Skype Con Leak/27 dec

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Skype Con Leak/27 dec is part of a series on the Skype Con Leak.
Dates:  Highlights22 dec23 dec24 dec25th dec26 dec27 dec28 dec29 dec30 dec31 dec01 jan dec02 jan03 jan04 janserious longserious short
[27/12/2014, 12:01:17 AM] Rob: lol
[27/12/2014, 12:19:18 AM] Peter Coffin: And say it's criticism, which is such a ridiculous stretch
[27/12/2014, 12:23:04 AM] Ian Cheong: I wonder how TB feels to be in bed with fleas.
[27/12/2014, 12:23:39 AM] Rob: rogue made a gay joke about you
[27/12/2014, 12:23:45 AM] Ian Cheong: I saw.
[27/12/2014, 12:23:46 AM] Rob: he's totes hilarious ho ho ho.
[27/12/2014, 12:23:47 AM] Ian Cheong: StillGay
[27/12/2014, 12:24:07 AM] Ian Cheong: that's like calling me stillasian
[27/12/2014, 12:24:11 AM] Ian Cheong: im totes offended
[27/12/2014, 12:24:18 AM] Rob: I'm gonna laugh when he mouths off to someone and gets punched in the face
[27/12/2014, 12:24:45 AM] Ian Cheong: I'm counting on it to happen. He's emboldened by his behavior on the internet because he has a group of sycophants to suck up to him.
[27/12/2014, 12:24:56 AM] Ian Cheong: He's going to forget that real life doesn't operate by the same rules and get punched in the face.
[27/12/2014, 12:26:25 AM] Rob: Yep.
[27/12/2014, 12:29:02 AM] Ian Cheong: What WOW server are you on again?
[27/12/2014, 12:29:12 AM] Ian Cheong: The game's on sale right now
[27/12/2014, 12:30:33 AM] Rob: uther
[27/12/2014, 12:34:23 AM] Peter Coffin: eventually
[27/12/2014, 12:34:42 AM] Peter Coffin: my hope is that we find out when it does happen
[27/12/2014, 12:35:07 AM] Ian Cheong: two gators are saying im not a real gamer because I play them on my Mac.
[27/12/2014, 12:35:16 AM] Ian Cheong: but I stream them from a gaming PC?
[27/12/2014, 12:35:27 AM] Peter Coffin: hahahahahahhaa
[27/12/2014, 12:35:32 AM] Peter Coffin: if anything that is more work
[27/12/2014, 12:35:35 AM] Peter Coffin: to game
[27/12/2014, 12:35:38 AM] Ian Cheong: yup
[27/12/2014, 12:35:39 AM] Peter Coffin: to play the games
[27/12/2014, 12:35:41 AM] Peter Coffin: the video games that is
[27/12/2014, 12:35:43 AM] Peter Coffin: more work
[27/12/2014, 12:35:50 AM] Peter Coffin: more game
[27/12/2014, 12:35:53 AM] Peter Coffin: more gamer is ian
[27/12/2014, 12:36:48 AM] Peter Coffin: what kind of gaming pc do you have
[27/12/2014, 12:36:59 AM] Peter Coffin: custom?
[27/12/2014, 12:40:58 AM] Ian Cheong: yep, custom
[27/12/2014, 12:41:00 AM] Ian Cheong: built it myself.
[27/12/2014, 12:41:45 AM] Peter Coffin: nice
[27/12/2014, 12:42:02 AM] Peter Coffin: you running solid state?
[27/12/2014, 12:42:29 AM] Ian Cheong: I am indeed
[27/12/2014, 12:42:34 AM] Peter Coffin: noiiiiice
[27/12/2014, 12:42:37 AM] Ian Cheong: and a gaming drive, 1tb.
[27/12/2014, 12:42:50 AM] Peter Coffin: I am desperate to move to solid state
[27/12/2014, 12:43:22 AM] Peter Coffin: video editing is torture on a traditional hd
[27/12/2014, 12:43:42 AM] Ian Cheong: I can't fathom how long it takes to make a video without SSD
[27/12/2014, 12:44:09 AM] Peter Coffin: multiply SSD editing by at least 5
[27/12/2014, 12:44:17 AM] Peter Coffin: I'd guess 6 or 7 in the case of my computer
[27/12/2014, 12:45:45 AM] Peter Coffin: effects make it brutal because it's calling MPEG frames every time it gets done
[27/12/2014, 12:46:02 AM] Peter Coffin: I don't use an intermediate codec because that isn't worth the time for conversion
[27/12/2014, 12:46:30 AM] Peter Coffin: again, an SSD-fixable problem
[27/12/2014, 12:46:57 AM] Ian Cheong: yep, you can upgrade pretty easily.
[27/12/2014, 12:47:06 AM] Peter Coffin: going to in the new year
[27/12/2014, 12:47:21 AM] Peter Coffin: my brother and I are planning on renting some space to do production for our stuff
[27/12/2014, 12:47:35 AM] Peter Coffin: we basically have a pretty insane computer built for it as of now
[27/12/2014, 12:47:58 AM] Peter Coffin: he has money
[27/12/2014, 12:48:04 AM] Peter Coffin: well, some
[27/12/2014, 12:48:31 AM] Ian Cheong: That sounds great.
[27/12/2014, 12:49:34 AM] Peter Coffin: my plan is to get a wii u and a ps4 then either build a gaming pc to attach to my tv or get an alienware alpha because it is a lot smaller
[27/12/2014, 12:57:26 AM] Ian Cheong: Hey Rob, are you Horde?
[27/12/2014, 12:57:29 AM] Rob: although the only decent ones I've done are when I'm playing truly awful games.
[27/12/2014, 12:57:30 AM] Rob: Yeah.
[27/12/2014, 12:57:40 AM] Rob: Like I fucking played and finished Ride to Hell: Retribution
[27/12/2014, 12:57:44 AM] Ian Cheong: Blood Elf Hunter it is.
[27/12/2014, 12:57:58 AM] Athena Hollow: i have so many awful games I've gotten through bundles LOL
[27/12/2014, 12:58:02 AM] Rob: I can see about getting you into the guild I'm in too if you want
[27/12/2014, 12:58:05 AM] Ian Cheong: Either that or Rogue. Hmm
[27/12/2014, 12:58:09 AM] Rob: they're kind of dudebroish but I only talk to a few of them
[27/12/2014, 12:58:09 AM] Ian Cheong: What does your guild need?
[27/12/2014, 12:58:12 AM] Rob: No idea
[27/12/2014, 12:58:19 AM] Ian Cheong: Shouldn't matter, yeah?
[27/12/2014, 12:58:20 AM] Rob: My friend Sean's the one who got me in
[27/12/2014, 12:58:21 AM] Rob: Yeah
[27/12/2014, 12:58:27 AM] Rob: I think they're gonna start raiding after the new year
[27/12/2014, 12:58:29 AM] Peter Coffin: so did rogues demo surface yet?
[27/12/2014, 12:58:34 AM] Rob: Nope, peter
[27/12/2014, 12:58:36 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahahahahahahahah
[27/12/2014, 12:58:38 AM] Peter Coffin: heheheheheheheheehhe
[27/12/2014, 12:58:51 AM] Peter Coffin: this will be my one documented usage of hehehehehehehehe, might I add
[27/12/2014, 12:59:10 AM] Peter Coffin: I knew the answer already, hence the lame hehes
[27/12/2014, 12:59:10 AM] Athena Hollow: It's ok to giggle at Rogue falling on his face... I do it regularly.
[27/12/2014, 12:59:18 AM] Rob: I giggle like Homer a lot when I'm drunk
[27/12/2014, 12:59:22 AM] Rob: or super excited
[27/12/2014, 12:59:24 AM] Dina : Dina  loads shotgun
[27/12/2014, 12:59:29 AM] Rob: DINA <333333 XOXOXOXO
[27/12/2014, 12:59:31 AM] Dina : ok I'm ending this GG bullshit
[27/12/2014, 12:59:36 AM] Dina : line em up
[27/12/2014, 12:59:36 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[27/12/2014, 12:59:49 AM] Dina : hey rob!! <33333
[27/12/2014, 1:00:01 AM] Ian Cheong: Hey Dina
[27/12/2014, 1:00:08 AM] Rob: How's you? How's things back at Ye Olde Family Place of Living?
[27/12/2014, 1:00:21 AM] Athena Hollow: I'm so pissed. I am supposed to go do after-xmas shopping stuff today to pick up a tree for next year and rando other christmas stuff, and I think I'm getting a chest cold -_-
[27/12/2014, 1:00:30 AM] Rob: Oh no! I hope you're not, Athena.
[27/12/2014, 1:00:37 AM] Dina : sorry to hear Athena
[27/12/2014, 1:01:03 AM] Dina : Yeah I spent th day with my bf's mother and sister and we just talked about how awful a boyfriend my BFF was when we were dating
[27/12/2014, 1:01:05 AM] Athena Hollow: So if I am getting sick, I'm gonna blame gg.
[27/12/2014, 1:01:15 AM] Dina : I'm talking maggots in the sink, skid marks in underwear awful
[27/12/2014, 1:01:20 AM] Athena Hollow: ewwwwwwwwwwww
[27/12/2014, 1:01:21 AM] Ian Cheong: uhh
[27/12/2014, 1:01:23 AM] Rob: WTFFFFF
[27/12/2014, 1:01:23 AM] Dina : *sigh* to be 18 again
[27/12/2014, 1:01:25 AM] Ian Cheong: gross
[27/12/2014, 1:01:43 AM] Rob: That is super grossers.
[27/12/2014, 1:01:52 AM] Peter Coffin: nice
[27/12/2014, 1:02:02 AM] Dina : lol
[27/12/2014, 1:02:04 AM] Peter Coffin: sounds like gg could have had a role model in him
[27/12/2014, 1:02:17 AM] Athena Hollow: sounds like a step up for them LOL
[27/12/2014, 1:02:21 AM] Dina : he would've totally been a GG-er back then
[27/12/2014, 1:02:29 AM] Peter Coffin: aspirations
[27/12/2014, 1:02:31 AM] Dina : he's now a feminist <3
[27/12/2014, 1:02:35 AM] Dina : and clean
[27/12/2014, 1:02:38 AM] Athena Hollow: hahah
[27/12/2014, 1:02:42 AM] Dina : and as of October, married
[27/12/2014, 1:03:00 AM] Athena Hollow: Achievement Unlocked: Learned to wipe ass like an adult
[27/12/2014, 1:03:02 AM] Athena Hollow: XD
[27/12/2014, 1:03:11 AM] Peter Coffin: wiping asses is a pain, I hate it
[27/12/2014, 1:03:21 AM] Rob: Image
[27/12/2014, 1:03:25 AM] Rob: I'm married... to justice.
[27/12/2014, 1:03:29 AM] Dina : you know you're supposed to only wipe the outside, right Peter?
[27/12/2014, 1:03:34 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[27/12/2014, 1:03:41 AM] Peter Coffin: something about my ass necessitates minutes of work to avoid further damage
[27/12/2014, 1:03:47 AM] Peter Coffin: down the line
[27/12/2014, 1:03:51 AM] Athena Hollow: XD
[27/12/2014, 1:04:15 AM] drinternetphd: good morning everyone what's going on in- oh
[27/12/2014, 1:04:19 AM] Peter Coffin: HAHA
[27/12/2014, 1:04:23 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[27/12/2014, 1:04:24 AM] Ian Cheong: Hahaha
[27/12/2014, 1:04:33 AM] Peter Coffin: I saw "zoe quinn is typing"
[27/12/2014, 1:04:39 AM] Dina : Morning Zoe <3
[27/12/2014, 1:04:39 AM] Randi Harper:
[27/12/2014, 1:04:40 AM] Peter Coffin: I'm like "well here you go zoe"
[27/12/2014, 1:04:40 AM] Randi Harper: blurgh
[27/12/2014, 1:04:47 AM] Dina : I'm here so we talk about butts
[27/12/2014, 1:04:54 AM] Dina : Nice to meet you Randi <3
[27/12/2014, 1:05:05 AM] drinternetphd: sorry about your stalker randi
[27/12/2014, 1:05:08 AM] Rob: Hey zoe, Randi
[27/12/2014, 1:05:15 AM] Randi Harper: dailydot needs to burnnn.
[27/12/2014, 1:05:16 AM] Rob: Hope y'all had a good Christmas.
[27/12/2014, 1:05:18 AM] Peter Coffin: proper good morning to zoe, and one to randi as well
[27/12/2014, 1:05:19 AM] Randi Harper: also hi
[27/12/2014, 1:05:37 AM] Ian Cheong: hi
[27/12/2014, 1:05:40 AM] Peter Coffin: we really need some press outlets that aren't total shit
[27/12/2014, 1:05:50 AM] Athena Hollow: Shocker: The company that bought Milo's site is shitty
[27/12/2014, 1:05:56 AM] Peter Coffin: even the "internet lol ones" like dailydot
[27/12/2014, 1:06:05 AM] Peter Coffin: fucking stone aged bullshit
[27/12/2014, 1:06:47 AM] Dina : Fart still on the fucking warpath?
[27/12/2014, 1:06:58 AM] Rob: He's awful
[27/12/2014, 1:06:59 AM] Dina : what a terrifying human being
[27/12/2014, 1:07:07 AM] Dina : he honestly scares me
[27/12/2014, 1:07:24 AM] Tesseract: what did he do this time
[27/12/2014, 1:07:57 AM] Dina : it's not him, it's some lame jour no who cares not for facts*
[27/12/2014, 1:08:40 AM] Dina : god I'm tired
[27/12/2014, 1:08:43 AM] Dina : bbiab
[27/12/2014, 1:09:25 AM] Peter Coffin: fart does bother me on a "would kill someone" level
[27/12/2014, 1:09:32 AM] Athena Hollow: "Hey people. Your article is wrong and could put people in danger"
"We went off internet rumorz instead of contacting you, the person who made the original code"
"Can you fix it, please?"
"LOL! My editor might. Maybe. Probably not."

/slams keyboard/
[27/12/2014, 1:10:22 AM] Ian Cheong: dailydot sucks.
[27/12/2014, 1:10:32 AM] Randi Harper: yep.
[27/12/2014, 1:10:38 AM] Peter Coffin: agreed
[27/12/2014, 1:10:49 AM] Randi Harper: glad it's not just me that's looking at this going wtf
[27/12/2014, 1:11:07 AM] Athena Hollow: I've come across a few editorials written by guest writers that weren't terrible, but their staff is dumb.
[27/12/2014, 1:11:19 AM] drinternetphd: they published me once
[27/12/2014, 1:12:09 AM] drinternetphd: it was a reprint tho
[27/12/2014, 1:12:19 AM] Ian Cheong: They wrote a really nasty article about me a few years ago
[27/12/2014, 1:18:05 AM] Peter Coffin: show of hands
[27/12/2014, 1:18:22 AM] Peter Coffin: who has NOT been attacked with some scale by the internet?
[27/12/2014, 1:18:52 AM] Peter Coffin: I have a feeling this is going to be a sad number
[27/12/2014, 1:18:54 AM] Tesseract: me unless you count some gamergate dogpiling
[27/12/2014, 1:19:00 AM] Peter Coffin: I do
[27/12/2014, 1:19:08 AM] Tesseract: 203 comments
[27/12/2014, 1:19:13 AM] Tesseract: oooh boy
[27/12/2014, 1:19:58 AM] Peter Coffin: that was such a gratifying move alex made there
[27/12/2014, 1:20:02 AM] Athena Hollow: HAHAHAHA
[27/12/2014, 1:20:48 AM] Athena Hollow: "Notice how comments on the ad are disabled? Because of course they are. Just classic of them." heh.
[27/12/2014, 1:24:17 AM] Peter Coffin:
[27/12/2014, 1:24:20 AM] Peter Coffin: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
[27/12/2014, 1:25:32 AM] Athena Hollow: that's one of the ones I always say looks 12.... because he seriously looks 12. >_>
[27/12/2014, 1:25:48 AM] Randi Harper: what. how do you comment on an ad
[27/12/2014, 1:25:51 AM] Randi Harper: is that person being serious?
[27/12/2014, 1:26:13 AM] Tesseract:
[27/12/2014, 1:26:25 AM] Athena Hollow: On reddit you can if it's not disabled.
[27/12/2014, 1:26:25 AM] Randi Harper: damnit, iggy azalea, y do u have to be such a racist dirtbag because I like your music. :(
[27/12/2014, 1:26:53 AM] Peter Coffin: yeah that she is
[27/12/2014, 1:27:19 AM] Ian Cheong: I don't like her music so I don't have to like her \o/
[27/12/2014, 1:27:29 AM] Rob: I don't know who iggy azalea is
[27/12/2014, 1:27:33 AM] Peter Coffin: same, I can't get into it at all
[27/12/2014, 1:27:44 AM] Randi Harper: i'm so fancy. >.>
[27/12/2014, 1:27:46 AM] Peter Coffin: it's trying to hard to be nicki minaj without everything that makes nicki minaj alright
[27/12/2014, 1:27:51 AM] Peter Coffin: and sometimes very good
[27/12/2014, 1:27:56 AM] Rob: Ohhh
[27/12/2014, 1:31:57 AM] Randi Harper: what the fuck
[27/12/2014, 1:32:03 AM] Randi Harper: some guy is like "ur stereotyping"
[27/12/2014, 1:32:10 AM] Randi Harper: how the fuck is that stereotyping? words mean things.
[27/12/2014, 1:32:15 AM] Randi Harper: you can't assign arbitrary meanings to words
[27/12/2014, 1:33:52 AM] Peter Coffin: they think we hate gamers and that makes us racists, that is the lead in to that
[27/12/2014, 1:33:54 AM] Athena Hollow: Some guys are dumb.
[27/12/2014, 1:33:55 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[27/12/2014, 1:34:11 AM] Peter Coffin: the  behavior patterns are predictable at this point
[27/12/2014, 1:35:03 AM] Athena Hollow: The fact that 90% of the time I can hold conversations refuting their points, by just reading the reactions of the people I follow... and do it in meme form from images saved on my computer already... yeah, they are really predictable.
[27/12/2014, 1:38:08 AM] Peter Coffin: hahahaha
[27/12/2014, 1:38:15 AM] Peter Coffin: same
[27/12/2014, 1:38:21 AM] Peter Coffin: bet this guy isn't a racist
[27/12/2014, 1:38:49 AM] Randi Harper: hahaha
[27/12/2014, 1:38:52 AM] Randi Harper: my tweetcloud
[27/12/2014, 1:38:57 AM] Randi Harper: GETTING FUCK BLOCKED
[27/12/2014, 1:39:34 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[27/12/2014, 1:39:37 AM] Peter Coffin: I like that term
[27/12/2014, 1:39:39 AM] Peter Coffin: good stuff
[27/12/2014, 1:39:47 AM] Peter Coffin: "ActuallyItsAboutTheFactTheRedditAdminsAreSanFransiscoSJWs
Seriously, they are not only personally biased, they realize pandering to this fallacious propaganda is a profitable clickbait model."
[27/12/2014, 1:39:53 AM] Peter Coffin: hahahahahahahahahahahaa
[27/12/2014, 1:40:13 AM] Peter Coffin: what they don't get is no one looks at them because no one gives a shit as long as reddit makes money
[27/12/2014, 1:40:27 AM] Peter Coffin: reddit isn't proactive, they are reactive
[27/12/2014, 1:40:30 AM] Ian Cheong:
[27/12/2014, 1:40:32 AM] Ian Cheong: this made me laugh
[27/12/2014, 1:40:33 AM] Ian Cheong: his name
[27/12/2014, 1:42:13 AM] Peter Coffin: hahahahahahahahaha
[27/12/2014, 1:42:23 AM] Peter Coffin: how michael jordan got fuckblocked
[27/12/2014, 1:43:34 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): GOOD MORNING! :)
[27/12/2014, 1:43:54 AM] Rob: Heyizzy
[27/12/2014, 1:43:58 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): So, it looks like KiA found out about our ad? but the mods removed it?
[27/12/2014, 1:44:07 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): removed the reddit post*
[27/12/2014, 1:44:14 AM] Ian Cheong: the mods didnt remove the ad.
[27/12/2014, 1:44:27 AM] Ian Cheong: its not in their power to do so
[27/12/2014, 1:44:41 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): yeah, made the correction. they removed the reddit post complaining about it. ad is still there
[27/12/2014, 1:46:43 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Yyyyyyep
[27/12/2014, 1:46:48 AM] Peter Coffin: morning izzy!
[27/12/2014, 1:46:50 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Ohhhhh my god that thread just keeps delivering.
[27/12/2014, 1:47:02 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): BEST CHRISTMAS EVAR
[27/12/2014, 1:47:07 AM] Athena Hollow: hahah
[27/12/2014, 1:47:11 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): <3 you all
[27/12/2014, 1:47:12 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): hahaa
[27/12/2014, 1:47:54 AM] Randi Harper: LUSH IS BOGO
[27/12/2014, 1:48:05 AM] Peter Coffin: my wife will shit, she loves lush
[27/12/2014, 1:48:06 AM] Randi Harper: FUCKING BOGO
[27/12/2014, 1:48:09 AM] Randi Harper: only today
[27/12/2014, 1:48:11 AM] Randi Harper: bam
[27/12/2014, 1:48:12 AM] Randi Harper: internet too
[27/12/2014, 1:48:26 AM] Randi Harper:,en_US,sc.html
[27/12/2014, 1:48:36 AM] Athena Hollow: "They think that it is the moral duty of all site owners to impose a higher standard that goes above and beyond the law as it stands." 
Yep. Welcome to being an adult, where being a scumbag asshole isn't illegal, but you should probably try not to be one anyways.
[27/12/2014, 1:48:42 AM] drinternetphd: OMG RANDI
[27/12/2014, 1:48:44 AM] drinternetphd: THANK YOU
[27/12/2014, 1:48:50 AM] Randi Harper: <3 <3 <3
[27/12/2014, 1:48:53 AM] Randi Harper: RIP MY BATHROOM
[27/12/2014, 1:49:09 AM] Randi Harper: btw, if you like roses, rose jam is holiday only and it is amazing
[27/12/2014, 1:49:12 AM] drinternetphd: yeah?
[27/12/2014, 1:49:13 AM] Randi Harper: i'm getting 4.
[27/12/2014, 1:50:40 AM] Randi Harper: noooo almost everything out of stock
[27/12/2014, 1:50:51 AM] Peter Coffin: thanks randi, my wife wants us to go tonight when I get home
[27/12/2014, 1:51:24 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Curse you Randi! making Peter have to do things with his wife!
[27/12/2014, 1:51:48 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[27/12/2014, 1:52:23 AM] drinternetphd: damn they're outta most stuff
[27/12/2014, 1:52:36 AM] drinternetphd: prolly for the best I am broke as fuck anyway
[27/12/2014, 1:53:13 AM] Ian Cheong:
[27/12/2014, 1:54:16 AM] Randi Harper: I think I just bought all the rose jam they have left. >.>
[27/12/2014, 1:54:30 AM] Athena Hollow: I find it fucking hilarious(ly predictable) that they are trying to act all offended by Dan's article existing, when it makes zero mentions about GG.
[27/12/2014, 1:54:35 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): It's ok. Zoe will use her SJW powers and make more appear
[27/12/2014, 1:54:37 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[27/12/2014, 1:57:38 AM] Athena Hollow:

the best.
[27/12/2014, 1:58:13 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[27/12/2014, 1:58:54 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Haha
[27/12/2014, 1:59:30 AM] Alex Lifschitz: that ad was so worth the price of admission
[27/12/2014, 1:59:39 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[27/12/2014, 2:00:00 AM] Athena Hollow: oh, speaking of, what was your paypal again, so I can send money to ya
[27/12/2014, 2:00:01 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yes. We may  have just caused the extinction fo GG
[27/12/2014, 2:02:08 AM] Peter Coffin: are people outside of gg seeing it?
[27/12/2014, 2:02:31 AM] Athena Hollow: Anyone who spreads a screen shot of it will LOL
[27/12/2014, 2:02:38 AM] Athena Hollow: But beyond that, it's localized to KiA.
[27/12/2014, 2:04:50 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): IDK about you, but one very valid reason to stop child porn is to protect children. GG doesn't see that, sadly :(
[27/12/2014, 2:05:46 AM] Peter Coffin: yeah, children are kind of the main reason to stop child pornography
[27/12/2014, 2:06:01 AM] Athena Hollow: ugh. twitter's being lame and bouncin back to the top.
[27/12/2014, 2:06:09 AM] Peter Coffin: it did that to me too
[27/12/2014, 2:06:14 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Athena, I know! That bug has been driving me crazy
[27/12/2014, 2:08:31 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Don't worry about paypal, the budget is all paid up.
[27/12/2014, 2:08:37 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Unless people want to increase it.
[27/12/2014, 2:09:46 AM] Alex Lifschitz: As far as the article goes, I'm curious to see if anyone picks it up before anything is said about it. Certainly not an extinction event.
[27/12/2014, 2:11:38 AM] Alex Lifschitz: But, if you want to well and truly make it near impossible for them to operate, you gotta
1. Take GG's breeding grounds offline (principally 8chan)
2. Give proverbial black eyes to key figureheads in ways that prevent them from exerting power and
3. Get the entities whose silence enabled GG to finally take a stand.
[27/12/2014, 2:12:08 AM] drinternetphd: that's kind of what we've been working for
[27/12/2014, 2:12:42 AM] drinternetphd: at least now that things are less survival mode (though still fairly in that territory)
[27/12/2014, 2:13:38 AM] Athena Hollow: definitely.
[27/12/2014, 2:15:19 AM] drinternetphd: salt the earth
[27/12/2014, 2:16:58 AM] Alex Lifschitz: It looks more and more like we actually stand a shot at number 1 if Dan's article gets picked up by anyone, but we have to hope it remains evergreen as the holidays wind down.
[27/12/2014, 2:17:15 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Number two, well, there are a few key players but plans for each of them.
[27/12/2014, 2:17:25 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Three, well, that's longer term.
[27/12/2014, 2:17:53 AM] Ian Cheong: Does number two involve grabbing RogueStar by the scruff of his neck and rubbing his nose in shit?
[27/12/2014, 2:18:27 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): It may involve the FBI paying him a visit (being hopeful here)
[27/12/2014, 2:19:08 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Roguestar is thoroughly fucked, as is PressFart, both shadows of their former presence and a joke even by GG's standards these days.
[27/12/2014, 2:19:34 AM] Peter Coffin: I played Rogue's demo today
[27/12/2014, 2:19:36 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Big players in my mind are Cernovich and Milo, both of whom we have vague directions for.
[27/12/2014, 2:20:07 AM] Peter Coffin: IM KIDDING I DIDN'T LOL
[27/12/2014, 2:20:10 AM] Peter Coffin: IT DOESN'T EXIST
[27/12/2014, 2:20:27 AM] Ian Cheong: Chobitcoin and RogueStar are continuously tweeting about Zoe, because GamerGate is about ethics in journalism.
[27/12/2014, 2:20:54 AM] Peter Coffin: is rogue employed? I sincerely doubt it
[27/12/2014, 2:20:58 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[27/12/2014, 2:21:00 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I love that everytime I go into KiA and comment to tell them that GG is not about Zoe I get downvoted to hell
[27/12/2014, 2:21:09 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahaha
[27/12/2014, 2:21:12 AM] Ian Cheong: This has always been about Zoe.
[27/12/2014, 2:21:17 AM] Peter Coffin: yup
[27/12/2014, 2:21:26 AM] Peter Coffin: it's about zoe right now
[27/12/2014, 2:22:21 AM] Athena Hollow: It's like GOP politicians who rail Obama for doing the same shit Reagan and/or Clinton did, and say it's not about race. Bullshit. We're not dumb.
[27/12/2014, 2:22:25 AM] Randi Harper: i am disappointed that gamergate hasn't targeted my patreon more
[27/12/2014, 2:22:32 AM] Randi Harper: they seem to mostly be going after zoe
[27/12/2014, 2:22:52 AM] drinternetphd: what why
[27/12/2014, 2:23:07 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[27/12/2014, 2:23:09 AM] drinternetphd: also what's rogue's new acct
[27/12/2014, 2:23:11 AM] Peter Coffin: there are obviously other targets, just zoe is the point of it all
[27/12/2014, 2:23:16 AM] Ian Cheong: @_RogueStar_
[27/12/2014, 2:23:27 AM] drinternetphd: twitter is so useless
[27/12/2014, 2:23:31 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Twitter's UI is broken. Can't search for his tweets, because the underscores cause problems
[27/12/2014, 2:23:49 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Or maybe it's Twitter API
[27/12/2014, 2:24:04 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Randi, fix it!
[27/12/2014, 2:24:09 AM] Randi Harper: zoe: they aren't going after patreon because ethics, obvi. they are going after patreons to hurt. taking away your patreon will likely hurt you more than it would if they took mine away. it's clear & obvious that they are doing this shit to hurt others.
[27/12/2014, 2:24:19 AM] drinternetphd: oh they're still on that eh
[27/12/2014, 2:24:38 AM] Randi Harper: izzy: underscores breaks UI?
[27/12/2014, 2:24:53 AM] drinternetphd: it'd be really nice if patreon would email me back at all
[27/12/2014, 2:24:56 AM] Ian Cheong: BTW, I notice that a lot of people refer to GGers by the names they use on their profiles, like "Eleanor Varrot". That's not a real name. That's a character from Valkyria Chronicles.
[27/12/2014, 2:24:59 AM] drinternetphd: and let me know if I have income or not next month
[27/12/2014, 2:25:22 AM] Randi Harper: i really don't understand how patreon could even possibly deny you funds.
[27/12/2014, 2:25:27 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Randi, for some reason, I can't search for tweets "from:_roguestar_" even when not signed in.
[27/12/2014, 2:25:37 AM] Randi Harper: try using tweetdeck search
[27/12/2014, 2:25:40 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ah
[27/12/2014, 2:25:43 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I'll give that a shot
[27/12/2014, 2:25:44 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[27/12/2014, 2:25:45 AM] Randi Harper: it could be a problem with the web frontend vs actual API
[27/12/2014, 2:26:42 AM] Peter Coffin: patreon is believing numbers/males over a harassed woman, thats how
[27/12/2014, 2:26:59 AM] Peter Coffin: or maybe isn't
[27/12/2014, 2:27:02 AM] Peter Coffin: but it seems like it right now
[27/12/2014, 2:27:10 AM] drinternetphd: idk literally any fucking response right now would be nice
[27/12/2014, 2:27:15 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): So frustrating to see them basically court Mike C and give him so much attention/validation
[27/12/2014, 2:27:16 AM] Ian Cheong: Yeah.
[27/12/2014, 2:27:38 AM] Peter Coffin: yeah
[27/12/2014, 2:27:48 AM] Ian Cheong:
[27/12/2014, 2:27:51 AM] Peter Coffin: it proves they are at best clueless and I don't really want to say what at worst
[27/12/2014, 2:28:02 AM] Ian Cheong: God what an idiot.
[27/12/2014, 2:28:26 AM] Ian Cheong: Malayan isn't the right term, because Malaya ceased to exist in 1957.
[27/12/2014, 2:28:58 AM] Ian Cheong: He probably thinks I'm Malay, which I'm not.
[27/12/2014, 2:29:03 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Holy shit. That's racist as hell.
[27/12/2014, 2:29:27 AM] Ian Cheong: Yeah he's pretty racist.
[27/12/2014, 2:29:28 AM] Peter Coffin: whaaaaaaaat
[27/12/2014, 2:29:31 AM] Peter Coffin: that is crazy racist
[27/12/2014, 2:29:53 AM] Ian Cheong: He's trying to talk shit about my race while getting my race wrong.
[27/12/2014, 2:30:33 AM] Peter Coffin: achived, trello'd
[27/12/2014, 2:31:21 AM] Ian Cheong: More wishful thinking from Oliver.
[27/12/2014, 2:31:26 AM] Ian Cheong: I love this guy.
[27/12/2014, 2:31:33 AM] Ian Cheong: I kept pointing out his stupidity so he blocked me.
[27/12/2014, 2:31:56 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Blind rage?
[27/12/2014, 2:32:05 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[27/12/2014, 2:32:06 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I mean, I need to wear glasses.
[27/12/2014, 2:32:14 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): to see
[27/12/2014, 2:32:22 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[27/12/2014, 2:32:46 AM] Athena Hollow: "No one has opposed them on this level" except for every right wing 'news' rag since forever LOL
[27/12/2014, 2:32:58 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): but we totes aren't rightwing!
[27/12/2014, 2:33:00 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ""
[27/12/2014, 2:33:15 AM] Athena Hollow: They are so out of touch with actual reality & politics & social anything. lol
[27/12/2014, 2:33:25 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): which is why the mods won't delete offtopic posts asking about leftwing media:
[27/12/2014, 2:33:27 AM] Peter Coffin: just everything
[27/12/2014, 2:33:51 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahaha oh god that leftwing thing XD
[27/12/2014, 2:34:12 AM] Athena Hollow: "Defending" them, when there's no actual evidence that NK had anything to do with it... But look at them defend the shit out of 8chan XD
[27/12/2014, 2:34:18 AM] Randi Harper: omg.
[27/12/2014, 2:34:19 AM] Randi Harper:
[27/12/2014, 2:34:20 AM] Randi Harper: this
[27/12/2014, 2:34:55 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahah oh my god.
[27/12/2014, 2:34:57 AM] Ian Cheong: Fyrasec is tweeting about how he's left GG and Ralph and Roguestar are chewing him out for it.
[27/12/2014, 2:35:05 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Court of law?...
[27/12/2014, 2:35:23 AM] Athena Hollow: "I know of no evidence that Weev is a shitbag"
"Um... search the internet? Lots of evidence, dude"
[27/12/2014, 2:35:41 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): OBVIOUSLY, that is someone else named weev. the weev I know is an angel
[27/12/2014, 2:35:41 AM] Peter Coffin: OBJECTION!
[27/12/2014, 2:35:42 AM] Tesseract: fyrasec? isn't he a third party dude
[27/12/2014, 2:35:42 AM] Athena Hollow: because of course they are, Ian. They're a fucking cult.
[27/12/2014, 2:35:53 AM] Ian Cheong: He used to be GG.
[27/12/2014, 2:35:54 AM] Peter Coffin: fuck this person, randi. ugh
[27/12/2014, 2:35:56 AM] Athena Hollow: They're scientology without the money.
[27/12/2014, 2:36:09 AM] Peter Coffin: yeah
[27/12/2014, 2:36:11 AM] Athena Hollow: Which is really, really impressive.
[27/12/2014, 2:36:17 AM] Randi Harper: someone even went on this thread impersonating me
[27/12/2014, 2:36:24 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Wait. Does Scientology also support CP?
[27/12/2014, 2:36:27 AM] Randi Harper: colin texted me to verify, which is how i found out
[27/12/2014, 2:36:31 AM] Randi Harper: i don't usually read his blog. >.>
[27/12/2014, 2:36:36 AM] Athena Hollow: wow.
[27/12/2014, 2:36:49 AM] Athena Hollow: I think they MIGHT draw the line there Izzy, but not sure. lol
[27/12/2014, 2:36:53 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[27/12/2014, 2:37:18 AM] Athena Hollow: I'm sure if one of their super prominent members were caught with what was found on 8chan, and it wasn't full on illegal, they'd toe the same line if asked
[27/12/2014, 2:37:37 AM] Athena Hollow: but i don't think anyone would come out & defend them w/o associating "Scientology" to it first at least
[27/12/2014, 2:38:40 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Actually, looks like Scientology does have issues with child porn / pedos:
[27/12/2014, 2:38:51 AM] Peter Coffin: shock
[27/12/2014, 2:38:56 AM] Ian Cheong:
[27/12/2014, 2:39:01 AM] Ian Cheong: feel fre to steal this
[27/12/2014, 2:39:05 AM] Tesseract: this is one of my favorites
[27/12/2014, 2:39:11 AM] Tesseract: I already posted it like 3 times though
[27/12/2014, 2:39:15 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): haha
[27/12/2014, 2:39:16 AM] Peter Coffin: OH MY FUCK
[27/12/2014, 2:39:42 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): is that man supposed to be anybody notable? or just a random dude?
[27/12/2014, 2:40:10 AM] Tesseract: that's the shirtstorm dude
[27/12/2014, 2:40:16 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): OMG
[27/12/2014, 2:40:28 AM] Athena Hollow: Randi: heh. I responded to that dude with "Except... he has a documented history of harassment... why is this so impossible to grasp?" and linked to 5 different articles about him harassing people XD
[27/12/2014, 2:41:16 AM] Athena Hollow: And just saw your latest comment: OF COURSE he's 'friends' with weev. Shitbirds of a feather & all.
[27/12/2014, 2:41:31 AM] Randi Harper: yes, i saw, and appreciate it.
[27/12/2014, 2:41:36 AM] Randi Harper: colin's response "some people are idiots."
[27/12/2014, 2:41:45 AM] Randi Harper: he tries not to moderate his own blog, and i get that.
[27/12/2014, 2:42:41 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Hehehe:
[27/12/2014, 2:43:59 AM] Ian Cheong:
[27/12/2014, 2:44:10 AM] Ian Cheong: here they are going after Jennie Bharaj for being a fake gamer girl
[27/12/2014, 2:44:17 AM] Ian Cheong: because why not
[27/12/2014, 2:44:57 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): of course
[27/12/2014, 2:45:04 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): because womens can't be true gamrs
[27/12/2014, 2:45:13 AM] Ian Cheong: Not even one of their own.
[27/12/2014, 2:45:14 AM] Athena Hollow: blah.
[27/12/2014, 2:45:33 AM] Ian Cheong: Neirdan, Brooke and Ebolachan wrote it.
[27/12/2014, 2:45:40 AM] Ian Cheong: "Is Jennie Bharaj our own Anita Sarkeesian?"
[27/12/2014, 2:45:50 AM] Athena Hollow: I have pointed out so many actual people in their movement that are admittedly not gamers, but we're terrible people because we ask for more than just tits.
