Skype Con Leak/03 jan

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Skype Con Leak/03 jan is part of a series on the Skype Con Leak.
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[03/01/2015, 12:04:27 AM] David Gallant: Off for a bit, see y'all later.
[03/01/2015, 12:04:31 AM] Ian Cheong: later.
[03/01/2015, 12:04:55 AM] Athena Hollow: cya
[03/01/2015, 12:26:58 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Good morning! Anything important I should be aware of?
[03/01/2015, 12:27:50 AM] Rob: I still don’t have any update on my package :C
[03/01/2015, 12:27:52 AM] Rob: that’s about it
[03/01/2015, 12:27:58 AM] Rob: I’mc alling them tomorrow
[03/01/2015, 12:28:47 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I'm sorry Rob :(
[03/01/2015, 12:28:50 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yes, call them
[03/01/2015, 12:29:05 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): you'll get a refund for shipping no questions asked
[03/01/2015, 12:29:37 AM] Rob: Well I’m also maybe going to need them to refund my money and/or send me a replacement
[03/01/2015, 12:29:43 AM] Rob: Since the actual package is ?????
[03/01/2015, 12:30:01 AM] Rob: Which is why I’m waiting ‘till tomorrow incase it actually gets here today.
[03/01/2015, 12:30:04 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ah
[03/01/2015, 12:30:06 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ok.
[03/01/2015, 12:30:22 AM] Rob: Because “CHANTILLY, VA US 12/31/2014 7:00 pm Package not received from sender” is a weird fucking status and there’s zero updates on anything.
[03/01/2015, 12:30:29 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): o.o
[03/01/2015, 12:30:41 AM] Rob: Yeah.
[03/01/2015, 12:30:46 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): almost sounds like it was stolen
[03/01/2015, 12:30:51 AM] Rob: And the amazon tracking package just says
[03/01/2015, 12:31:07 AM] Rob: In Transit
Expected delivery: Wednesday, December 31, 2014, by 9:00pm 
Your package has left the Amazon facility and is on the way. (Updated 0 minute(s) ago)
[03/01/2015, 12:31:08 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): this holiday was the worst for stolen Amazon packages
[03/01/2015, 12:32:22 AM] Rob: I’d imagine
[03/01/2015, 12:32:34 AM] Rob: Also lasership is like the worst shipping company too
[03/01/2015, 12:32:43 AM] Rob: It has like a 1 star rating, I have no idea why amazon uses them here.
[03/01/2015, 12:33:16 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): When you call, ask to never have lasership be selected for your account ever again. they'll blacklist it for you
[03/01/2015, 12:33:27 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :3
[03/01/2015, 12:33:38 AM] Rob: Awesome! They’ll do that?
[03/01/2015, 12:33:45 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yeah.
[03/01/2015, 12:33:46 AM] Rob: because like these are the reviews for lasership, swear to god -
[03/01/2015, 12:34:09 AM] Ian Cheong: i got a really heavy blend of tobacco
[03/01/2015, 12:34:15 AM] Ian Cheong: it's called 'dunhill nightcap' and it puts you the fuck to sleep
[03/01/2015, 12:34:27 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): holy shit. that's horrible, Rob. I'll ask the retail team about Lasership on Monday
[03/01/2015, 12:34:36 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I'm really curious now why we use them.
[03/01/2015, 12:34:46 AM] Rob: Nice, Ian!
[03/01/2015, 12:34:49 AM] Rob: And yeah izzy, it’s a huge WTF
[03/01/2015, 12:35:07 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): CUSTOMER OBSESSION, Lasership has none
[03/01/2015, 12:35:11 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): not good enough
[03/01/2015, 12:35:17 AM] Ian Cheong: what is lasership
[03/01/2015, 12:35:26 AM] Rob: It’s a shipping company, last-mile delivery sort of thing
[03/01/2015, 12:35:31 AM] Ian Cheong: oh
[03/01/2015, 12:35:39 AM] Rob: And amazon uses them for the east coast for some inexplicable reason.
[03/01/2015, 12:36:47 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Rob, another plan is you can email [email protected] (this email is public, for complaints) and say how dissapointed you are with your service and how you don't think Amazon should be using Lasership (link to the Yelp reviews).
[03/01/2015, 12:37:03 AM] Rob: Oooh, ty
[03/01/2015, 12:37:10 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): You'll send the retail team running around like chicken with their heads cut off
[03/01/2015, 12:37:16 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): but it might be worth it
[03/01/2015, 12:37:26 AM] Rob: I’m gonna get all this stuff together tomorrow; I figure if I haven’t got my package by then, they’re gonna be like
[03/01/2015, 12:37:27 AM] Rob: ‘oh shit’
[03/01/2015, 12:37:38 AM] Rob: Since I’ve had this account with them for well over 15 years now.
[03/01/2015, 12:37:58 AM] Rob: And amazon’s a decent company w/ CS stuff from what I recall
[03/01/2015, 12:38:24 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): rated #1 customer service all the time
[03/01/2015, 12:38:39 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): because we always go way out of our way for customers
[03/01/2015, 12:38:41 AM] Rob: Yep.
[03/01/2015, 12:38:47 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Like we shit refunds left and right
[03/01/2015, 12:38:56 AM] Rob: Yeah, I know I won’t get fucked out of the 200 dollars
[03/01/2015, 12:39:00 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): one of the thing that blows my mind
[03/01/2015, 12:39:10 AM] Rob: and also I’m not rude as shit to CS eople so I imagine they’ll go out of their way to help me
[03/01/2015, 12:39:24 AM] Rob: Unlike a lot of assholes who are like I DIDN’T GET MY PACKAGE I’M GOING TO GO BACK IN TIME AND MURDER YOUR GRANDMOTHER SO YOU’RE NEVER BORN
[03/01/2015, 12:39:47 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yeah.
[03/01/2015, 12:40:02 AM] Rob: I mean it’s not like the dude answering the phone is theone who puts a package in a van.
[03/01/2015, 12:40:08 AM] Rob: I don’t get being rude to people like that.
[03/01/2015, 12:40:13 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): yeah
[03/01/2015, 12:40:40 AM] Rob: Maybe they’ll feel bad for me and give me a gift card.
[03/01/2015, 12:40:42 AM] Rob: Or a free tv.
[03/01/2015, 12:41:04 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol.
[03/01/2015, 12:41:20 AM] Rob: Oh wow! I just uploaded episode 1 of my UQM LP and one of the dudes who worked on the HD version saw it and commented
[03/01/2015, 12:41:24 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): You'll get your money back and then possibly a gift card depending on the CS agent
[03/01/2015, 12:41:26 AM] Rob: That makes me feel happy :D
[03/01/2015, 12:41:57 AM] Rob: Yeah, and now that I know I can get them to blacklist lasership, oh man
[03/01/2015, 12:42:11 AM] Athena Hollow: god please do.
[03/01/2015, 12:42:15 AM] Athena Hollow: ugh. fucking hate lasership.
[03/01/2015, 12:42:37 AM] Rob: omg you have them there too?
[03/01/2015, 12:42:50 AM] Athena Hollow: The only thing I hate more than lasership is UPS sending a package from 20 mins away to 2 states away, just to come back to me 3 days later O___________o
[03/01/2015, 12:43:01 AM] Athena Hollow: yes -_-
[03/01/2015, 12:43:27 AM] Rob: I’ve had that happen to me too, Athena, or like
[03/01/2015, 12:43:36 AM] Rob: Package originates in Delaware->goes to Richmond->to come back here
[03/01/2015, 12:43:45 AM] Rob: Like... I’m literally on the fucking road between Richmond and delaware
[03/01/2015, 12:43:49 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[03/01/2015, 12:44:16 AM] Athena Hollow: Yeah, quite often it'll get picked up one town over, go to KY or TN, then back to Indianapolis, and I'm like "OH GODDAMMIT STOP"
[03/01/2015, 12:44:22 AM] Rob: lol
[03/01/2015, 12:44:33 AM] Rob: “can you just drop it on the fucking interstate? I will go pick it up”
[03/01/2015, 12:44:38 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[03/01/2015, 12:44:44 AM] nicholas.boterf: This image. Journalism.
[03/01/2015, 12:45:09 AM] Athena Hollow: facepalm
[03/01/2015, 12:45:23 AM] Rob: Fun fact: I still haven’t played DQ b/c I’m worried I might get a bit triggered
[03/01/2015, 12:46:26 AM] Athena Hollow: "From the very beginning there were two sides of GamerGate." NO. BAD JOURNALIST. NO COOKIES FOR YOU.
[03/01/2015, 12:46:50 AM] Athena Hollow: i mean, the rest of the paragraph isn't terrible but goddammit that sentence.
[03/01/2015, 12:47:08 AM] Athena Hollow: "From the very beginning it appeared that there were two sides of GamerGate" would have fixed it.
[03/01/2015, 12:48:11 AM] Athena Hollow: "The list went on to include author and game maker Vox Day, who has claimed a woman accusing a white man of rape must be lying because only black and Hispanic people are rapists and remains the only person ever kicked out of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America."
AHHAHAH Goddamn Vox Day is terrible.
[03/01/2015, 12:48:34 AM] Rob: vox day is the worst
[03/01/2015, 12:48:51 AM] Athena Hollow: i love the emphasis of "the only person *ever*"
[03/01/2015, 12:49:03 AM] Rob: I just had a brilliant idea I would do if I could photoshop.
[03/01/2015, 12:49:21 AM] Rob: Change the poster for SNOWPIERCER to be FLOORPOOPER and put tiny face chuck c. Johnson on it
[03/01/2015, 12:49:58 AM] Athena Hollow: heh
[03/01/2015, 12:51:36 AM] Ian Cheong: i can do it
[03/01/2015, 12:51:45 AM] Ian Cheong: send me the image for tiny face chuck c johnson
[03/01/2015, 12:52:10 AM] Rob: Sent
[03/01/2015, 1:00:33 AM] Ian Cheong: its done. ive created a masterpiece
[03/01/2015, 1:01:06 AM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 1:01:35 AM] Athena Hollow: magnificent
[03/01/2015, 1:03:08 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): well done
[03/01/2015, 1:08:14 AM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 1:08:17 AM] Ian Cheong: fixed tagline
[03/01/2015, 1:08:51 AM] Rob: HAHAHA
[03/01/2015, 1:09:18 AM] Rob: I love my random weird ideas :D
[03/01/2015, 1:13:50 AM] Ian Cheong: I hope chris sees it and retweets it.
[03/01/2015, 1:14:22 AM] Rob: Ditto. that’s brilliant work
[03/01/2015, 1:15:07 AM] Rob: I wish I understood why my recording software randomly makes very certain games run like shit.
[03/01/2015, 1:19:17 AM] Athena Hollow:
[03/01/2015, 1:19:26 AM] Athena Hollow: lololol
[03/01/2015, 1:19:40 AM] Ian Cheong: hahahahahahahaha
[03/01/2015, 1:24:24 AM] Rob:
[03/01/2015, 1:24:29 AM] Rob: Thank you for handing me easy victories, gamer gaters.
[03/01/2015, 1:25:05 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[03/01/2015, 1:25:19 AM] Tesseract: aww king of pol is gone? rip gamergate's most hated leader
[03/01/2015, 1:26:22 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[03/01/2015, 1:26:45 AM] Rob: :D
[03/01/2015, 1:27:04 AM] Athena Hollow: oh goddammit madonna
[03/01/2015, 1:27:19 AM] Athena Hollow: Is she trying to one up Katy Perry this year or something?
[03/01/2015, 1:28:11 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[03/01/2015, 1:28:53 AM] Athena Hollow:
[03/01/2015, 1:29:21 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): HOLY SHIT
[03/01/2015, 1:29:38 AM] Athena Hollow:
[03/01/2015, 1:29:49 AM] Athena Hollow: -_- she sawwwwww it coming. STAHP MADONNA.
[03/01/2015, 1:29:52 AM] Athena Hollow: Don't be Katy.
[03/01/2015, 1:30:08 AM] Athena Hollow: I can't burn my Vogue album goddammit.
[03/01/2015, 1:32:06 AM] Ian Cheong: wow
[03/01/2015, 1:32:10 AM] Ian Cheong: someone made an account just to tweet this at me
[03/01/2015, 1:32:12 AM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 1:32:20 AM] Ian Cheong: literally the only tweet on his account
[03/01/2015, 1:32:28 AM] Rob: Heh!
[03/01/2015, 1:32:29 AM] Tesseract: why does it say he has two tweets
[03/01/2015, 1:33:53 AM] Athena Hollow: that is the worst racial epithet I've ever seen. Like, they didn't even fucking TRY with that one.
[03/01/2015, 1:34:07 AM] Ian Cheong: i bet its chuck c johnson
[03/01/2015, 1:34:14 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[03/01/2015, 1:35:10 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Tess, they just tweeted this:
[03/01/2015, 1:35:13 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): it's a gater for sure
[03/01/2015, 1:35:26 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): only 2 tweets going after 2 people against GG
[03/01/2015, 1:35:29 AM] David Gallant:
[03/01/2015, 1:35:36 AM] Rob: I know who that is.
[03/01/2015, 1:35:40 AM] Rob: He’s gonna go after me and the_author_ next.
[03/01/2015, 1:35:41 AM] Rob: watch.
[03/01/2015, 1:35:46 AM] David Gallant: I don't even.
[03/01/2015, 1:36:08 AM] Rob: He’s that “rapingtheautheur” guy and 50 other accounts.
[03/01/2015, 1:36:21 AM] Athena Hollow: I still can't get over the fact that he was too fucking lazy to put in 'lowtax' on twitter
[03/01/2015, 1:36:35 AM] Athena Hollow: like, lowtax makes no goddamn qualms that they are an sa goon lol
[03/01/2015, 1:36:47 AM] Athena Hollow: and wow. super gross that it's that guy.
[03/01/2015, 1:37:09 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Rob, oh, also gonna go after Annie
[03/01/2015, 1:37:15 AM] Rob: yerp
[03/01/2015, 1:37:16 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): same troll/horrible person
[03/01/2015, 1:37:21 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): waits
[03/01/2015, 1:38:11 AM] Rob: It’s that guy
[03/01/2015, 1:38:11 AM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 1:38:59 AM] Athena Hollow: lol wow. I mean, I'm gonna report it because that's harassment regardless but holy shit.
[03/01/2015, 1:39:41 AM] Athena Hollow: I kinda wanna say to them "Look, there's lots of things to pick on Nero for - he gives plenty of ammo. Get better at this." LOL
[03/01/2015, 1:39:52 AM] Rob:
[03/01/2015, 1:39:53 AM] Rob: yep.
[03/01/2015, 1:39:56 AM] Rob: It’s him.
[03/01/2015, 1:40:02 AM] Ian Cheong: who is the author
[03/01/2015, 1:40:08 AM] Athena Hollow: ugh.
[03/01/2015, 1:40:26 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Rob, good call!
[03/01/2015, 1:40:34 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Guys... guys... I can't even:
[03/01/2015, 1:40:53 AM] Athena Hollow: heh
[03/01/2015, 1:41:09 AM] Rob: The_author_. My friend bailey.
[03/01/2015, 1:41:10 AM] Athena Hollow: yeah, i was reading about it on ghazi, and someone pointed out that they ALMOST had a good convo going, and of course fucked it
[03/01/2015, 1:41:11 AM] Rob: She’s lovely.
[03/01/2015, 1:42:14 AM] Athena Hollow: There was a comment on that kia thread that was essentially explaining toxic masculinity without the words, and then they shitpost it to death, because of course they can't get anything remotely right, long enough for it to set off a lightbulb in their heads.
[03/01/2015, 1:42:20 AM] Rob: But yeah he’s been doing this since about march.
[03/01/2015, 1:42:24 AM] Rob: And twitter’s done jack shit.
[03/01/2015, 1:42:26 AM] Athena Hollow: goddamn
[03/01/2015, 1:42:43 AM] Athena Hollow: how does someone get THAT fucking obsessive?
[03/01/2015, 1:42:53 AM] Athena Hollow: ugh. they need to get the goddamn laws caught up with this shit.
[03/01/2015, 1:42:59 AM] Rob: He’s someone from youtube.
[03/01/2015, 1:43:07 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yeah. Behavior like that should be illegal, IMO
[03/01/2015, 1:43:13 AM] Rob: He’s referenced shit that you’d have to have been around the YT atheist circle for like years to know.
[03/01/2015, 1:43:40 AM] Athena Hollow: wowwwww
[03/01/2015, 1:46:01 AM] Rob: Oh, he went after Chris, too.
[03/01/2015, 1:46:10 AM] Rob: And annie, yep.
[03/01/2015, 1:50:30 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Athena, yeah, the Gaters were SO CLOSE:
[03/01/2015, 1:51:04 AM] Rob: Now after me and dina.
[03/01/2015, 1:51:31 AM] Athena Hollow: oh goodie
[03/01/2015, 1:52:45 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Rob, that troll is so predictable. literally uses the same threats
[03/01/2015, 1:52:46 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): each time
[03/01/2015, 1:54:07 AM] Rob: yep
[03/01/2015, 1:57:26 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): This Gater keeps wanting "to talk" with me.
[03/01/2015, 1:57:28 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I keep ignoring him
[03/01/2015, 1:57:34 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): hehe
[03/01/2015, 1:57:53 AM] Rob: he’s gonna stand outside your window with a boombox now.
[03/01/2015, 1:58:04 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): throw rocks at my window
[03/01/2015, 1:58:12 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): at night
[03/01/2015, 1:58:36 AM] Rob: “Izzy I just want u 2 take me to gamer prom”
[03/01/2015, 1:58:46 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL
[03/01/2015, 1:59:07 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): "will you be my homecoming princess? [yes] [no]"
[03/01/2015, 1:59:11 AM] Rob: :D
[03/01/2015, 1:59:28 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Fuck, highschool was so awkward. asking girls to the dances
[03/01/2015, 1:59:50 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): and then that one dance where the girls ask the guys instead.
[03/01/2015, 1:59:56 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): such awkward teenage times
[03/01/2015, 2:02:17 AM] Rob: Hahaha
[03/01/2015, 2:02:20 AM] Rob: Sadie Hawkins dance or w/e?
[03/01/2015, 2:02:33 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yeah
[03/01/2015, 2:02:39 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): holy shit, this thread is a gold mine:
[03/01/2015, 2:05:12 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): They get SO close to understanding why feminism exists and how it also benefits men
[03/01/2015, 2:05:21 AM] Ian Cheong: that post is almost verbatim of Davis Aurini's short film monologue
[03/01/2015, 2:05:41 AM] Ian Cheong: its red pill bullshit
[03/01/2015, 2:05:55 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): yeah
[03/01/2015, 2:06:03 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): it has nothing to do with gaming. it's amazing
[03/01/2015, 2:06:05 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): they are so dumb
[03/01/2015, 2:18:48 AM] Athena Hollow: lol rob, is there a fish/bat fight for your attention in your mentions right now or am I still stuck in that dream I had earlier?
[03/01/2015, 2:19:19 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Is it that Social Justice Fish user?
[03/01/2015, 2:19:25 AM] Rob: yes I am so confused lol
[03/01/2015, 2:19:39 AM] Athena Hollow: lol it ish
[03/01/2015, 2:19:43 AM] Athena Hollow: err is hahahaha
[03/01/2015, 2:20:17 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): and Bat Feminist
[03/01/2015, 2:20:20 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): she's awesome
[03/01/2015, 2:20:21 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): haha
[03/01/2015, 2:21:27 AM] Rob: she is
[03/01/2015, 2:21:54 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): mwa ha ha:
[03/01/2015, 2:23:10 AM] Rob: :D
[03/01/2015, 2:23:20 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): in about 15 minutes 3 cat bots will appear
[03/01/2015, 2:23:21 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL @ annie's thread about dead gamers
[03/01/2015, 2:23:28 AM] Athena Hollow:
[03/01/2015, 2:23:31 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Social Justice Fish hates me for it
[03/01/2015, 2:23:38 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): for finding out that happens. lol
[03/01/2015, 2:23:41 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[03/01/2015, 2:24:01 AM] Rob: HAHAH
[03/01/2015, 2:24:36 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Rob, what did you do?
[03/01/2015, 2:24:43 AM] Rob: I don’t know
[03/01/2015, 2:24:45 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): they are throwing themselves after you, you suave beast
[03/01/2015, 2:24:48 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[03/01/2015, 2:24:51 AM] Rob: I DON’T KNOW WHY
[03/01/2015, 2:24:54 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL
[03/01/2015, 2:24:57 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahahahah
[03/01/2015, 2:25:26 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): AHAHAHA:
[03/01/2015, 2:25:37 AM] Athena Hollow: LMFAO
[03/01/2015, 2:29:21 AM] Athena Hollow:  !!!
[03/01/2015, 2:30:05 AM] Ian Cheong: not half life 3.
[03/01/2015, 2:30:06 AM] Ian Cheong: black mesa source
[03/01/2015, 2:30:36 AM] Athena Hollow: poo
[03/01/2015, 2:31:06 AM] Athena Hollow: (I hadnt heard anything about that lol)
[03/01/2015, 2:39:17 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): so much love this week and today with the #FF stuff ;_;
[03/01/2015, 2:39:18 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): <3
[03/01/2015, 2:39:27 AM] Athena Hollow: ^_^
[03/01/2015, 2:56:53 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): my cats are both fixed (male and female), but sometimes they get frisky and its awkward x_x
[03/01/2015, 2:58:13 AM] Peter Coffin: your cats were never broken in the first place
[03/01/2015, 2:58:25 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL
[03/01/2015, 2:58:28 AM] Athena Hollow: hahaha
[03/01/2015, 2:58:55 AM] Athena Hollow: Cake isn't fixed yet, but Pickles is, and I've tried talking him into taking one for the team when she goes into heat. He just hisses at her xD
[03/01/2015, 2:58:58 AM] Peter Coffin: how are you folks today
[03/01/2015, 2:59:20 AM] Athena Hollow: It's the only time he ever hisses at her. "God. Get the fuck away from me you noisey furball"
[03/01/2015, 2:59:24 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): haha
[03/01/2015, 2:59:26 AM] Athena Hollow: exhausted but alive. you?
[03/01/2015, 2:59:45 AM] Peter Coffin: tired, took the day off work
[03/01/2015, 3:00:00 AM] Peter Coffin: desperately needed one
[03/01/2015, 3:00:04 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Peter, I'm doing well. GGers made a beautiful thread on KiA:
[03/01/2015, 3:00:06 AM] Peter Coffin: I work 7 days a week
[03/01/2015, 3:01:30 AM] Peter Coffin: HAHA
[03/01/2015, 3:02:13 AM] Peter Coffin: tthat is amazing
[03/01/2015, 3:02:58 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yeah. my two tweets/screenshots above it (if you can see them) are also amazing
[03/01/2015, 3:03:11 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): pretty much, they came SO CLOSE to understanding why Feminism exsts
[03/01/2015, 3:03:48 AM] Athena Hollow: Then they rolled and confirmed a critical botch.
[03/01/2015, 3:04:11 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): yeah. they go on and on about Toxic Masculinity
[03/01/2015, 3:04:15 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): but don't realize it
[03/01/2015, 3:06:21 AM] Athena Hollow: further proving that if a woman brings something up, they automatically dismiss it because she's a woman. if they'd shut the fuck up and listen once in a while they might learn something other than how to be human garbage.
[03/01/2015, 3:06:41 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): yeah
[03/01/2015, 3:08:12 AM] Rob: ok that was weird
[03/01/2015, 3:08:53 AM] Rob: was on hold w/ the amazon CS while they called lasership. call just dropped. waits to see if they do the call back or if I have to re-call
[03/01/2015, 3:09:52 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): the agent should call back if they are following our policy
[03/01/2015, 3:10:04 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): if not, give them a 1 star rating
[03/01/2015, 3:10:22 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[03/01/2015, 3:10:25 AM] Rob: yea they called back
[03/01/2015, 3:10:28 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :)
[03/01/2015, 3:10:41 AM] Rob: theyre doing a replacement order and refunding my shipping
[03/01/2015, 3:12:14 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Cool.
[03/01/2015, 3:12:45 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I'll let you know what I find out about LaserShip after Monday. Bugs me that we still use them
[03/01/2015, 3:16:38 AM] Rob: Woot, awesome
[03/01/2015, 3:16:44 AM] Rob: Boom. Package will be here tomorrow.
[03/01/2015, 3:16:50 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): sounds about right
[03/01/2015, 3:16:52 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): XD
[03/01/2015, 3:17:12 AM] Rob: :D
[03/01/2015, 3:17:17 AM] Rob: 32 gigs of ram tomorrow aawyeaaaaa
[03/01/2015, 3:17:22 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): nice
[03/01/2015, 3:17:38 AM] Rob: They said that the shipping label was printed but it apparently never actually... left the warehouse or w/e
[03/01/2015, 3:17:47 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): o.o
[03/01/2015, 3:17:56 AM] Rob: Yeah.
[03/01/2015, 3:18:09 AM] Rob: She sounded a bit confused by it too
[03/01/2015, 3:18:25 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[03/01/2015, 3:18:46 AM] Athena Hollow: someone was just like "Fuck it. This guy will never know, right?"
[03/01/2015, 3:18:52 AM] Rob: Probably.
[03/01/2015, 3:19:03 AM] drinternetphd: ok so
[03/01/2015, 3:19:18 AM] drinternetphd: I just pitched an article to boingboing about the digital war on trans people
[03/01/2015, 3:19:25 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): cool
[03/01/2015, 3:19:29 AM] drinternetphd: so I might be tapping y'all for the shit you've been saving about this stuff
[03/01/2015, 3:19:46 AM] Rob: If you need people to talk to, I can probably put you in touch w/ a few too
[03/01/2015, 3:19:49 AM] drinternetphd: gg's really gonna regret turning me into a journalist
[03/01/2015, 3:19:53 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Hehe
[03/01/2015, 3:19:56 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ^5 Zoe
[03/01/2015, 3:19:56 AM] Rob: like trans women online who get a lot of shit or have seen a lot of shit
[03/01/2015, 3:20:03 AM] drinternetphd: sadly I have no shortage there
[03/01/2015, 3:20:09 AM] drinternetphd: I've seen so many of my friends go through hell
[03/01/2015, 3:20:12 AM] Rob: Yeah :\
[03/01/2015, 3:20:35 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): 2015 is the year we kick even more ass and put all the horrible shit that happens online in the hotseat
[03/01/2015, 3:20:49 AM] drinternetphd: 2015 is a fuck shit up year
[03/01/2015, 3:20:55 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :)
[03/01/2015, 3:21:07 AM] drinternetphd: gg didn't realize that when they destroyed my life they also left me with nothing left to lose.
[03/01/2015, 3:21:16 AM] drinternetphd: and a really fuckin big platform
[03/01/2015, 3:25:03 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): <3
[03/01/2015, 3:25:35 AM] Ian Cheong: hand their asses to them
[03/01/2015, 3:28:21 AM] drinternetphd: anonymous wanted a war? cool. let's tango.
[03/01/2015, 3:30:32 AM] Rob: These people are monsters
[03/01/2015, 3:30:37 AM] Rob: Izzy, this is th ebest line in the CS e-mail: “For health and safety reasons, we can't accept returns of live insects purchased from Please dispose of them at your convenience. “
[03/01/2015, 3:30:49 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): AHAHA
[03/01/2015, 3:30:51 AM] Rob: I didn’t know you could order live insects from amazon
[03/01/2015, 3:30:52 AM] Ian Cheong: hahahaha
[03/01/2015, 3:31:14 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I didn't know either
[03/01/2015, 3:32:06 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: this is a really awesome comment that cheered me up significantly
[03/01/2015, 3:32:28 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): the top comment?
[03/01/2015, 3:32:30 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: yeah
[03/01/2015, 3:32:36 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :)
[03/01/2015, 3:33:13 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: re: "winning" the war, it kind of already happened in sci fi. if it can there, it can elsewhere imo, considering how their demographics started
[03/01/2015, 3:33:33 AM] Tesseract: gg seems convinced the "war" was lost everywhere but in games
[03/01/2015, 3:33:44 AM] Tesseract: and anime
[03/01/2015, 3:33:55 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): because they think it's like a video game, where you always win in the end
[03/01/2015, 3:34:08 AM] Tesseract: lost by them, I mean
[03/01/2015, 3:34:17 AM] Tesseract: (also srh is your chat history cleared)
[03/01/2015, 3:35:00 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ah, Tess
[03/01/2015, 3:35:00 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I see
[03/01/2015, 3:35:29 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i've had it set to no history for a while
[03/01/2015, 3:35:39 AM] Tesseract: good thanks
[03/01/2015, 3:35:47 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i wish you could have a custom setting. like 24-48 hours or something
[03/01/2015, 3:36:11 AM] Ian Cheong: yeah
[03/01/2015, 3:36:14 AM] Ian Cheong: skype sucks
[03/01/2015, 3:36:48 AM] Tesseract: this guy
[03/01/2015, 3:36:58 AM] Rob: I remember when update they did this year that totally fucked my computer.
[03/01/2015, 3:37:06 AM] Rob: Like Skype would eat like 90% of my processor
[03/01/2015, 3:37:08 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I blocked them. they were annoying
[03/01/2015, 3:37:53 AM] Ian Cheong: "I have a PHd in gaming, atheism, fedoraism and mens rights activism."
[03/01/2015, 3:39:17 AM] Ian Cheong: is he for real?
[03/01/2015, 3:39:24 AM] Rob: No idea
[03/01/2015, 3:39:37 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: that must be a joke
[03/01/2015, 3:39:59 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): it's a satire account
[03/01/2015, 3:40:04 AM] Ian Cheong: location: in game
[03/01/2015, 3:40:07 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[03/01/2015, 3:40:14 AM] Ian Cheong: poe's law
[03/01/2015, 3:40:55 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): GG has broken Poe's Law for me
[03/01/2015, 3:43:35 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): FYI, the GG porn stream "charity" is in 2 hours:
[03/01/2015, 3:43:56 AM] Tesseract: oh god
[03/01/2015, 3:44:15 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Athena:
[03/01/2015, 3:44:36 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Athena, they've disgraced your name
[03/01/2015, 3:46:09 AM] Ian Cheong: Ryan Perez is incredulous that I've taken up pipe smoking or something.
[03/01/2015, 3:46:24 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): He's a douchebag
[03/01/2015, 3:46:26 AM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 3:47:25 AM] David Gallant: Ryan Perez still exists?
[03/01/2015, 3:47:32 AM] Athena Hollow: Athena:
[2:44:33 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Athena, they've disgraced your name

[03/01/2015, 3:47:39 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): yeah
[03/01/2015, 3:47:40 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[03/01/2015, 3:47:54 AM] Ian Cheong: I'm smoking right now
[03/01/2015, 3:48:04 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[03/01/2015, 3:49:03 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: wouldn't aphrodite make a lot more sense as the mascot for a porn charity...?
[03/01/2015, 3:49:17 AM] Athena Hollow:
[03/01/2015, 3:49:21 AM] Athena Hollow: i was not expecting that
[03/01/2015, 3:49:24 AM] Athena Hollow: and yes it would have
[03/01/2015, 3:49:31 AM] Ian Cheong: wow neat
[03/01/2015, 3:49:34 AM] David Gallant: Yeah.
[03/01/2015, 3:49:40 AM] Athena Hollow: Athena is the goddess of wisdom and defensive war
[03/01/2015, 3:49:47 AM] Athena Hollow: GG is the literal opposite of both of those things.
[03/01/2015, 3:49:51 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): It's funny. GG considers this a win for GG, but he's now at Kotaku which they hate
[03/01/2015, 3:49:53 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: haha
[03/01/2015, 3:49:54 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): more like a loss
[03/01/2015, 3:49:57 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: hadn't thought of that, athena
[03/01/2015, 3:50:18 AM] David Gallant: Patrick's a nice guy; I have nothing against him and am glad he's found work, but also I'
[03/01/2015, 3:50:26 AM] David Gallant: I'm pretty pissed at Kotaku.
[03/01/2015, 3:51:01 AM] Ian Cheong: what
[03/01/2015, 3:51:07 AM] Athena Hollow: I just hate these conglomerates. There's all these awesome writers I love, but fuck if I don't hate their goddamn site owners.
[03/01/2015, 3:51:38 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: athena: tbh almost the only game writing i read is stuff on critical distance
[03/01/2015, 3:51:39 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Hey, folks!
[03/01/2015, 3:51:43 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ian, I guess her shitting on native american's/etc with her rant about how SJW's are colonizing gaming was not racist
[03/01/2015, 3:51:43 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: (sorry ian ;-;; )
[03/01/2015, 3:51:50 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: hi veerender :)
[03/01/2015, 3:51:55 AM] Ian Cheong: hi vj
[03/01/2015, 3:51:59 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): GOSH
[03/01/2015, 3:52:02 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): the GOSH has arrived
[03/01/2015, 3:52:04 AM] Veerender Jubbal: sniggers
[03/01/2015, 3:52:11 AM] Rob: Hey veerender
[03/01/2015, 3:52:16 AM] Athena Hollow: do we have a screen shot of that izzy?
[03/01/2015, 3:52:23 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: you should change your display name on twitter to GOSH for a day for giggles
[03/01/2015, 3:52:23 AM] Athena Hollow: i wanna not your shield the SHIT out of this LOL
[03/01/2015, 3:52:25 AM] Ian Cheong: lol sarah
[03/01/2015, 3:52:32 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Hahahahaha!
[03/01/2015, 3:52:44 AM] live:riotarms: who made Dril the logo for this, I love it
[03/01/2015, 3:52:45 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Athena, I don't have it. SpaceDad does I think. also, it was everywhere because we were all like "WTF"
[03/01/2015, 3:52:52 AM] Athena Hollow: lol Tess' idea, but I uploaded XD
[03/01/2015, 3:53:03 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: athena, really though, i can't recommend critical distance enough
[03/01/2015, 3:53:11 AM] Athena Hollow: sweet :D
[03/01/2015, 3:53:23 AM] Veerender Jubbal: I love them.
[03/01/2015, 3:53:33 AM] Athena Hollow: I don't really read game reviews except to skim (I defer to friends opinions) but i like reading more indepth stuffs
[03/01/2015, 3:53:34 AM] Veerender Jubbal: I have to email Kris about stuff, soon.
[03/01/2015, 3:53:48 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: if the corporate ickiness of kotaku/etc weirds you out and you want like... more intellectual writing, it's perfect
[03/01/2015, 3:53:51 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: yeah
[03/01/2015, 3:53:52 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Kris does amazing work there.
[03/01/2015, 3:53:53 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: it's not reviews
[03/01/2015, 3:53:57 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Yep.
[03/01/2015, 3:54:03 AM] Veerender Jubbal: It is game criticism.
[03/01/2015, 3:54:24 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: only thing that gets me down is i can't read a lot of it if it's from games i haven't played/finished ~_~
[03/01/2015, 3:54:40 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i linked ian an article on the last of us a while back. it was like my favorite piece of writing on that game, easily
[03/01/2015, 3:54:48 AM] Ian Cheong: remember that great article i linked about the last of us -- ellie's agency being denied by joel's actions
[03/01/2015, 3:54:54 AM] Ian Cheong: some peopel got mad that i linked that
[03/01/2015, 3:54:55 AM] Ian Cheong: i dont know why
[03/01/2015, 3:54:59 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: haha really?
[03/01/2015, 3:55:03 AM] Ian Cheong: they thought the article was saying the writing shoulkd be changed
[03/01/2015, 3:55:10 AM] Ian Cheong: but im like, no? its just an observation
[03/01/2015, 3:55:37 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: part of me thinks the writing should have been changed, or at least had an opportunity to be, because it went over so many peoples heads
[03/01/2015, 3:55:51 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: like the VAST majority of gamers do not realize joel is NOT A GOOD PERSON
[03/01/2015, 3:56:14 AM] Rob: ho hum -
[03/01/2015, 3:56:30 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i think real criticism can be made that they failed delivering that message to their (primary) audience
[03/01/2015, 3:56:33 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: even though many of us get it
[03/01/2015, 3:56:38 AM] Veerender Jubbal: I pissed off GamerGater by not trying to at all:
[03/01/2015, 3:56:41 AM] Rob: I still haven’t played the last of us
[03/01/2015, 3:56:44 AM] Veerender Jubbal: They will not stop being quiet.
[03/01/2015, 3:57:06 AM] Rob: They’re the worst
[03/01/2015, 3:57:13 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: zoe encouraged me to use the autoblocker. i'm undecided x-x never felt tempted before the last few days
[03/01/2015, 3:57:27 AM] Veerender Jubbal: I will be fine.
[03/01/2015, 3:57:33 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Benefit of the doubt.
[03/01/2015, 3:58:43 AM] Veerender Jubbal: hugs Sarah
[03/01/2015, 3:58:49 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: <3
[03/01/2015, 3:58:51 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: how goes, veerender
[03/01/2015, 3:58:56 AM] Veerender Jubbal: We are going to body 2015.
[03/01/2015, 3:59:00 AM] David Gallant: Sarah, it's honestly not a bad idea.
[03/01/2015, 3:59:13 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Oh, you know--people crying, telling me I failed, and lost.
[03/01/2015, 3:59:22 AM] David Gallant: I have no idea how you keep it together, being in the thick of it for the amount of time you do.
[03/01/2015, 3:59:24 AM] Veerender Jubbal: What about yourself, Sarah?
[03/01/2015, 3:59:32 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Me, David?
[03/01/2015, 3:59:39 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: what triggered all that veerender? :(
[03/01/2015, 4:00:05 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: the last few days have been tough. this chat's helped me tons though. i was like shaking when i woke up, zoe helped tons today though x-x
[03/01/2015, 4:00:13 AM] David Gallant: Oh sorry, Veerender - my statement was meant for Sarah, but it actually applies to you too.
[03/01/2015, 4:00:27 AM] Veerender Jubbal: I tweeted a screenshot of someone telling me in my that we will did beat GamerGate in 2014, and thanking me, and other; and that they are just so small now.
