Skype Con Leak/01 jan

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Skype Con Leak/01 jan is part of a series on the Skype Con Leak.
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[01/01/2015, 12:00:03 AM] Dina : I don't know how to approach this
[01/01/2015, 12:00:09 AM] Athena Hollow: with a map?
[01/01/2015, 12:00:13 AM] Dina : like, layer it down?
[01/01/2015, 12:00:21 AM] Dina : or just stroke the whole thing
[01/01/2015, 12:00:24 AM] Dina : maybe?
[01/01/2015, 12:00:45 AM] Dina : I eventually gave up, apologized and went home
[01/01/2015, 12:00:48 AM] Athena Hollow: don't feel too bad, i wouldn't know how to approach said situation either so there's that.
[01/01/2015, 12:01:04 AM] Dina : roll it back?
[01/01/2015, 12:01:21 AM] live:riotarms: Seeing mostly uncut dudes in porn gave me weird ideas about my junk
[01/01/2015, 12:01:36 AM] Dina : huh I only ever see cut dudes in porn
[01/01/2015, 12:01:45 AM] live:riotarms: Uh I meant cut
[01/01/2015, 12:01:49 AM] Dina : oh
[01/01/2015, 12:02:01 AM] Athena Hollow: oh i was about to say "what country you watching porn from?" lol
[01/01/2015, 12:02:04 AM] Rob: My school never had sex ed so the first time I saw porn that had an uncut guy in it I was like WHAT IS THAT
[01/01/2015, 12:02:10 AM] live:riotarms: Not something you want to mix up too much
[01/01/2015, 12:02:10 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahaha
[01/01/2015, 12:02:36 AM] Remy: I was so lucky that my schools (or at least my teachers) had no patience for BS in sex ed and evolution classes
[01/01/2015, 12:02:38 AM] Remy: Even in the South
[01/01/2015, 12:02:41 AM] live:riotarms: The lack of foreskins in porn is damaging I think
[01/01/2015, 12:02:55 AM] live:riotarms: But I guess it's a supply issue in the states
[01/01/2015, 12:02:59 AM] Dina : agreed knife
[01/01/2015, 12:03:03 AM] Athena Hollow: yup was just about to say that.
[01/01/2015, 12:03:23 AM] Rob: it's getting more common now tho
[01/01/2015, 12:03:31 AM] Rob: it's under 50% for male circumcision for new borns now
[01/01/2015, 12:03:36 AM] Dina : I've been watching a lot less porn recently because my sources are all incredibly rapey violent dudebro stuff
[01/01/2015, 12:03:46 AM] Dina : and I don't know where the better stuff would be
[01/01/2015, 12:03:56 AM] Athena Hollow: I mean, pretty much every woman I know outside of the states who's had at least 5 partners has been with an uncut guy.... whereas me, in the states with.... a ... lot... more than that under my belt, hasn't once.
[01/01/2015, 12:04:09 AM] live:riotarms: I had an uh... Elvis for a while and it gave me some pretty bad self image issues
[01/01/2015, 12:04:20 AM] Athena Hollow: altporn :) but even that is a little rare. some burning angel, some
[01/01/2015, 12:04:42 AM] live:riotarms: Not sure how legal kink is over here these days
[01/01/2015, 12:04:49 AM] live:riotarms: They banned facesitting
[01/01/2015, 12:04:53 AM] live:riotarms: In porn
[01/01/2015, 12:04:54 AM] Ian Cheong: kink is illegal in the UK
[01/01/2015, 12:04:57 AM] Remy: XD
[01/01/2015, 12:05:06 AM] Athena Hollow: i think it's legal to watch, just not produce iir
[01/01/2015, 12:05:18 AM] Dina : ugh
[01/01/2015, 12:05:20 AM] live:riotarms: Phew I mean uh that's interesting
[01/01/2015, 12:05:25 AM] Athena Hollow: hahaha
[01/01/2015, 12:05:27 AM] Dina : Knife that sucks I'm sorry :(
[01/01/2015, 12:05:37 AM] Athena Hollow: they banned FEMALE. EJACULATION.
[01/01/2015, 12:05:42 AM] Athena Hollow: dudes can still cum anywhere
[01/01/2015, 12:05:42 AM] Dina : oh
[01/01/2015, 12:05:43 AM] live:riotarms: God you're all making me realise I'm a huge perv
[01/01/2015, 12:05:44 AM] Athena Hollow: but not women
[01/01/2015, 12:05:48 AM] Dina : I'd be in trouble
[01/01/2015, 12:05:51 AM] Athena Hollow: they banned fisting.
[01/01/2015, 12:05:55 AM] Remy: we're all pervs
[01/01/2015, 12:05:57 AM] Dina : I'd be in trouble.
[01/01/2015, 12:06:03 AM] Athena Hollow: i'm like "mother fuckers. my vagina. back off"
[01/01/2015, 12:06:25 AM] live:riotarms: I've been celibate for a long while while I work on my anxiety issues is the thing
[01/01/2015, 12:06:27 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i've known a lot of women that thought they were with cut guys because they didn't realize foreskin usually automatically retracts when erect x-x so they were just confused lol
[01/01/2015, 12:06:38 AM] Athena Hollow: here in the states ,they have problems banning that stuff cuz freeze peach, but they have no issues pressuring the cc companies from allowing it to be sold -_-
[01/01/2015, 12:06:44 AM] live:riotarms: And that is not something you broadcast as a dude
[01/01/2015, 12:06:53 AM] Athena Hollow: heh sarah.
[01/01/2015, 12:07:18 AM] Dina : lol Sarah
[01/01/2015, 12:07:34 AM] live:riotarms: I have no idea how anyone in porn makes money with all the sites that give it out free
[01/01/2015, 12:07:35 AM] Dina : Knife yeah my best friend had similar body issues and it took him forever to start talking about them
[01/01/2015, 12:07:42 AM] Athena Hollow: Knife: niche :)
[01/01/2015, 12:07:52 AM] live:riotarms: Well I have mild cerebal palsy as well
[01/01/2015, 12:07:53 AM] Athena Hollow: geekporn has paid my bills for 8 years now LOL
[01/01/2015, 12:08:41 AM] Remy: Nothing makes me feel like the best writer in the world like watching old James Bond movies and laughing at how ridiculous it all is
[01/01/2015, 12:08:46 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 12:08:49 AM] live:riotarms: I've had a weird life!
[01/01/2015, 12:09:09 AM] Dina : :O
[01/01/2015, 12:09:15 AM] live:riotarms: Still, I just became unemployed in such a way I can do jack shit for four months
[01/01/2015, 12:09:17 AM] Athena Hollow: I'd say outside the porn stuff, I've led an extremely normal life but that's a fucking lie lol
[01/01/2015, 12:09:25 AM] live:riotarms: I might try and be a normo
[01/01/2015, 12:09:30 AM] Remy: don't do it
[01/01/2015, 12:09:31 AM] Remy: so boring
[01/01/2015, 12:09:33 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 12:09:52 AM] Remy: stay here and be mad with us
[01/01/2015, 12:10:00 AM] Rob: I'm like the most prudish and innocent person here, it's sad
[01/01/2015, 12:10:03 AM] live:riotarms: Boring sounds good, the decade I just had hahah
[01/01/2015, 12:10:21 AM] Athena Hollow: But, yeah, while my everyday life is total 'stay at home mom', the random shit I get to do & the people I get to meet just blows normal out of the water :D
[01/01/2015, 12:10:37 AM] live:riotarms: There's no such thing as normal
[01/01/2015, 12:10:57 AM] live:riotarms: That's why most people feel so unsatisfied
[01/01/2015, 12:11:11 AM] Athena Hollow: well yeah, but how many people can say they pay their bills from a combination of porn, an indie tabletop rpg, and web design - at the same time LOL
[01/01/2015, 12:11:23 AM] Dina : <3
[01/01/2015, 12:11:24 AM] Dina : hot
[01/01/2015, 12:11:25 AM] live:riotarms: That sounds fun as hell
[01/01/2015, 12:12:07 AM] Athena Hollow: so while there is no such thing as normal... my life is definitely on the outer precipice of 'not normal' as well LOL Which is awesome but exhausting.
[01/01/2015, 12:12:16 AM] live:riotarms: I still want to see the feminist porn Karin from The Knife/Fever Ray scored
[01/01/2015, 12:12:42 AM] live:riotarms: Especially after they pulled all that insane shit with Shaking The Habitual
[01/01/2015, 12:12:47 AM] Athena Hollow: I mean, shit, we're working on a muppet porn & public domain movie remake series right now LMAO
[01/01/2015, 12:13:05 AM] Athena Hollow: odd life is odd lolol
[01/01/2015, 12:13:21 AM] live:riotarms: Sounds like you're living in Community in a good way
[01/01/2015, 12:13:28 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 12:14:20 AM] Dina : Athena you've lived a good life so far lol
[01/01/2015, 12:14:29 AM] Athena Hollow: :D
[01/01/2015, 12:14:36 AM] live:riotarms:
[01/01/2015, 12:14:48 AM] Athena Hollow: definitely won't be going out without leaving a lasting crater, that's for damn sure LOL
[01/01/2015, 12:16:07 AM] live:riotarms: The Knife, beloved synth pop duo, bow out with a bizzare drone album with subliminal gender freedom overtones
[01/01/2015, 12:16:19 AM] Dina : ugh I wish I didn't have a headache
[01/01/2015, 12:16:32 AM] live:riotarms: Don't listen to that track then hahaha
[01/01/2015, 12:16:37 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 12:16:44 AM] Rob: God damn it. My grocery order has been delayed to 'at some point today' instead of 'within the next 45 minutes'
[01/01/2015, 12:16:57 AM] Athena Hollow: suck
[01/01/2015, 12:16:59 AM] Rob: which is annoying b/c I have nothing to eat since I used the last of my groceries before flying to California.
[01/01/2015, 12:17:09 AM] live:riotarms: Going to a SJW hangout tonight hahaha
[01/01/2015, 12:17:22 AM] Athena Hollow: nice!
[01/01/2015, 12:17:30 AM] live:riotarms: They have full political debates in the toilet wall grafiti
[01/01/2015, 12:17:42 AM] Athena Hollow: i'm staying home, deciding what to do. husband caught my flu and im not fully over the cough & sinus shit from it -_-
[01/01/2015, 12:17:52 AM] live:riotarms: Ouch
[01/01/2015, 12:18:16 AM] live:riotarms: It's different with family I guess
[01/01/2015, 12:18:16 AM] Athena Hollow: usually i just get really really drunk but i dunno if that's a good idea lol
[01/01/2015, 12:18:35 AM] live:riotarms: If I'm not getting drunk in a dive bar on new year I get really upset
[01/01/2015, 12:18:47 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 12:18:51 AM] live:riotarms: I feel like I've failed at life hahaha
[01/01/2015, 12:19:06 AM] Rob: I like getting drunk at home b/c I don't have to wear pants
[01/01/2015, 12:19:11 AM] Athena Hollow: i prefer drinking at home. Cheaper and the husband would probably kill someone in a bar on NYE
[01/01/2015, 12:19:12 AM] Rob: unless I have company over, I guess
[01/01/2015, 12:19:22 AM] Dina : for the first time ever I accepted my mom's invitation to a NYE
[01/01/2015, 12:19:26 AM] Athena Hollow: yeah the pants thing is good too.
[01/01/2015, 12:19:30 AM] Dina : mom is a decadent dancing drunk type
[01/01/2015, 12:19:32 AM] Dina : halp
[01/01/2015, 12:19:36 AM] Rob: haha
[01/01/2015, 12:19:37 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahah have fun with that
[01/01/2015, 12:19:44 AM] Dina : I usually do what she does at parties with my own friends
[01/01/2015, 12:19:49 AM] Athena Hollow: mine is a 'get drunk and do karaoke' type so i sort of feel your pain lol
[01/01/2015, 12:19:56 AM] Dina : but this year... it's a mother daughter dance off
[01/01/2015, 12:20:03 AM] live:riotarms: I think we can all agree 2014 will be good to go to hell tonight
[01/01/2015, 12:20:04 AM] Dina : (HELP)
[01/01/2015, 12:20:10 AM] Remy: Yup
[01/01/2015, 12:20:13 AM] Dina : (THE WOMAN CAN DRINK ME UNDEr THE TABLE)
[01/01/2015, 12:20:17 AM] live:riotarms: And that 2015 is going to be a massive improvement
[01/01/2015, 12:20:32 AM] Athena Hollow: It'd have to try really fucking hard to be worse
[01/01/2015, 12:20:39 AM] live:riotarms: Word
[01/01/2015, 12:21:07 AM] live:riotarms: One death in the family, two breakdowns I can't legally discuss because I settled
[01/01/2015, 12:21:11 AM] Athena Hollow: between personal losses, and community & global shit, I just can't fathom thinking next year might be worse -_-
[01/01/2015, 12:21:37 AM] live:riotarms: But for the first time I have nothing to do but fix my shit and enjoy life
[01/01/2015, 12:21:55 AM] live:riotarms: Exciting
[01/01/2015, 12:22:14 AM] Remy: I just had this weird idea for a parody sketch of what the world will be in 2025
[01/01/2015, 12:22:14 AM] live:riotarms: Sorry to hear that athena
[01/01/2015, 12:22:26 AM] Dina : speak of the devil she's dragging me to get my hair done bbiab
[01/01/2015, 12:22:33 AM] Athena Hollow: haha cya dina
[01/01/2015, 12:23:31 AM] live:riotarms: Later!
[01/01/2015, 12:24:33 AM] Remy: Later Dina <3
[01/01/2015, 12:30:28 AM] Peter Coffin: morning folks
[01/01/2015, 12:30:39 AM] Athena Hollow: mornin peter
[01/01/2015, 12:33:26 AM] Rob: Hey, peter!
[01/01/2015, 12:35:57 AM] Remy: If anyone ever finds Randi or knows someone who can set up a Markov bot to parody ChuckCJohnson
[01/01/2015, 12:36:09 AM] Remy: I will pay $20 to their paypal to set up my DuckCJohnson Twitter account to do that
[01/01/2015, 12:36:10 AM] Athena Hollow: oh god lol
[01/01/2015, 12:37:17 AM] Rob: CHUCK C. JOHNSON IS... THE FLOOR POOPER
[01/01/2015, 12:37:40 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: did he ever comment on the thunderclap lol
[01/01/2015, 12:37:47 AM] Peter Coffin: if I were more willing to spend time on something that niche I would have made that already
[01/01/2015, 12:38:01 AM] Peter Coffin: it's such a good idea
[01/01/2015, 12:38:02 AM] Peter Coffin: rob
[01/01/2015, 12:38:12 AM] Ian Cheong:
[01/01/2015, 12:38:14 AM] Rob: Ahoy hoy
[01/01/2015, 12:38:16 AM] Peter Coffin: like an overdone apatow film
[01/01/2015, 12:38:19 AM] Rob: haha
[01/01/2015, 12:38:20 AM] Ian Cheong: who made this fucker the arbitrator of what games are good for women
[01/01/2015, 12:38:21 AM] Peter Coffin: hey ian
[01/01/2015, 12:38:24 AM] Ian Cheong: hey peter
[01/01/2015, 12:38:28 AM] Athena Hollow: goddammit tb stfu
[01/01/2015, 12:39:05 AM] Remy: I know it'll never happen but
[01/01/2015, 12:39:12 AM] Peter Coffin: HAHAHA
[01/01/2015, 12:39:13 AM] Peter Coffin: YES
[01/01/2015, 12:39:15 AM] Remy: I just wish for one second that Kim Kardashian would see his tweet
[01/01/2015, 12:39:17 AM] Peter Coffin: THAT IS A SUBTWEET TO ME
[01/01/2015, 12:39:18 AM] Peter Coffin: THIS ASS
[01/01/2015, 12:39:34 AM] Remy: lol Peter as soon as I read the tweet I knew he was thinking' 'bout you
[01/01/2015, 12:39:42 AM] Peter Coffin: this dumb shit
[01/01/2015, 12:39:48 AM] Peter Coffin: I tweeted like 3 times yesterday
[01/01/2015, 12:39:53 AM] Peter Coffin: that weren't promo
[01/01/2015, 12:39:55 AM] live:riotarms: TB... christ
[01/01/2015, 12:40:01 AM] Peter Coffin: 1. why does gg care about me
[01/01/2015, 12:40:04 AM] Ian Cheong: im pretty sure its a subtweet to leigh alexander, peter.
[01/01/2015, 12:40:10 AM] Athena Hollow: I want to respond with "To give an award to a dude who exploits a hate group for page views seems to do a massive disservice to literally everyone in the world"
[01/01/2015, 12:40:17 AM] Peter Coffin: really? is she making comments about kim's game?
[01/01/2015, 12:40:18 AM] live:riotarms: Ever get the feeling he has no real opinions
[01/01/2015, 12:40:33 AM] Ian Cheong: maybe
[01/01/2015, 12:40:34 AM] Ian Cheong: i forget
[01/01/2015, 12:40:36 AM] Ian Cheong: maybe its you
[01/01/2015, 12:40:37 AM] Remy: wow did @notallbhas delete her twitter account?
[01/01/2015, 12:40:37 AM] live:riotarms: Just an insubstantial ghost of a neckbeard
[01/01/2015, 12:40:40 AM] Ian Cheong: i might be so wrong here
[01/01/2015, 12:40:50 AM] Peter Coffin: I have been talking about kim's game relative to rogue for several months
[01/01/2015, 12:40:50 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 12:41:01 AM] Ian Cheong:
[01/01/2015, 12:41:09 AM] Peter Coffin: hahahah that is awesome
[01/01/2015, 12:41:20 AM] Peter Coffin: I'm happy leigh did something that high profile
[01/01/2015, 12:41:22 AM] Ian Cheong: Kim Kardashian: Hollywood by Glu Games

When you become a video game critic you get on board with certain implicit (and often explicit) arguments: Games do not cause violence; they do not promote 'values' of one kind or another. They are cathartic, they are fantastical, they are toys. They let you have silly fun, and to think too much about it, or to interrogate one another too much about it, is to "miss the point."

You know, I'm down with this argument. I made it when I was younger, and even though now I'm an adult and can say things like "maybe an experience can't help but be an expression of some aspect of the creator" or "maybe the content we consume both reflects and affects our culture," I still -- despite everything -- will take issue with the common presumption that games are trash or dangerous or both. 

Hooky, unintrusive, digestible, memetic, funny, of-the-minute, fashion and celeb culture spoof Kim Kardashian: Hollywood is really good, and no amount of brand power or lunar gravity could have made it so popular if it wasn't (and hey, look: racial diversity and player-led sexuality like it ain't even a thing. Was that so hard?).
[01/01/2015, 12:41:37 AM] Peter Coffin: I was really to jump the fuck onto TB for writing a tweet on someone like me
[01/01/2015, 12:41:47 AM] Peter Coffin: that would, imo, be a real "you are a loser" moment for him
[01/01/2015, 12:41:47 AM] Ian Cheong: Yet then I heard an entire male-dominated game industry wring its hands: It's trashy! It's a sign of the end times. It instills bad values. All of our breastplate armor dragon babe power fantasies up til now were fine fiction, but this feminine Hollywood power fantasy deserves derision. 

Funny how that works. You may now commence your comment thread on whether or not Kim Kardashian is a worthwhile human being and "deserves" her fame or not. You know you're gonna do that.
[01/01/2015, 12:41:56 AM] Peter Coffin: because they all think I am the biggest loser of all time
[01/01/2015, 12:42:01 AM] Peter Coffin: I was excited there
[01/01/2015, 12:42:10 AM] Peter Coffin: BUT
[01/01/2015, 12:42:14 AM] Peter Coffin: I am excited leigh did this
[01/01/2015, 12:42:16 AM] Athena Hollow: tb did win an award on some game show right?
[01/01/2015, 12:42:23 AM] Ian Cheong: yeah
[01/01/2015, 12:42:25 AM] Athena Hollow: k
[01/01/2015, 12:42:35 AM] Ian Cheong: he won the 'trending gamer' award.
[01/01/2015, 12:42:46 AM] live:riotarms: I have a complete disdain for microtransactions so I'm gonna abstain from this
[01/01/2015, 12:42:48 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Heyo, everyone. I'm at work and the office is empty ;_;
[01/01/2015, 12:42:57 AM] Athena Hollow:
[01/01/2015, 12:42:58 AM] Rob: Hey izzy.
[01/01/2015, 12:43:09 AM] Rob: lol sargon is still following me
[01/01/2015, 12:43:16 AM] Athena Hollow: god that gross shitbag.
[01/01/2015, 12:43:22 AM] live:riotarms: I wonder if Jeff Minter ever wrote up his feelings on the MLP app
[01/01/2015, 12:43:24 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): he's secretly a fan, Rob
[01/01/2015, 12:43:40 AM] Ian Cheong:
[01/01/2015, 12:43:53 AM] Rob: That makes me want to delete my account
[01/01/2015, 12:44:07 AM] Ian Cheong: just block him, then?
[01/01/2015, 12:44:17 AM] Rob: Oh, I was kidding
[01/01/2015, 12:44:17 AM] Remy: ^
[01/01/2015, 12:44:20 AM] Rob: it just makes me laugh he's following me
[01/01/2015, 12:44:30 AM] Rob: Besides, I'd rather him waste his time w/ me than do more sexist bullshit
[01/01/2015, 12:44:30 AM] Ian Cheong: ok
[01/01/2015, 12:44:40 AM] Ian Cheong: I wasn't sure because some people would rather delete their accounts than hurt someone else's fee fees
[01/01/2015, 12:44:46 AM] Rob: :D
[01/01/2015, 12:44:53 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL Rob's a giant asshole.
[01/01/2015, 12:44:55 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Oh, looks like I got dogpiled. Gonna see what GGers were saying (have 30 notifications)
[01/01/2015, 12:45:14 AM] Athena Hollow: He'll block Sargon when he knows it'll piss him off the most LOLOL
[01/01/2015, 12:45:17 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol, dumb gaters
[01/01/2015, 12:45:19 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): so dumb
[01/01/2015, 12:45:20 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): XD
[01/01/2015, 12:45:27 AM] Peter Coffin: god I am so happy someone high profile shoved kim k's game in their faces
[01/01/2015, 12:46:17 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts:
[01/01/2015, 12:46:47 AM] Peter Coffin: that's fucking stupid
[01/01/2015, 12:47:21 AM] Ian Cheong: i can't process that tweet.
[01/01/2015, 12:47:25 AM] Ian Cheong: that's how dumb it is
[01/01/2015, 12:47:33 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): guys, I'm a retarded star! /s
[01/01/2015, 12:47:48 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i think they're implying that's actually happening/in immediate danger of happening? i don't even
[01/01/2015, 12:48:02 AM] live:riotarms: Remember being a kind when we all played games objectively and wrote reports afterward
[01/01/2015, 12:48:44 AM] Remy: Hey I'm gonna tweet out about TB's tweet. Someone gimme a good hashtag for it
[01/01/2015, 12:49:08 AM] Ian Cheong: Remember when the internet's biggest problem was those annoying Reply Girls on Youtube?
[01/01/2015, 12:49:18 AM] Ian Cheong: before google's youtube algorithm fucked them over.
[01/01/2015, 12:49:21 AM] Peter Coffin: #breaktheinternet
[01/01/2015, 12:49:24 AM] Ian Cheong: i miss those days
[01/01/2015, 12:49:32 AM] Athena Hollow: #douchesplainer
[01/01/2015, 12:49:39 AM] Athena Hollow: srsly fuck that guy.
[01/01/2015, 12:49:45 AM] Remy: mansplain is a good one though
[01/01/2015, 12:49:45 AM] Athena Hollow: he fucking panders to ggers all the time
[01/01/2015, 12:49:49 AM] Peter Coffin: #gamesplaining
[01/01/2015, 12:49:58 AM] Athena Hollow: and has the audacity to say this one particular game is a disservice to women?
[01/01/2015, 12:49:59 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): hehehe:
[01/01/2015, 12:50:00 AM] live:riotarms: #wisefedora
[01/01/2015, 12:50:01 AM] Athena Hollow: fuck. him.
[01/01/2015, 12:50:22 AM] Remy: No nobody uses mansplain as a hashtag
[01/01/2015, 12:50:27 AM] Remy: Who gave me that idea? Do push ups
[01/01/2015, 12:50:30 AM] live:riotarms: REAL WORLD FOLKS
[01/01/2015, 12:50:39 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: stole that, izzy
[01/01/2015, 12:50:44 AM] Ian Cheong:
[01/01/2015, 12:50:46 AM] Ian Cheong: patrick wins
[01/01/2015, 12:50:50 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 12:51:14 AM] Remy: "retarded star"?
[01/01/2015, 12:51:15 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): hah, thanks, Sarah
[01/01/2015, 12:51:18 AM] Remy: Do they not even recognize Kirby?
[01/01/2015, 12:51:29 AM] Ian Cheong: fake gamer boys
[01/01/2015, 12:51:39 AM] Peter Coffin: "on a board I don't frequent"
[01/01/2015, 12:51:43 AM] Peter Coffin: as in "I go there"
[01/01/2015, 12:51:50 AM] Peter Coffin: "just not frequently"
[01/01/2015, 12:51:51 AM] Peter Coffin: which
[01/01/2015, 12:52:05 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Oh, you know, it's JUST the GamerGate official home base
[01/01/2015, 12:52:07 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): nothing special
[01/01/2015, 12:52:11 AM] Peter Coffin: to a lot of these people, correct me if I am wrong, frequently means "500 tweets a day"
[01/01/2015, 12:52:25 AM] live:riotarms: Does GG have any secret groups
[01/01/2015, 12:52:31 AM] Peter Coffin: most likely
[01/01/2015, 12:52:37 AM] Peter Coffin: they don't use them well though
[01/01/2015, 12:52:39 AM] live:riotarms: It seems insane they'd do it all in public
[01/01/2015, 12:52:40 AM] Rob: Whenever I see gamergaters with persona 3 and 4 icons and banne rheaders on their twitter, I want to be like "You don't even know who Philemon is you filthy fucking casual"
[01/01/2015, 12:52:41 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): James, I don't think so. They do everything out in the open
[01/01/2015, 12:52:46 AM] Remy: There we go. Tweet deployed
[01/01/2015, 12:52:47 AM] Peter Coffin: because they organize everything on a fucking public board
[01/01/2015, 12:52:52 AM] Remy: Now to eat food and play pokemon
[01/01/2015, 12:53:08 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I saw a GGer explain that the reason they do things publicly is so other Gaters can find them easier and join in
[01/01/2015, 12:53:13 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): they are not very bright
[01/01/2015, 12:53:18 AM] Athena Hollow: nope.
[01/01/2015, 12:53:33 AM] Remy: I wouldn't be surprised if a small circle of the core nasties are still communicating on IRC or something
[01/01/2015, 12:53:40 AM] Peter Coffin: "hey look at that, they're doing something questionably legal, I should also do this"
[01/01/2015, 12:53:43 AM] Rob: TBF, I'm sure there are a few quieter groups that do coordinate shit
[01/01/2015, 12:53:45 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i would be shocked if they aren't
[01/01/2015, 12:53:47 AM] Rob: But I think they're probably informal.
[01/01/2015, 12:53:49 AM] Remy: But honestly most of them can't even stand each other
[01/01/2015, 12:53:55 AM] Athena Hollow: ^
[01/01/2015, 12:54:00 AM] live:riotarms: They have a private IRC that branches from #burgerandfries, or they did
[01/01/2015, 12:54:30 AM] Ian Cheong: #GamerGate Mostly Left-Leaning Liberals, According To Survey - William Usher (
[01/01/2015, 12:54:40 AM] Athena Hollow: oh for fuck sake
[01/01/2015, 12:54:41 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): according to GG
[01/01/2015, 12:54:52 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): oh man, I need to find a reddit post. BRB
[01/01/2015, 12:54:53 AM] Athena Hollow: these are same dumb surveys that say LITERAL NAZIS are left
[01/01/2015, 12:55:05 AM] Peter Coffin: surveying a group which intentionally skews information about themselves
[01/01/2015, 12:55:08 AM] Peter Coffin: hahahahahaha right
[01/01/2015, 12:55:11 AM] live:riotarms: Liberal isn't exactly left
[01/01/2015, 12:55:16 AM] Athena Hollow: in the states it is.
[01/01/2015, 12:55:19 AM] live:riotarms: It's a centrist position
[01/01/2015, 12:55:23 AM] Athena Hollow: which is where most of these dudes are
[01/01/2015, 12:55:29 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): In other news, North Korea finds that it is the most humanitarian country in the world
[01/01/2015, 12:55:30 AM] live:riotarms: Yeah,  your left wing dropped off
[01/01/2015, 12:55:36 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: it's from the political compass site. where 99% of people score "liberal left"
[01/01/2015, 12:55:38 AM] Athena Hollow: pretty much anything more liberal than hard core fundie christian LOL
[01/01/2015, 12:55:39 AM] live:riotarms: That's gotta be maddening
[01/01/2015, 12:55:54 AM] Athena Hollow: Especially maddening when you're a democratic socialist LOL
[01/01/2015, 12:56:01 AM] live:riotarms: Yeeeeah
[01/01/2015, 12:56:08 AM] live:riotarms: I miss viable socialism
[01/01/2015, 12:56:27 AM] Remy: There was a week where I kept running into a Gater troll and I'd search their timeline and I'm like "WTF everything else in their timeline is liberal shit why can't they figure out what pile of turds they've signed up with?"
[01/01/2015, 12:56:30 AM] live:riotarms: It's the only reason I can walk
[01/01/2015, 12:56:31 AM] Ian Cheong: KIA: "Anti-GG losing their shit over some Anita porn parody. Remember they're NOTHING like those ultra-conservatives!!"
[01/01/2015, 12:56:32 AM] Peter Coffin: I am a liberal, at this point I don't even care what politics are prominent - everyone has fucked everything up in the states
[01/01/2015, 12:56:54 AM] Ian Cheong: that's such a straw man argument
[01/01/2015, 12:57:05 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i usually vote green as a fuck you tbh
[01/01/2015, 12:57:05 AM] Peter Coffin: we're so past straw man
[01/01/2015, 12:57:07 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): found my screenshot. BRB tweeting something funny
[01/01/2015, 12:57:07 AM] Peter Coffin: hahahaha
[01/01/2015, 12:57:10 AM] Ian Cheong: it's like saying you hate hitler because the real reason is that you hate mustaches.
[01/01/2015, 12:57:15 AM] Athena Hollow: they brought up the sarah palin porno
[01/01/2015, 12:57:16 AM] Annie Kelly: sex-positive = pro-objectification/degradation to them
[01/01/2015, 12:57:26 AM] Ian Cheong: i wasn't ok with the sarah palin porno
[01/01/2015, 12:57:34 AM] Athena Hollow: except... sarah palin hasn't had to fucking deal with this shit, so even on THAT grounds it wasn't the same.
[01/01/2015, 12:57:39 AM] Peter Coffin: in gg's world, yes annie
[01/01/2015, 12:57:39 AM] Athena Hollow: but yeah, i wasn't a fan of it either.
[01/01/2015, 12:57:45 AM] Annie Kelly: I don't think many "SJWs" were
[01/01/2015, 12:58:02 AM] Annie Kelly: its just part of their equating us with the generalised "left" when convenient
[01/01/2015, 12:58:04 AM] Athena Hollow: Many people I know legit find Palin physically attractive, if not dumb as a box of rocks.
[01/01/2015, 12:58:14 AM] Athena Hollow: With the Anita stuff, it's straight up hate porn.
[01/01/2015, 12:58:20 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: the sarah palin one was gross, but there's a BIG difference between that happening to someone running for national level political office and a fucking woman talking about games
[01/01/2015, 12:58:23 AM] Tesseract: did anything burn down overnight
[01/01/2015, 12:58:41 AM] Peter Coffin: there is a big difference in prominence and a big difference in undertones as well
[01/01/2015, 12:58:51 AM] Athena Hollow: I'd hide my sex toys under the couch but they are already there lol
[01/01/2015, 12:58:53 AM] Athena Hollow: yeah exactly.
[01/01/2015, 12:59:03 AM] Athena Hollow: they don't fucking grasp nuance.
[01/01/2015, 12:59:07 AM] Rob: christ
[01/01/2015, 12:59:10 AM] Rob: Sargon is so stupid
[01/01/2015, 12:59:11 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): HEHEHEHEHE:
[01/01/2015, 12:59:11 AM] Athena Hollow: They think if one person does something that it's ok across the board
[01/01/2015, 12:59:15 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): (sun)
[01/01/2015, 12:59:18 AM] Athena Hollow: but the context is so fucking important.
[01/01/2015, 12:59:29 AM] Peter Coffin: like... I'm sex positive (if it is someone's CHOICE to be sexual, go for it. it's their lives). I'm anti-degredation. Is that really that difficult to grasp?
[01/01/2015, 12:59:49 AM] Athena Hollow: apparently so lol
[01/01/2015, 12:59:49 AM] Ian Cheong: "I can understand if it was LW, since she's not well known. But Anita's a public figure and the face of radical feminism in gaming (despite not being a gamer). It was bound to happen eventually."
[01/01/2015, 1:00:04 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): "radical feminism"
[01/01/2015, 1:00:05 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): o.o
[01/01/2015, 1:00:06 AM] Athena Hollow: because of one offhand comment 4 goddamn years ago
[01/01/2015, 1:00:13 AM] Athena Hollow: yep
[01/01/2015, 1:00:17 AM] live:riotarms: I wish I had Anita's collection man
[01/01/2015, 1:00:19 AM] Athena Hollow: they're so fucking trash.
[01/01/2015, 1:00:21 AM] Athena Hollow: RIGHT?!
[01/01/2015, 1:00:30 AM] live:riotarms: They're not gamers ian, that's why
[01/01/2015, 1:00:44 AM] Annie Kelly: don't even get me started on their use of "radical feminism"
[01/01/2015, 1:00:51 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Hey Annie!
[01/01/2015, 1:00:52 AM] live:riotarms: Not the core membership, maybe some of the drones
[01/01/2015, 1:01:00 AM] Annie Kelly: hello!
[01/01/2015, 1:01:03 AM] Remy: I think we all know who's been using the word "feminize" more than whom
[01/01/2015, 1:01:14 AM] Remy: pretend I spelled that... y'know
[01/01/2015, 1:01:17 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 1:01:32 AM] live:riotarms: Their idea of "MMO" is "use social media to destroy someone's life"
[01/01/2015, 1:01:37 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i had someone try to tell me "radical" can only mean "EXTREME" and i pointed to the dictionary (one of the few times that's relevant to do) and it shows it refers to "root" and they're just like NO NO THEY'RE RADICALS THEY'RE EXTEMISTS
[01/01/2015, 1:01:52 AM] Athena Hollow: if they were extremist, why not say extremist?
[01/01/2015, 1:01:55 AM] Peter Coffin:
[01/01/2015, 1:01:58 AM] Athena Hollow: why use a word that means anything BUT extremist?
[01/01/2015, 1:02:04 AM] Ian Cheong: Hey Annie
[01/01/2015, 1:02:07 AM] Athena Hollow: it just seems so fucking dumb to me.
[01/01/2015, 1:02:19 AM] Annie Kelly: yday I saw SO MANY of them complaining about "radfems" pushing transgenderism on people
[01/01/2015, 1:02:22 AM] Annie Kelly: like yes, yes
[01/01/2015, 1:02:25 AM] Athena Hollow: PUSHING
[01/01/2015, 1:02:27 AM] Remy: Because words can mean anything. Gravy is water. Strawmen are appealing to authority. Legos are spicy now
[01/01/2015, 1:02:28 AM] Athena Hollow: yep.
[01/01/2015, 1:02:28 AM] Annie Kelly: THAT IS WHAT RADFEMS ARE KNOWN FOR
[01/01/2015, 1:02:37 AM] Athena Hollow: we're telling all people they are now required to be another gender!
[01/01/2015, 1:02:46 AM] Rob: omg I can't stop laughing
[01/01/2015, 1:02:51 AM] Athena Hollow: lol stephen.
[01/01/2015, 1:02:52 AM] Rob: sargon is saying b/c Obama is a feminist the USG is feminist
[01/01/2015, 1:02:53 AM] Ian Cheong: radfems are as bad as gators.
[01/01/2015, 1:02:56 AM] Athena Hollow: OMFG lol
[01/01/2015, 1:03:11 AM] Athena Hollow: but radfem =/= what most ppl think of lol
[01/01/2015, 1:03:19 AM] Ian Cheong: anita is no radfem
[01/01/2015, 1:03:24 AM] Peter Coffin: noooooooooooo
[01/01/2015, 1:03:26 AM] Remy: Eventually GG's most transphobic argument eventually devolves to "Yeah but then anybody can just declare their gender to be anything whenever they want to" to which I respond "Yeah and so what?"
[01/01/2015, 1:03:26 AM] Peter Coffin: no she isn;t
[01/01/2015, 1:03:38 AM] Athena Hollow: techncially all feminists are radfems, except, amusingly, CH Sommers. 
Going against the status quo is techncially radical
[01/01/2015, 1:03:46 AM] Athena Hollow: it's just another buzzword like feminazi
[01/01/2015, 1:03:47 AM] live:riotarms: A-top: amen
[01/01/2015, 1:03:50 AM] Ian Cheong: CH "I support bullying" Sommers
[01/01/2015, 1:03:57 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): it's because CHS is an MRA
[01/01/2015, 1:04:02 AM] Remy: Oh dear, maybe life might become just a little bit more like a video game. What a fucking nightmare that would be
[01/01/2015, 1:04:12 AM] Peter Coffin: CH "wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo smug" S
[01/01/2015, 1:04:28 AM] Remy: lol
[01/01/2015, 1:04:29 AM] Annie Kelly: exactly I follow quite a few proper radfems (ex-radfem, coming clean) and they don't give a shit about GG
[01/01/2015, 1:04:39 AM] Peter Coffin: she seems to not actually know what she is talking about too
[01/01/2015, 1:04:45 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: "radical" in the context of feminism just refers to "root." as in patriarchy being the root of the oppression of women. that's like.. all there is to it
[01/01/2015, 1:04:51 AM] Athena Hollow: yup
[01/01/2015, 1:04:53 AM] Peter Coffin: there are times it feels like she is saying things she didn't think about
[01/01/2015, 1:04:53 AM] Ian Cheong: "My suggestion to their critics; stand down."
[01/01/2015, 1:04:55 AM] Athena Hollow: but it got distorted.
[01/01/2015, 1:05:05 AM] Athena Hollow: like ppl who say feminism is about making women superior
[01/01/2015, 1:05:09 AM] Athena Hollow: how about "nope"
[01/01/2015, 1:05:21 AM] Peter Coffin: that is such a dumb artgument
[01/01/2015, 1:05:31 AM] Annie Kelly: lmfao
[01/01/2015, 1:05:33 AM] Annie Kelly: so free speech
[01/01/2015, 1:05:36 AM] Athena Hollow: because she makes a lot of money from that shit.
[01/01/2015, 1:05:41 AM] Athena Hollow: AEI bankrollin
[01/01/2015, 1:05:42 AM] Annie Kelly: such inclusive
[01/01/2015, 1:05:47 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: annie: do you mind if i ask what made you "ex"?
[01/01/2015, 1:06:25 AM] Remy: You know what's fucking ironic... is that the reason GamerGate can't figure out that they're the conservatives is because they're actually sitting on that weird end of the horseshoe/magnet that they used to try and posit that we were sitting on.
[01/01/2015, 1:06:30 AM] Remy: Ugh I may have to go dig it up
[01/01/2015, 1:06:35 AM] Athena Hollow: personally i'd like to see the words 'radfem' and 'feminazi' go the fuck away. They are so unbelievably strawmanned.
[01/01/2015, 1:06:43 AM] live:riotarms: The hilarious thing is patriarchal values aren't doing anything good for message board warriors
[01/01/2015, 1:06:45 AM] Dina : oh God I have the Biggest Lebanese Hair (tm)
[01/01/2015, 1:06:52 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[01/01/2015, 1:06:53 AM] Remy: Some stupid political spectrum cartoon designed to show how the "extreme' left and the "extreme" right always end up looking the same after a while.
[01/01/2015, 1:06:54 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: pix dina ^^
[01/01/2015, 1:06:54 AM] Dina : I let my mom pick a hairstyle for me
[01/01/2015, 1:06:59 AM] Athena Hollow: oh god hahahahaha
[01/01/2015, 1:07:02 AM] live:riotarms: They're just giving them insane complexes
[01/01/2015, 1:07:02 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Dina, pics or you are lying
[01/01/2015, 1:07:06 AM] Dina : and I can't see through this helmet of hair and spray
[01/01/2015, 1:07:07 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :P
[01/01/2015, 1:07:12 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: haha
[01/01/2015, 1:07:13 AM] Athena Hollow: HAHAHH
[01/01/2015, 1:07:14 AM] Dina : PS: also the newest GoT book
[01/01/2015, 1:07:16 AM] Remy: I won't lie I would love to see your hair Dina
[01/01/2015, 1:07:30 AM] Dina : A Helmet of Hair and Spray
[01/01/2015, 1:07:38 AM] live:riotarms: See for me left wing implies personal liberty
[01/01/2015, 1:07:49 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Stephen, why is Chobitcoin watching both of us?
[01/01/2015, 1:07:51 AM] Dina : also hello people who have woken up
[01/01/2015, 1:07:55 AM] live:riotarms: I don't consider Stalin to have been left wing
[01/01/2015, 1:07:57 AM] Remy: wow I'm on a watch list now?
[01/01/2015, 1:08:07 AM] Dina : lol Stalin is a stain on the face of leftism
[01/01/2015, 1:08:35 AM] Annie Kelly: woops sorry sarah I was watching a video ha, err yeah it was a fairly straightforward cycle, my mum is p heavily TERF so even tho I was way more "modern" on tran issues I still had a lot of residual stuff lying around about sex work/porn etc.

