae: Quinnae returns
[29/12/2014, 1:35:57 PM] Quinnae: Quinnae is drunk and melancholy, at least according to her partner.
[29/12/2014, 1:36:00 PM] Quinnae: How's folks?
[29/12/2014, 1:36:08 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: oh hey,I was scrolled way up
[29/12/2014, 1:36:14 PM] Tesseract: here's a good one
[29/12/2014, 1:36:20 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: and, I'm terrible because I'm STILL not getting to work for some reason
[29/12/2014, 1:36:31 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Quick pop in before we head to sleep but yes we approve of Knifehorse if someone can please finally invite him in
[29/12/2014, 1:36:36 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Tess is combing through Mike C's twitter feed to find incriminating stuff. and sharing the weird ones with us
[29/12/2014, 1:36:37 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Unless he's already here
[29/12/2014, 1:36:58 PM] Tesseract: Mike Cernovich @PlayDangerously 12 Aug 2013

"I've had much socio-sexual success," said no man with game, ever.
[29/12/2014, 1:37:21 PM] Tesseract: also he really fucking hates obese people
[29/12/2014, 1:37:28 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: aha
[29/12/2014, 1:37:31 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Tess, it's because he used to be obese
[29/12/2014, 1:37:34 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): it seems
[29/12/2014, 1:37:39 PM] Alex Lifschitz: I know we keep talking about inviting him in and people are like "who?" and then they're like "oh yeah he's cool" and then we forget to invite him in
so let's do that
[29/12/2014, 1:37:44 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: so that's 3 votes for and like.... 10 "I don't know"s
[29/12/2014, 1:37:53 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I think 5 or 6 for yes
[29/12/2014, 1:37:57 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: OK
[29/12/2014, 1:37:59 PM] Tesseract: in related news WHY HAVEN'T WE INVITED ARTHUR CHU
[29/12/2014, 1:38:09 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Wasn't Sarah going to invite?
[29/12/2014, 1:38:10 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: I thought people did and he passed?
[29/12/2014, 1:38:14 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i asked him and didn't get a reply
[29/12/2014, 1:38:17 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: didn't want to peste rhim
[29/12/2014, 1:38:17 PM] Tesseract: oh
[29/12/2014, 1:38:19 PM] Tesseract: ask again
[29/12/2014, 1:38:22 PM] Alex Lifschitz: ah
[29/12/2014, 1:38:22 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[29/12/2014, 1:38:25 PM] Tesseract: or someone else ask
[29/12/2014, 1:38:44 PM] Remy: they followed me this afternoon so I can ask if nobody else does
[29/12/2014, 1:39:08 PM] Tesseract: yes kill each other please
[29/12/2014, 1:39:19 PM] Alex Lifschitz: In other news we will be on sparingly for the next week or so because we're going to LA and fuck that place
[29/12/2014, 1:39:42 PM] Alex Lifschitz: So, y'know, keep being awesome and alert us if shit gets on fire
[29/12/2014, 1:40:02 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Going to CA to kick Mike C's ass?
[29/12/2014, 1:40:06 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Also don't tell anyone we'll be in LA or Cernovich will start screaming about how we're coming to kill him
[29/12/2014, 1:40:13 PM] Tesseract: what the fuck
[29/12/2014, 1:40:18 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): good point. lol
[29/12/2014, 1:40:48 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Mostly we're going to see my sister and eat ramen and stay with a musician in the desert
[29/12/2014, 1:40:57 PM] David Gallant: Have fun in LA, you two. Or have whatever it is you're going down there to do.
[29/12/2014, 1:41:03 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: fun
[29/12/2014, 1:42:36 PM] Alex Lifschitz: basically family obligation, otherwise LA is horrendous
[29/12/2014, 1:42:42 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL, didn't catch Peter's tweet earlier:
[29/12/2014, 1:42:52 PM] Remy: Well enjoy the sunshine
[29/12/2014, 1:43:39 PM] Tesseract: hmmmmmmm
[29/12/2014, 1:44:32 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Heh
[29/12/2014, 1:44:47 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Someone was randomly trying to talk me into moving to LA the other day. "NOPE." "Why, have you even been there?" "I have. NOPE." "Well how much did you even see?" "NOPE."
[29/12/2014, 1:45:10 PM] Ian Cheong: That bad?
[29/12/2014, 1:45:30 PM] David Gallant: I liked being in Culver City for IndieCade, but I got the sense that it might not be nice to live there.
[29/12/2014, 1:45:50 PM] Quinnae: Alex, I wish you and Zoe the best in LA.
[29/12/2014, 1:46:10 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I have a friend that lives in LA. Studio City
[29/12/2014, 1:46:33 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): He likes living there. He's pretty well off, though.
[29/12/2014, 1:46:40 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I'm content in the Seattle area. :3
[29/12/2014, 1:47:37 PM] Quinnae: I'm not much of a motorist, I fear. I'd be dreadfully out of place in LA.
[29/12/2014, 1:48:12 PM] David Gallant: At least the buses are cheap out there, Katherine.
[29/12/2014, 1:48:25 PM] Quinnae: Really?
[29/12/2014, 1:49:12 PM] Tesseract: jesus
[29/12/2014, 1:49:43 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): o.o
[29/12/2014, 1:49:48 PM] David Gallant: $1 - $1.50, as I recall
[29/12/2014, 1:51:02 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): JennOfHardwire is trying to go at it with Annie
[29/12/2014, 1:51:07 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Not going well for Jenn. XD
[29/12/2014, 1:51:17 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[29/12/2014, 1:51:34 PM] nicholas.boterf: Is this Mercedes?
[29/12/2014, 1:51:40 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): No
[29/12/2014, 1:51:43 PM] Tesseract: oh lovely a shitton of "ian miles cheong is a nazi"
[29/12/2014, 1:51:44 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): One of her friends
[29/12/2014, 1:51:46 PM] Tesseract: it's always there
[29/12/2014, 1:51:57 PM] nicholas.boterf: Ok then!