[03/01/2015, 4:00:31 AM] Veerender Jubbal: People replied.
[03/01/2015, 4:00:41 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Oh.
[03/01/2015, 4:00:57 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: oh! veerender, i almost forgot to mention
[03/01/2015, 4:01:15 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: do you remember when they made a big deal out of the oculus rift presentation when emily eifler asked a question?
[03/01/2015, 4:01:41 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Never saw much of it, but go on!
[03/01/2015, 4:01:59 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: she was hounded for days because of it by like thousands of GGers. i'd emailed her back and forth over the past year or so before this happened
[03/01/2015, 4:02:01 AM] Ian Cheong: I remember
[03/01/2015, 4:02:09 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Oh, God.
[03/01/2015, 4:02:10 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: she wrote me when stopgg2014 happened how touched she was by it
[03/01/2015, 4:02:19 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Oh, my God.
[03/01/2015, 4:02:20 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Wow.
[03/01/2015, 4:02:26 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i didn't know you at the time or i would've forwarded it to you
[03/01/2015, 4:02:26 AM] Veerender Jubbal: ...
[03/01/2015, 4:02:45 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: she's awesome! she's got a neat youtube channel if you haven't seen it i can pull it up
[03/01/2015, 4:03:07 AM] Veerender Jubbal: I cannoy believe this... wow.
[03/01/2015, 4:03:34 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: do you know who vihart is? she's been in some videos with her
[03/01/2015, 4:03:49 AM] Veerender Jubbal: I know her name, but have never looked her up.
[03/01/2015, 4:03:58 AM] Ian Cheong: vihart is amazing
[03/01/2015, 4:04:21 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: that's emily (the oculus rift woman)
[03/01/2015, 4:04:35 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: vihart <3
[03/01/2015, 4:04:38 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: both are awesome
[03/01/2015, 4:05:05 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Cool!
[03/01/2015, 4:05:14 AM] Tesseract: lol icze4r
[03/01/2015, 4:05:19 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: that's the video she got shit for :\
[03/01/2015, 4:05:57 AM] Athena Hollow: can she just... stop tweeting stuff. lol
[03/01/2015, 4:06:10 AM] Tesseract: she's the biggest idiot
[03/01/2015, 4:06:28 AM] Athena Hollow: she's sooooo dumbbbbbbbb
[03/01/2015, 4:06:39 AM] Athena Hollow: I mean, I know I say that about ggers, but she's like really really dumb
[03/01/2015, 4:06:57 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: im still laughing at IM MORE HARASSED THAN ZOE/ETC and then we looked at the tweets and it was HER HARASSING PEOPLE
[03/01/2015, 4:07:13 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: @name + whore doesn't show what direction the abuse is going in genius ;-;;
[03/01/2015, 4:07:20 AM] Athena Hollow:

[03/01/2015, 4:07:33 AM] Tesseract: hahahaha
[03/01/2015, 4:07:44 AM] Tesseract: she believes to this day that I'm running a botnet to ban her and juicebro
[03/01/2015, 4:07:44 AM] Athena Hollow: yeah, buddy. I'm sure google will get right on that what with gawker not being as much of a pos as 8chan and ED.
[03/01/2015, 4:07:47 AM] Athena Hollow: LMFAO
[03/01/2015, 4:08:39 AM] Athena Hollow: weren't there ggers who were talking about trying to break the bot anyways?
[03/01/2015, 4:08:46 AM] Ian Cheong: yep
[03/01/2015, 4:08:49 AM] Athena Hollow: like... how does THAT not come to mind first? LOL
[03/01/2015, 4:09:16 AM] Athena Hollow: Because that first rev of randi's bot hated baldwin cuz of follow count.
[03/01/2015, 4:09:20 AM] Tesseract: she also thinks my botnet will backfire and destroy the autoblocker
[03/01/2015, 4:09:26 AM] Athena Hollow: LMFAO
[03/01/2015, 4:09:30 AM] Tesseract: only gg would invent conspiracy theories in their favor
[03/01/2015, 4:09:33 AM] Peter Coffin: You can't get Google to do literally anything
[03/01/2015, 4:10:08 AM] Peter Coffin: They are impossible to wrangle
[03/01/2015, 4:10:09 AM] Athena Hollow: I need to start running a big giant country.
[03/01/2015, 4:10:19 AM] Peter Coffin: They are wild horses
[03/01/2015, 4:10:23 AM] Athena Hollow: get some political powah.
[03/01/2015, 4:10:28 AM] Rob: I’m surprised google hasn’t fired Justine tunney
[03/01/2015, 4:10:33 AM] Athena Hollow: god why havent they
[03/01/2015, 4:10:37 AM] Peter Coffin: Twooooooooo horses
[03/01/2015, 4:10:41 AM] Athena Hollow: she's a fucking lost cause & looks HORRIBLE on them.
[03/01/2015, 4:10:57 AM] Rob: I mean she literally endorses slavery and has a massive public face on the internet
[03/01/2015, 4:11:01 AM] Rob: AKA where tech people hang out
[03/01/2015, 4:11:10 AM] Athena Hollow: wonder if her contract is just that good.
[03/01/2015, 4:11:15 AM] Peter Coffin: They probably want to avoid lawsuits, which draw more attention
[03/01/2015, 4:12:01 AM] Peter Coffin: She may have a massive internet presence but a media presence? No
[03/01/2015, 4:12:09 AM] Rob: True
[03/01/2015, 4:12:13 AM] Peter Coffin: A firing with a good contact could do that
[03/01/2015, 4:12:22 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): hehe:
[03/01/2015, 4:12:27 AM] Athena Hollow: but she'll be the face of "Why we don't hire women in tech" for a decade at least.
[03/01/2015, 4:12:29 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: they probabl think the perception of firing people over their politics will look worse
[03/01/2015, 4:12:39 AM] Athena Hollow: lol izzy
[03/01/2015, 4:12:45 AM] Rob: :D
[03/01/2015, 4:13:15 AM] Peter Coffin: And that she would make it into a pr incident
[03/01/2015, 4:13:56 AM] Peter Coffin: The media would happily give someone anti Google a platform
[03/01/2015, 4:14:14 AM] Peter Coffin: Someone high profile enough with a legit sounding story
[03/01/2015, 4:14:19 AM] Peter Coffin: Even if it isn't
[03/01/2015, 4:14:31 AM] Veerender Jubbal: In my, "Do you really believe that video games need more Sikh representation, or was that some sort of rib?"
[03/01/2015, 4:14:31 AM] Peter Coffin: "They fired me for my politics"
[03/01/2015, 4:14:49 AM] live:riotarms: just found some more commentary on Milo tanking the Kernel
[03/01/2015, 4:14:51 AM] live:riotarms:
[03/01/2015, 4:15:10 AM] live:riotarms: can't find the outcome of him being investigated for disregarding the Data Protection Act
[03/01/2015, 4:15:22 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Veerender, diversity is bad --GG
[03/01/2015, 4:15:34 AM] Athena Hollow: lol Veerender, that's the most gas lighting question I think I've ever seen.
[03/01/2015, 4:15:38 AM] David Gallant: Veerender - what a stupid ask.
[03/01/2015, 4:15:45 AM] Peter Coffin: Veeren, obviously they think white is enough
[03/01/2015, 4:15:46 AM] Athena Hollow: What are you gonna say? "No, I have totally been lying this whole time!"
[03/01/2015, 4:15:50 AM] Tesseract:
[03/01/2015, 4:16:32 AM] Athena Hollow: dayum
[03/01/2015, 4:16:39 AM] Peter Coffin: "Yeah was a big rib. What a funny joke right? I'll just play my game with the late 30s straight white guy now"
[03/01/2015, 4:16:41 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ahaha. because it was calling for witch hunts
[03/01/2015, 4:17:18 AM] Athena Hollow: it fucking was, too. That whole shit they pull, man. only took them FOUR GODDAMN MONTHS TO KNOCK IT OFF (on kia only, but still)
[03/01/2015, 4:17:40 AM] Athena Hollow: but, hilariously, that was totally icer's thing XD
[03/01/2015, 4:20:35 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Pretty much, friends!
[03/01/2015, 4:20:36 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): hehe, in tweet form now:
[03/01/2015, 4:20:58 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: hmm
[03/01/2015, 4:21:29 AM] Ian Cheong: no more harassing Dina then!
[03/01/2015, 4:21:36 AM] Rob: I <3 Dina
[03/01/2015, 4:22:05 AM] Athena Hollow:

lol too bad ghazi watches ya'll and we know to not go there :P
[03/01/2015, 4:22:13 AM] Ian Cheong: I love her too. It sucks that she's had to deal with so much of this for so long.
[03/01/2015, 4:22:18 AM] Rob: I know
[03/01/2015, 4:22:21 AM] Veerender Jubbal: My bestie!
[03/01/2015, 4:22:22 AM] Rob: She is like the sweetest person
[03/01/2015, 4:22:32 AM] David Gallant: Who's Dina?
[03/01/2015, 4:22:50 AM] Ian Cheong: PetiteMistress on twitter
[03/01/2015, 4:22:51 AM] Rob:
[03/01/2015, 4:22:55 AM] Rob: OMG, archive the shit out of that
[03/01/2015, 4:22:57 AM] Rob: BLANK STARE
[03/01/2015, 4:23:20 AM] live:riotarms: this is odd
[03/01/2015, 4:23:43 AM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 4:23:45 AM] Ian Cheong: archived
[03/01/2015, 4:23:48 AM] live:riotarms: Milo was referred to the information commissioner's office
[03/01/2015, 4:23:50 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: what was the orignal tweet they were referring to?
[03/01/2015, 4:24:03 AM] live:riotarms: for not registering a mailing list under the DPA ( Data Protection Act)
[03/01/2015, 4:24:06 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: Feminists taking over gaming
[03/01/2015, 4:24:10 AM] Athena Hollow: is... is she really defending manifest destiny... when it literally is white people killing na's?
[03/01/2015, 4:24:13 AM] Rob: WHEEE
[03/01/2015, 4:24:13 AM] live:riotarms: their website is fully searchable but has no outcome
[03/01/2015, 4:24:15 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: Liana's basically the devil
[03/01/2015, 4:24:20 AM] live:riotarms: is... he still being investigated?
[03/01/2015, 4:24:35 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Liana has tweeted me about Sikh characters...
[03/01/2015, 4:24:38 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Twice.
[03/01/2015, 4:24:41 AM] Ian Cheong: Folks, that reddit ruling is HUGE.
[03/01/2015, 4:24:49 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: but no, she wasn't defending Manifest Destiny, she was using it in the worst metaphor
[03/01/2015, 4:24:50 AM] Ian Cheong: That means they can no longer conduct Boycott of the Day campaigns.
[03/01/2015, 4:24:55 AM] Athena Hollow: no no
[03/01/2015, 4:24:57 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): HAHAHAHA:
[03/01/2015, 4:25:01 AM] Athena Hollow: now. in the thing rob just posted
[03/01/2015, 4:25:02 AM] live:riotarms: ian: cuts off another line of communication, doesn't it?
[03/01/2015, 4:25:02 AM] Veerender Jubbal: "How does Sikh representation matter to any artistic medium, games in particular? How would that make any game (name one) better? This sounds like a wholly subjective desire more than anything. One a mere consumer would make. You might as well argue games need more Mormon representation."
[03/01/2015, 4:25:05 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Holy fuck.
[03/01/2015, 4:25:07 AM] live:riotarms: that's crippling
[03/01/2015, 4:25:13 AM] Ian Cheong: holy fuck VJ
[03/01/2015, 4:25:18 AM] Ian Cheong: yep Knife Horse
[03/01/2015, 4:25:24 AM] Athena Hollow: "Except Manifest Destiny is a far more specific concept linked to specific cultures."
[03/01/2015, 4:25:31 AM] Athena Hollow: because... it's not... lol
[03/01/2015, 4:25:32 AM] Ian Cheong: Reddit is detoothing them
[03/01/2015, 4:25:33 AM] Peter Coffin: what the fuck vj
[03/01/2015, 4:25:44 AM] Peter Coffin: ian I'm lost
[03/01/2015, 4:25:50 AM] Peter Coffin: whats up with reddit?
[03/01/2015, 4:25:53 AM] Athena Hollow: You know what? I agree. It needs more mormon representation!
[03/01/2015, 4:25:54 AM] Tesseract: I can't not read vj as vivian james
[03/01/2015, 4:25:59 AM] Athena Hollow: Bring on all the representation!
[03/01/2015, 4:26:01 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Peter: see my tweets:
[03/01/2015, 4:26:12 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Peter:
[03/01/2015, 4:26:50 AM] Rob: I don’t think I’ve seen a Mormon in a game that wasn’t a joke
[03/01/2015, 4:26:52 AM] live:riotarms:
[03/01/2015, 4:26:55 AM] Rob: Except maybe the new vegas DLC
[03/01/2015, 4:27:16 AM] David Gallant: I mean, they CAN and probably still WILL conduct their boycott emails, but it will probably pull some wind from their sales,
[03/01/2015, 4:27:19 AM] Ian Cheong: They're calling for a Reddit boycott now.
[03/01/2015, 4:27:22 AM] Ian Cheong: Good.
[03/01/2015, 4:27:25 AM] Peter Coffin: so reddit admins decided no boycotts or is it more complex?
[03/01/2015, 4:27:25 AM] Ian Cheong: One less platform for them.
[03/01/2015, 4:27:36 AM] Ian Cheong: Reddit decided KIA can no longer do boycott campaigns
[03/01/2015, 4:27:39 AM] David Gallant: But, I mean, was their campaign really having an effect?
[03/01/2015, 4:27:40 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Peter, the reddit admins realized that the boycot posts led to harassment
[03/01/2015, 4:27:41 AM] Ian Cheong: specifically KIA
[03/01/2015, 4:27:44 AM] Peter Coffin: do I need to find an article?
[03/01/2015, 4:27:44 AM] Ian Cheong: not other subreddits
[03/01/2015, 4:27:56 AM] Ian Cheong: so feel free to email your representatives about SOPA or whatever
[03/01/2015, 4:28:03 AM] Ian Cheong: but KIA? fucked.
[03/01/2015, 4:28:15 AM] Rob: Oh wow.
[03/01/2015, 4:28:17 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: link to them asking for a boycott?
[03/01/2015, 4:28:19 AM] live:riotarms: I like what I did here
[03/01/2015, 4:28:28 AM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 4:28:29 AM] Rob: So reddit itself just gave KIA a middle finger, it’s not the KIA subreddit mods being like ‘stop plz’
[03/01/2015, 4:28:32 AM] Peter Coffin: my brother is a mormon, I don't know if he would care if there were mormons in games
[03/01/2015, 4:28:38 AM] Peter Coffin: he's a convert though
[03/01/2015, 4:28:49 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[03/01/2015, 4:28:49 AM] Peter Coffin: married in
[03/01/2015, 4:28:51 AM] Ian Cheong: I would love to still be a mod on reddit -- oh to be a fly on that wall.
[03/01/2015, 4:28:53 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): oh, Ian beat me this time
[03/01/2015, 4:29:16 AM] Athena Hollow: "Emailing the VCs that funded Reddit en masse"
[03/01/2015, 4:29:22 AM] Athena Hollow: they... are really fucking bad at this shit LOL
[03/01/2015, 4:29:27 AM] Ian Cheong: seriously lol
[03/01/2015, 4:29:31 AM] Ian Cheong: im just laughing my ass off right now
[03/01/2015, 4:29:34 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: hmm
[03/01/2015, 4:29:35 AM] Ian Cheong: they are so fucked.
[03/01/2015, 4:29:47 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: panic defense laws are really a thing people need to bring up more often
[03/01/2015, 4:29:51 AM] Ian Cheong: they can no longer start campaigns against Dina that way.
[03/01/2015, 4:30:06 AM] Athena Hollow: I bring it up whenever I see someone being fucking dumb about that shit sgg.
[03/01/2015, 4:30:19 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: I'm just saying, out of the blue
[03/01/2015, 4:30:38 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: my little storify last night earned me a fair deal of WHAT SERIOUSLY I HAD NO IDEAs
[03/01/2015, 4:30:54 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): AHAHAHAHA:
[03/01/2015, 4:31:00 AM] Athena Hollow: Oh it's been a topic in my house before (I don't really get out much) and on facebook as a "wtf is wrong with people" thing.
[03/01/2015, 4:31:13 AM] Athena Hollow: but yeah, every time I get people who have no clue :-/
[03/01/2015, 4:32:10 AM] Peter Coffin: izzy that's awesome
[03/01/2015, 4:32:20 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Like Zoe and I said earlier. 2015 is the year we kick their asses
[03/01/2015, 4:32:20 AM] live:riotarms: SGG: I might have some fresh info for you re: Milo
[03/01/2015, 4:32:33 AM] live:riotarms: I think he's still being investigated by our Information Comissioner
[03/01/2015, 4:33:53 AM] Peter Coffin: I've been struggling this week to come up with a way to take on "free speech doesn't mean you can just do whatever"
[03/01/2015, 4:34:12 AM] Ian Cheong: sarah, did you receive an email from Twitter about nitramy posting your real name?
[03/01/2015, 4:34:16 AM] SF: Re: TFYC and indiegogo, I think they know they're getting booted off. They just wanted another crisis to play victim in.
[[03/01/2015, 4:34:43 AM] David Gallant: SF - TFYC is getting booted from IndieGoGo? When did this happen?
[03/01/2015, 4:34:43 AM] Ian Cheong: i need her ID or something
[03/01/2015, 4:34:49 AM] Ian Cheong: i dont know if she's comfortable giving that to me.
[03/01/2015, 4:35:05 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): David, they are using Indigogo to fund the porn stream
[03/01/2015, 4:35:18 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): which I think violates some policy
[03/01/2015, 4:35:22 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i don't know if it's even worth it ian :\
[03/01/2015, 4:35:31 AM] Ian Cheong: yeah
[03/01/2015, 4:35:34 AM] Ian Cheong: its up to you
[03/01/2015, 4:37:24 AM] Rob: LOL
[03/01/2015, 4:37:36 AM] Rob: Liana’s trying to defend her use of manifest destiny by saying England had something called that too
[03/01/2015, 4:37:37 AM] Rob: Just. wat
[03/01/2015, 4:37:44 AM] David Gallant: Is it a different one from their normal IndieGoGo, which I think was still up and taking funds?
[03/01/2015, 4:37:56 AM] Ian Cheong: yeah this is the porn 'charity', david
[03/01/2015, 4:37:59 AM] Athena Hollow: DOES SHE GOOGLE?!
[03/01/2015, 4:38:11 AM] Athena Hollow: yeah this one is specifically for the porn stuff.
[03/01/2015, 4:38:20 AM] Ian Cheong: lizzy is talking about me. how quaint.
[03/01/2015, 4:38:26 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: does anyone know what the pastebin being referred to is
[03/01/2015, 4:38:26 AM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 4:38:38 AM] Randi Harper:
[03/01/2015, 4:38:38 AM] Athena Hollow: Which pisses me off because, like, that's making my goddamn career look skeevy & trying to cut corners around TOS'.
[03/01/2015, 4:39:07 AM] Athena Hollow: omfg. these people and their "Well I didn't have issues, therefore you are lying"
[03/01/2015, 4:39:16 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Holy shit, Randi
[03/01/2015, 4:39:18 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): that's fucked up
[03/01/2015, 4:39:26 AM] Randi Harper: forwarded it on to my lawyer.
[03/01/2015, 4:39:37 AM] Athena Hollow: fucking morons.
[03/01/2015, 4:39:49 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Randi, good choice
[03/01/2015, 4:39:55 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: sorry randi :\
[03/01/2015, 4:39:57 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): they are just digging their own grave
[03/01/2015, 4:39:59 AM] Ian Cheong: Sorry Randi.
[03/01/2015, 4:40:31 AM] David Gallant: That is fucked up, Randi.
[03/01/2015, 4:41:13 AM] Rob: ughhh
[03/01/2015, 4:41:16 AM] live:riotarms: jesus wept that's awful
[03/01/2015, 4:41:28 AM] Athena Hollow: ugh sarah I wanna go "LOOK HERE MOTHERFUCKERS. RIGHT ON /GAMERGATE/ NOW GO FUCK YOURSELVES PIGS"
[03/01/2015, 4:41:34 AM] Athena Hollow: but that'd just make it worse -_-
[03/01/2015, 4:41:40 AM] Athena Hollow: let them think that it's all fake lol
[03/01/2015, 4:42:01 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: does anyone know what the pastebin was / if it's still up? does pastebin take that shit down?
[03/01/2015, 4:42:13 AM] Athena Hollow: they do and i have no idea about a pastebin unfortunately
[03/01/2015, 4:42:20 AM] Athena Hollow: well i THINK they do
[03/01/2015, 4:42:27 AM] Athena Hollow: I don't know if they ever got back to any of us -_-
[03/01/2015, 4:42:31 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Sarah, you can try searching Google. I'll look
[03/01/2015, 4:42:33 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i'm tempted to install the autoblocker because of how much a headache the past few days have been but i don't know if that would just make them want to do shit more
[03/01/2015, 4:42:57 AM] Ian Cheong: Is it weird that Lizzy looks at my Twitter account?
[03/01/2015, 4:43:01 AM] Veerender Jubbal: I am going off!
[03/01/2015, 4:43:02 AM] Athena Hollow: yes.
[03/01/2015, 4:43:03 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Sarah, it's been removed...
[03/01/2015, 4:43:03 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[03/01/2015, 4:43:11 AM] Ian Cheong: Like I don't have her blocked.
[03/01/2015, 4:43:14 AM] Ian Cheong: Because i have no reason to.
[03/01/2015, 4:43:15 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: how did you find it izzy?
[03/01/2015, 4:43:16 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): moving to serious chat
[03/01/2015, 4:44:02 AM] Rob: Which Lizzy, Ian?
[03/01/2015, 4:44:17 AM] Ian Cheong: lizzyf620
[03/01/2015, 4:45:08 AM] Ian Cheong: She's tweeting screencaps of my twitter feed.
[03/01/2015, 4:45:12 AM] Ian Cheong: about what i said about pipes.
[03/01/2015, 4:45:20 AM] Rob: oH RIGHT
[03/01/2015, 4:45:34 AM] Ian Cheong: more power to her
[03/01/2015, 4:45:40 AM] Rob: She offered to discuss anything she’s said about feminism with me.
[03/01/2015, 4:45:47 AM] Rob: I’m sometimes tempted to take that offer up.
[03/01/2015, 4:46:00 AM] Rob: But it’d just cause me to deal with a lot of assholes and it wouldn’t accomplish anything
[03/01/2015, 4:46:14 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): FYI, reporting stuff to works. They do remove stuff in a couple of days
[03/01/2015, 4:46:41 AM] Tesseract: they just don't tell you they removed it apparently
[03/01/2015, 4:46:48 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): yeah
[03/01/2015, 4:48:15 AM] Ian Cheong: stupid asshole.
[03/01/2015, 4:48:47 AM] Ian Cheong: dont engage, btw. let him wallow in his irrelevance.
[03/01/2015, 4:48:55 AM] Ian Cheong: just pointing out what a dunce he is
[03/01/2015, 4:49:41 AM] Rob: Roger dodger.
[03/01/2015, 4:52:46 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: well, i loaded up the autoblocker. if you guys can give me updates on the shit they're saying since i don't see it it'd be cool
[03/01/2015, 4:52:53 AM] Ian Cheong: Sure Sarah
[03/01/2015, 4:53:07 AM] Ian Cheong: You owe it to yourself not to deal with their bullshit.
[03/01/2015, 4:53:31 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: yeah but i need to know what thefuck they're digging up is the problem. it's hard to decide how to handle it
[03/01/2015, 4:53:39 AM] Rob: <3333
[03/01/2015, 4:54:29 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Oh, in regards to Liana--she is a white person.
[03/01/2015, 4:54:44 AM] Rob: She’s awful
[03/01/2015, 4:56:42 AM] Ian Cheong: Btw, all the brigading KIA does to GamerGhazi could get the subreddit banned
[03/01/2015, 4:56:58 AM] Tesseract: the entire subreddit?
[03/01/2015, 4:57:02 AM] Ian Cheong: Yes
[03/01/2015, 4:57:04 AM] Ian Cheong: the entire subreddit.
[03/01/2015, 4:57:07 AM] Tesseract: how would we make that happen
[03/01/2015, 4:57:26 AM] Ian Cheong: find proof of brigading (posts, etc), and replies from unhelpful mods.
[03/01/2015, 4:57:38 AM] Ian Cheong: such as this:
[03/01/2015, 4:57:59 AM] SF: I guess we're lucky in one regard. Most people's political opponents don't loudly announce their hate plans in public spaces.
[03/01/2015, 4:58:04 AM] Randi Harper: I don't want kia banned.
[03/01/2015, 4:58:10 AM] SF: Or brand their communication accounts so you can see them coming a mile away.
[03/01/2015, 4:58:19 AM] Randi Harper: that isn't going to keep them from talking. it will just make them move somewhere else that isn't as accessible.
[03/01/2015, 4:58:24 AM] Tesseract: yeah true
[03/01/2015, 4:58:26 AM] Ian Cheong: True.
[03/01/2015, 4:58:27 AM] Rob: If KIA gets banned they’ll just go somewhere else that’s harder to track
[03/01/2015, 4:58:31 AM] Tesseract: kia's impotent and hilarious
[03/01/2015, 4:58:36 AM] Rob: the fact they’re stupid enough to post what they do in KIA is good
[03/01/2015, 4:58:42 AM] SF: They're already talking about all moving to 8chan.
[03/01/2015, 4:58:45 AM] SF: Which is itself hilarious.
[03/01/2015, 4:58:52 AM] Tesseract: someone made a /KIA/
[03/01/2015, 4:59:48 AM] Quinnae: hovers in Hello all.
[03/01/2015, 4:59:51 AM] live:riotarms: you've already done more than most, Sarah
[03/01/2015, 5:00:08 AM] Quinnae: Indeed, Sarah is one of our most sterling warrioresses. :)
[03/01/2015, 5:00:27 AM] Ian Cheong: Hi Kath
[03/01/2015, 5:00:32 AM] Rob: Hi katherine
[03/01/2015, 5:00:40 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Plus, they said I was the new Srhbutts. I can carry the torch
[03/01/2015, 5:00:44 AM] Athena Hollow:
[03/01/2015, 5:00:46 AM] Athena Hollow: he seems nice
[03/01/2015, 5:01:00 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Tess, too. We got a lot on our team doing the same thing by calling out GG's horrible behavior/antics
[03/01/2015, 5:01:53 AM] Quinnae: Sarah's my hero. But she deserves a break.
[03/01/2015, 5:02:02 AM] Quinnae: Also, holy Goddess, this thing with Erika will not sodding stop.
[03/01/2015, 5:02:10 AM] live:riotarms: ha ha wow
[03/01/2015, 5:02:16 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: doesn't surprise me :( what's happening with her now
[03/01/2015, 5:02:52 AM] Quinnae: She was wailing to me privately about how Randi blocked her and she feels "dragged through the mud" for the sake of Brianna's good reputation.
[03/01/2015, 5:03:04 AM] Quinnae: So I've decided to put on a stern mother face.
[03/01/2015, 5:03:05 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Who is Erika?
[03/01/2015, 5:03:10 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Which one, if I may ask?
[03/01/2015, 5:03:20 AM] Rob: Oh, Erika
[03/01/2015, 5:03:21 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): IceQueenErika?
[03/01/2015, 5:03:23 AM] live:riotarms: that whole thing is awful
[03/01/2015, 5:03:25 AM] Rob: Yeah she.... reacts very poorly to a lot of things
[03/01/2015, 5:03:25 AM] Athena Hollow: -_-
[03/01/2015, 5:03:42 AM] Athena Hollow: <3 Kath.
[03/01/2015, 5:03:47 AM] Athena Hollow: you're the best mom <3
[03/01/2015, 5:03:58 AM] Veerender Jubbal: They follow me.
[03/01/2015, 5:03:59 AM] Ian Cheong: I don't know her well but I do think I follow her on Twitter.
[03/01/2015, 5:04:17 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Something happen?
[03/01/2015, 5:04:17 AM] live:riotarms: I unfollowed Brianna over that honestly because what she said was so out of line
[03/01/2015, 5:04:36 AM] live:riotarms: I can see how it would trigger someone
[03/01/2015, 5:05:11 AM] Ian Cheong: She should've taken it into private with Brianna.
[03/01/2015, 5:05:19 AM] Rob: Basically Bri endorsed a transphobe person, wouldn’t back down for a while
[03/01/2015, 5:05:22 AM] Rob: Eventually she did and apologized
[03/01/2015, 5:05:24 AM] live:riotarms: really? I dunno about that
[03/01/2015, 5:05:27 AM] Ian Cheong: I don't agree with publicly calling out someone who is a receptacle for harassment.
[03/01/2015, 5:05:32 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Oh.
[03/01/2015, 5:05:35 AM] live:riotarms: I haven't been following it, though
[03/01/2015, 5:05:44 AM] Rob: And then Erika was still (understandably) angry
[03/01/2015, 5:06:01 AM] Athena Hollow: awwwwww he deleted his buttmad post.
[03/01/2015, 5:06:01 AM] Ian Cheong: Brianna has enough shit to deal with, you know?
[03/01/2015, 5:06:04 AM] Randi Harper: lol she's really that pissed about me blocking her?
[03/01/2015, 5:06:05 AM] Randi Harper: ugh.
[03/01/2015, 5:06:22 AM] Rob: So then Bri asked if they could speak privatgely about it, Erika kept saying no but eventually a few people convinced her to
[03/01/2015, 5:06:31 AM] Ian Cheong: You're tearing me apart Lisa.
[03/01/2015, 5:06:33 AM] Rob: And then it seemed like things were cool, but I guess she’s mad Randi blocked her
[03/01/2015, 5:06:34 AM] Quinnae: Eh, KnifeHorse, I had a good talk with Brianna about it. She recognised that she made a mistake. Erika and others were just screaming at her to no good end.
[03/01/2015, 5:07:02 AM] live:riotarms: Yeah, I'm not offering solutions or anything, I can just understand why that person's so upset
[03/01/2015, 5:07:10 AM] Randi Harper: I don't want people that blow up like that publicly & refuse to take things private around me.
[03/01/2015, 5:07:13 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: they have pictures of my fucking dead family members up now
[03/01/2015, 5:07:15 AM] Rob: It’s kind of a pattern with her, though
[03/01/2015, 5:07:15 AM] Randi Harper: they are a recipe for disaster.
[03/01/2015, 5:07:15 AM] Quinnae: And there's more going on here than you know (which is also why I told Bri to back down from opining in that way on these issues).
[03/01/2015, 5:07:17 AM] Rob: WTF SARAH
[03/01/2015, 5:07:28 AM] Athena Hollow: holy fucking shit.
[03/01/2015, 5:07:28 AM] Ian Cheong: what the fuck, sarah
[03/01/2015, 5:07:34 AM] Quinnae: Urgh, I'm sorry Sarah.
[03/01/2015, 5:07:36 AM] Randi Harper: jeez, sarah. :(
[03/01/2015, 5:07:36 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :(
[03/01/2015, 5:07:44 AM] live:riotarms: ugh, scum
[03/01/2015, 5:07:48 AM] live:riotarms: :(
[03/01/2015, 5:07:58 AM] Rob: (hug)
[03/01/2015, 5:08:03 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Oh, Kiwikku:
[03/01/2015, 5:08:26 AM] Ian Cheong: Operation MAyflower.
[03/01/2015, 5:08:27 AM] Ian Cheong: how cute.
[03/01/2015, 5:08:28 AM] live:riotarms: With the Brianna thing it sort of seemed like her take charge attitude had overstepped and it left a pretty bad taste in my mouth
[03/01/2015, 5:08:56 AM] Quinnae: Why is KiA "compromised" in their eyes? I missed something.
[03/01/2015, 5:09:09 AM] live:riotarms: I don't know her or follow her so my view is irrelevant but that was me out
[03/01/2015, 5:09:14 AM] Rob: Katherine, they’re not allowed to do boycotts w/ people’s names and addresses and stuff anymore
[03/01/2015, 5:09:23 AM] live:riotarms: basically it's useless to them
[03/01/2015, 5:09:28 AM] Rob: I like Bri but she does kind of act like she’s Dirty Harry sometimes
[03/01/2015, 5:09:29 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Katherine, if you can see the tweets above that one by me
[03/01/2015, 5:09:30 AM] Ian Cheong: KiA is compromised because they aren't allowed to conduct harassment campaigns from reddit.
[03/01/2015, 5:10:18 AM] Quinnae: Hah, oh wow.
[03/01/2015, 5:10:18 AM] Ian Cheong: I think Ryan Perez is trying to shame me for my pipe smoking hobby.
[03/01/2015, 5:10:21 AM] live:riotarms: KiA predates even 8chan in their structure right?
[03/01/2015, 5:10:23 AM] Ian Cheong: What a fucking numbskull.
[03/01/2015, 5:10:27 AM] Ian Cheong: Yeah Knife Horse.
[03/01/2015, 5:10:29 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL BAD IAN.
[03/01/2015, 5:10:30 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yes.
[03/01/2015, 5:10:32 AM] Ian Cheong: KIA was basically founded before GamerGAte
[03/01/2015, 5:10:38 AM] Athena Hollow: SMOKING. BAD hides cigarettes
[03/01/2015, 5:10:40 AM] live:riotarms: I mean this basically forces them out of a moderated environment in to the wild west
[03/01/2015, 5:10:44 AM] live:riotarms: so everyone be on guard
[03/01/2015, 5:11:02 AM] Athena Hollow: most kia-ers will not last on 8chan
[03/01/2015, 5:11:06 AM] Ian Cheong: I was there when they founded KIA.
[03/01/2015, 5:11:09 AM] live:riotarms: yeah, this will splinter them
[03/01/2015, 5:11:10 AM] Ian Cheong: It split off from TumblrInAction
[03/01/2015, 5:11:23 AM] Ian Cheong: They wanted a place to discuss SJWs on gaming websites
[03/01/2015, 5:11:28 AM] Ian Cheong: it became about GG after the Zoe Post went up
[03/01/2015, 5:11:31 AM] Quinnae: TIA is a wretched hive of anti-feminism.
[03/01/2015, 5:11:36 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): yup
[03/01/2015, 5:11:39 AM] Ian Cheong: TIA wasn't always about antifeminism.
[03/01/2015, 5:11:43 AM] Ian Cheong: They used to make fun of redpillers.
[03/01/2015, 5:11:50 AM] Athena Hollow: thats nuts
[03/01/2015, 5:11:50 AM] live:riotarms: I take it they ignore all the literal tumblr nazis
[03/01/2015, 5:12:09 AM] Athena Hollow: one helluva change.
[03/01/2015, 5:12:22 AM] live:riotarms: oh damn this curry is so good, I think I just found the new best place in leeds
[03/01/2015, 5:12:26 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[03/01/2015, 5:13:03 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: TiA is basically... 1) get mad at what you think feminists are 2) create fake accounts to mock what you think feminists are 3) someone caps said fake account, which feeds into 1
[03/01/2015, 5:13:15 AM] Tesseract: like every anti-sjw
[03/01/2015, 5:13:20 AM] SF: Holy shit Sarah, I'm so sorry.
[03/01/2015, 5:13:44 AM] live:riotarms: this is making me so happy I deleted and salted my facebook page :(
[03/01/2015, 5:16:56 AM] live:riotarms: argh if anyone here is the person I friendly fired in my mentions I apologise
[03/01/2015, 5:17:09 AM] live:riotarms: my reading comprehension isn't so good tonight
[03/01/2015, 5:17:32 AM] Ian Cheong: TiA is the best of outrage culture.
[03/01/2015, 5:17:53 AM] Ian Cheong: because they screencap some really annoying people.
[03/01/2015, 5:18:16 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: half of what they screencap are parody accounts not realizing it, tbh
[03/01/2015, 5:18:25 AM] live:riotarms: I try and give those people the benefit of the doubt but also I try to avoid them at all costs
[03/01/2015, 5:18:33 AM] Tesseract: that's anti-sjws for you
[03/01/2015, 5:18:40 AM] Rob: I find it amusing that they accuse us of having thin skins and getting easily offended or w/e when all they do is spend all day every day flipping their shit over someone saying things like “women are people”
[03/01/2015, 5:18:42 AM] Tesseract: taking a shit and then eating that shit like the animals that they are
[03/01/2015, 5:19:14 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL:
[03/01/2015, 5:19:16 AM] live:riotarms: like if some kid feels upset because Doctor Who triggered them in a really hard to predict way that person already has a hard life
[03/01/2015, 5:19:27 AM] Tesseract: 2105?
[03/01/2015, 5:19:43 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): OMG. didn't catch that
[03/01/2015, 5:19:52 AM] Tesseract: haha he deleted it
[03/01/2015, 5:19:57 AM] live:riotarms: I love how everyone is like "Patrick knows people at Kotaku! Conspiracy!"
[03/01/2015, 5:20:04 AM] live:riotarms: no fuckheads, that's called networking
[03/01/2015, 5:20:28 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I'm still waiting for GG to freak out that job referrals are a thing
[03/01/2015, 5:20:29 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[03/01/2015, 5:20:48 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): James:
[03/01/2015, 5:20:51 AM] Athena Hollow: It was like me & zoe that one night - mingling in the same crowds without ever meeting LOL
[03/01/2015, 5:21:12 AM] Athena Hollow: god if people found that out, they'd probably go down a further rabbit hole "ALT PORN IS WHERE ALL THE SJWS ARE!"
[03/01/2015, 5:21:44 AM] Athena Hollow:
LOL I <3 Tauriq
[03/01/2015, 5:21:50 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Nah, SJW's are puritan anti-sex. Amish porn scene is where it's at
[03/01/2015, 5:21:53 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[03/01/2015, 5:22:17 AM] Ian Cheong: i love tauriq
[03/01/2015, 5:22:36 AM] live:riotarms: Izzy that rocks
[03/01/2015, 5:22:45 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Thanks. Haha
[03/01/2015, 5:22:50 AM] Rob: :d
[03/01/2015, 5:23:06 AM] Rob: “Mayhap I can... churn your butter?”