what got me out of it was seeing the shitty ways radfems "on my side" treated sex workers, trans women or anyone they deemed a "handmaiden" really
[01/01/2015, 1:08:51 AM] Remy: From this Izzy it almost looks like Chobit is watching Andrew
[01/01/2015, 1:08:59 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ah
[01/01/2015, 1:09:34 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Oh, wait. I don't think either of those accounts are the real Chobitcoin
[01/01/2015, 1:09:35 AM] Athena Hollow: WHY WAS CHOBITCOIN NOT BLOCKED?! ugh. goddammit twitter.
[01/01/2015, 1:09:40 AM] Remy: And they're both throwaway chobit accounts
[01/01/2015, 1:09:44 AM] Remy: I was just going to say that
[01/01/2015, 1:09:48 AM] Athena Hollow: that's why. ok.
[01/01/2015, 1:09:49 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): weird
[01/01/2015, 1:09:53 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: fair enough, annie! i don't identify as radical for similar reasons. still is like nails on a chalkboard when people use radical incorrectly though haha
[01/01/2015, 1:10:01 AM] Remy: I wonder if they belong to that one user.
[01/01/2015, 1:10:04 AM] Remy: The erratic one
[01/01/2015, 1:10:12 AM] Remy: We need to assign her a handle
[01/01/2015, 1:10:29 AM] Annie Kelly: ugh exactly sarah
[01/01/2015, 1:10:30 AM] Remy: I can't remember the first one she used tho
[01/01/2015, 1:10:32 AM] Athena Hollow: they link to a blog post that links to a Becky App?
[01/01/2015, 1:11:04 AM] Ian Cheong: What do you think of people who say men can't identify as feminists?
[01/01/2015, 1:11:12 AM] Ian Cheong: What gives them the right to dictate how people choose to identify.
[01/01/2015, 1:11:42 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Becky App is one of Chobitcoin's old aliases
[01/01/2015, 1:11:52 AM] live:riotarms: Ian: I want the idea of a patriarchal society gone for my own good as much as anyone elses
[01/01/2015, 1:11:55 AM] Remy: And these are throwaway accounts but they are definitely Chobits
[01/01/2015, 1:12:03 AM] Remy: They link to Chobit's blog
[01/01/2015, 1:12:03 AM] Athena Hollow: welp, blocked for good measure
[01/01/2015, 1:12:06 AM] Remy: And recent articles
[01/01/2015, 1:12:12 AM] Remy: What is Chobit's pronoun please?
[01/01/2015, 1:12:13 AM] live:riotarms: It devalues me as a depressive/disabled man
[01/01/2015, 1:12:23 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Chobitcoin is a woman
[01/01/2015, 1:12:26 AM] Remy: Thank you
[01/01/2015, 1:12:35 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: ian: i think the best response to that is to just be a "good" feminist. i think a lot of people alienated over men identifying as feminists are mad at the ones who do such and talk over women in regards to women's issues, for example
[01/01/2015, 1:12:38 AM] live:riotarms: So I'd say fuck yeah, I can be a feminist
[01/01/2015, 1:12:40 AM] Annie Kelly: Ian: I tend to be more wary of men who identify as feminist, simply bc of the "Listen, kitten," variety, but I still think they should be able to
[01/01/2015, 1:12:40 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: and that sours the concept for them
[01/01/2015, 1:13:07 AM] Remy: I don't call myself a feminist but only b/c I have seen too many dudes like that
[01/01/2015, 1:13:13 AM] Remy: I also don't want to be called a "male ally"
[01/01/2015, 1:13:16 AM] Remy: Too much stank with that name
[01/01/2015, 1:13:32 AM] Annie Kelly: my basic rule of thumb is call yourself a feminist to other men, don't get loud about it with women
[01/01/2015, 1:13:42 AM] Ian Cheong: I just find it incredibly ironic that it was a trans woman who tweeted her anger at men identifying as feminists. A TERF could just as easily say that she too is in the wrong for identifying as a feminist because it's a term that should be reserved for "real" women.
[01/01/2015, 1:13:54 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: (unless it's the kind of woman that preaches CHS "feminism" lol)
[01/01/2015, 1:13:56 AM] Rob: omg omg omg omg omg
[01/01/2015, 1:14:03 AM] Rob: Sargon is complaining that I linked him to a 'giant wall of text'
[01/01/2015, 1:14:11 AM] Rob: 'I was elected to LEAD not to READ'
[01/01/2015, 1:14:15 AM] Annie Kelly: hahahahha
[01/01/2015, 1:14:20 AM] Ian Cheong: I was just about to quote that.
[01/01/2015, 1:14:24 AM] Athena Hollow: LOLOL
[01/01/2015, 1:14:27 AM] Annie Kelly: reading too hard
[01/01/2015, 1:14:33 AM] live:riotarms:
[01/01/2015, 1:14:41 AM] Athena Hollow: welp, that makes sense & fits in w/ ggers at least lol
[01/01/2015, 1:14:44 AM] Annie Kelly: easier to make unwatchable videos where you dissect a women talking word-by-word
[01/01/2015, 1:15:02 AM] live:riotarms: Who's that guy who does it with his shirt off
[01/01/2015, 1:15:14 AM] Athena Hollow: Jordan Owen
[01/01/2015, 1:15:17 AM] Ian Cheong: Thanks for your feedback, sarah, annie.
[01/01/2015, 1:15:19 AM] live:riotarms: The Sarkeesian Effect backup bro
[01/01/2015, 1:15:25 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: ian: as long as men who are feminists recognize that ESPECIALLY when speaking in re: to feminism you need to be really concious of male privilege, i see no issue with it. in fact i encourage men to identify publicly as feminists
[01/01/2015, 1:15:34 AM] Ian Cheong: I hate dudes who try to hijack feminism.
[01/01/2015, 1:15:37 AM] Ian Cheong: to 'lead' it
[01/01/2015, 1:15:49 AM] Ian Cheong: like that Clive guy. Clive? What's his name
[01/01/2015, 1:15:52 AM] Ian Cheong: It starts with a C
[01/01/2015, 1:15:58 AM] Remy: Charles Clymer
[01/01/2015, 1:15:59 AM] Annie Kelly: ohhh clymer
[01/01/2015, 1:16:02 AM] Ian Cheong: Yeah that guy
[01/01/2015, 1:16:03 AM] Ian Cheong: fuck him
[01/01/2015, 1:16:09 AM] Remy: that was acutally
[01/01/2015, 1:16:14 AM] Remy: One of the times I was a bad ally
[01/01/2015, 1:16:14 AM] Dina : Ian same as Misses Butts
[01/01/2015, 1:16:15 AM] Annie Kelly: I don't really know anything about him but know loads of people mad at him haha
[01/01/2015, 1:16:23 AM] Athena Hollow: Yeah, I have some friends who don't seem to grasp the difference between "your opinion isn't required" and "you don't have the right to an opinion"
[01/01/2015, 1:16:32 AM] Remy: A woman was trying to inform me about Clymer and I doubted her and was all like "I don't see the proof tho where is the proo
[01/01/2015, 1:16:42 AM] live:riotarms: TFYC are probably the platonic ideal of the kind of male feminist you don't wanna be
[01/01/2015, 1:16:45 AM] Remy: Remy sticks their head in an oven
[01/01/2015, 1:16:50 AM] Ian Cheong: Oh Stephen
[01/01/2015, 1:16:51 AM] Athena Hollow: It's like, look, express your opinions all you like, but ffs, stop trying to act like you own the conversation or that your opinions are going to be the end-all be-all of opinions.
[01/01/2015, 1:17:01 AM] Remy: Yeah
[01/01/2015, 1:17:10 AM] Remy: I kick myself a lot
[01/01/2015, 1:17:14 AM] Remy: for a lot of reasons
[01/01/2015, 1:17:17 AM] Remy: I'm just a dummy
[01/01/2015, 1:17:20 AM] Ian Cheong: notallbhas did a good job explaining how Clymer is a bad ally.
[01/01/2015, 1:17:22 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: the focus in feminism should always be on the voices of women (and nonbinary folks too, of course). as long as you recognize that & are cool with that, men are more than welcome as far as i'm concerned
[01/01/2015, 1:17:26 AM] Ian Cheong: pointing out to stuff he'd said
[01/01/2015, 1:17:38 AM] Remy: Has anyone else noticed notallbhas' account is gone?
[01/01/2015, 1:17:41 AM] live:riotarms: I think the point of an ally is to promote the ideas outside of the group they're allied with
[01/01/2015, 1:17:53 AM] Rob: Yeah.
[01/01/2015, 1:18:12 AM] live:riotarms: Like if you're a white guy and you're anti-racist don't tell black people how it really is
[01/01/2015, 1:18:13 AM] Athena Hollow: Knife: you're absolutely right on that one. The same friends I'm talking about don't talk to people who aren't feminists, about feminism, and get pissy when women say "Hey, um, we got this"
[01/01/2015, 1:18:13 AM] Ian Cheong: I am also not ok with using the sexual abuse he experienced as a child by his awful mom against him.
[01/01/2015, 1:18:21 AM] Ian Cheong: Some people were going after him for that
[01/01/2015, 1:18:28 AM] Ian Cheong: saying that he was 'likely to be a rapist' because his mom raped him
[01/01/2015, 1:18:31 AM] Athena Hollow: oh ffs.
[01/01/2015, 1:18:31 AM] Ian Cheong: that is just uncalled for
[01/01/2015, 1:18:35 AM] Rob: yeah, that's fucked up
[01/01/2015, 1:18:42 AM] Dina : um wtf
[01/01/2015, 1:18:54 AM] Dina : also Stephen you get a friendly roundhouse kick to the butt
[01/01/2015, 1:18:58 AM] live:riotarms: I did tell my black friend he was full of shit for thinking idris should only play a Bond villan though
[01/01/2015, 1:19:04 AM] Dina : but my leg is wrapped in plushes so
[01/01/2015, 1:19:08 AM] Athena Hollow: yeah that's dumb Knife lol
[01/01/2015, 1:19:11 AM] Ian Cheong: They cited some bullshit about how men who experience childhood trauma are most likely to commit that trauma onto others as adults.
[01/01/2015, 1:19:18 AM] Ian Cheong: And its like whoa there, you don't make that leap.
[01/01/2015, 1:19:19 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Dina, I thought you were going to say your leg is stuck in your big hair. XD
[01/01/2015, 1:19:20 AM] Ian Cheong: that's demonizing victims
[01/01/2015, 1:19:23 AM] live:riotarms: It's dumb but it's how racism works
[01/01/2015, 1:19:24 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: yeah, that's gross ian
[01/01/2015, 1:19:41 AM] Dina : Izzy it could be
[01/01/2015, 1:19:43 AM] Dina : ;-;
[01/01/2015, 1:19:48 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: and spoilers: that same logic works re: women, too. virtually all women who sexually assault children were abused :\
[01/01/2015, 1:19:52 AM] Rob: I mean... there's a statistical possibility of it being more likely
[01/01/2015, 1:19:54 AM] Athena Hollow: There's a difference between that and telling a black person they have it X lol
[01/01/2015, 1:19:55 AM] Rob: but it's not like
[01/01/2015, 1:20:00 AM] Rob: 'if you are abused you will be an abuser'
[01/01/2015, 1:20:09 AM] Ian Cheong: yeah
[01/01/2015, 1:20:18 AM] live:riotarms: I think it's more like, if you've been abused you learn it as normalised behaviour
[01/01/2015, 1:20:22 AM] Rob: Yes
[01/01/2015, 1:20:24 AM] Rob: that
[01/01/2015, 1:20:26 AM] Remy: Dina: I deserve so many roundhouse kicks
[01/01/2015, 1:20:46 AM] live:riotarms: I was pretty abusive for a long time and it was because I'd lived in various kinds of abuse for a decade
[01/01/2015, 1:21:13 AM] live:riotarms: But being bitter and shitty is easy to do
[01/01/2015, 1:21:13 AM] Athena Hollow: what drives me nuts is the "Oh you work in porn? Were you abused as a child or something?"
[01/01/2015, 1:21:14 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: what the fuck is he on about
[01/01/2015, 1:21:18 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: this is making me nervous :\
[01/01/2015, 1:21:24 AM] live:riotarms: You don't need privilege, even
[01/01/2015, 1:21:24 AM] Rob: One of the reasons I never dated anyone until earlier this year is b/c I was afraid of being abusive
[01/01/2015, 1:22:26 AM] Annie Kelly: on a somewhat similar note did any of you see what that RidiculousCargo guy said to me last night, it was a really awful moment
[01/01/2015, 1:22:33 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ok. I finally did it! I pissed off GamerGate enough to care about me
[01/01/2015, 1:22:39 AM] Athena Hollow: Sarah: probably linking to dan's article LOL
[01/01/2015, 1:22:40 AM] Rob: What did he say?
[01/01/2015, 1:22:42 AM] Rob: and what, izzy?
[01/01/2015, 1:22:47 AM] Dina : what Athena said
[01/01/2015, 1:22:49 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): This tweet:
[01/01/2015, 1:22:51 AM] Athena Hollow: I caught part of that Annie.
[01/01/2015, 1:22:56 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): has pissed off a lot of gaters
[01/01/2015, 1:22:58 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :P
[01/01/2015, 1:22:59 AM] Peter Coffin: mic dropped on Twitter re: sex positivity
[01/01/2015, 1:23:02 AM] Rob: heh!
[01/01/2015, 1:23:12 AM] Dina : it's like a 13yo thinking he discovered the meaning of life after watching that video about the Jesus illuminati
[01/01/2015, 1:23:30 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): also, this tweet:
[01/01/2015, 1:23:46 AM] live:riotarms: Annie, what happened?
[01/01/2015, 1:23:56 AM] Annie Kelly: we were in a big convo all talking about how great eachother were, and then he said "if you don't take a compliment im gonna hit you" to another guy in it, I said something like "same you cant even hit back bc of FEMALE PRIVILEGE" or whatever
[01/01/2015, 1:24:14 AM] Annie Kelly: then he just totally flipped and was like "women don't hit me without facing consequences" or something
[01/01/2015, 1:24:28 AM] Ian Cheong: Wow gross.
[01/01/2015, 1:24:33 AM] live:riotarms: Ooh, big man
[01/01/2015, 1:24:40 AM] Annie Kelly: (not the guy we were talking to, the RidiculousCargo guy who started it all)
[01/01/2015, 1:25:01 AM] Annie Kelly: it was a woah, WTF moment for someone I really respected up until that point
[01/01/2015, 1:25:07 AM] Dina : uh
[01/01/2015, 1:25:10 AM] Dina : issues
[01/01/2015, 1:25:14 AM] Dina : more issues
[01/01/2015, 1:25:14 AM] Ian Cheong: No shit
[01/01/2015, 1:25:15 AM] Dina : than vogue
[01/01/2015, 1:25:23 AM] Dina : Dina  sasses
[01/01/2015, 1:25:29 AM] Annie Kelly: hahaha dina <3
[01/01/2015, 1:25:33 AM] Rob: Did he delete his account?
[01/01/2015, 1:25:34 AM] Dina : <3
[01/01/2015, 1:25:34 AM] Ian Cheong: I hate dudes like that
[01/01/2015, 1:26:26 AM] Annie Kelly: yeah, I kinda tried to explain why it was weird but I dunno if he got it, then he DMed me like "I'm really sorry, I respect you, I've revealed too much about myself gona delete my account now"
[01/01/2015, 1:26:35 AM] Dina : wtf
[01/01/2015, 1:26:38 AM] Athena Hollow: wow
[01/01/2015, 1:26:39 AM] Rob: yeah like. if the woman was my size or trained in fighting or was actually physically damaging me, then i'd strike back
[01/01/2015, 1:26:43 AM] Rob: but i'm like 6'0 and 280 lbs
[01/01/2015, 1:26:43 AM] live:riotarms: Annie, I gotta say, the time you told a gater to go have a hate wank and calm down was my favourite comeback of this whole sorry affair
[01/01/2015, 1:26:50 AM] Rob: yeah a lot of that is fat, but I could break someone pretty easily
[01/01/2015, 1:26:53 AM] Rob: I won't hit back unless I have to
[01/01/2015, 1:26:58 AM] live:riotarms: That's an... awkward DM
[01/01/2015, 1:27:04 AM] Ian Cheong: that is super awkward annie
[01/01/2015, 1:27:05 AM] Annie Kelly: hahahahaha thank you
[01/01/2015, 1:27:17 AM] Dina : though tbh I agree gender has no bearing and if you swing a punch you should be ready to receive one. I still think if you swing a punch you should be ready to get arrested as an option as well.
[01/01/2015, 1:27:26 AM] live:riotarms: You should only use violence if you're in danger is a good rule
[01/01/2015, 1:27:31 AM] Dina : Annie is that person 14
[01/01/2015, 1:27:39 AM] Annie Kelly: yeah i didn't know how to respond, especially since i had an ex who used to use ANYTHING physical from me as an excuse to hit me
[01/01/2015, 1:27:42 AM] Rob: Knife: pretty much
[01/01/2015, 1:27:48 AM] Annie Kelly: so i was a bit like "am i overreacting?"
[01/01/2015, 1:27:53 AM] Dina : Annie that's fucking awful
[01/01/2015, 1:27:56 AM] Dina : I'm so sorry
[01/01/2015, 1:27:57 AM] Ian Cheong: Only use violence if you're in danger, yes, I agree.
[01/01/2015, 1:28:00 AM] Ian Cheong: That is a good rule.
[01/01/2015, 1:28:06 AM] Ian Cheong: If someone slaps you, dont punch them. that's fucked up.
[01/01/2015, 1:28:09 AM] Rob: Yeah
[01/01/2015, 1:28:11 AM] Annie Kelly: yeah absolutely. it's a last resort, not a tit-for-tat
[01/01/2015, 1:28:23 AM] live:riotarms: A girl kicked me in the balls once when I said ska punk sucked, in front of her boyfriend
[01/01/2015, 1:28:37 AM] live:riotarms: I didn't to anything because what do you do?
[01/01/2015, 1:28:47 AM] Ian Cheong: What an awful person.
[01/01/2015, 1:28:53 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): In 8chan is the UID referring to each unique person?
[01/01/2015, 1:28:57 AM] live:riotarms: Yep
[01/01/2015, 1:28:59 AM] Ian Cheong: Yes Izzzy
[01/01/2015, 1:29:06 AM] Dina : Knife I would have cunt punted her
[01/01/2015, 1:29:11 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ok. thanks
[01/01/2015, 1:29:14 AM] live:riotarms: That was the Darlington punk scene of 2001, though
[01/01/2015, 1:29:26 AM] Athena Hollow: ugh. moments like this are when I want to yell out "QUIT BEING A FUCKING TWAT YOU GODDAMN USEFUL IDIOT"
[01/01/2015, 1:29:31 AM] Annie Kelly: haha a lawless land
[01/01/2015, 1:29:42 AM] Ian Cheong: You know what my favorite video on youtube is
[01/01/2015, 1:29:45 AM] Ian Cheong: "how can she slap"
[01/01/2015, 1:29:53 AM] Ian Cheong: ok i lie its not my favorite
[01/01/2015, 1:29:59 AM] Ian Cheong: but its pretty terrible.
[01/01/2015, 1:30:03 AM] live:riotarms: Dina: I was sliding down a bus shelter wondering if she'd done permanent damage
[01/01/2015, 1:30:13 AM] Annie Kelly: is it another one of them "equal fights" shit?
[01/01/2015, 1:30:15 AM] live:riotarms: How can she slap is a guilty pleasure yeah
[01/01/2015, 1:30:17 AM] Dina : holy shit
[01/01/2015, 1:30:32 AM] Ian Cheong: it's an indian reality show where a girl slaps the dude and he flips out and slaps her back.
[01/01/2015, 1:30:37 AM] Ian Cheong: and then he gets roundly trashed by everyone
[01/01/2015, 1:30:38 AM] live:riotarms: At the end where he's just sort of sobbing it
[01/01/2015, 1:30:57 AM] Ian Cheong: meanwhile he is screaming "HOW CAN SHE SLAP"
[01/01/2015, 1:31:03 AM] Annie Kelly: woahhh
[01/01/2015, 1:31:10 AM] Ian Cheong: ill find it, gimme a sec.
[01/01/2015, 1:31:15 AM] Rob: I mean tbf
[01/01/2015, 1:31:20 AM] Rob: i don't think women should go around hitting men either
[01/01/2015, 1:31:22 AM] Ian Cheong:
[01/01/2015, 1:31:33 AM] Rob: b/c there is a problem w/ male victims of domestic abuse, too. not that MRAs actually truly care about that
[01/01/2015, 1:31:54 AM] Annie Kelly: no, I wanna make clear I absolutely don't think women should
[01/01/2015, 1:32:57 AM] Annie Kelly: but as I say my ex used to like back me against a wall screaming at me, then when i tried to push him away would punch me out and be like "what? you did it first"
[01/01/2015, 1:32:58 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): BOOM:
[01/01/2015, 1:33:09 AM] Annie Kelly: so i'm very verrryyy wary of guys who get into the equal fights rhetoric
[01/01/2015, 1:33:14 AM] Annie Kelly: maybe too wary, idk
[01/01/2015, 1:33:14 AM] Athena Hollow: i smack my husband, but not like... smack smack.... like a "Hey, you're being an asshole, here's my hand hitting your chest/shoulder, quit it" smack lol
[01/01/2015, 1:33:52 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I should have made the screenshots more square, but whatever. if you click on them, you can actually read what they say
[01/01/2015, 1:33:53 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[01/01/2015, 1:34:01 AM] live:riotarms: I knew a male domestic abuse victim at my last job
[01/01/2015, 1:34:13 AM] live:riotarms: It's a different problem
[01/01/2015, 1:34:49 AM] live:riotarms: Most men don't live in fear of sexual assault but it happens situationally
[01/01/2015, 1:35:07 AM] Ian Cheong: "equal rights, equal lefts" is something assholes tell themselves to justify beating women.
[01/01/2015, 1:35:25 AM] live:riotarms: And again, the idea men are superior to women ingrained in the culture makes it much harder for them to get help
[01/01/2015, 1:35:25 AM] Annie Kelly: that's unfortunately my take on it too
[01/01/2015, 1:35:25 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ^
[01/01/2015, 1:36:01 AM] Annie Kelly: Paul Elam's article fucked me up bc I just knew the kind of guys who'd be reading it
[01/01/2015, 1:36:02 AM] live:riotarms: So it's actually something more feminism would help, eventually
[01/01/2015, 1:36:04 AM] Rob: HUGS ANNIE
[01/01/2015, 1:36:24 AM] Annie Kelly: thank you rob :)
[01/01/2015, 1:37:20 AM] Rob: <3
[01/01/2015, 1:37:22 AM] Annie Kelly: also izzy just clicked, you absolutely served that dude haha
[01/01/2015, 1:37:34 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Hehe <3
[01/01/2015, 1:37:34 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :)
[01/01/2015, 1:37:57 AM] live:riotarms: I wonder if it would be useful to work out an average of UIDs over a week
[01/01/2015, 1:38:09 AM] live:riotarms: Try and size them up again
[01/01/2015, 1:38:14 AM] Annie Kelly: i keep reading these as IUDs not gonna lie guys
[01/01/2015, 1:38:19 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[01/01/2015, 1:38:21 AM] Ian Cheong: hahaha
[01/01/2015, 1:38:26 AM] live:riotarms: I really want to know how many are left
[01/01/2015, 1:38:27 AM] Annie Kelly: ethics in birth control
[01/01/2015, 1:38:41 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 1:38:50 AM] Rob: My girlfriend tried to explain the actual science behind IUDs to me like 3 times and i just said "shut up, it's magic"
[01/01/2015, 1:39:02 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[01/01/2015, 1:39:05 AM] Ian Cheong: It blocks cum.
[01/01/2015, 1:39:06 AM] Annie Kelly: rob, i have one and its honestly magic to me as well
[01/01/2015, 1:39:11 AM] Rob: she has a mirena i think
[01/01/2015, 1:39:12 AM] Athena Hollow: and irritates the uterus
[01/01/2015, 1:39:13 AM] Annie Kelly: i have NO clue how it works
[01/01/2015, 1:39:17 AM] Rob: I just picture Gandalf standing in the uterus going
[01/01/2015, 1:39:21 AM] Rob: YOU SHALL NOT PASS
[01/01/2015, 1:39:21 AM] Athena Hollow: and some have the birth control meds
[01/01/2015, 1:39:25 AM] Annie Kelly: SAME! sisters of the mirena
[01/01/2015, 1:39:26 AM] Rob: to a spermrog
[01/01/2015, 1:39:30 AM] Athena Hollow: that works like taking the pill :)
[01/01/2015, 1:39:38 AM] live:riotarms: Where's the ring in that scenario?
[01/01/2015, 1:39:43 AM] Athena Hollow: cockring.
[01/01/2015, 1:39:44 AM] Rob: it's the anus
[01/01/2015, 1:39:46 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahah
[01/01/2015, 1:39:50 AM] Annie Kelly: ahahaha athena
[01/01/2015, 1:40:44 AM] Athena Hollow: we use rhythm/pullout because it's worked for 11 years lol but at this point I want to just get my tubes tied -_-
[01/01/2015, 1:41:12 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Another Gater served:
[01/01/2015, 1:41:18 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): this time with better screenshots, lol
[01/01/2015, 1:41:52 AM] Annie Kelly: lol all the women in my family get hysterectomies in their 40s for medical reasons, ive often considered just doing it now to save time
[01/01/2015, 1:42:01 AM] Athena Hollow: I can't really carry if I do get pregnant again due to cervical cancer surgery (found that out w/ my last miscarriage a few years ago) so it's just dangerous as shit to get pregnant again. plus, I'm pushin 30, my husband is in his mid 30s, at this rate I'll be 39 when my daughter is 18. Good time to not have anymore kids.
[01/01/2015, 1:42:11 AM] Athena Hollow: Yea, same w/ mine.
[01/01/2015, 1:42:25 AM] Athena Hollow: but that's money and i gots no insurance sooooooo yeah. :-/
[01/01/2015, 1:42:39 AM] Annie Kelly: oh America : (
[01/01/2015, 1:42:47 AM] Rob: :C
[01/01/2015, 1:42:51 AM] Ian Cheong: I'm not having any kids.
[01/01/2015, 1:43:04 AM] live:riotarms: Yeah, I'm not either
[01/01/2015, 1:43:10 AM] Annie Kelly: the No1 thing people said to me when i went to the US was "but how can you go there?? what if you get sick? YOU HAVE TO PAY"
[01/01/2015, 1:43:18 AM] Athena Hollow: haha
[01/01/2015, 1:43:24 AM] Annie Kelly: it was just completely alien to everyone here
[01/01/2015, 1:43:42 AM] Rob: Yeah, my GF and I talked about 'well if we ever got married, kids?' and both of us at the same time were like 'FUCK NO'
[01/01/2015, 1:43:45 AM] Athena Hollow: and sadly, our gross GOP politics are seeping outside the US now.
[01/01/2015, 1:43:47 AM] Ian Cheong: I enjoy my life too much to have any kids around.
[01/01/2015, 1:43:48 AM] Athena Hollow: sorry about that :-/
[01/01/2015, 1:43:57 AM] Rob: We'll have cats and maybe a dog.
[01/01/2015, 1:44:03 AM] Athena Hollow: I'd help get rid of them but I'm stuck in a red state -_-
[01/01/2015, 1:44:07 AM] Ian Cheong: I have a dog and even that is a big responsibility
[01/01/2015, 1:44:09 AM] Annie Kelly: yes! kittens are so much better than babies imo
[01/01/2015, 1:44:12 AM] Ian Cheong: Plus dogs are cute and don't shit themselves.
[01/01/2015, 1:44:27 AM] live:riotarms: My childhood dog did, sadly
[01/01/2015, 1:45:09 AM] Annie Kelly: im fairly certain my cat just doesn't shit
[01/01/2015, 1:45:19 AM] Annie Kelly: like I've never seen her do it ever
[01/01/2015, 1:45:24 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 1:45:28 AM] Annie Kelly: i think its an establishment lie that they do
[01/01/2015, 1:45:30 AM] Athena Hollow: she indoor/outdoor?
[01/01/2015, 1:45:36 AM] Annie Kelly: outdoor
[01/01/2015, 1:45:38 AM] Athena Hollow: ahhh
[01/01/2015, 1:45:39 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Oh, my cat shits. and he stinks up the whole house
[01/01/2015, 1:45:47 AM] Athena Hollow: XD My cats do when I get them wet food
[01/01/2015, 1:45:49 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Thank God for Frebreeze
[01/01/2015, 1:45:58 AM] Annie Kelly: p much all cats are outdoor here, that's another thing people find weird about america
[01/01/2015, 1:46:01 AM] Athena Hollow: btw, amazon has some of the best clumping litter that hides smells!
[01/01/2015, 1:46:23 AM] live:riotarms: Annie, I had grandparents in the barbican who had indoor cats
[01/01/2015, 1:46:23 AM] Athena Hollow: there's a lot of weird cat diseases here :-/
[01/01/2015, 1:46:32 AM] live:riotarms: All breeds, so they were mad as fuck
[01/01/2015, 1:46:34 AM] Peter Coffin: yeah cats get sick here super easy
[01/01/2015, 1:46:39 AM] Rob: One of my girlfriend's cats gets really mad if she goes on a trip for a few days, and he ends up pooping on her bed to teach her a lesson.
[01/01/2015, 1:46:39 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Kitty Leukimia is very common
[01/01/2015, 1:46:47 AM] Athena Hollow: and kitty aids.
[01/01/2015, 1:46:48 AM] Annie Kelly: really? wow i didn't know that
[01/01/2015, 1:46:58 AM] Ian Cheong: kitty leukimia is a transmittable virus weirdly.
[01/01/2015, 1:47:02 AM] Athena Hollow: Sorry kitty HIV
[01/01/2015, 1:47:08 AM] Annie Kelly: also LOL rob
[01/01/2015, 1:47:12 AM] Rob: Yeah, my first cat had kitty leukimia
[01/01/2015, 1:47:22 AM] Remy: it's cold as fuck here I'm gonna crawl in bed and play pokemon until I fall asleep
[01/01/2015, 1:47:27 AM] Rob: So when my parents put her down, they had to clean the FUCK out of the entire house and wait like a month or two before they got a new cat for me
[01/01/2015, 1:47:29 AM] live:riotarms: Shower, brb
[01/01/2015, 1:47:30 AM] Athena Hollow: cya stephen <3
[01/01/2015, 1:47:34 AM] Annie Kelly: bye Stephen!
[01/01/2015, 1:47:35 AM] Remy: <3
[01/01/2015, 1:47:35 AM] Athena Hollow: and yeah, freezin balls here too
[01/01/2015, 1:47:38 AM] Rob: Later stephen
[01/01/2015, 1:47:38 AM] Ian Cheong: cya stephen
[01/01/2015, 1:47:40 AM] live:riotarms: Later
[01/01/2015, 1:47:46 AM] Peter Coffin: see you stephen
[01/01/2015, 1:47:51 AM] Dina : lil bro will not stop listening to Shmurda
[01/01/2015, 1:47:53 AM] Dina : help
[01/01/2015, 1:47:58 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[01/01/2015, 1:47:59 AM] Dina : bye Stephen!
[01/01/2015, 1:48:04 AM] Rob: Dina, just start playing the frozen soundtrack
[01/01/2015, 1:48:08 AM] Dina : ugh no
[01/01/2015, 1:48:19 AM] Annie Kelly: hahaha
[01/01/2015, 1:48:21 AM] Rob: i like frozen :C
[01/01/2015, 1:48:22 AM] Peter Coffin: there's collateral damage with that plan
[01/01/2015, 1:48:38 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Rob doesn't care... what they're going to say
[01/01/2015, 1:48:39 AM] Annie Kelly: Let It Go was crazy over-played, it set me against frozen before i even watched it
[01/01/2015, 1:48:40 AM] Athena Hollow: ugh. this cold weather is tearing my knees up :-/
[01/01/2015, 1:48:56 AM] Athena Hollow: i am so glad I didn't listen to the radio or, like, go anywhere when it first came out LOL
[01/01/2015, 1:49:00 AM] Athena Hollow: because I <3 it all still lol
[01/01/2015, 1:49:09 AM] Peter Coffin: frozen is a decent movie. it painted itself as super liberal but it's not so much
[01/01/2015, 1:49:14 AM] Peter Coffin: it's some liberal
[01/01/2015, 1:49:20 AM] Peter Coffin: not very liberal
[01/01/2015, 1:49:29 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Liberal?
[01/01/2015, 1:49:30 AM] Peter Coffin: doesn't do much world building
[01/01/2015, 1:49:33 AM] Peter Coffin: either
[01/01/2015, 1:49:33 AM] Athena Hollow: I think we painted it that way, tbh. I think Disney just wanted a non-typical step in a different direction
[01/01/2015, 1:49:35 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[01/01/2015, 1:49:37 AM] Dina : I want some snuggles dammit
[01/01/2015, 1:49:43 AM] Dina : the kind I can't get at home
[01/01/2015, 1:49:49 AM] Dina : T_T this hair is in the WAY
[01/01/2015, 1:49:52 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[01/01/2015, 1:50:01 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Dina, did you share a pic? or your hair?
[01/01/2015, 1:50:04 AM] Peter Coffin: my issue with it is the lack of the world building. it's a fun kids movie though
[01/01/2015, 1:50:06 AM] Dina : lol eff no
[01/01/2015, 1:50:14 AM] Dina : I'm trying to subdue it now haha
[01/01/2015, 1:50:15 AM] Athena Hollow: I <3 disney flicks.
[01/01/2015, 1:50:16 AM] Rob: i wanna see!
[01/01/2015, 1:50:20 AM] Annie Kelly: right I NEED to go get ready for work
[01/01/2015, 1:50:26 AM] Rob: Later, annie!
[01/01/2015, 1:50:26 AM] Dina : I reduced volume by 50%
[01/01/2015, 1:50:29 AM] Peter Coffin: world building is very important in a story for me
[01/01/2015, 1:50:29 AM] Annie Kelly: happy new year guyyyys xxx
[01/01/2015, 1:50:32 AM] Dina : bye Annie!
[01/01/2015, 1:50:35 AM] Athena Hollow: I still know all the words to pretty much every disney movie song from their animated (mostly pricness) lines
[01/01/2015, 1:50:36 AM] Dina : Happy new year!
[01/01/2015, 1:50:40 AM] Athena Hollow: cya annie!
[01/01/2015, 1:50:42 AM] Peter Coffin: bye annie, happy new year!
[01/01/2015, 1:50:54 AM] Dina : my favorite disney song is Daddy Would You Like Some Sausages
[01/01/2015, 1:51:00 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 1:51:03 AM] Dina : from the classic Freddie
[01/01/2015, 1:51:05 AM] Peter Coffin: HA
[01/01/2015, 1:51:11 AM] Peter Coffin: tom green has me blocked on twitter
[01/01/2015, 1:51:19 AM] Peter Coffin: also he's become a big shit over the last decade
[01/01/2015, 1:51:24 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): .... FACEPALM .... this person did not get my sarcasm at all, even with the screenshots showing it was more than 2 people... God help them:
[01/01/2015, 1:51:32 AM] Peter Coffin: does standup now, it's mainly technophobia
[01/01/2015, 1:51:45 AM] Peter Coffin: which is weird because he embraced the internet just ahead of most people
[01/01/2015, 1:51:56 AM] Peter Coffin: but eh
[01/01/2015, 1:52:07 AM] Peter Coffin: he's funny.
[01/01/2015, 1:52:19 AM] Dina : I dun like
[01/01/2015, 1:52:20 AM] Peter Coffin: not as a standup
[01/01/2015, 1:52:28 AM] Peter Coffin: his old chaotic things
[01/01/2015, 1:52:34 AM] Rob: Hrm. Do I want to play more secret of mana, or do i want to play some final fantasy tactics or shadowrun
[01/01/2015, 1:52:36 AM] Athena Hollow: I thought he was funny when I was like... 14....>_>
[01/01/2015, 1:52:37 AM] Peter Coffin: he is possibly one of the least funny standups ever
[01/01/2015, 1:52:47 AM] Peter Coffin: then don't watch his standup
[01/01/2015, 1:52:57 AM] Peter Coffin: imagine that minus any charm plus technophobia
[01/01/2015, 1:53:01 AM] Athena Hollow: I haven't thought he was funny since I started having sex regularly though LOL
[01/01/2015, 1:53:04 AM] Peter Coffin: and I'm sure you'll say there is no charm
[01/01/2015, 1:53:09 AM] Peter Coffin: so negative charm
[01/01/2015, 1:53:21 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Who are we talking about? Dane Cook?
[01/01/2015, 1:53:32 AM] Peter Coffin: tom green
[01/01/2015, 1:53:35 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ah
[01/01/2015, 1:53:36 AM] Athena Hollow: same person.
[01/01/2015, 1:53:38 AM] Athena Hollow: LMAO
[01/01/2015, 1:53:40 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[01/01/2015, 1:53:49 AM] Rob: Dane Cook ugh
[01/01/2015, 1:53:58 AM] Peter Coffin: I'd argue dane cook can at least be funny while doing standup. it's rare but it's possibke
[01/01/2015, 1:54:00 AM] Rob: I remember freshman year of college, EVERYONE LIKED DANE COOK
[01/01/2015, 1:54:01 AM] Peter Coffin: tom green on the other hand
[01/01/2015, 1:54:05 AM] Rob: And would listen to his fucking CDs repeatedly.
[01/01/2015, 1:54:07 AM] Athena Hollow: yeah when he's doing everyone else's jokes maybe.
[01/01/2015, 1:54:26 AM] Peter Coffin: TBH, I hate standup comedy because I hate that world
[01/01/2015, 1:54:36 AM] Athena Hollow: Oh you just havne't found the good stuff LOL
[01/01/2015, 1:54:44 AM] Athena Hollow: there's really good stand up comedians that aren't total shit
[01/01/2015, 1:54:46 AM] Peter Coffin: I hate when "stealing jokes" is the big issue and not "being a terrible person"
[01/01/2015, 1:54:48 AM] Athena Hollow: they're just not as popular.
[01/01/2015, 1:54:49 AM] Peter Coffin: oh I know
[01/01/2015, 1:54:53 AM] Peter Coffin: I'm not saying there aren't
[01/01/2015, 1:54:54 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I love Gabriel Iglesias
[01/01/2015, 1:54:58 AM] Athena Hollow: YES
[01/01/2015, 1:55:00 AM] Peter Coffin: I'm saying I hate that world with everything in me
[01/01/2015, 1:55:06 AM] Peter Coffin: he is very funny, yes
[01/01/2015, 1:55:16 AM] Athena Hollow: and yes I agree Peter.
[01/01/2015, 1:55:23 AM] Athena Hollow: That's why I hate Tosh.
[01/01/2015, 1:55:36 AM] Dina : *reading The Raven* dese Poes ain't loyal
[01/01/2015, 1:55:44 AM] Dina : ^my standup
[01/01/2015, 1:55:45 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): omg
[01/01/2015, 1:55:49 AM] Peter Coffin: lol
[01/01/2015, 1:55:53 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 1:56:04 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): He has a weird delivery style, but I also really love john mulaney
[01/01/2015, 1:56:08 AM] Dina : I won't be quitting my day job anytime soon
[01/01/2015, 1:56:16 AM] Peter Coffin: I wanted to do standup for a while, but most of what I wrote was me just shitting on standup comedy
[01/01/2015, 1:56:31 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 1:56:47 AM] Peter Coffin: realized it wasn't for me
[01/01/2015, 1:57:04 AM] Peter Coffin: I needed to do something where you're allowed to shit on the royalty
[01/01/2015, 1:57:16 AM] Peter Coffin: because fuck the elite
[01/01/2015, 1:57:34 AM] Peter Coffin: fuck gate keeping
[01/01/2015, 1:57:55 AM] Peter Coffin: fuck anyone who shits on people working their ass off to try to do something
[01/01/2015, 2:04:02 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL. Such feelz over realz. I told a GGer that I can't take them seriously when they use "anti-gamer" and "pro-corruption". A bunch of GGers came to their defense and said they couldn't take me seriously because I use "#StopGamerGate"
[01/01/2015, 2:04:55 AM] Tesseract: nou.jpg
[01/01/2015, 2:05:30 AM] Dina : QQ.gif
[01/01/2015, 2:05:36 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 2:06:04 AM] Peter Coffin: lol
[01/01/2015, 2:06:25 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): please kill me :
[01/01/2015, 2:06:29 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): this GGer is so dumb
[01/01/2015, 2:06:34 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): like, I can't comprehend
[01/01/2015, 2:07:16 AM] Athena Hollow: god he is putting the hashtag in literally every post LOL
[01/01/2015, 2:07:23 AM] Athena Hollow: it's people like that as to why the tag hasn't died entirely.
[01/01/2015, 2:07:23 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): #GamerGate I
[01/01/2015, 2:07:27 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): #GamerGate hate
[01/01/2015, 2:07:31 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): #GamerGate you
[01/01/2015, 2:07:35 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 2:07:48 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): It's like Stevie from Malcolm in the Middle
[01/01/2015, 2:08:07 AM] Rob: haha
[01/01/2015, 2:08:24 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: report that
[01/01/2015, 2:09:23 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): GGers actually doing something good?
[01/01/2015, 2:09:24 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Reported
[01/01/2015, 2:15:15 AM] Dina : reported
[01/01/2015, 2:15:27 AM] Athena Hollow: this is going to end well -_-
[01/01/2015, 2:16:19 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): There she goes again, being impulsive.
[01/01/2015, 2:16:26 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Fun
[01/01/2015, 2:16:37 AM] Rob: What did it say? she deleted it
[01/01/2015, 2:16:39 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: it was deleted
[01/01/2015, 2:16:40 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: yeah
[01/01/2015, 2:16:50 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): "GG on @Spacekatgal: Tranny scum. Can't have views on feminism. TG community on @spacekatgal: CIS Scum. Can't have views on TG rights."
[01/01/2015, 2:17:12 AM] Rob: Oh dear.
[01/01/2015, 2:17:39 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yeah. I understand what she is trying to say, but that was worded REALLY poorly
[01/01/2015, 2:17:50 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): REALLY poorly
[01/01/2015, 2:18:13 AM] Dina : uuuuh wtf
[01/01/2015, 2:18:16 AM] Dina : Bri
[01/01/2015, 2:18:20 AM] Rob: Rob rubs temples.
[01/01/2015, 2:18:26 AM] Athena Hollow: apparently a lot of trans people feel Helen Lewis is a transphobe (I don't know anything about her so I defer to better judgement for that) and she said to not call her that -_-
[01/01/2015, 2:19:21 AM] Dina : hair 60% down
[01/01/2015, 2:19:37 AM] Dina : approaching human levels of poofiness steadily
[01/01/2015, 2:19:47 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 2:20:14 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: haha
[01/01/2015, 2:20:33 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL, Rob:
[01/01/2015, 2:21:22 AM] Rob: HAHAHA
[01/01/2015, 2:21:35 AM] Rob: I loved how many people jumped on Sargon over that shit
[01/01/2015, 2:23:25 AM] live:riotarms: Heading out guys
[01/01/2015, 2:23:34 AM] live:riotarms: Have a lovely fucking new year
[01/01/2015, 2:23:39 AM] Athena Hollow: cya!
[01/01/2015, 2:23:42 AM] Dina : You too, Knife!
[01/01/2015, 2:23:45 AM] Rob: Later, knife!
[01/01/2015, 2:23:47 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): see you next year! (sorry)
[01/01/2015, 2:23:56 AM] Rob: TIME FOR BOOZE AND FINAL FANTASY TACTICS! Bec ause my groceries were finally delivered \o/
[01/01/2015, 2:24:00 AM] Dina : I should probably start slathering my war paint on
[01/01/2015, 2:25:12 AM] Dina : Dina  dunks head in concealer
[01/01/2015, 2:25:21 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[01/01/2015, 2:25:22 AM] Dina : perfect.
[01/01/2015, 2:25:23 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 2:26:27 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I imaged that like a cartoon. all the makeup laid out flat, in reverse layers. and then you push your face against it. and your makeup is done!
[01/01/2015, 2:26:31 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: dina, you'll have to teach me to makeup someday
[01/01/2015, 2:26:49 AM] Rob: I pictured Dina basically reenacting the scene in Predator where Arnold covers himself in mud
[01/01/2015, 2:26:54 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[01/01/2015, 2:27:23 AM] Dina : LOL
[01/01/2015, 2:27:27 AM] Rob: ^_^ bows
[01/01/2015, 2:27:40 AM] Dina : Sarah I would love to! Make up is super fun!
[01/01/2015, 2:27:50 AM] Dina : please don't actually dunk your head in concealer
[01/01/2015, 2:27:53 AM] Rob: And one day, Kav, Athena, and I will teach all of you to drink
[01/01/2015, 2:27:59 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 2:28:00 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ha
[01/01/2015, 2:28:08 AM] Dina : wait Kav is in here?
[01/01/2015, 2:28:14 AM] Dina : Which one is Kav?
[01/01/2015, 2:28:17 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): She is but not regularly
[01/01/2015, 2:28:17 AM] Rob: Yeah but she's busy traveling so ehs' not as active on skype
[01/01/2015, 2:28:24 AM] Dina : oh ok
[01/01/2015, 2:28:27 AM] Peter Coffin: kiratails I think
[01/01/2015, 2:28:33 AM] Rob: I talk to her on twitter most often
[01/01/2015, 2:29:08 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): It's so cool when we add someone new and they fangirl over all the people in here :3
[01/01/2015, 2:29:13 AM] Rob: and on FB once or twice
[01/01/2015, 2:29:18 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): we are all fans of each other
[01/01/2015, 2:29:20 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 2:29:28 AM] Rob: I'm a fan of me, which is why I buy myself presents like booze
[01/01/2015, 2:29:33 AM] Athena Hollow: XD
[01/01/2015, 2:30:12 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i wish we could get jenni in here <3 there was someone else i wanted to invite too but i blanked
[01/01/2015, 2:30:17 AM] Rob: jenni's awesome.
[01/01/2015, 2:30:28 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Arthur never got back to you?
[01/01/2015, 2:30:34 AM] Rob: i never have any idea of someone who'd be good to add
[01/01/2015, 2:30:35 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): AMIB would be awesome, too
[01/01/2015, 2:30:35 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): but he declined
[01/01/2015, 2:30:50 AM] Tesseract: don't add anyone until we switch to not skype
[01/01/2015, 2:31:18 AM] Dina : (Jetta is awesome too)
[01/01/2015, 2:31:24 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: arthur never replied. i didn't want to keep bothering him
[01/01/2015, 2:31:24 AM] Dina : (but I'm biased)
[01/01/2015, 2:31:29 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Bri is really butting heads with the trans community. :/
[01/01/2015, 2:31:37 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: what's happening now izzy?
[01/01/2015, 2:31:42 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[01/01/2015, 2:31:48 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: my vote is still for staying on skype but requiring people disable logging
[01/01/2015, 2:31:53 AM] Rob: like the only other person I really know who is active against GG sometimes is ian boudreau
[01/01/2015, 2:32:01 AM] Dina : I vote Skype too
[01/01/2015, 2:32:08 AM] Dina : most secure
[01/01/2015, 2:32:19 AM] Rob: Skype's more convenient for me but I'll do whatever everyone else wants to b/c I don't really care
[01/01/2015, 2:32:24 AM] Dina : @jetta_rae u guise
[01/01/2015, 2:32:28 AM] Dina : u guise...
[01/01/2015, 2:32:35 AM] Dina : *tiny voice*
[01/01/2015, 2:32:40 AM] Rob: :D <3
[01/01/2015, 2:32:45 AM] Dina : <3
[01/01/2015, 2:32:54 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i don't know jetta that well but i trust your judgment :)
[01/01/2015, 2:33:33 AM] Dina : nah wait till you get to know her
[01/01/2015, 2:33:36 AM] Dina : she's super cool
[01/01/2015, 2:33:47 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOLOLOL:
[01/01/2015, 2:33:50 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: does anyone have a link to the helen lewis piece? izzy?
[01/01/2015, 2:33:57 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): EVERYTHING MISREPRESENTS GG, except for GG itself, says GG
[01/01/2015, 2:34:18 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Sarah, i'll check.
[01/01/2015, 2:34:39 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: [–]jMerliN19k get 7 points an hour ago 
#StopGamerGate2014 never once has ever been above #GamerGate, nor has it ever trended. 

hahahaah what. i remember them being SO PISSED that stopgg2014 was trending #1
[01/01/2015, 2:34:46 AM] Athena Hollow: wow. So Zoe's jumped from "fucked 5 guys to get ahead" to now "10 guys to get ahead"
[01/01/2015, 2:34:54 AM] Athena Hollow: it's the magical increasing vagina usage.
[01/01/2015, 2:35:04 AM] Dina : u mad bros
[01/01/2015, 2:35:16 AM] Rob: SCHROEDINGER'S BEDPOST NOTCHES
[01/01/2015, 2:35:16 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Doesn't matter, all that matters is she won't have sex with ME --GG
[01/01/2015, 2:35:16 AM] Dina : bros be sad they can't get laid
[01/01/2015, 2:35:19 AM] Rob: or something
[01/01/2015, 2:35:20 AM] Athena Hollow: it's like hearing your senile grandpa tell a story about catching a fish THIIIIIIIIS big
[01/01/2015, 2:35:36 AM] Dina : blame vajayjay, blame vajayjay <- rock the casbah tune
[01/01/2015, 2:36:36 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts:
[01/01/2015, 2:37:26 AM] Dina : 9___9
[01/01/2015, 2:37:33 AM] Dina : dese guys
[01/01/2015, 2:37:35 AM] Dina : I swear
[01/01/2015, 2:37:43 AM] Peter Coffin: they never don't fuck it up immediately
[01/01/2015, 2:38:38 AM] Athena Hollow:
[01/01/2015, 2:38:45 AM] Athena Hollow: signed my ban warrant from kia LOL
[01/01/2015, 2:39:19 AM] Tesseract: they won't ban you, just downvote you to hell and then claim they support free speech because they didn't ban you
[01/01/2015, 2:39:38 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): BUT THEY WILL BAN KIWIKKU!? WTF IS THIS SHIT
[01/01/2015, 2:39:43 AM] Tesseract: hahahahaha
[01/01/2015, 2:40:19 AM] Peter Coffin: meritocracy
[01/01/2015, 2:40:21 AM] Peter Coffin: lol
[01/01/2015, 2:40:23 AM] Rob: Poor Kiwikku
[01/01/2015, 2:40:31 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): He got unbanned yesterday or the day before
[01/01/2015, 2:40:35 AM] Rob: He's like GG's little brother, tagging along trying to be cool
[01/01/2015, 2:40:39 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ^
[01/01/2015, 2:41:01 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: rofl good point re: the pol pot. if he called the guy hitler, his followers would've been confused and thought he was complimenting them
[01/01/2015, 2:41:08 AM] Rob: and gg's just like "hey kiwikku, if you eat these worms then we'll let you drink our suuuuuper cool natty lights" and kiwikku is like "OKAY GUYS" and he does and then they just laugh at him
[01/01/2015, 2:41:22 AM] Rob: and kiwikku just runs back home in tears and cries in the laundry room
[01/01/2015, 2:41:35 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :(
[01/01/2015, 2:41:41 AM] Athena Hollow: lolol
[01/01/2015, 2:42:35 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Which specific tweet from Bri started this whole headbutting with the trans community going on right now with Bri?
[01/01/2015, 2:42:46 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Seems a lot of people want her to apologize for something
[01/01/2015, 2:43:39 AM] Athena Hollow:
[01/01/2015, 2:44:09 AM] Athena Hollow:
[01/01/2015, 2:44:14 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: did anyone find the Helen Lewis comment/article?
[01/01/2015, 2:44:30 AM] Rob: I know Helen Lewis does have a history of transphobic stuff
[01/01/2015, 2:44:36 AM] Athena Hollow:
[01/01/2015, 2:44:36 AM] Dina : ok Brianna no
[01/01/2015, 2:44:50 AM] Rob: but there are a lot of feminists who do
[01/01/2015, 2:44:52 AM] Rob: big and small
[01/01/2015, 2:44:58 AM] Rob: and they rarely get called on it
[01/01/2015, 2:45:02 AM] Rob: By the public at large
[01/01/2015, 2:45:06 AM] Rob: so I'm wondering if she just doesn't know?
[01/01/2015, 2:45:32 AM] Athena Hollow: in this particular instance, I get what Helen is saying - she's going from a journalistic angle, but if she has a history of transphobic stuff then she should probably just not have said anything at all
[01/01/2015, 2:45:38 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): OMG. Where's Zoe? I need to show her this:
[01/01/2015, 2:45:40 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i don't know helen lewis's history. but that comment alone (though i disagree with it) certainly wasn't transphobic, imo
[01/01/2015, 2:45:46 AM] Dina : no I fee like Bri has a weird tendency to co opt the struggle du jour
[01/01/2015, 2:45:49 AM] Athena Hollow: i think it's because of her history
[01/01/2015, 2:45:49 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: agree, athena
[01/01/2015, 2:45:55 AM] Dina : but maybe I'm just being a bitch
[01/01/2015, 2:45:57 AM] Athena Hollow: which i also don't know
[01/01/2015, 2:46:19 AM] Athena Hollow: I think Bri likes to be an ally, and aknowledges the fact that she has the reach to get the message out there
[01/01/2015, 2:46:25 AM] Athena Hollow: but unknowingly speaks over those people
[01/01/2015, 2:46:34 AM] Athena Hollow: like those "bad" feminist dudes we were talking about.
[01/01/2015, 2:46:39 AM] Dina : speaks over is a great way to put it imho
[01/01/2015, 2:46:40 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): McIntosh
[01/01/2015, 2:46:44 AM] Athena Hollow: him. yes.
[01/01/2015, 2:46:46 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I don't like how he does that
[01/01/2015, 2:46:47 AM] Athena Hollow: a lot.
[01/01/2015, 2:46:52 AM] Dina : who?
[01/01/2015, 2:46:55 AM] Rob: I'm always worried about crossing that line, tbh
[01/01/2015, 2:47:02 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): the other half of Feminist Frequency
[01/01/2015, 2:47:07 AM] Dina : oooh
[01/01/2015, 2:47:08 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Jonathan McIntosh
[01/01/2015, 2:47:13 AM] Rob: since i spend an inordinate amount of time talking about feminism and lgbtq rights or muslim rights etc
[01/01/2015, 2:47:23 AM] Dina : yeah I don't follow him, enough white dudes on my TL
[01/01/2015, 2:47:26 AM] Dina : no offense
[01/01/2015, 2:47:31 AM] Rob: none taken, dina, lol
[01/01/2015, 2:47:32 AM] Athena Hollow: The way I handle it Rob, is I pose it as a question instead of a statement if it's something that I don't have cold fact to rely on.
[01/01/2015, 2:47:37 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: hey i was a white dude once qq
[01/01/2015, 2:47:39 AM] Peter Coffin: none taken
[01/01/2015, 2:48:04 AM] Peter Coffin: though sometimes I'm a dirty jew, depends on your racial perspective
[01/01/2015, 2:48:07 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 2:48:18 AM] Rob: And sometimes I'm a filthy border hopper
[01/01/2015, 2:48:32 AM] Peter Coffin: you own a pogo stick?
[01/01/2015, 2:48:36 AM] Rob: :D
[01/01/2015, 2:48:36 AM] Athena Hollow: The way Brianna SHOULD have handled that statement was asking about Helen's transphobic history to see if there was more to it that she is unaware of
[01/01/2015, 2:48:43 AM] Athena Hollow: instead she said "We shouldn't call her transphobic"
[01/01/2015, 2:49:00 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i have a very racially diverse background. both norwegian AND swedish parents count, right
[01/01/2015, 2:49:06 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[01/01/2015, 2:49:20 AM] Dina : lol Sarah
[01/01/2015, 2:49:34 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Obama is HALF WHITE
[01/01/2015, 2:49:49 AM] Dina : I AM NOT
[01/01/2015, 2:49:53 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :O
[01/01/2015, 2:50:06 AM] Dina : I DON'T KNOW WHAT WE'RE YELLING ABOUT
[01/01/2015, 2:50:08 AM] Rob: I need thse annoying files to convert faster arglebargle
[01/01/2015, 2:50:12 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[01/01/2015, 2:50:25 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL that just reminded me of a guy who was arguing w/ me over privilege and said "Well I'm 1/10th Native American. Don't you erase my heritage!" XD
[01/01/2015, 2:50:40 AM] Athena Hollow: becaues I said he was a white dude living on easy street
[01/01/2015, 2:50:41 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: haha
[01/01/2015, 2:50:56 AM] Rob: haha
[01/01/2015, 2:50:57 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: "hey i was a white dude once qq"
[01/01/2015, 2:50:59 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): NYS
[01/01/2015, 2:51:10 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: Oh crap, is that how it works? Do I need to turn my card in?
[01/01/2015, 2:51:23 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: the terfs were right all along
[01/01/2015, 2:51:34 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: brb bleaching my mouth
[01/01/2015, 2:51:40 AM] Athena Hollow: Like... really guy? I'm 2/3 (because weird blood maths) NA and I don't play that fucking card unless someone is being a total asshole about me using the goddamn phrase totem pole LOL
[01/01/2015, 2:51:43 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[01/01/2015, 2:51:55 AM] Rob: yeah i'm somewhere around a quarter
[01/01/2015, 2:52:05 AM] Dina : ok time to slather face 4 reals pray4me happy NE
[01/01/2015, 2:52:06 AM] Rob: since i have some full blooded Cherokee + my Mexican side of the family are mestizo
[01/01/2015, 2:52:13 AM] Athena Hollow: <3 have fun Dina!
[01/01/2015, 2:52:16 AM] Rob: but it literally matters not
[01/01/2015, 2:52:18 AM] Rob: Later, dina! <3
[01/01/2015, 2:52:19 AM] Dina : ;3
[01/01/2015, 2:52:27 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: bai dina <3
[01/01/2015, 2:52:45 AM] Athena Hollow: my heritage shows up really prominently when I work outside, which is pretty much never LOL
[01/01/2015, 2:53:04 AM] Rob: Me too
[01/01/2015, 2:53:07 AM] Athena Hollow: like, I've the cheekbones & the hair, but beyond that, you'd never know... unless I am outside for a week and then it's obvious hahahaha
[01/01/2015, 2:53:09 AM] Rob: if I spend a lot of time outside I tan a lot
[01/01/2015, 2:53:24 AM] Rob: But I hate the outside since I'm allergic to it.
[01/01/2015, 2:53:31 AM] Athena Hollow: I worked at this place around the corner for about a month a few months ago, and mother of god lol
[01/01/2015, 2:53:32 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Mexican who can pass for White here. I just burn :(
[01/01/2015, 2:53:43 AM] Rob: ^5 Izzy
[01/01/2015, 2:53:53 AM] Athena Hollow: I haven't worked there for 2 months and I STILL have tanlines XD
[01/01/2015, 2:53:58 AM] Rob: One of the racist kids in my highschool referred to people like us as 'ghost face Mexicans' once
[01/01/2015, 2:54:04 AM] Athena Hollow: O_______o
[01/01/2015, 2:54:05 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): o.o
[01/01/2015, 2:54:29 AM] Rob: yea
[01/01/2015, 2:54:56 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ... God damnit Kiwikku. Pretending to be black again!?
[01/01/2015, 2:55:15 AM] Athena Hollow: lol goddammit kiwikku
[01/01/2015, 2:55:58 AM] Tesseract: oh god kiwikku's deviantart
[01/01/2015, 2:56:12 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): he's a furry
[01/01/2015, 2:56:32 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: oh hey, I have company. Hooray for being forced away from the horrible horrible internet.
[01/01/2015, 2:57:37 AM] Peter Coffin:
[01/01/2015, 2:57:48 AM] Athena Hollow:
[01/01/2015, 2:57:50 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 2:59:00 AM] Tesseract: oh my god
[01/01/2015, 2:59:06 AM] Tesseract: homestuck/mlp crossover fic
[01/01/2015, 2:59:12 AM] Tesseract: on his deviantart
[01/01/2015, 2:59:16 AM] Athena Hollow: .............
[01/01/2015, 2:59:18 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): <3 kiwikku
[01/01/2015, 2:59:19 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): never change
[01/01/2015, 2:59:40 AM] Tesseract: HORSELUCK
[01/01/2015, 3:00:19 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): it all makes sense.
[01/01/2015, 3:00:34 AM] Athena Hollow:

