Skype Con Leak/23 dec

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Skype Con Leak/23 dec is part of a series on the Skype Con Leak.
Dates:  Highlights22 dec23 dec24 dec25th dec26 dec27 dec28 dec29 dec30 dec31 dec01 jan dec02 jan03 jan04 janserious longserious short
[23/12/2014, 12:04:22 AM] Rob: Obamacare, but for exiling thunderf00t to a black hole
[23/12/2014, 12:04:37 AM] Ian Cheong: I'm installing Fallout on my Mac, because of course.
[23/12/2014, 12:04:46 AM] Rob: Nice.
[23/12/2014, 12:04:51 AM] Rob: Oh, does sfall work on mac?
[23/12/2014, 12:05:04 AM] Ian Cheong: Shadowfall?
[23/12/2014, 12:05:30 AM] Rob: There's some program for fallout 1 and 2 called sfall or something. It lets you run in windowed mode, modern resolutions, adds a few new features like lets you use mice scrollwheels, etc
[23/12/2014, 12:05:37 AM] Ian Cheong: Ohh.
[23/12/2014, 12:05:38 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ugh. I keep getting roped into this dogpiling of @lizzyf620
[23/12/2014, 12:05:45 AM] Ian Cheong: Not sure, Rob. Probably.
[23/12/2014, 12:06:00 AM] Rob: Me too, izzy
[23/12/2014, 12:06:05 AM] Rob: I'm getting annoyed by it
[23/12/2014, 12:06:21 AM] Rob: I purposefully didn't signal boost b/c I wanted her actual answer
[23/12/2014, 12:06:27 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): It's like. I already called her out and did my part. But some people have an axe to grind with her
[23/12/2014, 12:06:42 AM] Rob: Yep.
[23/12/2014, 12:06:46 AM] Rob: And I think she's bad news bears
[23/12/2014, 12:06:57 AM] Rob: But she's actually said she'd discuss shit, which is ... better than a lot of people on her side.
[23/12/2014, 12:07:39 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): and all the GG parody accounts have jumped in. I don't know what the heck is going on. It's a mess
[23/12/2014, 12:07:43 AM] Rob: Yep
[23/12/2014, 12:08:33 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I'm wary of @idlediletante. She always seems to take things too far
[23/12/2014, 12:08:42 AM] Rob: She's doxxed people, by her own admission
[23/12/2014, 12:09:09 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Fun
[23/12/2014, 12:09:50 AM] Rob: H/o I can find the tweet
[23/12/2014, 12:10:03 AM] Ian Cheong: I don't like how people blame Zoe for what other people do.
[23/12/2014, 12:10:23 AM] Rob: Neither do I.
[23/12/2014, 12:10:28 AM] Rob: Even if Zoe wasn't a good person, that would piss me off.
[23/12/2014, 12:11:01 AM] Rob:, izzy
[23/12/2014, 12:11:11 AM] Rob: If you comment on that, feel free to say you speak for me, too
[23/12/2014, 12:11:16 AM] Rob: I gotta go feed chickens or some BS, back in like 10
[23/12/2014, 12:11:32 AM] Ian Cheong: Hey, is Prison Architect any good?
[23/12/2014, 12:11:38 AM] Rob: It's decently fun
[23/12/2014, 12:11:45 AM] Rob: But I haven't played it much since it first came out in early access
[23/12/2014, 12:11:50 AM] Rob: It looks like it'll be cool once it's finished.
[23/12/2014, 12:11:56 AM] Rob: brb
[23/12/2014, 12:21:42 AM] Rob: And back.
[23/12/2014, 12:21:48 AM] Rob: So yah, thunderf00t is a fucking monster.
[23/12/2014, 1:03:11 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ... Grace Lynn called GamerGate a bunch of cowards by being afraid to tie their real names to GamerGate. Now she is getting flooded with their real names and locations. What.
[23/12/2014, 1:03:51 AM] Rob: Heh
[23/12/2014, 1:05:45 AM] Tesseract: "@SJWIlluminati I'm ashamed of you such using cheap "ironic" shaming. Please make better comedy."
[23/12/2014, 1:06:03 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ah, so they are not denying he pooped on the floor?
[23/12/2014, 1:06:20 AM] Rob: who was that from?
[23/12/2014, 1:07:01 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): She RT'd it:
[23/12/2014, 1:07:13 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): puts away Sherlock Holmes pipe
[23/12/2014, 1:14:56 AM] Annie Kelly: hello everyone! longtime noskype
[23/12/2014, 1:15:06 AM] Ian Cheong: Hey annie
[23/12/2014, 1:15:13 AM] Rob: Hi annie <3
[23/12/2014, 1:15:20 AM] Annie Kelly: woo ian!
[23/12/2014, 1:15:43 AM] Peter Coffin: hey ian
[23/12/2014, 1:15:50 AM] Ian Cheong: Hey Peter.
[23/12/2014, 1:15:55 AM] Annie Kelly: I imagine this has already been discussed but what are peoples feelings about the new patreon TOS
[23/12/2014, 1:16:11 AM] Rob: I haen't seen it yet
[23/12/2014, 1:16:22 AM] Annie Kelly: some of it seems a lot stricter than I was discussing and v anti-porn :\
[23/12/2014, 1:16:23 AM] Ian Cheong: I like it well enough.
[23/12/2014, 1:16:32 AM] Annie Kelly: *expecting, not discussing
[23/12/2014, 1:16:41 AM] Ian Cheong: Wasn't expecting them to be so anti-porn though.
[23/12/2014, 1:17:31 AM] Annie Kelly: yeah im worried that's gona backfire on good people
[23/12/2014, 1:17:54 AM] Ian Cheong: GG is trying to get it to backfire on good people. We have to stop them.
[23/12/2014, 1:18:07 AM] Ian Cheong: I sent a few emails to Patreon informing them.
[23/12/2014, 1:19:50 AM] Rob: I saw some people on KiA talking about gtrying to get zoe's shut down
[23/12/2014, 1:19:54 AM] Rob: it was posted on ghazi
[23/12/2014, 1:20:16 AM] Annie Kelly: Yeah, are patreon aware of GG's MO? ie the "We're all just very concerned consumer" bullshit emails
[23/12/2014, 1:22:26 AM] Ian Cheong: I recommend emailing them links to all of GG's stuff.
[23/12/2014, 1:22:32 AM] Ian Cheong: To show them they are being brigaded.
[23/12/2014, 1:22:42 AM] Annie Kelly: good idea, will get on it now?
[23/12/2014, 1:22:46 AM] Ian Cheong: great.
[23/12/2014, 1:23:00 AM] Annie Kelly: question mark not meant to be there ha.
[23/12/2014, 1:35:17 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): This is refreshing to hear:
[23/12/2014, 1:37:35 AM] Annie Kelly: good for them, although lol at self-destructive. like them ruining other peoples lives nbd
[23/12/2014, 1:42:15 AM] Remy: Good morning again, folks
[23/12/2014, 1:44:43 AM] Annie Kelly: hello : )
[23/12/2014, 1:51:45 AM] Ian Cheong: Just completed my review for a pair of headphones. took me long enough.
[23/12/2014, 2:03:52 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol, when 4chan is the only group willing to listen, you might have a big problem:
[23/12/2014, 2:10:01 AM] David Gallant: Afternoon.
[23/12/2014, 2:10:35 AM] David Gallant: I see Ian has joined us. Hey!
[23/12/2014, 2:10:41 AM] Ian Cheong: Hey David!
[23/12/2014, 2:13:00 AM] David Gallant: What have I missed?
[23/12/2014, 2:13:18 AM] David Gallant: I've been getting rumbles that the Patreon announcement has had some fallout.
[23/12/2014, 2:13:25 AM] Charloppe: hello everyone
[23/12/2014, 2:13:34 AM] Remy: I, too, have been out. Are they still trying to brigade Patreon to try and sabotage ZQ's account?
[23/12/2014, 2:13:39 AM] Ian Cheong: Yes
[23/12/2014, 2:13:40 AM] Ian Cheong: they are
[23/12/2014, 2:13:42 AM] Ian Cheong: see the serious chat
[23/12/2014, 2:13:44 AM] Ian Cheong: I just posted a link.
[23/12/2014, 2:13:45 AM] Remy: Good morning, Charlotte
[23/12/2014, 2:13:49 AM] Ian Cheong: they're trying to get many women banned from Patreon
[23/12/2014, 2:13:57 AM] Remy: I am actually not connected to the serious chat
[23/12/2014, 2:14:02 AM] Ian Cheong: ill paste it here.
[23/12/2014, 2:14:03 AM] Charloppe: morning stephen
[23/12/2014, 2:14:03 AM] Ian Cheong:
[23/12/2014, 2:14:08 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Atlas, I'll add you
[23/12/2014, 2:24:59 AM] Peter Coffin:
[23/12/2014, 2:26:01 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[23/12/2014, 2:27:25 AM] Peter Coffin: I thought Beta as Fuck was harassment
[23/12/2014, 2:27:33 AM] Peter Coffin: why are Jonathan Mann and myself not on for that
[23/12/2014, 2:27:45 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Peter, I'll go ask that they add you
[23/12/2014, 2:27:47 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): XD
[23/12/2014, 2:27:49 AM] Peter Coffin: hahahahahaha
[23/12/2014, 2:27:55 AM] David Gallant: Because you're men, Peter,
[23/12/2014, 2:27:59 AM] Peter Coffin: OH RIGHT
[23/12/2014, 2:28:02 AM] Peter Coffin: FORGOT ABOUT THAT
[23/12/2014, 2:28:25 AM] David Gallant: Just saw your tweet, Peter - that is some BULLSHIT.
[23/12/2014, 2:28:57 AM] Peter Coffin: yeah, I didn't even know it was going on
[23/12/2014, 2:29:09 AM] Peter Coffin: I saw a non-gater tweet about it, not an
[23/12/2014, 2:29:15 AM] Peter Coffin: not one of whatever our side is
[23/12/2014, 2:29:19 AM] Peter Coffin: just a regular person
[23/12/2014, 2:29:24 AM] Peter Coffin: and I was like "what the fuck"
[23/12/2014, 2:29:32 AM] Ian Cheong: Classic Ubisoft.
[23/12/2014, 2:29:44 AM] Remy: They have been very Ubisoft this year
[23/12/2014, 2:30:11 AM] Remy: Although they can't beat finding a way to mess up Tetris on the PS4
[23/12/2014, 2:30:21 AM] Remy: That will always be their shining achievement
[23/12/2014, 2:30:26 AM] Ian Cheong: How did they mess that up?
[23/12/2014, 2:30:28 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[23/12/2014, 2:30:36 AM] Remy: Apparently it has some borderline game breaking glitches
[23/12/2014, 2:30:46 AM] Peter Coffin: HAHAHA
[23/12/2014, 2:30:48 AM] Peter Coffin: HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAA
[23/12/2014, 2:30:56 AM] David Gallant: Glitches in Tetris.
Welcome to videogames in 2014
[23/12/2014, 2:30:59 AM] Peter Coffin: izzy you shit
[23/12/2014, 2:31:14 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Teehee
[23/12/2014, 2:32:21 AM] Peter Coffin: I don't know if I want to, I am tired of people taking other people down at this point
[23/12/2014, 2:32:31 AM] Peter Coffin: been a running theme in my life for a long time, I want to end it
[23/12/2014, 2:32:36 AM] Annie Kelly: The weirdest thing GG ever did is make me think of reddit as the more reasonable option
[23/12/2014, 2:32:44 AM] Annie Kelly: (as in compared to 8chan)
[23/12/2014, 2:32:50 AM] Peter Coffin: yeah I suppose that is correct
[23/12/2014, 2:32:58 AM] Ian Cheong: Reddit's alright if you steer clear of certain subreddits.
[23/12/2014, 2:33:19 AM] Ian Cheong: The TRP/KIA/TIA/MRA subreddits are the worst.
[23/12/2014, 2:33:25 AM] Peter Coffin: yes
[23/12/2014, 2:33:34 AM] Annie Kelly: lol, I'm doing digital anti-feminism for my PhD proposal. those places will become my home if I get funding
[23/12/2014, 2:33:42 AM] Ian Cheong: Oh god.
[23/12/2014, 2:33:44 AM] Remy: nice
[23/12/2014, 2:33:44 AM] Ian Cheong: I do not envy you.
[23/12/2014, 2:33:53 AM] Ian Cheong: There is so much outrage on those boards.
[23/12/2014, 2:33:55 AM] Ian Cheong: It's outrage culture.
[23/12/2014, 2:34:02 AM] Remy: manufactured outrage
[23/12/2014, 2:34:06 AM] Remy: And they're all junkies
[23/12/2014, 2:34:06 AM] Ian Cheong: TIA is literally "look at what these tumblr tweens said!!!!"
[23/12/2014, 2:34:12 AM] Peter Coffin: tia makes me so mad
[23/12/2014, 2:34:21 AM] Annie Kelly: I joked for a long time about just having my proposal be "Pay me to hang out in the worst parts of the internet and see how long it takes me to break"
[23/12/2014, 2:34:27 AM] Ian Cheong: TIA makes me pretty mad for several reasons.
[23/12/2014, 2:34:31 AM] Ian Cheong: The posts they link to are annoying.
[23/12/2014, 2:34:39 AM] Peter Coffin: I love tumblr actually, I dislike a lot of it but generally I think it is a positive site
[23/12/2014, 2:34:41 AM] Ian Cheong: Like you can sort of relate to their outrage, which is another reason I hate that board.
[23/12/2014, 2:34:59 AM] Peter Coffin: I use tumblr for my "main site"
[23/12/2014, 2:35:36 AM] Annie Kelly: it feels like they just re-post a lot of people obv taking the piss
[23/12/2014, 2:35:41 AM] Ian Cheong: I want to use tumblr as my "main site" but I think I need an in or a community to belong to for that to happen.
[23/12/2014, 2:35:45 AM] Annie Kelly: (not tumblr, TIA)
[23/12/2014, 2:36:13 AM] Annie Kelly: Like does anyone actually think trans-ethnic or whatever is a thing
[23/12/2014, 2:36:16 AM] David Gallant: I seem to remember a lot of GG or GG-like stuff starting on TiA before the creation of KiA
[23/12/2014, 2:36:33 AM] Peter Coffin: pretty much
[23/12/2014, 2:36:35 AM] Ian Cheong: I was there when GG happened. It started on TIA.
[23/12/2014, 2:36:44 AM] Peter Coffin: they tried to infiltrate once as well
[23/12/2014, 2:36:52 AM] Annie Kelly: its no surprise there's overlap there, but i'd be interested to see what percentage come from TRP and mensirghts
[23/12/2014, 2:36:53 AM] Peter Coffin: tumblr was like "wtf is this bullshit"
[23/12/2014, 2:37:03 AM] Annie Kelly: that was one of their funnier ops
[23/12/2014, 2:37:10 AM] Tesseract: tumblr owns
[23/12/2014, 2:37:16 AM] Peter Coffin: agreed
[23/12/2014, 2:37:29 AM] Ian Cheong: It's sad to think that TIA once made fun of TRPers and MRAs.
[23/12/2014, 2:37:32 AM] Tesseract: they pretty much destroyed every gamergater who set foot in it
[23/12/2014, 2:37:37 AM] Ian Cheong: Now it's pretty much a TRP/MRA hive.
[23/12/2014, 2:37:44 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Annie, there's a subreddit dedicated specifically to seeing the overlap of subreddit users
[23/12/2014, 2:37:53 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I forget what it's called
[23/12/2014, 2:37:55 AM] Annie Kelly: ooh is there
[23/12/2014, 2:38:08 AM] Remy: men's rights activism has to be the biggest misnomer/oxymoron of this century
[23/12/2014, 2:38:24 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Annie:
[23/12/2014, 2:38:38 AM] Tesseract: was just about to link that
[23/12/2014, 2:38:41 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[23/12/2014, 2:38:59 AM] Tesseract:
[23/12/2014, 2:39:14 AM] Ian Cheong: Yeah they changed quite a bit.
[23/12/2014, 2:39:18 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): /r/fatlogic
[23/12/2014, 2:39:21 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): whoa
[23/12/2014, 2:39:25 AM] Tesseract: tpp though :(
[23/12/2014, 2:39:39 AM] Ian Cheong: It used to be anti-fat activists and r/cringe.
[23/12/2014, 2:39:44 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): /r/MensRights
[23/12/2014, 2:39:44 AM] Annie Kelly: always bloody game of thrones
[23/12/2014, 2:39:50 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): such angry people
[23/12/2014, 2:39:52 AM] Ian Cheong: Now it's just MRA stuff
[23/12/2014, 2:39:53 AM] Remy: lol
[23/12/2014, 2:40:03 AM] Tesseract: Of 3583 Users Found:
Subreddit  Overlapping users
/r/TumblrInAction  1511
[23/12/2014, 2:40:11 AM] Remy: Game of Thrones let me know exactly how many people were desperate for violent fantasy and hadn't heard of books
[23/12/2014, 2:40:17 AM] Ian Cheong: Check out r/cringe, it's pretty bad now too.
[23/12/2014, 2:40:38 AM] Remy: Even the folks who read the Game of Thrones books talk about it as if they've just discovered books
[23/12/2014, 2:40:46 AM] Ian Cheong: Someone subbed a video about how I pointed out that KSI was a sexual harassing scumbag and it got r/all'd from r/cringe.
[23/12/2014, 2:41:12 AM] Peter Coffin: I have had quite a few threads made about me in cringe
[23/12/2014, 2:41:17 AM] Peter Coffin: I find them in my analytics
[23/12/2014, 2:41:36 AM] Ian Cheong: Gg is not my first rodeo.
[23/12/2014, 2:41:41 AM] Peter Coffin: nor mine
[23/12/2014, 2:41:56 AM] Remy: It's the first time I've seen so many antisocial people act so empowered
[23/12/2014, 2:42:03 AM] Peter Coffin: it's actually why I'm involved for this long. I HATE that this keeps happening to people
[23/12/2014, 2:42:04 AM] Remy: They think they're changing the world with memes and death threats
[23/12/2014, 2:42:09 AM] Peter Coffin: and it keeps getting worse
[23/12/2014, 2:42:26 AM] Annie Kelly: TWO subreddits dedicated to making fun of fat people
imagine being that mad about someones existence that doesn't affect you in any way
[23/12/2014, 2:43:20 AM] Remy: I'm assuming fat logic is a fat shaming reddit
[23/12/2014, 2:43:26 AM] Ian Cheong: it is.
[23/12/2014, 2:43:32 AM] Remy: I'm new to the Reddit scene but I'm trying to keep up
[23/12/2014, 2:43:37 AM] Ian Cheong: She was posting stories about some fat roommate she had from college.
[23/12/2014, 2:44:09 AM] Remy: Such a weird concept to me
[23/12/2014, 2:44:18 AM] Annie Kelly: Christ. why do they care?
[23/12/2014, 2:44:42 AM] Remy: I used to be 230 pounds. It really did a number on my anxiety, I couldn't go anywhere without feeling like people were talking about me. But I never told myself they were gonna go home, go online and keep talking
[23/12/2014, 2:44:54 AM] Annie Kelly: imagine looking at all the injustice in the world and being like "fat people. this is the issue i'm going to dedicate my free time talking about"
[23/12/2014, 2:45:05 AM] Ian Cheong: It's such a shitty hill to die on.
[23/12/2014, 2:45:17 AM] Remy: It says a lot more about the person doing the hating
[23/12/2014, 2:45:31 AM] Annie Kelly: like I have that thought about anti-SJWs a lot but at least they really are convinced we're controlling the world
[23/12/2014, 2:46:21 AM] Remy: That's what you get when conspiracy theorists and impressionable children are allowed to chat at the same dinner table
[23/12/2014, 2:46:52 AM] Annie Kelly: also: anti-semites. old pros at the "libruls controlling the meeja" narrative
[23/12/2014, 2:46:55 AM] Remy: Now we get to sit and wait and hope that these kids get overheard by their mothers ranting about the "cultural marxist illuminati" taking away our vidya and free speech
[23/12/2014, 2:47:06 AM] Remy: Before parents go "Oh, I had no idea you were smoking crazy on the side"
[23/12/2014, 2:47:26 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): WOW. The KiA users saying that targetting these women's patreons is a bad idea are being heavily downvoted
[23/12/2014, 2:47:26 AM] Ian Cheong: The idea is that some people want to control the world by pacifying the populace with political correctness.
[23/12/2014, 2:47:28 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): such hive
[23/12/2014, 2:48:36 AM] Remy: I wonder when the "moderate" Gaters will realize how much their moderate voice is constantly being down voted in favor of violent threats and harassment
[23/12/2014, 2:48:48 AM] Remy: I wonder when they will realize that their voice is indeed being silenced, but only by their own comrades
[23/12/2014, 2:48:59 AM] David Gallant: I don't think there are moderates anymore.
[23/12/2014, 2:49:00 AM] Peter Coffin: who knows
[23/12/2014, 2:49:07 AM] Peter Coffin: yeah I wonder that as well
[23/12/2014, 2:49:10 AM] Remy: True enough
[23/12/2014, 2:50:09 AM] Ian Cheong: adding y'all to Skype.
[23/12/2014, 2:50:15 AM] Peter Coffin: cool my friend
[23/12/2014, 2:50:27 AM] Annie Kelly: : D
[23/12/2014, 2:50:51 AM] Peter Coffin: by the way, for anyone that doesn't know, I slip in and out of here a lot, when I'm at work because I'm at work, and when at home because I'm with my family
[23/12/2014, 2:51:03 AM] Peter Coffin: my kid needs attention and I like my wife a little
[23/12/2014, 2:51:09 AM] Remy: lol
[23/12/2014, 2:51:12 AM] Remy: <3
[23/12/2014, 2:51:14 AM] Remy: dat family man
[23/12/2014, 2:53:02 AM] Annie Kelly: haha no worries, I basically drift in and out too, mainly bc i'm stealing our neighbours wifi with my leet hacking skills (he's old and doesn't have a password)
[23/12/2014, 2:55:30 AM] Remy: XD
[23/12/2014, 2:55:54 AM] David Gallant: Stephen - just mind your own mental health if you decide to do that.
[23/12/2014, 2:56:08 AM] Remy: lol I appreciate the warning and I do like to be careful
[23/12/2014, 2:56:21 AM] Remy: The good news is there's nothing they can't show me that I can't top
[23/12/2014, 2:59:11 AM] Annie Kelly: never respecting the serious/social chat binary
[23/12/2014, 2:59:24 AM] Rob: its because you're a meanie meanie mean face, annie
[23/12/2014, 2:59:35 AM] Rob: You're simultaneously a 90 year old woman and a 14 year old according to gamergate
[23/12/2014, 2:59:42 AM] Remy: right?
[23/12/2014, 2:59:44 AM] Annie Kelly: lmfao
[23/12/2014, 2:59:45 AM] Remy: I'm so unprofessional
[23/12/2014, 2:59:56 AM] Remy: And I used to monitor the radios, I should know about proper protocol
[23/12/2014, 2:59:59 AM] Tesseract: parkourdude91
[23/12/2014, 3:00:28 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): GG are so vile they attack one of their own:
[23/12/2014, 3:00:36 AM] Peter Coffin:
[23/12/2014, 3:00:53 AM] Peter Coffin: I really like showing them as literally oblivious to ethics
[23/12/2014, 3:00:53 AM] Ian Cheong: Screencap that and post it on Twitter, Izzy
[23/12/2014, 3:00:55 AM] Ian Cheong: that's a big one
[23/12/2014, 3:00:59 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Will do
[23/12/2014, 3:01:10 AM] Peter Coffin: JESUS
[23/12/2014, 3:01:12 AM] Peter Coffin: fuck this thread
[23/12/2014, 3:01:29 AM] Remy: I can't read it
[23/12/2014, 3:01:32 AM] Remy: just says "removed"
[23/12/2014, 3:01:33 AM] Peter Coffin: it's removed, did you get it?
[23/12/2014, 3:01:47 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): yeah, I got it
[23/12/2014, 3:02:03 AM] Tesseract: I saved the whole page
[23/12/2014, 3:02:35 AM] Peter Coffin: awesome
[23/12/2014, 3:02:41 AM] Peter Coffin: anyone manage to it?
[23/12/2014, 3:02:53 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[23/12/2014, 3:02:55 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): No
[23/12/2014, 3:03:03 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): did not get it to
[23/12/2014, 3:03:10 AM] Annie Kelly: This message has been removed.
[23/12/2014, 3:03:19 AM] Remy: Tess is on fire today
[23/12/2014, 3:03:22 AM] Remy: Every day, really
[23/12/2014, 3:03:37 AM] Ian Cheong: who's Tess?
[23/12/2014, 3:03:53 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Tesseract in this chat. SJWIlluminati on Twitter
[23/12/2014, 3:04:04 AM] Ian Cheong: Ohhhh yeah
[23/12/2014, 3:04:18 AM] Remy: my bad
[23/12/2014, 3:06:26 AM] Remy: haha I'm laughing at this one post on that "No action from FTC" KiA
[23/12/2014, 3:06:53 AM] Remy: One of them is like "The response says that the FTC is not able to intervene in individual disputes hey bro I think that means it's out of their jurisdiction you need to call a different agency"
[23/12/2014, 3:06:55 AM] Remy: Poor FTC
[23/12/2014, 3:07:00 AM] Remy: You phrased it politely
[23/12/2014, 3:07:13 AM] Remy: You should have said "This is stupid. You are stupid. GamerGate is stupid"
[23/12/2014, 3:09:48 AM] Remy: You guys I have proof that that Parkour dude that sends threats is also doing something valuable with his life
[23/12/2014, 3:09:50 AM] Rob: "hey FTC why are you guys being shills for anita"
[23/12/2014, 3:09:59 AM] Remy: And by that I mean he's participating in Mt Dew sweepstakes
[23/12/2014, 3:10:03 AM] Remy: [gamerfuel]
[23/12/2014, 3:10:13 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): HEHEHEHE:
[23/12/2014, 3:10:32 AM] Peter Coffin:
[23/12/2014, 3:12:24 AM] Remy: Hey you guys
[23/12/2014, 3:12:31 AM] Remy: Sade Villena is announcing a hard release date for FLEETcomm
[23/12/2014, 3:12:34 AM] Remy: Dec 25th
[23/12/2014, 3:12:39 AM] Remy: He is literally giving himself three days
[23/12/2014, 3:12:41 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): No way
[23/12/2014, 3:12:49 AM] Rob: OMG
[23/12/2014, 3:12:52 AM] Rob: LINK
[23/12/2014, 3:12:55 AM] Remy:
[23/12/2014, 3:12:56 AM] Rob: I want to be the biggest dick ever
[23/12/2014, 3:13:03 AM] Rob: I'm waiting until the end of the 25th
[23/12/2014, 3:13:03 AM] Remy: Majora's mask meme?
[23/12/2014, 3:13:06 AM] Remy: Three more days...
[23/12/2014, 3:13:25 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Reply with this:
[23/12/2014, 3:13:38 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Dawn of the First Day
- 72 hours remain -
[23/12/2014, 3:13:42 AM] David Gallant: Good for fucking him. I'll believe it when I see it.
[23/12/2014, 3:13:49 AM] Rob: Oh, no, I already know what I'm going to do
[23/12/2014, 3:13:50 AM] Remy: lol
[23/12/2014, 3:13:53 AM] Rob: If it's not out on the 26th
[23/12/2014, 3:14:11 AM] Rob: I'm tweeting out that image, with 'FleetCOMM: Operation Vigrior is now LIVE on your Phantom home gaming console!'
[23/12/2014, 3:14:15 AM] David Gallant: Honestly he probably does have something done. He keeps making posts to his Facebook about various dev milestones.
[23/12/2014, 3:14:47 AM] David Gallant: I have no doubt he will have SOME version of FleetCOMM out on the 25th (probably the worst launch day, but whatever)
[23/12/2014, 3:14:59 AM] Rob: Well, earlier he said black Friday.
[23/12/2014, 3:15:22 AM] David Gallant: Consider that what he sells on Desura is an "OMNIpass", aka what folks call today a "season pass"
[23/12/2014, 3:15:35 AM] David Gallant: Meaning what you're buying is a promise of future updates.
[23/12/2014, 3:15:39 AM] Rob: Right
[23/12/2014, 3:16:08 AM] David Gallant: So I have no doubt whatever FleetCOMM launches in a few days will be "complete" but not *complete
[23/12/2014, 3:16:13 AM] David Gallant: If you know what I mean.
[23/12/2014, 3:16:22 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): RogueStar quality
[23/12/2014, 3:16:31 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Probably just re-release his alpha
[23/12/2014, 3:16:37 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): if it's like his last OP
[23/12/2014, 3:16:44 AM] Remy: Sounds about right
[23/12/2014, 3:17:05 AM] Remy: I wish he would go back to making games.
[23/12/2014, 3:17:11 AM] Remy: I wish he was as busy during the day as Brianna Wu always is
[23/12/2014, 3:17:15 AM] Ian Cheong: I can't go an hour on Twitter without receiving random ass messages.
[23/12/2014, 3:17:19 AM] Remy: Instead of free to spend his time terrorizing good people
[23/12/2014, 3:17:46 AM] David Gallant: Me too.
[23/12/2014, 3:19:25 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ian, are GGers still intentionally mixing you up with Arthur? :/
[23/12/2014, 3:19:41 AM] Tesseract: weren't we going to invite arthur
[23/12/2014, 3:19:52 AM] Ian Cheong: occasionally, Izzy
[23/12/2014, 3:19:56 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yuk
[23/12/2014, 3:20:00 AM] Remy: that got old so damn fast
[23/12/2014, 3:20:21 AM] Remy: The first time it was like "Haha these clueless racist Gaters" after that it quickly stopped being funny
[23/12/2014, 3:21:59 AM] Quinnae: peeks in Hey there, all, how goes le Revolution?
[23/12/2014, 3:22:05 AM] Remy: This stupid game won't let me romance Iron Bull and I'm so angry about it
[23/12/2014, 3:22:51 AM] David Gallant: Depressingly ineffectual, Katherine.
[23/12/2014, 3:26:54 AM] Remy: oh I have to finish Iron Bull's personal quest
[23/12/2014, 3:27:23 AM] SF: >I want to use tumblr as my "main site" but I think I need an in or a community to belong to for that to happen.

