Skype Con Leak/26 dec

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Skype Con Leak/26 dec is part of a series on the Skype Con Leak.
Dates:  Highlights22 dec23 dec24 dec25th dec26 dec27 dec28 dec29 dec30 dec31 dec01 jan dec02 jan03 jan04 janserious longserious short
[26/12/2014, 12:06:23 AM] Ian Cheong: More whisky? y/n
[26/12/2014, 12:06:40 AM] Rob: Always y
[26/12/2014, 12:15:20 AM] drinternetphd: thanks for the edits ian
[26/12/2014, 12:15:28 AM] Ian Cheong: No problem.
[26/12/2014, 12:15:37 AM] Ian Cheong: I did more edits -- check above and below.
[26/12/2014, 12:16:18 AM] Ian Cheong: Everything else reads fine. Like you suggested, might want to move the big entry about Frozen Elsa Surgery down to the middle or something.
[26/12/2014, 12:25:43 AM] drinternetphd: yeah
[26/12/2014, 12:25:54 AM] Ian Cheong: I like it.
[26/12/2014, 12:25:56 AM] drinternetphd: thanks dude
[26/12/2014, 12:25:59 AM] Ian Cheong: Anytime.
[26/12/2014, 12:39:58 AM] Lars Flyger (Zennistrad): Merry Christmas, everyone!
[26/12/2014, 12:40:03 AM] Ian Cheong: Hey LArs.
[26/12/2014, 12:42:27 AM] Rob: Hey lars
[26/12/2014, 12:42:33 AM] Rob: I notice the blue chat group is fucking with you.
[26/12/2014, 12:42:36 AM] Rob: You're their new favorite target.
[26/12/2014, 12:42:55 AM] Ian Cheong: Blue chat group?
[26/12/2014, 12:43:10 AM] Rob: I used to be part of this google hangout called Blue Chat.
[26/12/2014, 12:43:32 AM] Rob: It basically fell apart when one of the dudes, Greyknight, revealed himself to be a really misogynist, pro-rape culture asshole and a bunch of us left.
[26/12/2014, 12:43:47 AM] Rob: He's since invited on a bunch of really shitty, awful people to try to replace us and he's gone 1000000% pro-gamergate.
[26/12/2014, 12:44:08 AM] Rob: So he and his friends are defending Jordan Owen, saying all the Zoe shit is true, they're now defending 8-chan blah blah
[26/12/2014, 12:44:12 AM] Rob: They're the former associates I mentioned.
[26/12/2014, 12:44:37 AM] Ian Cheong: Aahhhhh.
[26/12/2014, 12:46:02 AM] Rob: Yeah. Not good people.
[26/12/2014, 12:48:10 AM] Ian Cheong:
[26/12/2014, 12:48:12 AM] Ian Cheong: someone made this
[26/12/2014, 12:50:00 AM] Lars Flyger (Zennistrad): GreyKnight showed up on the comments sections of one of my videos.
[26/12/2014, 12:50:08 AM] Rob: Yeah.
[26/12/2014, 12:50:12 AM] Rob: He runs Blue Chat.
[26/12/2014, 12:50:23 AM] Rob: Beach is on it now. He's a huge racist and sexist who thinks he's not sexist or racist.
[26/12/2014, 12:50:52 AM] Lars Flyger (Zennistrad): Are there any racists/sexists who are actually aware that they are?
[26/12/2014, 12:51:01 AM] Lars Flyger (Zennistrad): Because I'm pretty sure there aren't.
[26/12/2014, 12:51:01 AM] Rob: Yes.
[26/12/2014, 12:51:09 AM] Rob: But he maintains he's a feminist and that anyone who is anti-GG isn't
[26/12/2014, 12:51:29 AM] Rob: because Anita and zoe and Randi and wu are just 'wasting their time talking about games and they don't give a shit about women who get raped while picking lettuce in the fields'
[26/12/2014, 12:52:12 AM] Peter Coffin: found this during my tumblr blockfest
[26/12/2014, 12:52:54 AM] Ian Cheong: wow they gave anita a big nose
[26/12/2014, 12:52:59 AM] Ian Cheong: that's not racist at all!
[26/12/2014, 12:53:05 AM] Peter Coffin: also she’s holding money
[26/12/2014, 12:53:14 AM] Peter Coffin: and is super greedy about it apparently
[26/12/2014, 12:53:24 AM] Peter Coffin: and also… isn’t even racially a jew
[26/12/2014, 12:53:57 AM] Peter Coffin: they literally project what they think is jew onto her they are so antisemitic
[26/12/2014, 12:54:30 AM] Lars Flyger (Zennistrad): Some guy is commenting on my video saying Dan Olsen fucked up by "warning" the pedophiles.
[26/12/2014, 12:54:39 AM] Lars Flyger (Zennistrad): "Because nothing says 'Social Justice'  more than aiding and abetting felons to avoid prosecution. Hey as long as you can use the crime of producing and distributing child pornography for your political ends it's okay, right? This dumb ass still isn't getting it. P.S. Yes I'm marginally aware the 'kiddy porn' in question was not actual kids. Same difference. If you're going to make the claim active pedophiles are distributing actual child pornography..YOU DONT WARN THEM! You report it, STFU, and let the professionals handle it. YOU DO NOT TAKE THE RISK OF FURTHER ENDANGERING CHILDREN. FULL...FUCKING>>>STOP!"
[26/12/2014, 12:55:04 AM] Peter Coffin: clever
[26/12/2014, 12:55:11 AM] Rob: Let me guess, is that Beach?
[26/12/2014, 12:55:24 AM] Lars Flyger (Zennistrad): Yup.
[26/12/2014, 12:55:33 AM] Peter Coffin: that is trying to redirect the argument
[26/12/2014, 12:55:42 AM] Rob: Lars, I'll just explain Beach this way.
[26/12/2014, 12:55:52 AM] Rob: He called an Asian woman from YT, who is a friend of mine a 'gook'.
[26/12/2014, 12:55:55 AM] Peter Coffin: that is someone who doesn’t want people to see “gamer gate” and think “pedophiles?”
[26/12/2014, 12:55:56 AM] Rob: And maintains that it's not racist.
[26/12/2014, 12:55:59 AM] Rob: To this day.
[26/12/2014, 12:56:08 AM] Lars Flyger (Zennistrad): Wow.
[26/12/2014, 12:56:15 AM] Rob: He says he's in the right and it's not racist because she said something bad about 'white culture'.
[26/12/2014, 12:56:26 AM] Peter Coffin: wow
[26/12/2014, 12:56:33 AM] Peter Coffin: that’s not white supremicist at all
[26/12/2014, 12:56:39 AM] Rob: And that it's OK to call her that b/c she's Chinese and not Korean or Vietnamese.
[26/12/2014, 12:57:17 AM] Rob: He also maintains it's not racist to call people "knee grow" (how he writes it), b/c his black friend said it was ok
[26/12/2014, 12:57:29 AM] Lars Flyger (Zennistrad): Ugh.
[26/12/2014, 12:57:58 AM] Rob: Greyis aware of all this, btw, and defends him.
[26/12/2014, 12:58:15 AM] Rob: So pretty much everyone on blue chat is a sexist, racist, quasi-MRA, pro-gamergate asshole.
[26/12/2014, 12:58:26 AM] Ian Cheong: Hey they sound like RPG Codexers.
[26/12/2014, 12:58:30 AM] Rob: Pretty much, Ian.
[26/12/2014, 12:58:41 AM] Ian Cheong: They used to call me a gook and maintained it wasn't racist because I was "behaving like a gook."
[26/12/2014, 12:58:50 AM] Lars Flyger (Zennistrad): Yikes.
[26/12/2014, 12:59:09 AM] Peter Coffin: how would one “behave as a gook”
[26/12/2014, 12:59:12 AM] Peter Coffin: that makes no sense
[26/12/2014, 12:59:23 AM] Ian Cheong: By having brown skin and slanty eyes I guess.
[26/12/2014, 12:59:52 AM] Lars Flyger (Zennistrad): Here's what I don't get about the "don't warn the pedophiles" argument.
[26/12/2014, 1:00:01 AM] Ian Cheong: By the time I stopped going to the site they'd invited white nationalists to post on the boards.
[26/12/2014, 1:00:17 AM] Peter Coffin: really that is the natural evolution of these things
[26/12/2014, 1:00:34 AM] Lars Flyger (Zennistrad): Wouldn't ANY public reporting of illegal activity also technically count as that?
[26/12/2014, 1:00:37 AM] Ian Cheong: They used to bully game developers.
[26/12/2014, 1:00:44 AM] Ian Cheong: Especially RPG developers.
[26/12/2014, 1:01:16 AM] drinternetphd: wait
[26/12/2014, 1:01:19 AM] drinternetphd: who is lars flyger
[26/12/2014, 1:01:22 AM] Peter Coffin: I think I remember something about that. was that a shitstorm
[26/12/2014, 1:01:24 AM] Rob: Zennistrad
[26/12/2014, 1:01:25 AM] Ian Cheong: Zennistrad.
[26/12/2014, 1:01:28 AM] drinternetphd: ohhh hi
[26/12/2014, 1:01:32 AM] Lars Flyger (Zennistrad): Me.
[26/12/2014, 1:01:46 AM] drinternetphd: also fuck yes I just max happinessed my last skitty
[26/12/2014, 1:02:03 AM] drinternetphd: now I just gotta use super training on all of em and then I can finally start playing the game~
[26/12/2014, 1:02:07 AM] Peter Coffin: maybe I’m thinking of something else then
[26/12/2014, 1:02:27 AM] Peter Coffin: too many instances of idiots attacking female game devs/journos
[26/12/2014, 1:02:35 AM] Ian Cheong: Yeah you are probably thinking of Jennifer Hepler.
[26/12/2014, 1:02:41 AM] Peter Coffin: most likely
[26/12/2014, 1:02:44 AM] Ian Cheong: Who was, surprise again, harassed by those same fuckwits.
[26/12/2014, 1:03:06 AM] Peter Coffin: shocker
[26/12/2014, 1:04:33 AM] Ian Cheong: sigh. I wish I ran with a better crowd back in the day.
[26/12/2014, 1:04:46 AM] Peter Coffin: I come from youtube
[26/12/2014, 1:04:49 AM] Peter Coffin: I get it
[26/12/2014, 1:05:11 AM] Peter Coffin: as in youtube is nothing but shit. good people are few and far between and get covered in shit
[26/12/2014, 1:05:19 AM] Rob: Me too, Ian.
[26/12/2014, 1:05:25 AM] Rob: I regret soooooooooo much of my online history
[26/12/2014, 1:06:06 AM] Ian Cheong: All of this online misogyny has its roots in stuff that happened a long, long time ago.
[26/12/2014, 1:06:15 AM] Ian Cheong: long by internet standards, anyway.
[26/12/2014, 1:06:20 AM] Rob: Yep.
[26/12/2014, 1:07:04 AM] Peter Coffin: retake mass effect I think was something that really fucked everything up
[26/12/2014, 1:07:18 AM] Ian Cheong: That was a flashpoint, yeah.
[26/12/2014, 1:07:32 AM] Peter Coffin: it proved an art form was about something other than art, but consumers
[26/12/2014, 1:07:46 AM] Ian Cheong: The Jennifer Hepler harassment saga was also another.
[26/12/2014, 1:07:47 AM] Peter Coffin: because if consumers get mad enough, they own it
[26/12/2014, 1:07:58 AM] Peter Coffin: yes, which wasn’t that long before RME
[26/12/2014, 1:08:02 AM] Peter Coffin: if I remember right
[26/12/2014, 1:08:05 AM] Ian Cheong: Yep.
[26/12/2014, 1:08:23 AM] Rob: I remember when I did my video on that about a year ago.
[26/12/2014, 1:08:30 AM] Rob: I was hoping it'd be a flash in the pan and shit would die down.
[26/12/2014, 1:08:31 AM] Rob: NOAP
[26/12/2014, 1:08:36 AM] Peter Coffin: jennifer helper or RME
[26/12/2014, 1:08:49 AM] Rob: Hepler
[26/12/2014, 1:09:04 AM] Peter Coffin: here is the scary thing
[26/12/2014, 1:09:28 AM] Peter Coffin: both issues at the time, I thought “eh, it’s just some stupid assholes” not “this is a harbinger"
[26/12/2014, 1:09:36 AM] Ian Cheong: Don't forget the Blizzard/Diablo 3 thing with the game being too colorful.
[26/12/2014, 1:09:43 AM] Rob: Ditto, Peter.
[26/12/2014, 1:09:44 AM] Peter Coffin: OH I KNOW
[26/12/2014, 1:09:46 AM] Peter Coffin: WHAT THE FUCKJ
[26/12/2014, 1:09:49 AM] Rob: Oh god, yeah
[26/12/2014, 1:09:50 AM] Peter Coffin: that made me SO mad
[26/12/2014, 1:10:05 AM] Peter Coffin: I am a HUGE color-proponent in games
[26/12/2014, 1:10:11 AM] Peter Coffin: there is like no color in games as a whole
[26/12/2014, 1:10:49 AM] Peter Coffin: when I play a game with lots of pretty color, I get super annoying because I endlessly talk about the issue
[26/12/2014, 1:10:55 AM] Ian Cheong: TotalBiscuit hasn't helped issues, by making "pro-consumer" the de facto stance.
[26/12/2014, 1:11:10 AM] Peter Coffin: in art, it isn’t consumers and providers
[26/12/2014, 1:11:16 AM] Peter Coffin: or distributors
[26/12/2014, 1:11:16 AM] Ian Cheong: It's enabled these manchildren to come up with unfair demands from game developers.
[26/12/2014, 1:11:33 AM] Peter Coffin: artist is most important in art
[26/12/2014, 1:11:35 AM] Peter Coffin: period
[26/12/2014, 1:11:50 AM] Ian Cheong: I get that Ubisoft screws its customers, there's an argument to be made there, but changing the ending of a game because a few people don't like it?
[26/12/2014, 1:11:53 AM] Peter Coffin: distribution is important but the point of art is the artist’s brain(s)
[26/12/2014, 1:12:19 AM] Peter Coffin: consumers can buy something or not buy it
[26/12/2014, 1:12:25 AM] Ian Cheong: Caveat emptor, yeah.
[26/12/2014, 1:12:42 AM] Rob: Yeah.
[26/12/2014, 1:12:45 AM] Ian Cheong: I think there's a limit to which the complaints hold water.
[26/12/2014, 1:12:50 AM] Peter Coffin: bioware pissed me off when they caved
[26/12/2014, 1:12:55 AM] Ian Cheong: If a game is incredibly buggy and costs 60 dollars upon release, then yeah, complain.
[26/12/2014, 1:12:59 AM] Peter Coffin: not that the ending was great
[26/12/2014, 1:13:05 AM] Peter Coffin: THAT is a consumer issue
[26/12/2014, 1:13:09 AM] Peter Coffin: not an art issue
[26/12/2014, 1:13:20 AM] Peter Coffin: technical problems are detrimental to the consumer
[26/12/2014, 1:13:20 AM] Rob: I'm really angry right now about games
[26/12/2014, 1:13:30 AM] Peter Coffin: art is a matter of taste
[26/12/2014, 1:13:35 AM] Ian Cheong: Imagine if Gone Home's developers caved to the "consumers" whining about how the game is about a lesbian teenage romance.
[26/12/2014, 1:13:48 AM] Peter Coffin: there wouldn’t be a game
[26/12/2014, 1:13:52 AM] Peter Coffin: it would be walking around a house
[26/12/2014, 1:13:57 AM] Peter Coffin: with nothing
[26/12/2014, 1:14:08 AM] Rob: etc.
[26/12/2014, 1:14:19 AM] Peter Coffin: ff7 for the ps4 is going to be the pc version of it
[26/12/2014, 1:14:27 AM] Rob: I know
[26/12/2014, 1:14:36 AM] Rob: I'm just sayng if "consumers" got their way.
[26/12/2014, 1:14:40 AM] Peter Coffin: so don’t say things like that
[26/12/2014, 1:14:44 AM] Peter Coffin: lol
[26/12/2014, 1:15:06 AM] Peter Coffin: I’m joking, that is how I joke sometimes. I know it’s uncomfortable
[26/12/2014, 1:15:24 AM] Rob: lol I figured it was a joke
[26/12/2014, 1:15:32 AM] Rob: sorry my parents are babbling to me about something annoying
[26/12/2014, 1:15:44 AM] Peter Coffin: oh shit, thanks for reminding me
[26/12/2014, 1:15:47 AM] Peter Coffin: I need to call mine
[26/12/2014, 1:15:49 AM] Peter Coffin: hahahaha
[26/12/2014, 1:15:51 AM] Rob: lol
[26/12/2014, 1:15:51 AM] Ian Cheong: haha
[26/12/2014, 1:17:02 AM] Ian Cheong: why am i arguing with derek smart on facebook
[26/12/2014, 1:18:09 AM] Rob: because battlecruiser 3000 AD is best game ever?
[26/12/2014, 1:18:17 AM] Rob: Oh hey has rogue released his game yet? he said it's coming out today or some shit
[26/12/2014, 1:18:23 AM] Ian Cheong: haha
[26/12/2014, 1:18:28 AM] Ian Cheong: no i dont think he has
[26/12/2014, 1:18:30 AM] Rob: because if it's not out by tomorrow when I wake up
[26/12/2014, 1:20:44 AM] Ian Cheong: What does vigrior mean
[26/12/2014, 1:20:55 AM] Ian Cheong: And why is it an operation
[26/12/2014, 1:21:06 AM] Ian Cheong: Why does everything that guy makes involve operations
[26/12/2014, 1:21:08 AM] Rob: It's some norse mythos shit.
[26/12/2014, 1:21:17 AM] Rob: part of ragnarok
[26/12/2014, 1:21:36 AM] Ian Cheong: I wonder if the tutorial mission is called Operation Tutorial Mission.
[26/12/2014, 1:21:54 AM] Peter Coffin: TutorOps
[26/12/2014, 1:22:19 AM] Rob: Operation Enemy AI Not Featured In This Build
[26/12/2014, 1:22:35 AM] Ian Cheong: Operation Whitebox
[26/12/2014, 1:23:37 AM] Rob: :D
[26/12/2014, 1:23:37 AM] Ian Cheong:
[26/12/2014, 1:23:44 AM] Ian Cheong: this always cracks me up
[26/12/2014, 1:24:33 AM] Peter Coffin: hahaha yes
[26/12/2014, 1:50:21 AM] Chris Kluwe: LOOK AT ALL THIS COLLUSION IN THIS THREAD
[26/12/2014, 1:50:28 AM] Ian Cheong: woooo
[26/12/2014, 1:50:30 AM] Ian Cheong: hey chris.
[26/12/2014, 1:50:31 AM] Tesseract: yessssssss
[26/12/2014, 1:50:47 AM] Tesseract: it's a christmas miracle
[26/12/2014, 1:50:53 AM] Chris Kluwe: merry festivus to all
[26/12/2014, 1:51:06 AM] Chris Kluwe: btw, love the groupimage
[26/12/2014, 1:51:13 AM] Rob: Howdy, Chris.
[26/12/2014, 1:51:25 AM] Rob: Is it still the Chuck C. Johnson tiny face?
[26/12/2014, 1:51:30 AM] Tesseract: it's dril
[26/12/2014, 1:51:32 AM] Rob: Oh
[26/12/2014, 1:51:59 AM] Chris Kluwe: so butts promised me deep ethical breaches, the plotting of STEM destruction, and cookies
[26/12/2014, 1:52:17 AM] Rob: That's pretty accurate.
[26/12/2014, 1:52:29 AM] Tesseract: yesterday we bought an ad on KIA set to run tomorrow
[26/12/2014, 1:52:37 AM] Chris Kluwe: lol
[26/12/2014, 1:52:43 AM] Chris Kluwe: i can't wait to see their reaction
[26/12/2014, 1:52:48 AM] Chris Kluwe: i'm sure it will be both measured and calm
[26/12/2014, 1:52:48 AM] Ian Cheong: It's a well known fact that I hate ethics because of an out-of-context tweet being spread around about it!
[26/12/2014, 1:53:03 AM] Tesseract: it's that medium article that they think will get you sent to jail for looking at lol
[26/12/2014, 1:53:23 AM] Chris Kluwe: Yup! You can never change your past unless you agree with the Gators, and then it's like the salving of every sin ever
[26/12/2014, 1:53:28 AM] Chris Kluwe: hahahahahaha
[26/12/2014, 1:53:34 AM] Chris Kluwe: oh this will be glorious
[26/12/2014, 1:54:12 AM] Rob: Or Thunder "Halo is a playstation game" f00t.
[26/12/2014, 1:54:33 AM] Chris Kluwe: Yeah, it's been really impressive to watch
[26/12/2014, 1:54:51 AM] Rob: "Don't shit your pants" is my favorite game starring Chuck C. Johnson.
[26/12/2014, 1:54:56 AM] Chris Kluwe: "allegedly" took a giant dump and smeared it all over the place while picturing it as his next article
[26/12/2014, 1:55:24 AM] Peter Coffin: do they not get this is going to eventually get him verified
[26/12/2014, 1:55:37 AM] Tesseract: oh god why are there so many
[26/12/2014, 1:55:40 AM] Ian Cheong: Another?
[26/12/2014, 1:55:46 AM] Tesseract: that's like the third in 3 days
[26/12/2014, 1:55:47 AM] Ian Cheong: And I thought my impostors (there are 6) were bad.
[26/12/2014, 1:55:50 AM] Peter Coffin: just followed me
[26/12/2014, 1:56:16 AM] Peter Coffin: I wouldn’t have known otherwise
[26/12/2014, 1:56:23 AM] Chris Kluwe: do yours try and do the same thing where they pretend they're an evil version, but it's just lazy racist swearing?
[26/12/2014, 1:56:29 AM] Ian Cheong: Yep!
[26/12/2014, 1:56:32 AM] Peter Coffin: hahahaha
[26/12/2014, 1:56:34 AM] Ian Cheong: That's their modus operandi.
[26/12/2014, 1:56:35 AM] Chris Kluwe: gah, it's so boring
[26/12/2014, 1:56:38 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): good morning and Merry Christmas!
[26/12/2014, 1:56:39 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :)
[26/12/2014, 1:56:44 AM] Chris Kluwe: if you're going to mock me, at least make it funny
[26/12/2014, 1:56:47 AM] Rob: Merry Christmas, Izzy.
[26/12/2014, 1:56:50 AM] Chris Kluwe: merry chirstmas
[26/12/2014, 1:56:54 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Hey Chris!
[26/12/2014, 1:56:56 AM] Peter Coffin: merry christmas izzy
[26/12/2014, 1:56:58 AM] Ian Cheong: They don't try very hard.
[26/12/2014, 1:57:00 AM] Chris Kluwe: heya
[26/12/2014, 1:57:06 AM] Peter Coffin: also I didn’t properly say hey to chris either
[26/12/2014, 1:57:06 AM] Chris Kluwe: yeah, i've definitely noticed that
[26/12/2014, 1:57:10 AM] Peter Coffin: so yo
[26/12/2014, 1:57:34 AM] Chris Kluwe: heh no worries, i scrolled through a bit (just saw that i had been added), and then realized there were over 1000 replies so i just went to the bottom
[26/12/2014, 1:57:45 AM] Ian Cheong: That's the best way to do it.
[26/12/2014, 1:57:48 AM] Rob: I need to figure out what to do now that I've hit level 100 in WoW other than 'level fishing from 1 to 700'
[26/12/2014, 1:57:54 AM] Peter Coffin: yeah there’s really no way to read all of it
[26/12/2014, 1:58:01 AM] Tesseract: this chat is massive
[26/12/2014, 1:58:36 AM] Chris Kluwe: i've heard the new garrison system is pretty cool
[26/12/2014, 1:58:46 AM] Rob: It's AWESOME.
[26/12/2014, 1:58:54 AM] Chris Kluwe: trying to make sure i don't get sucked back in though, need games i can pause :p
[26/12/2014, 1:58:58 AM] Ian Cheong: I've yet to play the new content.
[26/12/2014, 1:59:00 AM] Rob: I'm saving up resources so I can have a bodyguard follow me around and get hit instead of me.
[26/12/2014, 1:59:13 AM] Chris Kluwe: whoa. animated emoticons. i don't know if i'm ready for this witchcraft
[26/12/2014, 1:59:15 AM] Ian Cheong: I need someone (or a group of someones) to play it with. So far, no one's been willing to take me up on that offer.
[26/12/2014, 1:59:18 AM] Rob: One of my followers is named 'Pleasure-bot 5000'
[26/12/2014, 1:59:22 AM] Chris Kluwe: haha
[26/12/2014, 1:59:25 AM] Rob: He massages my enemies... to death.
[26/12/2014, 1:59:34 AM] Chris Kluwe: that's literally the best way to go
[26/12/2014, 1:59:40 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Has everyone seen the ad we put up on KotakuInAction? Goes live tomorrow!
[26/12/2014, 1:59:43 AM] Ian Cheong: Yeah, it's hard to do it solo.
[26/12/2014, 1:59:46 AM] Rob: Ian, if you're on horde I'd help you run through stuff.
[26/12/2014, 1:59:52 AM] Ian Cheong: I've played Warcraft solo and it's pretty much the antithesis of fun.
[26/12/2014, 2:00:04 AM] Rob: Unfortunately my guild is all like... super dudebros.
[26/12/2014, 2:00:04 AM] Ian Cheong: What server, Rob?
[26/12/2014, 2:00:06 AM] Chris Kluwe: oh man, the username on that too
[26/12/2014, 2:00:09 AM] Rob: I'm on Uther I think.
[26/12/2014, 2:00:17 AM] Ian Cheong: I might take you up on that.
[26/12/2014, 2:00:31 AM] Rob: Yeah, I'll at least run you through crap and be a meat shield for a bit. I told Auragasmic I'd help her out, too.
[26/12/2014, 2:00:32 AM] Remy: I can't tell if this is workin but happy holidays EVERYOJE
[26/12/2014, 2:00:38 AM] Rob: :D Hey, Stephen.
[26/12/2014, 2:00:40 AM] Tesseract: it's working
[26/12/2014, 2:00:43 AM] Chris Kluwe: Happy Holidays
[26/12/2014, 2:00:59 AM] Ian Cheong: Chris, I loved that article you wrote where you called them paint huffing shit goblins.
[26/12/2014, 2:01:06 AM] Ian Cheong: That was truly inspired.
[26/12/2014, 2:01:15 AM] Tesseract: everyone loved that article haha
[26/12/2014, 2:01:27 AM] Remy: I'm being told this is working. My father-in-law shut off his wifi to keep me from chatting with friends b/c he likes to think he's clever lol
[26/12/2014, 2:01:34 AM] Rob: Oh man I nearly pissed myself laughing at it.
[26/12/2014, 2:01:45 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): It was beautiful ;_;
[26/12/2014, 2:01:49 AM] Remy: Paint huffing shit goblins is still my top phrase of 2014
[26/12/2014, 2:01:54 AM] Chris Kluwe: hah thanks
[26/12/2014, 2:02:08 AM] Rob: Oh sweet, legend of grimrock 2 is 30% off now b/c the steam store just refreshed. YOINK
[26/12/2014, 2:02:20 AM] Chris Kluwe: that's four quality years of trolling the WoW realm forums boards right there :)
[26/12/2014, 2:02:27 AM] Ian Cheong: It shows!
[26/12/2014, 2:02:34 AM] Remy: Although I still love calling them a "quivering sack of skin and feelings" that one my husband made up one night while huffing about coworkers
[26/12/2014, 2:02:45 AM] Chris Kluwe: oh that's fantastic
[26/12/2014, 2:02:49 AM] Ian Cheong: Oh, dang, I just realized I haven't had you followed on Twitter yet, Chris. Everyone retweets your stuff into my feed.
[26/12/2014, 2:02:55 AM] Chris Kluwe: lol no worries
[26/12/2014, 2:03:18 AM] Chris Kluwe: i'm pretty random at times so feel free to mute me if needed
[26/12/2014, 2:03:27 AM] Ian Cheong: No problem. I dig random.
[26/12/2014, 2:03:45 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): holy shit, just found another example of a GGer straight up saying CP laws are censorship
[26/12/2014, 2:03:50 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): gonna tweet it in a minute
[26/12/2014, 2:03:54 AM] Rob: Well, they are censorship, but not all censorship is bad
[26/12/2014, 2:04:01 AM] Rob: I'm 1000000000% fine with child porn being censored, heh
[26/12/2014, 2:04:17 AM] Chris Kluwe: those kinds of nuanced points are not the average, or any, really, Gator's strength
[26/12/2014, 2:04:24 AM] Rob: Agreed.
[26/12/2014, 2:04:30 AM] Ian Cheong: They take an "all or nothing" approach, it seems.
[26/12/2014, 2:04:45 AM] Ian Cheong: In psychology they call that splitting, seeing the world in black and white, in extremes.
[26/12/2014, 2:04:57 AM] Chris Kluwe: As in "I'm going all the way to pure imbecility," or "nothing I say will make any sense"
[26/12/2014, 2:05:04 AM] Tesseract: also they think everything exists in a context-less vacuum
[26/12/2014, 2:05:12 AM] Rob: If it wouldn't be deliberately misinterpreted as a threat, I'd have a lot of questions about what specifically they would be fine with being published.
[26/12/2014, 2:05:12 AM] Tesseract: censorship is a bad word and therefore is bad always
[26/12/2014, 2:05:25 AM] Remy: Eventually someone is going to argue that creating the next smallpox virus is their own freedom of expression and we're all going to have to take a deep breathe and have a complicated, adult relationship with censorship
[26/12/2014, 2:05:31 AM] Rob: Like if they think all censorship is bad, would they be OK with me breaking into their home, stealing all of their documents, mail, e-mail, IM history, etc and publishing it online?
[26/12/2014, 2:05:48 AM] Chris Kluwe: i had a wonderful conversation in KiA the other day with a very nice gentleman who informed me that if i wanted to debate Gamergate, all i needed to do was accept that they wouldn't believe anything i said and i should believe everything they said, because logic
[26/12/2014, 2:06:04 AM] Tesseract: oh, that's what I was doing wrong
[26/12/2014, 2:06:05 AM] Rob: Heh.
[26/12/2014, 2:06:14 AM] Ian Cheong: Haha, wow.
[26/12/2014, 2:06:31 AM] Chris Kluwe: hold on, lemme grab the link from ghazi, the exact quote is priceless
[26/12/2014, 2:06:41 AM] Remy: I've just started calling them shills every time they don't include the tag. Not a true GamerGater
[26/12/2014, 2:07:06 AM] Chris Kluwe:
[26/12/2014, 2:07:26 AM] Chris Kluwe: isn't it great how their most recent ops are all about "DON'T LET ANYONE KNOW WHO YOU REALL ARE"
[26/12/2014, 2:07:27 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): FREE SPEECH!
[26/12/2014, 2:07:53 AM] Ian Cheong: Yep, Operation... what's it called? Does anyone remember?
[26/12/2014, 2:08:00 AM] Ian Cheong: I lose track of all these ops.
[26/12/2014, 2:08:05 AM] Chris Kluwe: volcano? smegma? barf eruption?
[26/12/2014, 2:08:07 AM] Rob: Alright, time to go play nice w/ super racist conservative tea party relatives yaaaaaay! back in a bit
[26/12/2014, 2:08:07 AM] Remy: Nighthawk I think
[26/12/2014, 2:08:11 AM] Ian Cheong: Nighthawk, that's the one.
[26/12/2014, 2:08:18 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Eww. Operation Smegma
[26/12/2014, 2:08:24 AM] Remy: Like chicken hawk, but Y'KNOW more badass sounding
[26/12/2014, 2:08:27 AM] Ian Cheong: Volcano's another, I forget what that's about.
[26/12/2014, 2:08:28 AM] Chris Kluwe: that free speech is definitely words, i'll give the gator that
[26/12/2014, 2:08:46 AM] Remy: ^
[26/12/2014, 2:09:21 AM] Ian Cheong: RogueStar has op pedopurge to get us banned from twitter. Classic.
[26/12/2014, 2:09:22 AM] Tesseract: "Only this will make pro-GG people choose your side." well yeah pretty much
[26/12/2014, 2:09:27 AM] Chris Kluwe: i can't wait until they decide to ironically call an op "PedoBear," where they justify posting CP on boards to silence voices they don't agree with
[26/12/2014, 2:09:39 AM] Chris Kluwe: Rogue is so great
[26/12/2014, 2:09:43 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): OpPostChildLewds
[26/12/2014, 2:09:45 AM] Chris Kluwe: i try to retweet everything he sends me
[26/12/2014, 2:09:53 AM] Ian Cheong: He's got me blocked.
[26/12/2014, 2:09:55 AM] Tesseract: same
[26/12/2014, 2:10:02 AM] Chris Kluwe: i don't know why he hasn't blocked me yet
[26/12/2014, 2:10:02 AM] Remy: Same
[26/12/2014, 2:10:12 AM] Ian Cheong: He blocked me after I told him he had a stick lodged up his ass.
[26/12/2014, 2:10:13 AM] Remy: Because secretly he seeks your approval
[26/12/2014, 2:10:15 AM] Chris Kluwe: he may not be smart enough to realize that i'm letting him mock himself
[26/12/2014, 2:10:15 AM] Tesseract: someone sent me a roguestar version of santa claus is coming to town yesterday and I couldn't finish it
[26/12/2014, 2:10:32 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): FINISH IT. The ending is so edgy
[26/12/2014, 2:10:39 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): "Obama, two words: FUCK YOU"
[26/12/2014, 2:10:43 AM] Chris Kluwe: hahaha
[26/12/2014, 2:11:01 AM] Ian Cheong: RogueStar sounds so whiny. You should listen to the podcasts he's on where he whines about me.
[26/12/2014, 2:11:04 AM] Chris Kluwe: please tell me it was full of military jargon that was not even remotely applicable to the situation at hand
[26/12/2014, 2:11:14 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): RogueStarGamez is tracking you down
[26/12/2014, 2:11:16 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ""
[26/12/2014, 2:11:22 AM] Tesseract: he sounds like a 15 year old who just learned how to say "fuckin" and says it every three words
[26/12/2014, 2:11:27 AM] Ian Cheong: Like there was this time he thought I was listening to one of the streams he was on and he started yelling at me.
[26/12/2014, 2:11:32 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[26/12/2014, 2:11:34 AM] Tesseract: pff
[26/12/2014, 2:11:41 AM] Ian Cheong: Like literally, yelling.
[26/12/2014, 2:11:45 AM] Chris Kluwe: hahaha
[26/12/2014, 2:11:49 AM] Ian Cheong: It was an Oliver Campbell stream.
[26/12/2014, 2:11:56 AM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 2:12:06 AM] Chris Kluwe: as if there's no way to mute or lower the volume on an audio listening device
[26/12/2014, 2:12:07 AM] Ian Cheong: When I caught wind of it I started prodding him more on Twitter to make him go ballistic. So ballistic he went.
[26/12/2014, 2:12:09 AM] Tesseract: he also can't say or prounounce my name, he just calls me "sjwwhatever" or "sjwillumiosjfikso"
[26/12/2014, 2:12:09 AM] Remy: Campbell was better as a cyclist he should go back to that
[26/12/2014, 2:12:37 AM] Chris Kluwe: you'd think a conspiracy theorist would know how to pronounce "illuminati"
[26/12/2014, 2:12:48 AM] Tesseract: haha
[26/12/2014, 2:12:52 AM] Chris Kluwe: like, that's almost a requirement, right?
[26/12/2014, 2:12:52 AM] Ian Cheong: Illuminati? I prefer to think that I'm a member of the Thrilluminati.
[26/12/2014, 2:13:18 AM] Chris Kluwe: it's about ethics in multisyllabic words
[26/12/2014, 2:13:26 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I learned yesterday that a popular conspiracy theory for why the Titanic sank was because it was an inside job by the Illuminati
[26/12/2014, 2:13:32 AM] Chris Kluwe: obviously
[26/12/2014, 2:13:36 AM] Ian Cheong: because of course.
[26/12/2014, 2:13:42 AM] Remy: Tess: that's a thing you'll see with teenagers entering the military. They feel like they have to learn and use a bunch of cuss words to be tough
[26/12/2014, 2:13:47 AM] Chris Kluwe: i mean, who do you think approved the plans for a ship with water compartments with no top?
[26/12/2014, 2:13:48 AM] Ian Cheong: They couldn't have just hit an iceberg.
[26/12/2014, 2:13:49 AM] Chris Kluwe: ILLUMINATI
[26/12/2014, 2:13:54 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): haha
[26/12/2014, 2:14:11 AM] Ian Cheong: Occam's Razor? Pffffffffft. It's gotta be more complicated than that.
[26/12/2014, 2:14:18 AM] Chris Kluwe: icebergs are a tool of the SJW conspiracy
[26/12/2014, 2:14:20 AM] Chris Kluwe: so frigid
[26/12/2014, 2:14:31 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): THIS IS JUST THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG
[26/12/2014, 2:14:42 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE
[26/12/2014, 2:14:46 AM] Chris Kluwe: LiterallyH20
[26/12/2014, 2:14:56 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LiterallyIcecube
[26/12/2014, 2:14:59 AM] Remy: Icebergs probably dye their hair that's how they get so blue
[26/12/2014, 2:15:21 AM] Chris Kluwe: omg, their obsession with dyed hair is amazing
[26/12/2014, 2:15:27 AM] Tesseract: naturally I've seen at least one gg infographic that was a picture of an iceberg w/ feminism or some shit above the water and CULTURAL MARXISM CONSPIRACY below
[26/12/2014, 2:15:35 AM] Chris Kluwe: like, i've seen some crazy internet shit in my time, but woooooooow
[26/12/2014, 2:15:35 AM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 2:15:38 AM] Ian Cheong: That Ralph Retort fella believes the hair dye seeps into your brain conspiracy theory wholeheartedly.
[26/12/2014, 2:15:43 AM] Tesseract: haha what
[26/12/2014, 2:15:45 AM] Remy: Nice
[26/12/2014, 2:15:47 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): but of course
[26/12/2014, 2:15:56 AM] Chris Kluwe: yeah, they had a 100+ comment thread on it in KiA
[26/12/2014, 2:16:04 AM] Remy: If only we could manage a prank to dye their hair. Take this shit back old school
[26/12/2014, 2:16:07 AM] Chris Kluwe: lots of sciencing going on in that one
[26/12/2014, 2:16:18 AM] Ian Cheong: They literally believe that hair dye seeps into your brain through your scalp and causes you to become more easily indoctrinated by SJW teachings.
[26/12/2014, 2:16:26 AM] Tesseract: lol kia
[26/12/2014, 2:16:51 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): What's hilarious about this theory is that in their official "Not Your Shield" video, 5 of the women have colorful dyed hair
[26/12/2014, 2:17:02 AM] Ian Cheong: I seriously read a KIA comment about a guy complaining that his sister dyed her hair.
[26/12/2014, 2:17:03 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I called them out on that and said they have a shill problem
[26/12/2014, 2:17:05 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): they got mad
[26/12/2014, 2:17:18 AM] Ian Cheong: #notyourshill
[26/12/2014, 2:17:20 AM] Remy: Oh izzy I love you
[26/12/2014, 2:17:23 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): <3
[26/12/2014, 2:17:44 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[26/12/2014, 2:17:47 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ^ in that tweet, lol
[26/12/2014, 2:18:11 AM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 2:18:53 AM] Ian Cheong: hahahahha
[26/12/2014, 2:18:59 AM] Chris Kluwe: i've honestly never felt the urge to dye my hair before now, and the only reason i would do it now is to piss them off
[26/12/2014, 2:19:19 AM] Ian Cheong: They think that I dyed/bleached my hair white.
[26/12/2014, 2:19:29 AM] Chris Kluwe: HAIR COLORS DON'T CHANGE
[26/12/2014, 2:19:32 AM] Chris Kluwe: THAT IS STEMSCIENCE
[26/12/2014, 2:19:42 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): OLD PEOPLE CONFIRMED SJWS
[26/12/2014, 2:19:45 AM] Ian Cheong: hah
[26/12/2014, 2:20:13 AM] Tesseract: senility is caused by old people's hair colors leaking into their brain
[26/12/2014, 2:20:32 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I THINK YOU ARE ON TO SOMETHING
[26/12/2014, 2:20:34 AM] Tesseract: source kia
[26/12/2014, 2:20:37 AM] Chris Kluwe: ok, well i'm gonna go play video games with my kids, because i'm a horrible parent who wants to ban all games ever made
[26/12/2014, 2:20:38 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): grabs red marker
[26/12/2014, 2:20:44 AM] Chris Kluwe: i'll pop in and out
[26/12/2014, 2:20:49 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ok, see ya! have fun! :)
[26/12/2014, 2:20:49 AM] Ian Cheong: Have fun Chris.
[26/12/2014, 2:20:50 AM] Chris Kluwe: a pleasure to see you all here :)
[26/12/2014, 2:21:02 AM] Tesseract: bye chris and merry christmas
[26/12/2014, 2:21:11 AM] Tesseract: I almost said bye christ
[26/12/2014, 2:21:13 AM] Ian Cheong: RogueStar is fighting against KoP on his feed now, btw.
[26/12/2014, 2:21:18 AM] Ian Cheong: grab popcorn
[26/12/2014, 2:21:19 AM] Tesseract: lol
[26/12/2014, 2:21:20 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): haha
[26/12/2014, 2:21:50 AM] Tesseract: they all hate kop so much but he carries on because of his sheer dedication to being a shitbag
[26/12/2014, 2:21:53 AM] Tesseract: what a hero
[26/12/2014, 2:22:07 AM] Ian Cheong: KoP is honestly not even half as bad as Rogue.
[26/12/2014, 2:22:17 AM] Ian Cheong: He tried to get me on his stream to just chat about stuff and I was like no thanks lol
[26/12/2014, 2:22:49 AM] Tesseract: some gator invited me on a stream a week or so ago, I just ignored them
[26/12/2014, 2:22:55 AM] Ian Cheong: I think he's just young.
[26/12/2014, 2:23:21 AM] Tesseract: also viv games and I were supposed to be doing a skype interview thing with someone but that never happened??
[26/12/2014, 2:23:55 AM] Ian Cheong: More ominous bullshit
[26/12/2014, 2:24:10 AM] Tesseract: lol idiot
[26/12/2014, 2:24:41 AM] Tesseract: at this point that isn't concerning in any way
[26/12/2014, 2:25:08 AM] Ian Cheong: He's toothless, especially after that December 7 thing was a bust
[26/12/2014, 2:25:22 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): OpReReleaseIt
[26/12/2014, 2:25:52 AM] Ian Cheong:
[26/12/2014, 2:25:55 AM] Ian Cheong: pol is mad at gamergate
[26/12/2014, 2:25:59 AM] Ian Cheong: kop that is.
[26/12/2014, 2:28:09 AM] Tesseract: did you see how icz got popular by using followbots
[26/12/2014, 2:28:21 AM] Ian Cheong: that does not surprise me
[26/12/2014, 2:28:24 AM] Ian Cheong: also this guy nailed it:
[26/12/2014, 2:28:27 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): So, GG deciding to pull this "cease fire / truce" for Christmas is interesting. maybe they are a consumer revolt after all
[26/12/2014, 2:29:24 AM] Tesseract: the other things are accurate also
[26/12/2014, 2:29:40 AM] Remy: He's literally the kind of person who watches Law & Order to take notes
[26/12/2014, 2:30:03 AM] Ian Cheong: ralph is definitely the south park definition of that homophobic term.
[26/12/2014, 2:30:15 AM] Ian Cheong: and rogue is an idiot, yup
[26/12/2014, 2:30:35 AM] Ian Cheong: and kop, well, he's kop.
[26/12/2014, 2:31:13 AM] Tesseract: if we can get their e-celebs to fuck off we can accurately claim cp distributor hotwheels is their leader
[26/12/2014, 2:31:34 AM] Ian Cheong: Has Milo said anything about this CP stuff?
[26/12/2014, 2:31:53 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I don't think Milo has
[26/12/2014, 2:31:57 AM] Ian Cheong: I get the feeling that he won't, because he doesn't want to be connected to it.
[26/12/2014, 2:32:03 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): same
[26/12/2014, 2:32:47 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): he will either have to denounce it and then GGers will be upset at him, or he will have to defend GG's position, which will destroy whatever credibility he has
[26/12/2014, 2:32:50 AM] Chris Kluwe: ok, i lied, i'm back, my kids are enjoying infinity much more than my presence
[26/12/2014, 2:32:53 AM] Ian Cheong: He didn't fall for the time they claimed a federal agent was on their side, either.
[26/12/2014, 2:32:54 AM] Ian Cheong: Haha
[26/12/2014, 2:32:57 AM] Ian Cheong: Welcome back chris
[26/12/2014, 2:32:59 AM] drinternetphd: lizard squad nuked psn and xbox
[26/12/2014, 2:33:01 AM] drinternetphd: check your shit
[26/12/2014, 2:33:04 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): whoa
[26/12/2014, 2:33:10 AM] Ian Cheong: fucking lizard squad.
[26/12/2014, 2:33:13 AM] drinternetphd: (I am crashing with an xbox dev)
[26/12/2014, 2:33:14 AM] Chris Kluwe: yeah, yan has been going on about it for the past day or so
[26/12/2014, 2:33:16 AM] drinternetphd: so yeah check your shit just in case
[26/12/2014, 2:33:21 AM] drinternetphd: yeah but it's super bad right now
[26/12/2014, 2:33:29 AM] Ian Cheong: Will do.
[26/12/2014, 2:34:46 AM] Ian Cheong: I was wondering why people were tweeting about them.
[26/12/2014, 2:35:07 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Maybe  we can sick GG on them. jk
[26/12/2014, 2:35:21 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): mission impossible
[26/12/2014, 2:36:26 AM] Remy: I'll have to check when I get home I am already using cell data to use Skype since my in-law thinks it's rude to chat during the holidays
[26/12/2014, 2:36:31 AM] Ian Cheong:
[26/12/2014, 2:36:33 AM] Ian Cheong: what the
[26/12/2014, 2:37:03 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): o.o
[26/12/2014, 2:37:41 AM] Remy: He is entering his Shia Lebeouf "I'm a misunderstood artist" phase
[26/12/2014, 2:37:42 AM] drinternetphd: now if only he'd stay shut up
[26/12/2014, 2:37:46 AM] Remy: ^
[26/12/2014, 2:38:42 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): haha
[26/12/2014, 2:38:51 AM] Chris Kluwe: wut
[26/12/2014, 2:38:57 AM] Chris Kluwe: wut did i just look at
[26/12/2014, 2:39:07 AM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 2:39:11 AM] Remy: You can't un see it
[26/12/2014, 2:39:28 AM] drinternetphd: please like anything could be more repugnant than his personality
[26/12/2014, 2:39:35 AM] drinternetphd: it's inner ugliness that counts
[26/12/2014, 2:40:06 AM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 2:40:19 AM] Remy: He's the real garbage pokemon
[26/12/2014, 2:41:13 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Please, Pokemon have more dignity than him
[26/12/2014, 2:41:50 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): But if he was one, he'd be the one you wouldn't want to catch
[26/12/2014, 2:43:44 AM] Remy: I always assume from his behavior that he had to have grown up rich in UK to have his kind of attitude and behavior
[26/12/2014, 2:43:48 AM] Remy: Someone tell me I am right
[26/12/2014, 2:44:09 AM] Chris Kluwe: nah, he just gives your other pokemon an unrepentant self-loathing that they'll never be able to shake off
[26/12/2014, 2:44:12 AM] Ian Cheong: He also tweets some incredibly classist things.
[26/12/2014, 2:44:14 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I love how GGers defend his behavior by saying "All British people are like that!"
[26/12/2014, 2:44:19 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): uh, no, no they are not
[26/12/2014, 2:44:24 AM] Ian Cheong: Like he said children on airplanes should be relegated to the budget section so the "real people" don't have to deal with them.
[26/12/2014, 2:44:36 AM] Chris Kluwe: "All British people are assholes! The only British people I know are Monty Python skits!"
[26/12/2014, 2:45:13 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): well, when TotalBiscuit is your only other reference for a British person, I guess I can see that
[26/12/2014, 2:45:19 AM] Ian Cheong: Haa.
[26/12/2014, 2:45:42 AM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 2:45:59 AM] Remy: Half of these keyboard kiddies don't even know Monty Python
[26/12/2014, 2:46:05 AM] Chris Kluwe: yeah, good point
[26/12/2014, 2:46:10 AM] Chris Kluwe: the Aristorcrats?
[26/12/2014, 2:47:50 AM] Ian Cheong: So I love how much infighting there is in that 8chan thread.
[26/12/2014, 2:47:56 AM] Ian Cheong: They've turned on mundanematt.
[26/12/2014, 2:48:07 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Good
[26/12/2014, 2:48:24 AM] Chris Kluwe: hooooooooooooooly shit
[26/12/2014, 2:48:38 AM] Chris Kluwe: jiocebro's a fucking truther
[26/12/2014, 2:48:39 AM] Chris Kluwe:
[26/12/2014, 2:48:44 AM] Remy: No way
[26/12/2014, 2:48:48 AM] Remy: I mean and yet so typical
[26/12/2014, 2:48:48 AM] Ian Cheong: That does not surprise me.
[26/12/2014, 2:49:03 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): but of course
[26/12/2014, 2:49:06 AM] Peter Coffin: of course
[26/12/2014, 2:49:10 AM] Peter Coffin: he can’t not be
[26/12/2014, 2:49:18 AM] Remy: But what does the pentagon know about semen magic?
[26/12/2014, 2:49:28 AM] Remy: How much are they hiding?
[26/12/2014, 2:49:32 AM] Peter Coffin: not enough to save themselves
[26/12/2014, 2:49:39 AM] Peter Coffin: FROM THEMSELVES
[26/12/2014, 2:49:44 AM] Ian Cheong: The Men Who Stare at Semen
[26/12/2014, 2:49:55 AM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 2:50:04 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Semen --> Seamen --> Titanic Illuminati conspiracy!
[26/12/2014, 2:50:13 AM] Remy: AHA
[26/12/2014, 2:50:16 AM] Chris Kluwe: oh look, here's juicebro doxxing someone in 2010
[26/12/2014, 2:50:22 AM] Chris Kluwe:
[26/12/2014, 2:50:32 AM] Peter Coffin: that needs to go to patreon
[26/12/2014, 2:50:38 AM] Peter Coffin: they have been courting him
[26/12/2014, 2:50:39 AM] Chris Kluwe: links to a 404, but it's Forney's site so i'm pretty confident that it was there
[26/12/2014, 2:50:45 AM] Remy: Does CERNOVICH get money from Patreon?
[26/12/2014, 2:51:04 AM] Peter Coffin: rogue and him have been courted, at least from what has been said
[26/12/2014, 2:51:04 AM] Ian Cheong: Cernovich doesn't get money from Patreon but he's trying to get Zoe pulled from it for doxxing.
[26/12/2014, 2:51:09 AM] Peter Coffin: bingo
[26/12/2014, 2:51:13 AM] Peter Coffin: that especially
[26/12/2014, 2:51:14 AM] Remy: Ah
[26/12/2014, 2:51:19 AM] Ian Cheong: Now we can point out how he is a hypocrite.
[26/12/2014, 2:51:23 AM] Ian Cheong: This is a good find.
[26/12/2014, 2:51:28 AM] Chris Kluwe: oh man, and he argues the case for doxxing in the comments
[26/12/2014, 2:51:31 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Oh, look, guess which site hosts the dox? ED:

WikiLeaks - Encyclopedia Dramatica
[ Her dox and info were just released on the internet].
[26/12/2014, 2:51:54 AM] Chris Kluwe: something about "lying women liars need to be punished yadda yadda"
[26/12/2014, 2:52:03 AM] Remy: Excellent find, Mr. Kluwe
[26/12/2014, 2:52:11 AM] Peter Coffin: is chris on the trello?
[26/12/2014, 2:52:15 AM] Remy: I'm not
[26/12/2014, 2:52:23 AM] Ian Cheong:
[26/12/2014, 2:52:24 AM] Ian Cheong: Archived.
[26/12/2014, 2:52:27 AM] Ian Cheong: Just in case he deletes it.
[26/12/2014, 2:52:29 AM] Remy: Nice
[26/12/2014, 2:52:35 AM] Chris Kluwe: yeah, wouldn't surprise me if he did
[26/12/2014, 2:52:45 AM] Chris Kluwe: what i'm really trying to find are his associations with Vox Day
[26/12/2014, 2:53:16 AM] Chris Kluwe: there's some stuff in his blog where he encourages people to visit Vox Day's site
[26/12/2014, 2:53:26 AM] Chris Kluwe: and i'd love to be able to figure out if he actually comments over there
[26/12/2014, 2:53:40 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): has a few backups of his article, too. here's one:
[26/12/2014, 2:53:42 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): for reference
[26/12/2014, 2:53:43 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :)
[26/12/2014, 2:54:22 AM] Remy: I guess I could check out the Vox Day site and search for members with the word "dangerous" in the name
[26/12/2014, 2:54:25 AM] Chris Kluwe: because they're both disgusting human beings, it is fairly natural they would gravitate together
[26/12/2014, 2:54:32 AM] Chris Kluwe: already tried
[26/12/2014, 2:54:39 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): gorilla
[26/12/2014, 2:54:42 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): gorillamindset
[26/12/2014, 2:54:50 AM] Chris Kluwe: problem is, Vox's archives don't go back to the date that Cernovich linked to the site
[26/12/2014, 2:54:52 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): are 2 other aliases I've seen him use
[26/12/2014, 2:55:22 AM] Chris Kluwe: yeah, i've seen a recent commentator there named "Mike" who seems to comment mainly on legal stuff, but not enough to make me sure it's him
[26/12/2014, 2:55:52 AM] Chris Kluwe: and i do NOT recommend reading through Vox Day's stuff
[26/12/2014, 2:55:59 AM] Chris Kluwe: it's just, all the brainbleach
[26/12/2014, 2:57:53 AM] Chris Kluwe: actually, one question for you actual reporter people. one thing i've noticed on Cernovich's blog, is that every few months or so, he'll lash out at some attorney or legal group, and I'm curious if it's just him raging, or if it's because they turned down a job application
[26/12/2014, 2:57:56 AM] Ian Cheong: vox day has two blogs. and
[26/12/2014, 2:58:07 AM] Chris Kluwe: ahh, i've only seen the firstone
[26/12/2014, 2:58:48 AM] Ian Cheong: alphagameplan appears to be vox day's red pill blog
[26/12/2014, 2:59:07 AM] Ian Cheong: it's all about red pill/MRA issues
[26/12/2014, 2:59:13 AM] Chris Kluwe: ugh
[26/12/2014, 2:59:24 AM] Chris Kluwe: well,if juicebro's gonna be anywhere, he'll be there
[26/12/2014, 2:59:33 AM] Ian Cheong: yup
[26/12/2014, 2:59:48 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I couldn't help it. tweeted:
[26/12/2014, 3:00:04 AM] Chris Kluwe: hehe
[26/12/2014, 3:00:06 AM] Chris Kluwe: Merry Christmas
[26/12/2014, 3:00:09 AM] Chris Kluwe: juicebro
[26/12/2014, 3:00:13 AM] Ian Cheong: hehehe
[26/12/2014, 3:00:22 AM] Remy: Cumbledore
[26/12/2014, 3:00:28 AM] Remy: The Weak Beet Bandit
[26/12/2014, 3:01:34 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Mike has me blocked, unfortunately, but I still wished him a Merry Christmas
[26/12/2014, 3:02:26 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): this is gonna blow up. hehe
[26/12/2014, 3:02:26 AM] Ian Cheong: I assume you've seen Cernovich's typepad
[26/12/2014, 3:02:27 AM] Ian Cheong:
[26/12/2014, 3:03:40 AM] Remy: I RTed you izzy <3
[26/12/2014, 3:03:49 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Thanks. :)
[26/12/2014, 3:04:08 AM] Remy: Can I just say something?
[26/12/2014, 3:04:16 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Sure
[26/12/2014, 3:04:40 AM] Chris Kluwe: oh yeah, his incessant "swatting" claim is something i plan on hammering him with
[26/12/2014, 3:04:51 AM] Remy: About the comments where Cenovich defends his self releasing their info
[26/12/2014, 3:05:10 AM] Remy: He justifies it by claiming to protect the men from potential prison rape if convicted.
[26/12/2014, 3:05:23 AM] Remy: And yet I never see MRAs campaigning to increase prison safety and health conditions
[26/12/2014, 3:05:32 AM] Chris Kluwe: well no, because prison is for betas
[26/12/2014, 3:05:36 AM] Chris Kluwe: alphas never get caught
[26/12/2014, 3:05:37 AM] Chris Kluwe: duh
[26/12/2014, 3:05:39 AM] Ian Cheong: of course not. they spend most of their time whining about women.
[26/12/2014, 3:05:41 AM] Remy: Prison tape is a HUGE problem they could actually do something about
[26/12/2014, 3:05:42 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Hint: it's because MRA's only care about putting women down
[26/12/2014, 3:05:50 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I've yet to see MRA's actually do something to help men
[26/12/2014, 3:06:01 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): that doesn't involve putting down women at the same time
[26/12/2014, 3:06:02 AM] Chris Kluwe: ^
[26/12/2014, 3:06:02 AM] Remy: I mean none of this is new or surprisingn o me
[26/12/2014, 3:06:05 AM] Ian Cheong: you know what their response to this is?
[26/12/2014, 3:06:12 AM] Remy: But. I have to talk about it sometimes cause it's so maddening
[26/12/2014, 3:06:15 AM] Ian Cheong: "Why aren't feminists doing anything about prison rape?"
[26/12/2014, 3:06:32 AM] Chris Kluwe: it really is the kindergarten argument mentality
[26/12/2014, 3:16:30 AM] Chris Kluwe: "My name is Mike Cernovich and I approve this racist, misogynistic, shithead message!"
[26/12/2014, 3:16:31 AM] Chris Kluwe:
[26/12/2014, 3:16:41 AM] Ian Cheong: naturally.
[26/12/2014, 3:18:02 AM] Remy: I'm so glad everyone in this group is as cool as I thought they'd be. I hate when I put people on a pedestal or misjudge.
[26/12/2014, 3:18:33 AM] Ian Cheong: I hope I don't disappoint you.
[26/12/2014, 3:18:42 AM] Chris Kluwe: yeah, same here
[26/12/2014, 3:18:56 AM] Chris Kluwe: i make mistakes at times, though i try never to make the same one twice :)
[26/12/2014, 3:19:03 AM] Ian Cheong: Same.
[26/12/2014, 3:20:24 AM] Remy: I need to have an intervention with my dad and teach him about the internet though. He sent me a 22-disc DVD box set of Kids in the Hall. Which, while hilarious is a bit of a burden in my tiny ass apartment
[26/12/2014, 3:20:45 AM] Remy: This box set shit has to stop
[26/12/2014, 3:21:39 AM] Chris Kluwe: hahaha
[26/12/2014, 3:21:42 AM] Ian Cheong: That's a lot of discs.
[26/12/2014, 3:22:06 AM] Chris Kluwe: "I'm Mike Cernovich, and I approve of PUAs!"
[26/12/2014, 3:22:27 AM] Chris Kluwe: with some side doses of racism
[26/12/2014, 3:22:29 AM] Ian Cheong: You know who else approves of PUAs? Ralph. Takes Roosh's money, even.
[26/12/2014, 3:22:39 AM] Chris Kluwe: "There are civilizations where men "check out."  There are even civilizations within the United States where males do not involve themselves in their communities and families.  We don't call these places "civilizations," instead relying on euphemisms like "urban areas," or the "inner city.""
[26/12/2014, 3:22:57 AM] Ian Cheong: Nice racism there.
[26/12/2014, 3:23:01 AM] Chris Kluwe: yarp
[26/12/2014, 3:23:18 AM] Chris Kluwe: omg
[26/12/2014, 3:23:19 AM] Chris Kluwe: this comment
[26/12/2014, 3:23:20 AM] Chris Kluwe: is gold
[26/12/2014, 3:23:33 AM] Chris Kluwe: mirriam said...