[01/01/2015, 3:00:40 AM] Athena Hollow: Yep. That's Kiwikku alright.
[01/01/2015, 3:00:55 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): yup. that's one of his usualy 'call to arms' rants
[01/01/2015, 3:01:46 AM] Rob: :D
[01/01/2015, 3:02:30 AM] Athena Hollow:
[01/01/2015, 3:02:33 AM] Athena Hollow: HAHAHHAHAHAH
[01/01/2015, 3:02:38 AM] Athena Hollow: man they are fucking delusional as SHIT
[01/01/2015, 3:04:04 AM] Tesseract: pfffffffffffffffffffff
[01/01/2015, 3:04:44 AM] Athena Hollow: I want to draw up something in mspaint but my hands are too cold XD
[01/01/2015, 3:08:30 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Athena:
[01/01/2015, 3:08:51 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 3:09:00 AM] Athena Hollow: seriously. FULL ON DELUDED THERE.
[01/01/2015, 3:09:16 AM] Athena Hollow: The fact that they told me... it wasn't about her... in a post that was specifically about her is hilarious
[01/01/2015, 3:11:02 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Have Zoe or Alex checked in since last night? Hope they're alright
[01/01/2015, 3:11:51 AM] Rob: Did something happen?
[01/01/2015, 3:12:16 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Zoe getting raided (GGers trying to hack into her accounts) and them going after her family and old friends
[01/01/2015, 3:12:23 AM] Rob: ughh
[01/01/2015, 3:12:41 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yeah. There were 2 huge threads on /gamergate/ digging into anything they could find
[01/01/2015, 3:12:59 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): example:
[01/01/2015, 3:14:36 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: alex DM'd me earlier
[01/01/2015, 3:14:39 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: didn't say much
[01/01/2015, 3:16:18 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yeah. So many GGers in my mentions today. I really pissed them off yesterday. They are so dumb I don't even know how to reply, though
[01/01/2015, 3:16:31 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: what pissed them off?
[01/01/2015, 3:16:36 AM] Rob: I surprisingly did not get that much today or yesterday.
[01/01/2015, 3:16:50 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Just called them out over the threads on /gamergate/ digging into Zoe's life/history
[01/01/2015, 3:17:45 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): This thread is just great:
[01/01/2015, 3:18:24 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yes, let the tears flow and keep proving just how horrible you really are
[01/01/2015, 3:18:25 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): idiots
[01/01/2015, 3:18:28 AM] Tesseract: sleeptax is one of their most insufferable assholes
[01/01/2015, 3:18:44 AM] Rob: Hrm
[01/01/2015, 3:18:54 AM] Rob: my other 16 GB of RAM gets here today, but i probably should not install it tonight
[01/01/2015, 3:18:56 AM] Rob: because i am already tipsy
[01/01/2015, 3:19:01 AM] Rob: and I can see that going horribly wrong
[01/01/2015, 3:19:06 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 3:19:30 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: yeah idk wtf they're on about tbh, zoe's a qt anyhow ~
[01/01/2015, 3:19:34 AM] Rob: my goal is to fill all 8 of my RAM slots by march
[01/01/2015, 3:19:40 AM] Rob: Just so when GGers call me a fake gamer
[01/01/2015, 3:19:47 AM] Rob: i can be like - 'I have 64 GB of RAM you filthy fucking casual'
[01/01/2015, 3:19:51 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I'm just gonna let them keep replying. They are just showing how horrible they are
[01/01/2015, 3:19:59 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): they are so dumb
[01/01/2015, 3:20:06 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): it's amazing. this is what you all have to deal with?
[01/01/2015, 3:20:15 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): when you attract the GGers to your tweets?
[01/01/2015, 3:20:48 AM] Rob: haha
[01/01/2015, 3:20:53 AM] Rob: Dude, Izzy, you know gumba masta?
[01/01/2015, 3:21:00 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: izzy
[01/01/2015, 3:21:04 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: they never figured it out
[01/01/2015, 3:21:13 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: basically i post one horrible thing GG did, and i get 6 more
[01/01/2015, 3:21:15 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: repeat
[01/01/2015, 3:21:23 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yeah
[01/01/2015, 3:21:24 AM] Dan Olson: Is this a choice we face, between free and open communication, and a web that's safe for the marginalized?
[01/01/2015, 3:21:25 AM] Athena Hollow: yeah they fucking keep you stocked sarah
[01/01/2015, 3:21:29 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i only get the content BECAUSE THEY'RE REPLYING
[01/01/2015, 3:21:48 AM] Athena Hollow: Dan: Sadly. Yes.
[01/01/2015, 3:21:54 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: dan just a heads up you had another impersonator
[01/01/2015, 3:22:01 AM] Tesseract: gg wants us to think that's a choice we face because they know it's the only way they can keep doing what they do
[01/01/2015, 3:22:04 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: strangely, i think things are better now than they used to be
[01/01/2015, 3:22:04 AM] Athena Hollow: true.
[01/01/2015, 3:22:17 AM] Athena Hollow: It COULD be better as well, but people are lazy shits.
[01/01/2015, 3:22:24 AM] Athena Hollow: And refuse to take a goddamn stand.
[01/01/2015, 3:22:28 AM] Dan Olson: It's the same one, they personally nuked the account before I could report it last time, but I haven't been able to lock down that username
[01/01/2015, 3:22:34 AM] Athena Hollow: And want to stay with their head in the sand and fly under the radar.
[01/01/2015, 3:22:38 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): WAIT. This is not a real picture of Zoe, is it? The face looks photoshopped in:
[01/01/2015, 3:22:41 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: "no girls on the internet" was like.. a thing. it's hard to believe that was a thing, but it was
[01/01/2015, 3:23:08 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): or it may be, but her face looks more blurry. idk
[01/01/2015, 3:26:01 AM] Randi Harper: ugh I gotta start getting to sleep at a decent hour. so tired.
[01/01/2015, 3:26:58 AM] Athena Hollow: lol they mad
[01/01/2015, 3:27:14 AM] Athena Hollow: "IT'S NOT ABOUT HER" ... on a post about her.
[01/01/2015, 3:27:15 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[01/01/2015, 3:28:11 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): They are still replying and saying horrible shit about Zoe's appearance. They mad
[01/01/2015, 3:29:36 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): GG IS NOT HORRIBLE! /goes on to say horrible things/
[01/01/2015, 3:29:47 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 3:30:11 AM] Tesseract: tb retweeted a stream one of my friends is in
[01/01/2015, 3:30:16 AM] Tesseract: here comes the shitstorm
[01/01/2015, 3:30:17 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: like... they still don't get that even IF grayson had written about her while they were romantically involved, the rational response to that is "that's fucked up grayson didn't disclose that" not "SHE HAD SEX FOR PRESS!!!"
[01/01/2015, 3:30:27 AM] Athena Hollow: oh goodie
[01/01/2015, 3:30:37 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: why'd he rt it?
[01/01/2015, 3:30:47 AM] Tesseract: it's a charity stream
[01/01/2015, 3:30:50 AM] Tesseract: he rt'd it for gamergate pr
[01/01/2015, 3:31:38 AM] Rob: I love you guys <3
[01/01/2015, 3:31:59 AM] Tesseract: it's ablegamers no less
[01/01/2015, 3:31:59 AM] Athena Hollow: And yeah, Sarah. This "it's not about her, it's about journalistic ethics" bullshit is proven to be JUST bullshit when they still constantly attack Zoe. BUT YEAH IT'S SO NOT ABOUT HER SEX LIFE AND THAT SHE HAD SEX WITH 10 IMAGINARY DUDES """""""ALLEGEDLY"""""""
[01/01/2015, 3:33:18 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Dude, I heard she had sex with 11 guys
[01/01/2015, 3:33:28 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): no wait, probably 1000
[01/01/2015, 3:33:32 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 3:33:33 AM] Tesseract: she fucked infinity dudes
[01/01/2015, 3:33:35 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): why else would people support her?
[01/01/2015, 3:33:44 AM] Athena Hollow: oh and btw, they totes aren't slut shamers.
[01/01/2015, 3:33:48 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: no rational person jumps to "QUID PRO QUO BANGIN FOR REVIEWS" when the rational explanation IF THE ARTICLE ACTUALLY EXISTED AT THAT TIME would've been "they were romantically involved and the journalist made a mistake by not disclosing"
[01/01/2015, 3:33:54 AM] Athena Hollow: yup
[01/01/2015, 3:34:00 AM] Athena Hollow: HIS WHOLE FIVE WORDS YO
[01/01/2015, 3:34:09 AM] Athena Hollow: in a list, of, what? at least 10 other games? LOL
[01/01/2015, 3:34:16 AM] Athena Hollow: for fuck sake they are goddamn dumb lol
[01/01/2015, 3:34:27 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: that was published before they were involved no less
[01/01/2015, 3:34:34 AM] Athena Hollow: Oh I know I know,.
[01/01/2015, 3:34:43 AM] Athena Hollow: it's still just ... fucking hell.
[01/01/2015, 3:35:05 AM] Athena Hollow: the fuckery in these morons' heads that allow them to justify the way they treat EVERYONEEEEEE is just goddamn messed up.
[01/01/2015, 3:35:57 AM] Peter Coffin: someone came at me about pakman on youtube comments, just thought I'd dump the response here
[01/01/2015, 3:36:15 AM] Randi Harper: when women don't have sex with dudes, they are teases or lesbians or both. when women do have sex with dudes, they probably did it to gain something, like video game reviews. obviously.
[01/01/2015, 3:36:15 AM] Athena Hollow: ugh. pakman.
[01/01/2015, 3:36:24 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 3:36:59 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[01/01/2015, 3:37:05 AM] Randi Harper: man how is my new jigsaw puzzle holder here but amazon didn't ship the new puzzle yet.
[01/01/2015, 3:37:05 AM] Randi Harper: jerks.
[01/01/2015, 3:37:19 AM] Peter Coffin: rt'd izzy, that's exactly it
[01/01/2015, 3:37:21 AM] Randi Harper: is gonna look pretty on my wall after I get it and put it together.
[01/01/2015, 3:37:21 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: GG on women's sexuality

having sex with women? no wonder you're a fucking feminist you ugly dyke
not having sex with anyone? see: their treatment of jenni
[01/01/2015, 3:37:38 AM] Peter Coffin: accurate
[01/01/2015, 3:37:41 AM] Randi Harper: is jenni pixie?
[01/01/2015, 3:37:44 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: yeah
[01/01/2015, 3:37:49 AM] Randi Harper: WHY DOES EVERYONE CONFUSE US
[01/01/2015, 3:38:08 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Because blue and green hair. but GGers are colorblind
[01/01/2015, 3:38:19 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): It's okay. Grace Lynn is updating the GGautoblocker soon
[01/01/2015, 3:38:19 AM] Randi Harper: jenni: green hair, asexual
randi: blue hair, kinkster

They've picked on both of us for our sexuality at some point. but now they just get us confused. heck, people not in GG get us confused.
[01/01/2015, 3:38:19 AM] Athena Hollow: That's why I called them a puritanical sex negative slut shamer - their own words against them, because every time I turn around, they're slut shaming someone new.
[01/01/2015, 3:38:44 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL Someone (I HOPE PURPOSEFULLY) mixed up ian & arthur about ian's article yesterday
[01/01/2015, 3:38:48 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: "slut shaming" bayonetta is a big deal and you should feel bad, you stupid whore
[01/01/2015, 3:38:51 AM] Athena Hollow: I'M REALLY HOPING it was on purpose.
[01/01/2015, 3:39:14 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i fucking lost it once when arthur was like IT WAS 15 YEARS AGO ALSO I AM ARTHUR
[01/01/2015, 3:39:17 AM] Athena Hollow: the funny thing is they won't be able to remotely say I'm a slut shaming feminist because a cursory google search shows "OMG VAGINA EVERYWHERE!"
[01/01/2015, 3:39:25 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[01/01/2015, 3:39:41 AM] Randi Harper: ian is the first non-GGer I saw to confuse me and jenni
[01/01/2015, 3:39:44 AM] Randi Harper: so, glass houses. ;)
[01/01/2015, 3:39:47 AM] Athena Hollow: LOLOL
[01/01/2015, 3:39:51 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Oh, Ian
[01/01/2015, 3:40:17 AM] Randi Harper: i was so close to being like... BUT DUDE YOU ARE ASIAN on twitter, but i figured GG would not get my sense of humor.
[01/01/2015, 3:40:49 AM] Athena Hollow: OMG RANDI'S RACIST!
[01/01/2015, 3:40:55 AM] Athena Hollow: clutches pearls
[01/01/2015, 3:41:07 AM] Athena Hollow: then throws out 10 different racial slurs
[01/01/2015, 3:41:16 AM] Randi Harper: :P
[01/01/2015, 3:41:30 AM] Athena Hollow: They are so bad at emulating people.
[01/01/2015, 3:41:35 AM] Randi Harper: I TRY NOT TO BE. although i do give some of my close friends a little grief over fulfilling stereotypes.
[01/01/2015, 3:41:36 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: "women with dyed hair" is a race right
[01/01/2015, 3:41:46 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i fucking loved that picture w/ GG invading tumblr so much
[01/01/2015, 3:41:46 AM] Athena Hollow: I do that to my friends as they do to me LOL
[01/01/2015, 3:42:05 AM] Rob: I think Ian and Arthur should swap twitter avis for a day
[01/01/2015, 3:42:08 AM] Athena Hollow: LMAO
[01/01/2015, 3:42:15 AM] Randi Harper: like when one of my arena partners came to SF to visit, i met up with her at BART after she got off the plane. we walked about a mile to get froyo, and she started complaining that her back hurt... because she brought all of her school books with her just in case she had time to study.
[01/01/2015, 3:42:20 AM] Rob: Or like
[01/01/2015, 3:42:26 AM] Rob: Do one of those face-combine things
[01/01/2015, 3:42:29 AM] Athena Hollow: XD
[01/01/2015, 3:42:33 AM] Rob: And then just have the picture's orientation reversed.
[01/01/2015, 3:42:46 AM] Athena Hollow: just pic 2 different Jet Li pictures for the hell of it
[01/01/2015, 3:42:47 AM] Randi Harper: woah. weird realization that half of my female friends are Asian.
[01/01/2015, 3:42:52 AM] Randi Harper: like at least half.
[01/01/2015, 3:43:00 AM] Athena Hollow: half mine are trans as I've recently figured out LOL
[01/01/2015, 3:43:03 AM] Tesseract: haha oh god this guy
[01/01/2015, 3:43:38 AM] Rob: "some of our best trolls are women" - gamergate
[01/01/2015, 3:43:41 AM] Athena Hollow: lol they think your swatting people
[01/01/2015, 3:43:46 AM] Randi Harper: i made fun of one of them for being bad at math. she thought that 40% off of $10 made something $8. hm. maybe i am racist.
[01/01/2015, 3:43:52 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[01/01/2015, 3:44:02 AM] Rob: I made fun of one of my Korean friends in HS when I beat him at starcraft
[01/01/2015, 3:44:38 AM] Randi Harper: i sit across from a Korean dude at work, and he jokes about that sometimes.
[01/01/2015, 3:44:39 AM] Athena Hollow: lol my best friend is black and he lives 4 doors down and anytime he buys fried chicken & watermelon, I can't contain myself
[01/01/2015, 3:44:55 AM] Rob: Yeah in my defense my friend was like 'i'm Korean, rob, i'm gonna kick your ass'
[01/01/2015, 3:44:58 AM] Rob: just before we played
[01/01/2015, 3:45:18 AM] Randi Harper: i'm kind of curious as to if there's any breeding done for starcraft skills. it's natural for people interested in the same stuff to hook up and have kids, but i never really see any women getting into starcraft.
[01/01/2015, 3:45:24 AM] Athena Hollow: but, like, we joke about that shit all the time because of the absurdity of it so it's not like I'm on twitter yelling it at random black people or something lol
[01/01/2015, 3:45:36 AM] Rob: zerg rush eugenics
[01/01/2015, 3:45:39 AM] Athena Hollow: LOLOL
[01/01/2015, 3:45:40 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I thought Starcraft was taught in public schools
[01/01/2015, 3:45:43 AM] Randi Harper: hahaha oh god
[01/01/2015, 3:45:50 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: GDI i am the only one without one
[01/01/2015, 3:45:55 AM] Rob: I just picture fucking hotwheels now going
[01/01/2015, 3:46:00 AM] Athena Hollow: i need one too
[01/01/2015, 3:46:07 AM] Athena Hollow: HAHHAHA
[01/01/2015, 3:46:20 AM] Athena Hollow: as he pets Jordan Owen's cat with his metal glove.
[01/01/2015, 3:46:34 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): That poor cat
[01/01/2015, 3:46:38 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): alwasy looks annoyed
[01/01/2015, 3:46:50 AM] Athena Hollow: if you had to live in that pig sty, wouldn't you be?
[01/01/2015, 3:47:04 AM] Randi Harper: so i talked to patreon yesterday.
[01/01/2015, 3:47:11 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): oh, yeah?
[01/01/2015, 3:47:19 AM] Randi Harper: yeah. they sent me an email out of the blue wanting to talk on the phone.
[01/01/2015, 3:47:34 AM] Rob: Is it bad that I picture that cat eating Jordan after he accidentally kills himself while performing autoerotic asphyxiation?
[01/01/2015, 3:47:38 AM] Randi Harper: spoke with someone there last night. she was a sweetheart. turns out she lives just a few miles from me, and we're gonna go do girlshit together at some point.
[01/01/2015, 3:47:45 AM] Athena Hollow: hah
[01/01/2015, 3:47:53 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): cool
[01/01/2015, 3:47:57 AM] Randi Harper: it was a strange call. it started out with her asking me to not record it.
[01/01/2015, 3:48:00 AM] Athena Hollow: bad that you picture jordan owen masturbating.
[01/01/2015, 3:48:05 AM] Randi Harper: i wanted to be like... oh, sweetie. you've been dealing with gamergate for way too long.
[01/01/2015, 3:48:10 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): aww
[01/01/2015, 3:48:16 AM] Rob: "He died doing what he loved"
[01/01/2015, 3:48:20 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 3:48:26 AM] Athena Hollow: smothered in belts
[01/01/2015, 3:48:53 AM] Rob: Staring at a picture of aurini lying naked on a lounge chair
[01/01/2015, 3:48:55 AM] Randi Harper: but to keep it vague but useful, patreon got complaints about me doxxing that dude by posting his email address, and they wanted to talk to me to let me know that they were taking things in context of the situation, so i wasn't in any kind of trouble.
[01/01/2015, 3:49:12 AM] Rob: That's good of them
[01/01/2015, 3:49:13 AM] Athena Hollow: awesome
[01/01/2015, 3:49:22 AM] Randi Harper: so we talked a lot about their community guidelines and where they are going from there, ways to make them better, how the company is treating all the complaints coming in, etc.
[01/01/2015, 3:49:38 AM] Randi Harper: i'm pretty happy with them right now based on all the stuff i heard.
[01/01/2015, 3:49:41 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Sarah:
[01/01/2015, 3:49:42 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I
[01/01/2015, 3:49:47 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I'm the new srhbutts!
[01/01/2015, 3:50:27 AM] Athena Hollow: lolol
[01/01/2015, 3:50:31 AM] Rob: god damn it fish
[01/01/2015, 3:50:45 AM] Rob: seriously why does wow make the 'U CAUGHT FISH' noise when there's no fish attached. fucking troll
[01/01/2015, 3:50:52 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[01/01/2015, 3:50:55 AM] Athena Hollow: XD
[01/01/2015, 3:52:45 AM] Randi Harper: god. i hate open source solutions sometimes.
[01/01/2015, 3:52:58 AM] Randi Harper: i found a way to use 2FA with IRC. sort of. it's... less than glorious.
[01/01/2015, 3:53:01 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: rofl
[01/01/2015, 3:53:03 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: keep it up izzy <3
[01/01/2015, 3:53:12 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): <3
[01/01/2015, 3:53:34 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: my vote is to stay on skype & require everyone to turn logging off
[01/01/2015, 3:53:42 AM] Randi Harper: the setup involves openotp, ldap, shell scripts, and an ssh proxy. just fuck all that noise. no 2FA.
[01/01/2015, 3:53:51 AM] Randi Harper: i can't turn off logging.
[01/01/2015, 3:54:01 AM] Randi Harper: if i could do it per conversation, i would.
[01/01/2015, 3:54:05 AM] Rob: yeah, ditto, randi
[01/01/2015, 3:55:23 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: we could write a script to close skype flush the log for that room and reopen it if we wanted. not an elegant solution lol
[01/01/2015, 3:56:10 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): and the reasons why we didn't want to go with Google chat/hangouts was because Google is a big target for hacking accounts and you have to tie your real name?
[01/01/2015, 3:56:32 AM] Athena Hollow: yep
[01/01/2015, 3:56:37 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: caught janet bloomfield + ralph lying lol
[01/01/2015, 3:56:45 AM] Athena Hollow: they're both so gross. ugh.
[01/01/2015, 3:56:47 AM] Randi Harper: don't signal boost this publicly because GG likes to data skew, but if you could pass this on to any females you know in the games industry, that would be rad:
[01/01/2015, 3:57:30 AM] Randi Harper: a friend poked me on facebook about it - his friend is the author.
[01/01/2015, 3:57:40 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): .... "I'd recommend taking a look at /r/Kotakuinaction, get a perspective from there"
[01/01/2015, 3:57:42 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ....
[01/01/2015, 3:57:44 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i don't know too many but i can pass it on to a few
[01/01/2015, 3:57:44 AM] Randi Harper: i'm going to be contacting her to let her know about GG data skew.
[01/01/2015, 3:57:59 AM] Randi Harper: shit.
[01/01/2015, 3:58:21 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): should one of us reply and let them know that is the GG subreddit?
[01/01/2015, 3:59:23 AM] Rob: II fucking haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate bloomfield
[01/01/2015, 3:59:24 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I will gladly warn them
[01/01/2015, 3:59:31 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i think they know already, since they posted in multiple subreddits but not that one
[01/01/2015, 3:59:36 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: but good to give them a heads up
[01/01/2015, 3:59:52 AM] Tesseract: downvote him also
[01/01/2015, 4:00:18 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: are we still interested in inviting more people to the chat or are we mostly staying as is
[01/01/2015, 4:00:34 AM] Tesseract: I'd like to not invite anyone until we move off skype
[01/01/2015, 4:00:54 AM] Randi Harper: i already emailed
[01/01/2015, 4:01:10 AM] Randi Harper: Woah! Be careful with KotakuInAction. That's GamerGate, and they've been participating in a LOT of data skewing with surveys. A few problematic people in that group are flooding surveys about women and gaming to cause havoc. A friend of yours pointed me at your post, and I immediately warned him, but then I saw that someone from GamerGate already saw (hence the KiA comment). 

I'm passing this link along quietly to my friends, and asking them to quietly pass it along to their friends. Sadly, I can't publicly signal boost it without the danger of it becoming more of a GamerGate target.

Good luck!
[01/01/2015, 4:04:31 AM] Peter Coffin: that is very concise
[01/01/2015, 4:05:00 AM] Peter Coffin: hopefully gets to them before gg gets particularly involved
[01/01/2015, 4:08:04 AM] Randi Harper: hey guys, need a sanity check on something.
[01/01/2015, 4:08:08 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): sure
[01/01/2015, 4:08:23 AM] Randi Harper: the appeals group just got an email, and i told everyone to hold off on moving it out of the moderation queue (and i hope they see my email)
[01/01/2015, 4:08:39 AM] Randi Harper: the first line of the email is this:

So I recently made a new account,  because I half came out as Trans.  I say half, because I'm still terrified, so I use my other account as a safe haven. But I feel I really don't like my old account anymore.
[01/01/2015, 4:08:51 AM] Randi Harper: he uses his real name and his new account/old account name.
[01/01/2015, 4:09:03 AM] Randi Harper: i'm sending him this email and asking appeals group to hold off until i get a reply:
[01/01/2015, 4:09:07 AM] Randi Harper: Hey. The way this list works, any email that's sent is made public on the website. It's a google group, and we aim for transparency. That said, all new posts are held in moderation until we approve them, and I've asked everyone to hold off on approving that one (posting it so they could discuss and vote) so I could talk to you privately first. 

This is a pretty serious email you're sending. Are you OK with me going ahead and making it public? This doesn't mean I tweet it or anything, it's not like that. It just means that the conversation is on record. If someone was searching through the appeals records archives, they could see the content of the emails along with your name. This has been the case for every other thread, but since that's a pretty big bomb to drop, I just wanted to make sure that you knew how all of this worked before moving forward with our usual process.
[01/01/2015, 4:09:09 AM] Randi Harper: does that make sense?
[01/01/2015, 4:09:34 AM] Randi Harper: it's weird to explain a mailing list moderation policy in a way that assumes the reader isn't technical.
[01/01/2015, 4:10:17 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): No. that makes sense. You're letting them know you are concerned that you don't want to publish their email (per policy) without them realizing that's how it works
[01/01/2015, 4:10:27 AM] Peter Coffin: makes perfect sense to me
[01/01/2015, 4:10:28 AM] Athena Hollow: makes sense to me as well
[01/01/2015, 4:11:07 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL Tess:

right on the money XD
[01/01/2015, 4:12:01 AM] Peter Coffin: LOL
[01/01/2015, 4:12:13 AM] Peter Coffin: oh my god that is literally EXACTLY what you said
[01/01/2015, 4:12:57 AM] Athena Hollow: original post is only at -4. Hrm. Must be a slow day on KiA LOL
[01/01/2015, 4:13:14 AM] Peter Coffin: well look at topsy
[01/01/2015, 4:13:17 AM] Peter Coffin: it's dying
[01/01/2015, 4:13:24 AM] Peter Coffin: like legit dying this time
[01/01/2015, 4:13:52 AM] Randi Harper: they are probably sleeping in because their parents told them they could stay up late for NYE.
[01/01/2015, 4:14:01 AM] Peter Coffin:
[01/01/2015, 4:14:02 AM] Athena Hollow: LOLOL
[01/01/2015, 4:14:21 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): What happened the 28th?
[01/01/2015, 4:14:25 AM] Peter Coffin: dunno
[01/01/2015, 4:14:30 AM] Peter Coffin: debate?
[01/01/2015, 4:14:33 AM] Athena Hollow: oh yeah, the only reason there's hardly any traffic right now is because of dudes like Izzy was talking to earlier that puts it in every goddamn post
[01/01/2015, 4:14:38 AM] Peter Coffin: was that the day of the debate?
[01/01/2015, 4:14:40 AM] Athena Hollow: i think so
[01/01/2015, 4:14:45 AM] Peter Coffin: HAHAHA
[01/01/2015, 4:14:45 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): 29th was
[01/01/2015, 4:14:48 AM] Athena Hollow: or was that the 29th
[01/01/2015, 4:14:49 AM] Athena Hollow: hrm.
[01/01/2015, 4:15:00 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): but yeah, still declined on the 29th
[01/01/2015, 4:15:00 AM] Peter Coffin: 29th is DEAD
[01/01/2015, 4:15:12 AM] Athena Hollow: THEY WAS HEARTBROKEN
[01/01/2015, 4:15:13 AM] Peter Coffin: 2.8k
[01/01/2015, 4:15:27 AM] Peter Coffin: that debate did a lot, whether it was the 28th or 29th
[01/01/2015, 4:15:31 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): this was the top tweet? o.o "@kgwnews: Unclaimed Money, #GamerGate #Ukraine led local searches online"
[01/01/2015, 4:15:34 AM] Peter Coffin: doesn't even matter, that is a big deal
[01/01/2015, 4:16:06 AM] Peter Coffin: top for the 30th was "December 30th: 3,501

@graygunter: Ok but a #GamerGate just for this freeze frame of Olivia Munn"
[01/01/2015, 4:16:09 AM] Randi Harper:
[01/01/2015, 4:16:09 AM] Athena Hollow: OH baldwin tweeted something on the 28th
[01/01/2015, 4:16:10 AM] Randi Harper: lol
[01/01/2015, 4:16:15 AM] Randi Harper: what a moron
[01/01/2015, 4:16:24 AM] Peter Coffin: so Baldwin is poison?
[01/01/2015, 4:16:34 AM] Athena Hollow: your attacks on him? lolol
[01/01/2015, 4:16:41 AM] Athena Hollow: love the shirtgate stuff
[01/01/2015, 4:16:55 AM] Athena Hollow: considering the only ppl who keep bringing it up are the assholes who dragged it out past his apology XD
[01/01/2015, 4:17:20 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): who is this guy? the one who said Randi can't do data because she's a girl?
[01/01/2015, 4:18:23 AM] Peter Coffin: debate was the 29th
[01/01/2015, 4:22:25 AM] Randi Harper: yes
[01/01/2015, 4:22:26 AM] Randi Harper: that's the one
[01/01/2015, 4:22:30 AM] Randi Harper: the one that published those GG statistics
[01/01/2015, 4:22:36 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): wow
[01/01/2015, 4:22:40 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Morning kids
[01/01/2015, 4:22:44 AM] Randi Harper: but only read 5k tweets a day including RTs, and his collection time for the US was 11 PM on weeknights.
[01/01/2015, 4:22:46 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Morning, Alex. How goes it?
[01/01/2015, 4:23:03 AM] Randi Harper: when i pointed out how shitty his data collection methods were, he claimed harassment.
[01/01/2015, 4:23:05 AM] Dan Olson: Morning
[01/01/2015, 4:23:06 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Eh, night of clogged sinuses and ramen stomach
[01/01/2015, 4:23:18 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): How's Zoe?
[01/01/2015, 4:23:30 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts:
[01/01/2015, 4:23:43 AM] Alex Lifschitz: She's doing okay. Just got up, had to take a few of y sleeping pills to stave off the nightmares
[01/01/2015, 4:23:45 AM] Dan Olson: Because they're all on sale I'm grabbing the CoD games I still need for my retrospective, and I can already feel the aching in my joints.
[01/01/2015, 4:23:51 AM] Alex Lifschitz: So she's groggy
[01/01/2015, 4:24:27 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts:
[01/01/2015, 4:24:39 AM] Dan Olson: That's brutal, Alex. I feel like every time someone else tries to take the heat off they go "wait, we haven't fucked up Zoe's life enough! Let's get back on that!"
[01/01/2015, 4:25:04 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: offer hugs from us, alex :(
[01/01/2015, 4:25:21 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Yeah, christ if only we made everything we get public people would probably flip out
[01/01/2015, 4:25:40 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Saw someone on Ghazi made a thread about the thread so at least that's out there
[01/01/2015, 4:26:08 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I think that was me. linking to my tweet of a screenshot from that thread (all info blacked out, of course)
[01/01/2015, 4:26:27 AM] Dan Olson: My impersonator was sending out transphobic comments this morning. I'm assuming Ms. Butts screencapped them?
[01/01/2015, 4:26:33 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Also, was it decided what kinda chat we're moving to? Skype no longer boots on my mac
[01/01/2015, 4:26:43 AM] Tesseract: nope
[01/01/2015, 4:26:44 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): We are still deciding/working on something
[01/01/2015, 4:26:56 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: my vote was just to figure out the logging issue on skype. most of us can just change the log settings.
[01/01/2015, 4:26:59 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: it's up to others of course
[01/01/2015, 4:27:01 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: but that's my vote
[01/01/2015, 4:27:01 AM] Tesseract: I don't really know much on the subject
[01/01/2015, 4:27:14 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: if we're determined to have something other than skype, my next vote is IRC
[01/01/2015, 4:27:56 AM] Randi Harper: i can still do IRC. i can set it up like, now. but it'll take a little longer to make the frontend that allows creation of SG rules, so i'd just have to leave it open for now.
[01/01/2015, 4:28:06 AM] Randi Harper: unless... izzy, do you know of anything like that?
[01/01/2015, 4:28:15 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: SG rules?
[01/01/2015, 4:28:26 AM] live:riotarms: What up
[01/01/2015, 4:28:28 AM] Randi Harper: i want people to be able to go to a webpage, auth somehow, and it'll use the API to create a SG rule to allow them into the IRC server.
[01/01/2015, 4:28:31 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: are you setting up a daemon or just a channel
[01/01/2015, 4:28:32 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): AWS Security Groups
[01/01/2015, 4:28:33 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: ah
[01/01/2015, 4:28:41 AM] Randi Harper: srh: i'm locking it down.
[01/01/2015, 4:28:48 AM] Randi Harper: it'll be firewalled to everything but our IPs.
[01/01/2015, 4:29:08 AM] Athena Hollow: oh wow. amib's article is on boingboing
[01/01/2015, 4:29:11 AM] Randi Harper: no need for 2FA, no need for any real fanciness on you guys' parts.
[01/01/2015, 4:29:17 AM] Rob: I'm down with that, randi
[01/01/2015, 4:29:28 AM] Rob: As long as it's something I can handle when super drunk (like I am now), then cool.
[01/01/2015, 4:29:32 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[01/01/2015, 4:29:46 AM] live:riotarms: What about people on block IPs?
[01/01/2015, 4:29:49 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: holy shit @ boingboing
[01/01/2015, 4:30:05 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ! AMIB IS FAMOUS
[01/01/2015, 4:30:15 AM] Alex Lifschitz: I looked at campfire a bit more and it seems really useful/feature rich with all our security needs and not-shit clients.
[01/01/2015, 4:30:25 AM] Alex Lifschitz: So dunno if people are down for that.
[01/01/2015, 4:30:29 AM] Rob: AMIB is fucking awesome.
[01/01/2015, 4:30:36 AM] Randi Harper: it would be you going to a website, and it would prompt you for a password. it would be something we set up beforehand, so you'd just enter that password. it's not 2FA. i could do 2FA, but that looks... well, complicated.
[01/01/2015, 4:30:42 AM] Rob: Like he's an all around really great guy.
[01/01/2015, 4:30:46 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Gonna snag that AMiB article later for my writeup
[01/01/2015, 4:30:47 AM] Tesseract: yessssssss
[01/01/2015, 4:30:56 AM] Randi Harper: i need to put more time into working on the stats release for the 4th, so i don't have time to make huge architectural changes. :|
[01/01/2015, 4:31:00 AM] Tesseract: jetta_rae still hasn't gotten back to me on that vivian james article
[01/01/2015, 4:31:08 AM] Rob: Randi - that works for me; and take your time! your job is more important
[01/01/2015, 4:31:26 AM] Randi Harper: not my job. just me shitting on gamergate.
[01/01/2015, 4:31:30 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[01/01/2015, 4:31:34 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Randi, have you checked out Campfire at all?

IRC is still cool but figure this might take some security issues off your hands.
[01/01/2015, 4:31:39 AM] Athena Hollow: that's a part time volunteer job for all of us i think
[01/01/2015, 4:31:43 AM] Randi Harper: literally taking a dump on the collective faces of gamergate. with numbers and science.
[01/01/2015, 4:31:49 AM] Alex Lifschitz: 2FA and certificates supported.
[01/01/2015, 4:31:55 AM] Rob: OK, not your job: your calling
[01/01/2015, 4:31:57 AM] Randi Harper: campfire uses a bunch of 3rd party apps
[01/01/2015, 4:32:01 AM] Rob: Srry I'm all tipsy and out of it
[01/01/2015, 4:32:09 AM] Randi Harper: and i'm not fond of something we'd have to pay money for that doesn't even have official apps.
[01/01/2015, 4:32:14 AM] Rob: I just spent 3 minutes trying ot get the flight master to take me to a flight point I'm already at.
[01/01/2015, 4:32:14 AM] Alex Lifschitz: So not secure?
[01/01/2015, 4:32:19 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Ah
[01/01/2015, 4:32:32 AM] Randi Harper: i am not sure about security because it's involving 3rd party apps. :\
[01/01/2015, 4:32:45 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Gotcha
[01/01/2015, 4:33:37 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Looks like there's an official app though, unless I'm missing something.

Either way, IRC works, just need a security solution for those of us on the move.
[01/01/2015, 4:34:02 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Sarah, they are still going at it in that twitter thread, bashing Zoe's appearance. wow
[01/01/2015, 4:34:15 AM] Athena Hollow: jeez
[01/01/2015, 4:34:17 AM] Randi Harper: for security, google is likely the way to go, but there's complications in that with people needing to use some sort of anonymous google account open if they don't want to spread their real account info. there's good 2FA with google, but google accounts are also higher risk just because they are targeted so much.

what i'm doing with IRC won't be 2FA, but it'll be traceable if someone gets in. it will be noticeable, and the process is obfuscated just enough for it to be easy for us, but difficult for people that aren't us to figure out.
[01/01/2015, 4:34:31 AM] Randi Harper: personally, i'm fond of security through obfuscation. :P
[01/01/2015, 4:34:41 AM] Dan Olson: it works
[01/01/2015, 4:34:58 AM] Dan Olson: it can be a good tripwire for social engineering, too
[01/01/2015, 4:35:04 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Yep
[01/01/2015, 4:35:27 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Just gotta find an iOS IRC app that isn't ducking horseshit or supports conversation history
[01/01/2015, 4:35:57 AM] Dan Olson: Is Colloquy bad?
[01/01/2015, 4:35:59 AM] Randi Harper: i am cracking up at this tweet:
[01/01/2015, 4:36:04 AM] Randi Harper: not sure if i'm that tired or it's that funny
[01/01/2015, 4:36:17 AM] Randi Harper: i used to use colloquy :)
[01/01/2015, 4:36:38 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Palaver was the only one slightly palatable but they're all kinda shit
[01/01/2015, 4:36:39 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL that is a good tweet.
[01/01/2015, 4:36:48 AM] Dan Olson: I use it on my desktop and have it on my phone, but I rarely use the phone app.
[01/01/2015, 4:36:51 AM] live:riotarms: I had colloquy on ios
[01/01/2015, 4:37:02 AM] live:riotarms: Battery killer
[01/01/2015, 4:37:08 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Also logs me off every five minutes, it's irritating as shit
[01/01/2015, 4:37:23 AM] live:riotarms: Oh yeah, that too
[01/01/2015, 4:37:28 AM] SF: Yo. Happy New Year's Steve. Did I miss anything?
[01/01/2015, 4:38:01 AM] SF: Also Sarah: The larger security issue with Skype was the way it's easy to find IP addresses, so if so much as one of our friends gets compromised it means they could target us.
[01/01/2015, 4:38:07 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Hence my aversion to IRC, but I'll swallow it if it means security and ease of use for everyone
[01/01/2015, 4:38:42 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Yeah, we've unfucked so many peoples' skype accounts from Gamergate's that I'm uncomfortable with it.
[01/01/2015, 4:39:55 AM] SF: How goes the survival by the way? Have they done much else to you two?
[01/01/2015, 4:39:57 AM] Athena Hollow: If I recall from my olden days of IRC, I believe we can set passwords to the individual rooms as well which should help.
[01/01/2015, 4:40:09 AM] Athena Hollow: and I know we can set passwords for usernames
[01/01/2015, 4:40:17 AM] Randi Harper: so... I've got a script that i'm watching right now that scrapes every mention of my name from the twitter api. and gamergate isn't tweeting about me.
[01/01/2015, 4:40:20 AM] Randi Harper: something weird is happening.
[01/01/2015, 4:40:27 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): it's dying
[01/01/2015, 4:40:43 AM] Athena Hollow: so even if someone somehow manages to get to the server itself, they won't necessarily be able to do dick all beyond that.
[01/01/2015, 4:40:45 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Chris Kluwe hurt their feelz with his debate with Mike and then huge downspike
[01/01/2015, 4:40:56 AM] Tesseract: that debate was the best thing to ever happen
[01/01/2015, 4:41:05 AM] Tesseract: god bless chris
[01/01/2015, 4:41:08 AM] Athena Hollow: they're also on about bri and her assistant right now too.
[01/01/2015, 4:41:10 AM] Alex Lifschitz: IRC fucks battery real hard on mobile and all the clients suck if you want convo history, but  I can keep looking for a solution.
[01/01/2015, 4:41:13 AM] live:riotarms: Hastag is under 5k a day right?
[01/01/2015, 4:41:15 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Kiwikku even said Mike did horrible
[01/01/2015, 4:41:39 AM] Randi Harper: HAHAHAH
[01/01/2015, 4:41:40 AM] Randi Harper:
[01/01/2015, 4:41:40 AM] Randi Harper: HAHA
[01/01/2015, 4:41:41 AM] Randi Harper: dfhdsdsa
[01/01/2015, 4:41:45 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Re: us, they keep digging into shit but it's mostly dealing with invasion of privacy than security threats.
[01/01/2015, 4:41:49 AM] Randi Harper: OH GAMERGATE U MAD
[01/01/2015, 4:41:52 AM] Athena Hollow: Alex: I am happy with whatever you guys want :) Like I said last night, I pretty much don't go anywhere so as long as I can get it on my computer I'm good LOL
[01/01/2015, 4:41:56 AM] Rob: lolol
[01/01/2015, 4:41:57 AM] Rob: omfg
[01/01/2015, 4:42:00 AM] Randi Harper: HAHA
[01/01/2015, 4:42:00 AM] Randi Harper: omg
[01/01/2015, 4:42:04 AM] Athena Hollow: LMFAO
[01/01/2015, 4:42:06 AM] Randi Harper: okay i am stealing that picture and tweeting it
[01/01/2015, 4:42:11 AM] Randi Harper: just a sec
[01/01/2015, 4:43:01 AM] Alex Lifschitz: As for me, I've talked with my dad and I'm gonna be publishing my Cernovich article anonymously so he doesn't target my family with PIs or shit, especially since they're in the same city.
[01/01/2015, 4:43:26 AM] Athena Hollow: makes sense.
[01/01/2015, 4:43:44 AM] Randi Harper:
[01/01/2015, 4:47:19 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Twitter's auto-replies are getting shorter.