[03/01/2015, 5:23:36 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Milk these cows, baby
[03/01/2015, 5:24:02 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Oh, baby, you erect my shed
[03/01/2015, 5:24:03 AM] Rob: “Maybelle, you sure do raise my barn.”
[03/01/2015, 5:24:04 AM] Rob: damnit
[03/01/2015, 5:24:05 AM] Rob: lol
[03/01/2015, 5:24:05 AM] Ian Cheong: So I just tuned into the porn stream.
[03/01/2015, 5:24:09 AM] Ian Cheong: And then I tuned out.
[03/01/2015, 5:24:12 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahaha
[03/01/2015, 5:24:13 AM] Rob: How bad is it?
[03/01/2015, 5:24:15 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lololol
[03/01/2015, 5:24:17 AM] Ian Cheong: It's a bunch of ladies fingering each other.
[03/01/2015, 5:24:22 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ETHICS
[03/01/2015, 5:24:22 AM] Athena Hollow: holy shit. i think i'm gonna break a rib from coughing. fucking a.
[03/01/2015, 5:24:23 AM] live:riotarms: ethics
[03/01/2015, 5:24:29 AM] Athena Hollow: sounds about right. LOL
[03/01/2015, 5:24:45 AM] Ian Cheong: I couldn't watch for more than a few seconds.
[03/01/2015, 5:24:55 AM] Ian Cheong: I am not anti-porn, but that was just lol
[03/01/2015, 5:25:06 AM] live:riotarms: dare I get a link
[03/01/2015, 5:25:11 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[03/01/2015, 5:25:19 AM] Ian Cheong: -- disable adblock
[03/01/2015, 5:25:23 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): James, it's linked on KiA
[03/01/2015, 5:26:05 AM] live:riotarms: wow this is sexless
[03/01/2015, 5:26:11 AM] Ian Cheong: yes its pretty bad.
[03/01/2015, 5:26:24 AM] Athena Hollow: kind of glad my kid is up and i cant see it
[03/01/2015, 5:26:32 AM] Athena Hollow: also, welcome to why i can't stand mainstream porn :)
[03/01/2015, 5:26:46 AM] Ian Cheong: alt porn is where it's at.
[03/01/2015, 5:27:15 AM] Ian Cheong: just had a bad mental image.
[03/01/2015, 5:27:21 AM] Ian Cheong: of gamergators worldwide jacking off.
[03/01/2015, 5:27:27 AM] Athena Hollow: GODDAMMIT IAN
[03/01/2015, 5:27:32 AM] Ian Cheong: at 4 in the afternoon.
[03/01/2015, 5:27:35 AM] live:riotarms: they all look like a Lady Gaga from another universe is the only interesting thing about this
[03/01/2015, 5:27:42 AM] Athena Hollow: did you MISS the message of me saying I think in pictures?!
[03/01/2015, 5:27:50 AM] Ian Cheong: i totally missed that yes
[03/01/2015, 5:27:53 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[03/01/2015, 5:27:58 AM] Ian Cheong: i think in pictures too
[03/01/2015, 5:28:08 AM] Athena Hollow: well at least i'm not suffering alone.
[03/01/2015, 5:28:18 AM] live:riotarms:
[03/01/2015, 5:28:26 AM] Athena Hollow: But yes, mainstream porn is boring as fuck for me.
[03/01/2015, 5:28:34 AM] Ian Cheong: Scarlet is GamerGate huh
[03/01/2015, 5:28:44 AM] live:riotarms: TFYC are involved with this right
[03/01/2015, 5:28:47 AM] Athena Hollow: There's a small handful of people that I like, but fuck 99% of it. It's so fucking boring and has too much fake boob.
[03/01/2015, 5:28:48 AM] Rob: god damn terrolists
[03/01/2015, 5:28:50 AM] Ian Cheong: yeah knifehorse
[03/01/2015, 5:28:59 AM] live:riotarms: ethiccsssssss
[03/01/2015, 5:29:10 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yup. Such :charity:
[03/01/2015, 5:29:10 AM] live:riotarms: Athena: it seems to be all girls
[03/01/2015, 5:29:13 AM] live:riotarms: no dudes
[03/01/2015, 5:29:18 AM] live:riotarms: very telling tbh
[03/01/2015, 5:29:39 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): This is weird.
[03/01/2015, 5:29:42 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I'm watching it.
[03/01/2015, 5:29:45 AM] live:riotarms: imagine the furthest thing in the world from real sex and this is it
[03/01/2015, 5:29:46 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): so forced
[03/01/2015, 5:29:50 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[03/01/2015, 5:29:54 AM] Athena Hollow: Yep.
[03/01/2015, 5:29:55 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): "mmm" all at the same time
[03/01/2015, 5:29:59 AM] Athena Hollow: Which is why I'm all indie :)
[03/01/2015, 5:30:11 AM] live:riotarms: "you know what they say about girls with big clits, bigger sluts"
[03/01/2015, 5:30:17 AM] Athena Hollow: Because, ya know, women DO know how to get off.
[03/01/2015, 5:30:17 AM] live:riotarms: ettttthiicccccssss
[03/01/2015, 5:30:18 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Hey--we should report this:
[03/01/2015, 5:30:32 AM] live:riotarms: I can just feel the women being absorbed into the games industry right now, thanks matt
[03/01/2015, 5:30:33 AM] Athena Hollow: they have "PARODY ACCOUNT"
[03/01/2015, 5:30:40 AM] Athena Hollow: pretty much won't go anywhere. You can block it tho.
[03/01/2015, 5:30:42 AM] Rob: If they say they’re parody they’re allowed.
[03/01/2015, 5:30:44 AM] Rob: essentially.
[03/01/2015, 5:30:48 AM] Athena Hollow: as long as they aren't harassing, yes.
[03/01/2015, 5:30:52 AM] Rob: As long as they make it explicitly clear they aren’t the actual person.
[03/01/2015, 5:30:56 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL knife.
[03/01/2015, 5:30:57 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Okay.
[03/01/2015, 5:31:07 AM] Rob: You can probably report them for individual tweets, though.
[03/01/2015, 5:31:10 AM] Athena Hollow: yep.
[03/01/2015, 5:31:10 AM] Ian Cheong: Jon has to be the one to report it anyway.
[03/01/2015, 5:31:16 AM] Veerender Jubbal: They just showed up in my mentions, whlie I was talking with a friend.
[03/01/2015, 5:31:17 AM] Rob: But it’s unlikely you can get the entire account nuked at once.
[03/01/2015, 5:31:23 AM] Rob: Yeah you could possibly report that.
[03/01/2015, 5:31:26 AM] Athena Hollow: depends on how bad it is, but typically.
[03/01/2015, 5:31:37 AM] live:riotarms: none of these women are sexy to me
[03/01/2015, 5:31:46 AM] Athena Hollow: i block parodies that exist only to be assholes.
[03/01/2015, 5:31:57 AM] SF: It's weird I'm super vanilla in my tastes but I feel the same way about mainstream porn.
[03/01/2015, 5:31:59 AM] live:riotarms: they look like they're mentally writing shopping lists for later
[03/01/2015, 5:32:08 AM] SF: It's like this weird form of theatre that doesn't actually resemble sex.
[03/01/2015, 5:32:15 AM] Athena Hollow: It's like, sure, take the piss out of what someone says, but don't go harassing in their name.
[03/01/2015, 5:32:17 AM] live:riotarms: ugh they just plugged kink
[03/01/2015, 5:32:20 AM] SF: Also wtf is with them sucking air through their teeth every 3 seconds.
[03/01/2015, 5:32:38 AM] Athena Hollow: I like some of the stuff >_> But that's because they do the talky stuff beforehand.
[03/01/2015, 5:32:46 AM] Athena Hollow: god i hate that as much as i hate the fake
[03/01/2015, 5:32:47 AM] live:riotarms: oh yeah the interviews
[03/01/2015, 5:32:47 AM] SF: And is everyone like banned from smiling or something.
[03/01/2015, 5:32:48 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i love
[03/01/2015, 5:32:50 AM] Athena Hollow: WAIT FOR THE DUCKLIPS
[03/01/2015, 5:33:05 AM] live:riotarms: and they also publish their pay scale and their safety guidelines
[03/01/2015, 5:33:05 AM] Athena Hollow: it'll happen.
[03/01/2015, 5:33:08 AM] Athena Hollow: it always happens.
[03/01/2015, 5:33:10 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): "oooooooooooooooo"
[03/01/2015, 5:33:13 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm"
[03/01/2015, 5:33:14 AM] Rob: Oh so I have a funny story involving the department of defense and porn
[03/01/2015, 5:33:19 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahah oh god.
[03/01/2015, 5:33:22 AM] Ian Cheong: Let's hear it.
[03/01/2015, 5:33:28 AM] live:riotarms: she's talking about BDSM like you'd talk about washing detergent
[03/01/2015, 5:33:29 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Rob, Washington DC watches a lot of porn during work hours
[03/01/2015, 5:33:34 AM] Athena Hollow: LMAO
[03/01/2015, 5:33:34 AM] live:riotarms: oh wow rob let's
[03/01/2015, 5:33:42 AM] Rob: I interned for part of DoD that hosted mid-to-high ranking civilian and military officials from the Near East, South Asia region.
[03/01/2015, 5:33:50 AM] Rob: So north Africa, middle east, Afghanistan, Pakistan, india, etc
[03/01/2015, 5:34:01 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: makes huge efforts to be super ethical. they're transparent, they have TS porn without referring to the performers as gross shit like "shemales" etc, the interviews make it abundantly clear it's consensual + both parties are okay
[03/01/2015, 5:34:12 AM] Rob: Anyways. There was this Egyptian dude who was there a year or two before my internship period (I heard this story from one of the IT techs)
[03/01/2015, 5:34:26 AM] Athena Hollow: Yup. Even if you aren't keen on the stuff they do, they're super ethical which is total thumbs up from me.
[03/01/2015, 5:34:29 AM] Rob: And DoD gives every participant a laptop for the like 2-3 weeks they’r;e in the US for the program.
[03/01/2015, 5:34:31 AM] SF: I have this weird relationship with terms like "shemale" because I first encountered them in spaces were there was 0% malice intended.
[03/01/2015, 5:34:48 AM] SF: But then in the larger world it's clearly got this awful othering tone.
[03/01/2015, 5:34:54 AM] Rob: So what happened was, this dude comes in and he’s like ‘my computer’s broken’
[03/01/2015, 5:35:07 AM] Rob: So the IT guys ask him if he’s abided by all the rules (basically ‘don’t downjload programs, don’t look at porn’)
[03/01/2015, 5:35:18 AM] Ian Cheong: welp
[03/01/2015, 5:35:19 AM] Rob: So of course, he says he’s abided by the rules. They check out his laptop. Of course he’s lying.
[03/01/2015, 5:35:20 AM] Athena Hollow: hahah
[03/01/2015, 5:35:23 AM] Rob: And he’d gone to
[03/01/2015, 5:35:28 AM] Athena Hollow: XD
[03/01/2015, 5:35:32 AM] Rob: or some variant of the spelling of traffic
[03/01/2015, 5:35:39 AM] Rob: So they give him a new one. It breaks. Same fucking site.
[03/01/2015, 5:35:42 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahahahahahah
[03/01/2015, 5:35:43 AM] Rob: A third one. It breaks. same fucking site.
[03/01/2015, 5:35:49 AM] Rob: So they eventually just kick him out and send him back to Egypt
[03/01/2015, 5:35:57 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL
[03/01/2015, 5:36:00 AM] live:riotarms: oh wow I think this stream is turning me off the idea for sex
[03/01/2015, 5:36:06 AM] Rob: And ever since then, he’s tried to get back into the seminar programs and consistently get rejected.
[03/01/2015, 5:36:12 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
[03/01/2015, 5:36:13 AM] Rob: And he’s a fucking employee of the Egyptian government.
[03/01/2015, 5:36:13 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[03/01/2015, 5:36:16 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): wwwwwwwwwoooooooooooooooooooooooooooow
[03/01/2015, 5:36:18 AM] live:riotarms: they're talking about sex acts like they're causal pokemon choices
[03/01/2015, 5:36:19 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
[03/01/2015, 5:36:25 AM] live:riotarms: tribbing, I choose you, I guess
[03/01/2015, 5:36:30 AM] Rob: “My favorite pokemon is the Cleveland steamer”
[03/01/2015, 5:36:34 AM] Quinnae: Are you all watching porn?
[03/01/2015, 5:36:39 AM] live:riotarms: what pokemon noise would tribbing make
[03/01/2015, 5:36:39 AM] Ian Cheong: im not.
[03/01/2015, 5:36:41 AM] Tesseract: god no
[03/01/2015, 5:36:41 AM] live:riotarms: gg porn
[03/01/2015, 5:36:42 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[03/01/2015, 5:36:43 AM] Ian Cheong: i shut that shit off ages ago
[03/01/2015, 5:36:45 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): We are watching the GG porn stream
[03/01/2015, 5:36:48 AM] live:riotarms: it's bad
[03/01/2015, 5:36:50 AM] Athena Hollow: THEY are. I'm not.
[03/01/2015, 5:36:52 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[03/01/2015, 5:36:53 AM] SF: Oh I thought we were talking about the abstract concept of mainstream porn and now I realize there's a particular porn stream.
[03/01/2015, 5:36:59 AM] Athena Hollow: I can't stand mainstream porn. LOL
[03/01/2015, 5:37:08 AM] Athena Hollow: one in the same, really.
[03/01/2015, 5:37:12 AM] SF: I have Weasyl open in another tab but I'm more just looking at it occasionally for a pick me up.
[03/01/2015, 5:37:18 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): "IN THE NAME OF SCIENCE"
[03/01/2015, 5:37:19 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): such pander
[03/01/2015, 5:37:21 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): it's hilarious
[03/01/2015, 5:37:23 AM] Athena Hollow: Mercedes got a couple girls she works with to do the show w/ her.
[03/01/2015, 5:37:33 AM] live:riotarms: and she's yelling "izzzzeeellllls"
[03/01/2015, 5:37:33 AM] Quinnae: (Also I calmed Erika down, thank goddess)
[03/01/2015, 5:37:40 AM] Athena Hollow: GO MOM
[03/01/2015, 5:37:42 AM] Athena Hollow: <3
[03/01/2015, 5:38:02 AM] Rob: can I have some spaghettios
[03/01/2015, 5:38:05 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[03/01/2015, 5:38:13 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Wait. She was saying "Izel"?
[03/01/2015, 5:38:15 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL
[03/01/2015, 5:38:18 AM] live:riotarms: no no
[03/01/2015, 5:38:21 AM] Athena Hollow: god i hope you were joking
[03/01/2015, 5:38:22 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahahaha
[03/01/2015, 5:38:24 AM] Athena Hollow: thank goodness.
[03/01/2015, 5:38:32 AM] live:riotarms: she's about to shout the name of the highest tipper while she pretends to cum
[03/01/2015, 5:38:38 AM] live:riotarms: and it's "david lord"?
[03/01/2015, 5:38:43 AM] Athena Hollow: I don't get fake cumming.
[03/01/2015, 5:38:47 AM] Athena Hollow: Like, at all.
[03/01/2015, 5:38:52 AM] Ian Cheong: I don't get it.
[03/01/2015, 5:38:59 AM] Ian Cheong: Why fake cum at all.
[03/01/2015, 5:39:01 AM] Athena Hollow: It's so fucking obvious to anyone who's ever SEEN an orgasm.
[03/01/2015, 5:39:05 AM] live:riotarms: for charity
[03/01/2015, 5:39:10 AM] Athena Hollow: So all it does is perpetuate BAD orgasms.
[03/01/2015, 5:39:15 AM] Rob: “how is babby formed”
[03/01/2015, 5:39:27 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): this is so weird
[03/01/2015, 5:39:32 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): why am I watching it
[03/01/2015, 5:39:40 AM] Rob: izzy, is your girlfriend home?
[03/01/2015, 5:39:49 AM] Rob: I can just picture her being like ‘what the fuck are you doing’ if she walked in
[03/01/2015, 5:39:55 AM] Athena Hollow: Also, most ppl getting down with their bad selves only watch the first 7 minutes of any porn, so these 3 hour videos they do? totally unnecessary lol
[03/01/2015, 5:39:56 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL. My wife is working today
[03/01/2015, 5:40:19 AM] live:riotarms: also it has literally no gamergate branding
[03/01/2015, 5:40:34 AM] Athena Hollow: They're especially unnecessary when you consider 90% of it is the same couple of people in the same positions over and over.
[03/01/2015, 5:40:43 AM] live:riotarms: Athena, I tend to scrobble through kink stuff
[03/01/2015, 5:40:52 AM] Athena Hollow: I mean, if you're going to make a long video, at least change it up a bit ffs.
[03/01/2015, 5:41:08 AM] live:riotarms: it usually has a three act structure, hahaha
[03/01/2015, 5:41:17 AM] Athena Hollow: These are the arguments I've had against mainstream porn for a long time. And why it bores the piss out of me LOL
[03/01/2015, 5:41:30 AM] Athena Hollow: I just do 5-10 min vids for my site lol
[03/01/2015, 5:41:41 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): plz RT:
[03/01/2015, 5:41:41 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[03/01/2015, 5:41:50 AM] Athena Hollow: then again, apparently I'm quite adept at getting off while too many women in porn don't bother XD
[03/01/2015, 5:42:04 AM] live:riotarms: nooo they're talking about what consoles they pretend to like
[03/01/2015, 5:42:08 AM] live:riotarms: and it's wii sports and wii fit
[03/01/2015, 5:42:14 AM] Athena Hollow: LMAO Randi's bot faved that
[03/01/2015, 5:42:15 AM] live:riotarms: so they haven't played in... 8 years?
[03/01/2015, 5:42:23 AM] Athena Hollow: LOLOL
[03/01/2015, 5:42:26 AM] Rob: haha
[03/01/2015, 5:42:26 AM] live:riotarms: this is amazingly forced
[03/01/2015, 5:42:35 AM] Ian Cheong: they're gamers!
[03/01/2015, 5:42:38 AM] Randi Harper: I really don't understand my bot.
[03/01/2015, 5:42:42 AM] Randi Harper: but the bot wants what the bot wants.
[03/01/2015, 5:42:44 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[03/01/2015, 5:42:45 AM] Randi Harper: you just have to go with it.
[03/01/2015, 5:42:46 AM] Rob: Your bot cracks me up.
[03/01/2015, 5:42:49 AM] Athena Hollow: that was the best for it to fave
[03/01/2015, 5:43:05 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahahahahahahahha
[03/01/2015, 5:43:22 AM] Athena Hollow: LMFAO
[03/01/2015, 5:43:28 AM] Rob: I hope someone asks something like
[03/01/2015, 5:43:33 AM] Rob: “who is your favorite gamer on youtube”
[03/01/2015, 5:43:38 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahahahaha
[03/01/2015, 5:43:41 AM] Rob: and then they say something like “oh, that total nesquick guy”
[03/01/2015, 5:43:41 AM] Ian Cheong: hahaha
[03/01/2015, 5:43:43 AM] live:riotarms: I'm eating man
[03/01/2015, 5:43:44 AM] Athena Hollow: XD
[03/01/2015, 5:43:55 AM] Athena Hollow: holy shit im dying hahaha
[03/01/2015, 5:44:02 AM] Athena Hollow: total nesquick. YES
[03/01/2015, 5:44:20 AM] live:riotarms: "if you guys want to meet us in person..."
[03/01/2015, 5:44:34 AM] live:riotarms: dives across internet screaming nooooooooooo
[03/01/2015, 5:44:45 AM] Rob: :D
[03/01/2015, 5:44:50 AM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 5:44:54 AM] Ian Cheong: this is getting a ton of upvotes
[03/01/2015, 5:45:25 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): i can't stop watching.
[03/01/2015, 5:45:26 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[03/01/2015, 5:45:28 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): why
[03/01/2015, 5:47:28 AM] Tesseract: ooooh shit
[03/01/2015, 5:47:30 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[03/01/2015, 5:47:33 AM] Tesseract: probably stardock
[03/01/2015, 5:47:40 AM] live:riotarms: and this is why they decided to DDOS ablegamers? jesus
[03/01/2015, 5:47:55 AM] Athena Hollow: wouldnt be surprised.
[03/01/2015, 5:47:56 AM] Athena Hollow: but yeah.
[03/01/2015, 5:48:38 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): guys, prepare the eyebleach for when this is over
[03/01/2015, 5:48:42 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): for me
[03/01/2015, 5:48:42 AM] live:riotarms: god this looks like the worst job ever
[03/01/2015, 5:48:43 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): plz
[03/01/2015, 5:48:49 AM] live:riotarms: Izzy: me too
[03/01/2015, 5:48:58 AM] Tesseract: oh god are you watching
[03/01/2015, 5:49:13 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): yes, Tess.
[03/01/2015, 5:49:14 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[03/01/2015, 5:49:23 AM] live:riotarms: I have no idea if this is how most camgirls stuff is like but this is what apex depression is like
[03/01/2015, 5:49:37 AM] Ian Cheong: Huh
[03/01/2015, 5:49:42 AM] Ian Cheong: I wonder who Brianna is talking about.
[03/01/2015, 5:49:50 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Possibly Stardock
[03/01/2015, 5:49:56 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): But she's about to drop a bomb on someone
[03/01/2015, 5:50:24 AM] live:riotarms: in happier news I found a Japanese bot that tweets out hot italo disco tracks
[03/01/2015, 5:50:25 AM] live:riotarms:
[03/01/2015, 5:50:59 AM] Rob: I’M MEAN
[03/01/2015, 5:51:02 AM] Rob: and I hope it’s stardock
[03/01/2015, 5:51:07 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[03/01/2015, 5:51:10 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): why
[03/01/2015, 5:51:37 AM] Rob: omg lol
[03/01/2015, 5:51:40 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol, Randi's bot fav'd that one
[03/01/2015, 5:52:03 AM] live:riotarms: I hope these girls have good security measures
[03/01/2015, 5:52:19 AM] live:riotarms: is doxxing ever an issue in porn?
[03/01/2015, 5:52:31 AM] Athena Hollow: yeeeeeppppppppppp
[03/01/2015, 5:52:41 AM] Athena Hollow: had an ED article myself once because of porn.
[03/01/2015, 5:53:08 AM] Athena Hollow: I don't think they have any fucking clue who they've jumped into bed with.
[03/01/2015, 5:53:09 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): These girls orgasm quickly
[03/01/2015, 5:53:14 AM] live:riotarms: no way can this girl be coming, she's speaking in coherent english
[03/01/2015, 5:53:19 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahaha
[03/01/2015, 5:53:27 AM] Athena Hollow: WEAKEST. O. EVER.
[03/01/2015, 5:53:30 AM] live:riotarms: also she's still letting someone touch her pussy afterwards
[03/01/2015, 5:53:35 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[03/01/2015, 5:53:37 AM] live:riotarms: nope
[03/01/2015, 5:53:39 AM] Athena Hollow: haha
[03/01/2015, 5:53:44 AM] live:riotarms: she's still got full motor control
[03/01/2015, 5:53:54 AM] Athena Hollow: yeah that's a "NO NO NO STOP NOPE" for at LEAST a  min afterwards hahahaha
[03/01/2015, 5:54:16 AM] live:riotarms: or even just a "slap your hand way"
[03/01/2015, 5:54:24 AM] Athena Hollow: yup
[03/01/2015, 5:54:46 AM] live:riotarms: oh gosh they're going for extreme closeups at the next milestone
[03/01/2015, 5:54:49 AM] Athena Hollow: but to answer you question from earlier: pro pron gals that do camming, yes, it's all like this.
[03/01/2015, 5:54:55 AM] live:riotarms: party on wayne
[03/01/2015, 5:54:57 AM] Athena Hollow: am/pro am, much much more enjoyable.
[03/01/2015, 5:55:00 AM] live:riotarms: and party on garth
[03/01/2015, 5:55:20 AM] Athena Hollow: unfortunately there's a LOT LOT LOT of exploitated amateur girls out there so that makes it a big issue too.
[03/01/2015, 5:55:38 AM] Athena Hollow: Like, most of the girls who work from the Ukraine or the Philippeans.
[03/01/2015, 5:55:49 AM] live:riotarms: I'm glad you've got your own thing staked out, Athena
[03/01/2015, 5:55:52 AM] Athena Hollow: They make shit because their studios take a fuck load of money.
[03/01/2015, 5:56:00 AM] live:riotarms: I'm not against porn but I'm against it ruining lives
[03/01/2015, 5:56:11 AM] live:riotarms: other than my own of course hahaha
[03/01/2015, 5:56:12 AM] Athena Hollow: Yeah, first world porn is pretty much not terrible.
[03/01/2015, 5:56:20 AM] Athena Hollow: you get beyond that and ground gets shaky.
[03/01/2015, 5:56:22 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[03/01/2015, 5:57:07 AM] live:riotarms: there's an arc of Garth Ennis' Punisher MAX of all things where he gives human trafficking both barrels
[03/01/2015, 5:57:12 AM] Athena Hollow: pretty much: if she is from North America, Western Europe, or Australia/New Zealand, you're safe on a cam site.
[03/01/2015, 5:57:22 AM] live:riotarms: it's about as close to SJW as garth ennis ever gets
[03/01/2015, 5:57:46 AM] live:riotarms: "we still have another hour"
[03/01/2015, 5:57:56 AM] live:riotarms: I feel so bad for her, that she has to do this for 60 minutes
[03/01/2015, 5:58:10 AM] live:riotarms: bet it's gonna drag out
[03/01/2015, 5:58:17 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[03/01/2015, 5:58:21 AM] Ian Cheong: gonna be as  boring as the first 120 mins
[03/01/2015, 5:58:33 AM] Athena Hollow: i dont feel bad for her. she fucking agreed to work with the devils.
[03/01/2015, 5:58:55 AM] Athena Hollow: and it's still less work than getting pounded for 4 hours for 25 mins of footage lol
[03/01/2015, 5:59:48 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): FOR SCIENCE
[03/01/2015, 5:59:50 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): FOR SCIENCE
[03/01/2015, 5:59:54 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): this is so awkward
[03/01/2015, 6:00:02 AM] Randi Harper: where is this stream
[03/01/2015, 6:00:12 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i have conflicted feelings about sex work but nothing but respect for sex workers, if that distinction makes sense
[03/01/2015, 6:00:17 AM] live:riotarms: nobody's talking about this on twitter
[03/01/2015, 6:00:24 AM] live:riotarms: perfectly
[03/01/2015, 6:00:31 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Randi:
[03/01/2015, 6:00:40 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): James, I'm the only one talking about it
[03/01/2015, 6:00:41 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[03/01/2015, 6:01:04 AM] Rob: BTW, can I just say how pissed I am that galciv3 looks s o good
[03/01/2015, 6:01:32 AM] Randi Harper: is there a chat?
[03/01/2015, 6:01:40 AM] live:riotarms: I think the chat is behind a paywall
[03/01/2015, 6:01:52 AM] Ian Cheong: the chat is on MFC
[03/01/2015, 6:01:57 AM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 6:01:59 AM] Ian Cheong: pay a dollar to access it
[03/01/2015, 6:02:04 AM] live:riotarms: how about no
[03/01/2015, 6:02:06 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[03/01/2015, 6:02:15 AM] Athena Hollow: wait
[03/01/2015, 6:02:21 AM] Athena Hollow: since when do you have to pay for chat on mfc?
[03/01/2015, 6:02:25 AM] Randi Harper: meh
[03/01/2015, 6:02:27 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ian, I might fork over the $1
[03/01/2015, 6:02:28 AM] Ian Cheong: hrm
[03/01/2015, 6:02:29 AM] Randi Harper: that was boring
[03/01/2015, 6:02:32 AM] Ian Cheong: check it out.
[03/01/2015, 6:02:33 AM] Randi Harper: and they looked bored.
[03/01/2015, 6:02:35 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Randi, it is so boring
[03/01/2015, 6:02:43 AM] live:riotarms: the third girl from the left looks like she escaped from a Wayland-Yuntai project to clone Gaga
[03/01/2015, 6:02:48 AM] Athena Hollow: OH! It's not MFC. It's :D
[03/01/2015, 6:02:55 AM] Athena Hollow: I was all sorts of confused lol
[03/01/2015, 6:03:01 AM] Ian Cheong: ahh
[03/01/2015, 6:03:02 AM] Ian Cheong: yeah
[03/01/2015, 6:03:13 AM] Ian Cheong: whoever wants to register and pay
[03/01/2015, 6:03:17 AM] Athena Hollow: nope
[03/01/2015, 6:03:17 AM] Ian Cheong: so you can screencap gators
[03/01/2015, 6:03:19 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[03/01/2015, 6:03:22 AM] live:riotarms: not happening ian
[03/01/2015, 6:03:27 AM] Ian Cheong: izels is probably in there
[03/01/2015, 6:03:28 AM] Tesseract: most gators probably didn't pay also
[03/01/2015, 6:03:55 AM] Athena Hollow: but yeah, randi, you should have known it was gonna be boring: it's mainstream porn ladies LOL
[03/01/2015, 6:03:57 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ian, I'm signing up. taking one for the team
[03/01/2015, 6:04:05 AM] Athena Hollow: god bless you sir.
[03/01/2015, 6:04:09 AM] Ian Cheong: alright izzy
[03/01/2015, 6:04:10 AM] Rob: “MOM I NEED A DOLLAR TO LOOK AT... SCIENCE!” - Gamergaters
[03/01/2015, 6:04:10 AM] live:riotarms: godspeed
[03/01/2015, 6:04:14 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[03/01/2015, 6:04:31 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): they are showing her vagina close up
[03/01/2015, 6:04:32 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): wtf
[03/01/2015, 6:04:40 AM] Randi Harper: I loled when she was like "i'm not prepared for anal, next time I will be."
[03/01/2015, 6:04:52 AM] Athena Hollow: yeah there are guys REALLY into the gyno shots
[03/01/2015, 6:05:00 AM] live:riotarms: AKA: I didn't take an enema beforehand
[03/01/2015, 6:05:03 AM] Athena Hollow: Personally I dunno why anyone would want to see my ovaries.
[03/01/2015, 6:05:16 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: but
[03/01/2015, 6:05:23 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: how can you be turned on without seeing ovaries
[03/01/2015, 6:05:25 AM] SF: I don't think any part of a person's body looks great when filling the whole screen.
[03/01/2015, 6:05:25 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[03/01/2015, 6:05:30 AM] live:riotarms: I don't find junk of either sex much to look at
[03/01/2015, 6:05:50 AM] Athena Hollow: yea I'm a face person. I mean, I wanna see what's going on to make that face, but gimme face focus.
[03/01/2015, 6:06:20 AM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 6:06:23 AM] Randi Harper:
[03/01/2015, 6:06:36 AM] SF: I feel like hand drawn porn is so much better on average because the artist is forced to think about composition and what have you.
[03/01/2015, 6:06:59 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL They always say we're antagonizing them... while they stalk our fucking streams
[03/01/2015, 6:07:05 AM] live:riotarms: Ian: He looks like the Basketball Golem from Shut Up And Jam Gaiden
[03/01/2015, 6:07:14 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): They don't take American Express. Can't pay to sign up :(
[03/01/2015, 6:07:29 AM] Remy: I woke up <3 hello everyone
[03/01/2015, 6:07:31 AM] SF: His name is Cyberdwarf you baka
[03/01/2015, 6:07:32 AM] Athena Hollow: <3
[03/01/2015, 6:08:08 AM] Athena Hollow: that guy used to claim he was "neutral"
[03/01/2015, 6:08:14 AM] Athena Hollow: then went full sea lion.
[03/01/2015, 6:08:24 AM] Athena Hollow: he got so fucking pissy when I blocked him.
[03/01/2015, 6:08:32 AM] Ian Cheong: darn that sucks izzy
[03/01/2015, 6:08:37 AM] live:riotarms: I'm on friendly terms with the barkley boys
[03/01/2015, 6:08:38 AM] Remy: um... are y'all discussing a porn stream and trying to watch them being stupid in it?
[03/01/2015, 6:08:42 AM] live:riotarms: mainly Bort
[03/01/2015, 6:08:46 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL MAYBEEEEEEEE
[03/01/2015, 6:08:57 AM] Athena Hollow: (the guy randi linked, that is that was pseudo neutral)
[03/01/2015, 6:08:58 AM] Remy: Because that would only be funny if you could also see what the other viewers are typing, so you can quote Gaters trying to talk to a porn star like a big shot
[03/01/2015, 6:08:59 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Stephen, check my timeline
[03/01/2015, 6:09:00 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): for cringe
[03/01/2015, 6:09:33 AM] SF: Chef followed me on tumblr when I did a remix of his music and then didn't unfollow me when I started posting nudes :3
[03/01/2015, 6:09:43 AM] Remy: Randi
[03/01/2015, 6:09:52 AM] live:riotarms: Chef's a huge italo/electro fan
[03/01/2015, 6:09:54 AM] Remy: I clicked that link you posted
[03/01/2015, 6:10:20 AM] Remy: Who the fuck is that and why is he an obvious gater yet he is followed by Sarah and Brianna and more?
[03/01/2015, 6:10:49 AM] Remy: I don't mean to phrase it that way, I'm trying to express surprise and alarm b/c that doesn't jive with the usual pattern
[03/01/2015, 6:10:57 AM] SF: ( Specifically this goofy thing)
[03/01/2015, 6:11:46 AM] live:riotarms: nice drums and instrument set
[03/01/2015, 6:11:56 AM] live:riotarms: that was something not even Sonic 4 had hahaha
[03/01/2015, 6:12:03 AM] Remy: also I was accused of "attacking the victim" by somebody with a Hitler mustache avatar
[03/01/2015, 6:12:10 AM] Remy: overnight
[03/01/2015, 6:12:27 AM] SF: Sonic 4 had well composed music with arrangement that was utter ass.
[03/01/2015, 6:12:39 AM] live:riotarms:
[03/01/2015, 6:12:47 AM] live:riotarms: yeah I've heard the fan mixes
[03/01/2015, 6:13:07 AM] live:riotarms: what pissed me off about Sonic 4 is they didn't build on the game design ideas 3 introduced
[03/01/2015, 6:13:28 AM] live:riotarms: all those bosses, the different shields, it's like Gunstar Sonic
[03/01/2015, 6:13:49 AM] SF: This one in particular shows just how much better they could have done.
[03/01/2015, 6:13:57 AM] SF: 4 doesn't deserve to be numbered.
[03/01/2015, 6:14:07 AM] SF: It's pretty clearly a mobile cash-in title that snowballed.
[03/01/2015, 6:14:28 AM] live:riotarms: see, I have a huge thing for Yasuhara's game design
[03/01/2015, 6:14:30 AM] SF: The classic half of Generations is more of a Sonic 4.
[03/01/2015, 6:14:34 AM] live:riotarms: and he left sega in 2000
[03/01/2015, 6:14:35 AM] Randi Harper: the male tears on twitter
[03/01/2015, 6:14:37 AM] Randi Harper: oh my god
[03/01/2015, 6:14:40 AM] Remy: so many
[03/01/2015, 6:14:47 AM] live:riotarms: did some work on the 3D attempts but not to much effect
[03/01/2015, 6:14:50 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Randi, stop being outspoken. Why can't you be more like Vivian James?
[03/01/2015, 6:15:12 AM] SF: So much of Bobby Brown sounds like Sonic haha.
[03/01/2015, 6:15:34 AM] live:riotarms:
[03/01/2015, 6:15:37 AM] SF: I think Teddy Riley worked with him didn't he? And Teddy Riley was one of MJ's biggest collaborators in the Dangerous era, which is when he contributed to Sonic 3.
[03/01/2015, 6:15:48 AM] live:riotarms: well the Soundtrack to 1 is 80% plagarism
[03/01/2015, 6:16:02 AM] live:riotarms: blade runner, music to watch girls go by, etc
[03/01/2015, 6:16:15 AM] SF: This one in particular sounds so much like Sonic 3.
[03/01/2015, 6:16:19 AM] SF: Wait really?
[03/01/2015, 6:16:30 AM] live:riotarms: I'm enjoying them digging through the origins of Sonic 3 music
[03/01/2015, 6:16:54 AM] SF: I'd say a majority of the Sonic 3 origins are urban legends.
[03/01/2015, 6:16:59 AM] live:riotarms:
[03/01/2015, 6:17:10 AM] live:riotarms: I figure Jackson's stuff made it in
[03/01/2015, 6:17:21 AM] Randi Harper: like what do these guys really expect to happen here
[03/01/2015, 6:17:26 AM] Randi Harper: i'm genuinely confused
[03/01/2015, 6:17:29 AM] live:riotarms: insofar as most of his production team have provable contributions
[03/01/2015, 6:17:40 AM] SF: So far as I've seen from reliable sources MJ did contribute to 3's soundtrack (not &K's) but he wasn't like taking it from start to finish.
[03/01/2015, 6:17:50 AM] SF: Yeah it was MJ the band as much as the person.
[03/01/2015, 6:17:59 AM] live:riotarms: you've seen this right
[03/01/2015, 6:18:02 AM] live:riotarms:
[03/01/2015, 6:18:13 AM] live:riotarms: Sonic 3 is such a great game
[03/01/2015, 6:18:28 AM] live:riotarms: the way it tells a silent narrative using details like parallax layers
[03/01/2015, 6:18:36 AM] SF: You know Dreams Come True did the soundtrack for the first two right?
[03/01/2015, 6:18:42 AM] live:riotarms: if they'd ended the series then it'd have been fine
[03/01/2015, 6:18:44 AM] SF: So those parts wouldn't be plagiarism.
[03/01/2015, 6:18:45 AM] live:riotarms: yeah, but watch on
[03/01/2015, 6:19:06 AM] live:riotarms: I think GHZ and SLZ are the only "originals"
[03/01/2015, 6:19:39 AM] Athena Hollow: Stephen (re dude): He really did seem neutral in the beginning. As is he's not a complete douche, but TOTAL tone police/concern troll/faux neutral.