[29/12/2014, 1:52:06 PM] Ian Cheong: Sigh
[29/12/2014, 1:52:21 PM] Tesseract: I always find it in every single gger's profile
[29/12/2014, 1:52:32 PM] Tesseract: well it's useful for reporting I guess
[29/12/2014, 1:52:34 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): @princesskora1 NSFW BOOBS. and giving GG lots of gross attention. eww
[29/12/2014, 1:53:04 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): GG is beyond parordy. not too long before they finally convince that one porn actress to cosplay as Vivian james
[29/12/2014, 1:54:04 PM] nicholas.boterf: Yeah it’s pretty tasteless.
[29/12/2014, 1:55:53 PM] Remy: I guess I can download custom PSN avatars on the PS3 but not on the PS4
[29/12/2014, 1:56:22 PM] nicholas.boterf: Actually I’m surprised the Vivian James thing hasn’t happened before.
[29/12/2014, 1:56:48 PM] David Gallant: Stephen - Sony's shit is remarkably inconsistent.
[29/12/2014, 1:56:54 PM] Tesseract: holy fuck he really has it out for arthur chu for some unknowable reason
[29/12/2014, 1:57:15 PM] David Gallant: You can't download custom avatars for the Vita either, but changing it on the PS3 affects all three systems.
[29/12/2014, 1:59:43 PM] David Gallant: I feel like I should Storify this conversation between Veerender and this game dev who first attacked him, then decided to put Sikh characters in his game, then asked Veerender what is on his head.
[29/12/2014, 1:59:46 PM] Remy: lol I guess my husband saw that Dragon Age Inquisition was on sale and bought himself a copy
[29/12/2014, 1:59:53 PM] Remy: I think he wants to play multiplayer together
[29/12/2014, 2:00:24 PM] David Gallant: DA I has multiplayer?
[29/12/2014, 2:01:20 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOLOLOL. She doesn't realize I was mocking her:
[29/12/2014, 2:01:22 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): OMG
[29/12/2014, 2:01:52 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I mispelled it on purpose
[29/12/2014, 2:01:53 PM] David Gallant: Jenn... she's a "fun" one.
[29/12/2014, 2:02:21 PM] Faruk Ates: LA's buses are cheap but they don't get you very far in a reasonable amount of time
[29/12/2014, 2:02:50 PM] Tesseract: haha what a fucking idiot
[29/12/2014, 2:02:55 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: jennofhardwire blocked me. no clue why
[29/12/2014, 2:03:02 PM] David Gallant: Be glad
[29/12/2014, 2:03:17 PM] Faruk Ates: SF's public transport is not very cheap, not exorbitant, and while it can get you places decently if you happen to have a straight connection from A to B, it's far from always the case
[29/12/2014, 2:03:23 PM] David Gallant: Faruk - that's what I get for being a tourist.
[29/12/2014, 2:03:26 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Any time I see "Jenn" I assume "Frank"
[29/12/2014, 2:04:18 PM] Faruk Ates: being a tourist in LA without a rental car is generally not great fun
[29/12/2014, 2:05:55 PM] Tesseract: ha
[29/12/2014, 2:06:06 PM] Tesseract: isn't milky candy the one who makes up bullshit all the time
[29/12/2014, 2:06:45 PM] David Gallant: SJW... I don't get it.
[29/12/2014, 2:07:06 PM] Peter Coffin: Uh, why is there spaghetti in his pocket
[29/12/2014, 2:07:12 PM] Ian Cheong: Yeah.
[29/12/2014, 2:07:25 PM] Ian Cheong: Chan meme. Spilled his spaghetti
[29/12/2014, 2:07:38 PM] Peter Coffin: Oh.
[29/12/2014, 2:07:59 PM] Peter Coffin: Chan meme, don't feel dumb now. Feel EMPOWERED
[29/12/2014, 2:08:02 PM] Peter Coffin: lol
[29/12/2014, 2:08:31 PM] Peter Coffin: So did I miss anything important?
[29/12/2014, 2:08:35 PM] Ian Cheong: I wish I could type faster on the phone
[29/12/2014, 2:08:54 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Peter, the 'debate' between Chris and Mike C has been moved to tomorrow afternoon. 4pm Pacific
[29/12/2014, 2:08:57 PM] David Gallant: The fuck does "spilled his spaghetti" mean, though?
[29/12/2014, 2:09:36 PM] Quinnae: I do hope that debate goes well.
[29/12/2014, 2:09:47 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: it's a reference to a 4chan meme david
[29/12/2014, 2:10:26 PM] Peter Coffin: As far as I'm concerned there can be only mom's spaghetti
[29/12/2014, 2:10:28 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): it looks like a bait and switch (like RickRoll, Fresh Prince, $3.50 Lockness Monster)
[29/12/2014, 2:10:51 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: it's basically "doing something stupid and making an ass out of yourself"
[29/12/2014, 2:11:07 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: the debate betweenn jenni and sargon was my favorite thing ever. i wish she was on podcasty/yt stuff more often!
[29/12/2014, 2:11:11 PM] Peter Coffin: Any other spaghetti nonsense means nothing to me
[29/12/2014, 2:11:21 PM] Peter Coffin: Me too
[29/12/2014, 2:11:25 PM] Quinnae: Jenni's good people.
[29/12/2014, 2:11:44 PM] Quinnae: The best people, even.
[29/12/2014, 2:11:58 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Kinda wish she'd engage with sea lions less, but apparently she's on break from doing so lately, yay
[29/12/2014, 2:12:31 PM] David Gallant: Everyone keeps telling me it's a chan meme but not explaining the meme!