In my experience discoverability on tumblr via content curators and simply tagging your work is much higher on tumblr than on Twitter.
[23/12/2014, 3:28:20 AM] Quinnae: slurps coffee What's the matter, David?
[23/12/2014, 3:29:11 AM] SF: And Peter go home and be a family man
[23/12/2014, 3:30:15 AM] SF: As for the Revolution it's actually pretty depressing if you read serious chat. (concerning Zoe's court case)
[23/12/2014, 3:30:22 AM] Ian Cheong: Hmm I'll try that.
[23/12/2014, 3:30:26 AM] Ian Cheong: just blog more often then
[23/12/2014, 3:30:41 AM] SF: There's also a culture of self-submission to people with lots of followers.
[23/12/2014, 3:31:22 AM] SF: I was so proud of my ~400 :<
[23/12/2014, 3:31:49 AM] SF: Anyone know kristenn8575? I just got a contact request.
[23/12/2014, 3:31:55 AM] Ian Cheong: Nope
[23/12/2014, 3:31:57 AM] Ian Cheong: probably a spambot
[23/12/2014, 3:32:05 AM] Annie Kelly: sounds spammy
[23/12/2014, 3:32:20 AM] Quinnae: Oh gods. sighs That is absolutely infuriating, David. I... I can't tell you how angry I am right now. Wow.
[23/12/2014, 3:32:51 AM] Quinnae: This is why I do the work that I do. But it's always gutwrenching to see reminders of how important it is writ so painfully large.
[23/12/2014, 3:32:51 AM] Ian Cheong: What's going on?
[23/12/2014, 3:33:45 AM] Quinnae: Zoe's judge telling her to get off the internet and find a new job, basically.
[23/12/2014, 3:33:53 AM] Ian Cheong: Oh that
[23/12/2014, 3:33:53 AM] Ian Cheong: yes
[23/12/2014, 3:33:54 AM] Remy: x-x
[23/12/2014, 3:33:55 AM] Remy: god damnit
[23/12/2014, 3:33:56 AM] Ian Cheong: depressing stuff.
[23/12/2014, 3:34:18 AM] Remy: So in other words some stuck up POS who thinks the internet is all video games and ice cream cones and doesn't want to listen to someone
[23/12/2014, 3:34:41 AM] Quinnae: There are times when I wonder if "the internet is a real place" is too facile a hook on which to hang one's academic career... and then I see shit like this and think, "nope, that bafflingly simply idea is still novel."
[23/12/2014, 3:34:57 AM] SF: Even referrred to the online stalking as "drama"
[23/12/2014, 3:35:02 AM] Remy: From now on all court cases should refer to "The internet" as the aggrieved person's "place of business"
[23/12/2014, 3:35:03 AM] Peter Coffin: WHAT. THE. FUCK.
[23/12/2014, 3:35:06 AM] Peter Coffin: WHAT THE FUCK
[23/12/2014, 3:35:07 AM] Peter Coffin: FUCK
[23/12/2014, 3:35:08 AM] Peter Coffin: FUCK
[23/12/2014, 3:35:11 AM] Peter Coffin: I AM PISSED
[23/12/2014, 3:35:12 AM] Peter Coffin: WHAT
[23/12/2014, 3:35:15 AM] Peter Coffin: THE
[23/12/2014, 3:35:16 AM] Peter Coffin: FUCK
[23/12/2014, 3:35:23 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yeah. It's incredibly fucked up.
[23/12/2014, 3:35:29 AM] Quinnae: Oh, sorry, I thought everyone in this room already knew.
[23/12/2014, 3:35:31 AM] SF: That was the judge himself.
[23/12/2014, 3:35:32 AM] Peter Coffin: I met my wife, who moved here from SCOTLAND on the internet.
[23/12/2014, 3:35:37 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): People not familiar with the Internet should not be making decisions around it
[23/12/2014, 3:35:52 AM] SF: My partner and I have been together 11 years and we met on freaking Furcadia.
[23/12/2014, 3:35:53 AM] Ian Cheong: Yeah it's frustrating to say the least.
[23/12/2014, 3:35:56 AM] Remy: This is the first time I'm hearing about the judge's attitude but I myself would cry if I heard the judge say that about my case
[23/12/2014, 3:36:10 AM] Peter Coffin: I would get arrested
[23/12/2014, 3:36:13 AM] Peter Coffin: I'm not joking
[23/12/2014, 3:36:19 AM] Peter Coffin: I would be like "are you fucking kidding me?"
[23/12/2014, 3:36:25 AM] Remy: Obviously a very uneducated judge not paying attention to the people he's supposed to serve
[23/12/2014, 3:36:52 AM] SF: I remember dealing with the judges in the abuse cases with my mother. They had it in their head ahead of time that the mother just could not be the abuser or the "deadbeat dad" and everything was a forgone conclusion.
[23/12/2014, 3:36:56 AM] SF: This is sure bringing back memories.
[23/12/2014, 3:37:21 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): hug
[23/12/2014, 3:37:41 AM] Peter Coffin: ugh I am so fucking irritated by that
[23/12/2014, 3:37:45 AM] Peter Coffin: THAT infuriates me
[23/12/2014, 3:37:47 AM] Remy: Oh yeah it's so much worse as a kid going through the court system
[23/12/2014, 3:37:51 AM] Peter Coffin: I feel so sorry for zoe
[23/12/2014, 3:37:53 AM] Remy: They don't really ever tell you shit
[23/12/2014, 3:37:59 AM] Peter Coffin: AGAIN
[23/12/2014, 3:38:32 AM] SF: I find it so infuriating that "red pill" gets used for these cult-like applications with MRAs and whatnot, total opposite of the original meaning.
[23/12/2014, 3:39:07 AM] SF: Because those couple moments that have totally broken the privileged view I once had of society, of there being this civilized and benevolent infrastructure that would always be there and always care about you
[23/12/2014, 3:39:50 AM] SF: I feel like those were "red pill" moments, realizing it's a thin veneer of dignity on a dog eat dog free for all.
[23/12/2014, 3:40:29 AM] Remy: Hey it looks like GSK's Patreon is successfully funded now
[23/12/2014, 3:40:39 AM] SF: Coming out as trans solidified it. Start to watch your movements all the time. Authorities may not side with you in clear cut cases where you're the victim. You realize you have your back and basically no one else.
[23/12/2014, 3:41:15 AM] Remy: I can't stand MRA's stealing The Matrix and its terminology as a part of their culture
[23/12/2014, 3:41:26 AM] Remy: The Matrix is a metaphor for the socially constructed gender binary
[23/12/2014, 3:41:30 AM] Quinnae: I totally relate to that, Lumie.
[23/12/2014, 3:41:31 AM] Remy: I will say this a million times x-x
[23/12/2014, 3:42:26 AM] Remy: And MRA's and Gaters are all a bunch of sad, lonely Ciphers, chugging down digital red steaks and blue pills and saying "I wanna be famous and important when you put me back into the system. Make me... a white man"
[23/12/2014, 3:42:36 AM] SF: Kind of like how V's mask has been co-opted into movements V would be disgusted by.
[23/12/2014, 3:42:45 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): (Haha, Bri is having fun with my screenshot:
[23/12/2014, 3:42:49 AM] Remy: exactly
[23/12/2014, 3:42:54 AM] SF: Hah I didn't think of Cipher.
[23/12/2014, 3:42:57 AM] Remy: I saw that Izzy :D
[23/12/2014, 3:43:48 AM] SF: This girl is a saint.
[23/12/2014, 3:43:48 AM] Ian Cheong:
[23/12/2014, 3:43:50 AM] Ian Cheong: oh lord
[23/12/2014, 3:43:53 AM] Remy: The Wachowski siblings did some amazing things.
[23/12/2014, 3:44:03 AM] Ian Cheong: the PBF Comics creator is doing this new comic
[23/12/2014, 3:44:11 AM] Peter Coffin: I hope they can get their groove back
[23/12/2014, 3:44:12 AM] Ian Cheong: it's a book!
[23/12/2014, 3:44:28 AM] Peter Coffin: the Jupiter movie isn't their groove back from the looks of it, but it does look like it's a step in that direction
[23/12/2014, 3:44:40 AM] SF: I want a complete CGI redux of the Matrix trilogy with the bad parts fixed to happen while Hugo Weaving is still alive to voice act.
[23/12/2014, 3:44:50 AM] SF: He's the only really essential one.
[23/12/2014, 3:44:51 AM] Remy: o.o
[23/12/2014, 3:44:53 AM] Remy: Hugo Weaving is dead?
[23/12/2014, 3:44:58 AM] Peter Coffin: he will be someday
[23/12/2014, 3:45:02 AM] Remy: XD
[23/12/2014, 3:45:08 AM] Remy: DON'T MESS WITH ME LIKE THAT
[23/12/2014, 3:45:26 AM] Remy: lol I read the post wrong first so it's really all my fault
[23/12/2014, 3:45:31 AM] Remy: I'm such a goober
[23/12/2014, 3:45:33 AM] SF: (I actually thought Reloaded was better than the first one fight me)
[23/12/2014, 3:45:39 AM] Peter Coffin: I agree
[23/12/2014, 3:45:44 AM] Peter Coffin: I actually love the trilogy
[23/12/2014, 3:45:45 AM] Remy: Um
[23/12/2014, 3:45:46 AM] SF: THANK you no one else does
[23/12/2014, 3:45:50 AM] Remy: Those actually are fighting words here
[23/12/2014, 3:46:01 AM] Peter Coffin: the third is probably my least favorite, but the second is my favorite
[23/12/2014, 3:46:06 AM] Peter Coffin: it's very close though
[23/12/2014, 3:46:11 AM] Remy: I will defeat you with my Kung Fu, wolf
[23/12/2014, 3:46:11 AM] Ian Cheong: The first is my favorite.
[23/12/2014, 3:46:16 AM] Ian Cheong: The second and third movies can go screw.
[23/12/2014, 3:46:27 AM] SF: The third was pretty clearly a victim of being slapped together confusedly after they had to make major changes when the oracle's actress died.
[23/12/2014, 3:46:29 AM] Peter Coffin: in a virtual world
[23/12/2014, 3:46:43 AM] Remy: Although honestly if we ever re-did The Matrix could we fix the shitty angsty white teen leather trench coat wardrobe?
[23/12/2014, 3:46:44 AM] SF: You got KoF XIII? I'll take that challenge.
[23/12/2014, 3:46:52 AM] Remy: ...please?
[23/12/2014, 3:47:01 AM] Peter Coffin: hahahaha
[23/12/2014, 3:47:04 AM] SF: Well that's one of those things that I remember not being "in" until after the film.
[23/12/2014, 3:47:12 AM] Peter Coffin: would you prefer cartigans? (I would)
[23/12/2014, 3:47:16 AM] SF: Like green and black everywhere. It wasn't a cliche yet.
[23/12/2014, 3:47:16 AM] Remy: oh god
[23/12/2014, 3:47:16 AM] Peter Coffin: cardigans
[23/12/2014, 3:47:17 AM] Remy: Yes
[23/12/2014, 3:47:20 AM] Remy: The Matrix with cardies
[23/12/2014, 3:47:35 AM] Remy: I'm picturing Mister Rogers leaping through a firefight
[23/12/2014, 3:47:49 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[23/12/2014, 3:47:52 AM] Quinnae: is wearing a cardigan
[23/12/2014, 3:47:56 AM] SF: Okay so my reasoning is: I feel like the first Matrix didn't really break new ground. It was great, but it was ultimately mostly retreading territory that Neuromancer did ages ago.
[23/12/2014, 3:48:06 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): takes off his shoes while dodging bullets
[23/12/2014, 3:48:08 AM] Remy: Agent Smith holds up a gun against Neo's head "You're just too slow"
[23/12/2014, 3:48:15 AM] Remy: Mister Rogers holds his gun up to the Agent's head "Dodge this"
[23/12/2014, 3:48:16 AM] SF: All the interesting things about the machines' culture and impact was only touched on in the expanded universe like the Animatrix.
[23/12/2014, 3:48:46 AM] SF: Whereas I felt that Reloaded touched on some really serious issues about choice as an abstract model of social interaction.
[23/12/2014, 3:49:01 AM] SF: Where like, it's over the top action dialogue on its surface, but stimulating the more you think about it, which is hard to pull off.
[23/12/2014, 3:49:13 AM] Peter Coffin: the second one subverted the first, which I loved, because the first subverted your idea of an action movie
[23/12/2014, 3:49:14 AM] SF: (The opening scene in Zion was stupid of course)
[23/12/2014, 3:49:18 AM] Peter Coffin: the third just kind of wrapped it up
[23/12/2014, 3:49:42 AM] Peter Coffin: the dancing was a... well a tragedy
[23/12/2014, 3:49:44 AM] Ian Cheong: I'm upset by the stupid design on the mechs.
[23/12/2014, 3:49:45 AM] Peter Coffin: but beyond that
[23/12/2014, 3:49:48 AM] Ian Cheong: Why are they exposed?
[23/12/2014, 3:49:50 AM] SF: I thought the building up of Smith as a satanic figure was great in the third, and the final fight was well choreographed. I didn't like the third had any other redeeming qualities.
[23/12/2014, 3:50:11 AM] SF: I don't think they had the resources to make armoured suits. They were probably just crate lifters with guns attached.
[23/12/2014, 3:50:22 AM] Peter Coffin: well, considering they were working around a death pretty central to everything, I think the third was good
[23/12/2014, 3:50:26 AM] Peter Coffin: I agree about the mechs though
[23/12/2014, 3:50:50 AM] Peter Coffin: I feel like the third needed to subvert the first two and didn't
[23/12/2014, 3:51:00 AM] Peter Coffin: that's my issue with 3
[23/12/2014, 3:51:05 AM] SF: I feel like most of the scenes just plain didn't have a point.
[23/12/2014, 3:51:33 AM] SF: The first two made some kind of philosophical argument with almost every line.
[23/12/2014, 3:51:48 AM] SF: Whereas Revolutions had a whole lot of scenes that were just kind of LARPed out.
[23/12/2014, 3:52:45 AM] SF: Anyway when I'm rich this will be my vanity investment.
[23/12/2014, 3:53:09 AM] Peter Coffin: agreed
[23/12/2014, 3:53:14 AM] Remy: I'm not the only one who makes "when I'm rich" plans, then :)
[23/12/2014, 3:53:33 AM] Peter Coffin: I still enjoyed it, but it was a popcorn movie in a trilogy of movies that are not popcorn movies
[23/12/2014, 3:53:41 AM] SF: Well put.
[23/12/2014, 3:53:58 AM] Peter Coffin: of course, that could be intentional as well, I don't know
[23/12/2014, 3:53:59 AM] Peter Coffin: I doubt it
[23/12/2014, 3:54:08 AM] Ian Cheong: I liked the references to Holy Blood, Holy Grail in the second and third movies.
[23/12/2014, 3:54:16 AM] Ian Cheong: Merovingian and such.
[23/12/2014, 3:55:10 AM] Ian Cheong: The Merovingians were a Frankish royal family that is said to have founded the Knights Templar.
[23/12/2014, 3:55:25 AM] Ian Cheong: With blood ties to Jesus Chist.
[23/12/2014, 3:55:27 AM] Ian Cheong: Christ
[23/12/2014, 3:55:29 AM] Ian Cheong: not Chist.
[23/12/2014, 3:57:24 AM] SF: I didn't catch that, neat.
[23/12/2014, 3:58:13 AM] SF: So uh shortly after Obama said the US would respond in kind to North Korea's attack their whole internet has collapsed.
[23/12/2014, 3:58:27 AM] Ian Cheong: They only have 1024 internet addresses. Easy to DDOS.
[23/12/2014, 3:58:53 AM] SF: True, but it's significant. We're in the first CYBERWAR
[23/12/2014, 3:58:57 AM] Ian Cheong: Yep.
[23/12/2014, 3:59:13 AM] Rob: Well, not the first
[23/12/2014, 3:59:23 AM] Rob: depending on if you think the Russians do as much as we think they do
[23/12/2014, 3:59:25 AM] SF:
[23/12/2014, 3:59:26 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): North Korea's internet access is completely dead right now?
[23/12/2014, 3:59:27 AM] Peter Coffin: war has changed
[23/12/2014, 3:59:34 AM] Rob: like in Georgia re: south ossettia
[23/12/2014, 3:59:39 AM] Rob: and when they went after the baltics
[23/12/2014, 4:00:20 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Which country was it that experienced a blackout this year or last year, and it was revealed that it was because the NSA accidentally broke something when hacking into one of their routers?
[23/12/2014, 4:00:27 AM] SF: ( hilarious)
[23/12/2014, 4:01:08 AM] SF: That wasn't preceded by a declaration though was it?
[23/12/2014, 4:01:15 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): No.
[23/12/2014, 4:01:39 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): It just happened and initially, it was believed the country's leadership shut off the internet
[23/12/2014, 4:01:51 AM] Ian Cheong:
[23/12/2014, 4:02:05 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): later the NSA leaks revealed that the blackout was from the NSA accidentally broke one of their main routers when hacking in
[23/12/2014, 4:02:13 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I'll see if I can find it
[23/12/2014, 4:02:31 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Aha!
[23/12/2014, 4:03:10 AM] Ian Cheong: oh shit
[23/12/2014, 4:03:11 AM] Ian Cheong: Hotwheels, 8chan founder who got his Patreon banned, said he'll file a discrimination law suit if Patreon doesn't delete other infringing patreons
[23/12/2014, 4:03:25 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Discrimination? How
[23/12/2014, 4:03:27 AM] Ian Cheong:
[23/12/2014, 4:04:10 AM] SF: >Every tweet is planned out to never go over the character limit
[23/12/2014, 4:04:48 AM] SF: He's disabled so clearly everything calling him out on horrible shit he does is because of that for some reason.
[23/12/2014, 4:05:03 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): NotYourShield, amirite?
[23/12/2014, 4:05:08 AM] SF: Beat me to it.
[23/12/2014, 4:05:19 AM] Remy: We all knew he was going to hide behind this
[23/12/2014, 4:05:19 AM] Rob: Oh wait, the 8chan patreon got shut down?
[23/12/2014, 4:05:23 AM] Remy: yup
[23/12/2014, 4:05:23 AM] Rob: wow, I haven't been paying attention today
[23/12/2014, 4:05:42 AM] Rob: I'm like at the absolute bottom of my game right now
[23/12/2014, 4:05:44 AM] Remy: H8chan has a seven day grace period to remove all sexualized images of children from their website or lose funding through Patreon
[23/12/2014, 4:06:01 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): not just that. they have to remove ALL infringing content.
[23/12/2014, 4:06:20 AM] Remy: Yus
[23/12/2014, 4:06:23 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): including the suicide one. the hacking ones. the doxxing ones. the list goes on
[23/12/2014, 4:06:26 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): it's impossible
[23/12/2014, 4:06:49 AM] Ian Cheong: this guy talking right now
[23/12/2014, 4:06:50 AM] Remy: Basically he can try and change his Patreon page to being about cat videos all he wants
[23/12/2014, 4:07:01 AM] Remy: Unless he replaces his entire website with cat videos he's not going to meet the requirements
[23/12/2014, 4:07:46 AM] Ian Cheong: they're just talking about Zoe now
[23/12/2014, 4:07:50 AM] Ian Cheong: But surely it's not about Zoe.
[23/12/2014, 4:07:52 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Figures...
[23/12/2014, 4:08:24 AM] Veerender Jubbal: does Sailor Moon poses How is it going, friends?!
[23/12/2014, 4:08:33 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Hey Veerender!
[23/12/2014, 4:08:42 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Hey, Izzy!
[23/12/2014, 4:08:46 AM] Remy: lol
[23/12/2014, 4:09:01 AM] Remy: ohai Veerender :)
[23/12/2014, 4:09:23 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): So, I learned that there was a Kirby anime or is. I was only familiar with the games.
[23/12/2014, 4:09:33 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): and all Kirby says in the anime is "Poyo"
[23/12/2014, 4:09:37 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Pokemon status confirmed
[23/12/2014, 4:09:51 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[23/12/2014, 4:09:53 AM] Annie Kelly: cant believe my wifi cuts out for like half an hour and you guys are already planning some new matrix heresy
[23/12/2014, 4:10:02 AM] Annie Kelly: unless theres Keanu im not interested
[23/12/2014, 4:10:03 AM] Remy: aww
[23/12/2014, 4:10:20 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Hey, Stephen!
[23/12/2014, 4:10:21 AM] Ian Cheong: a Honey Badger radio person is on that podcast.
[23/12/2014, 4:10:23 AM] Remy: Well then teach Keannu Reeves how to act  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[23/12/2014, 4:10:41 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Bodied.
[23/12/2014, 4:10:45 AM] Annie Kelly: Keanu's acting transcends human understanding
[23/12/2014, 4:10:50 AM] Remy: XD
[23/12/2014, 4:10:55 AM] Annie Kelly: is honey badger judgybitch?
[23/12/2014, 4:10:58 AM] Remy: So subtle only the computers could catch his emotional range
[23/12/2014, 4:10:59 AM] SF: This whole event has made me sad because I used to have a MORE nuanced view of evil.
[23/12/2014, 4:11:20 AM] SF: But GG has taught me that so much of the general "hate movement" is actually quite consolidated and mostly overlaps itself.
[23/12/2014, 4:11:34 AM] Remy: GG and MRA's have really gone out of their way to become absolute caricatures of evil
[23/12/2014, 4:11:37 AM] SF: Evidently I gave the world too much credit.
[23/12/2014, 4:11:53 AM] Remy: I'm disappointed they haven't started waxing their mustaches and twisting the ends when they scheme something
[23/12/2014, 4:12:02 AM] Annie Kelly: in fairness it doesn't help that they emulate a lot of famous villians
[23/12/2014, 4:12:40 AM] Remy: This is what happens when you take the culture of the "badass antihero" and worship it in front of impressionable children for decades on end
[23/12/2014, 4:12:52 AM] Remy: Now they all wanna be The Joker
[23/12/2014, 4:13:26 AM] Annie Kelly: yeah there was an interesting bit in the documentary I was watching last night where they said teenboys who feel disempowered see them as a representation of power
[23/12/2014, 4:13:31 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Izzy?! How did you not know about the Kirby show?!
[23/12/2014, 4:13:41 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Since is likely that Slade isn't RogueStars real name or middle name, we've come to the conclusion that he named himself after Deathstroke:
[23/12/2014, 4:13:45 AM] Annie Kelly: it was talking about it in the context of mass murderers but all I could think was... gamergate
[23/12/2014, 4:13:51 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Veerender, I don't know
[23/12/2014, 4:13:55 AM] Veerender Jubbal: 8-year-old Veerender watched the crap out of it!
[23/12/2014, 4:13:58 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Haha
[23/12/2014, 4:14:03 AM] Veerender Jubbal: You fake Kirby lover!
[23/12/2014, 4:14:31 AM] Ian Cheong: One guy on the podcast is saying that he thinks they should focus on the consumer revolt side of things, and other dudes are like 'but SJW bashing is important!'
[23/12/2014, 4:14:45 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yup. Sounds like GamerGate
[23/12/2014, 4:14:58 AM] David Gallant: A GG podcast? Ugh.
[23/12/2014, 4:15:06 AM] Ian Cheong: 'they're fascists, they're narcissists, they're crazy people.'
[23/12/2014, 4:15:11 AM] Annie Kelly: that izels guy said he thought the most important thing to come out of gamergate was people realised it was okay to mock "SJWs"
[23/12/2014, 4:15:25 AM] Annie Kelly: like oh word, nobody did that before?
[23/12/2014, 4:15:32 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Oh! Oh! My hashtag made another top hashtag of the year:
[23/12/2014, 4:15:36 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Super glad!
[23/12/2014, 4:15:49 AM] David Gallant: I don't think "SJW" as a term really solidified into mass use until GG.
[23/12/2014, 4:16:01 AM] David Gallant: Nice, Veerender! Well deserved!
[23/12/2014, 4:16:04 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Was common on reddit
[23/12/2014, 4:16:04 AM] Veerender Jubbal: I did a thing!
[23/12/2014, 4:16:17 AM] Veerender Jubbal: smiles with mouth gaping
[23/12/2014, 4:16:21 AM] Annie Kelly: sweet!
[23/12/2014, 4:16:21 AM] SF: I used SJW before GG but I used it in the original manner for shaming people on the left who adopted ridiculous harmful language.
[23/12/2014, 4:16:22 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Veerender, congrats!
[23/12/2014, 4:16:25 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): well deserved.
[23/12/2014, 4:16:38 AM] Remy: :D
[23/12/2014, 4:16:44 AM] Ian Cheong: he's right.
[23/12/2014, 4:16:46 AM] Ian Cheong: it is.
[23/12/2014, 4:17:00 AM] David Gallant: At least this person is an honest Gater.
[23/12/2014, 4:17:04 AM] Remy: Way to go Veerender :)
[23/12/2014, 4:17:17 AM] Annie Kelly: I prefer the ones who don't deny its an anti-feminist movement
[23/12/2014, 4:17:23 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Thank you very much, friends. smiles
[23/12/2014, 4:17:55 AM] Ian Cheong: "If you fix the ethics these people won't be able to function anymore."
[23/12/2014, 4:18:01 AM] Remy: And yes, so ironic that "Social Justice Warrior" used to actually hold pejorative weight against yuppies looking for a fight
[23/12/2014, 4:18:11 AM] Ian Cheong: "SJWs are a symptom of a culture without ethics."
[23/12/2014, 4:18:15 AM] Remy: Now being used by MRA yuppies spoiling for a fight
[23/12/2014, 4:18:21 AM] Peter Coffin: I gave up and stopped watching
[23/12/2014, 4:18:32 AM] Peter Coffin: could feel this is not going to assist my day being good
[23/12/2014, 4:18:56 AM] Rob: Yeah. I can't handle listening to MRA bullshit right now. I'm angry enough visiting relatives for another...eight... days.
[23/12/2014, 4:19:58 AM] Remy: If I could find a way to pay my bills with it I would be happy to listen in on MRA's and Gaters planning revenge all day and night
[23/12/2014, 4:20:29 AM] Remy: Why Gaters have to go around harassing the people who frankly just can't afford to deal with this crap
[23/12/2014, 4:20:36 AM] Remy: is beyond me but it's frustrating as hell
[23/12/2014, 4:20:53 AM] Peter Coffin: same
[23/12/2014, 4:20:56 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Because they are the priveleged ones with no responsibilities
[23/12/2014, 4:21:06 AM] Peter Coffin: exactly
[23/12/2014, 4:21:15 AM] SF: Time devoted to this has cost me so much already :/ I was supposed to have my first commercial game out this year but I've been too stressed to work at the pace I had set.
[23/12/2014, 4:21:38 AM] Ian Cheong: They're saying Ghazi is raiding 8chan right now with posts about not calling SJWs "SJWs"
[23/12/2014, 4:21:45 AM] Peter Coffin: I'd be shocked if these people were holding down a full time job. I realize there are likely some, but I get the feeling the majority of employed ggers are part timers
[23/12/2014, 4:21:46 AM] Ian Cheong: I'm in Ghazi right now and there is no such raid.
[23/12/2014, 4:21:50 AM] Ian Cheong: Must be a somethingawful raid.
[23/12/2014, 4:21:51 AM] Remy: This is eventually going to have to evolve into a modern era version of the Actor's guild or the Writer's guild. Internet personalities, people who make a living from democratized media production, are going to have to pitch in to form a legal defense fund
[23/12/2014, 4:22:00 AM] David Gallant: I was already lagging on finishing IGTCEDv1.5 but all this shit has set me back too.
[23/12/2014, 4:22:06 AM] Ian Cheong: either that or there's no raid and these people are just fucking conspiracy theorists.
[23/12/2014, 4:22:14 AM] Peter Coffin: I was talking about something like that years ago
[23/12/2014, 4:22:18 AM] Peter Coffin: no one wanted it at the time
[23/12/2014, 4:22:18 AM] David Gallant: To the point where I don't know how we're going to make ends meet in 2015.
[23/12/2014, 4:22:24 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): conspiracy theorists <---- this
[23/12/2014, 4:22:31 AM] David Gallant: I feel like I need a Patreon but I also have nothing to deliver.
[23/12/2014, 4:22:33 AM] Remy: Yeah I vote conspiracy theorists
[23/12/2014, 4:22:50 AM] Peter Coffin: david, it's okay. you're a developer and are working toward releasing a game. DO A PATREON.
[23/12/2014, 4:22:54 AM] Annie Kelly: yet more analysis on dyed hair from the KiA philosphers
[23/12/2014, 4:23:27 AM] David Gallant: Peter - but what can I offer as rewards? I'm still behind on delivering my last set of crowdfunding rewards.
[23/12/2014, 4:23:27 AM] Ian Cheong: Why am I listening to this shit.
[23/12/2014, 4:24:07 AM] Annie Kelly: haha ian
[23/12/2014, 4:24:35 AM] Remy: I have to agree with Peter on this, David. There's nothing wrong in taking a moment to plan out incentives and rewards, but I have to voice my support for you hanging out a shingle to get the support your work deserves from the fans you have
[23/12/2014, 4:25:22 AM] Peter Coffin: rewards, honestly, are not something you need to be worrying about. you need to come up with something but a lot of what patreon is symbolic
[23/12/2014, 4:25:39 AM] Peter Coffin: I am working on expanding my rewards but I have started with very little
[23/12/2014, 4:25:49 AM] Peter Coffin: just free mp3s of songs, which I don't do nearly as many as videos
[23/12/2014, 4:27:38 AM] David Gallant: Hmm.
[23/12/2014, 4:27:43 AM] Remy: I honestly think this system should be shamed less and utilized more
[23/12/2014, 4:28:33 AM] Remy: How many people would flock to EA and Ubisoft games if they would knock off the shitty DLC crap and just say "Hey, if you're a HARDCORE fan, we have a subscription service where you can SUPPORT OUR WORK and we'll send you concept art and wallpapers and cool shit"
[23/12/2014, 4:29:08 AM] David Gallant: How does Patreon pay out?
[23/12/2014, 4:30:04 AM] Remy: (P.S. completely unrelated but Sony's Shinra model of gaming is essentially the future of AAA studio gaming)
[23/12/2014, 4:30:52 AM] Remy: ( And by that I mean systems were the game itself is hosted on one major server and the input/output is streamed to the user, placing all of the hardware costs/burden onto the developer's shoulders and also into their control )
[23/12/2014, 4:31:17 AM] Remy: ( I am saying this now so I can say "I called it" in the future. This is my thing, let me have my thing. I like predicting the future, I am good at it )
[23/12/2014, 4:32:41 AM] Remy: lol
[23/12/2014, 4:32:47 AM] Remy: Wait so he wrote about GamerGate for his class?
[23/12/2014, 4:33:06 AM] Ian Cheong: The professor brought up GamerGate and how it's misogynistic and he disagreed with that.
[23/12/2014, 4:33:15 AM] David Gallant: Pfft
[23/12/2014, 4:33:21 AM] Remy: XD I'm sure he phrased his disagreement respectfully
[23/12/2014, 4:33:28 AM] Remy: And voiced his position very thoughtfully
[23/12/2014, 4:33:42 AM] Ian Cheong: The professor called him "man minded" and said that his views aren't going to fit in well with game development in the future.
[23/12/2014, 4:33:43 AM] Remy: As Gaters are so known to do
[23/12/2014, 4:33:51 AM] Remy: XD
[23/12/2014, 4:34:07 AM] Remy: If your experiences watching his YT rant is any indication I don't think he took the hint
[23/12/2014, 4:34:22 AM] Annie Kelly: "man minded"?
[23/12/2014, 4:34:31 AM] Remy: XD
[23/12/2014, 4:34:38 AM] Ian Cheong: I'm going to use that term from now on.
[23/12/2014, 4:34:44 AM] Remy: I was going to recommend not
[23/12/2014, 4:34:45 AM] Annie Kelly: was the professor a rainbow haired woman by any chance?
[23/12/2014, 4:34:52 AM] Remy: MRAs will take that as a compliment and start using it on each other
[23/12/2014, 4:34:53 AM] Ian Cheong: hahah
[23/12/2014, 4:34:57 AM] Remy: Thanks bro, that's ver man minded of you
[23/12/2014, 4:35:01 AM] Annie Kelly: did she just write "shitlord" endlessly all over his paper?
[23/12/2014, 4:35:19 AM] Ian Cheong: Hahahaha
[23/12/2014, 4:35:29 AM] Remy: Always remember to be man minded while getting SJWs rekt
[23/12/2014, 4:35:35 AM] Annie Kelly: lmao
[23/12/2014, 4:35:40 AM] Ian Cheong: Now everyone on the podcast is going on an anti-acadamia rant.
[23/12/2014, 4:35:45 AM] Remy: god it was so hard to type "rekt" into this chat my Autocorrect was like NO THAT'S NOT A FUCKING WORD
[23/12/2014, 4:36:03 AM] Remy: ARE YOU SURE YOU DON'T MEAN "REST"
[23/12/2014, 4:36:24 AM] Annie Kelly: im a big fan, along with "kek" its a great word to use against them
[23/12/2014, 4:36:53 AM] Annie Kelly: appropriate the chan culture.
[23/12/2014, 4:36:54 AM] Remy: XD Y'all are making me laugh so damn hard
[23/12/2014, 4:37:00 AM] Ian Cheong: OH SHIT
[23/12/2014, 4:37:01 AM] Ian Cheong: THEY SAID MY NAME
[23/12/2014, 4:37:05 AM] Remy: WHAT
[23/12/2014, 4:37:07 AM] Annie Kelly: wooooooah
[23/12/2014, 4:37:08 AM] Ian Cheong: AND THEY CONFUSED ME FOR ARTHUR CHU
[23/12/2014, 4:37:20 AM] Remy: facepalm
[23/12/2014, 4:37:22 AM] Annie Kelly: ... I was literally just typing that as a joke. GG, beyond parody
[23/12/2014, 4:37:22 AM] Ian Cheong: i wish i was making this shit up
[23/12/2014, 4:37:28 AM] Remy: lol
[23/12/2014, 4:37:32 AM] Peter Coffin: idiots
[23/12/2014, 4:37:37 AM] Peter Coffin: racist, shitty fucking idiots
[23/12/2014, 4:37:38 AM] Remy: We can't even parody them.
[23/12/2014, 4:37:41 AM] Remy: They're too... out there
[23/12/2014, 4:37:57 AM] Remy: How do you satirize what is already a satire?
[23/12/2014, 4:38:07 AM] Ian Cheong: how do you satirize bizarro world.
[23/12/2014, 4:38:08 AM] Remy: How do you farce the farcical?
[23/12/2014, 4:38:12 AM] Tesseract: that's why I just post their shit verbatim
[23/12/2014, 4:38:42 AM] Remy: I guess any decent film maker would already know the answer
[23/12/2014, 4:38:46 AM] Peter Coffin: whenever I satirize them I just have other characters annoyed by the gg person in their life
[23/12/2014, 4:38:48 AM] Remy: You just record it as-is
[23/12/2014, 4:39:11 AM] Remy: When you can't satirize, fuck it, do a reality show. We need to start a GamerGater reality show I'm fucking serious we could make so much money
[23/12/2014, 4:39:14 AM] Remy: We can't tie our names to this tho
[23/12/2014, 4:39:19 AM] Remy: We have to adopt pen names
[23/12/2014, 4:39:53 AM] Remy: We can find six people desperate enough for attention to join a reality show and we can just throw them in a rented house and record them destroying each other with thrown feces
[23/12/2014, 4:40:06 AM] Peter Coffin: like my parents suck at buying games for this year, the dad is annoyed at his son in an annoying online movement he sees as disingenuous
[23/12/2014, 4:40:18 AM] Ian Cheong: Now one of them is bringing up Saul Alinsky's tactics and how we're all leftists and marxists.
[23/12/2014, 4:40:23 AM] Remy: If they don't turn violent we just introduce "challenges". Day One: All of their anime and gummy bears are confiscated
[23/12/2014, 4:40:25 AM] Tesseract: I wanna go on 8chan and make a thread about a ggcon
[23/12/2014, 4:40:35 AM] Remy: No more Kill La Kill
[23/12/2014, 4:40:37 AM] Tesseract: play up some "make sjws look like idiots *pic of ballpit*" angle
[23/12/2014, 4:40:54 AM] Peter Coffin: if there was a GG con, I would go
[23/12/2014, 4:41:06 AM] Peter Coffin: and like raise the roof any time anyone looked at me
[23/12/2014, 4:41:15 AM] Annie Kelly: i just wanted al Jazeera to spend more time with the 3 they found tbh
[23/12/2014, 4:41:19 AM] Annie Kelly: give me raw footage
[23/12/2014, 4:41:25 AM] David Gallant: Would you enjoy an extra hour in the ball pit, Peter?
[23/12/2014, 4:41:29 AM] Peter Coffin: LOL
[23/12/2014, 4:41:29 AM] Remy: lol did Al Jazeera interview some?
[23/12/2014, 4:41:36 AM] Ian Cheong: Yeah.
[23/12/2014, 4:41:37 AM] Peter Coffin: oh my god you use tumblr
[23/12/2014, 4:41:38 AM] Ian Cheong: 3 gamergaters.
[23/12/2014, 4:41:53 AM] Remy: This must have been when I just couldn't bear to hear anything
[23/12/2014, 4:42:01 AM] David Gallant: I don't use tumblr, I just saw some very sad-looking photos of Dashcon.
[23/12/2014, 4:42:03 AM] Annie Kelly: 1 of their 10 women, impressive work
[23/12/2014, 4:42:04 AM] Remy: I'll have to look that up and laugh myself to death
[23/12/2014, 4:42:10 AM] Peter Coffin: dashcon looked incredibly sad
[23/12/2014, 4:42:28 AM] Peter Coffin: ggcon would be.... well it would basically be a nazi rally
[23/12/2014, 4:42:45 AM] Remy: I still basically consider it a lynching mob using the internet for cover
[23/12/2014, 4:42:53 AM] Remy: But yeah it's basically been appropriated and evolved into a hate group
[23/12/2014, 4:43:29 AM] Remy: And with USU and multiple death threats they should honestly be considered a multi-national terrorist organization please don't laugh I know that can sound exaggerated but the facts really speak for themselves
[23/12/2014, 4:43:44 AM] Remy: Dozens, maybe hundreds of death threats
[23/12/2014, 4:44:03 AM] Remy: If this were targeting a race they would be labeled a genocidal extremist group
[23/12/2014, 4:44:04 AM] Tesseract: ggcon would probably kill each other
[23/12/2014, 4:44:38 AM] Remy: And with all of the heaping doses of anti-semitism it basically has been hijacked by one
[23/12/2014, 4:45:18 AM] Remy: In their weird attempts to attack an Armenian woman they've never f*cking even met.
[23/12/2014, 4:45:45 AM] Annie Kelly: lol. i get a jew comment like every week.
[23/12/2014, 4:45:58 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): are you Jewish?
[23/12/2014, 4:46:11 AM] Annie Kelly: on my mums side, not religiously.
[23/12/2014, 4:46:17 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I see
[23/12/2014, 4:46:19 AM] Peter Coffin: I get them daily, I am just semitic
[23/12/2014, 4:46:23 AM] Peter Coffin: the "race"
[23/12/2014, 4:46:29 AM] Remy: This is the result of the South Park-style commodification of "Jew" as an every day slang insult.
[23/12/2014, 4:46:32 AM] Peter Coffin: sounds similar to what tey do
[23/12/2014, 4:46:37 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I've seen them call non-Jewish peoples Jews just because they are "SJW"'s
[23/12/2014, 4:46:50 AM] Remy: It becomes a cover for everyday anti-semitism to go by played down as "just joking around"
[23/12/2014, 4:46:51 AM] Annie Kelly: so its not even something i really talk about - but racists can tell from looking at you :\
[23/12/2014, 4:48:29 AM] Ian Cheong: This one guy is saying that he doesn't understand why people show empathy towards each other for free.
[23/12/2014, 4:48:43 AM] Remy: It is much like the danger of "ironic racism" where yuppy white dudes will sarcastically say racist things to do that whole ironic "get it because we both know what I'm saying is ridiculous"
[23/12/2014, 4:49:14 AM] Remy: When I was younger I thought that shit would fly but as I grew up I realized it was just creating cover and concealment for any racists around me who might secretly agree
[23/12/2014, 4:49:21 AM] Remy: Who might not interpret it ironically
[23/12/2014, 4:49:54 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): On 23/12/2014, at 4:48 AM, Ian Cheong wrote:
> This one guy is saying that he doesn't understand why people show empathy towards each other for free.
[23/12/2014, 4:51:14 AM] Peter Coffin: pretty sure that falls under the "respect is earned" umbrella - which exists literally to hurt people you don't know
[23/12/2014, 4:51:26 AM] David Gallant: respects in earn
[23/12/2014, 4:51:36 AM] Peter Coffin: hahahaha
[23/12/2014, 4:51:39 AM] Peter Coffin: very good
[23/12/2014, 4:51:44 AM] Remy: I loved that meme
[23/12/2014, 4:53:31 AM] David Gallant: It's up there with "flowers to womans"
[23/12/2014, 4:53:31 AM] Ian Cheong: Now one of them is mad that Polygon and Kotaku wrote articles about that Ubisoft Assassin's Creed Unity free game giveaway if you promise not to sue them. Dude's like, "How petty is Polygon that it's encouraging people to sue Ubisoft over a game?"
[23/12/2014, 4:53:49 AM] Remy: lol
[23/12/2014, 4:53:53 AM] Remy: ethics
[23/12/2014, 4:54:04 AM] Ian Cheong: Just looking for reasons to hate on game journalists.
[23/12/2014, 4:54:19 AM] Ian Cheong: Game journalists could decry child pornography and they'd still get shat on for doing the wrong thing OH WAIT
[23/12/2014, 4:54:22 AM] Remy: They're... what's that word again... salty XD
[23/12/2014, 4:55:21 AM] Ian Cheong: So the Encyclopedia Dramatica guy is up on the show now
[23/12/2014, 4:55:33 AM] Ian Cheong: Apparently ED has a Patreon!
[23/12/2014, 4:55:35 AM] Remy: Why do I get the feeling he is a gross person
[23/12/2014, 4:55:43 AM] Remy: omgsrsly?
[23/12/2014, 4:55:44 AM] Ian Cheong: they host CP!
[23/12/2014, 4:56:06 AM] Remy: Do they really? I'd heard they host DOX of people
[23/12/2014, 4:56:15 AM] Ian Cheong: they have Randi's underage pictures I think
[23/12/2014, 4:58:15 AM] Remy: How would we go about reporting this?
[23/12/2014, 4:58:34 AM] Ian Cheong: [email protected] I think
[23/12/2014, 4:58:45 AM] Ian Cheong:
[23/12/2014, 4:59:24 AM] Remy: I just don't know what to put in the e-mail "I heard from some people that this other group is also hosting CP" doesn't carry weight.
[23/12/2014, 4:59:55 AM] Remy: I don't wanna be the fool to go "link plz" but I guess I'm asking "hey who should I talk to about links to provide"
[23/12/2014, 5:00:30 AM] Ian Cheong:
[23/12/2014, 5:00:39 AM] Ian Cheong: doxx there
[23/12/2014, 5:01:42 AM] Remy: Wow
[23/12/2014, 5:01:47 AM] Remy: This website is allowed to exist?
[23/12/2014, 5:01:51 AM] Remy: wtf world
[23/12/2014, 5:06:59 AM] Quinnae: Off to Philly. See you all around! I may not log into this chat much for the next week or so, but I'll say hi.
[23/12/2014, 5:07:15 AM] Ian Cheong: Cya
[23/12/2014, 5:07:48 AM] David Gallant: Happy Holidays, Katherine!
[23/12/2014, 5:07:49 AM] Remy: Have fun :)
[23/12/2014, 5:07:58 AM] Ian Cheong: "You're messing with gamers. We're not the kind of people who can be shamed into believing something or shamed into joining your clique to be accepted. We come from being unaccepted."
[23/12/2014, 5:07:59 AM] Remy: And take care and stay safe and see you next time, space cowgirl
[23/12/2014, 5:08:18 AM] Peter Coffin: "we come from being unaccepted" is precisely why I am against them
[23/12/2014, 5:08:19 AM] Ian Cheong: They really internalize this shit don't they
[23/12/2014, 5:08:30 AM] Peter Coffin: gaming is literally what made me friends when I was young
[23/12/2014, 5:08:33 AM] Peter Coffin: I did not have friends
[23/12/2014, 5:08:55 AM] Peter Coffin: so why would you fuck with people in the same way
[23/12/2014, 5:09:05 AM] Peter Coffin: I can't understand what kind of heartless piece of shit thinks that way
[23/12/2014, 5:11:10 AM] Remy: Okay I sent in an e-mail to Patreon
[23/12/2014, 5:12:01 AM] Peter Coffin: very good
[23/12/2014, 5:12:10 AM] Tesseract: I tried to make friends in the gaming community but they were just so, so shitty so I never do
[23/12/2014, 5:12:38 AM] Ian Cheong: The people I made friends with in the gaming community back when I was a teenager are the reason why I have those stupid chat logs where I say edgy shit.
[23/12/2014, 5:12:42 AM] Remy: And I prefaced the porn link with a huge NSFW and GRAPHIC NATURE warning b/c that page was wrong on more levels than I can really process right now
[23/12/2014, 5:13:37 AM] Remy: The first time I found a gaming party on PS4 I was so excited but the de facto leader of the group just would not stop spouting off the most misogynist shit with every word
[23/12/2014, 5:13:46 AM] Remy: Finally I just stopped playing
[23/12/2014, 5:13:47 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): the contact form on Patreon's site is horrible. The CSS makes it hard to use
[23/12/2014, 5:13:52 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): sending email directly is easier
[23/12/2014, 5:13:53 AM] Tesseract: they're disgusting machines that exist solely to throw money at AAA companies and contribute nothing of value to anyone at all
[23/12/2014, 5:14:05 AM] Remy: ^
[23/12/2014, 5:14:17 AM] Remy: It's not a consumer revolt, just a bunch of revolting consumers
[23/12/2014, 5:14:25 AM] Tesseract: hahaha
[23/12/2014, 5:14:55 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): email sent
[23/12/2014, 5:15:08 AM] Ian Cheong: Hahaah
[23/12/2014, 5:16:17 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I wonder how Thunderf00t feels about this:
[23/12/2014, 5:16:51 AM] Remy: omg I remember seeing that when it released and I want one so bad
[23/12/2014, 5:17:02 AM] Remy: I already came up with like a little mini movie I wanna do with them
[23/12/2014, 5:17:14 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I never got into LEGO. My parents were evil and only got me the megablock knockoff when I was little
[23/12/2014, 5:18:08 AM] Ian Cheong: I loved LEGO
[23/12/2014, 5:18:16 AM] Remy: Where basically the chemist/biologist accidentally creates a regeneration serum that reanimates the paleontologist's T-rex skeleton
[23/12/2014, 5:18:28 AM] Remy: and hilarity ensues
[23/12/2014, 5:18:37 AM] Rob: I can't wait for "LEGO taken over by SJWs who don't understand sexual dimorphism" by thunderf00t
[23/12/2014, 5:18:52 AM] Remy: LEGO was the only way I could be myself without worrying about my parents interfering
[23/12/2014, 5:19:09 AM] Remy: I only had like three toys and I always got yelled at when I tried to borrow my sister's dolls
[23/12/2014, 5:19:19 AM] Remy: even Catwoman
[23/12/2014, 5:19:23 AM] Remy: like WTF
[23/12/2014, 5:20:09 AM] Remy: < /rant >
[23/12/2014, 6:01:05 AM] Peter Coffin: she should literally just like pick random things to compliment to get them to make stupid videos about it
[23/12/2014, 6:01:28 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Eww. Adam Baldwin changed his Twitter avatar to be his face.
[23/12/2014, 6:01:34 AM] Remy: Ew
[23/12/2014, 6:01:53 AM] Remy: It was comforting when he used a cartoon
[23/12/2014, 6:02:04 AM] Remy: Like avoiding brain damage by looking at the sun through a lense
[23/12/2014, 6:02:26 AM] David Gallant: Funny, I just did the same thing.
[23/12/2014, 6:02:34 AM] Remy: Or watching a really gory movie through the cracks in your fingers
[23/12/2014, 6:03:02 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): hehehehe:
[23/12/2014, 6:15:52 AM] Tesseract: what's the deal with rogue releasing his game in 2013 or something
[23/12/2014, 6:16:09 AM] Tesseract: he entered it into IDGF and lost to phil fish or something?
[23/12/2014, 6:16:18 AM] Remy: yup
[23/12/2014, 6:16:27 AM] Remy: 2012 I thought
[23/12/2014, 6:16:29 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): He entered an alpha, barely working version
[23/12/2014, 6:16:36 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): and got upset that he didn't win anything
[23/12/2014, 6:16:43 AM] Remy: Apparently his game's enemy didn't even have an AI
[23/12/2014, 6:16:52 AM] Remy: so there was essentially nothing to interact with other than the UI
[23/12/2014, 6:17:59 AM] Remy: Everyone in the military has seen his type. He joined up wanting to come back branded as a hero. 50/50 chance he would have been excessively violent if he had been deployed in a combat unit. Thank goodness he wasn't
[23/12/2014, 6:18:15 AM] Remy: People go in there wanting blood.
[23/12/2014, 6:18:34 AM] Remy: They sign the contract like it's a promise to let them kill. And then I get to call them my coworker.
[23/12/2014, 6:19:29 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ugh. Same with some types that join the police force. Bullies looking for an excuse to bully
[23/12/2014, 6:19:41 AM] Remy: yup
[23/12/2014, 6:20:50 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I'm really curious to see if Rogue pulls through on his Dec. 25 release of his game. He says it will be a beta, test version
[23/12/2014, 6:21:55 AM] Remy: He still tweets every hour
[23/12/2014, 6:22:17 AM] Remy: The cool thing about TweetDeck is I can follow people without following them, regardless of whether or not they've blocked me
[23/12/2014, 6:22:51 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yeah. I should try tweetdeck again. It got too busy for me when I set up some lists
[23/12/2014, 6:22:58 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): like every second a new tweet would come in. lol
[23/12/2014, 6:23:24 AM] Remy: Just know that it still doesn't respect your block list. Blocked tweets will show up and their profile will read "Blocked"
[23/12/2014, 6:23:36 AM] Remy: But to get them to not show up on TweetDeck you gotta select "Mute on TweetDeck" individually
[23/12/2014, 6:23:58 AM] Remy: So I think it's an intentional design trait rather than a flaw. Like maybe it's for people who want to track users that they have blocked?
[23/12/2014, 6:24:40 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I recall Randi explaining that it was a limitation with Twitter's API that Tweetdeck uses. Like it can only handle so many blocked users at a time
[23/12/2014, 6:24:49 AM] Remy: Ah
[23/12/2014, 6:41:40 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: oh, hi ian!
[23/12/2014, 6:45:34 AM] Charloppe: oh hi mark
[23/12/2014, 7:01:00 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: lol how are they this dumb
[23/12/2014, 7:03:36 AM] Annie Kelly: hello friends
[23/12/2014, 7:03:40 AM] Annie Kelly: I'm drunk
[23/12/2014, 7:03:47 AM] Annie Kelly: where is gamergate let me fight them
[23/12/2014, 7:03:47 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): (drunk)
[23/12/2014, 7:03:55 AM] Rob: I wish I was drunk :C
[23/12/2014, 7:04:09 AM] Charloppe: I want some fruity beer
[23/12/2014, 7:04:29 AM] Rob: I want single malt scotch
[23/12/2014, 7:04:57 AM] Charloppe: Rob use da science and save all of us
[23/12/2014, 7:04:59 AM] Charloppe: pls
[23/12/2014, 7:04:59 AM] Annie Kelly: i had lager, sorry friends
[23/12/2014, 7:05:05 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i picked up some rum and diet coke last night :3
[23/12/2014, 7:05:05 AM] Annie Kelly: do you have lager in the US?
[23/12/2014, 7:05:10 AM] Annie Kelly: I've forgotten
[23/12/2014, 7:05:22 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: yeah we do
[23/12/2014, 7:05:32 AM] Rob: I only studied political science though :C
[23/12/2014, 7:05:34 AM] Rob: not real science
[23/12/2014, 7:06:17 AM] Charloppe: Need to study in the field of Mad Science
[23/12/2014, 7:06:26 AM] Annie Kelly: weird science?
[23/12/2014, 7:06:33 AM] Charloppe: that to
[23/12/2014, 7:06:40 AM] Charloppe: with the help of oingo boingo
[23/12/2014, 7:07:03 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: someone help me find that tweet of aurini about the ethics in the hidden enchanted forest or whatever. i can't find itttt
[23/12/2014, 7:08:49 AM] Remy: I'm having trouble on that level in Dragon Age
[23/12/2014, 7:08:58 AM] Remy: Fucking Pride Demon keeps kicking my ass
[23/12/2014, 7:09:10 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Sarah, I can't find it on or searching Tweetsave
[23/12/2014, 7:09:22 AM] Charloppe: use their pride as their downfall
[23/12/2014, 7:09:29 AM] Charloppe: or whack them with a stick
[23/12/2014, 7:10:02 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: izzy did you see it before or am i just crazy
[23/12/2014, 7:10:09 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I found this interesting Twitter thread, though:
[23/12/2014, 7:10:23 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Sarah, I don't recall. I don't really pay attention to Mr Skulls
[23/12/2014, 7:10:23 AM] Annie Kelly: cant explain how gutted i am aurini blocked me
[23/12/2014, 7:10:53 AM] Remy: I just realized something
[23/12/2014, 7:11:16 AM] Remy: Every time a counter-reactionary tries to complain about "playing the race card" just because you mention institutionalized racism
[23/12/2014, 7:11:26 AM] Remy: Just appropriate one of their terminology
[23/12/2014, 7:11:32 AM] Remy: Just say "I'm a race realist"
[23/12/2014, 7:11:51 AM] Annie Kelly: telling them to stop "playing the victim" def has interesting results
[23/12/2014, 7:11:56 AM] Remy: XD
[23/12/2014, 7:22:38 AM] SF: Rogue is like the TF2 soldier
[23/12/2014, 7:22:52 AM] SF: I earned EVERY ONE of those medals I made
[23/12/2014, 7:26:25 AM] Remy: lol
[23/12/2014, 7:26:32 AM] Remy: I want to be the opposite of everything he is
[23/12/2014, 7:26:42 AM] Remy: I want to be the Green Lantern to his Sinestro
[23/12/2014, 7:27:43 AM] Remy:
[23/12/2014, 7:27:44 AM] Remy: XD
[23/12/2014, 7:42:30 AM] Peter Coffin: oh my fucking god I am so irritated by how stupid these idiots are
[23/12/2014, 7:42:34 AM] Peter Coffin: they are actually just fucking idiots
[23/12/2014, 7:45:18 AM] Remy: what's up?
[23/12/2014, 7:53:27 AM] Peter Coffin: eh, I made the mistake of getting involved in the ubisoft shit
[23/12/2014, 7:58:46 AM] Annie Kelly: how so?
[23/12/2014, 8:04:46 AM] SF: So why do we not have an anti-Gamer mascot named Jerry Beans yet
[23/12/2014, 8:05:54 AM] Remy: I don't get it
[23/12/2014, 8:06:09 AM] Remy: Besides I wanted our cartoon mascot to be Auntie Gee-Gee
[23/12/2014, 8:06:21 AM] SF: That is also a good one.
[23/12/2014, 8:06:34 AM] SF: Juicebro was convinced there was a paid Gawker shill named Jerry Beans or something.
[23/12/2014, 8:08:21 AM] Peter Coffin: Why not have two
[23/12/2014, 8:08:29 AM] Remy: indeed
[23/12/2014, 8:08:49 AM] Peter Coffin: Jerry's aunt could be gg
[23/12/2014, 8:09:21 AM] Peter Coffin: But then this is bordering on more fun to joke about less fun to do
[23/12/2014, 8:09:23 AM] Remy: Image
[23/12/2014, 8:09:29 AM] Remy: Auntie Gee-Gee
[23/12/2014, 8:09:35 AM] Remy: Controlling the mainstream media puppets
[23/12/2014, 8:11:39 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: fuck him
[23/12/2014, 8:11:42 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: he's worse every day
[23/12/2014, 8:15:16 AM] Remy: I saw that
[23/12/2014, 8:15:25 AM] Remy: He's conveniently ignoring, I dunno, all the women that have left gaming.
[23/12/2014, 8:15:49 AM] Remy: Like people don't keep pointing to the GIANT gap in hires
[23/12/2014, 8:16:14 AM] Remy: And then TB's side just yells "well then you need to get more women in the field" oh go fuck your circular logic, TB, it's a circle jerk of excuses
[23/12/2014, 8:46:58 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: stole from izzy ~ but boost plox
[23/12/2014, 8:47:01 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: cause that's ridiculous
[23/12/2014, 8:47:41 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yup. Ralph is a piece of shit
[23/12/2014, 8:49:25 AM] Athena Hollow: TB is a fuckin dumb white guy. Like, the epitome of privileged dumb white dude.
[23/12/2014, 8:50:15 AM] Remy: We all have 'em
[23/12/2014, 8:50:24 AM] Remy: TB is one of UK's I guess
[23/12/2014, 8:51:47 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[23/12/2014, 8:52:11 AM] Athena Hollow: Oh I know we all have them, just that if you ever want to explain "priviledged dumb smart guy" TB is a poster chlid XD
[23/12/2014, 9:27:19 AM] Tesseract: who's this
[23/12/2014, 9:28:50 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): A friend of Jenni Goodchild
[23/12/2014, 9:28:54 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I am following them
[23/12/2014, 9:31:38 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): oh wait. I don't think they are friends with Jenni. Just saw them both tweet to Bri the other day
[23/12/2014, 9:32:08 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): They seem okay:
[23/12/2014, 9:35:07 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: wish jenni would join here <3
[23/12/2014, 9:35:44 AM] Athena Hollow: Ugh someone come give me a backrub. :-/
[23/12/2014, 9:36:11 AM] Rob: aaaand back, folks
[23/12/2014, 9:36:46 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: daw, i would, athena
[23/12/2014, 9:37:10 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: and then make inappropriate jokes re: offering front rubs after
[23/12/2014, 9:37:24 AM] Athena Hollow: I can't even get one from the husband-unit because his hands are fucked from years of getting in fights & martial arts -_-
[23/12/2014, 9:37:25 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Izzy (@iglvzx) rubs Athena's back, like in Pokemon on the S.S. Anne
[23/12/2014, 9:37:29 AM] Athena Hollow: hah
[23/12/2014, 9:37:33 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: aw :(
[23/12/2014, 9:37:51 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: pokemon massages! athena's friendship level goes up
[23/12/2014, 9:38:05 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[23/12/2014, 9:38:06 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): dee dee dee doo dum
[23/12/2014, 9:38:39 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i dont get what hes accusing me of
[23/12/2014, 9:39:58 AM] Athena Hollow: That he has no reading comprehension skills and it's your fault?
[23/12/2014, 9:39:58 AM] Rob: Wow, Sarah.
[23/12/2014, 9:40:00 AM] Rob: You evil bastard.
[23/12/2014, 9:40:08 AM] Athena Hollow: And neutral my fucking ass. I have him blocked.
[23/12/2014, 9:40:17 AM] Rob: Why did you invade Luxembourg and the Low Countries?
[23/12/2014, 9:40:23 AM] Athena Hollow: So either he's a sea lion or he follows enough people for the bot to pick him up.
[23/12/2014, 9:40:39 AM] Rob: How DARE you attack neutrals.
[23/12/2014, 9:40:56 AM] Annie Kelly: btw sarah has the whole rape acc stuff died down?
[23/12/2014, 9:40:58 AM] Tesseract: jetta_rae is followed by like a third of my follows so she's obviously cool but like
[23/12/2014, 9:40:59 AM] Tesseract: who is she
[23/12/2014, 9:42:59 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: annie i get a few sometimes but after the kia thread disappeared it got better
[23/12/2014, 9:44:03 AM] Rob: SARAH YOU ARE <3
[23/12/2014, 9:44:08 AM] Rob: and i'll punch them all
[23/12/2014, 9:45:48 AM] Annie Kelly: really glad, that was so low and just gross of them
[23/12/2014, 9:45:59 AM] Annie Kelly: and i agree sarah is (heart)
[23/12/2014, 9:46:55 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: daw blushes
[23/12/2014, 9:47:17 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
[23/12/2014, 10:09:50 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: o noes none of my friends care about me </3
[23/12/2014, 10:10:35 AM] Athena Hollow: hahah what a turd.
[23/12/2014, 10:11:17 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: speaking of back things ugh i need a better computer chair
[23/12/2014, 10:12:48 AM] Athena Hollow: and lulz. I have them on block so I won't even know if they reply XD
[23/12/2014, 10:13:08 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i try not to block people since i need to cap them doing dumb shit
[23/12/2014, 10:13:32 AM] Athena Hollow: Oh yeah, definitely. I pretty much refer to you guys for dumb people sayin dumb stuff, because holy crap I couldn't do it XD
[23/12/2014, 10:13:40 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[23/12/2014, 10:14:01 AM] Athena Hollow: But nothing's quite as satisfying as seeing one of you guys continuously going back & forth with a fuckhead & me just responding for 40 mins w/ images XD
[23/12/2014, 10:14:18 AM] Athena Hollow: (And not seeing a single response they might make to me haha)
[23/12/2014, 10:14:24 AM] SF: >I can't even get one from the husband-unit because his hands are fucked from years of getting in fights & martial arts -_-