[03/01/2015, 6:19:58 AM] Athena Hollow: He talks (or at least did a month ago) to all the major players on every side of this, being buddy buddy with everyone.
[03/01/2015, 6:20:11 AM] Remy: Which one is this again?
[03/01/2015, 6:20:16 AM] live:riotarms: ugh, nice for the sake of nice
[03/01/2015, 6:20:18 AM] Athena Hollow:
[03/01/2015, 6:20:28 AM] Remy: Ah
[03/01/2015, 6:20:37 AM] Athena Hollow: I think he thinks he's a nice guy, but he doesn't seem to get that it's not everyone else's job to educate him when he says stupid shit.
[03/01/2015, 6:20:50 AM] Athena Hollow: And yeah, he's a major concern troll/tone police officer lol
[03/01/2015, 6:20:50 AM] Remy: lol
[03/01/2015, 6:21:01 AM] SF: Oh wow I got to Marble Zone.
[03/01/2015, 6:21:02 AM] live:riotarms: Hey here's an Akon remix for you SF
[03/01/2015, 6:21:05 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Mercedes orgasmed in 1 minute
[03/01/2015, 6:21:09 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): o.o
[03/01/2015, 6:21:12 AM] Ian Cheong: that jetzons song is exactly the same as Ice Cap Zone
[03/01/2015, 6:21:16 AM] Remy: well he called Randi a t-word
[03/01/2015, 6:21:21 AM] live:riotarms: I just linked it, hard times
[03/01/2015, 6:21:21 AM] Remy: So he's on my shit list
[03/01/2015, 6:21:33 AM] Athena Hollow: So he gets really pissy when people call him on saying stupid shit like "God, that woman I was talking to was such a fucking bitch"
[03/01/2015, 6:21:35 AM] Remy: Can't be trusted to communicate with adults as if he were one
[03/01/2015, 6:21:42 AM] Athena Hollow: or "Why is slutshaming bad against women?"
[03/01/2015, 6:21:43 AM] live:riotarms: it's funny cause I always had ice cap pegged as a club track
[03/01/2015, 6:21:55 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Randi's bots are loving favoriting my tweets about the GG porn stream
[03/01/2015, 6:21:57 AM] Athena Hollow: but phrased in the "Guys are ok with slut shaming, why aren't women?"
[03/01/2015, 6:21:58 AM] Athena Hollow: hahahahahah
[03/01/2015, 6:22:17 AM] SF: I think some of these are reaching. I mean if you look at musical tropes over 2 decades you're bound to find repeated passages.
[03/01/2015, 6:22:24 AM] SF: Considering Sonic had strong roots in synth pop.
[03/01/2015, 6:22:25 AM] live:riotarms: yeah, some of them definately
[03/01/2015, 6:22:27 AM] Remy: oh fuck I haven't even seen Izzy's timeline yet
[03/01/2015, 6:22:32 AM] Remy: Sorry Izzy I was investigating trolls in my mentions
[03/01/2015, 6:22:33 AM] live:riotarms: but the blade runner one, holy shit
[03/01/2015, 6:22:38 AM] Randi Harper: I don't find twat to be offensive.
[03/01/2015, 6:22:38 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[03/01/2015, 6:22:44 AM] Remy: Turns out dude with a  hitler moustache avatar isn't a nice guy after all  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[03/01/2015, 6:22:56 AM] live:riotarms: also back in the day I think a lot of Japanese BGM dudes were pretty lax with copyright
[03/01/2015, 6:23:13 AM] Remy: Randi: I didn't mean to presume upon your own standards, I've just seen too many people hurt by the word to be comfortable around it myself
[03/01/2015, 6:23:32 AM] Ian Cheong: here's another song that a japanese game ripped off
[03/01/2015, 6:23:34 AM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 6:23:39 AM] Athena Hollow: it's obvious that he's sexist but thinks he's a nice guy... which is just fucking annoying as shit lol
[03/01/2015, 6:23:43 AM] Ian Cheong: revenge of shinobi
[03/01/2015, 6:23:44 AM] live:riotarms: this directly lifts "children" by Robert Miles
[03/01/2015, 6:23:54 AM] Athena Hollow: but he has zero pull so I just blocked him so I didn't have to talk to him again.
[03/01/2015, 6:23:54 AM] live:riotarms: Ian, that game is a copyright infringement treasure
[03/01/2015, 6:23:59 AM] live:riotarms: they had to patch out batman
[03/01/2015, 6:24:02 AM] live:riotarms: and godzilla
[03/01/2015, 6:24:20 AM] Remy: Meh, the ultimate japanese game ripping off a song was when I was 12 and I realized that the Shinra song was actually the song Kashmir
[03/01/2015, 6:24:47 AM] live:riotarms: like this rules
[03/01/2015, 6:24:48 AM] live:riotarms:
[03/01/2015, 6:24:57 AM] live:riotarms: but it's "spin me round" by dead or alive
[03/01/2015, 6:25:18 AM] SF: I wasn't convinced on Scrap Brain until the timpanis came in haha.
[03/01/2015, 6:25:21 AM] live:riotarms: also thunderforce 4 has some AMAZING FM synth rock but I think a ton is lifted from hevy metal
[03/01/2015, 6:25:28 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Whoa. James.
[03/01/2015, 6:25:30 AM] SF: I'd still call that more of a reference than plagiarism though. Different chords and everything.
[03/01/2015, 6:25:31 AM] Ian Cheong: Doom is all from Metallica
[03/01/2015, 6:25:43 AM] Ian Cheong: E1M1 is MAster of Puppets
[03/01/2015, 6:25:52 AM] live:riotarms: SF: I like the tracks, I just think the dude took Sega's money and laughed all the way to the bank
[03/01/2015, 6:26:30 AM] SF: Doom I could believe is lifted. Didn't they want to get Trent Reznor and then fudged it when they couldn't?
[03/01/2015, 6:26:37 AM] Ian Cheong: Tell you what's funny though
[03/01/2015, 6:26:43 AM] Ian Cheong: Yoko Kanno? The famous composer? She ripped off a few bands.
[03/01/2015, 6:26:50 AM] Ian Cheong: I compiled a list awhile back of the songs she ripped off.
[03/01/2015, 6:26:53 AM] Remy: Awww
[03/01/2015, 6:26:57 AM] Remy: I love her work so much tho
[03/01/2015, 6:27:11 AM] Remy: Cowboy Bebop was my jam
[03/01/2015, 6:27:46 AM] live:riotarms: going to link this because it rules and for no other real reason
[03/01/2015, 6:27:53 AM] Remy: And The Seatbelts? did you know the band likes to wear seatbelts when they perform because they're so hardcore someone might get hurt?
[03/01/2015, 6:28:07 AM] live:riotarms: thunder force iv has middling gameplay but it looks and sounds so good
[03/01/2015, 6:28:30 AM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 6:28:32 AM] Ian Cheong: this song
[03/01/2015, 6:28:33 AM] SF: That reminds me of this surprisingly effective 16 bit remix of the Revengeance final boss music.
[03/01/2015, 6:28:33 AM] Ian Cheong: rips off
[03/01/2015, 6:28:40 AM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 6:28:44 AM] Ian Cheong: it's the SAME SONG
[03/01/2015, 6:28:55 AM] Ian Cheong: good job kanno
[03/01/2015, 6:29:03 AM] Remy: aww
[03/01/2015, 6:29:12 AM] Ian Cheong: wolf's rain made me cry so much
[03/01/2015, 6:29:16 AM] Ian Cheong: i love that show
[03/01/2015, 6:29:17 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Key shift is all
[03/01/2015, 6:29:19 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Interesting
[03/01/2015, 6:29:28 AM] Athena Hollow: LOL Randi, he TOTALLY sees what you're doing, what with your posting stuff and him butting in and being an asshole: XD
[03/01/2015, 6:29:30 AM] live:riotarms: hahaha wow I didn't even like stains of time thatm uch
[03/01/2015, 6:29:33 AM] Athena Hollow: goddamn salty motherfuckers lol
[03/01/2015, 6:29:34 AM] live:riotarms: but this kicks ass
[03/01/2015, 6:29:55 AM] live:riotarms: (I can listen to Red Sun from revengence on repeat for an hour or more)
[03/01/2015, 6:30:20 AM] SF: Yeah I didn't like it either but I like this.
[03/01/2015, 6:30:31 AM] live:riotarms: man I hope they do a next gen port of revengence for no other reason than I don't want to have two consoles set up
[03/01/2015, 6:30:37 AM] live:riotarms: maybe if DmC does well
[03/01/2015, 6:31:21 AM] Tesseract: apparently this account is a parody
[03/01/2015, 6:31:31 AM] Tesseract: "@Totalbiscuit Is it any surprise that the industry that is slowly eroding their own ethics would erode our FPS as well? I am not shocked." loooooool
[03/01/2015, 6:31:31 AM] Ian Cheong: If I were a music or anime journalist I would write an article about how Yoko Kanno plagiarized everyone.
[03/01/2015, 6:31:41 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[03/01/2015, 6:32:21 AM] Athena Hollow: lol ok now THIS one is pretty funny
[03/01/2015, 6:32:26 AM] Ian Cheong: I first discovered her plagiarism when I was listening to one of her jazz tracks.
[03/01/2015, 6:32:30 AM] SF: I could believe TB said that.
[03/01/2015, 6:32:42 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): hehehe:
[03/01/2015, 6:32:49 AM] Athena Hollow: "@TheRalphRetort We are not "cowards," we just understand the importance of anonymous accounts you can't link to #GamerGate"
[03/01/2015, 6:32:52 AM] Athena Hollow: LOLOL
[03/01/2015, 6:32:59 AM] Remy: It looks to me like we need more male nudity in our video games
[03/01/2015, 6:33:04 AM] Remy: If only to piss off the trolls
[03/01/2015, 6:33:11 AM] live:riotarms: woah, red sun in 8 bit sounds like Castlevania
[03/01/2015, 6:33:27 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Cory in the house!
[03/01/2015, 6:34:33 AM] SF: Hm, listening to that Wolf's Rain piece, a charitable interpretation would be that both started with the same staccato synth progression and worked from there.
[03/01/2015, 6:35:04 AM] SF: It might have been a preset in a common piece of hardware or an Apple loop or something. Sometimes I'll hear stuff I use pop up in the background of pop songs or what have you.
[03/01/2015, 6:35:13 AM] Remy: Okay izzy I checked your tweets and it sounds like that porn stream was disappointingly boring
[03/01/2015, 6:35:18 AM] SF: And if they used that as a basis for the chord progression it would make the pieces have similar structure.
[03/01/2015, 6:35:19 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: link to the coward thing, athena?
[03/01/2015, 6:35:21 AM] Remy: For science
[03/01/2015, 6:35:35 AM] live:riotarms: Ian, you don't even want to get started with Daft Punk
[03/01/2015, 6:35:44 AM] SF: Not that plagiarism isn't also possible of course.
[03/01/2015, 6:35:58 AM] live:riotarms: I mean that's a cleared sample but still
[03/01/2015, 6:36:31 AM] Athena Hollow: it's definitely parody, but here ya go sarah
[03/01/2015, 6:36:37 AM] SF: Yeah but they're DJs, that's what you do in that genre.
[03/01/2015, 6:36:44 AM] Ian Cheong: yeah
[03/01/2015, 6:36:45 AM] Athena Hollow: they're taking the piss out of most of the gater heads.
[03/01/2015, 6:36:48 AM] SF: Take samples and build new things out of them.
[03/01/2015, 6:37:01 AM] SF: Original artists get paid, new stuff gets made, everyone wins.
[03/01/2015, 6:37:02 AM] live:riotarms: SF: I have mixed feelings on that sort of thing
[03/01/2015, 6:37:21 AM] live:riotarms: I mean love Planet Rock and that's a redone Kraftwerk hook
[03/01/2015, 6:37:40 AM] live:riotarms: in the case of Robot Rock it just feels like they gutted an absolute monster of a track
[03/01/2015, 6:37:42 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): The stream died.
[03/01/2015, 6:37:43 AM] Ian Cheong: here's maybe a better one SF
[03/01/2015, 6:37:44 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): what happened?
[03/01/2015, 6:37:46 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[03/01/2015, 6:37:46 AM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 6:37:54 AM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 6:38:04 AM] Ian Cheong: wait
[03/01/2015, 6:38:06 AM] Ian Cheong: dont click on the 2nd link
[03/01/2015, 6:38:10 AM] Ian Cheong: let me find the proper link
[03/01/2015, 6:38:37 AM] Ian Cheong: dang, cant find it
[03/01/2015, 6:38:45 AM] Ian Cheong: wish people would upload No Jazz stuff to youtube
[03/01/2015, 6:38:46 AM] live:riotarms: this isn't plagiarism, I just really like it
[03/01/2015, 6:38:48 AM] David Gallant: Looks like that porn stream is gonna do great business for getting new account signups on the sites hosting it.
[03/01/2015, 6:39:01 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): David. exactly
[03/01/2015, 6:39:11 AM] live:riotarms: ettthics
[03/01/2015, 6:39:14 AM] Ian Cheong: oh, found it.
[03/01/2015, 6:39:15 AM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 6:39:17 AM] Ian Cheong: ethics!
[03/01/2015, 6:39:21 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I can't connect to the stream anymore. Will someone see if the stream loads:
[03/01/2015, 6:39:55 AM] Ian Cheong: wow why is the quality of that video so bad.
[03/01/2015, 6:39:58 AM] live:riotarms: do you get stuck at "connecting to live stream"
[03/01/2015, 6:40:03 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yes, James
[03/01/2015, 6:40:04 AM] live:riotarms: because if so, yeah
[03/01/2015, 6:40:09 AM] live:riotarms: oh well lol
[03/01/2015, 6:40:20 AM] SF: Okay those last two are definitely way too close for comfort.
[03/01/2015, 6:40:29 AM] live:riotarms: I felt a great sense of blue balls in the gamer force...
[03/01/2015, 6:40:41 AM] SF: I don't know jazz so it's possible they're both using really common cliches. But even then.
[03/01/2015, 6:40:46 AM] Ian Cheong: it's not common
[03/01/2015, 6:40:49 AM] Ian Cheong: i listen to a FUCKTON of jazz
[03/01/2015, 6:40:59 AM] Ian Cheong: the refrain is definitely stolen
[03/01/2015, 6:41:06 AM] SF: Yeah sounds like it.
[03/01/2015, 6:41:09 AM] live:riotarms: Japanese anime/game stuff seems to have a real problem with this
[03/01/2015, 6:41:17 AM] SF: The music industry is really incestuous and backstabby.
[03/01/2015, 6:41:19 AM] live:riotarms: most famously metal gear and who was that other guy
[03/01/2015, 6:41:33 AM] live:riotarms: the deaf composer who hired ghost composers
[03/01/2015, 6:41:46 AM] David Gallant: I just checked the stream, it is also stuck for me.
[03/01/2015, 6:41:53 AM] David Gallant: $10 says they blame the SJWs
[03/01/2015, 6:41:56 AM] live:riotarms:
[03/01/2015, 6:42:10 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[03/01/2015, 6:42:12 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: can you view the stream without paying or no
[03/01/2015, 6:42:30 AM] SF: I'd be curious to know if any of you know if this is lifted from anywhere because it's one of my favourite original works in a video game soundtrack ever and I'd like to have confidence it's real:
[03/01/2015, 6:42:36 AM] Remy: This can't be the same stream that was advertised in that Indiegogo we reported, right? That still had a whole week left
[03/01/2015, 6:42:46 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Sarah, Yes. the pornhub link doesn't require paying
[03/01/2015, 6:42:54 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: link?
[03/01/2015, 6:42:56 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[03/01/2015, 6:42:56 AM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 6:43:00 AM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 6:43:07 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): it's not loading right now. seems like technical difficulties
[03/01/2015, 6:43:13 AM] Ian Cheong: She just changed the octave lol
[03/01/2015, 6:43:48 AM] Dan Olson: Wut up! Raaise the roof if you slept for 12 hours!
[03/01/2015, 6:43:58 AM] Ian Cheong: Ian Cheong raises the roof
[03/01/2015, 6:44:00 AM] David Gallant: I'm jealous, Dan.
[03/01/2015, 6:44:01 AM] Remy: o/
[03/01/2015, 6:44:03 AM] SF: Sleeping for 5 feels like a victory for me.
[03/01/2015, 6:44:06 AM] Remy: I got like 10
[03/01/2015, 6:44:14 AM] Remy: I hope you got some great rest Dan
[03/01/2015, 6:44:22 AM] Remy: You've had a weird past few months for sure
[03/01/2015, 6:44:41 AM] SF: Those last two you linked are also pretty dang close, yikes.
[03/01/2015, 6:45:03 AM] Dan Olson: yeah, and it wasn't "lay awake until 7am, finally sleep for 2-4 hours, then realize you've still functionally stayed in bed until noon" like recently.
[03/01/2015, 6:45:21 AM] Ian Cheong: if KOF96 plagiarized anyone, i haven't heard it.
[03/01/2015, 6:45:55 AM] SF: Good. There are nice things in the world.
[03/01/2015, 6:46:14 AM] live:riotarms: stream is back
[03/01/2015, 6:46:35 AM] live:riotarms: oh god the stream is back :(
[03/01/2015, 6:47:24 AM] Ian Cheong: you know what a great way to find good bands is?
[03/01/2015, 6:47:31 AM] Ian Cheong: figure out who yoko kanno plagiarized and listen to those bands.
[03/01/2015, 6:47:44 AM] SF: Judging by everyone's tastes here I assume I don't need to bother recommending Perturbator.
[03/01/2015, 6:47:47 AM] SF: Ahaha
[03/01/2015, 6:47:48 AM] Remy: lol
[03/01/2015, 6:47:55 AM] Ian Cheong: Perturbator is amazzzzinnggg
[03/01/2015, 6:48:14 AM] Remy: Dan that last part sounds like my sleeping patterns lately
[03/01/2015, 6:48:41 AM] live:riotarms: Ian I know you like Mega Drive
[03/01/2015, 6:48:51 AM] Ian Cheong: yup
[03/01/2015, 6:48:56 AM] live:riotarms: so good
[03/01/2015, 6:49:22 AM] Athena Hollow: I'm somehow existing still awake after about 3 hours of sleep since Wednesday? -_-
[03/01/2015, 6:50:15 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i'm doing the "sleep for two hours once a day and wake up shaking with panic attacks" thing
[03/01/2015, 6:50:38 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): (hug)
[03/01/2015, 6:51:37 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): 10 minutes left
[03/01/2015, 6:51:39 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): almost done
[03/01/2015, 6:51:41 AM] SF: Actually if you have a spare minute I'd appreciate feedback on this rough WIP of music for a new level in the somewhat retro-futuristic game I'm working on.
[03/01/2015, 6:51:44 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): with this trainwreck
[03/01/2015, 6:51:52 AM] SF: <- mental image
[03/01/2015, 6:51:52 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[03/01/2015, 6:52:07 AM] SF: I'm really sorry Sarah..You've done so much to help us and you deserve better than this.
[03/01/2015, 6:54:32 AM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 6:54:33 AM] Athena Hollow:
[03/01/2015, 6:54:38 AM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 6:54:40 AM] Ian Cheong: slowed down
[03/01/2015, 6:54:44 AM] Ian Cheong: but basically the same song
[03/01/2015, 6:54:46 AM] Ian Cheong: from 1:!1
[03/01/2015, 6:54:58 AM] Ian Cheong: ill check out your track in a sec.
[03/01/2015, 6:56:15 AM] SF: Thanks! It's hard to get feedback and I've listened to my stuff so often I can't hear what to improve any more.
[03/01/2015, 6:56:44 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[03/01/2015, 6:56:46 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ahaha
[03/01/2015, 6:57:05 AM] SF: Also a WIP of the first level's music. Screenshot for context:
[03/01/2015, 6:57:10 AM] live:riotarms: this is good
[03/01/2015, 6:57:10 AM] Athena Hollow: lol
[03/01/2015, 6:57:31 AM] live:riotarms: it's got that nice brooding edge I like in my dystopian synth music
[03/01/2015, 6:57:44 AM] live:riotarms: btw I just remembered this existed
[03/01/2015, 6:58:04 AM] Ian Cheong: oooh
[03/01/2015, 6:58:08 AM] Ian Cheong: i like this already SF
[03/01/2015, 6:58:37 AM] SF: Aw thank you!
[03/01/2015, 6:58:44 AM] Ian Cheong: I would pay you ten dollars for an album with music like this.
[03/01/2015, 6:58:52 AM] live:riotarms: it feels moody in a good way
[03/01/2015, 6:58:56 AM] live:riotarms: I like that in my electro
[03/01/2015, 6:58:59 AM] SF: Oh snap, I wasn't sure if I should charge that much for the entire game haha.
[03/01/2015, 6:59:01 AM] Ian Cheong: it feels haunting
[03/01/2015, 6:59:30 AM] Ian Cheong: this is so good
[03/01/2015, 6:59:44 AM] Ian Cheong: were you influenced by Alexander Brandon (Deus Ex)
[03/01/2015, 6:59:46 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): SF, holy shit. this track is great
[03/01/2015, 6:59:50 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): <3
[03/01/2015, 7:00:27 AM] SF: Y'all are making me blush r/n
[03/01/2015, 7:00:29 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Yo!
[03/01/2015, 7:00:36 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Listen to this:
[03/01/2015, 7:00:44 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Someone made an audio about me.
[03/01/2015, 7:00:46 AM] live:riotarms: great now I'm watching gradius videos and wishing Konami would give the licence to indie devs
[03/01/2015, 7:00:56 AM] SF: That's a very flattering comparison! I've only heard a little of his work but I really liked it and was planning to listen to more.
[03/01/2015, 7:01:08 AM] live:riotarms: yeah it's got that mod tracker feel
[03/01/2015, 7:01:15 AM] Ian Cheong: this is my favorite track of his
[03/01/2015, 7:01:16 AM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 7:01:19 AM] Ian Cheong: check it out
[03/01/2015, 7:01:31 AM] SF: I was definitely trying to go for a cyberpunk + demoscene kind of feel.
[03/01/2015, 7:01:35 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): IT'S OVER
[03/01/2015, 7:01:38 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I SURVIVED
[03/01/2015, 7:01:39 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[03/01/2015, 7:01:41 AM] Athena Hollow: yay
[03/01/2015, 7:01:43 AM] Ian Cheong: demoscene music is the best.
[03/01/2015, 7:01:47 AM] Tesseract: thank god
[03/01/2015, 7:02:00 AM] SF: Oh nice this is like the better UT99 music.
[03/01/2015, 7:02:06 AM] Ian Cheong: yup
[03/01/2015, 7:02:09 AM] Ian Cheong: he did UT99
[03/01/2015, 7:02:14 AM] live:riotarms: the guy who did the UT music was called Sega
[03/01/2015, 7:02:21 AM] live:riotarms: he was born to make game music
[03/01/2015, 7:02:21 AM] Ian Cheong: No, Sega only contributed one
[03/01/2015, 7:02:22 AM] SF: Ohhh that's where I recognized the name. In that case yeah he was an influence.
[03/01/2015, 7:02:25 AM] Ian Cheong: Andrew Sega
[03/01/2015, 7:02:32 AM] SF: Sega is Necros right?
[03/01/2015, 7:02:35 AM] Ian Cheong: yes
[03/01/2015, 7:02:40 AM] Ian Cheong: Sega did Crusader: No Remorse
[03/01/2015, 7:02:48 AM] Remy: I just realized that PornHub may be the first company to successfully capitalize on the GG crowd of morons. And I'm barely even mad b/c of all groups PornHub has associated themselves with GG the least.
[03/01/2015, 7:02:54 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ok. Now to make a storify
[03/01/2015, 7:02:57 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): of my experience
[03/01/2015, 7:02:59 AM] Remy: Like they literally stopped by, showed their boobs, grabbed whoever had money, and walked off
[03/01/2015, 7:03:28 AM] Remy: lol they were shopping GG for customers the whole time 'cause they knew they would drool over a professional porn actor
[03/01/2015, 7:03:33 AM] Ian Cheong: Dan Gardopee and Andrew Sega did Crusader: No Remorse
[03/01/2015, 7:04:04 AM] live:riotarms: thanks to ian I'm going to reinstall deus ex
[03/01/2015, 7:04:08 AM] Ian Cheong: Alexander Brandon and Michiel van den Bos (who also worked on Age of wonders) did Deus Ex
[03/01/2015, 7:04:22 AM] live:riotarms: the quintessential katanawave rpg
[03/01/2015, 7:04:30 AM] SF: Katanawave haha
[03/01/2015, 7:04:40 AM] Remy: I must be thinking of a different Deus ex
[03/01/2015, 7:04:44 AM] Remy: I never played the original
[03/01/2015, 7:04:48 AM] Remy: They had katanas?
[03/01/2015, 7:04:51 AM] Ian Cheong: Here's another to listen to SF
[03/01/2015, 7:04:53 AM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 7:05:01 AM] Ian Cheong: Deus Ex had a Dragon's Tooth sword in it
[03/01/2015, 7:05:02 AM] Ian Cheong: it wasn't a katana
[03/01/2015, 7:05:05 AM] Ian Cheong: it was a chinese sword
[03/01/2015, 7:05:21 AM] Remy: ah
[03/01/2015, 7:05:26 AM] Rob: deus ex <3
[03/01/2015, 7:05:28 AM] Ian Cheong: after the build up, check out what comes out of your right speaker.
[03/01/2015, 7:05:33 AM] Ian Cheong: it echoes the left.
[03/01/2015, 7:05:35 AM] Ian Cheong: its incredible.
[03/01/2015, 7:05:44 AM] Rob: whelp, girlfriend’s here, so I’ll be around sometime tomorrow probs
[03/01/2015, 7:05:49 AM] Rob: Later, folks
[03/01/2015, 7:05:52 AM] SF: Later!
[03/01/2015, 7:05:56 AM] Ian Cheong: later rob
[03/01/2015, 7:06:03 AM] Remy: o/
[03/01/2015, 7:06:09 AM] Ian Cheong: Listening to it SF? :D
[03/01/2015, 7:06:39 AM] SF: One minute.
[03/01/2015, 7:06:50 AM] Ian Cheong: I love how around 1:45 the Deus Ex main theme song riff kicks in. There's leitmotif!
[03/01/2015, 7:06:54 AM] live:riotarms: Katanawave is a genre descriptor I'm trying to popularise hahaha
[03/01/2015, 7:07:02 AM] live:riotarms: like, the matrix is totally katanawave
[03/01/2015, 7:07:04 AM] Ian Cheong: leitmotif in game music is basically my favorite thing.
[03/01/2015, 7:07:27 AM] live:riotarms: blade is insanely katanawave
[03/01/2015, 7:07:27 AM] Ian Cheong: You hear it and it's like "OH, that's the main riff!"
[03/01/2015, 7:07:50 AM] SF: Listening now. I love how much of a sense of space this genre achieves with so few channels.
[03/01/2015, 7:08:29 AM] SF: Maybe I should pester you with the music from my Sonic-y game too then, it's full of recurring character/situation driven motifs.
[03/01/2015, 7:08:37 AM] Ian Cheong: Yess
[03/01/2015, 7:08:38 AM] Ian Cheong: please.
[03/01/2015, 7:09:16 AM] Ian Cheong: big giant circles (he's awesome) remixed that track I just linked you:
[03/01/2015, 7:09:26 AM] SF: Though, all the motif establishing main themes are back from when I sucked so I don't know if I can link them haha.
[03/01/2015, 7:09:35 AM] SF: I think I've seen them on OCRemix before.
[03/01/2015, 7:09:47 AM] SF: Listening now.
[03/01/2015, 7:10:33 AM] SF: Here's an ice hotel level in a depressing hypercapitalist city that still has a bit of a sucky intro I need to fix.
[03/01/2015, 7:11:06 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): guys, plz RT:
[03/01/2015, 7:11:07 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :3
[03/01/2015, 7:12:29 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): also, upvote:
[03/01/2015, 7:12:30 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): hehe
[03/01/2015, 7:12:45 AM] live:riotarms: is steam down for anyone else?
[03/01/2015, 7:13:44 AM] Tesseract: hahahahahaha
[03/01/2015, 7:14:09 AM] Dan Olson: Steam's up for me, I just logged in two minutes ago
[03/01/2015, 7:14:23 AM] Ian Cheong: Whoa, Mode 7  (the makers of Frozen Synapse and Frozen Endzone) made a remix of one of my other favorite Deus Ex tracks.
[03/01/2015, 7:14:26 AM] Ian Cheong: let me link you to the original first.
[03/01/2015, 7:14:46 AM] Remy: wow
[03/01/2015, 7:14:52 AM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 7:15:03 AM] Ian Cheong: remix:
[03/01/2015, 7:15:04 AM] Remy: I guess my room-mate left $400 unpaid on December's rent
[03/01/2015, 7:15:04 AM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 7:15:22 AM] Remy: He was going to leave $200 unpaid but I guess a $200 check bounced
[03/01/2015, 7:15:32 AM] Remy: My room mate, folks. Checks bouncing on the rent. This happens every fucking time, too
[03/01/2015, 7:15:36 AM] SF: Listening now.
[03/01/2015, 7:15:38 AM] SF: Ugh, I'm sorry.
[03/01/2015, 7:15:55 AM] Remy: I'm gonna make his life miserable if we get another warning eviction note taped to the door because he can't figure out how to make online payments
[03/01/2015, 7:16:20 AM] Remy: I should just pay his half and make him work it off by cleaning the apartment for the first time in his life
[03/01/2015, 7:18:43 AM] SF: Love those soaring synth pads.
[03/01/2015, 7:19:03 AM] SF: I always felt like that evokes human architecture towering over the listener.
[03/01/2015, 7:19:10 AM] Ian Cheong: yes!
[03/01/2015, 7:19:49 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): look at this smug asshole:
[03/01/2015, 7:19:59 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I rekt him
[03/01/2015, 7:21:42 AM] Remy:
[03/01/2015, 7:21:46 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Ryan Perez is tweeting about me.
[03/01/2015, 7:21:51 AM] Remy: who is Ryan Perez
[03/01/2015, 7:21:55 AM] Veerender Jubbal: And I think that audio was him.
[03/01/2015, 7:21:57 AM] Remy: And are they saying nice things
[03/01/2015, 7:21:58 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): A douchebag
[03/01/2015, 7:21:58 AM] Ian Cheong: ignore ryan perez he is irrelevant.
[03/01/2015, 7:22:05 AM] Remy: Well fuck that guy then
[03/01/2015, 7:22:14 AM] Veerender Jubbal: He has been blocked for awhile.
[03/01/2015, 7:22:14 AM] Ian Cheong: he was tweeting about me earlier
[03/01/2015, 7:22:48 AM] Remy: did anyone see that tweet I linked
[03/01/2015, 7:22:52 AM] Remy: I now it's Grace but
[03/01/2015, 7:22:56 AM] Remy: check the screenshot she tweeted
[03/01/2015, 7:22:56 AM] Ian Cheong: yeah
[03/01/2015, 7:23:00 AM] Ian Cheong: saw it.
[03/01/2015, 7:23:02 AM] SF: I really like that Mode 7 remix.
[03/01/2015, 7:23:13 AM] Ian Cheong: yeah it's really good
[03/01/2015, 7:23:20 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Well, great.
[03/01/2015, 7:25:34 AM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 7:26:35 AM] Ian Cheong: Deus Ex had one of the best plot twists.
[03/01/2015, 7:27:50 AM] live:riotarms: oh nice
[03/01/2015, 7:27:56 AM] live:riotarms: gog has ground control
[03/01/2015, 7:27:59 AM] Tesseract:
[03/01/2015, 7:28:06 AM] live:riotarms: great rts with a non-sexualised female lead
[03/01/2015, 7:28:08 AM] Ian Cheong: ground control was an amazing game with amazing music
[03/01/2015, 7:28:35 AM] live:riotarms: for real
[03/01/2015, 7:28:44 AM] live:riotarms: plot was kind of hit or miss as I recall
[03/01/2015, 7:28:54 AM] live:riotarms: it had promise but didn't go places
[03/01/2015, 7:29:13 AM] live:riotarms: not that that matters, I just love whacky rts plots
[03/01/2015, 7:29:50 AM] Ian Cheong: i used to listen to this track on repeat.
[03/01/2015, 7:29:54 AM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 7:30:26 AM] live:riotarms: I just bought the series on GOG
[03/01/2015, 7:30:38 AM] Ian Cheong: get World in Conflict
[03/01/2015, 7:30:43 AM] Ian Cheong: its like ground control but looks AMAZING on modern computers
[03/01/2015, 7:30:54 AM] Ian Cheong: same devs.
[03/01/2015, 7:30:58 AM] live:riotarms: what were those voxel USA USA fpses back in the day
[03/01/2015, 7:31:06 AM] Ian Cheong: Delta Force
[03/01/2015, 7:31:11 AM] live:riotarms: fuck yeah
[03/01/2015, 7:31:23 AM] live:riotarms: bad politics but I could go for some of that weird design
[03/01/2015, 7:31:50 AM] live:riotarms: ah, not on gog
[03/01/2015, 7:31:52 AM] live:riotarms: that sucks
[03/01/2015, 7:32:45 AM] live:riotarms: it's on steam but I can't log in
[03/01/2015, 7:32:52 AM] live:riotarms: and I don't like the idea of giving steam money
[03/01/2015, 7:33:50 AM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 7:33:54 AM] Ian Cheong: Here's another great track
[03/01/2015, 7:34:00 AM] Rob: world in conflict is amazing
[03/01/2015, 7:34:06 AM] Rob: needs to be a sequel
[03/01/2015, 7:34:06 AM] Ian Cheong: I-War 2: Edge of Chaos
[03/01/2015, 7:34:40 AM] live:riotarms: I'd like a new ground control because I liked the universe
[03/01/2015, 7:35:06 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Oh shit, it's not Stardock:
[03/01/2015, 7:35:12 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): that has ties to MRA extremists
[03/01/2015, 7:35:22 AM] Ian Cheong: i knew it wasnt stardock
[03/01/2015, 7:35:31 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: Giant Bomb?
[03/01/2015, 7:35:41 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: wait dev
[03/01/2015, 7:35:43 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I have no idea
[03/01/2015, 7:35:47 AM] Ian Cheong: lol they dont have MRAs working for them
[03/01/2015, 7:35:59 AM] live:riotarms: oh that's interesting
[03/01/2015, 7:36:13 AM] live:riotarms: you play a character called parker in world in conflict AND the first ground control
[03/01/2015, 7:36:19 AM] live:riotarms: wonder if it's a shared universe
[03/01/2015, 7:36:21 AM] Ian Cheong: It's not Bioware, Ubisoft, or EA.
[03/01/2015, 7:36:33 AM] Ian Cheong: could be Rockstar.
[03/01/2015, 7:36:45 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: Rockstar I could kinda see
[03/01/2015, 7:37:04 AM] Remy: lol
[03/01/2015, 7:37:12 AM] Remy: That's so cool though
[03/01/2015, 7:37:28 AM] Remy: A major dev company?
[03/01/2015, 7:37:37 AM] Remy: I wonder what AAA studio has been dragging their feet the most
[03/01/2015, 7:37:59 AM] live:riotarms: man, I don't like that she's teasing this out
[03/01/2015, 7:38:07 AM] Remy: She's doing an article so it's not necessarily an American studio
[03/01/2015, 7:38:12 AM] Remy: Oh, I know which one, I'm so dumb
[03/01/2015, 7:38:18 AM] Remy: She's gonna investigate CD PRojekt Red
[03/01/2015, 7:38:27 AM] Remy: That's my bet. I'm putting my bet down now.
[03/01/2015, 7:38:42 AM] Ian Cheong: I dont think its CDPR.
[03/01/2015, 7:38:43 AM] Remy: I think it was Brianna Wu with the pen against CDPR
[03/01/2015, 7:38:48 AM] Ian Cheong: No
[03/01/2015, 7:38:50 AM] Ian Cheong: it was Liana
[03/01/2015, 7:39:09 AM] Remy: I'm actually super unfamiliar with Liana
[03/01/2015, 7:39:13 AM] Ian Cheong: The Witcher 3 has a playable female protagonist anyway.
[03/01/2015, 7:39:15 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: good for you
[03/01/2015, 7:39:28 AM] Remy: That hasn't seemed to have changed Brianna's opinion about the studio
[03/01/2015, 7:39:31 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): GG is not rightwing. Stop saying that. Uh...
[03/01/2015, 7:39:32 AM] Remy: Or their angle
[03/01/2015, 7:41:02 AM] live:riotarms: what if it was valve
[03/01/2015, 7:41:26 AM] SF: Woops BBL with the promised music example.
[03/01/2015, 7:46:11 AM] Remy: oh wow
[03/01/2015, 7:46:13 AM] Peter Coffin: hey folks
[03/01/2015, 7:46:15 AM] Remy: good though knife horse I didn't think bat that
[03/01/2015, 7:46:20 AM] Peter Coffin: I just read abotu zoe/polygon
[03/01/2015, 7:46:30 AM] Peter Coffin: in serious
[03/01/2015, 7:46:46 AM] Ian Cheong: lol dont blow it out of proportion
[03/01/2015, 7:47:01 AM] Peter Coffin: shit is bad ass, even if it is small proportion
[03/01/2015, 7:47:06 AM] Remy: yup
[03/01/2015, 7:47:13 AM] Remy: Seriously a cool way to kick off 2015
[03/01/2015, 7:47:29 AM] Peter Coffin: I think this is going to be a big year
[03/01/2015, 7:48:32 AM] Remy: Not only does she have another outlet to express herself and actuate her goals, but also we have the added beneficial effect of having a major gaming news publication officially engage in a business relationship and stop treating Zoe like a pariah
[03/01/2015, 7:48:43 AM] Remy: And that will help cascade through the rest of the industry so they can stop freezing up like deer in headlights
[03/01/2015, 7:48:57 AM] Tesseract: oh fuck yes boondocksaint50 got suspended
[03/01/2015, 7:48:59 AM] Tesseract: what an ass
[03/01/2015, 7:49:21 AM] Remy: lol you saw that?