[29/12/2014, 2:12:39 PM] David Gallant: I MUST KNOW THE MEANING OF THE MEME
[29/12/2014, 2:13:02 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): DAVID:
[29/12/2014, 2:13:03 PM] Ian Cheong: Sarah explained it
[29/12/2014, 2:13:20 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i adore jenni ;-;;
[29/12/2014, 2:13:23 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: lol
[29/12/2014, 2:14:29 PM] David Gallant: Oh look, Sarah, it's like that person is quoting Matt from TFYC.
[29/12/2014, 2:14:59 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: TFYC is so gross ;-;;
[29/12/2014, 2:15:37 PM] David Gallant: Matt in particular.
[29/12/2014, 2:16:00 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): We don't even know if there is more than one person in TFYC
[29/12/2014, 2:16:07 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I only ever see Matt mentioned
[29/12/2014, 2:16:11 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i feel bad for the woman that won the contest, tbh
[29/12/2014, 2:16:42 PM] David Gallant: I actually got a chance to speak with her. She seems to be taking a lot away from this opportunity.
[29/12/2014, 2:17:00 PM] David Gallant: She's getting super involved in the writing side. She might actually come out of this with some useful skills.
[29/12/2014, 2:17:58 PM] Quinnae: Oh? That's good to hear.
[29/12/2014, 2:18:09 PM] Quinnae: I assume she's kept her head down due to the controversy?
[29/12/2014, 2:18:22 PM] Quinnae: Like Sarah I do worry about her.
[29/12/2014, 2:18:28 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: her game looked neat, but i wouldn't feel right buying it :\
[29/12/2014, 2:18:45 PM] Quinnae: Sarah, the way I look at it is this:
[29/12/2014, 2:19:31 PM] Quinnae: As women (or minorities, etc.) we don't often get to choose our opportunities. Whoever this person is, she ought not be punished for having gotten a lucky break thanks to some people who happen to be dodgy.
[29/12/2014, 2:20:13 PM] Quinnae: So I'll support her game. Now, if she starts going on a tear about how evil other women are, well...
[29/12/2014, 2:20:32 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: right, but the money isn't going to just her. if it was that'd be a different story, for sure
[29/12/2014, 2:20:52 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i wouldn't criticize someone for supporting her, i just don't know if i'd personally feel right doing it
[29/12/2014, 2:21:22 PM] David Gallant: 8% goes to her... 74% will go to colon cancer charity if TFYC lives up to that promise.
[29/12/2014, 2:21:39 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: of profits. which means autobotika's staff (ie, TFYC) gets paid
[29/12/2014, 2:22:25 PM] David Gallant: Yeah.
[29/12/2014, 2:22:37 PM] David Gallant: I'm still not sure myself how to handle that situation.
[29/12/2014, 2:22:51 PM] David Gallant: I want to support her, but I don't want to give Matt a fucking dime.
[29/12/2014, 2:23:41 PM] Remy: My desire to support one developer isn't going to outweigh my desire to stay as far away from the harassment that TFYC has been very openly comfortable with encouraging
[29/12/2014, 2:23:48 PM] Tesseract:
[29/12/2014, 2:25:26 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[29/12/2014, 2:29:17 PM] Tesseract:
[29/12/2014, 2:29:39 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: I dug up Danielle before the contest even ended to interview her about the whole thing and deliver dire warnings
[29/12/2014, 2:30:51 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Seems nice, claims to be properly lawyered up should need arise... but totally has no problem sticking GG's mascot, complete with updated 8chan ribbon into her game that probably isn't going to see release so...
[29/12/2014, 2:31:28 PM] David Gallant: sigh
[29/12/2014, 2:31:46 PM] David Gallant: I hope she's just trying to weather this as an opportunity. I really do.
[29/12/2014, 2:31:50 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: She either REALLY lives in a cave or is totally in on the whole thing.
[29/12/2014, 2:32:24 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: or is really paranoid and riding things out as quietly as possible
[29/12/2014, 2:32:29 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: was it true tfyc knew danielle before all of this? thought i heard that somewhere
[29/12/2014, 2:32:47 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: hard to say which because in ANY case she has an excellent poker face
[29/12/2014, 2:32:59 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: and, not really?
[29/12/2014, 2:33:36 PM] David Gallant: Yeah, part of me worries that she's really good at putting on a good show.
[29/12/2014, 2:33:38 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: The official story which seems pretty consistent is they have some mutual friend/acquaintance who suggested she jump in on it
[29/12/2014, 2:33:44 PM] David Gallant: I'm worried she might have played me.
[29/12/2014, 2:34:26 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: so I mean
[29/12/2014, 2:34:53 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: there was never really any claim that the whole thing was wide open to the public vs. some sort of invite-only thing
[29/12/2014, 2:35:32 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: and there's no real reason to believe there were any other contestants in the mix, or any real vote...
[29/12/2014, 2:36:22 PM] Ian Cheong: It's all bullshit
[29/12/2014, 2:36:38 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: or that even if there was, "Danielle's" was her pitch, because that was in no way the name on the blog I got her e-mail from
[29/12/2014, 2:37:04 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: but there's no particular reason to assume she is a terrible person
[29/12/2014, 2:37:08 PM] Remy: So I know "The Hacker Webring" was a popular name for this chat room but honestly if the next one isn't called The Ministry of Magic I'm staging a protest :/
[29/12/2014, 2:37:17 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: heh
[29/12/2014, 2:37:52 PM] David Gallant: SGG - what was the name on the blog?
[29/12/2014, 2:38:16 PM] Tesseract: Mike Cernovich @PlayDangerously Mar 16

Yes, my most popular post is, "What is Sex With a Tranny Like?" By sheer accident, as I did not SEO it. http://
[29/12/2014, 2:39:00 PM] Remy: ?
[29/12/2014, 2:41:27 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: let's see...