Athena confirmed as Dril
[23/12/2014, 10:14:34 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahahahaha
[23/12/2014, 10:14:43 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :O
[23/12/2014, 10:15:25 AM] SF: I would give you all grateful backrubs if I could
[23/12/2014, 10:15:37 AM] Rob: god knows I could use one
[23/12/2014, 10:15:40 AM] SF: No lie though I'd be particularly enthused about Athena's.
[23/12/2014, 10:16:27 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): (chuckle)
[23/12/2014, 10:16:32 AM] SF: And yeah I'm confused where the gotcha moment was in that Sarah.
[23/12/2014, 10:16:53 AM] Peter Coffin: There isn't one
[23/12/2014, 10:17:08 AM] Peter Coffin: They don't think, they don't know how
[23/12/2014, 10:17:19 AM] SF: The way they try to emulate you/MiB/Tesseract is so much like their mangled social justice lingo that they can only vaguely reproduce the cosmetic features of.
[23/12/2014, 10:17:59 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yeah. They don't understand sarcasm, punchlines, witty humor
[23/12/2014, 10:18:10 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): so when they try to copy, it ends up making them look clueless
[23/12/2014, 10:21:23 AM] Athena Hollow: <3
[23/12/2014, 10:21:30 AM] Athena Hollow: and yeah, they are fucking terrible w/ that shit.
[23/12/2014, 10:21:31 AM] SF: Wait so that guy calling out the transphobia in Sarah's replies is pro-GG.
[23/12/2014, 10:21:52 AM] SF: Oh I see they're talking about their "first day". They're in for a ride.
[23/12/2014, 10:27:20 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): HEHE:
[23/12/2014, 10:30:31 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: rofl
[23/12/2014, 10:31:17 AM] SF: Not a rape meme
[23/12/2014, 10:31:53 AM] Tesseract: oh god is ludopobia the new misogamy
[23/12/2014, 10:31:58 AM] Remy: wow wolf
[23/12/2014, 10:32:21 AM] Athena Hollow: I'm dying over this because of the first google search result saying "Experts in Gamification"
[23/12/2014, 10:32:33 AM] Athena Hollow: You'd think they'd seriously google shit before they fucking spout it.
[23/12/2014, 10:36:03 AM] SF: KYM has VJ clearly masturbating and it's not marked NSFW.
[23/12/2014, 10:36:16 AM] Athena Hollow: ew
[23/12/2014, 10:36:18 AM] Tesseract: ha
[23/12/2014, 10:37:15 AM] SF: (nsfwish) I don't get this one at all. It doesn't seem to be porn.
[23/12/2014, 10:37:20 AM] SF: She's just living like a slob.
[23/12/2014, 10:37:36 AM] SF: Empty Dorito bags and she's naked playing a FPS.
[23/12/2014, 10:38:09 AM] Tesseract: clearly you're not familiar with gamers
[23/12/2014, 10:38:36 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[23/12/2014, 10:38:39 AM] Tesseract: "naked woman living like a slob playing video games" is their fetish
[23/12/2014, 10:38:53 AM] Tesseract: like, every gamer
[23/12/2014, 10:40:01 AM] SF: Maybe they don't want to fantasize about someone who has their act together because then it makes them feel out of their league.
[23/12/2014, 10:40:52 AM] SF: There's also some futa porn in here. They hate trans women as people but not as toys of course.
[23/12/2014, 10:40:58 AM] Tesseract: well that and they want to fuck the female versions of themselves
[23/12/2014, 10:41:15 AM] Athena Hollow: ..... shudders at a female version of Jordan Owen
[23/12/2014, 10:41:21 AM] Tesseract: oh god
[23/12/2014, 10:41:38 AM] Athena Hollow: I broke tess.
[23/12/2014, 10:43:04 AM] Rob: "Hi, my name is Jordina Owen"
[23/12/2014, 10:44:02 AM] Athena Hollow: STAHP IT.
[23/12/2014, 10:44:03 AM] Athena Hollow: STAHP.
[23/12/2014, 10:44:54 AM] Tesseract: would female aurini be that skeleton with boobs
[23/12/2014, 10:44:59 AM] Athena Hollow: HAHAHHAHA
[23/12/2014, 10:45:53 AM] Athena Hollow: I think she would look like Kaliyo from SWTOR but with shitty home tattoos.
[23/12/2014, 10:46:23 AM] Peter Coffin: my wife is a lot like me and we are a lot like that description, if you want my perspective, though I kind of just lucked out and have someone a lot like me rather than having demanded it, there are people who just don't want what they percieve as what people think is ideal. the thing is, it's not some like... thing. they think it is. I don't know how to describe it. People want a casualness, no doubt, but part of being casual in your life is not overbearingly demanding it
[23/12/2014, 10:48:08 AM] SF: Maybe a woman with skulls for boobs
[23/12/2014, 10:48:11 AM] Peter Coffin: if you ask me, the problem is that they are setting it as a standard or an aspiration. Also an ideal?
[23/12/2014, 10:48:12 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[23/12/2014, 10:48:20 AM] Peter Coffin: I bet you can find that
[23/12/2014, 10:48:24 AM] Peter Coffin: like with paint
[23/12/2014, 10:48:30 AM] Peter Coffin: or tattoos
[23/12/2014, 10:48:34 AM] Peter Coffin: SOMEONE has done that
[23/12/2014, 10:48:49 AM] Rob: I think Aurini is like thunderf00t and just masturbates while watching his own videos.
[23/12/2014, 10:48:50 AM] Peter Coffin: with his luck, though, they'd be a black woman
[23/12/2014, 10:48:55 AM] Athena Hollow: I guarantee she won't be as creepy as Aurini tho
[23/12/2014, 10:48:57 AM] Rob: "This is how a REAL patriarch faps like."
[23/12/2014, 10:49:06 AM] Tesseract: aaaaugh
[23/12/2014, 10:49:24 AM] Tesseract: does he use a skull instead of a sock
[23/12/2014, 10:49:27 AM] SF: I just made myself the female version of myself it was much easier.
[23/12/2014, 10:49:32 AM] Rob: yes
[23/12/2014, 10:49:35 AM] Athena Hollow: motherfuck i cannot stop sneezing -_-
[23/12/2014, 10:49:41 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahahah <3 sf
[23/12/2014, 10:49:50 AM] Peter Coffin: he does not use A skull, he uses THE skull
[23/12/2014, 10:49:55 AM] Athena Hollow: XD
[23/12/2014, 10:50:22 AM] SF: Some men like oral, some men like anal, some optical.
[23/12/2014, 10:50:40 AM] Athena Hollow: hahaha
[23/12/2014, 10:50:48 AM] Peter Coffin: hahahaha
[23/12/2014, 10:52:35 AM] Peter Coffin: owen: that skull gets more attention than me
[23/12/2014, 10:52:48 AM] SF: More action too.
[23/12/2014, 10:53:38 AM] Peter Coffin: aurini: aw come on jordy, you know I...
owen: shut the fuck up, your smooth moves and amazing pickup artistry will never work on me. I am too smart. It's me or the skull you asshole.
[23/12/2014, 10:53:45 AM] Peter Coffin: aurini: the skull
[23/12/2014, 10:54:09 AM] Peter Coffin: owen: bites knuckle I knew. I knew before I asked.
[23/12/2014, 10:55:06 AM] Annie Kelly: lmao
[23/12/2014, 10:55:43 AM] Peter Coffin: owen walks outside, gets in the car, and drives through the night-illuminated city. Hungry Heart by Bruce Springsteen plays
[23/12/2014, 10:56:22 AM] Peter Coffin: credits for The Sarkeesian Effect roll
[23/12/2014, 11:14:08 AM] Annie Kelly: just a heads up to watch out for this guy - told sarah to kill herself like yday, has had a sudden change of heart and now throwing himself into "rejecting" GG.
[23/12/2014, 11:14:30 AM] Annie Kelly: maaaaybe its genuine, but I'd just leave him alone rly.
[23/12/2014, 11:33:58 AM] drinternetphd: fuck this piece of shit
[23/12/2014, 11:34:13 AM] Peter Coffin:
[23/12/2014, 11:34:20 AM] Peter Coffin: ill check it out
[23/12/2014, 11:35:09 AM] Annie Kelly: it pisses me off that even they don't believe this anti-disability line
[23/12/2014, 11:38:59 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i linked it here btw dan
[23/12/2014, 11:39:15 AM] Dan Olson: Oh, man, the article is done! I can close all these windows!
[23/12/2014, 11:39:44 AM] Dan Olson: No more tabs of statutes on obscenity laws! No more /hebe/!
[23/12/2014, 11:40:13 AM] Dan Olson: You get a Command-W! And you get a Command-W! Everyone gets a Command-W!!!
[23/12/2014, 11:40:16 AM] Peter Coffin: probably feels good
[23/12/2014, 11:40:17 AM] drinternetphd: anyone have that screenshot of juicebro talking about hiring PIs on multiple people
[23/12/2014, 11:40:27 AM] drinternetphd: it has my legal name in it and talks about the "in person investigation in boston'
[23/12/2014, 11:40:32 AM] drinternetphd: I'm sending patreon another email
[23/12/2014, 11:40:39 AM] Peter Coffin: fuck, I used to but I don't know
[23/12/2014, 11:40:49 AM] Peter Coffin: let me try to dig it up
[23/12/2014, 11:43:16 AM] Dan Olson: Thanks, Ms. Butts!
[23/12/2014, 11:43:40 AM] SF: Boy I bet Sarah's glad her name isn't Seymour.
[23/12/2014, 11:43:53 AM] drinternetphd: this is what I have so far
[23/12/2014, 11:43:54 AM] drinternetphd: So I saw one of your cofounders is being brigaded by a man who has been stalking me and harassing me for months.