I was at dinner the other night with a couple of bloggers. I said I liked your blog. They called me a misogynist. Any idea why?
[26/12/2014, 3:23:46 AM] Chris Kluwe: Mike said in reply to mirriam...

No idea. Except those who write me checks, I don't pay attention to what people think about me.
[26/12/2014, 3:23:51 AM] Remy: I can't even begin to unpack PUA's. Half of the books they but have titles like "hack her brain into going crazy for you"

Even in the title they are promising how to remove consent from the equation
[26/12/2014, 3:24:12 AM] Chris Kluwe: yeah, it's just sleaze all the way down
[26/12/2014, 3:24:23 AM] Ian Cheong: They think women are objects to be manipulated into doing what you want.
[26/12/2014, 3:24:42 AM] Ian Cheong: I had a friend who was into that PUA stuff. He was pretty young, thought it gave him confidence.
[26/12/2014, 3:24:46 AM] Ian Cheong: I hope he's grown out of it by now.
[26/12/2014, 3:26:36 AM] Chris Kluwe: more Truthiness!
[26/12/2014, 3:27:48 AM] SF: > I am introducing Zoe to the Metal Gear Rising soundtrack

Necessary supplement:
[26/12/2014, 3:27:48 AM] Ian Cheong: Good times.
[26/12/2014, 3:28:07 AM] SF: Merry Communistmas comrades!!
[26/12/2014, 3:28:35 AM] Remy: ^
[26/12/2014, 3:28:37 AM] Chris Kluwe: long live the glorious people's uprising
[26/12/2014, 3:29:27 AM] Remy: To Marx!
[26/12/2014, 3:29:27 AM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 3:30:26 AM] Remy: Oh I guess the family is opening presents now
[26/12/2014, 3:30:37 AM] Ian Cheong: Go get your goodies.
[26/12/2014, 3:32:55 AM] Ian Cheong: Huh, a friend of mine just gave birth.
[26/12/2014, 3:33:14 AM] Remy: Nice
[26/12/2014, 3:33:28 AM] Ian Cheong: Christmas baby.
[26/12/2014, 3:33:50 AM] Chris Kluwe: heh, that kid's going to hate getting gifts
[26/12/2014, 3:34:14 AM] Chris Kluwe: i'm a christmas eve baby and when i was growing up, everyone always combined them :)
[26/12/2014, 3:34:15 AM] Ian Cheong: my thoughts exactly.
[26/12/2014, 3:34:35 AM] Ian Cheong: When I was a kid, I used to think about how bad it would be if I were a christmas baby.
[26/12/2014, 3:34:42 AM] Ian Cheong: Gifts only once a year.
[26/12/2014, 3:34:57 AM] Chris Kluwe: "I'm Mike Cernovich, and I approve of hating Muslims!"
[26/12/2014, 3:35:13 AM] Ian Cheong: He really is a piece of work.
[26/12/2014, 3:35:21 AM] Chris Kluwe: yeah
[26/12/2014, 3:40:05 AM] SF: Oh wow we got Chris. Hello! I'm SF @gameappmakerco.
[26/12/2014, 3:40:51 AM] Chris Kluwe: heya!
[26/12/2014, 3:43:01 AM] drinternetphd: ok so
[26/12/2014, 3:43:02 AM] Remy: Oh yeah Mr. Kluwe for reference you will remember me as @StephenAtWar that weird droll Twitter person
[26/12/2014, 3:43:06 AM] drinternetphd: a gamergater offered me terms
[26/12/2014, 3:43:15 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Okay, back from beating Deadly Premonition with Zoe
[26/12/2014, 3:43:15 AM] Ian Cheong: oh, terms?
[26/12/2014, 3:43:18 AM] drinternetphd: terms
[26/12/2014, 3:43:30 AM] Peter Coffin: Lol
[26/12/2014, 3:43:34 AM] drinternetphd: this is the funniest shit
[26/12/2014, 3:43:34 AM] Remy: Lol
[26/12/2014, 3:43:35 AM] drinternetphd:
[26/12/2014, 3:43:39 AM] Chris Kluwe: ahhhh! yes, i recognize stephenatwar
[26/12/2014, 3:43:41 AM] Remy: They have released an ultimatum ?
[26/12/2014, 3:43:56 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Can someone add these tags from Chris to Cernovich's Trello card in the Hall of Chucklefucks?
[26/12/2014, 3:43:59 AM] drinternetphd: (I am thinking of wearing sunglasses and accepting his offer to become the leader of gamergate and then immediately declaring gamergate to be over)
[26/12/2014, 3:44:01 AM] Alex Lifschitz: I'm going back through them
[26/12/2014, 3:44:09 AM] Ian Cheong: Hahaha
[26/12/2014, 3:44:12 AM] Chris Kluwe: wut
[26/12/2014, 3:44:14 AM] Chris Kluwe: am
[26/12/2014, 3:44:15 AM] Chris Kluwe: i
[26/12/2014, 3:44:16 AM] Chris Kluwe: watching
[26/12/2014, 3:44:19 AM] drinternetphd: you're welcome
[26/12/2014, 3:44:21 AM] drinternetphd: look at that smug
[26/12/2014, 3:44:28 AM] Chris Kluwe: is he
[26/12/2014, 3:44:30 AM] drinternetphd: waving his cigarello around
[26/12/2014, 3:44:31 AM] Chris Kluwe: gesturing
[26/12/2014, 3:44:34 AM] Chris Kluwe: with a vape?
[26/12/2014, 3:44:36 AM] Peter Coffin: Ugh
[26/12/2014, 3:44:39 AM] Alex Lifschitz: *makes wet mouth sounds between sentences*
[26/12/2014, 3:44:41 AM] drinternetphd: he calls me a wolf at one point
[26/12/2014, 3:44:47 AM] drinternetphd: and says "wolf recognizes wolf"
[26/12/2014, 3:44:49 AM] Ian Cheong: that's a vape, yep.
[26/12/2014, 3:44:51 AM] drinternetphd: and said that I'm a winner
[26/12/2014, 3:45:02 AM] Ian Cheong: ms quinn is a wolf. a wolf always knows a wolf.
[26/12/2014, 3:45:08 AM] drinternetphd: rawr bitches
[26/12/2014, 3:45:12 AM] Chris Kluwe: omg
[26/12/2014, 3:45:19 AM] Chris Kluwe: this guy thinks he's Morpheus from the Matrix
[26/12/2014, 3:45:33 AM] Peter Coffin: He's not?
[26/12/2014, 3:45:34 AM] drinternetphd: more like Morpeepants
[26/12/2014, 3:45:45 AM] Chris Kluwe: he can't even talk
[26/12/2014, 3:45:52 AM] Chris Kluwe: you can see the sentence trying to form
[26/12/2014, 3:45:52 AM] Ian Cheong: I am just
[26/12/2014, 3:45:54 AM] drinternetphd: he's too into himself to talk sometimes
[26/12/2014, 3:45:56 AM] Ian Cheong: I'm agape.
[26/12/2014, 3:46:10 AM] drinternetphd: like he starts a sentence and then gets distracted by something and "heh"s a little
[26/12/2014, 3:46:12 AM] Peter Coffin: Morpheus Borpheus
[26/12/2014, 3:46:18 AM] Chris Kluwe: Bropheus
[26/12/2014, 3:46:24 AM] Remy: Do I need to click that link and watch?
[26/12/2014, 3:46:27 AM] drinternetphd: yes
[26/12/2014, 3:46:29 AM] Chris Kluwe: yes
[26/12/2014, 3:46:31 AM] Chris Kluwe: share the pain
[26/12/2014, 3:46:32 AM] Ian Cheong: yes
[26/12/2014, 3:46:33 AM] Ian Cheong: do it
[26/12/2014, 3:46:36 AM] Remy: This sounds un-missable
[26/12/2014, 3:46:38 AM] SF: I will when it is not like the first hour of Christmas.
[26/12/2014, 3:46:46 AM] Chris Kluwe: this is the gift that keeps on giving
[26/12/2014, 3:46:50 AM] drinternetphd: a gater emailed this to me being like "this is just crazy enough to work what do you think"
[26/12/2014, 3:46:53 AM] SF: I'd just like to say that this man does not speak for the wolf community.
[26/12/2014, 3:46:57 AM] drinternetphd: lol
[26/12/2014, 3:47:04 AM] drinternetphd: do i
[26/12/2014, 3:47:07 AM] drinternetphd: will the wolves offer me terms
[26/12/2014, 3:47:09 AM] Ian Cheong: a villain turned hero, a story of redemption
[26/12/2014, 3:47:10 AM] Chris Kluwe: you................................................................................................. can be our hero
[26/12/2014, 3:47:13 AM] drinternetphd: can I become WOLFMOTHER
[26/12/2014, 3:47:31 AM] Ian Cheong: this is a strategy session for winners
[26/12/2014, 3:47:34 AM] SF: The Alpha Bitch of video gaming
[26/12/2014, 3:47:36 AM] drinternetphd: lol
[26/12/2014, 3:47:37 AM] Chris Kluwe: and a story, of, you know, would be enemies coming together, for, um, compromise
[26/12/2014, 3:47:40 AM] drinternetphd: queen bitch of the universe
[26/12/2014, 3:47:44 AM] drinternetphd: arf arf
[26/12/2014, 3:47:53 AM] Chris Kluwe: we offer Zoe, in good faith
[citation needed]
[26/12/2014, 3:47:56 AM] drinternetphd: lol
[26/12/2014, 3:47:58 AM] SF: You need a fursona though.
[26/12/2014, 3:48:12 AM] drinternetphd: my fursona is a sea cucumber
[26/12/2014, 3:48:28 AM] SF: I hope it wears glowsticks.
[26/12/2014, 3:48:41 AM] Peter Coffin: I found another video by him
[26/12/2014, 3:48:48 AM] drinternetphd: yeah this is his thing
[26/12/2014, 3:48:49 AM] SF: And a loincloth for no reason.
[26/12/2014, 3:48:50 AM] Chris Kluwe: i can't even logic this
[26/12/2014, 3:48:52 AM] drinternetphd: this is who he is as a person
[26/12/2014, 3:48:57 AM] Remy: Omg
[26/12/2014, 3:49:00 AM] Remy: Who is this fool
[26/12/2014, 3:49:08 AM] Ian Cheong: this guy is really into himself.
[26/12/2014, 3:49:21 AM] Chris Kluwe: you think he's staring into a mirror the entire time?
[26/12/2014, 3:49:25 AM] Chris Kluwe: i think he might be
[26/12/2014, 3:49:27 AM] SF: I could accept his terms pretending to be Sarah.
[26/12/2014, 3:49:28 AM] Remy: Lol Zoe is not a wolf she is a cyborg artificer
[26/12/2014, 3:49:37 AM] Chris Kluwe: "grudges are for losers"
[26/12/2014, 3:49:38 AM] Remy: They need to get wise
[26/12/2014, 3:49:38 AM] drinternetphd: so seriously, should I get some sunglasses and a cigarello and respond "I humbly accept your offer and have become the leader of gamergate.

gamergate is over. go back to huffing your own farts in a corner. later boners"
[26/12/2014, 3:49:42 AM] Chris Kluwe: GAMERGATE JUST SAID
[26/12/2014, 3:49:47 AM] Chris Kluwe: "grudges are for losers"
[26/12/2014, 3:49:51 AM] Chris Kluwe: wuuuuuuuuuuuut
[26/12/2014, 3:49:52 AM] Ian Cheong: i'd say yes, do it.
[26/12/2014, 3:49:57 AM] SF: I agree.
[26/12/2014, 3:50:00 AM] Chris Kluwe: yes
[26/12/2014, 3:50:17 AM] Remy: I really think this guy represents GamerGate just as much as he thinks he does but not for the reasons he thinks he does
[26/12/2014, 3:50:35 AM] Chris Kluwe: he really does think he's Morpheus
[26/12/2014, 3:50:39 AM] drinternetphd: he's even a true believe and thinks it about ethics
[26/12/2014, 3:50:43 AM] Chris Kluwe: look at the icon next to his subscribe button
[26/12/2014, 3:50:50 AM] Chris Kluwe: meme of Agent Smith
[26/12/2014, 3:50:56 AM] Ian Cheong: yep
[26/12/2014, 3:51:14 AM] Remy: Lol
[26/12/2014, 3:51:17 AM] drinternetphd: I mean really
[26/12/2014, 3:51:22 AM] Chris Kluwe: i cannot believe
[26/12/2014, 3:51:27 AM] Chris Kluwe: that was seven and a half minutes
[26/12/2014, 3:51:30 AM] drinternetphd: the thumbnail in my email sums him up quite nicely
[26/12/2014, 3:51:33 AM] Chris Kluwe: of Bropheus
[26/12/2014, 3:51:39 AM] Peter Coffin: Seashells by the shorefius
[26/12/2014, 3:51:48 AM] drinternetphd: fi fie fo forpheus
[26/12/2014, 3:51:58 AM] Peter Coffin: Zoe do it
[26/12/2014, 3:52:05 AM] Chris Kluwe: MORE LIKE SNOREPHEUS
[26/12/2014, 3:52:11 AM] drinternetphd: oh daaaaaaang
[26/12/2014, 3:52:13 AM] Chris Kluwe: yeah seriously though, you should do it
[26/12/2014, 3:52:20 AM] Ian Cheong: it'd be hilarious.
[26/12/2014, 3:52:22 AM] drinternetphd: my only regret is I don't have my "fuck gamergate forever" shirt with me
[26/12/2014, 3:52:22 AM] Peter Coffin: OH SHIT
[26/12/2014, 3:52:23 AM] Chris Kluwe: actually, we should all do it
[26/12/2014, 3:52:31 AM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 3:52:33 AM] Chris Kluwe: "I'm the leader of Gamergate"
[26/12/2014, 3:52:40 AM] Chris Kluwe: "No, I'M the leader of Gamergate!"
[26/12/2014, 3:52:54 AM] Peter Coffin: please pick your nose the whole video
[26/12/2014, 3:52:56 AM] drinternetphd: they already do that tho
[26/12/2014, 3:53:00 AM] Remy: When is it my turn to be the leader of gamergate?
[26/12/2014, 3:53:06 AM] Remy: I have the conch damnit
[26/12/2014, 3:53:31 AM] Chris Kluwe: ok, brb later, have to go build legos with the younger daughter
[26/12/2014, 3:53:38 AM] Ian Cheong: Have fun
[26/12/2014, 3:53:40 AM] drinternetphd: :3
[26/12/2014, 3:53:46 AM] drinternetphd: later dude
[26/12/2014, 3:53:54 AM] Remy: Legos are so cool
[26/12/2014, 3:54:00 AM] Ian Cheong: I love legos.
[26/12/2014, 3:54:21 AM] Ian Cheong: The best part is unboxing them and building whatever.
[26/12/2014, 3:54:31 AM] Ian Cheong: opening those neat little packets.
[26/12/2014, 3:54:50 AM] Remy: My parents would show up with those off-brand kinds that never really click and wreck your thumbs on the corners
[26/12/2014, 3:54:54 AM] drinternetphd: I've never legooed
[26/12/2014, 3:54:57 AM] drinternetphd: lego'd?
[26/12/2014, 3:54:59 AM] drinternetphd: w/e
[26/12/2014, 3:55:05 AM] drinternetphd: I'm going to eat smoke salmon fuck errything
[26/12/2014, 3:55:05 AM] Ian Cheong: Never too late, Zoe.
[26/12/2014, 3:55:16 AM] Ian Cheong: with wasabi I hope.
[26/12/2014, 3:55:20 AM] Alex Lifschitz: 420 smoke salmon erry day
[26/12/2014, 3:55:22 AM] Ian Cheong: im gonna eat some fried chicken.
[26/12/2014, 3:55:32 AM] Ian Cheong: and pie
[26/12/2014, 3:55:38 AM] Alex Lifschitz: naw I got Zoe a pouch of smoked Alaska King from Totem Smokehouse which is the bomb diggity
[26/12/2014, 3:55:44 AM] Ian Cheong: Ah, nice!
[26/12/2014, 3:55:49 AM] Alex Lifschitz: for use in cockfight but now we will have to just go get more
[26/12/2014, 3:55:50 AM] Alex Lifschitz: *cookfight
[26/12/2014, 3:55:59 AM] Alex Lifschitz: cockfight works too.
[26/12/2014, 3:56:14 AM] Ian Cheong: hehe
[26/12/2014, 3:56:39 AM] Ian Cheong: im imagining the two of you (or actually all of us) betting over an illegal cockfight.
[26/12/2014, 3:57:39 AM] Remy: I was honestly hoping we would have replaced boxing and animal fights with robot fighting by now
[26/12/2014, 3:57:40 AM] Remy: As a society I mean
[26/12/2014, 3:57:59 AM] Remy: But I guess the reality show didn't take off so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[26/12/2014, 4:02:10 AM] Peter Coffin: We haven't, but we are getting there
[26/12/2014, 4:02:26 AM] Peter Coffin: We need robots shaped like roosters
[26/12/2014, 4:02:44 AM] Peter Coffin: Cockbots, if you will
[26/12/2014, 4:02:47 AM] Ian Cheong: Haha
[26/12/2014, 4:03:39 AM] Peter Coffin: Whenever a significant other doesn't allow going to one of these fights, they're being a cockbotblock
[26/12/2014, 4:04:29 AM] Peter Coffin: I'm sorry. This is my process
[26/12/2014, 4:04:53 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[26/12/2014, 4:09:21 AM] Peter Coffin: I am going to start using that as an excuse
[26/12/2014, 4:09:33 AM] Peter Coffin: This is my process
[26/12/2014, 4:11:51 AM] Peter Coffin: I'm like four hours late to my first coffee. Major headache
[26/12/2014, 4:12:22 AM] drinternetphd: I just had
[26/12/2014, 4:12:23 AM] drinternetphd: the most
[26/12/2014, 4:12:26 AM] drinternetphd: baller smoked salmon
[26/12/2014, 4:12:28 AM] drinternetphd: and I am now dead
[26/12/2014, 4:12:30 AM] drinternetphd: alex killed me
[26/12/2014, 4:12:31 AM] drinternetphd: rip
[26/12/2014, 4:12:51 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Seattle y'all
[26/12/2014, 4:12:56 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[26/12/2014, 4:13:04 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Alex, you sure you aren't in Tacoma?
[26/12/2014, 4:13:09 AM] Alex Lifschitz: We're getting in the mood by playing all the Twin Peaks inspired games
[26/12/2014, 4:13:09 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): jk
[26/12/2014, 4:13:09 AM] drinternetphd: I want to eat the entire ocean
[26/12/2014, 4:13:18 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Up next: Alan Wake
[26/12/2014, 4:13:30 AM] Alex Lifschitz: The boat I want to get is docked in Tacoma
[26/12/2014, 4:13:59 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Cool
[26/12/2014, 4:18:43 AM] Ian Cheong: I just had some killer pie.
[26/12/2014, 4:19:07 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): HOW MANY MORE PEOPLE ARE GOING TO DIE FROM FOOD TODAY?
[26/12/2014, 4:28:56 AM] Izzy (@iglvzx): alright, I'm heading out. family time. see you all later. take care! :)
[26/12/2014, 4:30:04 AM] Ian Cheong: Later Izzy.
[26/12/2014, 4:31:10 AM] Ian Cheong: Oh yeah, if any of you like tea, Teavana's having a huge christmas sale
[26/12/2014, 4:37:32 AM] Quinnae: Hey all, Merry Christmas!
[26/12/2014, 4:37:39 AM] Ian Cheong: hey hey
[26/12/2014, 4:37:45 AM] Ian Cheong: merry christmas to you too
[26/12/2014, 4:41:28 AM] Quinnae: Far too much material to catch up with, but I skimmed bits and pieces. I appreciated you thwacking David Auerbach and Erik Kain. smirks
[26/12/2014, 4:42:33 AM] Ian Cheong: Thanks.
[26/12/2014, 4:48:57 AM] Chris Kluwe: WTF WE'RE COCKFIGHTING NOW ZOE?!
[26/12/2014, 4:49:03 AM] Chris Kluwe: brb need to get chickens
[26/12/2014, 4:49:27 AM] Quinnae: Ah, Mr. Kluwe, hello there. And Merry Christmas!
[26/12/2014, 4:49:41 AM] Chris Kluwe: Hello! and the same :)
[26/12/2014, 4:51:35 AM] Quinnae: Katherine Cross here, not sure if you know me. curtsies
[26/12/2014, 4:51:39 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Happy holidays, friends!
[26/12/2014, 4:51:41 AM] Quinnae: Thank you, however, for speaking out.
[26/12/2014, 4:51:51 AM] Ian Cheong: hey veerender.
[26/12/2014, 4:52:01 AM] Quinnae: laughs Perfect, Veerender, thank you.
[26/12/2014, 4:52:30 AM] Veerender Jubbal: smiles
[26/12/2014, 4:52:33 AM] Chris Kluwe: Not a problem at all :)
[26/12/2014, 4:53:17 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Hello, Chris Kluwe--very nice to meet you.
[26/12/2014, 4:53:45 AM] Chris Kluwe: Hello, pleasure to meet you as well
[26/12/2014, 4:53:51 AM] Ian Cheong: christ, rogue is so self important. He's talking about how he has 2 types of blocks. permanent and 24 hour. "The latter used for respect + cool off"
[26/12/2014, 4:54:12 AM] Chris Kluwe: if only twitter had a permanent block :/
[26/12/2014, 4:54:29 AM] Veerender Jubbal: I wish. I just got transphobia in my mentions from GG.
[26/12/2014, 4:54:32 AM] Ian Cheong: Right? I hate seeing people's tweets on tweetdeck even after I've blocked them.
[26/12/2014, 4:55:06 AM] Chris Kluwe: that doesn't surprise me
[26/12/2014, 4:55:10 AM] Veerender Jubbal: I just want it, so anyone I block--is not allowed to look at my tweets. They screenshot my stuff, and are always looking at my account.
[26/12/2014, 4:55:14 AM] Remy: I am trying to keep up from my phone haha happy holidays Veerender <3
[26/12/2014, 4:55:17 AM] Chris Kluwe: they're horrible little people
[26/12/2014, 4:55:27 AM] Veerender Jubbal: hugs Stephen
[26/12/2014, 4:55:41 AM] Ian Cheong: Hello Dan.
[26/12/2014, 4:55:43 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Like, me calling TB a racist--went around quick.
[26/12/2014, 4:55:49 AM] Dan Olson: I saw that propagandacheck article, then realized there were over a thousand notices to go through, so skipped to the bottom. Anything important happen in the last couple hours?
[26/12/2014, 4:55:53 AM] Remy: Remy hugs back
[26/12/2014, 4:56:01 AM] Ian Cheong: Nope, nothing of note.
[26/12/2014, 4:56:08 AM] Ian Cheong: Though Zoe did get a funny video sent to her.
[26/12/2014, 4:56:11 AM] Dan Olson: Sweet, blessed silence.
[26/12/2014, 4:56:34 AM] Chris Kluwe: "I'm Mike Cernovich, and I approve of totalitarianism!"
[26/12/2014, 4:56:38 AM] Remy: You HAVE to see the YouTube ultimatum Zoe got
[26/12/2014, 4:56:47 AM] Chris Kluwe: yeah, the youtube video is SOLID
[26/12/2014, 4:56:51 AM] Remy: From white Morpheus
[26/12/2014, 4:56:51 AM] Ian Cheong: Yeah we were cracking up over it.
[26/12/2014, 4:57:03 AM] Dan Olson: white Morpheus? I'm already sold.
[26/12/2014, 4:57:06 AM] Ian Cheong: I want to crowdfund a trenchcoat for that guy.
[26/12/2014, 4:57:11 AM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 4:57:33 AM] Chris Kluwe: you think he doesn't already have an entire walk-in closet full?
[26/12/2014, 4:57:36 AM] Dan Olson: oh, crap, I had a joke planned for hours, then forgot it once I sat down
[26/12/2014, 4:57:37 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Trenchcoat-sensei like bathrobe-sensei.
[26/12/2014, 4:57:41 AM] Dan Olson: okay, pretend I'm not here
[26/12/2014, 4:57:49 AM] Ian Cheong:
[26/12/2014, 4:57:51 AM] Chris Kluwe: crickets
[26/12/2014, 4:57:51 AM] Ian Cheong: Here's the video
[26/12/2014, 4:58:00 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: oh, hi chris! merry christmas
[26/12/2014, 4:58:00 AM] Dan Olson: Merry Christmas from Prison! JK, I'm eating waffles with my family!
[26/12/2014, 4:58:01 AM] Veerender Jubbal: blows kiss at Dan
[26/12/2014, 4:58:08 AM] Ian Cheong: Hahaha
[26/12/2014, 4:58:36 AM] Dan Olson: OH GOD, the cigarillo!
[26/12/2014, 4:58:45 AM] Ian Cheong: It looks like a vape.
[26/12/2014, 4:58:47 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: PRISON WAFFLES I BET
[26/12/2014, 4:59:13 AM] Dan Olson: one of those vapes made to look like it's got ash on the end?
[26/12/2014, 4:59:19 AM] Remy: Lol
[26/12/2014, 4:59:26 AM] Ian Cheong: Yeah.
[26/12/2014, 4:59:36 AM] Remy: Looks like a cigarillo to me but admittedly I have not given it a close looj
[26/12/2014, 4:59:43 AM] Dan Olson: Oh, it's real. But, yeah, I've seen vapes with fake ash.
[26/12/2014, 4:59:44 AM] Remy: It's like staring into the sun I just can't
[26/12/2014, 4:59:51 AM] Quinnae: I got up for a minute, is something going on?
[26/12/2014, 5:00:01 AM] Ian Cheong: Yeah check out the link I just posted.
[26/12/2014, 5:00:20 AM] Chris Kluwe: "soon, Neo, you will know the truth.... ABOUT ZOE"
[26/12/2014, 5:00:47 AM] Chris Kluwe: <seven minutes of verbal masturbation later>
[26/12/2014, 5:00:51 AM] Dan Olson: He even has Agent Smith as his YouTube icon
[26/12/2014, 5:01:00 AM] Chris Kluwe: "...and THAT is why the lizard people elected Obama"
[26/12/2014, 5:01:03 AM] Dan Olson: this is an intentional connection of style.
[26/12/2014, 5:01:07 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: katherine: dan is having prison waffles
[26/12/2014, 5:01:09 AM] Chris Kluwe: oh definitely
[26/12/2014, 5:01:10 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: also chris is here
[26/12/2014, 5:01:41 AM] Ian Cheong: I may have had too much to drink.
[26/12/2014, 5:01:49 AM] Remy: Let me know when Zoe records and posts her response
[26/12/2014, 5:02:10 AM] Dan Olson: I kinda want to comment on this just with "Misssterrrrrr Aaaaaaandersoooonnnnnnnnnnnn"
[26/12/2014, 5:02:14 AM] Remy: I don't own fedoras anymore or I would offer them
[26/12/2014, 5:02:26 AM] Veerender Jubbal: I do not wear any hats. winks
[26/12/2014, 5:02:33 AM] Ian Cheong: How glad are you that no one in The Matrix wore a fedora?
[26/12/2014, 5:02:42 AM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 5:02:59 AM] Remy: They were experiencing a great fedora shortage that year
[26/12/2014, 5:03:10 AM] Chris Kluwe: just wait until quality video editing tools become simple enough for gators to use
[26/12/2014, 5:03:16 AM] Dan Olson: "not to brag, but I'm rather exception about reading people"
[26/12/2014, 5:03:19 AM] Remy: Apparently they had all been purchased for the filming of List in the Time of Heartache
[26/12/2014, 5:03:20 AM] Quinnae: laughs Okay, my partner and I had a good laugh at the first 5 seconds of that video. What's the TL;CW version?
[26/12/2014, 5:03:26 AM] Quinnae: (Too long; can't watch :P)
[26/12/2014, 5:03:27 AM] Chris Kluwe: and by that I mean "video editing tools run by AI"
[26/12/2014, 5:04:07 AM] Dan Olson: there is no TL;CW. It's just "words, wordswordswords.......... words."
[26/12/2014, 5:04:26 AM] Chris Kluwe: tl;cw - pretentious wanker offers "solution" that only illustrates the anmount of pretentious wankerishness the human species is capable of
[26/12/2014, 5:04:29 AM] Ian Cheong: The guy rambles a lot and takes awhile to get to the point, but he wants Zoe to present herself as the leader of gamergate, and become wolfmother to the brood.
[26/12/2014, 5:05:15 AM] Dan Olson: While talking like a reject from Central Casting
[26/12/2014, 5:05:24 AM] Quinnae: Oooookay.
[26/12/2014, 5:05:38 AM] Chris Kluwe: his pauses where he forgets what he wants to say are epic
[26/12/2014, 5:05:40 AM] Quinnae: Is Zoe's reply going to be "NO" and then ten minutes of credits that all say Alex Lifschitz? :P
[26/12/2014, 5:05:57 AM] Remy: More like
[26/12/2014, 5:06:26 AM] Ian Cheong: "I am leader and I hereby declare you should all go back to sniffing your own farts in the corner." or some such.
[26/12/2014, 5:06:29 AM] Remy: She said she was gonna say "okay I am now the leader of GamerGate. I hearby disband GamerGate and order you all to stop smelling your own farts. Zoe out. "
[26/12/2014, 5:07:02 AM] Quinnae: Also, my partner suggests dubbing over that video with the song "I Wear My Sunglasses at Night."
[26/12/2014, 5:07:17 AM] Remy: I actually wanna spoof this video
[26/12/2014, 5:07:22 AM] Remy: And start off with a cigarillo
[26/12/2014, 5:07:28 AM] Remy: And by the end of the video I'm using a hookah
[26/12/2014, 5:07:35 AM] Remy: Just keep graduating to bigger accessories
[26/12/2014, 5:07:40 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Hahahaha!
[26/12/2014, 5:07:47 AM] Ian Cheong: or you have 3 cigarillos in your mouth.
[26/12/2014, 5:07:51 AM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 5:07:56 AM] Remy: And one in my hand
[26/12/2014, 5:08:02 AM] Ian Cheong: someone did that with an Aurini video.
[26/12/2014, 5:08:06 AM] Remy: And another in the brim of my trilby
[26/12/2014, 5:08:08 AM] Dan Olson: I saw a spoof of Aurini where that was basically Ian beat me to it.
[26/12/2014, 5:08:25 AM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 5:08:38 AM] Ian Cheong: There's something funny about these guys.
[26/12/2014, 5:08:44 AM] Ian Cheong: They do *adult things*
[26/12/2014, 5:08:54 AM] Ian Cheong: like smoking cigarillos or expensive european cigarettes or sipping whisky
[26/12/2014, 5:09:11 AM] Ian Cheong: It just screams "Hey I'm not a kid anymore!"
[26/12/2014, 5:09:15 AM] Chris Kluwe: you should also start wearing sunglasses on top of sunglasses
[26/12/2014, 5:09:19 AM] Chris Kluwe: have like ten pairs on at the end
[26/12/2014, 5:09:30 AM] Charloppe: potato
[26/12/2014, 5:09:37 AM] Quinnae: Hey Charlotte!
[26/12/2014, 5:09:41 AM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 5:09:44 AM] Ian Cheong: Hi Charlotte.
[26/12/2014, 5:09:46 AM] Charloppe: hey katherine!
[26/12/2014, 5:09:52 AM] Charloppe: hello ian!
[26/12/2014, 5:10:08 AM] Dan Olson: It's the same mentality as middle school kids who realize that their parents, teachers, not even God, can actually physically stop them from cussing.
[26/12/2014, 5:10:21 AM] Remy: Lol
[26/12/2014, 5:10:22 AM] Charloppe: merry whatever the hell you celebrate
[26/12/2014, 5:10:32 AM] Quinnae: rolls Charlotte around
[26/12/2014, 5:10:43 AM] Ian Cheong: Yep Dan.
[26/12/2014, 5:10:46 AM] Ian Cheong: It's a kind of insecurity.
[26/12/2014, 5:10:53 AM] Charloppe: stahp its jesus day katherine qq
[26/12/2014, 5:10:57 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Oh, my God! The Google Holiday Doodle has someone wearing a turban!
[26/12/2014, 5:11:03 AM] Ian Cheong: Yeah Veerender.
[26/12/2014, 5:11:09 AM] Ian Cheong: I was about to ask if you'd seen it.
[26/12/2014, 5:11:10 AM] Remy: That's so cool :D
[26/12/2014, 5:11:32 AM] Veerender Jubbal: smiles with mouth gaping
[26/12/2014, 5:12:01 AM] Quinnae: And Dan, agreed, I have so little patience for people who never seem to grow out of that fascination.
[26/12/2014, 5:12:07 AM] Chris Kluwe: is there an online reference to check service in the US Army Reserve?
[26/12/2014, 5:12:33 AM] Dan Olson: oh, it's an interactive doodle, I was confused at first
[26/12/2014, 5:13:32 AM] Dan Olson: Turban!
[26/12/2014, 5:13:33 AM] Ian Cheong: I have no idea Chris.
[26/12/2014, 5:15:24 AM] Ian Cheong:
[26/12/2014, 5:15:29 AM] Ian Cheong: this is pretty funny
[26/12/2014, 5:15:39 AM] Dan Olson: Slade's old AMA?
[26/12/2014, 5:15:43 AM] Ian Cheong: yeah
[26/12/2014, 5:15:51 AM] Ian Cheong: another zynga employee calls him out in it
[26/12/2014, 5:16:21 AM] Chris Kluwe: Cernovich is claiming in old blog posts that he served for 9 years
[26/12/2014, 5:16:38 AM] Dan Olson: I remember when it first went up, I was reading and my response was "Zynga sounds like a shitty place to work, yet somehow I imagine it was all the worse with you around."
[26/12/2014, 5:16:58 AM] Chris Kluwe: also, "I'm Mike Cernovich, and you should report unethical lawyers to the bar!"
[26/12/2014, 5:18:52 AM] Dan Olson: Oh, man, on Facebook Mara Wilson just posted a pillow she got for Hanukkah. It's got holiday pinup girls on one side and burley bare-chested lumberjack men on the other.
[26/12/2014, 5:19:16 AM] Chris Kluwe: "I'm Mike Cernovich, and I endorse the Jewish conspiracy!"
[26/12/2014, 5:19:19 AM] Chris Kluwe:
[26/12/2014, 5:20:23 AM] Ian Cheong:
[26/12/2014, 5:20:30 AM] Ian Cheong: this post has some amusing details about mike
[26/12/2014, 5:20:55 AM] Chris Kluwe: yeah, read that. it's pretty good
[26/12/2014, 5:21:39 AM] Remy: Whoa
[26/12/2014, 5:21:59 AM] Ian Cheong: He's apparently been accused of rape.
[26/12/2014, 5:22:00 AM] Remy: Did I just read you say that CERNOVICH claimed service in a blog post?
[26/12/2014, 5:22:43 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: lol
[26/12/2014, 5:22:45 AM] Remy: I can't say that's not true but NOTHING in his behavior even looks remotely like military experience
[26/12/2014, 5:23:02 AM] Ian Cheong: Yeah he claims to have passed Army OCS.
[26/12/2014, 5:23:13 AM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 5:23:14 AM] Chris Kluwe: lemme pull it up
[26/12/2014, 5:23:26 AM] Remy: OMG he means he took like a class in high school or college
[26/12/2014, 5:23:29 AM] Remy: What a twerp
[26/12/2014, 5:24:03 AM] Chris Kluwe: if he's not making this up, it's kind of a shitty story, but at the same time, I'm reeeaaaaaally curious about the events of his discharge
[26/12/2014, 5:24:05 AM] Chris Kluwe:
[26/12/2014, 5:24:20 AM] Ian Cheong:
[26/12/2014, 5:24:30 AM] Ian Cheong: check that out, chri.
[26/12/2014, 5:24:33 AM] Ian Cheong: chris*
[26/12/2014, 5:24:52 AM] Chris Kluwe: yeah, i've read that one
[26/12/2014, 5:25:50 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: <-- LOL good luck with that
[26/12/2014, 5:25:57 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Okay, because Zoe and I are HUGE pieces of shit and our sleep schedules are fucked, we're going to sleep for a few hours.

Per usual, stick any Cerno goodness into his Trello card (I've added all of Chris' links until now already) so we can better prep for phase one of Operation Loosey Juicy.
[26/12/2014, 5:26:11 AM] Chris Kluwe: lol
[26/12/2014, 5:26:12 AM] Alex Lifschitz: If anything fucked happens, feel free to text.
[26/12/2014, 5:26:19 AM] Chris Kluwe: UNLEASH THE SHADOW NETWORK
[26/12/2014, 5:26:29 AM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 5:26:30 AM] Ian Cheong: yep I got you two on my phone.
[26/12/2014, 5:26:39 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i still need to set up trello i'm bad. is the stuff with mike encouraging false fbi reports re: me/dan/ian in there yet?
[26/12/2014, 5:26:55 AM] Chris Kluwe: i believe the response to that tweet, sarah, is "trust but verify", yes? :p
[26/12/2014, 5:27:01 AM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 5:27:18 AM] Remy: Chris you're awful :P
[26/12/2014, 5:27:40 AM] Charloppe: sarah there is one thing you are guilty're a butt
[26/12/2014, 5:27:42 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Sarah: Some, I think. That's all in the incident card related to Dan's article. Update that as appropriate, the card itself is linked in Cerno's dossier.
[26/12/2014, 5:27:48 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: kk
[26/12/2014, 5:27:57 AM] Alex Lifschitz: I've been adding Chris' C&F links directly to Cerno's card.
[26/12/2014, 5:28:36 AM] Ian Cheong: I added some stuf to the incident card relating to Dan's article
[26/12/2014, 5:28:47 AM] Ian Cheong: Notably the Roguestar stuff where he says he wants to report us to the feds.
[26/12/2014, 5:28:54 AM] Ian Cheong: At least I'm pretty sure I did.
[26/12/2014, 5:29:04 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: CHARLOTTE NO CALLING ME A BUTT HOSTILITIES ON CHRISTMAS
[26/12/2014, 5:29:24 AM] Charloppe: my christmas was ysterday
[26/12/2014, 5:29:25 AM] Alex Lifschitz: We've got a timeframe for the effort, Zoe needs to pump out an article and her book pitch first - it'll give some time for the 8chan deal to develop, which is good, since Juicebro has handcuffed himself to a sinking ship full of pedophiles.
[26/12/2014, 5:29:40 AM] Charloppe: all the hostilities
[26/12/2014, 5:29:49 AM] Quinnae: Interesting, Alex.
[26/12/2014, 5:29:52 AM] Alex Lifschitz: We'll update y'all more as things come together.
[26/12/2014, 5:30:08 AM] Chris Kluwe: "I'm Mike Cernovich, and I doxxed another woman!"
[26/12/2014, 5:30:09 AM] Alex Lifschitz: But, yeah, this'll hopefully be yet another case of baiting the bull.
[26/12/2014, 5:31:04 AM] Alex Lifschitz: If we can take down a ring of peso enablers and catch a bully with a law degree in the flames, I'm all the happier.
[26/12/2014, 5:31:21 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Fuck me if we ever let him victimize another person.
[26/12/2014, 5:31:43 AM] Alex Lifschitz: *pedo, god Skype autocorrect is infuriating
[26/12/2014, 5:31:58 AM] Chris Kluwe: man, Cernovich is all about doxxing in his past blogs
[26/12/2014, 5:32:02 AM] Chris Kluwe: here's another
[26/12/2014, 5:32:11 AM] Chris Kluwe:
[26/12/2014, 5:32:20 AM] Quinnae: Dear oh dear.
[26/12/2014, 5:32:58 AM] Quinnae: Well, we know what kind of personality he is. He was the one who said Doxx Doxx Doxx! when asked by another GGer about how to handle the opposition.
[26/12/2014, 5:33:19 AM] Chris Kluwe: yup
[26/12/2014, 5:33:24 AM] Ian Cheong: That's his MO.
[26/12/2014, 5:33:29 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: someone that already has trello up want to add that to gamergate defending CP?
[26/12/2014, 5:33:54 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Doing it now.
[26/12/2014, 5:34:20 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Added.
[26/12/2014, 5:34:43 AM] Alex Lifschitz: The more we have in one place, the better. Zoe's gonna be the one to take the proverbial shot here so a central intel repository will help boatloads.
[26/12/2014, 5:34:45 AM] Remy: God it feels so good to be on a team of badasses again
[26/12/2014, 5:35:02 AM] Remy: I need to start pulling my weight around here
[26/12/2014, 5:35:09 AM] Quinnae: smiles Honoured to hear that, Stephen.
[26/12/2014, 5:35:26 AM] Remy: I better up my research game and start puttin in the hard hours
[26/12/2014, 5:35:35 AM] Quinnae: And yes, I do apologise for not being more "active"-- I'm just the writer/scholarly type. But it is good to commiserate with you all.
[26/12/2014, 5:35:42 AM] Ian Cheong: Now I have the A-Team song in my head. The A-Team were literally social justice warriors.
[26/12/2014, 5:35:55 AM] Alex Lifschitz: We get shit done. The timing looks like it might be good, we can probably tank any further bullshit he tries to pull while also nixing his ridiculous swatting histrionics.
[26/12/2014, 5:36:14 AM] Remy: Also MacGyver. Sure, his episodes are saturated with white guilt, but the dude knew how to say "no" to guns
[26/12/2014, 5:36:15 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: anyone know what event/lecture this is from & if there is video?
[26/12/2014, 5:36:33 AM] Ian Cheong: Checking.
[26/12/2014, 5:36:47 AM] Alex Lifschitz: There's a phase two here but we'll apprise people of that if phase one takes off. Could definitely use Chris' help (and maybe Anil Dash) if things look good and everyone is comfortable but there's still a big delta between here and there.
[26/12/2014, 5:36:54 AM] Chris Kluwe: ok, now this is just amusing
[26/12/2014, 5:37:13 AM] Chris Kluwe: i'm for whatever gets Cernovich to cease his ennabling of that hate mob
[26/12/2014, 5:37:19 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Pretty much, yeah.
[26/12/2014, 5:37:31 AM] Quinnae: Sarah, I wonder if that's Adrienne Shaw.
[26/12/2014, 5:37:33 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Goal here is to keep people like Cernovich from ever being able to victimize people again.
[26/12/2014, 5:37:55 AM] Chris Kluwe: guh, i feel dirty for even having to type that
[26/12/2014, 5:38:46 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Yeah. Come to think of it, any more pocket eisenhower shit should be in Serious Chat.
[26/12/2014, 5:38:58 AM] Quinnae: Well, I've been quite buoyed by Alex's commitment to the Lawful Good path on this. winks And it's certainly one that I encourage heartily as well. Above all else, we should never lose sight of that fact that, as morally impoverished as some of these people are, they are still human beings.
[26/12/2014, 5:39:23 AM] Quinnae: And one of the main reasons I'm here is precisely because the big actors here are committed to keeping that well in mind.
[26/12/2014, 5:39:26 AM] Alex Lifschitz: But yeah, obviously, legally. We have a very strong compass here. People have been booted from the chat for even suggesting otherwise.
[26/12/2014, 5:39:36 AM] Chris Kluwe: "I'm Mike Cernovich, and I encourage you to follow the law, even if it may be morally corrupt!"
[26/12/2014, 5:40:03 AM] Ian Cheong: I found it Sarah
[26/12/2014, 5:40:04 AM] Ian Cheong:
[26/12/2014, 5:40:41 AM] Alex Lifschitz: I should say, legally, and morally. No shady shit. No willful twisting of words, nothing we couldn't own up to in a face to face conversation.
[26/12/2014, 5:40:53 AM] Quinnae: Quite well said.
[26/12/2014, 5:41:18 AM] Remy: I've always been the Chaotic Good type which is why I find it's good to bond with people like Alex and Zoe who have calmer heads and remind us all to hold to a more respectable parh
[26/12/2014, 5:41:23 AM] Alex Lifschitz: It helps, though, when the side you're on is the moral one. As I always say, just be right enough, loud enough. The right time also helps.
[26/12/2014, 5:41:23 AM] Remy: Path*
[26/12/2014, 5:41:57 AM] Quinnae: And me. ruffles Stephen's hair ;)
[26/12/2014, 5:42:07 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Hahahaha!
[26/12/2014, 5:42:07 AM] Remy: :D
[26/12/2014, 5:42:15 AM] Chris Kluwe: EXPERIENCE POINTS ALL AROUND
[26/12/2014, 5:42:26 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Believe me, Stephen, there have been SO MANY TIMES my mind has gone to the Chaotic side of that given the shit some of these people have pulled, but let us not become the monsters we yadda yadda whatever faaaaaaarrrrrrt
[26/12/2014, 5:42:34 AM] Remy: I'm not gonna lie usually it's Veerender who reminds me to control my anger and not lash out ^.^
[26/12/2014, 5:42:38 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Point is, lie down with dogs, you're gonna wake up with fleas.
[26/12/2014, 5:42:55 AM] Remy: Yup
[26/12/2014, 5:43:11 AM] Ian Cheong: Wrestle with pigs and you'll get covered in shit.
[26/12/2014, 5:43:25 AM] Veerender Jubbal: sniggers
[26/12/2014, 5:43:27 AM] Chris Kluwe: argue with gators and you'll get a migraine
[26/12/2014, 5:43:28 AM] Remy: I am lucky enough to have learned that I can feel angry and want to do things out of anger as long as I can recognize these emotions and not let them interfere with my plans for success
[26/12/2014, 5:43:35 AM] Quinnae: One of the biggest things I've criticised GG for is its ends justify the means mentality, which is a perennial danger in any kind of activism.
[26/12/2014, 5:44:01 AM] Remy: There are no ends
[26/12/2014, 5:44:03 AM] Remy: Only means
[26/12/2014, 5:44:06 AM] Chris Kluwe: that's the main problem - they feel that literally anything is allowed as long as it gets them what they want
[26/12/2014, 5:44:25 AM] Chris Kluwe: because they are convinced their cause is noble
[26/12/2014, 5:44:50 AM] Chris Kluwe: which is basically the worst kind of fanaticism that's killed millions upon millions of people, but whateves, I guess
[26/12/2014, 5:44:52 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: ty, ian
[26/12/2014, 5:44:56 AM] Ian Cheong: We have to be better than them, ideologically.
[26/12/2014, 5:44:59 AM] Ian Cheong: np sarah
[26/12/2014, 5:45:02 AM] Remy: Unfortunately most of them grew up on video games which, due to lazy writing, often enforce the "everything is okay as long as it gets you what you need" approach
[26/12/2014, 5:45:31 AM] Alex Lifschitz: And their ranks are swelled by preteens who snuck into the Dark Knight Rises and saw Tom Hardy and got doe-eyed and ran out of the theater making fucking whoosh noises.
[26/12/2014, 5:46:04 AM] Remy: Unfortunately they only think a game is "difficult" or "complex" if it kills you a lot
[26/12/2014, 5:46:23 AM] Quinnae: Chris, you may be interested in the essay I wrote about this very phenomenon with GG:
[26/12/2014, 5:46:23 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: the number of them that are like GAMES DON'T AFFECT US STOP SAYING THAT and then post memes of like... "GAMERGATE, IF WE'RE FINDING ENEMIES THAT MEANS WE'RE GOING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION" is just like.... what
[26/12/2014, 5:46:33 AM] Remy: Right?
[26/12/2014, 5:46:34 AM] Chris Kluwe: too bad it's ethically wrong to make a game that delivers genital shocks if you make the wrong ethical choice
[26/12/2014, 5:47:02 AM] Remy: I would like GG to all come to an agreement on whether they think video games are important and stick to that one choice
[26/12/2014, 5:47:17 AM] Remy: It's like Katherine says
[26/12/2014, 5:47:26 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Let's play a game: How many lights are there, captain Picard
[26/12/2014, 5:47:34 AM] Remy: The "realness" of this reality is determined by their convenience
[26/12/2014, 5:48:37 AM] Remy: This feels like the essential rock we are up against. A large group of people who have not learned to chose between having their cake or eating it
[26/12/2014, 5:49:00 AM] Remy: And are violent when they eat their cake and find it has disappeared
[26/12/2014, 5:49:07 AM] Veerender Jubbal: Baked goods are my weakness.
[26/12/2014, 5:49:22 AM] Remy: Me, too
[26/12/2014, 5:49:34 AM] Remy: Although donuts are also my weakness
[26/12/2014, 5:49:39 AM] Remy: Plain, too.
[26/12/2014, 5:49:55 AM] Chris Kluwe: oh man, there was a ghazi analogy the other day that killed me
[26/12/2014, 5:50:33 AM] Chris Kluwe: "Gamergate is like someone walking into a shoe store and demanding soup, and no matter how patiently you reason with them, or tell them that you don't serve soup here, will not shut up and leave until they get their soup."
[26/12/2014, 5:50:48 AM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 5:51:27 AM] Remy:
[26/12/2014, 5:52:15 AM] Randi Harper: good morning
[26/12/2014, 5:52:27 AM] Chris Kluwe: HAI
[26/12/2014, 5:52:32 AM] Remy: Good morning and happy holidays :D
[26/12/2014, 5:52:43 AM] Chris Kluwe: also, "I'm Mike Cernovich, and you should treat depression with steroids!"
[26/12/2014, 5:53:42 AM] Quinnae: Good morn' Randi!
[26/12/2014, 5:53:53 AM] Randi Harper: okay, so, what's the deal with all this childporn shit? As far as I can tell, this has been the conversation:

us: "8chan hosts CP!"
them: "We report CP."
us: "Here is CP that's on 8chan."
[26/12/2014, 5:53:57 AM] Randi Harper: am I reading that right?
[26/12/2014, 5:54:05 AM] Remy: Yup
[26/12/2014, 5:54:21 AM] Chris Kluwe: that about covers it
[26/12/2014, 5:54:33 AM] Chris Kluwe: see, the actual crime isn't hosting the CP on your site and failing to moderate it off
[26/12/2014, 5:54:42 AM] Chris Kluwe: it's TELLING people about that
[26/12/2014, 5:54:45 AM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 5:55:25 AM] Randi Harper: sigh
[26/12/2014, 5:55:27 AM] Randi Harper: (sheep)
[26/12/2014, 5:55:33 AM] Dan Olson: Combined with accusations that I planted the porn, followed immediately by dismissal that the content isn't actually porn, followed by just calling me a pedophile because "how else would you know it's there?"
[26/12/2014, 5:56:02 AM] Remy: Basically all the best you could hope for from GG
[26/12/2014, 5:56:03 AM] Dan Olson: plus a massive heap of "WHY DIDN'T YOU REPORT IT THEN KEEP YOUR FUCKING MOUTH SHUT?!?!?"
[26/12/2014, 5:56:17 AM] Randi Harper: they appear to be quite fixated on the idea of us planting things to call them out on.
[26/12/2014, 5:56:20 AM] Chris Kluwe: all coming from a horde of loli- shota- twitter avatars
[26/12/2014, 5:56:26 AM] Ian Cheong: They expect people to report the CP to the admins on 8chan so they can cover it up and pretend that their website isn't a venue where pedophiles congregate and share their disgusting caches.
[26/12/2014, 5:56:49 AM] Dan Olson: because they know that the reports go into the Twilight Zone due to the institutional disincentives to pursuing softcore distribution hives.
[26/12/2014, 5:57:27 AM] Randi Harper: which is strange, because I was going through some stuff last night, and I found multiple recent tweets where they admitted to misleading us so they could denounce us for spreading misinformation (or slander/libel, as they so often like to label such things).
[26/12/2014, 5:57:40 AM] Remy: Meh... On some level the users of that site understand that the "it's moderated" is an excuse to give their site the veneer of legitimacy it needs.
[26/12/2014, 5:57:46 AM] Chris Kluwe: shhh, actual logic confuses their STEMneurons
[26/12/2014, 5:57:48 AM] Randi Harper: i think i'm just going to drink today
[26/12/2014, 5:57:55 AM] Chris Kluwe: that's my plan!
[26/12/2014, 5:58:01 AM] Ian Cheong: I've had too much to drink already.
[26/12/2014, 5:58:02 AM] Dan Olson: and they know that the site admins don't care unless it's hardcore because the site admins wrote the fucking rules saying "yeah, a 6 year old bending over so you can see her vulva through her underwear is 100% above board as far as we're concerned. Shit, we'll put that one on a banner!"
[26/12/2014, 5:58:18 AM] Remy: At some point in time it becomes exhausting to parse how many of their excuses are merely deflections and how many are truly held beliefs
[26/12/2014, 5:58:24 AM] Randi Harper: i'm going to be releasing my paper on either the 3rd or the 4th. leaning towards 4th, though it's a sunday, if i release it late in the evening it'll catch the morning news.
[26/12/2014, 5:58:32 AM] Chris Kluwe: "We totally moderate our site when outsiders call us on it! These images were only up for like five months!
[26/12/2014, 5:58:37 AM] Ian Cheong: What paper's that Randi?
[26/12/2014, 5:59:12 AM] Randi Harper: gamergate as a hate group by the numbers. how small their community really is, how they purposefully target specific accounts, what that targeting looks like. how it's clear that there are specific leaders that call down a mob upon one person.
[26/12/2014, 5:59:15 AM] Dan Olson: I should do a revision to the article where I include date captured and point out date posted.
[26/12/2014, 5:59:18 AM] Randi Harper: i can verify all of this with data.
[26/12/2014, 5:59:24 AM] Randi Harper: I've got every tweet to the gamergate hashtag since dec 2nd
[26/12/2014, 5:59:30 AM] Chris Kluwe: oh nice
[26/12/2014, 5:59:33 AM] Randi Harper: as well as every tweet directed at Brianna, myself, zoe, anita
[26/12/2014, 5:59:35 AM] Remy: I'm so impatient for your paper
[26/12/2014, 5:59:35 AM] Ian Cheong: Excellent.
[26/12/2014, 5:59:42 AM] Randi Harper: and every tweet sent by their ringleaders and a few other interesting people
[26/12/2014, 5:59:44 AM] Remy: It's going to be awesome :)
[26/12/2014, 5:59:46 AM] Chris Kluwe: that'll be awesome to see the data correlations
[26/12/2014, 6:00:09 AM] Randi Harper: I've done some preliminary work. they keep getting new members, but strangely, all the new members have accounts that are 1-3 months old. ;)
[26/12/2014, 6:00:16 AM] Chris Kluwe: it'll be slightly less awesome to see their justifications and psuedo-analysis, but you take the bad with the good
[26/12/2014, 6:00:20 AM] Ian Cheong: So, it's basically a thing that shows what happens when FartToContinue tweets an image with my details in it.
[26/12/2014, 6:00:24 AM] Remy: I will also enjoy seeing Gaters trying to do math to prove you wrong
[26/12/2014, 6:00:33 AM] Ian Cheong: (I get spammed by assholes)
[26/12/2014, 6:00:43 AM] Remy: Like watching a chihuahua trying to leap atop a bed that is far too high off the ground
[26/12/2014, 6:00:55 AM] Randi Harper: but people are mostly leaving gamergate. the number of people engaging is dwindling, so they RT each other like a pack of feral circle jerking hamsters even more so than before.
[26/12/2014, 6:00:59 AM] Randi Harper: but it rarely leaves their social circle.
[26/12/2014, 6:01:08 AM] Ian Cheong: Yeah, I don't get as much hate as I used to.
[26/12/2014, 6:01:20 AM] Randi Harper: this is why they are having to branch out to tumblr to pick up people that aren't wise on them. but i'm not really getting into that.
[26/12/2014, 6:01:22 AM] Chris Kluwe: yeah, i'm hardly getting any new people attacking my feed ever since i muted the majority of them
[26/12/2014, 6:01:29 AM] Ian Cheong: RogueStar's op would've normally sent dozens of rabid tweets my way, but it only sent like 2.
[26/12/2014, 6:01:37 AM] Randi Harper: eh, i have to block 3-5 people a day still.
[26/12/2014, 6:01:55 AM] Ian Cheong: maybe it's because I've blocked most of them already, so that helps.
[26/12/2014, 6:02:06 AM] Chris Kluwe: yeah, but are they new uniques or the same old crew under a different name?
[26/12/2014, 6:02:17 AM] Veerender Jubbal: I just get people crapping on me, and my religion, daily; so they come in legions each day.
[26/12/2014, 6:02:24 AM] Chris Kluwe: ugh, that sucks
[26/12/2014, 6:02:26 AM] Quinnae: I really cannot wait for that, Randi.
[26/12/2014, 6:02:27 AM] Randi Harper: not certain. i haven't run stats on those yet.
[26/12/2014, 6:02:41 AM] Randi Harper: i still have a bunch of data to parse - going to pull in follower lists from every one of these 5k people
[26/12/2014, 6:02:49 AM] Quinnae: If it's a data set I can put into SPSS, that'd be even better. :D
[26/12/2014, 6:03:01 AM] Randi Harper: i want to accurately graph social reach and show what makes a gamergate tweet popular.
[26/12/2014, 6:03:04 AM] Randi Harper: hint: it's not ethics.
[26/12/2014, 6:03:09 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Yeah, Randi, that sounds awesome. 3rd or 4th you said?
[26/12/2014, 6:03:13 AM] Randi Harper: yeah.
[26/12/2014, 6:03:18 AM] Chris Kluwe: hah. i'd put money on it being a call to arms
[26/12/2014, 6:03:26 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Okay. Lines up nicely with a few other efforts in the works.
[26/12/2014, 6:03:28 AM] Chris Kluwe: or a "misinterpretation" that leads to a call to arms
[26/12/2014, 6:03:41 AM] Alex Lifschitz: 2015 is gonna start with a bang for Gamergate and their figureheads.
[26/12/2014, 6:04:10 AM] Rob: OH THANK GOD. I'm finally free
[26/12/2014, 6:04:20 AM] Randi Harper: their most popular tweets so far appear to be screenshots while mocking others. or spreading "news" about their opponents that is demonstrably false.
[26/12/2014, 6:04:26 AM] Rob: And howdy, folks
[26/12/2014, 6:04:41 AM] Chris Kluwe: sounds about right
[26/12/2014, 6:05:12 AM] Randi Harper: i'm putting all of this out and then taking a step back for a while. there's probably going to be a flurry of press - can't wait to tell HP to go fuck themselves - gamergate is going to lose their shit and go on attack mode. but i have another datacenter to migrate at work.
[26/12/2014, 6:05:14 AM] Alex Lifschitz: We also know of at least one other piece about a GG figurehead coming out around the 5th/6th but that's hush-hush for now until we're sure.
[26/12/2014, 6:05:15 AM] Remy: Alex I see what Zoe means about you producing things. In getting the impression I would love seeing projects orchestrated by you
[26/12/2014, 6:05:50 AM] Rob: Did I miss anything on the GG front? I'm finally done dealing with my tea party relatives, as some of you may have seen from my livetweeting the annoying get together
[26/12/2014, 6:06:11 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Oh lord, bless the hearts of all of you dealing with conservative relatives right now
[26/12/2014, 6:06:21 AM] Randi Harper: putting out a side paper on how i tracked ISIS using social media patterns, but holding off on that until mid-jan i think.
[26/12/2014, 6:06:27 AM] Rob: Alex, I shit you not, this is a direct quote: "Those Oriental gangs up in Fresno are brutal."
[26/12/2014, 6:06:34 AM] Chris Kluwe: i'm glad, but also kind of sad i don't have conservative relatives
[26/12/2014, 6:06:36 AM] Quinnae: My sympathies, Rob.
[26/12/2014, 6:06:39 AM] Chris Kluwe: i LOVE arguing with people
[26/12/2014, 6:06:42 AM] Randi Harper: because fuck the fbi and everyone else for just wanting to "observe" and do nothing about it.
[26/12/2014, 6:06:48 AM] Randi Harper: rob: wtf?
[26/12/2014, 6:06:51 AM] Rob: Yeah.
[26/12/2014, 6:06:57 AM] Ian Cheong: Some relatives you have.
[26/12/2014, 6:07:08 AM] Rob: Also, people in prison shouldn't get healthcare.
[26/12/2014, 6:07:17 AM] Randi Harper: rob: too bad they aren't in GA. they'd be besties with my dad. ;)
[26/12/2014, 6:07:18 AM] Rob: They should just... die, I guess. I'm not sure what their alternative was. I didn't ask.
[26/12/2014, 6:07:21 AM] Rob: :D
[26/12/2014, 6:07:29 AM] Chris Kluwe: Deadman Wonderland
[26/12/2014, 6:07:58 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Speaking of shithead relatives, my sister talked to my grandmother - turns out my GGer cousin ain't exactly the cock of the walk with the rest of the family either
[26/12/2014, 6:07:58 AM] Ian Cheong: That's an anime, isn't it?
[26/12/2014, 6:08:08 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Quote was "a blight on the family"
[26/12/2014, 6:08:23 AM] Chris Kluwe: yeah, it's good except for the creepy almost nude girl stuff that they insist on throwing into animes
[26/12/2014, 6:08:25 AM] Rob: My cousin who was here works for square enix. I was tempted to ask him what he thought about gamer gate but then I'd have to reveal I hve a twitter and stuff.
[26/12/2014, 6:08:42 AM] Randi Harper: how on earth could anyone in your family be GG after hearing what you're going through?
[26/12/2014, 6:08:58 AM] Chris Kluwe: eh, every family has assholes
[26/12/2014, 6:09:06 AM] Chris Kluwe: some are just more blatant than others
[26/12/2014, 6:09:16 AM] Randi Harper: i'm just always surprised by blatant assholes.
[26/12/2014, 6:09:31 AM] Alex Lifschitz: The dude is a total failure as a person and horrendously thin-skinned, seeks validation and goes apeshit when denied it. I cut him off years ago for saying horrendous sexist shit and doubling down and he's had a hateboner for me ever since
[26/12/2014, 6:09:53 AM] Randi Harper: my entire office hates gamergate. <3
[26/12/2014, 6:09:56 AM] Ian Cheong: It's disgusting that he'd sell out his own family to get at you.
[26/12/2014, 6:10:03 AM] Alex Lifschitz: He made two sock puppets to launch invective at me and Zoe and the fucking moron didn't think I'd know it was him immediately.
[26/12/2014, 6:10:20 AM] Ian Cheong: Yeah he tweeted shit at me!
[26/12/2014, 6:10:25 AM] Ian Cheong: That was him right?
[26/12/2014, 6:10:29 AM] Alex Lifschitz: He wants to be every hippie's laid-back conservative friend but he gets nasty with some anonymity.
[26/12/2014, 6:10:30 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Yup!
[26/12/2014, 6:10:37 AM] Randi Harper: holy crap.
[26/12/2014, 6:10:40 AM] Chris Kluwe: my tabletop gaming group is what you would consider stereotypical nerds, and they hadn't even heard of GG until someone else mentioned my piece to them, and they told me "those people sound fucking stupid"
[26/12/2014, 6:10:42 AM] Randi Harper: well, you know who he is. can't you just punch him in the face?
[26/12/2014, 6:10:57 AM] Alex Lifschitz: But, don't worry y'all: This was a case of a troll finally getting his shit aired out to his parents, hee hee.
[26/12/2014, 6:11:01 AM] Chris Kluwe: hahah
[26/12/2014, 6:11:03 AM] Veerender Jubbal: My entire office hates GG, too. My father, and I.
[26/12/2014, 6:11:04 AM] Ian Cheong: Hahaha
[26/12/2014, 6:11:05 AM] Alex Lifschitz: The worst part? He's 30.
[26/12/2014, 6:11:11 AM] Quinnae: How old is... Ugh, yikes
[26/12/2014, 6:11:11 AM] Chris Kluwe: i imagine it went about as well as he never wanted it to
[26/12/2014, 6:11:37 AM] Alex Lifschitz: The fucking idiot really didn't think we'd know it's him, all he did was torch his relationship to my siblings.
[26/12/2014, 6:12:02 AM] Dan Olson: Randi, don't forget to log in and get your Zehvrah Skin Lounge Cushion from Great Father Winter!
[26/12/2014, 6:12:39 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Then I found out he has a history of awful internet bullshit and it was amazing
[26/12/2014, 6:12:42 AM] Chris Kluwe: i kept trying to explain that to them during my AMA, but every time it was "WE DON'T NEED PR WE'RE A CONSUMER REVOLT"
[26/12/2014, 6:12:56 AM] Dan Olson: Also they added a pretty sweet borealis show to the capitals this year.
[26/12/2014, 6:13:03 AM] Randi Harper: Facepalm
[26/12/2014, 6:13:16 AM] Randi Harper: you have to have a job to have a consumer revolt
[26/12/2014, 6:13:26 AM] Randi Harper: otherwise you're just telling your parents
[26/12/2014, 6:13:50 AM] Ian Cheong: Moooommm stop buying Blizzard games. Mister Morhaime said something mean about the group of harassers I call my friends.
[26/12/2014, 6:14:01 AM] Quinnae: Mhmmm. A lot of these folks appear to be NEETs which makes me feel a bit sorry for them.
[26/12/2014, 6:14:04 AM] Alex Lifschitz: No PR firm would ever take that client. You can't polish a turd.
[26/12/2014, 6:14:05 AM] Chris Kluwe: Maaaaaaaaaam, WHERE'S MY CHEEZY POOFS?!
[26/12/2014, 6:14:07 AM] Dan Olson: they don't need PR! A PR person would just prevent them from doing stuff that they want to do, like launching into an impassioned defence of pedophiles.
[26/12/2014, 6:14:20 AM] Chris Kluwe: oh man
[26/12/2014, 6:14:26 AM] Quinnae: And the ones with families and jobs are either the cynical exploiters a la Milo, or people with a hideous lack of perspective.
[26/12/2014, 6:14:31 AM] Chris Kluwe: i wish you could present this to a PR firm as like a blind case
[26/12/2014, 6:14:35 AM] Chris Kluwe: and see their reaction
[26/12/2014, 6:14:40 AM] Randi Harper: well... tbh, there is one thing they do correctly, and it's pretty frustrating.
[26/12/2014, 6:14:43 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Main reason I decided to go all in with Zoe when this started: I asked her if she had really done anything we'd be ashamed of. She said no. So we dove in. Fuck 'em, their problem.
[26/12/2014, 6:15:08 AM] Randi Harper: they never defend their actions. if you call them out on something, they won't directly answer to that, but instead shift the focus onto something you've supposedly done.
[26/12/2014, 6:15:08 AM] Chris Kluwe: yeah, they ARE pretty good at making other people's lives miserable, i'll grant them that
[26/12/2014, 6:15:10 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Like Zoe mentioned earlier, Milo... He's gonna have some fun this year if he published the book.
[26/12/2014, 6:15:13 AM] Randi Harper: very slick. very annoying.
[26/12/2014, 6:15:28 AM] Rob: Even if every single thing in the five guys stuff was true, too, it wouldn't justify any of the shit done to zoe or you or Randi or anyone else involved.
[26/12/2014, 6:15:30 AM] Ian Cheong: Yeah Randi.
[26/12/2014, 6:15:32 AM] Ian Cheong: They do that shit to me all the time.
[26/12/2014, 6:15:41 AM] Rob: At most it'd be 'Nathan grayson should be ashamed of himself' as a justified response
[26/12/2014, 6:15:50 AM] Ian Cheong: I point out something bad that they've done and they're like "Who are you to say anything about this issue, NAZI BANANA."
[26/12/2014, 6:15:54 AM] Randi Harper: don't hate me, but it's such a male-in-early-20s thing to do.
[26/12/2014, 6:15:55 AM] Alex Lifschitz: But as we say, don't doubt the ability of people to see through bullshit. People notice when they pull cheap evasion and smear tactics.
[26/12/2014, 6:16:12 AM] Randi Harper: EVERY DUDE i ever dated in that age group pulled the same shit.
[26/12/2014, 6:16:24 AM] Alex Lifschitz: They really see the world through the lens of a system designed to benefit their JAQ style of bald-faced ignorance of nuance.
[26/12/2014, 6:16:24 AM] Ian Cheong: It's gotten to the point where whenever I tweet anything I think about how a random gator is going to come into my mentions and call me a Nazi.
[26/12/2014, 6:16:30 AM] Ian Cheong: Pavlovian, almost.
[26/12/2014, 6:16:37 AM] Veerender Jubbal: My age group is super garbage, so...
[26/12/2014, 6:17:07 AM] Chris Kluwe: heh, you get "Nazi banana," I get "child rape apologist," which is rich coming from a group defending 8chan
[26/12/2014, 6:17:09 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Hey Ian, if you want some schadenfreude check this thread out starting halfway down the page:
[26/12/2014, 6:17:13 AM] Ian Cheong: Yep Chris.
[26/12/2014, 6:17:30 AM] Randi Harper: i get meth babies.
[26/12/2014, 6:17:32 AM] Ian Cheong: I get Nazi, from a group that largely comes from 4chan and 8chan's /pol/ forum filled with white supremacists.
[26/12/2014, 6:17:54 AM] Alex Lifschitz: I get alternatively "trust fund child of billionaire warlord father" and "4chan moderator"
[26/12/2014, 6:18:00 AM] Rob: Well, you see Mr. Kluwe, as someone who RTed someone else exposing 8-chan's child porn, you're actually worse than 8-chan hosting child porn, because something something DiGRA is funded by DARPA
[26/12/2014, 6:18:03 AM] Quinnae: Well, Chris, one of their time honoured tactics is "I know you are but what am I?" It's classic MRA-style mirroring. They have no independent ethical system of their own, so they cannibalise that of their opponents, turn it around on them, and hope it somehow sticks. It rarely ever does due to most people having some approximation of common sense...
[26/12/2014, 6:18:27 AM] Ian Cheong: Arthur Chu gets rape apologist
[26/12/2014, 6:18:40 AM] Rob: And RooshV is a literal rapist.
[26/12/2014, 6:18:50 AM] Chris Kluwe: yeah, it amuses me more than anything else when they try to do it to me, because i've seen it so much in gaming forums
[26/12/2014, 6:18:56 AM] Randi Harper: oh, yeah. mike made indirect rape threats at me.
[26/12/2014, 6:18:58 AM] Randi Harper: that was lovely.
[26/12/2014, 6:18:58 AM] Randi Harper: gag
[26/12/2014, 6:19:16 AM] Quinnae: hugs Randi
[26/12/2014, 6:19:20 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Cernovich gets away with being such a pungent turd that describing the scent defeats the purpose. We'll still have some fun with him.
[26/12/2014, 6:19:28 AM] Rob: Ugh. I'm sorry, Randi.
[26/12/2014, 6:19:38 AM] Randi Harper: i'm not concerned. it was just gross.
[26/12/2014, 6:19:41 AM] Ian Cheong: Cernovich is such a charmer.
[26/12/2014, 6:19:58 AM] Randi Harper: telling his followers that someone needs to "find [me] a real man"
[26/12/2014, 6:20:00 AM] Randi Harper: grosssss
[26/12/2014, 6:20:17 AM] Quinnae: The DiGRA stuff never fails to make me roll my eyes, and I got hit with that last week as well. These people have no idea how academia works.
[26/12/2014, 6:20:17 AM] Chris Kluwe: i just want him to be publicly shown for what he is in a way that even he can't deny
[26/12/2014, 6:20:28 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Stay tuned.
[26/12/2014, 6:20:29 AM] Chris Kluwe: i mean, he'll still deny it, but i can hope
[26/12/2014, 6:20:33 AM] Randi Harper: he tends to delete tweets all the time.
[26/12/2014, 6:20:36 AM] Ian Cheong: Alex, checking out that thread now.
[26/12/2014, 6:20:41 AM] Randi Harper: so i'm archiving every single last one of them in my database.
[26/12/2014, 6:21:00 AM] Rob: Katharine, I was like - "Do you really think Arati Prabhakar gives a fuck about fucking video games?" and their response was "Who?"
[26/12/2014, 6:21:14 AM] Alex Lifschitz: BTW: It's a gamer gate tool that archives deleted tweets. Turned it against them. Don't spread that outside the chat. All his deleted shit is there.
[26/12/2014, 6:21:17 AM] Quinnae: Hah
[26/12/2014, 6:21:25 AM] Ian Cheong: hahahha
[26/12/2014, 6:21:31 AM] Quinnae: Yep, nicely done, Alex.
[26/12/2014, 6:21:33 AM] Randi Harper: i think tweetsave breaks ToS.
[26/12/2014, 6:21:35 AM] Alex Lifschitz: We got some good ones that'll be repurposed into Zoe's takedown.
[26/12/2014, 6:21:51 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Thankfully, screen capped when they were up.
[26/12/2014, 6:21:58 AM] Randi Harper: i'm not 100% certain, though. i need to look into the verbiage and precisely how the tool works.
[26/12/2014, 6:22:11 AM] Randi Harper: for that matter, i'm breaking ToS but this application isn't publicly facing.
[26/12/2014, 6:22:14 AM] Alex Lifschitz: At the very least, anyone it tracks instantly has every tweet sent to
[26/12/2014, 6:22:27 AM] Randi Harper: when tweets are deleted, I'm pretty sure you also have to delete them from whatever interface you are using to access the twitter API.
[26/12/2014, 6:23:14 AM] Dan Olson: oh, hey, Slade and one of his minions are shitposting porngore at me
[26/12/2014, 6:23:28 AM] Chris Kluwe: ETHICS
[26/12/2014, 6:24:03 AM] Ian Cheong: #fullethics
[26/12/2014, 6:24:18 AM] Quinnae: Ethics intensifies!
[26/12/2014, 6:25:44 AM] Ian Cheong: Alex, this thread is gold.
[26/12/2014, 6:26:02 AM] Chris Kluwe: "I'm Mike Cernovich and climate change is for stupids!"
[26/12/2014, 6:26:05 AM] Dan Olson: I have, like, half these names blocked, so I don't know what they're saying, but there's apparently so many people involved that there's no room left for a tweet itself.
[26/12/2014, 6:26:22 AM] Dan Olson: @Wyldawen @_RogueStar_ @TsundereRage @Snarkyname @FoldableHuman @Fyrasec @ChipBrent @kerbstrar6 Well Rouge. You got my sale. Merry Christmas
[26/12/2014, 6:26:30 AM] Chris Kluwe: also, scientists are evil snake oil peddlers according to juicyjuice
[26/12/2014, 6:26:41 AM] Dan Olson: also gotta love that g-u transposition.
[26/12/2014, 6:26:46 AM] Rob: That typo is perfect.
[26/12/2014, 6:26:52 AM] Rob: Can we just start calling him Rouge?
[26/12/2014, 6:26:58 AM] Veerender Jubbal:
[26/12/2014, 6:27:03 AM] Chris Kluwe: IT'S THE WOW GENERAL FORUMS CIRCA 2006 ALL OVER AGAIN
[26/12/2014, 6:27:14 AM] Quinnae: I was there, Chris!
[26/12/2014, 6:27:15 AM] Alex Lifschitz: wait did Rogue actually release something
[26/12/2014, 6:27:33 AM] Chris Kluwe: STUNCLOCKED BY ROUGE BLIZZRAD HALP
[26/12/2014, 6:27:38 AM] Quinnae: Veerender, that gif is so perfect.
[26/12/2014, 6:27:52 AM] Quinnae: And, Chris, I was embroiled in the battles over Circle of Healing and Prayer of Mending.
[26/12/2014, 6:27:54 AM] Veerender Jubbal: smiles
[26/12/2014, 6:28:00 AM] Quinnae: I played (and rocked) a Holy Priest way before it was cool.
[26/12/2014, 6:28:09 AM] Chris Kluwe: hahaha, oh man, i remember those
[26/12/2014, 6:28:14 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Okay, gonna grab a few z's. Text is shit hits the fan, otherwise will be back soon
[26/12/2014, 6:28:16 AM] Dan Olson: I dunno, he's got me blocked, but I doubt it.
[26/12/2014, 6:28:19 AM] Alex Lifschitz: *if
[26/12/2014, 6:28:21 AM] Ian Cheong: Later Alex.
[26/12/2014, 6:28:26 AM] Quinnae: Take care, Alex!
[26/12/2014, 6:28:36 AM] Chris Kluwe: Holy Priest was looked at like "Why would you ever play that class? CoH is hot garbage"
[26/12/2014, 6:28:54 AM] Quinnae: Everyone was whining about how Holy Priests wouldn't be let into raids, and I was just kicking ass and group healing everyone.
[26/12/2014, 6:29:05 AM] Quinnae: And everyone wanted me in their party or raid.
[26/12/2014, 6:29:21 AM] Quinnae: I doubt we crossed paths but I was Quinnae on the forums. ;)
[26/12/2014, 6:29:22 AM] Chris Kluwe: we ran RMP in arenas for Season 2 and it was glorious
[26/12/2014, 6:29:33 AM] Quinnae: That was a lifetime ago. sighs
[26/12/2014, 6:29:44 AM] Chris Kluwe: i stuck mainly to the KJ realm forums, but i was always Loate
[26/12/2014, 6:30:11 AM] Ian Cheong: I played on some shitty new servers everyone else had their alts on. :/
[26/12/2014, 6:30:12 AM] Chris Kluwe: the funny thing was, we weren't even that dedicated to PvP, but RMP was so much fun to play
[26/12/2014, 6:30:13 AM] Dan Olson: Nathrezim realm forums! The notorious small-pop-with-big-drama!
[26/12/2014, 6:30:36 AM] Chris Kluwe: heh. "You think you know drama? KJ knows drama."
[26/12/2014, 6:30:41 AM] Chris Kluwe: although usually we were saying that to Tich
[26/12/2014, 6:30:45 AM] Ian Cheong: KJ was famous for drama.
[26/12/2014, 6:30:56 AM] Quinnae: laughs
[26/12/2014, 6:31:05 AM] Quinnae: I think every other server had the "We Know Drama" slogan.
[26/12/2014, 6:31:11 AM] Chris Kluwe: probably :)
[26/12/2014, 6:31:13 AM] Quinnae: Argent Dawn and Sisters of Elune here.
[26/12/2014, 6:31:28 AM] Ian Cheong: Lightninghoof. Again, a server no one's heard of.
[26/12/2014, 6:31:49 AM] Chris Kluwe: we had one guy who would name his characters after drum manufacturers, and spout the craziest conspiracy theory shit ever on his alt, and get mad when people would point out his main
[26/12/2014, 6:32:10 AM] Chris Kluwe: and everyone was like "We know it's you, man. No one else names their characters after drums."
[26/12/2014, 6:32:12 AM] Quinnae: chuckles
[26/12/2014, 6:32:15 AM] Ian Cheong: Haha
[26/12/2014, 6:32:19 AM] Quinnae: Oh gods, that's great.
[26/12/2014, 6:32:27 AM] Rob: Chris, I was on Tich.
[26/12/2014, 6:32:28 AM] Rob: So.... yeah
[26/12/2014, 6:32:31 AM] Chris Kluwe: hahahah
[26/12/2014, 6:32:35 AM] Chris Kluwe: poor Tich
[26/12/2014, 6:32:37 AM] Rob: 100% true.
[26/12/2014, 6:33:12 AM] Chris Kluwe: the best was invading Tich when the KJ servers were down just to annoy everyone with lag
[26/12/2014, 6:33:16 AM] Chris Kluwe: we were such horrible people
[26/12/2014, 6:33:35 AM] Rob: lololol
[26/12/2014, 6:33:50 AM] Quinnae: Oh you trolls. chuckles
[26/12/2014, 6:34:04 AM] Rob: I remember when AQ came out and Tich failed so miserably at getting the gates open.
[26/12/2014, 6:34:17 AM] Rob: All the big PvE guilds on both sides tried to work together but people ABSOLUTELY REFUSED.
[26/12/2014, 6:34:20 AM] Chris Kluwe: hahahah
[26/12/2014, 6:34:22 AM] Remy: Apparently it's rude to spend Christmas dinner chattin on your phone so I will be quiet now I guess
[26/12/2014, 6:34:24 AM] Ian Cheong: Oh god Alex, when you wake up:
[26/12/2014, 6:34:28 AM] Ian Cheong: Replying to his own comment!
[26/12/2014, 6:35:02 AM] Chris Kluwe: omg
[26/12/2014, 6:35:06 AM] Chris Kluwe: please tell me that's not real
[26/12/2014, 6:35:10 AM] Ian Cheong: 100% real
[26/12/2014, 6:35:18 AM] Ian Cheong: He's a gator.
[26/12/2014, 6:35:19 AM] Rob: Bwaaaaaahahahaha
[26/12/2014, 6:35:22 AM] Ian Cheong: and alex's cousin
[26/12/2014, 6:35:26 AM] Remy: XD Ian where do you find these
[26/12/2014, 6:35:29 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Actually still here cuz I was just checking Ghazi before turning in
[26/12/2014, 6:35:31 AM] Chris Kluwe: I bet he names his characters Alucard
[26/12/2014, 6:35:36 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Yup yup yup he's a class act
[26/12/2014, 6:35:50 AM] Alex Lifschitz: He is just unbelievably fucking stupid
[26/12/2014, 6:36:17 AM] Alex Lifschitz: He even did that thing where he had one twitter sock responding to another like "ooo sick burn on Lifschitz"
[26/12/2014, 6:36:27 AM] Remy: This is the traitorous kin?
[26/12/2014, 6:36:30 AM] Chris Kluwe: lol
[26/12/2014, 6:36:32 AM] Ian Cheong: hah
[26/12/2014, 6:36:45 AM] Alex Lifschitz: I just sat there smiling and forwarding shots to my brother who was preparing to rend him a new asshole
[26/12/2014, 6:37:10 AM] Remy: Ugh
[26/12/2014, 6:37:15 AM] Quinnae: laughs
[26/12/2014, 6:37:20 AM] Ian Cheong: Too funny.
[26/12/2014, 6:37:30 AM] Remy: I don't wanna be uncivilized but when it's within the family maybe an old fashioned ass kicking would just be faster
[26/12/2014, 6:37:48 AM] Chris Kluwe: depends how petty the family can be
[26/12/2014, 6:37:56 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Oh, I told my brother that if I ever see this kid I'm gonna snap his neck like a fucking twig.
[26/12/2014, 6:37:56 AM] Remy: True true
[26/12/2014, 6:37:57 AM] Chris Kluwe: my brother tried to call the cops on me after a fight he started
[26/12/2014, 6:38:21 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Like, say what you want about his hissy fit regarding me, I will never forgive him for dragging Zoe into it
[26/12/2014, 6:38:27 AM] Chris Kluwe: i took the phone away from him because he was being an idiot, so thankfully the police never got called
[26/12/2014, 6:38:30 AM] Ian Cheong: Yeah, that's unforgivable.
[26/12/2014, 6:38:37 AM] Chris Kluwe: yeah, that's some bullshit
[26/12/2014, 6:38:44 AM] Quinnae: Agreed. This definitely beats the fact that I have a cousin who's a 9/11 truther. Good gods. Also, what the hell is he talking about in those comments?
[26/12/2014, 6:38:48 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Neither will my siblings now, tough shit for him
[26/12/2014, 6:39:18 AM] Remy: GanerGate is filled with people who need to do a lot of push ups
[26/12/2014, 6:39:22 AM] Alex Lifschitz: My brother just told me he was about to talk to him when I took off coming back to Seattle. By the time I landed, by god, his main account and both socks were mysteriously deleted. lol
[26/12/2014, 6:39:40 AM] Rob: booze + Skype chat + xena + grinding skill levels in WoW. this will be a decent evening
[26/12/2014, 6:39:44 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Yeah maybe if Cernovich had more grip strength he could better grasp at straws.
[26/12/2014, 6:39:49 AM] Alex Lifschitz: Lol I bet he skips leg day
[26/12/2014, 6:40:05 AM] Remy: I'm so jealous of you Rob I am trying to get home so I can get high and kill dragons
[26/12/2014, 6:40:10 AM] Chris Kluwe: jesus, like every third post on Cernovich's blog is about Narcissism or psychopathy
[26/12/2014, 6:40:16 AM] Rob: I miss getting high.
[26/12/2014, 6:40:30 AM] Remy: Family based holidays are shite for people who have garbage families
[26/12/2014, 6:40:56 AM] Ian Cheong: Cernovich is projecting.
[26/12/2014, 6:41:34 AM] Quinnae: Agreed, Stephen. It's why I don't spend them with my family whenever I can get out of it.
[26/12/2014, 6:41:35 AM] Remy: You could almost catfish him with his own photos
[26/12/2014, 6:41:46 AM] Remy: Narcissism overload
[26/12/2014, 6:41:56 AM] Chris Kluwe: i think this is supposed to be satire, but with Cernovich, who knows?
[26/12/2014, 6:43:26 AM] Chris Kluwe: "My friends don't believe me, but I have a small ego." - Mike Cernovich
[26/12/2014, 6:43:32 AM] Chris Kluwe: [citation needed]
[26/12/2014, 6:44:22 AM] Ian Cheong: I don't believe that either.
[26/12/2014, 6:44:25 AM] Rob: Well, in his defense, he does have magic sperm.
[26/12/2014, 6:44:59 AM] Dan Olson: "My sauce is magic, I put it on everything" - Mike Cernovich [citation needed]
[26/12/2014, 6:45:12 AM] Rob: :C
[26/12/2014, 6:45:12 AM] Quinnae: snickers Dear oh dear.
[26/12/2014, 6:45:17 AM] Chris Kluwe: ahem
[26/12/2014, 6:45:20 AM] Chris Kluwe: "super serum"
[26/12/2014, 6:45:26 AM] Chris Kluwe: like what they gave Cap
[26/12/2014, 6:45:34 AM] Ian Cheong: I bet he hasn't even read the comic books, you know?
[26/12/2014, 6:45:41 AM] Ian Cheong: He's one of those fake comic book geeks who's only seen the movies.
[26/12/2014, 6:45:52 AM] Ian Cheong: NOT THAT THERE IS ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT.
[26/12/2014, 6:45:53 AM] Chris Kluwe: i would be very surprised if he has
[26/12/2014, 6:45:54 AM] Dan Olson: I am amazed he had the restraint to not throw in some "hot beef injection", you know?
[26/12/2014, 6:46:11 AM] Chris Kluwe: that's always a good one. makes my wife cringe every time
[26/12/2014, 6:46:17 AM] Rob: haha
[26/12/2014, 6:46:26 AM] Ian Cheong: hahahaha
[26/12/2014, 6:47:39 AM] Chris Kluwe: "I'm Mike Cernovich, and I used to think CP was bad!"
[26/12/2014, 6:47:55 AM] Ian Cheong: Now he defends 8chan, because that's what he does.
[26/12/2014, 6:48:09 AM] Remy: Lol
[26/12/2014, 6:48:12 AM] Remy: I want that on a shirt
[26/12/2014, 6:48:20 AM] Chris Kluwe: why wouldn't he? they're paying the bills
[26/12/2014, 6:48:24 AM] Chris Kluwe: oh wait, ethics
[26/12/2014, 6:48:25 AM] Chris Kluwe: that's why
[26/12/2014, 6:50:57 AM] Chris Kluwe: whoa
[26/12/2014, 6:51:04 AM] Chris Kluwe: tell me this isn't Cernovich describing his own case
[26/12/2014, 6:51:08 AM] Chris Kluwe:
[26/12/2014, 6:51:36 AM] Rob: I'd be surprised if he wasn't.
[26/12/2014, 6:51:46 AM] Rob: I definitely get the 'rapist' vibe from him and a few others.
[26/12/2014, 6:51:53 AM] Ian Cheong: oh maaaaaannnn
[26/12/2014, 6:52:00 AM] Ian Cheong: that does sound like he's describing his own case.
[26/12/2014, 6:52:04 AM] Chris Kluwe: right?
[26/12/2014, 6:52:12 AM] Chris Kluwe: those are really personal details
[26/12/2014, 6:52:35 AM] Chris Kluwe: he has another post referring to it too, lemme see if i can go back and find it
[26/12/2014, 6:53:00 AM] Ian Cheong: the paragraph after the events is really creepy.
[26/12/2014, 6:53:09 AM] Chris Kluwe: yeah
[26/12/2014, 6:53:09 AM] Ian Cheong: does he not get that being unconscious means you are unable to consent?
[26/12/2014, 6:53:19 AM] Rob: A lot of people argue that it doesn't.
[26/12/2014, 6:53:33 AM] Rob: And some states do have shitty laws still.
[26/12/2014, 6:56:14 AM] Randi Harper: the interview is available for streaming on xbox live
[26/12/2014, 6:56:18 AM] Chris Kluwe: still looking, buthere's Cernovich doxxing someone else.
[26/12/2014, 6:57:20 AM] Dan Olson: XBAX PLAY INARVU
[26/12/2014, 6:57:48 AM] Remy: Okay so I was on te phone so my skype probably didn't send it right away
[26/12/2014, 6:57:58 AM] Randi Harper: hmmm
[26/12/2014, 6:58:05 AM] Randi Harper: xbox live is also getting ddossed
[26/12/2014, 6:58:07 AM] Randi Harper: related?
[26/12/2014, 6:58:08 AM] Remy: But when Chris quoted Mike C saying "my friends don't know how small my ego is"
[26/12/2014, 6:58:14 AM] Remy: I want that quote on a shirt
[26/12/2014, 6:58:22 AM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 6:58:26 AM] Chris Kluwe: haha
[26/12/2014, 6:58:26 AM] Remy: I will wear it forever
[26/12/2014, 7:00:18 AM] Remy: I wouldn't be surprised if Cernovich described his own case. He seems like the type who learned early on that the legal system could be used like a weapon and decided to go to law school to arm himself
[26/12/2014, 7:00:42 AM] Remy: Mike C goes to law school for the same reason Dane Cook would take a class in Karate is all I'm saying
[26/12/2014, 7:00:51 AM] Quinnae: Heh.
[26/12/2014, 7:01:14 AM] Quinnae: As to the XBox Live/PSN business, it wouldn't surprise me if it was just a Christmas rush of people playing their freshly opened presents.
[26/12/2014, 7:01:21 AM] Remy: ^
[26/12/2014, 7:01:34 AM] Ian Cheong: Naw.
[26/12/2014, 7:01:39 AM] Ian Cheong: Lizard Squad is really attacking Xbox and PSN
[26/12/2014, 7:01:50 AM] Ian Cheong: They announced that they would, and now they're doing it.
[26/12/2014, 7:01:51 AM] Remy: Although that story would break extra fast b/c those companies love to push the "our product mania" as a news story
[26/12/2014, 7:02:02 AM] Remy: ^
[26/12/2014, 7:02:07 AM] Quinnae: Oh, ugh.
[26/12/2014, 7:02:19 AM] Ian Cheong: Lizard Squad's done so before in the past. They're jerks like that.
[26/12/2014, 7:02:20 AM] Quinnae: What's Lizard Squad again? I've heard the name...
[26/12/2014, 7:02:28 AM] Quinnae: GG affiliated?
[26/12/2014, 7:02:35 AM] Ian Cheong: They're a group of hackers who love to DDOS services.
[26/12/2014, 7:02:38 AM] Dan Olson: 4:00, kay, back to my folks' for my dad's epic 7-course-meal that he's preparing.
[26/12/2014, 7:02:42 AM] Ian Cheong: Nope, not GG affilated.
[26/12/2014, 7:02:52 AM] Remy: Anybody remember when mainstream news outlets thought they could slip "snuggie mania" as a news story and make us still treat them like journalists instead of advertising agents?
[26/12/2014, 7:03:10 AM] Ian Cheong: Lizard Squad diverted a plane carrying a Sony executive and bragged about it on Twitter.
[26/12/2014, 7:03:18 AM] Remy: Yup
[26/12/2014, 7:03:34 AM] Remy: But thus far they have shown next to zero political goals or demands am I wrong?
[26/12/2014, 7:03:36 AM] Ian Cheong: They were also probably responsible for the Bungie exec's swatting, but that's unconfirmed.
[26/12/2014, 7:03:47 AM] Ian Cheong: Yeah that is correct.
[26/12/2014, 7:03:55 AM] Remy: Most likely they are "in it for the lulz"
[26/12/2014, 7:04:09 AM] Ian Cheong: They tend to go after streamers on Twitch.
[26/12/2014, 7:04:17 AM] Ian Cheong: "Lizard squad on your forehead!"
[26/12/2014, 7:04:35 AM] Ian Cheong: They tell streamers to write it on their foreheads or else they'll crash the servers of the games they're playing.
[26/12/2014, 7:04:41 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: they're like lulzsec was. they pick targets for the lulz first, if they can claim it was political afterwards in a convenient narrative they will
[26/12/2014, 7:06:22 AM] Remy: The Internet is too much like early game civilizations with all these roaming bands of barbarians fucking up my score
[26/12/2014, 7:06:35 AM] Remy: Early game Civilization*
[26/12/2014, 7:06:42 AM] Quinnae: Hah
[26/12/2014, 7:07:32 AM] Ian Cheong: Campster has a really interesting take on Civilization, about how it promotes a certain narrative about history and civilizations, and how it enables us to view 'barbarians' as a roving group of un-human monsters whose only purpose is to destroy progress.
[26/12/2014, 7:08:04 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: yeah i was talking to katherine about that civ video the other day
[26/12/2014, 7:08:06 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i love it <3
[26/12/2014, 7:08:09 AM] Remy: I think I saw that piece. Didn't they also address latent imperialistic values intrinsic within the game mechanics?
[26/12/2014, 7:08:15 AM] Ian Cheong: Yep.
[26/12/2014, 7:08:29 AM] Chris Kluwe: ok, found it
[26/12/2014, 7:08:30 AM] Chris Kluwe:
[26/12/2014, 7:08:33 AM] Ian Cheong: Alpha Centauri is a lot ... better... about stuff like that.
[26/12/2014, 7:08:34 AM] Remy: Although if it was a video and not an article I may be thinking of something else
[26/12/2014, 7:09:05 AM] Ian Cheong: Yep Chris, he's definitely talking about his case.
[26/12/2014, 7:09:22 AM] Rob: I just reinstalled SMAC because of friends talking about it ont witter.
[26/12/2014, 7:09:40 AM] Chris Kluwe: allright, well i have to go get ready to have dinner with the family
[26/12/2014, 7:09:43 AM] Quinnae: I also wrote an article comparing Civ: BE to SMAC. :)
[26/12/2014, 7:09:45 AM] Charloppe: sarah is being mean to me
[26/12/2014, 7:09:46 AM] Chris Kluwe: i'll be back later
[26/12/2014, 7:09:51 AM] Quinnae: Take care, Chris.
[26/12/2014, 7:09:55 AM] Charloppe: byyyye
[26/12/2014, 7:09:56 AM] Remy: And I need to get back to dinner with the family
[26/12/2014, 7:09:56 AM] Ian Cheong: Take care.
[26/12/2014, 7:09:57 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i still need to play BE
[26/12/2014, 7:09:58 AM] Chris Kluwe: and Alpha Centauri rocks
[26/12/2014, 7:10:00 AM] Quinnae: Quinnae protects Charlotte, feeds her tubers.
[26/12/2014, 7:10:06 AM] Rob: Ooooh I need to read it, Quinnae
[26/12/2014, 7:10:14 AM] Quinnae: For those interested:
[26/12/2014, 7:10:16 AM] Rob: And later, Chris! Merry christmas
[26/12/2014, 7:10:28 AM] Dan Olson: Jenni had a good talk about BE, too.
[26/12/2014, 7:10:29 AM] Rob: TY! goes to read
[26/12/2014, 7:10:34 AM] Ian Cheong: Oh cool I'll be sure to read that.
[26/12/2014, 7:10:47 AM] Charloppe: yay now will have all my nutrirants
[26/12/2014, 7:10:52 AM] Quinnae: Hurrah, thank you!
[26/12/2014, 7:11:03 AM] Dan Olson: lots of smart people saying interesting stuff about that game.
[26/12/2014, 7:11:03 AM] Charloppe: sarah is a butt head
[26/12/2014, 7:11:08 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i wish they would add SMAC to steam. i don't like using GOG cause i'm dumb
[26/12/2014, 7:11:16 AM] Charloppe: she dont feed me tubers
[26/12/2014, 7:12:07 AM] Dan Olson: XCOM complee is only 14$ right now
[26/12/2014, 7:12:17 AM] Ian Cheong: do you own the games yet?
[26/12/2014, 7:12:21 AM] Ian Cheong: they're fantastic
[26/12/2014, 7:12:37 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i played the new xcom but not the old onnes
[26/12/2014, 7:12:38 AM] Dan Olson: oh, fk yeah, like 300 hours into EU and EW
[26/12/2014, 7:12:39 AM] Quinnae: Feel free to read my essay, Dan! I was proud to write it since it was one of the first non-GG bits of criticism I'd written this Fall. :)
[26/12/2014, 7:12:44 AM] Rob: XCOM is so fucking amazing.
[26/12/2014, 7:12:54 AM] Rob: I picked up... what's the one that's closer to the original? Xenonauts?
[26/12/2014, 7:12:56 AM] Quinnae: My other partner played the new XCOM, it looks incredible.
[26/12/2014, 7:12:57 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: katherine i will read it someday when i finally get BE ;-;;
[26/12/2014, 7:13:03 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: xenonauts, yeah
[26/12/2014, 7:13:08 AM] Ian Cheong: BE is on sale too
[26/12/2014, 7:13:09 AM] Dan Olson: I read it when it first went up :-D
[26/12/2014, 7:13:19 AM] Quinnae: I sat on her while she vaped aliens, t'was romantic.
[26/12/2014, 7:13:24 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: daw
[26/12/2014, 7:13:31 AM] Dan Olson: I've been devouring your writing ever since the First Person Scholar article
[26/12/2014, 7:13:41 AM] Quinnae: Awwww. blushes Good to know, Dan, cheers!
[26/12/2014, 7:13:59 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i always feel shitty there's stuff i want to read but feel odd doing it before ive played the things in question
[26/12/2014, 7:14:02 AM] Rob: "This seems a fair way to think of most of Beyond Earth’s narrative failings: bright flashes of writing and expressive mechanics that need a corral of meaning. The connection of mechanics and writing are what we remember from Alpha Centauri, and that connection is missed in Beyond Earth." Yep.
[26/12/2014, 7:14:11 AM] Ian Cheong: I like that you cite Rowan Kaiser's take on transparent mechanics.
[26/12/2014, 7:14:14 AM] Ian Cheong: He's a helluva writer.
[26/12/2014, 7:14:17 AM] Rob: I think when BE gets an xpac or two, it's going to be a lot better.
[26/12/2014, 7:14:25 AM] Rob: Kind of like how pre-XPAC civ 4 and 5 were kind of 'eh'
[26/12/2014, 7:14:32 AM] Ian Cheong: And so are you, I should say, Katherine.
[26/12/2014, 7:14:41 AM] Dan Olson: I do like it as released, but I'm already itching for more factions.
[26/12/2014, 7:14:44 AM] Quinnae: He is indeed.
[26/12/2014, 7:14:50 AM] Rob: Ditto, Dan.
[26/12/2014, 7:14:55 AM] Rob: I really like this piece, Katherine.
[26/12/2014, 7:14:58 AM] Quinnae: Awwww, thank you, Ian. curtsies
[26/12/2014, 7:14:58 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i'm the only person in the world that liked gods & kings more than BNW
[26/12/2014, 7:15:02 AM] Quinnae: And Rob. curtsies
[26/12/2014, 7:15:15 AM] Rob: I think gods and kings was the better xpac but I also like BNW.
[26/12/2014, 7:15:24 AM] Ian Cheong: I love both BNW and Gods and Kings.
[26/12/2014, 7:15:31 AM] Dan Olson: OH, Laura got me the best and sweetest thing. It's a brass broach of an otter in Celtic knot style.
[26/12/2014, 7:15:37 AM] Dan Olson: Brooch
[26/12/2014, 7:15:45 AM] Ian Cheong: Glad it's an otter and not a sealion
[26/12/2014, 7:15:49 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i think  BNW is more solid but i'm just so stuck in my ways i usually play G&K
[26/12/2014, 7:16:00 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i've never won deity ;-;; came so close so many times
[26/12/2014, 7:16:03 AM] Quinnae: D'awww. Is Laura your partner, Dan?
[26/12/2014, 7:16:29 AM] Rob: But as we all know, the best expansion of all time was Diablo: Hellfire because you can play as a monk and a bard
[26/12/2014, 7:16:31 AM] Dan Olson: Yes, she is. Alright, off to my parents for dinner for real. Catch up with everyone in a couple hours, hopefully today will stay this quiet.
[26/12/2014, 7:16:41 AM] Ian Cheong: Diablo: Hellfire was terrible!
[26/12/2014, 7:16:42 AM] Quinnae: BNW appealed to me because I loved Archaeology and was a sucker for the minigame of the new culture victory. The idea of being a museum curator just sang to the dork in me.
[26/12/2014, 7:16:44 AM] Rob: I know
[26/12/2014, 7:16:49 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: bye dan! have fun
[26/12/2014, 7:16:50 AM] Rob: I just like saying things to make other gamers mad.
[26/12/2014, 7:16:53 AM] Quinnae: Take care Dan
[26/12/2014, 7:16:54 AM] Charloppe: byyye dan
[26/12/2014, 7:16:57 AM] Rob: Like 'I hate half-life 1 and 2' (Which I do)
[26/12/2014, 7:16:58 AM] Rob: Later, dan!
[26/12/2014, 7:17:00 AM] Ian Cheong: LAter DAn
[26/12/2014, 7:17:04 AM] Quinnae: rolls Charlotte around playfully
[26/12/2014, 7:17:12 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: you guys are pervs ~
[26/12/2014, 7:17:19 AM] Charloppe: GAAAAH not again
[26/12/2014, 7:17:25 AM] Quinnae: Sarah, I resemble that remark.
[26/12/2014, 7:17:26 AM] Charloppe: katherine why!?
[26/12/2014, 7:17:41 AM] Quinnae: 'Tis the true meaning of Christmas, Charlotte! Rolling moles.
[26/12/2014, 7:17:58 AM] Charloppe: but but I'm a mole with a santa hat
[26/12/2014, 7:18:16 AM] Ian Cheong: So this article is great. You point out exactly what's wrong with Civilization BE.
[26/12/2014, 7:18:20 AM] Quinnae: Speaking of, I'm ordering my partner and I Chinese tonight. We're going to have a very Jewish Christmas! And then watch the Doctor Who special.
[26/12/2014, 7:18:24 AM] Quinnae: Aw, thanks Ian.
[26/12/2014, 7:18:24 AM] Ian Cheong: Like mechanically, it's great game, but it's so weak on the narrative.
[26/12/2014, 7:18:27 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: daw
[26/12/2014, 7:18:54 AM] Charloppe: celebrate all da holidays
[26/12/2014, 7:18:55 AM] Quinnae: Indeed.
[26/12/2014, 7:18:59 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i'm sad i like 4X's and like... half of the genre i cant' play without feeling like an ass now because of brad wardell -_--
[26/12/2014, 7:19:01 AM] Charloppe: like tackle sarah day
[26/12/2014, 7:19:01 AM] Ian Cheong: I loved the fiction in SMAC.
[26/12/2014, 7:19:05 AM] Charloppe: tckles sarah
[26/12/2014, 7:19:18 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts tickles your tackle ~
[26/12/2014, 7:19:24 AM] Charloppe: NO
[26/12/2014, 7:19:26 AM] Charloppe: bad sarah
[26/12/2014, 7:19:35 AM] Rob: The SMAC fiction was amazing.
[26/12/2014, 7:19:42 AM] Rob: And yeah, Wardell's basically killed 4x and star con for me.
[26/12/2014, 7:19:47 AM] Quinnae: Yeah, me too. SMAC's lore unfolded in a roughly chronological way, there was a meta-story that blanketed every game.
[26/12/2014, 7:19:48 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i feel bad i never played SMAC. no idea how hard it'd get into now for someone that never did back in the day
[26/12/2014, 7:19:53 AM] Ian Cheong: Well Star Con 3 killed Star Con for me ;)
[26/12/2014, 7:20:05 AM] Rob: Dude ian did you see me flipping out while playing it?
[26/12/2014, 7:20:08 AM] Quinnae: Oh Sarah, it's just Civ. You could manage just fine. Easy to get into.
[26/12/2014, 7:20:17 AM] Quinnae: Well, pre-hex Civ. :P
[26/12/2014, 7:20:19 AM] Ian Cheong: Dude they made The Precursors cows.
[26/12/2014, 7:20:30 AM] Ian Cheong: Like what the fuck.
[26/12/2014, 7:20:55 AM] Rob: And the ship balance? so fucking shitty
[26/12/2014, 7:20:58 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: what was your guys view on the movement into hexes? i feel like i'm the only one that liked it. most people seem to feel it's too slow but
[26/12/2014, 7:21:03 AM] Rob: The Doog have easily the most powerful ship in the game.
[26/12/2014, 7:21:04 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i like that the terrain matters a LOT in civ 5
[26/12/2014, 7:21:05 AM] Rob: I love the hexes.
[26/12/2014, 7:21:06 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: whereas in 4
[26/12/2014, 7:21:10 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: stack of death so it was irrelevant
[26/12/2014, 7:21:10 AM] Ian Cheong: sarah:
[26/12/2014, 7:21:13 AM] Rob: But then again I grew up playing panzer general and shit.
[26/12/2014, 7:21:34 AM] Ian Cheong: Is there a modern day take on Panzer General?
[26/12/2014, 7:21:41 AM] Ian Cheong: (doesn't have to be panzers, can be fantasy)
[26/12/2014, 7:21:58 AM] Rob: I believe there is, but I'm not sure
[26/12/2014, 7:22:11 AM] Rob: Like I know I've seen something but i'm blanking
[26/12/2014, 7:24:02 AM] Remy: Apparently the dinner table topic is IEDs and war and people having their guts spilled out and apparently I'm the only one who A) has seen it and B) wanted to be excused from the conversation
[26/12/2014, 7:24:19 AM] Remy: How much you wanna bet they'll ask me why I left  like clueless fuckwits
[26/12/2014, 7:24:19 AM] Ian Cheong: People need to pick better dinner topics
[26/12/2014, 7:24:59 AM] Rob: Urgh.
[26/12/2014, 7:25:37 AM] Remy: This is why I prefer the term "relatives" over "family" lol
[26/12/2014, 7:27:04 AM] Remy: That and apparently my mother in law thought it was unfair that Paula Dean got all that negative publicity
[26/12/2014, 7:27:25 AM] Remy: Apparently all she did was "call a n--er a n--er"
[26/12/2014, 7:27:33 AM] Remy: Yay humanity
[26/12/2014, 7:27:41 AM] Rob: oh I've been there.
[26/12/2014, 7:27:41 AM] Ian Cheong: Christ.
[26/12/2014, 7:27:49 AM] Rob: it's awful.
[26/12/2014, 7:28:02 AM] Remy: She didn't seem too confident in her position when the entire table fell silent
[26/12/2014, 7:28:19 AM] Remy: And basically just stopped acknowledging that conversation topic.
[26/12/2014, 7:29:00 AM] Ian Cheong:
[26/12/2014, 7:30:17 AM] Rob: OOOOH
[26/12/2014, 7:30:57 AM] Remy: I've never really introduced myself to Warhammer but it seems to have a very dedicated player base
[26/12/2014, 7:31:25 AM] Remy: My experience with Warhammer is basically wishing the players would be more quiet while they share the room with our DND group :P
[26/12/2014, 7:33:35 AM] Ian Cheong: oh for fucks sakes.
[26/12/2014, 7:33:43 AM] Ian Cheong: I asked on Twitter if anyone had any Panzer General type game recommendations
[26/12/2014, 7:33:45 AM] Ian Cheong: gators invaded
[26/12/2014, 7:33:49 AM] Ian Cheong: with the nazi remarks
[26/12/2014, 7:33:55 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: :\
[26/12/2014, 7:34:06 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i'm sorry, ian
[26/12/2014, 7:34:45 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: also ian since you're a pretty big target of their ire, you might want to verify
[26/12/2014, 7:34:53 AM] Ian Cheong: how do i do that?
[26/12/2014, 7:35:24 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts:
[26/12/2014, 7:36:22 AM] Ian Cheong: doesn't actually tell me how to do it
[26/12/2014, 7:36:24 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: hm it looks like a they contact you kind of thing. that's dumb.
[26/12/2014, 7:36:25 AM] Ian Cheong: which sucks.
[26/12/2014, 7:36:27 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: yeah
[26/12/2014, 7:36:27 AM] Ian Cheong: yeah
[26/12/2014, 7:36:59 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: didn't know it worked like that
[26/12/2014, 7:38:57 AM] Quinnae: Boo.
[26/12/2014, 7:39:07 AM] Quinnae: Well, I return. Food order is placed!
[26/12/2014, 7:40:18 AM] Rob: I think I'm having steak for dinner
[26/12/2014, 7:41:51 AM] Quinnae: Sounds nummy.
[26/12/2014, 7:42:14 AM] Rob: Yep yep
[26/12/2014, 7:43:10 AM] Quinnae: I am so glad to be spending Christmas with just my partner. It's so relaxing. I get shy and overloaded at social events, and my idea of a good time is just a day in eating takeaway and cuddling in a quiet place.
[26/12/2014, 7:43:30 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: nod i'm the same way
[26/12/2014, 7:43:43 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: charloppe's not here since she's a butt tho
[26/12/2014, 7:43:50 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: she didn't want to be away from her family since her mom's been down
[26/12/2014, 7:44:02 AM] Quinnae: You should go to her.
[26/12/2014, 7:44:08 AM] Quinnae: Rose between your teeth.
[26/12/2014, 7:44:12 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: aw <3
[26/12/2014, 7:44:24 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: we'll prolly see each other soon just not for christmas
[26/12/2014, 7:46:25 AM] Quinnae: I will say, you two are ridiculously cute.
[26/12/2014, 7:46:49 AM] Quinnae: I hope Charlotte knows that I treat her mole form like a football only because I care.
[26/12/2014, 7:46:54 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: aw ^^
[26/12/2014, 7:46:58 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: haha i'll let her know
[26/12/2014, 7:47:14 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: we have so few pictures together. i kind of avoid them like the plague cause dysphoria
[26/12/2014, 7:48:01 AM] Rob: :C hug
[26/12/2014, 7:48:21 AM] Quinnae: also hugs I know the feeling, I photograph miserably.
[26/12/2014, 7:48:39 AM] Charloppe: i feel the love
[26/12/2014, 7:48:44 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: once i get enough money together to finish electrolysis i think i'll feel a lot better
[26/12/2014, 7:48:54 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: charlotte, you're a football. katherine told me to say that
[26/12/2014, 7:48:57 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i think i got the message right
[26/12/2014, 7:49:08 AM] Charloppe: i saw :3
[26/12/2014, 7:49:49 AM] Quinnae: laughs
[26/12/2014, 7:50:19 AM] Quinnae: Sarah, go long! prepares to toss Snarfybarf
[26/12/2014, 7:50:50 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts catches and plops down x-x
[26/12/2014, 7:50:59 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: CHARLOPPE WHY YOU MAKE ME PLOP
[26/12/2014, 7:51:35 AM] Quinnae: Is that pronounced Char-lop or Char-lop-pee?
[26/12/2014, 7:51:39 AM] Quinnae: I've been curious!
[26/12/2014, 7:52:00 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: char-lop in my head!
[26/12/2014, 7:53:16 AM] Charloppe: im in everyones head
[26/12/2014, 7:53:25 AM] Charloppe: i am everyone
[26/12/2014, 7:54:39 AM] Peter Coffin: Looks like some fun is being had
[26/12/2014, 7:55:04 AM] Charloppe: katherine made me eat tubers
[26/12/2014, 7:58:32 AM] Quinnae: It's mole food!
[26/12/2014, 7:59:23 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: anyone have risk of rain and want to play with me and charloppe?
[26/12/2014, 7:59:29 AM] Charloppe: Im a mole!
[26/12/2014, 8:00:06 AM] Rob: I do not have that
[26/12/2014, 8:01:58 AM] Charloppe: i thinks its cheap
[26/12/2014, 8:02:41 AM] Ian Cheong: Why isn't there an Advance Wars game for the 3DS?
[26/12/2014, 8:02:45 AM] Charloppe: hmm $6.69
[26/12/2014, 8:02:50 AM] Charloppe: cause fire emblem
[26/12/2014, 8:02:55 AM] Charloppe: and paper mario
[26/12/2014, 8:02:57 AM] Ian Cheong: i dont like fire emblem though
[26/12/2014, 8:03:03 AM] Rob: I'd grab it and play but my parents keep going ROB STOP BEING ON YOUR COMPUTER
[26/12/2014, 8:03:08 AM] Rob: because they're annoying
[26/12/2014, 8:03:15 AM] Rob: I';m like "you're both on your fucking ipads"
[26/12/2014, 8:03:15 AM] Rob: them: "that's different"
[26/12/2014, 8:03:20 AM] Charloppe: lololololol
[26/12/2014, 8:04:16 AM] Tesseract: I have risk of rain
[26/12/2014, 8:04:46 AM] Tesseract: did anything burn down today
[26/12/2014, 8:05:14 AM] Rob: Ian's been deported to the juicebro zone.
[26/12/2014, 8:05:20 AM] Tesseract: ???
[26/12/2014, 8:05:43 AM] Rob: I dunno it just sounds horrible
[26/12/2014, 8:05:55 AM] Tesseract: that sounds like the worst place that could exist
[26/12/2014, 8:06:09 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: would you like to play with us, tess?
[26/12/2014, 8:06:19 AM] Tesseract: sure!
[26/12/2014, 8:06:26 AM] Ian Cheong: play what?
[26/12/2014, 8:06:30 AM] Tesseract: haven't played in a while
[26/12/2014, 8:06:31 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: want to skype or nah?
[26/12/2014, 8:06:32 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: risk of rain
[26/12/2014, 8:06:33 AM] Charloppe: risk of rain
[26/12/2014, 8:06:35 AM] Tesseract: nah
[26/12/2014, 8:06:35 AM] Ian Cheong: oh
[26/12/2014, 8:06:36 AM] Ian Cheong: i dont have it
[26/12/2014, 8:06:51 AM] Ian Cheong: NO WAIT
[26/12/2014, 8:06:52 AM] Ian Cheong: I HAVE IT
[26/12/2014, 8:07:32 AM] Ian Cheong: Okay it's installed. How do we play this?
[26/12/2014, 8:08:08 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: we're figuring it out, sec
[26/12/2014, 8:08:55 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: ugh we're running into so many bugs with multiplayer
[26/12/2014, 8:08:57 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i love this game
[26/12/2014, 8:08:59 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: but so buggy
[26/12/2014, 8:09:12 AM] Tesseract: I didn't play this enough to unlock the good classes
[26/12/2014, 8:09:32 AM] Charloppe: i had to delete my data
[26/12/2014, 8:09:37 AM] Charloppe: got corrupted
[26/12/2014, 8:09:42 AM] Tesseract: oh so it's just immediately closing after I open it
[26/12/2014, 8:09:44 AM] Tesseract: wonderful
[26/12/2014, 8:09:53 AM] Charloppe: yep
[26/12/2014, 8:09:57 AM] Charloppe: that happened to me
[26/12/2014, 8:10:09 AM] Tesseract: help
[26/12/2014, 8:10:14 AM] Charloppe: you have to go into the risk of rain folder and delete the save
[26/12/2014, 8:10:31 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: delete save.ini and save_backup.ini
[26/12/2014, 8:10:44 AM] Tesseract: done
[26/12/2014, 8:10:44 AM] Ian Cheong: tell me when the server's up
[26/12/2014, 8:10:56 AM] Charloppe: ok
[26/12/2014, 8:10:57 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: we're running into problems
[26/12/2014, 8:11:06 AM] Charloppe: still trying to fix things
[26/12/2014, 8:11:20 AM] Charloppe: its hosted
[26/12/2014, 8:12:26 AM] Annie Kelly: merry Christmas everyoneee
[26/12/2014, 8:12:32 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: merry christmas annie <3
[26/12/2014, 8:12:34 AM] Ian Cheong: merry christmas annie
[26/12/2014, 8:12:43 AM] Quinnae: Risk of Rain? Afraid I don't own that.
[26/12/2014, 8:12:46 AM] Quinnae: Merry Christmas, Annie
[26/12/2014, 8:12:56 AM] Charloppe: its 6.69 on steam
[26/12/2014, 8:13:09 AM] Charloppe: tho were running into issues
[26/12/2014, 8:15:07 AM] Quinnae: Ahhhh I see. Interesting.
[26/12/2014, 8:15:31 AM] Tesseract: I joined your game and now it's just an empty brown screen except the "force item sharing" checkbox
[26/12/2014, 8:15:45 AM] Charloppe: yeah sarah is having that issue :p
[26/12/2014, 8:15:48 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: yeah thats the bug i'm getting :(
[26/12/2014, 8:15:49 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: ugh
[26/12/2014, 8:15:53 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: sucks because this game is fun
[26/12/2014, 8:16:02 AM] Charloppe: this game worked before
[26/12/2014, 8:16:05 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i think i'm giving up for now though D: i'll look into how to fix it more later
[26/12/2014, 8:16:27 AM] Ian Cheong: trying again
[26/12/2014, 8:16:30 AM] Tesseract: ugh
[26/12/2014, 8:16:30 AM] Ian Cheong: it didnt work on my mac
[26/12/2014, 8:16:40 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i'm sorry D:
[26/12/2014, 8:16:48 AM] Quinnae: pets everyone
[26/12/2014, 8:16:57 AM] Charloppe: yeah the patch corrupted my save and broke the co op
[26/12/2014, 8:17:00 AM] Charloppe: best patch
[26/12/2014, 8:17:05 AM] Tesseract:
[26/12/2014, 8:17:06 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: pettin people and feedin em tubers
[26/12/2014, 8:17:30 AM] Tesseract: you did port forward right
[26/12/2014, 8:17:30 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: yeah i read that tess. the only solution was to change the video scaling, i did that but same problem
[26/12/2014, 8:17:36 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: its forwarded yeah
[26/12/2014, 8:18:07 AM] Tesseract: did you try any other port
[26/12/2014, 8:18:22 AM] Charloppe: no i would have to foward another
[26/12/2014, 8:18:22 AM] Ian Cheong: i get that force item sharing bug
[26/12/2014, 8:18:36 AM] Tesseract: forwarding a different port isn't hard
[26/12/2014, 8:19:05 AM] Charloppe: i dont remember how i did it
[26/12/2014, 8:20:14 AM] Tesseract: go to command prompt, type in ipconfig
[26/12/2014, 8:20:45 AM] Tesseract: get the.. default gateway I think? should be 192.168.0/1/2.0/1/2
[26/12/2014, 8:20:54 AM] Tesseract: type into address bar
[26/12/2014, 8:24:02 AM] Charloppe: workin on it
[26/12/2014, 8:24:26 AM] Tesseract: oh hey
[26/12/2014, 8:24:35 AM] Tesseract: I looked at my settings and I have risk of rain already set up
[26/12/2014, 8:24:36 AM] Tesseract: sweet
[26/12/2014, 8:26:28 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: want to try hosting it tess?
[26/12/2014, 8:26:30 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: see if it works
[26/12/2014, 8:26:41 AM] Charloppe: much prefer that then
[26/12/2014, 8:28:55 AM] Charloppe: nope not working
[26/12/2014, 8:29:01 AM] Charloppe: force item screen
[26/12/2014, 8:29:23 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i think the game is kind fucked right now :( so many people in the forums complaining
[26/12/2014, 8:29:31 AM] Ian Cheong: yeah no kidding :(
[26/12/2014, 8:29:41 AM] Charloppe: well that sucks
[26/12/2014, 8:29:57 AM] Tesseract: ugh
[26/12/2014, 8:30:08 AM] Tesseract: I'll try a different port
[26/12/2014, 8:30:33 AM] Annie Kelly: this is what happens when you join the anti-gamer coalition guys, it backfires
[26/12/2014, 8:30:43 AM] Tesseract: oh noo
[26/12/2014, 8:31:47 AM] Ian Cheong: im trying to play panzer general online
[26/12/2014, 8:31:49 AM] Ian Cheong: 20 second lag
[26/12/2014, 8:31:51 AM] Ian Cheong: good job ubisoft
[26/12/2014, 8:32:05 AM] Rob: what's the opposite of blitzkrieg
[26/12/2014, 8:32:42 AM] Quinnae: A slow attack with lots of advance warning?
[26/12/2014, 8:33:22 AM] Quinnae: Klarerhimmelkrieg? :P
[26/12/2014, 8:33:24 AM] Rob: :D
[26/12/2014, 8:33:26 AM] Rob: hahahaha
[26/12/2014, 8:34:59 AM] Ian Cheong: think ill play card hunter instead.
[26/12/2014, 8:35:04 AM] Ian Cheong: now that game is fun
[26/12/2014, 8:35:18 AM] Tesseract: haha the forums are just super mad about the multiplayer
[26/12/2014, 8:35:28 AM] Tesseract: the risk of rain programming was always kinda incompetent
[26/12/2014, 8:35:30 AM] Charloppe: im going to play make katherine eat the tubers
[26/12/2014, 8:35:40 AM] Charloppe: LOL!
[26/12/2014, 8:36:00 AM] Quinnae: Nooooo!
[26/12/2014, 8:36:04 AM] Charloppe: i do like the game but yeah kinda hurts my opinion if basic things dont work
[26/12/2014, 8:36:08 AM] Quinnae: Fine, I'll share my Chinese food.
[26/12/2014, 8:36:15 AM] Charloppe: stuffs tubers in katherines mouth
[26/12/2014, 8:36:17 AM] Quinnae: feeds Charlotte shrimp and what not
[26/12/2014, 8:36:24 AM] Quinnae: Aaaaa!
[26/12/2014, 8:36:33 AM] Charloppe: steals all the chinese food
[26/12/2014, 8:36:54 AM] Rob: MMM SHRIMP
[26/12/2014, 8:37:03 AM] Charloppe: goes undeground with food
[26/12/2014, 8:37:32 AM] Rob: So when I get home, I have like no groceries.
[26/12/2014, 8:37:38 AM] Quinnae: Charlotte got her revenge.
[26/12/2014, 8:37:40 AM] Rob: I'm super tempted to order a shit load of indian or Chinese food
[26/12/2014, 8:37:49 AM] Quinnae: I approve of this plan, Rob.
[26/12/2014, 8:37:58 AM] Rob: :D
[26/12/2014, 8:38:21 AM] Charloppe: gives katherine some of her shrimp
[26/12/2014, 8:38:22 AM] Rob: I'd stab someone for some Biryani or chicken vindaloo right now
[26/12/2014, 8:42:33 AM] Quinnae: Yay, food is here!
[26/12/2014, 8:43:22 AM] Rob: Noms! what did you get?
[26/12/2014, 8:44:21 AM] Quinnae: A full on feast. I got shrimp and broccoli, she got tangerine beef. Then we have a mess of dumplings, rolls, scallion pancakes, and something she wanted called Taiwanese sausage.
[26/12/2014, 8:44:33 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: no crab rangoon?!
[26/12/2014, 8:44:36 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: for shame katherine
[26/12/2014, 8:45:02 AM] Rob: Noooooooooooooooooooooooms
[26/12/2014, 8:49:45 AM] Quinnae: chows down
[26/12/2014, 9:08:49 AM] Rob: I think I'm about to get in a fight with someone who doesn't know what quotation marks are.
[26/12/2014, 9:08:58 AM] Tesseract: what
[26/12/2014, 9:09:01 AM] Rob:
[26/12/2014, 9:09:10 AM] Randi Harper: quotation marks are devil horns that you throw up when you're rocking out, right?
[26/12/2014, 9:09:22 AM] Tesseract: woooooow
[26/12/2014, 9:09:32 AM] Ian Cheong: what a fuckin idiot
[26/12/2014, 9:09:58 AM] Ian Cheong: i hate people like that
[26/12/2014, 9:10:01 AM] Ian Cheong: they just want to look for fights.
[26/12/2014, 9:10:07 AM] Rob: Yep
[26/12/2014, 9:10:14 AM] Ian Cheong: and they usually go after allies instead of the jackasses who deserve it
[26/12/2014, 9:10:28 AM] Randi Harper: is anyone else having weird issues with twitter's webpage and scrolling?
[26/12/2014, 9:10:33 AM] Rob: I am, Randi.
[26/12/2014, 9:10:33 AM] Ian Cheong: yeah randi
[26/12/2014, 9:10:38 AM] Rob: I have for about 2 weeks
[26/12/2014, 9:10:38 AM] Ian Cheong: i try to scroll down and it scrolls me back the fuck up
[26/12/2014, 9:12:04 AM] Rob: Mine is, it won't scroll past a certain point sometimes, even if there are tweets further down on the TL
[26/12/2014, 9:12:10 AM] Ian Cheong: its weird
[26/12/2014, 9:13:09 AM] Ian Cheong: i wont play the long dark until they add story mode
[26/12/2014, 9:13:17 AM] Ian Cheong: its too depressing to play otherwise
[26/12/2014, 9:13:21 AM] Rob: Yeah, I bought it to support it
[26/12/2014, 9:13:57 AM] Rob: I think I'm just going to block this person.
[26/12/2014, 9:14:13 AM] Rob: I apparently shouldn't reference comments like these, ever -
[26/12/2014, 9:14:26 AM] Ian Cheong: concern troll.
[26/12/2014, 9:14:31 AM] Tesseract: what time does the ad go up
[26/12/2014, 9:14:33 AM] Tesseract: midnight?
[26/12/2014, 9:14:37 AM] Ian Cheong: i think so
[26/12/2014, 9:15:04 AM] Quinnae: I think it's for the best. It avoids the impression that this was there to ruin their Christmas or something.
[26/12/2014, 9:15:13 AM] Rob: "You want to fight then let's fight. I love how you faggot cowards pick on chanels that have no hope of defending themselves from you well fight me you magina faggot"
[26/12/2014, 9:15:19 AM] Rob: Like that's a comment I got on a video of mine
[26/12/2014, 9:15:44 AM] Quinnae: Pick on chanels? Are there defenceless Chanels? I figured they were all rather robust scents.
[26/12/2014, 9:16:11 AM] Quinnae: Maybe Chanel no 6... who feared number 7 for obvious reasons.
[26/12/2014, 9:16:16 AM] Rob: I just spam-blocked them. Fuck it.
[26/12/2014, 9:16:17 AM] Ian Cheong: How does one pick on channels?
[26/12/2014, 9:17:01 AM] Rob: giggles
[26/12/2014, 9:17:03 AM] Rob: I have no idea.
[26/12/2014, 9:17:08 AM] Rob: It's from a dude who says the wage gap doesn't exist.
[26/12/2014, 9:17:18 AM] Rob: And "It's not sexist to call Anita a stupid fucking cunt because she is"
[26/12/2014, 9:17:24 AM] Tesseract: THAT'S A MYTH, MY BASED MOM SAYS SO
[26/12/2014, 9:17:50 AM] Quinnae: Good lord, CHS... I don't know anyone who doesn't laugh at the idea that she's a feminist.
[26/12/2014, 9:18:16 AM] Rob: CH Sommers is a fucking fraud and a liar.
[26/12/2014, 9:18:25 AM] Rob: And she depends on her audience being either too sexist or too stupid to realize it.
[26/12/2014, 9:18:30 AM] Rob: Like her bullshit wage gap article for AEI.
[26/12/2014, 9:18:43 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: <-- report that guy please
[26/12/2014, 9:18:49 AM] Rob: Doing so now
[26/12/2014, 9:19:15 AM] Quinnae: I've literally given talks about the reality of the wage gap. And I debunk all of the (by now) cliched arguments people like her tend to employ.
[26/12/2014, 9:19:24 AM] Quinnae: Ugh, yeah, Sarah I got put on that list by that impersonator.
[26/12/2014, 9:19:42 AM] Ian Cheong: wow these people stop at nothing...
[26/12/2014, 9:19:55 AM] Ian Cheong: well of course i already knew that
[26/12/2014, 9:20:03 AM] Ian Cheong: having been the subject of several impersonators
[26/12/2014, 9:20:10 AM] Rob: Katherine, I've only made videos about it, but yeah the "it's a myth" thing is total bullshit.
[26/12/2014, 9:20:11 AM] Ian Cheong: but god damn they are tenacious
[26/12/2014, 9:20:17 AM] Rob: And what angers me? HER FUCKING ARTICLE SAYS A WAGE GAP EXISTS.
[26/12/2014, 9:20:21 AM] Rob: Even though she calls it a myth, repeatedly.
[26/12/2014, 9:20:24 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: when people talk about the wage gap, people like thunderfoot fans hear "there is a wage gap and it's caused exclusively by direct discrimination" and of course that's a tiny fraction of the whole picture. so they conclude from there it doesn't exist
[26/12/2014, 9:20:53 AM] Quinnae: Yeah, to say nothing of how the complexity of implicit bias and coerced personal choices play into it all.
[26/12/2014, 9:21:25 AM] Rob: Like -
[26/12/2014, 9:21:32 AM] Rob: OK, so if this article will load
[26/12/2014, 9:21:35 AM] Rob: I can quote the part that makes me rage
[26/12/2014, 9:22:01 AM] Rob: "Could the gender wage gap turn out to be zero? Probably not. The AAUW correctly notes that there is still evidence of residual bias against women in the workplace. However, with the gap approaching a few cents, there is not a lot of room for discrimination. And as economists frequently remind us, if it were really true that an employer could get away with paying Jill less than Jack for the same work, clever entrepreneurs would fire all their male employees, replace them with females, and enjoy a huge market advantage."
[26/12/2014, 9:22:12 AM] Rob: So her title is 'wage gap myth exposed - by feminists'
[26/12/2014, 9:22:16 AM] Quinnae: It's not enough to say women "self-segregate" into lower paying fields or jobs with shorter hours. You have to ask two questions 1) Why are they doing that in the first place? and 2) why do women-dominated careers pay less overall?
[26/12/2014, 9:22:17 AM] Rob: but then her OWN FUCKING ARTICLE says the gap exists
[26/12/2014, 9:22:19 AM] Rob: and is a 'few cents'
[26/12/2014, 9:22:25 AM] Rob: after accounting for everything.
[26/12/2014, 9:22:33 AM] Rob: What she's trying to do is make people think it's a few LITERAL cents.
[26/12/2014, 9:22:35 AM] Quinnae: " And as economists frequently remind us, if it were really true that an employer could get away with paying Jill less than Jack for the same work, clever entrepreneurs would fire all their male employees, replace them with females, and enjoy a huge market advantage."" twitch-twitch
[26/12/2014, 9:22:40 AM] Rob: As opposed to 'cents on the dollar'
[26/12/2014, 9:22:43 AM] Quinnae: I cannot begin to tell you how much I hate that argument.
[26/12/2014, 9:22:45 AM] Rob: Me too
[26/12/2014, 9:22:48 AM] Ian Cheong: a few cents on the dollar amounts to quite a lot of money
[26/12/2014, 9:22:56 AM] Rob: Yep.
[26/12/2014, 9:23:10 AM] Quinnae: It's about as stupid as people saying "Oh, why don't they make planes out of the metal used to make black boxes?" It sounds clever only if you're an absolute moron.
[26/12/2014, 9:23:25 AM] Rob: And that CH Sommers article gets thrown around as 'proof' the wage gap doesn't exist.
[26/12/2014, 9:23:28 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: yep. if you want to use the argument that "it's the work women choose" there are two options. 