[29/12/2014, 2:41:44 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Blog linked on her twitter profile-
[29/12/2014, 2:43:33 PM] Tesseract: oh christ this man talks about rape all the fucking time
[29/12/2014, 2:43:41 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: at the time, the associated e-mail was  "Faye Galahad" <[REDACTED]>, which she claimed was a spam-catcher mail, and has since been replaced with something more real-name like
[29/12/2014, 2:43:42 PM] Tesseract: fitting because he's a fucking rapist
[29/12/2014, 2:45:08 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: So
[29/12/2014, 2:46:15 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: basically there's a HUGE number of unknown variables, where pretty much anything you can imagine could prove to actually be the real deal with the whole thing and it'd make perfect sense
[29/12/2014, 2:47:45 PM] Quinnae: Did Cernovich really write that "tranny" blog post?
[29/12/2014, 2:47:57 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: but at the end of the day, she's nice, polite, doesn't do anything to screw with anyone that I've noticed, and other than coraborating Matt's take on a few fishier things, there's no reason to particularly suspect her of anything sinister.
[29/12/2014, 2:48:12 PM] Tesseract: pretty sure yeah
[29/12/2014, 2:48:33 PM] David Gallant: Fucking Cernovich
[29/12/2014, 2:48:43 PM] Remy: Other than not distancing herself from TFYC
[29/12/2014, 2:48:59 PM] Remy: After they were seen to be using Zoe's harassment as a springboard for their publicity campaign
[29/12/2014, 2:48:59 PM] David Gallant: SGG - I guess we'll just have to see what happens; if the game gets finished, launched, etc.
[29/12/2014, 2:49:02 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Well sure, but... if she did she'd be torn to shreds by'em
[29/12/2014, 2:50:46 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: If I were to guess, she caught on that she was dealing with a serious creep with ties to a hate group early on, and is just kinda running personal damage control as best she can.
[29/12/2014, 2:51:10 PM] David Gallant: That's a distinct possibility.
[29/12/2014, 2:51:28 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Motivated by some combination of "hey, I can still get a came out the door in the end of this"/"I really don't want these people to come after me"/"Matt's a cool guy, I can take some heat off him"
[29/12/2014, 2:51:54 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: and... eh, even the worst of those options is an understandable motive, honestly.
[29/12/2014, 2:53:34 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: I'd personally prefer if she'd cut ties, and took up Zoe and I on our offers to make damn sure her game got made without their help, but... "get savaged by a hate group" vs. "get blackballed by the game industry" is a lousy choice either way
[29/12/2014, 2:53:59 PM] David Gallant: I sure hope she doesn't get blackballed for this.
[29/12/2014, 2:54:39 PM] Tesseract: what the fuck
[29/12/2014, 2:55:21 PM] Tesseract: hey chris
[29/12/2014, 2:56:22 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Eh, for me that comes down to how much pressure is on her to toss Vivian into the game and how much of that is her just being genuinely down with the creep squad
[29/12/2014, 2:57:20 PM] Remy: This message has been removed.
[29/12/2014, 2:57:27 PM] Remy: This message has been removed.
[29/12/2014, 2:57:39 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: hmm?
[29/12/2014, 2:57:54 PM] Remy: This message has been removed.
[29/12/2014, 2:58:15 PM] Remy: This message has been removed.
[29/12/2014, 2:58:21 PM] Remy: This message has been removed.
[29/12/2014, 2:58:29 PM] Remy: This message has been removed.
[29/12/2014, 2:59:32 PM] David Gallant: That's a troubling theory... and quite possibly no one's business.
[29/12/2014, 2:59:45 PM] David Gallant: DEAR GODS WHAT IS HE TRYING TO DO TO ME
[29/12/2014, 3:00:23 PM] Remy: Yup
[29/12/2014, 3:00:41 PM] SF: Lots of people are just assholes "for no good reason".
[29/12/2014, 3:00:41 PM] Remy: But I was also reading that tweet incorrectly
[29/12/2014, 3:01:09 PM] Remy: So I'll just delete NE WAY
[29/12/2014, 3:01:25 PM] David Gallant: Fair enough.
[29/12/2014, 3:01:53 PM] Remy: I'm a dummy. And very distracted tonight. Also I'm about to hit the road so BBL
[29/12/2014, 3:01:58 PM] SF: I wasn't going to report you to the theory police.
[29/12/2014, 3:02:12 PM] Remy: Remy steals a quick hug from wolf first
[29/12/2014, 3:02:24 PM] SF: o
[29/12/2014, 3:02:31 PM] David Gallant: Later, Stephen. Take care!
[29/12/2014, 3:02:55 PM] Remy: o/
[29/12/2014, 3:28:28 PM] Tesseract: uh
[29/12/2014, 3:28:40 PM] Tesseract: why aren't my messages going through
[29/12/2014, 3:28:56 PM] Tesseract: guess I'll post this in parts
[29/12/2014, 3:28:58 PM] Tesseract: Conspiracy bullshit: - Polytron Hack - "Op against me"


Zoe Quinn: - Whore - Threat (?) - Killed someone - Killed someone - Killed someone - Killed someone - Killed someone, possible doxx - Court info - "If Zoe hadn't obtained a protective order to shut someone up, I never would have been involved. People who don't like me have her to thank." - Possible doxx (see also

Anita Sarkeesian: - Death threats - Death threats - Death threats - Death threats

Randi Harper: - Possible doxx - Possible doxx - Threat (?) - Obvious threat - Possible doxx

Grace Lynn: - Idiot - Idiot
[29/12/2014, 3:29:09 PM] Tesseract: Ian Miles Cheong (is a nazi):

Arthur Chu (is a rapist or some shit):

Article 1 (Zoe Quinn, Eron Gjoni):

Article 2 (Zoe Quinn, Margaret Pless, little bit on Randi Harper): - Blatant

Article 3 (Randi Harper):
[29/12/2014, 3:29:20 PM] Tesseract: Abuse: (entire thread)

Rape: ( ( - Rape article - Rape article
[29/12/2014, 3:30:22 PM] Tesseract:
[29/12/2014, 3:30:46 PM] Tesseract: I'm not even done, tomorrow I'm going to go through and dig up his redpill and return of kings shit
[29/12/2014, 3:31:32 PM] Tesseract: tonight I'm tired though
[29/12/2014, 3:35:07 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: oh geeze, that's a ton of stuff
[29/12/2014, 3:36:41 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: ;-;;
[29/12/2014, 3:39:14 PM] Quinnae: Oh that is such nonsense.