[03/01/2015, 7:49:23 AM] Peter Coffin: exactly stephen
[03/01/2015, 7:49:32 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): hehehehe:
[03/01/2015, 7:49:38 AM] Tesseract: more time to masturbate to dick dorkins for him
[03/01/2015, 7:49:47 AM] Remy: you just had to put that in my head
[03/01/2015, 7:50:08 AM] Remy: although for all the junk I put in this room I don't have much ground to stand on
[03/01/2015, 7:50:48 AM] Tesseract: is "junk I put in this room" what the kids are calling it nowdays
[03/01/2015, 7:51:30 AM] Ian Cheong: brianna saw my das keyboard ad tweets
[03/01/2015, 7:52:02 AM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 7:54:49 AM] Ian Cheong: SF:
[03/01/2015, 7:54:50 AM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 7:55:43 AM] Dan Olson: I remember how revolutionary it seemed at the time, an action shooter from a 2/3rds perspective
[03/01/2015, 7:55:56 AM] Ian Cheong: Diablo came out right after.
[03/01/2015, 7:56:00 AM] Dan Olson: or at least that's how they pitched it
[03/01/2015, 7:56:06 AM] Ian Cheong: yep.
[03/01/2015, 7:56:11 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Remember StarFox for the SNES?
[03/01/2015, 7:56:12 AM] Ian Cheong: They used the Ultima 7 engine for it.
[03/01/2015, 7:56:14 AM] Dan Olson: when, really, Golden Axe and dozens of brawlers were already that
[03/01/2015, 7:56:18 AM] Dan Olson: just hallways and crap
[03/01/2015, 7:56:26 AM] Dan Olson: and, yeah, Ultima 7
[03/01/2015, 7:57:16 AM] Ian Cheong: the advertising for that game is so 90s
[03/01/2015, 7:57:22 AM] Ian Cheong: If you don't have a bad attitude... you don't have a chance.
[03/01/2015, 7:57:51 AM] Ian Cheong: the whole game is very 90s
[03/01/2015, 7:58:00 AM] Ian Cheong: Loved the FMV.
[03/01/2015, 7:58:24 AM] Ian Cheong: And the girl who nicknames you Red betrays you in the end.
[03/01/2015, 7:58:56 AM] Remy: I don't know if this is off-topic but does anyone else feel like our storytelling media is just saturated in so many "anti-heroes" that it's just counterproductive now?
[03/01/2015, 7:59:14 AM] Ian Cheong: Yeah, that is why Captain AMerica was such a refreshing film
[03/01/2015, 7:59:21 AM] Remy: Honestly
[03/01/2015, 7:59:26 AM] Remy: I wish I could write a MacGyver sequel
[03/01/2015, 7:59:30 AM] Remy: Like a new series or something
[03/01/2015, 8:00:12 AM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 8:02:05 AM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 8:02:35 AM] Remy: But I also wanna do a spiritual successor to Ellery Queen
[03/01/2015, 8:03:30 AM] Ian Cheong: That song I just linked makes me kinda sad because you hear it when you get back to the rebel base and find it destroyed.
[03/01/2015, 8:15:20 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): AHAHAHAHA:
[03/01/2015, 8:16:00 AM] Ian Cheong: that's so fake
[03/01/2015, 8:16:15 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Of course
[03/01/2015, 8:16:17 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): but the replies
[03/01/2015, 8:18:09 AM] Tesseract:
[03/01/2015, 8:23:22 AM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 8:23:30 AM] Remy: BTW if there are any other writers in here, here's the contest I am going to try and write and submit to
[03/01/2015, 8:23:34 AM] Remy: Deadline is Feb 15
[03/01/2015, 8:24:22 AM] Remy: Sci-Fi contest for LGBT/ QUILTBAG writers
[03/01/2015, 8:24:37 AM] Ian Cheong: Neat
[03/01/2015, 8:26:55 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Hehe. Chris RT'd my tweet:
[03/01/2015, 8:28:41 AM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 8:29:58 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL, "I know him!"
[03/01/2015, 8:30:05 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): yeah, because you are both part of the same little hacker group
[03/01/2015, 8:30:08 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): or whatever
[03/01/2015, 8:30:27 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): TEBG means
[03/01/2015, 8:30:37 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[03/01/2015, 8:31:37 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): OMG, didn't realize Stephen changed his avatar and name:
[03/01/2015, 8:31:38 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): haha
[03/01/2015, 8:31:40 AM] Remy: XD
[03/01/2015, 8:31:50 AM] Remy: Izzy I responded to SPaceDad's tweet
[03/01/2015, 8:31:53 AM] Remy: on your thread
[03/01/2015, 8:32:13 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Just saw it
[03/01/2015, 8:32:14 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): XD
[03/01/2015, 8:32:38 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): this person...
[03/01/2015, 8:32:56 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Leave Sommers out of this! Uh, she does the same rightwing pandering as Milo and Baldwin
[03/01/2015, 8:33:02 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): sorry, she's part of the problem
[03/01/2015, 8:34:45 AM] Remy: Image
[03/01/2015, 8:34:45 AM] Remy: LEAVE SOMMERS ALONE
[03/01/2015, 8:34:54 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[03/01/2015, 8:36:10 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I told them "No."
[03/01/2015, 8:36:10 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[03/01/2015, 8:36:11 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :)
[03/01/2015, 8:37:16 AM] Remy: oh god
[03/01/2015, 8:37:27 AM] Remy: I'ma bout to fuck up that Chuck C exploitable photo
[03/01/2015, 8:37:31 AM] Remy: so bad
[03/01/2015, 8:37:34 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[03/01/2015, 8:37:46 AM] Remy: gimme fifteen minutes I wanna do like three or four at a time and I'm still slow at photo editing
[03/01/2015, 8:37:51 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[03/01/2015, 8:37:52 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ok
[03/01/2015, 8:38:00 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I'm bad at photoshop too
[03/01/2015, 8:40:05 AM] Remy: Image
[03/01/2015, 8:40:29 AM] Peter Coffin: he looks really excited for that
[03/01/2015, 8:40:47 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): o.o
[03/01/2015, 8:41:39 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): WTF IS THIS:
[03/01/2015, 8:41:41 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): o.o
[03/01/2015, 8:42:44 AM] Tesseract: nope I can't watch this
[03/01/2015, 8:42:49 AM] Remy: Image
[03/01/2015, 8:44:50 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): NO. They covered an Eminem song
[03/01/2015, 8:44:51 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[03/01/2015, 8:44:52 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): why
[03/01/2015, 8:44:54 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ;_;
[03/01/2015, 8:45:10 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): it's so bad
[03/01/2015, 8:48:05 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Why am I doing this to myself:
[03/01/2015, 8:48:33 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Here's some related ear bleach:
[03/01/2015, 8:58:26 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): hehe:
[03/01/2015, 9:12:33 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Holy shit, this game trailer:
[03/01/2015, 9:13:03 AM] Remy: oh you saw that trailer?
[03/01/2015, 9:13:09 AM] Remy: We were discussing it in here earlier the other day
[03/01/2015, 9:13:37 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ah
[03/01/2015, 9:13:56 AM] Remy: Honestly that trailer makes me think that Anita should set aside an entire FemFreq episode to just sexism in gaming advertisement
[03/01/2015, 9:14:12 AM] Remy: Both how games with women in them aren't advertised and how the other games are advertised in such awful ways
[03/01/2015, 9:14:14 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: I just clicked the link to that trailer, got a GTA5 ad
[03/01/2015, 9:14:28 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: "well, that seems a bit exaggerated... OH."
[03/01/2015, 9:14:35 AM] Remy: XD
[03/01/2015, 9:14:59 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: Dina was mentioning this the other day, that's... pretty awful
[03/01/2015, 9:15:10 AM] Remy: I wonder if half of the reason this hasn't gained traction is b/c we're tackling sexism both in the gaming industry and in the advertising industry
[03/01/2015, 9:15:19 AM] Remy: And I wonder if advertising isn't the bigger of the beasts
[03/01/2015, 9:17:21 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: advertising kinda ate AAA gaming completely a few years back
[03/01/2015, 9:19:19 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: I can't recall what the game was, but I saw this post mortem on something that failed to see release because the publisher was constantly demanding new sizzle reels for trailers whose specific requirements were so demanding there was no time to work on the real game
[03/01/2015, 9:22:12 AM] Quinnae: Mmmmf. Worfing down some Chinese food right now because I am absolutely starving. Can't tell you how good it feels to have an appetite and be able to finish a full meal.
[03/01/2015, 9:22:53 AM] Quinnae: That period back in October when I was so stressed and clinically anxious over GG that I couldn't eat... yeah. It gives you a new perspective, I'd say.
[03/01/2015, 9:23:45 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Things are looking up, it seems. Reddit dealt a huge blow to GG today by making GG boycot threads a bannable offense
[03/01/2015, 9:23:52 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): on KiA
[03/01/2015, 9:24:00 AM] drinternetphd: lol
[03/01/2015, 9:24:15 AM] Remy: lol
[03/01/2015, 9:24:15 AM] Quinnae: That's pretty delightful ;)
[03/01/2015, 9:24:24 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Kiwikku advised the team to move to Tumblr (again)
[03/01/2015, 9:24:25 AM] Dan Olson: mmm, Chinese food
[03/01/2015, 9:24:43 AM] Tesseract: I'd suggest reporting their vote brigading to the reddit admins
[03/01/2015, 9:24:46 AM] drinternetphd: we will drive them from their homes yet again
[03/01/2015, 9:24:55 AM] Tesseract: they likely wouldn't shut it down entirely, just scare the shit out of them
[03/01/2015, 9:25:06 AM] Dan Olson: "Let's just go to 8chan?"
"But 8chan is mean :-("
[03/01/2015, 9:25:19 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Zoe! removes things pretty quickly!
[03/01/2015, 9:25:33 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Some of your doxes have been removed already as well as Sarah's after reporting
[03/01/2015, 9:25:37 AM] Quinnae: Hurrah!
[03/01/2015, 9:25:37 AM] drinternetphd: yay :>
[03/01/2015, 9:25:42 AM] Tesseract: they don't tell you when they remove things though
[03/01/2015, 9:25:46 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yeah
[03/01/2015, 9:26:11 AM] Tesseract: I've been writing characters for this rpg I'm gming all day and gg has just ruined my ability to focus on anything
[03/01/2015, 9:26:12 AM] drinternetphd: also in other tactical news
[03/01/2015, 9:26:13 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I started a Trello card to keep track.
[03/01/2015, 9:26:26 AM] drinternetphd: I'm pitching an article on 8chan/4chan/ED's war on trans women
[03/01/2015, 9:26:32 AM] Tesseract: good
[03/01/2015, 9:26:47 AM] drinternetphd: I think I'm gonna pursue writing activisty journalist pieces pretty aggressively.
[03/01/2015, 9:26:58 AM] Quinnae: I approve. ;)
[03/01/2015, 9:27:01 AM] drinternetphd: trying to build a bigger platform to fight stuff
[03/01/2015, 9:27:05 AM] drinternetphd: and shed light on this shit
[03/01/2015, 9:27:05 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Your pieces are great Zoe
[03/01/2015, 9:27:06 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: GG has really impacted my GMing
[03/01/2015, 9:27:14 AM] drinternetphd: and help people targeted by online harassment
[03/01/2015, 9:27:18 AM] Secret Gamer Girl: which... I mean honestly, as problems go, that's pretty damn minor
[03/01/2015, 9:28:57 AM] Quinnae: Definitely appreciate it Zoe. I wish I'd saved the 8chan thread where they went after me with nearly wall-to-wall transphobia (this was just a couple of weeks ago at the height of the Colbert Photogate kerfluffle) :P
[03/01/2015, 9:30:11 AM] drinternetphd: sheez
[03/01/2015, 9:30:19 AM] drinternetphd: I'll see if I can dig some shit up
[03/01/2015, 9:30:22 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): AHAHAHA:
[03/01/2015, 9:30:30 AM] Quinnae: But if you find it in your archival searches, you have my full permission to run with it.
[03/01/2015, 9:30:37 AM] drinternetphd: thank you
[03/01/2015, 9:31:01 AM] drinternetphd: I'll still run a draft by you before publishing if you have the time and I end up using it
[03/01/2015, 9:31:06 AM] Remy: Hey Zoe
[03/01/2015, 9:31:19 AM] drinternetphd: sup
[03/01/2015, 9:31:21 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Zoe, that's too ethical
[03/01/2015, 9:31:28 AM] drinternetphd: lol
[03/01/2015, 9:31:30 AM] Remy: I always do that I'm still trying to remember the name of the thing I want to tell you about
[03/01/2015, 9:31:37 AM] Remy: But I already started talking and now your'e awaiting gand I can't remember the name
[03/01/2015, 9:31:42 AM] drinternetphd: ahaha
[03/01/2015, 9:31:44 AM] Remy: x-x
[03/01/2015, 9:31:46 AM] drinternetphd: I hate that feeling
[03/01/2015, 9:31:52 AM] Remy: I have access to a trans issues peer-reviewed magazine
[03/01/2015, 9:31:59 AM] Remy: I will try to find the name
[03/01/2015, 9:32:04 AM] Remy: In case you ever want articles to cite
[03/01/2015, 9:32:08 AM] drinternetphd: also I'm a contributor on Disinformation too
[03/01/2015, 9:32:09 AM] Remy: And research in your pocket
[03/01/2015, 9:33:50 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ok. It's 5:33 PM and I still need to take a shower and be productive. XD.
[03/01/2015, 9:33:56 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): See you all later! Take care.
[03/01/2015, 9:33:56 AM] Remy: Oh it's Transgender Studies Quarterly
[03/01/2015, 9:34:02 AM] Remy: Duke University
[03/01/2015, 9:34:04 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): If you haven't seen my tweets about the GG porn stream, here you go:
[03/01/2015, 9:34:40 AM] Remy: I currently have an article on micro aggression against trans people on my reading list
[03/01/2015, 9:34:42 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: On 03/01/2015, at 9:28 AM, Quinnae wrote:
> Definitely appreciate it Zoe. I wish I'd saved the 8chan thread where they went after me with nearly wall-to-wall transphobia (this was just a couple of weeks ago at the height of the Colbert Photogate kerfluffle)
i know there was an archive of that somewhere
[03/01/2015, 9:34:47 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: did someone save it here?
[03/01/2015, 9:35:03 AM] Tesseract: I know I rt'd an image of it recently from someone
[03/01/2015, 9:35:10 AM] Quinnae: Zoe I'd be happy to take a look for sure.
[03/01/2015, 9:35:15 AM] Tesseract: I can't find it but it's on my TL over the last few days somewhere
[03/01/2015, 9:35:38 AM] Quinnae: If it was saved here, Sarah, it's long been deleted in our various log purges.
[03/01/2015, 9:35:46 AM] Quinnae: I remember someone showing it to me but I forget where.
[03/01/2015, 9:35:55 AM] Quinnae: Oh!
[03/01/2015, 9:35:57 AM] Quinnae: I think I know.
[03/01/2015, 9:36:32 AM] Quinnae:
[03/01/2015, 9:36:35 AM] Quinnae: Found it, Zoe.
[03/01/2015, 9:36:40 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): On 21/12/2014, at 2:27 AM, Quinnae wrote:

[03/01/2015, 9:36:41 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ah
[03/01/2015, 9:36:43 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): hehe
[03/01/2015, 9:36:56 AM] Quinnae: Katherine Cross; Faster than a speeding Kirby!
[03/01/2015, 9:37:02 AM] Quinnae: (But thanks Izzy ;) )
[03/01/2015, 9:37:04 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Hehe. Ok. I got to go. Cya
[03/01/2015, 9:37:05 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :)
[03/01/2015, 9:37:06 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): <3
[03/01/2015, 9:37:20 AM] drinternetphd: ty
[03/01/2015, 9:37:38 AM] Dan Olson: I booted up System Shock 2, which was the last game I was building mods for, and now I really, really want to make a level again. For something. Anything.
[03/01/2015, 9:37:40 AM] drinternetphd: saved in my research folde
[03/01/2015, 9:37:40 AM] drinternetphd: r
[03/01/2015, 9:37:47 AM] drinternetphd: dan make a game
[03/01/2015, 9:39:45 AM] Remy: Fuck, it's January already, isn't it
[03/01/2015, 9:39:59 AM] Dan Olson: I drafted up mechanics concepts for a bunch of non-combat games a few weeks ago. Like one where you're a tin robot who has to avoid water to avoid rusting. So rather than managing HP you're managing rust levels.
[03/01/2015, 9:40:04 AM] Remy: Okay so Social Justice League comic is officially taking the back burner until I finish my submission for Queers Destroy Science Fiction
[03/01/2015, 9:40:30 AM] Quinnae: D'awww
[03/01/2015, 9:40:33 AM] Quinnae: I love that name.
[03/01/2015, 9:41:17 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: haha
[03/01/2015, 9:41:27 AM] Dan Olson: I love it
[03/01/2015, 9:41:38 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: will that be a panel at wiscon katherine ~
[03/01/2015, 9:42:04 AM] Quinnae: For my part I just cranked out a lengthy feature for Bitch Magazine about Lawful Good and real life law.
[03/01/2015, 9:42:12 AM] Quinnae: 2,500 words, one sitting.
[03/01/2015, 9:42:18 AM] Remy: ugh I'm so jealous of you
[03/01/2015, 9:42:20 AM] Quinnae: And, will what be a panel, dear?
[03/01/2015, 9:42:38 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: queers destroying sci fi
[03/01/2015, 9:42:41 AM] Quinnae: (It's the only way I could ever get so much work done, Stephen. I have to cogently write at that speed. :P )
[03/01/2015, 9:42:43 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: because it sounds like something that would fit in
[03/01/2015, 9:42:59 AM] Quinnae: I dunno, actually! I'd be surprised if that wasn't the theme of several panels, to be honest.
[03/01/2015, 9:43:03 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: haha
[03/01/2015, 9:44:05 AM] Remy: Here's the link for any other fellow fiction writers
[03/01/2015, 9:45:25 AM] Remy: Last year they did Women Destroy Science Fiction
[03/01/2015, 9:46:14 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: haha that's awesome
[03/01/2015, 9:55:08 AM] Quinnae: I suppose I'm destroying games journalism and academia.
[03/01/2015, 9:55:26 AM] Quinnae: I do write fiction but I'm very protective of it and it only appears in private roleplays with people. :P
[03/01/2015, 9:57:04 AM] Remy: Just as long as we keep destroying the old so we can make room for the new
[03/01/2015, 9:57:33 AM] Tesseract: god dammit why can't I find this image
[03/01/2015, 9:59:42 AM] Quinnae: If you've ever seen Gatchaman Crowds, I'm like Rui who wants to "update" the world, (rather than reboot it ;) )
[03/01/2015, 10:13:58 AM] Dan Olson: Okay, so, I've had this running problem in Stencyl where I want text to pop up when the player is standing in certain spots, but Stencyl doesn't have a way to check current collision status, so I can't just go "if butts are touching display 'butts touching' text, if butts are not touching don't display text, if butts are not touching and 'butts touching' is showing destroy 'butts touching'"
[03/01/2015, 10:14:52 AM] drinternetphd: there's no "is overlapping" state?
[03/01/2015, 10:15:13 AM] Remy: I want a picture of GamerGate's biggest crybaby literally in tears so I can tweet it out as WHO IS JOHN SALT
[03/01/2015, 10:15:20 AM] drinternetphd: what about making it like if firstbutt x = secondbutt x
[03/01/2015, 10:15:29 AM] Dan Olson: it feels now like the best solution is to have an invisible "clean up exit zone" around the regions?
[03/01/2015, 10:15:48 AM] drinternetphd: well what are you trying to do exactly
[03/01/2015, 10:16:25 AM] Dan Olson: When the player walks in front of their computer text pops up telling them the actions, like the prompts in Heavy Rain
[03/01/2015, 10:16:44 AM] drinternetphd: is it top down or side to side
[03/01/2015, 10:17:05 AM] Dan Olson: side to side, Maniac Mansion style.
[03/01/2015, 10:17:15 AM] drinternetphd: yeah do it with x coordinates then
[03/01/2015, 10:18:26 AM] drinternetphd: lemme boot up stencyl
[03/01/2015, 10:18:34 AM] Dan Olson: if Player Position and Computer Position == +/- X then (make the text visible) more or less being the logic?
[03/01/2015, 10:19:25 AM] drinternetphd: yeah. maybe play with some conditionals. do you want the player to be able to pass by or do you want the text prompt to stop the player in their tracks
[03/01/2015, 10:20:13 AM] Dan Olson: I want it to float over their heads. It's just a visual to let them know the computer is something they can interact with.
[03/01/2015, 10:20:28 AM] drinternetphd: ok so you want a "while"
[03/01/2015, 10:20:36 AM] Dan Olson: yes
[03/01/2015, 10:21:30 AM] drinternetphd: lemme re download stencyl I can screencap the logic for this when I remind myself what stencyl calls things
[03/01/2015, 10:21:39 AM] drinternetphd: I switched to construct 2 for reasons haha
[03/01/2015, 10:22:13 AM] Dan Olson: I think I might have had a brain storm. Also I'm not married to Stencyl by any means, though the "stikko bricks" coding speaks to me.
[03/01/2015, 10:22:42 AM] drinternetphd: well, if you ever wanna try out construct and need tech support lmk
[03/01/2015, 10:22:43 AM] Quinnae: Y'all are so cool. That is all.
[03/01/2015, 10:23:01 AM] Dan Olson: I understand programmig logic, I'm just beyond shit at remembering syntax.
[03/01/2015, 10:23:22 AM] Dan Olson: Hell, I routinely have to remind myself of CSS syntax if it's been more than a week since I touched it.
[03/01/2015, 10:23:42 AM] Dan Olson: and it's always "semicolon, dude. It's always semicolon."
[03/01/2015, 10:24:02 AM] drinternetphd: as long as you're not for some godforsaken reason using python
[03/01/2015, 10:24:08 AM] drinternetphd: which uses WHITE SPACE
[03/01/2015, 10:24:10 AM] drinternetphd: LIKE AN IDIOT
[03/01/2015, 10:24:58 AM] Dan Olson: i went through Learn Python the Hard way because it was, at least a few years back, one of very very few programming guides that understood learning curves.
[03/01/2015, 10:26:30 AM] Dan Olson: The stereotypical example from the 90s being 
Lesson 1"Type Hello World"
Lesson 2 "Bimodal Matrixes in an Object-Oriented Context Followed By More Words You're Sure Are Wizard Speak"
[03/01/2015, 10:27:31 AM] Dan Olson: I can't even count how many tutorials I've audited that just skip any sort of object management step as a coherent "here's how you use this."
[03/01/2015, 10:27:47 AM] Dan Olson: "Learn LUA" being the worst in that regard.
[03/01/2015, 10:28:46 AM] Dan Olson: If you're bumping your way through making a WoW addon the tutorials will run you through making a window in-game, and fail to tell you how to actually put anything in that window.
[03/01/2015, 10:29:06 AM] Dan Olson: They treat it as self-evident
[03/01/2015, 10:30:08 AM] drinternetphd: yeah a lot of programming tutorials have this problem
[03/01/2015, 10:30:11 AM] drinternetphd: that and the jargon issues
[03/01/2015, 10:30:15 AM] drinternetphd: they assume you know shit already
[03/01/2015, 10:30:23 AM] drinternetphd: talking to programmers and getting them to teach you shit is similar
[03/01/2015, 10:31:01 AM] drinternetphd: I am real glad I spent so much time teaching people who have never programmed shit
[03/01/2015, 10:36:12 AM] SF: I tried Stencyl and got aggravated really quickly. Don't use version control with it if you want to remain sane.
[03/01/2015, 10:36:50 AM] SF: Thanks for the link Ian, I think I've enjoyed other stuff from this same soundtrack.
[03/01/2015, 10:36:57 AM] drinternetphd: I tried making my first game in stencyl
[03/01/2015, 10:37:05 AM] drinternetphd: kept overwriting my class files with blank xml files
[03/01/2015, 10:37:15 AM] drinternetphd: it was an early build of it tho
[03/01/2015, 10:37:24 AM] drinternetphd: I've tried like all those programs and easily construct 2 is my fav
[03/01/2015, 10:38:01 AM] SF: UE4 is surprisingly good at 2d these days.
[03/01/2015, 10:38:46 AM] SF: Blueprint is great for people who are allergic to writing logic in text of any kind too.
[03/01/2015, 10:43:31 AM] drinternetphd: hnnnng I forgot how much I hate stencyl
[03/01/2015, 10:45:44 AM] Remy: I haven't tried Stencil yet
[03/01/2015, 10:45:53 AM] Remy: But I have Ren'py
[03/01/2015, 10:45:54 AM] Dan Olson: Is Construct 2 windows-only?
[03/01/2015, 10:46:00 AM] Remy: In case I ever can figure out how to use it
[03/01/2015, 10:46:36 AM] Remy: I tried learning Twine but it was like AND HERE IS WHERE THE HTML GOES and I was like GO AWAY NIGHTMARE BUTTON
[03/01/2015, 10:47:03 AM] SF: Promised leitmotif example from the Sonic-y game for Ian:

- Sound effect that plays on TVs in the background during saccharine ads for the game world's major energy corporation:

- Level music for when you're inside said corp's power plant, probably the final level of the game:
[03/01/2015, 10:47:43 AM] SF: (It has the build up to nothing at the end because the second loop through isn't done yet)
[03/01/2015, 10:47:59 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Did you guys catch this shit? GGers are pathetic
[03/01/2015, 10:48:37 AM] Tesseract: lol
[03/01/2015, 10:49:05 AM] Tesseract: let them do it
[03/01/2015, 10:49:10 AM] Tesseract: demonstrate the mods are complict
[03/01/2015, 10:49:16 AM] Tesseract: report to admins, nuke kia
[03/01/2015, 10:49:43 AM] SF: Ah yes the well known SJW hugbox that hosts forums like /r/picsofdeadkids
[03/01/2015, 10:52:12 AM] drinternetphd: dan: not sure
[03/01/2015, 10:52:15 AM] drinternetphd: probably
[03/01/2015, 10:52:40 AM] Tesseract: what
[03/01/2015, 11:04:36 AM] SF: Chuck Cat Johnson is getting so much attention after Zoe RT'd it hahaha
[03/01/2015, 11:04:44 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): hehehe
[03/01/2015, 11:05:04 AM] drinternetphd: (~
[03/01/2015, 11:05:18 AM] SF: I don't want to find out what the C stands for so I can go on pretending it stands for Cheese.
[03/01/2015, 11:05:35 AM] Tesseract: chuck c cheese
[03/01/2015, 11:05:56 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Does anyone have links of channers or KIAers trying to distance themselves from Cernovich?
[03/01/2015, 11:06:03 AM] Tesseract: did that even happen
[03/01/2015, 11:06:14 AM] SF: I've never seen any distance from him.
[03/01/2015, 11:06:18 AM] Remy: same
[03/01/2015, 11:06:20 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): same
[03/01/2015, 11:06:33 AM] Remy: At most they might do the chan culture thing and make fun of him or use slurs
[03/01/2015, 11:06:43 AM] SF: If there are any it'd be in the thread on his debate with Kluwe.
[03/01/2015, 11:06:51 AM] Remy: ^
[03/01/2015, 11:06:53 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Alex, I have Kiwikku distancing himself from Cernovich. That's all. lol
[03/01/2015, 11:07:01 AM] Remy: Wow I haven't seen that
[03/01/2015, 11:07:02 AM] SF: But all I saw was people buying into his "ummmm but I was trying to lose" line.
[03/01/2015, 11:07:25 AM] Remy: I bet you IA wouldn't have a problem talking shit on Cernovich since he is so vocal about opportunists
[03/01/2015, 11:07:27 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Kiwikku:
[03/01/2015, 11:09:24 AM] Alex Lifschitz: K.
[03/01/2015, 11:09:46 AM] Alex Lifschitz: BTW, this Cerno piece is coming along at a nice clip. I'll invite people to edit once I'm done with the last section.
[03/01/2015, 11:10:19 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Could use a nice dossier on CH Sommers if someone has it
[03/01/2015, 11:10:42 AM] Randi Harper: muh piercings.
[03/01/2015, 11:10:55 AM] SF: I've paid very little attention to her so far. RationalWiki has only a brief mention.
[03/01/2015, 11:11:12 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Wait. Alex. I found a thread
[03/01/2015, 11:11:13 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[03/01/2015, 11:11:22 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): thread was removed. but Google has it cached.
[03/01/2015, 11:11:26 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): They call him the LW of GG
[03/01/2015, 11:11:30 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): and a shill
[03/01/2015, 11:11:30 AM] Remy: god Izzy you are the best
[03/01/2015, 11:11:53 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): <3
[03/01/2015, 11:12:50 AM] Remy: oh yeah
[03/01/2015, 11:12:57 AM] Remy: They call him out for using GG to farm for marks
[03/01/2015, 11:13:10 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Hehehe
[03/01/2015, 11:13:30 AM] Remy: I don't know how Alex is going to use it but it feels like it's going to be delicious
[03/01/2015, 11:13:51 AM] David Gallant: Evening, folks. Did I miss anything?
[03/01/2015, 11:14:30 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): You missed the GG porn "charity" stream:
[03/01/2015, 11:16:46 AM] Remy: There's a line in that 8chan cache that's got me interested, Izzy
[03/01/2015, 11:17:07 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I didn't read all the comments. What did you catch?
[03/01/2015, 11:17:09 AM] Remy: "I know the LW's are fucked in the head, I got interested in GG cause I felt largely that they were untouchables that I wanted to bring down. A bit out of reach, but I came to get at bad guys. I had a pretty decent shot at Sarkeesian that one article. "
[03/01/2015, 11:17:22 AM] Remy: I wonder to which article they are referring
[03/01/2015, 11:17:27 AM] Remy: Because they seem to be implying authorship
[03/01/2015, 11:17:31 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Hmm
[03/01/2015, 11:18:25 AM] Remy: I would be very interested in being able to attach this activity to a face and a name, particularly someone who has been using their platform to attack these people
[03/01/2015, 11:18:52 AM] Remy: Although, granted, it's just as likely to be some nameless schmuck calling his blog post an "article"
[03/01/2015, 11:18:54 AM] David Gallant: Read that Storify, Izzy, good work.
[03/01/2015, 11:19:09 AM] David Gallant: Was it just a cam show sty;e stream?
[03/01/2015, 11:20:24 AM] live:riotarms: I'm working on "reasons gamergate is fucked in 2015", is medium a good place to publish?
[03/01/2015, 11:20:37 AM] live:riotarms: also, anyone want to read my draft in a little bit?
[03/01/2015, 11:20:51 AM] Remy: yes and yes
[03/01/2015, 11:21:05 AM] David Gallant: I'm working on updating my sales records right now, but I'll take a look if I'm done when you're ready.
[03/01/2015, 11:21:31 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): o.o
[03/01/2015, 11:21:46 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Ty for the thread Izzy
[03/01/2015, 11:22:48 AM] live:riotarms: I might be a little while
[03/01/2015, 11:22:53 AM] live:riotarms: I want to make this golden
[03/01/2015, 11:23:42 AM] David Gallant: Polish that shit.
[03/01/2015, 11:23:50 AM] David Gallant: Live by the words of the great Ric Chivo.
[03/01/2015, 11:26:00 AM] live:riotarms: I want it to ether them
[03/01/2015, 11:26:07 AM] live:riotarms: I want them to read it and give up
[03/01/2015, 11:26:19 AM] live:riotarms: what are some of their unethical email strategies again?
[03/01/2015, 11:26:26 AM] live:riotarms: pretending not to be from gamergate
[03/01/2015, 11:27:13 AM] SF: They were fake orgasming saying names of gaters in stream.
[03/01/2015, 11:27:25 AM] SF: I had to turn away it was just too awkward.
[03/01/2015, 11:27:26 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ^
[03/01/2015, 11:29:00 AM] Remy:
[03/01/2015, 11:29:15 AM] Remy:
[03/01/2015, 11:29:26 AM] live:riotarms: who did they convince to pull ads again
[03/01/2015, 11:29:27 AM] live:riotarms: intel
[03/01/2015, 11:29:29 AM] live:riotarms: dyson
[03/01/2015, 11:29:34 AM] Remy: lol
[03/01/2015, 11:29:37 AM] Remy: Dyson still makes me laugh
[03/01/2015, 11:29:57 AM] Remy: My very first job was repairing vacuum cleaners and they kinda suck? Or at least ten years ago they did
[03/01/2015, 11:30:35 AM] live:riotarms: they make amazing hand driers
[03/01/2015, 11:31:05 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Dyson's reversal article was astonishing
[03/01/2015, 11:31:26 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I don't recall what they said
[03/01/2015, 11:31:32 AM] Alex Lifschitz: It wasn't just "we're rebuying ad space," it was "we're rebuying ad space and we recognize that Gamergate is full of shit"
[03/01/2015, 11:31:57 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Nice
[03/01/2015, 11:31:58 AM] Remy: Oh nice I didn't actually see Dysons
[03/01/2015, 11:32:07 AM] Remy: Good to see they wanted to make their position clear
[03/01/2015, 11:34:53 AM] live:riotarms: I want to get a nice thread through this
[03/01/2015, 11:35:04 AM] live:riotarms: 1. gamergate has accomplished nothing they say they want to do
[03/01/2015, 11:35:13 AM] live:riotarms: 2. gamergate is fucking terrifying innocent people
[03/01/2015, 11:35:36 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): 0. GamerGate only ever behaves unethically.
[03/01/2015, 11:35:40 AM] live:riotarms: 3. they've bitten off more than they can fucking chew and the backlash is going to send them into the dustbin of history
[03/01/2015, 11:35:46 AM] live:riotarms: ha, well yess
[03/01/2015, 11:35:59 AM] live:riotarms: 4. gamergate is impotent
[03/01/2015, 11:47:43 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): 4. GamerGate is so beta.
[03/01/2015, 11:49:05 AM] live:riotarms: fucking keyboard warriors, I hate um
[03/01/2015, 11:51:58 AM] live:riotarms: hahahaha alex I just vanity googled drilbert and I'm glad you like the new direction
[03/01/2015, 11:51:58 AM] Dan Olson: Zoe. Alex. WTF is going on on Twitter with Lindsay?
[03/01/2015, 11:52:33 AM] drinternetphd: hm?
[03/01/2015, 11:52:51 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Which Lindsay?
[03/01/2015, 11:53:44 AM] Dan Olson: Something about stairs and Baldwins and the 90s
[03/01/2015, 11:53:52 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ah. lol. I have no idea
[03/01/2015, 11:53:58 AM] drinternetphd: lol
[03/01/2015, 11:54:00 AM] drinternetphd: it's
[03/01/2015, 11:54:05 AM] drinternetphd: don't worry about it
[03/01/2015, 11:54:39 AM] Dan Olson: It's fragmented into so many pieces at this point that I can't follow what came when. My timeline is a mess.
[03/01/2015, 11:55:04 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I think technology just hates you, Dan
[03/01/2015, 11:56:04 AM] Remy: I havne't looked at twitter since I posted that picture of Chuck holding a Neil DeGrasse Tyson book
[03/01/2015, 11:57:41 AM] David Gallant: Dan, you talking about Lindsay Ellis?
[03/01/2015, 11:59:34 AM] Randi Harper: wait dyson came out as against GG?
[03/01/2015, 11:59:36 AM] Randi Harper: where is this article
[03/01/2015, 12:00:22 PM] Tesseract: yeah they got dyson to pull a while back and then dyson came out saying fuck gg and reinstated
[03/01/2015, 12:00:23 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ah, it was when the Telegraph was reporting on GG.
[03/01/2015, 12:01:36 PM] Randi Harper: I don't see anything stating that dyson said gamergate was full of shit
[03/01/2015, 12:01:37 PM] Randi Harper: just ‘I can confirm that we have reinstated our media spend with Gawker.’
[03/01/2015, 12:01:53 PM] Remy: yeah
[03/01/2015, 12:03:48 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Alex was the one who brought that up. I didn't even realize until today that Dyson reinstated ads.
[03/01/2015, 12:07:56 PM] Tesseract: apparently they still update this
[03/01/2015, 12:08:47 PM] live:riotarms: holy shit, Jam Master Jay was younger when he was shot than Kanye is now
[03/01/2015, 12:08:59 PM] live:riotarms: that's really sad, he was only 37
[03/01/2015, 12:09:17 PM] live:riotarms: (fell into a Wikipedia hole)
[03/01/2015, 12:19:26 PM] David Gallant: That happens when I try to write too.
[03/01/2015, 12:25:15 PM] Remy: yup
[03/01/2015, 12:25:24 PM] Remy: And don't even let me go back to tvtropes
[03/01/2015, 12:25:57 PM] Tesseract: is this a thing now
[03/01/2015, 12:34:39 PM] David Gallant: Wait, GG has actually been spreading that vid around?
[03/01/2015, 12:34:50 PM] David Gallant: I thought they at least pretended to be inclusive?
[03/01/2015, 12:35:12 PM] Tesseract: nah it was just some dude
[03/01/2015, 12:38:23 PM] live:riotarms: MDK seems to be on Sale on GoG
[03/01/2015, 12:44:09 PM] David Gallant: I tried playing that recently. It's difficult to go back to.