[27/12/2014, 2:46:06 AM] Athena Hollow: So yeah, not surprised they'd go all gaterborous on this shit.
[27/12/2014, 2:46:29 AM] Athena Hollow: but only on the women who are actually probably gamers.
[27/12/2014, 2:46:29 AM] Peter Coffin:
[27/12/2014, 2:47:43 AM] Randi Harper: i don't even care about tits
[27/12/2014, 2:47:53 AM] Randi Harper: bring on the tits, whatever. i'm just anti-harassment.
[27/12/2014, 2:48:02 AM] Randi Harper: i like sexist video games shrug
[27/12/2014, 2:48:24 AM] Athena Hollow: I definitely don't have a problem with some of the shit, I just hate that it's all there is -_-
[27/12/2014, 2:48:42 AM] Athena Hollow: Getting better of course, but yeah. Mostly I'm pissed that people are getting fucking harassed just for asking
[27/12/2014, 2:48:47 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Not like we can't like things but also criticize and be aware of issues
[27/12/2014, 2:49:03 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Only Gaters are one dimensional
[27/12/2014, 2:49:04 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :P
[27/12/2014, 2:50:20 AM] Peter Coffin: I am a huge bayonetta fan
[27/12/2014, 2:50:23 AM] Peter Coffin: like huge
[27/12/2014, 2:50:50 AM] Peter Coffin: I have written two long posts criticizing that rape scene and people thinking bayonetta has agency beyond her (male) writers
[27/12/2014, 2:50:57 AM] Peter Coffin: but holy fuck do I love the game and character
[27/12/2014, 2:50:59 AM] Athena Hollow: I play H games. I got no room to say "ALL THESE GAMES MUST DIE!" lol
[27/12/2014, 2:51:34 AM] Peter Coffin: my wife has talked about cosplaying bayonetta for years, we don't have the money for something that elaborate
[27/12/2014, 2:51:46 AM] Peter Coffin: but she likes bayo more than me
[27/12/2014, 2:51:53 AM] Athena Hollow: I cosplayed one of the skimpiest FFX2 outfits haha
[27/12/2014, 2:52:02 AM] Peter Coffin: which one
[27/12/2014, 2:52:06 AM] Athena Hollow: Paine - Lady Luck
[27/12/2014, 2:52:51 AM] Randi Harper:
[27/12/2014, 2:52:53 AM] Randi Harper: rofl
[27/12/2014, 2:52:57 AM] Randi Harper: the troll from the comment thread
[27/12/2014, 2:53:06 AM] Randi Harper: STOP HARASSING ME BY POINTING OUT THAT I'M SEXIST
[27/12/2014, 2:53:17 AM] Athena Hollow:
[27/12/2014, 2:53:22 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): randi:
[27/12/2014, 2:53:23 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL That guy's a dumbass
[27/12/2014, 2:53:34 AM] Randi Harper: izzy: ^5
[27/12/2014, 2:53:41 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): hehe
[27/12/2014, 2:53:47 AM] Peter Coffin: making the beta song with jonathan mann was apparently harassment so I'm not shocked this is
[27/12/2014, 2:53:53 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[27/12/2014, 2:54:13 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): STOP STANDING UP TO OUR BULLYING, YOU BETA BULLY! :( /runs off crying to Based Mom/
[27/12/2014, 2:54:40 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Hahahahaha
[27/12/2014, 2:55:23 AM] Ian Cheong: Yeah I posted that in here a few minutes ago
[27/12/2014, 2:55:24 AM] Athena Hollow: lol yep. we were laughing our asses off about that earlier.
[27/12/2014, 2:55:28 AM] Alex Lifschitz: See, the correct answer is "KiA does not support 8chan"

The answer we obviously get is "GG does not support child pornography, also what is on 8chan is not child pornography and we support it"
[27/12/2014, 2:55:37 AM] Athena Hollow: hahaha yup
[27/12/2014, 2:55:52 AM] Athena Hollow: Seriously, if they'd said that from the getgo, it would have been a non-issue.
[27/12/2014, 2:55:57 AM] Ian Cheong: Yup.
[27/12/2014, 2:56:05 AM] Ian Cheong: Dan's post does not mention GamerGate at all.
[27/12/2014, 2:56:06 AM] Athena Hollow: But instead, they insert themselves into an article that didn't revolve around them.
[27/12/2014, 2:56:14 AM] Alex Lifschitz: but they just KNOW they're fucked without a chan to host them
[27/12/2014, 2:56:25 AM] Athena Hollow: Which is more proof that they can't handle the world NOT revolving around them.
[27/12/2014, 2:56:35 AM] Tesseract: see this guy understands
[27/12/2014, 2:57:01 AM] Tesseract: but no it's buried under a zillion "THE UNBLURRED IMAGES AREN'T CP BUT THE BLURRED ONES ARE"
[27/12/2014, 2:57:07 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Again, hoping people will pick up not only Dan's lead but GG's defense of what he unearthed once the holidays wind down
[27/12/2014, 2:57:18 AM] Veerender Jubbal: I count as an asshole, too? Gosh.
[27/12/2014, 2:57:29 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Veerender the most loving asshole in the world
[27/12/2014, 2:57:30 AM] Athena Hollow: "Yeah, as gamerghazi has repeatedly claimed, they aren't trying to say gamergate is pedophiles because 8chan has that board.

Wait... why do they keep saying just that then?"

WE DON'T! You guys are the ones who made it about GG, you braindead morons LOL
[27/12/2014, 2:57:46 AM] Veerender Jubbal: sniggers
[27/12/2014, 2:58:06 AM] Peter Coffin: they do not understand anything
[27/12/2014, 2:59:12 AM] Alex Lifschitz: "It didn't start with anyone saying GG defends child pornography. People started saying GG defends child pornography because they started, like, loudly defending child pornography"
[27/12/2014, 2:59:39 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Alex, pretty much
[27/12/2014, 2:59:55 AM] Athena Hollow: At best, non-ggers said "Well if this goes as it should, it'll at least have the added byproduct of GG not having a stomping grounds with pure anonymity." It's never been about GG, they are the afterthought of a shitty website that exploits children -_-
[27/12/2014, 3:01:10 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): OMG. I want to know which tweet this bot used to generate this:
[27/12/2014, 3:01:23 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[27/12/2014, 3:02:11 AM] Veerender Jubbal: My discussion about Japanese words turned into--"Veerender does not want white people to learn Japanese."
[27/12/2014, 3:02:13 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Gosh.
[27/12/2014, 3:02:22 AM] Athena Hollow: oh ffs.
[27/12/2014, 3:03:22 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Veerender, I just remembered this Usher song:
[27/12/2014, 3:03:49 AM] Ian Cheong: Jennie made a petition to Rockstar to include playable women in GTA6. Why is she a part of GG again?
[27/12/2014, 3:04:10 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): SHILL! /s
[27/12/2014, 3:04:23 AM] Randi Harper: rockstar is just such a garbage company
[27/12/2014, 3:04:29 AM] Randi Harper: how they treat press is horrifying
[27/12/2014, 3:04:58 AM] Randi Harper: i'm not buying their games anymore just because of that.
[27/12/2014, 3:05:13 AM] Randi Harper: i could care less about the social issues of their games. but their tactics for getting good press are fucking terrible.
[27/12/2014, 3:07:22 AM] Ian Cheong: I don't know what to think about GGers tearing into each other like they are right now with Jennie. Better than us, I guess.
[27/12/2014, 3:07:52 AM] Ian Cheong: That article is really fucking ugly.
[27/12/2014, 3:08:20 AM] Randi Harper: who is jennie
[27/12/2014, 3:08:40 AM] Ian Cheong: GGer who appeared on the Huffington Post interview thing, who wants to launch her own site called BasedGamer.
[27/12/2014, 3:08:49 AM] Tesseract: she wanted 50k for it lol
[27/12/2014, 3:08:54 AM] Ian Cheong: Still does.
[27/12/2014, 3:08:55 AM] Peter Coffin: hahahahahahahaha
[27/12/2014, 3:09:03 AM] Athena Hollow: I think I remember Sarah mentioning something to her a few weeks ago, about how they were trying to dig up dirt about her, but she brushed it off.
[27/12/2014, 3:09:07 AM] Randi Harper: where is the article?
[27/12/2014, 3:09:08 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Usher? Oh, God.
[27/12/2014, 3:09:08 AM] Athena Hollow: and oh god that site XD
[27/12/2014, 3:09:10 AM] Tesseract: gonna write up some quality centaur rape porn reviews
[27/12/2014, 3:09:20 AM] Athena Hollow: I almost died when I saw what they were quoting.
[27/12/2014, 3:09:20 AM] Ian Cheong:
[27/12/2014, 3:09:52 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL, this tweet:
[27/12/2014, 3:11:46 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[27/12/2014, 3:11:59 AM] Ian Cheong: The guy who writes long rambling essays to pixiejenni says he's quitting the internet.
[27/12/2014, 3:12:01 AM] Ian Cheong:
[27/12/2014, 3:12:15 AM] Athena Hollow: I'll believe it when I see it.
[27/12/2014, 3:12:24 AM] Randi Harper: what the fuck is "crossplatform html"
[27/12/2014, 3:12:24 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Probably got caught in too many lies. But whatever, hope he can find peace.
[27/12/2014, 3:12:48 AM] Randi Harper: i lost interest in this article when the dude bragged about knowing how to use dreamweaver 2008.
[27/12/2014, 3:12:52 AM] Athena Hollow: LMFAO
[27/12/2014, 3:12:58 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Randi, TWITTER BOOTSTRAP. I think
[27/12/2014, 3:12:58 AM] Ian Cheong: Isn't HTML crossplatform by default.
[27/12/2014, 3:12:59 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[27/12/2014, 3:13:07 AM] Randi Harper: it's a markup language. it's like a word doc for the internet.
[27/12/2014, 3:13:16 AM] Randi Harper: there's no platform
[27/12/2014, 3:13:16 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): They probably meant responsive design
[27/12/2014, 3:13:18 AM] Athena Hollow: They wanted $50k.... to build a website.... in which there are at least 10 OS CMS' off the top of my head, would run it correctly.
[27/12/2014, 3:13:20 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[27/12/2014, 3:13:22 AM] Athena Hollow: It's completely fucking dumb.
[27/12/2014, 3:13:41 AM] Randi Harper: what is this person's twitter handle
[27/12/2014, 3:13:43 AM] Ian Cheong: They want to design something from scratch like Metacritic.
[27/12/2014, 3:13:46 AM] Randi Harper: i need to laugh at them
[27/12/2014, 3:13:53 AM] Randi Harper: neeeed
[27/12/2014, 3:13:53 AM] Ian Cheong: who, the author of that piece I linked?
[27/12/2014, 3:13:57 AM] Randi Harper: yes
[27/12/2014, 3:14:01 AM] Athena Hollow: It was in response to their crowdsourcing this shit, that I built a game review site in 2 days LOL
[27/12/2014, 3:14:02 AM] Athena Hollow: for free.
[27/12/2014, 3:14:03 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[27/12/2014, 3:15:12 AM] Ian Cheong: BasedGamer is supposed to be a reviews/reviewers aggregator.
[27/12/2014, 3:15:17 AM] Ian Cheong: Like RottenTomatoes.
[27/12/2014, 3:15:31 AM] Ian Cheong: So a bit harder to make than your regular site.
[27/12/2014, 3:15:38 AM] Peter Coffin: 50k hard?
[27/12/2014, 3:15:41 AM] Peter Coffin: I doubt that
[27/12/2014, 3:15:43 AM] Ian Cheong: I don't know.
[27/12/2014, 3:15:44 AM] Athena Hollow: Oh definitely, but I guarantee within 20 mins I could find a clone LOL
[27/12/2014, 3:15:48 AM] Athena Hollow: which would do the job XD
[27/12/2014, 3:15:52 AM] Ian Cheong: Yeah someone made a clone already for free.
[27/12/2014, 3:15:55 AM] Athena Hollow: SEE!
[27/12/2014, 3:15:56 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahha
[27/12/2014, 3:15:57 AM] Randi Harper: heeeehee
[27/12/2014, 3:15:58 AM] Ian Cheong: Mukyou.
[27/12/2014, 3:16:10 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Michael Jordan of Mukyou!? :O
[27/12/2014, 3:16:15 AM] Ian Cheong: Michael Jordan of Mukyou, yes.
[27/12/2014, 3:16:20 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[27/12/2014, 3:16:20 AM] Athena Hollow: And they want 50k to build something that already exists as a script...
[27/12/2014, 3:17:00 AM] Ian Cheong: Funnier still his twitter account is @michaelspacejam
[27/12/2014, 3:17:04 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[27/12/2014, 3:18:56 AM] Ian Cheong: That Mukyou thing isn't very good. It uses Wordpress and requires a lot of manual input.
[27/12/2014, 3:22:19 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): My cat's an asshole. When he wants to be fed, he'll go destroy cardboard boxes with his teeth
[27/12/2014, 3:22:39 AM] Athena Hollow: Mine does that for fun LOL
[27/12/2014, 3:22:41 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): It's like, "dude, that's your little house. WHY YOU DO THIS?"
[27/12/2014, 3:22:51 AM] Athena Hollow: I have so many boxes that are filled w/ shit, barely holding together hahahaha
[27/12/2014, 3:22:58 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[27/12/2014, 3:25:23 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Tess, is the "10bux" brigade referring to you?
[27/12/2014, 3:25:55 AM] Ian Cheong: 10bux brigade = SomethingAwful Goons
[27/12/2014, 3:26:00 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ah
[27/12/2014, 3:26:05 AM] Ian Cheong: Reference to the fact that they have to pay 10 dollars to sign up for the forum
[27/12/2014, 3:26:17 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): There's a troll or GGer that keeps bugging Tess about $10
[27/12/2014, 3:26:39 AM] Athena Hollow: That'd be why :)
[27/12/2014, 3:26:43 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I see
[27/12/2014, 3:28:50 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH
[27/12/2014, 3:28:51 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[27/12/2014, 3:28:52 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): AHAHAHAHA
[27/12/2014, 3:29:07 AM] Tesseract: hahahahahahahahaha
[27/12/2014, 3:29:12 AM] Tesseract: I need to do something with r/gamergate
[27/12/2014, 3:29:13 AM] Athena Hollow: HAHHAHAHAH
[27/12/2014, 3:29:30 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[27/12/2014, 3:29:30 AM] Tesseract: it was a mistake to remove the sonic/pony shipping
[27/12/2014, 3:29:44 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[27/12/2014, 3:29:46 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): (I had to comment)
[27/12/2014, 3:29:46 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): hehe
[27/12/2014, 3:31:42 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol, I updated my comment:


Tell the other Gaters to stop using Google!
[27/12/2014, 3:36:48 AM] Tesseract: ok this is the worst
[27/12/2014, 3:36:55 AM] Tesseract: "As much as I don't like the idea of some sick fuck jerking it to, say, Facebook photos of my niece, there's no actual harm done."
[27/12/2014, 3:37:24 AM] Athena Hollow: Ugh. "It isn't my place to judge" is NOT the fucking statement to make, rando.
[27/12/2014, 3:37:33 AM] Randi Harper: i love that jezebel has an article about pooping while giving birth.
[27/12/2014, 3:37:36 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[27/12/2014, 3:38:01 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ah, another "it's already out there, go after the ones who leaked/published the info/media." defense.
[27/12/2014, 3:39:27 AM] Athena Hollow: LOLOL
[27/12/2014, 3:40:01 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I replied with

#NotYourShield /s
[27/12/2014, 3:40:10 AM] Athena Hollow: Yes, that's exactly it. It's not like if you're trying to speak from a position of authority (aka I know web design, here's a shitty worded sentence that looks like I don't know shit) you shouldn't try to, ya know, get someone to check your shit first.
[27/12/2014, 3:40:17 AM] Randi Harper: uhhh
[27/12/2014, 3:40:17 AM] Randi Harper: so
[27/12/2014, 3:40:22 AM] Randi Harper: crossplatform is actually the same across most languages
[27/12/2014, 3:40:28 AM] Randi Harper: when talking about it from a technical standpoint.
[27/12/2014, 3:40:37 AM] Athena Hollow: Oh I agree, which is why I'm laughing at them LOL
[27/12/2014, 3:40:40 AM] Randi Harper: many tech industry words are.
[27/12/2014, 3:40:46 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): HE FAVORITED IT
[27/12/2014, 3:40:47 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[27/12/2014, 3:40:48 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): why
[27/12/2014, 3:40:55 AM] Athena Hollow: Because he's dumb? LOL
[27/12/2014, 3:41:00 AM] Randi Harper: he doesn't know /s means sarcasm?
[27/12/2014, 3:41:15 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I guess so. lol
[27/12/2014, 3:41:17 AM] Athena Hollow: Didn't you say you had people trying to figure out if you were pro or anti, Izzy? LOL
[27/12/2014, 3:41:18 AM] Randi Harper: i'm done engaging on twitter today, but you're welcome to use the knowledge i dropped re: crossplatform being the same across many languages if you want to decimate him further.
[27/12/2014, 3:41:24 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[27/12/2014, 3:43:10 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I think I summed up the GG defense of CP here:
[27/12/2014, 3:44:00 AM] Randi Harper: cannot stop laughing
[27/12/2014, 3:44:24 AM] Randi Harper: also who takes a video of a tweet
[27/12/2014, 3:44:26 AM] Randi Harper: so meta.
[27/12/2014, 3:44:34 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[27/12/2014, 3:44:44 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[27/12/2014, 3:44:47 AM] Ian Cheong: and its a tweet of a vine
[27/12/2014, 3:44:55 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[27/12/2014, 3:44:57 AM] Ian Cheong: its a facebook video of a tweet of a vine
[27/12/2014, 3:45:03 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahaha
[27/12/2014, 3:45:04 AM] Randi Harper: here, youtube version
[27/12/2014, 3:45:05 AM] Ian Cheong: taken on someone's phone!
[27/12/2014, 3:45:07 AM] Athena Hollow: XD
[27/12/2014, 3:45:11 AM] Randi Harper:
[27/12/2014, 3:45:23 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[27/12/2014, 3:45:26 AM] Ian Cheong: lol
[27/12/2014, 3:45:54 AM] Athena Hollow: someone needs to post it on tumblr now lol
[27/12/2014, 3:46:28 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): You those websites where you take a picture of the current screen and then upload that? (I think there's one about cats looking at the computer screen").
[27/12/2014, 3:47:06 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): THIS ONE:
[27/12/2014, 3:47:08 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :3
[27/12/2014, 3:47:29 AM] Athena Hollow: hah
[27/12/2014, 3:47:43 AM] Randi Harper: lel
[27/12/2014, 3:47:44 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): holy crap. went to the first image. went back in time
[27/12/2014, 3:47:45 AM] Randi Harper: so that dude earlier
[27/12/2014, 3:47:47 AM] Randi Harper: the one defending weev
[27/12/2014, 3:47:49 AM] Randi Harper:
[27/12/2014, 3:47:52 AM] Randi Harper: SURPRISE SURPRISE
[27/12/2014, 3:48:01 AM] Athena Hollow: because of course.
[27/12/2014, 3:48:27 AM] Athena Hollow: HAHAHAHAH AND HE'S SO FUCKING DUMB
[27/12/2014, 3:48:29 AM] Athena Hollow: "he came to the feds attention when he retweeted a post about his hacking directly to the FBI press office's official Twitter account."
[27/12/2014, 3:48:37 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): .
[27/12/2014, 3:48:38 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): .
[27/12/2014, 3:48:39 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): .
[27/12/2014, 3:48:41 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): o.o
[27/12/2014, 3:48:45 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahahahahahahahahah
[27/12/2014, 3:48:47 AM] Randi Harper: i am seriously laughing so hard right now
[27/12/2014, 3:48:48 AM] Athena Hollow: holy fuckin shit
[27/12/2014, 3:49:28 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): can't make up this shit
[27/12/2014, 3:49:30 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[27/12/2014, 3:50:18 AM] Randi Harper:
[27/12/2014, 3:50:18 AM] Athena Hollow: So he believes himself white hat, but instead of privately contacting the company, he posted it publicly on twitter.
[27/12/2014, 3:50:50 AM] Athena Hollow: And gave detailed information as to how he did it. publicly.
[27/12/2014, 3:50:57 AM] Randi Harper: yes
[27/12/2014, 3:51:15 AM] Athena Hollow: Like, that's not how white hat hacking works, random commenter/defender of Weev. LOL
[27/12/2014, 3:51:37 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): he's white and he wears a fedora
[27/12/2014, 3:51:39 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[27/12/2014, 3:51:48 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): white hat!
[27/12/2014, 3:51:49 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[27/12/2014, 3:52:38 AM] Randi Harper: he probably thinks he's a badass, too.
[27/12/2014, 3:52:49 AM] Ian Cheong: of course he does
[27/12/2014, 3:52:52 AM] Randi Harper: i mean who of us in tech didn't hack a server or two when we were teenagers in the 90's.
[27/12/2014, 3:52:53 AM] Randi Harper: it was the thing to do.
[27/12/2014, 3:53:02 AM] Randi Harper: but this kid brags about it? on twitter? to the FBI?
[27/12/2014, 3:53:09 AM] Randi Harper: good god.
[27/12/2014, 3:53:14 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[27/12/2014, 3:53:36 AM] Ian Cheong: I destroyed a forum once. Their passwords were in plaintext.
[27/12/2014, 3:54:30 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Confession; when I was in Italy in 2010, one of the Vatican's non-public wifi hotspots had the default password set... I didn't think it would work. I noped out and didn't do anything.
[27/12/2014, 3:54:52 AM] Athena Hollow: my first high school had the worst security. I got in and was able to change grades. Instead of doing that, I talked to their guys in NOC (because no one else did shit with the computers or servers) and told them they were terrible at their job. lol
[27/12/2014, 3:55:14 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): also, the time in 2nd grade when I changed the login images to Spongebob. Found the image on the network drive and replaced it.
[27/12/2014, 3:55:20 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[27/12/2014, 3:55:25 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): wait, 6th grade
[27/12/2014, 3:55:26 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): sorry
[27/12/2014, 3:55:37 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Spongebob wasn't around in 2nd grade
[27/12/2014, 3:56:16 AM] Athena Hollow: haha
[27/12/2014, 3:56:38 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): in 2nd grade I deleted The Oregon Trail from a library computer
[27/12/2014, 3:56:40 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I was bad
[27/12/2014, 3:56:49 AM] Athena Hollow: and now i feel old again.
[27/12/2014, 3:56:52 AM] Randi Harper: yet strangely, none of us contacted the FBI or laughed about it on twitter
[27/12/2014, 3:56:54 AM] Randi Harper: WEIRD.
[27/12/2014, 3:56:54 AM] Athena Hollow: Because ours came on floppy hahahah
[27/12/2014, 3:56:57 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL Right?!
[27/12/2014, 3:57:00 AM] Ian Cheong: right?
[27/12/2014, 3:57:02 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[27/12/2014, 3:57:02 AM] Randi Harper: we must be doing security wrong
[27/12/2014, 3:57:20 AM] Ian Cheong: i have more stuff
[27/12/2014, 3:57:21 AM] Athena Hollow: People are fucking dumb haha
[27/12/2014, 3:57:22 AM] Ian Cheong: but i wont share
[27/12/2014, 3:57:24 AM] Athena Hollow: XD
[27/12/2014, 3:57:28 AM] Ian Cheong: im not dumb enough to admit crimes
[27/12/2014, 3:57:32 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[27/12/2014, 3:57:40 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Fair enough
[27/12/2014, 3:57:42 AM] Athena Hollow: Already a major leg up on weevpologist.
[27/12/2014, 3:57:49 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): weevpologist. lol
[27/12/2014, 3:58:08 AM] Ian Cheong: seriously though, social engineering is fun
[27/12/2014, 3:59:09 AM] Ian Cheong: when you're 14 and you have nothing better to do, that is.
[27/12/2014, 3:59:21 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[27/12/2014, 3:59:34 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Damn, maturity and adulthood. Why you ruin things.
[27/12/2014, 3:59:37 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[27/12/2014, 3:59:41 AM] Ian Cheong: i know right, ethics and shit
[27/12/2014, 3:59:55 AM] Athena Hollow: kids these days don't know shit about that stuff. They call "logging into people's facebook accounts from their own phones when they aren't looking" - hacking.
[27/12/2014, 3:59:56 AM] Ian Cheong: it's sad that so many people (e.g. weev) don't grow up and instead double down on the horribleness.
[27/12/2014, 4:01:03 AM] Athena Hollow: Well... this could get interesting from the sidelines:
[27/12/2014, 4:01:27 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yeah, shits about to go down
[27/12/2014, 4:03:28 AM] Ian Cheong: Lizardsquad are the reason why I can't fucking play Diablo 3 at the moment
[27/12/2014, 4:04:03 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): What. KimDotCom stepped in and gave them free accounts?
[27/12/2014, 4:04:08 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): to his MEGA service
[27/12/2014, 4:04:12 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): and then they stopped
[27/12/2014, 4:04:14 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): what
[27/12/2014, 4:04:14 AM] Ian Cheong: Yeah
[27/12/2014, 4:04:26 AM] Ian Cheong: He wanted ot play Destiny
[27/12/2014, 4:04:38 AM] Remy: Kim dot com isn't that the guy who runs one of those upload sites?
[27/12/2014, 4:04:43 AM] Ian Cheong: Yep
[27/12/2014, 4:04:44 AM] Ian Cheong: Megaupload
[27/12/2014, 4:04:47 AM] Remy: Lol
[27/12/2014, 4:05:27 AM] Remy: He negotiated with them.
[27/12/2014, 4:05:28 AM] Remy: Hilarious
[27/12/2014, 4:06:17 AM] Athena Hollow: ugh. now they're gonna expect to get 'something' for being assholes sigh
[27/12/2014, 4:06:28 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): "Guys, why you ruin christmas? Here, have some free accounts so you guys have a place to store your illegal crap."
[27/12/2014, 4:06:29 AM] Ian Cheong: they will get something from the government soon enough
[27/12/2014, 4:06:56 AM] Ian Cheong: RogueStar is talking about Leigh on his twitter
[27/12/2014, 4:06:59 AM] Ian Cheong: calls her Layy A
[27/12/2014, 4:07:04 AM] Ian Cheong: that's not how her name is pronounced.
[27/12/2014, 4:07:19 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Blues Kluwes!
[27/12/2014, 4:07:22 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[27/12/2014, 4:07:25 AM] Ian Cheong: HAhahaha
[27/12/2014, 4:07:27 AM] Ian Cheong: I saw that post
[27/12/2014, 4:07:55 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Uh... GamerGate made a Christmas album....
[27/12/2014, 4:07:57 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[27/12/2014, 4:08:18 AM] Ian Cheong: da fuq
[27/12/2014, 4:08:34 AM] Athena Hollow: Excuse me. I need to go throw up.
[27/12/2014, 4:08:41 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): This one is kinda funny:
[27/12/2014, 4:09:12 AM] Remy: I hear Kluwe is pronounced like Chewie
[27/12/2014, 4:09:17 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yeah
[27/12/2014, 4:09:43 AM] Remy: And now I wanna watch Star Wars
[27/12/2014, 4:10:04 AM] Ian Cheong: wow
[27/12/2014, 4:10:05 AM] Ian Cheong: the lyrics
[27/12/2014, 4:10:22 AM] Ian Cheong: he says he's not an abuser in one line and 2 lines later he says something about how a kotaku writer fucked zoe quinn.
[27/12/2014, 4:10:33 AM] Ian Cheong: That's just great.
[27/12/2014, 4:10:37 AM] Ian Cheong: By great I mean vomit.
[27/12/2014, 4:10:58 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): "23 A Visit From St Yiannopoulos"
[27/12/2014, 4:11:04 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): this is so horrible
[27/12/2014, 4:11:38 AM] Quinnae: Afternoon, all!
[27/12/2014, 4:11:40 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Oh God, one song about Bri... and the title itself is transphobic
[27/12/2014, 4:11:42 AM] Ian Cheong: visions of ethics danced in their heads
[27/12/2014, 4:12:21 AM] Quinnae: I return to 1200+ new messages. What's the digest version of this day's events?
[27/12/2014, 4:12:35 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): GGers still defending CP
[27/12/2014, 4:12:40 AM] Ian Cheong: There'sa whole song dedicated to Randi.
[27/12/2014, 4:12:54 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): We found GG's christmas album of 23 songs that they made
[27/12/2014, 4:13:20 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): click if you dare:
[27/12/2014, 4:14:32 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ian, your name is mentioned in that song about Randi
[27/12/2014, 4:14:33 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): fun
[27/12/2014, 4:14:38 AM] Ian Cheong: great.
[27/12/2014, 4:16:24 AM] Quinnae: Oy vey.
[27/12/2014, 4:16:42 AM] Ian Cheong: That's RogueStar's voice.
[27/12/2014, 4:17:10 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Oh, you're right!
[27/12/2014, 4:19:02 AM] Remy: Oh god they made another album?
[27/12/2014, 4:34:57 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Stephen, yes
[27/12/2014, 4:34:58 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[27/12/2014, 4:36:59 AM] Quinnae: Hey Stephen!
[27/12/2014, 4:43:27 AM] Athena Hollow: Alrighty I feel like shit - pretty sure it's a respiratory infection -_- - so I'm gonna go play some video games and veg out a bit.
[27/12/2014, 4:47:56 AM] Dina : ...why do I hurt myself by clicking these links
[27/12/2014, 4:50:55 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I'm so sorry Dina.
[27/12/2014, 4:50:58 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): it's my fault
[27/12/2014, 4:53:10 AM] Remy: I feel your pain Athena I had to fight off a sinus infection last week ugh
[27/12/2014, 4:53:25 AM] Remy: Hope you get lots of rest <3
[27/12/2014, 4:53:31 AM] Dina : oh my God I just played ornament and now I'm fucking sad
[27/12/2014, 4:53:43 AM] Dina : it's great but sad
[27/12/2014, 4:53:50 AM] Dina :
[27/12/2014, 4:53:58 AM] Dina : if you want to be sad, click
[27/12/2014, 4:56:08 AM] Peter Coffin: I just went to get taco bell and this happened
[27/12/2014, 4:56:25 AM] Ian Cheong: Shit dude
[27/12/2014, 4:56:28 AM] Peter Coffin: yeah the back of that tire just ripped itself into shreds
[27/12/2014, 4:57:18 AM] Dina : holy fuck
[27/12/2014, 4:57:30 AM] Dina : Now That's Alpha! (tm)
[27/12/2014, 4:58:13 AM] Dina : I hope you were doing deadlifts with a model-like eastern european girl at the same time
[27/12/2014, 4:58:28 AM] Peter Coffin: hahahahaha
[27/12/2014, 4:58:50 AM] Peter Coffin: wife wasn't with me, but Scotland is in Europe and she's hot
[27/12/2014, 4:58:58 AM] Peter Coffin: so... western european
[27/12/2014, 4:59:06 AM] Peter Coffin: later...
[27/12/2014, 4:59:08 AM] Dina : close enough!
[27/12/2014, 4:59:15 AM] Peter Coffin: hahahaha
[27/12/2014, 4:59:20 AM] Dina : BENCHPRESSTIME
[27/12/2014, 4:59:45 AM] Dina : that was the best tbh, Roosh's ego stroking between two mouthfuls of sucking gamer cock
[27/12/2014, 5:00:26 AM] Ian Cheong: I dont want to imagine Roosh doing anything
[27/12/2014, 5:02:11 AM] Dina : choking on a diaphragm is my personal favorite
[27/12/2014, 5:02:24 AM] Dina : that image lulls me to sleep
[27/12/2014, 5:06:40 AM] SF: Re: Sexist video games, my personal solution is to reject the "subtractive" approach and advocate "additive" equality.
[27/12/2014, 5:07:01 AM] SF: Keep all the skimpy outfits, just make sure there are good counter-examples so that the eye candy isn't taken as representative of an entire demographic.
[27/12/2014, 5:07:33 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL, my comment is at -8:
[27/12/2014, 5:08:57 AM] Dina : in the words of GG: "Ayyy lmao"
[27/12/2014, 5:09:09 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): #BTFO
[27/12/2014, 5:09:17 AM] Dina : #REKT
[27/12/2014, 5:09:26 AM] Dina : what happened to Alex's ad?
[27/12/2014, 5:09:39 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I thought it was still being shown. It went live last night
[27/12/2014, 5:10:12 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): you can taste the Gater tears here:
[27/12/2014, 5:10:23 AM] Dina : delicious.
[27/12/2014, 5:10:56 AM] Tesseract: 56 minutes ago a redditor confirms it's still showing
[27/12/2014, 5:11:05 AM] Dina : ahahahaha
[27/12/2014, 5:11:09 AM] Dina : <3
[27/12/2014, 5:11:09 AM] Tesseract: "December 26th 2014. The day Gamerghazi pooled money to spread child porn."
[27/12/2014, 5:11:22 AM] Tesseract: it's hilarious how they just blame ghazi for fucking everything
[27/12/2014, 5:11:26 AM] SF: Pfft we were doing it on Christmas Day.
[27/12/2014, 5:11:34 AM] Tesseract: my twitter alone is 3/4 the size of ghazi
[27/12/2014, 5:11:36 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yes. GamerGhazi. Well, most of us post there, but it was done here not there XD
[27/12/2014, 5:11:53 AM] SF: Also of note it's funny they're convinced the Illuminati exists but don't seem to believe we ACTUALLY do when something happens.
[27/12/2014, 5:11:58 AM] Dan Olson: hey, sweet, I tabbed over just in time to see the Dan threads
[27/12/2014, 5:12:35 AM] SF: I see they're calling you Dan "I'll show you on the puppet where I'm about to touch you" Olson
[27/12/2014, 5:12:36 AM] Dan Olson: also Skype is all kinds of jacked up because I'm on my Windows partition and Windows likes to forget what time it is, so everything is jumbled around from before and after I fixed the clock
[27/12/2014, 5:15:12 AM] Peter Coffin: is alex here right now
[27/12/2014, 5:15:28 AM] Peter Coffin: I'm interested in how much this actually costs
[27/12/2014, 5:15:38 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): He put in $50 or so
[27/12/2014, 5:15:53 AM] Peter Coffin: that's not too bad, it seems like it's getting a lot of attention
[27/12/2014, 5:16:15 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yeah. You can target specific subreddits or interests/demographics it seems
[27/12/2014, 5:16:30 AM] Peter Coffin: might be worth it for future videos
[27/12/2014, 5:16:45 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): You can start setting up an ad to get the pricing:
[27/12/2014, 5:16:58 AM] Peter Coffin: checking it out
[27/12/2014, 5:17:27 AM] Dan Olson: God, Skype is bad. Screw you, Microsoft, for threading the conversation based on system time
[27/12/2014, 5:17:28 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): So, did Rogue not deliver again?
[27/12/2014, 5:18:20 AM] Dan Olson: I had to change my clock back to the wrong time, or it was going to keep interweaving new messages with ones from hours ago
[27/12/2014, 5:18:34 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): wow, that's horribly designed
[27/12/2014, 5:18:42 AM] Dina : bacon bacon bacon Dan
[27/12/2014, 5:19:34 AM] Dan Olson: oh, hey, 8chan found one of my better self-portraits
[27/12/2014, 5:19:53 AM] Dan Olson: sure my beard is a little unkempt, but it's still a good looking photo
[27/12/2014, 5:20:09 AM] Dina : eh, you're a good looking fella
[27/12/2014, 5:20:26 AM] Dina : warning: they might do the photoshops
[27/12/2014, 5:20:34 AM] Dina : I'm sorry in advance
[27/12/2014, 5:21:22 AM] Peter Coffin: what does this even mean
[27/12/2014, 5:21:25 AM] Dan Olson: I do love how this thread is tons of channers slowly admitting "well, I was going to call, but then I didn't"
[27/12/2014, 5:21:36 AM] Randi Harper: so like
[27/12/2014, 5:21:39 AM] Randi Harper: does anyone here play just dance?
[27/12/2014, 5:21:48 AM] Dina : Fuck yes
[27/12/2014, 5:21:53 AM] Randi Harper: i just want to make sure that if i rock out to katy perry in my underwear that it doesn't autoshare to the internet or something
[27/12/2014, 5:21:54 AM] Dina : nobody hate on Just Dance plz
[27/12/2014, 5:22:05 AM] Dina : which version?
[27/12/2014, 5:22:06 AM] Peter Coffin: I have no issue with it
[27/12/2014, 5:22:10 AM] Randi Harper: 2014
[27/12/2014, 5:22:31 AM] Dina : afaik a quick look at th sharing option should put any doubts to bed
[27/12/2014, 5:22:34 AM] Randi Harper: because i saw this scrolling banner of dancing people when i finished the song and i was all OH GOD NO.
[27/12/2014, 5:22:43 AM] Dina : but no it doesn't share without your permission
[27/12/2014, 5:23:58 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): So, it looks like RogueStar lied and wasn't actually working on his game. He said he would release a demo yesterday. still no demo. :(
[27/12/2014, 5:24:12 AM] Dina : Rogue Star is like the rainman but stupid
[27/12/2014, 5:24:13 AM] Tesseract: what a surprise
[27/12/2014, 5:24:20 AM] Dina : so stupid no one can understand the extent
[27/12/2014, 5:25:13 AM] Dan Olson: They're comparing me to Jian Ghomeshi, as though "whistleblower" is somehow comparable to "literally strangled and beat multiple women"
[27/12/2014, 5:25:40 AM] Dina : JESUS
[27/12/2014, 5:25:47 AM] Dan Olson: "anyone who defends the guy on Twitter can be called as one of Dan's accomplices"
[27/12/2014, 5:26:05 AM] Dina : speaking of which, is Sarah ok?
[27/12/2014, 5:26:14 AM] Dina : they were hitting her pretty hard today
[27/12/2014, 5:26:14 AM] Dan Olson: Just like how all of Charles Manson's prison groupies also went to jail!
[27/12/2014, 5:26:44 AM] Quinnae: hugs Dan
[27/12/2014, 5:26:50 AM] Quinnae: I haven't seen Sarah, no.