For what it's worth, his claims are completely fraudulent and psychotic to the point that I am putting together a libel case with my lawyer. His claims of me spreading his dox and "swatting" him are patently untrue - what had happened was there was an article about his activities harassing women online that speculated that he was lying about being a practicing lawyer and included a place where he had listed publicly as his contact information for that firm ( that appeared to not be a law firm. This was partially relevant because he had been planning on abusing this and threatening people with subpoenas for the express purpose of "doxing" them, myself included (screencap here: and here He later said that this was his house, the writer edited the information out of the article and I deleted my signal boost. I was not working with the writer on this at all as Cernovich claims, and he's just attempting to destroy my reptutation by his own admission:

The writer then submitted a tip to the LAPD about the harassment he was perpetuating against her (including doxing her and posting her legal name on Twitter multiple times), not to Swat him, but because he was legitimately perpetuating criminal actions against her and she feared for her safety. He himself writes that it was a police report for harassment here: even though he handwaves it and continues his creepy obsession with blaming me for the actions of people I barely know.

Mr. Cernovich has hired a PI to stalk me as part of a long term harassment campaign against me that has included doxing me to the point of paying for my legal documents in a restraining order case I have against an ex boyfriend and posting them, including incredibly personal stuff about violence that has been done to me. He includes my legal name, and has been abusing database systems to stalk not just me, but my current boyfriend (Alex Lifschitz).

Screencaps of him bragging about this on twitter here:

Screencaps of him threatening my boyfriend (the "threat" is the tweet he's screencapping where my boyfriend talks about being afraid for his safety

He has given my court documents to a site that hosts guides on how to get away with raping women:

He repeatedly posts my legal name:

He also openly talks about how he maliciously attempts to destroy people's reputations online:

And he's done this to other people before:

I have a bunch more screencaps and explicit examples of him lying about me to stalk
[23/12/2014, 11:44:58 AM] SF: Randi: This is probably uncomfortable so you don't need to answer, but was that photo Cernovich passed around of you in the cuffs underage? That would be important if so.
[23/12/2014, 11:45:07 AM] SF: Because he was posting that (cropped) right on his Twitter IIRC.
[23/12/2014, 11:45:24 AM] Tesseract: here's more about your legal name I guess
[23/12/2014, 11:45:48 AM] Tesseract: is randi here
[23/12/2014, 11:47:06 AM] SF: She's in the chat but I don't know if she's online right now.
[23/12/2014, 11:47:44 AM] Annie Kelly: DM might be better
[23/12/2014, 11:48:21 AM] Tesseract: I'll tell her to pop in
[23/12/2014, 11:48:29 AM] Tesseract: unless she's following you sf
[23/12/2014, 11:50:35 AM] SF: I am nowhere near that cool alas.
[23/12/2014, 11:50:48 AM] SF: Dan: 
>such as Ohio where the statue requires that

I assume that's meant to be statute.
[23/12/2014, 11:51:42 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[23/12/2014, 11:51:52 AM] Dan Olson: yes, good catch
[23/12/2014, 11:51:56 AM] Annie Kelly: off to bed gang, night! xx
[23/12/2014, 11:52:04 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Goodnight!
[23/12/2014, 11:53:40 AM] drinternetphd: found it
[23/12/2014, 11:53:45 AM] drinternetphd:
[23/12/2014, 11:54:11 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yay for finding it. Ugh for Mike.
[23/12/2014, 11:54:40 AM] drinternetphd: ok finished I think
[23/12/2014, 11:54:40 AM] drinternetphd: So I saw one of your cofounders is being brigaded by a man who has been stalking me and harassing me for months.

For what it's worth, his claims are completely fraudulent and psychotic to the point that I am putting together a libel case with my lawyer. His claims of me spreading his dox and "swatting" him are patently untrue - what had happened was there was an article about his activities harassing women online that speculated that he was lying about being a practicing lawyer and included a place where he had listed publicly as his contact information for that firm ( that appeared to not be a law firm. This was partially relevant because he had been planning on abusing this and threatening people with subpoenas for the express purpose of "doxing" them, myself included (screencap here: and here He later said that this was his house, the writer edited the information out of the article and I deleted my signal boost. I was not working with the writer on this at all as Cernovich claims, and he's just attempting to destroy my reptutation by his own admission:

The writer then submitted a tip to the LAPD about the harassment he was perpetuating against her (including doxing her and posting her legal name on Twitter multiple times), not to Swat him, but because he was legitimately perpetuating criminal actions against her and she feared for her safety. He himself writes that it was a police report for harassment here: even though he handwaves it and continues his creepy obsession with blaming me for the actions of people I barely know.

Mr. Cernovich has hired a PI to stalk me as part of a long term harassment campaign against me that has included doxing me to the point of paying for my legal documents in a restraining order case I have against an ex boyfriend and posting them, including incredibly personal stuff about violence that has been done to me. He includes my legal name, and has been abusing database systems to stalk not just me, but my current boyfriend (Alex Lifschitz).

Screencaps of him bragging about this on twitter here:

Telegraphed my location to his followers, talked about his plans to "doc dump" me, and proves he hired a PI to stalk me and my boyfriend IN PERSON.

Screencaps of him threatening my boyfriend (the "threat" is the tweet he's screencapping where my boyfriend talks about being afraid for his safety

Screencap of him doxing me claiming public record isn't doxing, then blaming me for someone else doing something less invasive immediately after:

He has given my court documents to a site that hosts guides on how to get away with raping women:

He repeatedly posts my legal name:

He also openly talks about how he maliciously attempts to destroy people's reputations online:

Has been suspended for harassment before:

And he's done this to other people before:

I have a bunch more screencaps and explicit examples of him lying about me to stalking if you want, but please understand that he is acting maliciously and being deliberately dishonest in an attempt to destroy my only source of income. He has been terrorizing my family and I for weeks and I am trying to handle this through legal channels, not twitter slapfights or mob raising. I am scared to death that he is going to be able to convince you all to pull my only source of income based on having a hate mob behind him and a huge pack of lies. 

This man is unstable and has repeatedly placed me in danger. Please please please don't help him advance his obsession with destroying my life.

Thank you.
- Zoe Quinn
[23/12/2014, 11:55:24 AM] Dan Olson: Sounds good to me, Zoe.
[23/12/2014, 11:55:26 AM] SF: You know I thought that I had the mental layers built up to withstand that article unscathed, I've seen plenty of borderline material in illustration archives that I was able to just mentally filter, but these photos are something else.
[23/12/2014, 11:55:39 AM] SF: In particular the way that they trade *real names* of these kids.
[23/12/2014, 11:56:14 AM] Dan Olson: oh shit, did I post the version of the long discussion where they mention that girl's real name?
[23/12/2014, 11:56:36 AM] SF: Oh, yes now you mention it.
[23/12/2014, 11:56:46 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: sounds good, zoe. is that tweet where he linked the court documents still up? we could prolly get him banned for that
[23/12/2014, 11:56:49 AM] SF: Hey my horror served a higher purpose after all.
[23/12/2014, 11:57:06 AM] Tesseract: we really really need someone who can escalate reports to twitter
[23/12/2014, 11:57:44 AM] SF: The names listed are very "porny" however so there's a chance they're 8chan-generated aliases for subjects they've seen more than once, but I wouldn't take that risk.
[23/12/2014, 11:57:45 AM] Tesseract: fart, rogue, cernovich and some others could be banned easily if we could
[23/12/2014, 11:57:56 AM] Tesseract: also this is social chat
[23/12/2014, 11:58:04 AM] drinternetphd: ok email sent.
[23/12/2014, 11:58:23 AM] SF: Is this serious enough for serious in your estimation?
[23/12/2014, 11:58:27 AM] Dan Olson: okay, no, I didn't. Whoooooo. All the names are stage names, just like in adult porn. There's one convo I screencapped though where they're explicitly "her real name is _first_ _last_"
[23/12/2014, 11:58:48 AM] SF: Oh okay, phew. Sorry I didn't mean to give you a heart attack. I was talking about the Lolly one.
[23/12/2014, 11:59:28 AM] drinternetphd: ok. also. had meeting with libel lawyer
[23/12/2014, 11:59:40 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: randi can help us escalate, SJW
[23/12/2014, 11:59:47 AM] drinternetphd: apparently a lot of shit is difficult to do if I can't prove financial damages
[23/12/2014, 11:59:49 AM] drinternetphd: so that's great.
[23/12/2014, 11:59:49 AM] Tesseract: what really
[23/12/2014, 11:59:53 AM] Tesseract: @srh
[23/12/2014, 12:00:01 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yes. Randi has internal twitter contacts
[23/12/2014, 12:00:08 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: zoe: has nero said anything libelous?
[23/12/2014, 12:00:10 PM] Tesseract: why hasn't she escalated fart or rogue for ban evasion then
[23/12/2014, 12:00:15 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: UK libel law doesn't require monetary damages
[23/12/2014, 12:00:26 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: they actually have a "libel tourism" problem they laws are so good on the matter
[23/12/2014, 12:00:48 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: shes busy, i'm assuming. but if we compile the worst of this stuff, i'm sure she can forward it for us
[23/12/2014, 12:01:12 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: if nero's repeated any of the GG part line lies, you should sue his ass
[23/12/2014, 12:01:19 PM] Tesseract: well yeah but for fart/rogue all she has to do is be all "these people are ban evading"
[23/12/2014, 12:01:45 PM] Tesseract: I could compile incriminating shit having done it 3 times before
[23/12/2014, 12:01:47 PM] drinternetphd: what about cernovich openly doxing people
[23/12/2014, 12:02:09 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: that's why i was asking if thsoe were still up
[23/12/2014, 12:02:20 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: especially if we can find multiple instances of him doing it, twitter will sometimes act
[23/12/2014, 12:02:22 PM] Tesseract: cernovich is the only gger that physically pisses me off so I'm not going to enjoy sorting through his shitpile
[23/12/2014, 12:02:23 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: sole cases they blow it off
[23/12/2014, 12:02:30 PM] drinternetphd: yeah a lot of them are still up
[23/12/2014, 12:02:41 PM] drinternetphd: one is just him repeating my legal name like 3 times and linking to court shit
[23/12/2014, 12:03:50 PM] Tesseract: I should probably dig through his timeline regardless but I'd really like confirmation randi can actually escalate reports before I do that
[23/12/2014, 12:04:20 PM] drinternetphd: yeah
[23/12/2014, 12:04:53 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: she can
[23/12/2014, 12:04:58 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: she told me personally
[23/12/2014, 12:05:08 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: it's how she knows there's no TOS violation on her autoblocker
[23/12/2014, 12:05:20 PM] drinternetphd: christ what a bullshit day
[23/12/2014, 12:05:24 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): hugs
[23/12/2014, 12:05:56 PM] SF: I'm still in awe of your stamina.
[23/12/2014, 12:07:11 PM] drinternetphd: I don't really have a choice.
[23/12/2014, 12:07:20 PM] drinternetphd: I am season 6 buffy.
[23/12/2014, 12:08:16 PM] SF: Be sure to record the musical episode.
[23/12/2014, 12:08:20 PM] Tesseract: damn why didn't I know about this
[23/12/2014, 12:09:22 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: see, i woulda gone with late angel seasons wesley
[23/12/2014, 12:09:23 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: imo
[23/12/2014, 12:10:31 PM] drinternetphd: geez I barely remember later angel
[23/12/2014, 12:10:48 PM] drinternetphd: connor made me feel very over it
[23/12/2014, 12:10:49 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: yeah i'm trying to remember. did he lose his... arm? it was something like that
[23/12/2014, 12:10:57 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: yeah connor was poop
[23/12/2014, 12:11:02 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: fred, tho <3
[23/12/2014, 12:11:06 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Heh
[23/12/2014, 12:11:50 PM] drinternetphd: agreed
[23/12/2014, 12:14:28 PM] SF: I am looking at regular porn for medicinal reasons.
[23/12/2014, 12:15:02 PM] SF: Nope not working.
[23/12/2014, 12:15:04 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[23/12/2014, 12:16:27 PM] drinternetphd: can someone storify idledilletante's debunking of cernovich's bullshit?
[23/12/2014, 12:16:28 PM] drinternetphd:
[23/12/2014, 12:16:34 PM] drinternetphd: I can't touch this right now publicly
[23/12/2014, 12:16:42 PM] drinternetphd: maybe storify it and get it to Patreon
[23/12/2014, 12:16:43 PM] SF: Another thing that gets me about those threads is how clear it is that this isn't just fluke attraction to juvenile body shapes and the like. It's the fact they're children and can be treated as disposable ragdolls.
[23/12/2014, 12:16:53 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Tesseract! Use your storify powers!
[23/12/2014, 12:17:17 PM] Tesseract: I've only made like 3 storifies and I don't remember idlediletante's debunking at all
[23/12/2014, 12:17:27 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): She's doing it right
[23/12/2014, 12:17:28 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): now
[23/12/2014, 12:17:34 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): or just finished
[23/12/2014, 12:17:41 PM] Tesseract: oh
[23/12/2014, 12:17:53 PM] Tesseract: alright I'll do that
[23/12/2014, 12:18:00 PM] drinternetphd: thank you
[23/12/2014, 12:21:28 PM] Tesseract: this good?
[23/12/2014, 12:22:30 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): oh, she's still going.
[23/12/2014, 12:22:32 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): at 15 now
[23/12/2014, 12:22:47 PM] Tesseract: oh
[23/12/2014, 12:22:51 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Hmm, wait a bit then update or trie to update as she goes
[23/12/2014, 12:24:25 PM] drinternetphd: I think she just finished
[23/12/2014, 12:24:52 PM] Tesseract: updated
[23/12/2014, 12:25:11 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Hehe:
[23/12/2014, 12:26:53 PM] SF: They're accusing Sarah of false flagging 8chan by creating dozens of pedo boards and all the posts in them I see.
[23/12/2014, 12:27:08 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yup
[23/12/2014, 12:27:12 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): SPIN SPIN SPIN
[23/12/2014, 12:28:02 PM] Athena Hollow: I'd point out "How would I have time to do that with all the screen caps I post?" LOL
[23/12/2014, 12:29:37 PM] Quinnae: 'Evening all.
[23/12/2014, 12:29:52 PM] Athena Hollow: Evening :)
[23/12/2014, 12:29:52 PM] Quinnae: Quite night, so I'm back for a bit!
[23/12/2014, 12:30:00 PM] drinternetphd: hey
[23/12/2014, 12:30:28 PM] Quinnae: Hey hey. How goes it all?
[23/12/2014, 12:30:37 PM] drinternetphd: the world is garbage
[23/12/2014, 12:32:21 PM] drinternetphd: sorry. long day.
[23/12/2014, 12:32:42 PM] drinternetphd: I am easily hitting "bitter old artist" before 40
[23/12/2014, 12:32:44 PM] drinternetphd: *30
[23/12/2014, 12:33:38 PM] Remy: I can't blame you from what I've heard your day was like
[23/12/2014, 12:34:43 PM] drinternetphd: at least being told to give up my career by a judge resulted in a book outline and multiple chapters skeleton'ed out and a cohesive thesis statement and plot arc/flow
[23/12/2014, 12:35:00 PM] Remy: ^_^
[23/12/2014, 12:35:03 PM] drinternetphd: get mad make art
[23/12/2014, 12:35:13 PM] Remy: Isn't that ever the way
[23/12/2014, 12:35:22 PM] drinternetphd: yknow
[23/12/2014, 12:35:32 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): The Marshal Mathers method
[23/12/2014, 12:35:32 PM] drinternetphd: I was thinking of getting a tattoo due to all of this
[23/12/2014, 12:35:35 PM] drinternetphd: maybe that'll be it
[23/12/2014, 12:37:12 PM] Quinnae: Get mad, make art?
[23/12/2014, 12:37:18 PM] drinternetphd: yeah
[23/12/2014, 12:37:23 PM] Quinnae: Groovy.
[23/12/2014, 12:38:09 PM] nicholas.boterf: I hope the tattoo involves you killing a gamer.
[23/12/2014, 12:38:16 PM] Dan Olson: I'm thinking of getting some new scars done, but I don't know what.
[23/12/2014, 12:38:18 PM] drinternetphd: why would I ever want a gamer on my body
[23/12/2014, 12:38:29 PM] nicholas.boterf: …good point.
[23/12/2014, 12:38:35 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): RIP Gamers 2014-8-28
[23/12/2014, 12:38:42 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): This message has been removed.
[23/12/2014, 12:39:05 PM] Quinnae: I'm not cool, so I will likely never have tattoos.
[23/12/2014, 12:39:18 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Same. No tattoos for me. :3
[23/12/2014, 12:40:14 PM] drinternetphd: it's like the only part of my heritage I bother keeping
[23/12/2014, 12:40:26 PM] drinternetphd: growing up in a harley shop was weird.
[23/12/2014, 12:40:42 PM] drinternetphd: er, not heritage I guess. the culture I'm from? phrasing.
[23/12/2014, 12:41:21 PM] drinternetphd: shit fuck i was supposed to have a draft in today
[23/12/2014, 12:42:39 PM] drinternetphd: welp so much for my giantbomb goty list
[23/12/2014, 12:43:04 PM] SF: It's cold consolation, especially when you didn't choose it, but think of the ripple effects of all these battles you're spearheading.
[23/12/2014, 12:43:24 PM] SF: You're changing the culture of an industry in its adolescence. That's not small. You'll be in history books on this.
[23/12/2014, 12:43:29 PM] drinternetphd: it's hard to. I lost perspective a long time ago.
[23/12/2014, 12:43:50 PM] drinternetphd: and when so much of this is rooted in the abuse of my ex it's got that fun trauma brainfuck to it to
[23/12/2014, 12:43:51 PM] drinternetphd: *too
[23/12/2014, 12:44:04 PM] SF: As a 3rd party that's what your work looks like to me at least.
[23/12/2014, 12:44:18 PM] drinternetphd: well, thanks
[23/12/2014, 12:44:22 PM] SF: DQ saved lives just by giving a lot of people hope, and this is orders of magnitude larger than it was.
[23/12/2014, 12:44:31 PM] drinternetphd: I hope I can internalize any of the good someday.
[23/12/2014, 12:44:39 PM] SF: Yeah, me too. You deserve it yourself.
[23/12/2014, 12:44:52 PM] drinternetphd: I've kind of made piece with simply being a tool
[23/12/2014, 12:45:11 PM] drinternetphd: or rather, viewing my life and time on earth as a tool to ideally leave make things better
[23/12/2014, 12:45:15 PM] drinternetphd: I don't really take any joy in it
[23/12/2014, 12:45:29 PM] drinternetphd: it just seems like the thing to do.
[23/12/2014, 12:45:47 PM] drinternetphd: and while there's not really joy in it, it works both ways and lessens the suffering too
[23/12/2014, 12:46:23 PM] drinternetphd: besides, I already beat the spread anyway. most people don't escape the kind of poverty and culture I was born into
[23/12/2014, 12:46:48 PM] Athena Hollow: Yep. Same.
[23/12/2014, 12:46:55 PM] drinternetphd: everyone else I grew up with married each other and got jobs in banks and factories in the tiny town I come from, so
[23/12/2014, 12:47:05 PM] drinternetphd: the fact that I have seen other countries is still amazing to me
[23/12/2014, 12:47:28 PM] Athena Hollow: Like, I'm not rich by any stretch, but I already own my own place, got my shit together, etc. 