[03/01/2015, 1:11:57 PM] live:riotarms: MegaRace is also on GoG
[03/01/2015, 1:12:17 PM] live:riotarms: I can win the cgi car seat covers again
[03/01/2015, 1:13:03 PM] Peter Coffin: I HATE ramzpaul
[03/01/2015, 1:13:11 PM] Peter Coffin: he helped spread fake girlfriend
[03/01/2015, 1:13:14 PM] Peter Coffin: FUCK that person
[03/01/2015, 1:13:35 PM] Peter Coffin: he is someone I would actually probably punch in the face seemingly unprovoked if I saw him
[03/01/2015, 1:14:13 PM] Peter Coffin: his video is still up about it, and his smarmy shitty antisemitism just oozes the whole fucking thing
[03/01/2015, 1:14:31 PM] Peter Coffin: fuck, I wish I hadn't remembered he is a person. I forget most of the time
[03/01/2015, 1:15:01 PM] Remy: I'm sorry man
[03/01/2015, 1:15:09 PM] Tesseract: who's that
[03/01/2015, 1:15:22 PM] Tesseract: the old dark enlighenment asshole dude?
[03/01/2015, 1:15:40 PM] Peter Coffin: this guy is this a thing now
[03/01/2015, 1:15:56 PM] Tesseract: so yes
[03/01/2015, 1:16:00 PM] Peter Coffin: yes
[03/01/2015, 1:16:03 PM] Peter Coffin: sorry
[03/01/2015, 1:16:16 PM] Peter Coffin: seeing his smug piece of shit face sends me into a rage
[03/01/2015, 1:17:31 PM] Peter Coffin: he made a video about me called "the curious case of peter coffin" that was one of the initial things that spread the story, specifically around the white supremacy circles, putting a semitic person at "legit to attack" status
[03/01/2015, 1:17:41 PM] Remy: wait so that's the dude?
[03/01/2015, 1:17:48 PM] Remy: He seems gross
[03/01/2015, 1:18:08 PM] Peter Coffin: he's a racist
[03/01/2015, 1:18:16 PM] Peter Coffin: essentially a "stormfront comedian"
[03/01/2015, 1:18:26 PM] Peter Coffin: which makes me want to vomit
[03/01/2015, 1:18:47 PM] Remy: omg
[03/01/2015, 1:18:49 PM] Remy: He's a gay nazi
[03/01/2015, 1:18:52 PM] Remy: wtf
[03/01/2015, 1:18:58 PM] Tesseract: he's a dark enlightenment guy
[03/01/2015, 1:19:05 PM] Remy: Yeah but
[03/01/2015, 1:19:06 PM] Tesseract: they're all bigot dumbasses
[03/01/2015, 1:19:08 PM] Remy: They killed gay people
[03/01/2015, 1:19:11 PM] Remy: the nazis, I mean
[03/01/2015, 1:19:15 PM] Remy: how fucking stupid
[03/01/2015, 1:19:19 PM] Remy: nvmd. I quit.
[03/01/2015, 1:19:27 PM] Peter Coffin: how often are these people smart stephen
[03/01/2015, 1:19:35 PM] Peter Coffin: like give me an instance where one is legit smart
[03/01/2015, 1:20:01 PM] Remy: I know, but for like ten seconds I tried to apply logic to them
[03/01/2015, 1:20:02 PM] Remy: And it hurt
[03/01/2015, 1:20:16 PM] Peter Coffin: okay I'm calming down
[03/01/2015, 1:20:27 PM] Peter Coffin: I wasn't expecting to see that piece of shit today obviously
[03/01/2015, 1:21:11 PM] Peter Coffin: like the poster of the original post doesn't even seriously bother me at this point, but THAT guy bothers me
[03/01/2015, 1:21:59 PM] Peter Coffin: the people who just siezed on that post bother me, the people who just took it at face value and made sure there were enough people there to rip me apart
[03/01/2015, 1:22:31 PM] Peter Coffin: and this piece of shit who exposed me to loads of anti-semites and gave them a "legit" reason to attack a semitic person who had some degree of prominence at the time
[03/01/2015, 1:23:00 PM] Peter Coffin: doesn't shock me one bit he's come up in this, but I guess I should have been waiting for it rather than get a shock when seeing his fucking face
[03/01/2015, 1:23:24 PM] live:riotarms:
[03/01/2015, 1:23:47 PM] live:riotarms: man, peter, that sucks :(
[03/01/2015, 1:25:08 PM] Peter Coffin: it's alright, that kind of shit is why I am here
[03/01/2015, 1:28:04 PM] live:riotarms: this will cheer you up
[03/01/2015, 1:28:09 PM] live:riotarms:
[03/01/2015, 1:29:02 PM] Remy: Whenever I wanna see anti-semites get their shit handed to them I go check out Steve Hofstetter on TY
[03/01/2015, 1:29:03 PM] Remy: YT*
[03/01/2015, 1:29:28 PM] Remy: He's a standup comic but almost all his uploads (except recently 'cause FOX picked up his show recently) are just him SLAYING hecklers
[03/01/2015, 1:30:00 PM] Remy: And drunk hecklers love to get racist and anti-semitic and he just tears out their intestines and makes a balloon animal and hands it back like "watch me fuck up how you look at yourself in front of all of these people"
[03/01/2015, 1:33:43 PM] Remy: from now on let's just call it NaziGate
[03/01/2015, 1:33:50 PM] Remy: They don't have any gamers
[03/01/2015, 1:33:53 PM] Remy: It's a misnogmer
[03/01/2015, 1:34:01 PM] Remy: misnomer
[03/01/2015, 1:36:47 PM] Dan Olson: My little game works!
[03/01/2015, 1:36:58 PM] Dan Olson: I set aside the one I was working on for something similar
[03/01/2015, 1:37:05 PM] Dan Olson: simpler
[03/01/2015, 1:37:24 PM] Dan Olson: I just need to dress it up, but the core mechanic works
[03/01/2015, 1:37:42 PM] Dan Olson: a bar of Ennui fills up, and you press enter to resist Ennui.
[03/01/2015, 1:37:49 PM] Dan Olson: Another bar for Entropy also fills up
[03/01/2015, 1:38:00 PM] Dan Olson: you can press spacebar to resist Entropy, but it does nothing.
[03/01/2015, 1:38:06 PM] live:riotarms: the new transformers features characters called "thunderhoof" and "ped" and I'm not making this up
[03/01/2015, 1:38:12 PM] live:riotarms: a transformer called ped
[03/01/2015, 1:40:55 PM] Remy: That's gonna go over wel
[03/01/2015, 1:41:13 PM] Remy: They must have made him in honor of Michael Bay
[03/01/2015, 1:41:31 PM] Remy: And all of his weird pedophilia apologia hastily wedged into scripts
[03/01/2015, 1:42:22 PM] live:riotarms: gamergate confirmed for transformers
[03/01/2015, 1:42:38 PM] live:riotarms: also they've made all the decepticons bestial, giving it a weird racial angle
[03/01/2015, 1:45:47 PM] Peter Coffin: whaaaaaaaaaa
[03/01/2015, 1:46:37 PM] Remy: Tess are you on?
[03/01/2015, 1:46:42 PM] live:riotarms: autobots all have human forms
[03/01/2015, 1:46:45 PM] Tesseract: yes
[03/01/2015, 1:46:47 PM] live:riotarms: decepticons are animals
[03/01/2015, 1:46:51 PM] Remy: Who is that person?
[03/01/2015, 1:46:56 PM] live:riotarms: kinda icky when they divide things that way
[03/01/2015, 1:46:57 PM] Tesseract: idk
[03/01/2015, 1:47:00 PM] Remy: I don't see anything in their timeline so I don't know why they are blocked
[03/01/2015, 1:47:06 PM] Remy: okay just checking
[03/01/2015, 1:47:08 PM] Peter Coffin: that's annoying because beast wars was AU
[03/01/2015, 1:47:15 PM] Peter Coffin: all of them were beast form
[03/01/2015, 1:48:19 PM] Peter Coffin: my brother loved transformers when he was little, I found it very boring
[03/01/2015, 1:48:31 PM] Peter Coffin: power rangers was my jam
[03/01/2015, 1:48:53 PM] Remy: Honestly, Tess, if you hadn't pointed that account out I would have just left it on block b/c it looks like it was created solely to monitor and follow GG targets and their supporters.
[03/01/2015, 1:49:02 PM] Remy: But could also just be an innocent person voicing their support
[03/01/2015, 1:49:14 PM] Remy: so w/e
[03/01/2015, 1:49:45 PM] Tesseract: why would they need an account for that
[03/01/2015, 1:50:46 PM] Remy: yeah I'm dumb about Twitter more than I let on
[03/01/2015, 1:51:03 PM] Remy: I've just sort-of been picking it up as I go along for the past few years ^_^"
[03/01/2015, 1:51:08 PM] Peter Coffin: here's the secret: no one is smart about twitter
[03/01/2015, 1:51:29 PM] Peter Coffin: it's like diamonds. they seem valuable so they are
[03/01/2015, 1:51:33 PM] Remy: Like the other night when someone accused me of using my massive follower account to dogpile on someone
[03/01/2015, 1:51:42 PM] Remy: And I had to take a step back and  be like "dude I have 700"
[03/01/2015, 1:52:00 PM] Peter Coffin: no one has accused me of dogpiling somehow
[03/01/2015, 1:52:11 PM] Remy: And also, I don't care how big my follower count is, that dude was sending threats. I'll S/C that shit all day and night
[03/01/2015, 1:52:25 PM] Peter Coffin: i'm with you there stephen
[03/01/2015, 1:52:26 PM] Remy: I hope Barack Obama retweets it mothefucker lol
[03/01/2015, 1:52:44 PM] Remy: Or whoever is popular on twitter. Justin Beiber
[03/01/2015, 1:52:55 PM] Peter Coffin: if barack obama even said "gamergate" one time I would be like "amazing"
[03/01/2015, 1:53:05 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): This reeks of something Ralph would do:
[03/01/2015, 1:53:35 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): if his account was actually compromised, then I'm glad he caught it.
[03/01/2015, 1:54:12 PM] Peter Coffin: load of shit
[03/01/2015, 1:54:19 PM] Peter Coffin: 100%
[03/01/2015, 1:54:20 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): it's like 1 week ago
[03/01/2015, 1:54:21 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): too
[03/01/2015, 1:54:24 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): the dates.
[03/01/2015, 1:54:40 PM] Peter Coffin: bingo
[03/01/2015, 1:54:43 PM] Peter Coffin: idea
[03/01/2015, 1:54:45 PM] Peter Coffin: brb
[03/01/2015, 1:55:35 PM] Remy: wow
[03/01/2015, 1:55:43 PM] Remy: I mean punch me in the face for laughing at that picture
[03/01/2015, 1:56:02 PM] Remy: Also
[03/01/2015, 1:56:06 PM] Remy: Since when can you buy guns on Amazon?
[03/01/2015, 1:56:46 PM] Peter Coffin: name some of the worst games you can
[03/01/2015, 1:56:51 PM] Peter Coffin: I need 3
[03/01/2015, 1:57:01 PM] Peter Coffin: just like the lamest possible
[03/01/2015, 1:57:04 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Sonic 06
[03/01/2015, 1:57:24 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ahaha. that image is fake
[03/01/2015, 1:57:25 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[03/01/2015, 1:57:31 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): BRB, gonna call him out on it
[03/01/2015, 1:57:41 PM] Remy: lol I was looking for the same thing
[03/01/2015, 1:57:44 PM] Peter Coffin: excellent
[03/01/2015, 1:57:44 PM] Remy: Izzy you
[03/01/2015, 1:57:47 PM] Peter Coffin: knew it
[03/01/2015, 1:57:56 PM] Peter Coffin: knew it had to be a lie
[03/01/2015, 1:58:46 PM] Remy: Izzy will thank me in thirty seconds
[03/01/2015, 1:58:55 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Also, when sold by Amazon, it just says "Amazon".
[03/01/2015, 1:59:17 PM] Remy: Here you go Izzy
[03/01/2015, 1:59:21 PM] Remy: For when he deletes his tweet
[03/01/2015, 1:59:24 PM] Remy: XD
[03/01/2015, 1:59:38 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): thanks
[03/01/2015, 1:59:57 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): alt backup:
[03/01/2015, 2:00:55 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Now trying to come up with the best way to present this
[03/01/2015, 2:01:30 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Oh, wait. Amazon is acting weird.
[03/01/2015, 2:01:37 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): It does change it to "sold by Amazon LLC
[03/01/2015, 2:01:40 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): when in your cart
[03/01/2015, 2:01:45 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): o.o
[03/01/2015, 2:01:46 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): wtf
[03/01/2015, 2:02:14 PM] Remy:
[03/01/2015, 2:02:41 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): XD
[03/01/2015, 2:02:45 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ok. you win
[03/01/2015, 2:02:49 PM] Remy: <3
[03/01/2015, 2:05:24 PM] Peter Coffin:
[03/01/2015, 2:05:58 PM] Remy:
[03/01/2015, 2:06:37 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): you guys are hilarious
[03/01/2015, 2:07:24 PM] Peter Coffin: I wouldn't know about that at all if it weren't for you though
[03/01/2015, 2:07:40 PM] Peter Coffin: countless things you have brought to everyone's attention
[03/01/2015, 2:07:49 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :)
[03/01/2015, 2:08:13 PM] Tesseract: nobody tell gg that my amazon history is everything in the related section
[03/01/2015, 2:09:23 PM] Remy: hey Izzy I'm deleting that original tweet
[03/01/2015, 2:09:31 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Stephen, oh, ok
[03/01/2015, 2:09:31 PM] Remy: I just saw my screenshot listed my zip code
[03/01/2015, 2:09:37 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): !
[03/01/2015, 2:09:38 PM] Remy: I'll re type it in a second
[03/01/2015, 2:09:41 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): okok
[03/01/2015, 2:09:48 PM] Remy: It's a zip code, don't worry
[03/01/2015, 2:10:55 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): come to serious chat
[03/01/2015, 2:14:07 PM] Remy: There we go, new tweet is out
[03/01/2015, 2:14:12 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Does anyone have that Return of Kings article where they advise you on how to beat women and get away with it?
[03/01/2015, 2:14:20 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Sorry for the blunt ask but not many ways to polish a turd
[03/01/2015, 2:14:22 PM] Tesseract: yeah hold on
[03/01/2015, 2:14:27 PM] Remy: What's that website Gaters use to check someone's TL even for deleted tweets? Does it hold on to attached images or just the text?
[03/01/2015, 2:14:40 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[03/01/2015, 2:14:53 PM] Remy: thank you Izzy
[03/01/2015, 2:14:54 PM] Tesseract:
[03/01/2015, 2:14:57 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): unless you were added to be monitored automatically, someone would have had to manually save your tweet
[03/01/2015, 2:15:14 PM] Remy: ok
[03/01/2015, 2:16:20 PM] Tesseract: hmm, looks like this is and not return of kings
[03/01/2015, 2:16:28 PM] Tesseract: though they're basically the same thing
[03/01/2015, 2:17:40 PM] Alex Lifschitz: He's a contributor
[03/01/2015, 2:17:47 PM] Tesseract: yeah I know
[03/01/2015, 2:21:32 PM] Alex Lifschitz: btw Tess your tweet digging has been super helpful
[03/01/2015, 2:23:08 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): <3 Randi
[03/01/2015, 2:23:09 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[03/01/2015, 2:23:21 PM] Randi Harper: top kek
[03/01/2015, 2:24:43 PM] Remy: I love it
[03/01/2015, 2:25:06 PM] Randi Harper:
[03/01/2015, 2:25:07 PM] Quinnae: These are indeed the toppest of the keks, my dear Randi.
[03/01/2015, 2:25:20 PM] Quinnae: Haha, yesssss.
[03/01/2015, 2:26:01 PM] Randi Harper: it's Spartacus time.
[03/01/2015, 2:26:33 PM] Randi Harper:
[03/01/2015, 2:26:48 PM] Randi Harper:
[03/01/2015, 2:26:57 PM] Remy: <3
[03/01/2015, 2:28:17 PM] Charloppe: Charloppe sneaks in room
[03/01/2015, 2:28:37 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[03/01/2015, 2:28:40 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :3
[03/01/2015, 2:28:47 PM] Charloppe: Charloppe screams what up BUTTS
[03/01/2015, 2:29:30 PM] Charloppe: so i noticed ppl taking butts into their names. I am so proud of you all.
[03/01/2015, 2:29:34 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): <3
[03/01/2015, 2:30:02 PM] Remy: hee hee
[03/01/2015, 2:31:22 PM] Tesseract: On 03/01/2015, at 2:21 PM, Alex Lifschitz wrote:
> btw Tess your tweet digging has been super helpful
[03/01/2015, 2:31:29 PM] Randi Harper:
[03/01/2015, 2:32:32 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Hehe
[03/01/2015, 2:33:05 PM] Randi Harper: leo was like "wat" when I told him to get in the box.
[03/01/2015, 2:33:12 PM] Randi Harper: he looked very confused.
[03/01/2015, 2:33:28 PM] Quinnae: I'm glad Sarah is getting her Spartacus moment.
[03/01/2015, 2:33:55 PM] Charloppe: IM AM SRHBUTTS
[03/01/2015, 2:34:08 PM] Charloppe: well i just smacked he butt thats all
[03/01/2015, 2:34:17 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol, my new avatar
[03/01/2015, 2:34:18 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[03/01/2015, 2:34:39 PM] Charloppe: d'aaaw
[03/01/2015, 2:34:47 PM] Charloppe: kick all the cans
[03/01/2015, 2:35:36 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): SO MANY BUTTS ON TWITTER
[03/01/2015, 2:35:48 PM] Remy: Arg I can't find my dog-in-a-box pictures
[03/01/2015, 2:35:51 PM] Remy: WHERE DID THEY GO
[03/01/2015, 2:36:08 PM] Remy: I wanna tweet out a pack of them to share
[03/01/2015, 2:36:15 PM] Charloppe: Charloppe swoons over all the srhbutts to smack
[03/01/2015, 2:36:24 PM] Charloppe: my dream
[03/01/2015, 2:36:25 PM] Charloppe: is alive
[03/01/2015, 2:38:02 PM] Randi Harper: shame sarah appears to be afk and not seeing it. :P
[03/01/2015, 2:40:11 PM] Remy: Remy added Arthur Chu to this conversation
[03/01/2015, 2:40:42 PM] Remy: Welcome to the desert of the real
[03/01/2015, 2:40:49 PM] Remy: < /Morpheus >
[03/01/2015, 2:42:19 PM] Remy: hey Charlotte you're nibelsnarf, right?
[03/01/2015, 2:44:00 PM] Remy: And also Welcome, Arthur, to the group
[03/01/2015, 2:44:12 PM] Remy: This is the Social chat window where we all connect and blow off steam or tell jokes or laugh at Gaters
[03/01/2015, 2:45:05 PM] Remy: Soon we will have you in the Serious chat again which is typically reserved for emergencies, updates, notices, and the tracking of information we want to keep accountability of
[03/01/2015, 2:46:02 PM] Charloppe:
[03/01/2015, 2:46:15 PM] Remy: Charlotte my husband wants to know if you play Monster Hunter
[03/01/2015, 2:46:21 PM] Charloppe: yus!
[03/01/2015, 2:46:35 PM] Charloppe: mh4 is coming so soon!
[03/01/2015, 2:47:22 PM] Remy: I'm so excited for it
[03/01/2015, 2:47:35 PM] Remy: And so is Eric
[03/01/2015, 2:47:46 PM] Charloppe: im just happy its got online
[03/01/2015, 2:47:51 PM] Charloppe: i love mhu3
[03/01/2015, 2:48:00 PM] Charloppe: but no online qq
[03/01/2015, 2:49:43 PM] Remy: My husband always nags me to play it with him even tho it means I have to use my Nintendo 2DS as the controller and it's kinda uncomfortable
[03/01/2015, 2:49:50 PM] Arthur Chu: I don't think you can do 2-factor auth with a Skype account, sorry
[03/01/2015, 2:49:56 PM] Arthur Chu: You can do it with a Microsoft account that you've linked to the Skype account
[03/01/2015, 2:50:12 PM] Arthur Chu: But if you have a Skype login from the olden days you can't 2fa it
[03/01/2015, 2:50:17 PM] Remy: It's honestly not even going to be an issue in two days
[03/01/2015, 2:50:34 PM] Remy: I forgot to mention Randi is setting up a super secret squirrel IRC channel for us to use
[03/01/2015, 2:51:01 PM] Randi Harper: yasss.
[03/01/2015, 2:51:02 PM] Charloppe: using the circlepad pro on the orginal model is pretty comfortable for me
[03/01/2015, 2:51:15 PM] Randi Harper: not even a channel, an entire server
[03/01/2015, 2:52:11 PM] Remy: ^
[03/01/2015, 2:52:45 PM] Arthur Chu: I'm procrastinating on writing a couple articles
[03/01/2015, 2:52:48 PM] Arthur Chu: It's worse than college I swear
[03/01/2015, 2:52:49 PM] Remy: Randi's the computer whiz. I mostly do jokes and emotional support. Tess and Izzy are wizards at information aquisition
[03/01/2015, 2:52:58 PM] Remy: ^ haha at least I'm not the only one then
[03/01/2015, 2:53:17 PM] Charloppe: im a mole
[03/01/2015, 2:53:19 PM] Remy: Charlotte's our mole
[03/01/2015, 2:53:25 PM] Remy: XD
[03/01/2015, 2:53:42 PM] Charloppe: think we may have some weird twin connection going on here
[03/01/2015, 2:54:33 PM] Remy: maybe >_>
[03/01/2015, 2:54:55 PM] Charloppe: hmmm maybe I'm not the only mole
[03/01/2015, 2:55:06 PM] Charloppe: katherine is stephen a mole?
[03/01/2015, 2:56:05 PM] Remy: o.O
[03/01/2015, 2:56:08 PM] Remy: If anything I'm a fox
[03/01/2015, 2:57:23 PM] Charloppe: must
[03/01/2015, 2:57:24 PM] Charloppe: resist
[03/01/2015, 2:57:27 PM] Charloppe: obvious
[03/01/2015, 2:57:28 PM] Charloppe: joke
[03/01/2015, 2:58:25 PM] Remy: hey
[03/01/2015, 2:58:37 PM] Remy: I know this is in good spirits but I thought Sarah wanted this being hush hush that anything was getting to her
[03/01/2015, 2:59:42 PM] Charloppe: i dont mind just dont mention the ed article specifically
[03/01/2015, 3:01:38 PM] Remy: okay rock on
[03/01/2015, 3:05:25 PM] Charloppe: :) Im sure when she sees all this it will lift her spirits abit
[03/01/2015, 3:06:14 PM] Charloppe: is there som sjwblocker or something?
[03/01/2015, 3:06:24 PM] Charloppe: i noticed im blocked alot by ppl
[03/01/2015, 3:06:32 PM] Charloppe: not sure if im going mad or not
[03/01/2015, 3:06:38 PM] Remy:
[03/01/2015, 3:07:12 PM] Charloppe: dawww
[03/01/2015, 3:08:09 PM] Charloppe:
[03/01/2015, 3:08:12 PM] Charloppe: im evil
[03/01/2015, 3:09:15 PM] Remy: d'awww
[03/01/2015, 3:09:18 PM] Remy: so evil
[03/01/2015, 3:22:20 PM] Charloppe:
[03/01/2015, 3:22:55 PM] Remy: lol
[03/01/2015, 3:27:41 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): omg, what if the word 'butts' started trending on twitter?
[03/01/2015, 3:27:57 PM] Charloppe: YES
[03/01/2015, 3:28:31 PM] Charloppe: they must smell da butts
[03/01/2015, 3:28:34 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): <3
[03/01/2015, 3:29:07 PM] Charloppe: <3 sarah is gonna love this
[03/01/2015, 3:29:13 PM] Randi Harper: are you seeing this
[03/01/2015, 3:29:15 PM] Randi Harper: so many butts
[03/01/2015, 3:29:17 PM] Randi Harper: twitter has turned into butts
[03/01/2015, 3:29:25 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): WE NEED TO MAKE THIS TREND
[03/01/2015, 3:29:31 PM] Remy: Butts
[03/01/2015, 3:29:33 PM] Remy: Just the word butts
[03/01/2015, 3:29:37 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): yes
[03/01/2015, 3:29:37 PM] Remy: Trending on twitter
[03/01/2015, 3:29:38 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): butts
[03/01/2015, 3:29:42 PM] Remy: Veerender will be so mad it wasn't Gosh
[03/01/2015, 3:29:52 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[03/01/2015, 3:29:54 PM] Dina : sup
[03/01/2015, 3:30:02 PM] Dina : is Miss Butts around?
[03/01/2015, 3:30:40 PM] Quinnae: Butts ahoy!
[03/01/2015, 3:30:43 PM] Charloppe: shes sleeping
[03/01/2015, 3:30:46 PM] nicholas.boterf: Gosh butts.
[03/01/2015, 3:30:51 PM] Randi Harper: someone needs to screenshot all of this
[03/01/2015, 3:30:53 PM] Remy: #WeLoveButts
[03/01/2015, 3:30:58 PM] Randi Harper: I have to do arenas. grandpa is on.
[03/01/2015, 3:31:11 PM] Quinnae: I'm a little too old fashioned to change my name (something I'm being yelled at for in my mentions now by a leftist who objects to that self description), but I tweeted in support of Sarah. :)
[03/01/2015, 3:31:36 PM] Remy: I say I'm old-fashioned, too, Katherine ;)
[03/01/2015, 3:31:38 PM] Dina : I hope she's alright
[03/01/2015, 3:31:48 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Bri joined in, too
[03/01/2015, 3:31:49 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): omg
[03/01/2015, 3:32:30 PM] Charloppe:
[03/01/2015, 3:32:31 PM] Remy: haha
[03/01/2015, 3:32:36 PM] Dina : bnabutts?
[03/01/2015, 3:32:36 PM] Charloppe: so many
[03/01/2015, 3:32:38 PM] Charloppe: butts
[03/01/2015, 3:32:52 PM] Remy: We need to break the internet with butts
[03/01/2015, 3:33:03 PM] Charloppe: we need big butts!
[03/01/2015, 3:33:09 PM] Remy: Someone ask Zoe if she knows Kim Kardashian
[03/01/2015, 3:33:26 PM] Remy: A) Tons of famous people know Zoe now
[03/01/2015, 3:33:39 PM] Remy: And B) they both have made world-famous video games
[03/01/2015, 3:33:51 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): hehe
[03/01/2015, 3:33:58 PM] Remy: Honestly they should have chatted by now
[03/01/2015, 3:34:07 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[03/01/2015, 3:34:29 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: If you're going to get a celebrity to endorse butts, why not go straight to the top?
[03/01/2015, 3:34:34 PM] Dina : I should start deleting all my shit off this computer
[03/01/2015, 3:34:48 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: how come? Genera paranoia? Fancy new one?
[03/01/2015, 3:34:54 PM] Remy: I think she is leaving soon
[03/01/2015, 3:35:04 PM] Charloppe:
[03/01/2015, 3:35:05 PM] Dina : quitting job and I'm afraid they're gonna demand it back as soon as I step into the office
[03/01/2015, 3:35:05 PM] Randi Harper: bri is now butts
[03/01/2015, 3:35:10 PM] Charloppe: butt
[03/01/2015, 3:35:13 PM] Dina : sweet
[03/01/2015, 3:35:39 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: oof, that's a shame... or not, depending if we're talking general principle or enjoyment
[03/01/2015, 3:35:39 PM] Remy: I don't wanna be like this, but just remember that I was a Butts before it was cool >_>
[03/01/2015, 3:35:47 PM] Remy: < /hipsterButts >
[03/01/2015, 3:35:53 PM] Charloppe: i grab sarahs butt before it was cool
[03/01/2015, 3:36:02 PM] Charloppe: so im the hipster here
[03/01/2015, 3:36:03 PM] Remy: push, OG Butts has always been cool
[03/01/2015, 3:36:12 PM] Remy: You were touching the Butt of greatness
[03/01/2015, 3:36:31 PM] Charloppe: my hand has cupped her butt!
[03/01/2015, 3:36:37 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[03/01/2015, 3:36:39 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): hehehe
[03/01/2015, 3:37:45 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Randi, can you rename your Generic Gamer Girl bot?
[03/01/2015, 3:38:13 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): To Generic Gamer Butts?
[03/01/2015, 3:38:34 PM] Charloppe:
[03/01/2015, 3:38:54 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ok, shit. I need to screenshot all of this.
[03/01/2015, 3:38:56 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): this is amazing.
[03/01/2015, 3:38:59 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): so much love
[03/01/2015, 3:42:11 PM] Peter Coffin: so what happened
[03/01/2015, 3:42:29 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Gamergate
[03/01/2015, 3:42:34 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): people picked up on the fact that Sarah was doxed last night
[03/01/2015, 3:42:35 PM] Peter Coffin: hahahahaha
[03/01/2015, 3:42:39 PM] Peter Coffin: oh shit
[03/01/2015, 3:42:42 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): so now we are being butts in solidarity
[03/01/2015, 3:42:44 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): GG doxed her
[03/01/2015, 3:42:50 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: and then months later- yeah that
[03/01/2015, 3:42:59 PM] Remy: but zero mentioning of the dox
[03/01/2015, 3:43:04 PM] Remy: Just solidarity
[03/01/2015, 3:43:06 PM] Arthur Chu: At least I'm pre-doxed in nearly all senses
[03/01/2015, 3:43:07 PM] Remy: Butts all the way
[03/01/2015, 3:43:11 PM] Arthur Chu: Other than the ones that are actually legally actionable
[03/01/2015, 3:43:16 PM] Arthur Chu: (Home address, financial data)
[03/01/2015, 3:43:17 PM] Veerender Jubbal: What did I miss?!
[03/01/2015, 3:43:25 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Why are people liking my butt tweets?!
[03/01/2015, 3:43:28 PM] Remy: Not much, since you're already in the butts
[03/01/2015, 3:43:44 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Veerender, we are showing our support to Sarah (srhbutts)
[03/01/2015, 3:43:59 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Oh, fuck. Is Sarah, all right?
[03/01/2015, 3:44:25 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Oh, fuck. Doxxed?!
[03/01/2015, 3:44:33 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Fucking scrubs.
[03/01/2015, 3:45:09 PM] Quinnae: Hey Veerender.
[03/01/2015, 3:45:10 PM] Charloppe: shes ok but has been stressed
[03/01/2015, 3:45:17 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Hey, Katherine.
[03/01/2015, 3:45:23 PM] Veerender Jubbal: *kisses teeth(
[03/01/2015, 3:46:13 PM] Peter Coffin: I’m butts coffin now
[03/01/2015, 3:46:18 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Fuck.
[03/01/2015, 3:46:19 PM] Peter Coffin: I feel really bad for sarah
[03/01/2015, 3:46:32 PM] Remy: did Peter Butts sound too dirty to you?
[03/01/2015, 3:46:33 PM] Peter Coffin: veneereder jubbutts if you do it vj
[03/01/2015, 3:46:44 PM] Charloppe: gsters be buttheads
[03/01/2015, 3:46:45 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Oh, God, Peter.
[03/01/2015, 3:46:56 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: hmm... so do I need to go hit Patreon with another rolled up newspaper over this now or what?
[03/01/2015, 3:46:58 PM] Peter Coffin: I didn’t even think peter butts
[03/01/2015, 3:47:43 PM] Remy: Peter Butts
[03/01/2015, 3:48:22 PM] Peter Coffin: okay I did Peter Butts (hehehe)
[03/01/2015, 3:48:23 PM] Charloppe:
[03/01/2015, 3:48:25 PM] Charloppe: im so happy
[03/01/2015, 3:48:31 PM] Charloppe: i can have a excuse to say butts
[03/01/2015, 3:48:37 PM] Charloppe: so many times
[03/01/2015, 3:48:40 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I just tweeted Veerender Jubbutt.
[03/01/2015, 3:48:45 PM] Charloppe: <3
[03/01/2015, 3:48:51 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I am also a bit drunk.
[03/01/2015, 3:49:28 PM] nicholas.boterf: This needs to be your name on Twitter. Just saying.
[03/01/2015, 3:50:11 PM] Veerender Jubbal: nods at Untimely Butts
[03/01/2015, 3:50:14 PM] Veerender Jubbal: You get me.
[03/01/2015, 3:50:48 PM] Remy: lol
[03/01/2015, 3:51:00 PM] Remy: is that who Nicholas is? Untimely Gamer?
[03/01/2015, 3:51:02 PM] Remy: I'm so dumb
[03/01/2015, 3:51:11 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yup
[03/01/2015, 3:51:26 PM] Remy: I probably knew it two weeks ago and forgot it, too. My memory is like a sieve
[03/01/2015, 3:52:05 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Hey, I have been meaning to say this for so long--can we tone down the ableism in the chat?
[03/01/2015, 3:52:09 PM] Charloppe: sarah is waking
[03/01/2015, 3:52:43 PM] Charloppe: i can try to watch my speech more
[03/01/2015, 3:52:49 PM] Remy: Aww I hope she got some good rest
[03/01/2015, 3:53:03 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Like, call GG horrible, and garbage.
[03/01/2015, 3:53:04 PM] Remy: uh-oh have I been ableist?
[03/01/2015, 3:53:40 PM] Remy: I'm sorry :(
[03/01/2015, 3:54:11 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Like, I have worked with autistic children for years, and we throw around so many words, here.
[03/01/2015, 3:54:22 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Call them shitty, garbage, assholes, bigots.
[03/01/2015, 3:54:46 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Crazy, stupid, demented, dumb, idiots--please, let us not.
[03/01/2015, 3:55:24 PM] Peter Coffin:
[03/01/2015, 3:55:44 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Tell your wife.
[03/01/2015, 3:55:50 PM] Remy: I will try harder to watch what I say and put forth a better example
[03/01/2015, 3:55:59 PM] Peter Coffin: oh my wife knows
[03/01/2015, 3:56:00 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Well, this is just an inspired bit of weirdness I have to share with SOMEONE
[03/01/2015, 3:56:08 PM] Veerender Jubbal: sniggers
[03/01/2015, 3:56:24 PM] Charloppe:
[03/01/2015, 3:56:31 PM] Veerender Jubbal: blows kiss at Stephen
[03/01/2015, 3:56:37 PM] Remy: hey Peter that fake tweet was Ralph's not Farts, right?
[03/01/2015, 3:56:45 PM] Remy: Remy blushes and blows kisses back
[03/01/2015, 3:56:56 PM] Remy: I'm sorry I say hurtful words sometimes I try really hard to be better
[03/01/2015, 3:57:08 PM] Remy: I'm a dork and a goober
[03/01/2015, 3:57:23 PM] Arthur Chu: Anyone have a link to that macro of GG telling ppl not to publicize death threats
[03/01/2015, 3:57:26 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: how did the butts start x-x
[03/01/2015, 3:57:29 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Arthur?!
[03/01/2015, 3:57:30 PM] Peter Coffin: ah dang
[03/01/2015, 3:57:30 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Hi!
[03/01/2015, 3:57:33 PM] Peter Coffin: hahah I am tired
[03/01/2015, 3:57:33 PM] Arthur Chu: Yeah
[03/01/2015, 3:57:35 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Oh, my gosh!
[03/01/2015, 3:57:37 PM] Peter Coffin: brain is offline
[03/01/2015, 3:57:44 PM] Arthur Chu: Pulling an all nighter trying to get some shit written
[03/01/2015, 3:57:47 PM] Veerender Jubbal: You reached collusion hole!
[03/01/2015, 3:57:53 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I am super glad!
[03/01/2015, 3:57:56 PM] Arthur Chu: For some reason my brain doesn't work unless I'm sleep deprived and caffeinated
[03/01/2015, 3:58:32 PM] Peter Coffin: fixed\
[03/01/2015, 3:58:42 PM] Peter Coffin:
[03/01/2015, 3:59:07 PM] Remy: rock on :D
[03/01/2015, 4:00:10 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ok, I took a lot of screenshots of the butts love
[03/01/2015, 4:00:15 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): gonna make an imgur album
[03/01/2015, 4:00:19 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): and then tweet it out
[03/01/2015, 4:00:20 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): <3
[03/01/2015, 4:00:27 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): We love you, Sarah
[03/01/2015, 4:00:40 PM] Peter Coffin: is true, hope everything is okay
[03/01/2015, 4:00:41 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i love you guys
[03/01/2015, 4:00:48 PM] Quinnae: Hey Sarah!
[03/01/2015, 4:00:52 PM] Peter Coffin: hey sarah
[03/01/2015, 4:01:01 PM] Quinnae: blows kisses
[03/01/2015, 4:01:13 PM] Peter Coffin: hope you are doing alright
[03/01/2015, 4:01:34 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: rofl
[03/01/2015, 4:01:37 PM] Arthur Chu: Hey
[03/01/2015, 4:01:39 PM] Remy: We love you Sarah <3
[03/01/2015, 4:01:57 PM] Peter Coffin: oh my god
[03/01/2015, 4:02:05 PM] nicholas.boterf: Hey Sarah. Sending the butt love.
[03/01/2015, 4:02:18 PM] Peter Coffin: we need to do a butts squadron check in
[03/01/2015, 4:02:32 PM] Remy: #WeLoveButts
[03/01/2015, 4:02:43 PM] Peter Coffin: sarah, you should post “butts leader standing by”
[03/01/2015, 4:02:47 PM] Veerender Jubbal: hugs Sarah
[03/01/2015, 4:02:54 PM] Remy: BUTTS ASSEMBLE
[03/01/2015, 4:03:24 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I am super fucking sorry, you are one of the best people, ever--and if you ever need someone to speak with or body scrubs in League--I am always available.
[03/01/2015, 4:03:34 PM] Veerender Jubbal: To Sarah:
[03/01/2015, 4:03:35 PM] Quinnae: You have my sword. And MY butts.
[03/01/2015, 4:03:38 PM] Charloppe: we need to play lol
[03/01/2015, 4:03:39 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: oh my
[03/01/2015, 4:03:43 PM] nicholas.boterf: Also hey Arthur- don't think I've introduced myself. It's Untimely Gamer here.
[03/01/2015, 4:03:56 PM] Charloppe: Charloppe grabs sarahs butt
[03/01/2015, 4:04:06 PM] Quinnae: Ah yes, Mr. Chu. curtsies Katherine Cross, at your service.
[03/01/2015, 4:04:06 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): 44 screenshots of people tweeting their support of Sarah and with butts in their names
[03/01/2015, 4:04:08 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): hehe.