[27/12/2014, 5:26:56 AM] Dan Olson: I dunno, I haven't heard from her today
[27/12/2014, 5:27:05 AM] Dina : I hope she's alright
[27/12/2014, 5:27:13 AM] Dina : Are YOU alright, Dan?
[27/12/2014, 5:27:18 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): GUYS. what have I done.
[27/12/2014, 5:27:19 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[27/12/2014, 5:27:49 AM] Dan Olson: "We deleted CP as soon as we saw it." <meanwhile all the threads I screencapped are still up>
[27/12/2014, 5:27:57 AM] Dan Olson: I'm... in a very sassy mood today.
[27/12/2014, 5:28:05 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yeah, figures
[27/12/2014, 5:28:06 AM] Dan Olson: which might not be a good thing for Twitter
[27/12/2014, 5:28:08 AM] Dina : sassy is good :)
[27/12/2014, 5:28:09 AM] Peter Coffin: you should put a small update on the post
[27/12/2014, 5:28:24 AM] Peter Coffin: date/time/still up
[27/12/2014, 5:28:28 AM] Dina : Izzy LMFAO
[27/12/2014, 5:28:39 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Hehe. I'm wondering if TB will reply
[27/12/2014, 5:28:40 AM] Dan Olson: oh, there was something else I wanted to update into it... right, calling attention to the timestamps
[27/12/2014, 5:28:49 AM] Dina : that's a pretty good idea Peter
[27/12/2014, 5:29:06 AM] Peter Coffin: I was first puzzled by your tweet izzy, then I realized it was his tweet
[27/12/2014, 5:29:14 AM] Dina : I'm still laughing at his self aggrandizing "essay" on "The Youtuber"
[27/12/2014, 5:29:40 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Peter. yeah, just replaced "social justice" with "ethics"
[27/12/2014, 5:29:45 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): and fixed a typo or two
[27/12/2014, 5:30:52 AM] Dina : You have incurred The Youtuber's wrath
[27/12/2014, 5:31:09 AM] Dina : now his Ukranian PR Rep Boris will find you
[27/12/2014, 5:31:15 AM] Dina : ...and he will kill you.
[27/12/2014, 5:31:18 AM] Quinnae: Against my better judgement, I spoke out about this crap on Twitter just now.
[27/12/2014, 5:31:20 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): If he replies with "you dot-replied! harassment!" i'll just reply like this:

.......................................................@totalbiscuit Not harassment
[27/12/2014, 5:31:37 AM] Peter Coffin: lol
[27/12/2014, 5:31:41 AM] Dina : top kek
[27/12/2014, 5:31:48 AM] Peter Coffin: tophat kek
[27/12/2014, 5:31:55 AM] Dina : Katherine liiink
[27/12/2014, 5:31:56 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I did that to a GGer awhile ago who said I was harassing them by dot-replying
[27/12/2014, 5:31:59 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): they didn't like it
[27/12/2014, 5:33:00 AM] Quinnae:
[27/12/2014, 5:33:06 AM] Quinnae: It's threaded from that tweet.
[27/12/2014, 5:33:22 AM] Dina : thank you kindly <3
[27/12/2014, 5:36:07 AM] Peter Coffin:
[27/12/2014, 5:36:13 AM] Peter Coffin: wrong window sorry
[27/12/2014, 5:36:48 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): It will be exciting to see how the mainstream media picks up on this (GG/8chan and CP). Earlier we talked about how it probably won't be until after New Years because no one wants to report about CP during the holidays
[27/12/2014, 5:37:15 AM] Peter Coffin: do we know anyone to tip off
[27/12/2014, 5:37:41 AM] Dina : I don't think anyone wants to report CP ever
[27/12/2014, 5:37:46 AM] Dina : someone call Richard Quest
[27/12/2014, 5:41:30 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Anderson Cooper.
[27/12/2014, 5:42:11 AM] Dan Olson: Celebrando is back, as though he ever goes away.
[27/12/2014, 5:42:13 AM] Dina : Oprah
[27/12/2014, 5:42:15 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Chris Kluwe said in here that he has a lot of people in media following him so they are probably aware, just waiting.
[27/12/2014, 5:42:20 AM] Dina : Dan ugh
[27/12/2014, 5:42:34 AM] Peter Coffin: aware of? the CP?
[27/12/2014, 5:42:50 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): of Dan's article
[27/12/2014, 5:42:52 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): from my understanding
[27/12/2014, 5:42:56 AM] Dina : mom demanding attention. My cat was less into me dang.
[27/12/2014, 5:43:00 AM] Dina : ttyl
[27/12/2014, 5:43:04 AM] Peter Coffin: peace dina
[27/12/2014, 5:43:06 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ok. cya!
[27/12/2014, 5:43:11 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: how bad have things been the last day or so dan?
[27/12/2014, 5:43:53 AM] Dan Olson: mmm, some things have gotten under my skin, but it's just the same few things over and over and over
[27/12/2014, 5:44:09 AM] Dan Olson: I'm starving them out of information in order to keep the anomaly hunting to a minimum
[27/12/2014, 5:44:28 AM] Dan Olson: I'd rather see the same three accusations 200 times than have 200 different accusations
[27/12/2014, 5:44:46 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: nod
[27/12/2014, 5:45:02 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Katherine, look who seems to be hovering around your timeline. None other than Izel:
[27/12/2014, 5:45:08 AM] Dan Olson: and I just know that even if I talk about stuff like, yes, I filed reports, yes, I talked to the police, they're just going to nitpick that for every little detail
[27/12/2014, 5:45:56 AM] Dan Olson: "HE DIDN'T REPORT!" feels like an easy myth to dispell, but it's such a blunt accusation that it's easier to deal with.
[27/12/2014, 5:46:06 AM] Peter Coffin: indeed
[27/12/2014, 5:46:10 AM] Quinnae: I already have them blocked, but thank you for pointing it out.
[27/12/2014, 5:46:56 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Katherine, no prob. :)
[27/12/2014, 5:47:02 AM] Dan Olson: if I give them details suddenly I'm dealing with shit that passes for legitimate far more easily, like "criticisms" of when and how I reported, or "didn't report *enough*" or pressing for file numbers and proof.
[27/12/2014, 5:47:45 AM] Dan Olson: I have literally nothing to gain, so I'm not even going to get on that carousel.
[27/12/2014, 5:48:06 AM] Peter Coffin: its a good point
[27/12/2014, 5:48:08 AM] Quinnae: Right, Dan. GG has a Birther mentality, no proof is ever good enough to exculpate you.
[27/12/2014, 5:48:19 AM] Peter Coffin: internet mobs always do
[27/12/2014, 5:48:27 AM] Quinnae: As I said, you deserve better than this.
[27/12/2014, 5:48:35 AM] Peter Coffin: agreed
[27/12/2014, 5:48:41 AM] Peter Coffin: doing something 100% good
[27/12/2014, 5:48:58 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: there was enough proof for birthers! is asking for white skin too much to ask, really
[27/12/2014, 5:49:01 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i mean come on
[27/12/2014, 5:49:03 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: that's reasonable
[27/12/2014, 5:49:18 AM] Peter Coffin: true
[27/12/2014, 5:49:38 AM] Dan Olson: what's an easy way of securing twitter usernames?
[27/12/2014, 5:49:57 AM] Peter Coffin: define securing
[27/12/2014, 5:50:10 AM] Dan Olson: like, squatting on impersonation accounts
[27/12/2014, 5:50:22 AM] Peter Coffin: just register them
[27/12/2014, 5:50:34 AM] Peter Coffin: twitter has no extra capabilities
[27/12/2014, 5:50:39 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yeah. i registered this one:
[27/12/2014, 5:50:41 AM] Peter Coffin: really not a scalable platform
[27/12/2014, 5:51:06 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I'm thinking of making it a bot like Randi's that uses my timeline to generate tweets
[27/12/2014, 5:51:13 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): would be funny if GGers couldn't tell me and the bot apart
[27/12/2014, 5:51:14 AM] Peter Coffin: they never impersonate me, they do impersonate my "fake girlfriend" because it's easier
[27/12/2014, 5:51:18 AM] Randi Harper: it works pretty well
[27/12/2014, 5:51:57 AM] Dan Olson: bah, I need unique emails for each
[27/12/2014, 5:52:25 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ah. Benefit of having my domain name set up for email. just make a new address that fowards to my main
[27/12/2014, 5:53:52 AM] Randi Harper: sunset overdrive 50% off
[27/12/2014, 5:53:57 AM] Randi Harper: xbax
[27/12/2014, 5:54:21 AM] Randi Harper: how can i gift someone a game on xbax?
[27/12/2014, 5:54:33 AM] Peter Coffin: xboax
[27/12/2014, 5:55:42 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): xboox
[27/12/2014, 5:55:54 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): xbucks (the x is for shill)
[27/12/2014, 5:58:14 AM] Dan Olson: good old Hello Kitty burner emails
[27/12/2014, 6:00:46 AM] Dan Olson: Alright, two out of three most likely impersonations locked down.
[27/12/2014, 6:00:53 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Katherine, what did you do? now this tweet is getting lots of attention:
[27/12/2014, 6:00:58 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :P
[27/12/2014, 6:04:18 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I'll be back later. have to go to the outside world and buy stuff from a store
[27/12/2014, 6:04:29 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: yeah i'm taking off for birthday stuff ~
[27/12/2014, 6:04:36 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): see you all later <3
[27/12/2014, 6:04:48 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: bai!
[27/12/2014, 6:04:51 AM] Dan Olson: HABBABIRDAAAH!
[27/12/2014, 6:04:57 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: ty dans <3
[27/12/2014, 6:05:24 AM] Quinnae: I retweeted it, Izzy :P
[27/12/2014, 6:05:30 AM] Quinnae: Oh, they're gone.
[27/12/2014, 6:05:35 AM] Quinnae: Also, happy birthday, Sarah!
[27/12/2014, 6:07:52 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: GEEZE ALL THE TRANNIES AND THE CHRISTMAS BIRTHDAYS
[27/12/2014, 6:10:57 AM] Dan Olson: haha
[27/12/2014, 6:11:26 AM] Randi Harper:
[27/12/2014, 6:11:28 AM] Randi Harper: i don't understand reddit
[27/12/2014, 6:11:33 AM] Randi Harper: what am i viewing the comments for? what is the post?
[27/12/2014, 6:16:22 AM] Dan Olson: oh, those are the comments for teh ad
[27/12/2014, 6:16:33 AM] Dan Olson: or, no
[27/12/2014, 6:16:35 AM] Dan Olson: wut
[27/12/2014, 6:17:19 AM] Dan Olson: these are the comments for the ad that GG ran on Ghazi
[27/12/2014, 6:18:06 AM] Peter Coffin: its funny how they think the ad for dan's post is retaliation by ghazi
[27/12/2014, 6:18:23 AM] Randi Harper:
[27/12/2014, 6:18:32 AM] Randi Harper: schrodinger's child porn.
[27/12/2014, 6:22:21 AM] Chris Kluwe: i are back
[27/12/2014, 6:22:31 AM] Chris Kluwe: also, why didn't they have these Kano computer things when i was a kid
[27/12/2014, 6:22:47 AM] Chris Kluwe: got one for my older daughter and i'm having to try REALLY HARD not to take it from her
[27/12/2014, 6:23:23 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: rofl
[27/12/2014, 6:24:08 AM] Chris Kluwe: pretty soon they'll be reduced to grunting
[27/12/2014, 6:25:12 AM] Chris Kluwe: "I'm Mike Cernovich and I have lots of thoughts on CP!"
[27/12/2014, 6:26:24 AM] Chris Kluwe: wut
[27/12/2014, 6:28:39 AM] Peter Coffin: okay that is FUCKED
[27/12/2014, 6:28:54 AM] Peter Coffin: I have a constitutional right to speak the truth.  I have a constitutional right to report your crimes.  By "blackmailing" you, I am simply refusing to exercise that constitutional right in exchange for money.
[27/12/2014, 6:29:10 AM] Peter Coffin: he uses "blackmailing" like its some foreign concept to him
[27/12/2014, 6:29:19 AM] Peter Coffin: like this law is something he is barely aware of
[27/12/2014, 6:29:23 AM] Peter Coffin: and annoyed by
[27/12/2014, 6:29:43 AM] Chris Kluwe: "Why can't I just do whatever I want to do?"
[27/12/2014, 6:29:57 AM] Chris Kluwe: i mean, it's basically Gamergate in a nutshell before Gamergate was a thing
[27/12/2014, 6:30:08 AM] Peter Coffin: if only that weren't so true
[27/12/2014, 6:30:48 AM] Peter Coffin: I'm adding "Blackmail is Okay" to trello
[27/12/2014, 6:31:14 AM] Ian Cheong: Classic Cernovich
[27/12/2014, 6:32:27 AM] Chris Kluwe: "I'm Mike Cernovich, and I believe in the alien conspiracy!"
[27/12/2014, 6:34:12 AM] Chris Kluwe: heh
[27/12/2014, 6:34:23 AM] Chris Kluwe: add this one to the "Things that will blow Roguestar's mind" file
[27/12/2014, 6:34:25 AM] Chris Kluwe:
[27/12/2014, 6:36:35 AM] Peter Coffin: hahahahaha
[27/12/2014, 6:37:03 AM] Chris Kluwe: i reaaaaaally want to find that "post that cost him a job"
[27/12/2014, 6:38:14 AM] Rob: Afternoon, folks
[27/12/2014, 6:38:16 AM] Peter Coffin: hmmm
[27/12/2014, 6:38:18 AM] Peter Coffin: hey rob
[27/12/2014, 6:38:22 AM] Rob: Ahoy hoy.
[27/12/2014, 6:38:31 AM] Chris Kluwe: heya
[27/12/2014, 6:43:05 AM] Chris Kluwe: "I'm Mike Cernovich, and I like to combine my misogyny with some casual racism!"
[27/12/2014, 6:44:40 AM] Rob: I think my favorite 'wtf' moment of GG racism is Aurini saying white people came up with the idea that slavery is wrong, and we had been trying to end slavery for centuries until Africans basically 'forced' us to take them as slaves, but we treated them all super well so it was a-ok\
[27/12/2014, 6:44:51 AM] Chris Kluwe: wat
[27/12/2014, 6:44:55 AM] Rob: Yeah.
[27/12/2014, 6:45:04 AM] Chris Kluwe: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat
[27/12/2014, 6:45:05 AM] Peter Coffin: yeah, I have seen that as well
[27/12/2014, 6:45:18 AM] Peter Coffin: aurini is just completely batshit
[27/12/2014, 6:45:24 AM] Rob: Yeah.
[27/12/2014, 6:45:29 AM] Rob: But he's only a white nationalist "on paper"
[27/12/2014, 6:45:30 AM] Rob: remember that!
[27/12/2014, 6:45:59 AM] Remy: "¯\_(ツ)_/¯" on paper
[27/12/2014, 6:46:30 AM] Rob: "White nationalism obviously has some unfortunate implications ..." - Aurini
[27/12/2014, 6:46:33 AM] Rob: it just makes me laugh so much
[27/12/2014, 6:46:52 AM] Rob: I think... Peter, it's this video, right?
[27/12/2014, 6:47:36 AM] Peter Coffin: pretty sure
[27/12/2014, 6:49:39 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: aurini also said "he has no problem with white nationalism on paper" lol
[27/12/2014, 6:49:44 AM] Rob: Yep
[27/12/2014, 6:49:46 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: oh derp you already said that
[27/12/2014, 6:50:05 AM] Rob: I just have to laugh at Aurini, because if I don't, I'll just make a super angry drunk video at him.
[27/12/2014, 6:50:06 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: his rant about black people was super horrific too
[27/12/2014, 6:50:15 AM] Rob: Like when I flipped out on twitter when he was like 'I DUN VISIT 'MURICA AND THERE AIN'T NO RACISM HERE'
[27/12/2014, 6:52:06 AM] SF: Dan: You can use GMail's + syntax to register multiple email aliases to one account.
[27/12/2014, 6:52:20 AM] Rob: Yep, this is the video where he rants about slavery
[27/12/2014, 6:53:14 AM] SF: I'm watching the Rizzle Dizzle video now.
[27/12/2014, 6:53:35 AM] SF: I imagine him to be Albert Wesker's douchey little brother he avoids talking about.
[27/12/2014, 6:53:47 AM] Rob: Ugh, rizzle dizzle.
[27/12/2014, 6:53:51 AM] Rob: I fucking hate that piece of shit.
[27/12/2014, 6:53:59 AM] Rob: He used to be snakepliskinist, and he used to fuck with me all the time on youtube.
[27/12/2014, 6:54:11 AM] Rob: He used to wear an eyepatch and claim he lost his eye in an accident
[27/12/2014, 6:54:16 AM] SF: He pauses mid sentence to smoke ahahaha
[27/12/2014, 6:55:56 AM] SF: I think I find this guy too adorable to hate him. Kind of like Glenn Beck.
[27/12/2014, 6:56:09 AM] Peter Coffin: hahahahaha
[27/12/2014, 6:57:00 AM] SF: It doesn't telegraph anything meaningful if I tweet this video does it?
[27/12/2014, 6:57:21 AM] Peter Coffin: people haven't used telegraphs in years
[27/12/2014, 6:57:44 AM] Peter Coffin: no, it doesn't. especially with a quick "ew" caption or something
[27/12/2014, 6:59:11 AM] Rob: Oh my god
[27/12/2014, 6:59:14 AM] Rob: I orgot how bad this video is
[27/12/2014, 6:59:20 AM] Rob: I'm just tweeing out direct quotes now
[27/12/2014, 6:59:50 AM] SF: I love how he's emulating Morpheus's speaking style but clearly still speaking off the cuff and stammering while doing it.
[27/12/2014, 7:00:17 AM] SF: A story...that she can a motherfucker
[27/12/2014, 7:00:36 AM] Peter Coffin:
[27/12/2014, 7:01:08 AM] Peter Coffin: new personal rule: anyone says Morpheus I post this
[27/12/2014, 7:01:52 AM] SF: some goddamn ethics in video game journalism
[27/12/2014, 7:02:46 AM] SF: she can be a hero...a legend in fact....tell her tale of redemption
[27/12/2014, 7:04:48 AM] Chris Kluwe: so
[27/12/2014, 7:05:00 AM] Chris Kluwe: when juicebro mentions he "wrote the book on law"
[27/12/2014, 7:05:15 AM] Chris Kluwe: he forgot to mention there were about 580 other people that helped
[27/12/2014, 7:05:17 AM] Chris Kluwe:
[27/12/2014, 7:05:22 AM] Rob: lolol
[27/12/2014, 7:05:24 AM] Peter Coffin: hahahahaha
[27/12/2014, 7:06:14 AM] Chris Kluwe: it also looks like he recommends that Pattis guy to his readers, without disclosing that he used to work for him
[27/12/2014, 7:06:18 AM] Chris Kluwe: BECAUSE ETHICS
[27/12/2014, 7:07:06 AM] SF: "Yeah I basically wrote Wikipedia" - xXYugiOhFan666Xx contributor to List Of Mochi Dishes Depicted in Popular Anime
[27/12/2014, 7:07:33 AM] Peter Coffin: lol
[27/12/2014, 7:08:08 AM] Rob: I'm just sitting here staring slack-jawed.
[27/12/2014, 7:08:15 AM] Rob: I forgot how bad this video was. jesus fucking Christ.
[27/12/2014, 7:15:06 AM] Rob: Like he just invents random stats, claims blacks are 6 to 8 times more violent than whites, and specifically target white women to be raped
[27/12/2014, 7:15:25 AM] Rob: and his reasoning is "Maybe it's because white women are prettier compared ro black women or maybe it's racial bias" or some stuff
[27/12/2014, 7:15:31 AM] Chris Kluwe: just so you guys know, it looks like Popehat has been following Cernovich and recommending his blog since at least 2009
[27/12/2014, 7:15:41 AM] Chris Kluwe:
[27/12/2014, 7:15:42 AM] Rob: He also brings up a bunch of anti-Semitic conspiracy theory shit.
[27/12/2014, 7:16:05 AM] Peter Coffin: of course he does, he's involved in gg
[27/12/2014, 7:24:51 AM] Randi Harper: um
[27/12/2014, 7:24:54 AM] Randi Harper: Popehat hates cernovich
[27/12/2014, 7:25:06 AM] Randi Harper: put down the pitchforks.
[27/12/2014, 7:25:21 AM] Randi Harper: I've been talking to Popehat in DM for a while now.
[27/12/2014, 7:27:30 AM] Chris Kluwe: it's not ken, it's Patrick
[27/12/2014, 7:27:57 AM] Chris Kluwe: and that timeframe to recommend Cernovich's blog puts it squarely around all the crazy
[27/12/2014, 7:28:15 AM] Chris Kluwe: i know ken doesn't like him
[27/12/2014, 7:28:24 AM] Randi Harper: i didn't think patrick liked him either.
[27/12/2014, 7:28:31 AM] Randi Harper: I've mostly been talking to ken, though.
[27/12/2014, 7:28:41 AM] Chris Kluwe: certainly talked up his blog in that post
[27/12/2014, 7:29:38 AM] Randi Harper: was crime & federalism such a tabloid back then?
[27/12/2014, 7:29:54 AM] Chris Kluwe: i'd put it about 70/30 good/bad
[27/12/2014, 7:29:57 AM] Chris Kluwe: but that 30
[27/12/2014, 7:30:00 AM] Chris Kluwe: wooooooooooo boy
[27/12/2014, 7:30:38 AM] Randi Harper: i'm hesitant to condemn anyone based on a recommendation 5 years ago. more curious to see if patrick is doing any further recommendation now.
[27/12/2014, 7:30:45 AM] Chris Kluwe: it also looks like this guy named Norm Pattis wrote for the blog back then
[27/12/2014, 7:31:02 AM] Chris Kluwe: and he seems to be held as a well known civil rights lawyer
[27/12/2014, 7:31:20 AM] Chris Kluwe: right, i wouldn't use this to blast patrick, just something to keep in mind
[27/12/2014, 7:31:30 AM] Randi Harper: noted. thanks for pointing it out.
[27/12/2014, 7:31:51 AM] Chris Kluwe: basically it looks like a bunch of law blogs started around 2004/2005ish
[27/12/2014, 7:31:59 AM] Chris Kluwe: called "the blawgosphere"
[27/12/2014, 7:32:12 AM] Chris Kluwe: Cernovich was one of their rising stars
[27/12/2014, 7:32:20 AM] Peter Coffin: why not just lawgosphere
[27/12/2014, 7:32:24 AM] Chris Kluwe: no idea
[27/12/2014, 7:32:41 AM] Chris Kluwe: then it looks like Pattis left Cernovich's blog around 2008
[27/12/2014, 7:32:43 AM] Randi Harper: poor cernovich.
[27/12/2014, 7:33:02 AM] Randi Harper: my arena partner and favorite person ever (also a rogue) did steroids for a while
[27/12/2014, 7:33:02 AM] Chris Kluwe: and he's gotten progressively more unhinged since then
[27/12/2014, 7:33:04 AM] Randi Harper: he got all aggro
[27/12/2014, 7:33:17 AM] Chris Kluwe: yeah, roids are not good
[27/12/2014, 7:33:20 AM] Randi Harper: but then he sent me topless pics of him at the gym, so i got to be strangely ok with it.
[27/12/2014, 7:33:21 AM] Chris Kluwe: seen players take them
[27/12/2014, 7:33:30 AM] Chris Kluwe: it can really change your personality
[27/12/2014, 7:34:41 AM] Randi Harper: yeah. he quit doing them so much, got back to normal pretty quickly. but he didn't do them for very long.
[27/12/2014, 7:34:56 AM] Randi Harper: mike's aggro reminds me of it sometimes.
[27/12/2014, 7:35:59 AM] Chris Kluwe: i would imagine they are a pretty heavy contributing factor
[27/12/2014, 7:36:00 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Woo, looks like I came back at the right time. Christ is back
[27/12/2014, 7:36:07 AM] Chris Kluwe: I HAVE RISEN
[27/12/2014, 7:36:19 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Blues Kluwes! /s
[27/12/2014, 7:36:23 AM] Chris Kluwe: haha
[27/12/2014, 7:36:37 AM] Chris Kluwe: it's like, there's a billion ways to google my name that will tell you how to pronounce it
[27/12/2014, 7:36:48 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Gaters don't google
[27/12/2014, 7:36:50 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): get all rage from the rage machine
[27/12/2014, 7:37:01 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): trust but never verify
[27/12/2014, 7:37:29 AM] Chris Kluwe: RAGE AND BELIEVE
[27/12/2014, 7:42:05 AM] Chris Kluwe: i think this was written by Pattis, not Cernovich
[27/12/2014, 7:42:15 AM] Chris Kluwe: but HOLY SHIT are there a lot of blog posts here that deal with CP
[27/12/2014, 7:42:31 AM] Randi Harper: i just killed a combat rogue
[27/12/2014, 7:42:34 AM] Randi Harper: as disc
[27/12/2014, 7:42:38 AM] Randi Harper: i am the best.
[27/12/2014, 7:42:48 AM] Chris Kluwe: wut
[27/12/2014, 7:43:02 AM] Randi Harper: (flex)
[27/12/2014, 7:43:44 AM] Randi Harper: especially with the changes made to kidney shot, rogues are just playing dumb lately.
[27/12/2014, 7:44:18 AM] Chris Kluwe: well, if this Pattis guy was Cernovich's mentor (which it seems he probably was), this explains a lot
[27/12/2014, 7:44:29 AM] Dan Olson: I'm all about that lifebloom+rejuve+swiftmend+NS+regrowth+run around in circles until they die of starvation.
[27/12/2014, 7:44:42 AM] Randi Harper: nah, man. it's all about reflective shield right now
[27/12/2014, 7:44:52 AM] Randi Harper: if you see a disc that isn't rocking reflective shield, laugh hysterically and kill them.
[27/12/2014, 7:45:10 AM] Chris Kluwe:
[27/12/2014, 7:45:23 AM] Dan Olson: I haven't leveled my priest yet. She's, like, third in line after Warrior and Monk.
[27/12/2014, 7:45:26 AM] Randi Harper: i saw a disc priest using desperate prayer in arenas 2 days ago and i started just laughing and laughing
[27/12/2014, 7:45:29 AM] Dan Olson: but that's some good advicce
[27/12/2014, 7:45:40 AM] Randi Harper: pretty sure that was on stream, too.
[27/12/2014, 7:47:47 AM] Dan Olson: "Sorry love, the only pictures I look at are 2D cuties" <anime picture>
[27/12/2014, 7:48:13 AM] Dan Olson: yes, mister @shodingus, that totally makes your stance look much more rational
[27/12/2014, 7:51:01 AM] Chris Kluwe: oh look. it's 8chan's defense, 8 years ago.
[27/12/2014, 7:54:44 AM] Chris Kluwe: sigh
[27/12/2014, 7:54:50 AM] Chris Kluwe: throw another one on the CP stack
[27/12/2014, 7:54:52 AM] Chris Kluwe:
[27/12/2014, 8:03:46 AM] Chris Kluwe: threatening and doxxing
[27/12/2014, 8:04:58 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Wait. did he just dig into a spam email and believed 100% that it was sent by that person and not even think that maybe the spammer picked a random name?
[27/12/2014, 8:05:24 AM] Chris Kluwe: yarp
[27/12/2014, 8:05:34 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): oh boy
[27/12/2014, 8:05:43 AM] Chris Kluwe: he's "computer savvy" remember?
[27/12/2014, 8:06:26 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Someone should send him a spam email addressed by Mike Cernovich
[27/12/2014, 8:06:31 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): HOW DEEP DOES THE RABBIT HOLE GO?
[27/12/2014, 8:06:53 AM] Chris Kluwe: IT'S THE LIZARD PEOPLE
[27/12/2014, 8:06:57 AM] Chris Kluwe: AFTER HIS THETANS
[27/12/2014, 8:07:34 AM] Randi Harper: this person is so weird.
[27/12/2014, 8:08:06 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol, that's random
[27/12/2014, 8:08:13 AM] Randi Harper: look at their tweets
[27/12/2014, 8:08:47 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): o.o
[27/12/2014, 8:08:56 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): obvious racist troll
[27/12/2014, 8:09:18 AM] Randi Harper: yeah, the race stuff is new.
[27/12/2014, 8:10:02 AM] Randi Harper: the trolling is pretty funny.
[27/12/2014, 8:10:48 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[27/12/2014, 8:11:01 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL:
[27/12/2014, 8:11:27 AM] Randi Harper: see? this person is so weird. but it's kind of masterfully done. i almost admire them.
[27/12/2014, 8:11:43 AM] Chris Kluwe: i love good trolls
[27/12/2014, 8:11:46 AM] Chris Kluwe: i never mute them
[27/12/2014, 8:12:17 AM] Chris Kluwe: i have one guy who calls himself Shakespeareana
[27/12/2014, 8:12:18 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): No troll is as endearing as Kiwikku, though, in this whole GamerGate mess
[27/12/2014, 8:12:23 AM] Annie Kelly: eh, patriarchy jokes are tired imo (I make at least  a day)
[27/12/2014, 8:12:25 AM] Chris Kluwe: omg
[27/12/2014, 8:12:27 AM] Annie Kelly: hello everyone btw
[27/12/2014, 8:12:28 AM] Chris Kluwe: kiwikku
[27/12/2014, 8:12:32 AM] Chris Kluwe: he's a national treasure
[27/12/2014, 8:12:33 AM] Chris Kluwe: heya
[27/12/2014, 8:12:38 AM] Annie Kelly: <3 KIWIKKU <3
[27/12/2014, 8:12:39 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Haha
[27/12/2014, 8:12:52 AM] Randi Harper: kiwikku is a troll?
[27/12/2014, 8:12:54 AM] Chris Kluwe: he's just so.... Earnest, about it all
[27/12/2014, 8:13:11 AM] Annie Kelly: If kiwikku is trolling its fucking masterful
[27/12/2014, 8:13:14 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): He's admitted that he originally joined "for the lulz". but I can't tell if he's serious about it now
[27/12/2014, 8:13:16 AM] Chris Kluwe: he's so bad at being a troll he's approaching greatness from the other direction
[27/12/2014, 8:13:26 AM] Annie Kelly: lmao
[27/12/2014, 8:13:28 AM] Chris Kluwe: he's the Rincewind of trolls
[27/12/2014, 8:14:07 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Even if he is a troll, he's the perfect example of what GG should be
[27/12/2014, 8:14:16 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): if it were actually about ethics in journalism
[27/12/2014, 8:14:30 AM] Chris Kluwe: and they hate him for it
[27/12/2014, 8:14:36 AM] Randi Harper: no grandpa today. saddest story. :(
[27/12/2014, 8:14:39 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): yeah. I always feel bad when they get mad at him
[27/12/2014, 8:16:13 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ahaha, Randi, that troll:
[27/12/2014, 8:16:28 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Oh, Randi, what do you mean "no grandpa today"?
[27/12/2014, 8:17:53 AM] Randi Harper: arena partner
[27/12/2014, 8:17:58 AM] Randi Harper: guess i level my alli rogue
[27/12/2014, 8:17:59 AM] Randi Harper:
[27/12/2014, 8:18:12 AM] Randi Harper: (1 of 5 accounts, i have a problem)
[27/12/2014, 8:18:21 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ah, I see.
[27/12/2014, 8:18:25 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :3
[27/12/2014, 8:25:49 AM] Chris Kluwe: cernovich's mentor seems like a lovely fellow.
[27/12/2014, 8:30:55 AM] Chris Kluwe: oh look. cernovich's mentor liked the doxxing as well.
[27/12/2014, 8:32:04 AM] Chris Kluwe: actually, that may be cernovich
[27/12/2014, 8:32:08 AM] Chris Kluwe: no way to tell without author headers
[27/12/2014, 8:40:48 AM] Chris Kluwe:
[27/12/2014, 8:40:52 AM] Chris Kluwe: more rape apologia
[27/12/2014, 8:48:02 AM] Chris Kluwe: ok, i'm out for a while
[27/12/2014, 8:51:32 AM] Rob: Later, chris
[27/12/2014, 9:09:13 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Aww... Looks like our ad got pulled from reddit:
[27/12/2014, 9:09:16 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): No longer listed here.
[27/12/2014, 9:10:53 AM] Quinnae: Maybe it maxed out on views?
[27/12/2014, 9:10:59 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Oh, possible
[27/12/2014, 9:11:27 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I don't remember if Alex told us how many impressions we'd get. It was around $50 or so
[27/12/2014, 9:27:32 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: Well, my twitter feed sure is sunshine and rainbows today.
[27/12/2014, 9:28:07 AM] Randi Harper: i am laughing my ass off at
[27/12/2014, 9:28:36 AM] Randi Harper: That's because Collect weakened the true description of the issue which I wrote a month ago when it occurred. Collect's description made it appear as if it was some minor inadvertent error when it is actually a blatantly false story where the "error" constitutes the entire article, as the reliable sources note. You don't write an entire story which says some person is actually a different person and then dismiss it as "oops we confused two people." They initially left the story up with a correction appended to the bottom which amounted to admitting the entire article was false. If you want me to add more sources noting how fundamentally awful of an error this is, and how this points to a catastrophic lack of anything resembling fact-checking or editorial control at Breitbart if it means they can try to score political points against their perceived opponents, I'll be happy to. NorthBySouthBaranof (talk) 06:43, 21 December 2014 (UTC)
[27/12/2014, 9:32:53 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: Meanwhile I'm not laughing at "Okay so I am having this issue about now. I am trying to explain to the personnel here why GG is sending me pictures of dead women overlaid with things like, "You Are Next." And... they don't believe me. Not because they don't want to, but because they can't believe it."
[27/12/2014, 9:32:56 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): So, someone was saying Breitbart is the beacon of ethics?
[27/12/2014, 9:33:23 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Like this?
[27/12/2014, 9:33:24 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[27/12/2014, 9:55:41 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: Too sarcastic to tell if incoherent GGer or someone who feels their posts are stupid enough to stand without comment.
[27/12/2014, 9:57:07 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Their timeline is full of GG retweets.
[27/12/2014, 9:57:15 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Some of their tweets don't make sense though.
[27/12/2014, 9:57:52 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: I suppose there's also the 3rd option of Bot
[27/12/2014, 9:58:29 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): i think this is a channer who has lost their way
[27/12/2014, 10:00:13 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol, Rob's tweet from earlier got a lot of attention:
[27/12/2014, 10:00:45 AM] Rob: yeah, lol
[27/12/2014, 10:07:19 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): GG's self-awareness level is still at 0:
[27/12/2014, 10:07:20 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :P
[27/12/2014, 10:09:04 AM] Rob: haha
[27/12/2014, 10:09:36 AM] Randi Harper: 45 seconds into watching the interview and i am dying laughing
[27/12/2014, 10:09:57 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Randi, I know, right? I LOVED it. It's really funny
[27/12/2014, 10:10:06 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): it you like that kind of dumb humor
[27/12/2014, 10:10:07 AM] Randi Harper: gay Eminem is the best.
[27/12/2014, 10:10:15 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yeah.
[27/12/2014, 10:12:31 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol, this person got spammed by cats on Twitter:
[27/12/2014, 10:16:53 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): What. I think this person thinks GG is a religion:
[27/12/2014, 10:18:28 AM] Randi Harper: i know eevee :)
[27/12/2014, 10:18:59 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol, told that weird GGer they need to speak with Kiwikku
[27/12/2014, 10:18:59 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[27/12/2014, 10:19:13 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[27/12/2014, 10:19:35 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Seriously. They were telling me that "all you need to be a part of GamerGate is ETHICS AND INTEGRITY"
[27/12/2014, 10:19:52 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Uh, no. It's supposed to be a consumer revolt. Get back on script, GGer!
[27/12/2014, 10:20:01 AM] Athena Hollow: So now, there's not even a "Hashtag is all that's required" XD
[27/12/2014, 10:21:04 AM] Veerender Jubbal: White people got mad at me, again.
[27/12/2014, 10:21:48 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): hug
[27/12/2014, 10:23:37 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL, wtf is going on in my mentions? That GGer is replying to other more "typical" Gaters and they are so confused for some reason:
[27/12/2014, 10:27:13 AM] Rob: I'm sorry, veerender
[27/12/2014, 10:32:56 AM] Tesseract: what
[27/12/2014, 10:33:24 AM] Athena Hollow: Oh yeah, you didn't hear about that? lol
[27/12/2014, 10:34:07 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: news to me too actually
[27/12/2014, 10:34:08 AM] Athena Hollow: They said that since no one else would sponsor their shitty weaponized porn charity show, that TFYC would collect it & help women in STEM or some equally dumb totally bullshit thing.
[27/12/2014, 10:34:49 AM] Athena Hollow: Yeah, it's pretty fucking dumb, and if they were in the US they'd get really raked over the coals for doing such.
[27/12/2014, 10:34:58 AM] Athena Hollow: I don't know the laws in Canada about charity shit though.
[27/12/2014, 10:41:00 AM] Athena Hollow: lulz
[27/12/2014, 10:42:25 AM] Tesseract:
[27/12/2014, 10:42:47 AM] Tesseract: aha, tfyc's in my mentions
[27/12/2014, 10:42:49 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahahahahahah nice
[27/12/2014, 10:42:51 AM] Athena Hollow: oh god XD
[27/12/2014, 10:42:56 AM] Randi Harper: bahahaha omg
[27/12/2014, 10:42:57 AM] Tesseract:
[27/12/2014, 10:43:02 AM] Randi Harper: "if it's a girl tiger, you have to cunt punt that bitch"
[27/12/2014, 10:43:04 AM] Randi Harper: i am dying
[27/12/2014, 10:43:05 AM] Randi Harper: so dying
[27/12/2014, 10:46:01 AM] Athena Hollow: Are... are they saying that them accomplishing literally nothing other than helping spawn a shield for a perpetaul harassment machine, is accomplishing "something"? XD
[27/12/2014, 10:53:40 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I want to show this to Kav, but I think Kav made it (based on the username):
[27/12/2014, 10:53:53 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): because it looks like something she'd like. lol
[27/12/2014, 10:54:14 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[27/12/2014, 11:00:37 AM] Quinnae: By the way, I haven't seen Kav in here in a while. Where'd she go?