We have received your request and will get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience!
[01/01/2015, 4:47:45 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Is there any other chat will support convo history, btw?
[01/01/2015, 4:48:12 AM] Alex Lifschitz: I ask because Zoe and I are always on the run these days and have no kind of constantly-running setup
[01/01/2015, 4:48:44 AM] Alex Lifschitz: So we'll probably just only be able to see what happens when we can manage to get live somewhere with our laptops
[01/01/2015, 4:50:17 AM] Athena Hollow:
[01/01/2015, 4:50:23 AM] Alex Lifschitz: WOW TB is a fucking dick
[01/01/2015, 4:50:25 AM] Athena Hollow: ugh. tb.
[01/01/2015, 4:50:56 AM] Athena Hollow: could he be anymore fucking pompous?
[01/01/2015, 4:51:03 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Can someone start a Trello card for TB logging his pompous self-righteous mansplainy bullshit?
[01/01/2015, 4:51:14 AM] Peter Coffin: on it
[01/01/2015, 4:51:17 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Oh shit, there's so many
[01/01/2015, 4:51:19 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 4:51:23 AM] Athena Hollow: there's at least two today!
[01/01/2015, 4:51:25 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 4:51:27 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): we need to add "she's still breathing; not credible death threat"
[01/01/2015, 4:51:37 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Yeah, just start tossing your backlogs in there in case we need them
[01/01/2015, 4:51:45 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Like any given twitlonger
[01/01/2015, 4:51:50 AM] Peter Coffin: his name is John Bane, right?
[01/01/2015, 4:52:14 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Or that time he thinly veiled his mansplaining to Zoe for what to do in case of getting death threats
[01/01/2015, 4:52:52 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Like "make sure to NOT share them, and CERTAINLY don't use them to demonize any groups of people on the Internet. I know because I am the total biscuit "
[01/01/2015, 4:52:55 AM] Tesseract: bain I think
[01/01/2015, 4:53:26 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Or when he took "journalist" out of his Twitter bio when he refused to live up to his own standards lol
[01/01/2015, 4:53:26 AM] Peter Coffin: I checked it it's in as bain
[01/01/2015, 4:54:05 AM] Athena Hollow: LMAO Tess @ your reply to him
[01/01/2015, 4:54:17 AM] Athena Hollow:
[01/01/2015, 4:54:25 AM] Peter Coffin:
[01/01/2015, 4:54:29 AM] Athena Hollow: god he managed to somehow take his original statement and make it worse
[01/01/2015, 4:54:51 AM] Rob: omg
[01/01/2015, 4:54:53 AM] Rob:
[01/01/2015, 4:54:54 AM] Rob: no
[01/01/2015, 4:54:56 AM] Rob: he made it even worser
[01/01/2015, 4:55:10 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): o.o
[01/01/2015, 4:55:11 AM] Athena Hollow: fuckinggg helllll duddddddddddeeeeeee
[01/01/2015, 4:55:14 AM] Alex Lifschitz: What a fucking bully
[01/01/2015, 4:56:00 AM] Peter Coffin: all three tweets added and archived
[01/01/2015, 4:56:22 AM] Rob:
[01/01/2015, 4:56:25 AM] Rob: (sun)
[01/01/2015, 4:57:12 AM] Randi Harper:
[01/01/2015, 4:57:29 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Remember how he was like "no sensible person would ever become a figurehead in gamergate" and also was the number one supporter of the GamerGate thunderclap
[01/01/2015, 4:57:29 AM] Randi Harper: does anyone know this person? can they get through the noise to let person know about ggautoblocker? sounds like they are getting swarmed and taking it hard.
[01/01/2015, 4:57:36 AM] Tesseract: trying to think of a clever response
[01/01/2015, 4:57:46 AM] Peter Coffin: I don't get involved with tb, I don't want him latching on to me. I tend to be the kind of person who makes enemies when I argue because I don't concede especially if everything backs me up
[01/01/2015, 4:58:00 AM] Peter Coffin: him on me would likely result in problems for me though, actual ones
[01/01/2015, 4:58:32 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: the charity was ablegamers, right?
[01/01/2015, 4:58:45 AM] Athena Hollow: i believe so
[01/01/2015, 4:58:59 AM] Peter Coffin: the youtube fuckass brigade would likely back him in issues against me, and he could likely fuck some shit up for me
[01/01/2015, 4:59:23 AM] Peter Coffin: so I'll help fuck with him but if you wonder why I'm not doing the tweet at him and get angry thing that is why
[01/01/2015, 4:59:45 AM] Peter Coffin: at this point, I am no one on yt and he is someone
[01/01/2015, 5:00:02 AM] Randi Harper: steam has a huge sale on assassin's creed games right now
[01/01/2015, 5:00:04 AM] Peter Coffin: I don't want his help but I don't want him reaching out to certain companies
[01/01/2015, 5:00:14 AM] Randi Harper: $5/each
[01/01/2015, 5:00:51 AM] Rob: whoa
[01/01/2015, 5:01:02 AM] Alex Lifschitz: YOURE DRAGGING MINES TB
[01/01/2015, 5:01:47 AM] Rob: TY, Randi, always wanted to get AC3 on my desktop
[01/01/2015, 5:01:49 AM] Rob: yoink
[01/01/2015, 5:02:08 AM] SF: I really enjoyed the AC games I played but they were so similar that I don't know if I'd get anything out of playing another short of a huge overhaul.
[01/01/2015, 5:02:31 AM] SF: Like I played the Ezio arc to death. Do you think there's much fundamentally new in the later ones?
[01/01/2015, 5:02:47 AM] Rob: ACIV, yes.
[01/01/2015, 5:02:50 AM] Rob: The ship combat is incredible.
[01/01/2015, 5:02:55 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: anyone have a link to the gamergate bees picture?
[01/01/2015, 5:03:06 AM] Rob: I really liked AC3, even though most people didn't
[01/01/2015, 5:03:06 AM] Tesseract: "sorry, you're going to need to buy a bigger PR indulgence than that to pardon the sin of being totalbiscuit"
[01/01/2015, 5:03:10 AM] Rob: I've barely touched unity so far.
[01/01/2015, 5:03:31 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: someone help me find that bees comic
[01/01/2015, 5:03:33 AM] SF: TB blocked me for that tweet hahahaha
[01/01/2015, 5:03:41 AM] SF: I don't even think I was rude.
[01/01/2015, 5:04:36 AM] Tesseract: yessssss I got blocked
[01/01/2015, 5:04:42 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: you guys know what bees comic i'm talking about right
[01/01/2015, 5:05:33 AM] Rob: i think i do
[01/01/2015, 5:05:35 AM] Rob: but i don't have a link
[01/01/2015, 5:05:36 AM] Rob: and im drunk
[01/01/2015, 5:05:38 AM] Tesseract:
[01/01/2015, 5:06:12 AM] Athena Hollow:
[01/01/2015, 5:06:15 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: he blocked me as well
[01/01/2015, 5:06:17 AM] Athena Hollow: goddamn dude, just fucking stoppppppppppp
[01/01/2015, 5:07:08 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Sarah, yes, i know the comic. trying to find it
[01/01/2015, 5:07:29 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts:
[01/01/2015, 5:07:52 AM] Randi Harper: O_O
[01/01/2015, 5:08:00 AM] Randi Harper: i have 17G of tweet metadata.
[01/01/2015, 5:08:05 AM] Randi Harper: that's... text. json.
[01/01/2015, 5:08:05 AM] SF: >

"Nice feed ya got there, shame if something was to happen to it..."
[01/01/2015, 5:08:05 AM] Athena Hollow: dyum
[01/01/2015, 5:08:08 AM] Randi Harper: 17G of text.
[01/01/2015, 5:08:13 AM] Randi Harper: holy shitsnacks.
[01/01/2015, 5:08:21 AM] Randi Harper: i was al
[01/01/2015, 5:08:22 AM] Randi Harper: root@db:/var/db # df -h
Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ada0a     9.7G    2.4G    6.5G    27%    /
devfs          1.0K    1.0K      0B   100%    /dev
fdescfs        1.0K    1.0K      0B   100%    /dev/fd
/dev/xbd3p1     19G     17G    829M    95%    /var
/dev/xbd2p1     12G    3.8G    6.9G    35%    /var/db/redis
/dev/xbd1p1     12G    268M     10G     2%    /var/db/mysql
[01/01/2015, 5:08:25 AM] Randi Harper: why is my shit getting full
[01/01/2015, 5:08:26 AM] Randi Harper: and then i saw
[01/01/2015, 5:08:27 AM] Randi Harper: oh god.
[01/01/2015, 5:12:37 AM] Rob: I don't know what that means so I'm going to assume you've hacked the gibson
[01/01/2015, 5:12:42 AM] Rob: with your 28.8 kbps modem
[01/01/2015, 5:12:45 AM] Rob: hack the planet. something
[01/01/2015, 5:13:01 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: her partitions are exploding
[01/01/2015, 5:13:05 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: all of da tweets
[01/01/2015, 5:13:06 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: p much
[01/01/2015, 5:13:15 AM] Rob: Oh
[01/01/2015, 5:13:26 AM] SF: Someone made the same joke seconds earlier damnit.
[01/01/2015, 5:13:30 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 5:14:23 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: OK, I just had a nice pleasant visit with one of my favorite relatives and her giant dog, back to misery. Anything notable today?
[01/01/2015, 5:14:29 AM] Athena Hollow: tb
[01/01/2015, 5:14:34 AM] Athena Hollow: being unbearably shit
[01/01/2015, 5:14:34 AM] Tesseract: tb ruined a charity
[01/01/2015, 5:14:43 AM] Athena Hollow: and then acted like a fucking baby
[01/01/2015, 5:14:46 AM] Tesseract: a stream which my friends were in no less
[01/01/2015, 5:14:48 AM] Athena Hollow: AND THEN THREATENED THEM
[01/01/2015, 5:15:13 AM] Athena Hollow:

Archive of that one, btw, for someone to toss on trello (I haven't had time to figure it out yet lol)
[01/01/2015, 5:15:29 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts:
[01/01/2015, 5:15:56 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Sarah, that comic is 200% spot on
[01/01/2015, 5:16:00 AM] Rob: SENPAI NOTICED ME~
[01/01/2015, 5:16:05 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[01/01/2015, 5:16:12 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): She's not fond of TB either
[01/01/2015, 5:16:14 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): she's awesome
[01/01/2015, 5:16:25 AM] Rob: She followed me during my big anti-GG rant I still don't remember b/c  I was blackout drunk.
[01/01/2015, 5:16:28 AM] Athena Hollow: I think Nicholas hit the nail on the head: that tb is finally noticing that gamergate is his brand.
[01/01/2015, 5:16:39 AM] Rob: I woke up and was like... wait, InfoSec taylor swift, Arthur chu, movie bob... they all followed me? WHAT DID I DO
[01/01/2015, 5:16:45 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: haha
[01/01/2015, 5:16:47 AM] Athena Hollow: Before gg, someone might have freaked out or been "ew" about him retweeting their stuff
[01/01/2015, 5:16:53 AM] Athena Hollow: but afterwards? nope. toxic hell pit.
[01/01/2015, 5:17:09 AM] Athena Hollow: maybe now he'll fucking see that siding with a goddamn hate group is a bad fucking idea.
[01/01/2015, 5:18:00 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: Only follower I have that weirds me out is Graham Linehan
[01/01/2015, 5:18:28 AM] Rob: I just - I don't really say anything profound, half the time I'm just drunk talking about random games or w/e.
[01/01/2015, 5:18:35 AM] Rob: So I'm like 'waitwhat'
[01/01/2015, 5:18:48 AM] SF: Added that one, Athena.
[01/01/2015, 5:18:51 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: Eh, you've had some pretty amazing tirades
[01/01/2015, 5:19:00 AM] Athena Hollow: thx sf
[01/01/2015, 5:19:07 AM] Tesseract: loooooooooool
[01/01/2015, 5:19:14 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: often enough that you're one of those people I don't follow just because of sheet tweet volume management
[01/01/2015, 5:19:41 AM] Athena Hollow: fuckin crybaby
[01/01/2015, 5:19:48 AM] Peter Coffin: ugh
[01/01/2015, 5:20:01 AM] Peter Coffin: fuck it
[01/01/2015, 5:20:05 AM] Athena Hollow: dont worry peter
[01/01/2015, 5:20:09 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL:
[01/01/2015, 5:20:10 AM] Athena Hollow: we had it handled bro :)
[01/01/2015, 5:20:23 AM] Athena Hollow: don't go gettin your hands all in this shit lol
[01/01/2015, 5:20:24 AM] Peter Coffin:
[01/01/2015, 5:20:28 AM] Peter Coffin: lol
[01/01/2015, 5:20:31 AM] Athena Hollow: LMFAO
[01/01/2015, 5:20:34 AM] Athena Hollow: ok that was good.
[01/01/2015, 5:20:53 AM] Rob: <3, understandable, SGG
[01/01/2015, 5:20:55 AM] Athena Hollow: HAHAHHAHAHA what an idiot.
[01/01/2015, 5:21:01 AM] Rob: and thank you
[01/01/2015, 5:21:02 AM] Peter Coffin: it's too hard for me to avoid aggravating shit from people like that
[01/01/2015, 5:21:04 AM] Athena Hollow: Thought he was gonna be smart & tagged the autobot XD
[01/01/2015, 5:21:09 AM] Rob: I know I'm a high volume feed, mainly b/c I'm nearly always at a computer and bored
[01/01/2015, 5:21:38 AM] Randi Harper: what the fuck, twitter.
[01/01/2015, 5:21:39 AM] Rob: I'm a social recluse IRL and like super shy + anxiety disorders, so stuff like twitter, Skype, etc are my social outlets.
[01/01/2015, 5:21:43 AM] Randi Harper: i'm going to have to do some post-processing on all of my data
[01/01/2015, 5:21:49 AM] Randi Harper: because twitter search included shit that is not at all related.
[01/01/2015, 5:21:53 AM] Athena Hollow: lame
[01/01/2015, 5:21:55 AM] Rob: B/c I get really anxious even around people I know super well
[01/01/2015, 5:23:24 AM] Randi Harper: this user retweeted this status and it was picked up by the filters.
[01/01/2015, 5:23:24 AM] Peter Coffin: my wife is that way, I understand rob
[01/01/2015, 5:23:32 AM] SF: Yeah, I perform an overconfident extrovert online just to balance out the fact I hyperventilate at the thought of talking to cashiers in meatspace.
[01/01/2015, 5:23:33 AM] Athena Hollow: Need to get you hanging around me IRL more often. A ton of my friends were that way before hanging out w/ me LOL
[01/01/2015, 5:23:35 AM] Randi Harper: there's others. the only common denominator is that lang isn't en.
[01/01/2015, 5:23:45 AM] Randi Harper: fuck you, twitter.
[01/01/2015, 5:23:45 AM] SF: Complex PTSD is one of my least recommended pastimes.
[01/01/2015, 5:23:47 AM] Peter Coffin: I get really anxous with certain things, but she has it much worse, most situations are very hard for her
[01/01/2015, 5:23:53 AM] Athena Hollow: including my friend steve who literally never talked LOL
[01/01/2015, 5:24:03 AM] Rob: Yeah Peter - it's like, I can force myself to deal with stuff b/c I just have no other choice, but if I have any choice to avoid stuff whatsoever, I take it
[01/01/2015, 5:24:16 AM] Peter Coffin: she does that too
[01/01/2015, 5:24:17 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Athena, it's because you're so cool
[01/01/2015, 5:24:18 AM] Rob: and Athena, most people don't realize I'm shy.
[01/01/2015, 5:24:32 AM] Rob: I've literally had people say "Shut the fuck up" when I said I'm shy and have extreme social anxiety.
[01/01/2015, 5:24:42 AM] Rob: And it's like, a diagnosed thing, too. I literally have SAD
[01/01/2015, 5:24:45 AM] Rob: Not just "I'm shy"
[01/01/2015, 5:24:57 AM] Athena Hollow: steve had sad as well :D
[01/01/2015, 5:25:02 AM] Athena Hollow: I'M JUST THAT GOOD YO
[01/01/2015, 5:25:15 AM] Peter Coffin: but what did mr. rogers have, that's what's important
[01/01/2015, 5:25:26 AM] Peter Coffin: what mr. rogers thinks and feels
[01/01/2015, 5:25:42 AM] Rob: I like that urban legend about mr. rogers being a CIA assassin.
[01/01/2015, 5:26:00 AM] Rob: and Athena <3 I do wanna hang out and visit you, and not just b/c you live near gencon
[01/01/2015, 5:26:19 AM] Tesseract: alright I'd like a definitive answer to the chat question soon
[01/01/2015, 5:26:36 AM] Athena Hollow: gencon is just a good excuse to get people here
[01/01/2015, 5:26:38 AM] Rob: I think Randi is gonna set up an IRC thing after the 4th if that's what we want? is what she said?
[01/01/2015, 5:26:39 AM] Athena Hollow: two birds, one stone :D
[01/01/2015, 5:26:51 AM] Rob: Esp. if I have a place to crash
[01/01/2015, 5:26:57 AM] Rob: And can get picked up from an airport.
[01/01/2015, 5:27:09 AM] Rob: I imagine there are direct flights from Reagan to Indianananananananapopoulus
[01/01/2015, 5:27:13 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 5:27:25 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): XD:
[01/01/2015, 5:27:59 AM] Randi Harper: LOL
[01/01/2015, 5:28:25 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): wow
[01/01/2015, 5:28:31 AM] Peter Coffin: uhhhhhh, isn't that literally what black kids deal with
[01/01/2015, 5:28:33 AM] Peter Coffin: non stop
[01/01/2015, 5:28:42 AM] Peter Coffin: hell all black people
[01/01/2015, 5:28:55 AM] Peter Coffin: like that is as privileged as it gets, that statement right there
[01/01/2015, 5:30:08 AM] Athena Hollow: goddamn he's dumb
[01/01/2015, 5:30:25 AM] Athena Hollow: you don't need us to educate you you fuckin idiot. There's a whole WORLD of education at your fingertips
[01/01/2015, 5:31:08 AM] SF: Moving chat chat to serious ->
[01/01/2015, 5:32:03 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: did the people in the stream directly comment on TB's endorsement? anyone have a link?
[01/01/2015, 5:32:18 AM] Tesseract: I can ask
[01/01/2015, 5:32:20 AM] SF: Nevermind! So we should reach a consensus on chat rather than doing a vote.
[01/01/2015, 5:32:28 AM] drinternetphd: wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
[01/01/2015, 5:32:29 AM] drinternetphd:
[01/01/2015, 5:32:38 AM] drinternetphd: that's not vaguely threatening at all
[01/01/2015, 5:32:48 AM] SF: Yup, already put that on Trello.
[01/01/2015, 5:33:24 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: oh hey, is Gencon sneaking up again?
[01/01/2015, 5:33:27 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: Also morning Zoe
[01/01/2015, 5:33:37 AM] Athena Hollow: nah not till august :)
[01/01/2015, 5:33:44 AM] Peter Coffin: morning zoe
[01/01/2015, 5:33:46 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i posted that on ghazi but people seem unhappy with how i framed it. not sure if i should take it down
[01/01/2015, 5:33:51 AM] Peter Coffin: fuck tb so much
[01/01/2015, 5:34:14 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Holy cow what a fucking bully
[01/01/2015, 5:34:44 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): fuck this:
[01/01/2015, 5:35:38 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Sarah, I've noticed that on reddit, even in Ghazi, people are quick to defend TB
[01/01/2015, 5:36:31 AM] Rob: Yeah zoe, Arthur chu and i called him out on that
[01/01/2015, 5:36:50 AM] Rob: like i said on twitter, he sounds like a fucking mobster looking for protection money
[01/01/2015, 5:36:59 AM] Rob: "mighty fine shop you have here, it'd be a shame if anything happened to it"
[01/01/2015, 5:37:19 AM] Randi Harper: fuck the haters, you do you.
[01/01/2015, 5:37:20 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i dont know if i should remove the ghazi post or not
[01/01/2015, 5:37:23 AM] drinternetphd: I mean that's kind of what he said to me early on too
[01/01/2015, 5:37:24 AM] Peter Coffin:
[01/01/2015, 5:37:33 AM] drinternetphd: I tried talking to him privately and it was fucking pointless
[01/01/2015, 5:37:46 AM] drinternetphd: he even brought up the patently moronic "personal paypal" argumen
[01/01/2015, 5:37:56 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: Ig's screenshot there looks chatbotty to me
[01/01/2015, 5:38:08 AM] Tesseract: don't remove the ghazi post
[01/01/2015, 5:38:28 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i mean, how i framed it was intentionally hyperbolic
[01/01/2015, 5:38:30 AM] SF: My mentions right now.
[01/01/2015, 5:38:41 AM] Athena Hollow: is it possible to rename?
[01/01/2015, 5:38:53 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: doesn't let you
[01/01/2015, 5:39:27 AM] Athena Hollow: Damn. Was gonna say "My 390000 followers can't possibly be threatening" would have worked.
[01/01/2015, 5:39:43 AM] Athena Hollow: ugh.
[01/01/2015, 5:40:58 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Secret, were you refering to one of my screenshots?
[01/01/2015, 5:41:00 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): On 01/01/2015, at 5:37 AM, Secret Gamer Girl wrote:
> Ig's screenshot there looks chatbotty to me

[01/01/2015, 5:43:11 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: yeah
[01/01/2015, 5:43:26 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Which one?
[01/01/2015, 5:43:26 AM] Secret Gamer Girl:
[01/01/2015, 5:43:31 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: or, tweet links really
[01/01/2015, 5:43:32 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ah
[01/01/2015, 5:43:35 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I see
[01/01/2015, 5:44:03 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: wtf are they on about
[01/01/2015, 5:44:13 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: that's just the right mix of "this makes no sense at all" and "wait, the two halves of this sentence seem common"
[01/01/2015, 5:44:42 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Sarah, i don't know. they've been doing that lately, hinting about stuff regarding you
[01/01/2015, 5:45:11 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ah. the rest of @SomeKindaBoogin's feed look human enough
[01/01/2015, 5:45:25 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: I'm pretty close to the point where I want to stop blocking people and start calling them on it when they say I'm misrepresenting them
[01/01/2015, 5:45:48 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: because I don't think any of them have a response in their back pocket at the moment for what they're "really about"
[01/01/2015, 5:49:55 AM] drinternetphd:
[01/01/2015, 5:49:59 AM] drinternetphd: maybe you could calm down
[01/01/2015, 5:51:22 AM] Athena Hollow: I've got a cross for him to wear if he really needs it.
[01/01/2015, 5:52:06 AM] Athena Hollow: love the "self righteous sociopaths" remark after he willfully skewers someone saying "I don't want your help with my charity event"
[01/01/2015, 5:52:31 AM] Rob:
[01/01/2015, 5:52:34 AM] Rob: (sun)
[01/01/2015, 5:52:37 AM] Peter Coffin: he is perhaps a non-violent sociopath
[01/01/2015, 5:52:41 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): AHAHA. Rob
[01/01/2015, 5:52:51 AM] Peter Coffin: YES
[01/01/2015, 5:52:53 AM] Peter Coffin: hahahahahaha
[01/01/2015, 5:53:22 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[01/01/2015, 5:53:47 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[01/01/2015, 5:53:49 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :3
[01/01/2015, 5:54:12 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): The reference, for those not aware:
[01/01/2015, 5:54:13 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :P
[01/01/2015, 5:54:28 AM] Rob: I already have a followup if he is like WELL I DONATE TO CHARITY again
[01/01/2015, 5:54:40 AM] Rob: "Great, and George W. Bush greatly increased funding to Africa to fight AIDS. Guess that means you endorse the Iraq War?"
[01/01/2015, 5:55:39 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts:
[01/01/2015, 5:56:16 AM] Rob: I love you sarah <3
[01/01/2015, 5:59:14 AM] Rob: hAHAHAHA I am so happy right now
[01/01/2015, 5:59:18 AM] Rob: I really like being mean
[01/01/2015, 5:59:20 AM] Rob: and drunk.
[01/01/2015, 5:59:25 AM] Rob: and playing final fantasy tactics
[01/01/2015, 5:59:35 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 5:59:37 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): These last few days have been rough. GG and it's not-leaders really doubling down on horribleness
[01/01/2015, 6:00:06 AM] Athena Hollow: yep
[01/01/2015, 6:02:05 AM] Tesseract:
[01/01/2015, 6:02:36 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): God Bless Tolvo. They are always on it with those Storify's
[01/01/2015, 6:14:59 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts:
[01/01/2015, 6:17:36 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Rob:
[01/01/2015, 6:17:58 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): (sun)
[01/01/2015, 6:18:42 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I put the "</sarcasm>" there because I KNOW GGers would have thought I was serious and gone after TB
[01/01/2015, 6:19:06 AM] Athena Hollow: yep
[01/01/2015, 6:19:32 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: this would have been bad why?
[01/01/2015, 6:19:42 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[01/01/2015, 6:20:33 AM] Athena Hollow: in the end he would have just blamed us instead of the people we keep pointing to while they're setting buildings on fire.
[01/01/2015, 6:21:11 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: sure, but he'd also get a taste of the sort of unstable people he's allying with
[01/01/2015, 6:22:46 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol, every time a GGer says anti-gamer, i'm just going to reply like this:
[01/01/2015, 6:23:10 AM] Athena Hollow: needs more quotes
[01/01/2015, 6:23:11 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[01/01/2015, 6:23:50 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: So... I almost don't want to ask but... what horrible things did Bri say today that upset people so much she deleted them all before I saw?
[01/01/2015, 6:24:22 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Secret:
[01/01/2015, 6:24:23 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): On 01/01/2015, at 2:16 AM, Izzy (@iglvzx) wrote:
> "GG on @Spacekatgal: Tranny scum. Can't have views on feminism. TG community on @spacekatgal: CIS Scum. Can't have views on TG rights."

[01/01/2015, 6:24:39 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): was one
[01/01/2015, 6:24:52 AM] Athena Hollow: She told trans people to not say Helen Lewis (is that her name?) was a transphobe
[01/01/2015, 6:25:15 AM] Athena Hollow: and then was promptly told she needed to not tell trans people who to ascribe that term towards.
[01/01/2015, 6:26:07 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[01/01/2015, 6:26:17 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): He's not gonna like that
[01/01/2015, 6:26:18 AM] Athena Hollow: dayum izzy
[01/01/2015, 6:26:19 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[01/01/2015, 6:26:47 AM] Tesseract:
[01/01/2015, 6:27:07 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): <3 you Tess. Thanks for tweeting that
[01/01/2015, 6:27:57 AM] Peter Coffin: very good
[01/01/2015, 6:29:04 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Yo--I am confronting them:
[01/01/2015, 6:29:21 AM] Athena Hollow: be careful.
[01/01/2015, 6:30:29 AM] Peter Coffin: vj please be careful
[01/01/2015, 6:31:06 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: what was in that?
[01/01/2015, 6:31:21 AM] Veerender Jubbal: I tweeted out this time.
[01/01/2015, 6:31:23 AM] Veerender Jubbal:
[01/01/2015, 6:31:29 AM] Veerender Jubbal: I will be fine.
[01/01/2015, 6:31:55 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts hugs veerender :3
[01/01/2015, 6:32:04 AM] live:riotarms: Greetz from a SJW cooperative in leeds everyone
[01/01/2015, 6:32:05 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Need a quick run-down of why they are bad, please.
[01/01/2015, 6:32:09 AM] Peter Coffin: that is so them
[01/01/2015, 6:32:38 AM] Peter Coffin: well 1. they are not a charity but claim to be all the tie
[01/01/2015, 6:32:39 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: they libeled zoe repeatedly, mocked trans people that had issues with their policies, have said some really bizarre BIOTRUTH esque stuff about women
[01/01/2015, 6:32:39 AM] Peter Coffin: time
[01/01/2015, 6:32:48 AM] Veerender Jubbal: They want me to email them.
[01/01/2015, 6:32:59 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: they basically rode the wave of harassment of zoe to get funding
[01/01/2015, 6:33:02 AM] Peter Coffin: sarah did a better summary, I stopped
[01/01/2015, 6:33:19 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: zoe or alex could give much more detail than me
[01/01/2015, 6:33:25 AM] live:riotarms: Kinda gross how they're treating you as the entirety of the Sikh community there, VJ
[01/01/2015, 6:33:44 AM] Peter Coffin: they clearly are a for profit, non-feminist institution and claim to be a feminist charity
[01/01/2015, 6:33:59 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Fuck, did not think of that.
[01/01/2015, 6:34:04 AM] live:riotarms: It's a thing they do to people
[01/01/2015, 6:34:04 AM] live:riotarms: To deflect
[01/01/2015, 6:34:20 AM] Peter Coffin: yeah
[01/01/2015, 6:34:31 AM] Peter Coffin: vj, go into lawful evil mode
[01/01/2015, 6:34:34 AM] Peter Coffin: that is what you are dealing with
[01/01/2015, 6:34:34 AM] Veerender Jubbal: I do not know. ANy other Sikhs talking about stuff I do? Nope.
[01/01/2015, 6:34:37 AM] Veerender Jubbal: I am sure!
[01/01/2015, 6:34:47 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Dark Veerender Jubbal early, huh?
[01/01/2015, 6:34:55 AM] Peter Coffin: lol
[01/01/2015, 6:34:59 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: veerender mega evolution
[01/01/2015, 6:34:59 AM] Athena Hollow: document. everything.
[01/01/2015, 6:35:00 AM] Peter Coffin: I mean lawful evil defense mode
[01/01/2015, 6:35:00 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: plox
[01/01/2015, 6:35:18 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: one thing you should know
[01/01/2015, 6:35:27 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: private conversations with TFYC are not a thing
[01/01/2015, 6:35:45 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: anything you say to him will go up, probably with some editing, on his blog
[01/01/2015, 6:36:04 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: for instance-
[01/01/2015, 6:36:05 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Hahahaha!
[01/01/2015, 6:36:22 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: this, incidentally, includes a lot of other examples of why you don't want anything to do with him
[01/01/2015, 6:37:30 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: but the real short version is he's kind of one of the 3 founders of GG
[01/01/2015, 6:37:41 AM] Charloppe: Charloppe peeks in
[01/01/2015, 6:38:09 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Well, watch it go on I guess...
[01/01/2015, 6:40:56 AM] Athena Hollow: are they for fuckin real?
[01/01/2015, 6:41:00 AM] Athena Hollow: ugh. fuck these people.
[01/01/2015, 6:41:13 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): holy shit
[01/01/2015, 6:42:05 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: this person
[01/01/2015, 6:42:22 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: Quit pluralizing the little scumbag already
[01/01/2015, 6:42:48 AM] live:riotarms: TFYC are the Borg cube of being an arsehole
[01/01/2015, 6:42:51 AM] Veerender Jubbal: I have to take a shower--will be back, and continue!
[01/01/2015, 6:42:54 AM] Athena Hollow: (y)
[01/01/2015, 6:43:34 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[01/01/2015, 6:43:38 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): if you want to signal boost
[01/01/2015, 6:43:41 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): because holy shit
[01/01/2015, 6:43:55 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: when you use the account "of your company" to stream footage of a game you're playing and converse with your father, I'm not going to play along with your Big Business Man routine.
[01/01/2015, 6:44:03 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 6:45:09 AM] Veerender Jubbal:
[01/01/2015, 6:45:18 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: It's one creepy little punk, his name is Matt, and he makes a career out of exploiting people so he can run fake charities in their name.
[01/01/2015, 6:45:58 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: ... unless you want to rope in his Columbian artist friends he filters money through too, but so far as I know they're decent people.
[01/01/2015, 6:46:26 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): the keep doubling down. holy shit
[01/01/2015, 6:46:31 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[01/01/2015, 6:46:38 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): i'm gonna tweet this screen cap, too
[01/01/2015, 6:47:44 AM] Athena Hollow: dklajfkljsdfkljlas
[01/01/2015, 6:48:10 AM] Athena Hollow: "It happens to all sikh. It just so happens that we also spawned some by not trying to find a better way to contact you after seeing our little shit stain followers attacking!"
[01/01/2015, 6:49:02 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[01/01/2015, 6:49:04 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): signal boost
[01/01/2015, 6:49:31 AM] Randi Harper: TIL the dude that runs rikertips has a shitton of star trek based tips accounts.
[01/01/2015, 6:49:42 AM] Athena Hollow: haha
[01/01/2015, 6:49:57 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts:
[01/01/2015, 6:50:15 AM] Randi Harper: so i have this webpage people could go to so they could give me a twitter token. it's just read only access, but this way i can switch between tokens when making API requests
[01/01/2015, 6:50:20 AM] Randi Harper: i can get a LOT more done a LOT faster that way.
[01/01/2015, 6:50:30 AM] Randi Harper: totally legit under ToS, it's how a lot of researchers do massive data collection with twitter.
[01/01/2015, 6:50:44 AM] Randi Harper: and i have a temp csv where this crappy little php script was outputting authed tokens
[01/01/2015, 6:50:47 AM] Randi Harper: check it:
[01/01/2015, 6:50:47 AM] Randi Harper: [randi@randi /tmp]$ awk -F ',' '/Tips/ {print $4}' .tokens.csv|sort -u
[01/01/2015, 6:50:57 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[01/01/2015, 6:50:59 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahahahah geez
[01/01/2015, 6:51:01 AM] Randi Harper: he authed with every account he had.
[01/01/2015, 6:51:21 AM] Athena Hollow: someone really hates gamergate, huh? LOL
[01/01/2015, 6:51:24 AM] Randi Harper: i'd already sucked in about 250 tokens, was just doing another round of checking to see if anyone else had signed up.
[01/01/2015, 6:52:30 AM] Veerender Jubbal:
[01/01/2015, 6:52:38 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Shower time--jump in if you want!
[01/01/2015, 6:52:46 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yeah, Veerender. sarah and I called them out
[01/01/2015, 6:52:47 AM] Rob: HAHAHA TOTAL BISCUIT BLOCKED ME
[01/01/2015, 6:52:49 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): in our screenshots
[01/01/2015, 6:52:52 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Cool!
[01/01/2015, 6:52:55 AM] Veerender Jubbal: I will be back.
[01/01/2015, 6:52:59 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ok. take care
[01/01/2015, 6:53:07 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts:
[01/01/2015, 6:54:11 AM] Athena Hollow: because they're fucking gaslighting.
[01/01/2015, 6:54:14 AM] Athena Hollow: goddamn assholes.
[01/01/2015, 6:54:23 AM] Athena Hollow: All they had to do was "Sorry, we didn't think about that"
[01/01/2015, 6:54:29 AM] Athena Hollow: THAT'S IT. THAT'S LITERALLY ALL IT FUCKING TAKES.
[01/01/2015, 6:54:37 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): It's on
[01/01/2015, 6:54:38 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[01/01/2015, 6:54:41 AM] Athena Hollow: but instead, they double down like fucking babies.
[01/01/2015, 6:54:48 AM] Athena Hollow: Fuck. Matt.
[01/01/2015, 6:55:07 AM] Tesseract: damn, sargon replied but didn't block me
[01/01/2015, 6:55:11 AM] Tesseract: he's a tough nut to crack
[01/01/2015, 6:56:00 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 6:56:41 AM] Tesseract: I just need sargon, chobit, nero, and baldwin
[01/01/2015, 6:56:55 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Tess, this is not a game
[01/01/2015, 6:56:59 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): oh, wait, this game is OK
[01/01/2015, 6:57:02 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[01/01/2015, 6:57:03 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: you're not blocked by Baldwin?
[01/01/2015, 6:57:10 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Baldwin even has me blocked.
[01/01/2015, 6:57:16 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: hell, I'M blocked by Baldwin
[01/01/2015, 6:57:21 AM] Athena Hollow: i think nero has me blocked as well XD
[01/01/2015, 6:57:23 AM] Tesseract: I only tweeted him once and I think he just didn't see it
[01/01/2015, 6:57:40 AM] Athena Hollow: Oh NM! No he doesn't!
[01/01/2015, 6:57:44 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I think Milo likes me or something because I made that one joke and he favortied it ;_;
[01/01/2015, 6:58:01 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: Cernovich started faving tweets of mine one day
[01/01/2015, 6:58:07 AM] Athena Hollow: so just baldwin and one of the others.
[01/01/2015, 6:58:31 AM] Athena Hollow: chuck johnson has me blocked XD
[01/01/2015, 7:00:39 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Good news, the person doing the survey caught on that KiA is the GG hub on reddit:
[01/01/2015, 7:00:56 AM] Tesseract: good
[01/01/2015, 7:01:28 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL, plz help. died laughing:
[01/01/2015, 7:02:05 AM] Tesseract: lol
[01/01/2015, 7:02:23 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): holy shit, just notice Matt replied:
[01/01/2015, 7:02:43 AM] Athena Hollow: god he's an idiot.
[01/01/2015, 7:02:53 AM] Tesseract: pffffff
[01/01/2015, 7:03:51 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[01/01/2015, 7:03:55 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I have no words
[01/01/2015, 7:04:03 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[01/01/2015, 7:05:14 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: of course he replied
[01/01/2015, 7:05:18 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: he has no life at all
[01/01/2015, 7:06:08 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: I'm sure if he were to ever catch on to my Fuzzy Yellow Caterpiller thing he'd search for it every 5 minutes
[01/01/2015, 7:06:31 AM] Athena Hollow: lol your what?
[01/01/2015, 7:08:25 AM] Peter Coffin: started tfyc trello card,
[01/01/2015, 7:08:33 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Good idea
[01/01/2015, 7:08:54 AM] Peter Coffin: archived this Veerender convo
[01/01/2015, 7:09:06 AM] Peter Coffin: very clearly on purpose if you ask me
[01/01/2015, 7:09:27 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): only appropriate response:
[01/01/2015, 7:10:37 AM] Veerender Jubbal: I am back.
[01/01/2015, 7:10:46 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Veerender:
[01/01/2015, 7:11:12 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: Athena- I always refer to him lately as The Fuzzy Yellow Caterpiller because he relentlessly searches for any and all mention of his name, The Fine Young Capitalists, TFYC, TFYCapitalists, etc.
[01/01/2015, 7:11:23 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahaha that's hilarious sgg
[01/01/2015, 7:11:25 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: if you talk about him, he WILL jump in
[01/01/2015, 7:11:31 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: haha
[01/01/2015, 7:11:48 AM] Veerender Jubbal: I am about to go gosh.
[01/01/2015, 7:12:06 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: welll, that or Caterpillar depending on whether I'm awake enough to spell properly
[01/01/2015, 7:12:17 AM] Athena Hollow: hahaha
[01/01/2015, 7:13:43 AM] Veerender Jubbal:
[01/01/2015, 7:13:45 AM] Veerender Jubbal: What is this?
[01/01/2015, 7:13:58 AM] Athena Hollow: gaslighting
[01/01/2015, 7:14:02 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): They are trying to gaslight you
[01/01/2015, 7:14:10 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): GG tactic
[01/01/2015, 7:14:12 AM] Athena Hollow: trying to say that all Sikh's are harassed on the internet, so it's nothing special that you are.
[01/01/2015, 7:14:25 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: Here is what he is doing
[01/01/2015, 7:14:28 AM] Athena Hollow: OR get you to say you're a special snowflake and Sikh's aren't harassed.
[01/01/2015, 7:14:33 AM] Veerender Jubbal: nods
[01/01/2015, 7:14:35 AM] Athena Hollow: Either way, he's trying to be a flaming douchebag.
[01/01/2015, 7:15:02 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: he is going to start a new "charity project" about Sikh. He wants you to endorse it to lend it legitimacy. You are not going to do so. He is going to attempt to threaten/blackmail you.
[01/01/2015, 7:15:21 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Well, I went gosh.
[01/01/2015, 7:15:22 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: Best plan- Don't say one word to him.
[01/01/2015, 7:15:35 AM] Remy: ^
[01/01/2015, 7:15:41 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): yeah, just ignore them now. We got your back in case they keep going after you
[01/01/2015, 7:15:43 AM] Remy: Gosh is acceptable
[01/01/2015, 7:15:49 AM] Athena Hollow: yup
[01/01/2015, 7:15:54 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: The last time he did this, GG was the result
[01/01/2015, 7:16:00 AM] Remy: Gosh can never be used against you out of context
[01/01/2015, 7:17:39 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Damn.
[01/01/2015, 7:17:45 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Quoting that shit.
[01/01/2015, 7:18:10 AM] Veerender Jubbal: This is probably beneficial for a Storify...
[01/01/2015, 7:18:57 AM] Remy: I can't see the whole conversation b/c TFYMatt is on my block list
[01/01/2015, 7:19:18 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Check it out, yo.
[01/01/2015, 7:19:20 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: I have a big giant file of awful TFYC stuff kicking around, but then Zoe went and wrote that fantastic article including all of it
[01/01/2015, 7:21:26 AM] Athena Hollow: (not gg related) OH DAMN SCREECH
[01/01/2015, 7:22:21 AM] Veerender Jubbal: No reply  yet.
[01/01/2015, 7:22:28 AM] Remy: wow
[01/01/2015, 7:22:48 AM] Athena Hollow: damn! it's satire.
[01/01/2015, 7:22:49 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[01/01/2015, 7:23:06 AM] Athena Hollow: I'd seen something about him being arrested for a bar brawl somewhere else
[01/01/2015, 7:23:15 AM] Athena Hollow: TRUST BUT VERIFY FAILS AGAIN!
[01/01/2015, 7:24:26 AM] Athena Hollow:

ACTUAL news article (dude isn't dead lol)
[01/01/2015, 7:25:20 AM] Remy: Ugh
[01/01/2015, 7:25:22 AM] Remy: That article
[01/01/2015, 7:25:27 AM] Remy: Quoted the dumbest troll
[01/01/2015, 7:25:29 AM] Remy: The first one linked
[01/01/2015, 7:25:33 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: Well, he actually WAS killed, but fortunately Dustin Diamond always carries around enough diamond dust for the material component to resurrect.
[01/01/2015, 7:26:03 AM] Remy: Okay so is he a murderer or is he not a murderer
[01/01/2015, 7:26:43 AM] Remy: Actually I don't wanna know
[01/01/2015, 7:26:49 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL He was not killed; he did stab a dude, but the dude said he didn't even know he was stabbed.
[01/01/2015, 7:26:58 AM] Athena Hollow: it was apparently a brawl that went nasty is all.
[01/01/2015, 7:27:19 AM] Remy: My buddy was killed in a bar brawl after we got back from Afghanistan and I'd rather just ignore this story
[01/01/2015, 7:27:29 AM] Athena Hollow: :-/ sorry :(
[01/01/2015, 7:27:49 AM] Remy: It was his own damn fault. It wasn't even his fight he was just trying to get two drunk people to stop hurting each other
[01/01/2015, 7:28:37 AM] Remy: One of them decided it was a great opportunity to sneak up behind him with a bottle against the head
[01/01/2015, 7:28:45 AM] Athena Hollow: suck
[01/01/2015, 7:28:48 AM] Remy: Moves and TV always make that shit look like it just shatters and pisses you off
[01/01/2015, 7:29:06 AM] Remy: They always act like you can just take a bang to the head and wake up an hour later looking pissed off
[01/01/2015, 7:29:52 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: and then there's the whole jumping through windows thing
[01/01/2015, 7:30:20 AM] Remy: I wonder how many people have died from falls they legitimately figured they could survive b/c they saw enough people do it on tv
[01/01/2015, 7:31:13 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: I once saw a rather nasty statistic on people being injured or killed trying to escape cars they thought were going to explode too
[01/01/2015, 7:31:36 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: there's a lot of weird dangerous misleading conventions like that
[01/01/2015, 7:32:21 AM] Charloppe: sarah says im tumbler famous?
[01/01/2015, 7:32:30 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: holy shit. i'm so proud charlotte's thing touched that many people
[01/01/2015, 7:32:58 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): holy shit
[01/01/2015, 7:33:02 AM] Tesseract: wow
[01/01/2015, 7:33:04 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): 19467 notes
[01/01/2015, 7:33:21 AM] Charloppe: i made a tweet out of anger thats all i did
[01/01/2015, 7:33:27 AM] Charloppe: Charloppe curls up into tiny ball
[01/01/2015, 7:33:48 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: like two weeks ago charloppe was like "i dunno why i tweet i have like no followers i wont reach anyone"
[01/01/2015, 7:34:08 AM] Remy: THAT'S ME
[01/01/2015, 7:34:10 AM] Remy: FOX IS ME
[01/01/2015, 7:34:13 AM] Charloppe: omg
[01/01/2015, 7:34:15 AM] Tesseract: hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha oh god
[01/01/2015, 7:34:17 AM] Charloppe: thats so amazing
[01/01/2015, 7:34:19 AM] Athena Hollow: damn charlotte!
[01/01/2015, 7:34:31 AM] Remy: It's a Sealeo :3
[01/01/2015, 7:34:39 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: there aren't many moments social media like completely wows me. but a trans person being able to speak and getting that much of a voice re: something like this that wouldn't otherwise be heard is pretty amazing
[01/01/2015, 7:34:39 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahahah I KNEW someone had mentioned doing it
[01/01/2015, 7:34:49 AM] Athena Hollow: but i couldnt remember who it was XD
[01/01/2015, 7:35:34 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I'm really bad at Storify. I captured Veerender's conversation with TFYC:
[01/01/2015, 7:36:04 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: wow there's a hideous comment on there
[01/01/2015, 7:36:15 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: on where?
[01/01/2015, 7:36:34 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: Charlotte's thing
[01/01/2015, 7:36:47 AM] Athena Hollow: ugh yea gonna be assholes.
[01/01/2015, 7:37:41 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: whereare the comments? i don't know how to tumblr
[01/01/2015, 7:37:51 AM] Charloppe: i don't know what to say
[01/01/2015, 7:38:12 AM] Athena Hollow: the reposts. if they repost it with a comment itll show up
[01/01/2015, 7:38:13 AM] Remy: Hey do we have a collection of those artsy portraits being done of the "big heads of GG"?
[01/01/2015, 7:38:25 AM] Remy: I just realized they're all using their portraits proudly as avatars, or have at some point
[01/01/2015, 7:38:41 AM] Remy: And those portraits will be glorious to dredge back up when they start distancing themselves saying "I wasn't a part of that"
[01/01/2015, 7:38:51 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 7:38:53 AM] Remy: ORLY 'cause they painted a portrait of their love for you  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[01/01/2015, 7:38:59 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahaha
[01/01/2015, 7:39:03 AM] Remy: And you wore it as your face on Twitter for a few months
[01/01/2015, 7:39:29 AM] Peter Coffin: I hope this eventually has some serious legal ramifications for a lot of people
[01/01/2015, 7:40:03 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: do you just have to view all reposts and sometimes you see a comment? theres no way to view just comments?
[01/01/2015, 7:40:34 AM] Athena Hollow: pretty much. yeah lots of scrollin
[01/01/2015, 7:41:14 AM] Remy: Got a random add request from popsicle.woms7 is that someone y'all know or can I block?
[01/01/2015, 7:41:20 AM] Rob: No idea who that is
[01/01/2015, 7:41:21 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): no
[01/01/2015, 7:41:28 AM] Athena Hollow: rando as far as i can tell.
[01/01/2015, 7:41:33 AM] Remy: roger, thanks much ^_^
[01/01/2015, 7:42:03 AM] Rob: Wow
[01/01/2015, 7:42:07 AM] Rob: Gamer gaters really need to learn PR
[01/01/2015, 7:42:32 AM] Rob: Me: "so you're saying gaters sending me pictures of murdered women isn't trolling?"
gater: "dissent isn't trolling! way to derail!"
[01/01/2015, 7:42:34 AM] Remy: Honestly the biggest reason I reduced to spam a Sealeo talking smack against GG is I knew it was the one place they couldn't argue back and that it would just kill them inside
[01/01/2015, 7:42:52 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[01/01/2015, 7:42:57 AM] Athena Hollow: how is that a fucking response, Rob?
[01/01/2015, 7:42:59 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahahahahahaha
[01/01/2015, 7:43:15 AM] Athena Hollow: it did kill them inside, Stephen. It did.
[01/01/2015, 7:43:16 AM] Rob: Well, I just got it
[01/01/2015, 7:43:17 AM] Rob: soooo
[01/01/2015, 7:43:18 AM] Rob: lol
[01/01/2015, 7:43:22 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahahahahaha
[01/01/2015, 7:44:28 AM] Rob:
[01/01/2015, 7:44:29 AM] Rob: it's that exchange.
[01/01/2015, 7:46:23 AM] Athena Hollow: LMFAO ROB! you blocked him & he screamed freeze peach
[01/01/2015, 7:46:26 AM] Athena Hollow: holy shit hahahahahahahahahahaha
[01/01/2015, 7:46:59 AM] Remy: I need a picture of a grumpy white dude crying over a bowl of frozen peaches
[01/01/2015, 7:47:06 AM] Athena Hollow: haha
[01/01/2015, 7:48:06 AM] Remy: Image
[01/01/2015, 7:48:16 AM] Peter Coffin: hahaha
[01/01/2015, 7:48:16 AM] Athena Hollow: XD
[01/01/2015, 7:48:18 AM] Tesseract: pffff
[01/01/2015, 7:48:34 AM] Remy: Oh no
[01/01/2015, 7:48:36 AM] Remy: I have one for all of you
[01/01/2015, 7:48:39 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): uh oh
[01/01/2015, 7:48:49 AM] Remy: lemme figure out why it's not saving to disk
[01/01/2015, 7:49:19 AM] Remy: Image
[01/01/2015, 7:49:20 AM] Tesseract: I've got an even more pissed off dude who keeps writing these huge essays to me on tumblr
[01/01/2015, 7:49:27 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): another one?
[01/01/2015, 7:49:48 AM] Tesseract:
[01/01/2015, 7:49:52 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahahaha yes
[01/01/2015, 7:50:14 AM] Peter Coffin: i recognize that name
[01/01/2015, 7:50:32 AM] Peter Coffin: I think i've gotten yt comments from them
[01/01/2015, 7:50:39 AM] Peter Coffin: NO they have reblogged me
[01/01/2015, 7:50:42 AM] Peter Coffin: on tumblr
[01/01/2015, 7:50:45 AM] Peter Coffin: adding shitty things
[01/01/2015, 7:50:48 AM] Peter Coffin: I bloced them
[01/01/2015, 7:50:50 AM] Peter Coffin: blocked
[01/01/2015, 7:50:53 AM] Athena Hollow: they mad
[01/01/2015, 7:50:54 AM] Remy: lol
[01/01/2015, 7:50:56 AM] Tesseract: oh my god everything he says is so impossibly shitty
[01/01/2015, 7:50:58 AM] Remy: Twitter Gaters
[01/01/2015, 7:51:01 AM] Remy: Tumblr Gaters I mean
[01/01/2015, 7:51:08 AM] Tesseract: "The worst part is that HALF of this shit ISN’T illegal"
[01/01/2015, 7:51:20 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): o.o
[01/01/2015, 7:51:24 AM] Peter Coffin:
[01/01/2015, 7:51:43 AM] Peter Coffin:
[01/01/2015, 7:51:59 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): why do people get so obsessed with you peter?
[01/01/2015, 7:52:00 AM] Peter Coffin: the second link has no comments
[01/01/2015, 7:52:04 AM] Peter Coffin: I don't know
[01/01/2015, 7:52:07 AM] Peter Coffin: people are fucking weird
[01/01/2015, 7:52:51 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 7:52:58 AM] Peter Coffin: here is what bugs me
[01/01/2015, 7:52:59 AM] Athena Hollow: he is so dumb
[01/01/2015, 7:53:09 AM] Remy: As bad as my paranoia and anxiety is I'd probably lose my shit if I got that amount of obsessive attention from them
[01/01/2015, 7:53:23 AM] Remy: Well... more likely I would compartmentalize back into Army Steve and you don't wanna meet that person
[01/01/2015, 7:53:24 AM] Peter Coffin: I am not female, I'm not a prominent voice, I'm not someone with power
[01/01/2015, 7:53:32 AM] Peter Coffin: I don't get why they latched on to me so much
[01/01/2015, 7:53:36 AM] Peter Coffin: I do not fit the profile
[01/01/2015, 7:53:43 AM] Athena Hollow: you have a past they can make fun of
[01/01/2015, 7:54:02 AM] Athena Hollow: whether its true or not is immaterial (spelled wrong probably lol)
[01/01/2015, 7:54:17 AM] Athena Hollow: sidenote: I hate that skype has no red squiggly lines
[01/01/2015, 7:54:25 AM] Lars Flyger (Zennistrad): Looks like TenaflyViper is at it again:
[01/01/2015, 7:54:29 AM] Peter Coffin: found a nice list of people to block on tumblr
[01/01/2015, 7:54:31 AM] Peter Coffin:
[01/01/2015, 7:54:42 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): PWNED:
[01/01/2015, 7:54:57 AM] Athena Hollow: bwahahahah
[01/01/2015, 7:55:40 AM] Athena Hollow: "SJWs against gamergate attempted to smear 8chan by flooding it with child pornography."
[01/01/2015, 7:55:45 AM] Athena Hollow: they are so fucking dumb to the facts
[01/01/2015, 7:56:10 AM] Athena Hollow: why the shit would we put our lives at risk to smear them? OCCAMS RAZOR DUMBASSES
[01/01/2015, 7:56:11 AM] Peter Coffin: ...
[01/01/2015, 7:56:21 AM] Athena Hollow: Dan went back in time!
[01/01/2015, 7:57:06 AM] Remy: XD
[01/01/2015, 7:57:07 AM] Lars Flyger (Zennistrad): "SJWs ATTEMPTED TO FLOOD GAMERGATE WITH CHILD PORN! I know this because this one person I don't know said so! Also 4chan helped bust child porn therefore 8chan, a completely different website, couldn't possibly be guilty of anything."
[01/01/2015, 7:57:20 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 8:00:11 AM] Remy: I just can't stop gushing that they found my Sealeo
[01/01/2015, 8:00:55 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahah thats the best dude
[01/01/2015, 8:01:40 AM] Remy: I thought it was a long shot
[01/01/2015, 8:01:57 AM] Remy: But with so little risk and so much fun it was worth it
[01/01/2015, 8:02:19 AM] Remy: I only feel bad that there's a crowd of tweeters like "I know who I wanna trade with" and I can't be like "DM ME AND WE CAN TRADE FRIEND CODES :D"
[01/01/2015, 8:02:32 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahahah
[01/01/2015, 8:02:33 AM] Remy: Not Gaters
[01/01/2015, 8:02:46 AM] Remy: The cool people responding to Randi's tweet
[01/01/2015, 8:04:49 AM] live:riotarms: Happy new year from the UK everyone!
[01/01/2015, 8:05:47 AM] live:riotarms: I'm in a bar over capacity with SJWs
[01/01/2015, 8:08:30 AM] Randi Harper: wait was that you?
[01/01/2015, 8:08:57 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Stephen is le epic troll
[01/01/2015, 8:08:58 AM] Athena Hollow: lol yep. it was stephen's pokemon XD
[01/01/2015, 8:09:16 AM] Athena Hollow: I'd remembered someone mentioning it but couldnt remember who, until he said something a little bit ago LOL
[01/01/2015, 8:10:00 AM] Remy: Ohai Randi
[01/01/2015, 8:10:05 AM] Remy: Yeah that's my Sealeo
[01/01/2015, 8:10:12 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 8:10:13 AM] Remy: I've also sent out about a dozen through Wonder Trade
[01/01/2015, 8:10:19 AM] Remy: all named GamerGateSUX
[01/01/2015, 8:10:33 AM] Remy: ^_^" I'm a silly goober tbh
[01/01/2015, 8:10:35 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Rob:
[01/01/2015, 8:11:01 AM] Athena Hollow: wait... wait.... wait....
[01/01/2015, 8:11:04 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): made me think of you
[01/01/2015, 8:11:15 AM] Athena Hollow: wasnt thunderfoot the FIRST one who started pullin the 'welfare' angle??
[01/01/2015, 8:11:30 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I think so. Then TB did
[01/01/2015, 8:11:48 AM] Rob: hahahahaha
[01/01/2015, 8:11:52 AM] Rob: I fuckjing hate thunderf00t
[01/01/2015, 8:11:58 AM] Rob: fucking thick-necked rapist islamophobe piece of shit
[01/01/2015, 8:12:00 AM] SF: Today is turning out to be a migraine day I can't monitor feeds on.
[01/01/2015, 8:12:57 AM] Rob: I'm trying to find a torrent
[01/01/2015, 8:12:59 AM] Rob: for 2 games
[01/01/2015, 8:13:03 AM] Rob: but i can't. and it's making me sad
[01/01/2015, 8:13:07 AM] Rob: I want to drunkenly play these two games
[01/01/2015, 8:13:11 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 8:13:13 AM] Rob: Barbie- The Three Muskeeteers game
[01/01/2015, 8:13:17 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): omg
[01/01/2015, 8:13:17 AM] Rob: and Barbie As the Island Princess
[01/01/2015, 8:13:24 AM] Rob: because I'VE ALREADY PLAYED 2 AWFUL BARBIE GAMES
[01/01/2015, 8:13:25 AM] Athena Hollow: I HAVE SO PLAYED THAT LAST ONE
[01/01/2015, 8:13:26 AM] Rob: I MIGHT AS WELL PLAY TWO MORE
[01/01/2015, 8:13:26 AM] Athena Hollow: >_>
[01/01/2015, 8:13:29 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): please record
[01/01/2015, 8:13:31 AM] Rob: i will
[01/01/2015, 8:13:33 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): yes
[01/01/2015, 8:13:37 AM] Rob: if i can find them
[01/01/2015, 8:13:40 AM] Rob: izzy did you see my other Barbie lps?
[01/01/2015, 8:13:41 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ha
[01/01/2015, 8:13:45 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): no
[01/01/2015, 8:13:48 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I should watch them
[01/01/2015, 8:14:00 AM] Rob: This isn't Barbie, but it's worse
[01/01/2015, 8:14:01 AM] Rob:
[01/01/2015, 8:14:06 AM] Rob: Mary Kate & Ashley's Magical Mystery Mall
[01/01/2015, 8:14:09 AM] Rob: for the ps1
[01/01/2015, 8:14:23 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahah oh god
[01/01/2015, 8:15:54 AM] Remy: Sorry folks I missed if anyone spoke to me my hubby called
[01/01/2015, 8:16:03 AM] Remy: And I will be on the phone for another minute while I set up a doctor's appt
[01/01/2015, 8:17:43 AM] Rob: I think my story of 'how do i know about this game' is the best thing ever
[01/01/2015, 8:17:50 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): YES. This comment:
[01/01/2015, 8:17:57 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): it's an amazing analogy
[01/01/2015, 8:17:59 AM] Athena Hollow: yay for doc appt!
[01/01/2015, 8:18:19 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahahahahah
[01/01/2015, 8:19:16 AM] Randi Harper: this thread.
[01/01/2015, 8:19:33 AM] Randi Harper: also, Stephen, that is amazing
[01/01/2015, 8:19:36 AM] Randi Harper: and so random that I saw that tweet.
[01/01/2015, 8:19:45 AM] Remy: I thought it was so amazingly random, too :D
[01/01/2015, 8:19:51 AM] Randi Harper: I was eyeing a stream of gater tweets and someone mentioned my name. clicked the thread, found that. started cracking up.
[01/01/2015, 8:20:00 AM] Remy: I honestly sent it up only a couple of days ago and thought it was a long shot it would ever be noticed
[01/01/2015, 8:20:09 AM] Randi Harper: i think we noticed it waaaay more than GG did.
[01/01/2015, 8:20:13 AM] Remy: My Secret Base also has a chalkboard talking shit about GG XD
[01/01/2015, 8:20:30 AM] Remy: Meh GG won't notice they're not real gamers
[01/01/2015, 8:20:37 AM] Remy: Just weird image board trolls pretending to be
[01/01/2015, 8:20:39 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): XD
[01/01/2015, 8:20:52 AM] Rob: Sorry I'm way too excited about this
[01/01/2015, 8:21:16 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Imagine if Mattel went after you for pirating this old game
[01/01/2015, 8:21:20 AM] Randi Harper: 6 rts, 11 favs on the original tweet:
[01/01/2015, 8:21:29 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL They still dont get how blocklists work do they
[01/01/2015, 8:21:33 AM] Remy: Would it be wrong of me to add to that number?
[01/01/2015, 8:21:43 AM] Randi Harper: 87 rts, 135 favs on my screenshot so far.
[01/01/2015, 8:21:53 AM] Remy: XD
[01/01/2015, 8:21:54 AM] Randi Harper: we're having more fun making fun of them than they are being outraged.
[01/01/2015, 8:21:59 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 8:22:15 AM] Remy: They're too busy freezing their peaches
[01/01/2015, 8:22:28 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Stephen:
[01/01/2015, 8:22:29 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lolol
[01/01/2015, 8:22:40 AM] Remy: XD
[01/01/2015, 8:23:05 AM] Athena Hollow:
[01/01/2015, 8:23:07 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahahahahahha
[01/01/2015, 8:23:09 AM] Athena Hollow: i died
[01/01/2015, 8:23:37 AM] Athena Hollow: SJWS ALL UP IN WASHINGTON.....
[01/01/2015, 8:23:40 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahahahaha
[01/01/2015, 8:23:59 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Seattle is more SJW than San Francisco
[01/01/2015, 8:24:12 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): in all seriousness
[01/01/2015, 8:24:51 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): They should rename the Space Needle to the Safe Space Needle
[01/01/2015, 8:24:53 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): just saying
[01/01/2015, 8:25:05 AM] Remy: XD
[01/01/2015, 8:25:10 AM] Remy: Why do you think I moved here
[01/01/2015, 8:25:18 AM] Remy: That and the weed and the gay marriage was basically the deal maker
[01/01/2015, 8:25:34 AM] Remy: They may as well have named the state after me
[01/01/2015, 8:26:00 AM] Remy: Also I love the fog and the clouds and the rain  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[01/01/2015, 8:26:02 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): my joke in tweet form:
[01/01/2015, 8:26:24 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 8:26:50 AM] Lars Flyger (Zennistrad): This fuckin' guy.
[01/01/2015, 8:27:17 AM] Lars Flyger (Zennistrad): "And yes. I do say as long its legal it’s okay."
[01/01/2015, 8:27:19 AM] Athena Hollow: lol he's obsessed with all ya'll
[01/01/2015, 8:27:26 AM] Lars Flyger (Zennistrad): He literally said that. Exact words.
[01/01/2015, 8:27:45 AM] Remy: lol
[01/01/2015, 8:28:44 AM] Remy: I'm forgetting who lars.flyger1 is... is that Zenn?
[01/01/2015, 8:28:49 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yes
[01/01/2015, 8:28:57 AM] Remy: HEY :D MY MEMORY DID SOMETHING RIGHT
[01/01/2015, 8:28:58 AM] Athena Hollow: i reposted it w/ this highlighted & added my own:
[01/01/2015, 8:29:00 AM] Athena Hollow: "I am with the side of the law. I don’t like the law sometimes, but I learned to live with it."

