Skype Con Leak/serious short

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Skype Con Leak/serious short is part of a series on the Skype Con Leak.
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[24/12/2014, 11:49:15 AM] System: (wave)
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[05/01/2015, 1:48:12 PM] Tesseract: ian's reverse-disrespectful-nod plan looks promising
[05/01/2015, 1:48:26 PM] live:riotarms: He seems like a good dude and he's in the UK, where this shit is a lot harder to pull
[05/01/2015, 1:48:31 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: internap is publicly traded. between allowing doxxing boards that had SWATS and continued outing of trans women, that should be a PR nightmare if it hits the news
[05/01/2015, 1:49:01 PM] live:riotarms: I can fill in reports but I don't have it in me to go hard publically, I'm affraid
[05/01/2015, 1:50:05 PM] live:riotarms: I'd suggest getting something publishable about Nero with the updated info out this week, honestly, and trying to get some fire under it
[05/01/2015, 1:50:25 PM] live:riotarms: any UK gator is a weak link because of our stricter laws regarding online harasssment
[05/01/2015, 1:50:35 PM] SF: You only have a sample size of one judge though right? I mean it's totally reasonable to be crushed by how absurd that situation was, but is it possible they aren't all dinosaurs?
[05/01/2015, 1:50:58 PM] SF: I know in the court battles with my mother it was like two different realities depending on the judge we got.
[05/01/2015, 1:51:13 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Can't count on it. If they appeal, you have to hope all the judges going up through the courts know or care what the hell a Chan board is.
[05/01/2015, 2:07:00 PM] Tesseract: well, there's also the cp
[05/01/2015, 2:07:15 PM] Tesseract: the crown jewel of the shit crown
[05/01/2015, 2:16:32 PM] live:riotarms: child porn also (rightfully) gets the general public insanely mad
[05/01/2015, 2:21:26 PM] nicholas.boterf: WTF is Randi talking about right now? Has she infiltrated Stormfront or something?
[05/01/2015, 2:23:07 PM] Dan Olson: It's her giant block of data
[05/01/2015, 2:23:24 PM] Dan Olson: it's the GG/chan core
[05/01/2015, 2:23:51 PM] nicholas.boterf: But she said it wasn’t Gamergate.
[05/01/2015, 2:23:58 PM] Dan Olson: how information goes from Chan to mouthpieces to harassment
[05/01/2015, 2:24:09 PM] nicholas.boterf: OK. I see.
[05/01/2015, 2:24:33 PM] Dan Olson: unless this is something different
[05/01/2015, 2:26:03 PM] David Gallant: FUCK THEY'RE DOXXING MERRITT
[05/01/2015, 2:28:06 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: jesus christ doxxing trans women is like a daily thing for them now practically :\
[05/01/2015, 2:28:58 PM] drinternetphd: I let her know
[05/01/2015, 2:29:00 PM] drinternetphd: do not signal boostr
[05/01/2015, 2:29:02 PM] drinternetphd: *boost
[05/01/2015, 2:29:11 PM] drinternetphd: boosting dox without consent only further endangers people
[05/01/2015, 2:29:38 PM] nicholas.boterf: Good point. I’m assuming Grace didn’t ask?
[05/01/2015, 2:29:58 PM] drinternetphd: grace hates Merritt of course she didn't aski
[05/01/2015, 2:30:25 PM] Remy: Always assume Grace is acting before thinking.
[05/01/2015, 2:30:27 PM] Remy: It will save time
[05/01/2015, 2:30:47 PM] nicholas.boterf: Very true.
[05/01/2015, 2:31:23 PM] David Gallant: Thanks, Zoe.
[05/01/2015, 2:31:44 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i need randi
[05/01/2015, 2:31:47 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: its an emergency
[05/01/2015, 2:31:50 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: how do i get ahold of her
[05/01/2015, 2:32:01 PM] David Gallant: She seems to be on Twitter right now.
[05/01/2015, 2:32:41 PM] nicholas.boterf: She doesn’t follow me, so I can’t DM her.
[05/01/2015, 2:41:13 PM] Tesseract: DM'd her
[05/01/2015, 3:17:45 PM] SF: It's no substitute for good practices but this is the best general purpose malware finder I'm aware of:
[05/01/2015, 3:18:08 PM] Remy: thnx will run now
[05/01/2015, 3:18:40 PM] Remy: mvmd it's for windows I'll run what I've got
[05/01/2015, 3:19:28 PM] SF: Randi I defer to your expertise on what's best for finding rootkits.
[05/01/2015, 3:24:50 PM] Remy: Remy has left the conversation
[05/01/2015, 3:25:38 PM] Tesseract: Tesseract has ejected Athena Hollow from this conversation
[05/01/2015, 3:25:39 PM] Tesseract: Tesseract has ejected Alex Lifschitz from this conversation
[05/01/2015, 3:25:41 PM] Tesseract: Tesseract has ejected Charloppe from this conversation
[05/01/2015, 3:25:42 PM] Tesseract: Tesseract has ejected Chris Kluwe from this conversation
[05/01/2015, 3:25:43 PM] Tesseract: Tesseract has ejected Dan Olson from this conversation
[05/01/2015, 3:25:44 PM] Tesseract: Tesseract has ejected David Gallant from this conversation