Not as much as you, but yeah, similar beginnings though not a tiny town, just the "other side of the tracks"
[23/12/2014, 12:47:39 PM] drinternetphd: word
[23/12/2014, 12:47:48 PM] Athena Hollow: It's a bitch to break that cycle.
[23/12/2014, 12:47:57 PM] drinternetphd: it was like white poverty shit where I'm from which granted, is still a huge privlege
[23/12/2014, 12:48:09 PM] drinternetphd: but a lot of people I grew up with ODed or ended up in jail
[23/12/2014, 12:48:14 PM] drinternetphd: one is still an unsolved murder
[23/12/2014, 12:48:22 PM] Athena Hollow: I actually lived in a poor predominately black neighborhood till I was 15, and then a poor white one.
[23/12/2014, 12:48:29 PM] drinternetphd: ha wow, I swapped
[23/12/2014, 12:48:32 PM] Athena Hollow: lol
[23/12/2014, 12:48:45 PM] Randi Harper: sfthewolf: nah, i was like 25 years old i just look young as fuck.
[23/12/2014, 12:48:47 PM] drinternetphd: moved to a poor predominately black neighborhood when I was 14
[23/12/2014, 12:48:50 PM] Randi Harper: also hi
[23/12/2014, 12:48:54 PM] drinternetphd: yo
[23/12/2014, 12:48:57 PM] Athena Hollow: howdy
[23/12/2014, 12:49:12 PM] Randi Harper: people pinged me, i read scrollback
[23/12/2014, 12:49:15 PM] Randi Harper: ish
[23/12/2014, 12:49:19 PM] Randi Harper: i'll be able to pay more attention shortly
[23/12/2014, 12:49:23 PM] Randi Harper: kind of in the middle of arenas. >.>
[23/12/2014, 12:49:23 PM] drinternetphd: so randi can you escalate reports to twitter
[23/12/2014, 12:49:25 PM] drinternetphd: ahhh
[23/12/2014, 12:49:25 PM] SF: Ah good to know, thanks.
[23/12/2014, 12:49:29 PM] Randi Harper: yes
[23/12/2014, 12:49:33 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Randi, we need your SJW powers to escalate Twitter reports
[23/12/2014, 12:49:37 PM] Athena Hollow: lol
[23/12/2014, 12:49:40 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): if you still have them
[23/12/2014, 12:49:42 PM] SF: The fact he was essentially blackmailing you with porn is pretty serious regardless of age.
[23/12/2014, 12:50:07 PM] SF: I also wouldn't mind knowing where to buy those cuffs.
[23/12/2014, 12:50:25 PM] Tesseract: oh fuck yes, I have a shitton of reports that could use escalating
[23/12/2014, 12:50:28 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): SF, later, please tell Randi about your musical instruments XD
[23/12/2014, 12:50:44 PM] Tesseract: can I send like 70 tweets at once or do you have to escalate them one at a time
[23/12/2014, 12:50:48 PM] Athena Hollow: hahahaha
[23/12/2014, 12:50:57 PM] SF: I don't think I have any that Tesseract doesn't already.
[23/12/2014, 12:51:13 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Tesseract has been doing an amazing job of collecting abusive tweets
[23/12/2014, 12:51:18 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): o7
[23/12/2014, 12:51:34 PM] Tesseract: I actually only have chobitcoin right now because I didn't bother collecting them without a means of escalating reports
[23/12/2014, 12:51:49 PM] Tesseract: but randi being able to escalate them is potentially huge
[23/12/2014, 12:52:21 PM] drinternetphd: WTF KORRA IS BI I NEED TO CATCH UP ON THIS SHOW
[23/12/2014, 12:52:26 PM] SF: Chobit was the first that came to mind too.
[23/12/2014, 12:52:35 PM] SF: YES and it made people angry so it's win win
[23/12/2014, 12:52:37 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Has Chobit harassed any of you specifically?
[23/12/2014, 12:52:41 PM] SF: Angry lesbian finale
[23/12/2014, 12:52:50 PM] Tesseract: chobit only cares about grace and chloe mostly
[23/12/2014, 12:52:52 PM] SF: I called out Chobit and she was an ass to me but nothing reportable.
[23/12/2014, 12:53:25 PM] SF: Grace probably has the best collection but it'd be so hard to ask for more info without tipping our hands.
[23/12/2014, 12:53:25 PM] Tesseract: I've got like a million tweets of hers on both of them
[23/12/2014, 12:53:37 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ok. If she ever does and it gets to the point where you are seeking legal action, DM me.
[23/12/2014, 12:53:50 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: sjw: my strategy would be to move the MOST egregious to the very top, and then say the other stuff is indicative of their general behavior
[23/12/2014, 12:53:53 PM] Tesseract: and the rest is just like 3 tweets of "zoe quinn fucked multiple dudes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" like basically every other one of them
[23/12/2014, 12:54:20 PM] Athena Hollow: But yeah, they're totally not sex-neg. Nope. Not one bit.
[23/12/2014, 12:54:40 PM] Athena Hollow: I really hate these people -_-
[23/12/2014, 12:54:41 PM] Tesseract: they're actually very concerned about stds or some shit
[23/12/2014, 12:54:50 PM] drinternetphd: you can tell by how hard they went after grayson
[23/12/2014, 12:54:52 PM] Athena Hollow: ....... some shit is right.
[23/12/2014, 12:54:54 PM] drinternetphd: crickets chirping
[23/12/2014, 12:55:12 PM] drinternetphd: god if they knew how many people in industry have banged their heads would explode
[23/12/2014, 12:55:13 PM] Athena Hollow: If they looked at my sexual history, they'd die of a fucking heart attack hahahaha
[23/12/2014, 12:55:18 PM] drinternetphd: lol
[23/12/2014, 12:55:30 PM] Athena Hollow: I was queen slutty mcslutterson in high school.
[23/12/2014, 12:55:45 PM] Athena Hollow: And was damn proud of it, because I was always safe and smart about it.
[23/12/2014, 12:56:04 PM] Athena Hollow: Because fuck it, if these girls were going to accuse me of fucking their exes, I might as well actually do it LOL
[23/12/2014, 12:56:16 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): "NOW that you mention it. BRB"
[23/12/2014, 12:56:19 PM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[23/12/2014, 12:56:27 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :P
[23/12/2014, 12:56:51 PM] drinternetphd: lol
[23/12/2014, 12:57:10 PM] Athena Hollow: I had a reputation that followed me across the county, even though I'd only slept with 2 guys, and both of them I'd been in long term relationships with (over a year) But I was apparently a slut? I dunno. Was dumb. So I started dating & banging their exes hahaha
[23/12/2014, 12:57:21 PM] Athena Hollow: Then I stopped dating them and just said "welp, fuck it" hahaha
[23/12/2014, 12:57:48 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i'd probably be more of a slut if i was better at meeting other queer women, tbh. i am the shy
[23/12/2014, 12:58:20 PM] drinternetphd: dating other women is hard
[23/12/2014, 12:58:20 PM] Athena Hollow: I'm as loudmouthed & outspoken offline as I am online, and have kind of always been that way
[23/12/2014, 12:58:25 PM] Athena Hollow: but I am terrible about picking up women.
[23/12/2014, 12:58:29 PM] drinternetphd: yeah
[23/12/2014, 12:58:39 PM] drinternetphd: it's like "oh god I don't wanna creep on anyone we get creeped enough already"
[23/12/2014, 12:58:43 PM] drinternetphd: and "oh god what if she's straight"
[23/12/2014, 12:58:47 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: well, dating other women would be a hell of a lot easier for me than dating men ~
[23/12/2014, 12:58:50 PM] Athena Hollow: It's gotten easier, now that we pretty much stick to married couples hahaha
[23/12/2014, 12:58:53 PM] drinternetphd: and "oh god she's prettier than me why would she slum it with my dumb ass"
[23/12/2014, 12:59:00 PM] Athena Hollow: or mine or his ex girlfriends LOL
[23/12/2014, 12:59:06 PM] drinternetphd: ha
[23/12/2014, 12:59:54 PM] drinternetphd: god damn
[23/12/2014, 1:00:03 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: it's worth it, tho. girls are soft. and boobs make good pillows.
[23/12/2014, 1:00:08 PM] Athena Hollow: yes. yes they do.
[23/12/2014, 1:00:12 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Can confirm. Wife has boobs
[23/12/2014, 1:00:14 PM] Athena Hollow: especially when you don't have them yourself.
[23/12/2014, 1:00:16 PM] Athena Hollow: lol
[23/12/2014, 1:00:18 PM] drinternetphd: it's fucking ironic that I'm getting brigaded so hard for "doxing" after being willing to argue with brianna over not doxing like yesterday
[23/12/2014, 1:00:36 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: wait doxing
[23/12/2014, 1:00:38 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: dont you mean
[23/12/2014, 1:00:40 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: ATTEMPTED MURDER
[23/12/2014, 1:00:42 PM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[23/12/2014, 1:00:43 PM] drinternetphd: ha
[23/12/2014, 1:00:50 PM] Athena Hollow: God he's fucking dumb.
[23/12/2014, 1:00:54 PM] drinternetphd: I saw some post that was like SHE'S KILLED BEFORE SHE'LL KILL AGAIN
[23/12/2014, 1:00:59 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: hahahaha
[23/12/2014, 1:01:07 PM] Athena Hollow: Of course, he doesn't talk to Rogue about the fact that he tried to fucking get David quasi-swatted.
[23/12/2014, 1:01:10 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): So, like all the GG not-leaders are bigger "professional victims" than the people GG has been targetting
[23/12/2014, 1:01:17 PM] Athena Hollow: Yes.
[23/12/2014, 1:01:20 PM] drinternetphd: yes
[23/12/2014, 1:01:23 PM] Athena Hollow: all of them.
[23/12/2014, 1:01:27 PM] Randi Harper: i'm not sure about *quickly*
[23/12/2014, 1:01:29 PM] SF: Good to hear these aren't just my issues with approaching other women.
[23/12/2014, 1:01:29 PM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[23/12/2014, 1:01:31 PM] Randi Harper: it usually takes a day before dude gets back to me
[23/12/2014, 1:01:34 PM] Randi Harper: and holidays... yeah.
[23/12/2014, 1:01:36 PM] drinternetphd: every single thing here is like the most hypocritical shit in the universe
[23/12/2014, 1:01:38 PM] Randi Harper: good luck with anything happening christmas week
[23/12/2014, 1:01:49 PM] Athena Hollow: Hypocritical AND over-sensitive.
[23/12/2014, 1:01:56 PM] Athena Hollow: Which is of course, hilariously ironic.
[23/12/2014, 1:02:08 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I won't forget Mr. Fart saying I harassed him for calling him an SJW
[23/12/2014, 1:02:08 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: its no rush, just glad they can forward it randi. how goes, btw? :3
[23/12/2014, 1:02:12 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): It was glorious
[23/12/2014, 1:02:15 PM] SF: It's doubly weird with my relationship opening up.
[23/12/2014, 1:02:23 PM] SF: Oh and being non-op. It's a lot to explain to a person.
[23/12/2014, 1:02:27 PM] Athena Hollow: Telling us "Harassment is just part of being online" but don't you dare say "Someone push gamers into a volcano" OMG MY LIFE WHAT WILL I DO
[23/12/2014, 1:02:36 PM] Randi Harper: feeding men their own dicks in arenas after i rip them off
[23/12/2014, 1:02:36 PM] Athena Hollow: oh yea, i bet.
[23/12/2014, 1:02:37 PM] Randi Harper: like i do.
[23/12/2014, 1:02:39 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ahem. gamers are dead
[23/12/2014, 1:02:39 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i have conclusive proof fart linked to something with bri's full address but i can't really say that w/o drawing attention to it :\
[23/12/2014, 1:02:40 PM] Athena Hollow: lol
[23/12/2014, 1:02:52 PM] Randi Harper: i just killed a fury warrior
[23/12/2014, 1:02:54 PM] Randi Harper: i'm a disc priest.
[23/12/2014, 1:02:59 PM] Randi Harper: LITERALLY EAT YOUR OWN DICK MISTER WARRIOR
[23/12/2014, 1:03:01 PM] Athena Hollow: hahahah nice
[23/12/2014, 1:03:02 PM] Randi Harper: WHERE ARE YOUR DPS GODS NOW
[23/12/2014, 1:03:05 PM] Athena Hollow: XD
[23/12/2014, 1:03:15 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Randi, remember when that GGer proclaimed he would go grief you in game?
[23/12/2014, 1:03:25 PM] Randi Harper: oh, lol. that wouldn't work out very well for him
[23/12/2014, 1:03:26 PM] drinternetphd: keep talking dipshit:
[23/12/2014, 1:03:31 PM] Randi Harper: even assuming i had no friends, yeahhhhh.
[23/12/2014, 1:03:45 PM] Randi Harper: the funny part was, he knew who i was
[23/12/2014, 1:03:45 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: game: yeah i'm pretty open about being trans but like i wont lie it kinda stings when there's a girl who would otherwise be interested but kinda nopes 'cause genital stuff. it's their call obviously but it kinda makes you go :(
[23/12/2014, 1:03:49 PM] Randi Harper: and so he wasn't willing to do it himself
[23/12/2014, 1:03:54 PM] Randi Harper: he knew it would take a fucking gamergate raid
[23/12/2014, 1:03:58 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Haha
[23/12/2014, 1:04:12 PM] Athena Hollow: lol
[23/12/2014, 1:04:15 PM] drinternetphd: lol
[23/12/2014, 1:04:18 PM] Athena Hollow: they be babies
[23/12/2014, 1:04:38 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): 14 years old. thank you very much
[23/12/2014, 1:04:39 PM] drinternetphd: yknow for having fought so hard against the nerd stereotype for years now I'm just kinda like "oh lol those people actually do exist"
[23/12/2014, 1:04:44 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Though that one 10 year old youtuber... :(
[23/12/2014, 1:04:50 PM] Quinnae: I feel the same way, Zoe.
[23/12/2014, 1:05:10 PM] drinternetphd: I mean that was kind of the point of the "gamers are over" articles anyway
[23/12/2014, 1:05:24 PM] drinternetphd: but NOPE gotta be trash about it because...???
[23/12/2014, 1:05:26 PM] Randi Harper: heroes of the stooorm time
[23/12/2014, 1:05:29 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ssh.. They never read the articles
[23/12/2014, 1:05:43 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: randi do you play league ever?
[23/12/2014, 1:05:48 PM] drinternetphd: look if it's not in the format of a shrill dude with a funny avatar yellign in a youtube video I DON'T KNOW IT
[23/12/2014, 1:05:54 PM] Randi Harper: only when friends at riot talk me into it. :P
[23/12/2014, 1:05:55 PM] Dan Olson: HEROOOES OF TEH STOOOOOOOORM
[23/12/2014, 1:06:00 PM] Randi Harper: i'm better at HOTS than i am at LoL
[23/12/2014, 1:06:09 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i couldn't get into HOTS much but i play league if you'd ever want to sometime :3
[23/12/2014, 1:06:13 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): No really, they never read the articles:
[23/12/2014, 1:06:15 PM] Dan Olson: I'm still more fond of LoL. HotS' controls still feel really slippery and inaccurate.
[23/12/2014, 1:06:24 PM] Athena Hollow: lol yea they admit all the time they don't read the articles.
[23/12/2014, 1:06:24 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: x2, dan
[23/12/2014, 1:06:26 PM] Athena Hollow: It's pretty pathetic.
[23/12/2014, 1:06:26 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: plus fuck murky
[23/12/2014, 1:06:43 PM] drinternetphd: whoof. seeing aubrey comment on that
[23/12/2014, 1:06:47 PM] drinternetphd: he ACTUALLY got swatted
[23/12/2014, 1:06:49 PM] Randi Harper: hots is just a cutsie game
[23/12/2014, 1:06:50 PM] Randi Harper: not precision
[23/12/2014, 1:06:59 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: aubrey?
[23/12/2014, 1:07:03 PM] drinternetphd: yeah
[23/12/2014, 1:07:13 PM] Athena Hollow: "I hate this thing! FUCK YOU ALL!" 
"What did you hate?"
"Did you read -beyond that-?"
[23/12/2014, 1:07:13 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: not familiar w/ who that is
[23/12/2014, 1:07:18 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: dan want to throw poros with me and charlotte? :3 if you're not busy
[23/12/2014, 1:07:20 PM] Dan Olson: I like a lot of the more radical things they're doing with champ design, though. Like Abathur is frikkin' cool design, even if he's garbage when you're not on VOIP with your team.
[23/12/2014, 1:07:21 PM] drinternetphd:
[23/12/2014, 1:07:35 PM] Dan Olson: heck yes
[23/12/2014, 1:08:30 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Oh! I know Aubrey.
[23/12/2014, 1:08:33 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Oh wow
[23/12/2014, 1:09:23 PM] drinternetphd: we started talking early on in this and he described being swatted to me
[23/12/2014, 1:09:26 PM] drinternetphd: fucking scary shit
[23/12/2014, 1:09:42 PM] drinternetphd: it's one of the reasons this cernovich horseshit pisses me off so much
[23/12/2014, 1:10:56 PM] drinternetphd: yusssssss korra is on amazon
[23/12/2014, 1:11:23 PM] Randi Harper: my lawyer has been keeping an eye on him for a while. says he hasn't done anything directly illegal that she's seen. he's just a scumbag and knows how to walk the line.
[23/12/2014, 1:11:33 PM] Randi Harper: anyone wanna play HOTS? one spot open.
[23/12/2014, 1:11:47 PM] drinternetphd: yeah I talked with a libel lawyer about hitting him civilly today
[23/12/2014, 1:11:50 PM] drinternetphd: gonna see what we can do
[23/12/2014, 1:12:19 PM] Remy: Ummm FYI Taco Bell is serving some drink called a frozen strawberry starburst
[23/12/2014, 1:12:19 PM] Remy: It's.... A frozen strawberry starburst slushy
[23/12/2014, 1:12:19 PM] Remy: Killing us softly with ur games
[23/12/2014, 1:12:47 PM] Athena Hollow: omggggggggg
[23/12/2014, 1:12:50 PM] Athena Hollow: that sounds amazing
[23/12/2014, 1:12:53 PM] Athena Hollow: with rum.
[23/12/2014, 1:12:59 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[23/12/2014, 1:13:14 PM] Remy: I told you
[23/12/2014, 1:13:17 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[23/12/2014, 1:18:06 PM] Athena Hollow: Damn, tess. Comin down hard on JennOfDumbassville lol
[23/12/2014, 1:18:10 PM] Athena Hollow: (It's beautiful)
[23/12/2014, 1:19:30 PM] Athena Hollow:
[23/12/2014, 1:20:29 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): AHAHAHA
[23/12/2014, 1:20:38 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I believe the Gaters call that... #BTFO
[23/12/2014, 1:20:44 PM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[23/12/2014, 1:21:02 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[23/12/2014, 1:21:04 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): hehehe
[23/12/2014, 1:21:19 PM] Athena Hollow: "There's really no need to insult me or be inflammatory. What are you showing me here? What have those ppl done?"