[27/12/2014, 11:01:05 AM] Rob: I think she's traveling
[27/12/2014, 11:01:09 AM] Rob: or getting readyto
[27/12/2014, 11:01:19 AM] Rob: She's around, just usually on twitter
[27/12/2014, 11:04:10 AM] nicholas.boterf: Yeah kav is definitely on and off here (like me).
[27/12/2014, 11:04:19 AM] Rob: hey nicholas
[27/12/2014, 11:04:31 AM] nicholas.boterf: Hello Rob!
[27/12/2014, 11:04:51 AM] Rob: ahoy hoy
[27/12/2014, 11:10:22 AM] nicholas.boterf: I just threw the ball for the dog and it hit a Charlie Brown figurine and knocked off its head. I decapitated good ol’ Charlie Brown.
[27/12/2014, 11:10:36 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): You are truly evil
[27/12/2014, 11:11:06 AM] nicholas.boterf: Anti-GG really is ISIS.
[27/12/2014, 11:11:22 AM] nicholas.boterf: Decapitating good Americans like Charlie.
[27/12/2014, 11:11:29 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): o.o
[27/12/2014, 11:11:30 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[27/12/2014, 11:24:04 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Lol, this comment on reddit is ironic:
[27/12/2014, 11:28:14 AM] Randi Harper: goddamnit, kluwe.
[27/12/2014, 11:28:24 AM] Randi Harper: tell me you did not just retweet the group that has been DDoSing XBAX.
[27/12/2014, 11:30:54 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): o.o Isn't LizardSquad like the GG version of Anonymous?
[27/12/2014, 11:31:10 AM] Randi Harper: they aren't at all related to gamergate.
[27/12/2014, 11:31:20 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I know. I meant that in regard to maturity and stuff
[27/12/2014, 11:31:24 AM] Randi Harper: likely.
[27/12/2014, 11:31:32 AM] Randi Harper: they are not a good group to be promoting under any circumstance.
[27/12/2014, 11:31:42 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): For sure.
[27/12/2014, 11:31:53 AM] Randi Harper: they are the people that brought down league,, called in a death threat for the plane that an EA exec was on
[27/12/2014, 11:32:05 AM] Randi Harper: and too XBAX offline for all of xmas
[27/12/2014, 11:33:01 AM] Randi Harper: s/too/took/
[27/12/2014, 11:34:00 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Of course.
[27/12/2014, 11:34:02 AM] Tesseract: is this a serious account
[27/12/2014, 11:37:50 AM] Tesseract:
[27/12/2014, 11:40:49 AM] Chris Kluwe: I ARE HERE
[27/12/2014, 11:41:09 AM] Tesseract: hi
[27/12/2014, 11:42:11 AM] Chris Kluwe: Randi, I retweeted that one post because I actually do agree with that sentiment
[27/12/2014, 11:42:24 AM] Chris Kluwe: corps are making a shitton of money off us and not contributing anything
[27/12/2014, 11:42:34 AM] Chris Kluwe: the rest of it though I think was covered by later tweets :)
[27/12/2014, 11:43:58 AM] drinternetphd: finally patreon got back to me
[27/12/2014, 11:44:04 AM] drinternetphd: with a "please call us" :|
[27/12/2014, 11:46:02 AM] Randi Harper: hrmmm.
[27/12/2014, 11:46:04 AM] Chris Kluwe: call me maybe?
[27/12/2014, 11:46:06 AM] Randi Harper: okay. :\
[27/12/2014, 11:46:12 AM] Randi Harper: wasn't sure if you knew what scumbags they were or not.
[27/12/2014, 11:46:13 AM] drinternetphd: lol kluwe
[27/12/2014, 11:46:16 AM] Chris Kluwe: oh trust me
[27/12/2014, 11:46:19 AM] Randi Harper: but if you're aware... :P
[27/12/2014, 11:46:26 AM] Chris Kluwe: i know what the scriptkiddy side of anonymous is
[27/12/2014, 11:46:32 AM] Chris Kluwe: and it's fucking lame
[27/12/2014, 11:47:09 AM] Tesseract: wasn't there a gg op a while ago
[27/12/2014, 11:47:16 AM] Tesseract: and then they just stopped it for some reason
[27/12/2014, 11:47:19 AM] drinternetphd: there's always an idiot gg op
[27/12/2014, 11:47:24 AM] Randi Harper: yeah, you'll have to be more specific.
[27/12/2014, 11:47:28 AM] Chris Kluwe: heh
[27/12/2014, 11:47:29 AM] Tesseract: I mean an anonymous op against gg
[27/12/2014, 11:47:40 AM] Randi Harper: supposedly they were releasing info they got from my "hacked computer" dec 25th. that didn't happen.
[27/12/2014, 11:47:46 AM] Chris Kluwe: rofl
[27/12/2014, 11:47:47 AM] Tesseract: what a surprise
[27/12/2014, 11:47:48 AM] drinternetphd: they're idiots shouting into tin can phones that go between their fisher price playhouses
[27/12/2014, 11:47:52 AM] Chris Kluwe: juicebro was going on about that
[27/12/2014, 11:47:57 AM] drinternetphd: ohhh randi
[27/12/2014, 11:48:01 AM] drinternetphd: was that supposed to be yours?
[27/12/2014, 11:48:05 AM] Randi Harper: yes.
[27/12/2014, 11:48:07 AM] Randi Harper: izzy knows. I've got locked down security groups like woah.
[27/12/2014, 11:48:17 AM] drinternetphd: I have been wondering about that because people who aren't cernovich had been talking about it too
[27/12/2014, 11:48:19 AM] Randi Harper: the only way you can access my servers is to be at my physical apartment or at my office.
[27/12/2014, 11:48:21 AM] Tesseract: oh you didn't know zoe? damn I should've mentioned that
[27/12/2014, 11:48:35 AM] drinternetphd: I got really freaked out cause he kept talking about having his guy dig through my trash
[27/12/2014, 11:48:47 AM] Randi Harper: nah, no worries. they are convinced that i was uberhaxx0red.
[27/12/2014, 11:48:50 AM] Chris Kluwe: it wouldn't surprise me if he actually did it
[27/12/2014, 11:48:57 AM] drinternetphd: it's likely he did
[27/12/2014, 11:49:03 AM] Randi Harper: i am 95% cerno didn't actually hire a PI, btw.
[27/12/2014, 11:49:08 AM] Randi Harper: er, 95% certain cerno
[27/12/2014, 11:49:08 AM] Chris Kluwe: you saw the link i posted about Cernovich's PI people earlier zoe?
[27/12/2014, 11:49:16 AM] drinternetphd: there was a white van parked outside my place when I was there that didn't move that was rented from like 2 hours away
[27/12/2014, 11:49:16 AM] Chris Kluwe: i'm actually pretty confident he did
[27/12/2014, 11:49:17 AM] Randi Harper: PIs in California are expensive as fuck.
[27/12/2014, 11:49:21 AM] nicholas.boterf: Much love Zoe- at least Patreon wants to talk.
[27/12/2014, 11:49:21 AM] drinternetphd: chris no
[27/12/2014, 11:49:22 AM] Randi Harper: he doesn't have that much money.
[27/12/2014, 11:49:26 AM] drinternetphd: I didn't see that
[27/12/2014, 11:49:33 AM] Randi Harper: why do you think he did?
[27/12/2014, 11:49:37 AM] Chris Kluwe: it was one of his blog posts
[27/12/2014, 11:49:39 AM] drinternetphd: I know he did abuse the lexisnexis system
[27/12/2014, 11:49:41 AM] Chris Kluwe: from 2009 or so
[27/12/2014, 11:49:46 AM] drinternetphd: with a pi
[27/12/2014, 11:49:50 AM] Chris Kluwe: where he talks about how good this pi group is
[27/12/2014, 11:50:01 AM] Chris Kluwe: and what great work they did on this sexual assault case
[27/12/2014, 11:50:03 AM] drinternetphd: he also didn't get anything interesting which is why he hasn't posted
[27/12/2014, 11:50:06 AM] Chris Kluwe: and when you look at this other post
[27/12/2014, 11:50:13 AM] Chris Kluwe: it's really clear he hired them for his own rape case
[27/12/2014, 11:50:21 AM] Randi Harper: wait cerno had a rape case
[27/12/2014, 11:50:23 AM] drinternetphd: he had a rape case?
[27/12/2014, 11:50:31 AM] Chris Kluwe: and it looks like they badgered the witness into saying what he wanted them to say
[27/12/2014, 11:50:33 AM] Chris Kluwe: yeah
[27/12/2014, 11:50:35 AM] drinternetphd: what
[27/12/2014, 11:50:38 AM] drinternetphd: oh my god
[27/12/2014, 11:50:39 AM] Randi Harper: ohhhhh this makes sense now
[27/12/2014, 11:50:47 AM] Randi Harper: why he was so belligerent when i pointed out that he was making rape threats.
[27/12/2014, 11:50:51 AM] drinternetphd: yup
[27/12/2014, 11:51:02 AM] drinternetphd: oh my god this is probably what pulled him into gg
[27/12/2014, 11:51:08 AM] drinternetphd: I mean I know my ex pulled him in in the first place
[27/12/2014, 11:51:11 AM] Chris Kluwe: it should be in his file thingie
[27/12/2014, 11:51:19 AM] drinternetphd: but his new BS that he's fucking made up is "zoe makes up rape claims"
[27/12/2014, 11:51:24 AM] Chris Kluwe: i linked everything into the chat as i found it
[27/12/2014, 11:51:37 AM] Randi Harper: zoe: he's saying the same thing about me
[27/12/2014, 11:51:38 AM] Chris Kluwe: and i think peter was adding it
[27/12/2014, 11:51:52 AM] drinternetphd: no randi I mean my ex is saying that
[27/12/2014, 11:51:57 AM] Randi Harper: ahhh.
[27/12/2014, 11:52:26 AM] drinternetphd: based on the fact that he knows I'm a survivor and apparently has decided that I must be making that up because he doesn't like me
[27/12/2014, 11:52:45 AM] drinternetphd: I know in private he told a journalist that shit
[27/12/2014, 11:52:54 AM] drinternetphd: and the journalist questioned him on it and why he thought that
[27/12/2014, 11:53:04 AM] drinternetphd: and his answer was simply "it is statistically unlikely"
[27/12/2014, 11:53:29 AM] drinternetphd: so if he dropped that off to cernovich back when he was getting legal advice from him...
[27/12/2014, 11:53:32 AM] Randi Harper: UGH
[27/12/2014, 11:53:44 AM] drinternetphd: that would explain his nubby little hate boner
[27/12/2014, 11:53:55 AM] Randi Harper: (sheep)
[27/12/2014, 11:54:24 AM] drinternetphd: gamergate aka brief interviews with hideous men
[27/12/2014, 11:54:53 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: Belated but yeah, someone tossed a link out forever ago about Juicyjuice having been accused of rape and putting pressure on her to drop the case IIRC
[27/12/2014, 11:55:01 AM] Randi Harper:
[27/12/2014, 11:55:02 AM] Randi Harper: omg
[27/12/2014, 11:55:03 AM] Randi Harper: that tweet
[27/12/2014, 11:55:12 AM] drinternetphd: a little too real
[27/12/2014, 11:55:14 AM] drinternetphd: This message has been removed.
[27/12/2014, 11:56:26 AM] drinternetphd: pay attention to meeeeeee ;~;
[27/12/2014, 11:56:47 AM] Chris Kluwe: zoe, here's his case (reading between the lines)
On 26/12/2014, at 12:24 PM, Chris Kluwe wrote:

[27/12/2014, 11:57:18 AM] Chris Kluwe: and here's the PI post
On 26/12/2014, at 12:28 PM, Chris Kluwe wrote:

[27/12/2014, 11:57:30 AM] Ian Cheong: Eron is like Steve Urkel saying "did I do that?"
[27/12/2014, 11:57:39 AM] drinternetphd: thanks kluwe
[27/12/2014, 11:57:45 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: Cernovich has stated that he has never raped anyone, but he's also stated that date rape does not fit his definition of the erm, SO...
[27/12/2014, 11:57:48 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: term
[27/12/2014, 11:58:34 AM] Tesseract: well he also said he spent a shitload of money to win a rape case, is a fan of return of kings, and has said shit like "the better the sex the more it feels like rape"
[27/12/2014, 11:58:37 AM] Tesseract: so uh
[27/12/2014, 11:58:43 AM] Tesseract: preeeeeeeeeeeety fucking sure he's a rapist
[27/12/2014, 11:59:00 AM] drinternetphd: jesus christ
[27/12/2014, 11:59:03 AM] drinternetphd: jesus fucking christ
[27/12/2014, 11:59:03 AM] Chris Kluwe: here's an early juicebro post on consent
[27/12/2014, 11:59:04 AM] Chris Kluwe:
[27/12/2014, 11:59:14 AM] Chris Kluwe: that's from 2005
[27/12/2014, 11:59:15 AM] Ian Cheong: Cern says women can't "not consent" for being passed out
[27/12/2014, 11:59:19 AM] drinternetphd: I can't keep going down this particular rabbit hole right now so
[27/12/2014, 11:59:22 AM] drinternetphd: cause reasons
[27/12/2014, 11:59:39 AM] drinternetphd: I'm going to go play pokemon and try to readjust
[27/12/2014, 11:59:46 AM] Ian Cheong: Good call
[27/12/2014, 11:59:55 AM] Chris Kluwe: charmander is best mander
[27/12/2014, 12:01:03 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: I'm pretty much in the same boat
[27/12/2014, 12:01:16 PM] Chris Kluwe: DAFUQ
[27/12/2014, 12:01:17 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: too much awful, time for escapism
[27/12/2014, 12:01:26 PM] Chris Kluwe: WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK
[27/12/2014, 12:01:27 PM] Chris Kluwe:
[27/12/2014, 12:01:47 PM] Tesseract: WHAT
[27/12/2014, 12:02:11 PM] Ian Cheong: Holy shit
[27/12/2014, 12:02:49 PM] Chris Kluwe: goddammit
[27/12/2014, 12:02:51 PM] Chris Kluwe: i read this blog
[27/12/2014, 12:03:24 PM] Chris Kluwe: and like, after seven or eight entries, I'm like "Well, some of the stuff he raises I might not agree with, but there's some stuff that I can see his point of view"
[27/12/2014, 12:03:28 PM] Chris Kluwe: and then i get to something like that
[27/12/2014, 12:03:32 PM] Chris Kluwe: goddammit
[27/12/2014, 12:04:00 PM] Ian Cheong: It's sobering
[27/12/2014, 12:04:05 PM] Chris Kluwe: i would actually be really curious
[27/12/2014, 12:04:08 PM] Chris Kluwe: what amount of posts
[27/12/2014, 12:04:29 PM] Chris Kluwe: have the words "sociopath" "narcissist" or "narcissism" in them
[27/12/2014, 12:04:35 PM] Chris Kluwe: because i see them popping up ALL THE TIME
[27/12/2014, 12:05:08 PM] Ian Cheong: Yeah. I wonder if there's a way to do a search on that.
[27/12/2014, 12:05:54 PM] Chris Kluwe: well, i can do it manually, but it'll kill my soul
[27/12/2014, 12:06:07 PM] Chris Kluwe: if Randi can scrape it, it would be alot easier :)
[27/12/2014, 12:07:58 PM] Tesseract: I may try it myself
[27/12/2014, 12:08:23 PM] Tesseract: later though b/c right now I'm going to go play captain toad for like 5 hours
[27/12/2014, 12:09:01 PM] Ian Cheong: A word instance counter that scrapes websites
[27/12/2014, 12:10:04 PM] Chris Kluwe: that could work
[27/12/2014, 12:10:20 PM] Chris Kluwe: you'd have to compare it to posts though to get a percentage
[27/12/2014, 12:11:03 PM] Randi Harper:
[27/12/2014, 12:11:09 PM] Chris Kluwe: ok, here's the scary part about the earlier entries
[27/12/2014, 12:11:18 PM] Chris Kluwe: i can't tell if it's juicebro or his mentor
[27/12/2014, 12:11:20 PM] Chris Kluwe:
[27/12/2014, 12:11:36 PM] Randi Harper: what do you want me to scrape
[27/12/2014, 12:11:52 PM] Randi Harper: oh, off the blog?
[27/12/2014, 12:12:20 PM] Chris Kluwe: yeah, if there's a way to find a percentage
[27/12/2014, 12:12:34 PM] Chris Kluwe: of posts that deal with narcisissm/sociopathy
[27/12/2014, 12:12:51 PM] Chris Kluwe: because it's a pretty common themee
[27/12/2014, 12:13:12 PM] Randi Harper: hrm. it depends on how smart they are. honestly the easiest way would be to do a wget, dump the files to plaintext sans html tags, wc -c and grep -c to get a %. but a lot of sites have mitigation techniques to keep people from downloading the entire site.
[27/12/2014, 12:13:34 PM] Randi Harper: ie: checking referrer (wget is a no-no for many sites), throttling after enough requests.
[27/12/2014, 12:13:39 PM] Randi Harper: it can trigger a security alarm.
[27/12/2014, 12:14:01 PM] Chris Kluwe: well, like i said, i can do it manually, it'll just take me a couple days
[27/12/2014, 12:14:02 PM] Randi Harper: it's rare but a possibility.
[27/12/2014, 12:14:14 PM] Randi Harper: you want to get a word count or page count?
[27/12/2014, 12:14:42 PM] Chris Kluwe: eh, i'd like to get a post count on the topic compared to total topics
[27/12/2014, 12:14:54 PM] Chris Kluwe: which is why it might be tough to do
[27/12/2014, 12:15:00 PM] Chris Kluwe: it's a lot of contextual information
[27/12/2014, 12:15:11 PM] Randi Harper: sociopath is listed 111 times.
[27/12/2014, 12:15:13 PM] Randi Harper: approximately.
[27/12/2014, 12:15:23 PM] Randi Harper:
[27/12/2014, 12:15:53 PM] Chris Kluwe: sounds about right
[27/12/2014, 12:15:57 PM] Chris Kluwe: try narcissist
[27/12/2014, 12:16:03 PM] Chris Kluwe: or narcissisim
[27/12/2014, 12:16:08 PM] Randi Harper: 95
[27/12/2014, 12:16:20 PM] Randi Harper: google does different word form searching by default. usually annoying as fuck.
[27/12/2014, 12:16:31 PM] Randi Harper: so searching for narcissist will give the same results as narcissism.
[27/12/2014, 12:16:36 PM] Chris Kluwe: gotcha
[27/12/2014, 12:16:55 PM] Chris Kluwe: i need to put down the data in a tangible format
[27/12/2014, 12:17:02 PM] Chris Kluwe: but just reading through these posts chronologically
[27/12/2014, 12:17:07 PM] Randi Harper: let me know if there's anything i can do to help.
[27/12/2014, 12:17:19 PM] Chris Kluwe: there's a definite shift from "eager law school student with perhaps some questionable views"
[27/12/2014, 12:17:24 PM] Randi Harper: i can script out most anything, but context is a harder thing and requires human intervention.
[27/12/2014, 12:17:30 PM] Chris Kluwe: to "total sociopath intent on ruining people's lives"
[27/12/2014, 12:17:48 PM] Chris Kluwe: yeah, i'll probably just spend a couple days with pen and notepad and track it all out
[27/12/2014, 12:17:58 PM] Randi Harper: google search results give dates, if that's helpful.
[27/12/2014, 12:18:18 PM] Chris Kluwe: LO TECH AWWWWWWYEAHHHHHHHHH
[27/12/2014, 12:18:59 PM] Chris Kluwe: goddammit
[27/12/2014, 12:19:08 PM] Chris Kluwe: even in a fucking murder case question
[27/12/2014, 12:19:12 PM] Chris Kluwe: he keeps bringing up CP
[27/12/2014, 12:19:13 PM] Chris Kluwe:
[27/12/2014, 12:19:33 PM] Chris Kluwe: paragraph 3
[27/12/2014, 12:20:21 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Okay, kids, time for some metrics from the KiA ad!
[27/12/2014, 12:20:47 PM] Ian Cheong: Wheeeeeee
[27/12/2014, 12:20:49 PM] Alex Lifschitz: First, it got pulled after being report brigaded, with like $50 left on the budget, so I can refund those of y'all who chipped in.
[27/12/2014, 12:20:58 PM] Chris Kluwe: DO TELL
[27/12/2014, 12:21:16 PM] Alex Lifschitz: However, for like the day it was up:
[27/12/2014, 12:21:28 PM] Alex Lifschitz: About 10,000 impressions and about 180 click-throughs
[27/12/2014, 12:21:43 PM] Alex Lifschitz: merry christmas
[27/12/2014, 12:21:45 PM] Randi Harper: that's not a horrible rate.
[27/12/2014, 12:21:53 PM] Chris Kluwe: I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT NUMBERS MEAN
[27/12/2014, 12:22:04 PM] Ian Cheong: That's really good actually
[27/12/2014, 12:22:11 PM] Randi Harper: is this going to be made public? can this be made public? :P
[27/12/2014, 12:22:13 PM] Chris Kluwe: but here's Cernovich's mentor defending another criminal defense lawyer that looks like a REAL winner.
[27/12/2014, 12:22:21 PM] Alex Lifschitz: WHat it REALLY means though is that we can probably just keep throwing up ads and getting our money refunded and waste KiA's time as they report brigade lol
[27/12/2014, 12:22:38 PM] Chris Kluwe: i will gladly donate to that course of action
[27/12/2014, 12:22:42 PM] Chris Kluwe: fuck those idiots on KiA
[27/12/2014, 12:23:33 PM] Ian Cheong: Same. You've got my ten bucks.
[27/12/2014, 12:24:08 PM] Quinnae: So was it just automatically pulled from the site or did an admin delete it?
[27/12/2014, 12:24:29 PM] Alex Lifschitz: I think an admin deleted it after KiA went apeshit with a 200+ post thread dedicated to it
[27/12/2014, 12:24:36 PM] Alex Lifschitz: WORTH IT
[27/12/2014, 12:25:08 PM] Chris Kluwe: hahaha
[27/12/2014, 12:25:16 PM] Chris Kluwe: "reals, not feels"
[27/12/2014, 12:25:19 PM] Quinnae: Hah.
[27/12/2014, 12:25:25 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Does someone here have a link to the thread because it totally delivers
[27/12/2014, 12:26:09 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Oh, here
[27/12/2014, 12:26:10 PM] Alex Lifschitz:
[27/12/2014, 12:26:14 PM] Alex Lifschitz: AMAZING
[27/12/2014, 12:26:56 PM] Alex Lifschitz: I say we repeat this course of action if any larger outlets pick up on the CP thing.
[27/12/2014, 12:26:58 PM] Chris Kluwe: oh, in case you were curious, Cernovich definitely is from IL, and went to Pepperdine for law school
[27/12/2014, 12:27:24 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Oh yeah, knew that - a lawyer friend of mine looked him up in the registry to confirm the pepperdine stuff.
[27/12/2014, 12:27:51 PM] Randi Harper: ugh
[27/12/2014, 12:27:53 PM] Randi Harper: muh state
[27/12/2014, 12:27:55 PM] Remy: Have I missed anything cool?
[27/12/2014, 12:27:57 PM] Alex Lifschitz: There's a split, though, where he recently got his degree but Popehat claims he's also been cited in 1st amendment case law. My guess is as an assistant to R.
[27/12/2014, 12:28:05 PM] Chris Kluwe: definitely
[27/12/2014, 12:28:50 PM] Chris Kluwe: he worked for some guy named Norm Pattis for several years
[27/12/2014, 12:28:57 PM] Chris Kluwe: and it looks like he did contractual law stuff as well
[27/12/2014, 12:29:06 PM] Chris Kluwe: i.e. research stuff
[27/12/2014, 12:29:30 PM] Chris Kluwe: but i can't find a single thing where he talks about actually trying a case
[27/12/2014, 12:29:57 PM] Chris Kluwe: Norm Pattis is also an early contributer to his site
[27/12/2014, 12:30:05 PM] Chris Kluwe: but then they had a split around 2009
[27/12/2014, 12:30:17 PM] Remy: I don't get it. How does someone make a career that requires such strong research skills and still end up believing in such weird conspiracies and new-age metaphysical speculations?
[27/12/2014, 12:30:23 PM] Chris Kluwe: Pattis looks to be cut from very similar cloth as Cernovich
[27/12/2014, 12:30:38 PM] Chris Kluwe: the mind is a strange and terrible thing
[27/12/2014, 12:31:52 PM] Chris Kluwe: is anyone scraping Crime and Federalism? all of a sudden I'm getting 404s
[27/12/2014, 12:32:19 PM] Remy: LOL okay now that explains it. I've been taking a little break from Twitter so it was weird to come back to my notifications blowing up
[27/12/2014, 12:32:34 PM] Remy: Randi RTed a tweet I posted mocking GamerGate lol
[27/12/2014, 12:32:42 PM] Randi Harper: i did nothing!
[27/12/2014, 12:32:44 PM] Randi Harper: Randi Harper hides
[27/12/2014, 12:32:45 PM] Remy: XD
[27/12/2014, 12:33:52 PM] Remy: Eventually I'll get back to being snarky and telling jokes
[27/12/2014, 12:34:14 PM] Remy: I was basically making the next few days a full-blown sanity break
[27/12/2014, 12:34:35 PM] Remy: a vacaneymoon for the mind
[27/12/2014, 12:34:50 PM] Chris Kluwe: alcohol is my vacanaymoon
[27/12/2014, 12:34:59 PM] Chris Kluwe: speaking of which
[27/12/2014, 12:35:07 PM] Chris Kluwe: ANOTHER WHITE RUSSIAN, BARKEEP
[27/12/2014, 12:35:19 PM] Quinnae: I shall be having my nightly cocktails soon. ;)
[27/12/2014, 12:35:33 PM] Randi Harper: i'm only drinking angry orchard
[27/12/2014, 12:35:48 PM] Randi Harper: tomorrow is back to coding. i took a few days off, but gotta go heads down for a bit to get that report out by jan 4th
[27/12/2014, 12:36:11 PM] Randi Harper: and when i code, that's when i tequila.
[27/12/2014, 12:37:59 PM] Remy: XD
[27/12/2014, 12:38:15 PM] Remy: My husband and I managed to leave the xmas party with some Blue Moon and shots nobody wanted
[27/12/2014, 12:39:46 PM] Quinnae: Hah, nice.
[27/12/2014, 12:40:27 PM] Quinnae: And, Alex, I was skimming that thread. Someone actually used the apocryphal Voltaire quote to defend CP. I'm impressed.
[27/12/2014, 12:41:10 PM] Chris Kluwe: oh, how times have changed for juicebro
[27/12/2014, 12:41:51 PM] Quinnae: That said, the thread leaves me rather... despondent, overall. I just can't believe how far gone some of these people are. I knew the ad buy wasn't going to change much, if anything, but their reaction is more depressing than anything else.
[27/12/2014, 12:42:14 PM] Remy: I've been gone all day. What has their reaction been so far?
[27/12/2014, 12:42:15 PM] Chris Kluwe: eh, i actually had that conversation with my wife the other day
[27/12/2014, 12:42:23 PM] Chris Kluwe: she asked me "Why do you keep engaging with these people?"
[27/12/2014, 12:42:30 PM] Randi Harper: it's only going to get worse.
[27/12/2014, 12:42:41 PM] Chris Kluwe: my response was "If I reach even one person, who then turns away, it'll have been worth it"
[27/12/2014, 12:42:52 PM] Randi Harper: the people that actually care about ethics are leaving, either because they can't ignore these things any longer, or because they are getting older and wising up.
[27/12/2014, 12:43:00 PM] Chris Kluwe: ^
[27/12/2014, 12:43:04 PM] Randi Harper: the movement is going to continue to attract hate groups and deplorable people.
[27/12/2014, 12:43:22 PM] Randi Harper: it's going to get bigger and worse, but no one will be able to convince ANYBODY that it's about ethics in games journalism.
[27/12/2014, 12:43:36 PM] Randi Harper: it'll become a chorus of insults against SJWs.
[27/12/2014, 12:43:44 PM] Randi Harper: nothing else.
[27/12/2014, 12:44:12 PM] Randi Harper: it's already getting that way. quite a few posts have said something along those lines - that they aren't there for the ethics, but because SJWs ruin everything.
[27/12/2014, 12:44:31 PM] Randi Harper: no one's really commented on that line of reasoning, and you know that when gamergate doesn't comment on something, it's because they are silently agreeing.
[27/12/2014, 12:44:34 PM] Chris Kluwe: hey, whaddya know, juicebro is actually a big fan of SanFran
[27/12/2014, 12:45:58 PM] Alex Lifschitz: This is how fringe groups get made - reasonable people slough off and the core grows tighter and crazier until they go nuclear.
[27/12/2014, 12:46:27 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Remember that quick 8chan analysis I did a little bit ago?
[27/12/2014, 12:46:42 PM] Alex Lifschitz:
[27/12/2014, 12:47:32 PM] Alex Lifschitz: GG is now pretty ribaldly defined by hating SJWs and anyone who has thrown them shade, with the stage being video games and some tertiary hatred for the women and feminists who riled them up.
[27/12/2014, 12:47:45 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Everything else is an obvious smokescreen.
[27/12/2014, 12:48:46 PM] Alex Lifschitz: It makes them ripe for picking by conservatives, MRAs, and others. Their leaderless nature leaves a power vacuum quickly assumed by any dingus with a condenser mic - how else could somelike like King of Pol get an audience?
[27/12/2014, 12:48:55 PM] Alex Lifschitz: They're the next generation of single-issue voters.
[27/12/2014, 12:50:38 PM] Chris Kluwe: question is, how many NON-hate groups out there are willing to court a single issue voter bloc that's willing to defend CP?
[27/12/2014, 12:50:59 PM] Chris Kluwe: i think they've fucked themselves with the 8chan stuff
[27/12/2014, 12:51:16 PM] Remy: Which reminds me, has anyone seen a change in speed from Milo after the CP story started gaining traction?
[27/12/2014, 12:51:25 PM] Remy: I wonder if he's started backing off.
[27/12/2014, 12:51:34 PM] Remy: I'm curious to see where he will draw the line, but I assume it's when the money runs out
[27/12/2014, 12:52:43 PM] Chris Kluwe: i think it depends if the MSM picks up the CP stuff
[27/12/2014, 12:52:49 PM] Chris Kluwe: if they do, he's gone
[27/12/2014, 12:53:08 PM] Chris Kluwe: he's a weasel, but he's a weasel that survives
[27/12/2014, 12:53:56 PM] Chris Kluwe: throw another one on the Cernovich CP stack
[27/12/2014, 12:55:15 PM] Chris Kluwe: EVERYBODY
[27/12/2014, 12:55:22 PM] Chris Kluwe: JUICEBRO IS THE ORIGINAL ROGUESTAR
[27/12/2014, 12:55:24 PM] Chris Kluwe:
[27/12/2014, 12:55:58 PM] Chris Kluwe: also more CP :/
[27/12/2014, 12:56:50 PM] Remy: Do we have a running tally of how many times Mike C has decided to weigh in on CP?
[27/12/2014, 12:57:24 PM] Chris Kluwe: it's gotta be close to 20 by now
[27/12/2014, 12:57:34 PM] Chris Kluwe: also, this disclaimer is a thing of beauty
[27/12/2014, 1:00:10 PM] Randi Harper: btw, chris, i talked to Popehat.
[27/12/2014, 1:00:13 PM] Chris Kluwe: aaaaaaand another CP
[27/12/2014, 1:00:14 PM] Randi Harper: asked what was up with his support of cerno
[27/12/2014, 1:00:22 PM] Randi Harper: his response "that was then"
[27/12/2014, 1:00:25 PM] Chris Kluwe: gotcha
[27/12/2014, 1:00:34 PM] Randi Harper: cerno used to seem a little less cray
[27/12/2014, 1:00:41 PM] Chris Kluwe: i'm definitely not one to hold past behavior against someone if they've changed
[27/12/2014, 1:00:52 PM] Chris Kluwe: yeah, i'm gonna sum everything up once i get through these last few months
[27/12/2014, 1:00:59 PM] Remy: You know what's funny is
[27/12/2014, 1:01:10 PM] Remy: If Dan Olson really wanted to have a fun time defending himself from Gaters threatening to report him for CP
[27/12/2014, 1:01:18 PM] Remy: All he has to do is pull on Mike C's blog for legal references XD
[27/12/2014, 1:01:23 PM] Chris Kluwe: yup
[27/12/2014, 1:01:33 PM] Tesseract: is mike c still going after dan and srh
[27/12/2014, 1:01:36 PM] Chris Kluwe: there's at least seventeen different posts he could use
[27/12/2014, 1:02:16 PM] Randi Harper: i'm sending you a friend request
[27/12/2014, 1:02:22 PM] Randi Harper: so i can continue to badger you about coming back to WoW.
[27/12/2014, 1:02:54 PM] Randi Harper: Darkdk says hi.
[27/12/2014, 1:03:11 PM] Chris Kluwe: hahaha
[27/12/2014, 1:03:16 PM] Chris Kluwe: i remember darkdk
[27/12/2014, 1:03:25 PM] Randi Harper: he's my GM. :P
[27/12/2014, 1:03:38 PM] Chris Kluwe: lol, wasn't he in IRON at one point?
[27/12/2014, 1:03:54 PM] Randi Harper: not sure. i didn't come over to KJ until after he had taken Victoria secret and turned it into requiem.
[27/12/2014, 1:03:58 PM] Chris Kluwe: ahhh
[27/12/2014, 1:04:05 PM] Chris Kluwe: i might be thinking of someone else then
[27/12/2014, 1:04:11 PM] Chris Kluwe: i do remember the name from the forums though
[27/12/2014, 1:04:23 PM] Randi Harper: he's one of the best DKs on the server, and he talks a lot of shit.
[27/12/2014, 1:05:07 PM] Chris Kluwe: sigh. throw another on the CP stack
[27/12/2014, 1:06:01 PM] Randi Harper: woah. i just realized i made officer. well, that's interesting.
[27/12/2014, 1:07:40 PM] Chris Kluwe: RUIN EVERYTHING
[27/12/2014, 1:07:45 PM] Chris Kluwe: you know you have to
[27/12/2014, 1:07:52 PM] Randi Harper: it's in the alliance guild.
[27/12/2014, 1:07:56 PM] Chris Kluwe: the only thing you can do with power is abuse it
[27/12/2014, 1:07:59 PM] Chris Kluwe: EVEN BETTER
[27/12/2014, 1:08:04 PM] Chris Kluwe: SCREW THOSE ALLIANCE CHUMPS
[27/12/2014, 1:08:09 PM] Randi Harper: hahaha
[27/12/2014, 1:13:33 PM] Chris Kluwe: sigh
[27/12/2014, 1:13:38 PM] Chris Kluwe: how do you go from this
[27/12/2014, 1:13:42 PM] Chris Kluwe: to where Cernovich is now
[27/12/2014, 1:13:54 PM] Chris Kluwe: (I'll actually explain that in my summary)
[27/12/2014, 1:15:38 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Mean Girls came out in 2004. It was the turning point for many people :(
[27/12/2014, 1:16:06 PM] Chris Kluwe: well, Tina Fey IS pretty influential
[27/12/2014, 1:16:08 PM] Quinnae: Gah, I can't believe that was ten years ago, Goddess. When that blog came out I was wrapping up my first semester of college.
[27/12/2014, 1:16:45 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Whoa. LOTS of great movies came out in 2004:,2004&title_type=feature&sort=moviemeter,asc
[27/12/2014, 1:18:13 PM] Dan Olson: /doll/ is nuked!
[27/12/2014, 1:18:18 PM] Dan Olson: /DOLL/ IS NUKED!
[27/12/2014, 1:18:23 PM] Randi Harper: i always liked the girl next door.
[27/12/2014, 1:18:35 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Holy shit, Dan. We shamed 8chan into doing something?
[27/12/2014, 1:19:06 PM] Randi Harper: wow.
[27/12/2014, 1:19:25 PM] Chris Kluwe: add another to the CP stack
[27/12/2014, 1:19:44 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Hopefully it's gone for good and they did not simply migrate to another board to try to "lose the heat"
[27/12/2014, 1:19:57 PM] Quinnae: That's good to hear, Dan.
[27/12/2014, 1:20:08 PM] Dan Olson: oh, they probably did, they were one of the unlisted boards with the worst offenders.
[27/12/2014, 1:20:20 PM] Randi Harper: sigh.
[27/12/2014, 1:20:26 PM] Chris Kluwe: i'm sure it'll pop back up as /llod
[27/12/2014, 1:20:33 PM] Randi Harper: getting rid of the board might not be that much of a victory tbh. wouldn't it be better to try to push for prosecution?
[27/12/2014, 1:20:35 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Is /preteen/ and /nonude/ still up? Those also featured the youngest girls along with /doll/ if I recall.
[27/12/2014, 1:20:37 PM] Chris Kluwe: those fuckers are nothing if not unimaginative
[27/12/2014, 1:21:41 PM] Chris Kluwe: fuck me
[27/12/2014, 1:21:45 PM] Chris Kluwe: after everything else
[27/12/2014, 1:21:46 PM] Chris Kluwe:
[27/12/2014, 1:21:56 PM] Chris Kluwe: "GREAT JOB MIKE GETTING SOMEONE OFF ON CP"
[27/12/2014, 1:22:32 PM] Chris Kluwe: this blog is crushing my faith in humanity
[27/12/2014, 1:22:40 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Dan, whoa, those 2 boards are also returning an HTTP 404 response. Looks like 8chan nuked the boards featuring very young girls.