either the work women choose is somehow part of the immutable charactaristics of womanhood (lol) in which case it's STILL fucked up because women would somehow be "destined" to be rewarded less for the work they choose, or it's the result of societal influence which needs to be examined
[26/12/2014, 9:23:33 AM] Rob: So I always ask people if they actually read the article.
[26/12/2014, 9:23:49 AM] Ian Cheong: Why is it that the work women choose are valued less than the work men choose?
[26/12/2014, 9:24:01 AM] Ian Cheong: Even discounting that there is "no wage gap", why is that the case?
[26/12/2014, 9:24:07 AM] Rob: Yep.
[26/12/2014, 9:25:27 AM] Rob: There's also the 'women are less likely to be hired' thing, too.
[26/12/2014, 9:25:38 AM] Rob: That study done about hiring in science labs.
[26/12/2014, 9:26:12 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: women also are less likely to ask for raises, ask for smaller starting sallaries, move between jobs less often (moving jobs frequently-- ie, frequently looking for higher paying work tends to result in higher pay over time) etc
[26/12/2014, 9:28:28 AM] Quinnae: Right. There's layers of issues, most of which aren't reducible to "one inveterate misogynist male boss decides consciously to pay his women workers 25% less out of sheer spite."
[26/12/2014, 9:28:44 AM] Quinnae: Which is the straw man most wage gap deniers are militating against.
[26/12/2014, 9:28:51 AM] Rob: Yep.
[26/12/2014, 9:29:13 AM] Rob: Like, that study of hiring in science labs showed women were more likely to rate male candidates better than women w/ identical resumes, too
[26/12/2014, 9:29:31 AM] Rob: It's internalized to a substantial degree amongst pretty much everyone
[26/12/2014, 9:29:34 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: yep. and academic papers with male names (even when identical) are more likely to be published
[26/12/2014, 9:29:42 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: same with book queries to publishers
[26/12/2014, 9:29:55 AM] Quinnae: And as to the bogus argument that if there really were a gap no one would hire men: this falsely assumes that all market choices are perfectly rational and that the sole incentive is to maximise personal profit. Market actors make irrational choices constantly. People may decide that they simply don't want to do x thing to increase profits because they personally disagree.
[26/12/2014, 9:30:22 AM] Rob: If market choices were perfectly rational then why were there whites-only businesses before the civil rights act
[26/12/2014, 9:30:27 AM] Quinnae: Exactly.
[26/12/2014, 9:30:33 AM] Rob: why would they cost themselves sales by refusing to sell to black people
[26/12/2014, 9:30:34 AM] Rob: etc
[26/12/2014, 9:31:02 AM] Quinnae: The idea that we're simply calculating machines is an absurdity. Even the most fastidious business owner or CEO injects irrational preferences into their market decisions (consciously or not).
[26/12/2014, 9:31:13 AM] Rob: oh noes. i'm a bigot :C
[26/12/2014, 9:31:21 AM] Rob: And yeah.
[26/12/2014, 9:31:25 AM] Rob: No one is perfectly rational
[26/12/2014, 9:31:27 AM] Rob: It's a joke.
[26/12/2014, 9:31:56 AM] Quinnae: And frankly, the "choose women workers so you can pay them less" has happened throughout history and *still happens*-- you see this especially in maqiladoras along the US/Mexico border or in sweatshops.
[26/12/2014, 9:32:30 AM] Quinnae: Women labour is strongly favoured because the managers feel like they can get away with paying women significantly less than a living wage because they're assumed to be married to working husbands.
[26/12/2014, 9:32:44 AM] Rob: Mhm
[26/12/2014, 9:35:02 AM] Quinnae: Anyway, sorry, this is one of my areas. :P
[26/12/2014, 9:35:22 AM] Charloppe: how dare you be educated
[26/12/2014, 9:36:03 AM] Quinnae: I was an RA for many years to a sociologist studying women in the workforce, helping study her data, so that's one of the areas I'm qualified to speak on.
[26/12/2014, 9:36:12 AM] Quinnae: At least sociologically speaking.
[26/12/2014, 9:36:18 AM] Quinnae: pets Charlotte
[26/12/2014, 9:36:32 AM] Charloppe: purrs
[26/12/2014, 9:37:03 AM] Rob: I only covered it a little bit in my grad school classes.
[26/12/2014, 9:37:18 AM] Rob: So I'm definitely not an expert, just know more than the average citizen probably
[26/12/2014, 9:37:42 AM] Ian Cheong: im going to bed
[26/12/2014, 9:37:45 AM] Ian Cheong: catch you folks later
[26/12/2014, 9:37:52 AM] Rob: Later, ian
[26/12/2014, 9:38:36 AM] Quinnae: Take care!
[26/12/2014, 9:47:20 AM] Quinnae: Some good news in the daily tweet count.
[26/12/2014, 9:47:49 AM] Quinnae: It's Christmas, to be sure, but hopefully the numbers stay down.
[26/12/2014, 9:48:45 AM] Charloppe: me too katherine
[26/12/2014, 9:58:13 AM] Peter Coffin: they have been on a downward trend
[26/12/2014, 9:58:44 AM] Randi Harper: is more useful.
[26/12/2014, 9:59:21 AM] Peter Coffin: lol
[26/12/2014, 9:59:30 AM] Peter Coffin: how lame.
[26/12/2014, 10:00:11 AM] Peter Coffin: so that is what.... around 2.2 tweets a day per 4000 people
[26/12/2014, 10:00:23 AM] Peter Coffin: *each of the 4000 people
[26/12/2014, 10:00:44 AM] Peter Coffin: original tweets
[26/12/2014, 10:01:07 AM] Peter Coffin: useless, that's not passion
[26/12/2014, 10:01:31 AM] Peter Coffin: especially considering there are several users doing a lot more than that and probably hundreds that tweet once every few days
[26/12/2014, 10:04:55 AM] Quinnae: Oh yeah, I knew about the -RT trick.
[26/12/2014, 10:06:09 AM] Quinnae: But yeah, that's nifty to see.
[26/12/2014, 10:06:22 AM] Athena Hollow: evening all
[26/12/2014, 10:06:29 AM] Athena Hollow: I come bearing lulz:
[26/12/2014, 10:07:03 AM] Quinnae: Haha, oh my
[26/12/2014, 10:07:12 AM] Quinnae: Well, I'm off. Doctor Who Christmas Special time.
[26/12/2014, 10:07:26 AM] Rob: hi athena
[26/12/2014, 10:07:28 AM] Quinnae: Take care all!
[26/12/2014, 10:07:36 AM] Rob: laters! I can't watch it until tomorroq
[26/12/2014, 10:07:36 AM] Athena Hollow: Cya Katherine :)
[26/12/2014, 10:07:42 AM] Quinnae: raises her newly mixed cocktail to you Merry Christmas!
[26/12/2014, 10:08:41 AM] Charloppe: byyyye
[26/12/2014, 10:09:35 AM] Athena Hollow: ugh so much shit to still open -_-
[26/12/2014, 10:09:55 AM] Athena Hollow: Got them all unwrapped but going through and taking kid's shit out of their packaging so I don't have to clean it up for a month.
[26/12/2014, 10:14:25 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: uh
[26/12/2014, 10:14:32 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: so they found a super disgusting way to harass people now
[26/12/2014, 10:14:33 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts:
[26/12/2014, 10:14:39 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i dont even feel comfortable showing that to people
[26/12/2014, 10:14:40 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: nsfw
[26/12/2014, 10:14:42 AM] Athena Hollow: yeah.
[26/12/2014, 10:14:44 AM] Rob: Woooow
[26/12/2014, 10:14:50 AM] Charloppe: eeeew
[26/12/2014, 10:14:57 AM] Athena Hollow: this is after they sent me a pic of a naked dead body. REAL classy.
[26/12/2014, 10:15:09 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: :\
[26/12/2014, 10:15:13 AM] Athena Hollow: Claim they are GNAA, but I'm thinkin not so much.
[26/12/2014, 10:15:53 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: there's GNAA/gg overlap
[26/12/2014, 10:15:56 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: cameralady is GNAA
[26/12/2014, 10:16:01 AM] Athena Hollow: ugh. gross.
[26/12/2014, 10:16:06 AM] Athena Hollow: so then yeah, they might be.
[26/12/2014, 10:16:09 AM] Tesseract: icze4r was gnaa I think
[26/12/2014, 10:16:21 AM] Athena Hollow: It's interesting the dichotomy in gnaa, because I've seen a lot just flat out call them fucking dumb lol
[26/12/2014, 10:17:36 AM] Athena Hollow: for some mind bleach: my best friend put my wig on at my mom's today lol
[26/12/2014, 10:18:02 AM] Athena Hollow: I told him he needs to go as Prince Adam for Halloween this next year now XD
[26/12/2014, 10:18:19 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: haha
[26/12/2014, 10:18:35 AM] Athena Hollow: His wife suggested instead getting him a gold speedo to be Rocky hahahhaha
[26/12/2014, 10:22:53 AM] Charloppe: sarah
[26/12/2014, 10:27:24 AM] SF: Weev was president of GNAA but disowned GG because even he thought they were pathetic.
[26/12/2014, 10:29:51 AM] Randi Harper: i saw ED_Updates telling people that i used to be a member of GNAA. o_O
[26/12/2014, 10:29:54 AM] Randi Harper: that's a new one.
[26/12/2014, 10:30:31 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: everytime ED_updates tweets about me i get kind of scared--__- i don't want an ED article with them trying to dig up stuff on me
[26/12/2014, 10:30:44 AM] Randi Harper: it's never even close to being halfway factual anyways.
[26/12/2014, 10:30:59 AM] Randi Harper: they'll make up random shit based off of the tiniest info about your life and just build on it.
[26/12/2014, 10:31:19 AM] Randi Harper: they will literally fabricate chat logs. it doesn't matter.
[26/12/2014, 10:31:42 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i know, but it's still not something i want to happen :\
[26/12/2014, 10:31:45 AM] Randi Harper: anyone with any common sense knows that most people with ED pages have to be pretty awesome to get targeted by such a mob of haters.
[26/12/2014, 10:32:11 AM] Randi Harper: but yeah, it is a hassle.
[26/12/2014, 10:32:14 AM] Rob: I'm on an ED page, wheeee
[26/12/2014, 10:32:25 AM] Rob: But yeah, Randi's right.
[26/12/2014, 10:32:30 AM] Rob: It'll be 90% fake bullshit
[26/12/2014, 10:32:33 AM] Randi Harper: it's just, ugh. Sherrod degrippo.
[26/12/2014, 10:32:33 AM] Tesseract: lol this gamergater named himself "rogue sjwilluminati" I wonder if I could report him for impersonation
[26/12/2014, 10:33:04 AM] Randi Harper: if not for that one person, ED wouldn't exist.
[26/12/2014, 10:33:08 AM] Rob: I think I may get this
[26/12/2014, 10:33:26 AM] Randi Harper: this is the same person whose ass I saved when i was like 6 months pregnant. came to her office so i could fix their network, which was supposed to be her job.
[26/12/2014, 10:33:41 AM] Rob: Oh wow
[26/12/2014, 10:33:55 AM] Randi Harper: yep!
[26/12/2014, 10:34:19 AM] Rob: I'm sorry. That's fucked up, to put it mildly.
[26/12/2014, 10:34:21 AM] Randi Harper: and right after my son was born, she proceeded to try to tell my husband that it wasn't his son. because she is legit nuts.
[26/12/2014, 10:34:45 AM] Randi Harper: that is the mastermind behind ED.
[26/12/2014, 10:35:21 AM] Rob: urgh
[26/12/2014, 10:39:18 AM] Tesseract: srh you got impersonators banned, did you have to send your info to twitter
[26/12/2014, 10:39:38 AM] Tesseract: I always just sign the reports "X" because I don't trust twitter to not fuck up
[26/12/2014, 10:40:57 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i always filed them under harassment instead
[26/12/2014, 10:40:58 AM] Peter Coffin: I JUST SAW THEIR FUCKING NEW HARASSMENT METHOD
[26/12/2014, 10:41:00 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: so i didnt have to put my name
[26/12/2014, 10:41:03 AM] Peter Coffin: NO. WHAT THE FFUUCK. NO.
[26/12/2014, 10:41:19 AM] Peter Coffin: wow. just wow.
[26/12/2014, 10:42:05 AM] Athena Hollow: You know what I'd like to see happen from that shit: that unsolicited sexual images thrust upon someone be a prosecutable sexual harassment charge -_-
[26/12/2014, 10:42:08 AM] Athena Hollow: Like, wtf.
[26/12/2014, 10:45:37 AM] Rob: It's so disgusting
[26/12/2014, 10:48:59 AM] Peter Coffin: Someone did that to my wife on tumblr one but it was done insane blog (which has been shut down for harassment I might add) that did it to tumblr women "as a compliment," I mean that's fucked as well but they are literally hate jacking. It's anger ejaculate.
[26/12/2014, 10:49:29 AM] Peter Coffin: Meaning if this was tumblr we could probably get it taken down
[26/12/2014, 10:49:34 AM] Athena Hollow: probably.
[26/12/2014, 10:50:20 AM] Peter Coffin: Who the fuck goes "I hate this person so bad I want to cum on them"
[26/12/2014, 10:50:25 AM] Peter Coffin: That's so fucked
[26/12/2014, 10:55:05 AM] Peter Coffin: Has anyone archived that and put it on trello
[26/12/2014, 10:55:15 AM] Peter Coffin: That is a new fucking low
[26/12/2014, 10:57:20 AM] SF: >Who the fuck goes "I hate this person so bad I want to cum on them"

[26/12/2014, 10:57:27 AM] Remy: Made it home safe :)
[26/12/2014, 10:57:30 AM] Randi Harper: does anyone know aja romano?
[26/12/2014, 10:57:38 AM] Remy: And obviously just in time for a rather unpleasant convo topic
[26/12/2014, 11:00:55 AM] Athena Hollow: Ugh. Nothing like most likely some stupid fucking sociopath ex girlfriend of one of my brother's most likely stealing the xbox of another brother on fucking christmas.
[26/12/2014, 11:26:11 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: sorry athena :(
[26/12/2014, 11:26:22 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts:

why is there no OP text there? does that mean it was deleted?
[26/12/2014, 11:26:38 AM] Tesseract: that's an ad
[26/12/2014, 11:27:13 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: but it shows the comments but not what the comments are... on
[26/12/2014, 11:27:17 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i'm so confused
[26/12/2014, 11:27:34 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: derp
[26/12/2014, 11:27:36 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: adblock
[26/12/2014, 11:27:38 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: nevermind
[26/12/2014, 11:27:54 AM] Tesseract: haha
[26/12/2014, 11:28:02 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i was SO CONFUSED
[26/12/2014, 11:35:28 AM] Tesseract: did they advertise in any subreddit other than ghazi
[26/12/2014, 11:36:50 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: no clue
[26/12/2014, 11:40:06 AM] Tesseract: lol
[26/12/2014, 11:43:52 AM] Remy: Off-topic, but I am having trouble signing in to PSN. Are they still being DDOSed?
[26/12/2014, 11:45:11 AM] Quinnae: Seems so.
[26/12/2014, 11:47:11 AM] Remy: :(
[26/12/2014, 11:47:21 AM] Remy: Dragon age isn't letting me past the title screen
[26/12/2014, 11:47:34 AM] Tesseract: is it a ddos or are they just overwhelmed on account of it's christmas
[26/12/2014, 11:47:44 AM] Athena Hollow: ddos
[26/12/2014, 11:47:48 AM] Athena Hollow: MS is apparently getting hit on XBL too
[26/12/2014, 11:48:02 AM] Athena Hollow:
[26/12/2014, 11:50:33 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: lizard squad claimed it was them
[26/12/2014, 11:50:36 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: so prolly a ddos
[26/12/2014, 11:50:57 AM] Remy: What losers
[26/12/2014, 11:56:33 AM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts:
[26/12/2014, 12:09:12 PM] Quinnae: hugs Sarah
[26/12/2014, 12:09:50 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts hugs
[26/12/2014, 12:09:56 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: katherine i eateded too many pizzas
[26/12/2014, 12:12:53 PM] Remy: OMG I would kill for some pizza
[26/12/2014, 12:13:07 PM] Quinnae: I would totally share mine with you, Stephen. :)
[26/12/2014, 12:13:35 PM] Remy: ^.^
[26/12/2014, 12:13:43 PM] Remy: I have veggies in the fridge
[26/12/2014, 12:13:47 PM] Remy: And leftover pie
[26/12/2014, 12:13:57 PM] Remy: I was gonna split the veggies with Winston
[26/12/2014, 12:14:26 PM] Remy: I haven't had an appetite all day and now I'm getting high and my stomach is raging for food
[26/12/2014, 12:15:19 PM] Chris Kluwe: i are back
[26/12/2014, 12:16:50 PM] Remy: Welcome back ^.^
[26/12/2014, 12:17:36 PM] Chris Kluwe: time to go through more of Cernovich's "thoughts"
[26/12/2014, 12:17:39 PM] Chris Kluwe: good thing i have alcohol
[26/12/2014, 12:17:42 PM] Remy: Oh god
[26/12/2014, 12:17:52 PM] Remy: I'd better pull out my laptop maybe you'll let me follow along
[26/12/2014, 12:18:06 PM] Remy: PSN is still down so I can't play dragon age anyway
[26/12/2014, 12:18:26 PM] Chris Kluwe: sure, i'm at september 09 ofhis blog
[26/12/2014, 12:18:33 PM] Tesseract: oh god
[26/12/2014, 12:18:33 PM] Chris Kluwe: crime and federalism
[26/12/2014, 12:18:39 PM] Tesseract: god help you
[26/12/2014, 12:18:44 PM] Chris Kluwe: it's just one long stream of blecchhhhhhh'
[26/12/2014, 12:19:17 PM] SF: u jelly
[26/12/2014, 12:19:18 PM] Chris Kluwe: found 4 doxxings so far, and apparently his recounting of his rape trial
[26/12/2014, 12:19:26 PM] Chris Kluwe: can't WAIT to see what else is here
[26/12/2014, 12:19:26 PM] Tesseract: what a cool dude
[26/12/2014, 12:19:41 PM] Tesseract: I'm sure he probably had to intimidate people to survive that trial
[26/12/2014, 12:19:57 PM] SF: I don't know how the Illuminati members that proactively wade through this sewage do it. You're all saints. I'm barely surviving with just the vitriol I run into trying to work.
[26/12/2014, 12:19:59 PM] Chris Kluwe: pretty sure he did
[26/12/2014, 12:20:08 PM] Chris Kluwe: there's a revealing post about hiring a private investigator
[26/12/2014, 12:20:16 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: wait mike was on trial for rape? i never heard about that
[26/12/2014, 12:20:20 PM] Tesseract: yes
[26/12/2014, 12:20:20 PM] Chris Kluwe: oh yeah
[26/12/2014, 12:20:36 PM] Chris Kluwe: if the account he wrote about is his (which i think it is), he pled out
[26/12/2014, 12:20:49 PM] Chris Kluwe: lemme find the link again
[26/12/2014, 12:20:50 PM] Tesseract: he mentioned how he had to pay a shit ton to not get sentenced
[26/12/2014, 12:20:52 PM] Remy: And he was very pleased with his lawyers' "go get 'em" attitude at producing witnesses, from what I read.
[26/12/2014, 12:21:15 PM] Remy: Or maybe I was reading the wrong post. Ignore me.
[26/12/2014, 12:21:36 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: does it say what crime his plea bargain was for?
[26/12/2014, 12:24:34 PM] Chris Kluwe: here it is
On 26/12/2014, at 6:51 AM, Chris Kluwe wrote:

[26/12/2014, 12:25:18 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: ty
[26/12/2014, 12:25:21 PM] Chris Kluwe: np
[26/12/2014, 12:27:47 PM] Remy: I think Alex also posted them onto the Trello
[26/12/2014, 12:27:54 PM] Remy: But I don't think I'm on the Trello so I can't be sure
[26/12/2014, 12:28:57 PM] Chris Kluwe: oh, and here's his private investigator blog post. 3 guesses as to who the "witness" was they went after
On 26/12/2014, at 7:08 AM, Chris Kluwe wrote:

[26/12/2014, 12:29:45 PM] Tesseract: christ
[26/12/2014, 12:29:48 PM] Tesseract: are you saving these
[26/12/2014, 12:29:56 PM] Remy: This feels like the kind of dude that should be hunted on an episode of SVU
[26/12/2014, 12:30:05 PM] Chris Kluwe: alex has them archived already i believe
[26/12/2014, 12:30:11 PM] Chris Kluwe: they're still up on Cernovich's blog
[26/12/2014, 12:30:12 PM] Remy: And I have had this vibe of this dude from the start
[26/12/2014, 12:33:11 PM] Remy: He hired a bunch of P. I.'s to intimidate a witness so he could plea out of a rape case.
[26/12/2014, 12:33:56 PM] Chris Kluwe: that's basically what i'm seeing between the lines
[26/12/2014, 12:34:04 PM] Chris Kluwe: and his behavior with Zoe really reinforces it
[26/12/2014, 12:34:28 PM] Remy: He has a history of using private investigators as a means for assault and intimidation
[26/12/2014, 12:34:29 PM] Tesseract: no chance in hell that isn't what he did
[26/12/2014, 12:34:35 PM] Remy: not literal assault but you get what I mean
[26/12/2014, 12:35:00 PM] Chris Kluwe: a sea lion with teeth
[26/12/2014, 12:35:16 PM] Chris Kluwe: oh. does anyone know what his "seven figure payout" was?
[26/12/2014, 12:35:25 PM] Remy: He messed with the wrong cyborg.
[26/12/2014, 12:35:28 PM] Chris Kluwe: i've been trying to find that and haven't been able to
[26/12/2014, 12:41:30 PM] Remy: I'm confused
[26/12/2014, 12:41:41 PM] Remy: His earliest posts...
[26/12/2014, 12:41:55 PM] Remy: The March 19th, 2004 post is described as a school assignment
[26/12/2014, 12:42:03 PM] Remy: Did he start this blog while he was still a student?
[26/12/2014, 12:42:10 PM] Chris Kluwe: i haven't gotten that far back yet, but it wouldn't surprise me
[26/12/2014, 12:42:28 PM] Chris Kluwe: fits with the timeline
[26/12/2014, 12:42:34 PM] Chris Kluwe: he's what, 37-38?
[26/12/2014, 12:42:43 PM] Remy: It's a law school assignment in which he is assigned to assume the role of Justice Anthony M. Kennedy and write an opinion from his  perspective
[26/12/2014, 12:42:45 PM] Chris Kluwe: that would put him at 27-28 when he started writing
[26/12/2014, 12:43:00 PM] Chris Kluwe: which is pretty close to 9 years after 17 when he said he joined the National Guard
[26/12/2014, 12:43:22 PM] Remy: did he mention which state?
[26/12/2014, 12:43:27 PM] Remy: For the National Guard
[26/12/2014, 12:43:40 PM] Remy: Not important now, not that I know of, but it feels like something I want to be able to remember later on down the road
[26/12/2014, 12:44:09 PM] Remy: Most likely for his home state but that's not really a guarantee
[26/12/2014, 12:44:22 PM] Chris Kluwe: doesn't say
[26/12/2014, 12:44:25 PM] Chris Kluwe: one sec
[26/12/2014, 12:44:44 PM] Remy: I don't wanna send you on a goose chase but it's something I will be keeping my eyes open for now
[26/12/2014, 12:46:12 PM] Remy: I think I've found a blog post in which he argues that police aren't constitutional
[26/12/2014, 12:46:18 PM] Remy: Don't take me at my word let me read more
[26/12/2014, 12:46:28 PM] Remy: I'm a slow brain kinda person but I get there
[26/12/2014, 12:46:50 PM] Remy:
[26/12/2014, 12:46:59 PM] Chris Kluwe: no, there's something there, i did some facebook digging and i want to say his family is from oklahoma or somewhere in the midwest
[26/12/2014, 12:47:02 PM] Chris Kluwe: trying to see if i can find it again
[26/12/2014, 12:47:04 PM] Remy: Yeah looks like he's arguing that police power is only granted by the state
[26/12/2014, 12:47:15 PM] Chris Kluwe: was a chain from posts he liked to people who liked it
[26/12/2014, 12:47:20 PM] Remy: yuck, Oklahoma
[26/12/2014, 12:47:39 PM] Remy: I'm sorry if anybody is from there or loves that place
[26/12/2014, 12:47:46 PM] Tesseract: nobody loves oklahoma
[26/12/2014, 12:47:47 PM] Remy: But you can keep it
[26/12/2014, 12:47:54 PM] Remy: ^
[26/12/2014, 12:48:23 PM] Remy: OMG
[26/12/2014, 12:48:32 PM] Remy: Don't let me get anyone's hopes up
[26/12/2014, 12:48:33 PM] Remy: But...
[26/12/2014, 12:48:44 PM] Remy: I just realized... some of these blog posts are his class assignments
[26/12/2014, 12:48:55 PM] Athena Hollow: Evening all.
[26/12/2014, 12:48:57 PM] Remy: Does anyone know how to run class assignments through those homework websites to check for plagiarism?
[26/12/2014, 12:49:08 PM] Tesseract: I think you have to buy an account
[26/12/2014, 12:49:11 PM] Remy: That shit happens in school all the fucking time
[26/12/2014, 12:49:20 PM] Chris Kluwe: whoa. i definitely will be keeping an eye out as i work back
[26/12/2014, 12:49:37 PM] Remy: <_< I may have some teacher friends, is this a lead I should chase down?
[26/12/2014, 12:49:50 PM] Remy: Stop me when I start acting like a stalker I need boundaries
[26/12/2014, 12:50:51 PM] Chris Kluwe: looks like Illinois
[26/12/2014, 12:51:07 PM] Chris Kluwe: has a couple Cernovichs who follow him on facebook that live in IL
[26/12/2014, 12:51:10 PM] Chris Kluwe: and yeah, same here
[26/12/2014, 12:51:14 PM] Chris Kluwe: mysteries intrigue me
[26/12/2014, 12:51:18 PM] Tesseract: the juicefam
[26/12/2014, 12:51:20 PM] Quinnae: Stephen, unless you mean they're blog posts he stole from someone else there's nothing wrong with double dipping. I convert school assignments into writing constantly.
[26/12/2014, 12:51:21 PM] Remy: It will be important in case we ever need to hunt down any of his past behavior in the military
[26/12/2014, 12:51:31 PM] Remy: Which will be harder but now we can recognize those kind of leads when we see them
[26/12/2014, 12:51:38 PM] Quinnae: Back when I was in undergrad, I used to just flat out copy paste onto my blog when I thought I wrote something worth reading. :)
[26/12/2014, 12:51:40 PM] Chris Kluwe: also, i'm fairly confident that's his family, because they'rehardcore christians
[26/12/2014, 12:52:02 PM] Chris Kluwe: and he's mentioned on his blog that he outgrew his family's religion
[26/12/2014, 12:52:24 PM] Athena Hollow: Color me surprised that hardcore christians that are probably fundies would raise a dude that doesn't respect people, especially women.
[26/12/2014, 12:52:24 PM] Chris Kluwe: heh, i sold papers to other football players in college
[26/12/2014, 12:52:24 PM] Athena Hollow: lol
[26/12/2014, 12:52:25 PM] Remy: I understand, Katherine, but yeah I meant looking for evidence that his posts (and therefore, homework that he would have turned in) was produced by another person and therefore stolen by him
[26/12/2014, 12:52:30 PM] Chris Kluwe: $10 a page :)
[26/12/2014, 12:52:47 PM] Remy: Which we then could have as evidence that he committed plagiarism while in law school which at the very least would put a lot of egg on his face
[26/12/2014, 12:53:25 PM] Remy: It's a long shot
[26/12/2014, 12:53:33 PM] Remy: But I love long shots with very little drawback
[26/12/2014, 12:53:34 PM] Athena Hollow: Would also call into question anything he's been paid to write (if he's written for any of those shitty MRA sites), as well as any ethical credibility (not that it stops gaters from ignoring blatant ethical breaches)
[26/12/2014, 12:54:11 PM] Remy: I should start selling papers
[26/12/2014, 12:54:22 PM] Remy: No wait I was gonna steal Dan's idea and do niche fantasy porn on ebook
[26/12/2014, 12:54:25 PM] Athena Hollow: LOL
[26/12/2014, 12:54:30 PM] Athena Hollow: SUPER micro-niche.
[26/12/2014, 12:54:46 PM] Remy: "I was Romantically Courted by a Miniature Giant Space Hamster"
[26/12/2014, 12:54:51 PM] Athena Hollow: BOOOOOO
[26/12/2014, 12:54:56 PM] Athena Hollow: GOPHER THE EYES
[26/12/2014, 12:54:59 PM] Remy: (ninja)
[26/12/2014, 12:55:30 PM] Athena Hollow: And yea, I figured "alien robot that has a ginger fetish" would be a book eventually.
[26/12/2014, 12:56:28 PM] Chris Kluwe: don't they have "women having sex with bigfoot" on ebooks and it's like a huge market?
[26/12/2014, 12:56:44 PM] Athena Hollow: yup
[26/12/2014, 12:56:49 PM] Chris Kluwe: pretty sure you could find someone for space hamster
[26/12/2014, 12:56:51 PM] Athena Hollow: And tonnnnsssss of dino/human shipping.
[26/12/2014, 12:57:44 PM] Tesseract: I found around 7 slenderman erotic novels
[26/12/2014, 12:58:06 PM] Athena Hollow: Yeah, even my consistently depraved mind can't wrap around that fuckery.
[26/12/2014, 12:58:54 PM] Athena Hollow: Alrighty, I just stopped in to say g'night cuz I'm dying for sleep -_-
[26/12/2014, 12:58:59 PM] Athena Hollow: See everyone tomorrow :)
[26/12/2014, 12:59:16 PM] Chris Kluwe: good night!
[26/12/2014, 12:59:17 PM] Quinnae: Night!
[26/12/2014, 12:59:19 PM] Tesseract: night
[26/12/2014, 1:00:03 PM] Tesseract: and now it's the 26th, let's see if the ad is up
[26/12/2014, 1:00:10 PM] Chris Kluwe:
[26/12/2014, 1:00:11 PM] Chris Kluwe: wut
[26/12/2014, 1:00:16 PM] Charloppe: so
[26/12/2014, 1:00:45 PM] Charloppe: sarah made me change my twatter name to Menstrual Krampus. Though I did come up with name
[26/12/2014, 1:00:50 PM] Tesseract: "I could easily become a doctor." oh god
[26/12/2014, 1:01:14 PM] Tesseract: "hmm looks like syphillis. I perscribe one month of raw dogging"
[26/12/2014, 1:01:21 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: rofl
[26/12/2014, 1:01:35 PM] Remy: oh god
[26/12/2014, 1:01:43 PM] Chris Kluwe: "You have herpes. Let me inject you with some super serum."
[26/12/2014, 1:01:44 PM] Tesseract: oh christ this whole article
[26/12/2014, 1:02:00 PM] Chris Kluwe: yeah, he really doesn't like scientists or doctors
[26/12/2014, 1:02:00 PM] Tesseract: being a doctor is SO EASY YOU GUYS but the doctor illuminati keeps it exclusive
[26/12/2014, 1:02:10 PM] Chris Kluwe: but he's a big fan of psychology
[26/12/2014, 1:02:18 PM] Chris Kluwe: except when psychologists are evil
[26/12/2014, 1:02:18 PM] Tesseract: he is without a doubt a man who believes in alternative medicine
[26/12/2014, 1:02:27 PM] Chris Kluwe: and want to give him the bad mindy drugs
[26/12/2014, 1:02:35 PM] Chris Kluwe: lol
[26/12/2014, 1:02:57 PM] Chris Kluwe: half his entries for the last 2 years are on how "juicing cures everything" and "take steroids to feel better"
[26/12/2014, 1:05:21 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Good evening! Came back to new 1420 messages in this chat... anything important that required action/help?
[26/12/2014, 1:05:35 PM] Chris Kluwe: the last line here is really the best
[26/12/2014, 1:05:36 PM] Chris Kluwe:
[26/12/2014, 1:05:47 PM] Remy: I think you're good, Izzy
[26/12/2014, 1:05:53 PM] drinternetphd: lol
[26/12/2014, 1:05:55 PM] Remy: Lots of holiday cheer and laughing at juice bro
[26/12/2014, 1:06:03 PM] drinternetphd: fuckin' cernovich
[26/12/2014, 1:06:04 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Sounds like a party
[26/12/2014, 1:06:15 PM] Remy: We're reading his blog :D
[26/12/2014, 1:06:21 PM] drinternetphd: how can one man be such garbage
[26/12/2014, 1:06:25 PM] Chris Kluwe: AIN'T NO PARTY LIKE AN XMAS BOOZE AND JUICE PARTY
[26/12/2014, 1:06:31 PM] Remy: I started from the beginning, apparently he started this blog while he was still in school. The first few entries are actually school assignments
[26/12/2014, 1:06:34 PM] drinternetphd: I don't know if I've ever seen someone so irredeemable ever before
[26/12/2014, 1:06:34 PM] Chris Kluwe: to be fair, he works pretty hard at it
[26/12/2014, 1:06:37 PM] Remy: ^
[26/12/2014, 1:06:41 PM] drinternetphd: well
[26/12/2014, 1:06:43 PM] drinternetphd: fair.
[26/12/2014, 1:06:53 PM] Remy: I hear he even took douche enhancing drugs
[26/12/2014, 1:06:57 PM] drinternetphd: guess I'll go grab milk and cookies and join you then
[26/12/2014, 1:07:10 PM] Remy: :D
[26/12/2014, 1:07:54 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): So... My in-laws bought us an HDTV for Christmas! I need to buy an HDMI cable, though, because the RCA (composite?) cable I have doesn't work with HDTV's. lol
[26/12/2014, 1:08:04 PM] drinternetphd: figures
[26/12/2014, 1:08:05 PM] Chris Kluwe: woooooooooiiiiieeeeeeeeeee
[26/12/2014, 1:08:06 PM] Chris Kluwe:
[26/12/2014, 1:08:19 PM] Chris Kluwe: paragraph 4
[26/12/2014, 1:08:29 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): old TV was a tube tv. heavy ass mother fucking tv
[26/12/2014, 1:09:07 PM] drinternetphd: I think this blog entry may have been transcribed from crayon on the back of a denny's placemat
[26/12/2014, 1:09:13 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[26/12/2014, 1:09:49 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): updated version for today, hold out the camera phone and actually record video while screaming "WORLDSTAR!"
[26/12/2014, 1:10:11 PM] Remy: "I should have let her get victimized as a life lesson"
[26/12/2014, 1:10:21 PM] Remy: Grade A human being
[26/12/2014, 1:10:39 PM] Dan Olson: I love tube TVs
[26/12/2014, 1:10:41 PM] Remy: That's not a poorly congealed hobgoblin that slipped through the cracks, no way
[26/12/2014, 1:10:42 PM] drinternetphd: I just woke up did anything worryingly stupid happen when I was asleep or can I try and guess what kind of chinese food alex would eat in peace
[26/12/2014, 1:10:49 PM] Quinnae: It takes a lot for me to say this, but Mike Cernovich singularly fails at humanity in a way that really, really takes effort.
[26/12/2014, 1:10:55 PM] Remy: We would be screaming at you already if anything important happened
[26/12/2014, 1:10:57 PM] drinternetphd: wow
[26/12/2014, 1:10:58 PM] Tesseract: nothing happened today as far as I know
[26/12/2014, 1:11:07 PM] Remy: Also Alex left us with ways to reach y'all in the case of an impending emergency
[26/12/2014, 1:11:13 PM] Tesseract: though it's technically the 26th est, is the ad supposed to be up now
[26/12/2014, 1:11:17 PM] drinternetphd: yo if Katherine has something bad to say about you, you KNOW you've really fuckd up
[26/12/2014, 1:11:18 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): on reddit, looks like KiA is still finding weird ways to rationalize allowing CP
[26/12/2014, 1:11:46 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): nothing else pressing. no new OPs or whatever that I can see
[26/12/2014, 1:11:53 PM] drinternetphd: ok cool
[26/12/2014, 1:12:11 PM] Dan Olson: yeah, though I did get called a transphobe earlier today with no clarification
[26/12/2014, 1:12:15 PM] drinternetphd: hopefully then alex will wake up soon and we can partake of the thing I got him for xmas and maybe have a good night where we're actually people?
[26/12/2014, 1:12:31 PM] Dan Olson: I dunno, maybe they found something kinda shitty I wrote on a blog a decade ago?
[26/12/2014, 1:12:35 PM] drinternetphd: (I got him tositos and a MTS3K double feature)
[26/12/2014, 1:12:43 PM] Chris Kluwe: juicebro, down with the CP since 09!
[26/12/2014, 1:12:44 PM] Remy: Oh yeah KiA and GG are still trying to bail out the SS Child Porn
[26/12/2014, 1:12:51 PM] drinternetphd: (he is one of those people who hates getting presents)
[26/12/2014, 1:12:59 PM] Remy: Uh oh did Chris find another gem?
[26/12/2014, 1:13:08 PM] Chris Kluwe: it's not a slam dunk
[26/12/2014, 1:13:15 PM] drinternetphd: ewwww
[26/12/2014, 1:13:18 PM] drinternetphd: ew ew ew ew ew
[26/12/2014, 1:13:19 PM] Chris Kluwe: but he definitely wants to protect the guy
[26/12/2014, 1:13:22 PM] drinternetphd: what the fuck dude
[26/12/2014, 1:13:25 PM] Tesseract: wow what a fucking surprise
[26/12/2014, 1:13:31 PM] Tesseract: how is one person so shitty
[26/12/2014, 1:13:47 PM] Remy: He certainly seemed to think it would have been a great final paper
[26/12/2014, 1:13:48 PM] drinternetphd: god this makes me so fucking mad cause 5 fucking seconds of research and you see that drawn CP is so fucking often used to help actual molestors indoctrinate their victims
[26/12/2014, 1:13:53 PM] Remy: For his Constitutional Law course
[26/12/2014, 1:14:03 PM] Tesseract: does he just use a fucking dartboard with ways to be a shitty person written on it
[26/12/2014, 1:14:11 PM] Chris Kluwe: jiocebro? do research?! SURELY YOU JEST, MADAME
[26/12/2014, 1:14:13 PM] Remy: If only we could find a Constitutional Law professor willing to share a what I assume was a very skeevy final
[26/12/2014, 1:14:17 PM] Tesseract: "oh today I will defend CP"
[26/12/2014, 1:14:18 PM] drinternetphd: good point
[26/12/2014, 1:14:38 PM] drinternetphd: I should really talk to popehat more but I don't wanna bother him with this shit
[26/12/2014, 1:14:51 PM] Remy: I thought Popehat was three people?
[26/12/2014, 1:14:53 PM] Dan Olson: yeah, he was all "LOL NOPE" a couple days ago
[26/12/2014, 1:14:57 PM] Remy: Christian symbolism confuses me
[26/12/2014, 1:15:01 PM] Tesseract: haha
[26/12/2014, 1:15:10 PM] drinternetphd: yeah, I talk to most of them like, on a casual shooting the shit basis
[26/12/2014, 1:15:18 PM] Remy: lol Zoe
[26/12/2014, 1:15:19 PM] drinternetphd: ken really dug Depression Quest so
[26/12/2014, 1:15:25 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Have any major media outlets picked up on the 8chan & CP stuff?
[26/12/2014, 1:15:49 PM] Chris Kluwe: heh, Ken doesn't like my "sensationalism" :p
[26/12/2014, 1:15:56 PM] Remy: I haven't pitched it to the folks I know at PBS newshour yet
[26/12/2014, 1:16:01 PM] Chris Kluwe: which is fine, you're allowed to not like the way i write things
[26/12/2014, 1:16:15 PM] Remy: B/C that relationship is really tenuous and I prefer to prove my value rather than appear clingy
[26/12/2014, 1:16:17 PM] Dan Olson: No, but it's starting to get in their ears. It's had enough hang time that they could grab it once the post-Christmas normal sets in
[26/12/2014, 1:16:29 PM] drinternetphd: yeah it is kind of christmas
[26/12/2014, 1:16:37 PM] drinternetphd: no one wants to write about child porn on christmas
[26/12/2014, 1:16:39 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ha. True.
[26/12/2014, 1:16:54 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Merry Christmas, keep Baby Jesus away from Gaters. (sorry)
[26/12/2014, 1:16:59 PM] Dan Olson: which is basically what Lindsay was saying, too
[26/12/2014, 1:17:12 PM] Remy: What Zoe said
[26/12/2014, 1:17:16 PM] Remy: I actually was going to say
[26/12/2014, 1:17:30 PM] Remy: I pitched it to one of my journo friends and she basically said "I'm really trying not to touch that during the holidays"
[26/12/2014, 1:17:46 PM] Dan Olson: if this had been Jan 3rd or something like that then at least Vox/Slate/Jezzebel level outlets would have grabbed it hard right away
[26/12/2014, 1:18:09 PM] Chris Kluwe: i'm fairly certain the MSM has an idea, i have quite a few people from msnbc, guardian, gawker, and other sites that jump on my feed on a daily basis
[26/12/2014, 1:18:40 PM] drinternetphd: how the fuck did I not notice my ex was psychotic sooner
[26/12/2014, 1:18:45 PM] Chris Kluwe: and i've posted dan's piece along with "fuck these sick fucks"
[26/12/2014, 1:18:54 PM] Remy: The psychos are always the best at hiding it, Zoe
[26/12/2014, 1:18:58 PM] Remy: Especially the sociopaths
[26/12/2014, 1:19:28 PM] drinternetphd: I'll reach out to the bbc/guardian after xmas
[26/12/2014, 1:19:33 PM] Remy: Three things I am terrified of. Heights, the sound of a geiger counter, and sociopaths
[26/12/2014, 1:19:46 PM] Chris Kluwe: while i am not a fan of body shaming, ladies and gentlemen, i present to you........ Juicebro.
[26/12/2014, 1:20:03 PM] drinternetphd: remind me not to show you the pip boy I wanna make then haha
[26/12/2014, 1:20:04 PM] Remy: Well the one who politely turned me down was at WSJ if that's any use to you
[26/12/2014, 1:20:10 PM] Remy: I'll try PBS Newshour after the holidays like you said
[26/12/2014, 1:20:21 PM] Remy: Yeah you m mentioned your pip boy project earlier
[26/12/2014, 1:20:25 PM] drinternetphd: oh huh
[26/12/2014, 1:20:35 PM] Remy: And Iw as thinking about asking you for a custom set. Or at least keeping the geiger counter on a toggle so I can turn it off
[26/12/2014, 1:20:46 PM] drinternetphd: I wonder if juicebro is just making up for years of women telling him he's gross by vehemently being gross on the inside instead
[26/12/2014, 1:20:46 PM] Remy: lol "asking" I would pay you like a decent human being
[26/12/2014, 1:21:05 PM] Remy: He has internalized his grossness
[26/12/2014, 1:21:15 PM] drinternetphd: ha well, lemme finish the prototype first. Gonna be going super hard on the book proposal first for the next little bit
[26/12/2014, 1:21:25 PM] drinternetphd: especially since I still don't know if patreon is pulling my funding
[26/12/2014, 1:21:34 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): :/
[26/12/2014, 1:21:38 PM] Remy: Hey you take your projects on at your pace and on your own terms
[26/12/2014, 1:21:50 PM] Remy: That's the badass thing about being an independent agent
[26/12/2014, 1:22:04 PM] Chris Kluwe: okay, so i'm ethically conflicted about this, because i REALLY don't like internet psychology
[26/12/2014, 1:22:12 PM] Chris Kluwe: however, my wife is a therapist, and i've read the DSM
[26/12/2014, 1:22:15 PM] drinternetphd: what I need is some fuckin sheer white cloth because I built a prototype of a scarf that has LEDs and a color sensor in it and the LEDs change to the color of whatever you put against it
[26/12/2014, 1:22:17 PM] Remy: And for all the stress that comes with your independence I say you bask in being able to set your own terms b/c that is what you are making that trade-off for
[26/12/2014, 1:22:26 PM] Chris Kluwe: and i've noticed something disturbing in juicebro's blogs
[26/12/2014, 1:22:29 PM] Remy: That sounds like such a cool fucking idea Zoe
[26/12/2014, 1:22:31 PM] drinternetphd: oh?
[26/12/2014, 1:22:41 PM] Chris Kluwe: he REALLY doesn't like the catholic church
[26/12/2014, 1:22:54 PM] Chris Kluwe: like, post after post about the Catholic church raping kids
[26/12/2014, 1:23:13 PM] Chris Kluwe: and I'm fairly confident that based on his facebook profile, his family is hardcore christian from IL
[26/12/2014, 1:23:23 PM] Remy: oh no
[26/12/2014, 1:23:25 PM] Chris Kluwe: and he renounced his religion
[26/12/2014, 1:23:40 PM] Remy: Do you think he may be a CSA survivor?
[26/12/2014, 1:23:43 PM] Chris Kluwe: i think he might be
[26/12/2014, 1:23:47 PM] Chris Kluwe: it would explain a lot
[26/12/2014, 1:24:05 PM] Chris Kluwe: the obsession with justice no matter what
[26/12/2014, 1:24:09 PM] drinternetphd: it would definitely explain his power issues too
[26/12/2014, 1:24:12 PM] Chris Kluwe: even if it's his own twisted form
[26/12/2014, 1:24:17 PM] Remy: fuck
[26/12/2014, 1:24:18 PM] Chris Kluwe: yeah, and definitely the power issues
[26/12/2014, 1:24:30 PM] Remy: So that's what you turn into when you let it eat at you
[26/12/2014, 1:24:33 PM] Tesseract: that's how chobit explains her issues and she's a fucking psycho
[26/12/2014, 1:24:59 PM] Chris Kluwe: his family has a history of mental illness as well
[26/12/2014, 1:25:06 PM] Chris Kluwe: he talks about it on his other blog
[26/12/2014, 1:25:35 PM] Chris Kluwe: again, though, without an actual diagnosis in a clinical setting, i'm not going to say this is the case
[26/12/2014, 1:25:43 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Hmm... not reading thrugh 2000 messages, anything important happening today?
[26/12/2014, 1:25:43 PM] Tesseract: he did come out in support of drawn cp though
[26/12/2014, 1:25:45 PM] Chris Kluwe: but it really does connect a lot of dots
[26/12/2014, 1:25:56 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: *through
[26/12/2014, 1:26:10 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Secret, no nothing pressing
[26/12/2014, 1:26:12 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: ... also I see we now have a Chris Kluwe in here.
[26/12/2014, 1:26:14 PM] Chris Kluwe: research into juicebro is about it secret
[26/12/2014, 1:26:16 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: hi
[26/12/2014, 1:26:18 PM] Chris Kluwe: heya!
[26/12/2014, 1:26:28 PM] Remy: Chris is doing some holiday reading
[26/12/2014, 1:26:36 PM] Chris Kluwe: it's faaaaaaaaaaantastic
[26/12/2014, 1:26:41 PM] Remy: I wish he'd been in our company intelligence support team
[26/12/2014, 1:26:59 PM] drinternetphd: I am so glad I'm dating someone jewish and I won't get screamed at for not putting on pants during christmas and just ordering chinese food instead
[26/12/2014, 1:27:13 PM] Remy: lol
[26/12/2014, 1:27:15 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[26/12/2014, 1:27:21 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: I'm still against the whole live debate thing
[26/12/2014, 1:27:26 PM] Tesseract: tbh the csa angle won't really lead anywhere good so it may be best to just drop
[26/12/2014, 1:27:39 PM] Chris Kluwe: oh i agree tesseract
[26/12/2014, 1:27:40 PM] Remy: oh we were never going to put it forward
[26/12/2014, 1:27:47 PM] Remy: This is all ethereal musing at this piont
[26/12/2014, 1:27:49 PM] Chris Kluwe: that's definitely not something that should be made public at all
[26/12/2014, 1:27:53 PM] Quinnae: Zoe, hifives you for eating Chinese on XMas Join the cool kids' club.
[26/12/2014, 1:27:54 PM] drinternetphd: god no
[26/12/2014, 1:28:06 PM] Remy: Tentative speculation, nothing we intend to 'write down' so to speak
[26/12/2014, 1:28:07 PM] Chris Kluwe: and secret, i like arguing :)
[26/12/2014, 1:28:16 PM] drinternetphd: I'm trying to guess what he'd want and I'm trying not to be like "all white guys only ever order general tsos" but
[26/12/2014, 1:28:28 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Well sure, and he's bound to put his foot in his mouth repeatedly
[26/12/2014, 1:28:29 PM] drinternetphd: but they do tho
[26/12/2014, 1:28:31 PM] Remy: lol
[26/12/2014, 1:28:38 PM] Quinnae: laughs How about dumplings?
[26/12/2014, 1:28:39 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Orange chicken and sesame chicken are my fav
[26/12/2014, 1:28:43 PM] Dan Olson: I'm more a sweet and sour pork white guy
[26/12/2014, 1:28:45 PM] Remy: lol orange chicken is American
[26/12/2014, 1:28:54 PM] drinternetphd: so is general tsos
[26/12/2014, 1:28:56 PM] Dan Olson: also we've got ginger beef as a local dish
[26/12/2014, 1:29:00 PM] drinternetphd: oh damn
[26/12/2014, 1:29:07 PM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 1:29:10 PM] drinternetphd: also fuck yeah gonna get dumplings
[26/12/2014, 1:29:12 PM] Remy: I love all of theses foods we are talking about
[26/12/2014, 1:29:15 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: but, not the sort of guy who deserves to have his thoughts aired to a wider audience... just because his fans would celebrate the exposure.
[26/12/2014, 1:29:15 PM] Chris Kluwe: pan fried dumplings, mongolian beef, orange chicken
[26/12/2014, 1:29:26 PM] Remy: I wonder if that Thai place is still open I want some pineapple fried rice now
[26/12/2014, 1:29:28 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: although I suppose they'd also celebrate you bowing out
[26/12/2014, 1:29:31 PM] Chris Kluwe: heh yeah, i know, the whole "giving them the attention they crave"
[26/12/2014, 1:29:32 PM] drinternetphd: chris have you ever made your own chinese style dumplings before?
[26/12/2014, 1:29:41 PM] Chris Kluwe: i haven't
[26/12/2014, 1:29:43 PM] Chris Kluwe: i need to learn how
[26/12/2014, 1:29:44 PM] drinternetphd: it's super fun
[26/12/2014, 1:29:45 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: crab rangoon is my favorite thing ;-;;
[26/12/2014, 1:29:56 PM] Remy: Zoe you're about to make me order Thai food
[26/12/2014, 1:30:01 PM] drinternetphd: I'm an enabler
[26/12/2014, 1:30:12 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Seattle folks, did you hear that Chick-fil-a is opening in Bellevue?
[26/12/2014, 1:30:16 PM] Chris Kluwe: i also don't plan on broadcasting the debate to anyone outside ghazi
[26/12/2014, 1:30:18 PM] drinternetphd: fuck chick-fil-a
[26/12/2014, 1:30:19 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I've never had it. Probably gonna try it out
[26/12/2014, 1:30:30 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: cool
[26/12/2014, 1:30:41 PM] Remy: Aww nobody is open
[26/12/2014, 1:30:42 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): and donate more than I spent to some charity that supports LGBT*
[26/12/2014, 1:30:44 PM] Remy: WTF Seattle?
[26/12/2014, 1:30:46 PM] Chris Kluwe: chick-fil-a is good food, but morally bankrupt as a company
[26/12/2014, 1:30:48 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Secret Gamer Girl oddly enough ate a bunch of crab today
[26/12/2014, 1:30:49 PM] Dan Olson: Well, it's been 5 hours and no one's clarified on the tweet "Watch as nobody on their side mentions how @FoldableHuman is transphobic." sooooooooooo...
[26/12/2014, 1:30:52 PM] Remy: And I'm with Zoe, fuck Chik Fil A
[26/12/2014, 1:30:54 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: in cake form though
[26/12/2014, 1:31:01 PM] Remy: I don't care how damn good those sandwiches taste, they taste like bigotry
[26/12/2014, 1:31:04 PM] Chris Kluwe: DON'T LIE DAN
[26/12/2014, 1:31:06 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ah
[26/12/2014, 1:31:06 PM] Remy: I'll fry my own goddam chicken
[26/12/2014, 1:31:09 PM] Chris Kluwe: TELL US YOUR CRIMES
[26/12/2014, 1:31:10 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: they just fling random accusations dan
[26/12/2014, 1:31:13 PM] Quinnae: Dan, are you transphobic? Is there something I should know about? :P
[26/12/2014, 1:31:13 PM] Chris Kluwe: SO WE CAN BROADCAST THEM
[26/12/2014, 1:31:24 PM] Quinnae: (I'm kidding, obviously).
[26/12/2014, 1:31:26 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: rofl chris. yeah GG always reminded me of scientology with the WHAT ARE YOU CRIMES?!?!?!
[26/12/2014, 1:31:44 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Oh that reminds me, anyone know how Chloe's doing at the moment?
[26/12/2014, 1:31:51 PM] Dan Olson: I used to be kinda transphobic in that privileged-white-dude-from-the-suburbs kinda way, but I like to think I've grown past that.
[26/12/2014, 1:31:54 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: "you guys are kind of a toxic group an.." "YEAH BUT WHAT ARE YOUR CRIMES?!?! WHAT ARE YOUR CRIMEESSSSS"
[26/12/2014, 1:31:55 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Does the church of Scientology know about GG? Maybe they can get some recruits
[26/12/2014, 1:31:56 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): jk
[26/12/2014, 1:32:03 PM] Chris Kluwe: same here Dan
[26/12/2014, 1:32:14 PM] Remy: I wish transphobic meant you were afraid to drive stick shift
[26/12/2014, 1:32:15 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: to be fair
[26/12/2014, 1:32:17 PM] Chris Kluwe: it's crazy how much you don't realize growing up that you take for granted
[26/12/2014, 1:32:26 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: GG & scientology both think psychology isn't science
[26/12/2014, 1:32:28 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: so there's that
[26/12/2014, 1:32:37 PM] Chris Kluwe: GG and Scientology are perfect soul mates
[26/12/2014, 1:32:38 PM] drinternetphd: tell me about it
[26/12/2014, 1:32:42 PM] Chris Kluwe: they should exchange thetans
[26/12/2014, 1:32:47 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: ~
[26/12/2014, 1:32:50 PM] Dan Olson: the Ideology Must Be Pure
[26/12/2014, 1:32:52 PM] drinternetphd: when I was a kid growing up in a harley shop, the slur for trans people meant "transmission"
[26/12/2014, 1:32:52 PM] Remy: lol
[26/12/2014, 1:32:58 PM] Remy: Adam Baldwin would have to hang out with Tom Cruise
[26/12/2014, 1:33:03 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Next month: TOM CRUISE COMES OUT IN SUPPORT OF GAMERGATE
[26/12/2014, 1:33:16 PM] Chris Kluwe: honestly, i'm surprised there haven't been more recruiting drives going on in KiA from various ne'er'do'wells other than the MRA crowd
[26/12/2014, 1:33:17 PM] drinternetphd: so when I left the small town where no one really knew trans people existed and found out that people were not being called transmissions with that slur it was really confusing
[26/12/2014, 1:33:30 PM] drinternetphd: chris: there were some on stormfront
[26/12/2014, 1:33:40 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i'm trans, and i was pretty ignorant on trans issues for a long time too tbh!
[26/12/2014, 1:33:54 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: that's kinda the whole thing really
[26/12/2014, 1:33:54 PM] Chris Kluwe: that oddly doesn't surprise me zoe
[26/12/2014, 1:33:56 PM] Remy: I was surprised about that as well, Chris
[26/12/2014, 1:33:58 PM] Dan Olson: Most of the organized reactionary groups did some small recruiting then realized that GG is full of morons that resist all organization.
[26/12/2014, 1:34:05 PM] Chris Kluwe: good point
[26/12/2014, 1:34:05 PM] Charloppe: wait sarah your trans?
[26/12/2014, 1:34:05 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: rofl
[26/12/2014, 1:34:08 PM] drinternetphd: well like
[26/12/2014, 1:34:11 PM] Remy: I honestly thought the Church of Scientology would swoop down and scoop up all those impressionable young minds
[26/12/2014, 1:34:13 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: charloppe i'm sorry i never told you
[26/12/2014, 1:34:14 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: not enough (openly) trans people out there for even other trans people to have any sort of clue
[26/12/2014, 1:34:15 PM] drinternetphd: ok ground zero before gamergate had a name
[26/12/2014, 1:34:20 PM] Chris Kluwe: you need at least some sort of intelligence to follow cult orders
[26/12/2014, 1:34:20 PM] drinternetphd: half the shit was organized on/pol/
[26/12/2014, 1:34:31 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: ... still need to get this comic actually fact checked and illustrated one of these days
[26/12/2014, 1:34:31 PM] drinternetphd: there were so many threads dedicated to obsessing over if I was jewish or not
[26/12/2014, 1:34:39 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: EVERYONE IS JEWISH
[26/12/2014, 1:34:41 PM] Chris Kluwe: i think FilmCritHulk hit it on the head
[26/12/2014, 1:34:42 PM] Remy: Dan: Can you find any instances that would suggest active recruitment from Church of Scientology members?
[26/12/2014, 1:34:48 PM] Chris Kluwe: GG is the cult with no leader or goal
[26/12/2014, 1:34:49 PM] Remy: That would just make my background wallpaper complete
[26/12/2014, 1:34:53 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i think there are certainly more open trans role models out there now than there were why i was coming to terms with it. and that isn't even that crazy long ago
[26/12/2014, 1:34:59 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): SJW --> JEW ... 2 of the same letters. Both 3 letters. ILLUMINATI CONNECTIONS CONFIRMED
[26/12/2014, 1:35:10 PM] drinternetphd: a cult with no leader or goal sounds ideal for a bunch of human fuckups who are rejected by anyone else
[26/12/2014, 1:35:12 PM] Dan Olson: mmm, no, not CoS. Aryan Nation, yes.
[26/12/2014, 1:35:14 PM] Chris Kluwe: i got to meet Geena Rocero at TED
[26/12/2014, 1:35:16 PM] Chris Kluwe: it was awesome
[26/12/2014, 1:35:27 PM] Remy: wow
[26/12/2014, 1:35:29 PM] drinternetphd: the barrier to entry is just "agree with us" and what they offer is undying support of anything you do
[26/12/2014, 1:35:36 PM] Remy: You know you're in good places when the Aryan Nation is trying to hit you up to join
[26/12/2014, 1:35:41 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: retroactively funny thing- back when I was talking to Liana for my anonymous harassment story thing, she asked me not to mention anything about the anti-semetic stuff GG says
[26/12/2014, 1:35:49 PM] drinternetphd: fuck liana
[26/12/2014, 1:35:53 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): but of course
[26/12/2014, 1:35:54 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: well, retroactively "funny"
[26/12/2014, 1:36:04 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: and yes, seriously
[26/12/2014, 1:36:04 PM] Chris Kluwe: now that the actual Nazis came out and joined them
[26/12/2014, 1:36:14 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: oh, actual nazis were on board then too
[26/12/2014, 1:36:15 PM] Quinnae: Seriously, SGG?
[26/12/2014, 1:36:18 PM] Dan Olson: in fact last week there was a KiA thread dismissing the overlap between GG and Stormfront as "NBD, just similar goals"
[26/12/2014, 1:36:19 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): So, whatever happened to MetalGate?
[26/12/2014, 1:36:32 PM] Tesseract: it died just like every single other hashtag they've ever made
[26/12/2014, 1:36:36 PM] Remy: "hey could you just like not mention our anti-semitism? I know it's everywhere but you'd be doing us a real favor"
[26/12/2014, 1:36:43 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: at the time I figured it was just weird, but, yeah exactly
[26/12/2014, 1:36:47 PM] drinternetphd: if you're anything but horrified when stormfront is starting to hang with you, you should fucking take a step back
[26/12/2014, 1:36:58 PM] Tesseract: as it turns out, shockingly, the metal community did not look at gamergate and think "hm, let's do exactly that"
[26/12/2014, 1:37:05 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: this was back when she was still doing a PRETTY good job of coming off as legitimately clueless/"neutral"
[26/12/2014, 1:37:23 PM] drinternetphd: she was on the anti-anita bandwagon before it was cool too
[26/12/2014, 1:37:28 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i'd love for you to write about gamergate. just don't mention the anti-semitism. or the racism in general. or the transphobia. or the misogyny. or the harassment or doxxing or backwards ideology. it's about ethics in game journalism. that's all you're allowed to mention
[26/12/2014, 1:37:31 PM] drinternetphd: I've talked with some of her former editors
[26/12/2014, 1:37:33 PM] Chris Kluwe: heh, most metalheads i've met are somewhat intelligent
[26/12/2014, 1:37:43 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Or when the lead singer of Disturbed came out in support of GG and people sent him a bunch of examples of GG being anti-semitic as fuck and he dismissed all of it... o.o
[26/12/2014, 1:37:44 PM] drinternetphd: she apparently has been a pretty huge misogynist for years and years
[26/12/2014, 1:37:48 PM] Remy: lol Zoe did you see that one tweet where that Gater was like "Well if a bar is always frequented by a bunch of pedophiles does that mean that I should leave?"
[26/12/2014, 1:37:51 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: yeah
[26/12/2014, 1:37:52 PM] Chris Kluwe: also, "I'm Mike Cernovich, and I still don't like Muslims!"
[26/12/2014, 1:37:53 PM] Remy: Y-E-S
[26/12/2014, 1:38:06 PM] Chris Kluwe: wow
[26/12/2014, 1:38:13 PM] Chris Kluwe: the answer to that question is always "yes"
[26/12/2014, 1:38:22 PM] drinternetphd: yo if there was a delicious food and pedos loved it pretty loudly I'd probably stop eating it
[26/12/2014, 1:38:25 PM] drinternetphd: just in case
[26/12/2014, 1:38:27 PM] Chris Kluwe: along with "and burn it to the ground"
[26/12/2014, 1:38:41 PM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 1:38:49 PM] drinternetphd: pretty much any time my venn diagram circle gets near one of pedos I go screeching in the other direction
[26/12/2014, 1:38:50 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: wasn't this the premise of a USB sketch? Or Kids in the Hall or somesuch?
[26/12/2014, 1:38:50 PM] Dan Olson: "Pedos love corn chips!"
"Whelp, sorry corn, we had a good run, you and I."
[26/12/2014, 1:38:54 PM] Quinnae: Quite.
[26/12/2014, 1:38:57 PM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 1:39:03 PM] Quinnae: And yeah, I can't begin to tell you how much Liana annoyed me.
[26/12/2014, 1:39:12 PM] Chris Kluwe: IT'S PITA CHIP TIME
[26/12/2014, 1:39:13 PM] Quinnae: I almost feel bad that I even mentioned her in my FPS essay.
[26/12/2014, 1:39:22 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Liana's "anti-GG are invaders" rant was so horrible and racist
[26/12/2014, 1:39:24 PM] Chris Kluwe: brb, getting more alcohol to deal with juicebro's blog
[26/12/2014, 1:39:26 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: She's basically the devil, and I have the logs to prove it if anyone ever has a legal need for'em
[26/12/2014, 1:39:43 PM] Tesseract: tumblr belongs to me now
[26/12/2014, 1:39:49 PM] Quinnae: She called me a bully for talking about how GG has a high school obsession.
[26/12/2014, 1:40:06 PM] Quinnae: Due to her ranting about the subject that day.
[26/12/2014, 1:40:51 PM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 1:40:52 PM] Remy: Tess
[26/12/2014, 1:40:55 PM] Remy: That is awesome
[26/12/2014, 1:41:17 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Tess, you are actually WINNING
[26/12/2014, 1:41:53 PM] Chris Kluwe: lol tess
[26/12/2014, 1:42:26 PM] Tesseract: I have such a ridiculous queue that the tag will be effectively owned by me for longer than gg is still a thing
[26/12/2014, 1:42:38 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: yeah i intentionally tag #gamergate because it's funny when half (or all, sometimes) of the big tagged posts for the day are against GG
[26/12/2014, 1:43:04 PM] Remy: lol Tess
[26/12/2014, 1:43:07 PM] drinternetphd: I can't stand tumblr anymore cause of how many people have latched onto calling me an abuser
[26/12/2014, 1:43:29 PM] Chris Kluwe: I bet juicebro has never used these powers for evil.
[26/12/2014, 1:44:08 PM] Tesseract: why the hell does he link popehat in his sidebar
[26/12/2014, 1:44:11 PM] Remy: Mirroring was something I picked up quick as a child to improve my odds of survival
[26/12/2014, 1:44:11 PM] Tesseract: right above roosh v no less
[26/12/2014, 1:44:20 PM] Chris Kluwe: and another intersection of religion and CSA
[26/12/2014, 1:45:27 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): LOL, caught this earlier today:
[26/12/2014, 1:45:40 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): No idea why people think GG is rightwing.
[26/12/2014, 1:45:44 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): shrugs
[26/12/2014, 1:45:45 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol
[26/12/2014, 1:47:02 PM] Remy: I guess back in 2004 he decided his law blog would become a humor blog
[26/12/2014, 1:47:29 PM] Chris Kluwe: oh no
[26/12/2014, 1:47:32 PM] Chris Kluwe: oh nooooooooooooo
[26/12/2014, 1:47:36 PM] Chris Kluwe:
[26/12/2014, 1:47:40 PM] Chris Kluwe: AND THEN
[26/12/2014, 1:47:47 PM] Chris Kluwe:
[26/12/2014, 1:47:56 PM] Chris Kluwe: WAKE UP SHEEPLE
[26/12/2014, 1:47:59 PM] Remy: oh god
[26/12/2014, 1:48:02 PM] Chris Kluwe: WAKE THE FUCK UP
[26/12/2014, 1:48:05 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Holy fuck. He's JUST like Adam Baldwin
[26/12/2014, 1:48:52 PM] Chris Kluwe: i feel like pointing them to that Mel Gibson conspiracy movie and saying "THIS IS NOT A GODDAMN PLAYBOOK"
[26/12/2014, 1:49:01 PM] Tesseract: oh godddd
[26/12/2014, 1:49:23 PM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 1:49:47 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Now it's making more sense why he's so invested in GG. He feels right at home with the women haters and conspiracy theorists
[26/12/2014, 1:49:56 PM] Chris Kluwe: he has like 8 posts in a row
[26/12/2014, 1:50:06 PM] Chris Kluwe: begging for someone to tell him where he can get Tamiflu
[26/12/2014, 1:50:09 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: There remain entirely too many people I follow who have regular interactions with Christine Love frequently enough for this block to annoy the hell out of me
[26/12/2014, 1:50:29 PM] Chris Kluwe: yeah, he's full on /r/conspiracy
[26/12/2014, 1:50:49 PM] Remy: Apparently he decides to use abortion as an analogy between the legal dichotomy between valuing your freedom or sacrificing them for your safety
[26/12/2014, 1:50:57 PM] Remy: "If I told a woman we must balance her freedom to have an abortion with the need for safety - since abortion teaches us to devalue personal responsibility - she would say, "I have the right to control my body!"  And so, people who support gun control or oppose abortion do not use the freedom-safety dichotomy.  Why is that?"
[26/12/2014, 1:51:23 PM] Chris Kluwe: wut
[26/12/2014, 1:51:33 PM] Chris Kluwe: i really hope he tried to use that in law school
[26/12/2014, 1:51:38 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: ... what indeed?
[26/12/2014, 1:51:47 PM] Chris Kluwe: here's a gem
[26/12/2014, 1:51:49 PM] Remy: It's in one of the blogs on that last link I posted
[26/12/2014, 1:51:51 PM] Chris Kluwe: "In reality, the average flyover country red neck is less racist than your typical coastal liberal.  I know.  I’ve worked in junk yards and law firms.  I’ve worked with poor white trash and rich liberal scum.  The rich liberals win the racism war.  That truth is hidden by leaves because coastal liberals say they love blacks.  Mental states control. "
[26/12/2014, 1:52:00 PM] Remy: Underneath the joke image about Michael Jackson being a child molester
[26/12/2014, 1:52:09 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): GUYS!
[26/12/2014, 1:52:12 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): THE AD IS LIVE!
[26/12/2014, 1:52:15 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): THE AD IS LIVE!
[26/12/2014, 1:52:16 PM] Tesseract: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
[26/12/2014, 1:52:18 PM] Remy: SHOW EET TOO MEE
[26/12/2014, 1:52:19 PM] Chris Kluwe: GOING LOOKING
[26/12/2014, 1:52:23 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Should I tweet it out?
[26/12/2014, 1:52:26 PM] Remy: I MUST SEE THEIR HEADS EXPLODE
[26/12/2014, 1:52:28 PM] Tesseract:
[26/12/2014, 1:52:33 PM] Tesseract: IT'S GOING DOWN
[26/12/2014, 1:52:43 PM] Chris Kluwe: FUCK
[26/12/2014, 1:52:44 PM] Tesseract: it being shit and not the ad
[26/12/2014, 1:52:47 PM] Chris Kluwe: I CAN'T SEE THE AD
[26/12/2014, 1:52:51 PM] Chris Kluwe: BECAUSE I'M GILDED
[26/12/2014, 1:52:58 PM] Chris Kluwe: FUCKING PRIVILEGE
[26/12/2014, 1:53:38 PM] Chris Kluwe: i cannot wait to see the KiA thread
[26/12/2014, 1:53:52 PM] Chris Kluwe: i'm sure it will be full of rational discourse and reasoned logic
[26/12/2014, 1:53:58 PM] Chris Kluwe: and not at all a raging dumpster fire
[26/12/2014, 1:54:06 PM] Remy: What is this ad from
[26/12/2014, 1:54:22 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): To wait until the Gaters see the ad? or should I tweet it out? I have a screenshot
[26/12/2014, 1:54:30 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: I'm not seeing this ad either
[26/12/2014, 1:54:37 PM] Quinnae: My girlfriend says "that's some grade A lols right there"
[26/12/2014, 1:54:39 PM] Chris Kluwe: i see it now
[26/12/2014, 1:54:43 PM] Quinnae: You have earned her approval, folks.
[26/12/2014, 1:54:46 PM] Chris Kluwe: but i had to follow the link
[26/12/2014, 1:55:04 PM] Tesseract: I already tweeted it out whoops
[26/12/2014, 1:55:11 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: oh, definitely don't... nevermind
[26/12/2014, 1:55:27 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ok. too late
[26/12/2014, 1:55:27 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx):
[26/12/2014, 1:56:05 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: how do you see the replies to an ad?
[26/12/2014, 1:56:18 PM] Remy: lol I guess is just a smarmy t-shirt company trying to capitalize on sexists who buy t-shirts
[26/12/2014, 1:56:18 PM] Tesseract: alex disabled comments
[26/12/2014, 1:56:25 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): AHAHA
[26/12/2014, 1:56:28 PM] Tesseract: so you'll have to wait until the inevitable topic
[26/12/2014, 1:56:29 PM] Chris Kluwe: "I'm Mike Cernovich, and sometimes torture is A-OK!"
[26/12/2014, 1:56:31 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: ah okay
[26/12/2014, 1:57:15 PM] Chris Kluwe: "I'm Mike Cernovich, and I STILL think torture is A-OK!"
[26/12/2014, 1:57:23 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): AHAHAHA
[26/12/2014, 1:57:27 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I LOVE THIS
[26/12/2014, 1:57:31 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): WE ARE SO BADASS
[26/12/2014, 1:57:31 PM] Tesseract: more good thoughts on torture
[26/12/2014, 1:57:32 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): <3
[26/12/2014, 1:57:33 PM] Dan Olson: the post is literally "more good thoughts on torture"
[26/12/2014, 1:57:36 PM] Chris Kluwe: i'm wondering if there is a topic he isn't going to hit in this blog
[26/12/2014, 1:58:22 PM] Remy: Does anyone know if McDonald's is open right now?
[26/12/2014, 1:58:29 PM] Remy: I know Christians are celebrating and all
[26/12/2014, 1:58:33 PM] Remy: but I haven't eaten in like two days
[26/12/2014, 1:58:42 PM] Quinnae: Poor dear.
[26/12/2014, 1:58:46 PM] Chris Kluwe: BUT WAIT. THERE'S MORE!
[26/12/2014, 1:58:49 PM] Remy: I have a weird appetite thing
[26/12/2014, 1:59:01 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): When I worked at McDonald's years ago, McD being opened on Christmas varies by franchise
[26/12/2014, 1:59:16 PM] Chris Kluwe: omg
[26/12/2014, 1:59:18 PM] Chris Kluwe: the comments
[26/12/2014, 1:59:22 PM] Chris Kluwe: read the comments on that last one
[26/12/2014, 2:00:31 PM] Dan Olson: Our McDs is open 24h all week
[26/12/2014, 2:00:52 PM] Remy: wow
[26/12/2014, 2:01:00 PM] Tesseract: wow KIA is slow as hell today
[26/12/2014, 2:01:09 PM] Remy: Those comments are amazing
[26/12/2014, 2:01:39 PM] Chris Kluwe: i can promise you, as someone who smokes, juicebro was HIGH AS FUCK when he wrote this one
[26/12/2014, 2:02:11 PM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 2:02:15 PM] Remy: I need to archive this one
[26/12/2014, 2:02:29 PM] Chris Kluwe: it's SUCH GOOD STONER LOGIC
[26/12/2014, 2:02:29 PM] Remy: And read it out loud while listening to new wave music
[26/12/2014, 2:02:33 PM] Remy: With a tie-dye background
[26/12/2014, 2:02:43 PM] Dan Olson: "Over the past couple of years - as I've thought more about pluralistic perception - I've appreciated math" so high
[26/12/2014, 2:03:10 PM] Chris Kluwe: "Maaaaaaaaaan, what if we could... and hear me out... speak in... MATHS. Like.................... wow. Mind. Boosh. Kerplew."
[26/12/2014, 2:03:30 PM] Remy: 32948342938743243  I JUST SAID HELLO
[26/12/2014, 2:03:31 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): WORDS ARE JUST 1s and 0s
[26/12/2014, 2:03:36 PM] Dan Olson: Like that time I spent a half hour trying to explain to a friend that I could hear the switches in my brain opening and closing, like electron gates.
[26/12/2014, 2:03:38 PM] Chris Kluwe: 100010101101010101011111100000110101
[26/12/2014, 2:03:47 PM] Chris Kluwe: BOOSH
[26/12/2014, 2:04:07 PM] Chris Kluwe: (please note I have no idea what that says in binary)
[26/12/2014, 2:04:18 PM] Remy: I'm sure it's very offensive
[26/12/2014, 2:04:46 PM] Dan Olson: It says, and I quote, "37267830837"
[26/12/2014, 2:04:52 PM] Chris Kluwe: fuck
[26/12/2014, 2:04:57 PM] Chris Kluwe: i was going for "42"
[26/12/2014, 2:05:14 PM] Remy: You must have been off by a digit
[26/12/2014, 2:05:18 PM] Chris Kluwe: so here's an actually good TED talk, but the commentary juicebro gives below it is priceless.
[26/12/2014, 2:05:43 PM] Tesseract: pffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
[26/12/2014, 2:06:39 PM] Chris Kluwe: more Truthiness
[26/12/2014, 2:06:52 PM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 2:06:52 PM] Chris Kluwe: i feel like i'm back in the realm forums again
[26/12/2014, 2:06:59 PM] Remy: I wonder how long he's been able to control reality
[26/12/2014, 2:07:04 PM] Remy: Depending on which side of his brain he uses
[26/12/2014, 2:07:06 PM] Remy: OMG is he Lucy?
[26/12/2014, 2:07:15 PM] Chris Kluwe: in his mind he is
[26/12/2014, 2:07:17 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): he's got some mansplaining to do
[26/12/2014, 2:07:35 PM] drinternetphd: no need to be so dramatic, pup
[26/12/2014, 2:07:46 PM] Chris Kluwe: like, when i do this "debate," i'm SO asking him "So, Mike, what's your opinion on 9/11?"
[26/12/2014, 2:07:52 PM] Remy: FYI according to Scientology Tom Cruise should possess the ability to communicate telepathically with animals and move objects with his mind
[26/12/2014, 2:07:53 PM] Tesseract: "April 13, 2009" well that brings me back to my embarassing internet history lol
[26/12/2014, 2:07:56 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Zoe, you said you weren't wearing pants...
[26/12/2014, 2:08:33 PM] drinternetphd: not real pants
[26/12/2014, 2:08:42 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Ah
[26/12/2014, 2:08:44 PM] drinternetphd: just pj pants
[26/12/2014, 2:09:18 PM] Remy: Ask him about chemtrails
[26/12/2014, 2:09:21 PM] Chris Kluwe: "I'm Mike Cernovich, and I swear I'm not a racist!"
[26/12/2014, 2:09:21 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Zoe, in case you didn't catch, our Ad is now live!
[26/12/2014, 2:09:35 PM] Chris Kluwe: oh man, chemtrails
[26/12/2014, 2:09:47 PM] Chris Kluwe: i need to bring up the Bilderberg group as well
[26/12/2014, 2:10:12 PM] SF: >juicebro, down with the CP since 09!

It's funny because that stands for Clown Posse.
[26/12/2014, 2:10:23 PM] Remy: Oh wow
[26/12/2014, 2:10:23 PM] Tesseract: chemtrails?
[26/12/2014, 2:10:26 PM] Remy: That link, Chris
[26/12/2014, 2:10:29 PM] Chris Kluwe: like, seriously, my wet dream for this debate is that he just starts spiralling out into conspiracyland, and i'll just nod and go "mmmhmm, tell me more," and it'll last like three hours
[26/12/2014, 2:10:42 PM] Remy: His whole blog post there is just RACISM AGAINST WHITES IS THE REAL RACISM
[26/12/2014, 2:10:47 PM] Chris Kluwe: ayup
[26/12/2014, 2:11:45 PM] Remy: My prediction, Chris, was that you have never expected this to culminate into an actual debate, and that you merely knew you were being invited to a shit storm and wanted to videotape the monkeys throwing the poo
[26/12/2014, 2:12:02 PM] Chris Kluwe: shhhhhhhhhhhh
[26/12/2014, 2:12:07 PM] Chris Kluwe: don't ruin my fun
[26/12/2014, 2:12:08 PM] Remy: Just checkin'
[26/12/2014, 2:12:14 PM] Remy: I like to make sure my answers are correct
[26/12/2014, 2:12:26 PM] Quinnae: Off to watch cute lesbian anime with the partner. See you all, be good!
[26/12/2014, 2:12:26 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): This message has been removed.
[26/12/2014, 2:12:29 PM] Chris Kluwe: also, "I'm Mike Cernovich and this is doxx request number five!"
[26/12/2014, 2:12:34 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): This message has been removed.
[26/12/2014, 2:12:35 PM] Chris Kluwe: enjoy!
[26/12/2014, 2:12:47 PM] Dina : heyo Katherine,
[26/12/2014, 2:12:56 PM] Dina : and... Chris Kluwe. huh.
[26/12/2014, 2:13:00 PM] drinternetphd: omg we're laughing about the ad so hard
[26/12/2014, 2:13:01 PM] Chris Kluwe: hola
[26/12/2014, 2:13:02 PM] drinternetphd: alex just woke up
[26/12/2014, 2:13:07 PM] Quinnae: Bye-o, Dina! Take care. :)
[26/12/2014, 2:13:18 PM] Dina : bye <3
[26/12/2014, 2:13:22 PM] Quinnae: Y'all be good. Always strive for those Lawful Good points!
[26/12/2014, 2:13:24 PM] Quinnae: <3
[26/12/2014, 2:13:31 PM] Remy: Wow
[26/12/2014, 2:13:39 PM] Remy: Zoe did you see that last link Chris posted?
[26/12/2014, 2:14:01 PM] Chris Kluwe: i feel like at this point i should be breaking these down into categories
[26/12/2014, 2:14:06 PM] Remy: This guy has been trying to dox people since 2009
[26/12/2014, 2:14:14 PM] Remy: Right?
[26/12/2014, 2:14:20 PM] SF: Please update the chat with any keks deriving from the ad, top or otherwise.
[26/12/2014, 2:14:27 PM] Chris Kluwe: juicebro doxxing, juicebro conspiracing, juicebro philosoraptoring
[26/12/2014, 2:14:38 PM] Chris Kluwe: he certainly tried to
[26/12/2014, 2:14:54 PM] Chris Kluwe: here's one for the philosoraptoring category
[26/12/2014, 2:15:02 PM] Remy: oh fuck I was going to grab burgers stop distracting me with semen-sorcerers and their ramblings
[26/12/2014, 2:15:18 PM] Dina : semen sorcerers did not have to be a BAD THING
[26/12/2014, 2:15:21 PM] Dina : DAMN YOU GG
[26/12/2014, 2:15:44 PM] Chris Kluwe: i put on my robe and wizard hat
[26/12/2014, 2:15:47 PM] SF: Semancer
[26/12/2014, 2:15:54 PM] SF: Juicebromancy
[26/12/2014, 2:16:09 PM] Chris Kluwe: Jizzlock
[26/12/2014, 2:16:15 PM] Tesseract: oh god
[26/12/2014, 2:16:18 PM] Tesseract: jizzard
[26/12/2014, 2:16:21 PM] drinternetphd: Jizzard
[26/12/2014, 2:16:22 PM] drinternetphd: god damnit
[26/12/2014, 2:16:22 PM] Chris Kluwe: hjahahahahah
[26/12/2014, 2:16:25 PM] Dan Olson: Does ad have an angry thread yet?
[26/12/2014, 2:16:28 PM] drinternetphd: no
[26/12/2014, 2:16:35 PM] Dina : lol
[26/12/2014, 2:16:41 PM] Remy: Spoogecaster
[26/12/2014, 2:16:49 PM] SF: Spoogebob
[26/12/2014, 2:16:50 PM] drinternetphd: spermancer
[26/12/2014, 2:16:54 PM] SF: I wish his name was bob
[26/12/2014, 2:17:00 PM] Remy: Wizard of Goo
[26/12/2014, 2:17:04 PM] Dina : spunklunker
[26/12/2014, 2:17:07 PM] Dina : wait no
[26/12/2014, 2:17:07 PM] drinternetphd: lol
[26/12/2014, 2:17:22 PM] drinternetphd: Smegma Dan
[26/12/2014, 2:17:27 PM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 2:17:31 PM] Chris Kluwe: add another one to the juice racist category
[26/12/2014, 2:17:33 PM] Dina : ewwww
[26/12/2014, 2:17:41 PM] Chris Kluwe: he drops it in at the end
[26/12/2014, 2:17:51 PM] SF: How does he manage to be mad about so many things
[26/12/2014, 2:17:57 PM] SF: I can't even be happy about that many things
[26/12/2014, 2:18:06 PM] drinternetphd: he's empty inside so he has room for all that
[26/12/2014, 2:18:11 PM] drinternetphd: oh shit
[26/12/2014, 2:18:12 PM] drinternetphd: is this like
[26/12/2014, 2:18:13 PM] Remy: I saw it
[26/12/2014, 2:18:17 PM] drinternetphd: an arg for a new season of dexter
[26/12/2014, 2:18:21 PM] Dan Olson: hahaha
[26/12/2014, 2:18:31 PM] Dan Olson: GG in its entirety?
[26/12/2014, 2:18:42 PM] Dan Olson: "Dexter has a boyfriend, his name is Eron"?
[26/12/2014, 2:18:45 PM] Remy: read the comments on that one Chris
[26/12/2014, 2:18:48 PM] Remy: Listen to him argue with Sherri
[26/12/2014, 2:18:51 PM] Dina : ewwwwww dan nooo
[26/12/2014, 2:19:02 PM] drinternetphd: barf
[26/12/2014, 2:19:14 PM] Dina : guys this is probably not good for us to stare into the abyss for so long
[26/12/2014, 2:19:23 PM] Remy: She disagrees with him so he literally implies that she is a serial killer truck driver
[26/12/2014, 2:19:24 PM] drinternetphd: it definitely isn't I am mostly playing with puppies right now
[26/12/2014, 2:19:29 PM] Dan Olson: Puppies!
[26/12/2014, 2:19:30 PM] drinternetphd: also the abyss has kinda become my life so like
[26/12/2014, 2:19:39 PM] Chris Kluwe: WTF
[26/12/2014, 2:19:40 PM] drinternetphd: it stared back and now I am an apathy elemental
[26/12/2014, 2:19:48 PM] Dina : Jesus Zoe
[26/12/2014, 2:19:49 PM] Chris Kluwe: I DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE
[26/12/2014, 2:19:52 PM] Dina : I'm so sorry
[26/12/2014, 2:19:54 PM] Remy: okay I'm heading out for burgers
[26/12/2014, 2:19:58 PM] Chris Kluwe: "I've been a truck driver for 25 years"
[26/12/2014, 2:20:01 PM] Remy: ^
[26/12/2014, 2:20:03 PM] Dina : *makes you a Christmas package*
[26/12/2014, 2:20:05 PM] Remy: I told you Chris it was gold
[26/12/2014, 2:20:09 PM] drinternetphd: nah it's ok it's kind of ok
[26/12/2014, 2:20:12 PM] Dan Olson: Burgers yes. Truck driver, what?
[26/12/2014, 2:20:28 PM] Chris Kluwe: IT'S GOLD JERRY! PURE GOLD!
[26/12/2014, 2:20:33 PM] Remy: Mike C claims to be a 25 year driving veteran to mansplain to a professional that, yes, she is indeed a serial killer
[26/12/2014, 2:20:45 PM] Remy: In the comments section of his own blog
[26/12/2014, 2:20:55 PM] Tesseract: is that him or just some other guy named mike
[26/12/2014, 2:20:57 PM] drinternetphd: uh
[26/12/2014, 2:21:04 PM] Tesseract: he doesn't type anything like juicebro
[26/12/2014, 2:21:05 PM] Chris Kluwe: based on that, he got his class C license at the age of 6. that's fucking impressive
[26/12/2014, 2:21:10 PM] drinternetphd: so when is cernovich gonna be like "The Aristocrats!"
[26/12/2014, 2:21:12 PM] Dina : lmao
[26/12/2014, 2:21:28 PM] Dina : haha joke's on us all along he's serious
[26/12/2014, 2:21:37 PM] SF: If anyone's going to reveal to have been "in character" for years it's Aurini imo
[26/12/2014, 2:21:42 PM] Dina : I do fantasize about mowing him down with a chainsaw a lot
[26/12/2014, 2:21:45 PM] Remy: Yeah it might be a different Mike, you could be right
[26/12/2014, 2:21:49 PM] Remy: ugh still that was golden
[26/12/2014, 2:21:55 PM] SF: He'd be like "How did you not see all the clues I dropped?? The cheesy edits? The skulls?"
[26/12/2014, 2:21:56 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Okay I'm awake now what's up other than gross C&F stuff
[26/12/2014, 2:22:02 PM] Alex Lifschitz: hahaha the fucking ad
[26/12/2014, 2:22:04 PM] Chris Kluwe: you're right, juicebro tends to capitalize his name
[26/12/2014, 2:22:11 PM] Remy: <3 thanks for the ad, Alex
[26/12/2014, 2:22:13 PM] SF: Things are mercifully quiet.
[26/12/2014, 2:22:16 PM] Remy: Best present
[26/12/2014, 2:22:24 PM] SF: It kind of proves that they really can turn off harassment when they want :/
[26/12/2014, 2:22:36 PM] Chris Kluwe: Oh. My. Science.
[26/12/2014, 2:22:38 PM] Chris Kluwe:
[26/12/2014, 2:22:49 PM] Chris Kluwe: USE YOUR MIRROR NEURONS, SHEEPLE
[26/12/2014, 2:22:55 PM] Chris Kluwe: WAKE THE FUCK UP
[26/12/2014, 2:23:12 PM] Chris Kluwe: ENHANCE YOUR ENERGY TENTACLES
[26/12/2014, 2:23:22 PM] SF: I'm worried I'm going to get alpha STDs from these websites.
[26/12/2014, 2:23:31 PM] Dan Olson: "the cheesy edits, the skulls, the way I'd launch into 'women are all bitches' rants at industry events...?"
[26/12/2014, 2:23:47 PM] Dina : ok this is great I'll do that right after I'm done rubbing my balls on spiritual power spots
[26/12/2014, 2:24:20 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): o.o lol
[26/12/2014, 2:24:23 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): haha
[26/12/2014, 2:24:28 PM] Dan Olson: "The way that I'd tell complete strangers on various professional sets how modern society has made women into whores...? None of this tipped you off?"
[26/12/2014, 2:24:31 PM] Dina : mental note: Mike is Aurini fan fiction
[26/12/2014, 2:24:43 PM] SF: "I mean I tried to depict the masculine experience as a B-movie martial arts battle I was worried I was getting ham handed with this"
[26/12/2014, 2:24:56 PM] Dina : "B movie" you flatter yourself Aurini
[26/12/2014, 2:24:58 PM] Tesseract: aurini is an ancient lich who keeps his soul in a skull phylactery
[26/12/2014, 2:25:09 PM] Chris Kluwe: ahem
[26/12/2014, 2:25:16 PM] Dina : pretty sure poor Skully is also a victim
[26/12/2014, 2:25:22 PM] Chris Kluwe: i believe you mean a "juice" phylactory
[26/12/2014, 2:25:22 PM] Alex Lifschitz: *gently places ballsack on intersection of cosmic laylines*
[26/12/2014, 2:25:31 PM] SF: I expected to see the skull on Colbert's mantle in the final episode.
[26/12/2014, 2:25:32 PM] Dina : ohai Alex!
[26/12/2014, 2:25:37 PM] Alex Lifschitz: yo dina
[26/12/2014, 2:25:40 PM] SF: I should photoshop that in hahahaha
[26/12/2014, 2:25:46 PM] Dan Olson: No, Alex, that's how RIFTS happened!
[26/12/2014, 2:25:55 PM] SF: With the Obama ushanka.
[26/12/2014, 2:25:59 PM] Dina : did we just explain Pacific Rim?
[26/12/2014, 2:26:19 PM] Dina : Kaijuus are the cosmos embodiment of how evil these fuckers are
[26/12/2014, 2:26:30 PM] drinternetphd: but I like kaiju
[26/12/2014, 2:26:30 PM] Dina : borne of them placing their testicles along fault lines
[26/12/2014, 2:26:33 PM] Alex Lifschitz: the scene with Indiana Jones hesitating over swapping a jar of 3-month-porn-free jizm for the golden idol
[26/12/2014, 2:26:49 PM] Dina : they ruin everything we love, Zoe, I'm sorry
[26/12/2014, 2:26:54 PM] drinternetphd: true
[26/12/2014, 2:26:55 PM] Dan Olson: So, I described to a Gator the kind of shit I saw in /doll/ and here's teh reply. 
"Also, I seriously doubt you have seen actual photos of anything like that. If you saw something even close to that it would have been an animated cartoon, which while sick, didn't actually involve the exploitation of real living children. And again, that is legal, so blame the US government."