[03/01/2015, 4:04:11 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): i had to stop
[03/01/2015, 4:04:14 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): couldn't keep up
[03/01/2015, 4:04:16 PM] Charloppe: more like katherine butt
[03/01/2015, 4:04:18 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ok, now to upload
[03/01/2015, 4:04:30 PM] Remy: This is what GamerGate will never have
[03/01/2015, 4:04:33 PM] Remy: Teamwork <3
[03/01/2015, 4:04:35 PM] Remy: Love <3
[03/01/2015, 4:04:36 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Arthur, and I are making a movie call Good Cop & Bad Cop, and people tweeted about the plot.
[03/01/2015, 4:04:38 PM] Remy: Friendship <3
[03/01/2015, 4:04:41 PM] Remy: Veerender <3
[03/01/2015, 4:04:45 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Cuties.
[03/01/2015, 4:04:46 PM] Remy: Butts <3
[03/01/2015, 4:04:57 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Gosh.
[03/01/2015, 4:05:36 PM] Veerender Jubbal: "Rearender Jubbutt"
[03/01/2015, 4:05:37 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Shit.
[03/01/2015, 4:05:42 PM] Peter Coffin: OH MY GOD
[03/01/2015, 4:05:44 PM] Peter Coffin: AMAZING
[03/01/2015, 4:05:45 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Reerender Jubbut.
[03/01/2015, 4:05:45 PM] Charloppe: YES
[03/01/2015, 4:05:56 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Oh, my God. Should I?
[03/01/2015, 4:06:00 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I am so fucked.
[03/01/2015, 4:06:01 PM] Peter Coffin: DO IT
[03/01/2015, 4:06:02 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): OMG
[03/01/2015, 4:06:03 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): YES
[03/01/2015, 4:06:03 PM] Peter Coffin: IT’S AMAZING
[03/01/2015, 4:06:04 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): YES
[03/01/2015, 4:06:05 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): YES
[03/01/2015, 4:06:06 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): YES
[03/01/2015, 4:06:15 PM] Arthur Chu: I don't ever change my Twitter name
[03/01/2015, 4:06:20 PM] Remy: lol
[03/01/2015, 4:06:23 PM] Arthur Chu: If I did I would be Arse-thur Chu
[03/01/2015, 4:06:29 PM] Remy: lol
[03/01/2015, 4:06:30 PM] Remy: XD
[03/01/2015, 4:06:32 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I had a few. Fake Sikh Gamer Boy.
[03/01/2015, 4:06:37 PM] Quinnae: Likewise, Arthur. :)
[03/01/2015, 4:06:41 PM] Arthur Chu: Is Jennie Bharaj really Sikh?
[03/01/2015, 4:06:45 PM] Peter Coffin: arthur it is good to see you here
[03/01/2015, 4:06:50 PM] Quinnae: Well, not the name, but I don't change my Twitter name either.
[03/01/2015, 4:06:50 PM] Peter Coffin: she claims to be
[03/01/2015, 4:06:53 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Arthur, did you retweet that?
[03/01/2015, 4:07:02 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Please, retweet that screenshot, friends.
[03/01/2015, 4:07:05 PM] Charloppe: its ok kat
[03/01/2015, 4:07:10 PM] Charloppe: i know you have butt pride
[03/01/2015, 4:07:13 PM] Arthur Chu: Ick
[03/01/2015, 4:07:30 PM] Veerender Jubbal: This shit:
[03/01/2015, 4:07:41 PM] Peter Coffin: I don’t see why she would do what she did with veeren if she was sikh
[03/01/2015, 4:07:52 PM] Peter Coffin: but then again the motives for people are weird
[03/01/2015, 4:07:54 PM] Peter Coffin: so I don’t know
[03/01/2015, 4:08:07 PM] Arthur Chu: Nah I get it
[03/01/2015, 4:08:11 PM] Veerender Jubbal: And I was called a disgrace to Sikhs.
[03/01/2015, 4:08:24 PM] Arthur Chu: "If I'm here then there can't be any prejudice against the group I'm associated with"
[03/01/2015, 4:08:30 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Whatever--that Sikh organization likes me.
[03/01/2015, 4:08:37 PM] Remy: :D
[03/01/2015, 4:08:37 PM] Arthur Chu: It's the same thing she does to women
[03/01/2015, 4:08:45 PM] Remy: I loved seeing you get a shout-out
[03/01/2015, 4:08:56 PM] Remy: They were so psyched to see a Sikh being heard in the gaming community
[03/01/2015, 4:08:58 PM] Veerender Jubbal: People said, "You are doing this since she's a woman!"
[03/01/2015, 4:09:00 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Like, fuck.
[03/01/2015, 4:09:07 PM] Remy: ugh
[03/01/2015, 4:09:19 PM] Peter Coffin: that’s no woman… it’s a space station
[03/01/2015, 4:09:26 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Damn.
[03/01/2015, 4:09:45 PM] Peter Coffin: but then again that would mean space station discrimination can’t happen because there is a space station in gg
[03/01/2015, 4:10:49 PM] Peter Coffin: alright time for coffee brb
[03/01/2015, 4:11:17 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Like, see the replies, and how GGers said she was doing a nice thing.
[03/01/2015, 4:11:36 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Like, do not fuck with me.
[03/01/2015, 4:11:39 PM] Charloppe: thats no moon thats sarah butts
[03/01/2015, 4:11:45 PM] Charloppe: Charloppe grabs it
[03/01/2015, 4:12:04 PM] Quinnae: Heh
[03/01/2015, 4:12:26 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I am just a bit sour, since I got more shit in 2015 due to her.
[03/01/2015, 4:12:32 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Like, do not bother me.
[03/01/2015, 4:12:38 PM] Charloppe:
[03/01/2015, 4:12:40 PM] Quinnae: Just start blocking people, Veerender.
[03/01/2015, 4:12:41 PM] Charloppe: who?
[03/01/2015, 4:12:43 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Ruined my 2015.
[03/01/2015, 4:12:59 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I do on spot, now. smiles
[03/01/2015, 4:13:10 PM] Quinnae: They can't ruin your whole year, dear. ;) We're only three days in.
[03/01/2015, 4:13:41 PM] Veerender Jubbal: smiles hugs Katherine
[03/01/2015, 4:13:53 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I am changing it to Reerender Jubbutt.
[03/01/2015, 4:14:10 PM] Quinnae: As I have told you again and again, just keep backing up from engaging with them directly. Don't signal boost them talking crap about you, don't signal boost them targeting you, don't try to get them to admit they're wrong, just back up and carry on with your excellent life. That's the best way to repudiate them.
[03/01/2015, 4:14:12 PM] Charloppe: <3
[03/01/2015, 4:14:14 PM] Quinnae: Because that is what they can't have.
[03/01/2015, 4:15:06 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): RT:
[03/01/2015, 4:15:07 PM] Charloppe: i want to make so many butt jokes
[03/01/2015, 4:15:14 PM] Charloppe: but i cant show im sarahs gf
[03/01/2015, 4:15:18 PM] Charloppe: qq
[03/01/2015, 4:15:39 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I love you, Katherine.
[03/01/2015, 4:16:31 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I did not do a good tweet, but yeah. I changed it.
[03/01/2015, 4:17:04 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Anyone got shots of Hotwheels saying he's getting Cerno as legal counsel?
[03/01/2015, 4:17:21 PM] Remy: I wish we could get Chris to Buttify his Twitter
[03/01/2015, 4:17:45 PM] Peter Coffin: I don’t think so alex, I’ll go mining though
[03/01/2015, 4:17:48 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Posted to reddit:
[03/01/2015, 4:17:58 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Danke
[03/01/2015, 4:18:19 PM] Alex Lifschitz: I'm putting what I hope are the finishing touches on this thing, gonna run it by Zoe and wait for some other stuff to hit before posting here for critique
[03/01/2015, 4:18:37 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Sounds good
[03/01/2015, 4:18:40 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): looking forward to it
[03/01/2015, 4:19:02 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Reerender Jubbutt--this is the pinacle.
[03/01/2015, 4:19:54 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: oh hey, Arthur finally wandered in here?
[03/01/2015, 4:19:55 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Veerender, I did my magic on your screenshot and changed the V to an R
[03/01/2015, 4:20:07 PM] Veerender Jubbal: blows kiss at Izzy
[03/01/2015, 4:20:09 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): hehe
[03/01/2015, 4:22:11 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Chris is aware:
[03/01/2015, 4:22:47 PM] Quinnae: G'night folks.
[03/01/2015, 4:22:55 PM] Charloppe: night butt
[03/01/2015, 4:22:59 PM] Remy: I wish I could re-do the first Matrix movie
[03/01/2015, 4:23:04 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Goodnight!
[03/01/2015, 4:23:11 PM] Remy: Neo would be a woman when pulled out of the matrix
[03/01/2015, 4:23:32 PM] Remy: But up until the very end, every time she plugged back in to do an assignment, she'd be stuck back in her pre-Matrix body
[03/01/2015, 4:23:38 PM] Peter Coffin: what is the name of the site that automatically archives tweets
[03/01/2015, 4:23:56 PM] Remy: That scene where Neo finally breaks the rules of the Matrix and sends all those bullets flying back?
[03/01/2015, 4:24:11 PM] Remy: That would be when Neo finally is able to re-configure into her true form
[03/01/2015, 4:24:13 PM] Charloppe: chris warbutts
[03/01/2015, 4:24:16 PM] Charloppe: he changed it
[03/01/2015, 4:24:24 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Have to go watch Sailor Moon. Take care, friends. I love you all, and we are going to body 2015.
[03/01/2015, 4:24:26 PM] Veerender Jubbal: hugs
[03/01/2015, 4:25:17 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): YES. Chris is on board
[03/01/2015, 4:25:18 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): <3
[03/01/2015, 4:25:23 PM] Remy: Chris got on board?
[03/01/2015, 4:25:28 PM] Remy: That's so fucking cool I have to see this
[03/01/2015, 4:25:29 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): added Chris to the imgur album
[03/01/2015, 4:25:31 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): that's amazing
[03/01/2015, 4:25:34 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: so I seem to have lost my computer chair to a kitten... guess I'm just standing now.
[03/01/2015, 4:25:40 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[03/01/2015, 4:27:02 PM] Remy: oh golly
[03/01/2015, 4:27:08 PM] Remy: I love it
[03/01/2015, 4:27:13 PM] Peter Coffin: another if you want to add to solidarity (I wasn’t thinking and needed to tweet it too) chris’s reminded me
[03/01/2015, 4:27:19 PM] Remy: That Chris really is a team player
[03/01/2015, 4:27:26 PM] Remy: I just fucking love to see that
[03/01/2015, 4:27:58 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Peter added you to the album, too
[03/01/2015, 4:28:46 PM] Peter Coffin: awesome, its fantastic to be taking this from them in hopefully some meaningful way to sarah
[03/01/2015, 4:29:00 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Yeah. this is buttiful
[03/01/2015, 4:29:26 PM] Remy: I just hope Sarah doesn't mind that Chris' tweet mentioned the dox
[03/01/2015, 4:29:40 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Fuck, is Randi still online?
[03/01/2015, 4:29:44 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): 8chan is trying to SWAT her
[03/01/2015, 4:29:45 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[03/01/2015, 4:30:01 PM] Peter Coffin: ugh
[03/01/2015, 4:30:57 PM] Remy: Izzy do they specify if they are targeting her home or her work?
[03/01/2015, 4:31:07 PM] Remy: I will try to read too but that's a lot of text
[03/01/2015, 4:31:34 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Just got the tip from someone else
[03/01/2015, 4:31:38 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Gonna read through it
[03/01/2015, 4:31:43 PM] Peter Coffin:
[03/01/2015, 4:31:53 PM] Peter Coffin: alex
[03/01/2015, 4:31:53 PM] Remy: They already linked the police radio so the call is probably already in
[03/01/2015, 4:32:01 PM] Remy: The bottom post is to the police radio
[03/01/2015, 4:32:05 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): fuck
[03/01/2015, 4:32:41 PM] Remy: wow good one Peter
[03/01/2015, 4:32:44 PM] Remy: archiving it now
[03/01/2015, 4:32:46 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: wait who did they swat?
[03/01/2015, 4:33:01 PM] Remy: Still verifying. They appear to be targeting Randi
[03/01/2015, 4:33:17 PM] Remy: The police are talking about someone's twitter handle
[03/01/2015, 4:33:29 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Stephen are you listening to the radio feed?
[03/01/2015, 4:33:31 PM] Remy: yes
[03/01/2015, 4:33:34 PM] Remy: Signal is shite tho
[03/01/2015, 4:33:41 PM] Remy: police radios are the worst
[03/01/2015, 4:34:02 PM] Remy: They don't teach each other to speak clearly
[03/01/2015, 4:34:24 PM] Remy: also I don't know police codes
[03/01/2015, 4:34:47 PM] Remy: suddenly wishing I had pulled a Sherlock Holmes and studied that just in case it came in handy.
[03/01/2015, 4:35:03 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Wait. Is it Randi or Grace Lynn (Devi)?
[03/01/2015, 4:35:18 PM] Athena Hollow: whoa just woke up and damn.
[03/01/2015, 4:35:19 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Gonna see if I can find the thread
[03/01/2015, 4:35:28 PM] Remy: looks like it's Devi
[03/01/2015, 4:35:43 PM] Remy: yeah it's Grace
[03/01/2015, 4:35:44 PM] Remy: I'll warn her
[03/01/2015, 4:36:02 PM] Athena Hollow: little fucking sociopaths.
[03/01/2015, 4:37:00 PM] Charloppe:
[03/01/2015, 4:37:03 PM] Charloppe: so upseting
[03/01/2015, 4:37:04 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[03/01/2015, 4:37:07 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Grace is aware?
[03/01/2015, 4:37:14 PM] Remy: I have been told that yes
[03/01/2015, 4:37:15 PM] Charloppe: i want to punch this women
[03/01/2015, 4:37:16 PM] Remy: Grace is aware
[03/01/2015, 4:37:18 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[03/01/2015, 4:37:28 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Wrong address. holy shit, this is so fucked up
[03/01/2015, 4:37:38 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): random innocent person is going to get hurt
[03/01/2015, 4:38:04 PM] Athena Hollow: This might be the thing that the gov't goes after 8chan for if we can get them to fucking listen and read the goddamn thread.
[03/01/2015, 4:38:50 PM] Remy: doubt it.
[03/01/2015, 4:38:57 PM] Remy: They're gonna have to get sued for killing an innocent civilian first
[03/01/2015, 4:39:00 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I'm gonna report it to the FBI
[03/01/2015, 4:39:07 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): for good measure
[03/01/2015, 4:39:12 PM] Remy: Can't blame you, Izzy
[03/01/2015, 4:39:24 PM] Remy: let's look up the acting police unit to refer them to
[03/01/2015, 4:39:32 PM] Remy: So the FBI knows who to contact further
[03/01/2015, 4:39:41 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ok.
[03/01/2015, 4:39:48 PM] Athena Hollow: man, seeing all these 'butts' on my timeline is making me tear up <3
[03/01/2015, 4:39:58 PM] Charloppe: I know
[03/01/2015, 4:40:00 PM] Charloppe: me too
[03/01/2015, 4:40:07 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Athena, did you see my Imgur album?
[03/01/2015, 4:40:07 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): <3
[03/01/2015, 4:40:12 PM] Remy: In the military POC stands for Point-of-Contact, so don't get confused when I say the authorities always love to get a POC in their tips and reports
[03/01/2015, 4:40:32 PM] Athena Hollow: wow. amazing <3
[03/01/2015, 4:42:37 PM] Remy: I have the name of the person they ended up targeting
[03/01/2015, 4:46:16 PM] Peter Coffin: so I found 8chan/hotwheels claiming cernovich as legal counsel:
[03/01/2015, 4:48:08 PM] Remy: HOLY SHIT PETER
[03/01/2015, 4:48:09 PM] Charloppe: if the debate is any indication of mikes skills
[03/01/2015, 4:48:13 PM] Charloppe: hot wheels is fucked
[03/01/2015, 4:48:38 PM] Peter Coffin: it’s in the trello
[03/01/2015, 4:48:38 PM] Athena Hollow: lol
[03/01/2015, 4:48:55 PM] Remy: awesome pawesome
[03/01/2015, 4:48:57 PM] Peter Coffin: I pm’d alex the info and trello’d
[03/01/2015, 4:49:10 PM] Peter Coffin: just thought people here might want that as a resource though
[03/01/2015, 4:49:13 PM] Peter Coffin: jic
[03/01/2015, 4:50:21 PM] Peter Coffin: also for more fun
[03/01/2015, 4:50:22 PM] Peter Coffin:
[03/01/2015, 4:50:32 PM] Peter Coffin: cerno proposing a legal chat
[03/01/2015, 4:52:02 PM] Peter Coffin: see here is the thing
[03/01/2015, 4:52:12 PM] Peter Coffin: I want brennan to go down HARD.
[03/01/2015, 4:52:22 PM] Peter Coffin: anything I can do about that I will
[03/01/2015, 4:52:48 PM] Remy: I'm listening to the radio but so many people are calling in their own thing it's hard to tell if they are still checking out the residence or not
[03/01/2015, 4:52:54 PM] Remy: Last I heard they were trying to contact the home by landline
[03/01/2015, 4:53:01 PM] Remy: But can't find one connected to the residence
[03/01/2015, 4:53:12 PM] Remy: But they keep distracting me trying to arrest a black male on the other side of town
[03/01/2015, 4:53:31 PM] Peter Coffin: shocker they don’t just shoot them dead
[03/01/2015, 4:53:34 PM] Peter Coffin: cops
[03/01/2015, 4:53:36 PM] Peter Coffin: ugh
[03/01/2015, 5:07:27 PM] Athena Hollow:
[03/01/2015, 5:09:32 PM] SF: I don't know which syllable to replace in Gameapp Maker Co with "butt". Really it works on any of them.
[03/01/2015, 5:09:38 PM] SF: So naturally Sarah should choose.
[03/01/2015, 5:09:49 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: buttmakerappco ~
[03/01/2015, 5:09:56 PM] Athena Hollow: lol
[03/01/2015, 5:10:04 PM] Remy: XD
[03/01/2015, 5:10:27 PM] Remy: Wake me when we officially have more butts than they have Nazis
[03/01/2015, 5:11:28 PM] SF: Buttapp Maker Co or Buttmaker App Co?
[03/01/2015, 5:12:04 PM] SF: On a light note.
[03/01/2015, 5:12:40 PM] Athena Hollow: goddamn chuck c johnson is a shit.
[03/01/2015, 5:13:31 PM] Remy: Oh you saw that XD
[03/01/2015, 5:13:57 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: did anyone report to internap?
[03/01/2015, 5:14:11 PM] Athena Hollow: izzy said he was gonna email i believe
[03/01/2015, 5:14:20 PM] Remy: That's why I made this
[03/01/2015, 5:14:37 PM] Athena Hollow: hahah oh! now that makes sense haha
[03/01/2015, 5:14:48 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Done
[03/01/2015, 5:14:51 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Reported to 8chan's host
[03/01/2015, 5:14:57 PM] Peter Coffin: excellent
[03/01/2015, 5:16:27 PM] Peter Coffin: sarah, my video this week is about free speech and the dangerous interpretation these people have of it
[03/01/2015, 5:16:46 PM] Peter Coffin: I don’t mention gg specifically but I do mention 8chan
[03/01/2015, 5:17:03 PM] SF: Dan didn't mention GG either, remember.
[03/01/2015, 5:17:20 PM] Peter Coffin: tbh, I don’t want gamer brought into the conversation
[03/01/2015, 5:17:34 PM] Peter Coffin: gamer sounds like the issue is about games
[03/01/2015, 5:17:35 PM] Peter Coffin: its’ not
[03/01/2015, 5:19:14 PM] Peter Coffin: here is the script if anyone wants to read it
[03/01/2015, 5:19:47 PM] Peter Coffin: about to shoot it
[03/01/2015, 5:20:59 PM] SF: Would it stir up too much shit if I pointed out that 8chan's Patreon is still online while this is going on
[03/01/2015, 5:21:20 PM] SF: Without trying to rabble rouse that is.
[03/01/2015, 5:21:41 PM] Peter Coffin: that’s a tough one tbh
[03/01/2015, 5:22:01 PM] Athena Hollow: lol peter. very awesome :)
[03/01/2015, 5:22:20 PM] Peter Coffin: thank you
[03/01/2015, 5:32:15 PM] SF: New threads
[03/01/2015, 5:32:23 PM] SF: as in fashion
[03/01/2015, 5:32:41 PM] Athena Hollow: hehe
[03/01/2015, 5:35:29 PM] Remy: SF: I wouldn't blame you for trying to bring this to the attention of Patreon
[03/01/2015, 5:35:38 PM] Remy: Grace already tweeted at them and linked to the page
[03/01/2015, 5:38:16 PM] SF: I just vented. I'll wait for a go ahead from Zoe and Alex before trying to rally the pitchforks.
[03/01/2015, 5:39:03 PM] Remy: roger that
[03/01/2015, 5:39:52 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ok. I'm off to bed now. I'm hoping this is it for tonight re: 8chan/GG's horrible antics
[03/01/2015, 5:58:07 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ok. Now off to bed for real. Leaving this GG #rekt moment:
[03/01/2015, 5:58:29 PM] Remy: good night :3
[03/01/2015, 5:58:36 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): <3 take care
[03/01/2015, 5:58:36 PM] Athena Hollow: night night
[03/01/2015, 6:15:55 PM] Randi Harper: I can poke people at patreon as well
[03/01/2015, 6:15:59 PM] Randi Harper: zoe and I have the same contact there.
[03/01/2015, 6:16:07 PM] Randi Harper: and i'm supposed to be hanging out with her irl soon anyways
[03/01/2015, 6:16:13 PM] Remy: who is Laurelai Storm?
[03/01/2015, 6:16:27 PM] Remy: Google says that name is tied to LulzSec
[03/01/2015, 6:17:44 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: laurelai bailey
[03/01/2015, 6:17:56 PM] Remy: good person or bad person
[03/01/2015, 6:18:50 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: it's hard to separate what's rumors and harassment vs what's true
[03/01/2015, 6:18:55 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i would be wary of her though
[03/01/2015, 6:18:58 PM] Remy: I am
[03/01/2015, 6:19:14 PM] Remy: She may be involved in an attack against one of my friends.
[03/01/2015, 6:19:24 PM] Remy: But it's not someone here in this group so I do not know how much I can share. Sorry.
[03/01/2015, 6:20:36 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: why has this not been reported to patreon? how do we report
[03/01/2015, 6:20:53 PM] Athena Hollow: whoa. i didnt even fucking know about this. goddammit.
[03/01/2015, 6:21:07 PM] Athena Hollow: emailing.
[03/01/2015, 6:21:14 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: my stance re: lauralai is... don't trust her, but don't believe the shit people say about her uncritically either
[03/01/2015, 6:21:27 PM] Remy: I thought we already reported ED's Patreon
[03/01/2015, 6:21:32 PM] Athena Hollow: did we?
[03/01/2015, 6:21:37 PM] Remy: I'll send in another report just in case :/
[03/01/2015, 6:21:45 PM] Remy: But I swear we discussed it weeks ago
[03/01/2015, 6:21:58 PM] Remy: It was like the day after we reported 8chan that we found it
[03/01/2015, 6:24:47 PM] Athena Hollow: Welp, I'm emailing again anyways.
[03/01/2015, 6:26:09 PM] Remy: I will do it soon lemme get a glass of water I feel like shite
[03/01/2015, 6:26:17 PM] Athena Hollow: sent.
[03/01/2015, 6:26:29 PM] Remy: awesome. Should I also send or is that overkill?
[03/01/2015, 6:26:30 PM] Athena Hollow: linked to the ED Beastiality page for good measure.
[03/01/2015, 6:26:38 PM] Remy: oh wait
[03/01/2015, 6:26:41 PM] Remy: I DID report htem
[03/01/2015, 6:26:44 PM] Remy: I linked to their porn page
[03/01/2015, 6:26:54 PM] Remy: And the page where they doxed Randi. That's when we found it was when they doxed her
[03/01/2015, 6:27:30 PM] Remy: I remember because that porn page was haunting and so I put huge disclaimers before the links along the lines of "for the love of god don't click this you can't un-see it"
[03/01/2015, 6:50:18 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Is there any explanation for the Neil DeGrasse Tyson thing that isn't baffling?
[03/01/2015, 6:50:43 PM] Athena Hollow: nop.e
[03/01/2015, 6:50:47 PM] Athena Hollow: not as far as I can tell.
[03/01/2015, 6:50:56 PM] Athena Hollow: Just chuckie boy clawing for relevancy.
[03/01/2015, 6:51:38 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: ndgt thing?
[03/01/2015, 6:51:56 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Every so often I wonder "Do they just assume anyone being followed by anyone out to get them must be In On The Conspiracy?"
[03/01/2015, 6:52:42 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Mr. Floor Pooper randomly called him out in GG's name
[03/01/2015, 6:56:35 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: also, fun times-
[03/01/2015, 6:57:06 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Is it weird that I feel terrible that I never get any of this sort of thing?
[03/01/2015, 6:57:24 PM] Athena Hollow: no.
[03/01/2015, 6:57:38 PM] Athena Hollow: i've been having sympathy nightmares.
[03/01/2015, 7:02:19 PM] Peter Coffin: my mentions are absolutely overloaded with
[03/01/2015, 7:03:11 PM] Charloppe:
[03/01/2015, 7:03:14 PM] Charloppe: izzy
[03/01/2015, 7:03:16 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: so block him?
[03/01/2015, 7:03:21 PM] Charloppe: u should see
[03/01/2015, 7:03:26 PM] Athena Hollow: fuck
[03/01/2015, 7:03:28 PM] Athena Hollow: izzy's asleep
[03/01/2015, 7:03:52 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: anyone have his #?
[03/01/2015, 7:03:55 PM] Peter Coffin: I did block, ssg
[03/01/2015, 7:04:11 PM] Peter Coffin: just kind of wtfing, never seen that one before
[03/01/2015, 7:37:31 PM] Rob: hiii
[03/01/2015, 7:41:20 PM] Remy: Has anyone contacted Izzy?
[03/01/2015, 7:41:52 PM] Rob: Oh dear.
[03/01/2015, 7:42:36 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: been pointed out in here, been @ed
[03/01/2015, 7:42:42 PM] Rob:
[03/01/2015, 7:42:53 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: don't know if he caught it yet, likely asleep
[03/01/2015, 7:45:56 PM] Athena Hollow: 'slander'. I wish these people would learn words.
[03/01/2015, 7:46:15 PM] Rob: me too
[03/01/2015, 7:46:56 PM] Dina : they're trying to dixx Izzy?
[03/01/2015, 7:47:08 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: and his whole family
[03/01/2015, 7:47:47 PM] Dina : *doxx
[03/01/2015, 7:47:52 PM] Dina : oh God
[03/01/2015, 7:48:34 PM] Dina : run an img disabling script
[03/01/2015, 7:48:41 PM] Dina : never check out 8ch without it
[03/01/2015, 7:48:53 PM] Dina : also I'm sorry, Stephen :(
[03/01/2015, 7:48:59 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: that's an idea I really wish I'd thought of months ago
[03/01/2015, 7:49:01 PM] Remy: it's w/e
[03/01/2015, 7:50:03 PM] Athena Hollow: lol
[03/01/2015, 7:50:08 PM] Dina : redditors continue to be insufferable
[03/01/2015, 7:50:09 PM] Rob: Yeah, sargon’s a fucking idiot
[03/01/2015, 7:50:19 PM] Athena Hollow: I only ever go on ghazi.
[03/01/2015, 7:50:23 PM] Rob: I’m half tempted to make a video about him and explain why he’s an idiot
[03/01/2015, 7:50:27 PM] Rob: But I’d be too mean.
[03/01/2015, 7:50:31 PM] Athena Hollow: lol
[03/01/2015, 7:50:32 PM] Dina : good.
[03/01/2015, 7:50:37 PM] Rob: No, I mean, REALLY mean.
[03/01/2015, 7:50:43 PM] Dina : GOOD.
[03/01/2015, 7:50:51 PM] Rob: It’d be like a 6 hour video detailing every single anti-woman piece of thing that’s been done since Obama took office in 2009
[03/01/2015, 7:51:23 PM] Dina : I volunteer to beatbox "SargOON, k-k-k-kill yourself" in the bg of your video every time you take a break
[03/01/2015, 7:51:39 PM] Rob: hahaha
[03/01/2015, 7:52:02 PM] Rob: My favorite video is that one he did to laci green over Elliot rodger.
[03/01/2015, 7:52:15 PM] Rob: He goes like- “Women aren’t as intellectual as men. They’re too emotional.”
[03/01/2015, 7:52:26 PM] Rob: And then 20 minutes later he’s screaming “IT’S A FUCKING! FEMINIST! SYSTEM!” at the top of his lungs.
[03/01/2015, 7:52:30 PM] Remy: Can anyone tell me what XMPP is?
[03/01/2015, 7:52:47 PM] Dina : I'm proud to say I have NEVER watched any of Sargon's masturbatory performance pieces he calls "videos"
[03/01/2015, 7:52:51 PM] Rob: it’s something to do w/ XML
[03/01/2015, 7:53:03 PM] Rob: Dina, I wish I could say that. But I have to do research on what idiots say sometimes :C
[03/01/2015, 7:53:04 PM] Remy: It's Jabber's OS
[03/01/2015, 7:53:12 PM] Remy: or protocol or whatever you computer geniuses say
[03/01/2015, 7:53:18 PM] Peter Coffin: don’t they use it as a framework for a lot of media centers?
[03/01/2015, 7:53:30 PM] Peter Coffin: personal ones, not servers
[03/01/2015, 7:54:07 PM] Remy: Someone was in that 8chan thread advising that "swat anon" user to "lay low", I think that's the anon that triggered the swatting tonight. I need to find a way they could have exposed themselves by leaving a contact address for their XMPP chat
[03/01/2015, 7:54:27 PM] Rob: can I just say, by the way, that I really really really laugh at all these gaters and MRA fuckers who think they’re hot shit when it comes being jerks
[03/01/2015, 7:54:35 PM] Rob: I am so much more mean than any of them
[03/01/2015, 8:00:25 PM] Charloppe: Charloppe sneaks in
[03/01/2015, 8:00:40 PM] Athena Hollow: Athena Hollow glomps Charlotte
[03/01/2015, 8:01:03 PM] Charloppe: oh noes i been glomped
[03/01/2015, 8:01:19 PM] Charloppe: Charloppe counterglomps
[03/01/2015, 8:01:25 PM] Peter Coffin: bibberglomped?
[03/01/2015, 8:01:37 PM] Charloppe: i approve
[03/01/2015, 8:02:11 PM] Rob: beiberglomped?
[03/01/2015, 8:02:33 PM] Athena Hollow: ahhh
[03/01/2015, 8:02:40 PM] Charloppe: sooo is that like a lesbianglomp
[03/01/2015, 8:03:11 PM] Athena Hollow: woo
[03/01/2015, 8:06:51 PM] Dina : (hug) (butt) (hug)
[03/01/2015, 8:06:55 PM] Dina : ^fail
[03/01/2015, 8:07:23 PM] Charloppe: huhs da fail butt
[03/01/2015, 8:07:28 PM] Rob: :D
[03/01/2015, 8:07:30 PM] Charloppe: bwhahahahaha
[03/01/2015, 8:07:32 PM] Charloppe: fail
[03/01/2015, 8:07:33 PM] Rob: butts are the best
[03/01/2015, 8:07:45 PM] Dina : this buttfail refuses to be hugged
[03/01/2015, 8:07:50 PM] Rob: haha
[03/01/2015, 8:08:13 PM] Charloppe: well twitter has many other butts
[03/01/2015, 8:08:34 PM] Dina : I'm also partial to poon
[03/01/2015, 8:08:45 PM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 8:08:50 PM] Charloppe: have yet to try myself
[03/01/2015, 8:08:51 PM] Dina : incidentally, that's the name of my next erotic fanfiction
[03/01/2015, 8:09:06 PM] Dina : Partial to Poon - the Jordan Owens story
[03/01/2015, 8:09:07 PM] Athena Hollow: yeah roosh is an asshole
[03/01/2015, 8:09:12 PM] Dina : spoiler: he gets none
[03/01/2015, 8:09:14 PM] Charloppe: rofl
[03/01/2015, 8:09:18 PM] Charloppe: omg yes
[03/01/2015, 8:09:19 PM] Charloppe: yes
[03/01/2015, 8:09:22 PM] Charloppe: take my money
[03/01/2015, 8:09:26 PM] Athena Hollow: I saw him spreading sarah's dox dude. i wanna smack him the face with a newspaper
[03/01/2015, 8:09:35 PM] Rob: hahah
[03/01/2015, 8:09:42 PM] Rob: to the partial for poon stuff
[03/01/2015, 8:09:43 PM] Rob: not roosh’s shit
[03/01/2015, 8:09:47 PM] Athena Hollow: lol
[03/01/2015, 8:10:00 PM] Ian Cheong: Is it possible to kill someone with a rolled up newspaper?
[03/01/2015, 8:10:01 PM] Athena Hollow: eh, i figured it might have been to the "smack him the face with a newspaper" bit
[03/01/2015, 8:10:03 PM] Charloppe: sarah sounds like shes gonna close her account
[03/01/2015, 8:10:06 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: in roosh's world being trans is worse than raping women
[03/01/2015, 8:10:06 PM] Athena Hollow: I can fucking try
[03/01/2015, 8:10:06 PM] Ian Cheong: like by smacking their face repeatedly forever.
[03/01/2015, 8:10:07 PM] Rob: Yes, Ian.
[03/01/2015, 8:10:08 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: he's insane
[03/01/2015, 8:10:11 PM] Rob: Well, not by smacking them.
[03/01/2015, 8:10:11 PM] Charloppe: oh hi
[03/01/2015, 8:10:15 PM] Rob: If you shoved it into their throat, yes
[03/01/2015, 8:10:21 PM] Charloppe: sarah
[03/01/2015, 8:10:27 PM] Charloppe: u partial to poon?
[03/01/2015, 8:10:31 PM] Athena Hollow: lol
[03/01/2015, 8:10:45 PM] Charloppe: this is veeeeery important
[03/01/2015, 8:10:51 PM] Athena Hollow: If I had my way, it'd be death by a million papercuts.
[03/01/2015, 8:10:57 PM] Ian Cheong: Izzy has been doxxed btw.
[03/01/2015, 8:11:00 PM] Athena Hollow: fuckkkkkkkkkkk
[03/01/2015, 8:11:01 PM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 8:11:02 PM] Charloppe: !?
[03/01/2015, 8:11:08 PM] Athena Hollow: did they actually get it?
[03/01/2015, 8:11:11 PM] Athena Hollow: i saw they were looking.
[03/01/2015, 8:11:14 PM] Charloppe: ffs
[03/01/2015, 8:11:14 PM] Ian Cheong: yeah
[03/01/2015, 8:11:17 PM] Athena Hollow: goddjalfjlksdjfkljsdf
[03/01/2015, 8:11:24 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: :\
[03/01/2015, 8:11:27 PM] Dina : fuck
[03/01/2015, 8:11:58 PM] Charloppe: fuck gamer culture
[03/01/2015, 8:12:06 PM] Charloppe: so sick of it and the ppl in it
[03/01/2015, 8:12:25 PM] Dina : same
[03/01/2015, 8:12:31 PM] Dina : I'm gonna go back to fine arts
[03/01/2015, 8:12:35 PM] Dina : games can suck it
[03/01/2015, 8:12:39 PM] Dina : I'm done
[03/01/2015, 8:12:42 PM] Athena Hollow: I'm ready to set it all on fire.
[03/01/2015, 8:12:49 PM] Rob: I’m just going to play games and spend a lot of time fuckign with these assholes.
[03/01/2015, 8:13:58 PM] Dina : I'm tired
[03/01/2015, 8:14:05 PM] Charloppe:
[03/01/2015, 8:14:07 PM] Charloppe: fffffffffffffffffffffff
[03/01/2015, 8:14:09 PM] Dina : I'm sure I'll have fire in me again sometime this week but
[03/01/2015, 8:14:09 PM] Charloppe: uuuuuuuu
[03/01/2015, 8:14:11 PM] Charloppe: ccccccccccccccc
[03/01/2015, 8:14:12 PM] Charloppe: kkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[03/01/2015, 8:14:18 PM] Dina : ?
[03/01/2015, 8:14:29 PM] Charloppe: the link
[03/01/2015, 8:14:30 PM] Charloppe: just
[03/01/2015, 8:14:33 PM] Charloppe: i fucking
[03/01/2015, 8:14:37 PM] Charloppe: cant stand these ppl
[03/01/2015, 8:14:39 PM] Athena Hollow: ugh gross anti-trans pos.
[03/01/2015, 8:14:47 PM] Rob: blargh
[03/01/2015, 8:15:08 PM] Ian Cheong: someone wanna call up izzy?
[03/01/2015, 8:15:16 PM] Ian Cheong: and tell him he might be swatted?
[03/01/2015, 8:15:18 PM] Dina : don't have his number
[03/01/2015, 8:15:23 PM] Ian Cheong: his phone number is [REDACTED]
[03/01/2015, 8:15:30 PM] Dina : is that American?
[03/01/2015, 8:15:33 PM] Ian Cheong: yeah
[03/01/2015, 8:15:43 PM] Athena Hollow: on it
[03/01/2015, 8:15:49 PM] Dina : ah
[03/01/2015, 8:15:51 PM] Dina : ok
[03/01/2015, 8:15:51 PM] Ian Cheong: Thanks dox.
[03/01/2015, 8:16:02 PM] Ian Cheong: Dhanks
[03/01/2015, 8:16:06 PM] Ian Cheong: Dhanx
[03/01/2015, 8:16:45 PM] Rob: It’s also 0400 there. he may not be up
[03/01/2015, 8:16:57 PM] Ian Cheong: better you wake him up than the police
[03/01/2015, 8:17:16 PM] Athena Hollow: it's a google voice number HAH
[03/01/2015, 8:18:15 PM] Athena Hollow: left a voicemail.