[27/12/2014, 1:23:00 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): or they moved
[27/12/2014, 1:24:01 PM] Chris Kluwe: here's Cernovich's mentor writing a serial novel featuring murdering people, because sure, why not
[27/12/2014, 1:25:07 PM] Chris Kluwe: warning
[27/12/2014, 1:25:12 PM] Chris Kluwe: that shit is bleeecccchhhh
[27/12/2014, 1:27:17 PM] Dan Olson: nonude, preteen, and doll are all nuked
[27/12/2014, 1:27:32 PM] Randi Harper: okay, i'm confused.
[27/12/2014, 1:27:33 PM] Randi Harper:
[27/12/2014, 1:27:41 PM] Randi Harper: how precisely is EUFLORIA a SJW game.
[27/12/2014, 1:27:55 PM] Randi Harper: i mean... i guess you're colonizing planets and planting trees?
[27/12/2014, 1:28:17 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): NOT ENOUGH VIOLENCE
[27/12/2014, 1:28:24 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): SJW WEAKSAUCE "GAME"
[27/12/2014, 1:28:58 PM] Randi Harper: but... you're routinely performing genocide
[27/12/2014, 1:29:01 PM] Randi Harper: er, xenocide
[27/12/2014, 1:29:05 PM] Randi Harper: that's like the entire point of the game
[27/12/2014, 1:29:10 PM] Randi Harper: killing off entire other cultures to populate their planets.
[27/12/2014, 1:29:38 PM] Dan Olson: Updated pastebin
[27/12/2014, 1:30:34 PM] Dan Olson: I separated the hentai because as gross as it is it's status is significantly less ambiguous in the US.
[27/12/2014, 1:31:07 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Makes sense. GG tries to say we are talking about the loli stuff, but we are calling them out for the real photos
[27/12/2014, 1:31:11 PM] Dan Olson: and cuteboys is a hookup sub that just often has underage content, but that's not its primary purpose.
[27/12/2014, 1:31:47 PM] Dan Olson: oh, crap, I'm missing ladypedos or whatever its called
[27/12/2014, 1:31:57 PM] Chris Kluwe: ok, i can't read anymore of this fucking blog
[27/12/2014, 1:32:15 PM] Chris Kluwe: if anyone wants to go through March 2005 to July 2005 feel free
[27/12/2014, 1:32:21 PM] Chris Kluwe: but here's my summary
[27/12/2014, 1:32:43 PM] Chris Kluwe: Cernovich starts as a fresh law student who wants to talk about cases that interest him
[27/12/2014, 1:32:58 PM] Chris Kluwe: most deal with what he thinks are justice denied to those who deserve it
[27/12/2014, 1:33:19 PM] Chris Kluwe: primarly cops harassing people, and judges and prosecutors who misuse their power
[27/12/2014, 1:33:54 PM] Chris Kluwe: fairly confident this points to an incident where he was let down by an authority figure (CSA fits) in his youth, but that would require an actual psych session
[27/12/2014, 1:34:13 PM] Chris Kluwe: after about a year or so, he hooks up with this guy, Norm Pettis, a criminal defense lawyer from Connecticut
[27/12/2014, 1:34:47 PM] Chris Kluwe: Norm writes a column in a Connecticut paper, and Cerno sends him an email - long story short Norm starts blogging on C&F
[27/12/2014, 1:35:00 PM] Chris Kluwe: up until that point, Cerno's blogs are fairly tame
[27/12/2014, 1:35:15 PM] Chris Kluwe: libertarian stuff, disguised appeals to legalize weed, the usual
[27/12/2014, 1:35:38 PM] Chris Kluwe: after Norm joins, we start getting into more of the CP stuff, as well as doxxing
[27/12/2014, 1:36:02 PM] Chris Kluwe: Norm blogs about as much as Cerno, up until 2008ish
[27/12/2014, 1:36:23 PM] Chris Kluwe: Cerno even takes a weeklong visit to see Norm in Connecticut, to help him with some cases
[27/12/2014, 1:36:42 PM] Chris Kluwe: after 2008, Norm breaks off to form his own blog, and Cerno has a couple of hiatuses from C&F
[27/12/2014, 1:36:49 PM] Chris Kluwe: pretty sure his divorce happened around this time
[27/12/2014, 1:37:14 PM] Chris Kluwe: once Cerno gets back to blogging on C&F, we start seeing more conspiracy theory stuff, CP stuff, and anti feminist stuff
[27/12/2014, 1:37:34 PM] Chris Kluwe: it keeps escalating until we get to where we're at present day
[27/12/2014, 1:39:00 PM] Chris Kluwe: Summary: I think Cerno was happily married, had some past issues that he was keeping under wraps, and started C&F as a legit law blog (it has good legal insights at first). After he meets Norm, he starts changing, leading to his divorce, which leads to a severe distrust of women (based on his posts)
[27/12/2014, 1:39:53 PM] Chris Kluwe: at this point, i think he needs serious therapy, needs to stop taking steroids, and really question what he's using the law for, because all I've seen is that he's using it to attack people he doesn't like
[27/12/2014, 1:41:08 PM] Chris Kluwe: there are at least 6 different cases of doxxing that I saw in his blog posts, all dealing with people he felt had "wronged" him in some way, and multiple instances where he goes above and beyond the criminal defense lawyer's duty to protect their client (odious though that client might be) and actually argues to protect what they're doing
[27/12/2014, 1:42:29 PM] Chris Kluwe: ultimately, reading this shit is both saddening, horrifying, and depressing
[27/12/2014, 1:42:38 PM] Chris Kluwe: it's like watching a life unravel before your eyes
[27/12/2014, 1:43:06 PM] Chris Kluwe: needless to say, he needs help, and if it takes the legal system to get him that help, that's what needs to be done
[27/12/2014, 1:43:29 PM] Chris Kluwe: now i'm going upstairs to watch anime and i'm never reading that goddamn blog again
[27/12/2014, 1:43:33 PM] Peter Coffin: chris I don't know how you managed to do that
[27/12/2014, 1:43:53 PM] Chris Kluwe: i tend to complete what i set my mind to doing
[27/12/2014, 1:43:58 PM] Peter Coffin: I can't read his posts one at a time entirely at once
[27/12/2014, 1:44:02 PM] Chris Kluwe: explains how i made it to the NFL :p
[27/12/2014, 1:44:09 PM] Peter Coffin: yeah I would say so
[27/12/2014, 1:44:37 PM] Peter Coffin: its funny, I was literally going to say something about that but I figured it would come off as questioning your ability to play football accidentally
[27/12/2014, 1:44:41 PM] Chris Kluwe: there's enough there, that when presented in aggregate, really reveals the spiraling down of his personality
[27/12/2014, 1:44:48 PM] Peter Coffin: that, not aggregate
[27/12/2014, 1:44:52 PM] Peter Coffin: that makes no sense
[27/12/2014, 1:44:56 PM] Peter Coffin: but yeah
[27/12/2014, 1:45:02 PM] Peter Coffin: OH
[27/12/2014, 1:45:11 PM] Peter Coffin: it scrolled while I was reading the log
[27/12/2014, 1:45:20 PM] Chris Kluwe: heh, i never complain when people question my ability to play football :p
[27/12/2014, 1:45:23 PM] Peter Coffin: I thought I wrote aggregate and was like "what"
[27/12/2014, 1:45:48 PM] Chris Kluwe: unless they're gators; then i rub it in their faces
[27/12/2014, 1:45:54 PM] Chris Kluwe: because i'm a troll at heart
[27/12/2014, 1:46:02 PM] Chris Kluwe: ok, i'll catch you all tomorrow
[27/12/2014, 1:46:03 PM] Peter Coffin: hard not to be right now
[27/12/2014, 1:46:13 PM] Peter Coffin: have a good night, enjoy the anime
[27/12/2014, 1:46:32 PM] Chris Kluwe: copypasting all of this to notepad in case it's needed
[27/12/2014, 1:46:40 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): goodnight, Chris!
[27/12/2014, 1:47:08 PM] Peter Coffin: please do
[27/12/2014, 1:47:17 PM] Peter Coffin: im on a tablet and have tried to
[27/12/2014, 1:47:24 PM] Peter Coffin: what anime if you dont mind me asking
[27/12/2014, 1:47:57 PM] Dan Olson: so /hebe/ says /preteen/ was nuked because "redundancy" but no word on /nonude/ or /doll/
[27/12/2014, 1:48:27 PM] Peter Coffin: hmmm
[27/12/2014, 1:48:35 PM] Dan Olson: actually, moving to business in case all y'all don't want to read about pedo shit.
[27/12/2014, 1:48:47 PM] Peter Coffin: i'll follow you there
[27/12/2014, 2:07:40 PM] Dina : ._.
[27/12/2014, 2:07:52 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Hi Dina!
[27/12/2014, 2:07:58 PM] Dina : hi ._./
[27/12/2014, 2:08:09 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): \._.
[27/12/2014, 2:08:20 PM] Dina : uh so how's that horrible CP going? .__.
[27/12/2014, 2:08:33 PM] Quinnae: Hi hi Dina!
[27/12/2014, 2:08:38 PM] Quinnae: Still blushing thanks to you.
[27/12/2014, 2:08:45 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Dina, seems to have scared 8chan into deleting 3 boards.
[27/12/2014, 2:08:53 PM] Dina : Katherine <3
[27/12/2014, 2:09:03 PM] Dina : Izzy not sure if rad or...
[27/12/2014, 2:09:33 PM] Dina : Ideally a whole bunch of people should be going to jail and the website should be shut down
[27/12/2014, 2:10:08 PM] Dina : deleting is ok but all they're doing is destroying evidence at this point
[27/12/2014, 2:10:40 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: only 3?
[27/12/2014, 2:11:30 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Only 3 so far. One merged with another. 1 nuked by Hotwheels (8chan admin). 1 no word yet. For these 2, we're seeing if we can track down if they moved to another place on 8chan
[27/12/2014, 2:12:06 PM] Dina : free speech is saved I guess whatever
[27/12/2014, 2:12:28 PM] Dina : I feel bad for wanting to strangle everyone from Hotwheels to KoP with my bare hands
[27/12/2014, 2:12:53 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): The whole thing is fucked up, incredibly. Like @SJWIlluminati (Tesseract) said, we need to shoot them all in a rocket to the sun
[27/12/2014, 2:13:20 PM] Dina : oh hey is that who Tesseract is, awesome!
[27/12/2014, 2:13:34 PM] Dina : wait, Ressetact?
[27/12/2014, 2:13:39 PM] Dina : I'm confused
[27/12/2014, 2:14:02 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yeah. Their display name is Tesseract. Skype username is ressetact. Twitter username is SJWIlluminati
[27/12/2014, 2:14:14 PM] Dina : ty <3
[27/12/2014, 2:14:17 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): They are cool.
[27/12/2014, 2:15:43 PM] Dina : yes they are : D
[27/12/2014, 2:16:40 PM] Tesseract: yes I am
[27/12/2014, 2:16:50 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): <3
[27/12/2014, 2:16:53 PM] Tesseract: <3
[27/12/2014, 2:16:56 PM] Dina : <3
[27/12/2014, 2:17:12 PM] Dina : I am awful with following people on Twitter, gotta get on that
[27/12/2014, 2:17:43 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): So, Dina, I got involved with GamerGate (well, fighting against it) about halfway through in Late October. I don't know if I know how you got dragged into it. Can you give a summary?
[27/12/2014, 2:17:56 PM] Dina : um
[27/12/2014, 2:18:27 PM] Dina : oh hey
[27/12/2014, 2:18:36 PM] Dina : did Internet Aristocrat take down the video....
[27/12/2014, 2:18:58 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Oh wait. Might No. 9?
[27/12/2014, 2:19:05 PM] Dina : Yeah
[27/12/2014, 2:19:08 PM] Dina : Hi
[27/12/2014, 2:19:11 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ah. I see
[27/12/2014, 2:19:13 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Hi.
[27/12/2014, 2:19:14 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[27/12/2014, 2:20:03 PM] Dina : Yeah I'm only involved because GG is the same mob from way back then
[27/12/2014, 2:20:29 PM] Dina : and they saw my being vocal about GG this time around as round 2 of trying to either get me to quit, get fired, or kill myself
[27/12/2014, 2:20:46 PM] Dina : fun /._./
[27/12/2014, 2:20:54 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ETHICS
[27/12/2014, 2:21:04 PM] Dina : haha RITE
[27/12/2014, 2:21:17 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I'm sorry. :( Well, I'm glad I've gotten to know you and that you're a part of this SJW COLLUSION group
[27/12/2014, 2:21:18 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :)
[27/12/2014, 2:21:49 PM] Dina : same <3 it's ok I wasn't hit nearly as hard the second time around amazingly
[27/12/2014, 2:22:06 PM] Tesseract: a good account
[27/12/2014, 2:23:28 PM] Tesseract:
[27/12/2014, 2:24:16 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Why...
[27/12/2014, 2:24:58 PM] Dina : "Scamita Jewkeesian" it's okay I hated Christmas anyways
[27/12/2014, 2:25:20 PM] Randi Harper: WHAT THE FUCK JASMINE THOMPSON IS 14
[27/12/2014, 2:25:32 PM] Dina : who?
[27/12/2014, 2:25:40 PM] Randi Harper: i'm sitting here obsessing over her voice watching all her music vids
[27/12/2014, 2:26:01 PM] Dina : ooh
[27/12/2014, 2:26:13 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Oh, Randi, how'd you like The Interview?
[27/12/2014, 2:26:27 PM] Randi Harper:
[27/12/2014, 2:26:36 PM] Randi Harper: it was amazing and i loved it and when it's out on iTunes i will buy it for my collection.
[27/12/2014, 2:28:16 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yeah, I was cracking up the whole time.
[27/12/2014, 2:30:37 PM] Randi Harper: jesus christ
[27/12/2014, 2:30:40 PM] Randi Harper: she was 12 when she sang that.
[27/12/2014, 2:30:50 PM] Randi Harper: i look forward to her getting famous and having more songs.
[27/12/2014, 2:31:28 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL, Tess:

" Illuminethics "
[27/12/2014, 2:32:24 PM] Dina : aaaaack noooooo I'm getting goosebumps and it's hurting this scabby fucking tattoo owwww whyyyy beautiful voices nooo
[27/12/2014, 2:32:34 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): haha
[27/12/2014, 2:34:31 PM] Tesseract:
[27/12/2014, 2:34:52 PM] Randi Harper: right? she's amazing.
[27/12/2014, 2:35:27 PM] Dina : yep!
[27/12/2014, 2:35:33 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ProTip: The DailyDot artcile was published on Nov. 17. But in October one CP board had to be deleted and remade because it got out of control (too many nudes, hardcore, etc)
[27/12/2014, 2:35:56 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): So, I doubt that the DailyDot article was the reason why the "pedos flocked to 8chan"
[27/12/2014, 2:37:32 PM] Tesseract: lol
[27/12/2014, 2:37:46 PM] Dina : yeaaaah not like I can expect Hotwheels and co to be honest about anything
[27/12/2014, 2:38:02 PM] Dina : and now I'm remembering that 8chan party at the strip club
[27/12/2014, 2:38:29 PM] Dina : which funny enough was the most human they ever seemed to me
[27/12/2014, 2:38:50 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Was it when they took their laptops and didn't really socialize at all?
[27/12/2014, 2:39:03 PM] Dina : oh god they're still shedding Gator tears over the ad hahaha
[27/12/2014, 2:39:09 PM] Dina : yep, that's the one!
[27/12/2014, 2:43:49 PM] Dina : Is Devi Ever in here btw?
[27/12/2014, 2:43:53 PM] Randi Harper: SJW party was so much better.
[27/12/2014, 2:43:56 PM] Tesseract: god no
[27/12/2014, 2:44:07 PM] Tesseract: devi ever/grace lynn is permanently blacklisted for reasons
[27/12/2014, 2:44:08 PM] Randi Harper: we drank shittons of rum and wine and had a great time.
[27/12/2014, 2:44:09 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Dina. No. Grace Lynn is not here. We can't trust her. Too impulsive. Way too impulsive
[27/12/2014, 2:44:19 PM] Randi Harper: who is that?
[27/12/2014, 2:44:21 PM] Tesseract: don't even let her know we exist
[27/12/2014, 2:44:24 PM] Dina : Thanks. She spearheaded the harassment effort against me when she was pro-GG
[27/12/2014, 2:44:28 PM] Tesseract: @pixelgoth
[27/12/2014, 2:44:34 PM] Randi Harper: i am... not a fan.
[27/12/2014, 2:44:39 PM] Dina : so I'm never comfortable when ppl RT her into my TL
[27/12/2014, 2:44:55 PM] Randi Harper: oh, neat. she finally unfollowed me.
[27/12/2014, 2:45:03 PM] Tesseract: b/c she deleted her account and remade it
[27/12/2014, 2:45:11 PM] Dina : yep like 4 times
[27/12/2014, 2:45:20 PM] Randi Harper: i will never understand what drives people to do that.
[27/12/2014, 2:45:53 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I recall her complaining that she reached her abuse report limit for Twitter. So she remade her account to get around the temporary block
[27/12/2014, 2:46:37 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL, GGers can't read saracasm at all:
[27/12/2014, 2:46:44 PM] Tesseract: lol matt you fucking idiot
[27/12/2014, 2:46:49 PM] Dina : ugh MundaneMatt
[27/12/2014, 2:46:52 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I am fucking dying!
[27/12/2014, 2:47:25 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I linked him the Wiki for Sarcasm:
[27/12/2014, 2:47:26 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :3
[27/12/2014, 2:47:30 PM] Dina : this just in: Sikh indie dev "wanted an excuse to be racist, obviously hates video games"
[27/12/2014, 2:47:35 PM] Dina : LOL Izzy
[27/12/2014, 2:47:46 PM] Tesseract: matt's blocked me
[27/12/2014, 2:47:51 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): How longer before he blocks me?
[27/12/2014, 2:47:52 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[27/12/2014, 2:47:53 PM] Tesseract: if he hadn't I'd call him a dumbass and he'd block me
[27/12/2014, 2:48:07 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I am fucking dead, here!
[27/12/2014, 2:48:42 PM] Dan Olson: I wish Twitter had features like "ignore blocks" to make it easy to see stuff that should be documented
[27/12/2014, 2:48:59 PM] Dan Olson: and "timed block" for when you just want to shut someone up for a day
[27/12/2014, 2:49:09 PM] Dina : Metal Spaghetti pities our uneducated asses.
[27/12/2014, 2:49:34 PM] Dina : ignore block is my browser lol
[27/12/2014, 2:50:20 PM] Dan Olson: also I have to lul at pedos using "he who smelt it delt it" accusations on each other for the recent HC flood.
[27/12/2014, 2:50:26 PM] Dina : LOL:
[27/12/2014, 2:50:36 PM] Dina : Are these people monitoring us or...?
[27/12/2014, 2:50:38 PM] Dan Olson: ">the faggot outright posted at least 6 webms of Masha's sex scene with her stepfather.
   I wonder how you knew that
   You're probably the one that posted those webms"
[27/12/2014, 2:50:52 PM] Dan Olson: Nooo, don'tbe dead Veerender!
[27/12/2014, 2:50:54 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): o.o
[27/12/2014, 2:50:57 PM] Dina : SIGH
[27/12/2014, 2:51:31 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Well, they are hovering around most of our timelines. They are like vultures
[27/12/2014, 2:51:36 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I am dead!
[27/12/2014, 2:51:43 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Are you reading my feed?!
[27/12/2014, 2:51:52 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Oh, my God!
[27/12/2014, 2:52:01 PM] Randi Harper: to be fair, it seems like you do the same. :P
[27/12/2014, 2:52:17 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I cannot right now.
[27/12/2014, 2:52:18 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Hover around GGers timelines?
[27/12/2014, 2:52:22 PM] Veerender Jubbal: What a loser.
[27/12/2014, 2:52:22 PM] Randi Harper: uh huh
[27/12/2014, 2:52:29 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[27/12/2014, 2:52:39 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): But we're the good guys
[27/12/2014, 2:52:47 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[27/12/2014, 2:53:00 PM] Dina : are we the baddies? :-:
[27/12/2014, 2:53:12 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :P
[27/12/2014, 2:54:28 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Hehehe:
[27/12/2014, 2:55:06 PM] Dina : GASP
[27/12/2014, 2:55:51 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[27/12/2014, 2:55:57 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I am silly
[27/12/2014, 2:56:15 PM] Dina : hahaha omg
[27/12/2014, 2:56:37 PM] Dina : watch them be like "WE GOT HIM! HE HATS VIDEOGAMES TOO!"
[27/12/2014, 2:56:43 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL
[27/12/2014, 2:56:49 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Yo--I will body Mundane Matt in Street fighter.
[27/12/2014, 2:57:00 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): GOSH
[27/12/2014, 2:57:11 PM] Dina : no please don't touch Mundane Matt even through digital proxy ew
[27/12/2014, 2:57:13 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Who the fuck wants me to body them in games?!
[27/12/2014, 2:57:21 PM] Dina : I won't let my bestie be tainted
[27/12/2014, 2:57:33 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Like, I am so ready for this shit!
[27/12/2014, 2:57:55 PM] Dina : ok fine but only if it's a WWE cage match PPV
[27/12/2014, 2:58:32 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I figured it out, Veerender. We hear "I want turbans in games" but what you are actually saying is "I want to ban games". YOU HATE GAMES!
[27/12/2014, 2:59:15 PM] Dina : that needs to be a tweet lol
[27/12/2014, 2:59:57 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Hahahahahahahahaha!
[27/12/2014, 3:00:03 PM] Dan Olson: Oh, there we go, Tesseract has the fate of /doll/
[27/12/2014, 3:00:16 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I litterally thanked bioware for fucking turbans like three weeks ago!
[27/12/2014, 3:00:27 PM] Dina : no shut up u hate games
[27/12/2014, 3:00:45 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Hahahahahahaha!
[27/12/2014, 3:01:27 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Veerender, here's the tweet:
[27/12/2014, 3:03:05 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Yo, I am fucking hyped!
[27/12/2014, 3:03:20 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Dan, Tesseract found out where /doll/ moved to?
[27/12/2014, 3:03:28 PM] Quinnae: They've been pulling this "so and so opposes GG because they hate video games" nonsense forever now, I just tune it out. It's the only way some of them can process opposition to their movement and/or their ideology.
[27/12/2014, 3:03:50 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Katherine, you are just PRO-corruption
[27/12/2014, 3:03:58 PM] Quinnae: That too :P
[27/12/2014, 3:04:08 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): So cult-y
[27/12/2014, 3:04:10 PM] Veerender Jubbal: MundaneMatt is so mundane.
[27/12/2014, 3:04:48 PM] Dan Olson: HotWheels posted a mod post somewhere saying /doll/ got nuked and permabanned
[27/12/2014, 3:04:59 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ah, I see
[27/12/2014, 3:05:03 PM] Dan Olson: "the mod hadn't logged in for two weeks"
[27/12/2014, 3:05:08 PM] Tesseract: I found it in a ghazi post
[27/12/2014, 3:05:11 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ah
[27/12/2014, 3:08:26 PM] Dan Olson: Oh, Lars found it, I guess
[27/12/2014, 3:08:27 PM] Dina : yeah it was posted a ways' up
[27/12/2014, 3:09:14 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ha:
[27/12/2014, 3:09:38 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Yo,  this is the best.
[27/12/2014, 3:09:45 PM] Veerender Jubbal: They "tainted" me.
[27/12/2014, 3:09:58 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Who "tainted" you? We did?
[27/12/2014, 3:10:16 PM] Veerender Jubbal: No! Mundane Matt--what a scrub!
[27/12/2014, 3:10:30 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ah. lol
[27/12/2014, 3:10:32 PM] Randi Harper: rofl
[27/12/2014, 3:11:05 PM] Tesseract: pff
[27/12/2014, 3:11:12 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL. I replied with "a sponge to soak up your tears? :("
[27/12/2014, 3:11:14 PM] Dina : LOL
[27/12/2014, 3:12:30 PM] Dina : worst rap lyric I've ever heard... probably Lil Wayne
[27/12/2014, 3:13:10 PM] Veerender Jubbal: It has almost 80 favourites!
[27/12/2014, 3:13:14 PM] Veerender Jubbal: retweets.
[27/12/2014, 3:13:29 PM] Veerender Jubbal:
[27/12/2014, 3:14:05 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Oh, fuck! People stood up for me!
[27/12/2014, 3:14:11 PM] Dina : <3
[27/12/2014, 3:14:38 PM] Dina : MundaneMatt, in the words of lil Wayne: All he eat is dick, he's on a strict diet
[27/12/2014, 3:14:58 PM] Dina : or I guess he on a strict diet. I can't be cool.
[27/12/2014, 3:14:59 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Veerender, what happened to all the GGers replying to him and agreeing? Did... they delete their tweets in shame?
[27/12/2014, 3:15:06 PM] Dan Olson: Matt has trouble reading more than one tweet in succession.
[27/12/2014, 3:15:10 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Did they?!
[27/12/2014, 3:15:14 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Oh, God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[27/12/2014, 3:15:17 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I only see people on our side
[27/12/2014, 3:15:19 PM] Veerender Jubbal: *Hahahahahahahahahaha!
[27/12/2014, 3:15:21 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Same.
[27/12/2014, 3:15:35 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): AHAHAHA
[27/12/2014, 3:16:01 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): That is hilarious
[27/12/2014, 3:16:16 PM] Dina : uh wtf it is only supporters now
[27/12/2014, 3:16:16 PM] Veerender Jubbal: There is nobody else that talks about turbans, and Sikhism in games than me.
[27/12/2014, 3:16:20 PM] Randi Harper:
[27/12/2014, 3:16:21 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Like, all I do.
[27/12/2014, 3:16:30 PM] Dina : maybe they're trying to make it look like we're dog piling them?
[27/12/2014, 3:18:13 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[27/12/2014, 3:18:25 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Tweet just for good measure (asking where the GGers went)
[27/12/2014, 3:18:35 PM] Tesseract: oh god I went to the list of rts
[27/12/2014, 3:18:37 PM] Tesseract: adam baldwin
[27/12/2014, 3:18:39 PM] Tesseract: why
[27/12/2014, 3:18:45 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): but of course
[27/12/2014, 3:19:18 PM] Dina : oh I guess he's in "stealth op" mode
[27/12/2014, 3:19:54 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Dina!
[27/12/2014, 3:19:54 PM] Dina : OMFG MUNDANEMATT'S BIO WTF?? "Youtube Personality. Future Hollywood Star. Gamer. All around good dude. ."
[27/12/2014, 3:20:03 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Dina!
[27/12/2014, 3:20:04 PM] Veerender Jubbal:
[27/12/2014, 3:20:06 PM] Dina : Veerender? :3
[27/12/2014, 3:20:10 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Look at this shit!
[27/12/2014, 3:20:17 PM] Dina : yeah I saw lol
[27/12/2014, 3:20:25 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Hahahahahaha!
[27/12/2014, 3:20:39 PM] Dina : girl u mad
[27/12/2014, 3:20:51 PM] Quinnae: Just so you know, Veerender, arguing with Mundane Matt is a fool's errand, he's really one of the more "out there" ones, even by GG standards.
[27/12/2014, 3:20:58 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): That's so weird. all the GGer tweets are gone. I've never seen them move so quickly to hide evidence that they were duped
[27/12/2014, 3:21:03 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I am done. Let me gosh, and I am done.
[27/12/2014, 3:21:25 PM] Remy: OMG Nidhogg is 40% off right now on ps4 if you have PS+
[27/12/2014, 3:21:35 PM] Ian Cheong: Hey everyone
[27/12/2014, 3:21:37 PM] Ian Cheong: What's going on.
[27/12/2014, 3:21:39 PM] Dina : :( I do but it's in Japan
[27/12/2014, 3:21:42 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Ian!
[27/12/2014, 3:21:44 PM] Dina : Ian <3
[27/12/2014, 3:21:45 PM] Veerender Jubbal: sniggers
[27/12/2014, 3:21:50 PM] Remy: What's this about GGERS deleting their yweets?
[27/12/2014, 3:21:54 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I cannot hold myself togehter.
[27/12/2014, 3:22:01 PM] Tesseract: loooooool
[27/12/2014, 3:22:35 PM] Ian Cheong: Yeah what's this about them deleting tweets?
[27/12/2014, 3:22:40 PM] Veerender Jubbal: sniggers
[27/12/2014, 3:22:43 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Stephen, before Veerender caught wind of MundaneMatt's tweet of "evidence" Veerender truly, really hates games, a bunch of GGers replied in agreement
[27/12/2014, 3:22:49 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): then myself and others called Matt out
[27/12/2014, 3:22:55 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): and then GGers deleted their replies
[27/12/2014, 3:22:58 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): now it's just us
[27/12/2014, 3:23:01 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): in the replies
[27/12/2014, 3:23:11 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Holy crap! That happened?!
[27/12/2014, 3:23:13 PM] Dina : wait but that baroness person's tweet is still up?
[27/12/2014, 3:23:24 PM] Dina : but it doesn't show up in the list anymore?
[27/12/2014, 3:23:31 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Maybe a glitch then?
[27/12/2014, 3:23:35 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Weird
[27/12/2014, 3:23:35 PM] Dina : maybe this is a twitter twilight zone?
[27/12/2014, 3:23:38 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): o.o
[27/12/2014, 3:23:42 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Damn. That would have been good screenshots.
[27/12/2014, 3:23:46 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Turn off the blocker.
[27/12/2014, 3:23:51 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I don't use the blocker
[27/12/2014, 3:23:52 PM] Remy: huh
[27/12/2014, 3:23:54 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I can probably see more than you folks.
[27/12/2014, 3:23:55 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): even checked without logging in
[27/12/2014, 3:24:06 PM] Remy: I don't even know what "evidence" you're talking about
[27/12/2014, 3:24:09 PM] Randi Harper: i found a vine of a woman starting to grope a dude but then punching him in the dick
[27/12/2014, 3:24:12 PM] Randi Harper: i need to save this.
[27/12/2014, 3:24:22 PM] Remy: XD
[27/12/2014, 3:24:28 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Stephen:
[27/12/2014, 3:24:29 PM] Remy: Turn it into a MISANDRY .gif for me please
[27/12/2014, 3:24:31 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ian ^^^
[27/12/2014, 3:24:32 PM] Randi Harper:
[27/12/2014, 3:24:33 PM] Veerender Jubbal:
[27/12/2014, 3:24:41 PM] Veerender Jubbal: This, too!
[27/12/2014, 3:25:21 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Izzy--you should have totally screenshotted before I found out what happened.
[27/12/2014, 3:25:33 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Veerender, I know :(
[27/12/2014, 3:25:52 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I need to set up a system where each twitter page I visit gets autoarchived
[27/12/2014, 3:26:04 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Oh, also, new hashtag for the lulz:
[27/12/2014, 3:26:27 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Yes.
[27/12/2014, 3:26:42 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Dina, and I are besties.
[27/12/2014, 3:26:49 PM] Veerender Jubbal: People can fuck off of that ish.
[27/12/2014, 3:26:55 PM] Dina : <3
[27/12/2014, 3:26:58 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Hehe
[27/12/2014, 3:27:06 PM] Dina : Best vine to celebrate:
[27/12/2014, 3:28:27 PM] Quinnae: Heh, oh dear, now I have some joker in my mentions who took such great exception to some earlier tweets I made.
[27/12/2014, 3:28:33 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Izzy.
[27/12/2014, 3:28:34 PM] Remy: OMG Minecraft has a Skyrim skin pack
[27/12/2014, 3:28:36 PM] Veerender Jubbal:
[27/12/2014, 3:28:39 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Can you use this?
[27/12/2014, 3:28:47 PM] Veerender Jubbal: For Mundane.
[27/12/2014, 3:29:24 PM] Ian Cheong: yes
[27/12/2014, 3:29:26 PM] Ian Cheong: from the front page
[27/12/2014, 3:30:04 PM] Remy: I am gonna have to start playing Minecraft again just so I can make my own Skyrim realm
[27/12/2014, 3:30:09 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Yo--on Monday Matt is getting bodied the fuck off.
[27/12/2014, 3:30:10 PM] Remy: Only with fewer bugs and glitches :P
[27/12/2014, 3:30:39 PM] Dina : bbiab you festive lot of honeys <3
[27/12/2014, 3:30:47 PM] Remy: <3
[27/12/2014, 3:32:56 PM] Quinnae: <3 's for everyone.
[27/12/2014, 3:33:10 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
[27/12/2014, 3:33:12 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Sailor Veerender kiss
[27/12/2014, 3:33:16 PM] Quinnae: Evidently some sorry little fool decided to blog about my discussion of Twine and the devaluing of women's work earlier.
[27/12/2014, 3:33:23 PM] Quinnae: I am currently giving him a round thrashing.
[27/12/2014, 3:33:36 PM] Quinnae: He's decided to impetuously clutter up my mentions.
[27/12/2014, 3:33:44 PM] Ian Cheong: veeren
[27/12/2014, 3:33:45 PM] Ian Cheong:
[27/12/2014, 3:33:56 PM] Remy: ugh
[27/12/2014, 3:34:56 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Sadly, it does not show the replies.
[27/12/2014, 3:35:41 PM] Veerender Jubbal: But if he deletes it from here--no worries.
[27/12/2014, 3:35:44 PM] Ian Cheong:
[27/12/2014, 3:36:11 PM] Randi Harper: is the weirdest webpage
[27/12/2014, 3:36:14 PM] Randi Harper: all the flags are different people, i think
[27/12/2014, 3:36:27 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Damn.
[27/12/2014, 3:36:42 PM] Veerender Jubbal: That is super strange. GG got bodied the fuck out.
[27/12/2014, 3:36:43 PM] Ian Cheong: are you the indian flag
[27/12/2014, 3:36:49 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Randi, that's neat
[27/12/2014, 3:37:20 PM] Randi Harper: i'm the one in the lower right hand corner
[27/12/2014, 3:37:46 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): you can rotate your flag using the scroll wheel of your mouse...
[27/12/2014, 3:37:49 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Oh, God. MundaneMatt is a self-proclaimed "good dude".
[27/12/2014, 3:37:54 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Gosh.
[27/12/2014, 3:38:07 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Right click to leave a shadow
[27/12/2014, 3:38:10 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): of your flag
[27/12/2014, 3:38:20 PM] Dan Olson: "Nice guy! Wait, hmm, that's getting a bad rap these days.... good... dude... DONE!"
[27/12/2014, 3:38:38 PM] Ian Cheong: jeez someone has a crazy fast scrollwheel
[27/12/2014, 3:38:47 PM] Randi Harper: ;)
[27/12/2014, 3:38:50 PM] Randi Harper: that's an arrow key
[27/12/2014, 3:39:24 PM] Randi Harper: this is so neat
[27/12/2014, 3:39:40 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I think I am kind, and considerate; but not a "nice guy" obviously.
[27/12/2014, 3:40:00 PM] Veerender Jubbal: And other say I am, so... not self-proclaimed...
[27/12/2014, 3:40:23 PM] Randi Harper: bad touch
[27/12/2014, 3:40:52 PM] Randi Harper: woah
[27/12/2014, 3:40:54 PM] Randi Harper: what am i watching
[27/12/2014, 3:41:17 PM] Dan Olson: do y'all see Canada?
[27/12/2014, 3:41:25 PM] Randi Harper: yes
[27/12/2014, 3:41:27 PM] Randi Harper: i saw what you did there
[27/12/2014, 3:41:38 PM] Dan Olson: in the middle of the O in "No"?
[27/12/2014, 3:41:56 PM] Randi Harper: nope, to the right of the word NO. this is likely a CSS issue.
[27/12/2014, 3:42:09 PM] Randi Harper: if i make my browser smaller, you're in the middle of the O. ;)
[27/12/2014, 3:42:52 PM] Dan Olson: we're flag fighting on a strange website!
[27/12/2014, 3:43:45 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): This reminds me of:
[27/12/2014, 3:44:16 PM] Quinnae: Okay, I'm a bit proud of this:
[27/12/2014, 3:44:40 PM] Dan Olson: Well put
[27/12/2014, 3:44:43 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): OH SNAP
[27/12/2014, 3:44:51 PM] Ian Cheong: This whole attack on 'anti-gamers' is a new strategy of theirs
[27/12/2014, 3:44:54 PM] Ian Cheong: to put us on the defensive
[27/12/2014, 3:45:09 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ian, so I should keep embracing it?
[27/12/2014, 3:45:15 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): and being proud to be "anti-Gamer"?
[27/12/2014, 3:45:18 PM] Ian Cheong: Do what you like, lol.
[27/12/2014, 3:45:34 PM] Ian Cheong: I posted a screencap of my Steam library and that got a few attacks.
[27/12/2014, 3:45:39 PM] Ian Cheong: "It's on Mac! You're not a real gamer!"
[27/12/2014, 3:45:46 PM] Ian Cheong: "That says Stream instead of Play, you're obviously watching videos!"
[27/12/2014, 3:46:23 PM] Dan Olson: I'm a "not a real gamer" with almost 100 games in my Mac library alone.
[27/12/2014, 3:46:37 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Video games are garbage.
[27/12/2014, 3:46:45 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ask thunderf00t about Halo on PS2
[27/12/2014, 3:46:49 PM] Ian Cheong: Hahahaha
[27/12/2014, 3:49:23 PM] Quinnae: Also, this guy is claiming the FTC is investigating for GG, where was the proof that that was bunk?
[27/12/2014, 3:49:46 PM] SF: They've called me not a real gamer when I hold speedrunning world records.
[27/12/2014, 3:50:09 PM] Randi Harper: hm. have any of them called me anti-gamer?
[27/12/2014, 3:50:17 PM] Randi Harper: i don't really watch.
[27/12/2014, 3:50:28 PM] Ian Cheong: RogueStar calls me an anti-gamer
[27/12/2014, 3:50:41 PM] Ian Cheong: cause he's an idiot like that
[27/12/2014, 3:50:54 PM] SF: To be fair I am extremely anti-gamer and have been for years.
[27/12/2014, 3:51:15 PM] Dan Olson: I'm a fake gamer. I silver-surf in every ranked mode I play. I got tired of 6-nights-a-week raiding and now we just fail-upwards as a bunch of friends one night a week.
[27/12/2014, 3:51:19 PM] SF: I'm more like King Kazma's owner in Summer Wars.