[29/12/2014, 3:39:29 PM] Quinnae: To say nothing of attributing an inordinate amount of power to you two.
[29/12/2014, 3:40:50 PM] Quinnae: Reading this now and finding it deeply disingenuous, to be frank. I'm very diplomatic and counsel against provocation as a matter of course-- and certainly you and MiB editorialise quite stridently-- but I would never say that the two of you make GG worse or make it last longer. You hold up an unflattering mirror that zeroes in on their worst aspects, which are not hard to find.
[29/12/2014, 3:41:43 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: yeah i didn't take it super seriously. i was flattered someone unfollowed mike/kop/etc because of the stuff we tweeted at least!
[29/12/2014, 3:42:20 PM] Quinnae: pets your snout
[29/12/2014, 3:42:45 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: daw ~
[29/12/2014, 3:43:31 PM] SF: Eh they're also part of the "but context!!" mindset it looks like.
[29/12/2014, 3:43:42 PM] SF: You're a saint Tesseract.
[29/12/2014, 3:44:46 PM] Quinnae: Context matters.
[29/12/2014, 3:44:48 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: also, yeah, tess, that must've been crazy work
[29/12/2014, 3:44:56 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: we should  archive those to be safe
[29/12/2014, 3:44:58 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i can if you like
[29/12/2014, 3:45:01 PM] Quinnae: It's just that GG is under the illusion that the context for those tweets makes them look any better.
[29/12/2014, 3:45:05 PM] Quinnae: Often the opposite is true.
[29/12/2014, 3:46:44 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts:
[29/12/2014, 3:46:57 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: someone on ghazi a few months back compared GG to someone in literature
[29/12/2014, 3:47:02 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: stomping their feet re: moby dick
[29/12/2014, 3:47:04 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: and being like
[29/12/2014, 3:47:09 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: ITS JUST ABOUT A WHALE STOP READING INTO IT
[29/12/2014, 3:47:14 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: and that's all i can ever think of now
[29/12/2014, 3:48:08 PM] Quinnae: Chriss is an absolute fool.
[29/12/2014, 3:49:00 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: that article from ben was funny because we had like that EXACT conversation with a friend a few months back
[29/12/2014, 3:49:05 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: re: tetris
[29/12/2014, 3:50:01 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: hmm... if I wasn't so busy, a big part of me would be tempted to go read every one of this giant pile of GG timeline links someone flooded my last blog post with
[29/12/2014, 3:51:27 PM] SF: Wow I'm only in the controls screen and I already broke Nidhogg's movement.
[29/12/2014, 3:51:29 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: they actually do seem to collectively keep really excellent timelines notes, and these are all archived 4/8chan threads. Probably some really interesting stuff they're too far gone to register than none of us recall
[29/12/2014, 3:51:37 PM] SF: Apparently you can wave dash and it's faster than running normally.
[29/12/2014, 3:57:19 PM] Tesseract: yeah go ahead and archive all of those
[29/12/2014, 4:14:04 PM] Quinnae: Well, I should go upstairs and read/snuggle
[29/12/2014, 4:14:07 PM] Quinnae: Good night all!
[29/12/2014, 4:15:30 PM] Ian Cheong: Gators defend RooshV because does him being a misogynist really make him a bad person and so what if he raped someone in Iceland it's not considered rape by their laws so that makes it OK.
[29/12/2014, 4:19:47 PM] Quinnae: Folks should spread that around, that is damning, even by GG standards.
[29/12/2014, 4:19:52 PM] Quinnae: Anyway, night!
[29/12/2014, 4:34:38 PM] Remy: omg Ian from that reddit you linked
[29/12/2014, 4:34:41 PM] Remy: One of them said
[29/12/2014, 4:34:49 PM] Remy: "SPLC isn't what I'd call a reputable source"
[29/12/2014, 5:14:26 PM] Dan Olson: "Sexist != misogynist"
[29/12/2014, 5:17:10 PM] Remy: That, too, was a favorite of mine
[29/12/2014, 5:17:32 PM] Remy: I'm learning how to code visual novels :3
[29/12/2014, 5:17:39 PM] Dan Olson: Nice
[29/12/2014, 5:17:51 PM] Dan Olson: This thread is mind blowing
[29/12/2014, 5:20:17 PM] Dan Olson: like, I know GarbageGarblers are denser than neutron stars, but their "trust but verify" schtick here is loony toons. There are scam revival tent shows that don't ask for this much blind faith. There isn't enough evidence in the world that would demonstrate that RooshV is bad news.
[29/12/2014, 5:20:56 PM] Dan Olson: The fact that he admitted to raping a woman?
[29/12/2014, 5:21:26 PM] Dan Olson: "there's no reason to reject this guy!"
[29/12/2014, 5:21:49 PM] Dan Olson: They're literally only concerned with the fact that he likes them.
[29/12/2014, 5:22:33 PM] Dan Olson: "They can only "poison our name" if you accept the SJW rules of the game."