What's the kindest way to say "go fuck yourself"?
[26/12/2014, 2:27:04 PM] Chris Kluwe: "the bag gently squishes as he hefts it in his testosterone enhanced hand"
[26/12/2014, 2:27:09 PM] drinternetphd: dan I got this
[26/12/2014, 2:27:14 PM] Alex Lifschitz: "...Please stop supporting child pornography."
[26/12/2014, 2:27:21 PM] drinternetphd: dan
[26/12/2014, 2:27:23 PM] Remy: ^
[26/12/2014, 2:27:24 PM] drinternetphd: respond with this
[26/12/2014, 2:27:24 PM] drinternetphd:
[26/12/2014, 2:27:39 PM] SF: "I know you're mad at pedophiles but have you considered THE US GOVERNMENT?"
[26/12/2014, 2:27:42 PM] Chris Kluwe: haha, love that gif
[26/12/2014, 2:27:46 PM] SF: #Obolacare
[26/12/2014, 2:27:52 PM] Dan Olson: Done
[26/12/2014, 2:27:53 PM] Remy: OMG ZOE
[26/12/2014, 2:27:57 PM] Remy: I AM ABOUT TO GO GET BURGERS
[26/12/2014, 2:28:00 PM] drinternetphd: ahahaha
[26/12/2014, 2:28:01 PM] Remy: DO NOT POOP ON MY SCREEN
[26/12/2014, 2:28:03 PM] Tesseract: so does juicebro get only 75% of the magical powers from putting his balls on a layline
[26/12/2014, 2:28:06 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Michael Tiberius Cernovich wiping his brow as he walks away from another physically demanding workday at the Nickelodeon Gak factory
[26/12/2014, 2:28:08 PM] Dina : ZOE DO YOU KEEP THESE HANDY AT ALL TIMES
[26/12/2014, 2:28:11 PM] drinternetphd: yes
[26/12/2014, 2:28:17 PM] SF: That poor dog looked surprised too.
[26/12/2014, 2:28:22 PM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 2:28:22 PM] drinternetphd: I have a "haters" folder on my desktop
[26/12/2014, 2:28:35 PM] Remy: I call my folder "Fuck off"
[26/12/2014, 2:28:42 PM] drinternetphd: sometimes it has nice things in it too though
[26/12/2014, 2:28:47 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Oh yeah we each have a "for idiot shitgoblins on twitter" folder
[26/12/2014, 2:28:59 PM] Chris Kluwe: all mine are on my phone :/
[26/12/2014, 2:29:00 PM] Dina : oh God I'm still laugh crying at that Lizzy article about STEM on ROK
[26/12/2014, 2:29:02 PM] Tesseract: I just have a virtually bottomless recycle bin
[26/12/2014, 2:29:09 PM] Tesseract: it's just like
[26/12/2014, 2:29:14 PM] Tesseract: infinite
[26/12/2014, 2:29:17 PM] Tesseract: gator images
[26/12/2014, 2:29:25 PM] Dina : wish I had that gif then to brave the comments section
[26/12/2014, 2:29:39 PM] Chris Kluwe: "I'm Mike Cernovich, and I SWEAR I've never been on drugs."
[26/12/2014, 2:29:42 PM] Dan Olson: An Eastern Orthodox priest blessing two dolphins, or just giving them pats on the head?
[26/12/2014, 2:29:55 PM] Tesseract: My friend got a kick out of that.  "No, that's just how he is."
[26/12/2014, 2:29:57 PM] Tesseract: accurate
[26/12/2014, 2:29:58 PM] Dan Olson: DOES THE EOC MARRY DOLPHINS?!
[26/12/2014, 2:30:14 PM] drinternetphd: yeah I've been going with dog images lately over stuff like gators
[26/12/2014, 2:30:36 PM] Alex Lifschitz: maybe my favorite
[26/12/2014, 2:30:37 PM] SF: >Why is a "muffin" called a "muffin"?

He's right he does sound like he's stoned all the time.
[26/12/2014, 2:30:44 PM] drinternetphd: god I love that one
[26/12/2014, 2:31:04 PM] SF: Uh is that dog okay
[26/12/2014, 2:31:12 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): It looks staged
[26/12/2014, 2:31:21 PM] Dina : clearly photoshopped
[26/12/2014, 2:31:36 PM] Alex Lifschitz: also this
[26/12/2014, 2:31:41 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): I'm thinking more someone off camera with a chocolate syrup bottle
[26/12/2014, 2:32:13 PM] SF: I meant the wiggling one
[26/12/2014, 2:32:42 PM] Chris Kluwe: YOU GUYS
[26/12/2014, 2:32:45 PM] Chris Kluwe: EVERYONE
[26/12/2014, 2:32:50 PM] Chris Kluwe: EVERYYYYYYONNNNEEEE
[26/12/2014, 2:32:50 PM] Dina : o.o
[26/12/2014, 2:32:55 PM] Chris Kluwe: CERNOVICH IS A WHITE KNIGHT
[26/12/2014, 2:32:57 PM] Dina : O__O
[26/12/2014, 2:32:58 PM] Chris Kluwe:
[26/12/2014, 2:32:59 PM] Alex Lifschitz: *girds loins*
[26/12/2014, 2:33:02 PM] Alex Lifschitz: oh no
[26/12/2014, 2:33:15 PM] drinternetphd: put yer loins down
[26/12/2014, 2:33:23 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): Chris. God Bless you. I need to tweet this
[26/12/2014, 2:33:29 PM] Alex Lifschitz: *ungurds loins to dispose of rapidly expanding panic turd*
[26/12/2014, 2:33:37 PM] Chris Kluwe: SSSSSJJJJJJWWWWWWWWWW
[26/12/2014, 2:33:51 PM] drinternetphd: "She rebuffed me. Alas~" - Mike Cernovich
[26/12/2014, 2:33:57 PM] Chris Kluwe: it's so good
[26/12/2014, 2:34:01 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Careful tweeting it, you don't wanna tip the dude off that his blog has a bunch of pinky shit we're looking through
[26/12/2014, 2:34:07 PM] drinternetphd: ^^^^^^^
[26/12/2014, 2:34:09 PM] Tesseract: yeah don't tweet it
[26/12/2014, 2:34:15 PM] Chris Kluwe: yeah, i would say hold onto it for a bit
[26/12/2014, 2:34:23 PM] Dina : this is the worst GOT fan fiction I've ever read
[26/12/2014, 2:34:27 PM] Dina : "comely"
[26/12/2014, 2:34:29 PM] Chris Kluwe: but DEFINITELY keep it saved
[26/12/2014, 2:34:36 PM] drinternetphd: [lute music intensifies]
[26/12/2014, 2:34:37 PM] Alex Lifschitz: This may have been before he learned of the magic of super serum from the keebler elves
[26/12/2014, 2:35:00 PM] Dina : "uppity" minority woman <- ANGER INTESIFIES
[26/12/2014, 2:35:06 PM] Chris Kluwe: this blog title is amazing
[26/12/2014, 2:35:06 PM] drinternetphd: yknow we were gonna watch mst3k but this pretty much seems like the same thing
[26/12/2014, 2:35:10 PM] Dina : that epithet just drives me nuts
[26/12/2014, 2:35:10 PM] drinternetphd: omg
[26/12/2014, 2:35:24 PM] Dina : I'm so glad my fave is Joel right now
[26/12/2014, 2:35:28 PM] Dina : Mike, your name is tainted
[26/12/2014, 2:35:39 PM] drinternetphd: gosh
[26/12/2014, 2:36:44 PM] Dina : huh. Why am I not surprised he's all about Eugenics
[26/12/2014, 2:36:47 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ok. screenshot
[26/12/2014, 2:36:49 PM] Chris Kluwe: throw this one in the "intersection of juicebro's probably horrific past and present" category
[26/12/2014, 2:37:37 PM] Dina : wait the end sentence of that made sense
[26/12/2014, 2:37:46 PM] Dina : he almost sounds... compassionate?
[26/12/2014, 2:37:50 PM] Dina : human...?
[26/12/2014, 2:37:57 PM] Dina : Nah probably just my imagination
[26/12/2014, 2:38:18 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): lol.
[26/12/2014, 2:38:28 PM] Izzy (@iglvzx): ok, I'm off to bed. Goodnight everyone! <3
[26/12/2014, 2:38:30 PM] Chris Kluwe: he has moments, but sadly they're few and far between
[26/12/2014, 2:38:33 PM] Chris Kluwe: take it easy!
[26/12/2014, 2:38:35 PM] Dina : Night!
[26/12/2014, 2:38:59 PM] Dina : Ohio is a hotbed of child slavery? :(
[26/12/2014, 2:39:17 PM] Dina : sad now
[26/12/2014, 2:40:12 PM] Dina : SIGH:
[26/12/2014, 2:40:38 PM] Chris Kluwe: he's shipped as many games as Roguestar
[26/12/2014, 2:40:49 PM] Dina : lmao
[26/12/2014, 2:41:24 PM] Dan Olson: Note: Twine still requires good ideas and the ability to engage others emotionally, so you're still SOL.
[26/12/2014, 2:41:53 PM] Dina : "rekt"
[26/12/2014, 2:41:59 PM] Dan Olson: Sigh, another cold burn I'll never send because needlessly antagonizing John is a waste of time.
[26/12/2014, 2:42:06 PM] Chris Kluwe: "I'm Mike Cernovich and here's my sixth doxxing!"
[26/12/2014, 2:42:37 PM] Dina : Dan that is a shame, my job forbids me from antagonizing Youtubers so yeah
[26/12/2014, 2:42:40 PM] Peter Coffin: why is this man not disbarred
[26/12/2014, 2:43:04 PM] Dina : TB is the only one I take subtle jabs at
[26/12/2014, 2:43:17 PM] Chris Kluwe: oh don't worry, he's cool with statutory rape
[26/12/2014, 2:43:19 PM] Chris Kluwe:
[26/12/2014, 2:43:28 PM] Dina : UUUUUGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH
[26/12/2014, 2:43:40 PM] Peter Coffin: I wasn’t actually worried he was concerned with it
[26/12/2014, 2:43:56 PM] Dan Olson: "Why didn't you report all this softcore kiddie porn to the mods of the softcore kiddie porn boards?"
[26/12/2014, 2:44:08 PM] Tesseract: basically
[26/12/2014, 2:44:32 PM] Peter Coffin: “I felt like holy fuck I’m living in a bullshit bizarro dimension, that’s why"
[26/12/2014, 2:44:39 PM] Dina : TB has pools of rot in his smile and the maggots are holding his face together
[26/12/2014, 2:44:40 PM] Tesseract: funfact 8chan chooses global mods via an "algorithm" that just promotes the mods of popular boards
[26/12/2014, 2:44:42 PM] Tesseract: like
[26/12/2014, 2:44:47 PM] Tesseract: the nazi board
[26/12/2014, 2:44:49 PM] Tesseract: and
[26/12/2014, 2:44:51 PM] Tesseract: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[26/12/2014, 2:44:53 PM] Dina : oh God
[26/12/2014, 2:45:06 PM] Chris Kluwe: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[26/12/2014, 2:45:06 PM] Dan Olson: someone was all confrontation-ally "or don't you have faith in the system to take care of this?" like they were gonna prove I wasn't sufficiently patriotic or some crap, and I'm just "nope, I don't."
[26/12/2014, 2:45:26 PM] Remy: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[26/12/2014, 2:45:30 PM] Dina : yeah
[26/12/2014, 2:45:34 PM] Dina : down with capitalism
[26/12/2014, 2:45:42 PM] Peter Coffin: “yeah why the fuck do you think our justice system works"
[26/12/2014, 2:45:52 PM] Remy: "Why don't you trust the mods to remove it"
[26/12/2014, 2:45:54 PM] Dina : the invisible hands are as real as the emperor's new clothes
[26/12/2014, 2:45:55 PM] Tesseract: also /gg/ was their second most popular board and the admin of it was never promoted to global mod so it's doubtful there even are any global mods at all
[26/12/2014, 2:45:57 PM] Remy: "Because if they were doing their job I wouldn't have seen what I saw and this conversation wouldn't exist"
[26/12/2014, 2:45:58 PM] Dina : sorry off topic
[26/12/2014, 2:46:15 PM] Peter Coffin: these fucking morons should not be touting it, they are a hop away from MRAs if not already hardcore MRAs and therefore believe the justice system isn’t fair with men
[26/12/2014, 2:46:21 PM] Peter Coffin: therefor isn’t fair at all
[26/12/2014, 2:46:30 PM] Peter Coffin: down with everything
[26/12/2014, 2:46:31 PM] Tesseract: hotwheels literally explains in the faq that he expects the mods of the pedo boards to remove the cp
[26/12/2014, 2:46:34 PM] Peter Coffin: but no, patriotism
[26/12/2014, 2:46:39 PM] Tesseract: like some sort of bullshit free market forum moderation system
[26/12/2014, 2:46:42 PM] Peter Coffin: fucking patriotism rears its stupid head
[26/12/2014, 2:46:46 PM] Dan Olson: "Surely the FBI would have taken care of it by now, because the GOVERNMENT is magic like that, and never turns a blind eye to abuses due to apathy, lack of resources, differing priorities, or general ignorance."
[26/12/2014, 2:46:49 PM] Peter Coffin: of course it is
[26/12/2014, 2:47:16 PM] Peter Coffin: it’s ALL free market bullshit
[26/12/2014, 2:47:18 PM] Remy: So far the FBI has done more work to discredit MLK than they have to arrest child pornographers.
[26/12/2014, 2:47:23 PM] Dina : as a middle easterner, american patriotism is terrifying
[26/12/2014, 2:47:24 PM] Remy: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[26/12/2014, 2:47:25 PM] Dina : no offense
[26/12/2014, 2:47:33 PM] Remy: lol no worries
[26/12/2014, 2:47:35 PM] Remy: It scares us, too
[26/12/2014, 2:47:50 PM] Dina : I imagine it's just as scary from the inside :<
[26/12/2014, 2:48:16 PM] Peter Coffin:
[26/12/2014, 2:48:18 PM] Peter Coffin: free market
[26/12/2014, 2:48:27 PM] Remy: What's important to understand is that the American people are drowning in media. We're all living inside a giant Skinner box. And the US government is still working the buttons, but they definitely have the controller
[26/12/2014, 2:48:44 PM] Dina : Peter I'm glad I was wrong about you and I apologize
[26/12/2014, 2:48:46 PM] Remy: So when they flash the red lights of terrorism and everybody screams
[26/12/2014, 2:48:50 PM] Peter Coffin: free market
[26/12/2014, 2:48:57 PM] Remy: It's just hard to stand out and tell people to shut up and calm down and maybe read a news article first
[26/12/2014, 2:49:04 PM] Peter Coffin: I write all the time about how this is free market shit
[26/12/2014, 2:49:13 PM] Peter Coffin: free market is against anyone who isn’t a rich piece of shit
[26/12/2014, 2:49:26 PM] Peter Coffin: and this is them sucking what’s already a success off
[26/12/2014, 2:49:39 PM] Dina : well to be fair what the US has in place right now is not really a free market?
[26/12/2014, 2:49:42 PM] Dina : more an oligarchy
[26/12/2014, 2:49:44 PM] Tesseract: why the fuck isn't there a kia thread on the ad yet
[26/12/2014, 2:49:48 PM] Remy: certainly
[26/12/2014, 2:49:48 PM] Peter Coffin: I agree
[26/12/2014, 2:49:53 PM] Dina : sorry English fails me sometimes
[26/12/2014, 2:49:59 PM] Dina : what ad?
[26/12/2014, 2:50:55 PM] Peter Coffin: alex bought an ad on kia
[26/12/2014, 2:51:14 PM] Dina : ...omg
[26/12/2014, 2:51:23 PM] Peter Coffin: for the fantastic post about gg defending 8chan hosting child porn
[26/12/2014, 2:51:26 PM] Dina :
[26/12/2014, 2:51:31 PM] Remy: The biggest problem I have with the "laissez-faire" free market idea is that it precludes the idea that a large accumulation of wealth essentially is a large accumulation of power and will therefore begin to wield that power in order to assert and exercise authority over the market.
[26/12/2014, 2:51:31 PM] Peter Coffin: Mr. Olsen’s
[26/12/2014, 2:51:38 PM] Remy: Instead it forces the false dichotomy of government vs. market
[26/12/2014, 2:51:58 PM] Dina : Sharon I am a commie lol
[26/12/2014, 2:51:58 PM] Remy: Therefore painting anything done by a corporation as the actions of "the free market" and not of another power source trying to become an authority
[26/12/2014, 2:52:04 PM] Dina : you're preaching to the choir
[26/12/2014, 2:52:08 PM] Remy: ^_^
[26/12/2014, 2:52:16 PM] Dina : (I assumed your name is Sharon I'm sorry)
[26/12/2014, 2:52:22 PM] Peter Coffin: I love getting preached to
[26/12/2014, 2:52:25 PM] Peter Coffin: about this
[26/12/2014, 2:52:26 PM] Remy: lol there are no worries that is one of my pseudonyms
[26/12/2014, 2:52:36 PM] Remy: You can call me Sharon or Stephen or anything under the sun, honestly
[26/12/2014, 2:52:38 PM] Peter Coffin: take me to church motherfuckers
[26/12/2014, 2:52:40 PM] Remy: And if I like it I might keep using it
[26/12/2014, 2:53:02 PM] Dina : ok I guess for the sake of confusion Stephen for now? lmi what you prefer
[26/12/2014, 2:53:10 PM] Chris Kluwe: back
[26/12/2014, 2:53:14 PM] Chris Kluwe: had to get chocolates
[26/12/2014, 2:53:30 PM] Chris Kluwe: supid chocolates.
[26/12/2014, 2:53:34 PM] Dina : mom is lecturing me about not saying "drowning in dick" in front of my brother
[26/12/2014, 2:53:38 PM] Dina : sigh
[26/12/2014, 2:53:39 PM] Remy: Do what you like ^_^ Everyone here knows me as Stephen and that's the name you'd find on my driver's license
[26/12/2014, 2:53:42 PM] Peter Coffin: oh no chocolates are wonderful
[26/12/2014, 2:53:51 PM] Peter Coffin: we can talk capitalism until the end of time too
[26/12/2014, 2:53:58 PM] Chris Kluwe: but yeah, fuck unrestrained American capitalism
[26/12/2014, 2:54:02 PM] Peter Coffin: yep
[26/12/2014, 2:54:02 PM] Chris Kluwe: that shit's a stain
[26/12/2014, 2:54:09 PM] Dina : yep
[26/12/2014, 2:54:18 PM] Remy: ^_^"
[26/12/2014, 2:54:39 PM] Chris Kluwe: people think there's some sort of magical wand that comes with the pursuit of money, and it's like, "No. It's human beings, doing human things, and that means it's gonna get fucked."
[26/12/2014, 2:54:47 PM] Peter Coffin: bingo
[26/12/2014, 2:55:15 PM] Chris Kluwe: i mean, we're talking about the proxy of time spent doing something anyway
[26/12/2014, 2:55:26 PM] Chris Kluwe: "money" itself isn't even a thing
[26/12/2014, 2:55:27 PM] Peter Coffin: I don’t believe in any economic system, I think it’s us doing stuff we invented and therefore it’s flawed
[26/12/2014, 2:55:30 PM] Chris Kluwe: it's just an easy shorthand
[26/12/2014, 2:55:31 PM] Dina : I like the ideal behind communism that says we do what we do because we love doing it but let's be real until we get robots to do all our menial tasks might as well forget it
[26/12/2014, 2:55:38 PM] Peter Coffin: however the way this one is flawed will eventually ruin everything
[26/12/2014, 2:55:44 PM] Remy: No Chris you don't get it there's this deity called Free Market and his hand is gonna fix this shit we just gotta stop regulating and start fracking as much as possible
[26/12/2014, 2:55:57 PM] Chris Kluwe: i just want to go to sleep and wake up in Iain Banks' Culture
[26/12/2014, 2:56:07 PM] Remy: Once we've turned our lakes into actual lakes of fire we will realize that the End of Days was a self-fulfilling prophesy
[26/12/2014, 2:56:13 PM] Chris Kluwe: guh
[26/12/2014, 2:56:20 PM] Dina : "stop regulating" is hilarious to me because when the government doesn't regulate it basically lets mobs do so
[26/12/2014, 2:56:24 PM] Dina : aka corporations
[26/12/2014, 2:56:25 PM] Chris Kluwe: fucking quarterly earning incentives
[26/12/2014, 2:56:27 PM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 2:56:31 PM] Dina : regulation is still there
[26/12/2014, 2:56:41 PM] Peter Coffin: irregulation
[26/12/2014, 2:56:44 PM] Dina : just benefiting individuals instead of society
[26/12/2014, 2:56:59 PM] Chris Kluwe: one type of regulation happens with inspections. the other happens with baseball bats and mergers
[26/12/2014, 2:57:26 PM] Dina : buyouts can suck my non-dick
[26/12/2014, 2:57:30 PM] Chris Kluwe: both are suspect to corruption, but one significantly less so than the other
[26/12/2014, 2:57:34 PM] Peter Coffin: and loud, bright montages with cocaine and lots of crazy lights
[26/12/2014, 2:57:36 PM] Peter Coffin: bingo
[26/12/2014, 2:57:54 PM] Dina : #CheGuevaradiedforoursins
[26/12/2014, 2:57:55 PM] Peter Coffin: on one hand it’s a pile of shit and the other it’s food you don’t like
[26/12/2014, 2:58:04 PM] Chris Kluwe: heh
[26/12/2014, 2:58:07 PM] Peter Coffin: guess I’ll have that meal I don’t like
[26/12/2014, 2:58:14 PM] Peter Coffin: get this shit out of my hand
[26/12/2014, 2:58:18 PM] Chris Kluwe: "NO NO EAT THE SHIT IT'S THE DIVINE WILL OF ADAM SMITH"
[26/12/2014, 2:58:39 PM] Chris Kluwe: hmmm
[26/12/2014, 2:58:41 PM] Peter Coffin: *pukes*
[26/12/2014, 2:58:44 PM] Chris Kluwe: that raises an interesting point
[26/12/2014, 2:58:53 PM] Chris Kluwe: could economics be defined as a religion at this point?
[26/12/2014, 2:58:56 PM] Peter Coffin: it’s called satire (tm)
[26/12/2014, 2:59:00 PM] Chris Kluwe: specific branches of it?
[26/12/2014, 2:59:05 PM] Remy: Is it too late to start a cult? Because honestly if these GG chucklekfucks can keep it up this long there's no way I could fuck it up
[26/12/2014, 2:59:08 PM] Remy: Move over L Ron
[26/12/2014, 2:59:11 PM] Chris Kluwe: seriously
[26/12/2014, 2:59:24 PM] Chris Kluwe: i can write waaaaaaaaaaaay better screeds than milo and juicebro
[26/12/2014, 2:59:28 PM] Remy: ^
[26/12/2014, 2:59:42 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Did somebody say "I like Kaiju?"
[26/12/2014, 2:59:44 PM] Chris Kluwe: maybe this is how scientology actually started
[26/12/2014, 2:59:57 PM] Chris Kluwe: except instead of a skype channel it was someone's living room and a couple bong hits
[26/12/2014, 3:00:01 PM] Tesseract: they've alreay got this "red pill" shit to start with
[26/12/2014, 3:00:02 PM] Remy: L Ron looking over at Mormons and saying "I can do better"?
[26/12/2014, 3:00:18 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Secret Gamer Girl needs to get a copy of a thing to a person some day.
[26/12/2014, 3:00:22 PM] Dina : hey SGG <3
[26/12/2014, 3:00:25 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: hi
[26/12/2014, 3:00:26 PM] Chris Kluwe: then someone else saying, "Yeah, lemme write something real quick"
[26/12/2014, 3:00:39 PM] Remy: Between L Ron and Scientology and Red Pillers and The Matrix we should all just go ahead and accept that every good cult starts with a healthy dose of Sci-Fi
[26/12/2014, 3:00:45 PM] Remy: Also that Jesus walking on water thing is a bit weird
[26/12/2014, 3:00:46 PM] Dina : we need a hashtag
[26/12/2014, 3:00:53 PM] Chris Kluwe: and before you know it, someone says "I'LL BELIEVE THAT AND GIVE YOU MONEY," and then what is there to do but take the money?
[26/12/2014, 3:00:55 PM] Dina : #ChuckleFucks ?
[26/12/2014, 3:01:15 PM] Dina : #GamingJesus ?
[26/12/2014, 3:01:25 PM] Chris Kluwe: hmmm
[26/12/2014, 3:01:31 PM] Remy: oh my god
[26/12/2014, 3:01:32 PM] Dina : #KaijuusControlTheMedia ?
[26/12/2014, 3:01:39 PM] Remy: I wanna do a skit of a gaming clan
[26/12/2014, 3:01:41 PM] Remy: Only it's the Klan
[26/12/2014, 3:01:46 PM] Chris Kluwe: rofl
[26/12/2014, 3:01:49 PM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 3:01:55 PM] Chris Kluwe: "KEEP YOUR FUCKING DPS UP"
[26/12/2014, 3:01:57 PM] Remy: That's all, that's the entire idea
[26/12/2014, 3:02:03 PM] Chris Kluwe: "MY HOOD KEEPS GETTING IN THE WAY"
[26/12/2014, 3:02:07 PM] Remy: dusts off his hands I'm done with this masterpiece
[26/12/2014, 3:02:16 PM] Dina : lool
[26/12/2014, 3:02:30 PM] Chris Kluwe: "goddammit, did no one stock up on consumables? WHERE'S THE FUCKING ROPE?"
[26/12/2014, 3:02:34 PM] Peter Coffin: maskedman[kkk]
[26/12/2014, 3:02:39 PM] Remy: XX
[26/12/2014, 3:02:40 PM] Chris Kluwe: i'm sorry, i'm a horrible human being
[26/12/2014, 3:02:43 PM] Remy: lol
[26/12/2014, 3:02:54 PM] Remy: We're the horrible people with empathy brigade
[26/12/2014, 3:02:57 PM] Peter Coffin: hoodson[kkk]
[26/12/2014, 3:03:05 PM] Chris Kluwe: nice peter
[26/12/2014, 3:03:18 PM] Chris Kluwe: i like to think of myself as a troll who uses his powers for good
[26/12/2014, 3:03:20 PM] Peter Coffin: borninthewrongera[kkk]
[26/12/2014, 3:03:28 PM] Chris Kluwe: because it's more fun and challenging that way
[26/12/2014, 3:03:37 PM] Remy: 420_JesusWasWhite_420[kkk]
[26/12/2014, 3:03:41 PM] Peter Coffin: YES
[26/12/2014, 3:03:43 PM] Peter Coffin: hahahaha
[26/12/2014, 3:03:45 PM] Peter Coffin: I agree chris
[26/12/2014, 3:03:57 PM] Peter Coffin: I certainly feel horrible for a lot of people
[26/12/2014, 3:04:11 PM] Chris Kluwe: oh goddammit
[26/12/2014, 3:04:15 PM] Chris Kluwe: i have one but it's so racist
[26/12/2014, 3:04:16 PM] Remy: Hey, even Captain America had to punch people in the face.
[26/12/2014, 3:04:19 PM] Remy: Just make sure it' sa Nazi
[26/12/2014, 3:04:24 PM] Dina : To think my mom only uses the internet to send my dad heart emojis and look at baby videos
[26/12/2014, 3:04:27 PM] Remy: They give you medals for punching Nazis
[26/12/2014, 3:04:27 PM] Dina : She's so pure
[26/12/2014, 3:04:28 PM] Peter Coffin: and I also certainly feel like it’s a moral obligation to screw with the people that ruin everything for to hers
[26/12/2014, 3:04:28 PM] Tesseract: FINALLY
[26/12/2014, 3:04:29 PM] Peter Coffin: others
[26/12/2014, 3:04:31 PM] Dina : she doesn't know
[26/12/2014, 3:04:41 PM] Chris Kluwe: haha
[26/12/2014, 3:04:48 PM] Chris Kluwe: never let your parents know what the internet is
[26/12/2014, 3:05:03 PM] Remy: Wow it took them long enough
[26/12/2014, 3:05:05 PM] Dina : I had to explain 4chan when they mobbed me last year
[26/12/2014, 3:05:07 PM] Remy: Thanks or the grab, Tess, nice find
[26/12/2014, 3:05:10 PM] Dina : not a good conversation
[26/12/2014, 3:05:14 PM] Chris Kluwe: nnnnnggggghhhhhhh. i want to comment on it SO BAD
[26/12/2014, 3:05:16 PM] Peter Coffin: HAHAHAHA IT”S SPREADING CHILD PORN
[26/12/2014, 3:05:20 PM] Dina : Dad: WHO IS CALLING YOU A SLUT I KILL
[26/12/2014, 3:05:26 PM] Peter Coffin: BLURRED IMAGES THEY DEFEND
[26/12/2014, 3:05:28 PM] Chris Kluwe: ugh, that sucks
[26/12/2014, 3:05:31 PM] Peter Coffin: AND PROBABLY HAVE ON THEIR HARD DRIVES
[26/12/2014, 3:05:31 PM] Chris Kluwe: dina
[26/12/2014, 3:05:53 PM] Peter Coffin: it’s not even on reddit homepage is it?
[26/12/2014, 3:05:57 PM] Peter Coffin: I thought it was just in kia
[26/12/2014, 3:06:08 PM] Dina : I didn't plan on telling them but my broturned out to be a channer and saw my doxx
[26/12/2014, 3:06:10 PM] Remy: dad salt
[26/12/2014, 3:06:11 PM] Dina : yaaay
[26/12/2014, 3:06:28 PM] Remy: That has to be so awful Dina
[26/12/2014, 3:06:31 PM] Dina : "hey Dina I'm looking at a thread on /vg/ and um WTF"
[26/12/2014, 3:06:42 PM] Dina : "uh Wael why are you on 4ch?"
[26/12/2014, 3:06:47 PM] Chris Kluwe: bleh
[26/12/2014, 3:06:47 PM] Dina : "..."
[26/12/2014, 3:07:07 PM] Dina : oh Wael is my brother sorry
[26/12/2014, 3:07:19 PM] Peter Coffin: “uh… top kek?”
[26/12/2014, 3:07:23 PM] Dina : LOL
[26/12/2014, 3:07:37 PM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 3:07:50 PM] Dan Olson: Now we get to see if KiA decides for this thread if a) I'm a criminal spreading illegal material (implicitly agreeing that /doll/ is illegal) or b) it's just hentai, nothing to see here, trust the system, please don't verify
[26/12/2014, 3:07:52 PM] Chris Kluwe: "I'm Mike Cernovich, and I have opinions on survivalism too!"
[26/12/2014, 3:08:06 PM] Chris Kluwe: it's gonna be a real predicament for them
[26/12/2014, 3:08:09 PM] Chris Kluwe: one might almost say
[26/12/2014, 3:08:14 PM] Chris Kluwe: an ethical dilemma
[26/12/2014, 3:08:19 PM] Dina : Ugh heaven help us
[26/12/2014, 3:08:28 PM] Chris Kluwe: <shades>
[26/12/2014, 3:08:39 PM] Peter Coffin: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
[26/12/2014, 3:08:40 PM] Remy: WOOOOOOOOOWWWW
[26/12/2014, 3:08:45 PM] Remy: Oh yeah he says YEAH
[26/12/2014, 3:08:48 PM] Remy: Sorry I don't watch CSI
[26/12/2014, 3:08:59 PM] Peter Coffin: or listen to The Who
[26/12/2014, 3:09:01 PM] Remy: And they ruined the Who for me for at least two more years
[26/12/2014, 3:09:04 PM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 3:09:11 PM] Remy: Read my mind Peter
[26/12/2014, 3:09:34 PM] Chris Kluwe: chalk up another one in the intersectionalty category for juicebro
[26/12/2014, 3:10:23 PM] Dina : Chris I can feel your morality eroding
[26/12/2014, 3:10:26 PM] Dina : are you okay
[26/12/2014, 3:10:34 PM] Remy:
[26/12/2014, 3:10:39 PM] Peter Coffin: noooooooo
[26/12/2014, 3:10:39 PM] Dina : does your semen feel any different?
[26/12/2014, 3:10:49 PM] Chris Kluwe: it's.....
[26/12/2014, 3:10:52 PM] Chris Kluwe: IT'S BOILING
[26/12/2014, 3:10:54 PM] Chris Kluwe: MY GOD
[26/12/2014, 3:10:56 PM] Chris Kluwe: THE WALLS
[26/12/2014, 3:11:02 PM] Chris Kluwe: NNNNNNGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
[26/12/2014, 3:11:28 PM] Dina : DDDDDD8
[26/12/2014, 3:11:37 PM] Chris Kluwe: roguestar is the best
[26/12/2014, 3:11:56 PM] Dina : PimpStar is GG Pussy King
[26/12/2014, 3:12:02 PM] Dina : or so he thinks
[26/12/2014, 3:12:13 PM] Dina : it's hilarious to watch him flirt, I recommend it
[26/12/2014, 3:12:32 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Unrelated to anything, I really do "love" when people come to visit me and my incredibly skittish cats and bring dogs along.
[26/12/2014, 3:12:53 PM] Chris Kluwe: that sounds like the voice of someone who just bandaged up some clawmarks
[26/12/2014, 3:12:55 PM] Remy:
[26/12/2014, 3:13:08 PM] Peter Coffin: he has subjected me to his flirting by calling my wife fake and including Facebook chats with him talking about boobs with… “someone"
[26/12/2014, 3:13:20 PM] Chris Kluwe: i worry that he might not find the right person, some days
[26/12/2014, 3:13:30 PM] Chris Kluwe: i mean, how often do you find a literal troll outside a fairy tale?
[26/12/2014, 3:13:33 PM] Dan Olson: So, did, uh... did Rogue* get his demo out?
[26/12/2014, 3:13:41 PM] Peter Coffin: I bet not yet
[26/12/2014, 3:13:44 PM] Peter Coffin: probably later today
[26/12/2014, 3:13:46 PM] Peter Coffin: HAHAHAHAHAH GET IT
[26/12/2014, 3:13:49 PM] Chris Kluwe: it's in the mail
[26/12/2014, 3:13:51 PM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 3:13:51 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: no, just the voice of someone who would like these cats to get out of these various hiding places and to where their food/water/catboxes are
[26/12/2014, 3:14:12 PM] Peter Coffin:
[26/12/2014, 3:14:19 PM] Peter Coffin: there’s his “flirting”
[26/12/2014, 3:14:20 PM] Remy: So I've heard that a porn star has thrown their name into supporting GG for publicity
[26/12/2014, 3:14:24 PM] Remy: I wish them the best of luck
[26/12/2014, 3:14:26 PM] Peter Coffin: so ick
[26/12/2014, 3:14:28 PM] Remy: In all their future stalkers
[26/12/2014, 3:14:28 PM] drinternetphd: mercedes carerra
[26/12/2014, 3:14:30 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: that was a while back
[26/12/2014, 3:14:34 PM] drinternetphd: and she is an asshole
[26/12/2014, 3:14:38 PM] Chris Kluwe: yeah, she's been there for a while
[26/12/2014, 3:14:43 PM] Remy: Oh
[26/12/2014, 3:14:46 PM] Chris Kluwe: it's obvious she's doing it to get money from them
[26/12/2014, 3:14:51 PM] Chris Kluwe: and they're too stupid to notice
[26/12/2014, 3:14:53 PM] Remy: I don't consume as much porn as I do video games?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[26/12/2014, 3:14:54 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: "threw lot in with GG" makes "asshole" a given
[26/12/2014, 3:14:54 PM] drinternetphd: shes also been taking pot shots at me for having done porn which is just like
[26/12/2014, 3:14:59 PM] drinternetphd: excuse me while I lol to the moon
[26/12/2014, 3:15:09 PM] Remy: srsly?
[26/12/2014, 3:15:12 PM] drinternetphd: yeah
[26/12/2014, 3:15:16 PM] Chris Kluwe: the best was when they tried to do that ablegamers thing
[26/12/2014, 3:15:19 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: also why do all these scumbags have so much spendable cash?
[26/12/2014, 3:15:29 PM] Chris Kluwe: and she was like "I think i can make it happen, I just can't tell anyone it's for GG"
[26/12/2014, 3:15:30 PM] drinternetphd: actually, chris
[26/12/2014, 3:15:34 PM] Remy: SGG: Parents
[26/12/2014, 3:15:40 PM] drinternetphd: idk if you'd be down for this but you could potentially really help out
[26/12/2014, 3:15:41 PM] Dina : Peter ew
[26/12/2014, 3:15:49 PM] Chris Kluwe: sure, just lemme know
[26/12/2014, 3:15:50 PM] Remy: OH
[26/12/2014, 3:15:57 PM] drinternetphd: so like I've been quietly talking with ablegamers behind the scenes to try and organize a stream to make up for the shit they lost out on
[26/12/2014, 3:16:03 PM] drinternetphd: not a porn stream though
[26/12/2014, 3:16:07 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: good plan
[26/12/2014, 3:16:07 PM] Remy: What a terrible person
[26/12/2014, 3:16:08 PM] drinternetphd: like a charity let's play stream
[26/12/2014, 3:16:19 PM] Remy: OMG Zoe that's an awesome idea
[26/12/2014, 3:16:19 PM] Chris Kluwe: ok, cus i don't think my wife would approve :p
[26/12/2014, 3:16:24 PM] drinternetphd: like one that features work done by devs with disability or games with really good accessibility features
[26/12/2014, 3:16:25 PM] Chris Kluwe: and yeah, i'm totally down for that
[26/12/2014, 3:16:26 PM] Peter Coffin: nor would mine
[26/12/2014, 3:16:32 PM] Peter Coffin: I love the sound of that
[26/12/2014, 3:16:33 PM] drinternetphd: awesome awesome awesome
[26/12/2014, 3:16:42 PM] drinternetphd: I'll keep you in the loop then
[26/12/2014, 3:16:52 PM] drinternetphd: cause yeah they got hit super hard and got really disturbing death threats and shit
[26/12/2014, 3:17:00 PM] Peter Coffin: chris every time I write your name I fucking say christ
[26/12/2014, 3:17:00 PM] Chris Kluwe: i actually did a lot of stuff for kids with Duchenne muscular dystrophy while i was in the league
[26/12/2014, 3:17:14 PM] Chris Kluwe: and i lot of them could really only interact through WoW and stuff like that
[26/12/2014, 3:17:20 PM] drinternetphd: and morale with them is kind of at an all time low which is fucking unacceptable because they do good work and their accesibility guidelines were followed closely when I was doing the DQ steam port
[26/12/2014, 3:17:22 PM] Chris Kluwe: so i definitely know where they're coming from
[26/12/2014, 3:17:24 PM] drinternetphd: yeah!
[26/12/2014, 3:17:26 PM] drinternetphd: ok cool
[26/12/2014, 3:17:30 PM] Dina : <3
[26/12/2014, 3:17:36 PM] drinternetphd: cause yeah they are really feeling the pain on that one
[26/12/2014, 3:17:36 PM] Dina : ^my contribution
[26/12/2014, 3:17:38 PM] Remy: <3
[26/12/2014, 3:17:39 PM] Peter Coffin: chris to the rescue. not christ
[26/12/2014, 3:17:42 PM] Peter Coffin: chris
[26/12/2014, 3:17:42 PM] Remy: This room is so awesome
[26/12/2014, 3:17:55 PM] drinternetphd: so I was letting it be quiet and sort of doing stuff in the background while giving some time to cool down so GG doesn't hit it so hard when I finally launch it
[26/12/2014, 3:18:06 PM] drinternetphd: I got the desert bus streamers on board for helping with infrastructure too
[26/12/2014, 3:18:19 PM] Chris Kluwe: like i said, just lemme know and i'll do whatever i can
[26/12/2014, 3:18:23 PM] drinternetphd: awesome, thank you
[26/12/2014, 3:18:39 PM] Dan Olson: Oh, sweet, LRR are good folk. Graham's a sweetie.
[26/12/2014, 3:18:41 PM] drinternetphd: also fwiw I don't want to mention anything having to do with gamergate with this stuff
[26/12/2014, 3:18:47 PM] drinternetphd: obviously
[26/12/2014, 3:18:50 PM] Chris Kluwe: yeah
[26/12/2014, 3:18:52 PM] drinternetphd: cause it's really not about that
[26/12/2014, 3:19:00 PM] drinternetphd: if anything I haven't given enough back to them for what they've done
[26/12/2014, 3:19:04 PM] drinternetphd: and I need to see to that
[26/12/2014, 3:19:08 PM] Tesseract: lol "it's not cp but if dan thinks it's cp it counts as cp for purposes of arresting dan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
[26/12/2014, 3:19:20 PM] Remy: The farther away they stay from this the better so any hint of being done because of them would draw antagonism. I'll just keep my mouth shut
[26/12/2014, 3:20:26 PM] Chris Kluwe: those KiA comments
[26/12/2014, 3:20:58 PM] drinternetphd: they're so mad
[26/12/2014, 3:21:00 PM] Chris Kluwe: okay, juicebro isn't even trying at this point
[26/12/2014, 3:21:03 PM] drinternetphd: and eating thesmselves
[26/12/2014, 3:21:09 PM] Peter Coffin: can’t just leave well enough alone
[26/12/2014, 3:21:15 PM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 3:21:31 PM] Peter Coffin: TOP KEK
[26/12/2014, 3:21:34 PM] Remy: Between the pot and the steroids I don't think that dude's semen is nearly as strong as he thinks it is
[26/12/2014, 3:21:44 PM] Remy: sperm I mean
[26/12/2014, 3:21:46 PM] Peter Coffin: TOOK 12 MINUTES FOR A TOP KEK
[26/12/2014, 3:21:46 PM] Remy: w/e
[26/12/2014, 3:21:52 PM] Peter Coffin: 6 minutes ago
[26/12/2014, 3:21:58 PM] Peter Coffin: thread was 18 minutes ago
[26/12/2014, 3:22:01 PM] Peter Coffin: 12 minutes
[26/12/2014, 3:22:02 PM] Chris Kluwe: they're running out of kek
[26/12/2014, 3:22:05 PM] Chris Kluwe: ladies and gentlmen
[26/12/2014, 3:22:07 PM] Chris Kluwe: thisis it
[26/12/2014, 3:22:11 PM] Chris Kluwe: the sign we are winning the war
[26/12/2014, 3:22:16 PM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 3:22:17 PM] Chris Kluwe: kek reserves are at an all time low
[26/12/2014, 3:22:19 PM] Peter Coffin: that is a very low kek supply if it took that long
[26/12/2014, 3:22:19 PM] Tesseract: scraping the bottom of the kek barrel
[26/12/2014, 3:22:20 PM] drinternetphd: fucking finally.
[26/12/2014, 3:22:20 PM] Remy: kek supplies are at a critical low
[26/12/2014, 3:22:25 PM] Dina : oh my god
[26/12/2014, 3:22:28 PM] Dina : these comments
[26/12/2014, 3:22:29 PM] drinternetphd: god what a long 5 months
[26/12/2014, 3:22:31 PM] Dina : I'm dying
[26/12/2014, 3:22:33 PM] Peter Coffin: seems like we’re kekblocking them
[26/12/2014, 3:22:37 PM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 3:22:37 PM] drinternetphd: lol
[26/12/2014, 3:22:39 PM] Chris Kluwe: hahahah
[26/12/2014, 3:22:53 PM] drinternetphd: back when thezoepost shit first dropped I definitely did not expect this outcome
[26/12/2014, 3:22:53 PM] Chris Kluwe: that needs to be a flair on ghazi
[26/12/2014, 3:22:55 PM] Dina : Zoe, hugs if u want (hug)
[26/12/2014, 3:22:55 PM] Tesseract: That's true, but apparently by Canadian law (is it too cold for freedom up there?) his insistence that it's CP makes it CP. Which is very bad for him (doesn't matter for 8chan), and he's gonna get mountiev&.