Glad to know who's back you'd have during segregation.
[01/01/2015, 8:29:10 AM] Lars Flyger (Zennistrad): Yup.
[01/01/2015, 8:29:23 AM] Remy: ouch, Athena.
[01/01/2015, 8:29:40 AM] Remy: Taking off the gloves ;)
[01/01/2015, 8:29:42 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 8:29:47 AM] Athena Hollow: Fucking hate that bullshit
[01/01/2015, 8:30:00 AM] Athena Hollow: If the law is unjust, you fight to change it. you sniveling dick weasles.
[01/01/2015, 8:30:06 AM] Rob: Well
[01/01/2015, 8:30:09 AM] Rob: I agree
[01/01/2015, 8:30:09 AM] Remy: I am sick and tired of their insistence on conflating personal responsibility with legality
[01/01/2015, 8:30:14 AM] Rob: There's something a lot of people don't get tho
[01/01/2015, 8:30:18 AM] Rob: re: 'civil disobedience'
[01/01/2015, 8:30:25 AM] Rob: the point of civil disobedience is to get arrested.
[01/01/2015, 8:30:32 AM] Rob: You break the law knowing what comes w/ it, purposefully
[01/01/2015, 8:30:33 AM] Athena Hollow: oh absolutely
[01/01/2015, 8:30:40 AM] Athena Hollow: I don't argue that point at all.
[01/01/2015, 8:30:42 AM] Rob: and that's the thing that pisses me off that a lot of ppl don't seem to get now
[01/01/2015, 8:30:46 AM] Rob: oh no, i know you don't
[01/01/2015, 8:30:55 AM] Athena Hollow: But yeah, Stephen, that's absolutely right.
[01/01/2015, 8:30:57 AM] Rob: But I see a lot of people go 'omg those cops shouldn't have arrested those people breaking the law!'
[01/01/2015, 8:31:00 AM] Rob: and I'm like...errrrr....
[01/01/2015, 8:31:17 AM] Athena Hollow: I hate that I have to keep repeating it on twitter that if the law is you're 'moral line' then your moral line fucking sucks, but it's true.
[01/01/2015, 8:31:26 AM] Rob: I've been really tempted to reply with "OK, should people violating the protection zones around abortion clinics be arrested? Yes? Then shut the fuck up."
[01/01/2015, 8:31:38 AM] Athena Hollow: Like, it's not illegal for me to run around and say slurs at people, but that doesn't mean I SHOULD
[01/01/2015, 8:31:44 AM] Rob: Right.
[01/01/2015, 8:31:56 AM] Rob: Saying the n-word isn't illegal. Should you use it? No
[01/01/2015, 8:32:27 AM] Athena Hollow: Yeah the only time I get pissed is when cops start breaking out pepper spray when people aren't worthy of being pepper sprayed.
[01/01/2015, 8:32:30 AM] Athena Hollow: such bullshit.
[01/01/2015, 8:32:33 AM] Rob: Oh totally
[01/01/2015, 8:32:35 AM] Rob: that's fucked UP
[01/01/2015, 8:32:57 AM] SF:
[01/01/2015, 8:32:59 AM] Rob: Like unless people are actively posing a danger or are actually rioting and shit, those methods should not be used.
[01/01/2015, 8:33:07 AM] Athena Hollow: (obviously not the ONLY. you know what i mean lol)
[01/01/2015, 8:33:26 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[01/01/2015, 8:33:38 AM] Athena Hollow: my brother is naming his daughter Eevee in a few months XD
[01/01/2015, 8:34:15 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL:
[01/01/2015, 8:39:44 AM] Remy: Oh fuck me
[01/01/2015, 8:39:54 AM] Remy: The doc's office doesn't open back up from holidays until Jan 2nd
[01/01/2015, 8:40:04 AM] Remy: I've been beating myself up over my anxiety for nothing
[01/01/2015, 8:40:10 AM] Remy: I could have been chilling w/my homies
[01/01/2015, 8:41:57 AM] Rob: OK so
[01/01/2015, 8:42:06 AM] Rob: One of my friends asked me for a rundown of the TB-charity bullshit
[01/01/2015, 8:42:18 AM] Rob: do any of you have a handy source i can throw her way? since I'm too drunk to really deal with it myself
[01/01/2015, 8:42:25 AM] Rob: beyond just 'total biscuit fucks cow poop'
[01/01/2015, 8:42:28 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): YES. Tolvo made an amazing Storify
[01/01/2015, 8:42:30 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): one sec
[01/01/2015, 8:42:32 AM] Rob: TY
[01/01/2015, 8:42:44 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[01/01/2015, 8:42:47 AM] Remy: Izzy is really quite remarkable at data requisition and management
[01/01/2015, 8:43:04 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Not really. I don't bookmark anything. just search my twitter feed
[01/01/2015, 8:43:12 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): because I most likely tweeted it out
[01/01/2015, 8:43:13 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :P
[01/01/2015, 8:43:18 AM] Remy: lol XD
[01/01/2015, 8:43:25 AM] Rob: TY, izzy <3
[01/01/2015, 8:43:31 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): welcome. <3
[01/01/2015, 8:43:46 AM] Remy: I'm really quite disappointed I haven't been more productive in the research field but my head is just a weird place right now x-x
[01/01/2015, 8:44:05 AM] Remy: I haven't been able to focus on anything really for months
[01/01/2015, 8:44:43 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL, this tweet about how Amazon is building a lot in Seattle:
[01/01/2015, 8:44:54 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): it's partially true. No idea about the Space Needle, tho
[01/01/2015, 8:45:13 AM] Remy: XD
[01/01/2015, 8:45:20 AM] Remy: lol not going to happen
[01/01/2015, 8:45:27 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 8:45:31 AM] Remy: But a lovely jest
[01/01/2015, 8:47:19 AM] Remy: Looting and colluding
is not the way
Here's what Captain Gamer
Has to say

The ethics are yours :D
[01/01/2015, 8:47:27 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[01/01/2015, 8:47:33 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 8:47:42 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): hehe:
[01/01/2015, 8:48:12 AM] Remy: lol I was reading that tweet
[01/01/2015, 8:48:18 AM] Athena Hollow: LMAO
[01/01/2015, 8:48:20 AM] Remy: And somehow the captain planet theme popped into my head and I went with it
[01/01/2015, 8:48:44 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): AHAHA
[01/01/2015, 8:50:13 AM] Remy: We shouldn't be surprised that GamerGate accepts every auto-reply as a tacit endorsement of their movement

These are the people that argue with Markov bots
[01/01/2015, 8:50:18 AM] Remy: They don't know what a people is
[01/01/2015, 8:50:23 AM] Remy: They srsly just don't know
[01/01/2015, 8:50:23 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahaha
[01/01/2015, 8:50:26 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): WOrds!
[01/01/2015, 8:50:31 AM] Athena Hollow: THEY PRETEND SO HARD
[01/01/2015, 8:50:32 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): we goT worDS BACK
[01/01/2015, 8:50:34 AM] Athena Hollow: and fall so flat
[01/01/2015, 8:51:07 AM] Athena Hollow: my kid fell asleep on mylap but i gotta peeeeeee
[01/01/2015, 8:51:14 AM] Remy: Purgatory for them would be
[01/01/2015, 8:51:23 AM] Remy: Having to administer the Turing Test
[01/01/2015, 8:51:34 AM] Remy: Until they learn how to tell when a machine is a machine
[01/01/2015, 8:53:00 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 8:55:25 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): TOTAL BISCUIT BLOCKED ME
[01/01/2015, 8:55:28 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :3
[01/01/2015, 8:56:19 AM] Rob: He blocked me too
[01/01/2015, 8:57:22 AM] Remy: Image
[01/01/2015, 8:57:28 AM] Remy: This is how I talk to my husband while he is at work
[01/01/2015, 8:58:44 AM] Charloppe:
[01/01/2015, 8:58:52 AM] Charloppe: its not going to happen is is?
[01/01/2015, 9:00:10 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL Stephen.
[01/01/2015, 9:00:29 AM] Athena Hollow: <3 Charlotte. We can wish but yeah, we know better -_-
[01/01/2015, 9:02:34 AM] Athena Hollow: >_>
[01/01/2015, 9:02:59 AM] Tesseract: no brianna don't do that
[01/01/2015, 9:03:16 AM] Athena Hollow: and she rt'd the obviously sarcastic response >_>
[01/01/2015, 9:03:31 AM] Charloppe: le sigh
[01/01/2015, 9:03:56 AM] Charloppe: i will admit I rather be aware of the shit then oblivious like I was
[01/01/2015, 9:04:11 AM] Remy: I saw that tweet
[01/01/2015, 9:06:52 AM] Athena Hollow:
[01/01/2015, 9:06:55 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahaha omg that idiot
[01/01/2015, 9:07:10 AM] Athena Hollow: His response to me was "I’m black, I don’t live in that time, and neither of us live in a police state.

[01/01/2015, 9:07:16 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahahahaha WAY TO MISS THE POINT, GENIUS.
[01/01/2015, 9:08:07 AM] Remy: "I'm black and I don't live in a police state" is he foreign?
[01/01/2015, 9:08:10 AM] Charloppe: Charloppe looks at the riot police gear. Looks at NSA
[01/01/2015, 9:08:14 AM] Charloppe: hmmm
[01/01/2015, 9:08:23 AM] Charloppe: something amiss with that statement
[01/01/2015, 9:08:32 AM] Remy: Because usually to be an American and say that you'd have to be pretty white
[01/01/2015, 9:08:51 AM] Remy: And I hear it's not very different in the UK still
[01/01/2015, 9:09:08 AM] Remy: And I also hear South Africa is still trying to address that issue as well
[01/01/2015, 9:09:11 AM] Athena Hollow: lol no idea. still hilarious that the point went flying over his head.
[01/01/2015, 9:09:35 AM] Remy: Although I do hear their roads and infrastructure put America's to shame so at least they're trying
[01/01/2015, 9:09:56 AM] Tesseract: this guy just spills his shit constantly at the slightest provocation
[01/01/2015, 9:11:15 AM] Athena Hollow: he not only spilled his shit he also jumped over a bridge just to miss the point. LOL
[01/01/2015, 9:17:53 AM] Remy: OMG Athena how long has your twitter profile said you were a 3.5th wave feminist
[01/01/2015, 9:17:56 AM] Remy: 'cause A) I love that reference
[01/01/2015, 9:18:01 AM] Remy: And B) How long have I not noticed that
[01/01/2015, 9:18:14 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahaha a few weeks :D
[01/01/2015, 9:18:30 AM] Remy: I feel dumb for not seeing it sooner XD
[01/01/2015, 9:18:32 AM] Athena Hollow: nerdy feminism jokes woot!
[01/01/2015, 9:19:10 AM] Charloppe:
[01/01/2015, 9:19:12 AM] Charloppe: teehee
[01/01/2015, 9:19:14 AM] Athena Hollow: Plus it doesn't have whatever baggage comes w/ 3rd wave, and 4th wave is still working on building through
[01/01/2015, 9:19:19 AM] Athena Hollow: so I figured 3.5th wave was perfect
[01/01/2015, 9:21:42 AM] Remy: I'm gonna get high and play pokemon and make dip for chips
[01/01/2015, 9:21:52 AM] Athena Hollow: heheh
[01/01/2015, 9:22:09 AM] Athena Hollow: im gonna sit here... and probably install hatoful bf and play it while ffviii installs :D
[01/01/2015, 9:22:10 AM] Remy: And probably watch more Vicar of Dibley
[01/01/2015, 9:22:16 AM] Remy: Vicar of Dibley has me falling in love
[01/01/2015, 9:22:33 AM] Remy: It really is as if someone said "I love Father Ted, but why does it have to be such a fucking sausage factory? Let's make a show about a woman"
[01/01/2015, 9:22:43 AM] Remy: And everyone else said "Sure that sounds fucking awesome" and nobody cried about it
[01/01/2015, 9:22:54 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[01/01/2015, 9:24:19 AM] Remy: hey does anyone remember that /slash command you can use to check all of your active Skype connections?
[01/01/2015, 9:24:46 AM] Remy: My 2FA hasn't been pinged or anything but I just love having a manual check for signs of intrusion
[01/01/2015, 9:24:54 AM] Remy: It's like having a worry stone in your pocket to rub
[01/01/2015, 9:25:11 AM] Athena Hollow: gah. i know what it is but i cant remember it lol
[01/01/2015, 9:25:18 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Is Brianna being reckless again on Twitter?
[01/01/2015, 9:25:25 AM] Remy: not currently
[01/01/2015, 9:25:43 AM] Remy: But she has made a 2015 resolution to be more expressive and not bottle up so much
[01/01/2015, 9:25:45 AM] Athena Hollow: stephen /showplaces
[01/01/2015, 9:25:52 AM] Athena Hollow: hahah yeah.
[01/01/2015, 9:25:53 AM] Remy: Thank you Athena you're a genius
[01/01/2015, 9:26:04 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ooo
[01/01/2015, 9:26:06 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): that's a cool command
[01/01/2015, 9:26:11 AM] Remy: yup
[01/01/2015, 9:26:42 AM] Remy: Ah, nice and clean, just how I like it
[01/01/2015, 9:26:56 AM] Remy: Thank you again, Athena, that's a really nifty tool for the paranoid
[01/01/2015, 9:27:24 AM] Athena Hollow: ^_^
[01/01/2015, 9:27:43 AM] Charloppe:
[01/01/2015, 9:27:56 AM] Charloppe: mad mole science is my specialty
[01/01/2015, 9:28:27 AM] Remy: I love when a military/vet account will RT me and I'll gain a handful of southern/conservative followers and watch them slowly drop off as I RT black lives matter and trans awareness tweets
[01/01/2015, 9:28:39 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[01/01/2015, 9:28:48 AM] Remy: like 'awww you thought you liked a vet'
[01/01/2015, 9:29:09 AM] Remy: You were just masturbating to the idea of a soldier, though, huh :/ pats internet stranger's head
[01/01/2015, 9:29:16 AM] Athena Hollow: XD
[01/01/2015, 9:29:39 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[01/01/2015, 9:29:48 AM] Charloppe: I wanna play a call game where you shoot rainbows
[01/01/2015, 9:30:07 AM] Charloppe: everytime you headshot someone they explode into candy
[01/01/2015, 9:30:16 AM] Athena Hollow: viva pinata?
[01/01/2015, 9:30:19 AM] Charloppe: yes
[01/01/2015, 9:30:22 AM] Charloppe: but with gay
[01/01/2015, 9:30:32 AM] Athena Hollow: yeah I don't think it gets much more gay in mainstream games, dear.
[01/01/2015, 9:30:37 AM] Charloppe: Charloppe single tear rols down face for rare
[01/01/2015, 9:30:51 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 9:30:55 AM] Remy: we def need more LGBT games
[01/01/2015, 9:30:58 AM] Athena Hollow: agree.
[01/01/2015, 9:31:01 AM] Charloppe: baby come back
[01/01/2015, 9:31:17 AM] Charloppe: Charloppe sees a kinect
[01/01/2015, 9:31:26 AM] Charloppe: IT was YOU who killled rare
[01/01/2015, 9:31:36 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ;_;
[01/01/2015, 9:31:40 AM] Charloppe: also Microsoft BUT YOU
[01/01/2015, 9:31:45 AM] Athena Hollow: lol poor astrophilia
[01/01/2015, 9:31:54 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Banjo Three-ie ;_;
[01/01/2015, 9:33:05 AM] Charloppe: Charloppe weeps in corner while holding a copy of DKC2
[01/01/2015, 9:33:40 AM] Athena Hollow: hehehehehe
[01/01/2015, 9:34:07 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Wait... Kinect Sports is made by Rare? Like, on paper it says Rare? o.o
[01/01/2015, 9:34:13 AM] Charloppe: yes
[01/01/2015, 9:34:18 AM] Charloppe: just yes
[01/01/2015, 9:34:34 AM] Remy: I haven't heard from Veerender in a while, does anyone know how he is holding up?
[01/01/2015, 9:34:55 AM] Veerender Jubbal: I am here!
[01/01/2015, 9:35:01 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ha
[01/01/2015, 9:35:02 AM] Remy: I was just sending you a DM
[01/01/2015, 9:35:06 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Internet issues, so I played Puppeteer.
[01/01/2015, 9:35:13 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Yeah--I was out.
[01/01/2015, 9:35:15 AM] Charloppe: Charloppe looks at DKC2
[01/01/2015, 9:35:20 AM] Charloppe: you were my first love
[01/01/2015, 9:35:25 AM] Charloppe: I will never forget you
[01/01/2015, 9:35:30 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Rob!
[01/01/2015, 9:35:36 AM] Remy: All the DKC's were glorious
[01/01/2015, 9:35:44 AM] Charloppe: 2 is my fav
[01/01/2015, 9:35:47 AM] Charloppe: and first game
[01/01/2015, 9:35:51 AM] Remy: My parents actually bought them before christmas and played them in their room and re-packaged them before giving to us as presents
[01/01/2015, 9:36:04 AM] Remy: I know b/c I was a kid and I will go into my parents room and snoop around when they are not around
[01/01/2015, 9:36:06 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): The music from Donkey Kong Country. On par with the music from Ocarina of Time, IMO
[01/01/2015, 9:36:37 AM] Remy: So imagine my perterbation when I found out my parents were playing DKC2 a full week before I received it 'brand new' for XMAS :P
[01/01/2015, 9:36:50 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): UNETHICAL
[01/01/2015, 9:36:59 AM] Remy: You think that's unethical
[01/01/2015, 9:37:00 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Well, I sent them out, now.
[01/01/2015, 9:37:03 AM] Remy: I don't know how to spell perturbation
[01/01/2015, 9:37:05 AM] Charloppe: stickerbrush
[01/01/2015, 9:37:07 AM] Remy: Oh no wait I got it right that ttime
[01/01/2015, 9:37:09 AM] Charloppe: best theme
[01/01/2015, 9:37:27 AM] Charloppe: and they remixed it in ssb4
[01/01/2015, 9:37:30 AM] Charloppe: <3
[01/01/2015, 9:37:37 AM] Veerender Jubbal: So, like, this should be Storyified?
[01/01/2015, 9:37:57 AM] Remy: Should what be storified?
[01/01/2015, 9:38:09 AM] Veerender Jubbal: With them?
[01/01/2015, 9:38:12 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Those peoples.
[01/01/2015, 9:38:13 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Veerender, I did, though it is bland:
[01/01/2015, 9:38:21 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): no commentary, but has the full converdsation
[01/01/2015, 9:38:21 AM] Remy: Oh yeah I was gonna say Izzy started on it
[01/01/2015, 9:38:54 AM] Veerender Jubbal: "Izzy is my home skillet biscuit." - Veerender Jubbal out loud.
[01/01/2015, 9:38:58 AM] Remy: XD
[01/01/2015, 9:38:59 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Haha
[01/01/2015, 9:39:01 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): <3
[01/01/2015, 9:39:08 AM] Remy: Izzy is the best
[01/01/2015, 9:39:15 AM] Charloppe: so wait. TFYC went after veerender?
[01/01/2015, 9:39:26 AM] Remy: they've been baiting him for what feels like weeks now
[01/01/2015, 9:39:32 AM] Remy: This is just the most recent attempt
[01/01/2015, 9:39:35 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yes and they were an asshole
[01/01/2015, 9:39:38 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Yeah, yo!
[01/01/2015, 9:39:40 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Twice!
[01/01/2015, 9:39:41 AM] Remy: "they"
[01/01/2015, 9:39:42 AM] Remy: He.
[01/01/2015, 9:39:45 AM] Charloppe: scuse me
[01/01/2015, 9:39:45 AM] Remy: Matt.
[01/01/2015, 9:39:49 AM] Charloppe: Charloppe headdesk
[01/01/2015, 9:39:50 AM] Remy: I do it, too
[01/01/2015, 9:39:53 AM] Athena Hollow: Yeah I gotta start calling "them" He. Because yeah.
[01/01/2015, 9:39:56 AM] Athena Hollow: HE is a douchebag.
[01/01/2015, 9:40:09 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): "charity"
[01/01/2015, 9:40:13 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Izzy can you tweet out the Storify, and what it is about, so I can retweet it. Add my name or tag me in please.
[01/01/2015, 9:40:26 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Veerender, sure. one minute
[01/01/2015, 9:40:30 AM] Charloppe: you mean that thing gg does to appear morally better then everyone?
[01/01/2015, 9:40:46 AM] Athena Hollow: being a douchebag to appear moral? Sounds right..... oh you mean the charity.
[01/01/2015, 9:40:53 AM] Charloppe: yes that
[01/01/2015, 9:40:58 AM] Athena Hollow: Yes the """""CHARITY"""" TFYC
[01/01/2015, 9:41:14 AM] Charloppe: but also the douchebag part too
[01/01/2015, 9:41:20 AM] Remy: It's too bad they've never gone out and directly claimed to be a charity
[01/01/2015, 9:41:21 AM] Remy: Pretty sure that would mean jail time
[01/01/2015, 9:41:35 AM] Remy: They just magically started the rumor somewhere
[01/01/2015, 9:41:38 AM] Athena Hollow: Canadian, but they've 'run' charities.
[01/01/2015, 9:41:42 AM] Quinnae: hovers in Hello all! Happy New Year soonish!
[01/01/2015, 9:41:48 AM] Remy: Hello, Katherine <3
[01/01/2015, 9:41:54 AM] Athena Hollow: But yeah, they are sketchy with wording on purpose
[01/01/2015, 9:42:06 AM] Athena Hollow: Those not hip to their lingo will bite that they are a charity
[01/01/2015, 9:42:10 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Signal boost if you want:
[01/01/2015, 9:42:26 AM] Athena Hollow: but, i mean, shit, it's gg - as shown earlier from tumblr: they don't read so Matt doesn't have to try hard.
[01/01/2015, 9:42:29 AM] Veerender Jubbal: You the bestest.
[01/01/2015, 9:42:36 AM] nicholas.boterf: Like TFYC aren’t even pretending to be nothing but gaslighting opportunists.
[01/01/2015, 9:42:37 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): <3
[01/01/2015, 9:43:07 AM] Quinnae: So, I'm back on my home machine finally. How do I delete chat logs from Skype rooms?
[01/01/2015, 9:43:20 AM] Charloppe: with magic
[01/01/2015, 9:43:25 AM] Charloppe: and also I dont know
[01/01/2015, 9:43:40 AM] Remy: Preferences/Tools > Privacy
[01/01/2015, 9:43:45 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Skype > Privacy


Tools > Privacy


Preferences > Privacy
[01/01/2015, 9:44:00 AM] Charloppe: Charloppe hits computer
[01/01/2015, 9:44:05 AM] Charloppe: yep that works
[01/01/2015, 9:45:58 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[01/01/2015, 9:47:07 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Izzy--is there anyway to add this?
[01/01/2015, 9:48:31 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Veerender I just added it. Should show up if you refresh
[01/01/2015, 9:48:57 AM] Veerender Jubbal: You are the best.
[01/01/2015, 9:49:03 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): No prob
[01/01/2015, 9:49:16 AM] Charloppe: I have no idea how you can stay classy with them :/
[01/01/2015, 9:49:25 AM] Charloppe: I would have told them to fuck off by now
[01/01/2015, 9:49:43 AM] Remy: I keep finding cool people that follow me that I never followed back b/c I was busy or distracted
[01/01/2015, 9:50:03 AM] Veerender Jubbal: To Izzy:
[01/01/2015, 9:50:08 AM] Annie Kelly: iya gang
[01/01/2015, 9:50:21 AM] Annie Kelly: happy 2015 n that
[01/01/2015, 9:51:09 AM] Athena Hollow: :)
[01/01/2015, 9:51:27 AM] Remy: Is it weird that I name all of my devices after Greek gods?
[01/01/2015, 9:51:29 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Veerender, I'm looking to add a cover photo for that storify. Trying to find a good Sailor Moon face/expression
[01/01/2015, 9:51:41 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Maybe this?:
[01/01/2015, 9:51:42 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Here!
[01/01/2015, 9:51:45 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Wait!
[01/01/2015, 9:51:47 AM] Charloppe: Charloppe has yet to watch that
[01/01/2015, 9:51:52 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ok
[01/01/2015, 9:51:57 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Hahaha!
[01/01/2015, 9:51:59 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Use that!
[01/01/2015, 9:52:02 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Use that!
[01/01/2015, 9:52:04 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ok!
[01/01/2015, 9:52:18 AM] Remy: XD I love it
[01/01/2015, 9:52:26 AM] Veerender Jubbal: I am dying over here!
[01/01/2015, 9:52:31 AM] Veerender Jubbal: So perfect.
[01/01/2015, 9:55:51 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): OK. added:
[01/01/2015, 9:55:56 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Should show when refresh
[01/01/2015, 9:56:06 AM] Athena Hollow: hah
[01/01/2015, 9:57:33 AM] Charloppe: that pic
[01/01/2015, 9:57:36 AM] Charloppe: is amazing
[01/01/2015, 9:59:05 AM] Quinnae: Okay, I have sent my Skype history to Valhalla, where it shall dine with Wotan and guzzle mead with true warrior spirits.
[01/01/2015, 9:59:12 AM] Quinnae: It served me well.
[01/01/2015, 9:59:27 AM] Annie Kelly: why are TFYC so consistently awful
[01/01/2015, 9:59:41 AM] Annie Kelly: imagine being that awful every day of your life
[01/01/2015, 9:59:43 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): because it's just one creepy dude named Matt pretending to be a charity
[01/01/2015, 9:59:54 AM] Peter Coffin: yeah basically
[01/01/2015, 10:00:02 AM] Annie Kelly: it's a guy?
[01/01/2015, 10:00:04 AM] Annie Kelly: lol
[01/01/2015, 10:00:07 AM] Annie Kelly: megalol
[01/01/2015, 10:00:09 AM] Peter Coffin: yeah you didn't know?
[01/01/2015, 10:00:10 AM] Annie Kelly: lol forever
[01/01/2015, 10:00:12 AM] Annie Kelly: no
[01/01/2015, 10:00:15 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Damn.
[01/01/2015, 10:00:24 AM] Dina : HAPPY NEW YEAT
[01/01/2015, 10:00:27 AM] Dina : YEAR*
[01/01/2015, 10:00:30 AM] Dina : fuck
[01/01/2015, 10:00:32 AM] Peter Coffin: it's a guy "empowering female devs" with 8% revenue from the male developed games they make from female ideas
[01/01/2015, 10:00:41 AM] Peter Coffin: from contests
[01/01/2015, 10:00:44 AM] Dina : too many booze
[01/01/2015, 10:00:48 AM] Quinnae: hugs everyone Also, congrats on the Storify, Veerender. ;)
[01/01/2015, 10:00:53 AM] Peter Coffin: happy new year dina!
[01/01/2015, 10:00:53 AM] Charloppe: Dina is talking from the future OOOooOOOoooh
[01/01/2015, 10:00:58 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: hey hey hey now
[01/01/2015, 10:01:04 AM] Dina : hello im in 2015
[01/01/2015, 10:01:04 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: don't go saying "male developed games"
[01/01/2015, 10:01:07 AM] Dina : it is rad
[01/01/2015, 10:01:13 AM] Charloppe: is 2015 shit?
[01/01/2015, 10:01:15 AM] Annie Kelly: i'm talking from 2am, get on my level nerds
[01/01/2015, 10:01:16 AM] Dina : baby just leave 2014v behind
[01/01/2015, 10:01:18 AM] Charloppe: is it safe?
[01/01/2015, 10:01:22 AM] Dina : she don't treat you right
[01/01/2015, 10:01:25 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Hahahaha!
[01/01/2015, 10:01:27 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 10:01:35 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Oh, Katherine.
[01/01/2015, 10:01:38 AM] Charloppe: in 4 more hrs I can
[01/01/2015, 10:01:40 AM] Charloppe: and will
[01/01/2015, 10:01:42 AM] Annie Kelly: happy new year tho dinaaa and all other east coasters (?)
[01/01/2015, 10:01:44 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): 6 more hours for me
[01/01/2015, 10:01:48 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: that implies the company he's "contracting" employs people with any experience in game design beyond concept art
[01/01/2015, 10:01:51 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): WEST SSSSSSIDE
[01/01/2015, 10:01:55 AM] Charloppe: damn you time zones
[01/01/2015, 10:01:57 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: the company he works for
[01/01/2015, 10:02:00 AM] Charloppe: Charloppe shakes fist
[01/01/2015, 10:02:04 AM] Peter Coffin: 4 hours for me I think
[01/01/2015, 10:02:06 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: which all money is being sent to
[01/01/2015, 10:02:19 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: and has no stated budget on funding
[01/01/2015, 10:02:33 AM] Peter Coffin: 5 hours for me
[01/01/2015, 10:02:36 AM] Peter Coffin: im mountain time
[01/01/2015, 10:02:40 AM] Peter Coffin: almost LA time
[01/01/2015, 10:02:44 AM] Peter Coffin: not quite
[01/01/2015, 10:03:04 AM] Annie Kelly: I mean I knew it was shit, but, a MAN, like when it's being touted as their "omg supporting women in tech" trump card... ofc. ofc. why am I even surprised
[01/01/2015, 10:03:10 AM] Charloppe: I live in cheese land so 4 hrs should be right
[01/01/2015, 10:03:11 AM] Veerender Jubbal: 3 hours.
[01/01/2015, 10:03:13 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Oh, God.
[01/01/2015, 10:03:16 AM] Dina : you people
[01/01/2015, 10:03:20 AM] Dina : are s great
[01/01/2015, 10:03:20 AM] Veerender Jubbal: eyes gape
[01/01/2015, 10:03:23 AM] Dina : so great
[01/01/2015, 10:03:25 AM] Dina : ok
[01/01/2015, 10:03:30 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: I really kinda wish this gratipay talk hadn't leaked into where GGers were able to see it and jump in
[01/01/2015, 10:03:30 AM] Dina : glad we had this talk
[01/01/2015, 10:03:35 AM] Dina : (hug)
[01/01/2015, 10:03:42 AM] Charloppe: Charloppe is best mole
[01/01/2015, 10:03:47 AM] Annie Kelly: (heidy)
[01/01/2015, 10:03:50 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: also happy belated new year to eastern hemisphere types
[01/01/2015, 10:04:02 AM] Athena Hollow: oh goodie. the rednecks are out shooting guns into the air. whooppeee
[01/01/2015, 10:04:08 AM] Peter Coffin: what about gratipay? I have been avoiding it because I don't really want to see them do well on it
[01/01/2015, 10:04:11 AM] Athena Hollow: just what I want, another bullet falling down through my roof -_-
[01/01/2015, 10:04:24 AM] Dina : my mom tried to seduce a performing drag queen and it was great
[01/01/2015, 10:04:28 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: I was really engrossed in watching their weird internal discussion of morality
[01/01/2015, 10:04:29 AM] Dina : dad was jelly I thonk
[01/01/2015, 10:04:30 AM] Athena Hollow: the gratipay talk is up and down.
[01/01/2015, 10:04:34 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Gratipay is having their discussion on whether or not to kick 8chan on github
[01/01/2015, 10:04:35 AM] Dina : think*
[01/01/2015, 10:04:50 AM] Charloppe: that must of been funny to see
[01/01/2015, 10:04:51 AM] Peter Coffin: right, that's a shame they can chime in
[01/01/2015, 10:04:58 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: but now they've gone and switched over to having it privately, like they REALLY should have to begin with because wow one or two of them are moral black holes
[01/01/2015, 10:05:02 AM] Athena Hollow: yeah they came in and ruined the shit out of
[01/01/2015, 10:05:04 AM] Athena Hollow: it
[01/01/2015, 10:05:18 AM] Secret Gamer Girl:
[01/01/2015, 10:05:18 AM] Athena Hollow: even brennan came in did he not?
[01/01/2015, 10:05:27 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: not that I'm aware of?
[01/01/2015, 10:05:29 AM] Peter Coffin: so the gratipay people are moral black holes?
[01/01/2015, 10:05:46 AM] Quinnae: Not surprising in the least.
[01/01/2015, 10:05:55 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: well, not as a whole no
[01/01/2015, 10:06:01 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): seeing some of them believe all the GG talking points was frustrating.
[01/01/2015, 10:06:12 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: this colindean guy here though is a real piece of work
[01/01/2015, 10:06:44 AM] Athena Hollow:
[01/01/2015, 10:06:47 AM] Peter Coffin: if money is in the name of your business you likely at least employ some shitty people
[01/01/2015, 10:07:12 AM] Athena Hollow: fuckin seriously??

"If you have a problem with disabled developers who do not fit the common mould of wealthy, white San Francisco elite please come out and say so rather than point out content posted by random internet trolls on as "proof" that the vichan/infinity software packages are evil. "
[01/01/2015, 10:07:33 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): WOW
[01/01/2015, 10:07:50 AM] Peter Coffin: my wife and I were LITERALLY just talking about that
[01/01/2015, 10:07:52 AM] Charloppe: so just going to put #notyourshield here
[01/01/2015, 10:07:58 AM] Charloppe: the irony
[01/01/2015, 10:08:08 AM] Peter Coffin: not even a joke, before I sat down to my laptop that was the actual subject of discussion
[01/01/2015, 10:08:19 AM] SF: I'm so fed up I'm literally leaving for the rest of the year.
[01/01/2015, 10:08:28 AM] Peter Coffin: lol
[01/01/2015, 10:08:39 AM] SF: 2014 fucking sucked screw this year SCREW IT
[01/01/2015, 10:08:46 AM] Veerender Jubbal: I am going to take my last selfie, and piss off haters.
[01/01/2015, 10:08:50 AM] Athena Hollow: <3
[01/01/2015, 10:08:58 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: I don't THINK Brennan is actually involved in that convo, but some GGer I have blocked did, apparently, share a screenshot of a tweet of mine last night implying that he was, in fact, the shoulder-devil GGer who wormed in there...
[01/01/2015, 10:09:11 AM] Charloppe: Charloppe would take selfie but katherine doxxed a bunch already
[01/01/2015, 10:09:19 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: ... and that I was attempting to insult him by refering to him as "a fine little fellow"
[01/01/2015, 10:09:31 AM] Tesseract: has that pic of hotwheels refusing to remove that trans murder op made it into the gratiplay discussion
[01/01/2015, 10:09:40 AM] Tesseract: or the admission of not removing cp
[01/01/2015, 10:09:59 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: not that I'm aware of
[01/01/2015, 10:10:10 AM] Athena Hollow: nope. ctrlcctrlv = brennan based on the first sentence. ugh.
[01/01/2015, 10:10:16 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: I didn't jump in there personally, but one of the owners was quoting me
[01/01/2015, 10:11:38 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: and I'm KINDA hoping one of them has since taken a glance at
[01/01/2015, 10:12:28 AM] Quinnae: One more pic of Charlotte to round out the year:
[01/01/2015, 10:12:40 AM] Charloppe: NOOOOOOOO
[01/01/2015, 10:12:48 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL
[01/01/2015, 10:12:50 AM] Charloppe: they will se my fat :(
[01/01/2015, 10:12:58 AM] Charloppe: katherine why!?
[01/01/2015, 10:13:08 AM] Quinnae: I think you look cute there.
[01/01/2015, 10:13:13 AM] Quinnae: Very mole-tacular.
[01/01/2015, 10:13:17 AM] Charloppe: that was pre transition katherine
[01/01/2015, 10:13:19 AM] Charloppe: qq
[01/01/2015, 10:13:30 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: I really can't believe this is spilling into a new year now
[01/01/2015, 10:13:32 AM] Tesseract: here's the one
[01/01/2015, 10:14:04 AM] Charloppe: wow way to sound like a ass brennan
[01/01/2015, 10:14:36 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Fredrick gets officially banned from Patreon tomorrow.
[01/01/2015, 10:14:50 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: and none of these other creeps
[01/01/2015, 10:14:56 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: for reasons beyond me
[01/01/2015, 10:15:10 AM] Peter Coffin: I reblogged your post SSG, VERY good.
[01/01/2015, 10:15:15 AM] Peter Coffin: posting to twitter as well
[01/01/2015, 10:15:41 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): If my understanding is correct, Patreon will not let him create another Patreon again
[01/01/2015, 10:15:52 AM] Quinnae: Yep, he really does sound like an unfathomable asshole.
[01/01/2015, 10:16:28 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): WOW
[01/01/2015, 10:16:37 AM] Remy: lol Zoe is chatting with Max Temkin
[01/01/2015, 10:16:40 AM] Remy: Who is an awesome guy BTW
[01/01/2015, 10:16:48 AM] Charloppe: Charloppe mole tackles katherine
[01/01/2015, 10:16:59 AM] Athena Hollow: oh damn: btw
[01/01/2015, 10:17:02 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: who?
[01/01/2015, 10:17:03 AM] Athena Hollow: you see that sgg?
[01/01/2015, 10:17:20 AM] Remy: When he first published Cards Against Humanity I ordered a set to ship to us to have a card game in Afghanistan and Max Temkin, the creator, somehow found the picture on Twitter
[01/01/2015, 10:17:27 AM] Remy: So he contacted me and sent us a huge care package
[01/01/2015, 10:17:47 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: Yeah, they SEEM to be leaning in the right direction there
[01/01/2015, 10:17:47 AM] Remy: He was just like "I had no idea my game would end up on the other side of the world so here have some stuff"
[01/01/2015, 10:17:58 AM] Peter Coffin: he does actually seem like a really great person, plust that game
[01/01/2015, 10:18:15 AM] Peter Coffin: that game is hilarious
[01/01/2015, 10:18:22 AM] Remy: I have also been very encouraged by how each time one of their cards gets called out for being racist or transphobic he instantly apologizes and removes the card
[01/01/2015, 10:18:26 AM] Remy: No bullshit excuses
[01/01/2015, 10:18:27 AM] Remy: No fighting
[01/01/2015, 10:18:31 AM] Athena Hollow: looks like the thread is going downhill w/ sea lions now LOL
[01/01/2015, 10:18:36 AM] Remy: Just an honest apology and some deep soul searching afterwards
[01/01/2015, 10:18:44 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: I'm not big on CAH just because... OK that game already existed, and I'm not really cool with clones
[01/01/2015, 10:18:58 AM] Athena Hollow: (I mix my apples to apples w/ cah)
[01/01/2015, 10:18:59 AM] Remy: Yeah I get that Apples to Apples did it first :P
[01/01/2015, 10:19:03 AM] Remy: Nice
[01/01/2015, 10:19:04 AM] Athena Hollow: (it makes for hilarious fun time)
[01/01/2015, 10:19:19 AM] Peter Coffin: I like not playing something called apples to apples
[01/01/2015, 10:19:24 AM] Athena Hollow: (and I may or may not be working on a game similar to scattergories but... not family friendly lol)
[01/01/2015, 10:19:39 AM] Peter Coffin: also I like numerous things that are very derivative of each other
[01/01/2015, 10:19:42 AM] Tesseract: scategories
[01/01/2015, 10:19:45 AM] Peter Coffin: indeed, sonic is a mario clone
[01/01/2015, 10:19:46 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: Will i- yeah
[01/01/2015, 10:19:46 AM] Tesseract: is what I read that as
[01/01/2015, 10:19:51 AM] Athena Hollow: hahaha
[01/01/2015, 10:20:03 AM] Athena Hollow: SANIC NO
[01/01/2015, 10:20:19 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL, GG mispronounces Kluwe's name again in a crappy pun:
[01/01/2015, 10:20:22 AM] Charloppe: Sanic boom Sanic booooooom
[01/01/2015, 10:20:51 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: Argh, now I'm getting all flashbacky to ending up thousands in debt because other people basically released games of mine
[01/01/2015, 10:20:54 AM] Athena Hollow: ok gonna try skimmin through these last few posts.
[01/01/2015, 10:20:55 AM] Tesseract: lol "false flaggers"
[01/01/2015, 10:21:16 AM] Athena Hollow: ew I'd never release clones that aren't like decades old & don't make the original owners anything anymore :-/
[01/01/2015, 10:21:24 AM] Remy: lol that link
[01/01/2015, 10:21:27 AM] Remy: To the github
[01/01/2015, 10:21:33 AM] Remy: "I just created this account to tell you that you're wrong"
[01/01/2015, 10:21:37 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: Seriously-
[01/01/2015, 10:21:37 AM] Remy: Oh well okay rando
[01/01/2015, 10:21:38 AM] Athena Hollow: (but more than anything we want to do card game -expansions- that are compatible w/ the originals)
[01/01/2015, 10:21:45 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): o.o
[01/01/2015, 10:21:46 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: I worked on this one card game
[01/01/2015, 10:21:49 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): "PoC Master Race"
[01/01/2015, 10:21:53 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: had it pretty much where I wanted it
[01/01/2015, 10:22:05 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: was running demos at cons, attempting to hire artists
[01/01/2015, 10:22:05 AM] Charloppe: Charloppe clicked link, saw stupid, closed tab
[01/01/2015, 10:22:07 AM] Peter Coffin: did you folks see my new years resolution?
[01/01/2015, 10:22:34 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: a year or goes by waiting on people to get back in touch with me on art contracting
[01/01/2015, 10:22:45 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: I go screw it, I'll just do my own illustrations
[01/01/2015, 10:23:07 AM] Remy: Klueweless? I prefer to Kluwemore
[01/01/2015, 10:23:12 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): holy shit this is disgusting:
[01/01/2015, 10:23:17 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: Tweak the rules a bit, fix the issue that'd been bugging me, start looking for printers...
[01/01/2015, 10:23:29 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: "Hey! Congratulations on getting that game in stores!"
[01/01/2015, 10:23:34 AM] Peter Coffin: if anyone does want to see it, it's really stupid and long and impossible and involves neo, will smith, and other fictional characters
[01/01/2015, 10:23:43 AM] Athena Hollow: oh geez that fucking blows sgg
[01/01/2015, 10:24:02 AM] Remy: wtf
[01/01/2015, 10:24:12 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: I don't know if it's just a REALLY nasty coincidence, or someone was really paying attention when I was running demos but
[01/01/2015, 10:24:14 AM] Peter Coffin: UGH
[01/01/2015, 10:24:15 AM] Peter Coffin: FUCK
[01/01/2015, 10:24:16 AM] Athena Hollow: Yeah, i'd feel like a douche if we even THOUGHT about doing something like that.
[01/01/2015, 10:24:19 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: there's an S on the name
[01/01/2015, 10:24:28 AM] Peter Coffin: OH MY FUCKING CHRIST
[01/01/2015, 10:24:33 AM] Peter Coffin: just FUCK them
[01/01/2015, 10:25:06 AM] Peter Coffin: god I'd say violent things about that tweet but it would do nothing
[01/01/2015, 10:25:15 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: and the big expensive game that kinda ruined me financially kinda had the same thing happen, although there at least mine was technically on the market for a year first
[01/01/2015, 10:25:23 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: also wow I just saw that and it's horrible
[01/01/2015, 10:25:48 AM] Athena Hollow: Yeah the only interest we've really shown in anything REMOTELY close is stuff that's compatible with the game it's based on, as like an expansion instead of replacement, to encourage people to buy the original still.
[01/01/2015, 10:26:05 AM] Charloppe: see youtube link and gets laugh. sees dead shemale link hates everything
[01/01/2015, 10:26:09 AM] Athena Hollow: but all the stuff we talk about doing is big company corporation expansion stuff
[01/01/2015, 10:26:13 AM] Athena Hollow: yep.
[01/01/2015, 10:26:17 AM] Athena Hollow: goddamn. that's fucked up.
[01/01/2015, 10:26:35 AM] Charloppe: and back to youtube link cause fuck thos
[01/01/2015, 10:28:13 AM] Charloppe: i wanna be a cyborg bird
[01/01/2015, 10:28:18 AM] Charloppe: just a mole
[01/01/2015, 10:28:25 AM] Athena Hollow: OH SHIT. Kuchera threw the gauntlet down.
[01/01/2015, 10:28:28 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 10:28:55 AM] Athena Hollow: And this, folks, is why you don't act like an asshole online and list your place of employment in your bio.
[01/01/2015, 10:30:17 AM] Tesseract: god I hope they see it
[01/01/2015, 10:30:23 AM] Athena Hollow: me too.
[01/01/2015, 10:30:41 AM] Athena Hollow: the fucking tears and real life consequences of being a completely fucking human sack of shit.
[01/01/2015, 10:32:35 AM] Athena Hollow: god ralph is such a fucking clickbait title douche.
[01/01/2015, 10:33:27 AM] Charloppe: Eveytime I see a skull now I imagine it waering a fedora
[01/01/2015, 10:34:51 AM] Remy: TB should be called Mayonnaise Bro from now on
[01/01/2015, 10:35:06 AM] Charloppe: mayo wonderbread
[01/01/2015, 10:35:14 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 10:36:14 AM] Remy: Or some british slang for an aggressively white person
[01/01/2015, 10:36:26 AM] nicholas.boterf: MayoBiscuit
[01/01/2015, 10:37:17 AM] Charloppe: Maybe totalbiscut is slang for agrresive white person?
[01/01/2015, 10:38:11 AM] Athena Hollow: lolol
[01/01/2015, 10:41:58 AM] Quinnae: I approve of Mayonnaise Bro.
[01/01/2015, 10:42:05 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 10:42:12 AM] Tesseract: mayobro
[01/01/2015, 10:42:21 AM] Quinnae: "U mayo bro?"
[01/01/2015, 10:43:20 AM] Quinnae: So, while I feel this move by Ben Kuchera is ill advised, I hope it goes well. Any updates on that particular gauntlet-throw?
[01/01/2015, 10:43:47 AM] Athena Hollow: not so far. He has called out dicks a couple times though LOL
[01/01/2015, 10:43:52 AM] SF: weaponized irony
[01/01/2015, 10:43:55 AM] Rob: wait who is mayo bro
[01/01/2015, 10:43:57 AM] Athena Hollow: tb
[01/01/2015, 10:44:02 AM] Rob: that’s offensive
[01/01/2015, 10:44:09 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 10:44:10 AM] Rob: mayonnaise is nowhere near as rancid as total biscuit
[01/01/2015, 10:44:20 AM] Athena Hollow: apparently so is "almost cracker" according to ralphie boy
[01/01/2015, 10:44:22 AM] Rob: OMG
[01/01/2015, 10:44:24 AM] Rob: CAN I TWEET THAT
[01/01/2015, 10:44:25 AM] Rob: please
[01/01/2015, 10:44:26 AM] Remy: I hate my fucking room mate
[01/01/2015, 10:44:28 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahahahahahah
[01/01/2015, 10:44:32 AM] Rob: the “mayonnaise is nowhere near...” stuff?
[01/01/2015, 10:44:35 AM] Remy: Who never tells us ahead of time that he is having company over
[01/01/2015, 10:44:53 AM] Remy: And always sends them to our bathroom, even when we have explicitly told him that is a stupid thing to do when they are his guests
[01/01/2015, 10:45:15 AM] Remy: Which I know sounds weird but maybe I don't wanna clean his friends' pee up  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[01/01/2015, 10:45:21 AM] SF: I'm a little worried about Kuchera escalating like that.
[01/01/2015, 10:45:24 AM] Rob:
[01/01/2015, 10:45:25 AM] Rob: boom
[01/01/2015, 10:45:31 AM] SF: It's funny but I'm not sure going after employers is cool.
[01/01/2015, 10:45:52 AM] SF: I'm not convinced listing your place of work means you're representing a brand on your personal account.
[01/01/2015, 10:46:10 AM] Remy: I am totally cool with seeing racists and other bigots being fired. I think there is a difference between social repercussions and the kind of brigading/raiding GG does
[01/01/2015, 10:46:28 AM] Remy: Notably, one stems from a genuine problem while the other is a personal grudge spun into an orchestrated attack
[01/01/2015, 10:46:44 AM] SF: True. The problem is I'm not sure if individuals can be trusted to make that judgement.
[01/01/2015, 10:47:07 AM] SF: Same reason vigilanteism in general is a problem. It works if everyone is reasonable in how it's applied, but they won't be.
[01/01/2015, 10:47:08 AM] Peter Coffin: They tried to get me fired for alleged racism
[01/01/2015, 10:47:26 AM] Peter Coffin: They contracted my job, they knew I was obviously not racist
[01/01/2015, 10:47:32 AM] Remy: Let's take Peter's case for example
[01/01/2015, 10:47:36 AM] Remy: I think that's disgusting
[01/01/2015, 10:47:42 AM] Peter Coffin: But it's definitely annoying
[01/01/2015, 10:47:56 AM] Remy: But if he came out next year and unironically started preaching some KKK shit
[01/01/2015, 10:48:16 AM] Remy: That starts to feel like a legitimate complaint
[01/01/2015, 10:48:23 AM] Remy: Fortunately, Peter is not a monster
[01/01/2015, 10:48:28 AM] Peter Coffin: Not yet
[01/01/2015, 10:48:28 AM] Athena Hollow: As well, if it's one person vs HUNDREDS it makes a huge difference too.
[01/01/2015, 10:48:48 AM] Athena Hollow: That's one person who is choosing to represent a company by listing them on social network that they use to tweet out horrendously nasty bullshit at people.
[01/01/2015, 10:49:00 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: Very belated but
[01/01/2015, 10:49:03 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: On 01/01/2015, at 10:33 AM, Charlotte Mole #Betaasfuck wrote:
> Eveytime I see a skull now I imagine it waering a fedora