[27/12/2014, 3:51:19 PM] Ian Cheong: hey veeren
[27/12/2014, 3:51:19 PM] Ian Cheong:
[27/12/2014, 3:51:41 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Hey, Ian!
[27/12/2014, 3:52:07 PM] Dan Olson: I play games for their story, and let Laura handle the underground in Minecraft while I build little villages and obsess over carpet patterns.
[27/12/2014, 3:53:33 PM] Dan Olson: follower missions are my favourite part of Warlords of Draenor.
[27/12/2014, 3:53:50 PM] Ian Cheong: You get followers in WOD?
[27/12/2014, 3:54:17 PM] Dan Olson: oh, yeah, but they're not SW:ToR followers
[27/12/2014, 3:54:21 PM] Dan Olson: well, sort of
[27/12/2014, 3:54:35 PM] Dan Olson: some can follow you around out in the world, but you can't, like, have them tank an instance
[27/12/2014, 3:54:45 PM] Dan Olson: most are glorified neopets
[27/12/2014, 3:55:36 PM] Ian Cheong: Ah.
[27/12/2014, 3:55:50 PM] Dan Olson: it's basically the guild missions in AC2
[27/12/2014, 3:56:00 PM] Ian Cheong: I see, I know what that's like.
[27/12/2014, 3:56:03 PM] Remy: ....and PSN is down again
[27/12/2014, 3:56:09 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I love Clicker Heroes.
[27/12/2014, 3:56:16 PM] Remy: Thanks, DDOSholes
[27/12/2014, 3:56:20 PM] Dan Olson: you've got your list of recruits, you send them on missions, then 2 hours later they tell you the results of the mission
[27/12/2014, 3:56:43 PM] Dan Olson: and the only meaningful way to interact with them is when they're hanging out around base.
[27/12/2014, 3:57:08 PM] Dan Olson: and I love every goddamn second of it
[27/12/2014, 3:57:27 PM] Ian Cheong: Good writing, I take it?
[27/12/2014, 3:57:30 PM] Randi Harper: i like having minions.
[27/12/2014, 3:58:03 PM] Ian Cheong:
[27/12/2014, 3:58:09 PM] Remy: What game are we talking about?
[27/12/2014, 3:58:12 PM] Ian Cheong: just straight throw the whole pitcher.
[27/12/2014, 3:58:23 PM] Remy: I love having minions / micromanaging subordinates
[27/12/2014, 3:58:32 PM] Ian Cheong: Warlords of Draenor, Dan.
[27/12/2014, 3:58:43 PM] Dan Olson: the overall writing is decent enough for an MMO, but the followers are just blocks of wood. I just love the follower minigame/skinner box. I pull the lever and a pellet drops in my dish.
[27/12/2014, 3:59:25 PM] Dan Olson: I micromanage their meaningless existences for pittiful rewards, and a pellet drops in my dish
[27/12/2014, 3:59:42 PM] Remy: Oh, WOD is that new WoW expansion, huh?
[27/12/2014, 3:59:47 PM] Randi Harper: ...
[27/12/2014, 3:59:50 PM] Randi Harper: you are dead to me
[27/12/2014, 4:00:28 PM] Dan Olson: I send them off on quests with literally no purpose but the chance that I might get a box that might have an upgrade to make a follower better so that they'll have a better chance at completing a mission that I was already able to trivialize weeks ago.
[27/12/2014, 4:00:40 PM] Dan Olson: and a pellet drops in my dish
[27/12/2014, 4:03:58 PM] Randi Harper: hashtag gamergate
[27/12/2014, 4:05:48 PM] Ian Cheong: this kid is like roguestar.
[27/12/2014, 4:09:16 PM] Tesseract: god I hate gamers
[27/12/2014, 4:09:20 PM] Dan Olson: this gets depressing
[27/12/2014, 4:10:26 PM] Tesseract: related
[27/12/2014, 4:11:09 PM] Dan Olson: "I am tired of trying to deal with you Sonic Adventure fan-fricks, with your naïve little fantasies spewed out at you by poop merchants."
[27/12/2014, 4:11:52 PM] Ian Cheong: hahahahaha his voice
[27/12/2014, 4:12:01 PM] Dan Olson: Is this... an act?
[27/12/2014, 4:12:07 PM] Ian Cheong: its got to be an act
[27/12/2014, 4:13:17 PM] Tesseract: frick frick frick frick frick
[27/12/2014, 4:13:31 PM] Tesseract: nah this kid's like 11 and probably couldn't produce something this good intentionally
[27/12/2014, 4:14:05 PM] Dan Olson: But I also feel like he's mimicking TGWTG and other "angry" reviewers.
[27/12/2014, 4:14:18 PM] Tesseract: YOU FRICKEN FRICKS JUST CAN'T EVER BE QUENCHED
[27/12/2014, 4:14:20 PM] Dan Olson: like this is how he thinks he's supposed to react
[27/12/2014, 4:14:45 PM] Tesseract: I feel like he's also mimicking basically every gamer
[27/12/2014, 4:15:05 PM] Tesseract: 3:45 ahahaha
[27/12/2014, 4:15:18 PM] Ian Cheong:
[27/12/2014, 4:15:28 PM] Ian Cheong: this is basically my reaction to these videos
[27/12/2014, 4:15:38 PM] Dan Olson: I gotta give him credit for the "poop merchants" line
[27/12/2014, 4:15:44 PM] Dan Olson: that's authentic gold
[27/12/2014, 4:16:07 PM] Tesseract: holy frickin fricks
[27/12/2014, 4:18:19 PM] Tesseract: this kid is making my ears hurt
[27/12/2014, 4:21:36 PM] Randi Harper: wow, that kid
[27/12/2014, 4:21:38 PM] Randi Harper: he just spit on the camera
[27/12/2014, 4:31:06 PM] Dan Olson: I really hope things stay kinda quiet like this for, like, at least a week. you know? So I can actually unwind enough to just sit and binge watch Kill La Kill without wondering if people are spamming my info to the RCMP twitter accounts.
[27/12/2014, 4:45:02 PM] SF: I would also enjoy this so that I'm not too stressed to finish my game that was supposed to be out in Fall.
[27/12/2014, 4:48:04 PM] Randi Harper: HEEE
[27/12/2014, 4:48:05 PM] Randi Harper: hEEE
[27/12/2014, 4:48:06 PM] Randi Harper:
[27/12/2014, 4:48:08 PM] Randi Harper: HEEEEEEEEEEEEE
[27/12/2014, 4:49:09 PM] Quinnae: Whew, I'm freeeee!
[27/12/2014, 4:49:15 PM] Dan Olson: Is the ChocSod account also a bot?
[27/12/2014, 4:49:28 PM] Randi Harper: i doubt it
[27/12/2014, 4:49:34 PM] Dan Olson: Yaaay! Katherine is free!
[27/12/2014, 4:49:35 PM] Randi Harper: i don't know of any ebooks bot bases that add the mentions at the end
[27/12/2014, 4:50:00 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: katherineeeeee
[27/12/2014, 4:50:44 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: how goes everyone?
[27/12/2014, 4:51:30 PM] Randi Harper: oh my god my bot is mean
[27/12/2014, 4:51:30 PM] Randi Harper:
[27/12/2014, 4:51:32 PM] Dan Olson: Not too bad. I'm not sure if my mentions are actually silent, or if I've just blocked all the assholes at this point
[27/12/2014, 4:51:35 PM] Quinnae: hugs Sarah
[27/12/2014, 4:51:52 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts hugs ^__^
[27/12/2014, 4:51:59 PM] Quinnae: Your bot is pretty intense, Randi.
[27/12/2014, 4:52:00 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i drank too much booze and ate too much cakeee
[27/12/2014, 4:52:10 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: rofl wow
[27/12/2014, 4:52:15 PM] Quinnae: snugs Sarah Sorry! Where's Snarfybarf?
[27/12/2014, 4:52:18 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: what is the source for the bot? just random gg tweets
[27/12/2014, 4:52:19 PM] Dan Olson: hahaha, Randi, that's brutal
[27/12/2014, 4:52:23 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: she's eating some foodsss
[27/12/2014, 4:52:24 PM] Randi Harper: that one sources me. >.>
[27/12/2014, 4:52:28 PM] Charloppe: did someone say my name
[27/12/2014, 4:52:32 PM] Charloppe: also to much foods
[27/12/2014, 4:52:33 PM] Randi Harper: gater_ebooks sources a shitton of gaters
[27/12/2014, 4:52:37 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: sorry? i thought eating too much cake and drinking too much booze is supposed to be how birthdays ago
[27/12/2014, 4:52:45 PM] Randi Harper: because i couldn't get a good enough dictionary from one gater.
[27/12/2014, 4:52:49 PM] Randi Harper: grammar was too poor.
[27/12/2014, 4:53:07 PM] Quinnae: Snarfybarf! ruffles hair Just wanted to say hi today.
[27/12/2014, 4:53:17 PM] Quinnae: I wasted like 90 minutes arguing with a sealion.
[27/12/2014, 4:53:18 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: you two ~
[27/12/2014, 4:53:20 PM] Charloppe: aww thanks katherine
[27/12/2014, 4:53:27 PM] Quinnae: What is my life? as the kids say.
[27/12/2014, 4:53:30 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: what were they sealioning about
[27/12/2014, 4:53:41 PM] Charloppe: sorry i was not having the best day so i was abit put off fro talking
[27/12/2014, 4:53:43 PM] Randi Harper: USERS="fartchives grimachu nero playdangerously realvivianjames theralphretort roguestar thewtfmagazine"
[27/12/2014, 4:53:48 PM] Randi Harper: that's the userlist i'm pulling down
[27/12/2014, 4:53:56 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: ew
[27/12/2014, 4:54:04 PM] Randi Harper: i thought it was a good mix.
[27/12/2014, 4:54:08 PM] Quinnae: Standard propaganda checklist, Sarah. Some tit who linked me to a GG article that criticised my earlier tweets about TB and Twine. Yelled at me for being the "real sexist" and it went down hill from there.
[27/12/2014, 4:54:11 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: btw did we report the new fart? it's so hard now that you can't give a reason why, we can't say he's ban evading
[27/12/2014, 4:55:25 PM] Randi Harper: 06:20 -!- Irssi: Starting query in snoonet with DesertFox899
06:20 <DesertFox899> I'm assuming Geary already told you about everything but ugh. I'm out. I don't know how you've gotten through this; bless the FBI and fuck 8chan. Monsters through and through.
06:24 <DesertFox899> Ethics in boards full of dead women and child porn.
06:24 <DesertFox899> FUck 8chan; fuck gamergate; god bless you and the fbi; im out.
06:55 -!- DesertFox899 [[email protected]] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
[27/12/2014, 4:55:28 PM] Randi Harper: what was that about?
[27/12/2014, 4:55:33 PM] Randi Harper: who is geary?
[27/12/2014, 4:55:42 PM] Dan Olson: Re-watch the Civ: BE intro and wipe the shit out with feels.
[27/12/2014, 4:57:17 PM] SF: BTW Dan don't feel like you shouldn't feel power drunk, you deserve to.
[27/12/2014, 4:57:33 PM] Quinnae: Off to bed, all! Sweet dreams. Keep on taking care, Dan.
[27/12/2014, 4:57:37 PM] Quinnae: hugs everyone
[27/12/2014, 4:57:39 PM] Dan Olson: Night!
[27/12/2014, 4:57:43 PM] Charloppe: byyyye
[27/12/2014, 4:58:07 PM] SF: Night!
[27/12/2014, 4:58:56 PM] Dan Olson: You know, I think the thing I want in BE even more than more factions is more tilesets. Like, for regular Civ I don't care, it's earth, even if the geography is all screwy. But this is sci fi!
[27/12/2014, 4:59:10 PM] Randi Harper: i'm thinking about going and getting my snakebites done tomorrow. >.>
[27/12/2014, 4:59:39 PM] Dan Olson: Where's our ridiculous mono-biome class4 planets!?
[27/12/2014, 4:59:44 PM] Dan Olson: Snakebites?
[27/12/2014, 5:00:25 PM] Dan Olson: oh, lip piercings?
[27/12/2014, 5:00:33 PM] Randi Harper: yeah
[27/12/2014, 5:00:41 PM] Randi Harper: a friend gave me a gift card to a good piercing place a while ago for my birthday
[27/12/2014, 5:00:42 PM] SF: That rage against the Sonic fanbase video makes me so glad I didn't have social media at their age.
[27/12/2014, 5:00:50 PM] Dan Olson: I suddenly feel old, like "kids these days, using slang I don't understand!"
[27/12/2014, 5:01:03 PM] Randi Harper: ... i'm 33.
[27/12/2014, 5:01:11 PM] Dan Olson: I know, I just blanked out
[27/12/2014, 5:01:34 PM] Randi Harper: oh my god do not google image search rattlesnake bites
[27/12/2014, 5:01:34 PM] Dan Olson: "Kids these days"
"I'm a year older than you..."
[27/12/2014, 5:04:27 PM] Dan Olson: Kay, going ARC. Then hopefully have the resources for Purity so I can dirty bomb some filthy Harmony hippies.
[27/12/2014, 5:05:09 PM] SF: I can't tell if this new follower is an edgy child or an edgy manchild.
[27/12/2014, 5:10:03 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: scrumpmonkeyDec 25, 2014+16
Sarah Butts is a child hungry predator. She needs to be removed from society and preventing from stalking and capping people online all day full time. It's creepy as shit. 

I mean how does she find time between photographing all those under-age girls though the hole in her lair? 
[27/12/2014, 5:10:59 PM] Dan Olson: fsk
[27/12/2014, 5:11:17 PM] Dan Olson: also fuck HotWheels for singling you out
[27/12/2014, 5:11:28 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: wait what did hotwheels do
[27/12/2014, 5:11:28 PM] Charloppe: wait what
[27/12/2014, 5:11:29 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: and when was this
[27/12/2014, 5:11:44 PM] Dan Olson:
[27/12/2014, 5:12:07 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: oh, that
[27/12/2014, 5:12:09 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: yeah i saw that
[27/12/2014, 5:12:15 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: was nervous there was something more recent
[27/12/2014, 5:12:25 PM] Charloppe: i hate this man so much
[27/12/2014, 5:12:28 PM] Dan Olson: I don't think it's gonna get much traction, but still
[27/12/2014, 5:14:13 PM] Dan Olson: So i took "random ship", but then went with a Tectonic world and got the Coastlines ship :-|
[27/12/2014, 5:14:35 PM] Dan Olson: so, yeah, I can see those dozen or so tiny lakes...
[27/12/2014, 5:15:02 PM] SF: They've still failed to even present an argument as to why Sarah is more responsible for the article's dissemination than the thousands of other RTs/links to it.
[27/12/2014, 5:15:13 PM] Dan Olson: reeeeestart and hope for literally any other ship.
[27/12/2014, 5:15:18 PM] SF: They've only just recently stopped accusing her of writing it.
[27/12/2014, 5:15:26 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: what game is this dan?
[27/12/2014, 5:15:31 PM] Dan Olson: Civ: BE
[27/12/2014, 5:15:36 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: ah
[27/12/2014, 5:15:37 PM] SF: Actually have they accused Dan of being Sarah yet? They've accused about everyone else.
[27/12/2014, 5:15:39 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: still haven't played it yet
[27/12/2014, 5:15:44 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i want to try that roguelike ghost ship thing
[27/12/2014, 5:15:46 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i forget the name
[27/12/2014, 5:15:46 PM] Charloppe: wait
[27/12/2014, 5:15:48 PM] Charloppe: sarah
[27/12/2014, 5:15:54 PM] Charloppe: your dan?
[27/12/2014, 5:16:01 PM] Charloppe: or clarie?
[27/12/2014, 5:16:05 PM] Charloppe: or brianna?
[27/12/2014, 5:16:18 PM] SF: She's also been Randi and MiB IIRC
[27/12/2014, 5:16:29 PM] Charloppe: omg who am i dating!?
[27/12/2014, 5:18:03 PM] Dan Olson: wait, I was just bitching about wanting more planets in BE and there's a damn map pack that's.. wait, I'm confused...
[27/12/2014, 5:18:34 PM] Dan Olson: okay, so I was complaining, then I noticed an "advanced planets" button that I didn't remember from before
[27/12/2014, 5:20:01 PM] Dan Olson: And because I pre-ordered I got the DLC for free when it came out a few weeks ago.
[27/12/2014, 5:20:24 PM] Dan Olson: so the devs already gave me that thing that I wanted
[27/12/2014, 5:22:30 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i always played pangaea on civ 5 ;-;; im boring
[27/12/2014, 5:25:03 PM] Dan Olson: Looks like I've got Floatstone and Firaxite, so Purity is an option.
[27/12/2014, 5:58:05 PM] SF: My girlfriend tried her Christmas gift tonight and got teary eyed and I don't have a point I just wanted to share that because it felt really good.
[27/12/2014, 6:21:01 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Still important to remember from that DD article that they knew about the CP for months and didn't do a fucking thing about it, and when Dan's report finally hit, they took to defending CP rather than decoupling from 8chan.
[27/12/2014, 6:21:09 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Never forget that bullshit.
[27/12/2014, 6:21:36 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: is there any chance this might still be picked up by the news?
[27/12/2014, 6:21:59 PM] Veerender Jubbal: You are all older than me, so...
[27/12/2014, 6:22:08 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Who knows.
[27/12/2014, 6:22:14 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Don't invest in the possibility.
[27/12/2014, 6:22:49 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Also, if I recall correctly, Hotwheels only consolidated boards? Pretty sure they're still there, and still pretty goddamn vile.
[27/12/2014, 6:23:16 PM] Alex Lifschitz: He himself admitted that 8chan is dead without them, I highly doubt he'd move the bodies so much as only the headstones.
[27/12/2014, 6:23:30 PM] Alex Lifschitz: If he did get rid of them, thank god.
[27/12/2014, 6:24:43 PM] Dan Olson: still, they flinched, and the change to the "global rules" is a significant flinch
[27/12/2014, 6:24:46 PM] Dan Olson: "Images that seem to have sexual posing. For instance, this could include a strong focus on the genitals, even if they're covered, or someone who is tied up in any way since it might be mistaken for bondage"
[27/12/2014, 6:25:06 PM] Dan Olson: it's enforcement will be willy-nilly and lame
[27/12/2014, 6:25:15 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: holy shit he updated it? i'm actually shocked
[27/12/2014, 6:25:49 PM] Dan Olson: but they acknowledged it
[27/12/2014, 6:26:13 PM] Dan Olson: because I'm fkn right: they're not in a grey area, they're in an unenforced area.
[27/12/2014, 6:26:20 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Question is, well, if the mods are still asleep.
[27/12/2014, 6:26:29 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: where is that update, dan?
[27/12/2014, 6:26:44 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Are you gonna update the medium article?
[27/12/2014, 6:27:08 PM] Dan Olson: oh, right, I went to do an update, then noticed that boards were nuked, and spent the rest of the evening scoping out the extent of that
[27/12/2014, 6:27:32 PM] Alex Lifschitz: So if people decide to pick it up.

I mean, they're clearly trying to do the same PR spin they always have, but at the end of the day they're still hosting lascivious pictures of kids for dudes to j/o to.
[27/12/2014, 6:27:57 PM] Alex Lifschitz: There's no way Hotwheels is getting rid of that or enforcing anything serious.
[27/12/2014, 6:27:57 PM] Dan Olson: I was going to add a line calling attention to the dates posted vs. dates gathered
[27/12/2014, 6:28:27 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: where is update to the rules you quoted?
[27/12/2014, 6:28:52 PM] Dan Olson: it's in the various "where'd our other jacking boards go?" threads
[27/12/2014, 6:29:22 PM] Dan Olson: several of them reference "global rules" and quote the exact same language, but that language isn't in the FAQ
[27/12/2014, 6:29:23 PM] Alex Lifschitz: It's still amazing you're willing to put yourself into that, Dan. I don't think we can all thank you enough for the work.
[27/12/2014, 6:29:42 PM] Dan Olson: which, in my mind, says the various mods all got a message from HW
[27/12/2014, 6:29:44 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: yeah that's weird because i don't see that in the global rules, at all
[27/12/2014, 6:30:54 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Being able to identify how they've half-assed it will potentially evergreen the story.
[27/12/2014, 6:31:59 PM] Dan Olson: oh, and HW's whole "yeah, I checked out /doll/ and it turned out the mod hadn't been on for, like, two weeks" still doesn't float the fact that the one banner picture of the girl posed doggystyle so you can see her vulva was posted on Nov. 3 and still up Dec. 18th
[27/12/2014, 6:34:17 PM] Alex Lifschitz: If you update the article, it also gives a good reason to push it around a second time as a followup when the holidays are over - but obviously, only as much as you're willing to. I know it's taxing.
[27/12/2014, 6:34:46 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Whatever you decide, we're behind you. It's more important that this shit gets taken down than than the culture war.
[27/12/2014, 6:35:00 PM] Dan Olson: Yeah, I might save up for a big update, rather than just a minor addendum.
[27/12/2014, 6:35:04 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Amen to that.
[27/12/2014, 6:35:13 PM] Dan Olson: also I'm waiting to see where the TGWTG stuff falls.
[27/12/2014, 6:35:21 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Gotcha.
[27/12/2014, 6:35:49 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Agreed that a bigger update with some time and distance is the better plan.
[27/12/2014, 6:35:55 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: But really, I think that's more a case for very specifically reporting all this crap to the people whose job it is to scar themselves looking at it.
[27/12/2014, 6:36:02 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: and, what TGWTG stuff?
[27/12/2014, 6:36:25 PM] Dan Olson: I'm probably just going to quietly leave the site, since they're pretty allergic to attention, and I'm a bad fit all around for their schedule.
[27/12/2014, 6:37:17 PM] Dan Olson: The TGWTG bosses are not very happy to have gotten a pile of "Dan's a pedo rapist CP peddler" harassment emails.
[27/12/2014, 6:37:28 PM] Dan Olson: Which, you know, I don't blame them
[27/12/2014, 6:37:41 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Rough. Any other places you might move to?
[27/12/2014, 6:38:09 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: that sucks, dan :(
[27/12/2014, 6:38:13 PM] Alex Lifschitz: I'm more angry that TGWTG, like a lot of other places, seemingly can't dredge up the stones to stand with someone against a very clearly toxic mob of concern trolls.
[27/12/2014, 6:38:16 PM] Dan Olson: Honestly just stick with Chez and try and push some freelance writing.
[27/12/2014, 6:38:46 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Reminds me of Ubi and such. Just makes me angry.
[27/12/2014, 6:38:51 PM] Dan Olson: TGWTG was always something of a lark for me. I'm not the best fit for them, both audience wise, schedule wise, and content wise
[27/12/2014, 6:39:05 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Good excuse to leave, then?
[27/12/2014, 6:39:06 PM] Dan Olson: but, hey, I applied and they said yes, so why not
[27/12/2014, 6:39:31 PM] Dan Olson: yeah, and I'm not exactly raking it in, viewership wise, over there
[27/12/2014, 6:39:57 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Y'know, I had never even heard of TGWTG before GG.
[27/12/2014, 6:40:00 PM] Dan Olson: and the new site pretty much tells you where they want to go, brand wise.
[27/12/2014, 6:41:23 PM] Dan Olson: My concern, and I suspect I'll have no trouble selling this to the bosses, is convincing them to just quietly take the heat for a while, and just never really point out that I left.
[27/12/2014, 6:41:52 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Good idea. Same conclusion I came to when GG began hounding my old studio.
[27/12/2014, 6:42:00 PM] Dan Olson: because, and this is my pitch, if they think being spammed with hatemail by GG is bad, being turned into one of their victory totems is worse.
[27/12/2014, 6:42:19 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Quietly leave, and if asked, say that you came to a mutual decision to leave in order to spare them these idiots.
[27/12/2014, 6:42:29 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i had only heard of TGWTG because of charlotte, tbh!
[27/12/2014, 6:42:53 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: that's still depressing they wouldn't have your back. i dunno
[27/12/2014, 6:44:56 PM] Dan Olson: I think they just really have no interest in being remotely controversial.
[27/12/2014, 6:45:37 PM] Dan Olson: which, from a brand perspective, I can gel with. Nickelodeon isn't going to be tackling Gaza, you know
[27/12/2014, 6:46:48 PM] Dan Olson: If they try to throw me under the bus, though
[27/12/2014, 6:46:51 PM] Dan Olson: god help them
[27/12/2014, 6:49:47 PM] Dan Olson: but, yeah, no, I'm not terribly choked one way or another. I haven't been able to keep to a 3/mo schedule anyway, so I'm kinda surprised they haven't poked me about that yet
[27/12/2014, 6:50:03 PM] Dan Olson: though I doubt they've even noticed, due to the terrible backend
[27/12/2014, 6:50:19 PM] Dan Olson: they need to run the site like a magazine or a station, but they don't
[27/12/2014, 6:51:19 PM] Dan Olson: like, have your content creators finish their stuff by Deadline X, then it goes to managing editor who clears it and schedules it in for Day Y
[27/12/2014, 6:51:36 PM] drinternetphd: how else would you run such a thing
[27/12/2014, 6:52:03 PM] Dan Olson: so that creators only have to worry about making their shit, and not trying to deal with jockying for schedule slots on top of that
[27/12/2014, 6:52:04 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: anarchy?
[27/12/2014, 6:52:36 PM] Dan Olson: anarchy, basically
[27/12/2014, 6:52:56 PM] drinternetphd: yikes
[27/12/2014, 6:52:57 PM] Dan Olson: Chez just sort of goes all loosy-goosy, but there's, what, seven of us?
[27/12/2014, 6:53:23 PM] Dan Olson: worst case scenario things line up so that three people put up something new on one day.
[27/12/2014, 6:54:20 PM] Dan Olson: TGWTG has I think 50 contributors at this point, with all different production schedules
[27/12/2014, 6:54:46 PM] Dan Olson: but it's still being run like a communal blog
[27/12/2014, 6:56:59 PM] Dan Olson: and then it's one of those situations where you want to pipe up and be all "hey, why not just rip off what TV's been doing for 70 years?" but you're low man on the totem pole and don't want to be "that shithead"
[27/12/2014, 6:57:43 PM] Dan Olson: 'cus everyone hates That Shithead, who's new to an operation and starts suggesting changes that are basically "do it completely differently"
[27/12/2014, 7:01:28 PM] Dan Olson: In my ideal world I'd have the resources to bring a bunch of web content creators in under an umbrella as proper employees and not just "independent contractors"
[27/12/2014, 7:03:00 PM] Dan Olson: distributed profits, allowing for new stuff to get subsidized instead of this vague "well, we're just sort of a promotional collective, but everyone still needs to worry about their own revenue streams"
[27/12/2014, 7:04:15 PM] Dan Olson: I think Patreon-style direct funding is a good idea, but I spend a lot of time wondering about the weight that it can bear.
[27/12/2014, 7:09:14 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i dunno. there are some youtube education channels pulling in decent money from that kind of stuff
[27/12/2014, 7:09:18 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: enough to hire employees
[27/12/2014, 7:09:48 PM] Dan Olson: oh, it's totally possible
[27/12/2014, 7:10:41 PM] Dan Olson: I just wish I had the resources to set one up, like, now. Or maybe tomorrow. It's kinda late, to the point that I sound like a stoned teenager trying to convince everyone that The Fountainhead is, like, way deep, man.
[27/12/2014, 7:10:51 PM] Dan Olson: So now would be a bad time.
[27/12/2014, 7:11:36 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i just looked at a few. crash course pulls in 25,000$/mo
[27/12/2014, 7:13:39 PM] Dan Olson: i guess to clarify, I'm trying to figure out if 30 people having 30 Patreons would net more productive liquidity versus 1 Patreon for 30 people.
[27/12/2014, 7:14:36 PM] Dan Olson: would someone who's willing to drop 5$ on 3 people be willing to drop 15$ on 1-group-of-3?
[27/12/2014, 7:16:31 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: that's true
[27/12/2014, 7:16:38 PM] Dan Olson: With a collective, like TGWTG, you're also looking somewhat at a self-contained community, and at what point do you hit burnout, where late-adopters get properfucked by community burnout, because they're already spending 5$/mo on half a dozen people?
[27/12/2014, 7:21:09 PM] Dan Olson: The problem I'm foreseeing is one of churn, where the market can never mature because the gap between "poverty/hobby" and "livable income" is too hard for people to consistently jump. Rather than a smooth gradient of quality and return you just have all the online cash being condensed into the singularity known as Pewdiepie and his two orbiting bodies John and Hank Green.
[27/12/2014, 7:21:53 PM] Dan Olson: and then hobbyists who, right as they're getting good at their craft, drop out because it's just not worth the effort that it takes to make something high quality
[27/12/2014, 7:37:24 PM] drinternetphd: hm
[27/12/2014, 7:37:30 PM] drinternetphd: I wonder if there's a service we could make
[27/12/2014, 7:39:05 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: "We" being...?
[27/12/2014, 7:42:26 PM] drinternetphd: idk eventually like
[27/12/2014, 7:42:33 PM] drinternetphd: just whoever is indie and makes shit and needs a patreon alternative
[27/12/2014, 7:42:39 PM] drinternetphd: I am mainly thinking if patreon shits the bed
[27/12/2014, 7:42:57 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: ah
[27/12/2014, 7:43:13 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: I'd totally get behind that either way, really.
[27/12/2014, 7:45:31 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Patreon doesn't really do anything to help with discoverability, and seems pretty low-effort in terms of the basic setup, so even without all the massive ethical concerns, I'd be all for it if someone else wanted to take a stab at the premise.
[27/12/2014, 7:49:37 PM] drinternetphd: yeah
[27/12/2014, 7:49:39 PM] drinternetphd: honestly like
[27/12/2014, 7:49:52 PM] drinternetphd: so with stuff like antholojam it's basically me trying to use my new found infamy to be a horrible communist
[27/12/2014, 7:50:00 PM] drinternetphd: and boost other artists' discoverability
[27/12/2014, 7:50:14 PM] drinternetphd: maybe a generalized version of slipshine would work
[27/12/2014, 8:20:58 PM] Rob: God damn it, I need to reboot my parent's router but I don't know where it is
[27/12/2014, 8:44:19 PM] Ian Cheong: Hi everyone.
[27/12/2014, 8:48:31 PM] Ian Cheong: Fffuuuu
[27/12/2014, 8:48:34 PM] Ian Cheong: They're going after Dina now.
[27/12/2014, 8:48:39 PM] Ian Cheong:
[27/12/2014, 8:48:43 PM] Ian Cheong:
[27/12/2014, 8:49:18 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Hahaha, good fucking luck with that
[27/12/2014, 8:49:41 PM] Alex Lifschitz: I'll leave it to Dina to say how Keiji and Paypal dealt with their email/chargeback brigades
[27/12/2014, 8:49:51 PM] Ian Cheong: Haa, okay.
[27/12/2014, 8:50:04 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Safe to say Dina don't take no shit
[27/12/2014, 8:51:26 PM] Ian Cheong: They are so fucking ridiculous.
[27/12/2014, 8:51:43 PM] Ian Cheong: Going after Dina because... she... made a female version of the game character? The fuck.
[27/12/2014, 9:17:14 PM] Ian Cheong:
[27/12/2014, 9:17:22 PM] Remy: lol
[27/12/2014, 9:17:49 PM] Remy: I don't even know how to process that leap
[27/12/2014, 9:18:45 PM] Ian Cheong: It got posted to KIA, an AVFM sub, and... r/european, which is a white nationalist subreddit
[27/12/2014, 9:21:46 PM] Rob: Morning, folks
[27/12/2014, 9:21:51 PM] Ian Cheong: Morning
[27/12/2014, 9:21:55 PM] Remy: morning
[27/12/2014, 9:31:02 PM] drinternetphd: morning~
[27/12/2014, 9:31:18 PM] Rob: hey ian, Stephen, zoe
[27/12/2014, 9:31:27 PM] Rob: One of the cats was like HELLO CHASE ME PLZ GIVE ME MORE STRING CHEESE
[27/12/2014, 9:31:38 PM] Ian Cheong: One of my monitors is doing that awful thing where it flashes and strobes because the backlight is faulty.
[27/12/2014, 9:31:44 PM] Rob: Oh god, ew
[27/12/2014, 9:32:06 PM] drinternetphd: I just burped so hard I think I lost a dress size actually
[27/12/2014, 9:32:12 PM] Ian Cheong: Haaa
[27/12/2014, 9:32:31 PM] drinternetphd: (I have had 3 beers in prep for writing this games need punks article)
[27/12/2014, 9:32:42 PM] Ian Cheong: I had sashimi on sushi rice for dinner.
[27/12/2014, 9:32:54 PM] Rob: lol
[27/12/2014, 9:32:59 PM] Rob: I'm getting hibachi and sushi for dinner tonight
[27/12/2014, 9:33:12 PM] drinternetphd: I made us cauliflower mash and garlic pepper steak
[27/12/2014, 9:33:14 PM] drinternetphd: so I have like
[27/12/2014, 9:33:16 PM] drinternetphd: toxic burps
[27/12/2014, 9:33:20 PM] Ian Cheong: I can only imagine
[27/12/2014, 9:33:23 PM] drinternetphd: don't
[27/12/2014, 9:33:25 PM] drinternetphd: it's bad
[27/12/2014, 9:33:32 PM] Ian Cheong: ok lol
[27/12/2014, 9:33:40 PM] drinternetphd: like I'm grossed out
[27/12/2014, 9:34:03 PM] Rob: It's like a chemical weapon was set off.
[27/12/2014, 9:34:12 PM] drinternetphd: p much
[27/12/2014, 9:34:43 PM] Rob: time to scan total biscuit's twitter for stuff to make fun of, because I'm in a mean mood
[27/12/2014, 9:36:03 PM] drinternetphd: I wish I didn't have standards sometimes
[27/12/2014, 9:36:14 PM] drinternetphd: else I would post our email convo
[27/12/2014, 9:36:34 PM] Rob: Oh god. I imagine it's hilarious.
[27/12/2014, 9:37:17 PM] Rob: "There's no racism in England" go fuck yourself you top hat wearing clownpenis
[27/12/2014, 9:37:49 PM] Rob: He said that there's not really a race issue.
[27/12/2014, 9:37:52 PM] Rob: And there's no white privilege.
[27/12/2014, 9:38:16 PM] Rob: Basically shorter TB is: "Rivers of blood speech? I've never heard of it. Was that in Skyrim?"
[27/12/2014, 9:38:42 PM] Rob: He also does the whole 'I grew up in a poor white area therefor no white privilege' bullshit.
[27/12/2014, 9:39:10 PM] drinternetphd: "racism is an american thing and exists nowhere else" says repugnant frog man likely to flick his toungue out and eat a fly at any given moment
[27/12/2014, 9:39:19 PM] Rob: lol zoe
[27/12/2014, 9:39:22 PM] Remy: lol
[27/12/2014, 9:39:22 PM] Rob: But yeah, it fucking infuriates me.
[27/12/2014, 9:39:30 PM] drinternetphd: what I've been drinking and I lost my filter
[27/12/2014, 9:39:33 PM] Rob: I went on a huuuuuge rant when I read his twitlonger about white privilege not existing.
[27/12/2014, 9:39:42 PM] Ian Cheong: Filters are no fun.
[27/12/2014, 9:39:47 PM] Rob: Like maybe that ignorant fuck should learn what a fucking 'redline' is.
[27/12/2014, 9:39:52 PM] Remy: The Russians had a serial killer going for over a decade just because they thought serial killers were a purely American/Capitalist phenomena
[27/12/2014, 9:39:59 PM] Rob: Or go look up Enoch Powell in his own shit country
[27/12/2014, 9:40:19 PM] Rob: Was that during the cold war?
[27/12/2014, 9:40:27 PM] Ian Cheong: Andrei Chikatilo
[27/12/2014, 9:40:29 PM] Remy: fuck if I can remember the details at this hour
[27/12/2014, 9:40:41 PM] Ian Cheong: That's the serial killer's name.
[27/12/2014, 9:40:43 PM] Remy: He got a shout out in Criminal Minds tho
[27/12/2014, 9:40:52 PM] Rob: But yeah, I really hate total biscuit
[27/12/2014, 9:41:16 PM] Rob: Any time he talks about the US or US culture it's basically to trash it and say how stupid we are compared to the UK
[27/12/2014, 9:41:24 PM] drinternetphd: I hate how so many of my friends want to speak out against him but are afraid to
[27/12/2014, 9:41:24 PM] Rob: And I'm like "Then why don';t you get the fuck out and go back there?"
[27/12/2014, 9:41:32 PM] drinternetphd: also fuck him for shitting on twine
[27/12/2014, 9:41:35 PM] drinternetphd: fuck him fuck him fuck him
[27/12/2014, 9:41:42 PM] Remy: TB talking about US probably sounds just like American bros talking about Britain. fart sounds
[27/12/2014, 9:41:46 PM] Remy: lol
[27/12/2014, 9:41:55 PM] Ian Cheong: I hate what he said about Twine.
[27/12/2014, 9:41:57 PM] Rob: Oh, but see zoe, what he REALLY meant was that greedo shot first and midichlorians are what gives youtube reviewers like him their special powers
[27/12/2014, 9:42:05 PM] drinternetphd: the amount of good twine has done for people makes me worry that the next time I see him I will take a swing
[27/12/2014, 9:42:08 PM] Remy: Of course he can shit on Twine.