God she is so fucking full of shit.
[23/12/2014, 1:21:20 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Gaters are so fun to destroy
[23/12/2014, 1:23:00 PM] Athena Hollow: Tess, will you marry me?
[23/12/2014, 1:23:10 PM] Athena Hollow: lol
[23/12/2014, 1:23:54 PM] Tesseract: of course
[23/12/2014, 1:24:07 PM] Tesseract: can someone get me a link about return of kings and all the horrid shit they do
[23/12/2014, 1:24:08 PM] Athena Hollow: WOO HOO
[23/12/2014, 1:24:11 PM] Tesseract: <3
[23/12/2014, 1:24:18 PM] Quinnae: Ah, JennOfHardwire...
[23/12/2014, 1:24:36 PM] Quinnae: She said that I was one of her "favourite" "anti-GGers" because I was so reasonable or somesuch tripe.
[23/12/2014, 1:24:38 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Oh, they are also hosting Zoe's dox still I believe
[23/12/2014, 1:24:42 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): RooshV and his pals
[23/12/2014, 1:24:54 PM] Athena Hollow:
[23/12/2014, 1:24:56 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: hmm
[23/12/2014, 1:25:04 PM] Tesseract: I have an archive of a matt forney article as well but I don't know where that is
[23/12/2014, 1:25:14 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: how the heck am I just sitting down for the first time today and it's after midnight?
[23/12/2014, 1:25:28 PM] Quinnae: Anyway, good luck troll hunting, folks, I have a cutie to snuggle. Take care and be good to one another!
[23/12/2014, 1:25:41 PM] Athena Hollow: Yeah, I was up on my feet from 11am til 7pm -_-
[23/12/2014, 1:25:45 PM] Athena Hollow: <3 night Katherine.
[23/12/2014, 1:25:59 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ok. Good night! :)
[23/12/2014, 1:27:04 PM] Tesseract: found it
[23/12/2014, 1:27:06 PM] Tesseract: night
[23/12/2014, 1:28:39 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Jenn always plays dumb. That's her thing.
[23/12/2014, 1:28:46 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Everytime she gets called out
[23/12/2014, 1:29:06 PM] Athena Hollow: "What do you mean running into traffic is dangerous? Tee hee"
[23/12/2014, 1:29:19 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Pretty much.
[23/12/2014, 1:30:43 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Anything particularly noteworthy happen today besides ?
[23/12/2014, 1:31:21 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): RogueStar said he's going to actually work on his game and release something on Dec. 25
[23/12/2014, 1:31:39 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[23/12/2014, 1:31:56 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: ew, now I have to either finish mine a day earlier or later.
[23/12/2014, 1:32:18 PM] Peter Coffin: ill believe it when I see it
[23/12/2014, 1:32:33 PM] Tesseract: I was working on a game before gamergate and now I'll probably never finish that, god damn it
[23/12/2014, 1:32:46 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Total Biscuit was Total Biscuit and victim blamed Jenn Frank
[23/12/2014, 1:33:01 PM] SF: Gamers don't have to be your audience don't you read the news
[23/12/2014, 1:33:09 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): GGers got sad news from the FTC. No action taken against Bri:
[23/12/2014, 1:33:10 PM] Tesseract: I was also planning an rpg and I need to get back to that soon
[23/12/2014, 1:33:40 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): GG created a hit list of only women... again:
[23/12/2014, 1:33:42 PM] Peter Coffin: you guys think the sjws will hack rogues game and delay it? the game might get doxxed you guys.
[23/12/2014, 1:34:18 PM] Athena Hollow: lol
[23/12/2014, 1:34:34 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): In summary, GG continues to prove to the world that they are horrible people
[23/12/2014, 1:34:37 PM] Athena Hollow: stupid SJWs, hacking his gibson.
[23/12/2014, 1:34:43 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: ugh
[23/12/2014, 1:35:26 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Oh. Also, Peter pointed out an actual ethical issue in games and GG did nothing but harass him about how it was not important
[23/12/2014, 1:35:32 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): because SJW bashing is priority
[23/12/2014, 1:35:58 PM] SF: I thought it was notable the other day that a GG sock went around following antis and I was one of them.
[23/12/2014, 1:36:08 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Which user?
[23/12/2014, 1:36:09 PM] Peter Coffin: haha
[23/12/2014, 1:36:12 PM] SF: Notable namely because it means they've widened their scope if I'm on their radar.
[23/12/2014, 1:36:33 PM] SF: @charliesugar08
[23/12/2014, 1:36:44 PM] Tesseract: does anyone have that okcupid shaming pic of a kid talking about 4chan memes
[23/12/2014, 1:36:46 PM] Tesseract: this is important
[23/12/2014, 1:37:34 PM] SF: I love how their follow list includes Moms Against Gaming and PUA.txt
[23/12/2014, 1:37:43 PM] SF: Really says something when PUA.txt is unacceptable to them.
[23/12/2014, 1:38:39 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Tess, no
[23/12/2014, 1:38:42 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): don't have it
[23/12/2014, 1:40:38 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): In my search for that pic, though, I found this OKCupid search that helps you find 4channers...
[23/12/2014, 1:41:55 PM] SF: Anyone know if there's something like GG blocker that Shaun King could use?
[23/12/2014, 1:43:16 PM] Tesseract: lol I posted in the something awful request images thread for a response image to them claiming I'm a SA troll
[23/12/2014, 1:43:32 PM] Athena Hollow: lololol
[23/12/2014, 1:44:12 PM] Peter Coffin: silly
[23/12/2014, 1:46:50 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: So... do I want to know why Grace Lynn's new GG-dodging twitter account was nuked?
[23/12/2014, 1:47:02 PM] Tesseract: what
[23/12/2014, 1:47:15 PM] Tesseract: still up for me
[23/12/2014, 1:47:23 PM] Tesseract: or was it a different one
[23/12/2014, 1:47:46 PM] Secret Gamer Girl:
[23/12/2014, 1:49:16 PM] drinternetphd: jesus christ get a hobby
[23/12/2014, 1:49:58 PM] Athena Hollow: jfc
[23/12/2014, 1:50:42 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: To think we could have avoided all this pain and horror if you had only ever dated 4 guys
[23/12/2014, 1:51:15 PM] drinternetphd: eron upped the number to 90
[23/12/2014, 1:51:20 PM] drinternetphd: "men women and trans"
[23/12/2014, 1:51:23 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): GGers found it
[23/12/2014, 1:51:27 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Grace's new account
[23/12/2014, 1:51:29 PM] Tesseract: did they even name four other guys or was it just nathan grayson and "well four other guys"
[23/12/2014, 1:51:35 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): so she nuked it.
[23/12/2014, 1:51:48 PM] drinternetphd: he named nathan grayson, joshua boggs, and someone else I forget
[23/12/2014, 1:52:00 PM] drinternetphd: oh right robin arnott
[23/12/2014, 1:52:26 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: wasn't it like, "she must be sleeping with these people, because SHE WENT AND SAID HI TO THEM AT A CON!"
[23/12/2014, 1:53:17 PM] Athena Hollow: Hey, like I said earlier (you weren't here for that) I had girls in high school accusing me of sleeping with their exes when I was just friends with them.... (so I ended up doing it because fuck it, why deal with the backlash without the benefit... but still lol)
[23/12/2014, 1:53:30 PM] Tesseract: hahaha
[23/12/2014, 1:53:41 PM] drinternetphd: guess who's starting his shit up again
[23/12/2014, 1:54:06 PM] Tesseract: twitter error
[23/12/2014, 1:54:07 PM] Athena Hollow: goddammit i keep getting twitter errors -_-
[23/12/2014, 1:54:10 PM] Athena Hollow: ok not just me then.
[23/12/2014, 1:54:17 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Works for me
[23/12/2014, 1:54:51 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Have you guys seen any GGers condemn child porn yet? Not me.
[23/12/2014, 1:54:52 PM] Tesseract: oh he blocked me after one tweet anyway
[23/12/2014, 1:54:54 PM] drinternetphd: ok spoiler then: it's brad wardell
[23/12/2014, 1:55:03 PM] Athena Hollow: hahahah oh i know that.
[23/12/2014, 1:55:04 PM] Athena Hollow: but yeah.
[23/12/2014, 1:55:06 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: I feel so so awful for having bought one of that guy's games once like 5 years ago
[23/12/2014, 1:55:11 PM] Athena Hollow: hes a fucking trash bucket.
[23/12/2014, 1:55:27 PM] Tesseract: my friend bought me sins of a solar empire but I don't know if he made any money off that
[23/12/2014, 1:55:44 PM] Athena Hollow: i dont think i've bought a stardock product since windowblinds for win 98 LOL
[23/12/2014, 1:55:51 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: well let me know if he didn't, because yeah, that's the one.
[23/12/2014, 1:55:53 PM] Athena Hollow: i think I got SOAS from a bundle?
[23/12/2014, 1:55:57 PM] Athena Hollow: if i have it.
[23/12/2014, 1:56:15 PM] Tesseract: I've heard he wasn't involved with SoaSE which would explain why it's not total shit but I still didn't care for it
[23/12/2014, 1:56:22 PM] drinternetphd: they own the IP to my favorite game so that sucks
[23/12/2014, 1:56:56 PM] Athena Hollow: And ugh. Just read his shit. I wish he'd like, fall off into the ocean or something.
[23/12/2014, 1:57:04 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: wait 10 years for them to randomly sell it off and pool some cash?
[23/12/2014, 1:57:19 PM] drinternetphd: yeah
[23/12/2014, 1:57:25 PM] drinternetphd: it went in an auction with a bunch of other IP
[23/12/2014, 1:57:52 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: trying to remember what game I almost bought the rights to once
[23/12/2014, 1:58:08 PM] Athena Hollow: ugh. gag me with a spoon. I don't know which one of you ladies he's referring to but it's gag worthy regardless:
"if she's going to personally attack me as a scheme to raise funds then I'm going to call her out" QUIT THE EGO DUDE
[23/12/2014, 1:58:30 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: someone went under and couldn't give stuff away. I want to say it was Bubble Bobble just rotting on some auction site with nobody touching it
[23/12/2014, 1:58:49 PM] SF: This guy's going through and favouriting conversations with @PandaChi in my mentions saying there's no CP.
[23/12/2014, 1:58:58 PM] drinternetphd: athena he's talking about me
[23/12/2014, 1:59:04 PM] drinternetphd: he has a hateboner about me
[23/12/2014, 1:59:41 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: GG will sea lion the hell out of you for talking about it
[23/12/2014, 1:59:47 PM] SF: I guess it's also possible it's one of the women he tried to molest
[23/12/2014, 2:00:02 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: I think someone told me they once even had some show up when talking about Captain Picard
[23/12/2014, 2:00:14 PM] drinternetphd: uh
[23/12/2014, 2:10:35 PM] Tesseract: this guy keeps spamming me with a picture of a ten dollar bill
[23/12/2014, 2:10:46 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): What
[23/12/2014, 2:11:30 PM] Tesseract:
[23/12/2014, 2:12:04 PM] Tesseract: I mean he's not wrong, I paid ten dollars to use an internet forum in 2014 and I can never wash my hands of that shame
[23/12/2014, 2:12:19 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[23/12/2014, 2:12:23 PM] nicholas.boterf:
[23/12/2014, 2:13:01 PM] SF: I seem to recall a certain someone saying that sexist jokes came with the job.
[23/12/2014, 2:13:13 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I'm still waiting for GamerGate to respond to me and condemnn child porn
[23/12/2014, 2:13:22 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Probably never gonna happen, huh?
[23/12/2014, 2:13:23 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[23/12/2014, 2:13:46 PM] Tesseract: no but you might get some dude explaining how child porn should be legal because free market first amendment horseshit horseshit horseshit
[23/12/2014, 2:13:59 PM] SF: missionaccomplished.gif
[23/12/2014, 2:14:16 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): If we outlaw child porn, then the criminals will just do child porn in dark alleys without proper precautions!
[23/12/2014, 2:14:25 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): THINK OF THE CHILDREN
[23/12/2014, 2:14:27 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): pukes
[23/12/2014, 2:14:28 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): sorry
[23/12/2014, 2:14:37 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): but GGers have used that argument many times
[23/12/2014, 2:14:41 PM] Tesseract: if we outlaw child porn then only childs will have porn
[23/12/2014, 2:15:02 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): o.o
[23/12/2014, 2:15:02 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[23/12/2014, 2:15:32 PM] Athena Hollow: Goddamn wardell is clueless as shit.
[23/12/2014, 2:15:45 PM] drinternetphd: he's a rich trash fire of a human
[23/12/2014, 2:15:48 PM] nicholas.boterf: By trying to outlaw child porn we are the real people exploiting children.
[23/12/2014, 2:15:55 PM] Tesseract: yeah basically
[23/12/2014, 2:16:06 PM] Tesseract: @ all of the above
[23/12/2014, 2:16:07 PM] Athena Hollow: They do whatever they can to turn it around on anyone but themselves being stupid fucking assholes.
[23/12/2014, 2:16:09 PM] Athena Hollow: lol
[23/12/2014, 2:16:33 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): now in tweet form:
[23/12/2014, 2:17:03 PM] Athena Hollow: lol
[23/12/2014, 2:17:18 PM] drinternetphd: if patreon could friggin respond to me so I can sleep without waking up to panic attacks every few hours that'd be greaaaaaaaaat
[23/12/2014, 2:17:27 PM] Athena Hollow: :-/
[23/12/2014, 2:18:27 PM] drinternetphd: patreon you fucking idiots
[23/12/2014, 2:19:02 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): oh god
[23/12/2014, 2:19:15 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: ugh
[23/12/2014, 2:19:25 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: if he advertises it on 8chan i'm sure they'll act though
[23/12/2014, 2:19:57 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): GG has created the need for not only social media experts, GG-informed social media experts
[23/12/2014, 2:20:11 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): to help companies from not getting fucked over by GG's lousy tricks
[23/12/2014, 2:20:26 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I am available to start work ASAP
[23/12/2014, 2:20:43 PM] drinternetphd: let the new policies roll out, bust him for hosting dox
[23/12/2014, 2:21:40 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Case to be made that he just did
[23/12/2014, 2:22:04 PM] drinternetphd: if I get removed but this piece of shit stays up I swear to god I will have lost all faith in humanity
[23/12/2014, 2:22:12 PM] SF: I was about to say something similar.
[23/12/2014, 2:22:18 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: that twitter feed's tied to the site, not him
[23/12/2014, 2:22:51 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Don't the new guidelines say something about even being affiliated with something that violates the guidelines?
[23/12/2014, 2:23:02 PM] drinternetphd: yes
[23/12/2014, 2:23:04 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): if so, then he should be given the boot either way
[23/12/2014, 2:23:18 PM] drinternetphd: I know they're clean-slating a lot of shit too
[23/12/2014, 2:23:21 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: the creator of a patreon is not allowed to maliciously dox under any circumstances, even if unrelated
[23/12/2014, 2:23:30 PM] drinternetphd: or spread dox
[23/12/2014, 2:23:32 PM] drinternetphd: or host dox
[23/12/2014, 2:23:34 PM] drinternetphd: or encourage dox
[23/12/2014, 2:24:06 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: honestly, if they're still supporting 8chan in any way at the end of the month, I'm updating child protection tips.
[23/12/2014, 2:25:00 PM] drinternetphd:
[23/12/2014, 2:25:16 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ...
[23/12/2014, 2:25:21 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): children.
[23/12/2014, 2:25:23 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): all of them
[23/12/2014, 2:25:37 PM] Athena Hollow: blahhhhhhhhhhhhh
[23/12/2014, 2:27:07 PM] Charloppe: least he didnt you his condition as a sheild oh wait
[23/12/2014, 2:27:10 PM] Charloppe: use
[23/12/2014, 2:27:44 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: On the upside, I seem to have the night off from emergency morale duty.
[23/12/2014, 2:27:50 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[23/12/2014, 2:28:58 PM] Charloppe: dont fuck with kirby
[23/12/2014, 2:29:02 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Hehe.
[23/12/2014, 2:29:07 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Alright guys, I need to get some sleep
[23/12/2014, 2:29:18 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Who would? With those scarily angry eyebrows!
[23/12/2014, 2:29:24 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Take care. See you all later. Keep kicking ass and keep your chins up.
[23/12/2014, 2:29:29 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): <3
[23/12/2014, 2:29:32 PM] Charloppe: nini
[23/12/2014, 2:30:20 PM] Athena Hollow: Night izzy
[23/12/2014, 2:35:26 PM] Peter Coffin:
[23/12/2014, 2:36:06 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Are they even checking their twitter feed these days?
[23/12/2014, 2:37:02 PM] Peter Coffin:
[23/12/2014, 2:37:39 PM] drinternetphd:
[23/12/2014, 2:37:50 PM] drinternetphd:
[23/12/2014, 2:38:38 PM] drinternetphd:
[23/12/2014, 2:39:15 PM] Peter Coffin: hard to believe these fucks are still at this
[23/12/2014, 2:39:42 PM] drinternetphd:
[23/12/2014, 2:39:57 PM] Athena Hollow: god hes gross.
[23/12/2014, 2:40:04 PM] Peter Coffin: holy fuck that is gross zoe
[23/12/2014, 2:40:43 PM] Athena Hollow: & the fact that he allows anyone to use his disability as a fucking shield against this shit makes him below garbage.
[23/12/2014, 2:41:42 PM] Peter Coffin: that is literally the only thing they will say in response to any criticism to him
[23/12/2014, 2:41:47 PM] Peter Coffin: we need a way around it
[23/12/2014, 2:42:00 PM] Peter Coffin: because there are no other arguments for him
[23/12/2014, 2:42:02 PM] Peter Coffin: zero
[23/12/2014, 2:42:30 PM] Athena Hollow: Can you think of any big legal cases that involved physically disabled people?
[23/12/2014, 2:42:52 PM] Tesseract:
[23/12/2014, 2:42:57 PM] Peter Coffin: no but I could find some, what are you thinking?
[23/12/2014, 2:43:05 PM] Tesseract: "that's fucking stupid" also works as a way around it
[23/12/2014, 2:43:09 PM] Athena Hollow: "Didn't stop the courts from prosecuting __________, why would it stop them now?"
[23/12/2014, 2:43:18 PM] Peter Coffin: hmm
[23/12/2014, 2:43:35 PM] Athena Hollow: Or "I thought disabled people didn't like others using their disability as a way to treat them differently?"
[23/12/2014, 2:43:39 PM] Peter Coffin: that might be construable as ableist in a fox news setting
[23/12/2014, 2:43:52 PM] Peter Coffin: if it would work there, they have already thought of it 4 times
[23/12/2014, 2:43:57 PM] Athena Hollow: lol
[23/12/2014, 2:45:13 PM] drinternetphd: why does it matter for a court thing
[23/12/2014, 2:45:24 PM] drinternetphd: just point out how fucking asinine that logic is
[23/12/2014, 2:45:40 PM] drinternetphd: and how they sound like the pretend SJWs they pee themselves over constantly
[23/12/2014, 2:45:40 PM] Athena Hollow: I was trying to come up with illegal bullshit that people have gone to jail over.
[23/12/2014, 2:46:04 PM] Peter Coffin: the problem is, this idiot is able to manipulate people who are somewhat naive to him
[23/12/2014, 2:46:11 PM] Peter Coffin: he LITERALLY is a bond villain
[23/12/2014, 2:46:15 PM] SF: I assume we should continue avoiding mobs right now.
[23/12/2014, 2:46:22 PM] Athena Hollow: It's all just... ughhhhhhhhhhhh
[23/12/2014, 2:46:54 PM] Athena Hollow: Like, how do any of these people make it past the age of 3 without sticking a fork in the light socket, with how dumb they act? lol
[23/12/2014, 2:46:57 PM] Peter Coffin: my brainpower is going to be going in to creating something that says it
[23/12/2014, 2:47:45 PM] Peter Coffin: I think my inclination is to have an able person do everything he has done
[23/12/2014, 2:48:01 PM] Peter Coffin: then sit down in a wheelchair and say "is it okay now"
[23/12/2014, 2:49:05 PM] drinternetphd: if something like that is made
[23/12/2014, 2:49:07 PM] drinternetphd: why not like
[23/12/2014, 2:49:13 PM] Peter Coffin: the problem is I need a few laughs otherwise it would do nothing
[23/12/2014, 2:49:13 PM] drinternetphd: involve someone with disability
[23/12/2014, 2:49:22 PM] Peter Coffin: that might be a good idea
[23/12/2014, 2:49:28 PM] drinternetphd: like it seems wrong to be speakin on this without consulting anyone
[23/12/2014, 2:49:46 PM] SF: I don't think the idiocy of the disability defence needs to be torn down.
[23/12/2014, 2:49:51 PM] SF: Nobody who isn't already convinced falls for it.
[23/12/2014, 2:49:56 PM] drinternetphd: yeah
[23/12/2014, 2:50:03 PM] Peter Coffin: basically, yes
[23/12/2014, 2:50:10 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: On 23/12/2014, at 2:42 PM, Athena Hollow wrote:
> Can you think of any big legal cases that involved physically disabled people?
larry flynt comes to mind immediately. not that i agree he should have been prosecuted of course
[23/12/2014, 2:50:17 PM] Peter Coffin: very rarely is my first idea the one I go with anyhow
[23/12/2014, 2:50:45 PM] Peter Coffin: hmmm
[23/12/2014, 2:50:48 PM] Athena Hollow: Yeah but that works in their favor, sadly. Unless Larry Flynt were to like come out tomorrow & say "I condemn this 8chan bullshit. Ya'll are sick" LOL
[23/12/2014, 2:50:54 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: haha
[23/12/2014, 2:50:59 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: thatd be hilarious
[23/12/2014, 2:51:09 PM] Athena Hollow: Goddamn do I wish I still had contacts at Hustler now.
[23/12/2014, 2:51:09 PM] Peter Coffin: that would be the funniest thing that ever happened
[23/12/2014, 2:51:20 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: oh man athena that would've been great xD
[23/12/2014, 2:51:39 PM] drinternetphd: what was the patreon alternative people were talking about
[23/12/2014, 2:52:18 PM] Peter Coffin: are you going to move or is this jic
[23/12/2014, 2:52:40 PM] drinternetphd: not sure. can't hurt to start researching now tho
[23/12/2014, 2:52:47 PM] Peter Coffin: agreed
[23/12/2014, 2:53:02 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: zoe: subbable
[23/12/2014, 2:53:05 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: its run by vlogbrothers
[23/12/2014, 2:53:06 PM] drinternetphd: ty
[23/12/2014, 2:53:12 PM] Peter Coffin: ehhhhhhhhh
[23/12/2014, 2:53:13 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: (which have a good history of kicking out abusive assholes)
[23/12/2014, 2:53:21 PM] drinternetphd: cause I am Not fucking pleased that they ignored my tweets but answered cernovich et all
[23/12/2014, 2:53:38 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: during the youtube sex abuse thing they kicked them from their record label immediately
[23/12/2014, 2:54:16 PM] Peter Coffin: and said very little about it, and didn't talk about consent in any meaningful manner, and didn't address anyone else doing it
[23/12/2014, 2:54:22 PM] Athena Hollow: And they are from Indiana :D (not that that's important. just cool for me)
[23/12/2014, 2:54:35 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: they went out of their way to make a series of consent videos actually
[23/12/2014, 2:54:51 PM] Peter Coffin: immediately?
[23/12/2014, 2:54:57 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: yeah let me find the link
[23/12/2014, 2:55:02 PM] drinternetphd: you know they're gonna get brigaded with accusations that I'm an abuser right
[23/12/2014, 2:55:06 PM] drinternetphd: if I sign up
[23/12/2014, 2:55:14 PM] Peter Coffin: yes
[23/12/2014, 2:55:17 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: john & hank green are neat people
[23/12/2014, 2:55:24 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: you know hank's spoke out against GG repeatedly right zoe?
[23/12/2014, 2:55:28 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i'm sure he'd have your back
[23/12/2014, 2:55:32 PM] drinternetphd: yeah?
[23/12/2014, 2:55:48 PM] Peter Coffin: yeah, that they have
[23/12/2014, 2:56:23 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: peter. they also funded a documentary by a woman about consent & sexual abuse, iirc
[23/12/2014, 2:57:10 PM] SF: Can they brigade you with more accusations you're an abuser anyway
[23/12/2014, 2:57:28 PM] Peter Coffin:
[23/12/2014, 2:57:34 PM] SF: This isn't something they could hit your family with and like it's been said, there aren't any more gloves to take off.
[23/12/2014, 2:57:36 PM] Peter Coffin: just saying
[23/12/2014, 2:58:06 PM] Peter Coffin: I'm not one to drop a "just saying" either
[23/12/2014, 2:58:11 PM] SF: Also you're a known enough figure I'd be surprised if you couldn't make a go of it off a direct funding solution like Grace has. No additional fees would probably help offset any supporters lost in transition.
[23/12/2014, 2:58:22 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: yourfaveisproblematic is really shitty imo :\
[23/12/2014, 2:58:25 PM] Ian Cheong: How is "Roguestargamez" back? He's still suspended that I can see.
[23/12/2014, 2:58:34 PM] Athena Hollow: Plus it says he responded which Im reading now.
[23/12/2014, 2:58:40 PM] Peter Coffin: eh, I don't want to fight about it, especially with people I respect
[23/12/2014, 2:59:03 PM] Athena Hollow: I mean, Im not saying anyone isn't problematic. We all suck once in a while :D
[23/12/2014, 2:59:29 PM] Tesseract: you scared the shit out of me for a second there ian
[23/12/2014, 2:59:42 PM] Tesseract: but no he's been tweeting out of "_roguestar_" for a while
[23/12/2014, 2:59:45 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: sorry, wasn't trying to be disrespectful. i'm just saying that tumblr has done some weird stuff. like gone after laci green for being transphobic, which i find just ridiculous. she said messed up shit in the past, apologized sincerely & openly, has been great about it since then, and they just don't let it die
[23/12/2014, 2:59:59 PM] Tesseract: tumblr is vicious
[23/12/2014, 3:00:05 PM] Peter Coffin: but I am not in immediate approval of the vlogbrothers, I'm not saying I'm against but I'm not for either
[23/12/2014, 3:00:07 PM] Ian Cheong: vicious isnt the word for it.
[23/12/2014, 3:00:11 PM] Peter Coffin: that is all I am saying
[23/12/2014, 3:00:12 PM] Ian Cheong: petulant is.
[23/12/2014, 3:00:35 PM] SF: If we decide to torch Patreon that's the place I'm taking the fight personally.
[23/12/2014, 3:00:47 PM] SF: Because that's the powder keg, not Twitter.
[23/12/2014, 3:00:59 PM] Peter Coffin: I agree
[23/12/2014, 3:01:00 PM] SF: GG has no say there either.
[23/12/2014, 3:01:11 PM] Tesseract: I keep seeing posts about a person saying something racist or w/e and then another post with around half as many notes about "she didn't say that it was made up by her angry ex please stop reblogging you idiots"
[23/12/2014, 3:01:13 PM] Peter Coffin: they have a prescence
[23/12/2014, 3:01:35 PM] Peter Coffin: I posted a few tumblr responses to my ubisoft stuff
[23/12/2014, 3:01:39 PM] Peter Coffin: not encouraging
[23/12/2014, 3:02:00 PM] SF: I've had trolls popping on in anon asks to tell me to kill myself on my company site etc.
[23/12/2014, 3:02:03 PM] Tesseract: what, presence on tumblr? hah
[23/12/2014, 3:02:04 PM] SF: But I wouldn't call that real influence.
[23/12/2014, 3:02:15 PM] Tesseract: they've got like, five people on tumblr tops
[23/12/2014, 3:02:33 PM] Peter Coffin:
[23/12/2014, 3:02:34 PM] Tesseract: I'm ALREADY more popular than them on tumblr after one day
[23/12/2014, 3:02:37 PM] Peter Coffin: there's 3
[23/12/2014, 3:02:49 PM] Peter Coffin: I have two more responses, so that is all 5 then
[23/12/2014, 3:02:50 PM] drinternetphd: tumblr is covered in shit calling me an abusive whore no fucking thank you
[23/12/2014, 3:03:15 PM] drinternetphd: anyone that thinks I have to recount my entire sexual history and relationship with my ex to basically continue being called a whore and not changing anyone's mind can go fuck themselves.
[23/12/2014, 3:03:35 PM] SF: For sure. I just meant I'd get the art scene to grab their pitchforks.
[23/12/2014, 3:03:35 PM] Peter Coffin: gg is bigger there than you think
[23/12/2014, 3:03:39 PM] drinternetphd: people just seem to think whoever says "abuse!" first is true
[23/12/2014, 3:03:43 PM] Peter Coffin: anti-sjw is bigger there than you think
[23/12/2014, 3:03:46 PM] Peter Coffin: YES
[23/12/2014, 3:03:47 PM] drinternetphd: and ignore the fucking context
[23/12/2014, 3:03:48 PM] Peter Coffin: THAT IS IT
[23/12/2014, 3:03:49 PM] drinternetphd: ofl ike
[23/12/2014, 3:03:52 PM] drinternetphd: the last fucking 4 months
[23/12/2014, 3:03:53 PM] Peter Coffin: THAT IS IT RIGHT THERE
[23/12/2014, 3:03:57 PM] drinternetphd: and his continued siccing people on me on 4chan
[23/12/2014, 3:04:06 PM] drinternetphd: and his reddit AMAs in a witch hunt subforum
[23/12/2014, 3:04:12 PM] drinternetphd: and and and and and
[23/12/2014, 3:04:26 PM] drinternetphd: but since he said the magic fucking word it all must be true even the conflicting stuff and the lies he's been caught in
[23/12/2014, 3:04:58 PM] SF: Hm, Patreon is trending on Twitter.
[23/12/2014, 3:05:01 PM] drinternetphd: and even though he wanted to "drive me into therapy" and is happy about the abuse and refuses to abide by a restraining order
[23/12/2014, 3:05:01 PM] Peter Coffin: zoe, I'm sorry
[23/12/2014, 3:05:27 PM] drinternetphd: this is why call out culture is horseshit
[23/12/2014, 3:05:34 PM] Ian Cheong: Call out culture is pretty fucked up.
[23/12/2014, 3:05:42 PM] Ian Cheong: I remember when everyone jumped on my ass for liking Bioshock Infinite
[23/12/2014, 3:05:52 PM] SF: That's exactly what I dislike about some allies "we" have that I'm quite leery of, like FuckNoVideoGames.
[23/12/2014, 3:06:23 PM] Ian Cheong: People aren't willing to have a sane conversation about something, they're more interested in tearing you down and destroying your character.
[23/12/2014, 3:06:28 PM] Peter Coffin: I like BioShock Infinite, I acknowledge there are problems with it but it a great game
[23/12/2014, 3:06:33 PM] SF: Anyway, I only meant art tumblr not social justice tumblr. Art tumblr would be where content creators get mad at Patreon and they start bleeding.
[23/12/2014, 3:06:36 PM] Peter Coffin: I have had my shit jumped as well
[23/12/2014, 3:06:47 PM] Athena Hollow: Call out culture is pretty heavily rooted in "Omg Cindy is such a whore (I don't care that she's a virgin)" from high school.
[23/12/2014, 3:07:43 PM] drinternetphd: what the fuck is he on about now
[23/12/2014, 3:07:44 PM] Ian Cheong: Tubmlr calls John Green a misogynist because he thinks Twilight might have some good things about it.
[23/12/2014, 3:07:46 PM] Athena Hollow: Short of having physical evidence, it's mostly used as a shitty way to get back at people who pissed you off, with no proof whatsoever except you said it first.
[23/12/2014, 3:07:58 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: ian do you mind what you said about bioshock and how they responded? not familiar w/ what happened re: that to you
[23/12/2014, 3:08:34 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: is that tweet about needing child porn to "stay competetive" with 4chan still live?
[23/12/2014, 3:08:40 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: what "laptop"?
[23/12/2014, 3:08:56 PM] SF: Like you said if he had something he probably wouldn't sit on it.
[23/12/2014, 3:09:00 PM] Ian Cheong: I don't know if I'd stand by what I said about Bioshock Infinite now, because I was wrong about a bunch of stuff, but I said that the context in which the rebel character is presented is important to note, especially in the tapes that are scattered throughout the game.
[23/12/2014, 3:09:35 PM] Ian Cheong: I argued that maybe the game isn't as racist as people are saying it is.
[23/12/2014, 3:09:43 PM] SF: I am positively shocked Cernovich posts on #NYPDlivesmatter
[23/12/2014, 3:09:45 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): SGG, yes:
[23/12/2014, 3:09:55 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): (i lied. I'm too caught up in twitter to go to sleep
[23/12/2014, 3:10:06 PM] Ian Cheong: There was a guy who was saying Ken Levine is a racist, and I disagreed with that.
[23/12/2014, 3:10:26 PM] drinternetphd: I don't know what this laptop/hard drive shit is about but it makes me fucking nervous
[23/12/2014, 3:10:27 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: well, loli/shota isn't the same thing as the actual pictures of children he hosts
[23/12/2014, 3:10:33 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): yeah
[23/12/2014, 3:11:10 PM] SF: Have you ever lost a laptop?
[23/12/2014, 3:11:13 PM] drinternetphd: no
[23/12/2014, 3:11:19 PM] drinternetphd: all my hard drives are accounted for too
[23/12/2014, 3:11:27 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: imo, bioshock infinite had definite serious issues with race that needed to be talked about. "racist" is not how i would charactarize that, though
[23/12/2014, 3:11:34 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i wouldn't worry, then
[23/12/2014, 3:11:35 PM] Ian Cheong: Yeah exactly. THat's what I was saying.
[23/12/2014, 3:11:59 PM] Peter Coffin: that is how I would put it as well
[23/12/2014, 3:12:01 PM] SF: I hate how call out culture makes everyone with or against the GOOD GUYS
[23/12/2014, 3:12:19 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: aren't we supposed to be an sjw hivemind are we doing it wrong
[23/12/2014, 3:12:30 PM] Peter Coffin: they tried to make it simply a presentation of racism in 1912, but it didn't work
[23/12/2014, 3:12:40 PM] SF: I got dogpiled for making a blog post involving no one else about how strongly I disapproved of how Adria Richards handled the dongle joke thing.
[23/12/2014, 3:12:43 PM] Peter Coffin: the problem is it's 2014
[23/12/2014, 3:13:00 PM] SF: And so of course I was anti-feminist and I was also a racist (I didn't even know she was black)
[23/12/2014, 3:13:44 PM] SF: And nobody that sees someone's angry reblog gets the context of you talking about toxic tech culture for years before that.
[23/12/2014, 3:15:47 PM] Athena Hollow: Hey peter, do you know this person?
[23/12/2014, 3:18:44 PM] Peter Coffin: I follow them but I don't know
[23/12/2014, 3:19:47 PM] Athena Hollow: kk. They sent this but I didn't know if you knew them (since you are the only one I know that follows them) to see if spacedad should unblock them or not:
[23/12/2014, 3:22:09 PM] Peter Coffin: i don't understand really
[23/12/2014, 3:22:25 PM] Peter Coffin: my wife is upset right now, I can't really dedicate time to this
[23/12/2014, 3:23:42 PM] Athena Hollow: Oh dude, you go do your thing.
[23/12/2014, 3:25:56 PM] Veerender Jubbal: When the chat had "VJ was masturbating with pictures"--I was like--"I do not have nudes online."
[23/12/2014, 3:26:45 PM] SF: That did not occur to me.
[23/12/2014, 3:27:28 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Looks like everyone had a bad day. frowns
[23/12/2014, 3:27:35 PM] Veerender Jubbal: hugs
[23/12/2014, 3:32:04 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: 8chans trying to dox me again
[23/12/2014, 3:32:19 PM] Athena Hollow: ofc
[23/12/2014, 3:32:25 PM] nicholas.boterf: I’m sorry Sarah.
[23/12/2014, 3:39:11 PM] SF: This implies to me further every "find" right now is random flailing because they're mad.
[23/12/2014, 3:39:21 PM] Ian Cheong: welp
[23/12/2014, 3:39:21 PM] Ian Cheong:
[23/12/2014, 3:39:34 PM] SF: If you want to be evil, post false leads under anon.
[23/12/2014, 3:40:16 PM] SF: what's the significance of the archive?
[23/12/2014, 3:40:22 PM] Ian Cheong: that medium page no longer exists.
[23/12/2014, 3:40:23 PM] Ian Cheong: but uh
[23/12/2014, 3:40:33 PM] Ian Cheong: it has blurred our child pornography on it
[23/12/2014, 3:40:34 PM] Ian Cheong: out
[23/12/2014, 3:40:36 PM] Ian Cheong: blurred out
[23/12/2014, 3:40:39 PM] Ian Cheong: not blurred our
[23/12/2014, 3:40:49 PM] SF: Yeah that's Dan Olson's article.
[23/12/2014, 3:41:01 PM] Ian Cheong: GGers are saying that makes him accomplice to the CP
[23/12/2014, 3:41:13 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: the medium page is down? it's up for me
[23/12/2014, 3:41:25 PM] Ian Cheong: ah, must be my ISP again
[23/12/2014, 3:41:49 PM] Dan Olson: I should probably copy the text into a google doc at the very least
[23/12/2014, 3:41:56 PM] Dan Olson: it would suck to lose hours of writing
[23/12/2014, 3:42:00 PM] Ian Cheong: yeah
[23/12/2014, 3:42:31 PM] Ian Cheong: KIA is going pretty nuts over it.
[23/12/2014, 3:42:41 PM] Ian Cheong: also i didn't realize you were in here!
[23/12/2014, 3:42:48 PM] nicholas.boterf: Definitely. GamerGate is going to mass report it.
[23/12/2014, 3:43:16 PM] Ian Cheong: they're going to try to get  you in trouble with it, because it's CP, and you had to see it to blur it.
[23/12/2014, 3:43:32 PM] drinternetphd: so
[23/12/2014, 3:43:36 PM] drinternetphd: isn't this cernovich actually trying to swat someone
[23/12/2014, 3:43:49 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: link?
[23/12/2014, 3:43:58 PM] drinternetphd: his timeline right now
[23/12/2014, 3:44:05 PM] Ian Cheong: Checking it.
[23/12/2014, 3:44:06 PM] drinternetphd: he's calling for people to brigade dan for cp
[23/12/2014, 3:44:15 PM] Ian Cheong: oh shit.
[23/12/2014, 3:44:21 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Well then yes
[23/12/2014, 3:44:22 PM] Dan Olson: What's funny is that it's Schrödinger's Pornography. By trying to get me in trouble for the article they have to admit that the content is illegal.
[23/12/2014, 3:44:29 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: possibly
[23/12/2014, 3:44:55 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: although I think swatting has a much more specific definition
[23/12/2014, 3:44:58 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i don't know if i should delete my tweet or not :\ they're trying to dox me
[23/12/2014, 3:45:15 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: what would deleting do to prevent that?
[23/12/2014, 3:45:27 PM] Dan Olson: Might prevent further runaway?
[23/12/2014, 3:45:42 PM] Dan Olson: Maybe, I'm not sure. Do what you need to do to feel safe.
[23/12/2014, 3:45:45 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: that would be the idea. but they'd also see it as an admissan of wrongdoing
[23/12/2014, 3:45:52 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: worse
[23/12/2014, 3:46:06 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: they'd start speculating on the horrible content that made you delete a tweet
[23/12/2014, 3:46:14 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: they do that when people make a freaking typo
[23/12/2014, 3:47:06 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: -_-
[23/12/2014, 3:47:40 PM] SF: Cernovich is searching for anything to do with this it seems.
[23/12/2014, 3:47:53 PM] Dan Olson: I'm going to pre-emptively call the RCMP
[23/12/2014, 3:48:03 PM] SF: That's a good idea.
[23/12/2014, 3:48:09 PM] SF: God damnit shit is fucked up.
[23/12/2014, 3:48:20 PM] Ian Cheong: Yeah you better dothat
[23/12/2014, 3:48:29 PM] Ian Cheong: or you are gonna get SWATed
[23/12/2014, 3:49:31 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Also, if you're getting your hands as dirty as you are, might as well report specific threads here-
[23/12/2014, 4:09:10 PM] SF: Got this new follower while talking about 8chan. Anyone know if it's fine?
[23/12/2014, 4:09:33 PM] drinternetphd: should be fine, 6 of my followers follow them
[23/12/2014, 4:09:37 PM] drinternetphd: er
[23/12/2014, 4:09:41 PM] drinternetphd: 6 people I follow rather
[23/12/2014, 4:09:53 PM] drinternetphd: yeah, good people to
[23/12/2014, 4:09:55 PM] drinternetphd: *too
[23/12/2014, 4:10:51 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: R O G U E ▵ ☆ followed you
[23/12/2014, 4:10:54 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: NO THANKS.
[23/12/2014, 4:11:27 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Please learn to IP ban, Twitter.
[23/12/2014, 4:12:43 PM] SF: Great thanks.
[23/12/2014, 4:12:51 PM] drinternetphd: good response, gg
[23/12/2014, 4:13:02 PM] drinternetphd: so they post more fucking underage girls being sexualized
[23/12/2014, 4:13:07 PM] drinternetphd: this totally proves how anti cp they are
[23/12/2014, 4:19:19 PM] Charloppe: all these ppl are sheep
[23/12/2014, 4:20:03 PM] Ian Cheong: RogueStar is trying to get Brianna banned from Patreon
[23/12/2014, 4:20:05 PM] Ian Cheong:
[23/12/2014, 4:21:42 PM] SF: Even MiB is having to tap out.
[23/12/2014, 4:22:00 PM] drinternetphd: SGG can you send me the names of those IRC channels again
[23/12/2014, 4:24:32 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: does anyone else feel comfortable tweeting links to dan's article
[23/12/2014, 4:24:36 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i have them focusing on just me
[23/12/2014, 4:24:38 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i know its a lot to ask
[23/12/2014, 4:24:54 PM] Charloppe: yes
[23/12/2014, 4:25:04 PM] SF: I'm trying to hit a lot of keywords and not mention you directly.
[23/12/2014, 4:25:14 PM] SF: By our powers combined
[23/12/2014, 4:25:24 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: just tweet the link about 8chan hosting it and link his article, that should take some heat off
[23/12/2014, 4:25:24 PM] Athena Hollow: I may have just gotten mad on twitter >_>
[23/12/2014, 4:26:43 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: athena do you feel comfortable tweeting out dans article
[23/12/2014, 4:27:05 PM] drinternetphd: you should ask futrelle
[23/12/2014, 4:27:17 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i'm asking futrelle now
[23/12/2014, 4:27:19 PM] Ian Cheong: 8chan hosts and condones the sharing and discussion of child pornography. Proof: (via @foldablehuman)
[23/12/2014, 4:27:22 PM] Ian Cheong: how's this sound
[23/12/2014, 4:27:30 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: sounds good
[23/12/2014, 4:27:46 PM] drinternetphd: alex RTed it
[23/12/2014, 4:28:09 PM] Athena Hollow: i DID.
[23/12/2014, 4:28:13 PM] Athena Hollow: err sorry caps was still on
[23/12/2014, 4:28:13 PM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[23/12/2014, 4:28:33 PM] Charloppe: did it sarah
[23/12/2014, 4:29:01 PM] Dan Olson: I'm finding this wave surprisingly easy to ride at the moment, but I just know I'm gonna need some Ativan in about ten minutes.
[23/12/2014, 4:29:41 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: would alex feel comfortable posting a link directly? they'd take that more seriously than a RT
[23/12/2014, 4:29:51 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: ty, btw, ian
[23/12/2014, 4:29:59 PM] Ian Cheong: np
[23/12/2014, 4:30:27 PM] drinternetphd: well thing is, we're at a place they have dox on right now
[23/12/2014, 4:30:27 PM] drinternetphd: so
[23/12/2014, 4:30:31 PM] drinternetphd: I kinda wish he hadn't
[23/12/2014, 4:30:37 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: its cool
[23/12/2014, 4:30:37 PM] drinternetphd: or that we'd talked about it first
[23/12/2014, 4:30:46 PM] drinternetphd: considering I've been getting raided pretty fucking hard all day
[23/12/2014, 4:31:03 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: :\
[23/12/2014, 4:31:21 PM] Dan Olson: Let's all take our anxiety meds together! Team building exercise!
[23/12/2014, 4:31:27 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: rofl that sea lion pic ian
[23/12/2014, 4:31:28 PM] drinternetphd: I don't have meds~
[23/12/2014, 4:31:31 PM] Ian Cheong: I have meds.
[23/12/2014, 4:31:53 PM] Ian Cheong: Want some of mine?
[23/12/2014, 4:31:59 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: yes plox
[23/12/2014, 4:32:10 PM] SF: I'm self medicating with strawberry rhubarb parfait tea.
[23/12/2014, 4:32:35 PM] SF: Is it awful I wish I was a known person to these people just so I could stop being tense about the other shoe finally dropping
[23/12/2014, 4:32:38 PM] Charloppe: urg feeling a slight panic attack coming on
[23/12/2014, 4:32:40 PM] SF: Because I know it's inevitable.
[23/12/2014, 4:32:47 PM] Charloppe: hate this feeling
[23/12/2014, 4:32:54 PM] Ian Cheong: I know that feeling.
[23/12/2014, 4:33:24 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: oh sorry, let me see if I still have them...
[23/12/2014, 4:33:29 PM] Charloppe: the crushing chest sensation I will never get used to
[23/12/2014, 4:33:43 PM] SF: We joke about how pathetic they are but at moments like these try to remember that they are in all seriousness. This is all they'll ever be known for. All of us will outshine them by merely surviving.
[23/12/2014, 4:33:56 PM] SF: And I don't think any of us is content with merely surviving.
[23/12/2014, 4:36:59 PM] drinternetphd: I just put on coffee so I can do monitor duty
[23/12/2014, 4:38:06 PM] SF: Can we do any more to help? I can stay up if necessary.
[23/12/2014, 4:39:39 PM] Charloppe: I only ask for you all to keep a eye on sarah.
[23/12/2014, 4:39:48 PM] drinternetphd: I'm keeping an eye on her and dan
[23/12/2014, 4:40:20 PM] Charloppe: thank you and you too dan.
[23/12/2014, 4:40:58 PM] Dan Olson: Take care. As my friend Matthew is no doubt going to tell me the moment he sees what I stirred up: practice self-care, you are worth it.
[23/12/2014, 4:41:14 PM] Ian Cheong: Hey, we're like a family right.
[23/12/2014, 4:41:51 PM] Charloppe: considering I have said more then a word in this chat I would have to agree :3
[23/12/2014, 4:43:59 PM] Peter Coffin: I care about all of you, at very least. If you consider that family then I do.
[23/12/2014, 4:44:35 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: ... did I seriously lose these? I know there was #burgersandfries and #friesandburgers for starters...
[23/12/2014, 4:45:13 PM] Peter Coffin: I'll probably be in here a little less for a while, at least in the evenings, please know is not me not caring.
[23/12/2014, 4:45:35 PM] Peter Coffin: Night folks
[23/12/2014, 4:45:46 PM] Charloppe: night peter
[23/12/2014, 4:46:03 PM] Ian Cheong: Cya Peter.
[23/12/2014, 4:47:32 PM] Dan Olson: night Peter
[23/12/2014, 4:47:53 PM] SF: G'night.
[23/12/2014, 4:49:24 PM] Ian Cheong:
[23/12/2014, 4:50:50 PM] Ian Cheong: roguestar getting into arguments with KIAers
[23/12/2014, 4:51:21 PM] Charloppe: sigh fun
[23/12/2014, 4:55:55 PM] SF: >[–]JTVega [score hidden] 9 minutes ago 