As much as Canada's apparent lack of freedom disturbs me, I enjoy the idea that he can be breaking the law while falsely accusing 8chan of breaking the law, not counting the libel.
[26/12/2014, 3:23:06 PM] Dina : ^this one killed me
[26/12/2014, 3:23:14 PM] Chris Kluwe: there's so much law going on there
[26/12/2014, 3:23:17 PM] Dina : oh American and your perceived monopoly on "freedom"
[26/12/2014, 3:23:18 PM] drinternetphd: lmao apparent lack of freedom
[26/12/2014, 3:23:27 PM] drinternetphd: it's true canada lacks so many freedoms
[26/12/2014, 3:23:30 PM] drinternetphd: freedoms to shoot people
[26/12/2014, 3:23:37 PM] drinternetphd: freedoms to die in a gutter without health insurance
[26/12/2014, 3:23:40 PM] Chris Kluwe: freedom not to see moose
[26/12/2014, 3:23:42 PM] Dina : down with Tim Horton's tyranny!
[26/12/2014, 3:23:45 PM] Peter Coffin: freedom to be super fucking cool as fuck
[26/12/2014, 3:23:52 PM] drinternetphd: freedom to stand outside an abortion provider and scream at people who are just gettin pap smears
[26/12/2014, 3:24:00 PM] Dina : Freedom from PUTIN!
[26/12/2014, 3:24:04 PM] Dina : I mean poutine...
[26/12/2014, 3:24:05 PM] drinternetphd: poutine
[26/12/2014, 3:24:06 PM] drinternetphd: lol
[26/12/2014, 3:24:09 PM] Dina : wait that's not as bad
[26/12/2014, 3:24:13 PM] Chris Kluwe: ferdom frum spellins
[26/12/2014, 3:24:21 PM] drinternetphd: yo seriously though how did canada beat the US to the punch on "fries covered in gravy and cheese:
[26/12/2014, 3:24:22 PM] Dan Olson: Also Putin, in case you never saw my interaction with Based Baldwin
[26/12/2014, 3:24:29 PM] drinternetphd: also god I miss actual poutine the US can't fucking do it right
[26/12/2014, 3:24:38 PM] Dina : lol Dan how did I miss that
[26/12/2014, 3:24:48 PM] Chris Kluwe: people in minnesota always tried to tell me about the joys of poutine and cheese curds
[26/12/2014, 3:24:55 PM] Chris Kluwe: and i tried not to vomit on their shoes
[26/12/2014, 3:25:03 PM] Dina : I've never had poutine and now my life feels empty
[26/12/2014, 3:25:14 PM] Peter Coffin: I have had cheese curds
[26/12/2014, 3:25:15 PM] drinternetphd: dina come visit or import me so I can make you poutine
[26/12/2014, 3:25:15 PM] Chris Kluwe: it's literally calories so you don't freeze to death
[26/12/2014, 3:25:23 PM] Dan Olson: He sent me this picture of Mega Putin punching Israeli jet fighters out of the sky with the message Toxic Machismo > New Castrati.
[26/12/2014, 3:25:29 PM] Peter Coffin: poutine sounds dirty as fuck to me
[26/12/2014, 3:25:32 PM] drinternetphd: it is
[26/12/2014, 3:25:36 PM] drinternetphd: poutine is dirty
[26/12/2014, 3:25:36 PM] Dina : Dan... wat
[26/12/2014, 3:25:38 PM] Chris Kluwe: which is basically midwest cooking anyway, but poutine's really blatant about it
[26/12/2014, 3:25:40 PM] Peter Coffin: like dirrrrrty
[26/12/2014, 3:25:41 PM] Peter Coffin: like the song
[26/12/2014, 3:25:41 PM] drinternetphd: it will make your insides dirty
[26/12/2014, 3:25:46 PM] drinternetphd: but you will fucking love it
[26/12/2014, 3:25:49 PM] drinternetphd: and it will love you back
[26/12/2014, 3:25:51 PM] Peter Coffin: gonna get dirty
[26/12/2014, 3:25:56 PM] Dina : Girl spread dem legs so I can poutine
[26/12/2014, 3:26:01 PM] drinternetphd: protip: poutine with curry gravy and pulled pork
[26/12/2014, 3:26:02 PM] Dina : hm. Acceptable.
[26/12/2014, 3:26:03 PM] drinternetphd: you're welcome
[26/12/2014, 3:26:15 PM] Remy: this convo got so weird so fast
[26/12/2014, 3:26:18 PM] Chris Kluwe: that's, uh, that's a bold title for a blog post.
[26/12/2014, 3:26:31 PM] drinternetphd: yeah just don't ever ask me about poutine I've only been back in the US for a few years and I miss canada so much
[26/12/2014, 3:26:34 PM] Chris Kluwe: especially for a law student
[26/12/2014, 3:26:46 PM] Dan Olson:
[26/12/2014, 3:26:53 PM] Dina : ty <3
[26/12/2014, 3:27:09 PM] Dina : ...WHAT IN THE HELL
[26/12/2014, 3:27:33 PM] Dina : WHAT DOES IT MEAN
[26/12/2014, 3:27:40 PM] Chris Kluwe: wut
[26/12/2014, 3:27:45 PM] Chris Kluwe: dafiq
[26/12/2014, 3:27:49 PM] Chris Kluwe: did i just see
[26/12/2014, 3:27:53 PM] drinternetphd: I-
[26/12/2014, 3:28:09 PM] Dina : why is a vulture riding a battleship?!!!
[26/12/2014, 3:28:12 PM] Dina : IT CAN FLY
[26/12/2014, 3:28:16 PM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 3:28:16 PM] Dan Olson: "Toxic Masculinity" greater than hashtag new castrati. Hashtag gamergate.
[26/12/2014, 3:28:26 PM] drinternetphd: oh my god I forgot about the new castrati thing
[26/12/2014, 3:28:36 PM] Remy: OMG I know what to name my band now
[26/12/2014, 3:28:51 PM] Chris Kluwe: someone, somewhere, sat down, and said "Today is the day I make mega-Putin. And not just mega-Putin, but mega-Putin punching an Israeli jetfighter while some crazy shit I can't even describe happens in the background."
[26/12/2014, 3:28:52 PM] Remy: /slash/ luxury Italian sports car
[26/12/2014, 3:28:53 PM] Chris Kluwe: and then they did it
[26/12/2014, 3:28:58 PM] drinternetphd: reminder that not a single pro-gg dipshit took me up on my offer to be interviewed only if they can beat me at nidhogg
[26/12/2014, 3:29:03 PM] Remy: Drive a New Castrati today
[26/12/2014, 3:29:07 PM] Dina : A Kinder Term for Sperm is already taken, Stephen, it's my BossaNova band
[26/12/2014, 3:29:13 PM] drinternetphd: reminder that adam baldwin was too scared to play me in nidhogg
[26/12/2014, 3:29:22 PM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 3:29:22 PM] Dina : hehe I remember
[26/12/2014, 3:29:26 PM] drinternetphd: reminder that I will fucking murder you in nidhogg
[26/12/2014, 3:29:42 PM] Dan Olson: i saw you playing Nidhogg, that shit was terrifying.
[26/12/2014, 3:29:48 PM] Remy: Also summoning The Nidhogg is the finishing move of Dr. Q
[26/12/2014, 3:29:48 PM] drinternetphd: you did?
[26/12/2014, 3:29:54 PM] Dan Olson: yeah, you posted a video
[26/12/2014, 3:29:59 PM] drinternetphd: oh lol
[26/12/2014, 3:30:03 PM] Remy: I remember that video
[26/12/2014, 3:30:04 PM] drinternetphd: right. that.
[26/12/2014, 3:30:05 PM] Chris Kluwe: i've never played nidhogg, and i just looked it up, and it looks awesome
[26/12/2014, 3:30:08 PM] drinternetphd: that wasn't even me at my full power
[26/12/2014, 3:30:11 PM] Remy: It's on PS4 now
[26/12/2014, 3:30:16 PM] Dina : yeah I'm not touching Nidhogg until you retire
[26/12/2014, 3:30:22 PM] drinternetphd: there was an undefeated guy that came to game city to try and play me and I just fucking destroyed him publicly
[26/12/2014, 3:30:31 PM] Chris Kluwe: my friends and i played the shit out of Bushido Blade on PS1
[26/12/2014, 3:30:37 PM] Peter Coffin: hell yes
[26/12/2014, 3:30:41 PM] drinternetphd: chris nidhogg imo is the ultimate fighting game
[26/12/2014, 3:30:42 PM] Dina : I love Crash Bandicoot.
[26/12/2014, 3:30:44 PM] Chris Kluwe: set up two playstations so we could do the first person perspective
[26/12/2014, 3:30:44 PM] drinternetphd: it's like real time poker
[26/12/2014, 3:30:56 PM] drinternetphd: so much of it is reading your opponent
[26/12/2014, 3:31:00 PM] Chris Kluwe: it looks like it's based on fencing
[26/12/2014, 3:31:01 PM] Dina : also Spyro the Dragon amirite.
[26/12/2014, 3:31:01 PM] drinternetphd: it is
[26/12/2014, 3:31:06 PM] Chris Kluwe: then i will have to get it
[26/12/2014, 3:31:11 PM] Chris Kluwe: took fencing for 3 years in college
[26/12/2014, 3:31:18 PM] drinternetphd: but like in the moment it's just purely reading your enemy and adapting and throwing false signals to get them to read you wrong
[26/12/2014, 3:31:27 PM] drinternetphd: and knowing how they move
[26/12/2014, 3:31:30 PM] Chris Kluwe: so exactly like fencing
[26/12/2014, 3:31:38 PM] drinternetphd: the best match of nidhogg I ever had was against Alexander Bruce. Dude who made antichamber
[26/12/2014, 3:32:01 PM] drinternetphd: he is the most competitive guy I've ever met and one of the smartest. Our match lasted 10 minutes and we both nearly won back and forth
[26/12/2014, 3:32:10 PM] drinternetphd: I'm the only person who can beat him haha
[26/12/2014, 3:32:15 PM] Chris Kluwe: aw shit
[26/12/2014, 3:32:23 PM] Chris Kluwe: you're getting my competitive side going now
[26/12/2014, 3:32:26 PM] drinternetphd: also it was my first night playing so it kind of murders the problem with fighting games where it has that learning curve
[26/12/2014, 3:32:43 PM] drinternetphd: you pick it up super quick
[26/12/2014, 3:32:47 PM] drinternetphd: it's perfect
[26/12/2014, 3:32:57 PM] Chris Kluwe: steam?
[26/12/2014, 3:33:01 PM] Chris Kluwe: with gamepad?
[26/12/2014, 3:33:04 PM] Chris Kluwe: or keyboard mouse?
[26/12/2014, 3:33:06 PM] drinternetphd: yeah. the online multiplayer is fucking garbage tho
[26/12/2014, 3:33:10 PM] drinternetphd: controller is the only way to play
[26/12/2014, 3:33:15 PM] drinternetphd: you need the feel of the sticks
[26/12/2014, 3:33:19 PM] Chris Kluwe: gotcha
[26/12/2014, 3:33:31 PM] drinternetphd: but yeah mutliplayer lags and drops to the point where high level play is impossible on it
[26/12/2014, 3:33:38 PM] Tesseract: downvote that fucker who is saying you can't use ads to troll
[26/12/2014, 3:33:48 PM] drinternetphd: I really want to go to EVO and compete
[26/12/2014, 3:33:51 PM] drinternetphd: I'm undefeated this year
[26/12/2014, 3:34:27 PM] Dan Olson: "which is a violation of privacy"!!!!!!
[26/12/2014, 3:34:46 PM] drinternetphd: the most humiliating moment in that game jam reality show we walked out on was that the guy who made nidhogg was one of the judges for the embarassing challenges they made us do
[26/12/2014, 3:34:57 PM] Dan Olson: oh, god.
[26/12/2014, 3:35:12 PM] drinternetphd: so i got to meet one of my heros while being forced to fingerpaint with jon tron's idiot ass in the background asking the british member of my team to say words that sounded funny with his accent
[26/12/2014, 3:35:20 PM] Dan Olson: Coming from the production side, that whole exposé filled me with cringe.
[26/12/2014, 3:35:29 PM] Chris Kluwe: "CP is just their way of installing the entire social justice software package onto every site that accepts responsibility for policing content over and above what is required by law."
[26/12/2014, 3:35:31 PM] Peter Coffin: okay I have no idea what this reality show is but that sounds ridiculous
[26/12/2014, 3:35:35 PM] drinternetphd: oh god peter
[26/12/2014, 3:35:37 PM] drinternetphd: lemme link you
[26/12/2014, 3:35:44 PM] Peter Coffin: you have made my night
[26/12/2014, 3:35:50 PM] Chris Kluwe: BECAUSE ILLEGALITY IS IMMORALITY, AMIRITE?!
[26/12/2014, 3:35:55 PM] Dina : Jontron........
[26/12/2014, 3:35:57 PM] Peter Coffin: yeah chris, duh
[26/12/2014, 3:35:59 PM] Dina : wowwwww
[26/12/2014, 3:36:06 PM] Peter Coffin: my wife is british
[26/12/2014, 3:36:13 PM] drinternetphd:
[26/12/2014, 3:36:13 PM] Peter Coffin: I have conversations in “funny” all the time
[26/12/2014, 3:36:45 PM] drinternetphd: I also wrote about it here
[26/12/2014, 3:37:08 PM] Peter Coffin: fuck maker studios
[26/12/2014, 3:37:13 PM] drinternetphd: also I contractually could not make fun of mountain dew for several months
[26/12/2014, 3:37:15 PM] Peter Coffin: seriously, I fucking hate them
[26/12/2014, 3:37:24 PM] Peter Coffin: I think everything about maker is disingenuous
[26/12/2014, 3:37:34 PM] Peter Coffin: I have watched it from the day it existed
[26/12/2014, 3:37:45 PM] Dina : I contractually can' talk about Gamergate I think
[26/12/2014, 3:37:48 PM] Dina : it's in Japanese
[26/12/2014, 3:37:52 PM] Dan Olson: How's Game Loading turning out? Anyone seen a current cut?
[26/12/2014, 3:37:57 PM] Dina : not gonna bother reviewing my contract
[26/12/2014, 3:38:05 PM] drinternetphd: when I finally could talk shit about mountain dew again this is what I did:
[26/12/2014, 3:38:11 PM] Peter Coffin: what about… mountain dew code red?
[26/12/2014, 3:38:33 PM] Peter Coffin: hahahah mountain poo
[26/12/2014, 3:38:39 PM] drinternetphd: I built it up with like 5 tweets too
[26/12/2014, 3:38:43 PM] Chris Kluwe: heh, every time i had a sponsorship offer in the league, i made sure to tell them "If your product sucks, i'm gonna make fun of it"
[26/12/2014, 3:38:53 PM] drinternetphd: dude that was totally my plan going in
[26/12/2014, 3:38:55 PM] drinternetphd: so
[26/12/2014, 3:39:07 PM] drinternetphd: I did it cause I was the only woman they asked and because I'm a competitive shithead I wanted the only girl to win
[26/12/2014, 3:39:16 PM] Chris Kluwe: fair
[26/12/2014, 3:39:27 PM] Peter Coffin: stern but fair
[26/12/2014, 3:39:31 PM] drinternetphd: and they clearly had no idea what they were doing or what jam games were so I was like "ok how can I game this system"
[26/12/2014, 3:39:36 PM] drinternetphd: "comedy. everyone gets comedy."
[26/12/2014, 3:39:51 PM] Chris Kluwe: except gators
[26/12/2014, 3:39:54 PM] drinternetphd: so I brought on davey wreden from the stanley parable and tom from surgeon simulator for my 2 people I could choose for my team
[26/12/2014, 3:39:54 PM] Peter Coffin: but then it turns out not everyone gets comedy
[26/12/2014, 3:39:55 PM] Chris Kluwe: ba dum tish
[26/12/2014, 3:40:07 PM] Chris Kluwe: eeeeesh
[26/12/2014, 3:40:10 PM] drinternetphd: with the arrangement that if it was a shitshow we openly mock it and troll the entire thing
[26/12/2014, 3:40:11 PM] Peter Coffin: haha
[26/12/2014, 3:40:15 PM] Chris Kluwe: people who don't get comedy are the worst
[26/12/2014, 3:40:23 PM] drinternetphd: we kept sneaking cans into shots
[26/12/2014, 3:40:27 PM] drinternetphd: and deadeyeing the cameras
[26/12/2014, 3:40:29 PM] Chris Kluwe: lol
[26/12/2014, 3:40:30 PM] Peter Coffin: look back through my twitter image feed for that kind of fun
[26/12/2014, 3:40:32 PM] drinternetphd: and I kept switching glasses between shots
[26/12/2014, 3:40:38 PM] Chris Kluwe: CONTINUITY
[26/12/2014, 3:40:44 PM] Chris Kluwe: NOOOOOOOOO
[26/12/2014, 3:40:47 PM] Peter Coffin: hahahahahahaha
[26/12/2014, 3:40:48 PM] Peter Coffin: hahahahaha
[26/12/2014, 3:40:51 PM] Peter Coffin: that is amazing zoe
[26/12/2014, 3:40:57 PM] drinternetphd: and we were slowly holding mt dew cans and bringing them up closer to our faces constantly
[26/12/2014, 3:40:59 PM] Peter Coffin: oh my god I would laugh so hard
[26/12/2014, 3:41:01 PM] drinternetphd: till they screamed at us to stop
[26/12/2014, 3:41:04 PM] Chris Kluwe: rofl
[26/12/2014, 3:41:14 PM] Peter Coffin: that is comedy for comedy people though zoe
[26/12/2014, 3:41:16 PM] drinternetphd: davey jumped in with both feet and was constantly chugging till he got sick
[26/12/2014, 3:41:21 PM] drinternetphd: like actually sick
[26/12/2014, 3:41:22 PM] Chris Kluwe: oh man
[26/12/2014, 3:41:31 PM] Chris Kluwe: this sounds like Tom goes to the Mayor or some shit
[26/12/2014, 3:41:32 PM] Peter Coffin: hahahahahaha
[26/12/2014, 3:41:35 PM] drinternetphd: I snuck into everyone's trailers and hid cans everywhere
[26/12/2014, 3:41:40 PM] Peter Coffin: I was just going to say this is tim and eric
[26/12/2014, 3:41:42 PM] drinternetphd: like in the toilets and under their pillows
[26/12/2014, 3:41:52 PM] Peter Coffin: i’m glad I wasn’t the only one thinking that chris
[26/12/2014, 3:41:53 PM] drinternetphd: (this was before everyone else arrived cause I got there first)
[26/12/2014, 3:42:03 PM] Chris Kluwe: this could have been amazing
[26/12/2014, 3:42:12 PM] drinternetphd: yeah but it went too far into "total shit" territory
[26/12/2014, 3:42:15 PM] Chris Kluwe: i mean, that just sounds amazing
[26/12/2014, 3:42:18 PM] Chris Kluwe: ahhh
[26/12/2014, 3:42:19 PM] drinternetphd: we weren't even scheduled to touch our computers till day 5
[26/12/2014, 3:42:20 PM] Remy: hold on I've been AFK lemme read and catch up  if everyone is laughing
[26/12/2014, 3:42:24 PM] Peter Coffin: it’s maker doing a reality show
[26/12/2014, 3:42:27 PM] Chris Kluwe: wtf
[26/12/2014, 3:42:29 PM] Chris Kluwe: a game jam
[26/12/2014, 3:42:32 PM] drinternetphd: also jontron was impossible to work with
[26/12/2014, 3:42:34 PM] Peter Coffin: YOU CAN NOT HAVE A GOOD REALITY SHOW FROM MAKER
[26/12/2014, 3:42:34 PM] Chris Kluwe: and no computers till day 5?
[26/12/2014, 3:42:42 PM] drinternetphd: he screamed at me on camera for like 5 minutes cause I asked if he needed help
[26/12/2014, 3:42:55 PM] Dina : wow
[26/12/2014, 3:42:57 PM] drinternetphd: and a lot of other shit I don't want to get into
[26/12/2014, 3:42:59 PM] Dina : what a piece of shit
[26/12/2014, 3:43:07 PM] Chris Kluwe: sounds like a douche
[26/12/2014, 3:43:09 PM] drinternetphd: but he made it impossible for me to do anything cause he'd just shout over me
[26/12/2014, 3:43:10 PM] Peter Coffin: yeah he seems like a doucher
[26/12/2014, 3:43:18 PM] Dina : I had to politely email him for work and I cringed the whole way
[26/12/2014, 3:43:26 PM] Dina : well, his reps at Normal Boots
[26/12/2014, 3:43:26 PM] drinternetphd: and davey, tom, and I came up with our game seperately so when we were explaining shit to him he'd like
[26/12/2014, 3:43:32 PM] drinternetphd: hate everything I said
[26/12/2014, 3:43:36 PM] drinternetphd: but when one of them rephrased it he'd love it
[26/12/2014, 3:43:42 PM] Chris Kluwe: guhhhhhhhh
[26/12/2014, 3:43:47 PM] Peter Coffin: so he’s stupid too?
[26/12/2014, 3:43:49 PM] Peter Coffin: nice
[26/12/2014, 3:43:50 PM] Chris Kluwe: "Here, let me put that into Manglish for you"
[26/12/2014, 3:43:51 PM] drinternetphd: and like be sucking their dicks over their games like a total brownoser
[26/12/2014, 3:44:06 PM] drinternetphd: during lunch I got an email from a fan that made me a little emotional
[26/12/2014, 3:44:14 PM] drinternetphd: it was this super sweet thing where they're like "your game saved my life" and stuff
[26/12/2014, 3:44:21 PM] Remy: AWWW ZOE YOU CAN'T MAKE FUN OF MT DEW
[26/12/2014, 3:44:27 PM] drinternetphd: and I was talking with davey about it cause that just fucking gets me right in the heart
[26/12/2014, 3:44:39 PM] drinternetphd: and jontron just butts in and is like OH YEAH PEOPLE TELL ME THAT ALL THE TIME BUT I DON'T BELIEVE IT
[26/12/2014, 3:44:43 PM] Chris Kluwe: wtf
[26/12/2014, 3:44:44 PM] drinternetphd: and we were all like :|
[26/12/2014, 3:44:44 PM] Chris Kluwe: like
[26/12/2014, 3:44:48 PM] Chris Kluwe: why would you even say that
[26/12/2014, 3:44:53 PM] Tesseract: GAMER FOOD
[26/12/2014, 3:45:01 PM] Peter Coffin: your post on it is super interesting zoe
[26/12/2014, 3:45:17 PM] drinternetphd: my friend who worked at maker who was writing about all this as their embedded journalist was like "oh yeah he does that, we call it "jontronning out"
[26/12/2014, 3:45:24 PM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 3:45:35 PM] Chris Kluwe: and no one calls him on his shit?
[26/12/2014, 3:45:37 PM] Remy: So this Jon Tron guy sounds exactly as shitty as I dismissed him as upon first glance
[26/12/2014, 3:45:42 PM] drinternetphd: so he's just a worthless garbage infant and him tweeting out gangbang comics of me was hardly surprising
[26/12/2014, 3:45:53 PM] drinternetphd: chris: pretty much. big name let's players are allowed to do whatever they want
[26/12/2014, 3:45:58 PM] drinternetphd: look at totalbiscuit.
[26/12/2014, 3:46:09 PM] Chris Kluwe: well that's fucking depressing
[26/12/2014, 3:46:18 PM] Remy: Honestly I'm surprised you can't sue TB
[26/12/2014, 3:46:21 PM] Remy: He's British, right?
[26/12/2014, 3:46:27 PM] drinternetphd: you would be shocked at how many indies have told me during this whole thing they wish they could stand up about it but are afraid to cause they have power.
[26/12/2014, 3:46:28 PM] Remy: He'd have to prove that he HASN'T damaged you
[26/12/2014, 3:46:33 PM] Peter Coffin: TB lives in the US
[26/12/2014, 3:46:37 PM] Remy: Oh.
[26/12/2014, 3:46:39 PM] Dina : um wait what
[26/12/2014, 3:46:39 PM] Remy: Well fuck me
[26/12/2014, 3:46:43 PM] drinternetphd: I'm not suing a dude with cancer.
[26/12/2014, 3:46:44 PM] Dina : Zoe no
[26/12/2014, 3:46:48 PM] Remy: He has cancer?
[26/12/2014, 3:46:49 PM] Dina : they have no power
[26/12/2014, 3:46:50 PM] Peter Coffin: oh fuck
[26/12/2014, 3:46:51 PM] Peter Coffin: really
[26/12/2014, 3:46:55 PM] Peter Coffin: he has fucking cancer
[26/12/2014, 3:46:57 PM] Peter Coffin: ...
[26/12/2014, 3:47:02 PM] Peter Coffin: yeah no one could win that
[26/12/2014, 3:47:03 PM] drinternetphd: dina they have power because a lot of people think they do and are too afraid to do anything
[26/12/2014, 3:47:07 PM] Dina : wait so what? people with cancer can't be assholes?!
[26/12/2014, 3:47:10 PM] drinternetphd: no they can
[26/12/2014, 3:47:10 PM] Remy: I hate it when people with cancer are still shitty. The movies never show you that part
[26/12/2014, 3:47:13 PM] Tesseract: does he still have cancer
[26/12/2014, 3:47:15 PM] drinternetphd: but they also have medical bills like crazy
[26/12/2014, 3:47:17 PM] Dina : this is the same bullshit as hey let old people be racist
[26/12/2014, 3:47:19 PM] Dina : fuck no
[26/12/2014, 3:47:21 PM] drinternetphd: no no no like
[26/12/2014, 3:47:26 PM] drinternetphd: I just don't want to go after him financially
[26/12/2014, 3:47:36 PM] Quinnae: That's very good of you, Zoe.
[26/12/2014, 3:47:46 PM] Peter Coffin: I do agree, that is very admirable
[26/12/2014, 3:47:48 PM] Dina : You're a better person than me Zoe.
[26/12/2014, 3:47:48 PM] Remy: Yeah I'm not gonna talk you outta that one Zoe
[26/12/2014, 3:47:49 PM] drinternetphd: like, his family doesn't deserve that and the US medical care system is fucking broken
[26/12/2014, 3:47:58 PM] Peter Coffin: it’s also in public opinion, that’s not a winnable case
[26/12/2014, 3:48:08 PM] Peter Coffin: oh fck yes it is
[26/12/2014, 3:48:09 PM] Remy: But still what's his problem. Other than the cancer.
[26/12/2014, 3:48:24 PM] drinternetphd: right which is why the way to push back is culturally
[26/12/2014, 3:48:26 PM] drinternetphd: not financially.
[26/12/2014, 3:48:30 PM] Remy: Must be affecting his judgement
[26/12/2014, 3:48:35 PM] Peter Coffin: completely agree
[26/12/2014, 3:48:36 PM] drinternetphd: I'm not saying he gets carte blanche at all.
[26/12/2014, 3:48:37 PM] Dina : he's a white male with entitlement issues who doesn't see race but sees people (tm)
[26/12/2014, 3:48:45 PM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 3:48:47 PM] drinternetphd: but he should absolutely still be called out and have to defend his horseshit
[26/12/2014, 3:48:47 PM] Peter Coffin: lol
[26/12/2014, 3:49:00 PM] Peter Coffin: take me to church again
[26/12/2014, 3:49:00 PM] Chris Kluwe: i have no problem calling an asshole an asshole, even if he has cancer
[26/12/2014, 3:49:05 PM] drinternetphd: yeah, precisely.
[26/12/2014, 3:49:06 PM] Dina : same
[26/12/2014, 3:49:09 PM] Peter Coffin: samesies
[26/12/2014, 3:49:14 PM] drinternetphd: ugh I actually tried to talk to him privately about all this
[26/12/2014, 3:49:15 PM] Remy: I've already done that? So sure I'm already in this boat.
[26/12/2014, 3:49:19 PM] Dina : this is like the Hotwheels shit
[26/12/2014, 3:49:20 PM] drinternetphd: he had a mutual friend reach out
[26/12/2014, 3:49:25 PM] Dina : "but he's disabled!!"
[26/12/2014, 3:49:30 PM] drinternetphd: like one I super respect and trust
[26/12/2014, 3:49:31 PM] Dina : but he's also an asshole.
[26/12/2014, 3:49:36 PM] Remy: Yeah I have no problem feeling like Hotwheels is a piece of shit
[26/12/2014, 3:49:42 PM] drinternetphd: so he sent me an email and it was just more BS accusations and thinly veiled threats
[26/12/2014, 3:49:45 PM] Remy: Or whatever his name is
[26/12/2014, 3:50:05 PM] Dina : ugh Zoe
[26/12/2014, 3:50:07 PM] drinternetphd: so I responded being like "Jon, thank you for reaching out, can we talk about this like two people in private trying to get on the same page"
[26/12/2014, 3:50:16 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Freed Brennan
[26/12/2014, 3:50:17 PM] drinternetphd: and like, trying to set the tone as conversational and sincere
[26/12/2014, 3:50:19 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Fred even
[26/12/2014, 3:50:29 PM] drinternetphd: and he sent back more fucking accusations including that idiotic "personal paypal" argument
[26/12/2014, 3:50:32 PM] drinternetphd: so I just stopped responding.
[26/12/2014, 3:50:35 PM] Dina : NO POOPIHEAD GIRL U HAS COOTIES
[26/12/2014, 3:50:36 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: I am very much in favor of using the real names of those who have them out there
[26/12/2014, 3:50:42 PM] Remy: He's not being rational
[26/12/2014, 3:50:46 PM] Peter Coffin: jontron comes off as 14 and ignorant
[26/12/2014, 3:50:47 PM] drinternetphd: no, he isn't.
[26/12/2014, 3:50:51 PM] drinternetphd: no this was totalbiscuit
[26/12/2014, 3:50:52 PM] drinternetphd: not jontron
[26/12/2014, 3:50:53 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: people are more likely to take things seriously when real names are in use
[26/12/2014, 3:51:01 PM] Peter Coffin: tb comes off as 14 and ignorant
[26/12/2014, 3:51:03 PM] Peter Coffin: hahahaha
[26/12/2014, 3:51:07 PM] Dina : waait they're both called Jon?
[26/12/2014, 3:51:10 PM] drinternetphd: yeah
[26/12/2014, 3:51:12 PM] Remy: I don't think he sees you as a person, Zoe
[26/12/2014, 3:51:15 PM] Dina : Why is every Jon I know an ASSHOLE
[26/12/2014, 3:51:16 PM] drinternetphd: I know he doesn't.
[26/12/2014, 3:51:17 PM] Remy: I don't think that's how he processes you
[26/12/2014, 3:51:17 PM] Tesseract: tb is john bain
[26/12/2014, 3:51:20 PM] Peter Coffin: they both come off as 14 and ignorant
[26/12/2014, 3:51:22 PM] Dan Olson: Okay, so my computer was crashing
[26/12/2014, 3:51:24 PM] drinternetphd: Jonathan Tronathan
[26/12/2014, 3:51:28 PM] Dina : oh John then
[26/12/2014, 3:51:35 PM] Dina : lool
[26/12/2014, 3:51:36 PM] Remy: That's not srsly his name is it?
[26/12/2014, 3:51:39 PM] drinternetphd: no
[26/12/2014, 3:51:42 PM] Chris Kluwe: hey. i know you'll never believe it. but juicebro thinks that a lawyer who files a frivolous lawsuit is worse than a lawyer who solicits sex from a 13 year old.
[26/12/2014, 3:51:43 PM] Remy: Okay
[26/12/2014, 3:51:46 PM] drinternetphd: but alex called him that once and it cracks me up constantly.
[26/12/2014, 3:51:51 PM] Remy: 'cause fuck those parents if that was the case
[26/12/2014, 3:51:57 PM] Peter Coffin: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh @ juicebro
[26/12/2014, 3:52:03 PM] Remy: Yeah I blame his parents, too
[26/12/2014, 3:52:06 PM] drinternetphd: yknow this pedo apologia shit is really stacking up
[26/12/2014, 3:52:10 PM] Chris Kluwe: ayup
[26/12/2014, 3:52:12 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: YUP
[26/12/2014, 3:52:12 PM] Remy: All of these fuckers have some failure-ass parents
[26/12/2014, 3:52:34 PM] Peter Coffin: someone in here was making the point that all this mrs shit eventually gets back to pedo apologia
[26/12/2014, 3:52:38 PM] Peter Coffin: I can’t remember who
[26/12/2014, 3:52:40 PM] Peter Coffin: MRA shit
[26/12/2014, 3:52:49 PM] Dan Olson: it often does
[26/12/2014, 3:53:01 PM] Remy: Does the "red pill"/manosphere all wind up defending pedophilia in the end as well?
[26/12/2014, 3:53:02 PM] Dan Olson: age of consent laws, for one
[26/12/2014, 3:53:08 PM] Remy: I haven't looked that far down the rabbit hole
[26/12/2014, 3:53:09 PM] Dina : as a failure with great parents, don't blame the parents lol
[26/12/2014, 3:53:09 PM] drinternetphd: MRAs traditionally are pretty solidly in the camp of being allowed to do anything sexual with no reprocussions from anyone so
[26/12/2014, 3:53:15 PM] Remy: ^
[26/12/2014, 3:53:20 PM] Peter Coffin: pretty much
[26/12/2014, 3:53:20 PM] Remy: I always figured it was just htat
[26/12/2014, 3:53:33 PM] Remy: Plus, y'know, enforcing white supremacy
[26/12/2014, 3:53:34 PM] Peter Coffin: well no one naturally goes “well that includes fucking kids too"
[26/12/2014, 3:53:35 PM] drinternetphd: it's also a power dynamic thing
[26/12/2014, 3:53:36 PM] Remy: In the subtext
[26/12/2014, 3:53:41 PM] Peter Coffin: except pedophiles obviously
[26/12/2014, 3:53:44 PM] Dan Olson: also TONS of the "father's rights" fighting "unfair custody laws" are abusers who want default shared custody to secure access to their victims.
[26/12/2014, 3:53:48 PM] Dina : every time I read "manosphere" I hear the bumper cheetah sound from Manimal
[26/12/2014, 3:53:53 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: See, it goes like this
[26/12/2014, 3:53:54 PM] Peter Coffin: I HATE fathers rights
[26/12/2014, 3:53:54 PM] drinternetphd: no one naturally goes anything that extends past them. it's all 100% about them and they don't see past the end of their nose
[26/12/2014, 3:54:00 PM] Peter Coffin: I hear radio ads for it all the fucking time
[26/12/2014, 3:54:02 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: "We're dudes! We gotta go get laid!"
[26/12/2014, 3:54:04 PM] Peter Coffin: and it’s so fucking disinginous
[26/12/2014, 3:54:06 PM] Remy: lol Peter
[26/12/2014, 3:54:10 PM] Remy: Don't phrase it like that
[26/12/2014, 3:54:12 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: "But, nobody will willingly sleep with us."
[26/12/2014, 3:54:20 PM] Remy: In a chat dump that would be pasted on their blogs for so fucking long
[26/12/2014, 3:54:22 PM] Dan Olson: can... can I get something off my chest, or... I dunno.
[26/12/2014, 3:54:27 PM] drinternetphd: every time someone unironically says "incel" an angel gets punched in the dick
[26/12/2014, 3:54:27 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: "Well, what if we drop the 'willingly' part?"
[26/12/2014, 3:54:35 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: "Nah, because then you get arrested."
[26/12/2014, 3:54:38 PM] drinternetphd: yeah dan go for broke
[26/12/2014, 3:54:45 PM] Peter Coffin: do it dan
[26/12/2014, 3:54:45 PM] Dan Olson: there's this shit that's been haunting me for days, but I don't want to get crazy dark in here
[26/12/2014, 3:54:50 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: "Well, what if they're too young to know what's going on?"
[26/12/2014, 3:55:03 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: "WTF are you doing talking about that in here?"
[26/12/2014, 3:55:09 PM] Remy: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ You can't phase this one
[26/12/2014, 3:55:10 PM] drinternetphd: dan fwiw if you ever need to vent that shit it's pretty much my specialty now.
[26/12/2014, 3:55:11 PM] Peter Coffin: I think relatively nearly anything we discuss is “crazy dark” compared to normal things
[26/12/2014, 3:55:14 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: "We need a new chan which allows free speech!"
[26/12/2014, 3:55:17 PM] Remy: Zoe's seen some shit
[26/12/2014, 3:55:20 PM] Remy: I've seen some shit
[26/12/2014, 3:55:23 PM] Remy: You've seen some shit
[26/12/2014, 3:55:31 PM] Peter Coffin: I don’t think anyone hasn’t seen some shit
[26/12/2014, 3:55:34 PM] Peter Coffin: on earth
[26/12/2014, 3:55:40 PM] Dan Olson: When I was researching I found a bunch of stuff that I just couldn't put in the article as examples. I tried to make it remotely palatable and it was impossible.
[26/12/2014, 3:55:57 PM] Dan Olson: It wasn't, like, hardcore CP, but in a way it was almost worse
[26/12/2014, 3:56:06 PM] drinternetphd: dan I feel you. I had a similar experience when I was pulling shit together for patreon and my white house contact
[26/12/2014, 3:56:31 PM] Dan Olson: someone had written and illustrated this whole series of books written and styled like kids books, Dick and Jane style
[26/12/2014, 3:56:44 PM] Dan Olson: but the whole thing was grooming and pedo normalization
[26/12/2014, 3:56:47 PM] Peter Coffin: ...
[26/12/2014, 3:57:01 PM] Peter Coffin: I believe it but I don’t want to
[26/12/2014, 3:57:07 PM] Chris Kluwe: it's part of a fucking horrible part of the human psyche, and sometimes all we can do is hope to be our best so that no one else goes down that hole
[26/12/2014, 3:57:10 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: I've thankfully managed to generally avoid the child porn for the most part, but one of these days I really do need to break down in front of a therapist about the snuff stuff.
[26/12/2014, 3:57:10 PM] drinternetphd: yeah. that's like finding someone's murder tools.
[26/12/2014, 3:57:27 PM] Remy: oof
[26/12/2014, 3:57:31 PM] Remy: That's rough, SGG
[26/12/2014, 3:57:45 PM] drinternetphd: SGG: good luck mine is like "this is too fucked up and I don't know what to tell you sorry here's your adderall"
[26/12/2014, 3:58:19 PM] drinternetphd: well, at first she was like politely nodding but then I came back for a session and she was like "ok so I independently discovered gamergate" (cause I hadn't used the name of it)
[26/12/2014, 3:58:23 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: particularly the pet related stuff
[26/12/2014, 3:58:40 PM] drinternetphd: and she found my wikipedia page and was like "jesus fuck that's my client"
[26/12/2014, 3:58:45 PM] Remy: oof
[26/12/2014, 3:58:48 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: heh
[26/12/2014, 3:58:50 PM] Dan Olson: ouch
[26/12/2014, 3:58:56 PM] Peter Coffin: oh lordy
[26/12/2014, 3:59:08 PM] Chris Kluwe: ok, Dan you probably don't want to look at this, and I know i sent it to Zoe a while back, but this is juicebro's number 6 favorited tweet since when he created his twitter account
[26/12/2014, 3:59:12 PM] drinternetphd: and was like "I couldn't understand before and thought I was missing something but no things are really just that fucked up"
[26/12/2014, 3:59:17 PM] Peter Coffin: I went to therapy after the fake girlfriend shit and they literally did the whole bootstraps thing with me
[26/12/2014, 3:59:26 PM] Peter Coffin: and I was like “well fuck this"
[26/12/2014, 3:59:46 PM] Chris Kluwe: warning, that shit's realllllllllll gross
[26/12/2014, 4:00:24 PM] Peter Coffin: therapy almost pisses me off now, I wanted help. now it’s like “I paid some shithead to not do anything” and they literally were like someone who didn’t believe in medication
[26/12/2014, 4:00:28 PM] Peter Coffin: it pissed me off
[26/12/2014, 4:00:54 PM] drinternetphd: something I cut from Depression Quest: the shit slog of trying to find a therapist that works for you
[26/12/2014, 4:00:56 PM] Peter Coffin: now I literally want to go to someone who would be like “I don’t want to talk either, here’s anti-depressants!”
[26/12/2014, 4:01:03 PM] Remy: Holy shit
[26/12/2014, 4:01:20 PM] Remy: Mike C faved a tweet of...
[26/12/2014, 4:01:21 PM] Peter Coffin: zoe that would be amazing
[26/12/2014, 4:01:27 PM] Peter Coffin: I don’t feel like I can do that shit again
[26/12/2014, 4:01:29 PM] Dan Olson: "Underage ass" Nope. Not now. I'm done for this week. Oh, shit, I re-launched Chrome and fkn Rizzle Dizzle White Morpheus starts talking to me.
[26/12/2014, 4:01:37 PM] drinternetphd: I basically want to someday make a papers please-like thing with the mental healthcare system
[26/12/2014, 4:01:44 PM] Dan Olson: I'd love that, Zoe
[26/12/2014, 4:01:46 PM] Remy: Take your break
[26/12/2014, 4:01:47 PM] Peter Coffin: same
[26/12/2014, 4:01:55 PM] Dan Olson: the anti-depressant carousel
[26/12/2014, 4:01:55 PM] Remy: It's text only (thank god )
[26/12/2014, 4:01:58 PM] Chris Kluwe: if you need a therapist's view, i can talk to my wife
[26/12/2014, 4:02:13 PM] Chris Kluwe: she's not happy with our system at all
[26/12/2014, 4:02:15 PM] drinternetphd: that'd be nice. it's a far off project though
[26/12/2014, 4:02:24 PM] drinternetphd: I want it to humanize the people trying to do good in a broken system too
[26/12/2014, 4:02:26 PM] Peter Coffin: our system is terrible
[26/12/2014, 4:02:29 PM] Dina : what is mental healthcare like anyways?
[26/12/2014, 4:02:38 PM] Chris Kluwe: sucks
[26/12/2014, 4:02:38 PM] Dina : I'vebeen considering going for a year
[26/12/2014, 4:02:43 PM] drinternetphd: depends
[26/12/2014, 4:02:45 PM] Chris Kluwe: in terms of how it's provided here
[26/12/2014, 4:02:55 PM] Dina : (arabs tend to just pretend mental problems or depression just goes away)
[26/12/2014, 4:03:07 PM] Chris Kluwe: a lot of times there's certain criteria that you have to meet or they can't do anything at all
[26/12/2014, 4:03:10 PM] Remy: Does anyone want a tertiary summary of that link?
[26/12/2014, 4:03:15 PM] Dina : Mom just got done telling me to "chin up and be positive and depression is just an outlook" so
[26/12/2014, 4:03:20 PM] drinternetphd: what I do is go to a clinic my limited state insurance covers, talk for like 5 minutes, get my adderal prescription (since they can't prescribe more than one month at a time so I have to go back for each renewal) and go get it filled
[26/12/2014, 4:03:23 PM] Chris Kluwe: it's grossssssssssssss
[26/12/2014, 4:03:26 PM] Dan Olson: hit and miss. There's (thank god) a ton of new research that's going t make next-gen anti-depressants a million times better, but the current setup is going to look barbaric a century from now.
[26/12/2014, 4:03:27 PM] Quinnae: My father is the same way, Dina.
[26/12/2014, 4:03:29 PM] Chris Kluwe: that about sums it up
[26/12/2014, 4:03:52 PM] Dina : I'm so sorry Katherine
[26/12/2014, 4:03:52 PM] Remy: Yup
[26/12/2014, 4:04:00 PM] Chris Kluwe: dina: there are good people out there, but a lot of times they're overwhelmed by the amount of people who need their help
[26/12/2014, 4:04:01 PM] Peter Coffin: zoe that would be fine with me. I don’t want to fucking talk anymore
[26/12/2014, 4:04:10 PM] Peter Coffin: not to be combative
[26/12/2014, 4:04:17 PM] Peter Coffin: I realized that sounded aggressie
[26/12/2014, 4:04:17 PM] Dina : I believe that, Chris
[26/12/2014, 4:04:18 PM] drinternetphd: no I'm kinda the same
[26/12/2014, 4:04:19 PM] Remy: I just want something for my anxiety
[26/12/2014, 4:04:20 PM] Peter Coffin: aggressive
[26/12/2014, 4:04:23 PM] drinternetphd: talking stopped helping a long time ago
[26/12/2014, 4:04:31 PM] Remy: And then I wanted to be screened for autism
[26/12/2014, 4:04:45 PM] Dina : and I'm sure none of these people are in Japan ahahahaha Mental stigma in Japan is horrifying
[26/12/2014, 4:04:50 PM] drinternetphd: yeah?
[26/12/2014, 4:04:55 PM] Dina : I'm surprised I haven't offed myself
[26/12/2014, 4:05:04 PM] Peter Coffin: i’m sorry dina
[26/12/2014, 4:05:08 PM] drinternetphd: my friend who did JET said that any time he tried to get healthcare on that front they just told him to lose weight
[26/12/2014, 4:05:12 PM] Dan Olson: I'm aggressive with my Ativan. I just tell the doctor at the clinic what I'm there for, no faffing about talking about my anxiety hoping that they'll feel it merits something that strong.
[26/12/2014, 4:05:14 PM] drinternetphd: (he's not really that big)
[26/12/2014, 4:05:20 PM] Chris Kluwe: whoa. has juicebro ever mentioned being married?
[26/12/2014, 4:05:24 PM] drinternetphd: no?
[26/12/2014, 4:05:28 PM] Dina : Zoe yeah every year in the mandatory health check I was told I'm obese
[26/12/2014, 4:05:30 PM] drinternetphd: I know he says girlfriend a lot
[26/12/2014, 4:05:32 PM] drinternetphd: :|
[26/12/2014, 4:05:38 PM] Dina : yeah
[26/12/2014, 4:05:40 PM] Remy: I thought he was divorced?
[26/12/2014, 4:05:49 PM] Chris Kluwe: he must be
[26/12/2014, 4:05:52 PM] Chris Kluwe: this is from 2008
[26/12/2014, 4:05:53 PM] Chris Kluwe:
[26/12/2014, 4:06:00 PM] Peter Coffin: he has that “no one can handle me” vibe to him
[26/12/2014, 4:06:00 PM] Chris Kluwe: and he references his spouse
[26/12/2014, 4:06:09 PM] Dina : good on her getting out
[26/12/2014, 4:06:16 PM] Peter Coffin: that “oh my god literally anyone would hate me” vibe
[26/12/2014, 4:06:22 PM] Peter Coffin: that “I have raped people” vibe
[26/12/2014, 4:06:28 PM] Remy: I swear he's mentioned being divorced before.
[26/12/2014, 4:06:32 PM] Dina : definitely the I have raped people vibe
[26/12/2014, 4:06:44 PM] Remy: I almost wanna say he's one of those douchebags that has to have a "Freedom Anniversary Party" on the day of his divorce
[26/12/2014, 4:06:51 PM] Remy: Y'know, to prove he's doing alright
[26/12/2014, 4:06:52 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: "hey now that never went to trial"
[26/12/2014, 4:06:58 PM] Peter Coffin: I agree
[26/12/2014, 4:07:07 PM] Peter Coffin: that man is disgusting
[26/12/2014, 4:07:14 PM] drinternetphd: literally nothing redeeming
[26/12/2014, 4:07:21 PM] Dina : man = miserable pile of secrets
[26/12/2014, 4:07:23 PM] Dina : acceptable
[26/12/2014, 4:08:01 PM] Peter Coffin: So Reddit actually allows this? If I don't like a particular subreddit, I can just have Reddit publish an add saying "Hi AdviceAnimals lol stfu, booya! Howard Stern bababooey lol!"... and Reddit will actually publish it? Or will that only work if I have friends in high places?’
[26/12/2014, 4:08:05 PM] Peter Coffin: FREE MARKET BITCH
[26/12/2014, 4:08:12 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: I was saying forever ago that I was surprised every day that went by without anyone stepping forward with rape allegations, then it turns out they already had
[26/12/2014, 4:08:16 PM] drinternetphd: countdown till I'm blamed for the ad
[26/12/2014, 4:08:22 PM] Chris Kluwe: ok. i don't want to say this is a backhanded way of arguing for CP
[26/12/2014, 4:08:24 PM] Chris Kluwe: but.
[26/12/2014, 4:08:25 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: -1 hour?
[26/12/2014, 4:08:25 PM] Chris Kluwe:
[26/12/2014, 4:08:31 PM] Peter Coffin: I’m shocked they haven’t already
[26/12/2014, 4:08:37 PM] Remy: Well technically  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[26/12/2014, 4:08:38 PM] Peter Coffin: I would think it’d come before kek
[26/12/2014, 4:08:51 PM] Peter Coffin: and kek took longer than I though
[26/12/2014, 4:09:15 PM] Dina : burn the chans
[26/12/2014, 4:09:52 PM] Dina : didn't think I could feel burning hatred in my late 20s but fuck
[26/12/2014, 4:09:56 PM] Alex Lifschitz: God yes PLEASE let GG bed down with that awful movie
[26/12/2014, 4:10:14 PM] Dina : yeah read that title and laughed
[26/12/2014, 4:10:19 PM] Remy: lol
[26/12/2014, 4:10:23 PM] Dan Olson: I think they're blaming me for the ad, which isn't entirely untrue.
[26/12/2014, 4:10:27 PM] Dina : especially given Rogen was shitting on Baldwin for GG a while back
[26/12/2014, 4:10:56 PM] Dan Olson: thinking that I'm doubling down, which also isn't entirely untrue.
[26/12/2014, 4:10:58 PM] Remy: Like I said <_< We were all kinda present
[26/12/2014, 4:11:07 PM] Remy: And I guess I have financially contributed
[26/12/2014, 4:11:20 PM] Remy: So I think that makes me an accessory at the very least
[26/12/2014, 4:11:30 PM] Peter Coffin: rogen would most likely respond negatively if GG sent him support labelled gg
[26/12/2014, 4:11:36 PM] Remy: And white a stunning accessory, too
[26/12/2014, 4:11:46 PM] Remy: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Look at these guns
[26/12/2014, 4:12:03 PM] Remy: lol
[26/12/2014, 4:12:25 PM] Dan Olson: Merry Christmas! The worst PR person in the world has been suspended from Twitter... again! Enjoy your three day vacation, Janet!
[26/12/2014, 4:12:31 PM] Remy: quite* oh Skype, you're so weird
[26/12/2014, 4:12:44 PM] Alex Lifschitz: I mean, it's already amazing that we got GG to bed down with Shredded Fucking Moose
[26/12/2014, 4:12:46 PM] Peter Coffin: I watched the movie today, thinking I was hate watching it, but laughed a few times. I can still pick it apart with a laundry list of horrible shit but it was less of a shit fest than I expected. that being said, being less of a shit fest is not a desirable thing
[26/12/2014, 4:12:57 PM] Alex Lifschitz: i.e. literally the worst webcomic on the entire planet
[26/12/2014, 4:12:59 PM] Remy: Oh my god
[26/12/2014, 4:13:09 PM] Remy: And when Wardell offered him a job and then promptly died on that hill?
[26/12/2014, 4:13:14 PM] Alex Lifschitz: yyyyyyep
[26/12/2014, 4:13:19 PM] drinternetphd: wardell talked with my ex about it too.
[26/12/2014, 4:13:19 PM] Remy: holy shit
[26/12/2014, 4:13:30 PM] drinternetphd: cause my ex can't not jump in and make this all about him
[26/12/2014, 4:13:32 PM] Peter Coffin: wardell seems like a fucking weirdo
[26/12/2014, 4:13:34 PM] Remy: I had zero doubt at that point that he was an eager contributor
[26/12/2014, 4:13:35 PM] Dan Olson: Yeah, I thought I'd bottomed out with crap like Chuggworth and Sexy Losers, but I hadn't heard of Shredded Moose before all this.
[26/12/2014, 4:13:39 PM] Remy: To the vitriol and abuse
[26/12/2014, 4:13:47 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Truth be told, I wish we had pocketed that Wardell crap for a more appropriate time/solid victory but that man is a garbage fire
[26/12/2014, 4:14:06 PM] Remy: I hope all of his employees have updated their resumes and sent them out
[26/12/2014, 4:14:19 PM] Alex Lifschitz: You can't all go work at Stardock, chucklefucks.
[26/12/2014, 4:14:33 PM] Remy: I can't remember if I went through with it or not
[26/12/2014, 4:14:37 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Wait Zoe do you have bradwardell.jpeg handy
[26/12/2014, 4:14:46 PM] Remy: But I wanted to try and get Slade Villena hired at Stardock
[26/12/2014, 4:14:54 PM] Remy: Kind of like getting Jar Jar Binks hired at the Death Star?
[26/12/2014, 4:15:02 PM] drinternetphd: lol alex how did you know I was loding it up
[26/12/2014, 4:15:03 PM] Remy: Let the snake eat its own asshole somewhere else
[26/12/2014, 4:15:22 PM] Chris Kluwe: speaking of Slade
[26/12/2014, 4:15:24 PM] Dina : Are you guys sky ping each other from the same location?
[26/12/2014, 4:15:29 PM] Chris Kluwe: what do you think his reaction would be
[26/12/2014, 4:15:29 PM] Dan Olson: "People need to be reporting this article, IMO. This is distributing blurred and easily exploitable images. Report it." MORE PEOPLE WHO BELIEVE CSI IS A DOCUMENTARY!
[26/12/2014, 4:15:32 PM] Dina : cause that's cute as f
[26/12/2014, 4:15:34 PM] Chris Kluwe: if i linked him this?
[26/12/2014, 4:15:43 PM] drinternetphd:
[26/12/2014, 4:15:46 PM] drinternetphd: wardell.jpg
[26/12/2014, 4:15:59 PM] Remy: I have to read it first
[26/12/2014, 4:16:04 PM] Remy: lol
[26/12/2014, 4:16:11 PM] drinternetphd: dina: maybe
[26/12/2014, 4:16:20 PM] Peter Coffin: slide might flip out
[26/12/2014, 4:16:25 PM] Peter Coffin: Slide Villain
[26/12/2014, 4:16:26 PM] Remy: We have to do that when we're ready to release that we know about these blogs
[26/12/2014, 4:16:32 PM] Remy: As soon as we go public with this
[26/12/2014, 4:16:38 PM] Remy: We HAVE to send this blog post to Villena
[26/12/2014, 4:16:42 PM] Chris Kluwe: oh man
[26/12/2014, 4:16:46 PM] Chris Kluwe: it'llbe so good
[26/12/2014, 4:16:56 PM] Dina : Next you're gonna tell me Alex is your known associate
[26/12/2014, 4:16:59 PM] drinternetphd: never
[26/12/2014, 4:17:10 PM] drinternetphd: never reveal the wutang secret
[26/12/2014, 4:17:11 PM] Peter Coffin: “You moron. The Army does not keep me free. And invading Iraq damned sure has nothing to do with my current freedom. I keep myself free. If someone invaded my country, me and many others would take up arms. Even the whiny liberals and chicken hawks would stand with me.

America was a free country before we had a large standing Army. If you had actually read some books while in Iraq - instead of playing video games all day - you'd have learned that many Founding Fathers were opposed to a large standing army, viewing it as a threat to liberty.:
[26/12/2014, 4:17:18 PM] Remy: I'm bookmarking this
[26/12/2014, 4:17:27 PM] Peter Coffin: why not archive
[26/12/2014, 4:17:36 PM] Dina : why not Zoidberg
[26/12/2014, 4:17:40 PM] Dina : at this point tbh
[26/12/2014, 4:17:41 PM] Peter Coffin: why not?
[26/12/2014, 4:17:42 PM] Remy: also doing that
[26/12/2014, 4:17:47 PM] Dina : what is life
[26/12/2014, 4:17:49 PM] Chris Kluwe: yeah, i'd definitely make sure you keep that one in a permanent storage of some sort
[26/12/2014, 4:18:02 PM] Dina : how are these people not collapsing under the weight of their own harmful stupidity
[26/12/2014, 4:18:09 PM] Remy: If he ever tries to bring his shit to me
[26/12/2014, 4:18:11 PM] drinternetphd: because people don't see it.
[26/12/2014, 4:18:13 PM] Remy: XD
[26/12/2014, 4:18:15 PM] Peter Coffin:
[26/12/2014, 4:18:23 PM] Remy: I'm gonna slap him with my e-dick so fucking hard
[26/12/2014, 4:18:28 PM] Dina : this is how black holes are created
[26/12/2014, 4:18:42 PM] Dina : ancient humans figured out a way to shoot these people into the stars
[26/12/2014, 4:18:48 PM] Chris Kluwe: wow
[26/12/2014, 4:18:51 PM] Dina : where they collapsed in on their own bullshit
[26/12/2014, 4:18:55 PM] Chris Kluwe: their society must have been so progressive
[26/12/2014, 4:18:57 PM] Dina : and became Black Holes
[26/12/2014, 4:19:16 PM] drinternetphd: like people still believe my ex was an innocent victim of abuse and was shocked when 4chan "found" his post. even though I have the threads he was posting shit in and calling up hotels trying to find out if I had ever stayed there to give them more info.
[26/12/2014, 4:19:25 PM] Dina : it backfired when one amassed mass instead of becoming a black hole and rocketed back to earth
[26/12/2014, 4:19:43 PM] Dina : he wiped out the meta-humans who had taken the form of Dinosaurs for their annual dino ball
[26/12/2014, 4:19:46 PM] Dina : tragic
[26/12/2014, 4:19:56 PM] drinternetphd: people partially still believe it because they don't like the one person who has debunked it
[26/12/2014, 4:20:00 PM] drinternetphd: and I can't do it without risking court issues
[26/12/2014, 4:20:06 PM] drinternetphd: even though I have proof of everything
[26/12/2014, 4:20:09 PM] Dina : fuck
[26/12/2014, 4:20:46 PM] Dan Olson: They don't want to disbelieve it, so they will, by definition, hate whoever debunks it.
[26/12/2014, 4:20:48 PM] Remy: Zero of that POS's actions have ever provided a scrap of humanity to inspect. I have looked just to entertain the most distant fucking notion and I have found zero reason to believe that he is not an obsessed abuser.
[26/12/2014, 4:20:56 PM] Dina : how about a class action lawsuit from all the people they've hurt?
[26/12/2014, 4:21:16 PM] Dina : so that you're not alone in the line of fire
[26/12/2014, 4:21:19 PM] drinternetphd: like
[26/12/2014, 4:21:20 PM] drinternetphd:
[26/12/2014, 4:21:39 PM] Dina : sigh
[26/12/2014, 4:21:47 PM] Dina : humanity levels depleting
[26/12/2014, 4:22:05 PM] Peter Coffin: I’m archiving all the links in the juicebro trello card
[26/12/2014, 4:22:11 PM] drinternetphd: and since he's working on a fucking sequel I'm like
[26/12/2014, 4:22:11 PM] Remy: nice
[26/12/2014, 4:22:19 PM] drinternetphd: kinda pissed no one seems to have gotten the truth out
[26/12/2014, 4:22:32 PM] Dina : uh sequel?
[26/12/2014, 4:22:34 PM] drinternetphd: cause it's gonna fucking suck to have a round 2 of horrific fucking public abuse
[26/12/2014, 4:22:36 PM] drinternetphd: yeah
[26/12/2014, 4:22:47 PM] Remy: I was disappointed in the "middle-of-the-road" pandering so many journalists took
[26/12/2014, 4:23:05 PM] Chris Kluwe: i don't think we'll see that again
[26/12/2014, 4:23:12 PM] Chris Kluwe: now they know the shit that comes of it
[26/12/2014, 4:23:21 PM] Chris Kluwe: and i'll definitely be calling them out if they try
[26/12/2014, 4:23:31 PM] Remy: Every lukewarm article seemed to add another resinous layer of legitimacy to this awful hate mob
[26/12/2014, 4:23:49 PM] drinternetphd: like fuck I have the 4chan threads he was posting in
[26/12/2014, 4:23:52 PM] drinternetphd: the amas he did on reddit
[26/12/2014, 4:23:56 PM] drinternetphd: the ama he did in the chatroom
[26/12/2014, 4:24:13 PM] Remy: Everyone who wasn't panning it was a two-sided political debate was just throwing up their arms going "Computers? Must be a tech issue"
[26/12/2014, 4:24:15 PM] drinternetphd: and people still believe this "whoopsie abuse victim" shit because he struck first
[26/12/2014, 4:24:41 PM] Dina : uuugh
[26/12/2014, 4:24:50 PM] Chris Kluwe: "I'm Mike Cernovich, and it's about ethics in linking to Gawker!"
[26/12/2014, 4:24:58 PM] drinternetphd: like using the fucking right keyword dismisses any observation
[26/12/2014, 4:25:03 PM] Dina : yeah I remember that awful one guy hitting me at the beginning of GG like "how does it feel to support a rapist and abuser?"
[26/12/2014, 4:25:20 PM] Dina : and I was like "I WOULDN'T KNOW SUCK MY DICK CONSENSUALLY"
[26/12/2014, 4:25:23 PM] drinternetphd: which was fucking planned in those threads
[26/12/2014, 4:26:01 PM] Dina : sorry I'm not witty when angry Zoe
[26/12/2014, 4:26:06 PM] Peter Coffin: all juicebro blog posts on trello have been archived
[26/12/2014, 4:26:12 PM] Quinnae: I've talked to a lot of people in feminist circles who are very frustrated that some loud "SJWs" have taken Eron at his word because he used the right codewords. It keys into a larger problem I and others have identified in activist communities, where language becomes more important than the thing it describes.
[26/12/2014, 4:26:12 PM] drinternetphd: no no it's fine I'm just so fucking angry and let down
[26/12/2014, 4:26:14 PM] Peter Coffin: chris are you adding them to trello or no
[26/12/2014, 4:26:16 PM] Remy: <3
[26/12/2014, 4:26:17 PM] Dina : also I refused to read your ex's textual masturbation
[26/12/2014, 4:26:26 PM] drinternetphd: thank you...
[26/12/2014, 4:26:52 PM] drinternetphd: god that's like the shittiest part of this for me
[26/12/2014, 4:26:57 PM] Dina : I'm really sorry he put you through hell. He should be rotting in jail. I'm so sorry.
[26/12/2014, 4:27:05 PM] Peter Coffin: I haven’t read it either, it just seemed perverse to do. also was way before I knew much about you. there was literally a time I was fighting against these people without even knowing what it was about
[26/12/2014, 4:27:06 PM] drinternetphd: like GG is horrific enough as is but for me particularly it's fucking domestic abuse because I finally cut him out of my life
[26/12/2014, 4:27:09 PM] Chris Kluwe: i'm not, i don't know what the trello thing is
[26/12/2014, 4:27:10 PM] Remy: Katherine, do you and your colleagues have any thoughts as to how we can evolve past this over-obsession with words?
[26/12/2014, 4:27:26 PM] Chris Kluwe: just linking them here as i find them
[26/12/2014, 4:27:42 PM] Peter Coffin: I’ll archive and add them then
[26/12/2014, 4:27:42 PM] Dan Olson: I'm not sure the structure of English would let us
[26/12/2014, 4:28:00 PM] Chris Kluwe: thanks
[26/12/2014, 4:29:03 PM] Dan Olson: English has a lot of problems with broad floating concepts, and we're in the present really running up against a wall where we just don't have words that function the way we need them to.
[26/12/2014, 4:29:12 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Oy, this KiA thread on the ad is killing me

"Yeah, as gamerghazi has repeatedly claimed, they aren't trying to say jabronis is pedophiles because 8chan has that board.
Wait... why do they keep saying just that then?"