[03/01/2015, 8:18:40 PM] Remy: thats good i think
[03/01/2015, 8:18:44 PM] Charloppe:
[03/01/2015, 8:18:46 PM] Charloppe: pls help
[03/01/2015, 8:18:51 PM] Charloppe: im about to punch my moniter
[03/01/2015, 8:19:00 PM] Ian Cheong: They are doxxing DesertFox899 now.
[03/01/2015, 8:19:07 PM] Ian Cheong: he's a ghazi'er.
[03/01/2015, 8:19:09 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: charlotte they're a troll
[03/01/2015, 8:19:10 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: block them
[03/01/2015, 8:19:12 PM] Athena Hollow: char: block em
[03/01/2015, 8:19:54 PM] Ian Cheong: OK I made Desertfox aware.
[03/01/2015, 8:19:57 PM] Ian Cheong: he knows
[03/01/2015, 8:20:00 PM] Dina : ...I wonder if they can dox my parent's home address now since I've been tweeting from here........
[03/01/2015, 8:20:01 PM] Ian Cheong: he says they got his address wrong lol
[03/01/2015, 8:20:09 PM] Remy: oh good
[03/01/2015, 8:20:14 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i doubt it, dina
[03/01/2015, 8:20:16 PM] Athena Hollow: yeah they'll find my dad's address if they look hard on me
[03/01/2015, 8:20:21 PM] Remy: who is desert fox?
[03/01/2015, 8:20:25 PM] Dina : yeah Lebanon is too backwards
[03/01/2015, 8:20:28 PM] Ian Cheong: @desertfox899
[03/01/2015, 8:20:32 PM] Athena Hollow: he's been exposing their shit
[03/01/2015, 8:20:53 PM] Remy: good person?
[03/01/2015, 8:20:58 PM] Athena Hollow: yes
[03/01/2015, 8:20:58 PM] Ian Cheong: good person
[03/01/2015, 8:21:11 PM] Athena Hollow: but yeah, the only address attached to me is my dad's address, where I haven't lived for over 10 years but a brief couple month stint when the kid was a baby.
[03/01/2015, 8:21:19 PM] Athena Hollow: he's a drunk, but he's got tons of biker friends.
[03/01/2015, 8:21:26 PM] Athena Hollow: they'd be really fucking dumb to do shit there
[03/01/2015, 8:21:32 PM] Remy: awesome
[03/01/2015, 8:21:58 PM] Athena Hollow: and the only places I have numbers attached are places w/ 2FA
[03/01/2015, 8:22:00 PM] Rob: If they ever doxxed me and contacted my parents I could be screwed given how conservative my parents are.
[03/01/2015, 8:22:03 PM] Athena Hollow: so yeah, they're dumb.
[03/01/2015, 8:22:09 PM] Rob: And given that they’re basically covering me financially right now.
[03/01/2015, 8:22:21 PM] Athena Hollow: yeah but do your parents internet?
[03/01/2015, 8:22:24 PM] Rob: yes
[03/01/2015, 8:22:25 PM] Athena Hollow: damn.
[03/01/2015, 8:22:32 PM] Rob: poorly, but they do
[03/01/2015, 8:22:51 PM] Athena Hollow: well it might just reinforce that the internet is the wild west
[03/01/2015, 8:23:52 PM] Remy: I can't stay awake I'm gonna crash
[03/01/2015, 8:23:57 PM] Remy: I'm just glad Izzy's in the clear
[03/01/2015, 8:24:02 PM] Athena Hollow: <3 night stephen
[03/01/2015, 8:24:09 PM] Rob: later stephen
[03/01/2015, 8:24:14 PM] Dina : Night Stephen
[03/01/2015, 8:24:22 PM] Remy: Hey before I go to sleep
[03/01/2015, 8:24:24 PM] Dina : I'm gonna go catch my plane too, I'll be tweeting
[03/01/2015, 8:24:27 PM] Remy: This might sound weird but it's gonna keep me up all night long
[03/01/2015, 8:24:34 PM] Rob: <3333 dina
[03/01/2015, 8:24:50 PM] Remy: The dox thread on 8chan kept referring to Izzy as a girl but I've been using the male pronoun. I haven't been misgendering someone this whole time right?
[03/01/2015, 8:24:53 PM] Charloppe: byyyye
[03/01/2015, 8:24:57 PM] Athena Hollow: lol nope Izzys a guy
[03/01/2015, 8:25:03 PM] Remy: oh thank god
[03/01/2015, 8:25:04 PM] Athena Hollow: They keep fucking it up and we laugh a lot
[03/01/2015, 8:25:07 PM] Remy: I would feel like such a POS
[03/01/2015, 8:25:08 PM] Charloppe: prob the kirby i imagine
[03/01/2015, 8:25:10 PM] Athena Hollow: yep.
[03/01/2015, 8:25:19 PM] Remy: okay NOW I can sleep
[03/01/2015, 8:25:25 PM] Athena Hollow: hahahah night hun
[03/01/2015, 8:25:31 PM] Remy: Night <3
[03/01/2015, 8:25:49 PM] Ian Cheong: Roguestar is posting sarahbutts' dox
[03/01/2015, 8:25:51 PM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 8:26:02 PM] Remy: and I'm gonna try to stop using words like "dumb" and "crazy" and "stupid". Sorry. Those were my softer words to ween me off of my military vocabulary >_>"
[03/01/2015, 8:26:09 PM] Remy: reporting now
[03/01/2015, 8:26:20 PM] Athena Hollow: of course he is.
[03/01/2015, 8:27:04 PM] Remy: I can't report "personal information" that's not about me so I always report it as targeted harassment is that okay?
[03/01/2015, 8:27:16 PM] Athena Hollow: actually you can :)
[03/01/2015, 8:27:17 PM] Remy: and also spam
[03/01/2015, 8:27:19 PM] Athena Hollow: i do all the time.
[03/01/2015, 8:27:21 PM] Remy: And also compromised account
[03/01/2015, 8:27:24 PM] Athena Hollow: hahahah nice
[03/01/2015, 8:27:28 PM] Athena Hollow: just load that shit up
[03/01/2015, 8:27:29 PM] Remy: Oh how do you get past that part of the questionnaire?
[03/01/2015, 8:27:34 PM] Remy: Do you just lie and say it's about you?
[03/01/2015, 8:27:38 PM] Athena Hollow: I put it's about a friend.
[03/01/2015, 8:27:40 PM] Ian Cheong: They're going after Ben Kuchera hard with stuff he wrote years ago on a forum
[03/01/2015, 8:27:42 PM] Athena Hollow: Cant do impersonation that way
[03/01/2015, 8:27:45 PM] Remy: roger roger
[03/01/2015, 8:27:45 PM] Ian Cheong: Where he said words like trannies.
[03/01/2015, 8:27:46 PM] Athena Hollow: but you can do personal information
[03/01/2015, 8:27:50 PM] Remy: oh right
[03/01/2015, 8:27:54 PM] Remy: It's the impersonation one that I can't do
[03/01/2015, 8:27:56 PM] Charloppe: if i ever see rogue in person im kicking him in the balls
[03/01/2015, 8:27:56 PM] Athena Hollow: of course they are, Ian.
[03/01/2015, 8:27:57 PM] Ian Cheong: He obviously doesn't use those terms anymore.
[03/01/2015, 8:27:58 PM] Remy: I'm so goofy
[03/01/2015, 8:28:06 PM] Athena Hollow: because they use that shit now but it's totes ok.
[03/01/2015, 8:28:56 PM] Remy: Oh right it's the "Unauthorized photo" part that I can't do if it's not about me
[03/01/2015, 8:29:00 PM] Remy: I really am a super goober today
[03/01/2015, 8:34:06 PM] Charloppe: grr fucking transphobes
[03/01/2015, 8:34:33 PM] Rob: hey athena
[03/01/2015, 8:34:38 PM] Rob: who was that guy who threatened you again?
[03/01/2015, 8:34:47 PM] Athena Hollow: which one? lol
[03/01/2015, 8:35:04 PM] Rob: Like the guy who was randomly like
[03/01/2015, 8:35:08 PM] Rob: “if you hit me you’ll pay”
[03/01/2015, 8:35:09 PM] Charloppe: wow thats sad you have to say that
[03/01/2015, 8:35:10 PM] Rob: and then deleted
[03/01/2015, 8:35:43 PM] Athena Hollow: oh god i dont even remember.
[03/01/2015, 8:35:51 PM] Ian Cheong: lol
[03/01/2015, 8:36:13 PM] Rob: I’m just trying to remember because I know he was someone a bunch of us followed
[03/01/2015, 8:36:19 PM] Rob: so if he reactivates I can block him
[03/01/2015, 8:36:47 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: hrm
[03/01/2015, 8:36:49 PM] Charloppe: i rarely ever block ppl but goddamn fuck this person
[03/01/2015, 8:36:53 PM] Athena Hollow: OH! that wasn't me!
[03/01/2015, 8:36:55 PM] Athena Hollow: it was annie :D
[03/01/2015, 8:36:59 PM] Athena Hollow: and it was um..
[03/01/2015, 8:37:00 PM] Athena Hollow: shit.
[03/01/2015, 8:37:00 PM] Rob: OH
[03/01/2015, 8:37:03 PM] Rob: It was annie! ok
[03/01/2015, 8:37:10 PM] Athena Hollow: there was a guy who said something like that to me as well, but it wasnt him.
[03/01/2015, 8:37:18 PM] Athena Hollow: fuck. um.... cargo something
[03/01/2015, 8:37:19 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: I seem to have lodged my foot rather firmly in my mouth somehow.
[03/01/2015, 8:37:29 PM] Athena Hollow: wuhoh.
[03/01/2015, 8:37:58 PM] Rob: ridiculouscargo?
[03/01/2015, 8:38:00 PM] Rob: and what happened sgg
[03/01/2015, 8:38:18 PM] Athena Hollow: that sounds right.
[03/01/2015, 8:38:35 PM] Secret Gamer Girl:
[03/01/2015, 8:38:41 PM] Athena Hollow: and yep. that's him.
[03/01/2015, 8:38:50 PM] Rob: Oh I think he apologized
[03/01/2015, 8:38:51 PM] Rob: he has PTSD
[03/01/2015, 8:38:57 PM] Rob: going through his tweets
[03/01/2015, 8:39:01 PM] Athena Hollow: yep.
[03/01/2015, 8:39:10 PM] Athena Hollow: it was a dumb thing to say but yeah he apologized.
[03/01/2015, 8:39:13 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: ended in me being blocked, hopefully temporarily, not at all a good night for her, so, I get it
[03/01/2015, 8:39:27 PM] Rob: Oh dear
[03/01/2015, 8:39:59 PM] Charloppe:
[03/01/2015, 8:40:01 PM] Charloppe: this felt good
[03/01/2015, 8:40:15 PM] Rob: :D
[03/01/2015, 8:41:12 PM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 8:41:25 PM] Rob: wut
[03/01/2015, 8:42:51 PM] Charloppe: no one ever suspects the ducks
[03/01/2015, 8:43:10 PM] Ian Cheong: ok
[03/01/2015, 8:43:12 PM] Ian Cheong: im going to eat
[03/01/2015, 8:43:15 PM] Ian Cheong: ill talk to you folks later.
[03/01/2015, 8:43:23 PM] Athena Hollow: cya ian
[03/01/2015, 8:43:41 PM] Rob: later ian
[03/01/2015, 8:44:00 PM] Charloppe: byyye
[03/01/2015, 8:50:11 PM] Charloppe:
[03/01/2015, 8:50:12 PM] Charloppe: pls
[03/01/2015, 8:50:16 PM] Charloppe: i will pay money
[03/01/2015, 8:50:26 PM] Athena Hollow: lol
[03/01/2015, 8:50:49 PM] Athena Hollow: i haven't seen a twine game, but wasn't there one that someone made that actually had sarah in it under a butt-like pseudonym
[03/01/2015, 8:51:07 PM] Charloppe: first I have heard of that
[03/01/2015, 8:51:18 PM] Athena Hollow: haha oh man, gimme a sec. gotta find it.
[03/01/2015, 8:51:24 PM] Charloppe: the only twine game i have personally played is depression quest
[03/01/2015, 8:51:45 PM] Charloppe: which is really good so much respect zoe if you see this
[03/01/2015, 8:55:17 PM] Athena Hollow:
[03/01/2015, 8:55:36 PM] Athena Hollow: Butt Tweets: Joey’s friend who is dedicated to stamping out misogyny throughout the world. As good with healing as she is with stabbing.
[03/01/2015, 8:55:55 PM] Charloppe: oh boy
[03/01/2015, 8:55:59 PM] Charloppe: this will be something
[03/01/2015, 8:56:14 PM] Athena Hollow: lol
[03/01/2015, 8:56:32 PM] Athena Hollow: i love the plot "You are Joey Winn, a struggling indie game designer trying to get her game Suicide Adventures into the Stream Shop. Unfortunately the trolls of Sorcerer Chan, MeTube, and The Dimension of Four Chans will stop at nothing to destroy you and your game. It’s up to you to defeat these vile forces, save the gaming community, and become the successful game developer you deserve to be."
[03/01/2015, 8:57:52 PM] Charloppe: im scared of this
[03/01/2015, 8:58:49 PM] Athena Hollow: lol
[03/01/2015, 8:58:57 PM] Athena Hollow: it's anti so should be good
[03/01/2015, 9:01:12 PM] Charloppe: you had me worried there
[03/01/2015, 9:01:27 PM] Athena Hollow: it's REALLY HARD TO TELL from the description.
[03/01/2015, 9:01:35 PM] Athena Hollow: but yes, it's anti.
[03/01/2015, 9:01:44 PM] Charloppe: yeah i couldn't tell
[03/01/2015, 9:01:56 PM] Charloppe: ill try it out later
[03/01/2015, 9:02:09 PM] Charloppe: cause games, i play them
[03/01/2015, 9:02:16 PM] Athena Hollow: ^_^
[03/01/2015, 9:17:57 PM] Charloppe:
[03/01/2015, 9:18:02 PM] Charloppe: is it bad i wondering this?
[03/01/2015, 9:18:23 PM] Athena Hollow: Probably a lot.
[03/01/2015, 9:18:38 PM] Athena Hollow: I've seen several on 8chan bitch that more trans people don't look like Bailey Jay.
[03/01/2015, 9:23:15 PM] Charloppe: urg most of the time they don't even see trans ppl
[03/01/2015, 9:24:58 PM] Charloppe: i hate when i have to bring up me being trans in certain situations
[03/01/2015, 9:25:04 PM] Charloppe: i so fucking awkward
[03/01/2015, 9:25:07 PM] Athena Hollow: <3
[03/01/2015, 9:32:43 PM] Athena Hollow: charlotte... can we burn all the video games?
[03/01/2015, 9:34:10 PM] Charloppe:
[03/01/2015, 9:34:12 PM] Charloppe: yes
[03/01/2015, 9:34:14 PM] Charloppe: lets
[03/01/2015, 9:34:28 PM] Charloppe: fuck the games
[03/01/2015, 9:34:43 PM] Charloppe: and this person
[03/01/2015, 9:35:13 PM] Charloppe: hey you had the response i had
[03/01/2015, 9:35:19 PM] Charloppe: sigh shitty ppl
[03/01/2015, 9:35:19 PM] Athena Hollow: lol
[03/01/2015, 9:36:53 PM] Charloppe: ever want to punch a fucker in the face
[03/01/2015, 9:37:20 PM] Athena Hollow: "I mean, her parents didn't LITERALLY kill her" OMG DUDE JUST SHUT UP
[03/01/2015, 9:37:34 PM] Athena Hollow: i blocked the piece of shit.
[03/01/2015, 9:37:34 PM] Athena Hollow: ugh.
[03/01/2015, 9:37:41 PM] Athena Hollow: i can't fucking even with these assholes.
[03/01/2015, 9:37:53 PM] Athena Hollow: What is the point in trolling a hashtag meant for solidarity just to be a dick?
[03/01/2015, 9:38:15 PM] Charloppe: wow he just called me autistic in a terrible way
[03/01/2015, 9:38:20 PM] Charloppe: i am too
[03/01/2015, 9:38:24 PM] Charloppe: fucking scum
[03/01/2015, 9:38:25 PM] Athena Hollow: of course he did
[03/01/2015, 9:38:38 PM] Athena Hollow: because he needed prove he's an unrelenting pos
[03/01/2015, 9:41:36 PM] Charloppe: bet hes gg
[03/01/2015, 10:24:19 PM] Charloppe: <3 rob is a butt now
[03/01/2015, 10:25:27 PM] Rob: yep
[03/01/2015, 10:25:34 PM] Rob: I forgot to change it this morning
[03/01/2015, 10:25:57 PM] Rob: my GF’s getting ready (she crashed here the night before b/c her friends are having a party today somewhere near where I live)
[03/01/2015, 10:26:01 PM] Charloppe: welcome, there is enough booty for everyone :D
[03/01/2015, 10:26:01 PM] Rob: so I was like back on the computer!
[03/01/2015, 10:26:09 PM] Rob: butts are the best
[03/01/2015, 10:26:30 PM] Charloppe: gf are also the best!
[03/01/2015, 10:26:36 PM] Rob: yep :D
[03/01/2015, 10:26:40 PM] Rob: I hadn’t seen her in a month
[03/01/2015, 10:26:51 PM] Rob: i’m staying at her place next weekend tho at least
[03/01/2015, 10:28:06 PM] Charloppe: need to wash out the christmas visit
[03/01/2015, 10:28:10 PM] Charloppe: gf are the best for that
[03/01/2015, 10:28:47 PM] Charloppe:
[03/01/2015, 10:28:53 PM] Charloppe: i vote to punch in face
[03/01/2015, 10:28:59 PM] Charloppe: maybe hit a testicle
[03/01/2015, 10:29:11 PM] Rob: oh god
[03/01/2015, 10:29:21 PM] Rob: I know melody Hensley, too
[03/01/2015, 10:29:26 PM] Rob: she’s sweet
[03/01/2015, 10:30:25 PM] Charloppe: i sense a dogpile coming
[03/01/2015, 10:32:20 PM] Rob: Yeah.
[03/01/2015, 10:33:03 PM] Charloppe: they fucked with sarah
[03/01/2015, 10:33:09 PM] Charloppe: pissed enough not to care
[03/01/2015, 10:53:19 PM] Veerender Jubbal: So, like, who is Chobicoin?
[03/01/2015, 10:53:32 PM] Ian Cheong: a psychopath
[03/01/2015, 10:53:36 PM] Athena Hollow: a really really horrible shitty person
[03/01/2015, 10:53:38 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Whoa, there.
[03/01/2015, 10:53:47 PM] Athena Hollow: she's the one that keeps trying to get trans women to commit suicide.
[03/01/2015, 10:53:49 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Well, they retweeted me.
[03/01/2015, 10:53:55 PM] Veerender Jubbal: What the fuck?
[03/01/2015, 10:53:57 PM] Athena Hollow: oh might not have been actual chobitcoin
[03/01/2015, 10:54:08 PM] Athena Hollow: there's apparently 2 accounts that aren't run by her but use her name
[03/01/2015, 10:54:17 PM] Veerender Jubbal: They have Satuski from Kill la Kill.
[03/01/2015, 10:54:38 PM] Veerender Jubbal:
[03/01/2015, 10:54:40 PM] Veerender Jubbal: This one.
[03/01/2015, 10:55:12 PM] Athena Hollow: oh gross. i think that might be the real one.
[03/01/2015, 10:55:19 PM] Ian Cheong: that's the real one
[03/01/2015, 10:55:20 PM] Ian Cheong: she has me blocked
[03/01/2015, 10:55:37 PM] Ian Cheong: i dont use that term lightly, btw.
[03/01/2015, 10:55:40 PM] Ian Cheong: but chobitcoin needs to go to jail
[03/01/2015, 10:56:00 PM] Athena Hollow: hahahah cerny boy blocked me
[03/01/2015, 10:57:07 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Why cannot someone of "importance" block me? cutely pouts
[03/01/2015, 10:57:21 PM] Ian Cheong: Piss them off enough and they might.
[03/01/2015, 10:57:23 PM] Athena Hollow: lol well you don't attack their egos like we do lol
[03/01/2015, 10:57:26 PM] Ian Cheong: I'm on their shitlists.
[03/01/2015, 10:57:41 PM] Ian Cheong: Yet they still stalk my twitter feed.
[03/01/2015, 10:57:49 PM] Rob: I think I’m going to get hit soon
[03/01/2015, 10:57:51 PM] Ian Cheong: And tweet stuff about how I smoke pipes, like Lizzy, who I think is in love with me.
[03/01/2015, 10:57:56 PM] Rob: Sargon’s tweet w/ a screengrab of me has over 220 RTs.
[03/01/2015, 10:58:01 PM] Athena Hollow: goddamn
[03/01/2015, 10:58:11 PM] Athena Hollow: how do shitty people get such a fucking following of ball lickers?
[03/01/2015, 10:58:15 PM] Ian Cheong: Lizzy's tweet about me got 180 RTs
[03/01/2015, 10:58:24 PM] Ian Cheong: I didn't get hit, surprisingly enough.
[03/01/2015, 10:58:37 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I love you, folks!
[03/01/2015, 10:58:43 PM] Ian Cheong: Love you too VJ
[03/01/2015, 10:59:04 PM] Rob: I may delete my main YT channel, just b/c if I’m doxxed more severely it’s easier to lie about my twitter account than videos w/ my face on them,
[03/01/2015, 10:59:26 PM] Ian Cheong: What can they do to you though?
[03/01/2015, 10:59:35 PM] Rob: Find my parents.
[03/01/2015, 10:59:39 PM] Rob: Who pay for everything right now.
[03/01/2015, 10:59:39 PM] Ian Cheong: oh
[03/01/2015, 10:59:44 PM] Rob: They would not be happy with the shit I say online.
[03/01/2015, 10:59:59 PM] Veerender Jubbal: sniggers
[03/01/2015, 11:00:12 PM] Veerender Jubbal: My parents do not understand, whatsoever in what is happening to me...
[03/01/2015, 11:00:17 PM] Veerender Jubbal: shrugs
[03/01/2015, 11:00:47 PM] Rob: My mom and stepdad also don’t know about what my dad did to me.
[03/01/2015, 11:00:51 PM] Rob: Beyond the purely physical abuse.
[03/01/2015, 11:00:56 PM] Rob: That could cause ... issues.
[03/01/2015, 11:00:59 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: they're going after my income now
[03/01/2015, 11:01:15 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Sarah, that person wants to have sex with me.
[03/01/2015, 11:01:17 PM] Athena Hollow: fucking hell
[03/01/2015, 11:01:35 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Crap--it is not opening.
[03/01/2015, 11:01:40 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Fuck.
[03/01/2015, 11:01:53 PM] Rob: holy crap
[03/01/2015, 11:01:55 PM] Ian Cheong: SHit, Sarah, I'm sorry.
[03/01/2015, 11:01:56 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Holy fuck.
[03/01/2015, 11:02:02 PM] Veerender Jubbal: hugs Sarah
[03/01/2015, 11:02:17 PM] Ian Cheong: My suggestion? REach out to your host first.
[03/01/2015, 11:02:28 PM] Ian Cheong: Tell them that they are about to receive some emails
[03/01/2015, 11:02:50 PM] Rob: Gotta run some errands, back in a bit
[03/01/2015, 11:02:54 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: it's not the host
[03/01/2015, 11:02:57 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: it's the ad servers
[03/01/2015, 11:03:23 PM] Ian Cheong: So this is what a cyberwar is like.
[03/01/2015, 11:03:30 PM] Ian Cheong: Appropriately enough I'm listening to Deus Ex music.
[03/01/2015, 11:06:10 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Fuck! Izzy was doxxed, too?!
[03/01/2015, 11:10:28 PM] Ian Cheong: They're going after Ben Kuchera's career now.
[03/01/2015, 11:10:37 PM] Athena Hollow: Of course they are.
[03/01/2015, 11:10:43 PM] Veerender Jubbal: looks up at ceiling
[03/01/2015, 11:10:46 PM] Athena Hollow: For some dumb shit said 15 years ago.
[03/01/2015, 11:10:50 PM] Veerender Jubbal: eyes gape
[03/01/2015, 11:10:54 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I saw...
[03/01/2015, 11:10:54 PM] Ian Cheong: Yup
[03/01/2015, 11:10:59 PM] Ian Cheong: He said some stupid shit years ago.
[03/01/2015, 11:11:02 PM] Ian Cheong: Like I did.
[03/01/2015, 11:11:05 PM] Athena Hollow: nevermind their stupid fuckers said the same dumbshit within, what? the past week?
[03/01/2015, 11:11:12 PM] Ian Cheong: the past goddamn hour
[03/01/2015, 11:11:18 PM] Athena Hollow: sigh
[03/01/2015, 11:12:53 PM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 11:13:22 PM] Athena Hollow: hehe just read it
[03/01/2015, 11:13:36 PM] Veerender Jubbal: drinks tears
[03/01/2015, 11:14:29 PM] Veerender Jubbal: That was what I said when I was interview for a newspaper in toronto within the few hashtag days.
[03/01/2015, 11:15:06 PM] Veerender Jubbal: "They keep saying they are about ethics, but all they have produced in the past two months is harassment to marginalized folks."
[03/01/2015, 11:15:41 PM] Veerender Jubbal: This was back in October...
[03/01/2015, 11:16:20 PM] Athena Hollow: Seriously fucking wish I had an "in" at the fbi to get 8chan shut down for being a terrorist harbor.
[03/01/2015, 11:16:36 PM] Athena Hollow: Because make no goddamn mistake, they are committing straight out acts of cyber terrorism with this shit.
[03/01/2015, 11:16:42 PM] Veerender Jubbal: GamerGate calls me a terrorist is the ultimate irony.
[03/01/2015, 11:16:43 PM] Ian Cheong: There is a problem.
[03/01/2015, 11:16:50 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Fucking white folk.
[03/01/2015, 11:16:51 PM] Ian Cheong: These people know how to use darknets.
[03/01/2015, 11:17:09 PM] Ian Cheong: But I doubt many of them will follow.
[03/01/2015, 11:17:12 PM] Athena Hollow: Yeah but the dumbshits who are lending number credence.
[03/01/2015, 11:17:14 PM] Athena Hollow: exactly.
[03/01/2015, 11:17:18 PM] Ian Cheong: Just the most hardcore of them.
[03/01/2015, 11:17:34 PM] Athena Hollow: And the more hardcore of them don't give two shits about gamergate.
[03/01/2015, 11:17:55 PM] Athena Hollow: they're (grossly) more obsessed with hacking into teenagers' webcams.
[03/01/2015, 11:18:21 PM] Ian Cheong: RogueStar is arguing that Sarah wasn't doxxed because legal names are 'fair game'
[03/01/2015, 11:18:32 PM] Athena Hollow: bull.fucking.shit.
[03/01/2015, 11:18:34 PM] Veerender Jubbal: jaw drops
[03/01/2015, 11:18:43 PM] Athena Hollow: Only if you make it publicly known yourself.
[03/01/2015, 11:18:44 PM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 11:18:45 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: it's about ethics in outing trans people
[03/01/2015, 11:18:49 PM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 11:18:50 PM] Athena Hollow: He's a fucking piece of shit.
[03/01/2015, 11:18:52 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i haven't talked about this publicly
[03/01/2015, 11:19:01 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: but the consequences of said real name being leaked?
[03/01/2015, 11:19:31 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i've gotten death threats, pictures of my house sent to me, pictures of relatives that passed away recently (telling me they probably killed themselves because of me), them trying to attack my source of income
[03/01/2015, 11:19:38 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: hundreds of people calling me my name before transitioning
[03/01/2015, 11:19:52 PM] Peter Coffin: I’m sorry sarah
[03/01/2015, 11:20:31 PM] Athena Hollow: I know. I've resisted saying anything on twitter beyond "doxxing a trans woman on the internet is terror turned up to 11"
[03/01/2015, 11:20:52 PM] Athena Hollow: because holy fucking shit, that shit is just nuts and I'm terrified to draw the line between the two right now.
[03/01/2015, 11:21:15 PM] nicholas.boterf: Jesus Sarah. I’m sorry.
[03/01/2015, 11:21:29 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I am so fucking sorry, Sarah.
[03/01/2015, 11:21:46 PM] Ian Cheong: (hug)
[03/01/2015, 11:22:03 PM] Charloppe: :(
[03/01/2015, 11:22:06 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i need to talk to zoe for advice
[03/01/2015, 11:22:07 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: but
[03/01/2015, 11:22:12 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: my two possible courses of action are
[03/01/2015, 11:22:18 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: trying to disappear so they get off my back
[03/01/2015, 11:22:31 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: or launching a site i was considering before this to just make battling this shit my fulltime job
[03/01/2015, 11:22:38 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: and talk about what the fuck they did to me
[03/01/2015, 11:22:39 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: GG will die
[03/01/2015, 11:22:44 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: these people will still be in gaming though
[03/01/2015, 11:24:20 PM] Athena Hollow: I love ya sarah, and this shit fucking sucks. And I'm pissed that I can't do much beyond platitudes and going on angry rage fits on twitter -_-
[03/01/2015, 11:24:46 PM] Ian Cheong: The forces that created GamerGate will be a facet of the industry long after GamerGate is nothing but a smoldering pile of ashes.
[03/01/2015, 11:24:56 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: yes
[03/01/2015, 11:24:59 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: before all of this
[03/01/2015, 11:25:04 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i was thinking of making something like futrelle's site
[03/01/2015, 11:25:05 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: but for gaming
[03/01/2015, 11:25:15 PM] Ian Cheong: They are the same people who went after Jade Raymond and Jennifer Hepler.
[03/01/2015, 11:25:32 PM] Athena Hollow: I think a lot of people denied it because they didn't see it themselves.
[03/01/2015, 11:25:51 PM] Athena Hollow: I'm convinced that a lot of your screen shots of GG made people question what the fuck they were doing in that shit heap.
[03/01/2015, 11:26:12 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i like to think so. sometimes i wonder how much of an impact it had
[03/01/2015, 11:26:19 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: but no one is exposing these people
[03/01/2015, 11:27:00 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: kluwe said he'd do anything he could to help re: boosting stuff if they fuck me over income wise
[03/01/2015, 11:27:09 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: part of me wants to turn this into something positive
[03/01/2015, 11:27:14 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: the other part just wants to disappear
[03/01/2015, 11:27:42 PM] Athena Hollow: Yeah. It's a shitty pit in your stomach that you're afraid will never go away :-/
[03/01/2015, 11:28:58 PM] Ian Cheong: Grace Lynn is on the warpath.
[03/01/2015, 11:29:07 PM] Athena Hollow: wuh oh
[03/01/2015, 11:29:14 PM] Veerender Jubbal: What is Grace doing?
[03/01/2015, 11:29:23 PM] Ian Cheong: Tweeting some very insightful stuff about channer culture.
[03/01/2015, 11:29:27 PM] Ian Cheong: And getting massively retweeted.
[03/01/2015, 11:29:35 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Oh.
[03/01/2015, 11:29:40 PM] Athena Hollow: oh ok
[03/01/2015, 11:29:42 PM] Athena Hollow: phew
[03/01/2015, 11:29:47 PM] Ian Cheong: Hehe.
[03/01/2015, 11:29:57 PM] Athena Hollow: Dammit ian. Don't scare us like that lol
[03/01/2015, 11:30:43 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Yep.
[03/01/2015, 11:30:49 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Was relieved.
[03/01/2015, 11:30:53 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: what is it? she has me blocked
[03/01/2015, 11:31:06 PM] Ian Cheong: Open an incognito window to view her tweets.
[03/01/2015, 11:31:21 PM] Athena Hollow: just stuff about how chan culture is filled with people who are maladjusted
[03/01/2015, 11:31:23 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: holy crap followed me
[03/01/2015, 11:31:30 PM] Ian Cheong: sweet.
[03/01/2015, 11:31:32 PM] Ian Cheong: C418 rocks.
[03/01/2015, 11:31:42 PM] Ian Cheong: He's been fairly vocal about GamerGate.
[03/01/2015, 11:31:43 PM] Athena Hollow: and how doing bad things to make other people hurt is done to aleviate their own pain.
[03/01/2015, 11:32:02 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Sarah, block on contact, do not engage, have someone go through your Twitter, and stuffs--to mitigate, do not engage, do not be like me, fuck that shit.
[03/01/2015, 11:32:25 PM] Ian Cheong: C418 is a good guy.
[03/01/2015, 11:32:41 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i never bothered with the autoblocker before this. i could handle their shit when i was anonymous
[03/01/2015, 11:32:44 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: but after this
[03/01/2015, 11:32:46 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: it'sbeen insane
[03/01/2015, 11:32:57 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Please, use it. Do not be like me.
[03/01/2015, 11:32:57 PM] Ian Cheong: Yeah haha why do you think I block them on contact ;)
[03/01/2015, 11:33:00 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: fucking pictures of my house and asking if i'd rather be stabbed or shot
[03/01/2015, 11:33:08 PM] Athena Hollow: goddamn.
[03/01/2015, 11:33:13 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Check every single person whom follows you.
[03/01/2015, 11:33:18 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Fuck.
[03/01/2015, 11:33:40 PM] Athena Hollow: I'm really fucking mean and vocal. The ggers always slip up. They can't fucking help themselves, and they end up commenting on my shit lol
[03/01/2015, 11:33:54 PM] Ian Cheong: They comment on my shit whether or not it's about GamerGate.
[03/01/2015, 11:34:40 PM] Athena Hollow: oh definitely, but they can't not touch the poop lol
[03/01/2015, 11:34:46 PM] Athena Hollow: it's a massive impulse control problem
[03/01/2015, 11:35:05 PM] Athena Hollow: like, I can look at mike's bullshit, or rogues, or whatever, and never respond, because I have friends who will point & laugh with me.
[03/01/2015, 11:35:19 PM] Athena Hollow: heh
[03/01/2015, 11:37:25 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: there's a small contingent that's openly malicious and a large large number that's willfully oblivious to the damage
[03/01/2015, 11:37:37 PM] Athena Hollow: like they did w/ some shit fuck to Charlotte earlier about Leelah.
[03/01/2015, 11:37:59 PM] Athena Hollow: And yeah, that small contingent is scary as fuck, but luckily they aren't very highly numbered.
[03/01/2015, 11:44:08 PM] Charloppe: i just got the penis persona in my party
[03/01/2015, 11:44:14 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: charloppe
[03/01/2015, 11:44:15 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: you weird
[03/01/2015, 11:44:17 PM] Charloppe: this gmae must like me
[03/01/2015, 11:44:21 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Mara for life!
[03/01/2015, 11:44:28 PM] Athena Hollow: lol
[03/01/2015, 11:44:31 PM] Charloppe: <3 veerender
[03/01/2015, 11:44:50 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: rofl buttasfuck D: didn't notice that
[03/01/2015, 11:45:02 PM] Veerender Jubbal: hugs Charlotte
[03/01/2015, 11:45:03 PM] Charloppe: yay someone noticed!
[03/01/2015, 11:45:10 PM] Charloppe: Charloppe hugs back
[03/01/2015, 11:45:20 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: do you guys want to play a leauge?
[03/01/2015, 11:45:42 PM] Veerender Jubbal: YEAH.
[03/01/2015, 11:45:55 PM] Veerender Jubbal: I can later.
[03/01/2015, 11:45:58 PM] Veerender Jubbal: At family's.
[03/01/2015, 11:45:58 PM] Charloppe: ill play
[03/01/2015, 11:49:00 PM] Ian Cheong:
[03/01/2015, 11:50:44 PM] Athena Hollow: fucking trash parents.
[03/01/2015, 11:51:00 PM] Veerender Jubbal: eyes gape
[03/01/2015, 11:51:27 PM] Veerender Jubbal: They are.
[03/01/2015, 11:51:35 PM] Charloppe:
[03/01/2015, 11:51:39 PM] Charloppe: lets play a game
[03/01/2015, 11:51:42 PM] Veerender Jubbal: She is going to be buried with her wrong name, and in a suit.
[03/01/2015, 11:51:44 PM] Charloppe: its calle dmock the transphobe
[03/01/2015, 11:51:45 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Fuck that shit.
[03/01/2015, 11:51:49 PM] Ian Cheong: I'm glad I've never gotten a tattoo or I'd have my entire body covered in sleeves and stuff.
[03/01/2015, 11:52:00 PM] Ian Cheong: My personality is to go all out with things I'm into.
[03/01/2015, 11:52:35 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Due to my tweet--I got some transphobic garbage that I blocked in a second.
[03/01/2015, 11:52:39 PM] Veerender Jubbal: People are garbage.
[03/01/2015, 11:52:56 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Just burn the Internet, forever.
[03/01/2015, 11:53:05 PM] Veerender Jubbal: We have every reason, forever.
[03/01/2015, 11:53:12 PM] Athena Hollow: yup
[03/01/2015, 11:53:17 PM] Athena Hollow: #RebootTheInternet dude.
[03/01/2015, 11:53:38 PM] Veerender Jubbal: You are the best.
[03/01/2015, 11:53:52 PM] Charloppe: i have been getting so many transphobes
[03/01/2015, 11:53:54 PM] Athena Hollow: and yep. just a troll. block. fucker rt's my shit to be a shit
[03/01/2015, 11:57:56 PM] Charloppe: i hate ppl do ba do
[03/01/2015, 11:58:05 PM] Charloppe: they can all suck my dick
[03/01/2015, 11:58:30 PM] Athena Hollow: lol
[03/01/2015, 11:58:34 PM] Athena Hollow: <3
[03/01/2015, 11:58:46 PM] Veerender Jubbal: mentally favourited
[03/01/2015, 11:59:38 PM] Veerender Jubbal: Hey, did anyone warn Ben?
[03/01/2015, 11:59:43 PM] Charloppe: fuck i got to stop arguing with this ass