[29/12/2014, 5:24:09 PM] Remy: Such a bizarre cult
[29/12/2014, 6:01:35 PM] Remy: I can't tell whether I should pursue Ren'Py or Twine
[29/12/2014, 6:01:55 PM] Dan Olson: Depends on how art-heavy you want to be
[29/12/2014, 6:02:15 PM] Remy: I'm starting out with zero assets as far as visual and audio so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[29/12/2014, 6:02:30 PM] Dan Olson: obviously Twine can also be art heavy, but Ren'Py kinda turns to garbagebutt if you don't have art.
[29/12/2014, 6:03:04 PM] Dan Olson: If you want that Japanese VN look, Ren'Py
[29/12/2014, 6:03:09 PM] Remy: I think maybe all this computer stuff is too complicated for someone like me x-x
[29/12/2014, 6:03:47 PM] Dan Olson: I'm bad at this kind of advice, because I'm one of those obsessively "right tool for the job" kind of people.
[29/12/2014, 6:04:08 PM] Dan Olson: in no small part because I spend so much time making the wrong tool do the job
[29/12/2014, 6:04:31 PM] Dan Olson: so it makes me aggressively conscious of the pitfalls
[29/12/2014, 6:05:06 PM] Remy: thus far it looks like RenPy will force me to learn the lesser amount of coding jargon
[29/12/2014, 6:05:22 PM] Dan Olson: Probably
[29/12/2014, 6:05:54 PM] Remy: HTML counts as coding jargon
[29/12/2014, 6:05:58 PM] Remy: If I have to put it in brackets it's jargon
[29/12/2014, 6:06:14 PM] Remy: :P
[29/12/2014, 6:08:08 PM] Veerender Jubbal: "turbans are hats, It's odd how a terrorist like you doesn't already know that."
[29/12/2014, 6:08:14 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Fuck this shit.
[29/12/2014, 6:08:40 PM] Remy: Aww
[29/12/2014, 6:08:45 PM] Remy: I was hoping you'd have found something cool to do
[29/12/2014, 6:08:49 PM] Remy: To take your mind off of that chump
[29/12/2014, 6:08:58 PM] Veerender Jubbal: It is in my
[29/12/2014, 6:09:02 PM] Remy: oh god
[29/12/2014, 6:09:02 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I left Twitter.
[29/12/2014, 6:09:04 PM] Dan Olson: ugh :-(
[29/12/2014, 6:09:08 PM] Veerender Jubbal: It went to my email.
[29/12/2014, 6:09:09 PM] Remy: And so they follow you
[29/12/2014, 6:09:16 PM] Remy: Ugh
[29/12/2014, 6:09:19 PM] Remy: I'm so sorry Veerender
[29/12/2014, 6:10:36 PM] Remy: This is why I give up on humanity
[29/12/2014, 6:10:44 PM] Remy: People suck too much
[29/12/2014, 6:11:37 PM] Dan Olson: What Would Sailor Mercury Do?
[29/12/2014, 6:11:45 PM] Dan Olson: I don't even know.
[29/12/2014, 6:11:55 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Fuck...
[29/12/2014, 6:12:00 PM] Dan Olson: She's got magic, i'm pretty sure her options are broader than ours :-(
[29/12/2014, 6:12:25 PM] Dan Olson: She'd, like, teleport to their house and bubble blast their ass
[29/12/2014, 6:12:49 PM] Veerender Jubbal: slightly, smiles
[29/12/2014, 6:13:13 PM] Dan Olson: well, a slight smile is still a smile
[29/12/2014, 6:13:27 PM] Dan Olson: stay strong friend, I need to go to bed.
[29/12/2014, 6:13:37 PM] Veerender Jubbal: "Fuck it, Dan." - Me, outloud.
[29/12/2014, 6:14:16 PM] Remy: :(
[29/12/2014, 6:14:28 PM] Remy: Remy wants to hug Veerender a lot r/n
[29/12/2014, 6:14:35 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: More realistically, Sailor Mercury would kill time for half an hour then Sailor Moon would kill them
[29/12/2014, 6:14:45 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: unless it's an episode where she gets an attack powerup
[29/12/2014, 6:15:12 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: unless I forgot the basic episode structure of a show I don't really want to think about how many years since I've seen
[29/12/2014, 6:16:51 PM] Dan Olson: Sailor Mercury had three basic plots: invisible, "I'm so co-dependent, I'm going to go do something solo and get in huge shit as a result", and "I'm so co-dependent, I'm going to withdraw entirely, then my friends are going to get into shit, then I'll come save them because I'm not just a leech, they need me, too"
[29/12/2014, 6:17:16 PM] Dan Olson: It resonated very strongly with me for... reasons.
[29/12/2014, 6:17:30 PM] Remy: ^_^
[29/12/2014, 6:17:40 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: pretty much
[29/12/2014, 6:17:53 PM] Remy: Remind me which Sailor scout would have been terrible at asking for help or accepting it from others
[29/12/2014, 6:18:05 PM] Dan Olson: Mars
[29/12/2014, 6:18:10 PM] Remy: 'cause that probably woulda been me
[29/12/2014, 6:18:10 PM] Dan Olson: and Venus
[29/12/2014, 6:18:16 PM] Dan Olson: and, well, all of them, basically
[29/12/2014, 6:18:35 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: that's the thing about shows about teams
[29/12/2014, 6:18:37 PM] Remy: Sailor Moon was always the first show on but I was always trying to get my homework done so I could watch Dragon Ball Z XD
[29/12/2014, 6:18:41 PM] Dan Olson: that's a pretty common theme, since it's a show about teamwork
[29/12/2014, 6:18:51 PM] Remy: Even though even as a kid I was always like "Nothing ever happens in an episode I need more story here"
[29/12/2014, 6:18:55 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: gotta stress that lesson of teamwork being important by everyone forgetting it constantly
[29/12/2014, 6:19:17 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: and then also by having total BS revivals from the dead due to the power of friendship
[29/12/2014, 6:19:42 PM] Dan Olson: it's pretty much just whatever specific neurosis that girls has that's making them go "I don't need help!"