[01/01/2015, 10:49:06 AM] Rob: OK, gonna go play angry game. back latger
[01/01/2015, 10:49:09 AM] SF: This is a good debate I have more thoughts on but I have a feastpocalypse to attend. See you next year!
[01/01/2015, 10:49:10 AM] Secret Gamer Girl:
[01/01/2015, 10:49:16 AM] Peter Coffin: Lol
[01/01/2015, 10:49:21 AM] Athena Hollow: Cya SF!
[01/01/2015, 10:49:21 AM] Peter Coffin: Hny
[01/01/2015, 10:49:30 AM] Athena Hollow: HAHAHHAHHAhAH
[01/01/2015, 10:49:36 AM] Remy: I love you Peter (platonically) I would never betray your trust
[01/01/2015, 10:49:38 AM] Athena Hollow: and bmp. wtf. who the fuck uses bmp still!
[01/01/2015, 10:49:51 AM] Peter Coffin: Amazing
[01/01/2015, 10:49:54 AM] Remy: I would probably try to get you seen by a doctor before I tried to get you fired
[01/01/2015, 10:49:58 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: People making wallpapers out of 5 year old Kamen Rider crossover movies I guess
[01/01/2015, 10:50:01 AM] Peter Coffin: Lol
[01/01/2015, 10:50:03 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 10:50:12 AM] Peter Coffin: I'd return the favor
[01/01/2015, 10:50:17 AM] Veerender Jubbal: I did the selfie.
[01/01/2015, 10:50:24 AM] Remy: Like, sure, again it sounds like a GG tactic, but I would totally try to find your wife on Facebook and be like "Hey is everything okay?"
[01/01/2015, 10:50:26 AM] Peter Coffin: That would have top be a massive change in view
[01/01/2015, 10:50:39 AM] Athena Hollow: But yeah, just like you can't be caught being an asshole in work uniform at most places, I'd think listing it in your social network and being a fuckstick is the same.
[01/01/2015, 10:50:41 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Something happen with Kuchera?
[01/01/2015, 10:50:44 AM] Athena Hollow: Oh no no
[01/01/2015, 10:50:48 AM] Peter Coffin: That's different. That's legit concern
[01/01/2015, 10:50:52 AM] Athena Hollow: He called out a guy who works at Dick's LOL
[01/01/2015, 10:50:55 AM] Remy: He's tweeting Dick's for being harassed by one of their employees
[01/01/2015, 10:51:13 AM] Peter Coffin: Amy of you have permission to stalk me over legit concern
[01/01/2015, 10:51:15 AM] Peter Coffin: Any
[01/01/2015, 10:51:26 AM] Remy: Honestly I wouldn't mind if GamerGaters Getting Fired became a thing  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[01/01/2015, 10:51:30 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 10:51:48 AM] Remy: They have all placed their fingers on the Ouija board that has been following Zoe
[01/01/2015, 10:51:50 AM] Peter Coffin: Like tgif before it, we all look forward to gggf
[01/01/2015, 10:51:57 AM] Remy: So fuck each and every one of them for saying "I'm not moving it"
[01/01/2015, 10:52:00 AM] Athena Hollow: Like, I don't want to see the ones fired that are just dumb shields not doing anything but being dumb shields (though that shit does piss me off) but the ones who actively harass? fuck yes.
[01/01/2015, 10:52:20 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 10:52:41 AM] Remy: I hope they all jump off a bridge because Brennan said there was CP on the other side
[01/01/2015, 10:52:46 AM] Athena Hollow: pfft
[01/01/2015, 10:53:24 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: My ideal endgame pretty much goes like this:
[01/01/2015, 10:54:32 AM] Remy: And I hope I never end up in a room with EG b/c honestly I'd probably end up pureeing some hummus to shove up his ass
[01/01/2015, 10:54:32 AM] Peter Coffin: "Just fire"
[01/01/2015, 10:54:54 AM] Remy: /topical
[01/01/2015, 10:55:00 AM] Athena Hollow: hahah
[01/01/2015, 10:55:20 AM] Remy: And I'm sorry if that joke was too far
[01/01/2015, 10:55:30 AM] Remy: I took a risk and I'm prepared to be criticized if I was out of line
[01/01/2015, 10:55:40 AM] Remy: but fuck that guy
[01/01/2015, 10:55:40 AM] Peter Coffin: Oh I hope I never end up in a room with any of them, like just for my own mental health
[01/01/2015, 10:55:45 AM] Remy: with so many bags of dicks
[01/01/2015, 10:56:16 AM] Remy: I wanna grab a sack of oranges and beat him until I'm not thirsty anymore
[01/01/2015, 10:56:20 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 10:56:23 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: Chobitcoin, Brennan, and Roguestar in prison. Cernovich disbarred. TFYC... given whatever treatment you get in Canada for massive fraud. Lianna properly exposed and never able to find honest work again. The people doing this professionally cut off and at LEAST a big rattled by investigations. Rank and file GGers, scared straight from seeing all that.
[01/01/2015, 10:56:32 AM] Remy: Shake off this cold the old fashioned way
[01/01/2015, 10:56:37 AM] Peter Coffin: I don't know how I would manage knowing I was near a person who did what these people have done
[01/01/2015, 10:56:42 AM] Athena Hollow: that would be good.
[01/01/2015, 10:56:54 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: And I'm probably forgetting on a big name or two in there
[01/01/2015, 10:56:58 AM] Tesseract: cernovich isn't even a practicing lawyer so disbarring him would be both impossbile and useless
[01/01/2015, 10:56:59 AM] Tesseract: fart
[01/01/2015, 10:56:59 AM] Remy: I like that list SGG
[01/01/2015, 10:57:02 AM] Peter Coffin: Ssg this is mine as well
[01/01/2015, 10:57:02 AM] Tesseract: you're forgetting fart
[01/01/2015, 10:57:05 AM] Remy: That sounds like a perfect checklist
[01/01/2015, 10:57:08 AM] Athena Hollow: god that fucking nutball.
[01/01/2015, 10:57:10 AM] Remy: ^ What Tess said tho
[01/01/2015, 10:57:32 AM] Remy: We'll have to figure out just desserts for Cernovich
[01/01/2015, 10:57:44 AM] Athena Hollow: a gag order.
[01/01/2015, 10:57:47 AM] Remy: He's done something that can catch up to him
[01/01/2015, 10:57:55 AM] Tesseract: brennan can strand himself in the philippines and suck bitcoin out of a straw for the rest of his miserable life
[01/01/2015, 10:57:58 AM] Peter Coffin: They all have
[01/01/2015, 10:58:07 AM] Remy: ^ to what Tess said again
[01/01/2015, 10:58:10 AM] Athena Hollow: he'd lose his fucking shit if he was forbidden to talk about this shit.
[01/01/2015, 10:58:23 AM] Remy: Get out of my head it's not safe in there
[01/01/2015, 10:58:25 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: I also left off Eron, but, he's already in the process of getting what he's getting, so
[01/01/2015, 10:58:39 AM] Peter Coffin: I want Brennan taken down
[01/01/2015, 10:58:43 AM] Remy: If it's not time behind bars I won't be satisfied
[01/01/2015, 10:59:05 AM] Tesseract: destroying 8chan is good enough for him, I don't especially give a shit about him going to prison but it would be nice
[01/01/2015, 10:59:15 AM] Remy: I meant for EG
[01/01/2015, 10:59:29 AM] Remy: Brennan can go rot on an island FAIC as long as the site is down
[01/01/2015, 10:59:32 AM] Peter Coffin: That's also fine with me, if 8chan goes down
[01/01/2015, 11:00:05 AM] Remy: Brennan wouldn't be the last pedophile I left to rot alone in a desert to think about what they've done
[01/01/2015, 11:00:05 AM] Peter Coffin: I think for that to happen Brennan has to go down though
[01/01/2015, 11:00:26 AM] Peter Coffin: If there are alternate ways of taking down 8chan I'm interested
[01/01/2015, 11:00:36 AM] Peter Coffin: But I think the way there is Brennan
[01/01/2015, 11:00:51 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: Killing the funding would likely do it too
[01/01/2015, 11:01:16 AM] Tesseract: what's important for the time being is crushing the impenetrable mob cloud surrounding their leaders
[01/01/2015, 11:01:33 AM] Athena Hollow: yeah, I think our best bet on funding is if the sites won't kill the funding, to go directly to the cc processors.
[01/01/2015, 11:01:36 AM] Veerender Jubbal: What is Ben tweeting about?
[01/01/2015, 11:01:37 AM] Tesseract: thus destroying what little remains of their momentum and exposing their leaders and most violent members
[01/01/2015, 11:01:40 AM] Veerender Jubbal: What happened?
[01/01/2015, 11:01:42 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: but, Brennan going to jail would involve properly looking over 8chan with admin access, and that, hopefully, would expose a thing or two on the posters
[01/01/2015, 11:02:00 AM] Athena Hollow: Ben was just tweeting to @Dicks about a gger that's harassing him that lists Dick's in their profile as their place of employment.
[01/01/2015, 11:02:03 AM] Peter Coffin: That would be nice
[01/01/2015, 11:02:34 AM] Veerender Jubbal: nods
[01/01/2015, 11:02:50 AM] Remy: (is face-timing w/the hubby right now)
[01/01/2015, 11:03:05 AM] Athena Hollow: awww
[01/01/2015, 11:03:09 AM] Athena Hollow: HI STEPHEN'S HUBBY
[01/01/2015, 11:03:16 AM] Peter Coffin: Brennan is on the run, he's pirate bay right now
[01/01/2015, 11:03:34 AM] Peter Coffin: Hello Stephen's husband
[01/01/2015, 11:03:45 AM] Tesseract: we'll wait for the articles to hit and then go after it hard
[01/01/2015, 11:03:48 AM] Athena Hollow: and wow, Ben is pissed (and I don't blame him)
[01/01/2015, 11:03:58 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 11:04:10 AM] Remy: He's busy but I'll tell him y'all said hello when he gets home
[01/01/2015, 11:04:15 AM] Athena Hollow: :)
[01/01/2015, 11:04:21 AM] Remy: He's at the grocery store and asking about what we need and chatting about his friend coming to hang out for New Years
[01/01/2015, 11:04:27 AM] Remy: We're all gonna get high and play video games and shit
[01/01/2015, 11:04:38 AM] Remy: But we're shit-talking our rude-ass room-mate
[01/01/2015, 11:04:42 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 11:05:46 AM] Peter Coffin: fuck it, I'm so on Ben's side here
[01/01/2015, 11:12:03 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: every so often I see a 100% reasonable comment on 8chan and it weirds me the hell out
[01/01/2015, 11:12:12 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 11:12:14 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: "If they want to stop 8chan's shady shit, why don't they start trying to change the laws in washington dc? Because the kind of things they have a problem with on 8chan isn't the only place it's going on."
[01/01/2015, 11:12:38 AM] Athena Hollow: well, I mean, duh, but the easiest way to change 8chan? STOP BEING TRASH MOBS.
[01/01/2015, 11:13:05 AM] Remy: "Why doesn't the government stop us, why oh why oh wh
[01/01/2015, 11:13:20 AM] Athena Hollow: the fact that they think 'everything goes' is so fucking dumb to me. There are so many limits to free speech and they're just fucking whiny about getting shit over not caring.
[01/01/2015, 11:13:46 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: the implied "instead of trying to bring the site down" is crazy sure, but... yeah, lobbying for reforms on these "oh I have no responsibility for what's posted to the site I run" defenses is a good idea
[01/01/2015, 11:14:30 AM] Remy: GG's entire argument is "If what we're doing is so wrong then why are we getting away with it"
[01/01/2015, 11:14:35 AM] Athena Hollow: yep.
[01/01/2015, 11:14:42 AM] Athena Hollow: all of the chan mentality is that.
[01/01/2015, 11:14:49 AM] Athena Hollow: which just makes my head spin.
[01/01/2015, 11:16:49 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: also wow
[01/01/2015, 11:16:50 AM] Secret Gamer Girl:
[01/01/2015, 11:17:36 AM] Athena Hollow: dayum
[01/01/2015, 11:17:43 AM] Remy: I don't understand
[01/01/2015, 11:17:53 AM] Remy: Can someone translate chan into English?
[01/01/2015, 11:18:01 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: That would appear to be a GGer legitimately realizing what the hell 8chan is.
[01/01/2015, 11:18:03 AM] Remy: I don't know Chanspeak
[01/01/2015, 11:18:08 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: And being properly horrified.
[01/01/2015, 11:18:21 AM] Athena Hollow: they apparently thought it was all heresay bullshit
[01/01/2015, 11:18:33 AM] Athena Hollow: but my post that has all the fucking links in it was posted on the gratipay page
[01/01/2015, 11:18:38 AM] Athena Hollow: and yeahhhhhh
[01/01/2015, 11:18:55 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: oh hey, that was you?
[01/01/2015, 11:19:04 AM] Athena Hollow: yup that was the email i sent them
[01/01/2015, 11:20:52 AM] Tesseract: his second post in the thread
[01/01/2015, 11:20:57 AM] Remy: Oh okay I read the original post
[01/01/2015, 11:21:02 AM] Remy: Wow that's terrifying
[01/01/2015, 11:21:11 AM] Remy: Hey I've clicked 8chan links y'all have posted beore
[01/01/2015, 11:21:18 AM] Remy: Am I at risk of intrusion?
[01/01/2015, 11:21:20 AM] Tesseract: no
[01/01/2015, 11:21:23 AM] Athena Hollow: nah you should be fine.
[01/01/2015, 11:21:26 AM] Remy: Or is it like a sign-up-for-the-website thing?
[01/01/2015, 11:21:46 AM] Athena Hollow: but yeah, wow.
[01/01/2015, 11:21:50 AM] Remy: I mean I keep my webcam taped over anyway I'm paranoid and I worked with Intelligence guys on my last deployment
[01/01/2015, 11:22:17 AM] Remy: 'cause they had to train me and the rest of our team
[01/01/2015, 11:22:52 AM] Athena Hollow: "People need to really focus on Hotwheels as a developer. Explain his disability and how hard he works to create this community. Also, explain how if Gratipay were to cut off his funding, it would make it harder, not easier, for 8chan to stop people from disseminating illegal content.

Then, turn it on the sjws by saying if they really care about stopping the spread of cp, they would encourage the funding of 8chan so they can better crack down on stopping illegal content."
[01/01/2015, 11:22:55 AM] Athena Hollow: god they're dumb.
[01/01/2015, 11:23:58 AM] Remy: The same people who practice training children for sex have also practiced training people on the internet to spread their propaganda
[01/01/2015, 11:23:59 AM] Remy: OMG
[01/01/2015, 11:24:04 AM] Remy: Brennan is Jabba the Hutt
[01/01/2015, 11:24:10 AM] Athena Hollow: lol ew
[01/01/2015, 11:24:11 AM] Tesseract: they're always so confident their hilariously bad plans will work
[01/01/2015, 11:24:14 AM] Remy: 8chan is the cartel
[01/01/2015, 11:24:52 AM] Remy: Although it's entirely possible he's just the face
[01/01/2015, 11:25:05 AM] Remy: And that someone else is orchestrating the CP trade behind the scenes
[01/01/2015, 11:25:46 AM] Remy: I wonder if it's more like a cottage industry and he's just the face man and the money funnel
[01/01/2015, 11:25:53 AM] Veerender Jubbal: If you have not retweeted/spread:
[01/01/2015, 11:26:47 AM] Athena Hollow: "In Patreon's case, relax everyone. Frederick has it already figured out:

"I agree with this rule, and in January 2015 will make a personal page for supporting me as a developer of open source software."

So its all a matter of technicality. You can't change a page thats been banned, but rather you must make a new one. Hotwheels can still have a patreon account, just not that one. Nitpicky for sure but oh well."

[01/01/2015, 11:26:50 AM] Athena Hollow: idiots.
[01/01/2015, 11:26:56 AM] Remy: okay I'm gonna go start on dinner
[01/01/2015, 11:27:00 AM] Remy: My husband is on his way home from the store
[01/01/2015, 11:27:12 AM] Athena Hollow: cya stephen :)\
[01/01/2015, 11:27:20 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Take care!
[01/01/2015, 11:30:37 AM] Athena Hollow: spits her drink

" Also kickstarter is a scam site, just like indiegogo. I am sure what they are doing is illegal."
[01/01/2015, 11:43:12 AM] Remy: I guess gas is 1.97 down the street so my hubs just filled up my Prius' tank for about $14
[01/01/2015, 11:43:25 AM] Athena Hollow: oh man. they think it's 123 to just start up a site that accepts ccs XD god fuck delusionals.
[01/01/2015, 11:43:34 AM] Athena Hollow: yea it's super cheap right now O.O
[01/01/2015, 11:43:57 AM] Remy: South Park has them brainwashed into thinking Kickstarter does literally nothing
[01/01/2015, 11:44:18 AM] Athena Hollow: I'm still laughing over them saying kickstart has to be illegal LOLOL
[01/01/2015, 11:45:55 AM] Remy: Hey, question
[01/01/2015, 11:46:04 AM] Athena Hollow: yep
[01/01/2015, 11:46:14 AM] Remy: That 8chan post where they are freaking out b/c the dude on github straight up linked them to 8chan pages where they are scouting out targets
[01/01/2015, 11:46:17 AM] Remy: Has Dan seen those pages?
[01/01/2015, 11:46:29 AM] Remy: They would probably be very relevant to his reports
[01/01/2015, 11:46:46 AM] Athena Hollow: probably not.
[01/01/2015, 11:46:54 AM] Athena Hollow: (i mean he probably hasnt seen them)
[01/01/2015, 11:46:59 AM] Secret Gamer Girl:
[01/01/2015, 11:47:46 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I can't believe I didn't catch TB following MundaneMatt, Cernovich, and Milo:
[01/01/2015, 11:47:55 AM] Remy: Also has anyone tweeted out this so the world can see what it looks like when a Gater sees the wizard behind the curtain?
[01/01/2015, 11:48:56 AM] Remy: Tess
[01/01/2015, 11:49:02 AM] Remy: Should this become a storify or something?
[01/01/2015, 11:49:28 AM] Secret Gamer Girl:
[01/01/2015, 11:49:40 AM] Tesseract: should what
[01/01/2015, 11:53:45 AM] Remy: The three 8chan posts in which a Gater sees the dark shit that goes on behind the scenes at 8chan and says "fuck this I'm out"
[01/01/2015, 11:53:46 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL:
[01/01/2015, 11:54:02 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I missed them. are they linked above?
[01/01/2015, 11:54:18 AM] Athena Hollow:
[01/01/2015, 11:54:25 AM] Athena Hollow:
[01/01/2015, 11:54:50 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: I left one of them highlighted in yon version
[01/01/2015, 11:55:17 AM] Athena Hollow: "Those boards are unindexed and inactive." But still up... idiots.
[01/01/2015, 11:55:54 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: I love the "oh, nobody visits the child porn boards" defense
[01/01/2015, 11:56:23 AM] Athena Hollow: i did see someone call them out for being stupid about the disability defense
[01/01/2015, 11:56:28 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: my last e-mail to Patreon on the subject, I sorted the list of publicly visible boards by post count. Guess what floated to the top?
[01/01/2015, 11:56:35 AM] Athena Hollow: that they can't just say "He's disabled. You can't stop his funding"
[01/01/2015, 11:56:45 AM] Athena Hollow: gross.
[01/01/2015, 11:56:47 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I'm gonna tweet out those posts
[01/01/2015, 11:56:48 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: yeah, they REALLY don't get that
[01/01/2015, 11:57:10 AM] Athena Hollow: Even JUICEBRO didn't get that
[01/01/2015, 11:57:19 AM] Athena Hollow: which really makes me question his legal knowledge.
[01/01/2015, 11:57:36 AM] Athena Hollow: I mean, that's basic 101 shit they teach you in government in high school lol
[01/01/2015, 11:58:08 AM] Athena Hollow: He just kept saying "Well it's YOUR guys rule that you can't attack him because he's disabled"
[01/01/2015, 11:58:55 AM] Athena Hollow: And that shit directly translates to "Oh, well attacking him when he's doing wrong is still because he's disabled" like... no? do you protected class much? LOL
[01/01/2015, 12:00:11 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[01/01/2015, 12:01:06 PM] Athena Hollow: LOL Chris:
[01/01/2015, 12:01:35 PM] Tesseract: #fuckingwanker hahaha
[01/01/2015, 12:03:06 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: huh
[01/01/2015, 12:03:10 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: "Hi, I read your recent piece not to contribute to what is essentially the 8chan patreon. Thanks for writing that, & I hope you can help me. I happen to live in the Philippines, and I'm disturbed by some of the allegations you shared. If Fred found a network that gave him access to minors, I would like to bring this to the attention of our local news outlets to report on him and that network. But I need to know first; is there clear evidence those pics you allude to were taken here? Thanks "
[01/01/2015, 12:03:36 PM] Athena Hollow: oh damn
[01/01/2015, 12:03:45 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Forward them Dan's article?
[01/01/2015, 12:04:02 PM] Athena Hollow: Unfortunately the only picture we know was taken there was the one of him
[01/01/2015, 12:04:19 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): oh, i see
[01/01/2015, 12:04:23 PM] Remy: sounds like fishing?
[01/01/2015, 12:04:36 PM] Remy: Sounds like fishing to me
[01/01/2015, 12:04:48 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: who sent that, SGG?
[01/01/2015, 12:04:56 PM] Athena Hollow: Oh probably but I wouldnt know what they'd hope to gain from getting that kind of evidence.
[01/01/2015, 12:05:13 PM] Athena Hollow: So I mean, if we had it, I'd send it, but I don't think we have what they want - so I'd ignore.
[01/01/2015, 12:06:03 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: 'twould be from this fine fellow-
[01/01/2015, 12:06:18 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: which, yeah, seems fishy in the fishing sense.
[01/01/2015, 12:07:33 PM] Rob: good night, folkses~
[01/01/2015, 12:07:34 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: but on the other hand, wasn't the source on that Brennan's personal twitter or somesuch?
[01/01/2015, 12:07:43 PM] Athena Hollow: night rob
[01/01/2015, 12:08:22 PM] Athena Hollow: looks like a few ppl we know follow them on twitter:
[01/01/2015, 12:31:02 PM] Charloppe: so finally read the tb
[01/01/2015, 12:31:06 PM] Charloppe: just wow
[01/01/2015, 12:31:47 PM] Charloppe: *storify
[01/01/2015, 12:37:46 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yeah. He's a ginormous asshole
[01/01/2015, 12:39:49 PM] Charloppe:
[01/01/2015, 12:40:47 PM] Tesseract: basically
[01/01/2015, 12:41:15 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): <3
[01/01/2015, 12:42:00 PM] Charloppe: my poor hobby
[01/01/2015, 12:42:04 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Don't want to go bumming twitter followers out but
[01/01/2015, 12:42:48 PM] Athena Hollow: Man, for someone who makes their money on the internet, and brags about a high IQ, he doesn't know shit about how the blocklist works:
[01/01/2015, 12:43:01 PM] Charloppe: hmm wasn't there already a op earlier this year with the same goal?
[01/01/2015, 12:43:18 PM] Charloppe: all the chan shit kinda melts together and I lose track
[01/01/2015, 12:43:22 PM] Tesseract: does the blocklist actually update ever or did randi just populate the list one time
[01/01/2015, 12:43:26 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): OpTransGenocide?
[01/01/2015, 12:43:30 PM] Tesseract: and then manually add and remove shit
[01/01/2015, 12:43:43 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): The blocklist autoupdates routinely
[01/01/2015, 12:43:48 PM] Remy:
[01/01/2015, 12:43:50 PM] Tesseract: yep, optransgenocide was on /pol/ and take a fucking guess where /pol/ went after moot kicked them out
[01/01/2015, 12:43:50 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I don't know how often, though
[01/01/2015, 12:44:15 PM] Charloppe: sigh that name ffs
[01/01/2015, 12:44:50 PM] Athena Hollow: it does update, but the fact that he thinks this will magically make him invisible is cute.
[01/01/2015, 12:44:52 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Well, it's a whole lot more honest and straightforward than the rest of their operation names
[01/01/2015, 12:44:53 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): SUCH OPPRESION:
[01/01/2015, 12:44:54 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: how good is about removing stuff with private info?
[01/01/2015, 12:45:21 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Sarah, I don't know. I haven't heard back from them, so I don't know how effective they are. it's only been 1 day, though
[01/01/2015, 12:45:38 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Zoe's testing that out right now I believe
[01/01/2015, 12:46:01 PM] Remy: yeah let me know if we've seen any results I've lost track of how many links I've reported
[01/01/2015, 12:46:10 PM] Remy: I think I may have accidentally reported the same ones twice a couple of times
[01/01/2015, 12:46:57 PM] Athena Hollow: ugh. such a fucking dick move. god.