[27/12/2014, 9:42:11 PM] Remy: He doesn't make anything
[27/12/2014, 9:42:15 PM] Remy: He just has opinions
[27/12/2014, 9:42:22 PM] drinternetphd: I wish this was pre gamergate
[27/12/2014, 9:42:27 PM] drinternetphd: cause I can't say what I want to
[27/12/2014, 9:42:29 PM] Rob: I kind of want to go to MAG since it's near where I live, but I don't think anyone I'd want to meet would go there
[27/12/2014, 9:42:33 PM] drinternetphd: I wanted to tweet like
[27/12/2014, 9:42:47 PM] drinternetphd: "if you marginalize a game engine over a stupid grudge with a woman you've never met maybe shut up forever"
[27/12/2014, 9:42:48 PM] drinternetphd: or
[27/12/2014, 9:43:03 PM] drinternetphd: rephrase what he said to me when he first shat the bed and came after me in august
[27/12/2014, 9:43:10 PM] drinternetphd: "you didn't seem to have a problem with it when you were promoting my game"
[27/12/2014, 9:43:20 PM] Rob: HAHAHAH
[27/12/2014, 9:43:33 PM] Rob: Zoe, if you want, if he shittalks twine again
[27/12/2014, 9:43:36 PM] Rob: I could say something like that.
[27/12/2014, 9:43:43 PM] drinternetphd: yeah go nuts I don't fucking care
[27/12/2014, 9:43:45 PM] Rob: "You didn't seem to have a problem with Twine when you were promoting Twine games."
[27/12/2014, 9:43:51 PM] drinternetphd: I can't do it cause my beef bandwidth is maxed
[27/12/2014, 9:43:59 PM] drinternetphd: tho he will likely respond with some variation of calling me a bitch so w/e
[27/12/2014, 9:44:11 PM] Rob: Yeah I don't want to direct more hate your way even by proxy
[27/12/2014, 9:44:25 PM] drinternetphd: fucking youtube
[27/12/2014, 9:44:28 PM] Rob: I can just keep attacking him in general. I find it funny b/c his fans randomly find it and start tagging him in to try to intimidate me.
[27/12/2014, 9:44:32 PM] drinternetphd: making mountains out of molehills just with people
[27/12/2014, 9:44:46 PM] Rob: I need to start making more videos again
[27/12/2014, 9:44:48 PM] Ian Cheong: It's a shitshow.
[27/12/2014, 9:44:52 PM] Rob: Since YT is basically gamergate dominated
[27/12/2014, 9:45:07 PM] Rob: And I feel bad leaving Zennistrad out there all by his lonesome.
[27/12/2014, 9:45:17 PM] Rob: I may turn a small paper I did on gamergate into the basis for a script.
[27/12/2014, 9:47:39 PM] drinternetphd: what's a good synonym for "mob"
[27/12/2014, 9:47:43 PM] Ian Cheong: Hmmm
[27/12/2014, 9:47:48 PM] drinternetphd: yt isn't gg dominated
[27/12/2014, 9:47:56 PM] Rob: mass? rabble? horde?
[27/12/2014, 9:47:57 PM] drinternetphd: the people who are against it are just afraid and unable to speak out
[27/12/2014, 9:48:02 PM] drinternetphd: horde is good, thank you
[27/12/2014, 9:48:02 PM] Rob: That's what I mean.
[27/12/2014, 9:48:04 PM] Ian Cheong: throng
[27/12/2014, 9:48:24 PM] Rob: Only a few people are really saying anything against it.
[27/12/2014, 9:48:30 PM] Rob: Same with feminism.
[27/12/2014, 9:48:45 PM] Rob: It's not that anti-feminism is more popular, it's just you deal with a MOUNTAIN OF SHIT if you talk about feminism being good.
[27/12/2014, 9:49:07 PM] Ian Cheong: You have to have skin as thick as a rhino's if you want to talk feminism on YouTube.
[27/12/2014, 9:49:18 PM] Rob: Seriously.
[27/12/2014, 9:49:24 PM] Rob: Like, fuck, I'm a dude, and the shit I've got has infuriated me.
[27/12/2014, 9:50:10 PM] Remy: Zoe: If you're describing GG other words may include: Swarm, gang, throng,
[27/12/2014, 9:50:29 PM] Remy: pack, posse, hose, rabble, ring
[27/12/2014, 9:50:32 PM] Remy: syndicate
[27/12/2014, 9:50:44 PM] Remy: I also call them InstaGaters in my had
[27/12/2014, 9:50:48 PM] drinternetphd: yessss
[27/12/2014, 9:50:48 PM] Ian Cheong: Instagaters? Haha.
[27/12/2014, 9:50:49 PM] drinternetphd: thank you
[27/12/2014, 9:50:51 PM] drinternetphd: this is all helpful
[27/12/2014, 9:51:02 PM] drinternetphd: I only touch on gg to make a point about the culture at large but I like having a lot of synonyms
[27/12/2014, 9:51:02 PM] Remy: host* not hose BTW
[27/12/2014, 9:51:05 PM] drinternetphd: I don't like repeating words
[27/12/2014, 9:51:15 PM] Remy: I don't know if Skype or Apple hates me, but fuck both of them without lube
[27/12/2014, 9:51:18 PM] drinternetphd: super rough thing I read once and haven't done a thing about
[27/12/2014, 9:51:18 PM] drinternetphd: Over the last few months, the struggle for the culture surrounding the production and enjoyment of video games that has been bubbling under the surface for years has seemingly come to a head. For the uninitiated, an online mob so bad it has been followed as a hate group has been raging against progressive voices in the industry hiding behind the dogwhistle politic of “ethics in games journalism”. I’ve watched it do so firsthand as the horde made me their Franz Ferdinand of their culture war. All of the abuse, conservative grandstanding, and defense of child pornography aside, one of the more unfortunate elements of this whole debacule has been that they’ve been able to sweep up otherwise well-meaning, functional people with a salient point: there are massive problems within the games industry, but none of them are being addressed by the throng of screaming 4channers.
[27/12/2014, 9:51:27 PM] Rob: I don't mind calling someone out if they're still doing something really shitty
[27/12/2014, 9:51:31 PM] Remy: I love words
[27/12/2014, 9:51:37 PM] Remy: They are my closest friends
[27/12/2014, 9:51:40 PM] Rob: But if it's shit from years ago where they've clearly changed
[27/12/2014, 9:51:44 PM] Rob: I don't see the point
[27/12/2014, 9:51:47 PM] Ian Cheong: Reading that.
[27/12/2014, 9:52:05 PM] drinternetphd: god I forgot how much beer helps me write I am like a fucking drunken monk but with living instead of fighting
[27/12/2014, 9:52:39 PM] drinternetphd: paragraph 2 is touching on some of the issues that have arisen as a result of a bloated and garbage mainstream games industry
[27/12/2014, 9:52:44 PM] Remy: fucking PSN is down so I can't play Skyrim Minecraft
[27/12/2014, 9:52:52 PM] Ian Cheong: This is good.
[27/12/2014, 9:52:55 PM] Remy: But at least I managed to buy Nidhogg at 40% off before PSn went down again
[27/12/2014, 9:52:56 PM] Ian Cheong: PSN isn't down.
[27/12/2014, 9:52:58 PM] drinternetphd: and then paragraph 3 starts drawing comparisons between that and the music industry of the 1970s and 1980s that grave rise to the punk scene
[27/12/2014, 9:53:01 PM] drinternetphd: and why games needs more of that
[27/12/2014, 9:53:06 PM] Rob: It is in the states
[27/12/2014, 9:53:15 PM] Ian Cheong: I'm connected to the US servers. It's not down.
[27/12/2014, 9:53:17 PM] Rob: Weird.
[27/12/2014, 9:53:19 PM] Rob: My friend can't connect.
[27/12/2014, 9:53:29 PM] Remy: Hey Zoe as long as your'e making comparisons to cultural clashes in music
[27/12/2014, 9:53:33 PM] Rob: And it looks good, zoe
[27/12/2014, 9:53:35 PM] Remy: Don't forget about all those Disco bonfires
[27/12/2014, 9:53:51 PM] Ian Cheong: Zoe, Arthur Chu wrote a great article about the Disco bonfires.
[27/12/2014, 9:53:55 PM] Remy: Not that you have to, just saying'  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[27/12/2014, 9:53:58 PM] Remy: This message has been removed.
[27/12/2014, 9:54:02 PM] Ian Cheong: Let me see if I can find it.
[27/12/2014, 9:54:13 PM] Ian Cheong:
[27/12/2014, 9:54:40 PM] drinternetphd: dangit chu
[27/12/2014, 9:54:42 PM] drinternetphd: why isn't he in here
[27/12/2014, 9:54:52 PM] Remy: I sent him an offer but he never replied
[27/12/2014, 9:54:59 PM] Remy: He will probably pay more attention if someone else from here asks him
[27/12/2014, 9:55:06 PM] Remy: I'm not the most known person in the group lol
[27/12/2014, 9:55:11 PM] drinternetphd: I'll bug him
[27/12/2014, 9:55:25 PM] Remy: Also he was sleepy when I made the offer and I never heard back from him
[27/12/2014, 9:56:42 PM] Rob: Chu's busy in  heavy space 
[27/12/2014, 9:56:54 PM] Rob: GOD DAMN IT LET ME DO ORZ TALK
[27/12/2014, 9:57:05 PM] drinternetphd: pls do
[27/12/2014, 9:57:11 PM] drinternetphd: also adding this to the first paragraph
[27/12/2014, 9:57:12 PM] drinternetphd: "What these people don’t realize, largely due to the opaqueness that has been fostered by the industry, is that they’re laughably late on the scene and are even attacking those who have been fighting against harmful industry standards."
[27/12/2014, 9:57:25 PM] drinternetphd: I am on fire
[27/12/2014, 9:57:30 PM] Ian Cheong: Yeah, this is good.
[27/12/2014, 9:57:36 PM] drinternetphd: this is for boingboing
[27/12/2014, 9:57:37 PM] drinternetphd: so it counts
[27/12/2014, 9:57:39 PM] drinternetphd: like a lot
[27/12/2014, 9:57:43 PM] Rob: Oh, hm, noticed this - "so bad it has been followed as a hate group" do you mean that people are joining it as a hate group, or people are declaring it a hate group
[27/12/2014, 9:58:03 PM] drinternetphd: people are declaring it as a hategroup and I am going to link to southern poverty law center's hatewatch
[27/12/2014, 9:58:24 PM] Rob: Kk, that was gonna be my next question ("who are you referencing")
[27/12/2014, 9:58:29 PM] drinternetphd: there's gonna be links to dan's article for the CP thing, and an undecided article for the abuse thing
[27/12/2014, 9:58:35 PM] drinternetphd: cause there are so many to choose from
[27/12/2014, 9:58:37 PM] Rob: Yar.
[27/12/2014, 10:02:04 PM] Ian Cheong: I'm reading Katherine's latest piece right now. So good.
[27/12/2014, 10:02:06 PM] Rob: Sigh. Farming for leather is so boring at lower levels
[27/12/2014, 10:02:11 PM] Ian Cheong: "Women cannot be seen as agents, just celestial bodies orbiting male suns."
[27/12/2014, 10:02:20 PM] Rob: That's a great line
[27/12/2014, 10:05:56 PM] Ian Cheong: Gators have this solipsistic idea that women dye their hair just to spite men, as gators--in their conservative outlook--consider dyed hair and 'abnormal' haircuts to be distasteful.
[27/12/2014, 10:06:45 PM] Ian Cheong: Couple that with a conspiracy theory on how hair dye seeps into the brain and makes it easy for those with dyed hair to be indoctrinated into "SJW teachings" and you have a recipe for total nonsense.
[27/12/2014, 10:08:29 PM] Rob: :D
[27/12/2014, 10:10:29 PM] drinternetphd: to be fair
[27/12/2014, 10:10:38 PM] drinternetphd: I did start dying my hair to spite men who hate dyed hair
[27/12/2014, 10:10:51 PM] drinternetphd: I didn't want anyone to talk to me if they were the sort who would care about such a thign
[27/12/2014, 10:10:53 PM] drinternetphd: *thing
[27/12/2014, 10:11:02 PM] drinternetphd: I called it my "asshole filter"
[27/12/2014, 10:11:55 PM] Ian Cheong: Keeps the jerks out of your way.
[27/12/2014, 10:13:11 PM] drinternetphd: yup
[27/12/2014, 10:13:26 PM] drinternetphd: plus being a blonde teen who was 13 but looked 18 made me kind of hate a lot of people very early on
[27/12/2014, 10:13:39 PM] Rob: Oh god, I could imagine
[27/12/2014, 10:13:42 PM] drinternetphd: espeically growing up in a biker club where when you're a girl, your path is very clearly laid out
[27/12/2014, 10:13:43 PM] Ian Cheong: Ugh, yeah.
[27/12/2014, 10:13:48 PM] drinternetphd: yeah I got a c cup in 3rd grade too
[27/12/2014, 10:13:53 PM] drinternetphd: I had people creeping on me my whole life
[27/12/2014, 10:14:05 PM] Ian Cheong: That's incredibly shitty.
[27/12/2014, 10:14:13 PM] drinternetphd: it is and it isn't.
[27/12/2014, 10:14:24 PM] drinternetphd: my mom was hyper gender essentialist too
[27/12/2014, 10:14:32 PM] drinternetphd: and I think she knew I was kinda off
[27/12/2014, 10:14:34 PM] drinternetphd: and kinda queer
[27/12/2014, 10:14:37 PM] drinternetphd: and panicked
[27/12/2014, 10:15:01 PM] drinternetphd: my childhood was kind of horrific in ways I won't ever talk about but it did teach me who I was and what I wanted at an accelerated pace
[27/12/2014, 10:15:08 PM] drinternetphd: that's why I got so into riot grrrl
[27/12/2014, 10:15:26 PM] drinternetphd: it was a rejection of everything violently forced upon me since I was born
[27/12/2014, 10:15:52 PM] Remy: Having to grow up fast in order to stay alive didn't really feel like it taught me who I was so much as it taught me how to recognize what i wasn't
[27/12/2014, 10:15:59 PM] drinternetphd: it's why leaving that small town behind and risking being a creator was the single most important thing that I've done in my life, and the thing that made me stop sucking so goddamned much
[27/12/2014, 10:16:04 PM] drinternetphd: yeah
[27/12/2014, 10:16:07 PM] Remy: I grew up striving not to be like the negative people around in lie
[27/12/2014, 10:16:08 PM] drinternetphd: that's a better way to put it
[27/12/2014, 10:16:10 PM] Remy: life*
[27/12/2014, 10:16:29 PM] drinternetphd: places like that have an inertia to them, I think
[27/12/2014, 10:16:42 PM] drinternetphd: people rarely get out, for good reason. the deck is very stacked against you
[27/12/2014, 10:16:55 PM] drinternetphd: that's why I can forgive a lot
[27/12/2014, 10:17:13 PM] drinternetphd: even basic awareness becomes challenging
[27/12/2014, 10:17:18 PM] Remy: To this day I don't know what made me the personality type to swim against the tide instead of bend and become your tormentors or their accomplices
[27/12/2014, 10:17:29 PM] drinternetphd: yeah. I feel the same.
[27/12/2014, 10:17:34 PM] Remy: your* in the generic sense, not to anyone specific in this room
[27/12/2014, 10:17:44 PM] Remy: I communicate myself poorly v.v
[27/12/2014, 10:17:53 PM] drinternetphd: freak chaotic incidentialness is what I chalk it up to in my case
[27/12/2014, 10:17:57 PM] Rob: I can empathize somewhat
[27/12/2014, 10:18:30 PM] Ian Cheong: Yeah, I feel like my life has been shaped by chaotic incidentialness. Right place, right time, that sort of thing.
[27/12/2014, 10:18:50 PM] Ian Cheong: And occasional bursts of productivity that've lead to greater things.
[27/12/2014, 10:21:01 PM] Ian Cheong: There's something to be said about growing up feeling like the whole world is acting against you.
[27/12/2014, 10:21:52 PM] Rob: Yep.
[27/12/2014, 10:22:02 PM] Rob: It fucked me over in a lot of ways, but it also helped me, too.
[27/12/2014, 10:23:53 PM] Ian Cheong: So, hey, this made me laugh. People are mad at Veerender for his "gosh gosh gosh" stuff.
[27/12/2014, 10:24:21 PM] drinternetphd: any notion of larger order and control is a construct of human minds needing to work that way imo
[27/12/2014, 10:24:31 PM] drinternetphd: we basically are all game developers trying to impose systems on chaos
[27/12/2014, 10:24:40 PM] Ian Cheong: Pattern recognition.
[27/12/2014, 10:24:44 PM] drinternetphd: yep.
[27/12/2014, 10:24:50 PM] drinternetphd: when when it's not real.
[27/12/2014, 10:28:01 PM] Ian Cheong: We live in a chaotic universe, and our only way to navigate through space is to create pockets of order around us.
[27/12/2014, 10:28:34 PM] drinternetphd: paragraphs 2 and 3
[27/12/2014, 10:28:35 PM] drinternetphd: Over the last decade, the video game industry has become an increasingly voracious goliath seeking to join the entertainment pantheon alongside music, film, and literature. Between games now including some of the biggest stars in games, to Minecraft becoming a worldwide phenomenon with toys and goods sold in stores not specific to gaming, to the proliferation of smartphones in the western world to such a degree that almost everyone from the lower middle class upward has played Angry Birds, games have become a major part of the cultural dialog. A lot of work has been done in that sphere to promote the legitimization of video games as meaningful and important work, including the oft-misquoted “games are too broad to be a subculture and are for everyone” articles that many participants of GamerGate incorrectly cite as the raison d’etre of the hashtag (when the hashtag originated from a lesser Baldwin on a youtube pundit’s commentary on my fictional sex life). 
But when something hits the mainstream, growing pains are inevitable. With the incredible growth of a form of media that had relied for decades on marketing itself as not just a product but a niche identity, comes a crisis of that identity once it hulks out of those particular shorts. This has been happening for years on the side of creators of games - with widespread interest came more and more tools to democratize gamemaking to the point where it’s easier than ever to take an afternoon and make a game on your couch. With the openness of the tools came the rise of the independent developer, gaining more and more inertia until we started showing up on Netflix documentaries and became international celebrities. With that came a whole bunch of people who wanted to make games but for a number of reasons were unable to, bringing their unique and ever diversifying voices to wield these tools to create experiences that had not been explored much previously. We now live in a world where Gone Home, a game about queer riot grrls in love, can exist and win BAFTAs, and a small game about living with depression can stand shoulder to shoulder with Call of Duty. In my obviously biased opinion, this is a beautiful thing.
[27/12/2014, 10:28:41 PM] drinternetphd: unedited obvs
[27/12/2014, 10:30:19 PM] drinternetphd: reading it now I should probably end it with a directional thing that starts the comparison to music
[27/12/2014, 10:30:25 PM] drinternetphd: (sorry I figure a lot of shit out by talking it out)
[27/12/2014, 10:30:36 PM] drinternetphd: how do I segue. hmm.
[27/12/2014, 10:31:00 PM] drinternetphd: prolly have to edit 3 to talk about indie at least partially as a reaction to AAA or how it does shit AAA can't
[27/12/2014, 10:31:25 PM] Rob: "Between games now including some of the biggest stars in games, to Minecraft becoming a worldwide phenomenon with toys and goods sold in stores not specific to gaming, to the proliferation of smartphones in the western world to such a degree that almost everyone from the lower middle class upward has played Angry Birds, games have become a major part of the cultural dialog" You could also mention gaming as an industry is worth more than Hollywood movies
[27/12/2014, 10:31:53 PM] drinternetphd: not a bad idea
[27/12/2014, 10:31:58 PM] drinternetphd: oh damn should
[27/12/2014, 10:32:14 PM] drinternetphd: should I go whole hog and talk about since indie success has become a thing
[27/12/2014, 10:32:17 PM] drinternetphd: like
[27/12/2014, 10:32:26 PM] drinternetphd: even most big deal indie games are aping their AAA predecessors
[27/12/2014, 10:32:32 PM] Rob: Rob nods.
[27/12/2014, 10:32:34 PM] drinternetphd: making the safe and well established choices
[27/12/2014, 10:32:36 PM] drinternetphd: fuck how do I do this
[27/12/2014, 10:32:39 PM] Ian Cheong: Got more coffee.
[27/12/2014, 10:32:40 PM] drinternetphd: also lol I am going to piss everyone off
[27/12/2014, 10:32:55 PM] Rob: I mean, Notch owns the most expensive house in... what, Malibu? or whatever? now?
[27/12/2014, 10:32:57 PM] drinternetphd: but I decided at GameCity I am dedicating myself to this path of promoting altgames
[27/12/2014, 10:33:04 PM] Ian Cheong: Beverly Hills, Rob.
[27/12/2014, 10:33:13 PM] drinternetphd: idk, I adore markus but I don't ask him these things
[27/12/2014, 10:33:23 PM] Rob: ah, Beverly hills
[27/12/2014, 10:33:28 PM] Rob: And it's public record stuff
[27/12/2014, 10:33:36 PM] drinternetphd: that's irrelelvant
[27/12/2014, 10:33:36 PM] Rob: Like he bought the most expensive house, I saw a few articles
[27/12/2014, 10:33:39 PM] drinternetphd: *irrelevant
[27/12/2014, 10:33:45 PM] Rob: No, I just mean that indie games are a path to success, obv
[27/12/2014, 10:33:48 PM] drinternetphd: right
[27/12/2014, 10:33:53 PM] drinternetphd: hmm hmm hmm
[27/12/2014, 10:34:01 PM] Rob: And Notch funds other people making games now too, IIRC
[27/12/2014, 10:34:09 PM] Rob: So it's becoming increasingly viable
[27/12/2014, 10:34:17 PM] drinternetphd: he funds me.
[27/12/2014, 10:34:18 PM] Rob: Or like, the No Man's Sky team will probably make $$$
[27/12/2014, 10:34:46 PM] drinternetphd: not to that degree
[27/12/2014, 10:34:51 PM] drinternetphd: $50 a month on patreon tho
[27/12/2014, 10:35:00 PM] Rob: Rob nods.
[27/12/2014, 10:35:04 PM] drinternetphd: all my big supporters are similarly successsful indies
[27/12/2014, 10:35:14 PM] drinternetphd: that I have done a lot for behind scenes
[27/12/2014, 10:35:25 PM] drinternetphd: (I am so good at promoting other people's shit but garbage at my own)
[27/12/2014, 10:35:31 PM] drinternetphd: it's always funny when that happens cause like
[27/12/2014, 10:35:37 PM] drinternetphd: I don't promote people based on my relationship with them
[27/12/2014, 10:35:47 PM] drinternetphd: so a lot of the time I won't have even talked with them
[27/12/2014, 10:35:59 PM] drinternetphd: so when they're suddenly supportive I'm like "oshit they noticed me"
[27/12/2014, 10:36:04 PM] Rob: :D
[27/12/2014, 10:36:10 PM] drinternetphd: #shitgamergatewouldneverbelieve
[27/12/2014, 10:36:13 PM] Ian Cheong: That must come as a pleasant surprise.
[27/12/2014, 10:36:18 PM] drinternetphd: yeah it's nice
[27/12/2014, 10:36:24 PM] drinternetphd: like I met markus after he'd played my game
[27/12/2014, 10:36:39 PM] drinternetphd: and it broke my brain. he told me it mattered to him and that he thought it was an important piece of art
[27/12/2014, 10:36:48 PM] Rob: That's awesome.
[27/12/2014, 10:36:50 PM] drinternetphd: yeah
[27/12/2014, 10:36:54 PM] drinternetphd: he's a really sweet guy
[27/12/2014, 10:37:00 PM] drinternetphd: who wasn't expecting to get rich
[27/12/2014, 10:37:16 PM] drinternetphd: like you can still find the original tigsource threads from when he was prototyping
[27/12/2014, 10:37:16 PM] Ian Cheong: Yeah, he just made a cool game that everyone happened to enjoy.
[27/12/2014, 10:38:43 PM] drinternetphd: fuck this article is going to piss people off
[27/12/2014, 10:39:10 PM] Ian Cheong: Good articles tend to get a reaction out of people.
[27/12/2014, 10:39:18 PM] drinternetphd: I...
[27/12/2014, 10:39:25 PM] drinternetphd: may be taking a specific not-dig at vlambeer
[27/12/2014, 10:39:28 PM] drinternetphd: but they are an example
[27/12/2014, 10:39:40 PM] drinternetphd: of game design that is 99% convention-based
[27/12/2014, 10:39:57 PM] drinternetphd: games that do what they do extremely well but do nothing new.
[27/12/2014, 10:40:08 PM] Ian Cheong: I hope whoever in the industry reads it takes it in stride. You're pointing out a lot of things that most people dare not say.
[27/12/2014, 10:40:20 PM] drinternetphd: well, I'm a pariah anyway
[27/12/2014, 10:40:30 PM] drinternetphd: might as well use the positive bits of that to do the shit everyone thinks but can't say.
[27/12/2014, 10:40:36 PM] Rob: I should probably finally buy Banished.
[27/12/2014, 10:40:36 PM] Ian Cheong: Yep.
[27/12/2014, 10:40:48 PM] drinternetphd: my go to example for how insular and circle jerky games are
[27/12/2014, 10:40:52 PM] drinternetphd: design wise
[27/12/2014, 10:40:57 PM] drinternetphd: think: you see water in a game
[27/12/2014, 10:41:02 PM] drinternetphd: do you hesitate before going in
[27/12/2014, 10:41:03 PM] Ian Cheong: And yeah, Vlambeer really does spend most of their time traveling from one convention to the next. The games they develop aren't exactly groundbreaking.
[27/12/2014, 10:41:20 PM] drinternetphd: how many times does water end your life in games
[27/12/2014, 10:41:34 PM] Ian Cheong: Too many damn times.
[27/12/2014, 10:41:54 PM] Rob: I was fucking furious in the first assassin's creed games that you couldn't swim, etc
[27/12/2014, 10:41:54 PM] drinternetphd: enough so that people who don't already have 20+ years of vocabulary around games  will be like "uh what"
[27/12/2014, 10:42:07 PM] drinternetphd: so for my games
[27/12/2014, 10:42:13 PM] drinternetphd: I try and recruit people's parents
[27/12/2014, 10:42:17 PM] drinternetphd: and make sure they understand everything
[27/12/2014, 10:42:27 PM] drinternetphd: make sure I'm not sucking that orobous's tail
[27/12/2014, 10:42:40 PM] drinternetphd: yknow what happens so often when you give someone's dad mario who has never seen a game before?
[27/12/2014, 10:42:43 PM] drinternetphd: they go down that first pit
[27/12/2014, 10:42:48 PM] drinternetphd: cause they wanna know what's down there
[27/12/2014, 10:42:48 PM] Ian Cheong: Yeah, there's a lot of impenetrability to games and the way they're designed. They follow after old, established "standards" (which are really abstract, if you think about it--like water = death)
[27/12/2014, 10:43:09 PM] drinternetphd: but 30whatever years later, we're all too gutless to explore that stuff because design has been gutless and told us not to
[27/12/2014, 10:43:22 PM] drinternetphd: water = death but we are all almost entirely made of water
[27/12/2014, 10:43:22 PM] Ian Cheong: Yup.
[27/12/2014, 10:43:36 PM] drinternetphd: I need to make that point in this article
[27/12/2014, 10:43:42 PM] Ian Cheong: That's why I liked gone home so much. It subverted a lot of my expectations.
[27/12/2014, 10:43:48 PM] drinternetphd: gone home was beautiful
[27/12/2014, 10:43:59 PM] drinternetphd: yknow I'm in that game right
[27/12/2014, 10:44:04 PM] Ian Cheong: You are???
[27/12/2014, 10:44:06 PM] drinternetphd: mhmm
[27/12/2014, 10:44:10 PM] drinternetphd: the final book in the pentagram room
[27/12/2014, 10:44:17 PM] drinternetphd: was written by "christine quinn"
[27/12/2014, 10:44:23 PM] drinternetphd: karla mashed christine and I together
[27/12/2014, 10:44:25 PM] Ian Cheong: oh shit.
[27/12/2014, 10:44:29 PM] Ian Cheong: that's right.
[27/12/2014, 10:44:35 PM] drinternetphd: she reached out after to tell me and I started hyperventilating in a starbucks
[27/12/2014, 10:44:47 PM] drinternetphd: (cause I didn't know the team at all)
[27/12/2014, 10:45:09 PM] drinternetphd: games I am in that no one knows about: fez, they bleed pixels, jazzpunk
[27/12/2014, 10:45:28 PM] drinternetphd: my illuminati shit rings true a little just because I have been nice to cool people for 3 yearas
[27/12/2014, 10:45:30 PM] drinternetphd: *years
[27/12/2014, 10:45:31 PM] Ian Cheong: I'm in Hellgate London.
[27/12/2014, 10:45:34 PM] drinternetphd: yeah?
[27/12/2014, 10:45:37 PM] Ian Cheong: Yup!
[27/12/2014, 10:45:39 PM] Ian Cheong: as a piece of armor.
[27/12/2014, 10:45:42 PM] drinternetphd: that rules
[27/12/2014, 10:46:00 PM] drinternetphd: I'm most of the voices of the women in jazzpunk
[27/12/2014, 10:46:06 PM] Ian Cheong: I had no idea.
[27/12/2014, 10:46:08 PM] Ian Cheong: I need to play that game.
[27/12/2014, 10:46:13 PM] drinternetphd: that's cause I am good at voice acting haha
[27/12/2014, 10:46:27 PM] drinternetphd: I just don't dedicate enough time to properly do it
[27/12/2014, 10:46:30 PM] Ian Cheong: I just knew Jim Sterling was in it.
[27/12/2014, 10:46:47 PM] drinternetphd: I like jim quite a lot.
[27/12/2014, 10:47:05 PM] drinternetphd: I like anyone that grows up and owns that
[27/12/2014, 10:47:14 PM] Ian Cheong: Yeah, he's great like that.
[27/12/2014, 10:47:17 PM] drinternetphd: like
[27/12/2014, 10:47:29 PM] drinternetphd: everyone fucks up. there's not enough talk around the fact that fucking up is inevitable
[27/12/2014, 10:47:46 PM] drinternetphd: the "you fuck up once and you're banned forever" rhetoric in social justice pisses me off
[27/12/2014, 10:47:50 PM] Ian Cheong: Yup, no one's a saint, and part of growing up means making many mistakes.
[27/12/2014, 10:47:54 PM] drinternetphd: yeah
[27/12/2014, 10:47:54 PM] Rob: Agreed
[27/12/2014, 10:48:03 PM] drinternetphd: and that's what is so frustrating about gamergate
[27/12/2014, 10:48:10 PM] drinternetphd: I will never be allowed to make mistakes.
[27/12/2014, 10:48:18 PM] drinternetphd: I am not allowed to have character development
[27/12/2014, 10:48:25 PM] Ian Cheong: You are not allowed agency.
[27/12/2014, 10:48:28 PM] drinternetphd: I am denied a fundamental part of my humanity
[27/12/2014, 10:48:38 PM] drinternetphd: cause god, I am so far from perfect it's laughable
[27/12/2014, 10:48:54 PM] drinternetphd: the fact that Eron said in his shit that "I make people think I'm perfect and beyond criticism" is so insulting
[27/12/2014, 10:49:00 PM] drinternetphd: it's like, no, that's not me
[27/12/2014, 10:49:08 PM] Ian Cheong: Yeah, that did not ring true to me at all.
[27/12/2014, 10:49:09 PM] drinternetphd: that's you and your weird purity standard you superimposed on me
[27/12/2014, 10:49:17 PM] drinternetphd: I've tried so hard to advocate for humanity
[27/12/2014, 10:49:18 PM] drinternetphd: and fucking up
[27/12/2014, 10:49:21 PM] Ian Cheong: It seemed like much of what he wrote was projection.
[27/12/2014, 10:49:26 PM] drinternetphd: well like
[27/12/2014, 10:49:30 PM] drinternetphd: he's a literal sociopath
[27/12/2014, 10:49:33 PM] Ian Cheong: He is.
[27/12/2014, 10:49:34 PM] drinternetphd: sociopaths tend to not fall in love
[27/12/2014, 10:49:42 PM] drinternetphd: so he fell in love with some weird idea of me
[27/12/2014, 10:49:47 PM] Ian Cheong: Yep.
[27/12/2014, 10:49:58 PM] drinternetphd: like
[27/12/2014, 10:49:59 PM] drinternetphd: ok
[27/12/2014, 10:50:05 PM] drinternetphd: say 100% of his post was true, which it isn't
[27/12/2014, 10:50:20 PM] drinternetphd: then at most, at it's basic facts, I'm accused of sleeping with people on tour.
[27/12/2014, 10:50:36 PM] drinternetphd: then owning up to it when called on it, and leaving.
[27/12/2014, 10:50:41 PM] Ian Cheong: Right.
[27/12/2014, 10:50:46 PM] drinternetphd: if I was a dude
[27/12/2014, 10:50:54 PM] drinternetphd: I don't think I even have to finish that statement
[27/12/2014, 10:50:58 PM] Ian Cheong: If you were a dude you would be forgiven by the masses in a heartbeat.
[27/12/2014, 10:51:08 PM] Ian Cheong: "Musicians do it all the time" they'd say.
[27/12/2014, 10:51:10 PM] drinternetphd: it is the last thing that is anyone's fucking business regardless
[27/12/2014, 10:51:43 PM] drinternetphd: the takeaway would be "maybe don't date her"
[27/12/2014, 10:51:44 PM] Rob: Pretty much.
[27/12/2014, 10:51:52 PM] Ian Cheong: I really don't know why it's such a big deal to people. Well, I have some ideas, but really, it's none of their business and they should feel ashamed for making it their business.
[27/12/2014, 10:51:59 PM] drinternetphd: which is fine. who I am currently with has known me better than him regardless
[27/12/2014, 10:52:18 PM] drinternetphd: and I've not and never will give my side of things
[27/12/2014, 10:52:27 PM] Ian Cheong: Yeah, you don't have to.
[27/12/2014, 10:52:41 PM] Ian Cheong: It's bullshit that anyone thinks to put you on the spot by forcing you to give a confession.
[27/12/2014, 10:52:45 PM] drinternetphd: just on principle I refuse to. I don't want the young girls I've taught how to make games to look at me and see me do that and take notes.
[27/12/2014, 10:52:55 PM] Rob: Even if everything in that post was true, the only person with any sort of public responsibility potentially would be NG if he had actually written a review.
[27/12/2014, 10:53:03 PM] drinternetphd: I think if you've cheated on people or not, that has nothing to do with your career
[27/12/2014, 10:53:04 PM] Ian Cheong: It's denying you your agency.
[27/12/2014, 10:53:11 PM] Rob: This whole thing is fucking bullshit.
[27/12/2014, 10:53:14 PM] drinternetphd: see
[27/12/2014, 10:53:18 PM] drinternetphd: nathan and I were dating
[27/12/2014, 10:53:20 PM] drinternetphd: and told everyone
[27/12/2014, 10:53:28 PM] drinternetphd: and he specifically didn't cover my shit because of it.
[27/12/2014, 10:53:35 PM] drinternetphd: we had that conversation BEFORE we decided to date
[27/12/2014, 10:53:41 PM] drinternetphd: ironically.
[27/12/2014, 10:53:41 PM] Ian Cheong: Nathan's a great journalist. He's written for me a few times.
[27/12/2014, 10:53:49 PM] Rob: If a male game dev had done the exact same shit you were accused of, the response would have been HIGH FIVES
[27/12/2014, 10:53:52 PM] Rob: Right
[27/12/2014, 10:53:56 PM] drinternetphd: oh they have and they do.
[27/12/2014, 10:54:00 PM] Rob: Oh, I'm sure
[27/12/2014, 10:54:16 PM] Rob: It's disgusting.
[27/12/2014, 10:54:21 PM] Ian Cheong: It's double standards.
[27/12/2014, 10:54:24 PM] Ian Cheong: One for women and one for men.
[27/12/2014, 10:54:26 PM] Rob: Yep.
[27/12/2014, 10:54:31 PM] Ian Cheong: Men get to keep a harem, if they want.
[27/12/2014, 10:54:50 PM] drinternetphd: women get to if you're a lesbian or trans because people already go "eww" and hate you anyway
[27/12/2014, 10:55:18 PM] drinternetphd: or you're already irrelevant for being a woman so who cares
[27/12/2014, 10:55:28 PM] Rob: I find it amusing that a lot of the people I know who are in gamergate now who are like 'ZOE'S A WHOOOOR' used to make fun of me for being a virgin
[27/12/2014, 10:55:34 PM] Rob: lolol double standards. fuck patriarchy.
[27/12/2014, 10:55:46 PM] drinternetphd: things I will never care about:
- other people fucking 
[27/12/2014, 10:55:51 PM] drinternetphd: like to any degree
[27/12/2014, 10:55:53 PM] Rob: +1
[27/12/2014, 10:55:59 PM] drinternetphd: one of my closest friends is a 28 year old virgin
[27/12/2014, 10:56:07 PM] drinternetphd: I've known him for like over a decade now
[27/12/2014, 10:56:25 PM] Rob: Yeah, I was that, basically. it was no one's business but my own. I'm not anymore, but w/e
[27/12/2014, 10:56:28 PM] drinternetphd: the only thing it effects for him, personally? WHEN PEOPLE ACT SHITTY CAUSE HE'S A VIRGIN
[27/12/2014, 10:56:32 PM] Rob: Yep.
[27/12/2014, 10:56:32 PM] Ian Cheong: I don't know why people make such a big deal about virginity, and at the same time shame people for having sex.
[27/12/2014, 10:56:59 PM] Rob: Like, w/e, I waited until I found someone I really liked and when I was mature enough and stable enough to have a relationship
[27/12/2014, 10:57:08 PM] drinternetphd: like I don't care if you haven't eaten a specific food. I don't care if you haven't been to a specific country. I don't care if you haven't seen a specific movie. why would I care if you have had sex or not
[27/12/2014, 10:57:17 PM] Rob: exactly
[27/12/2014, 10:57:28 PM] Rob: It literally does not affect me in any way whatsoever if someone else is having lots of sex or no sex or w/e
[27/12/2014, 10:57:35 PM] drinternetphd: I care that you're a good person who is healthy and happy and safe.
[27/12/2014, 10:57:43 PM] Rob: As long as it's consenting adults, have a blast or don't do anything, IDGAF
[27/12/2014, 10:57:47 PM] Ian Cheong: People make it their business because they want to assert control over your identity.