[29/12/2014, 6:20:33 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Seriously, that is such a common thing in kids' shows it HAS to mess anyone up who has a friend die
[29/12/2014, 6:20:40 PM] Dan Olson: Mercury - co-dependence, Venus - showboating, Moon - dum dum, Mars - aggression
[29/12/2014, 6:20:51 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: "Well apparently you weren't REALLY friends, or they'd be revived by the power of friendship!"
[29/12/2014, 6:20:52 PM] Dan Olson: and, seriously, I need to go to bed
[29/12/2014, 6:21:09 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: not without explaining Jupiter's damage
[29/12/2014, 6:21:16 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: I mean how dare you go 4/5 like that
[29/12/2014, 6:21:21 PM] Dan Olson: The outer senshi don't have the same damage
[29/12/2014, 6:21:37 PM] Dan Olson: they're all about Adult problems
[29/12/2014, 6:22:34 PM] Dan Olson: wait, derp
[29/12/2014, 6:22:41 PM] Dan Olson: see, I need bed
[29/12/2014, 6:23:46 PM] Remy: I'm looking at a guide for increasing accessibility for differently abled gamers but I'm thinking with a visual/interactive novel with low frills I don't really see a whole lot I can do
[29/12/2014, 6:24:14 PM] Remy: (I also enjoy RenPy's back-scrolling feature, that's just neat)
[29/12/2014, 6:24:21 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: yeah, text is pretty manageable like that
[29/12/2014, 6:24:23 PM] Dan Olson: Jupiter's hang up is responsibility
[29/12/2014, 6:24:34 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: OK. NOW you can go sleep.
[29/12/2014, 6:24:55 PM] Dan Olson: she's basically the thematic bridge between the more juvenile Inner Senshi and the adult Outer Senshi
[29/12/2014, 6:25:25 PM] Dan Olson: who all have hangups like "real relationships" and "wasting illness"
[29/12/2014, 6:25:58 PM] Dan Olson: now bed
[29/12/2014, 6:26:25 PM] Dan Olson: BE LOVED, VEERENDER!
[29/12/2014, 6:28:17 PM] Remy: ^
[29/12/2014, 6:28:34 PM] Remy: Aww I think he logged off
[29/12/2014, 6:48:19 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Wow
[29/12/2014, 6:48:47 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: anyone ever cheat their way through to the meat of twitter's impersonation form?
[29/12/2014, 6:48:59 PM] Ian Cheong: What do oyu mean
[29/12/2014, 6:49:22 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: I charitably use the tag
[29/12/2014, 6:49:33 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: one of the resulting sea lions is @radicalshytes
[29/12/2014, 6:49:51 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: I figure I'll take the time to correctly report this for impersonation
[29/12/2014, 6:50:00 PM] Ian Cheong: only radicalbytes can confirm it
[29/12/2014, 6:50:10 PM] Ian Cheong: impersonation reports have to be done by the person being impersonated.
[29/12/2014, 6:50:23 PM] Ian Cheong: because he'll need to submit government ID
[29/12/2014, 6:50:43 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: So you ARE familiar with the full ridiculousness of this then.
[29/12/2014, 6:50:49 PM] Ian Cheong: Yes
[29/12/2014, 6:50:53 PM] Ian Cheong: other people can't report for him
[29/12/2014, 6:51:01 PM] Remy: I gave up on that level of ridiculousness
[29/12/2014, 6:51:12 PM] Remy: Every now and then I can report something for a violent threat but
[29/12/2014, 6:51:21 PM] Remy: Then I'll get an e-mail, like, three days later
[29/12/2014, 6:51:30 PM] Remy: "Sorry but it doesn't violate TOS"
[29/12/2014, 6:51:36 PM] Remy: I just can't anymore
[29/12/2014, 6:51:37 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: oh really?
[29/12/2014, 6:51:50 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i used to just report for harassment and explain it was impersonating, but now you can't fill out that form
[29/12/2014, 6:52:13 PM] Remy: ^
[29/12/2014, 6:52:20 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Those used to let you fill out the whole form then send an e-mail that only the victim was allowed to send it.
[29/12/2014, 6:53:52 PM] Ian Cheong: GG is finally realizing what an abusive prick ItalyGG is
[29/12/2014, 6:56:04 PM] Remy: /whois ItalyGG
[29/12/2014, 6:56:42 PM] Ian Cheong: He's a loudmouth on twitter
[29/12/2014, 6:57:02 PM] Remy: oh
[29/12/2014, 6:57:15 PM] Remy: So he's just one of those people who get off on being shitty
[29/12/2014, 6:57:20 PM] Ian Cheong: Yeah
[29/12/2014, 6:57:22 PM] Remy: And they saw a shitstorm and thought "Ooh, cover and concealment"
[29/12/2014, 6:57:35 PM] Ian Cheong: oh man this post
[29/12/2014, 6:57:36 PM] Ian Cheong:
[29/12/2014, 6:57:54 PM] Ian Cheong: "Harassment is wrong.
The end."
[29/12/2014, 6:58:06 PM] Remy: "He's certainly no angel like that Charles Manson fella" -- GG
[29/12/2014, 7:00:17 PM] Remy: lol
[29/12/2014, 7:00:26 PM] Ian Cheong: these people can suck it.