He couldn't untweet fast enough but he sure could berate & talk up his numbers like they should be GRATEFUL for his attention. fuckin hell i hate this guy more and more
[01/01/2015, 12:47:25 PM] Remy: oh right he's literally dying inside
[01/01/2015, 12:47:30 PM] Remy: I forget that sometimes
[01/01/2015, 12:47:34 PM] Remy: because he acts like slime
[01/01/2015, 12:47:50 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: what was he referring to there?
[01/01/2015, 12:47:53 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: re: untweet
[01/01/2015, 12:48:02 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: oh
[01/01/2015, 12:48:03 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: nm
[01/01/2015, 12:48:22 PM] Remy: something something charity something something dark side something something complete
[01/01/2015, 12:49:16 PM] Charloppe: got this great new joke
[01/01/2015, 12:49:19 PM] Charloppe: its called
[01/01/2015, 12:49:21 PM] Charloppe: ethics
[01/01/2015, 12:49:34 PM] Charloppe: you can all throw money at me now
[01/01/2015, 12:50:04 PM] Remy: No
[01/01/2015, 12:50:07 PM] Remy: Set up a Patreon
[01/01/2015, 12:50:09 PM] Remy: and buy more skulls
[01/01/2015, 12:50:12 PM] Remy: Everyone loves skulls
[01/01/2015, 12:50:31 PM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 12:50:35 PM] Tesseract: 5k per skull I'm told
[01/01/2015, 12:50:44 PM] Charloppe: if i hold a skull then do my comedy acy
[01/01/2015, 12:50:50 PM] Charloppe: can you throw money at me
[01/01/2015, 12:51:00 PM] Charloppe: maybe have one top my head
[01/01/2015, 12:53:47 PM] Remy: sure
[01/01/2015, 12:54:30 PM] Charloppe: Charloppe puts skull on head and holds one
[01/01/2015, 12:54:32 PM] Charloppe: ahem
[01/01/2015, 12:54:35 PM] Charloppe: ethics
[01/01/2015, 12:54:51 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[01/01/2015, 12:54:51 PM] Charloppe: Charloppe bows
[01/01/2015, 12:55:10 PM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 12:55:18 PM] Tesseract: what
[01/01/2015, 12:56:11 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): 8chan's /i/ board is hosting and sharing results from RATting (remote access tool) hacking (remotely actitvating webcams for one).
[01/01/2015, 12:56:30 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[01/01/2015, 12:58:29 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): oh, shit, Veerender about to drop the mic:
[01/01/2015, 1:01:08 PM] Athena Hollow: (heart)
[01/01/2015, 1:01:33 PM] Athena Hollow:
[01/01/2015, 1:01:33 PM] Tesseract: happy new year est friends
[01/01/2015, 1:01:53 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): 3 more hours to go for me. Happy New years east coast!
[01/01/2015, 1:02:09 PM] Athena Hollow: ugh. i want to move to a country that doesn't have guns. after having a damn shell come through my roof a couple years ago on NYE, I'm paranoid as shit.
[01/01/2015, 1:02:28 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :/
[01/01/2015, 1:05:22 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Their poor fee fees:
[01/01/2015, 1:06:19 PM] Ian Cheong: happy new year
[01/01/2015, 1:06:24 PM] Ian Cheong:
[01/01/2015, 1:06:41 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yeah, I tweeted about it here:
[01/01/2015, 1:07:02 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): happy new year, Ian
[01/01/2015, 1:07:03 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): XD
[01/01/2015, 1:09:09 PM] Ian Cheong: The people in that fart rises comment thread are so dumb
[01/01/2015, 1:09:12 PM] Ian Cheong: they are blaming EA for Shadow of Mordor
[01/01/2015, 1:09:17 PM] Ian Cheong: EA didn't even publish that game.
[01/01/2015, 1:09:40 PM] Remy: lol
[01/01/2015, 1:09:45 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): All AAA companies are the same
[01/01/2015, 1:09:48 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ETHICS
[01/01/2015, 1:11:00 PM] Remy: He is crying so hard
[01/01/2015, 1:11:55 PM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[01/01/2015, 1:11:55 PM] Ian Cheong: He is?
[01/01/2015, 1:11:56 PM] Ian Cheong: Link
[01/01/2015, 1:12:30 PM] Tesseract: fart's so confident some authority will ban him out because of his bullshit
[01/01/2015, 1:13:00 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ian, this is Fart's tweet:
[01/01/2015, 1:13:11 PM] Ian Cheong: oh yeah
[01/01/2015, 1:13:12 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): (not sure if you were asking for the link or pointing someone else to the link)
[01/01/2015, 1:14:24 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): AHAHAHAHA. This GGer considers TB joining them a win:
[01/01/2015, 1:14:26 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): sure
[01/01/2015, 1:14:30 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): you can keep him
[01/01/2015, 1:14:45 PM] Tesseract: lol how many times is TB going to "officially" join them
[01/01/2015, 1:14:49 PM] Tesseract: this is like the fifth time
[01/01/2015, 1:14:58 PM] Tesseract: he was never neutral to begin with you dumb fucks
[01/01/2015, 1:15:17 PM] Athena Hollow: yeah but it's definitely never been THIS official
[01/01/2015, 1:15:29 PM] Athena Hollow: he'd always said he was neutral, never donning the cape and belts.
[01/01/2015, 1:15:34 PM] Remy: This guy tho
[01/01/2015, 1:15:37 PM] Tesseract: the joining has never been more official
[01/01/2015, 1:15:47 PM] Tesseract: joining power levels are off the charts
[01/01/2015, 1:15:53 PM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[01/01/2015, 1:16:25 PM] Ian Cheong: i dont like this turdbowl of a human
[01/01/2015, 1:16:26 PM] Ian Cheong:
[01/01/2015, 1:16:34 PM] Ian Cheong: he always finds his way into my mentions
[01/01/2015, 1:16:42 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Stephen:
[01/01/2015, 1:16:43 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): hehehe
[01/01/2015, 1:16:45 PM] Ian Cheong: someone on ghazi said they know him IRL
[01/01/2015, 1:16:58 PM] Ian Cheong: and that he is, while not stupid, definitely misguided
[01/01/2015, 1:17:05 PM] Tesseract: he has me blocked
[01/01/2015, 1:17:13 PM] Remy: Um
[01/01/2015, 1:17:31 PM] Remy: Dude dying of cancer decides to spend his last days hate streaming strangers on YouTube
[01/01/2015, 1:17:37 PM] Remy: I'm just gonna assume his priorities are fucked
[01/01/2015, 1:17:43 PM] Remy: Personally I'd be taking a bath in pudding
[01/01/2015, 1:18:11 PM] Remy: Then it looks like I'll get to insult him for a long time
[01/01/2015, 1:18:15 PM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 1:19:31 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): This was random:
[01/01/2015, 1:19:50 PM] Charloppe: self awarness
[01/01/2015, 1:19:56 PM] Charloppe: -43
[01/01/2015, 1:20:02 PM] Veerender Jubbal: dropped mic Happy New Year, friends! I love you all, immensely!
[01/01/2015, 1:20:04 PM] Veerender Jubbal: hugs
[01/01/2015, 1:20:08 PM] Tesseract: their thunderclap went off 14 minutes ago and nobody noticed or cared haha
[01/01/2015, 1:20:14 PM] Charloppe: Charloppe hugs back
[01/01/2015, 1:20:20 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): HUGS
[01/01/2015, 1:20:27 PM] Charloppe: thunderclap?
[01/01/2015, 1:20:30 PM] Athena Hollow: LMAO
[01/01/2015, 1:20:52 PM] Athena Hollow: ours had, what? 1/10 the amount of ppl and it was celebrated hilariously XD
[01/01/2015, 1:21:19 PM] Athena Hollow: but really, thunderclap is only good in the way we used it
[01/01/2015, 1:21:25 PM] Athena Hollow: it's stupid for much of anything else LOL
[01/01/2015, 1:21:31 PM] Ian Cheong: thunderclap
[01/01/2015, 1:21:36 PM] Ian Cheong: the world's loudest echo chamber
[01/01/2015, 1:21:39 PM] Tesseract: it's effectively useless for any purpose but a joke
[01/01/2015, 1:21:40 PM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 1:21:43 PM] Athena Hollow: yup
[01/01/2015, 1:21:52 PM] Charloppe: Charloppe is abit lost
[01/01/2015, 1:21:54 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): well, unless you have like 250K people
[01/01/2015, 1:22:17 PM] Tesseract: yeah but if you have like 250k people to sign a thunderclap I'm sure you can get whatever it is you want trending without it
[01/01/2015, 1:22:26 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ha, true
[01/01/2015, 1:23:00 PM] Tesseract: especially since people can post multiple times without a thunderclap but will probably not make any additional posts after the thunderclap goes off
[01/01/2015, 1:23:32 PM] Tesseract: like if #stopgamergate2014 was a thunderclap I'd have just stuck a post in the schedule and forgotten about it
[01/01/2015, 1:23:35 PM] Ian Cheong: Based on his upcoming actions, which are sure to infuriate and please us.
[01/01/2015, 1:23:44 PM] Tesseract: also no, we want that to be hotwheels
[01/01/2015, 1:23:55 PM] Tesseract: child porn distributor, neo nazi, all-around disgusting shitbag
[01/01/2015, 1:23:57 PM] Quinnae: Hey folks! Happy New Year!
[01/01/2015, 1:24:00 PM] Tesseract: much worse than totalbiscuit
[01/01/2015, 1:24:01 PM] Quinnae: What's news?
[01/01/2015, 1:24:12 PM] Tesseract: ha
[01/01/2015, 1:24:13 PM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 1:24:16 PM] Tesseract: for the 300th time
[01/01/2015, 1:24:20 PM] Athena Hollow: """"officially""""
[01/01/2015, 1:24:23 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Katherine:
[01/01/2015, 1:24:32 PM] Athena Hollow: I think he's well into the rabbit hole now
[01/01/2015, 1:24:39 PM] Athena Hollow: i dont see him crawling out this time
[01/01/2015, 1:24:39 PM] Ian Cheong: and he's on the blocklist now too
[01/01/2015, 1:24:40 PM] Tesseract: that was so he could get on the block list
[01/01/2015, 1:24:57 PM] Remy: Every time a Gater cries about being on a block list I just wanna take their own words and say
That's the internet
[01/01/2015, 1:24:57 PM] Tesseract: he "officially" joined like 3 months ago
[01/01/2015, 1:25:00 PM] Athena Hollow: He'd been unrepentant about not talkin out his ass before, but this one was a bit much
[01/01/2015, 1:25:22 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Stephen, that's brilliant
[01/01/2015, 1:25:25 PM] Athena Hollow: This was "IQ 155" x10
[01/01/2015, 1:25:58 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Drinking the tears of 2015 right now.
[01/01/2015, 1:26:05 PM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 1:26:32 PM] Athena Hollow: I was thinking the exact same thing earlier
[01/01/2015, 1:26:49 PM] Charloppe:
[01/01/2015, 1:26:49 PM] Athena Hollow: that some of these people (on all sides) need a damn rep to run things through before posting them.
[01/01/2015, 1:26:52 PM] Charloppe: im good at this
[01/01/2015, 1:26:54 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Stephen:
[01/01/2015, 1:26:54 PM] Athena Hollow: their internal filter is broken
[01/01/2015, 1:26:59 PM] Randi Harper: what is happening
[01/01/2015, 1:27:04 PM] Randi Harper: twitter statistics just shot up
[01/01/2015, 1:27:05 PM] Randi Harper: a lot
[01/01/2015, 1:27:07 PM] Randi Harper: in the past hour
[01/01/2015, 1:27:09 PM] Randi Harper: did something happen?
[01/01/2015, 1:27:10 PM] Tesseract: yes
[01/01/2015, 1:27:14 PM] Tesseract: gg thunderclap went off
[01/01/2015, 1:27:14 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Randi, their ThunderClap went off
[01/01/2015, 1:27:17 PM] Randi Harper: what is that?
[01/01/2015, 1:27:20 PM] Tesseract: it schedules a shitload of tweets to all be posted at the same time
[01/01/2015, 1:27:27 PM] Randi Harper: oh
[01/01/2015, 1:27:35 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Randi:
[01/01/2015, 1:27:42 PM] Randi Harper: meh. my queues didn't even hiccup. I just noticed there were more msgs being processed at once.
[01/01/2015, 1:27:51 PM] Athena Hollow: so it'll be totally "WE'RE WINNING!!" for the next month because of it LOL
[01/01/2015, 1:27:51 PM] Tesseract: it was around 3.5k I think
[01/01/2015, 1:28:02 PM] Athena Hollow: even though most people won't even notice the damn thing went off on their own timeline
[01/01/2015, 1:28:07 PM] Randi Harper: yeahhhhh.
[01/01/2015, 1:28:09 PM] Ian Cheong: Whoaaaaaa
[01/01/2015, 1:28:10 PM] Randi Harper: so, I captured all of that.
[01/01/2015, 1:28:16 PM] Ian Cheong: Ben Kuchera is trying to get a gator fired for harassing him
[01/01/2015, 1:28:19 PM] Athena Hollow: yup
[01/01/2015, 1:28:19 PM] Ian Cheong:
[01/01/2015, 1:28:22 PM] Athena Hollow: he's pissed
[01/01/2015, 1:28:25 PM] Randi Harper: and really when they try to get together to do anything unified, it shows how small they really are.
[01/01/2015, 1:28:25 PM] Athena Hollow: like, really pissed.
[01/01/2015, 1:28:32 PM] Randi Harper: yeah, I got a bunch of tweets about that
[01/01/2015, 1:28:36 PM] Athena Hollow: hahahahahah
[01/01/2015, 1:28:39 PM] Randi Harper: i guess they expect me to stand up to ben... but whatever.
[01/01/2015, 1:28:46 PM] Athena Hollow: do what? lol
[01/01/2015, 1:28:52 PM] Randi Harper: i know, right?
[01/01/2015, 1:28:54 PM] Randi Harper: they want me to be on their side.
[01/01/2015, 1:28:55 PM] Athena Hollow: hahaha
[01/01/2015, 1:28:55 PM] Ian Cheong: rofl
[01/01/2015, 1:28:57 PM] Randi Harper: because it's "harassment"
[01/01/2015, 1:28:57 PM] Athena Hollow: XD
[01/01/2015, 1:28:58 PM] Ian Cheong: you are not his keeper.
[01/01/2015, 1:29:03 PM] Athena Hollow: Dude went into BEN'S mentions
[01/01/2015, 1:29:09 PM] Ian Cheong: this dude has been harassing ben for hours
[01/01/2015, 1:29:13 PM] Tesseract: lol no let ben tear him apart
[01/01/2015, 1:29:18 PM] Remy: "I can't be homophobic, gay people follow me on Twitter"
[01/01/2015, 1:29:18 PM] Athena Hollow: that's like walking up to a random person on the street, yelling at them, and then claiming harassment when they yell back
[01/01/2015, 1:29:18 PM] Ian Cheong: ben told him to stop, he never did.
[01/01/2015, 1:29:46 PM] Randi Harper:
[01/01/2015, 1:29:59 PM] Athena Hollow: lol idiots
[01/01/2015, 1:30:00 PM] Veerender Jubbal:
[01/01/2015, 1:30:02 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Dead.
[01/01/2015, 1:30:03 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Look.
[01/01/2015, 1:30:22 PM] Athena Hollow: LOL WTF?
[01/01/2015, 1:31:04 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Veerender:
[01/01/2015, 1:31:05 PM] Randi Harper: so wait, they have an OP where their goal is just... to everyone tweet at once?
[01/01/2015, 1:31:06 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): got your back
[01/01/2015, 1:31:16 PM] Veerender Jubbal: smiles with mouth gaping
[01/01/2015, 1:31:33 PM] Athena Hollow: it's like what we did w/ #ChuckCJohnsonPoopedOnTheFloor that one day lol
[01/01/2015, 1:31:37 PM] Athena Hollow: not really an op per say
[01/01/2015, 1:31:39 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): This is my new favorite response to use against them. Hope you don't mind Veerender
[01/01/2015, 1:31:41 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :P
[01/01/2015, 1:31:48 PM] Athena Hollow: just using a site that schedules the tweets to go out at once
[01/01/2015, 1:31:51 PM] Athena Hollow: with a hashtag
[01/01/2015, 1:31:58 PM] Randi Harper: i still have no idea who chuck c Johnson is or why you guys keep talking about him pooping.
[01/01/2015, 1:31:59 PM] Remy: Quit dehumanizing me with your lustful gaze, Veerender
[01/01/2015, 1:32:08 PM] Remy: Remy steals hugs
[01/01/2015, 1:32:10 PM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 1:32:12 PM] Ian Cheong: Stop dehumanizing me with your eyes Veeren.
[01/01/2015, 1:32:20 PM] Veerender Jubbal: picture of Veerender flirting
[01/01/2015, 1:32:37 PM] Tesseract: chuck c johnson is a shitty "journalist" who is a fan of return of kings and outing rape victims and also the ferguson police
[01/01/2015, 1:32:44 PM] Athena Hollow: Johnson is a shitty wannabe journalist that has incorrectly doxxed people several times; latest issue was him losing shit about that Rolling Stone article & the woman who was in it....
[01/01/2015, 1:32:51 PM] Athena Hollow: and then doxxed the wrong woman AGAIN
[01/01/2015, 1:33:02 PM] Ian Cheong: He outed the wrong women.
[01/01/2015, 1:33:03 PM] Tesseract: he's also the biggest fucking idiot
[01/01/2015, 1:33:07 PM] Ian Cheong: Caused them to receive death and rape threats.
[01/01/2015, 1:33:08 PM] Athena Hollow: He uses lots of "I can't prove this is wrong, so I'm going to say it might be right"
[01/01/2015, 1:33:12 PM] Randi Harper: LOL
[01/01/2015, 1:33:15 PM] Randi Harper: THE TIMING ON MY BOT
[01/01/2015, 1:33:16 PM] Randi Harper: GOOD GOD
[01/01/2015, 1:33:17 PM] Randi Harper:
[01/01/2015, 1:33:18 PM] Ian Cheong: Bad enough that he planned on outing a gang rape victim.
[01/01/2015, 1:33:21 PM] Tesseract: BLOOD LIBEL
[01/01/2015, 1:33:23 PM] Athena Hollow: so someone said they went to school w/ him and that they remember he may have pooped on the floor in college
[01/01/2015, 1:33:26 PM] Remy: Your bot is eerie Randi
[01/01/2015, 1:33:32 PM] Ian Cheong: Hahaahahahh wow Randi
[01/01/2015, 1:33:33 PM] Remy: I think you've put in more intelligence than you let on
[01/01/2015, 1:33:33 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Randi, your bot scares me
[01/01/2015, 1:33:34 PM] Ian Cheong: that is really eerie
[01/01/2015, 1:33:39 PM] Athena Hollow: LMAO
[01/01/2015, 1:33:48 PM] Remy: Like if you're hiding AI b/c you think the government can't handle it that's fine I trust you
[01/01/2015, 1:33:52 PM] Randi Harper: i'm retweeting it so GG loses their shit and thinks i had something to do with this.
[01/01/2015, 1:34:00 PM] Veerender Jubbal: My mentions are so hilarious!
[01/01/2015, 1:34:02 PM] Remy: And frankly I welcome our robot overlords and hope they will be able to solve humanity's genocide problems
[01/01/2015, 1:34:03 PM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[01/01/2015, 1:34:11 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Did you know this was the second time I used my hashtag.
[01/01/2015, 1:34:14 PM] Athena Hollow: they will... by killing us all.
[01/01/2015, 1:34:17 PM] Veerender Jubbal: One at start--one at end.
[01/01/2015, 1:34:17 PM] Athena Hollow: that's the only way to be sure.
[01/01/2015, 1:34:19 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): RANDI.
[01/01/2015, 1:34:20 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): HELP
[01/01/2015, 1:34:25 PM] Ian Cheong: TB claims that a PR manager handles his twitter account
[01/01/2015, 1:34:27 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[01/01/2015, 1:34:30 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): THIS IS SCARY
[01/01/2015, 1:34:31 PM] Athena Hollow: HAHAHHAHHAHAH
[01/01/2015, 1:34:31 PM] Ian Cheong: much lies, very deception
[01/01/2015, 1:34:34 PM] Athena Hollow: no fuckin way
[01/01/2015, 1:34:35 PM] Athena Hollow: XD
[01/01/2015, 1:34:39 PM] Athena Hollow: That'd be a fucking fired pr manager
[01/01/2015, 1:34:47 PM] Randi Harper: haha
[01/01/2015, 1:34:49 PM] Randi Harper: i love my bot
[01/01/2015, 1:35:02 PM] Athena Hollow: hahahahahah
[01/01/2015, 1:35:11 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: We’ve investigated and suspended the account you reported as it was found to be participating in abusive behavior.
[01/01/2015, 1:35:16 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: wow, I've never seen that before
[01/01/2015, 1:35:21 PM] Remy: huh
[01/01/2015, 1:35:31 PM] Ian Cheong: WOW
[01/01/2015, 1:35:32 PM] Ian Cheong: Who?
[01/01/2015, 1:35:34 PM] Athena Hollow: which one?
[01/01/2015, 1:35:35 PM] Ian Cheong: What account?
[01/01/2015, 1:35:44 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: is this one of those thing where you have to be under 5% of your HP and get a 20 on an attack roll?
[01/01/2015, 1:35:49 PM] Athena Hollow: LOLOL
[01/01/2015, 1:35:51 PM] Remy: Randi can I RT that hilarious bot's hilarious tweet?
[01/01/2015, 1:35:53 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: OcculassReturns
[01/01/2015, 1:35:56 PM] Athena Hollow: oh thank god
[01/01/2015, 1:35:58 PM] Ian Cheong: Oh nice
[01/01/2015, 1:36:01 PM] Athena Hollow: i'm 99% sure that was thriff
[01/01/2015, 1:36:04 PM] Randi Harper:
[01/01/2015, 1:36:08 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[01/01/2015, 1:36:10 PM] Randi Harper: RT away :P
[01/01/2015, 1:36:24 PM] Athena Hollow: because no one fucking else spells oculus like an asshoole.
[01/01/2015, 1:36:40 PM] Remy: lol everyone is loving that tweet
[01/01/2015, 1:36:49 PM] Remy: what a new year
[01/01/2015, 1:37:18 PM] Athena Hollow: ok i need to go take a hot bath to thaw my stupid fingers
[01/01/2015, 1:37:20 PM] Athena Hollow: bbiab.
[01/01/2015, 1:37:20 PM] Ian Cheong: colluuusssionnnnnnnnn
[01/01/2015, 1:37:31 PM] Charloppe: someone say sex?
[01/01/2015, 1:37:32 PM] Remy: Has anyone noticed that that RedHurricane person switched their profile from saying they work at Dicks sporting goods to saying they work at DC Comics?
[01/01/2015, 1:38:02 PM] Randi Harper:
[01/01/2015, 1:38:05 PM] Randi Harper: who are they talking about now?
[01/01/2015, 1:38:11 PM] Remy: omg Sarah they are trying to kill you with math
[01/01/2015, 1:38:35 PM] Charloppe: she be sleeping :/
[01/01/2015, 1:38:52 PM] Ian Cheong:
[01/01/2015, 1:39:48 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): WTF. Randi's bot is evil tonight:
[01/01/2015, 1:40:00 PM] Charloppe: thought the lines were suppose to be red
[01/01/2015, 1:40:16 PM] Randi Harper: hahaha
[01/01/2015, 1:40:17 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Crying in my mentions.
[01/01/2015, 1:40:23 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Like, I am drinking this.
[01/01/2015, 1:40:30 PM] Randi Harper: so a bunch of totalballsack followers are all up in my mentions
[01/01/2015, 1:40:33 PM] Randi Harper: TB wants to be on the sourcelist.
[01/01/2015, 1:40:38 PM] Charloppe: pls share the tears veerender
[01/01/2015, 1:40:39 PM] Ian Cheong: dont put him on the sourcelist
[01/01/2015, 1:40:43 PM] Remy: I'd better pull up TweetDeck
[01/01/2015, 1:40:56 PM] Remy: I think I set up a column just to watch abusive people show up in Veerender's mentions
[01/01/2015, 1:41:10 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Yo!
[01/01/2015, 1:41:12 PM] Ian Cheong: if you put him on the sourcelist too many non-GGers will end up on the blocker.
[01/01/2015, 1:41:13 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Look at this!
[01/01/2015, 1:41:21 PM] Ian Cheong: and it'll become useless
[01/01/2015, 1:41:41 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Veerender, amazing
[01/01/2015, 1:41:56 PM] Ian Cheong: The sourcelist is fine as it is.
[01/01/2015, 1:42:35 PM] Tesseract: add him to the "unremarkable blocks" list
[01/01/2015, 1:42:40 PM] Tesseract: a separate list just for him
[01/01/2015, 1:42:42 PM] Randi Harper: get fucked, TB.
[01/01/2015, 1:42:59 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ^5
[01/01/2015, 1:43:05 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Did you all see that TB used "transgendered"?
[01/01/2015, 1:43:10 PM] Remy: uh oh
[01/01/2015, 1:43:11 PM] Tesseract: if adam baldwin fucks up the sourcelist with 100k less followers tb would be a bad idea
[01/01/2015, 1:43:14 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Yep.
[01/01/2015, 1:43:19 PM] Veerender Jubbal: It was recent.
[01/01/2015, 1:43:19 PM] Randi Harper: he doesn't.
[01/01/2015, 1:43:22 PM] Randi Harper: why do people still think that?
[01/01/2015, 1:43:23 PM] Veerender Jubbal: This week, I think.
[01/01/2015, 1:43:26 PM] Randi Harper: i should write a blog post or something
[01/01/2015, 1:43:28 PM] Charloppe: wat
[01/01/2015, 1:43:31 PM] Randi Harper: that was the first revision of the tool
[01/01/2015, 1:43:34 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I am totally younger than him, and I know better.
[01/01/2015, 1:43:41 PM] Randi Harper: i can pull down about 300k followers/second now.
[01/01/2015, 1:43:45 PM] Ian Cheong: VEeren its an easy mistake to make.
[01/01/2015, 1:43:49 PM] Randi Harper: if i wanted to expand this, i could. easily.
[01/01/2015, 1:43:49 PM] Tesseract: ok replace "fucks up" with "is useless for"
[01/01/2015, 1:43:58 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Okay.
[01/01/2015, 1:44:07 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): GG is really going all out tonight
[01/01/2015, 1:44:13 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): they are so upset at us
[01/01/2015, 1:44:22 PM] Charloppe: is he saying stupid things regarding trans things?
[01/01/2015, 1:46:16 PM] Veerender Jubbal: So, this went big... :
[01/01/2015, 1:46:37 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Again...
[01/01/2015, 1:47:01 PM] Charloppe: over you tweeting the hastag
[01/01/2015, 1:47:06 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[01/01/2015, 1:47:15 PM] Charloppe: gotta admit thats gotta be a talent
[01/01/2015, 1:47:21 PM] Veerender Jubbal: The only difference of the first time--I added a period.
[01/01/2015, 1:47:38 PM] Ian Cheong: cool
[01/01/2015, 1:47:39 PM] Ian Cheong:
[01/01/2015, 1:47:46 PM] Ian Cheong:
[01/01/2015, 1:47:48 PM] Randi Harper: is TB really so oblivious as to the type of social impact he has with his circle jerk crew of misfits?
[01/01/2015, 1:47:48 PM] Ian Cheong: stillGAY
[01/01/2015, 1:47:50 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): OMG Baronesa followed me <3
[01/01/2015, 1:48:01 PM] Randi Harper: i mean as far as annoying little gnats go, he's got a lot of them.
[01/01/2015, 1:48:20 PM] Charloppe: stillamazing
[01/01/2015, 1:48:26 PM] Randi Harper: when i mention someone's name on twitter, i'm pretty careful and hyper aware that it can bring them a shitton of notifications in certain context, and I've only got a fraction of the followers he has.
[01/01/2015, 1:48:29 PM] Randi Harper: he can't be this dumb.
[01/01/2015, 1:48:31 PM] Ian Cheong: Thanks char :D
[01/01/2015, 1:48:37 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Randi, this is literally what happened today:
[01/01/2015, 1:48:50 PM] Charloppe: :D
[01/01/2015, 1:48:58 PM] Randi Harper: sigh
[01/01/2015, 1:48:59 PM] Randi Harper: yeah
[01/01/2015, 1:49:04 PM] Remy: lol okay so apparently my husband is just now telling me that his aunt is Will Ferrel's hair dresser
[01/01/2015, 1:49:05 PM] Randi Harper: i talked to the person running the stream briefly. :(
[01/01/2015, 1:49:45 PM] Remy: how did they do?
[01/01/2015, 1:49:47 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Tess is friends with them, I think
[01/01/2015, 1:49:51 PM] Remy: Is there anything we can do to help?
[01/01/2015, 1:50:16 PM] Tesseract: durp?
[01/01/2015, 1:50:33 PM] Tesseract: I don't know him, I'm friends with two of the other scotdrop guys
[01/01/2015, 1:51:31 PM] Tesseract: and also psychadelic eyeball likes me but I don't know if he was involved in this particular stream
[01/01/2015, 1:51:59 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Psychadelic Eyeball used to be in this chat, why did they leave?
[01/01/2015, 1:52:08 PM] Tesseract: he was sick of hearing about gg constantly
[01/01/2015, 1:52:13 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ah
[01/01/2015, 1:56:50 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Me, right now:
[01/01/2015, 1:57:39 PM] Remy: lol I had to tweet that pic out earlier, too :3
[01/01/2015, 1:57:46 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): <3 Veerender
[01/01/2015, 1:57:49 PM] Remy: I said it was a new sports drink to quench your thirst... for justice
[01/01/2015, 1:57:53 PM] Veerender Jubbal: sniggers
[01/01/2015, 1:59:13 PM] Charloppe: happy new year you bunch of eeeeeevil sjws
[01/01/2015, 1:59:20 PM] Remy: <3
[01/01/2015, 1:59:30 PM] Veerender Jubbal: That is us!
[01/01/2015, 1:59:41 PM] Veerender Jubbal: hugs Charlotte
[01/01/2015, 1:59:42 PM] Charloppe: Yus :D
[01/01/2015, 1:59:46 PM] Charloppe: d'aaw
[01/01/2015, 1:59:48 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Evil SJH, here.
[01/01/2015, 1:59:50 PM] Charloppe: Charloppe hugs back
[01/01/2015, 2:00:00 PM] Charloppe: ]\\\\\\\\
[01/01/2015, 2:00:12 PM] Charloppe: from my cat
[01/01/2015, 2:00:47 PM] Tesseract: I queued up a happy new year post at 3am to make it look like I live on the west coast
[01/01/2015, 2:00:51 PM] Tesseract: advanced anti-doxxing tactics
[01/01/2015, 2:00:55 PM] Remy: Image
[01/01/2015, 2:00:59 PM] Remy: Cultural Marxists
[01/01/2015, 2:01:03 PM] Remy: All of them
[01/01/2015, 2:01:05 PM] Randi Harper: #rekt
[01/01/2015, 2:01:16 PM] Veerender Jubbal: #RektForLife.
[01/01/2015, 2:01:24 PM] Tesseract: ha
[01/01/2015, 2:01:40 PM] Remy: And two whole women characters, three if you count Gaia? That's WAY too many. OBVIOUSLY SJW collusion
[01/01/2015, 2:01:45 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I am playing Clicker Heroes, and you already read "rekt" when you kill a monster.
[01/01/2015, 2:01:50 PM] Veerender Jubbal: always*
[01/01/2015, 2:02:05 PM] Remy: "female" sorry my inner Ferengi came out there
[01/01/2015, 2:02:38 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Why are they not all white?! Pure SJW tactic.
[01/01/2015, 2:03:11 PM] Randi Harper: 89463 redis         1  27    0  4720M  2979M swread  0   3:41  12.99% redis-server
[01/01/2015, 2:03:13 PM] Randi Harper: ffffffffffffffffffff
[01/01/2015, 2:03:18 PM] Randi Harper: catch up, redis.
[01/01/2015, 2:03:33 PM] Remy: My new years resolution is to clean up my downloads folder and my desktop
[01/01/2015, 2:03:39 PM] Remy: And maybe reformat my hard drive
[01/01/2015, 2:04:38 PM] Veerender Jubbal: My friend right now: "I still read the abbreviation "TB" as Tuberculosis so."
[01/01/2015, 2:04:58 PM] Quinnae: hugs Veerender
[01/01/2015, 2:05:05 PM] Quinnae: Also, Randi, you remain my hero.
[01/01/2015, 2:06:03 PM] Randi Harper: <3
[01/01/2015, 2:06:05 PM] Randi Harper: so uh
[01/01/2015, 2:06:06 PM] Randi Harper:
[01/01/2015, 2:06:13 PM] Randi Harper: who has 390k people?
[01/01/2015, 2:06:36 PM] Ian Cheong: He does, I guess.
[01/01/2015, 2:06:44 PM] Randi Harper: oh.
[01/01/2015, 2:06:46 PM] Tesseract: looooooooooooooooooooooooooool
[01/01/2015, 2:06:48 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I should be fine, Katherine. hugs
[01/01/2015, 2:06:54 PM] Randi Harper: i guess he hasn't figured out how to track actual engagements with tweets, yet. that's cute.
[01/01/2015, 2:06:55 PM] Remy: 390k people, but not a single comma to spare
[01/01/2015, 2:07:01 PM] Charloppe: for 2015 you guys can become even more evil sjws
[01/01/2015, 2:07:06 PM] Randi Harper: man, no wonder TB is lashing out.
[01/01/2015, 2:07:10 PM] Randi Harper: he's got an ego the size of mars
[01/01/2015, 2:07:14 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I get to heal us so we can be more evil.
[01/01/2015, 2:07:20 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Like, DPS evil heals.
[01/01/2015, 2:07:22 PM] Randi Harper: and to hear someone say "no thank you, i do not want your help with this good thing i am doing" had to have just wrecked him
[01/01/2015, 2:07:23 PM] Randi Harper: lol
[01/01/2015, 2:07:28 PM] Remy: Image
[01/01/2015, 2:07:30 PM] Charloppe: needs more evil
[01/01/2015, 2:07:30 PM] Remy: lol when did this happen
[01/01/2015, 2:07:32 PM] Charloppe: and gay
[01/01/2015, 2:07:46 PM] Remy: NO TB WE COULD HAVE BEEN FRIENDS
[01/01/2015, 2:08:08 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Hahahahaha!
[01/01/2015, 2:08:12 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Scrub for life.
[01/01/2015, 2:08:16 PM] Randi Harper: ok so first, TB is like "blockbots based on guilt by association are dumb"
[01/01/2015, 2:08:16 PM] Randi Harper:
[01/01/2015, 2:08:20 PM] Tesseract: I've got no less than 11 gamergate leaders blocking me
[01/01/2015, 2:08:23 PM] Randi Harper: and THEN he's like "add me to the blockbot plz"
[01/01/2015, 2:08:26 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Crapped on my hashtag hard, and could not reply when I called him out.
[01/01/2015, 2:08:33 PM] Randi Harper: i don't usually use this phrase because it's not something i approve of
[01/01/2015, 2:08:36 PM] Randi Harper: but it's fitting in this case.
[01/01/2015, 2:08:39 PM] Randi Harper: what a fucking attention whore.
[01/01/2015, 2:09:03 PM] Veerender Jubbal: "That hashtag went nowhere!" It went on the front of the New York Times, buddy.
[01/01/2015, 2:09:37 PM] Charloppe: meh i say let him have his temper tantrum
[01/01/2015, 2:09:40 PM] Randi Harper: no they won't. not unless i add someone else not relevant to GG. one person won't get me that many false positives.
[01/01/2015, 2:09:49 PM] Randi Harper: really, he wouldn't hurt the blockbot. but it's setting a bad precedent.
[01/01/2015, 2:10:25 PM] Randi Harper: he doesn't post exclusively about GG. he's an asshole, but he's not posting our home addresses on the internet. a lot of his followers are not gamergate related, as evidenced by his follower count.
[01/01/2015, 2:10:33 PM] Ian Cheong: Yeah
[01/01/2015, 2:10:40 PM] Remy: lol
[01/01/2015, 2:10:45 PM] Remy: Veerender* I owe you so many high fives
[01/01/2015, 2:10:50 PM] Remy: Your palm must be burning from the latent energy
[01/01/2015, 2:10:55 PM] Remy: Veerender*
[01/01/2015, 2:10:57 PM] Remy: autcorrect
[01/01/2015, 2:11:02 PM] Veerender Jubbal: sniggers
[01/01/2015, 2:11:13 PM] Remy: GODDAMIT APPLE
[01/01/2015, 2:11:23 PM] Ian Cheong: god what an idiot:
[01/01/2015, 2:11:27 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Yo, that white boy could not reply to me when I called him out.
[01/01/2015, 2:11:49 PM] Randi Harper:
[01/01/2015, 2:11:49 PM] Randi Harper: o_O
[01/01/2015, 2:11:50 PM] Ian Cheong: "people in east asia still have a few hours to #stopgamergate2014. do your worst, @arthur_affect and @stillgray"
[01/01/2015, 2:11:56 PM] Randi Harper: popehat's account is now protected. that's weird.
[01/01/2015, 2:12:00 PM] Ian Cheong: actually we celebrated 2015 way before you folks
[01/01/2015, 2:12:04 PM] Remy: lol
[01/01/2015, 2:12:08 PM] Remy: They don't understand the time zone
[01/01/2015, 2:12:16 PM] Remy: XD
[01/01/2015, 2:13:12 PM] Ian Cheong:
[01/01/2015, 2:15:50 PM] Ian Cheong: wow
[01/01/2015, 2:15:53 PM] Charloppe: timezones
[01/01/2015, 2:15:58 PM] Charloppe: how the fuck do they work?
[01/01/2015, 2:16:00 PM] Ian Cheong:
[01/01/2015, 2:16:04 PM] Ian Cheong: what a fuckin tool
[01/01/2015, 2:16:05 PM] Remy: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[01/01/2015, 2:16:10 PM] Ian Cheong: if someone wants to call him out go right ahead
[01/01/2015, 2:16:15 PM] Remy: In what direction does time flow again?
[01/01/2015, 2:16:16 PM] Ian Cheong: that is racist as fuck and i cant be dealing with that on new years
[01/01/2015, 2:16:40 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Did you know Mundane Matt said something racist about Mexicans.
[01/01/2015, 2:16:44 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Fucking white men.
[01/01/2015, 2:16:48 PM] Ian Cheong: doesnt surprise me
[01/01/2015, 2:17:07 PM] Charloppe: mundane matt says lots of stupid
[01/01/2015, 2:19:30 PM] Tesseract: mundane matt is not a smart man
[01/01/2015, 2:19:44 PM] Ian Cheong: Have you heard his rant on feminists?
[01/01/2015, 2:19:50 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I bodied him.
[01/01/2015, 2:19:52 PM] Remy: I'm sure it was enlightening
[01/01/2015, 2:20:11 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Good try targetting me, dawg.
[01/01/2015, 2:20:59 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ian:
[01/01/2015, 2:21:07 PM] Ian Cheong: good stuff izzy
[01/01/2015, 2:21:13 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ha, thanks
[01/01/2015, 2:22:30 PM] Ian Cheong:
[01/01/2015, 2:22:35 PM] Charloppe: I listened to a few of his "insights" of femnists with sarah before.
[01/01/2015, 2:22:55 PM] Charloppe: it was not a very funny comedy
[01/01/2015, 2:23:36 PM] Charloppe: I do laugh that sargon think feminists control the world tho
[01/01/2015, 2:24:33 PM] Charloppe: DiGRA for the new world order!
[01/01/2015, 2:24:53 PM] Athena Hollow: lol I just read your subtweets about TB, Randi. I love you. LOL
[01/01/2015, 2:24:57 PM] Ian Cheong: Hahahaa Izzy
[01/01/2015, 2:25:00 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[01/01/2015, 2:25:06 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): he's a complete idiot
[01/01/2015, 2:25:07 PM] Ian Cheong: I saw.
[01/01/2015, 2:25:10 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :P
[01/01/2015, 2:25:56 PM] Ian Cheong: I'm waiting for my tonguebite to heal so I can smoke more pipe
[01/01/2015, 2:26:01 PM] Ian Cheong: hurts like a mother
[01/01/2015, 2:26:36 PM] Charloppe: btw
[01/01/2015, 2:26:46 PM] Charloppe: how did you all take over the world?
[01/01/2015, 2:27:36 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Yo!
[01/01/2015, 2:27:47 PM] Veerender Jubbal: People keep wishing me luck for 2016.
[01/01/2015, 2:27:54 PM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 2:27:57 PM] Charloppe: lololol
[01/01/2015, 2:28:42 PM] Randi Harper: <3 athena
[01/01/2015, 2:28:57 PM] Randi Harper: not really sure if they are considered subtweets if i addressed him directly. ;)
[01/01/2015, 2:29:03 PM] Randi Harper: because fuck. him.
[01/01/2015, 2:29:09 PM] Randi Harper: i'm sick of his ego inconveniencing me.
[01/01/2015, 2:29:18 PM] Athena Hollow: lol well I mean, I didn't see his screen name or name, so I call em subtweets LOL
[01/01/2015, 2:29:21 PM] Athena Hollow: but yeah.
[01/01/2015, 2:29:29 PM] Randi Harper: btw, pitch perfect and a shitton of other movies are <$10 on iTunes store
[01/01/2015, 2:29:32 PM] Athena Hollow: it was obvious who it was about
[01/01/2015, 2:29:45 PM] Athena Hollow: kind of like whenever we reference them by a dumb play on their stupid nicknames
[01/01/2015, 2:30:03 PM] Randi Harper: what i don't think he gets is that half of my followers have absolutely no idea who he is. he's used to being the center of the universe.
[01/01/2015, 2:30:26 PM] Athena Hollow: i had no idea who he was till October LOL
[01/01/2015, 2:30:47 PM] Athena Hollow: but yeah, his fucking ego man. that shit pissed me right the fuck off.
[01/01/2015, 2:30:59 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): My new years tweet is gonna be funny :3
[01/01/2015, 2:32:45 PM] Peter Coffin: Ahoy hoy
[01/01/2015, 2:32:51 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): hey
[01/01/2015, 2:32:51 PM] Athena Hollow: hey peter
[01/01/2015, 2:32:54 PM] Athena Hollow: happy new year <3
[01/01/2015, 2:33:05 PM] Peter Coffin: Same to you!
[01/01/2015, 2:33:09 PM] Ian Cheong: happy new year peter
[01/01/2015, 2:33:24 PM] Peter Coffin: Same to you Ian
[01/01/2015, 2:33:32 PM] Peter Coffin: Same to everyone!
[01/01/2015, 2:33:32 PM] Athena Hollow: LOL everyone is punning up about that dumbshit racist fuckhead
[01/01/2015, 2:33:37 PM] Ian Cheong: lol
[01/01/2015, 2:33:39 PM] Randi Harper: happy new year peter :)
[01/01/2015, 2:33:45 PM] Athena Hollow:
[01/01/2015, 2:33:47 PM] Randi Harper: squeee. this is gonna be here Saturday. so excite.
[01/01/2015, 2:33:51 PM] Randi Harper: WONDER WOMAN.
[01/01/2015, 2:33:53 PM] Veerender Jubbal: They keep wishing me luck!.
[01/01/2015, 2:33:57 PM] Athena Hollow: hahaha
[01/01/2015, 2:34:02 PM] Veerender Jubbal:
[01/01/2015, 2:34:02 PM] Peter Coffin: Thanks randi, you too!
[01/01/2015, 2:34:03 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Look.
[01/01/2015, 2:34:07 PM] Veerender Jubbal: hugs Peter
[01/01/2015, 2:34:16 PM] Peter Coffin: Hugs back vj
[01/01/2015, 2:34:17 PM] Randi Harper: the only good thing to ever come out of DC.
[01/01/2015, 2:34:28 PM] Athena Hollow: hey the gotham tv show isn't terrible.
[01/01/2015, 2:34:31 PM] Athena Hollow: but yeah.
[01/01/2015, 2:34:47 PM] Randi Harper: i don't really like gotham. DC comics are always so dark and depressing.
[01/01/2015, 2:35:05 PM] Ian Cheong: A friend of mine doesn't like Wonder Woman because she says that WW's weakness is a man tying her up.
[01/01/2015, 2:35:13 PM] Peter Coffin: I just wanted to stop in and say happy new year to everyone, going to spend some quality time with my wife, love you all and see you soon
[01/01/2015, 2:35:19 PM] Ian Cheong: I don't read WW so  Idon't know how much truth to that there is
[01/01/2015, 2:35:23 PM] Athena Hollow: yeah, gotham is like the only DC thing I really enjoy. I don't hate the other stuff, but I grew up a marvel girl >_>
[01/01/2015, 2:35:27 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Take care!
[01/01/2015, 2:35:35 PM] Ian Cheong: Take care Peter.
[01/01/2015, 2:35:36 PM] Randi Harper: marvel 4ever
[01/01/2015, 2:35:40 PM] Peter Coffin: You too!
[01/01/2015, 2:35:43 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Kamala Khan is best character!
[01/01/2015, 2:35:43 PM] Ian Cheong: Vertigo forever.
[01/01/2015, 2:35:44 PM] Athena Hollow: Have fun!
[01/01/2015, 2:35:54 PM] Randi Harper: i can't find any good marvel jigsaw puzzles though.
[01/01/2015, 2:35:56 PM] Tesseract: anyone got a link to that common core conspiracy
[01/01/2015, 2:35:58 PM] Athena Hollow: I've got like 3 different fucking Jubilee cosplays lined up for the next 2 years LOL
[01/01/2015, 2:36:02 PM] Randi Harper: DC always has better schwag.
[01/01/2015, 2:36:06 PM] Peter Coffin: I'm really glad I met you all, thanks to everyone for being wonderful
[01/01/2015, 2:36:08 PM] Athena Hollow: <3
[01/01/2015, 2:36:17 PM] Tesseract: nvm found it
[01/01/2015, 2:36:17 PM] Ian Cheong: here tesseract
[01/01/2015, 2:36:20 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Aww.
[01/01/2015, 2:36:31 PM] Tesseract: oh this is something entirely different haha
[01/01/2015, 2:36:43 PM] Athena Hollow: hahahaha oh god there's more than one?!
[01/01/2015, 2:36:44 PM] Athena Hollow: XD
[01/01/2015, 2:36:46 PM] Athena Hollow: CONSPIRACY!
[01/01/2015, 2:36:49 PM] Randi Harper: <3
[01/01/2015, 2:37:32 PM] Tesseract:
[01/01/2015, 2:37:38 PM] Athena Hollow: God, I fucking love taking their stupid words and using them against them. The fact that nearly everything they've come up with has been made memeworthy is just amazing
[01/01/2015, 2:37:52 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Randi, thank you very much for doing that screenshot of GG talking crap about me a few days ago. You are the best. hugs
[01/01/2015, 2:38:40 PM] Tesseract: is this a dramatic reading
[01/01/2015, 2:38:58 PM] Tesseract: or is someone actually saying this
[01/01/2015, 2:39:08 PM] Athena Hollow: lol poe's law
[01/01/2015, 2:39:08 PM] Ian Cheong: im not sure
[01/01/2015, 2:39:25 PM] Ian Cheong: lol yeah poe's law basically
[01/01/2015, 2:39:29 PM] Tesseract: I think it's a dramatic reading
[01/01/2015, 2:39:32 PM] Ian Cheong: What's everyone's opinion of Jack Daniels
[01/01/2015, 2:39:41 PM] Ian Cheong: the drink, not the person
[01/01/2015, 2:39:42 PM] Athena Hollow: the drink?
[01/01/2015, 2:39:44 PM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[01/01/2015, 2:39:55 PM] Athena Hollow: Eh, I'm a rum girl. Specifically Kraken.
[01/01/2015, 2:40:18 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): 1 hour 20 minutes early. but fuck it. lol.

[01/01/2015, 2:40:20 PM] Athena Hollow: But the more expensive stuff by JD isn't bad
[01/01/2015, 2:40:37 PM] Athena Hollow: LOL Izzy XD
[01/01/2015, 2:40:55 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): XD
[01/01/2015, 2:40:58 PM] Ian Cheong: rofl
[01/01/2015, 2:41:27 PM] Randi Harper: i don't remember any screenshot but i probably did it. they are badbutts. :P
[01/01/2015, 2:41:32 PM] Randi Harper: <- wow that change in tone
[01/01/2015, 2:41:34 PM] Randi Harper: wth
[01/01/2015, 2:42:00 PM] Athena Hollow: ...
[01/01/2015, 2:42:05 PM] Athena Hollow: people are dumb.
[01/01/2015, 2:42:33 PM] Ian Cheong: Biscuit thinks that by saying 'dont harass people' he washes his hands clean of gator terrorism
[01/01/2015, 2:43:26 PM] Athena Hollow: well that's not surprising.
[01/01/2015, 2:43:34 PM] Ian Cheong: gosh darn this is a beautiful pipe.
[01/01/2015, 2:43:35 PM] Athena Hollow: but he shit a brick when someone called him out the other day
[01/01/2015, 2:43:37 PM] Randi Harper: i'm talking to durpSA. sounds like he needs some distracting fire.
[01/01/2015, 2:43:47 PM] Athena Hollow: even wrote a goddamn twitlonger about it
[01/01/2015, 2:43:52 PM] Randi Harper: hoping that me poking the TB hornet's nest will help. look, something blue and shiny!
[01/01/2015, 2:44:01 PM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 2:44:08 PM] Athena Hollow: are they STILL coming down on durp?
[01/01/2015, 2:44:14 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): of course they are
[01/01/2015, 2:44:18 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :(
[01/01/2015, 2:44:33 PM] Athena Hollow: yeah, hrm. I wonder why they didn't fucking want anything to do with TB.
[01/01/2015, 2:44:35 PM] Athena Hollow: goddamn.
[01/01/2015, 2:44:40 PM] Ian Cheong: (facepalm)
[01/01/2015, 2:45:01 PM] Charloppe: for 2015 can we make it where if you join the sjw hivemind you get a free toaster?
[01/01/2015, 2:45:15 PM] Veerender Jubbal: The game awards were rigged.
[01/01/2015, 2:45:30 PM] Ian Cheong: Who cares.
[01/01/2015, 2:45:54 PM] Veerender Jubbal: It matters because it puts hhim in a higher position as a GGer.
[01/01/2015, 2:47:06 PM] Tesseract: version 3, did I miss anything
[01/01/2015, 2:47:17 PM] Athena Hollow: lol
[01/01/2015, 2:47:34 PM] Athena Hollow: that "FBI somehow" is great
[01/01/2015, 2:47:45 PM] Athena Hollow: "Olliver Campbell's Uncle" XD
[01/01/2015, 2:47:51 PM] Tesseract: haha yess
[01/01/2015, 2:48:00 PM] Charloppe: oh my i was joking bout the new world order thing
[01/01/2015, 2:49:09 PM] Ian Cheong: rofl
[01/01/2015, 2:49:13 PM] Ian Cheong: that is a great chart brut
[01/01/2015, 2:51:13 PM] Ian Cheong: aw christ.
[01/01/2015, 2:51:13 PM] Ian Cheong:
[01/01/2015, 2:51:39 PM] Tesseract: oh I forgot bill gates at the top
[01/01/2015, 2:51:58 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): The fact that humans can cause stampedes is terrifying.
[01/01/2015, 2:52:35 PM] Ian Cheong: Local media say witnesses reported earlier seeing coupons, which at first glance looked like dollar bills, being thrown into the crowd which triggered the stampede.
[01/01/2015, 2:52:56 PM] Ian Cheong: Greed.
[01/01/2015, 2:53:04 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ugh
[01/01/2015, 2:53:48 PM] Ian Cheong: wow the comments
[01/01/2015, 2:53:51 PM] Ian Cheong: why the fuck did i read the comments.
[01/01/2015, 2:53:57 PM] Ian Cheong: "Good start for China, and I hope it only multiplies 1000000 fold! Stupid ugly dog eating filth!"
[01/01/2015, 2:54:19 PM] Ian Cheong: "Seriously some idiot threw some dollar notes and the money hungry monkeys went ape."
[01/01/2015, 2:54:24 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): "sum tin wong" ...
[01/01/2015, 2:54:33 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Have to go watch anime, but hope you all have a wonderful time with your day! Take care. I love you, immensely.
[01/01/2015, 2:54:44 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Love you, too, Veerender. Take care!
[01/01/2015, 2:54:50 PM] Ian Cheong: LAter Veeren
[01/01/2015, 3:00:11 PM] nicholas.boterf: Mind if I swipe that Common Core archive Tesseract? I somehow missed that shit.
[01/01/2015, 3:00:12 PM] Ian Cheong:
[01/01/2015, 3:00:35 PM] Athena Hollow: wtf
[01/01/2015, 3:00:46 PM] Tesseract: sure
[01/01/2015, 3:03:42 PM] Ian Cheong: Websites Of The Year:
TechRaptor- For trying to remember what it's like to think outside the hive mind.
[01/01/2015, 3:04:11 PM] Ian Cheong:
[01/01/2015, 3:04:15 PM] Ian Cheong: what the shit
[01/01/2015, 3:04:21 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL
[01/01/2015, 3:06:13 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: when a quality publication like alien pickle praises you
[01/01/2015, 3:06:17 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: you know you're doing it right
[01/01/2015, 3:06:39 PM] Ian Cheong: I dreamt my dog was licking my eyeball.
[01/01/2015, 3:06:55 PM] Tesseract:
[01/01/2015, 3:08:19 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): hahaha
[01/01/2015, 3:09:29 PM] Ian Cheong:
[01/01/2015, 3:09:55 PM] Athena Hollow: ...
[01/01/2015, 3:10:30 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): "totally not my story, I like rough sex with WOMEN. WOMEN. I PROMISE"
[01/01/2015, 3:10:33 PM] Tesseract: lol that's not even close to the worst shit he's written
[01/01/2015, 3:11:13 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: "make the woman put the condom on so you can blackmail her into not pressing charges re: rape later on"
[01/01/2015, 3:11:31 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: consensual sex one time means it could never be not consensual after that right
[01/01/2015, 3:11:33 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: thats how that works
[01/01/2015, 3:13:19 PM] Ian Cheong: If I had to guess, and I'm just speculating here, the sex that he had with the women who accused him of rape started out consensually
[01/01/2015, 3:13:30 PM] Ian Cheong: and then he went all Jian Ghomeshi on her against her will.
[01/01/2015, 3:14:02 PM] Athena Hollow: and I'm still goin w/ "Beyond the time he went to court for rape charges, he's never had sex because women find him repulsive and sad"
[01/01/2015, 3:15:32 PM] Charloppe: i made a mistake listening to this gg stream. came for lols but got transphobia and now I'm depressed
[01/01/2015, 3:15:41 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: what stream?
[01/01/2015, 3:15:43 PM] Ian Cheong: There's a stream going on?
[01/01/2015, 3:16:02 PM] Charloppe: its a recorded stream
[01/01/2015, 3:16:29 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: link? how'd trans stuff come up
[01/01/2015, 3:16:32 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ETHICS
[01/01/2015, 3:16:57 PM] Charloppe: its veemonro sarah
[01/01/2015, 3:17:20 PM] Charloppe: cause you know whenever brianna comes up
[01/01/2015, 3:17:31 PM] Randi Harper:
[01/01/2015, 3:17:34 PM] Randi Harper: well, that was unexpected and nice.
[01/01/2015, 3:17:44 PM] Charloppe:
[01/01/2015, 3:17:49 PM] Charloppe: look around 50mins
[01/01/2015, 3:18:33 PM] Athena Hollow: wow very unexpected
[01/01/2015, 3:18:33 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: oh, hey, aneidoru. she harassed me the other day
[01/01/2015, 3:18:44 PM] Charloppe: wow im not shocked
[01/01/2015, 3:19:04 PM] Charloppe: seriosuly everytime bri comes up
[01/01/2015, 3:19:35 PM] Charloppe: im getting sick of that and the dick getting chopped off comments they peddle
[01/01/2015, 3:20:42 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Is that really her voice? Sounds like a cartoon voice actor...
[01/01/2015, 3:21:01 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): o.o
[01/01/2015, 3:21:29 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ralph sounds as dumb as he writes
[01/01/2015, 3:21:32 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): o.o
[01/01/2015, 3:21:39 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): (I'm horrible)
[01/01/2015, 3:21:45 PM] Charloppe: that was my first thought
[01/01/2015, 3:21:50 PM] Charloppe: no these ppl are horrible
[01/01/2015, 3:24:08 PM] Charloppe: remember its ok to misgender someone if you dont know them personally
[01/01/2015, 3:24:37 PM] Randi Harper:
[01/01/2015, 3:24:38 PM] Randi Harper: what the fuck
[01/01/2015, 3:24:40 PM] Randi Harper: is this an OP
[01/01/2015, 3:24:42 PM] Randi Harper: OP CONFUSE RANDI
[01/01/2015, 3:25:01 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): o.o
[01/01/2015, 3:25:39 PM] Randi Harper: OP TEMPORARY SANITY
[01/01/2015, 3:25:46 PM] Charloppe: the girl in this stream makes me wanna punch a puppy
[01/01/2015, 3:26:00 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Charlotte, I know right? That can't possibly be her normal speaking voice
[01/01/2015, 3:26:13 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): She thinks she's some wizard from Harry Potter or something.
[01/01/2015, 3:26:21 PM] Charloppe: oh boy here comes srh
[01/01/2015, 3:26:30 PM] Charloppe: siiiiiiiigh
[01/01/2015, 3:26:33 PM] Charloppe: ikr
[01/01/2015, 3:26:37 PM] Charloppe: its so annoying
[01/01/2015, 3:26:39 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: where?
[01/01/2015, 3:26:55 PM] Charloppe: around 59 mins
[01/01/2015, 3:27:04 PM] Charloppe: hey
[01/01/2015, 3:27:14 PM] Charloppe: if you out a transvestite it apprently kills them
[01/01/2015, 3:27:19 PM] Charloppe: from the vid
[01/01/2015, 3:28:21 PM] Charloppe: this girls fucking voice christ
[01/01/2015, 3:28:32 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ralph is so dumb. o.o
[01/01/2015, 3:28:46 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): the way he talks is everything you'd expect
[01/01/2015, 3:28:56 PM] Charloppe: right!?
[01/01/2015, 3:28:57 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): this is weird
[01/01/2015, 3:29:31 PM] Randi Harper: broadcast_tower RT @SmegmaKing: I made the #GamerGate blacklist today, joining the ranks of @Nero and a guy that cut in front of @freebsdgirl at an all you⦠[550546765804367872]
FirstNSecond RT @rsmccain: September 1939, Goebbels denounces "Polish atrocities" that required a "counterattack" @freebsdgirl #GamerGate⦠[550548004823138305]
br00ke27 @CobaltCat_ED OK. @freebsdgirl can I borrow your hair-dye please? Your dog is not as important as me. [550550101870247936]
deaththrashkat @freebsdgirl @Totalbiscuit He didn't send anyone your way, he asked how to get on the anti gg block list and someone told him to ask you [550550309375070210]
HackersCantHide RT @yatteyaruze1: @freebsdgirl Randi you're the biggest fucking troll here girl. You're doing it right now even [550550687697080320]
KawaiiKiller666 @freebsdgirl Maybe you and I could smoke some meth and then go out and torture some animals later on? [550551120125259776]
deaththrashkat @freebsdgirl @Totalbiscuit that is a valid point, well said [550551725057540096]
EbolaChan_ RT @br00ke27: @CobaltCat_ED OK. @freebsdgirl can I borrow your hair-dye please? Your dog is not as important as me. [550551835346759680]
AllAboutRage @freebsdgirl You're here to be a fucking idiot, you were one from the day i first heard of you. You will be one all through 2015. [550552129400623105]
HackersCantHide @Totalbiscuit "Puppet account for @freebsdgirl" --> @Focks_MacLeod makes sense now. [550553462514003968]
[01/01/2015, 3:29:36 PM] Randi Harper: just some of the stuff from my monitor.
[01/01/2015, 3:29:45 PM] Randi Harper: first name = twitter name, last id in brackets is the tweet id.
[01/01/2015, 3:29:50 PM] Randi Harper: someone's mad.
[01/01/2015, 3:30:39 PM] Charloppe: sarah you telling lizzy to redact the statement about spacedad makes you a harasser
[01/01/2015, 3:30:52 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: yep
[01/01/2015, 3:31:05 PM] Charloppe: these ppl cant be this dumb
[01/01/2015, 3:32:33 PM] Charloppe: my ears
[01/01/2015, 3:34:00 PM] Tesseract: lol ralph
[01/01/2015, 3:34:06 PM] Tesseract: urrrrhhh yeahhh mann
[01/01/2015, 3:34:57 PM] Tesseract: oh god he sounds like he's trying a southern accent and failing
[01/01/2015, 3:35:15 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): sounds like the stereotypical stoner californian
[01/01/2015, 3:35:24 PM] Tesseract: yeah basically
[01/01/2015, 3:35:26 PM] Charloppe: the girls voice literally hurts my ears
[01/01/2015, 3:36:10 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Report:
[01/01/2015, 3:36:25 PM] Veerender Jubbal: TW.
[01/01/2015, 3:36:29 PM] Veerender Jubbal: It is very bad.
[01/01/2015, 3:36:39 PM] Ian Cheong: ralph sounds like a pothead.
[01/01/2015, 3:36:42 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ugh. that troll has been harassing people all day. I'm surprised they are still around.
[01/01/2015, 3:36:43 PM] Charloppe: that name
[01/01/2015, 3:36:46 PM] Charloppe: WTF
[01/01/2015, 3:36:57 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Just report, and do not read into it--it is bad.
[01/01/2015, 3:37:10 PM] Tesseract: somone do everyone a favor and register out LeeIahAIcorn and LeeIahAlcorn
[01/01/2015, 3:37:11 PM] Charloppe: fuck these ppl
[01/01/2015, 3:37:39 PM] Veerender Jubbal: That is about it.
[01/01/2015, 3:37:46 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Tess, I'll get on that
[01/01/2015, 3:37:56 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Like, there are other horrible people in my mentions--but that is a must to report.
[01/01/2015, 3:38:00 PM] Tesseract: add links to some article on them on said accounts
[01/01/2015, 3:38:02 PM] Tesseract: thanks izzy
[01/01/2015, 3:38:07 PM] Ian Cheong: aneidoru thinks ED has a better article on feminism and cultural marxism
[01/01/2015, 3:38:09 PM] Ian Cheong: how weird
[01/01/2015, 3:38:13 PM] Ian Cheong: these people live in bizarroworld.
[01/01/2015, 3:38:26 PM] Charloppe: i facepalmed so har hearing that
[01/01/2015, 3:39:32 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Fuck. both already taken
[01/01/2015, 3:39:58 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): but the accounts don't exist? what.
[01/01/2015, 3:40:02 PM] Tesseract: what
[01/01/2015, 3:41:09 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): yeah, Twitter's not letting me register them. Let me try a different browser
[01/01/2015, 3:41:18 PM] Ian Cheong: what names?
[01/01/2015, 3:41:30 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): On 01/01/2015, at 3:37 PM, Tesseract wrote:
> LeeIahAIcorn and LeeIahAlcorn