You don't understand 8chan they take this shit seriously, if Anonymous finds out guess what will happen next?
[23/12/2014, 4:56:08 PM] SF: Lol they think Anon finds them respectable.
[23/12/2014, 4:56:11 PM] Ian Cheong: lol
[23/12/2014, 4:57:20 PM] Athena Hollow: hahahah
[23/12/2014, 4:57:55 PM] Athena Hollow: While I don't necessarily approve of all, hell... many, of the things anon has said & done, if there's one thing they don't like it's people invoking their name without them being fucking involved.
[23/12/2014, 4:58:24 PM] Athena Hollow: But I really can't see them coming down on the side of even "ALMOST" cp
[23/12/2014, 5:00:26 PM] SF: Well considering Anon is pretty dang pro-Ferguson protestors et all and GG decidedly isn't..
[23/12/2014, 5:00:43 PM] Athena Hollow: yep. that too.
[23/12/2014, 5:00:56 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: oh wait, I probably have that channel list screenshot archived at least....
[23/12/2014, 6:34:43 PM] Athena Hollow: ugh. today is gonna suck. 5:30 am, spawn will be up in 2 hrs tops, and I have to go grocery shopping & bake cookies today -_-
[23/12/2014, 6:34:50 PM] Athena Hollow: gonna be an excedrine ran day I think.
[23/12/2014, 6:36:58 PM] SF: Ugh, I'm sorry.
[23/12/2014, 6:37:07 PM] SF: I'm afraid to try that stuff because I think I'd like it too much.
[23/12/2014, 6:41:12 PM] Athena Hollow:

I wanna yell at people.... 
"No, he's being "attacked" because he exposed you dumb motherfuckers. Just like all the women who expose your fucking harassment, you dumbshits."
[23/12/2014, 6:42:05 PM] SF: They know though.
[23/12/2014, 6:42:18 PM] SF: They're not even on HW's case from a "you're making us look bad" angle.
[23/12/2014, 6:42:25 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: There is absolutely no reason to ever engage with any GGer
[23/12/2014, 6:42:38 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: it is something I actively advise against at this point, really.
[23/12/2014, 6:42:49 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Talk about them, but never to them.
[23/12/2014, 6:42:51 PM] Athena Hollow: Oh I know... I don't...
[23/12/2014, 6:43:01 PM] Athena Hollow: Well, other than kav's shitposting, but typically i untag them.
[23/12/2014, 6:43:18 PM] Dan Olson: Yeah, fortunately my feed is a solid miix of GGers yelling at each other and people sending me kittens and bunnies and their pets
[23/12/2014, 6:43:19 PM] Athena Hollow: But yeah... that's what  iwant to yell at them.
[23/12/2014, 6:43:25 PM] Athena Hollow: hahahah
[23/12/2014, 6:43:33 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: I swear, they'd all die of attention starvation if not for Kav AMiB Astrophilia and Jenni
[23/12/2014, 6:43:40 PM] Athena Hollow: I wish that were the case.
[23/12/2014, 6:43:42 PM] Dan Olson: so I'm keeping myself busy thanking everyone who sent me pet pic or wished me a merry Christmas.
[23/12/2014, 6:43:44 PM] Athena Hollow: -_-
[23/12/2014, 6:43:56 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: heh
[23/12/2014, 6:44:18 PM] drinternetphd: I'm trying to figure out where I can sell a kidney to replace my laptop
[23/12/2014, 6:44:25 PM] Athena Hollow: Belarus?
[23/12/2014, 6:44:35 PM] Athena Hollow: No idea, tossing a random location out there.
[23/12/2014, 6:44:51 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Replace out of paranoia, or replace out of it broke?
[23/12/2014, 6:46:22 PM] drinternetphd: little bit of both. been kinda running all assy
[23/12/2014, 6:46:27 PM] drinternetphd: mostly the first thing tho
[23/12/2014, 6:47:08 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Because the former is just silly. You'd have this old discarded laptop sitting around where someone could find it and look all over the drive, which you could probably wipe easily enough for free or close to it and get the desired result
[23/12/2014, 6:47:46 PM] drinternetphd: I have all of my laptops with me from the last 10 years so, no.
[23/12/2014, 6:48:34 PM] Athena Hollow: yeah, if I was worryed about that, I'd bust the hard drive into a billion bits and put it in at least 10 landfills >_> maybe pieces in a lake.
[23/12/2014, 6:48:39 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: ... and now I'm just right back to the whole Operation Skynet thing. Some former GGer lowering into a vat of molten steel holding your laptop and giving a thumbs up
[23/12/2014, 6:48:50 PM] drinternetphd: haha
[23/12/2014, 6:49:01 PM] drinternetphd: this is why I just need everything to be implantable
[23/12/2014, 6:49:31 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: and force them to start naming operations after Ghost in the Shell?
[23/12/2014, 6:49:47 PM] drinternetphd: i mean
[23/12/2014, 6:49:56 PM] drinternetphd: there's already 888 bytes of storage in me
[23/12/2014, 6:50:01 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: neat
[23/12/2014, 6:50:09 PM] drinternetphd: and a radio transmitter
[23/12/2014, 6:50:10 PM] Athena Hollow: lol
[23/12/2014, 6:50:17 PM] Ian Cheong: NFC, right?
[23/12/2014, 6:50:32 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: OK what do you have beyond the pregnancy blocker and the magnet finger again?
[23/12/2014, 6:51:20 PM] drinternetphd: an nfc chip in my hand
[23/12/2014, 6:51:29 PM] drinternetphd: my left arm is basically full of trash
[23/12/2014, 6:52:00 PM] SF: Within our lifetimes we're going to have quadrotor familiars controlled by implants just you watch.
[23/12/2014, 6:52:18 PM] drinternetphd: we'd better
[23/12/2014, 6:52:24 PM] drinternetphd: I mean my familiar right now is a tiny cat
[23/12/2014, 6:52:37 PM] SF: I actually have 2 drones. My father got me 2. I didn't know what to do with the first one frankly.
[23/12/2014, 6:53:02 PM] SF: I'm worried if I take it outside I'll end up on a list.
[23/12/2014, 6:53:31 PM] drinternetphd: sneak up on people with them
[23/12/2014, 6:53:44 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Deliver things to your friends.
[23/12/2014, 6:54:00 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Like little handwritten notes in crayons to come meet by the pond and help catch a frog
[23/12/2014, 6:54:04 PM] drinternetphd: slightly bump into people and program them to apologize profusely on contact
[23/12/2014, 6:54:04 PM] Athena Hollow: lol
[23/12/2014, 6:54:26 PM] drinternetphd: make them watch bad movies with you while you overdub them with snarky commentart
[23/12/2014, 6:54:29 PM] drinternetphd: *commentary
[23/12/2014, 6:55:33 PM] SF: I wish it had a microphone then I'd make it follow people around and autotune them without their consent.
[23/12/2014, 6:55:56 PM] SF: A law would be written about a person's right to remain atonal.
[23/12/2014, 6:56:31 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: I wish I could share the incredibly hacky way I record sound for this game I'm working on
[23/12/2014, 6:56:54 PM] drinternetphd: lol
[23/12/2014, 6:58:08 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: I'm honestly kinda proud. It's somehow even more lame than holding the tapedeck up to the stereo.
[23/12/2014, 6:58:45 PM] Dan Olson: I'm so sad that Transhumanism is so full of Libertarian/Nazi trash.
[23/12/2014, 6:59:16 PM] Dan Olson: When they build better eyeballs than the ones in my head I'm first in line.
[23/12/2014, 6:59:28 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: I'm still baffled by that... and also happy that the Eclipse Phase people decided to kick all the MRA crap off their forums not too long ago.
[23/12/2014, 6:59:59 PM] SF: >I'm so sad that Transhumanism is so full of Libertarian/Nazi trash.

I'm really glad to hear I'm not the only one thinking this.
[23/12/2014, 7:01:19 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: "Hey, won't it be cool when we have the technology to just kid everyone out in superior artificial bodies?" Yeah! "Then we can finally prove that as white alpha males, we're superior to everyone else!" ... wait what?
[23/12/2014, 7:02:20 PM] Alex Lifschitz: TB went on to say that anyone who would become a GG figurehead is a fool