[29/12/2014, 7:00:36 PM] Remy: just smells like racism to me
[29/12/2014, 7:02:29 PM] Remy: agreed
[29/12/2014, 7:03:29 PM] Ian Cheong: man
[29/12/2014, 7:03:31 PM] Ian Cheong: i love the comments in that thread
[29/12/2014, 7:04:00 PM] Ian Cheong: calling him 'furious pepe'
[29/12/2014, 7:04:08 PM] Ian Cheong: and 'misanthropic miguel'
[29/12/2014, 7:57:11 PM] Rob: morning
[29/12/2014, 7:57:26 PM] Ian Cheong: good morning
[29/12/2014, 7:57:48 PM] Rob: one more fucking day and I can go home
[29/12/2014, 9:03:06 PM] Ian Cheong:
[29/12/2014, 9:03:08 PM] Ian Cheong: what the fuck
[29/12/2014, 9:03:29 PM] Rob: Errrr
[29/12/2014, 9:03:47 PM] Rob: That's fucked up
[29/12/2014, 9:03:52 PM] Ian Cheong: shit yeah
[29/12/2014, 9:03:54 PM] Ian Cheong: i drink smirnoff
[29/12/2014, 9:03:58 PM] Ian Cheong: thats one of the brands that got counterfeited
[29/12/2014, 9:04:58 PM] Ian Cheong: in that article there's "10 best vodkas". Terrible juxtaposition given that the article is about poison vodka
[29/12/2014, 9:05:42 PM] Rob: Seriously
[29/12/2014, 9:10:19 PM] Rob: I just had a horrible thought
[29/12/2014, 9:10:41 PM] Rob: You know somewhere, out there, on the internet, there's like gamergate furry sonic-transformers crossover fan fiction
[29/12/2014, 9:10:54 PM] Rob: where milo is a wolverine and has sex with soundwave or some shit
[29/12/2014, 9:10:59 PM] Ian Cheong: haha
[29/12/2014, 9:11:19 PM] Ian Cheong: oh hey if you like video game covers this japanese dude is doing live covers of mega man and such
[29/12/2014, 9:11:26 PM] Rob: Oooooooooooooooooooh!
[29/12/2014, 9:11:32 PM] Ian Cheong: on a piano
[29/12/2014, 9:11:33 PM] Ian Cheong: it's great.
[29/12/2014, 9:11:54 PM] Rob: That's awesome.
[29/12/2014, 9:12:00 PM] Rob: Mega man 2 is one of my favorite soundtracks ever
[29/12/2014, 9:46:53 PM] Ian Cheong:
[29/12/2014, 9:48:31 PM] Rob: AHAHAHA
[29/12/2014, 9:50:04 PM] Ian Cheong: tweeted it out.
[29/12/2014, 9:50:11 PM] Ian Cheong:
[29/12/2014, 10:01:31 PM] Ian Cheong:
[29/12/2014, 10:03:19 PM] Rob: oh god
[29/12/2014, 10:03:26 PM] Rob: they're linking common core conspiracy bullshit with GG?
[29/12/2014, 10:03:30 PM] Ian Cheong: Yes.
[29/12/2014, 10:03:55 PM] Ian Cheong: "gamergate is the fight for our freedom, and for the future of our entire fucking planet."
[29/12/2014, 10:04:34 PM] Rob: lol
[29/12/2014, 10:04:46 PM] Rob: You know what? If that was the case, then our planet deserves to die
[29/12/2014, 10:08:23 PM] Alex Lifschitz: It's really amazing how chan culture, the only thing that gave them the power to terrorize, also toppled them as the thing that allowed them to be dismissed so easily or caught with their pants down
[29/12/2014, 10:12:02 PM] Ian Cheong: Yup.
[29/12/2014, 10:17:25 PM] Charloppe: hey
[29/12/2014, 10:17:31 PM] Ian Cheong: hey char
[29/12/2014, 10:17:40 PM] Charloppe: hello ian
[29/12/2014, 10:20:40 PM] Rob: Hey charlotte, alex
[29/12/2014, 10:22:23 PM] Charloppe: hi rob
[29/12/2014, 10:22:56 PM] Rob: How's you?
[29/12/2014, 10:24:21 PM] Charloppe: just kinda meh
[29/12/2014, 10:24:37 PM] Rob: Boooooo
[29/12/2014, 10:24:53 PM] Charloppe: yeah that sums it up
[29/12/2014, 10:24:55 PM] Charloppe: you?
[29/12/2014, 10:26:02 PM] Rob: I'm not sure, lol
[29/12/2014, 10:26:21 PM] Rob: I haven't been doing well since I've been here, but by this time tomorrow I'll be traveling back home finally, so that's good
[29/12/2014, 10:27:32 PM] Charloppe: thats right you're trapped with the family. best feeling is getting home afterwards.
[29/12/2014, 10:28:17 PM] Rob: Yep
[29/12/2014, 10:28:21 PM] Rob: especially b/c I have booze
[29/12/2014, 10:29:16 PM] Charloppe: wish I had some right now.
[29/12/2014, 10:30:27 PM] David Gallant: It is 9:30am for me right now
[29/12/2014, 10:30:41 PM] Charloppe: 8:30 for me
[29/12/2014, 10:31:11 PM] Charloppe: though insomnia kinda distorts my sense of time lol
[29/12/2014, 10:35:30 PM] David Gallant: I know what you mean.
[29/12/2014, 10:35:33 PM] Rob: 6:30 here since I'm in cali, although I stayed on east coast time
[29/12/2014, 10:51:39 PM] drinternetphd: I don't have booze but I do have mango mate ginger beer with caffiene in it from this ridiculous ginger beer place
[29/12/2014, 10:52:17 PM] Rob: I've never had ginger beer :C
[29/12/2014, 10:54:36 PM] drinternetphd: it's sooo good
[29/12/2014, 10:54:39 PM] drinternetphd: and pretty easy to DIY
[29/12/2014, 10:59:37 PM] Rob: I think my liquor store carries some. I may grab some and try it
[29/12/2014, 10:59:58 PM] David Gallant: DIY ginger beer? Gotta try that sometime.
[29/12/2014, 11:00:14 PM] David Gallant: Especially since I have a giant thing of ginger lying around.