[27/12/2014, 10:57:48 PM] drinternetphd: yup
[27/12/2014, 10:57:56 PM] drinternetphd: it's the same people who police other people's pronouns
[27/12/2014, 10:58:02 PM] Ian Cheong: Correct.
[27/12/2014, 10:58:17 PM] drinternetphd: just give everyone a hyper basic level of humanity and respect
[27/12/2014, 10:58:20 PM] drinternetphd: it costs you nothing
[27/12/2014, 10:58:24 PM] Ian Cheong: Seriously. It's not that hard.
[27/12/2014, 10:58:40 PM] drinternetphd: like I got mad when people started going after cernovich cause of his skin condition and balls
[27/12/2014, 10:58:52 PM] Ian Cheong: Yeah as far as I'm concerned, that's off limits.
[27/12/2014, 10:58:53 PM] drinternetphd: cause he is top 10 one of the worst people I've ever met
[27/12/2014, 10:58:56 PM] drinternetphd: but you don't do that to people, period
[27/12/2014, 10:59:04 PM] Ian Cheong: It's like going after me because I'm Asian, you know?
[27/12/2014, 10:59:07 PM] drinternetphd: yea
[27/12/2014, 10:59:33 PM] Rob: It's far more satisfying to go after people for the shit they do, too, IMO
[27/12/2014, 10:59:41 PM] drinternetphd: it's more relevant and fixable too
[27/12/2014, 10:59:43 PM] Rob: yep
[27/12/2014, 10:59:44 PM] Ian Cheong: Yup.
[27/12/2014, 11:00:04 PM] drinternetphd: if you have control over something and you still choose to be an ass? if that effects me or humanity at large then we have beef
[27/12/2014, 11:00:13 PM] Rob: But even if you just want to be mean, it's far more fun to fuck with chuck c. Johnson shitting on the floor than insert whatever condition he may have
[27/12/2014, 11:00:23 PM] Rob: (assuming he has one, just for sake of argument)
[27/12/2014, 11:00:30 PM] drinternetphd: if you made a mistake or were thoughtless or it's not a pattern? Say you're sorry, don't let it happen again, and we are cool forever
[27/12/2014, 11:00:45 PM] Rob: I used to be a pretty awful transphobe
[27/12/2014, 11:00:48 PM] Rob: Up until about 4 years ago
[27/12/2014, 11:00:55 PM] drinternetphd: I was too cause of my own gender shit
[27/12/2014, 11:01:00 PM] Rob: Not like, Cathy Brennan level "they're all rapists send them to jail" sort of shit
[27/12/2014, 11:01:17 PM] drinternetphd: I was like "ugh stop supporting the binary" without getting the whole bodily autonomy thing
[27/12/2014, 11:01:18 PM] Rob: But "penis = dude, vagina = woman, get over it" sort of crap.
[27/12/2014, 11:01:18 PM] Ian Cheong: Yeah, I've been there.
[27/12/2014, 11:01:28 PM] drinternetphd: yeah I was the opposite in stupid ways
[27/12/2014, 11:01:42 PM] drinternetphd: just "the classifications of male and female are already stupid and I don't understand them"
[27/12/2014, 11:01:58 PM] Rob: And I was raised super conservative, so "n-word and cracker are just as bad", "Reverse racism omg", "affirmative action is stupid I mean slavery was like 150 years ago" sort of shit.
[27/12/2014, 11:02:01 PM] drinternetphd: "I don't 'feel' like a woman or a man why do you" bullshit
[27/12/2014, 11:02:14 PM] drinternetphd: like I never said or did anything about it
[27/12/2014, 11:02:21 PM] drinternetphd: but I still was condescending in my own mind
[27/12/2014, 11:02:26 PM] Rob: Yeah.
[27/12/2014, 11:02:30 PM] Remy: Even as a kid I always hated gendered language. Like... it confused me?
[27/12/2014, 11:02:33 PM] drinternetphd: yeah
[27/12/2014, 11:02:33 PM] Ian Cheong: I can relate.
[27/12/2014, 11:02:39 PM] Remy: But it had to get drilled into my head.
[27/12/2014, 11:02:40 PM] drinternetphd: it takes active effort on my part to remember gender is a thing to people
[27/12/2014, 11:02:44 PM] Remy: I was raised by... the worst people.
[27/12/2014, 11:02:47 PM] Rob: I didn't really know anyone who was trans (at least, that I was aware of), so I never had the opportunity to say that sort of stuff, so I don't know if I would have.
[27/12/2014, 11:03:02 PM] drinternetphd: for me it changed when I started dating a transwoman
[27/12/2014, 11:03:05 PM] Ian Cheong: I'm a woman in my dreams 50% of the time.
[27/12/2014, 11:03:43 PM] Rob: I'm cishet, so I've never had to really question anything and can't really grasp a lot of it. For me, it was actually meeting trans ppl and talking to them and just taking a step back and listening to what they told me
[27/12/2014, 11:03:49 PM] Rob: and I was like 'Wow! I've been a huge asshole!'
[27/12/2014, 11:03:50 PM] drinternetphd: I still think gender is a toxic binary to enforce on anyone but I 100% support anyone in pursuing themselves and making their insides match their outsides.
[27/12/2014, 11:04:08 PM] drinternetphd: like it's all about individuals and what they need
[27/12/2014, 11:04:16 PM] drinternetphd: and what their bodies are and how they're wired and respecting that
[27/12/2014, 11:04:31 PM] Remy: My little sister and I were born only 11 months apart. For our whole lives, particularly early on, we were constantly mistaken for identical twins. I used to dream/make-believe that we could... swap places?
[27/12/2014, 11:04:34 PM] Ian Cheong: It's about letting people have autonomy over their bodies and allowing them to decide how to live.
[27/12/2014, 11:04:39 PM] Remy: I feel dumb talking about it x-x
[27/12/2014, 11:04:39 PM] drinternetphd: and there's 0 reason to argue with someone who is trans about their own life and identity
[27/12/2014, 11:04:50 PM] drinternetphd: there's nothing dumb about that
[27/12/2014, 11:04:58 PM] drinternetphd: I do think there's more grey in gender than society currently effectively allows for
[27/12/2014, 11:04:59 PM] Rob: Agreed w/ zoe, Stephen.
[27/12/2014, 11:05:12 PM] Rob: I do think English needs to standardize like... more pronouns.
[27/12/2014, 11:05:23 PM] drinternetphd: that's why I try and promote the use of "y'all" and "folks"
[27/12/2014, 11:05:27 PM] Rob: Ditto.
[27/12/2014, 11:05:32 PM] Remy: I love those words :3
[27/12/2014, 11:05:36 PM] Ian Cheong: I always use folks and people.
[27/12/2014, 11:05:40 PM] Ian Cheong: Instead of 'guys'
[27/12/2014, 11:05:42 PM] Remy: My favorite words to steal from the South
[27/12/2014, 11:05:44 PM] Rob: Although I use 'dude' as a gender neutral word b/c I'm from SoCal.
[27/12/2014, 11:05:57 PM] Remy: I have actually taken to saying "Gentlepeople" when app?
[27/12/2014, 11:06:00 PM] Remy: In theory, at least
[27/12/2014, 11:06:05 PM] Rob: Although I'm trying to weed that out of my vocabulary for general use
[27/12/2014, 11:06:06 PM] Remy: I like it.
[27/12/2014, 11:06:09 PM] drinternetphd: whatever you are, whatever you express yourself as, whatever you feel like, those are the truths that matter. anything thousands of years of dead old men calling the shots impose on you? throw that shit in the garbage
[27/12/2014, 11:06:30 PM] Ian Cheong: For real. Don't be a slave to history.
[27/12/2014, 11:06:37 PM] drinternetphd: tradition is the worst reason to do anything
[27/12/2014, 11:06:52 PM] Ian Cheong: God is dead.
[27/12/2014, 11:07:09 PM] Remy: And also those fucks that wrote Leviticus, they're dead, too
[27/12/2014, 11:07:35 PM] drinternetphd: one of the things I think a lot of trans phobes and their ilk don't realize is like
[27/12/2014, 11:07:44 PM] drinternetphd: you do 0 disservice to anyone by just fucking listening
[27/12/2014, 11:07:54 PM] drinternetphd: and believing that someone is more of an expert on themselves than you are
[27/12/2014, 11:07:59 PM] Rob: yep. listening is what changed my mind
[27/12/2014, 11:08:08 PM] drinternetphd: and believing in people
[27/12/2014, 11:08:11 PM] Rob: and it takes like 0 effort to do
[27/12/2014, 11:08:13 PM] Ian Cheong: They try to uphold the status quo because it offers them power over marginalized individuals.
[27/12/2014, 11:08:15 PM] drinternetphd: like I used to be a total shit to furries
[27/12/2014, 11:08:20 PM] drinternetphd: but like
[27/12/2014, 11:08:23 PM] drinternetphd: what the fuck does it matter
[27/12/2014, 11:08:26 PM] Ian Cheong: Same.
[27/12/2014, 11:08:27 PM] drinternetphd: (not to compare the two mind you)
[27/12/2014, 11:08:30 PM] Rob: That's what pisses me off, Ian.
[27/12/2014, 11:08:32 PM] drinternetphd: but what the absolute fuck does it matter
[27/12/2014, 11:08:37 PM] Remy: I just try to keep my mouth shut and RT. I kinda spent the first couple weeks of... August basically being a "male ally" in every shitty sense of the word
[27/12/2014, 11:08:42 PM] Rob: Like, let's say I can wave a wand and make all non-cishet people have the exact same rights/etc I do
[27/12/2014, 11:08:48 PM] Remy: So my policy for myself is just try to STFU and signal boost
[27/12/2014, 11:08:49 PM] Rob: This would not negatively impact my life in the slightest
[27/12/2014, 11:08:54 PM] drinternetphd: yeah
[27/12/2014, 11:08:56 PM] Rob: If anything, it'd actually help me out more
[27/12/2014, 11:09:13 PM] Rob: Because they'd be able to live their lives more, get better jobs, make the economy better, pay more taxes, etc
[27/12/2014, 11:09:23 PM] Remy: Like I said, I was raised by the worst people
[27/12/2014, 11:09:26 PM] drinternetphd: just trust other people's lived experiences, believe in them wholeheartedly and not this lip service "I am trying to be PC" shit, and support them
[27/12/2014, 11:09:27 PM] Remy: I'm a work in progress
[27/12/2014, 11:09:29 PM] Rob: So even the most cynical self-interested bastard part of me is like 'Oppressing people based on this shit is fucking stupid.'
[27/12/2014, 11:09:31 PM] Remy: Pardon the mess
[27/12/2014, 11:09:34 PM] Ian Cheong: We're all works in progress, Stephen.
[27/12/2014, 11:09:42 PM] drinternetphd: if you're not a work in progress you are already dead
[27/12/2014, 11:10:07 PM] Rob: Yeah, the only perfect person is Richard Dawkins. /s
[27/12/2014, 11:10:12 PM] Ian Cheong: Don't be Charles Clymer.
[27/12/2014, 11:10:13 PM] drinternetphd: lol
[27/12/2014, 11:10:32 PM] Rob: I'm so glad this room exists.
[27/12/2014, 11:10:39 PM] Rob: I wish it didn't form under the circumstances it did
[27/12/2014, 11:10:49 PM] drinternetphd: I think a lot of people don't know how powerful just listening to and trusting someone about their life can be
[27/12/2014, 11:10:49 PM] Remy: oh god
[27/12/2014, 11:10:51 PM] Rob: But it's great being able to talk about this shit openly without some prick interjecting with ultra-regressive bullshit
[27/12/2014, 11:11:11 PM] Ian Cheong: Yep Zoe. It does both them and you a favor. It's good for the soul.
[27/12/2014, 11:11:18 PM] drinternetphd: I touched on it in my callout of TFYC
[27/12/2014, 11:11:18 PM] Ian Cheong: Not that I believe in souls, but, you know what I mean.
[27/12/2014, 11:11:20 PM] drinternetphd: but like
[27/12/2014, 11:11:32 PM] drinternetphd: every time I talk to a trans person who has told me something I've done is problematic
[27/12/2014, 11:11:35 PM] drinternetphd: and I correct myself
[27/12/2014, 11:11:39 PM] drinternetphd: they are SO FUCKING GRATEFUL
[27/12/2014, 11:11:44 PM] Ian Cheong: Right?
[27/12/2014, 11:11:45 PM] drinternetphd: which is a horrfying thought
[27/12/2014, 11:11:47 PM] Rob: BRB, I have to go feed chickens or some shit.
[27/12/2014, 11:11:57 PM] drinternetphd: because that means that's not expected
[27/12/2014, 11:12:04 PM] Remy: Like I said, I spent the early weeks being a civilian as a shitty "male ally". The first time I heard about Charles Clymer I was like "I dunno I checked out his pages and he seems like an alright guy  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Do you have proof that he harasses women who disagree with him?" UGH
[27/12/2014, 11:12:09 PM] Remy: I'm still kicking myself
[27/12/2014, 11:12:09 PM] Ian Cheong: When I see someone called out for saying something ignorant about trans issues, I hold onto the edge of my seat to see if that person gets it.
[27/12/2014, 11:12:23 PM] Ian Cheong: It's so terrible when they double down on the ignorance.
[27/12/2014, 11:12:24 PM] drinternetphd: the same shit's been happening during the ferguson protests. a few of my black friends have reached out and been like "thank you for caring and being vocal"
[27/12/2014, 11:12:27 PM] Ian Cheong: I just want to shake them!
[27/12/2014, 11:12:37 PM] drinternetphd: and I'm like
[27/12/2014, 11:12:38 PM] drinternetphd: NO
[27/12/2014, 11:12:41 PM] drinternetphd: THIS IS BARE MINIMUM
[27/12/2014, 11:12:45 PM] drinternetphd: THIS IS NOTHING
[27/12/2014, 11:12:45 PM] Remy: ME TOO
[27/12/2014, 11:12:51 PM] drinternetphd: WHAT I AM DOING IS NOTHING
[27/12/2014, 11:12:52 PM] drinternetphd: CARING IS NOTHING
[27/12/2014, 11:13:00 PM] Ian Cheong: Yeah, you're just being a human being.
[27/12/2014, 11:13:05 PM] drinternetphd: OUR BARS SHOULD BE HIGHER THAN LESS THAN NOTHING
[27/12/2014, 11:13:08 PM] Ian Cheong: Empathy should be the base minimum for human behavior.
[27/12/2014, 11:13:10 PM] drinternetphd: yeah
[27/12/2014, 11:13:15 PM] Ian Cheong: I don't know why sociopathy has become the base minimum on the internet.
[27/12/2014, 11:13:26 PM] drinternetphd: I feel so fucking uncomfortable and wrong for being praised at all for that
[27/12/2014, 11:13:27 PM] Remy: Although I feel like a dick
[27/12/2014, 11:13:32 PM] Ian Cheong: Maybe it's easy for people to distance themselves from these issues, and paint anyone with empathy as an SJW.
[27/12/2014, 11:14:06 PM] drinternetphd: I think it has to be at least partly a perspective thing
[27/12/2014, 11:14:12 PM] Remy: Because every now and then I will still get a RT on this one tweet I put out... basically like a couple weeks ago this one cop tweeted out shit like "If any of you feel like you can't breathe or your lives matter I'll be [at some place off duty] with my [firearm]"
[27/12/2014, 11:14:24 PM] drinternetphd: they probably don't know how shit looks like when you haven't been given so many advantages
[27/12/2014, 11:14:32 PM] Remy: And I tweeted him like "Hey dude come threaten me with your gun. I wanna see if you scare me"
[27/12/2014, 11:14:34 PM] Remy: I was just mad
[27/12/2014, 11:14:41 PM] drinternetphd: yeah
[27/12/2014, 11:14:47 PM] Remy: But people are still laughing and shit
[27/12/2014, 11:14:54 PM] drinternetphd: tbh that's why I didn't stick it out and pursue trying to be a detective like I wanted to
[27/12/2014, 11:14:56 PM] Ian Cheong: People fail to recognize their privilege.
[27/12/2014, 11:15:06 PM] drinternetphd: I couldn't be around those peoepl
[27/12/2014, 11:15:08 PM] drinternetphd: *people
[27/12/2014, 11:15:13 PM] Remy: When I first joined the army it was going to be as a stepping stone to become a detective
[27/12/2014, 11:15:26 PM] Remy: I wanted to pursue online crimes and sexual predators
[27/12/2014, 11:15:35 PM] Remy: But the Army took out all of my tolerance for the US government
[27/12/2014, 11:15:41 PM] drinternetphd: I wanted to be someone on the force who didn't profile and took sex crimes seriously
[27/12/2014, 11:15:46 PM] drinternetphd: yeahhhh
[27/12/2014, 11:15:53 PM] Ian Cheong: We're all a bunch of idealists.
[27/12/2014, 11:15:54 PM] Remy: So I went back to my childhood dream of being a storyteller/novelist
[27/12/2014, 11:15:54 PM] drinternetphd: working with other people in law enforcement did the same
[27/12/2014, 11:16:14 PM] Remy: I've always kind-of had a problem with authority?
[27/12/2014, 11:16:33 PM] drinternetphd: I find people who have been hurt by authority in some capacity tend to
[27/12/2014, 11:16:43 PM] Remy: I guess maybe when your first dad figure is a cop and also a klan member and a pedophile you just kinda don't have a great first impression about authority figures  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[27/12/2014, 11:16:52 PM] drinternetphd: that's the thing
[27/12/2014, 11:16:55 PM] Remy: And also a Mason? I don't know how that figures in
[27/12/2014, 11:17:04 PM] Remy: But chalk that into the "creepy" file
[27/12/2014, 11:17:07 PM] drinternetphd: when someone abuses authority you realize how really arbitrary it is quicker than most
[27/12/2014, 11:17:33 PM] Remy: I still like the idea of the Illuminati, though. The OG Bavarian style. We need to resurrect and rekindle that.
[27/12/2014, 11:17:43 PM] drinternetphd: or at least how it's likely it's not a purely merit based thing
[27/12/2014, 11:17:47 PM] Ian Cheong: What I feel is like the first few panels in Transmetropolitan, where Spider Jerusalem talks about people who wear badges and uniforms.
[27/12/2014, 11:18:05 PM] drinternetphd: I really should read that
[27/12/2014, 11:18:06 PM] Ian Cheong: It's all arbitrary shit.
[27/12/2014, 11:18:15 PM] Ian Cheong: Oh yeah, Transmetropolitan is fantastic.
[27/12/2014, 11:18:19 PM] drinternetphd: it's usually worse than arbitrary on wide scales though
[27/12/2014, 11:18:26 PM] drinternetphd: it's quite deliberate, just in the wrong was.
[27/12/2014, 11:18:28 PM] drinternetphd: *ways
[27/12/2014, 11:18:40 PM] Remy: ( off topic but if any of y'all love detective shows and haven't seen Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries, y'all missin' out )
[27/12/2014, 11:19:29 PM] Ian Cheong: Never heard of it.
[27/12/2014, 11:19:37 PM] Remy: ( Swanky 1st wave feminist independently wealthy private detective / flapper girl goes around Austriala dancing the night away and solving murders just 'cause it fucking tickles her fancy )
[27/12/2014, 11:20:07 PM] Remy: It's on Netflix
[27/12/2014, 11:22:28 PM] Remy: she's got a gold-plated revolver and she is not afraid to take a motherfucker out
[27/12/2014, 11:23:01 PM] Remy: Like if you've ever watched Sherlock Holmes and said "No. 1920's flapper girl, and give her a lesbian sidekick instead"
[27/12/2014, 11:23:07 PM] Remy: Then go watch this show
[27/12/2014, 11:23:11 PM] drinternetphd: welp
[27/12/2014, 11:23:18 PM] drinternetphd: guess I am watching this then
[27/12/2014, 11:23:31 PM] Remy: Xena X Sherlock Holmes = Miss Fisher
[27/12/2014, 11:23:51 PM] drinternetphd: I gotta pause this article anyway cause I need to think of to what degree I wanna tackle the shit inside indie
[27/12/2014, 11:23:59 PM] Rob: Back
[27/12/2014, 11:24:13 PM] Rob: Miss Fisher's murder mysteries? what's this on
[27/12/2014, 11:24:26 PM] Remy: Actually no wait technically her sidekick is this super cute het girl?
[27/12/2014, 11:24:38 PM] Remy: But her les friend is def. her partner in crime
[27/12/2014, 11:24:45 PM] Remy: And also a doctor hence the Watson comparison
[27/12/2014, 11:25:45 PM] Remy: het girl always comes off as this tiny little mouse of a thing, but really that just makes people underestimate her. You'll see, she's tougher than she acts.
[27/12/2014, 11:25:52 PM] Remy: Dot is her name
[27/12/2014, 11:26:48 PM] Remy: Those fucking gorgeous curls. There was like two years in high school when I had luscious curls like that? Ugh, all the girls would not stop touching my hair and I hated it at the time but I missed it when it was gone
[27/12/2014, 11:26:56 PM] Rob: Hrm. Do I want to get 16 more GB of RAM or do I want to get an Nvidia shield tablet?
[27/12/2014, 11:27:33 PM] Ian Cheong: Why do you want an nvidia shield tablet?
[27/12/2014, 11:27:47 PM] Rob: to play android games
[27/12/2014, 11:27:54 PM] Ian Cheong: ah
[27/12/2014, 11:27:55 PM] Rob: and my asus transformer's touch screen is going a bit wonky
[27/12/2014, 11:28:19 PM] Rob: I think I'll get the RAM and just wait for my transformer to totally die
[27/12/2014, 11:29:28 PM] Rob: I keep pestering my cousin who works at SQUEENIX to tell me if DQ7 for the 3ds is coming out stateside but he won't tell me
[27/12/2014, 11:30:16 PM] Ian Cheong: He's under NDA.
[27/12/2014, 11:30:24 PM] Rob: I know
[27/12/2014, 11:30:28 PM] Rob: I mean he tells me stuff anyways sometimes
[27/12/2014, 11:30:33 PM] Remy: lol
[27/12/2014, 11:30:40 PM] Remy: sorry
[27/12/2014, 11:30:53 PM] Remy: I can already hear my husband's voice in the back of my head "My uncle that works at Nintendo..."
[27/12/2014, 11:30:58 PM] Ian Cheong: William Usher wrote a new piece about 'ethics in game journalism'
[27/12/2014, 11:31:06 PM] Rob: aaaaargggghhhh
[27/12/2014, 11:31:11 PM] Rob: lol stephen
[27/12/2014, 11:31:15 PM] Remy: ^_^"
[27/12/2014, 11:31:19 PM] Ian Cheong: And in it, he talks about how Wizardchan had its "reputation damaged" by improper reportage into their harassment of Zoe Quinn.
[27/12/2014, 11:31:29 PM] Ian Cheong: Like hello this is the same Wizardchan that spawned Elliot Rodger.
[27/12/2014, 11:31:56 PM] Remy: I get the feeling that's like Hitler claiming his reputation was damaged by The Producers
[27/12/2014, 11:32:07 PM] Remy: like  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[27/12/2014, 11:32:10 PM] Remy: If you say so
[27/12/2014, 11:32:28 PM] drinternetphd: yo wizardchan can fuck off
[27/12/2014, 11:32:45 PM] drinternetphd: like the fact that what they'd done to me in december was in question because of an idiot's crazy ass conspiracy jpeg is moronic
[27/12/2014, 11:33:00 PM] Remy: Precisely how does one damage a turd?
[27/12/2014, 11:33:06 PM] Remy: Does one drag it through the mud?
[27/12/2014, 11:33:22 PM] Ian Cheong: Wizardchan claims that women can't suffer from depression because women can get sex at any time they want unlike "incels" like them.
[27/12/2014, 11:33:29 PM] Rob: Uhhhhhh
[27/12/2014, 11:33:48 PM] Ian Cheong: They seem to have this idea that the reason anyone only ever feels depressed is because they're involuntarily celibate.
[27/12/2014, 11:33:55 PM] Ian Cheong: Which is fucking bullshit let me tell you.
[27/12/2014, 11:34:23 PM] Ian Cheong: And they act as a negative support group for all these 20-30 year old creeps who hate women.
[27/12/2014, 11:34:36 PM] Remy: ( I bought Nidhogg on PS4 Zoe :P )
[27/12/2014, 11:35:04 PM] Remy: I wonder if there's a way to organize a subtle deprogramming outreach program
[27/12/2014, 11:35:23 PM] Ian Cheong: They're a cult. You'd have better luck deprogramming a scientologist.
[27/12/2014, 11:35:27 PM] Remy: You know... They have people who are trained to convince scientologists to step back and get some perspective
[27/12/2014, 11:35:41 PM] Remy: Actually that's the route I was thinking of taking this
[27/12/2014, 11:35:53 PM] Remy: Let's source our expertise from the pros
[27/12/2014, 11:35:53 PM] Ian Cheong: See the thing is this.
[27/12/2014, 11:35:54 PM] Rob: I saw some scientologists doing e-meter readings and handing out copies of Dianetics in Pentagon City a few weeks ago.
[27/12/2014, 11:35:57 PM] Rob: I laughed and laughed and laughed
[27/12/2014, 11:36:03 PM] Ian Cheong: It's socially acceptable to criticize Scientologists.
[27/12/2014, 11:36:15 PM] Ian Cheong: It's not socially acceptable to criticize Wizardchan because of internet culture.
[27/12/2014, 11:36:29 PM] Ian Cheong: You criticize it and the hordes come down upon you with "Remember the Wizards!"
[27/12/2014, 11:36:38 PM] Remy: I don't even know what that means
[27/12/2014, 11:36:42 PM] Remy: I'm sorry
[27/12/2014, 11:36:57 PM] Ian Cheong: 4chan/8chan are very protective of Wizardchan which they see as a "support group for depressed individuals."
[27/12/2014, 11:38:00 PM] Ian Cheong: You want to get on their radar? Criticize Wizardchan.
[27/12/2014, 11:38:01 PM] Remy: I never knew I was such a shitty nerd I mean I played M:tG and all of the Diablo games and all of the Total Annihilation games and tons of D&D and I thought we were square but now Penny Arcade is misogynist and all of these references to tech culture that I don't get
[27/12/2014, 11:38:09 PM] Remy: I'm a grandpa now D:
[27/12/2014, 11:38:41 PM] Remy: not literally
[27/12/2014, 11:38:53 PM] Rob: haha
[27/12/2014, 11:39:56 PM] Remy: I need to reboot my computer it needs it
[27/12/2014, 11:40:35 PM] Remy: Honestly I need to just backup my important files and do a reformat just to get this gem back up to regular condition
[27/12/2014, 11:41:06 PM] Rob: I love/hate formatting.
[27/12/2014, 11:41:18 PM] Ian Cheong: I'm on a Mac. I don't format my system because I don't have to.
[27/12/2014, 11:42:37 PM] Rob: pffft
[27/12/2014, 11:42:56 PM] Ian Cheong: I might have to buy a new one soon though.
[27/12/2014, 11:43:07 PM] Ian Cheong: This is almost 5 years old.
[27/12/2014, 11:43:14 PM] drinternetphd: yo
[27/12/2014, 11:43:23 PM] drinternetphd: considering I have had a spade of cool friends who are virgins with depression
[27/12/2014, 11:43:45 PM] drinternetphd: and don't say shit like "women can't be depressed they can just go in the middle of the road with their hole open and a man will solve their problems"
[27/12/2014, 11:43:50 PM] drinternetphd: that is p much verbatim btw
[27/12/2014, 11:43:56 PM] Ian Cheong: so fucking gross.
[27/12/2014, 11:44:04 PM] drinternetphd: fuck wizardchan for pretending they're the definitive voice on being a depressed virgin
[27/12/2014, 11:44:09 PM] Rob: SERIOUSLY.
[27/12/2014, 11:45:19 PM] Rob: Yeah, I got brutalized on YT for admitting to being a virgin.
[27/12/2014, 11:45:29 PM] Rob: Which is funny, because people still attack me for that even though I'm not anymore.
[27/12/2014, 11:45:35 PM] Ian Cheong: That's fucked.
[27/12/2014, 11:45:54 PM] Rob: Yeah.
[27/12/2014, 11:45:56 PM] drinternetphd: it super sucks
[27/12/2014, 11:46:04 PM] Rob: Which is funny, because most of these people are MRAs.
[27/12/2014, 11:46:11 PM] Rob: or MGTOWs.
[27/12/2014, 11:46:21 PM] drinternetphd: yeah if you actually cared about mens rights you wouldn't be a fucking prick to male virgins
[27/12/2014, 11:46:31 PM] Ian Cheong: Clearly they do not give a shit.
[27/12/2014, 11:46:32 PM] Rob: Or male rape victims.
[27/12/2014, 11:46:38 PM] drinternetphd: you'd be pushing against the societal pressure that makes them feel shitty about it
[27/12/2014, 11:46:42 PM] drinternetphd: and not
[27/12/2014, 11:46:43 PM] drinternetphd: yknow
[27/12/2014, 11:46:47 PM] drinternetphd: making them feel shitty about it
[27/12/2014, 11:47:02 PM] Rob: What I find amazing is, Paul Elam wrote an article where he literally said he didn't give a fuck about men who suffer.
[27/12/2014, 11:47:15 PM] Rob: And MRAs still worship him and give him money.
[27/12/2014, 11:47:46 PM] Rob: Fuck these people.
[27/12/2014, 11:47:51 PM] Remy: After this next writing contest I am going to write under pseudonyms
[27/12/2014, 11:47:59 PM] Remy: To protect my family and our privcy
[27/12/2014, 11:48:09 PM] Ian Cheong: I know they'd find a way to use it against me somehow.
[27/12/2014, 11:48:47 PM] Rob: They would.
[27/12/2014, 11:48:55 PM] Rob: My rape stuff is in an ED article about me
[27/12/2014, 11:49:11 PM] Rob: and Tf00t did that whole shit encouraging dogpiling of me. They'd definitely do the same to you, or worse.
[27/12/2014, 11:49:29 PM] drinternetphd: fucking ED
[27/12/2014, 11:49:40 PM] drinternetphd: that site needs to go
[27/12/2014, 11:49:48 PM] Rob: agreed
[27/12/2014, 11:49:50 PM] Peter Coffin: morning folks
[27/12/2014, 11:49:51 PM] Ian Cheong: It went offline once. Not sure where it's hosted now.
[27/12/2014, 11:49:53 PM] Peter Coffin: and agreed
[27/12/2014, 11:51:16 PM] drinternetphd: milo links to it in articles about me
[27/12/2014, 11:51:58 PM] drinternetphd: I think
[27/12/2014, 11:51:58 PM] Peter Coffin: shouldn’t that stop someone from being considered a journalist
[27/12/2014, 11:52:07 PM] drinternetphd: a large % of my life is going to be dedicated to my kill bill list
[27/12/2014, 11:52:19 PM] Peter Coffin: who is bill
[27/12/2014, 11:52:23 PM] drinternetphd: eron
[27/12/2014, 11:52:24 PM] Peter Coffin: out of the lot
[27/12/2014, 11:52:27 PM] Peter Coffin: ah
[27/12/2014, 11:52:35 PM] drinternetphd: he's the one who started all this.
[27/12/2014, 11:52:36 PM] Remy: Yup
[27/12/2014, 11:52:38 PM] drinternetphd: he's the one I once loved
[27/12/2014, 11:52:43 PM] Ian Cheong: I saw a whole bunch of Repubs laughing at him
[27/12/2014, 11:52:46 PM] Rob: Ian, it's 100% true.
[27/12/2014, 11:52:46 PM] drinternetphd: he's the one who tried to control me via pregnancy shit.
[27/12/2014, 11:52:50 PM] drinternetphd: eron is my bill.
[27/12/2014, 11:52:50 PM] Remy: Def's writing under pseudonyms after this one contest
[27/12/2014, 11:53:13 PM] Remy: They really fucked with the wrong cyborg
[27/12/2014, 11:53:18 PM] Rob: Even most conservatives I know consider breitbart to be a joke, and Milo to be the worst of the bunch
[27/12/2014, 11:53:26 PM] Peter Coffin: you know what is really weird, I don’t even think of him. Every time I have thought of him he had disgusted me in some way or another. I don’t know if that is weird, my brain avoids it. the story of him is so fucked
[27/12/2014, 11:53:30 PM] drinternetphd: I clawed my way out of a childhood of poverty and violence.
[27/12/2014, 11:53:43 PM] drinternetphd: these people? ants, comparitively.
[27/12/2014, 11:53:47 PM] Ian Cheong: Yep.
[27/12/2014, 11:53:54 PM] drinternetphd: the only difference is they came after me once I had found my happy ending.
[27/12/2014, 11:54:06 PM] drinternetphd: they came after me once I actually had something to lose.
[27/12/2014, 11:54:16 PM] drinternetphd: and peter: most people are like that.
[27/12/2014, 11:54:20 PM] drinternetphd: eron deliberately distanced himself.
[27/12/2014, 11:54:32 PM] drinternetphd: the story of what he's done to me is lost even though it's what gg is founded on.
[27/12/2014, 11:54:42 PM] Peter Coffin: yeah, I’m sorry about him. one time he started talking to me without me even saying literally anything about him
[27/12/2014, 11:54:45 PM] Ian Cheong: I'll never forget what he did to you.
[27/12/2014, 11:54:48 PM] Peter Coffin: I was like “noooooooooope"
[27/12/2014, 11:54:50 PM] drinternetphd: even though it contextualizes this fucking nightmare.
[27/12/2014, 11:55:05 PM] drinternetphd: yeah. he registered a twitter account purely to stalk my friends an I
[27/12/2014, 11:55:07 PM] drinternetphd: *and
[27/12/2014, 11:55:29 PM] drinternetphd: and effectively he's gotten away with it pre-restraining order.
[27/12/2014, 11:55:35 PM] Ian Cheong: He puts on a friendly face when interacting with people, as a sociopath often does, to make people think he isn't the monster that he truly is.
[27/12/2014, 11:55:45 PM] Peter Coffin: yeah, I think you’re right about that ian
[27/12/2014, 11:55:51 PM] drinternetphd: he convinced me.
[27/12/2014, 11:55:56 PM] Peter Coffin: they can
[27/12/2014, 11:56:04 PM] drinternetphd: even though once it was too late I caught on
[27/12/2014, 11:56:12 PM] drinternetphd: asked him to his face, no judgement, if he might be a sociopath
[27/12/2014, 11:56:15 PM] drinternetphd: told me no, it was something else.
[27/12/2014, 11:56:17 PM] Ian Cheong: At least you caught on, some people never do.
[27/12/2014, 11:56:28 PM] drinternetphd: I thought I could love him regardless.
[27/12/2014, 11:56:36 PM] Ian Cheong: I'm sorry.
[27/12/2014, 11:56:43 PM] Peter Coffin: I’m sorry too zoe
[27/12/2014, 11:56:46 PM] drinternetphd: and deal with the isolation and weirdness and controlling issues that came with it.
[27/12/2014, 11:56:46 PM] Peter Coffin: geez
[27/12/2014, 11:57:05 PM] drinternetphd: I thought love was bigger than that because of my own bullshit history of being raised in abusive situations
[27/12/2014, 11:57:14 PM] drinternetphd: and I think he knew that and used it, honestly.
[27/12/2014, 11:57:14 PM] Ian Cheong: Now he paints himself as an abuse survivor. That mother fucker.
[27/12/2014, 11:57:18 PM] drinternetphd: yeah.
[27/12/2014, 11:57:25 PM] Peter Coffin: he is gamer gate, if you think about it
[27/12/2014, 11:57:32 PM] drinternetphd: he is. and no one knows.
[27/12/2014, 11:57:36 PM] Peter Coffin: he is co-opting in the same way they are
[27/12/2014, 11:57:37 PM] Remy: So I guess the first name on the Bill List is GamerGate. Sink the ship that is bombarding you. And now that ship is forever tied to CP and we just need to get that story out there and gaining traction
[27/12/2014, 11:57:45 PM] drinternetphd: I get "five guys" messages constantly and no one knows my ex made it up to hurt me
[27/12/2014, 11:57:51 PM] Ian Cheong: I called out Eron's bullshit on Twitter when he was on a stream once and gators rallied to defend him on the stream and on Twitter like I was abusing an abuse victim.
[27/12/2014, 11:57:58 PM] drinternetphd: I hear that.
[27/12/2014, 11:58:01 PM] Ian Cheong: A woman literally yelled at me.
[27/12/2014, 11:58:02 PM] drinternetphd: I listened to it in realtime.
[27/12/2014, 11:58:08 PM] drinternetphd: I have to record those things.
[27/12/2014, 11:58:10 PM] drinternetphd: for court.
[27/12/2014, 11:58:16 PM] Ian Cheong: Yeah, it's still on Youtube probably.
[27/12/2014, 11:58:19 PM] drinternetphd: to know what he's feeding these people about me. so I can prepare.
[27/12/2014, 11:58:36 PM] drinternetphd: I can't get away from him because he refuses to stop dogging me.
[27/12/2014, 11:58:42 PM] Peter Coffin: are you still stuck with the same shitty magistrate
[27/12/2014, 11:58:46 PM] drinternetphd: likely.
[27/12/2014, 11:58:49 PM] Peter Coffin: ugh
[27/12/2014, 11:58:50 PM] Remy: There has to be a way to occupy his attention to get some heat off of you...
[27/12/2014, 11:59:02 PM] drinternetphd: doubtful. he has been single minded for 5 months
[27/12/2014, 11:59:13 PM] Remy: Sure this means he's been neglecting something.
[27/12/2014, 11:59:17 PM] drinternetphd: even before that when I tried to leave him a bunch of times he wouldn't let me leave.
[27/12/2014, 11:59:19 PM] drinternetphd: he had nothing else.
[27/12/2014, 11:59:22 PM] Ian Cheong: Narcissists are focused.
[27/12/2014, 11:59:26 PM] Remy: Taxes he hasn't paid, parking tickets he hasn't seen to
[27/12/2014, 11:59:42 PM] Remy: Single-mindedness makes you slip up on auxiliary concerns
[27/12/2014, 11:59:56 PM] Peter Coffin: sometimes it absorbs those things into it, though