I'm refreshing /gamergate/ waiting for that banner image of him to pop up so I can screen cap it
[23/12/2014, 7:02:24 PM] Ian Cheong:
[23/12/2014, 7:02:32 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: ha
[23/12/2014, 7:02:59 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: And someone never played FF2.
[23/12/2014, 7:03:07 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Freakin' monster closets
[23/12/2014, 7:03:11 PM] SF: Lots of trans people and furries into transhumanism too :3
[23/12/2014, 7:03:14 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: also Silent Hill 3
[23/12/2014, 7:04:17 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i haven't looked into transhumanism communities that much, tbh. i liked what i've read on the subject though
[23/12/2014, 7:04:22 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: even if kurzweil is kinda weird
[23/12/2014, 7:04:41 PM] Athena Hollow: We're delving into that a lot with our cyberpunk book :D
[23/12/2014, 7:04:47 PM] drinternetphd: technolibertarians "hey guys being white and rich in the future is gonna be even better"
[23/12/2014, 7:05:06 PM] drinternetphd: sink san francisco into the ocean
[23/12/2014, 7:05:12 PM] drinternetphd: save oakland
[23/12/2014, 7:05:17 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: ... come to think of it, pretty much all of Eclipse Phase is a giant middle finger to that attitude
[23/12/2014, 7:05:23 PM] drinternetphd: start the reactor free mars
[23/12/2014, 7:05:32 PM] Athena Hollow: Right now we're just working on a lexicon of slang and figuring out how to logically and as scientifically as possible explain why people would flock to a handful of megacities.
[23/12/2014, 7:05:56 PM] Dan Olson: jobs
[23/12/2014, 7:05:59 PM] Dan Olson: easy answer
[23/12/2014, 7:06:13 PM] Athena Hollow: Yes & no. People can always survive on their own w/ farms and shit
[23/12/2014, 7:06:25 PM] Dan Olson: how expensive is land, though?
[23/12/2014, 7:06:39 PM] Ian Cheong: Land is expensive and most people don't have the knowhow to sustain a farm.
[23/12/2014, 7:06:43 PM] Athena Hollow: We're thinking some sort of natural event that causes a hella influx of sulfur in the atmosphere that causes a semi-scorched earth event.
[23/12/2014, 7:06:51 PM] SF: Would a grid of vertical farms be considered urban or rural..?
[23/12/2014, 7:07:03 PM] Dan Olson: and there's diminishing returns. Keeping 6 people alive with 2 acres is no small chore
[23/12/2014, 7:07:08 PM] Athena Hollow: Yeah, but over the next 100 years, it could be something ppl would relearn if necessary. We're assholes, but we're resiliant motherfuckers.
[23/12/2014, 7:07:18 PM] Ian Cheong: In Zimbabwe, after they seized the farms from the whites, most of the people who received the land didn't know what to do with it--hence Zimbabwe's shitty economy.
[23/12/2014, 7:07:26 PM] Athena Hollow: Interesting.
[23/12/2014, 7:07:31 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: bunch of corporate jerks start some crazy corporate slavery program all bitcoin wage slavery to not be a brain in a jar, then there's a bunch of filthy hippies on asteroids just working off a system of "you seem cool, have some stuff"
[23/12/2014, 7:07:56 PM] SF: Sounds like Netrunner's universe.
[23/12/2014, 7:08:19 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: ... and this translates into the real world, where I mean...
[23/12/2014, 7:08:45 PM] SF: I made the universal cryptocurrecy in my sci fi game DOGE just to annoy Reddit.
[23/12/2014, 7:09:08 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: "Here, have free full PDFs of everything we release, if you wanna buy'em eventually cool, if not, no biggie."
[23/12/2014, 7:09:09 PM] Ian Cheong: In Anachronox the universal cryptocurrency is the Canadian Loonie.
[23/12/2014, 7:11:25 PM] Alex Lifschitz:
[23/12/2014, 7:11:40 PM] Ian Cheong: hahahahaha
[23/12/2014, 7:12:13 PM] Athena Hollow: alrighty folks, I need to try and get some sleep - though I expect it to be futile.
[23/12/2014, 7:12:36 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: still waiting on that e-mail by the way
[23/12/2014, 7:12:43 PM] Dan Olson: WHERE DO YOU FIND THESE DOGS?!
[23/12/2014, 7:12:49 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: nini, athena
[23/12/2014, 7:13:00 PM] SF: Yeah Twitter seems to have stabilized in an extremely generous sense of the word so I'm going to leave my patrol now.
[23/12/2014, 7:13:12 PM] SF: Take care all.
[23/12/2014, 7:13:56 PM] drinternetphd: I am good at weird dogs
[23/12/2014, 7:14:05 PM] drinternetphd: also dan apparently we are friends
[23/12/2014, 7:14:09 PM] drinternetphd: as of a few months ago
[23/12/2014, 7:14:24 PM] drinternetphd: because you covered my game apparently?
[23/12/2014, 7:14:31 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: rofl
[23/12/2014, 7:14:45 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i never knew i was friends with miyamoto! charlottes going to be so excited
[23/12/2014, 7:14:55 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: hahaha
[23/12/2014, 7:15:03 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Dan: The fluffy white dog is the one we are dogsitting
[23/12/2014, 7:15:12 PM] Alex Lifschitz: His name is issue and he v fluff
[23/12/2014, 7:15:16 PM] Alex Lifschitz: *Issun
[23/12/2014, 7:15:35 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: ... where do I know that name from?
[23/12/2014, 7:15:47 PM] Dan Olson: And that episode was supr collusion with much unethical since we met for all of, what, 3 minutes at PAX?
[23/12/2014, 7:15:48 PM] Alex Lifschitz: There are actually two, Issun and Yukiko
[23/12/2014, 7:16:44 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: well now you're having a pleasant chat in some sort of secret "anti-GG" chat
[23/12/2014, 7:17:00 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: so as soon as you hop in your time machine, it's suddenly valid criticism.
[23/12/2014, 7:17:26 PM] drinternetphd: alex I am totally calling issun issue now
[23/12/2014, 7:18:13 PM] Ian Cheong: Gamergaters have bought a paid ad on Reddit
[23/12/2014, 7:18:14 PM] Ian Cheong:
[23/12/2014, 7:18:40 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Please compile any notable instances of GGers defending pedophilia in the incident card, if you can
[23/12/2014, 7:23:13 PM] Dan Olson: I just wanna say I picked a DAMN good title.
[23/12/2014, 7:23:56 PM] Dan Olson: It's short, it fits in every tweet, and for those in "the lingo" it cuts right to the god damn bone.
[23/12/2014, 7:25:28 PM] Ian Cheong: You know, I don't believe any of them reported you to the FBI.
[23/12/2014, 7:25:48 PM] Ian Cheong: They're like those kids who play World of Warcraft and scream "REPORTED!!!!" when you argue with them.
[23/12/2014, 7:25:51 PM] Athena Hollow: lol
[23/12/2014, 7:26:15 PM] Dan Olson: I know they tried to report me to the RCMP, because they were complaining that the RCMP doesn't take anonymous tips internationally.
[23/12/2014, 7:26:16 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: hmm
[23/12/2014, 7:26:27 PM] Athena Hollow: lol
[23/12/2014, 7:26:34 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: now I'm trying to remember how long it's been since I've actually sent a proper FBI tip
[23/12/2014, 7:30:22 PM] Ian Cheong:
[23/12/2014, 7:30:24 PM] Ian Cheong: what an echo chamber.
[23/12/2014, 7:33:26 PM] Dan Olson: Everything bad is a troll
[23/12/2014, 7:33:52 PM] Athena Hollow: Yup. "NOT US!" ugh.
[23/12/2014, 7:34:14 PM] Athena Hollow: blah. ok. gonna try sleep again. -_-
[23/12/2014, 7:36:58 PM] Ian Cheong: im going out for burgers
[23/12/2014, 7:39:58 PM] Rob: Morning
[23/12/2014, 7:41:26 PM] Alex Lifschitz: mornin
[23/12/2014, 7:47:13 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: good for a laugh
[23/12/2014, 7:47:17 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: you missed a lot, rob x-x
[23/12/2014, 7:49:42 PM] Rob: I did?
[23/12/2014, 7:51:57 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Actual sleep needed now.
[23/12/2014, 7:55:32 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: rob: dan posted an article exposing 8chan hosting sexual pictures of children. GG is now trying to report him to the FBI
[23/12/2014, 7:56:32 PM] Rob: Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooow
[23/12/2014, 8:00:21 PM] Dan Olson: Yeah.
[23/12/2014, 8:00:47 PM] Dan Olson: Twitter has died down to 3 notifications per minute so I'm gonna go to bed.
[23/12/2014, 8:02:27 PM] Rob: Later, sir. Take care of yourself.
[23/12/2014, 8:03:34 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Yeah, no worries. Check on with the chat tomorrow if you see something alarming.
[23/12/2014, 8:04:05 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Remember that they huff and puff and manufacture evidence to score points with each other, and there's no way the authorities would touch you and not 8chan. Or you at all, really.
[23/12/2014, 8:05:25 PM] Rob: Yeah, and if anything?
[23/12/2014, 8:05:33 PM] Rob: Them filing a bunch of bullshit with the FBI will only hurt them
[23/12/2014, 8:05:37 PM] Rob: false reports = bad news bears
[23/12/2014, 8:05:41 PM] Rob: LEOs hate having their time wasted.
[23/12/2014, 8:05:41 PM] Dan Olson: Canada has very good protections for investigative reporting.
[23/12/2014, 8:06:05 PM] Rob: So if they're sending in all kinds of bullshit false reports, it's far more likely they'll get arrested than anything else.
[23/12/2014, 8:06:32 PM] Dan Olson: It's part of why we produce world class documentary content, and have several of the highest rated media/journalism schools in the world.
[23/12/2014, 8:06:42 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Yep.
[23/12/2014, 8:06:55 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Also waiting to hear back from Patreon about stuff.
[23/12/2014, 8:07:18 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Was just musing that if they took action against Zoe's Patreon and not Brennan's, it'll be the biggest shitstorm they will ever see.
[23/12/2014, 8:07:21 PM] Rob: When I get back to DC, I may go and compile a list of shit about tf00t and mundane matt to see if I can get the ball rolling on maybe getting their stuff shut down
[23/12/2014, 8:07:32 PM] Rob: Assuming stuff like 8-chan and sarkeesian effect get kersplatted by the patreon team
[23/12/2014, 8:07:34 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i'll be gone/rarely on for the next few days. if you guys could keep an eye out on 8chan re: dox of me, that'd be awesome. drop an email at [REDACTED] if something happens
[23/12/2014, 8:07:40 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Kay, but keep it pocketed till the 8chan stuff is resolved.
[23/12/2014, 8:07:45 PM] Rob: Roger that, sarah <3
[23/12/2014, 8:07:47 PM] Rob: Yep.
[23/12/2014, 8:07:51 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Okay. SRH, should I use that email to invite you to Trello?
[23/12/2014, 8:08:02 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i think i had an invite i hadn't accepted yet lol
[23/12/2014, 8:08:03 PM] Rob: Tf00t and MM are like second-tier. 8-chan is far more important
[23/12/2014, 8:10:37 PM] Rob: And one of the things I'm going to need to figure out is; I know MM and tf00t don't put EVERY video they do on Patreon to get a payout, so I need to figure out if Patreon will only look at stuff that they're directly getting a cut of, or if they'll look at a person's entire online presence as part of the 'package', if that makes sense.
[23/12/2014, 8:11:08 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: lol
[23/12/2014, 8:14:34 PM] Ian Cheong: Oh god I put Skype on my phone and it's just non stop scrolling
[23/12/2014, 8:19:57 PM] Rob: I made that mistake once. It also added like all 250 people on my Skype list to my phone contacts and I started crying because I was like HWAT HAPPENED
[23/12/2014, 9:12:44 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Remember, Zoe Quinn is irrelevant.
[23/12/2014, 9:13:36 PM] Rob: Heh!
[23/12/2014, 9:13:48 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: how well do you and zoe know dina, alex? would you guys want/be comfortable with her in here? what do other people think?
[23/12/2014, 9:14:16 PM] Rob: Dina is lovely <3
[23/12/2014, 9:14:17 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i know we said we should slow down on adding people, but she was one of the people targeted
[23/12/2014, 9:14:19 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Anita Sarkeesian? Literally who?
[23/12/2014, 9:14:26 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Dina is pretty great.
[23/12/2014, 9:14:45 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Would let her in, not yet to the serious chat tho until we confirm 2FA and if she has any interest.
[23/12/2014, 9:14:52 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: nod
[23/12/2014, 9:14:55 PM] Alex Lifschitz: I'd also start booting some of the idlers, honestly.
[23/12/2014, 9:16:13 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: that'd be up to tess. i think the people here are solid, even if they are idle, but i can understand how its a concern
[23/12/2014, 9:16:50 PM] Rob: yeah and a few people are traveling for holidays or taking a mental health break for a few days
[23/12/2014, 9:40:49 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Anyways, yeah, sure, Dina's cool.
[23/12/2014, 9:41:41 PM] Ian Cheong: Yeah Dina's cool.
[23/12/2014, 9:41:46 PM] Ian Cheong: back from food.
[23/12/2014, 9:51:20 PM] Ian Cheong:
[23/12/2014, 10:04:35 PM] Ian Cheong:
[23/12/2014, 10:04:38 PM] Ian Cheong: wow this guy is real mad
[23/12/2014, 10:05:27 PM] Rob: haha
[23/12/2014, 10:05:34 PM] Alex Lifschitz: hahaha
[23/12/2014, 10:05:47 PM] Alex Lifschitz: I do urge all people to report them to the FBI so the FBI can say "what the holy fuck" and finally shut down 8chan
[23/12/2014, 10:06:03 PM] Ian Cheong: That would be a wonderful outcome.
[23/12/2014, 10:06:15 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Let 'em rev up the emails, keep feeding them rope.
[23/12/2014, 10:06:34 PM] Ian Cheong: hoisted by their own petard. what's a petard?
[23/12/2014, 10:07:08 PM] Rob: it's a bomb
[23/12/2014, 10:07:29 PM] Ian Cheong: ok JC
[23/12/2014, 10:08:07 PM] Alex Lifschitz: A BOMB
[23/12/2014, 10:08:54 PM] Rob:
[23/12/2014, 10:08:57 PM] Ian Cheong: for those of you who don't get the reference
[23/12/2014, 10:08:59 PM] Rob: (sun)
[23/12/2014, 10:09:12 PM] Rob: :D I got it. I <3 deus ex
[23/12/2014, 10:09:42 PM] Alex Lifschitz: I have a big ol' Deus Ex tramp stamp and I kinda regret it now since I got it with someone who betrayed us to GG
[23/12/2014, 10:10:00 PM] Rob: Oh, boo :C
[23/12/2014, 10:10:17 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Like I am kinda waiting for tattoo removal tech to catch up on that one
[23/12/2014, 10:10:22 PM] Rob: Deus Ex is one of my favorite games b/c it came out on my birthday
[23/12/2014, 10:10:30 PM] Rob: And I also live near one of the weirder places in the game.
[23/12/2014, 10:10:36 PM] Rob: Or lived, I should say.
[23/12/2014, 10:11:02 PM] Ian Cheong: Where, Battery Park?
[23/12/2014, 10:11:08 PM] Rob: Vandenburg.
[23/12/2014, 10:11:08 PM] Ian Cheong: Vandenburg?
[23/12/2014, 10:11:12 PM] Rob: Yeah.
[23/12/2014, 10:11:27 PM] Ian Cheong: My next guess would have been Hell's Kitchen.
[23/12/2014, 10:11:29 PM] Rob: :D
[23/12/2014, 10:11:40 PM] Rob: I've been on the base before and in the missile silos. It's pretty cool.
[23/12/2014, 10:19:52 PM] Ian Cheong: Who was the person who betrayed us to GG, Alex?
[23/12/2014, 10:24:49 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Not at liberty to say, unfortunately.
[23/12/2014, 10:25:04 PM] Alex Lifschitz: We're 99% sure we know who it was but don't have a smoking gun.
[23/12/2014, 10:25:21 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Just a combination of facts and motive that point very, very strongly to one person.
[23/12/2014, 10:26:21 PM] Alex Lifschitz: It's a person in the games industry and so we can't really go public with only strong suspicions and circumstantial evidence.
[23/12/2014, 10:26:38 PM] Ian Cheong: Ah that's pretty poopy.
[23/12/2014, 10:39:04 PM] Ian Cheong: Apparently it costs $800 a month to rent an apartment in Florence, Italy.
[23/12/2014, 10:39:11 PM] Ian Cheong: Considering doing that next year.
[23/12/2014, 10:39:18 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Oooooo.
[23/12/2014, 10:39:32 PM] Alex Lifschitz: I was looking forward to living in Bordeaux before GG.
[23/12/2014, 10:39:41 PM] Ian Cheong: It goddamn sucks that they ruined that for you.
[23/12/2014, 10:39:56 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Half-ruined, but yes.
[23/12/2014, 10:40:40 PM] Alex Lifschitz: The main reason for the cancellation was that the project slipped.

The GG part is that bringing me on after that meant long-term time at the studio, and GG was brigading them and me, making me too hot a property to bring on without a dedicated project.
[23/12/2014, 10:40:56 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Also factoring into that: The Huffington Post and Ubisoft for adding pressure on them.
[23/12/2014, 10:41:45 PM] Ian Cheong: How'd HuffPo play into it?
[23/12/2014, 10:42:50 PM] Alex Lifschitz: They went over my head to get comment from Asobo on the thing despite them having nothing to do with it.
[23/12/2014, 10:43:06 PM] Ian Cheong: Oh, dang.
[23/12/2014, 10:43:35 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Adobe is not used to having press inquiry. Their twitter has like 300 followers and they were shaping up for press for the Crew port they were doing for Ubisoft. They weren't prepared for GG and didn't need it.
[23/12/2014, 10:43:47 PM] Alex Lifschitz: This was also just after HuffPo tried to trick Zoe into a debate with Hotwheels.
[23/12/2014, 10:43:55 PM] Alex Lifschitz: They can kiss my ass from here on out.
[23/12/2014, 10:44:03 PM] Ian Cheong: HuffPo is junk.
[23/12/2014, 10:44:34 PM] Rob: I fucking hate them.
[23/12/2014, 10:44:41 PM] Ian Cheong: At least when David Pakman tried to get me to debate a GGer he told me upfront what was going to happen.
[23/12/2014, 10:44:54 PM] Rob: They push total anti-science bullshit, too. Some of the individual writers are good, but the site in general is a piece of shit.
[23/12/2014, 10:44:56 PM] Rob: BRB
[23/12/2014, 10:47:17 PM] Ian Cheong:
[23/12/2014, 10:47:20 PM] Ian Cheong: cyborg legs! almost.
[23/12/2014, 10:54:07 PM] Charloppe: theres a new serious chat?
[23/12/2014, 10:55:32 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Yeah. We realized that not everyone has 2FA enabled and that presents the possibility of a major security issue.
[23/12/2014, 10:56:00 PM] Charloppe: ah understandable
[23/12/2014, 10:56:29 PM] Alex Lifschitz: If you want in, just enable 2FA, make sure you're logged out everywhere else, and log back in
[23/12/2014, 10:56:52 PM] Charloppe: ok
[23/12/2014, 11:13:11 PM] Ian Cheong:
[23/12/2014, 11:13:12 PM] Ian Cheong: haha
[23/12/2014, 11:15:36 PM] Peter Coffin: Did someone tell GG about this chat? I'd that the betray us to GG mentioned about an hour ago
[23/12/2014, 11:15:40 PM] Peter Coffin: Is
[23/12/2014, 11:16:45 PM] Rob: Hmm?
[23/12/2014, 11:17:25 PM] Ian Cheong: oh, no
[23/12/2014, 11:17:32 PM] Ian Cheong: that is something that happened quite awhile back AFAIK
[23/12/2014, 11:17:51 PM] Ian Cheong: the only people who know about this chat are people in here (I hope)
[23/12/2014, 11:17:52 PM] Peter Coffin: Okay good, that made me feel a bit sick
[23/12/2014, 11:18:06 PM] Rob: I say we call this person Benedict Gaterprick
[23/12/2014, 11:18:20 PM] Peter Coffin: They would ravage every person in here of they knew
[23/12/2014, 11:18:31 PM] Ian Cheong: lol they could try.
[23/12/2014, 11:18:51 PM] Ian Cheong: Oh god why do I type lol unironically.
[23/12/2014, 11:19:07 PM] Peter Coffin: Because you've lost something
[23/12/2014, 11:19:19 PM] Peter Coffin: lol
[23/12/2014, 11:19:21 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Naw that was a while back, someone who leaked one of Zoe's very confidential Facebook posts.
[23/12/2014, 11:19:47 PM] Alex Lifschitz: We narrowed down who on the list it could be based on the stuff the twitter feed was saying and motive and it all pointed to one person
[23/12/2014, 11:20:00 PM] Rob: I'm not really worried about myself in this. All the awful shit I've done is already public knowledge, plus I've already been doxxed and tf00t/ED have already fucked w/ me over rape victim stuff. I'm worried for everyone else in here, tho'.
[23/12/2014, 11:20:04 PM] Peter Coffin: that's really fucked anyhow
[23/12/2014, 11:20:05 PM] Alex Lifschitz: But we have no smoking gun so we can't reveal who it was without something ironclad
[23/12/2014, 11:20:33 PM] Alex Lifschitz: As I've said, I'm not ashamed of anything said in here as a support group for GG targets.
[23/12/2014, 11:20:39 PM] Rob: I'm really sorry that Zoe was betrayed like that.
[23/12/2014, 11:20:50 PM] Ian Cheong: What rape victim stuff, Rob?
[23/12/2014, 11:20:52 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Yeah it sucked. I was shocked too when we figured out who it was
[23/12/2014, 11:21:11 PM] Rob: Ian, tf00t fucked w/ me a few days ago over my rape
[23/12/2014, 11:21:16 PM] Rob: And ED has shit about me being raped on there.
[23/12/2014, 11:21:16 PM] Ian Cheong: Seriously?
[23/12/2014, 11:21:18 PM] Peter Coffin: Well I'm a little worried if they go scorched earth. Nothing I've done is what I'm worried about, I'm not financially stable and I support my wife and kid
[23/12/2014, 11:21:19 PM] Rob: Yeah
[23/12/2014, 11:21:21 PM] Ian Cheong: Wow.
[23/12/2014, 11:21:38 PM] Peter Coffin: Ugh fuck those people
[23/12/2014, 11:21:42 PM] Rob: Yeah, he like RTed some stuff and was defending sending people to dog pile me over it.
[23/12/2014, 11:21:52 PM] Rob: There was a thread on Ghazi about it.
[23/12/2014, 11:21:53 PM] Ian Cheong: hey, I'm sorry you experienced that.
[23/12/2014, 11:22:03 PM] Rob: Thanks, man.
[23/12/2014, 11:22:27 PM] Peter Coffin: God I'm sorry guys
[23/12/2014, 11:22:42 PM] Rob: Thanks, Peter
[23/12/2014, 11:23:04 PM] Rob: It used to bother me when people would fuck w/ me over it, but that button got pressed so many times it just makes me annoyed, now.
[23/12/2014, 11:23:43 PM] Ian Cheong: It boggles the mind that anyone thinks to use one's rape against them.
[23/12/2014, 11:24:00 PM] Peter Coffin: That's basically how I am about the fake girlfriend thing, I'm shocked its possible to get to that place with rape
[23/12/2014, 11:24:38 PM] Peter Coffin: That has to have been brought up SO many times
[23/12/2014, 11:24:49 PM] Rob: I did it before, as a counter attack to someone doing the same to me.
[23/12/2014, 11:24:52 PM] Peter Coffin: That's just Fucking inhuman
[23/12/2014, 11:24:54 PM] Rob: It was probably the shittiest thing I've ever done.
[23/12/2014, 11:25:07 PM] Peter Coffin: What, what do you mean
[23/12/2014, 11:25:15 PM] Rob: Someone fucked with me over my being raped so I replied in kind.
[23/12/2014, 11:25:53 PM] Rob: Like I said, I've done some pretty fucked up things I regret. That's probably the worst of it.
[23/12/2014, 11:26:20 PM] Peter Coffin: Retaliation, I understand why you would have. Not that it was awesome of you but I can get it. I can't get the original attack
[23/12/2014, 11:26:30 PM] Rob: Youtube drama.
[23/12/2014, 11:26:43 PM] Rob: So \o/
[23/12/2014, 11:26:47 PM] Peter Coffin: Fuck youtube.
[23/12/2014, 11:26:52 PM] Rob: It's super awful, lol
[23/12/2014, 11:27:34 PM] Peter Coffin: Seriously, I love it as a platform but if someone identifies as a youtuber I do the same thing I do when someone identifies as a gamer now
[23/12/2014, 11:27:40 PM] Rob: Yeah.
[23/12/2014, 11:27:51 PM] Peter Coffin: Look through tweet history, see what they are about
[23/12/2014, 11:28:00 PM] Rob: It's why I don't really publicize my channel that much on my twitter.
[23/12/2014, 11:28:11 PM] Peter Coffin: If I see anything sketchy I block
[23/12/2014, 11:28:58 PM] Peter Coffin: Because the shit ratio isn't as high but when they are shit, they are UNREDEEMABLE
[23/12/2014, 11:29:05 PM] drinternetphd: thank FUCK
[23/12/2014, 11:29:08 PM] drinternetphd: I can get my pills today
[23/12/2014, 11:29:19 PM] Ian Cheong: YAY
[23/12/2014, 11:29:22 PM] Rob: WOOT
[23/12/2014, 11:29:28 PM] Peter Coffin: That's great
[23/12/2014, 11:29:30 PM] drinternetphd: was worried the clinic would be closed cause christmas
[23/12/2014, 11:29:34 PM] Rob: I wish we had universal healthcare here in the states.
[23/12/2014, 11:29:37 PM] drinternetphd: and my insurance only works in MA
[23/12/2014, 11:30:16 PM] drinternetphd: so yay fuck yes I won't run out of the things that make me not a hot sack of garbage
[23/12/2014, 11:30:51 PM] Rob: Good!
[23/12/2014, 11:31:50 PM] Peter Coffin: My wife needs needs and we can't afford them, and she can't be put on insurance because she just came to this country on a passport and stayed
[23/12/2014, 11:32:04 PM] Peter Coffin: Not that I have insurance
[23/12/2014, 11:32:20 PM] Peter Coffin: Meds was the second needs
[23/12/2014, 11:32:34 PM] Rob: Oof :C
[23/12/2014, 11:32:41 PM] Rob: I'm sorry to hear that
[23/12/2014, 11:32:48 PM] Rob: I'm unmedicated for my bipolar and anxiety. It sucks.
[23/12/2014, 11:34:56 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Jesus christ just this whole thread
[23/12/2014, 11:35:05 PM] Alex Lifschitz: They are SO OBSESSED with finding out if Zoe is Jewish
[23/12/2014, 11:35:44 PM] Rob: Protocols of the Elders of GGhazi.
[23/12/2014, 11:36:07 PM] Rob: also, common core lawlz
[23/12/2014, 11:36:18 PM] drinternetphd: I feel so sorry for this woman for sharing a last name with me
[23/12/2014, 11:36:22 PM] drinternetphd: I have no idea who she is
[23/12/2014, 11:36:46 PM] drinternetphd: hilarious though that they haven't figured out that a branch of my family has "nazi" as a surname
[23/12/2014, 11:39:50 PM] nicholas.boterf: nicholas.boterf can now participate in this chat
[23/12/2014, 11:39:53 PM] Peter Coffin: Wow
[23/12/2014, 11:39:55 PM] Ian Cheong: GamerGate is not about Zoe Quinn, which is why we're giving her a free background check.
[23/12/2014, 11:40:07 PM] Peter Coffin: Oh my fuck. Just holy fuck me
[23/12/2014, 11:40:10 PM] Peter Coffin: Wow
[23/12/2014, 11:40:39 PM] Rob: Heh
[23/12/2014, 11:40:53 PM] drinternetphd: "I got an email back from Parteon saying, essentially: "thanks for your concern but if we find she broke the TOS our hands are tied." - which ignores the fact that anyone telling them you did is LIES. "
[23/12/2014, 11:41:08 PM] Peter Coffin: The anti-Semitic b.s.used to not bother me
[23/12/2014, 11:41:21 PM] Ian Cheong: RogueStar is worried that he is going to be banned again
[23/12/2014, 11:41:23 PM] Ian Cheong: He just tweeted his backups
[23/12/2014, 11:41:27 PM] Ian Cheong: @SladeVillena
[23/12/2014, 11:41:38 PM] drinternetphd: so I might get banned from patreon.
[23/12/2014, 11:41:40 PM] Peter Coffin: Archive it
[23/12/2014, 11:41:56 PM] Peter Coffin: Are you Fucking joking
[23/12/2014, 11:42:34 PM] drinternetphd: they won't respond to my emails or tweets.
[23/12/2014, 11:42:35 PM] nicholas.boterf: Jesus fucking Christ.
[23/12/2014, 11:42:41 PM] drinternetphd: they told my friend the following: "I got an email back from Parteon saying, essentially: "thanks for your concern but if we find she broke the TOS our hands are tied." - which ignores the fact that anyone telling them you did is LIES. "
[23/12/2014, 11:42:45 PM] Alex Lifschitz: If they ban Zoe because Juicer is outright and maliciously lying about her but they let a hub for child porn run because they made the page about a cat, it's gonna be fucking catastrophic for them
[23/12/2014, 11:42:57 PM] nicholas.boterf: Yup.
[23/12/2014, 11:42:59 PM] Ian Cheong: Zoe, I got the same email from them.
[23/12/2014, 11:43:24 PM] Peter Coffin: Please tell me you have some kind of press plans off this happens
[23/12/2014, 11:43:29 PM] Peter Coffin: If
[23/12/2014, 11:43:33 PM] Ian Cheong: irritating
[23/12/2014, 11:43:51 PM] drinternetphd: they can reply to fucking juicebro
[23/12/2014, 11:43:52 PM] drinternetphd: but not me
[23/12/2014, 11:44:15 PM] drinternetphd: after fucking months of standing up for them
[23/12/2014, 11:44:21 PM] drinternetphd: and calming down mobs for them
[23/12/2014, 11:44:34 PM] drinternetphd: and putting my fucking name on the line for them
[23/12/2014, 11:44:47 PM] Ian Cheong: What should I say to Patreon?
[23/12/2014, 11:45:09 PM] drinternetphd: I don't fuckin know dude I've sent 3 emails over the last 3 days to both patreon general and the cofounder
[23/12/2014, 11:45:12 PM] drinternetphd: haven't heard dick
[23/12/2014, 11:45:34 PM] drinternetphd: can't sleep for more than a few hours at a time cause the nightmares and panic attacks keep waking me up
[23/12/2014, 11:45:41 PM] drinternetphd: because I don't know if I am fucking out of my job or not
[23/12/2014, 11:45:59 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Send them SJWIlluminati's storify of Idle's tweets, just gently inform them that you know what they're being sent and that it's part of a larger campaign aimed at targeting Zoe. Express some faith that their "rigorous process" will be able to see that right off the bat.
[23/12/2014, 11:46:04 PM] Ian Cheong: I know that feeling. I'm sorry you're going through this, Zoe.
[23/12/2014, 11:46:07 PM] Peter Coffin: I'm going to try and arrange a call. They tried to call me a while back. I'm a good arguer and if they end up hating me big deal. I'm no one
[23/12/2014, 11:46:23 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Don't expect to affect change but make our case ironclad if they pull the worst and we have to burn Patreon to the groundd.
[23/12/2014, 11:46:29 PM] drinternetphd: just don't be mean
[23/12/2014, 11:46:36 PM] drinternetphd: I wonder if I can contact a Green brother
[23/12/2014, 11:46:50 PM] drinternetphd: jeff green is one of the subbable ones right
[23/12/2014, 11:47:00 PM] drinternetphd: wait no he just runs popcap
[23/12/2014, 11:47:02 PM] Peter Coffin: I might have connections but they might be burnt due to fake girlfriend
[23/12/2014, 11:47:08 PM] Peter Coffin: John green
[23/12/2014, 11:47:18 PM] drinternetphd: damn
[23/12/2014, 11:47:22 PM] Ian Cheong: John and Hank Green
[23/12/2014, 11:47:26 PM] Ian Cheong: Jeff Green is a game dev guy
[23/12/2014, 11:47:31 PM] Ian Cheong: Used to work at 1up and stuff
[23/12/2014, 11:47:36 PM] Peter Coffin: I'll contact some people
[23/12/2014, 11:47:42 PM] drinternetphd: yeah neither of the relevant greens follow me, only john green
[23/12/2014, 11:47:44 PM] drinternetphd: err
[23/12/2014, 11:47:47 PM] Peter Coffin: See if they would speak top me
[23/12/2014, 11:47:48 PM] drinternetphd: relevant to this issue
[23/12/2014, 11:47:53 PM] Peter Coffin: To
[23/12/2014, 11:47:56 PM] drinternetphd: yeah cause like
[23/12/2014, 11:48:03 PM] Rob: I'm sorry, Zoe :C
[23/12/2014, 11:48:05 PM] drinternetphd: I don't wanna fucking bother with subabble if it's gonna be this shit all over again
[23/12/2014, 11:48:13 PM] Peter Coffin: Yeah, I agree
[23/12/2014, 11:48:37 PM] drinternetphd: though you can fucking BELIEVE I am suing juicebro for defamation damages if so
[23/12/2014, 11:48:46 PM] drinternetphd: my lawyer's basically looking for something like that
[23/12/2014, 11:48:47 PM] Peter Coffin: I'll put it some emails to see what I can do. Pursue other avenues too
[23/12/2014, 11:49:18 PM] Ian Cheong: Does anyone have a link to idledilletante's tweet thing that Alex talked about?
[23/12/2014, 11:49:45 PM] drinternetphd:
[23/12/2014, 11:49:52 PM] Ian Cheong: Thanks