[01/01/2015, 3:41:45 PM] Tesseract: this guy got owned and now he's going crazy
[01/01/2015, 3:41:53 PM] Dan Olson: Happy New Year, everyone!
[01/01/2015, 3:42:04 PM] Tesseract: happy new year dan
[01/01/2015, 3:42:25 PM] Ian Cheong: Hey Dan
[01/01/2015, 3:42:26 PM] Ian Cheong: happy new year
[01/01/2015, 3:46:39 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Tess, look like those 2 usernames belong to deactivated accounts. someone grabbed them up. hopefully they had good intentions.
[01/01/2015, 3:53:03 PM] Charloppe: that was a painful vid
[01/01/2015, 3:53:08 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): hugs
[01/01/2015, 3:54:48 PM] Remy: I've been AFK have I missed anything?
[01/01/2015, 3:54:53 PM] Remy: And happy new year to everyone
[01/01/2015, 3:55:20 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Not really. just discussing how Ralph sounds as dumb as he writes...
[01/01/2015, 3:55:36 PM] Remy: friends are over and we are schmoozing
[01/01/2015, 3:55:39 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): which is mean to say, but that's how he sounds
[01/01/2015, 3:55:42 PM] Remy: broke out the champagne and OJ
[01/01/2015, 3:55:46 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ha
[01/01/2015, 3:55:47 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): nice
[01/01/2015, 3:55:52 PM] Remy: I prefer some OJ with my champaign lol
[01/01/2015, 3:56:08 PM] Remy: And now we're all just talking shit while I try to figure out redstone gadgets on Minecraft
[01/01/2015, 3:56:36 PM] Remy: I need to figure out how to rig and intermittent power supply so I can finish this automated railway
[01/01/2015, 3:57:02 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): huh. I've never played Minecraft
[01/01/2015, 3:57:12 PM] Remy: Neither had I until it was ported over to PS4
[01/01/2015, 3:57:17 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I see
[01/01/2015, 3:57:21 PM] Remy: And I was like 'hell yeah I've heard awesome things about this game'
[01/01/2015, 3:58:17 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): o.o LOL:
[01/01/2015, 3:59:20 PM] Ian Cheong:
[01/01/2015, 3:59:46 PM] Remy: Hey did Slade ever release FLEETcomm?
[01/01/2015, 3:59:51 PM] Ian Cheong: read this
[01/01/2015, 3:59:55 PM] Remy: It's almost 2015
[01/01/2015, 4:02:02 PM] Ian Cheong: I want to shoot everyone who makes that 'my resolution is 1024x768' joke
[01/01/2015, 4:02:43 PM] Remy: Izzy
[01/01/2015, 4:02:48 PM] Remy: Is Niko of Death a GGer?
[01/01/2015, 4:02:51 PM] Remy: They're blocked by me
[01/01/2015, 4:03:13 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I don't know. I think they are a third party troll
[01/01/2015, 4:03:23 PM] Remy: same thing to me
[01/01/2015, 4:03:30 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ah
[01/01/2015, 4:03:34 PM] Remy: Their motivations for joining GG are not my concern
[01/01/2015, 4:03:44 PM] Remy: It is their willful affiliation that labels them a threat
[01/01/2015, 4:04:17 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: niko is the mod of /gg/ that posted spam on the board and chased them off
[01/01/2015, 4:04:21 PM] Remy: If GG wanted to weed out the trolls and become a respectable association they could have done it months ago
[01/01/2015, 4:04:36 PM] Remy: Sarah: Who is "them"?
[01/01/2015, 4:04:43 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: all of gg
[01/01/2015, 4:04:48 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: that's why they migrated to /gamergate/
[01/01/2015, 4:04:53 PM] Remy: Ah
[01/01/2015, 4:05:20 PM] Remy: I recall seeing a shitty infographic or tweet where someone in GG claimed that the 'original' boards were defaced by third party trolls
[01/01/2015, 4:05:40 PM] Remy: I wasn't lending it any credence but neither was I actively doubting it so I am not surprised if it has some degree of truth to it
[01/01/2015, 4:06:06 PM] Remy: Again, I careth not, that be not my division
[01/01/2015, 4:06:13 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Connection went all screwy on me but yeah, the Maddy/Samantha/Giant Bomb thing is one of the more petty and effective of proto-GGs many ops
[01/01/2015, 4:07:30 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Also the "spam that ruined /gg/" is actually a stable attack on Zoe with some camouflage.
[01/01/2015, 4:07:56 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): b/c of course it is :/
[01/01/2015, 4:11:06 PM] Remy: Like I said
[01/01/2015, 4:11:12 PM] Remy: "third party troll" is just a cop-out to me.
[01/01/2015, 4:11:18 PM] Ian Cheong:
[01/01/2015, 4:11:22 PM] Remy: If it's good for the goose then it's good for the gander
[01/01/2015, 4:12:17 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ian, are you drunk?
[01/01/2015, 4:15:04 PM] Dan Olson: Anyone know if 8chan spun up their mass-harassment-of-vulnerable-teenagers campaign?
[01/01/2015, 4:15:31 PM] Dan Olson: IIRC the raid was supposed to start at midnight
[01/01/2015, 4:16:02 PM] Ian Cheong: I am not drunk no
[01/01/2015, 4:16:05 PM] Ian Cheong: im perfectly sober.
[01/01/2015, 4:16:11 PM] Ian Cheong: also watching this video and cracking up.
[01/01/2015, 4:16:12 PM] Ian Cheong:
[01/01/2015, 4:16:59 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Dan, I haven't checked. This person reported the thread to the 8chan. Got this snarky response from Hotwheels:
[01/01/2015, 4:17:41 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): This board, right?
[01/01/2015, 4:17:47 PM] Dan Olson: Yeah, I saw that "lol, not illegal ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" response
[01/01/2015, 4:29:07 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: oho!
[01/01/2015, 4:30:12 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: wtf
[01/01/2015, 4:31:39 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): what?
[01/01/2015, 4:33:03 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: same "I know you are but what am I" defense as always
[01/01/2015, 4:33:04 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Sarah, you are officially worse. You are more transphobic than Mike and harass more people. You hired 2 private investigators and swatted 10 people
[01/01/2015, 4:33:12 PM] Dan Olson: Sarah
[01/01/2015, 4:33:14 PM] Dan Olson: Sarah
[01/01/2015, 4:33:16 PM] Dan Olson: SARAH
[01/01/2015, 4:33:21 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: hi dan
[01/01/2015, 4:33:24 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[01/01/2015, 4:33:26 PM] Dan Olson: Happy New Year, Sarah
[01/01/2015, 4:33:32 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: haha
[01/01/2015, 4:33:33 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: thanks
[01/01/2015, 4:33:33 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: you too
[01/01/2015, 4:34:15 PM] Dan Olson: I've spent hours cooking and cleaning and entertaining, and I'm slowly realizing that I'm actually really, really tired and should go to bed
[01/01/2015, 4:34:22 PM] Dan Olson: so I will go do that.
[01/01/2015, 4:34:28 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: nini dan
[01/01/2015, 4:34:43 PM] Dan Olson: HNY, good night all, please don't let things burn down on the first new day.
[01/01/2015, 4:35:01 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: someone already logging the hell out of that with screens and archives?
[01/01/2015, 4:35:21 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Mike's tweet?
[01/01/2015, 4:35:33 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: ... hey skype, you wanna give me some visual indicator of when I'm in backscroll land that'd be great
[01/01/2015, 4:35:39 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: that /firstday/ thread
[01/01/2015, 4:35:53 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Oh! I'll archive it and add it to Trello
[01/01/2015, 4:35:59 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: board, rather
[01/01/2015, 4:36:04 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I'll link it in serious chat when done
[01/01/2015, 4:37:24 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): they've been planning this since December 6...
[01/01/2015, 4:37:30 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): disgusting
[01/01/2015, 4:37:52 PM] Ian Cheong: What are they doing?
[01/01/2015, 4:38:14 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Raiding tumblr and pushing people to suicide
[01/01/2015, 4:38:34 PM] Ian Cheong: That's just... evil.
[01/01/2015, 4:38:42 PM] Ian Cheong: Picking on troubled teenagers.
[01/01/2015, 4:39:04 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: :\ not surprised
[01/01/2015, 4:39:25 PM] Ian Cheong: I need more tobacco.
[01/01/2015, 4:39:31 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I think I'm gonna see if I can just archive the whole board
[01/01/2015, 4:39:33 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: this is what a lot of them were already doing before GG
[01/01/2015, 4:39:35 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): using something like this:
[01/01/2015, 4:40:24 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: also gee, the worst person I've ever met is passed out on my couch. I sure do love holidays where people get drunk and wander around
[01/01/2015, 4:42:36 PM] Ian Cheong: Hey, how many of you folks received private messages from friends and strangers thanking you for speaking up about GG?
[01/01/2015, 4:42:55 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i get a decent number yeah
[01/01/2015, 4:43:24 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: none from strangers
[01/01/2015, 4:43:29 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I've gotten a handful. not many,
[01/01/2015, 4:48:06 PM] Ian Cheong: I wonder how much it will cost to buy tobacco online.
[01/01/2015, 4:48:09 PM] Ian Cheong: The tax will probably kill me.
[01/01/2015, 5:00:53 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: oh god i'm going to get so much GG flack for RTing that
[01/01/2015, 5:01:07 PM] Ian Cheong: hahaha
[01/01/2015, 5:21:54 PM] SF: Happy new year!
[01/01/2015, 5:27:51 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: OK, this is really, really not a good night on my end.
[01/01/2015, 5:30:32 PM] SF: Any way we can help?
[01/01/2015, 5:32:13 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: what's going on, SGG?
[01/01/2015, 5:32:57 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Can you end GG overnight, somehow get a passed out violent psycho out of my house, or make a member of my family stop crying and loudly discussing every little detail of another member of my family?
[01/01/2015, 5:33:27 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: :\ is there a friend you could stay with temporarily?
[01/01/2015, 5:33:32 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: 's death, a bit over 10 years ago
[01/01/2015, 5:33:41 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: cut myself off in a weird place there
[01/01/2015, 5:33:49 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: and... it's 4:30 AM so not really?
[01/01/2015, 5:35:12 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: :\ hugs
[01/01/2015, 5:35:24 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: if it's an emergency don't be afraid to reach out to people there
[01/01/2015, 5:42:30 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Eh, just an issue of hey, I was already having a lousy night, didn't really need to feel physically unsafe, emotionally gut-punched, and concerned about someone's possible drinking problem on top of that.
[01/01/2015, 5:48:05 PM] SF: No kidding...I'm really sorry to hear.
[01/01/2015, 5:54:37 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: And it's extra awkward because I can't really head into the other room and go "Hey, could you not start blubbering about ______ not living to see 20 while I'm shaken up about some trans girl killing herself over stuff I'm also kinda dealing with in part due to transphobia being your one big character flaw?"
[01/01/2015, 6:04:01 PM] Charloppe: urg that profile
[01/01/2015, 6:04:09 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: ?
[01/01/2015, 6:04:36 PM] Charloppe: that fake leelah account
[01/01/2015, 6:05:02 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: ah. That's pretty damn terrible yes
[01/01/2015, 6:05:20 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: and I'd wager done by the same person as the thing with Bri's dog
[01/01/2015, 6:05:35 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: and/or Chobitcoin
[01/01/2015, 6:06:25 PM] Charloppe: yeah I can see chobit doing that
[01/01/2015, 6:34:07 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: OK
[01/01/2015, 6:35:01 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: One of the night's problems seems to have run its course at least... but I'm still not big on the unconscious creep in my house.
[01/01/2015, 7:17:07 PM] Rob: gooood morning
[01/01/2015, 7:17:28 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: not on my end
[01/01/2015, 7:17:32 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: hi though
[01/01/2015, 7:18:00 PM] Rob: hiii
[01/01/2015, 7:18:25 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Hey!
[01/01/2015, 7:23:12 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: hi veerender
[01/01/2015, 7:23:15 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: how goes
[01/01/2015, 7:24:51 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Oh, you know--making people livid at me.
[01/01/2015, 7:24:57 PM] Veerender Jubbal: What about yourself?
[01/01/2015, 7:26:18 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: alternating between panicking over dumb things and shrugging it off
[01/01/2015, 7:26:21 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: ^__^
[01/01/2015, 7:26:34 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: they got mad at me for RTing a die cis scum cake and that amused me
[01/01/2015, 7:26:40 PM] Veerender Jubbal: hugs
[01/01/2015, 7:26:46 PM] Veerender Jubbal: sniggers
[01/01/2015, 7:27:32 PM] Rob: im hung over whee
[01/01/2015, 7:27:52 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I know. That is why I am not running around on the Internet. winks
[01/01/2015, 7:28:40 PM] Rob: haha
[01/01/2015, 7:30:34 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Rob, did you hear whom the TFYC targeted yesterday?
[01/01/2015, 7:31:22 PM] Rob: you?
[01/01/2015, 7:31:37 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Yep.
[01/01/2015, 7:31:39 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: ding ding ding
[01/01/2015, 7:31:41 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: they got SO MAD over that cake haha
[01/01/2015, 7:31:43 PM] Rob: Yeah I saw some of it
[01/01/2015, 7:31:55 PM] Rob: fucking shitbags
[01/01/2015, 7:32:06 PM] Veerender Jubbal: You know it.
[01/01/2015, 7:33:30 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Oh, my God.
[01/01/2015, 7:33:39 PM] Veerender Jubbal: TB said he was patient these four months?
[01/01/2015, 7:33:56 PM] Veerender Jubbal: "inordinately patient".
[01/01/2015, 7:34:27 PM] Rob: Total Biscuit is the leaky anus of the internet
[01/01/2015, 7:34:32 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Just catching up, since I missed everything.
[01/01/2015, 7:34:37 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Hahaha!
[01/01/2015, 7:35:55 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Oh, my God! Someone wrote a poem about me! I will tweet it out later!
[01/01/2015, 7:36:00 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Supr amazing, and cute!
[01/01/2015, 7:37:40 PM] Rob: Aw, that’s awesome
[01/01/2015, 7:37:43 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I am reading his timeline!
[01/01/2015, 7:37:44 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Oh, my God.
[01/01/2015, 7:37:57 PM] Veerender Jubbal: TB went full gater.
[01/01/2015, 7:38:07 PM] Rob: did he say something after he blocked me?
[01/01/2015, 7:38:22 PM] Veerender Jubbal: No! Show me!
[01/01/2015, 7:38:27 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Show me, Rob!
[01/01/2015, 7:38:52 PM] Rob:
[01/01/2015, 7:39:39 PM] Randi Harper: people from gamergate have legit issues.
[01/01/2015, 7:40:37 PM] Rob: who is the ‘him’?
[01/01/2015, 7:40:38 PM] Rob: tb?
[01/01/2015, 7:41:01 PM] Randi Harper: yes
[01/01/2015, 7:41:40 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Oh, my God, Rob.
[01/01/2015, 7:41:40 PM] Rob: I really like how TB does all this awful shit and then he or his fan boys are like
[01/01/2015, 7:41:45 PM] Rob: “cancer so be nice!”
[01/01/2015, 7:41:59 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: But Randi, he makes a solid point- "HEY! HEY! PAY ATTENTION TO ME! I NEED TO FEEL MORE SPECIAL!"
[01/01/2015, 7:42:26 PM] Rob: :D <3 veerender
[01/01/2015, 7:43:37 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Also ugh.......... I have things to do tomorrow but I don't want to sleep with a dangerous creep in my house.
[01/01/2015, 7:44:01 PM] Veerender Jubbal: He lauds himself for patience--like, come on.
[01/01/2015, 7:44:03 PM] Rob: why is there a dangerous creep in your house?
[01/01/2015, 7:44:16 PM] Veerender Jubbal: You were never even kind to your harassers.
[01/01/2015, 7:45:42 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Because someone with her judgement impared by new year's drinking invited her here and she immediately passed out before I could comment on the matter.
[01/01/2015, 7:45:50 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Rob, you bodied him.
[01/01/2015, 7:46:04 PM] Rob: I’m really, really good at being mean, veerender
[01/01/2015, 7:46:06 PM] Rob: Oh god, SGG :C
[01/01/2015, 7:46:28 PM] Veerender Jubbal: We balance each other out perfectly.
[01/01/2015, 7:46:31 PM] Rob: I also called him a racist, sexist poltroon who purposefully profits off of death threats to women
[01/01/2015, 7:47:39 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Which is... really not a cool thing to do. Particularly given the last time I was in the same room as this person, violence nearly ensued.
[01/01/2015, 7:48:12 PM] Rob: Hey izzy, when you’re around let me know, i have an Amazon question for you
[01/01/2015, 7:48:15 PM] Rob: :\ hug
[01/01/2015, 7:48:20 PM] Rob: I’m sorry, SGG
[01/01/2015, 7:48:25 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: ... oddly enough, due to my insistance that she not be allowed in my home.
[01/01/2015, 7:48:34 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: how do they not get the difference ;-;;
[01/01/2015, 7:48:37 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts hugs SGG :(
[01/01/2015, 7:48:54 PM] Veerender Jubbal: hugs SGG
[01/01/2015, 7:49:31 PM] Charloppe: bwhaahahahahaha
[01/01/2015, 7:49:39 PM] Charloppe: the cake
[01/01/2015, 7:50:41 PM] Veerender Jubbal: "Wow, @CaptainWeeab00, I'm sorry you're mad that I made fun of your favorite tween boy band's lead singer."
[01/01/2015, 7:50:44 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Damn, Rob.
[01/01/2015, 7:50:49 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Fucking bodied.
[01/01/2015, 7:51:09 PM] Charloppe: <3 rob
[01/01/2015, 7:51:22 PM] Rob: :D
[01/01/2015, 7:51:24 PM] Rob: <3
[01/01/2015, 7:53:21 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Rob bodying scrubs like I do in DotA.
[01/01/2015, 7:53:24 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Like, it should really go without saying, if you bring someone to my house, and I have to keep between her and the knife block until she backs off and leaves to keep her from trying to stab me, no, you do not under any circumstances extend them an invitation to return
[01/01/2015, 7:53:33 PM] Rob: :D veerender
[01/01/2015, 7:53:38 PM] Rob: Holy fuck, sgg :C hug
[01/01/2015, 7:53:40 PM] Rob: Like
[01/01/2015, 7:53:42 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: but, you know, happy new year and all that?
[01/01/2015, 7:53:49 PM] Rob: In what fucking universe would someone invite someone like that over?
[01/01/2015, 7:53:55 PM] Rob: is there anyone there you know and trust?
[01/01/2015, 7:54:05 PM] Rob: b/c if so i’d wake them up, hand them a 20, and be like ‘give this to that fucker and tell her to get out’
[01/01/2015, 7:54:45 PM] Veerender Jubbal: So, why did TB snap, finally?
[01/01/2015, 7:54:53 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Like, what made that finally happen?
[01/01/2015, 7:54:54 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: it was the charity thing
[01/01/2015, 7:54:56 PM] Rob: Because people were pissed he sabotaged a charity basically
[01/01/2015, 7:55:05 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Which one?
[01/01/2015, 7:55:13 PM] Rob: I think angry joe is gonna make a video about gamergate
[01/01/2015, 7:55:16 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Oh, fuck.
[01/01/2015, 7:55:24 PM] Rob: i dunno if any of you know megamandaplays?
[01/01/2015, 7:55:31 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i don't think he sabotaged it. he made a bad decision, people asked him to remove his RT since it was flooding them with hate... TB basically said you guys are all crazy, stop complaining his audience is harassing you
[01/01/2015, 7:55:34 PM] Rob: but she’s apparently helping him research for a video
[01/01/2015, 7:55:54 PM] Rob: she asked me for a few sources or something
[01/01/2015, 7:56:07 PM] Veerender Jubbal: "You want to call 390000 people harassers and misogynists? Fuck you."
[01/01/2015, 7:56:16 PM] Veerender Jubbal: sniggers, forever
[01/01/2015, 7:56:35 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Like, the KKK is totally not racists.
[01/01/2015, 7:56:38 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: where does that fanciful figure come from again?
[01/01/2015, 7:56:59 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: if we're talking GG I think that's 4 digits too many
[01/01/2015, 7:57:06 PM] Rob: i think it’s his twitter followers
[01/01/2015, 7:57:20 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Yeah--it is.
[01/01/2015, 7:57:22 PM] Rob: but i’m still drunk i think. or hungover
[01/01/2015, 7:57:31 PM] Rob: I’m not sure
[01/01/2015, 7:58:30 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Ableist as fuck.
[01/01/2015, 7:58:32 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i was surprised how many RT's that got lol
[01/01/2015, 7:59:02 PM] Charloppe: wow not even a thousand rts sarah
[01/01/2015, 7:59:07 PM] Charloppe: get on my level
[01/01/2015, 7:59:11 PM] Charloppe: also i love you
[01/01/2015, 7:59:11 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: haha
[01/01/2015, 7:59:17 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: daw
[01/01/2015, 7:59:17 PM] Rob: :D
[01/01/2015, 7:59:22 PM] Rob: You two are adorbsies
[01/01/2015, 8:00:01 PM] Charloppe: d'aaaw
[01/01/2015, 8:00:41 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Chris retweeted my two last tweets of 2014--and they blew up!
[01/01/2015, 8:00:55 PM] Veerender Jubbal: People still crying in my mentions.
[01/01/2015, 8:04:19 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts:
[01/01/2015, 8:04:20 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: haha
[01/01/2015, 8:07:22 PM] Rob: Chris is awesome
[01/01/2015, 8:07:47 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Right?!
[01/01/2015, 8:07:59 PM] Veerender Jubbal: My timeline, and tweets were hilarious after that happened.
[01/01/2015, 8:08:16 PM] Veerender Jubbal: "Why are you livid at me from a tweet from last year?!"
[01/01/2015, 8:08:30 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: haha
[01/01/2015, 8:08:32 PM] Rob: :D
[01/01/2015, 8:08:33 PM] Rob: hahahahaha!
[01/01/2015, 8:08:41 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Then GGers kept on wishing me luck for next year, and I am like, "2016?! All right!"
[01/01/2015, 8:09:07 PM] Veerender Jubbal: So many wished me good luck--it was strange.
[01/01/2015, 8:09:56 PM] Rob: They’re a strange people, GGers. One of the last uncontacted peoples in the world.
[01/01/2015, 8:10:19 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Yo!
[01/01/2015, 8:10:28 PM] Veerender Jubbal: One complimented me.
[01/01/2015, 8:12:19 PM] Veerender Jubbal:
[01/01/2015, 8:12:29 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Like, whoa.
[01/01/2015, 8:12:40 PM] Veerender Jubbal: That was literally it out of nowhere.
[01/01/2015, 8:16:16 PM] Rob: :D
[01/01/2015, 8:20:43 PM] Rob:
[01/01/2015, 8:20:48 PM] Rob: (sun)
[01/01/2015, 8:21:36 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Hahahahaha!
[01/01/2015, 8:24:59 PM] Charloppe: wow
[01/01/2015, 8:25:03 PM] Charloppe: so many tears
[01/01/2015, 8:25:06 PM] Charloppe: with this guy
[01/01/2015, 8:25:21 PM] Charloppe:
[01/01/2015, 8:25:33 PM] Charloppe: silly internet atheists le sigh
[01/01/2015, 8:26:10 PM] Rob: That dude is a shitbag
[01/01/2015, 8:26:48 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i love hearing about people's religious beliefs as long as they're well examined/reflected upon and they're not assholes about it. seriously, people from any religion or lack thereof-- i find it super fascinating, regardless of where people ended up
[01/01/2015, 8:27:06 PM] Charloppe: my atheisim for me is just micro part of me
[01/01/2015, 8:27:27 PM] Charloppe: never understood why these internet atheists get so butthurt
[01/01/2015, 8:27:33 PM] Rob: ditto
[01/01/2015, 8:27:39 PM] Rob: like I really do not care about my atheism at all
[01/01/2015, 8:27:41 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i mean, there are people for whom atheism is a pretty big part of their identity who still aren't dicks about it too
[01/01/2015, 8:28:02 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i don't have a problem w/ caring about your atheism. it's just that the people who usually do tend to be dicks x-x
[01/01/2015, 8:28:12 PM] Charloppe: shrugs i just see my atheism as a non belief
[01/01/2015, 8:28:16 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: (i have mad respect for women/PoC in the skeptic communities, for what they put up with)
[01/01/2015, 8:28:17 PM] Rob: Yeah, like Jason Thibeault.
[01/01/2015, 8:28:22 PM] Rob: +1
[01/01/2015, 8:28:52 PM] Charloppe: being trans on the other hand inpacts me daily through myself and the world
[01/01/2015, 8:29:00 PM] Charloppe: not like my atheism
[01/01/2015, 8:29:06 PM] Charloppe: its just there
[01/01/2015, 8:30:06 PM] Rob: What I love is when people say shit to me like ‘try growing up in a religious environment, you dirty faitheist’
[01/01/2015, 8:30:24 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i met this really awesome girl who writes for skepchick b/c of my anti-GG stuff <333 i added her on steam but haven't had a chance to play stuff with her yet
[01/01/2015, 8:30:26 PM] Rob: I’m like... Fucker, I went to a southern Baptist school from pre-k to 6th grade, and a random evangelical school for jr. high
[01/01/2015, 8:30:41 PM] Rob: the Baptist school used to hit me if I refused to pray or if I mouthed off
[01/01/2015, 8:30:53 PM] Rob: so I spent the first ~8 years of my school getting hit every day
[01/01/2015, 8:30:55 PM] Rob: lol
[01/01/2015, 8:30:58 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: yeah. i don't get why people can't hate toxic dogmatic religion while understanding that isn't ALL religion :\
[01/01/2015, 8:31:19 PM] Veerender Jubbal: That reminds me--I have a question in my about someone saying they are transgender, and why are Sikhs out of any group so kind to them. Have to answer that, still.
[01/01/2015, 8:32:17 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: OK! No nasty confrontation needed. Hooray for hiding out in the other room all night.
[01/01/2015, 8:32:50 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i'd be curious to see the answer when you write it!
[01/01/2015, 8:33:05 PM] Veerender Jubbal: smiles
[01/01/2015, 8:33:28 PM] Rob: YAY!
[01/01/2015, 8:37:27 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Well, I have to take a shower; and go to the Gurdwara. Take care, friends!
[01/01/2015, 8:37:41 PM] Ian Cheong: Later.
[01/01/2015, 8:37:44 PM] Charloppe: byyyyyye
[01/01/2015, 8:37:45 PM] Rob: Later, veerender!
[01/01/2015, 8:41:46 PM] Ian Cheong:
[01/01/2015, 8:42:40 PM] Rob: Christ, I hate her.
[01/01/2015, 8:43:27 PM] Charloppe: hi im chs and my feminism is that there is nothing wrong with the world
[01/01/2015, 8:43:45 PM] Ian Cheong: this is a blatant lie.
[01/01/2015, 8:43:46 PM] Ian Cheong:
[01/01/2015, 8:44:23 PM] Ian Cheong: There's fucking screencaps and archives of sickos requesting that Anita and Brianna be added as killable NPCs.
[01/01/2015, 8:44:34 PM] Rob: Yeah, ED is a piece of shit.
[01/01/2015, 8:44:56 PM] Rob: I hope everyone involved with that site gets arrested and spends the rest of their lives in prison.
[01/01/2015, 8:45:07 PM] Charloppe: i can only imagine the type of ppl that write for that site
[01/01/2015, 8:45:37 PM] Rob: One of my YT/twitter acquaintences wrote to them to try to get my dox removed
[01/01/2015, 8:45:42 PM] Ian Cheong: They won't get arrested or spend their lives in prison.
[01/01/2015, 8:46:01 PM] Rob: I know.
[01/01/2015, 8:46:15 PM] Rob: But my friend wrote them, and she’s like 16, and they were like ‘give us nude pics and we’ll remove his dox’
[01/01/2015, 8:46:20 PM] Charloppe: their logic is if its not illegal its moral to do it
[01/01/2015, 8:46:26 PM] Charloppe: wtf
[01/01/2015, 8:46:35 PM] Rob: TBF I don’t think they knew she was 16
[01/01/2015, 8:46:36 PM] Rob: but still
[01/01/2015, 8:46:43 PM] Charloppe: just ew
[01/01/2015, 8:47:49 PM] Charloppe: hello pls ignore all the the horrible shit we done k thanks
[01/01/2015, 8:48:15 PM] Ian Cheong: im looking at roguestar's feed. he retweeted every single person who thunderclapped.
[01/01/2015, 8:48:20 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: rofl ian wtf kind of compression did they use on that image
[01/01/2015, 8:48:20 PM] Ian Cheong: what a stupid asshole.
[01/01/2015, 8:48:51 PM] Rob: Has he announced a new launch date for fleetcomm: operation tinypenis yet?
[01/01/2015, 8:49:10 PM] Ian Cheong: nope
[01/01/2015, 8:49:16 PM] Ian Cheong: he blew past his dec 25 release date
[01/01/2015, 8:49:22 PM] Rob: figured
[01/01/2015, 8:49:32 PM] Charloppe: hey remember that game he made?
[01/01/2015, 8:51:29 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: I was just about to go to bed, closed a tab, and oh right, has threads with pictures of murdered women for raid fodder. Someone with a strong stomach should really document the hell out of that.
[01/01/2015, 8:51:45 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: ... happy new year?
[01/01/2015, 8:52:34 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: I'd do it but it's 8 AM and I had a really hard night.
[01/01/2015, 8:53:15 PM] live:riotarms: Self care comes first SGG
[01/01/2015, 8:55:10 PM] Rob: Ughhh
[01/01/2015, 8:55:13 PM] Rob: I get those sent to me :\
[01/01/2015, 8:55:49 PM] Charloppe: took a peek
[01/01/2015, 8:55:54 PM] Charloppe: closed window
[01/01/2015, 8:56:02 PM] Charloppe: sorry i catnt do th
[01/01/2015, 8:56:06 PM] Charloppe: cant do tht
[01/01/2015, 8:56:19 PM] Ian Cheong: im going to go smoke my pipe
[01/01/2015, 8:56:45 PM] Rob: I’m jelly.
[01/01/2015, 8:59:15 PM] live:riotarms:
[01/01/2015, 9:01:16 PM] Rob: haha
[01/01/2015, 9:01:38 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts:
[01/01/2015, 9:02:47 PM] live:riotarms:
[01/01/2015, 9:06:21 PM] Randi Harper: weird. pixelgoth blocked me.
[01/01/2015, 9:06:22 PM] Randi Harper: meh
[01/01/2015, 9:06:46 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: she's always been kind of tempermental x-x
[01/01/2015, 9:06:49 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: wouldn't overthink it
[01/01/2015, 9:07:51 PM] Randi Harper: I never even talk to her.
[01/01/2015, 9:07:55 PM] live:riotarms: I wonder why dekashoko is GG
[01/01/2015, 9:08:03 PM] Randi Harper:
[01/01/2015, 9:08:04 PM] Randi Harper: sigh
[01/01/2015, 9:08:47 PM] live:riotarms: She keeps coming up in the searches and she's a student with dyed hair, it's depressing
[01/01/2015, 9:09:07 PM] Charloppe: stupid gator drones
[01/01/2015, 9:12:10 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts:
[01/01/2015, 9:12:50 PM] Charloppe: oh more internet atheists I see
[01/01/2015, 9:13:21 PM] Charloppe: sigh im angry
[01/01/2015, 9:16:36 PM] Rob: I <3 you, sarah & charlotte <3
[01/01/2015, 9:17:02 PM] Charloppe: aww thanks rob <3
[01/01/2015, 9:17:16 PM] Rob: ^_^
[01/01/2015, 9:17:30 PM] Charloppe: rob kreiger is da best <3
[01/01/2015, 9:17:51 PM] Rob: :D
[01/01/2015, 9:18:01 PM] Rob: I just like nice people!
[01/01/2015, 9:18:08 PM] live:riotarms:
[01/01/2015, 9:18:28 PM] live:riotarms: It would be good if this could catch fire
[01/01/2015, 9:18:41 PM] Rob: RTed
[01/01/2015, 9:18:47 PM] Charloppe: yes gg continue to die
[01/01/2015, 9:19:08 PM] live:riotarms: Thanks
[01/01/2015, 9:19:57 PM] live:riotarms: Last night was a bit of a squib but I'm still hungover :/
[01/01/2015, 9:21:21 PM] Rob: I’;m hungover too
[01/01/2015, 9:24:17 PM] live:riotarms: You were on a pretty epic spree last night by the sounds of things
[01/01/2015, 9:24:55 PM] Rob: Haha, i suppose
[01/01/2015, 9:25:35 PM] Randi Harper: the most popular people followed by GG and GG's targets:

ActuallyNPH      BarackObama      davidpakmanshow  JonTronShow      NathanFillion    neiltyson        SirPatStew       steam_games      StephenAtHome    stephenfry       TheScienceGuy
[01/01/2015, 9:25:49 PM] Randi Harper: I still have no idea who david pakman is.
[01/01/2015, 9:26:12 PM] live:riotarms: He's the Pac Man
[01/01/2015, 9:26:36 PM] Rob: He’s some weaselly little shitbag who’s part of or affiliated with The Young Turks
[01/01/2015, 9:26:39 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i love how EVERY PERSON ON THE LIST IS A GUY
[01/01/2015, 9:26:42 PM] Rob: and who is “neutral” on gamergate
[01/01/2015, 9:26:43 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: EVERY SINGLE ONE
[01/01/2015, 9:26:48 PM] live:riotarms: I liked him better when he was being persued through a mqze by vengeful spirits
[01/01/2015, 9:26:49 PM] Rob: AKA he consistently promotes them as being decent folks
[01/01/2015, 9:27:29 PM] Randi Harper: next 10:
[01/01/2015, 9:27:30 PM] Randi Harper: alyankovic       ConanOBrien      GeorgeTakei      HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN  MarsCuriosity    NASA             RichardDawkins   simonpegg        TheOnion         TimOfLegend
[01/01/2015, 9:27:39 PM] Randi Harper: also the first list was 11, oops. off by one error. ;)
[01/01/2015, 9:28:55 PM] Randi Harper: next 10: EmWatson         neilhimself      NintendoAmerica  pattonoswalt     PlayStation      RobertDowneyJr   TheDailyShow     TheRealNimoy     YahtzeeCroshaw   YouTube

and finally. emma Watson.
[01/01/2015, 9:29:13 PM] Randi Harper: thank you for being the hot token female.
[01/01/2015, 10:52:57 PM] Ian Cheong: what game is this.
[01/01/2015, 10:54:22 PM] Rob: I have no idea
[01/01/2015, 10:55:16 PM] live:riotarms: Try a reverse google image search
[01/01/2015, 10:55:25 PM] Ian Cheong: it only finds their site
[01/01/2015, 10:55:27 PM] Ian Cheong: pcgamesn
[01/01/2015, 10:55:30 PM] Ian Cheong: the article i got the image from
[01/01/2015, 10:55:56 PM] Ian Cheong: oh its divinity original sin
[01/01/2015, 10:56:06 PM] Ian Cheong: in another article they have the same four characters zoomed in
[01/01/2015, 10:56:53 PM] Rob: ahhh
[01/01/2015, 10:59:37 PM] Annie Kelly: happy new year my faves
[01/01/2015, 10:59:43 PM] Ian Cheong: happy new year annie
[01/01/2015, 10:59:46 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: you too, annie
[01/01/2015, 10:59:56 PM] Ian Cheong: good show on twitter.
[01/01/2015, 11:00:38 PM] Annie Kelly: lmao in fairness the guy is a ludicrously easy target, he has all GG bad qualities in one
[01/01/2015, 11:00:57 PM] Rob: Hi annie <3
[01/01/2015, 11:01:18 PM] Annie Kelly: rob! <3
[01/01/2015, 11:01:34 PM] Rob: How’s you?
[01/01/2015, 11:03:06 PM] Annie Kelly: got a new year cold :(
[01/01/2015, 11:03:31 PM] Ian Cheong: Awh
[01/01/2015, 11:03:43 PM] Annie Kelly: customers get all touchy feely on NYE and one of them was sick and I was like UGH I KNOW WHERE THIS IS GOING
[01/01/2015, 11:03:52 PM] Annie Kelly: sure enough wake up coughing >: (
[01/01/2015, 11:04:03 PM] Rob: Aw, booooooo
[01/01/2015, 11:04:42 PM] Annie Kelly: luckily its against my beliefs to go outside or get dressed on new years day anyway
[01/01/2015, 11:04:51 PM] Rob: clothes suck
[01/01/2015, 11:04:54 PM] Rob: also, i’m so weird -
[01/01/2015, 11:05:10 PM] Annie Kelly: lmao
[01/01/2015, 11:05:29 PM] Rob: I make myself laugh too much
[01/01/2015, 11:05:30 PM] Annie Kelly: combined with your background its like a theme!
[01/01/2015, 11:05:39 PM] Rob: Yep :D
[01/01/2015, 11:06:57 PM] Ian Cheong: So I've turned into a smoker over the new years.
[01/01/2015, 11:07:32 PM] Ian Cheong: a pipe smoker, that is.
[01/01/2015, 11:07:36 PM] Ian Cheong: not shitty cigarettes.
[01/01/2015, 11:07:41 PM] Rob: Nice.
[01/01/2015, 11:07:44 PM] Ian Cheong: can't stand that stuff.
[01/01/2015, 11:08:21 PM] Rob: I like cigars. never have smoked a pipe
[01/01/2015, 11:08:24 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: charloppe got me a vapey thing. i haven't used it in a while tho
[01/01/2015, 11:08:35 PM] Ian Cheong: i love cigars.
[01/01/2015, 11:08:38 PM] Ian Cheong: you should try pipe
[01/01/2015, 11:08:55 PM] Ian Cheong: for the price of a single cigar you can get a 1.76oz tin.
[01/01/2015, 11:09:00 PM] Rob: That’s awesome
[01/01/2015, 11:09:07 PM] Ian Cheong: that'll last you like 20 smokes.
[01/01/2015, 11:09:25 PM] Ian Cheong: and best of all, they last as long as cigars do
[01/01/2015, 11:09:31 PM] Ian Cheong: 45 minutes to an hour
[01/01/2015, 11:10:05 PM] Rob: Nice.
[01/01/2015, 11:10:10 PM] Rob: My girlfriend would prob get pissed at me though.
[01/01/2015, 11:12:00 PM] Ian Cheong: maybe get her into the hobby too
[01/01/2015, 11:12:04 PM] Ian Cheong: then she won't be pissed at you
[01/01/2015, 11:12:15 PM] Rob: :D she’d never do it
[01/01/2015, 11:12:19 PM] Ian Cheong: sarah, i've never tried vapes before.
[01/01/2015, 11:12:59 PM] Ian Cheong: the purpose of those seems to be the opposite of smoking pipe, which isn't for the nicotine.
[01/01/2015, 11:13:05 PM] Ian Cheong: i like the aroma.
[01/01/2015, 11:13:13 PM] Ian Cheong: and the whole ritual
[01/01/2015, 11:13:46 PM] Rob: I’m yelling at Izzy when he wakes up
[01/01/2015, 11:13:48 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: charlotte actually likes it for anxiety reasons, it's something to fiddle with or do to keep you rmind off of stuff
[01/01/2015, 11:13:49 PM] Rob: b/c amazon screwed me
[01/01/2015, 11:13:53 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: she doesn't even use nicotine ones
[01/01/2015, 11:17:11 PM] Annie Kelly: vapes are the best
[01/01/2015, 11:18:10 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i should start using mine again
[01/01/2015, 11:18:13 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: how have you been, annie?
[01/01/2015, 11:20:53 PM] Ian Cheong: apparently its possible to restore broken pipes
[01/01/2015, 11:21:06 PM] Ian Cheong: my grandda had a few of them
[01/01/2015, 11:22:33 PM] Ian Cheong: oh man, i like this guy's collection of stuff.
[01/01/2015, 11:22:35 PM] Ian Cheong: im jealous
[01/01/2015, 11:22:43 PM] Rob: Whoa
[01/01/2015, 11:24:04 PM] Ian Cheong: you know the reason pipes aren't popular anymore is because the tobacco industry decided they'd be able to make more money by selling nicotine-laden cancer sticks.
[01/01/2015, 11:24:41 PM] Ian Cheong: they put all kinds of garbage in cigarettes.
[01/01/2015, 11:26:07 PM] Ian Cheong: using cheap as shit garbage tobacco
[01/01/2015, 11:26:18 PM] Rob: Yeeeep. they suck
[01/01/2015, 11:26:34 PM] Ian Cheong: cigarettes are like the shitty DLC and microtransactions of the smoking world.
[01/01/2015, 11:26:48 PM] Rob: hahahaha
[01/01/2015, 11:27:02 PM] Ian Cheong: they get you hooked on nicotine and soon you're buying 3 packs a day
[01/01/2015, 11:27:21 PM] Rob: I’m lucky. I don’t have that gene
[01/01/2015, 11:27:33 PM] Ian Cheong: same. i can't even be addicted to alcohol
[01/01/2015, 11:29:16 PM] Rob:
[01/01/2015, 11:29:23 PM] Rob: Oh look a butts ‘parody’ account
[01/01/2015, 11:30:17 PM] Peter Coffin: …
[01/01/2015, 11:31:22 PM] Ian Cheong:
[01/01/2015, 11:31:22 PM] Ian Cheong: I need one of these cases.
[01/01/2015, 11:31:50 PM] Rob: Niiiiiiice
[01/01/2015, 11:32:18 PM] Ian Cheong: This guy has like a Steam collection's worth of tobacco
[01/01/2015, 11:32:36 PM] Ian Cheong: Hrmph. if only I could trade all the games I have on steam for tobacco, i'd do it
[01/01/2015, 11:32:45 PM] Ian Cheong: gaming is boring compared to smoking pipe.
[01/01/2015, 11:36:56 PM] Ian Cheong: so Jason Schreier is saying Fallout 4 might be annoucned this year.
[01/01/2015, 11:36:59 PM] Ian Cheong: exciiiiiite
[01/01/2015, 11:37:24 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i'm a fake gamer girl i never played any fallouts. but i remember wanting toplay the first one when i saw it advertised in a CCG magazine haha
[01/01/2015, 11:37:38 PM] Ian Cheong: It's seriously one of the best games of all time.
[01/01/2015, 11:37:42 PM] Annie Kelly: im a non-gamer but even I bloody loved fallout
[01/01/2015, 11:37:49 PM] Peter Coffin: I’ve never played them
[01/01/2015, 11:37:51 PM] Ian Cheong: Fallout had so much social commentary.
[01/01/2015, 11:37:57 PM] Ian Cheong: For its time, that was groundbreaking. Still is, actually.
[01/01/2015, 11:38:06 PM] Peter Coffin: I literally am the kind of person that would play it
[01/01/2015, 11:38:09 PM] Rob: Oooooh really ian? I mean, fallout 4?
[01/01/2015, 11:38:15 PM] Ian Cheong: yeah rob
[01/01/2015, 11:38:21 PM] Peter Coffin: but everyone has told me i have to play it
[01/01/2015, 11:38:28 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: really annie? figured you were since you got involved in the GG stuff xD
[01/01/2015, 11:38:34 PM] Peter Coffin: there is like a thing inside me that cannot do things people say I have to do
[01/01/2015, 11:38:45 PM] Peter Coffin: I avoided arrested development until 2012
[01/01/2015, 11:38:58 PM] Peter Coffin: or maybe 2011
[01/01/2015, 11:39:00 PM] Peter Coffin: not sure
[01/01/2015, 11:39:05 PM] Ian Cheong: if you're interested in Fallout i recommend this interview with one of the game's principle creators, Tim Cain.
[01/01/2015, 11:39:26 PM] Annie Kelly: lol iknow, I grew up with my cousins who all played games so I know a fair bit about them but never played em myself, was considered "boy stuff" in my house
[01/01/2015, 11:39:46 PM] Peter Coffin: which fallout would you recommend
[01/01/2015, 11:39:54 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: fallout 3 is what most people recommend
[01/01/2015, 11:40:14 PM] Rob: I’d recommend 2
[01/01/2015, 11:40:23 PM] Rob: I LOVE matt chat
[01/01/2015, 11:40:27 PM] Ian Cheong: I recommend 3, and then if you're in love with the world already, start with 1.
[01/01/2015, 11:40:32 PM] Ian Cheong: because the UI is hard to penetrate
[01/01/2015, 11:40:35 PM] Ian Cheong: 3 is polished
[01/01/2015, 11:40:56 PM] Peter Coffin: 3 is available on ps3 so I think that might be the choice forme
[01/01/2015, 11:40:58 PM] Peter Coffin: for me
[01/01/2015, 11:41:01 PM] Rob: I liked Vegas more than 3 tbh
[01/01/2015, 11:41:12 PM] Rob: but the DC setting is phenomenal
[01/01/2015, 11:41:16 PM] Annie Kelly: which ones new vegas? I made my boyfriend rinse that just so I could watch haha
[01/01/2015, 11:41:43 PM] Rob: The one in the desert
[01/01/2015, 11:41:53 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: against my better judgment i watched TB's top games of the year. number one was wolfenstein. x-x 

i don't hate that stuff but ugh. it's legitimately exciting these last few years the kind of new places games have been going. giving game of the year to mowing down nazi robots just seems... so tb
[01/01/2015, 11:41:59 PM] Annie Kelly: yeah I meant which number is it sorry
[01/01/2015, 11:42:06 PM] Rob: It’s just fallout: new vegas
[01/01/2015, 11:42:15 PM] Annie Kelly: ohhh
[01/01/2015, 11:42:23 PM] Annie Kelly: i am so fake gamergirl
[01/01/2015, 11:42:33 PM] Peter Coffin: mowing down nazi robots in WOLFENSTEIN
[01/01/2015, 11:42:39 PM] Peter Coffin: THE ORIGINAL FUCKING 3D SHOOTER
[01/01/2015, 11:42:46 PM] Peter Coffin: AS IN NOTHING NEW
[01/01/2015, 11:42:50 PM] Peter Coffin: AT ALL
[01/01/2015, 11:43:31 PM] Rob: Hey cool, the KOTOR 1 restoration pack is mostly done.
[01/01/2015, 11:44:04 PM] Peter Coffin: really now
[01/01/2015, 11:44:21 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: yeah. i have no problem with them revisting wolfenstein (and occasionally play silly shit like that) but a retrospective on the year should focus on new & innovative things and thinngs that push boundries, etc. instead, nope, shootan zambees
[01/01/2015, 11:44:26 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: er
[01/01/2015, 11:44:27 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: nazis
[01/01/2015, 11:45:20 PM] Ian Cheong: Wolfenstein: The New Order is the smartest dumb shooter I played in 2014.
[01/01/2015, 11:45:25 PM] Ian Cheong: The character interactions and writing are just incredible.
[01/01/2015, 11:45:37 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: yeah i've heard it's very well done for what it is
[01/01/2015, 11:45:39 PM] Peter Coffin: this isn’t to fault wolfenstein
[01/01/2015, 11:45:44 PM] Peter Coffin: this is to fault tb
[01/01/2015, 11:45:48 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: haha
[01/01/2015, 11:45:51 PM] Ian Cheong: What did TB say about it?
[01/01/2015, 11:45:57 PM] Peter Coffin: goty apparently
[01/01/2015, 11:45:59 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: it was his #1 game of the year
[01/01/2015, 11:46:03 PM] Ian Cheong: Ah.
[01/01/2015, 11:46:06 PM] Peter Coffin: rather than… anything innovative at all
[01/01/2015, 11:46:08 PM] Ian Cheong: Well good. It deserves to sell more copies.
[01/01/2015, 11:46:09 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i dunno, just seems very TB
[01/01/2015, 11:46:59 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): o.o my direct deposit paycheck went in today instead of tomorrow. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ME
[01/01/2015, 11:47:00 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[01/01/2015, 11:47:10 PM] Rob: IZZY
[01/01/2015, 11:47:20 PM] Rob: Amazon screwed me :C
[01/01/2015, 11:47:28 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Rob. What happened :(
[01/01/2015, 11:47:31 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: maybe i'd have a different opinion if i'd played it. i probably should. it still seems weird to give GOTY to shooting nazis, tho
[01/01/2015, 11:47:42 PM] Rob: I ordered RAM yesterday and had guaranteed shipping by the end of the day
[01/01/2015, 11:47:42 PM] Rob:
[01/01/2015, 11:47:45 PM] Peter Coffin: or any standard fps
[01/01/2015, 11:47:47 PM] Rob: It’s the next day and I still don’t have my package
[01/01/2015, 11:47:47 PM] Peter Coffin: even a great one
[01/01/2015, 11:48:09 PM] Rob: so I’m not sure if the shipping company even has it
[01/01/2015, 11:48:11 PM] Ian Cheong: Contact Amazon.
[01/01/2015, 11:48:14 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: spec ops the line was prolly goty for 2012 for me tbh
[01/01/2015, 11:48:16 PM] Ian Cheong: Ask for a refund on the shipping.
[01/01/2015, 11:48:21 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ^
[01/01/2015, 11:48:28 PM] Ian Cheong: They will give you a refund, guaranteed.
[01/01/2015, 11:48:29 PM] Rob: I am tomorrow. I’m more concerned about getting the actual package at this point
[01/01/2015, 11:48:30 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Rob, we shit out refunds all the time. Call them
[01/01/2015, 11:48:42 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[01/01/2015, 11:48:52 PM] Rob: I want to make sure I get it so I don’t have to call twice and be like ‘Oh also I never got the package at all so plz give me my 200 dollars back’
[01/01/2015, 11:49:06 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): One thing that continues to amaze me. Oh, you're not happy? HERES A REFUND!
[01/01/2015, 11:49:29 PM] Rob: I mean this is the only time I’ve ever had a problem w/ Amazon and I’ve been shopping there since the 90s
[01/01/2015, 11:49:35 PM] Ian Cheong: There's calls for Leelah Alcorn's parents to be prosecuted.
[01/01/2015, 11:49:37 PM] Ian Cheong: Isn't that a bit much?
[01/01/2015, 11:49:39 PM] Rob: So I’m not too upset as long as I get my package.
[01/01/2015, 11:49:45 PM] Rob: I’m torn on it, Ian
[01/01/2015, 11:49:57 PM] Rob: I mean, if you push someone to kill themselves, you CAN be prosecuted
[01/01/2015, 11:49:59 PM] Peter Coffin: didn’t they basically cause their kid to die?
[01/01/2015, 11:50:08 PM] Peter Coffin: I kind of think that’s prosecutable
[01/01/2015, 11:50:10 PM] Ian Cheong: I mean yeah it's bad that they sealed her in a coffin and tried to pretend she wasn't who she was, and that they made her life miserable, but also, you know, they just lost a child.
[01/01/2015, 11:50:34 PM] Peter Coffin: I understand your view but I disagree
[01/01/2015, 11:50:37 PM] Ian Cheong: I don't know if it's fair to say they pushed her to kill herself.
[01/01/2015, 11:50:44 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: from my perspective as a trans person, any desire to punish the parents is missing the forest for the trees
[01/01/2015, 11:51:01 PM] Peter Coffin: they took her outlets for expression and socialization
[01/01/2015, 11:51:06 PM] Rob: I’d rather have people deal w/ the societal problem of transphobia than just throw these fuckers in jail and be like WE’RE DONE
[01/01/2015, 11:51:13 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: what rob said
[01/01/2015, 11:51:16 PM] Ian Cheong: Yeah, as sarah says, it's a bigger issue.
[01/01/2015, 11:51:30 PM] Ian Cheong: Pinning this on the parents instead of society's problem with transphobia in general allows us to ignore the larger problem.
[01/01/2015, 11:51:31 PM] Peter Coffin: I agree with that, but I also think it’s kind of bullshit they get to push their kid do suicide without legal ramifications
[01/01/2015, 11:51:34 PM] Rob: as for actual prosecution though? Mixed feelings. I don’t feel strongly one way or the other
[01/01/2015, 11:52:01 PM] Peter Coffin: you get legal ramifications for much less involving children
[01/01/2015, 11:52:05 PM] Peter Coffin: why not this
[01/01/2015, 11:52:15 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: a symbolic slap on the wrist i'd be fine with, though it's still not causing real substantive change
[01/01/2015, 11:52:36 PM] Peter Coffin: I’m not necessarily saying this because I think it will change anything, they are the reason their kid is dead though
[01/01/2015, 11:52:41 PM] Peter Coffin: how is ignoring that okay
[01/01/2015, 11:52:42 PM] Peter Coffin: either
[01/01/2015, 11:52:58 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: my issue isn't that the parents shouldn't neccessarily receive any legal repurcussions, it's just that the instinct to punish someone allows far, far too many to ignore the bigger picture
[01/01/2015, 11:53:09 PM] Ian Cheong: They are just an expression of society's transphobia. I don't know if it's perfectly fair to blame them for this.
[01/01/2015, 11:53:44 PM] Peter Coffin: I think things they took from their kid, basically things allowing their child to speak with people who were safe to talk to about these things
[01/01/2015, 11:54:03 PM] Peter Coffin: and being primarily concerned about their reputation within the religious community
[01/01/2015, 11:54:08 PM] Ian Cheong: I suppose that does constitute abuse, yes.
[01/01/2015, 11:54:11 PM] Peter Coffin: makes this very much their fault
[01/01/2015, 11:54:22 PM] Peter Coffin: entirely, maybe not
[01/01/2015, 11:54:31 PM] Peter Coffin: but their actions directly contributed
[01/01/2015, 11:54:50 PM] Peter Coffin: maybe it is that I am a new parent, but I am extremely offended by their treatment of their child
[01/01/2015, 11:55:01 PM] Rob: I mean like - Transphobia is one of the few bigotries where it is ENTIRELY acceptable to society.
[01/01/2015, 11:55:16 PM] Peter Coffin: and have also seen parents get into legal trouble for significantly less
[01/01/2015, 11:55:31 PM] Peter Coffin: that is where I am coming from
[01/01/2015, 11:55:47 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i'll say this much: frequently in cases like that, they got shitty "professional" advice from backwards people practicing medicine. any professional that told them not to give their daughter treatment should have the fucking book thrown at them. the ignorance of parents is tragic, but professionals should fucking know better
[01/01/2015, 11:56:07 PM] Rob: YEP
[01/01/2015, 11:56:16 PM] Peter Coffin: professionals it’s not even a question
[01/01/2015, 11:56:17 PM] Ian Cheong: Yeah, I think the professionals--especially ones who allowed their religious beliefs to come in the way of treatment--are the ones ultimately to blame for this fully.
[01/01/2015, 11:56:22 PM] Peter Coffin: that should be the end of their career
[01/01/2015, 11:56:38 PM] Rob: I want to go after those people. I also hope this maybe will spark people to actually give a shit about trans ppl
[01/01/2015, 11:56:47 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i had a social worker try to put me in a boy's home and tell my parents i'm "probably gay" because i was delinquant. they never told my parents (or me) i tested as having gender identity disorder. it almost killed me
[01/01/2015, 11:56:50 PM] Rob: Because as it is right now - only one state has legal protections from job termination (California, IIRC)
[01/01/2015, 11:56:56 PM] Rob: And ‘trans panic’ is still a defense for murder, I believe
[01/01/2015, 11:57:30 PM] Rob: California is the only state that officially bans gay and trans panic defenses
[01/01/2015, 11:57:43 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: to clarify: i wasn't going to school and i had a court ordered psych eval. the shrink knew exactly what was up, she could tell immediately. i never had contact with her after that, but she relayed the diagnosis of GID to the social worker
[01/01/2015, 11:57:49 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: who informed my parents i was "probably gay"
[01/01/2015, 11:58:03 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: that's literally all he said
[01/01/2015, 11:58:14 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i didn't figure it out for almost another 5 years
[01/01/2015, 11:58:16 PM] Peter Coffin: sounds like a really good social worker
[01/01/2015, 11:58:16 PM] Ian Cheong: I'm sorry Sarah. That's incredibly shitty.
[01/01/2015, 11:58:20 PM] Rob: I’m sorry, sarah
[01/01/2015, 11:58:23 PM] Peter Coffin: sorry sarah
[01/01/2015, 11:58:53 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: it's okay. i just... yeah. i have no sympathy for professionals that put people in clear danger out of gross ignorance of things they should know better about
[01/01/2015, 11:59:06 PM] Rob: Totally understandable
[01/01/2015, 11:59:27 PM] Ian Cheong: There's a soundbite people make fun of Dr Phil for where he says "I want you to live your life as a gay woman." I haven't looked it up but I can't help but think he was talking to a trans woman who had yet to accept her gender.