[26/12/2014, 4:29:44 PM] Quinnae: It's a complex problem and I don't have easy answers for that. Generally speaking, I think it's imperative to teach people that concepts developed by activists are not rules but rather shorthand for more complicated, variable phenomena. Like the "tone argument" for instance-- it identifies a real problem where minoritised people are often told they're being "angry" as a way of delegitimising them. But it does not mean there is never cause to discuss tone in activism, or that a marginalised person's tone can't be an issue ever.
[26/12/2014, 4:29:48 PM] Chris Kluwe: oh shit, i just found something
[26/12/2014, 4:29:51 PM] Chris Kluwe: on juicebro
[26/12/2014, 4:30:00 PM] Chris Kluwe:
[26/12/2014, 4:30:08 PM] Chris Kluwe: so i'm working backwards chronologically
[26/12/2014, 4:30:17 PM] Chris Kluwe: and i've read i think 4 different posts
[26/12/2014, 4:30:31 PM] Chris Kluwe: where he talks about "this other case" where someone could have gotten in trouble for filing late
[26/12/2014, 4:30:49 PM] Peter Coffin: interesting
[26/12/2014, 4:30:54 PM] Chris Kluwe: i need to go back and find them now
[26/12/2014, 4:31:38 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Does it have any significance?
[26/12/2014, 4:31:55 PM] Chris Kluwe: i think he may have fucked up a case possibly
[26/12/2014, 4:32:13 PM] Chris Kluwe: i need to check the other posts, which means wading back through the morass
[26/12/2014, 4:32:29 PM] Chris Kluwe: it seemed odd that he kept harping on deadlines
[26/12/2014, 4:32:29 PM] Peter Coffin: 4 separate mentions of a case, if it’s the same case, yeah
[26/12/2014, 4:32:31 PM] Peter Coffin: he probably did
[26/12/2014, 4:32:41 PM] Remy: did he use the word deadline in each one?
[26/12/2014, 4:32:52 PM] Chris Kluwe: mmmm, might have
[26/12/2014, 4:33:14 PM] Dina : I love you guys and sorry for dumping heavy stuff on you tonight
[26/12/2014, 4:33:21 PM] Chris Kluwe: no worries :)
[26/12/2014, 4:33:21 PM] Quinnae: hugs Dina
[26/12/2014, 4:33:24 PM] drinternetphd: ditto
[26/12/2014, 4:33:25 PM] Dina : I'm gonna go horrify my mom with sex stories from SF
[26/12/2014, 4:33:34 PM] Dina : she secretly loves it
[26/12/2014, 4:33:41 PM] Dina : Dina  hugs you all
[26/12/2014, 4:33:45 PM] Remy: Is this one of them?
[26/12/2014, 4:34:04 PM] Remy: Meh it only mentions that he's paranoid about deadlines, nevermind
[26/12/2014, 4:34:07 PM] Remy: Nothing concrete
[26/12/2014, 4:34:24 PM] Chris Kluwe: nah not that one
[26/12/2014, 4:34:25 PM] Peter Coffin: hope everything is alright dina
[26/12/2014, 4:34:55 PM] Chris Kluwe: here's juicebro justifying sexual harassment though
[26/12/2014, 4:35:11 PM] Remy: sounds like Mike Classic
[26/12/2014, 4:36:57 PM] Chris Kluwe: juicebro gets a taste of doxxing and likes it
[26/12/2014, 4:37:14 PM] Chris Kluwe: like all good sociopaths, you should start small. practice on yourself, maybe
[26/12/2014, 4:37:32 PM] Peter Coffin: that is…. weird
[26/12/2014, 4:40:02 PM] Chris Kluwe: "Make your crimes go away!"
[26/12/2014, 4:42:43 PM] Peter Coffin: I’ve been arrested for not paying traffic tickets (last year) and had a warrant out for me early this month for not paying traffic tickets. This is what happens when you don’t have money.
[26/12/2014, 4:42:58 PM] Chris Kluwe: "justice"
[26/12/2014, 4:43:03 PM] Peter Coffin: yeah
[26/12/2014, 4:43:04 PM] Chris Kluwe: but only if you can afford it
[26/12/2014, 4:43:29 PM] Peter Coffin: I’m just shocked they didn’t track that down, instead going for the easy fake girlfriend shit that comes up immediately upon googling
[26/12/2014, 4:43:33 PM] drinternetphd: ha even then it's unlikely
[26/12/2014, 4:43:35 PM] Chris Kluwe: juicebro's not a pothead, he swears
[26/12/2014, 4:43:36 PM] Peter Coffin: I’ll be expunging that
[26/12/2014, 4:43:38 PM] Peter Coffin: shit though
[26/12/2014, 4:43:47 PM] Dan Olson: Oh man, when I get my full Complimentary GamerGate Background Check they'll discover that I pled guilty to a 40$ speeding ticket in Montana.
[26/12/2014, 4:43:49 PM] drinternetphd: I'm still so fucking mad that the magistrate told me the harassment didn't count cause it was online
[26/12/2014, 4:44:02 PM] drinternetphd: and if I didn't want to get harassed I should get offline forever and switch careers
[26/12/2014, 4:44:06 PM] Dan Olson: I would be livid at that, Zoe.
[26/12/2014, 4:44:07 PM] Chris Kluwe: that's something the legal system really needs to get into gear and address
[26/12/2014, 4:44:10 PM] drinternetphd: yeah.
[26/12/2014, 4:44:14 PM] Peter Coffin: yeah that makes me mad too. I can’t believe someone said that to you
[26/12/2014, 4:44:16 PM] Chris Kluwe: because the internet isn't going away anytime soon
[26/12/2014, 4:44:19 PM] drinternetphd: nope
[26/12/2014, 4:44:23 PM] drinternetphd: and it's my fucking workplace
[26/12/2014, 4:44:32 PM] drinternetphd: "get a new career" should not be fucking advice
[26/12/2014, 4:44:32 PM] Peter Coffin: oh come on, it’s got a year max left
[26/12/2014, 4:44:41 PM] Peter Coffin: then it’s back to the regular superhighway
[26/12/2014, 4:45:16 PM] Chris Kluwe: heh
[26/12/2014, 4:45:21 PM] Alex Lifschitz: I vote that we all move to the Ripper Internet
[26/12/2014, 4:45:28 PM] Alex Lifschitz: All skulls and spiders and psycho clowns
[26/12/2014, 4:45:28 PM] Dan Olson: this actually sort of goes back to my comments about the limits of English
[26/12/2014, 4:45:49 PM] Dan Olson: we don't really have a way of conceptualizing a ficitive shared space with a single word
[26/12/2014, 4:46:21 PM] Remy: lol "My tips for drug dealers" by a white dude who thinks he probably could do that job better than you could
[26/12/2014, 4:46:28 PM] Dan Olson: so a ruling declairing "the internet" as a place of work operates on the definition of "place" as a physical entity.
[26/12/2014, 4:46:55 PM] Peter Coffin: listen if there is skulls there is going to be aurini so I do not want to move to Ripper Internet
[26/12/2014, 4:47:18 PM] Peter Coffin: psycho clowns - tempting.
[26/12/2014, 4:47:23 PM] Peter Coffin: worth aurini?
[26/12/2014, 4:47:26 PM] Peter Coffin: maybe not so mcuh
[26/12/2014, 4:48:03 PM] Dan Olson: i dunno, is it worth walking way with teh stank of cheap whisky and fake European cigarettes?
[26/12/2014, 4:48:45 PM] Quinnae: Goodnight all. Take care. :)
[26/12/2014, 4:48:53 PM] Peter Coffin: take care katherine! night!
[26/12/2014, 4:48:56 PM] Chris Kluwe: night
[26/12/2014, 4:49:00 PM] Dan Olson: Night Katherine!
[26/12/2014, 4:49:05 PM] Chris Kluwe: i'm gonna head out too, getting late here
[26/12/2014, 4:49:06 PM] Chris Kluwe: but before i go
[26/12/2014, 4:49:10 PM] Chris Kluwe: once last Cernovich
[26/12/2014, 4:49:13 PM] Peter Coffin: hahaha
[26/12/2014, 4:49:21 PM] Peter Coffin: THE JUICE IS LOOSE
[26/12/2014, 4:49:28 PM] Chris Kluwe: bear in mind, this is like the 19th post i've seen on narcissism by now
[26/12/2014, 4:49:30 PM] Chris Kluwe:
[26/12/2014, 4:49:39 PM] drinternetphd: yeah I think I need to mentally detox from gg shit. later folks. love to you all
[26/12/2014, 4:49:46 PM] Peter Coffin: night guys
[26/12/2014, 4:49:49 PM] Chris Kluwe: take it easy
[26/12/2014, 4:49:55 PM] Dan Olson: night
[26/12/2014, 4:49:56 PM] Peter Coffin: you too
[26/12/2014, 4:50:03 PM] Peter Coffin: take care chris and zoe
[26/12/2014, 4:50:40 PM] Chris Kluwe: goddammit, i lied
[26/12/2014, 4:50:41 PM] Chris Kluwe: one more
[26/12/2014, 4:50:44 PM] Chris Kluwe:
[26/12/2014, 4:51:03 PM] Peter Coffin: it makes me happy to associate with nice people. I realize we talk about shitty things the whole time but knowing no one here is a true blue piece of shit makes it feel not so shit
[26/12/2014, 4:51:05 PM] Remy: People going to bed?
[26/12/2014, 4:51:09 PM] Remy: Get some rest, sweet dreams
[26/12/2014, 4:51:09 PM] Peter Coffin: so thank you
[26/12/2014, 4:51:12 PM] Peter Coffin: all
[26/12/2014, 4:51:14 PM] Chris Kluwe: i went to college with female athletes. they lifted just as much as we did
[26/12/2014, 4:51:14 PM] Remy: Keep being awesome everyone
[26/12/2014, 4:51:16 PM] Chris Kluwe: fucking cernovich
[26/12/2014, 4:51:22 PM] Remy: AND MERRY CHRISTMAS AND JUNK
[26/12/2014, 4:51:28 PM] Chris Kluwe: of course, night all
[26/12/2014, 4:51:35 PM] Peter Coffin: yes! merry christmas thing
[26/12/2014, 4:51:38 PM] Chris Kluwe: ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAYS
[26/12/2014, 4:51:45 PM] Remy: ^
[26/12/2014, 4:51:52 PM] Peter Coffin: ^^
[26/12/2014, 4:52:01 PM] Peter Coffin: I’m not 100% on if I am going to sleep yet or not
[26/12/2014, 4:53:29 PM] Alex Lifschitz: I'm sticking around, I woke up at 9pm. Fuck the system
[26/12/2014, 4:53:49 PM] Peter Coffin: SLEEP NOW IN THE FIRE
[26/12/2014, 4:53:51 PM] Peter Coffin: wait
[26/12/2014, 4:53:57 PM] Peter Coffin: no, that is a bad song for a no sleep thing
[26/12/2014, 4:54:03 PM] Alex Lifschitz: NO
[26/12/2014, 4:54:04 PM] Alex Lifschitz: SLEEP
[26/12/2014, 4:54:06 PM] Alex Lifschitz: TIL BROOKLYN
[26/12/2014, 4:54:08 PM] Alex Lifschitz: come one dude
[26/12/2014, 4:54:23 PM] Peter Coffin: how about come on more than one dude
[26/12/2014, 4:54:45 PM] Alex Lifschitz: come one come all
[26/12/2014, 4:54:51 PM] Alex Lifschitz: come after three months of no porn
[26/12/2014, 4:55:24 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Just had to inform Zoe that one of the beastie boys is dead
[26/12/2014, 4:55:28 PM] Alex Lifschitz: for like a year
[26/12/2014, 4:55:37 PM] Peter Coffin: hasn’t it been like 2 years?
[26/12/2014, 4:55:54 PM] Dan Olson: Almost 2 since Adam died, yeah.
[26/12/2014, 4:56:07 PM] Peter Coffin: jesus
[26/12/2014, 4:56:15 PM] Alex Lifschitz: I still refuse to accept that one
[26/12/2014, 4:56:16 PM] Peter Coffin: time flies
[26/12/2014, 4:56:32 PM] Dan Olson: or, wait, may 2012, so 2.5, damn
[26/12/2014, 4:56:42 PM] Alex Lifschitz: I mean I'm all into classic rock so I'm used to watching my idols dying but one of the beastie boys, come on
[26/12/2014, 4:57:02 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Like, Jack Bruce? Sure. People from the Summer of Love? I get it. Adam Yauch? Fuck you.
[26/12/2014, 4:57:10 PM] Peter Coffin: yeah, I always thought it was so weird seeing them with grey hair, then one died and it did fuck with me
[26/12/2014, 4:57:27 PM] Peter Coffin: I was like “what. what is this."
[26/12/2014, 4:57:51 PM] Alex Lifschitz: They're supposed to be ageless god dammit. Brad Pitt is in his 50's and you'd never tell.
[26/12/2014, 4:58:12 PM] Alex Lifschitz: And of course KEITH FUCKING RICHARDS is STILL SOMEHOW ALIVE
[26/12/2014, 4:58:41 PM] Peter Coffin: he’s like some kind of roach, you know
[26/12/2014, 4:58:52 PM] Peter Coffin: some kind of nuclear surviving roach
[26/12/2014, 4:59:01 PM] Alex Lifschitz: He looked like death warmed over in 1973, I have no fucking clue
[26/12/2014, 4:59:31 PM] Alex Lifschitz: He's probably so far over the line the grim reaper was like "what the fuck is even the point anymore"
[26/12/2014, 5:00:03 PM] Peter Coffin: grim reap is always tasked with killing him friday at 4:45
[26/12/2014, 5:00:10 PM] Peter Coffin: grim is like “fuck this, TGIF"
[26/12/2014, 5:00:37 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Grim has set some personal goals this year. He doesn't go for the low-hanging fruit.
[26/12/2014, 5:00:51 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Keith Richards is the check-out aisle candy bar to him.
[26/12/2014, 5:01:04 PM] Alex Lifschitz: No. No. Not today. I have discipline.
[26/12/2014, 5:01:09 PM] Peter Coffin: meanwhile, every time I go through the register
[26/12/2014, 5:01:12 PM] Dan Olson: "Eh, if I'm ever short on quota I've always got Keith!"
[26/12/2014, 5:01:37 PM] Peter Coffin: “if the grim reaper can not buy these why can’t I resist them"
[26/12/2014, 5:02:32 PM] Alex Lifschitz: "Yo, Grim! You see the news? Keith is climbing up a coconut tree! Sure looks precarious!"
"Steve, you KNOW how that kind of language is enabling me. I don't think you really care for my betterment here."
[26/12/2014, 5:03:16 PM] Peter Coffin: Steve & Grim’s Place, the brand new comedy on TGIF
[26/12/2014, 5:03:42 PM] Peter Coffin: it’s on TGIF because Grim killed TGIF long ago but needs a place for his amazing sitcom
[26/12/2014, 5:04:03 PM] Peter Coffin: SO HE’S KILLIN’ IT AGAIN
[26/12/2014, 5:04:11 PM] Peter Coffin: ON STEVE & GRIM’S PLACE
[26/12/2014, 5:04:13 PM] Peter Coffin: THIS FRIDAY
[26/12/2014, 5:05:14 PM] Peter Coffin: I like the title because it sounds like Steve has the bigger role
[26/12/2014, 5:05:22 PM] Alex Lifschitz:
[26/12/2014, 5:05:45 PM] Peter Coffin: on? don’t we mean since?
[26/12/2014, 5:05:47 PM] Peter Coffin: lol
[26/12/2014, 5:06:15 PM] Peter Coffin: my wife shit her pants chris joined and spent a lot of christmas on the chat
[26/12/2014, 5:07:30 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Yay! Junji Ito! (heart)(heart)(heart)
[26/12/2014, 5:08:00 PM] Alex Lifschitz: I'm just gonna gift copies of The Enigma of Amigara Fault to people all christmas
[26/12/2014, 5:08:13 PM] drinternetphd: so i just caused a grown ass man to buy a pair of jncos
[26/12/2014, 5:08:17 PM] drinternetphd: merry chrimbas.
[26/12/2014, 5:08:18 PM] Peter Coffin: YES
[26/12/2014, 5:08:20 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Secret Gamer Girl suddenly wants to bury GG in Tomie manga.
[26/12/2014, 5:08:26 PM] Peter Coffin: JNCOS
[26/12/2014, 5:08:42 PM] Peter Coffin: fuck me, are they new, are JNCOs even a company anymore?
[26/12/2014, 5:08:59 PM] drinternetphd: no
[26/12/2014, 5:09:00 PM] drinternetphd: they shut down
[26/12/2014, 5:09:02 PM] drinternetphd: sadly.
[26/12/2014, 5:09:09 PM] drinternetphd: otherwise I would be rocking that shit
[26/12/2014, 5:09:09 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Look! Its all about some woman you can't kill! And sometimes when you try you just end up with more!
[26/12/2014, 5:10:10 PM] Alex Lifschitz: god Drilo is so wonderful
[26/12/2014, 5:11:00 PM] Remy: Oh goddam it. The DVD set of Kids in the Hall that my dad got me for the holidays doesn't have subtitles
[26/12/2014, 5:11:09 PM] Remy: Hashtag veteran problems
[26/12/2014, 5:11:28 PM] Peter Coffin: Drilo is great
[26/12/2014, 5:11:32 PM] Peter Coffin: veteran problems are not
[26/12/2014, 5:11:54 PM] drinternetphd: oh nooo
[26/12/2014, 5:12:25 PM] Alex Lifschitz: oh god Gamergate really is a drill tweet come to life
[26/12/2014, 5:12:30 PM] Remy: Time to play the old game of "how high can I turn up the volume until my husband yells at me"
[26/12/2014, 5:13:16 PM] Remy: Nice
[26/12/2014, 5:14:02 PM] Peter Coffin: we will require a numeric response
[26/12/2014, 5:14:18 PM] Peter Coffin: is it 30? 35? 40?
[26/12/2014, 5:14:33 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: I bet people would have loved that Tomie joke if anyone anywhere had ever read it...
[26/12/2014, 5:14:59 PM] Peter Coffin: I figured it would be better for me not to say “yeah I have no idea what that is” so I didn’t. but I don’t
[26/12/2014, 5:15:23 PM] Peter Coffin: I try not to be a total piece of shit
[26/12/2014, 5:15:30 PM] Peter Coffin: but I am in a corner now
[26/12/2014, 5:15:37 PM] Peter Coffin: and must say I have never heard of it
[26/12/2014, 5:16:18 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Junji Ito's first project ever. It's literally about some girl who guys become completely obsessed with, who can't ever be killed, and just keeps showing up. Technically it's horror, but man can I not look at it as such lately.
[26/12/2014, 5:16:39 PM] Peter Coffin: sounds funny, is it?
[26/12/2014, 5:16:44 PM] Peter Coffin: I realize you said it’s a horror
[26/12/2014, 5:16:45 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: sometimes
[26/12/2014, 5:16:48 PM] Peter Coffin: but that sounds funny to me
[26/12/2014, 5:16:53 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: particularly half the movie adaptations
[26/12/2014, 5:17:12 PM] Alex Lifschitz: 20 new comments in the ad thread, god i love life
[26/12/2014, 5:17:37 PM] Alex Lifschitz: This really is the funniest cognitive dissonance has ever been to observe
[26/12/2014, 5:18:07 PM] Alex Lifschitz: they're so *mad*
[26/12/2014, 5:18:23 PM] Alex Lifschitz: *linda belcher voice* lil babies
[26/12/2014, 5:19:28 PM] Dan Olson: Any gold?
[26/12/2014, 5:20:44 PM] Peter Coffin: I came across this white scrolling drilbert
[26/12/2014, 5:21:03 PM] Peter Coffin: that sonic stuff hit WAY too close to home for me, a sonic fan since 1991
[26/12/2014, 5:21:06 PM] Alex Lifschitz: I'm not the best person to ask since my hilarity meter has been fucking the needle since I had to monitor IRC/4chan for two months
[26/12/2014, 5:21:27 PM] Peter Coffin: sonic is the reason I hate fandom
[26/12/2014, 5:21:36 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Just check the topic by new comments though, it's a lot of phony outrage that's just really funny
[26/12/2014, 5:21:58 PM] Alex Lifschitz: I just clicked this! Under canadian law can I go to prison for CP?! Quick! Get the lousing powder!
[26/12/2014, 5:22:10 PM] Peter Coffin: oh no
[26/12/2014, 5:22:16 PM] Peter Coffin: that’s fucking stupid
[26/12/2014, 5:22:19 PM] Peter Coffin: what idiot
[26/12/2014, 5:22:20 PM] Peter Coffin: s
[26/12/2014, 5:23:10 PM] Peter Coffin: someone paid for an ad on ghazi aren't we being a tad hypocritical
[26/12/2014, 5:24:15 PM] Peter Coffin: >This needs to go to authorities
Nope, we're better than pedoGhazi on this one: it's Reddit content we report to Reddit, much like 8chan content needs to be allowed to be reported to 8chan.
[26/12/2014, 5:24:20 PM] Peter Coffin: HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
[26/12/2014, 5:24:23 PM] Peter Coffin: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
[26/12/2014, 5:24:56 PM] Dan Olson: "The system works, believe in the system"
[26/12/2014, 5:25:09 PM] Peter Coffin: pedoghazi: reports crime to authorities, kia reports pedo content to… a site that doesn’t give a fuck?
[26/12/2014, 5:25:11 PM] Dan Olson: the perfect world view of someone who's never been fucked by the system
[26/12/2014, 5:25:40 PM] drinternetphd: i am so proud of this twitter thread
[26/12/2014, 5:26:02 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Dan, I've mentioned this before but so much of their willful lack of nuance I think stems from growing up in a bubble where plausibility always erred in their favor
[26/12/2014, 5:26:33 PM] Dan Olson: Yup
[26/12/2014, 5:26:38 PM] Alex Lifschitz: And now we get to take them down because for the first time, the system does not give a fuck about them and this is our turf
[26/12/2014, 5:26:46 PM] Peter Coffin: lol zoe
[26/12/2014, 5:27:06 PM] Dan Olson: "You could give your local police station a phone call. Seems like the easiest approach."
[26/12/2014, 5:27:26 PM] Dan Olson: God, I really should get in touch with the RCMP again now that this is ramping up
[26/12/2014, 5:27:32 PM] Alex Lifschitz: It's why they would whine about SJWs being "entitled" and then fucking lose their shit when people insisted being behind GG might fuck their employment prospects, or that it must be illegal if people block them on twitter.
[26/12/2014, 5:27:41 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Entitlement is really at the core of this whole thing.
[26/12/2014, 5:27:55 PM] Peter Coffin: def
[26/12/2014, 5:27:57 PM] Dan Olson: like, I have to take it on somewhat good faith that at least some of these numbnuts have actually reported me to the RCMP
[26/12/2014, 5:28:24 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Did you get anyone's contact info when last you called?
[26/12/2014, 5:28:36 PM] Peter Coffin: alright guys I need some sleep
[26/12/2014, 5:28:43 PM] Dan Olson: yeah, but they were only interested in potential SWATting
[26/12/2014, 5:28:58 PM] Peter Coffin: take care, you all reign supreme and are awesome
[26/12/2014, 5:29:10 PM] Dan Olson: the fact that I did an expose on CP didn't even register with them
[26/12/2014, 5:29:36 PM] Dan Olson: like, they didn't care at all beyond asking for the site address
[26/12/2014, 5:30:16 PM] Alex Lifschitz: We shouldn't be surprised that the auto blocker caught so many Ferguson trolls too. "Believe in the system, the system never fails."
[26/12/2014, 5:30:26 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Hmm.
[26/12/2014, 5:30:47 PM] Dan Olson: how mny times today have I seen "if it were illegal it wouldn't be allowed on 8chan"
[26/12/2014, 5:30:54 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Dunno. I doubt the RCMP will bust down your door. Especially when everyone is sending them the same fucking page over and over again.
[26/12/2014, 5:31:15 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Likely they saw it, said "this ain't shit" and closed the file.
[26/12/2014, 5:31:23 PM] Dan Olson: "If (name any of the black men who have been executed by cops in the last month alone) hadn't done something wrong they wouldn't have shot him"
[26/12/2014, 5:31:49 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Conflation of legality with morality is a touchstone of the American right.
[26/12/2014, 5:32:17 PM] Alex Lifschitz: "If we legalize marijuana/gay marriage, we'll be encouraging it!"
[26/12/2014, 5:32:39 PM] Remy: In other words "my group is winning. Why change things?"
[26/12/2014, 5:32:39 PM] Alex Lifschitz: And they wonder why Breitbart scooted in to pick at their livers.
[26/12/2014, 5:32:48 PM] drinternetphd: "don't let girls under 20 get the hpv vaccine they'll go out and be promiscuous"
[26/12/2014, 5:33:50 PM] Alex Lifschitz: "Hey so what about all these sexual assaults by these frat bros"
"Oh, boys will be boys."
"Okay. How about these girls looking at an anti-cancer vaccine?"
[26/12/2014, 5:35:20 PM] Dan Olson: "how about this gang rape of a girl being spread around on social media?"
"well, under age drinking is bad, but a high school bender is basically a rite of passage (oh and she's a whore and should kill herself)"
[26/12/2014, 5:35:47 PM] Dan Olson: ugh
[26/12/2014, 5:35:49 PM] Dan Olson: blah
[26/12/2014, 5:35:51 PM] Dan Olson: blor
[26/12/2014, 5:36:33 PM] Dan Olson: yeah, I'm going to bed
[26/12/2014, 5:36:44 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Nighto dude
[26/12/2014, 5:36:46 PM] Dan Olson: maybe read some history of WW2 to cheer me up, at this point
[26/12/2014, 5:36:51 PM] drinternetphd: here
[26/12/2014, 5:36:54 PM] drinternetphd: really quick
[26/12/2014, 5:36:55 PM] drinternetphd: have this
[26/12/2014, 5:36:55 PM] drinternetphd:
[26/12/2014, 5:37:03 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Did you see that video of a dog on a roomba
[26/12/2014, 5:37:07 PM] Dan Olson: I LOVE THIS PIGGY!
[26/12/2014, 5:37:18 PM] Dan Olson: The holiday edition you sent to Kenny?
[26/12/2014, 5:37:25 PM] Remy: Go to YouTube and type in "Japanese bunny island"
[26/12/2014, 5:37:35 PM] Alex Lifschitz: yep
[26/12/2014, 5:37:51 PM] Dan Olson: change of plans, watching piggy forever
[26/12/2014, 5:38:02 PM] Dan Olson: die happy
[26/12/2014, 5:38:13 PM] Remy: If I'm ever a millionaire I'm taking all of you to bunny island
[26/12/2014, 5:38:45 PM] Dan Olson: SHE'S SO ROUND AND HAPPY!
[26/12/2014, 5:39:12 PM] Dan Olson: thanks
[26/12/2014, 5:39:17 PM] Dan Olson: a'ight, night!
[26/12/2014, 5:44:02 PM] Alex Lifschitz: No goddamn way.
[26/12/2014, 5:44:10 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Boy I wonder why people don't take them seriously
[26/12/2014, 5:48:17 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: Secret Gamer Girl hooks Zoe up with some $30 poofy-pants
[26/12/2014, 5:48:24 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Also for Dan,
[26/12/2014, 5:48:32 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Ain't fuckin' nothing happening, don't worry
[26/12/2014, 5:49:24 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Bonus creepy waifu thread.
[26/12/2014, 5:51:39 PM] Ian Cheong: Bonus racism
[26/12/2014, 5:51:59 PM] Ian Cheong: Found that in the Dan thread
[26/12/2014, 5:54:23 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: "Fuckin' christ they really do look alike, don't they?"
[26/12/2014, 5:54:51 PM] drinternetphd: :|
[26/12/2014, 5:55:04 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: It IS weird how you both have 2 eyes a nose and a mouth like that
[26/12/2014, 5:55:12 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: I mean, what are the odds?
[26/12/2014, 5:55:58 PM] drinternetphd: eeeeeee
[26/12/2014, 5:56:30 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: I still can't believe the size of the dog that had my cats so freaked out tonight
[26/12/2014, 5:57:05 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: roughly the same as that gif. Maybe slightly smaller. Dippy little puppy who likes walking on two legs.
[26/12/2014, 5:57:10 PM] drinternetphd: omg
[26/12/2014, 5:57:12 PM] drinternetphd: awww
[26/12/2014, 5:57:38 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: All my cats were just, "Screw this! No way I'm going anywhere near that thing!"
[26/12/2014, 5:59:17 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: I mean, I kind of get it with my other cousin's dog, who's rather Excessively Large, but... my smallest cat is twice the size of this thing.
[26/12/2014, 6:03:39 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: oh gaaah.
[26/12/2014, 6:04:37 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: you know what I just remembered, from way before all the evidence started mounting of 8chan's general child porn support?
[26/12/2014, 6:04:55 PM] Secret Gamer Girl: That freaking animated gif they had on their github.
[26/12/2014, 6:24:43 PM] Ian Cheong: That creepy waifu thread, oh god, so gross.
[26/12/2014, 6:27:01 PM] Ian Cheong: So I'm reading that thread. One guy commented that the thread makes them all look like sad basement dwellers and he got dogpiled for it.
[26/12/2014, 6:28:45 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Tonight's spate of 8chan threads is primetime gold-plated hilarity
[26/12/2014, 6:28:48 PM] Remy: What is a waifu?
[26/12/2014, 6:29:04 PM] Remy: I don't wanna google it
[26/12/2014, 6:30:50 PM] Remy: I don't have to know
[26/12/2014, 6:31:03 PM] Remy: I'm going to bed anyway
[26/12/2014, 6:31:10 PM] Remy: Good night folks
[26/12/2014, 6:31:22 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Aight
[26/12/2014, 6:31:29 PM] Ian Cheong: Later Stephen
[26/12/2014, 6:31:33 PM] Alex Lifschitz: Another Dan threat, spinning up the ol' trust-fund nugget
[26/12/2014, 6:31:36 PM] Alex Lifschitz: *thread
[26/12/2014, 6:31:57 PM] Alex Lifschitz: They are just really comically terrible at being people at this point
[26/12/2014, 6:32:51 PM] Ian Cheong: this isnt creepy at all. nope.
[26/12/2014, 6:39:42 PM] SF: I actually read that whole log and I'm really sad now that your Tim and Eric game jam reality show deconstruction didn't happen because that sounds like someone designed a television show in a laboratory solely for my amusement.
[26/12/2014, 6:39:50 PM] Alex Lifschitz: God, if it wasn't for the child porn I'd almost want to keep 8chan up just because it keeps them so stupid
[26/12/2014, 6:41:13 PM] Ian Cheong: Three "neutral" wikipedia editors got banned from editing the GG article, according to KIA.
[26/12/2014, 6:43:25 PM] Ian Cheong: Anyway, I'm going out for dinner. Having some Japanese.
[26/12/2014, 6:44:09 PM] SF: I'm finally going to bed. Grats to everyone surviving Christmas!
[26/12/2014, 6:44:13 PM] SF: And to all a good night~
[26/12/2014, 7:28:03 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: well, KiA's response to the ad is about what i expected
[26/12/2014, 7:30:37 PM] Rob: Morning
[26/12/2014, 7:31:14 PM] Veerender Jubbal: If I were to make a dating profile--what would be in my bio section?
[26/12/2014, 7:31:36 PM] Rob: gosh
[26/12/2014, 8:46:48 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i watch northernlion sometimes just cause i really like roguelikes. he's been disappointingly silent on all of this, tho. still better than tb at least
[26/12/2014, 8:47:05 PM] Ian Cheong: I watch northernlion.
[26/12/2014, 8:47:10 PM] Ian Cheong: He's stayed out of this, yeah.
[26/12/2014, 8:47:16 PM] Ian Cheong: I can't really blame him. The sealions are awful.
[26/12/2014, 8:47:47 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: i dunno. it still comes off like a big failing to me. i don't hate him for not speaking out of course, but it's still disappointing
[26/12/2014, 8:48:00 PM] Ian Cheong: Yeah, I know.
[26/12/2014, 8:48:57 PM] Rob: WAIT WAIT WAIT
[26/12/2014, 8:49:02 PM] Rob: What's rogue's current account
[26/12/2014, 8:49:22 PM] Ian Cheong: _RogueStar_
[26/12/2014, 8:49:53 PM] Rob: checking to see if he released fleetcomm...
[26/12/2014, 8:49:58 PM] Ian Cheong: hahaha
[26/12/2014, 8:50:01 PM] Ian Cheong: dont count on it
[26/12/2014, 8:52:47 PM] Rob: (sun)
[26/12/2014, 8:52:50 PM] Rob: two mean tweets in 5 minutes
[26/12/2014, 8:52:52 PM] Rob: I'm the best
[26/12/2014, 9:08:51 PM] Rob: Boom. ordered my HOTAS for elite:Dangerous
[26/12/2014, 9:08:55 PM] Rob: Back in a few, need to grab some coffee.
[26/12/2014, 9:11:12 PM] Ian Cheong: Oh god a gator just confused me for art chu
[26/12/2014, 9:11:21 PM] Ian Cheong:
[26/12/2014, 9:24:04 PM] Rob: Rob snorts.
[26/12/2014, 9:30:16 PM] Ian Cheong: So some SJWs on Tumblr are getting mad that Cleopatra stars a white actress.
[26/12/2014, 9:30:24 PM] Ian Cheong: But she was white...?
[26/12/2014, 9:30:38 PM] Ian Cheong: I mean Cleopatra was a Greek-Egyptian from the Ptolemaic Dynasty.
[26/12/2014, 9:30:44 PM] Rob: Yeah, she was greek
[26/12/2014, 9:30:54 PM] Rob: I mean
[26/12/2014, 9:30:59 PM] Rob: Is she like Nordic white?
[26/12/2014, 9:31:03 PM] Rob: or southern European white
[26/12/2014, 9:31:07 PM] Ian Cheong: Southern european white
[26/12/2014, 9:31:15 PM] Rob: The actress? I don't see an issue then
[26/12/2014, 9:31:20 PM] Ian Cheong: Non-semitic in any case, and definitely not black.
[26/12/2014, 9:31:49 PM] Ian Cheong: It's like when they got mad at Katy Perry dressing up as Cleopatra.
[26/12/2014, 9:31:52 PM] Rob: I do think there are a lot of 'SJWs' who really don't know a lot and go... way overboard.
[26/12/2014, 9:32:56 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: yeah, i'm not really a fan of tumblr SJ cliques ;-;
[26/12/2014, 9:33:00 PM] Sarah, Butt-er of the Butts: but i thought we were a hivemind
[26/12/2014, 9:33:11 PM] Ian Cheong: Call out culture sucks.
[26/12/2014, 9:33:25 PM] Ian Cheong: They're the same people who label Zoe as an abuser just because Eron got his story out first.
[26/12/2014, 9:33:33 PM] Rob: I kind of griped a while ago at the whole 'white people are responsible for every system of oppression in history and have done all the bad acts in history' bullshit I see a lot
[26/12/2014, 9:33:52 PM] Rob: Because it's really racist, and not in the 'boo hoo they made fun of white people' way, but it's super Eurocentric and basically says 'history didn't happen until us white folks showed up'
[26/12/2014, 9:34:03 PM] Ian Cheong: I think people seem to forget that there have been a lot of ugly, dominant cultures in history that weren't white.
[26/12/2014, 9:34:15 PM] Rob: yep
[26/12/2014, 9:34:22 PM] Ian Cheong: Chinese, Egyptian, Mayan, etc.
[26/12/2014, 9:34:29 PM] Rob: And Europe/'whiteness' didn't really exist until like the 1500s
[26/12/2014, 9:34:29 PM] Ian Cheong: The Mongol empire.
[26/12/2014, 9:34:55 PM] Ian Cheong: Mayans used to hunt smaller tribes for sport.
[26/12/2014, 9:35:17 PM] Rob: And then Europe just got really really good at killing and plundering and conquering everyone.
[26/12/2014, 9:35:23 PM] Ian Cheong: Yep.
[26/12/2014, 9:35:28 PM] Ian Cheong: Gunpowder helped.
[26/12/2014, 9:35:42 PM] Rob: Yeah. Plus centuries of internecine warfare + outside invasion from the south and east.
[26/12/2014, 9:36:09 PM] Ian Cheong: Basically a warlike culture was forged in the flames of perpetual war.
[26/12/2014, 9:36:18 PM] Rob: Ayup.
[26/12/2014, 9:36:34 PM] Rob: Like, Bernard Lewis has his flaws (espeeeeecially w/ regard to modern politics)
[26/12/2014, 9:36:44 PM] Rob: But if you have the time, read 'What Went Wrong?'
[26/12/2014, 9:36:47 PM] Rob: It's a pretty fascinating book.
[26/12/2014, 9:36:50 PM] Ian Cheong: Will do.
[26/12/2014, 9:37:34 PM] Rob: It's decently short, too
[26/12/2014, 9:39:41 PM] Ian Cheong: NOw if they made a movie about Hatshepsut and cast Angelina Jolie, I'd have an issue.
[26/12/2014, 9:39:50 PM] Ian Cheong: because she was indigenously egyptian
[26/12/2014, 9:39:55 PM] Rob: Agreed
[26/12/2014, 9:40:15 PM] Rob: although, I want a revolutionary war movie w/ Washington played by idris elba
[26/12/2014, 9:40:19 PM] Rob: just to piss off like every conservative.
[26/12/2014, 9:40:25 PM] Ian Cheong: hahahahah yeah i'd watch that
[26/12/2014, 9:40:41 PM] Rob: I'd pretty much watch Elba in everything. I want him to be the next Bond and the next doctor.
[26/12/2014, 9:40:57 PM] Rob: My girlfriend lives and works in Baltimore now so I'm gonna make her watch the Wire so she freaks out
[26/12/2014, 9:41:14 PM] Ian Cheong: The Wire is so good
[26/12/2014, 9:41:18 PM] Rob: It really is.
[26/12/2014, 9:41:22 PM] Ian Cheong: it's getting a bluray release after they show it in high-def.
[26/12/2014, 9:41:47 PM] Rob: OMG IT IS?!
[26/12/2014, 9:41:49 PM] Rob: FUCK YES!
[26/12/2014, 9:41:57 PM] Rob: When are they showing it in HD?
[26/12/2014, 9:42:11 PM] Ian Cheong: today
[26/12/2014, 9:42:19 PM] Ian Cheong: dec 26
[26/12/2014, 9:42:23 PM] Rob: hooooly fuck
[26/12/2014, 9:42:37 PM] Ian Cheong: All 60 episodes will also be available in HD on HBO GO starting December 26.
[26/12/2014, 9:42:47 PM] Rob: AWESOME
[26/12/2014, 9:48:34 PM] Rob: Oh, I know
[26/12/2014, 9:48:38 PM] Rob: This is what I get -
[26/12/2014, 9:48:50 PM] Rob: I'm apparently a piec eof shit w/ no moral compass b/c I oppose 8-chan hoting child porn
[26/12/2014, 9:48:50 PM] Rob: lol
[26/12/2014, 9:49:00 PM] Ian Cheong: Uh-huh
[26/12/2014, 9:54:50 PM] Ian Cheong: This is my reaction to most gators.
[26/12/2014, 9:55:21 PM] Rob: haha
[26/12/2014, 9:56:51 PM] Peter Coffin: this is mine (also ICP’s only useful 1.5 seconds in their existence)
[26/12/2014, 9:57:41 PM] Rob: Magnets
[26/12/2014, 9:57:54 PM] Peter Coffin: that’s funny but can you USE it
[26/12/2014, 10:00:31 PM] Alex Lifschitz: hahaha that TB backpedaling is glooooorious
[26/12/2014, 10:01:57 PM] Rob: He is a sad sad man
[26/12/2014, 10:02:17 PM] Peter Coffin: lol
[26/12/2014, 10:02:22 PM] Peter Coffin: I just read it, what bs
[26/12/2014, 10:02:36 PM] Alex Lifschitz: CHARLATANS!
[26/12/2014, 10:02:47 PM] Alex Lifschitz: oh man i'm loving the ad thread.
[26/12/2014, 10:03:05 PM] Rob: I need to find a link to his backpeddling
[26/12/2014, 10:03:13 PM] Alex Lifschitz:
[26/12/2014, 10:03:18 PM] Rob: TY
[26/12/2014, 10:03:37 PM] Alex Lifschitz: And the ad is set to run through 60,000 impressions or New Years. Feliz Navidad, fuckbirds
[26/12/2014, 10:03:44 PM] Ian Cheong: aww yeah
[26/12/2014, 10:03:52 PM] Peter Coffin: hahaahahaha
[26/12/2014, 10:04:25 PM] Ian Cheong: they're pretty salty about it
[26/12/2014, 10:04:28 PM] Ian Cheong: they made another thread
[26/12/2014, 10:04:28 PM] Ian Cheong:
[26/12/2014, 10:04:29 PM] Rob:
[26/12/2014, 10:04:30 PM] Rob: BAM
[26/12/2014, 10:04:39 PM] Rob: ... I've had way too much coffee. time to get more wheeeeee
[26/12/2014, 10:10:50 PM] Rob: Oh right, blah
[26/12/2014, 10:10:53 PM] Rob: I'm useless this morning.
[26/12/2014, 10:10:59 PM] Ian Cheong: More coffee is needed.
[26/12/2014, 10:11:24 PM] Rob: I don't have my traditional xmas nacho-and-booze hangover.
[26/12/2014, 10:11:35 PM] Rob: I miss my Christmas nachos :C
[26/12/2014, 10:12:16 PM] Ian Cheong: I don't get hangovers.
[26/12/2014, 10:12:34 PM] Rob: That was me until about 5 years ago, when I had a liter of everclear 190 in 3 hours
[26/12/2014, 10:12:38 PM] Rob: ever since then I've had hangovers.
[26/12/2014, 10:13:08 PM] Alex Lifschitz: how the hell do you do that outside of a prison camp
[26/12/2014, 10:13:21 PM] Rob: It was for charity!
[26/12/2014, 10:13:27 PM] Alex Lifschitz: That should, in all holiness, literally kill you
[26/12/2014, 10:13:28 PM] Ian Cheong: That sounds terrible.
[26/12/2014, 10:13:37 PM] Rob: So I was drinking to be drunk by the end of hour 1
[26/12/2014, 10:13:49 PM] Rob: But my friend Landon was like, hey, our hours are back to back, want to combine them? so I said sure
[26/12/2014, 10:13:49 PM] Alex Lifschitz: oh honey no
[26/12/2014, 10:13:59 PM] Rob: But was still drinking to be drunk by the end of hour 1. but then kept drinking for an hour.
[26/12/2014, 10:14:06 PM] Rob: And then the person after us didn't show, so we did 3 hours.
[26/12/2014, 10:14:16 PM] Rob: And just kept drinking. It was not fun.
[26/12/2014, 10:14:17 PM] Ian Cheong: That is stupidly dangerous.
[26/12/2014, 10:14:22 PM] Rob: Yes. Yes it was.
[26/12/2014, 10:14:40 PM] Rob: my friend was over, and apparently I passed out on the couch for like 8 hours, took a shower, puked, and passed out for another 6
[26/12/2014, 10:14:41 PM] Ian Cheong: I got blind drunk once, when I was 17, on tequila. It was not a good time.
[26/12/2014, 10:14:56 PM] Peter Coffin: I got blind drunk a few times
[26/12/2014, 10:15:13 PM] Peter Coffin: last one was the last time I drank seriously, was 21 or 22
[26/12/2014, 10:15:36 PM] Rob: When I drink I usually drink until I'm shitfaced. I usually don't black out, though.
[26/12/2014, 10:15:40 PM] Rob: That's maybe a once or twice a year thing.
[26/12/2014, 10:16:28 PM] Rob: the last time being when I was playing FFXIII-2
[26/12/2014, 10:16:37 PM] Peter Coffin: I was apparently hitting my friends garage floor with a hammer where I was trying to build a treehouse, I have no memory of that. I was like “ehhhhhhh maybe I’ll stop”
[26/12/2014, 10:16:52 PM] Peter Coffin: “that’s weird"
[26/12/2014, 10:19:21 PM] Peter Coffin: anyway my wife and I watched snow piercer yesterday after the interview. snow piercer was a lot better
[26/12/2014, 10:19:37 PM] Rob: I need to watch both of those.
[26/12/2014, 10:19:46 PM] Rob: I like really shitty comedies so I'll probably like the interview.
[26/12/2014, 10:19:50 PM] Peter Coffin: eh, you don’t NEED to watch The Interview
[26/12/2014, 10:20:02 PM] Peter Coffin: it has funny parts
[26/12/2014, 10:20:13 PM] Peter Coffin: which is more than I thought I’d say based on the trailer
[26/12/2014, 10:20:24 PM] Peter Coffin: but it really is everything I was ranting about on twitter
[26/12/2014, 10:20:31 PM] Peter Coffin: BEFORE it was out
[26/12/2014, 10:20:51 PM] Peter Coffin: it was a slightly less degree of it, but it was all of it
[26/12/2014, 10:20:54 PM] Ian Cheong: Where can I watch The Interview on Youtube?
[26/12/2014, 10:20:56 PM] Ian Cheong: I don't see the link.
[26/12/2014, 10:21:01 PM] Peter Coffin:
[26/12/2014, 10:21:09 PM] Peter Coffin: it’s $5.99
[26/12/2014, 10:21:13 PM] Peter Coffin: for a rental
[26/12/2014, 10:21:30 PM] Peter Coffin: or like $12.99 to buy it, yeah, I want access to that pile for ever
[26/12/2014, 10:21:35 PM] Ian Cheong: ah
[26/12/2014, 10:21:54 PM] Rob: Well I also hate the DPRK
[26/12/2014, 10:22:02 PM] Rob: So I need to watch it for that alone
[26/12/2014, 10:22:34 PM] Peter Coffin: they actually bothered to include some information
[26/12/2014, 10:22:40 PM] Peter Coffin: and dare I say it, got a little subversive
[26/12/2014, 10:22:52 PM] Peter Coffin: but they manage to fuck everything up
[26/12/2014, 10:23:10 PM] Peter Coffin: not in a grand fashion, just every road they go down with good they eventually mire
[26/12/2014, 10:23:23 PM] Peter Coffin: that what makes it frustrating
[26/12/2014, 10:24:17 PM] Rob: Yarr
[26/12/2014, 10:25:08 PM] Peter Coffin: this is what I will say is particularly good about it, the cinematography and editing
[26/12/2014, 10:25:41 PM] Peter Coffin: they did a movie with michel gondry and clearly wanted to learn from him. I’m not saying it’s near gondry but they got a LOT better at making a visually interesting movie
[26/12/2014, 10:26:55 PM] Peter Coffin: the problem is its still the same bullshit
[26/12/2014, 10:27:08 PM] Peter Coffin: they still jam romance into a movie not necessitating it
[26/12/2014, 10:27:17 PM] Peter Coffin: they still do racist jokes
[26/12/2014, 10:27:22 PM] Peter Coffin: they still do sexist jokes
[26/12/2014, 10:27:26 PM] Peter Coffin: a LOT of sexist jokes
[26/12/2014, 10:27:38 PM] Rob: Oh, totally
[26/12/2014, 10:27:40 PM] Peter Coffin: there’s still “she’s so hot” discussions in 2014 in a comedy movie
[26/12/2014, 10:27:55 PM] Peter Coffin: like you get a bunch of “this is 90s leftovers"
[26/12/2014, 10:28:03 PM] Peter Coffin: that is what feels so stupid about it
[26/12/2014, 10:28:27 PM] Rob: I don't expect any comedy movie from Hollywood to be particularly progressive, and luckily my tolerance for that shit is pretty high
[26/12/2014, 10:28:30 PM] Rob: Not to say that it should be there, obv
[26/12/2014, 10:28:31 PM] Peter Coffin: at times it feels like it’s headed in a direction that mainstream movies haven’t, then it’s like “oh yeah, american pie existed"
[26/12/2014, 10:28:45 PM] Rob: Yeah
[26/12/2014, 10:28:56 PM] Peter Coffin: I get what you are saying
[26/12/2014, 10:29:23 PM] Peter Coffin: I’m the kind of person who HATES 90s movie level anything
[26/12/2014, 10:29:24 PM] Rob: But like one of my favorite shows is The League, and that's filled to the brim with some cringe-worthy stuff, for example
[26/12/2014, 10:29:41 PM] Peter Coffin: I haven’t seen it
[26/12/2014, 10:29:45 PM] Rob: It's pretty funny
[26/12/2014, 10:29:55 PM] Rob: But there's also stuff in there like rape jokes, etc
[26/12/2014, 10:30:18 PM] Peter Coffin: ah, well, I can’t say I’ve never enjoyed art with rape jokes in it
[26/12/2014, 10:30:25 PM] Rob: Ditto
[26/12/2014, 10:30:31 PM] Peter Coffin: that doesn’t mean it’s good or that I liked those jokes
[26/12/2014, 10:30:49 PM] Rob: I think the only good ones I've ever heard are the ones that are like 'this is how fucked up rapists are', basically
[26/12/2014, 10:30:50 PM] Peter Coffin: people seem to have different sensibilities than me
[26/12/2014, 10:31:00 PM] Rob: I forget who wrote an article on it, but they covered a few specific jokes that did that
[26/12/2014, 10:31:03 PM] Rob: and punched up rather than down
[26/12/2014, 10:31:11 PM] Peter Coffin: it’s called punching up
[26/12/2014, 10:31:13 PM] Rob: Yeah.
[26/12/2014, 10:31:28 PM] Peter Coffin: I don’t know who made the article either
[26/12/2014, 10:31:34 PM] Peter Coffin: I want to say a prominent comedian
[26/12/2014, 10:31:45 PM] Rob: Yeah, but I think we read the same article
[26/12/2014, 10:31:52 PM] Rob: I know one of Louis CK's jokes was on it
[26/12/2014, 10:32:56 PM] Peter Coffin: I think what people seem to miss is that a rape joke and a rapist joke aren’t the same thing. “fucking neuter all rapists” is not a statement about rape, but people who rape. One I think is a pretty fair idea, though I’m sure many would disagree
[26/12/2014, 10:33:09 PM] Rob: Right
[26/12/2014, 10:33:46 PM] Rob: And then you have the assholes who constantly hide behind like Carlin and stuff
[26/12/2014, 10:33:57 PM] Rob: and be like 'Well he made jokes that were bad so I can too" or w/e
[26/12/2014, 10:34:01 PM] Peter Coffin: if rape isn’t “what’s funny” it’s kind of hard to call it a rape joke, imo
[26/12/2014, 10:34:02 PM] Peter Coffin: yeah
[26/12/2014, 10:34:22 PM] Peter Coffin: I met carlin a couple years before he died
[26/12/2014, 10:34:36 PM] Peter Coffin: he was talking about being in radio and I was concentrating on this liver spot on his ear
[26/12/2014, 10:35:00 PM] Peter Coffin: was a really weird experience, I couldn’t look away from this liver spot
[26/12/2014, 10:35:09 PM] Peter Coffin: he told this story about the beginning of his career
[26/12/2014, 10:35:26 PM] Peter Coffin: I heard the whole thing
[26/12/2014, 10:35:35 PM] Rob: I really dislike Carlin, but that's because of all the fucking people who quote his political shit and take it 100% seriously
[26/12/2014, 10:35:36 PM] Peter Coffin: but I don’t know if it seemed like I was listening
[26/12/2014, 10:36:19 PM] Peter Coffin: I think he was serious, more serious than people like you or I would naturally guess, and for that I don’t like that part of him
[26/12/2014, 10:36:42 PM] Peter Coffin: he was a funny person though
[26/12/2014, 10:36:43 PM] Rob: I mean, he was serious, but people think theyshould listen to a comedian on politics.
[26/12/2014, 10:36:49 PM] Rob: Like the whole 'don't vote' thing.
[26/12/2014, 10:37:02 PM] Peter Coffin: russell brand’s mantra today
[26/12/2014, 10:37:10 PM] Rob: GOD I HATE BRAND.
[26/12/2014, 10:37:33 PM] Ian Cheong: I don't vote because I think politicians all suck.
[26/12/2014, 10:37:37 PM] Ian Cheong: Same as Brand.
[26/12/2014, 10:37:52 PM] Rob: I'll go for lesser of two evils, especially in america
[26/12/2014, 10:37:57 PM] Peter Coffin: I don’t hate him, I think he is fairly useful, he’s also got a pretty seriously messed up past and is only funny about half the time
[26/12/2014, 10:38:26 PM] Peter Coffin: I feel like voting is pretty useless in america but I do it anyway
[26/12/2014, 10:38:34 PM] Rob: not at the local or state level
[26/12/2014, 10:38:38 PM] Rob: those races are pretty easy to swing
[26/12/2014, 10:38:44 PM] Rob: it's just no one votes in them
[26/12/2014, 10:38:55 PM] Peter Coffin: I vote in them
[26/12/2014, 10:39:08 PM] Peter Coffin: I used to make what I considered a chaos ticket
[26/12/2014, 10:39:27 PM] Peter Coffin: I realized that was stupid so I just vote as liberal as is presented
[26/12/2014, 10:39:41 PM] Rob: Like, our attorney general's race in VA was decided by under 1000 votes
[26/12/2014, 10:40:28 PM] Rob: And if you've heard of Ken Cuccinelli, Mark Obenshain (the GOP guy who was running) was even worse
[26/12/2014, 10:41:00 PM] Peter Coffin: I’d get into politics I think if I weren’t such an abrasive human
[26/12/2014, 10:41:11 PM] Rob: I'd never get involved, oh god. it's so brutal
[26/12/2014, 10:41:43 PM] Peter Coffin: oh I would, I lack the social grace to act like things aren’t pissing me off though
[26/12/2014, 10:42:05 PM] Rob: I'd flat out tell people who said awful things to go vote for the other guy b/c I don't want their votes
[26/12/2014, 10:42:34 PM] Peter Coffin: funny thing about that, at a certain level that would be national news
[26/12/2014, 10:42:36 PM] Peter Coffin: not sure which race
[26/12/2014, 10:42:43 PM] Peter Coffin: probably senate
[26/12/2014, 10:43:00 PM] Rob: Probably, lol
[26/12/2014, 10:43:51 PM] Peter Coffin: so many people will say politicians are too hardline in views or too flexible, I don’t think it’s about views at all
[26/12/2014, 10:43:55 PM] Peter Coffin: opinions
[26/12/2014, 10:44:14 PM] Peter Coffin: I think I’m tired of seeing corporate interests injected into both sides of every argument
[26/12/2014, 10:44:20 PM] Rob: well it doesn't help that the only people who vote in primaries are the tea party. and in local races, too
[26/12/2014, 10:44:20 PM] Peter Coffin: that is basically my issue
[26/12/2014, 10:44:42 PM] Peter Coffin: local races are filled with stupid people, running too
[26/12/2014, 10:44:47 PM] Peter Coffin: that is discouraging
[26/12/2014, 10:44:54 PM] Peter Coffin: I think I get why people don’t vote in that respect
[26/12/2014, 10:45:16 PM] Peter Coffin: I feel discouraged when I vote
[26/12/2014, 10:45:41 PM] Peter Coffin: like “well, just put my name behind a person I frankly wouldn’t trust”
[26/12/2014, 10:45:46 PM] Rob: I mean, I literally vote ine very election
[26/12/2014, 10:45:52 PM] Rob: but I also live in one of the most liberal areas of the country
[26/12/2014, 10:46:18 PM] Peter Coffin: where
[26/12/2014, 10:46:27 PM] Rob: Arlington, va
[26/12/2014, 10:47:03 PM] Peter Coffin: you have real health care there don’t you?
[26/12/2014, 10:47:14 PM] Rob: well
[26/12/2014, 10:47:19 PM] Rob: there's a lot of public assistance from the county
[26/12/2014, 10:47:45 PM] Peter Coffin: was it not virgina that did a single payer?
[26/12/2014, 10:47:47 PM] Rob: nope
[26/12/2014, 10:47:48 PM] Rob: MA
[26/12/2014, 10:47:50 PM] Peter Coffin: right
[26/12/2014, 10:47:53 PM] Peter Coffin: that makes sense
[26/12/2014, 10:48:06 PM] Rob: I'm considering moving to boston in a few years
[26/12/2014, 10:48:34 PM] Peter Coffin: it is a pretty city, didn’t realize they had real healthcare
[26/12/2014, 10:48:54 PM] Peter Coffin: I live in salt lake city, which is pretty but is america america
[26/12/2014, 10:48:57 PM] Rob: One of my close friends lives there, so it'd be cool
[26/12/2014, 10:48:58 PM] Rob: Yeah
[26/12/2014, 10:49:11 PM] Peter Coffin: a lot of stuff actually works here, though
[26/12/2014, 10:49:23 PM] Peter Coffin: they have public transit that works
[26/12/2014, 10:49:37 PM] Peter Coffin: um
[26/12/2014, 10:49:41 PM] Peter Coffin: there’s other stuff but I’m tired
[26/12/2014, 10:49:44 PM] Peter Coffin: hahaha
[26/12/2014, 10:49:45 PM] Rob: That's what I've heard, that it's actually a decent city
[26/12/2014, 10:49:52 PM] Peter Coffin: yes it is
[26/12/2014, 10:50:02 PM] Peter Coffin: I have never wanted to live in a city in my life
[26/12/2014, 10:50:06 PM] Peter Coffin: and we moved here for work
[26/12/2014, 10:50:12 PM] Peter Coffin: and I feel happy here actually
[26/12/2014, 10:50:22 PM] Peter Coffin: which I didn’t expect
[26/12/2014, 10:50:54 PM] Peter Coffin: I expected it to be like “eh, whatever, work” but I lost my job when the company I was brought into went under 2 months after I started
[26/12/2014, 10:50:57 PM] Rob: I love cities. I hate rural areas
[26/12/2014, 10:51:20 PM] Peter Coffin: I love cities like this, where it’s not insane but I never feel deathly alone
[26/12/2014, 10:51:30 PM] Peter Coffin: I come from a rural area
[26/12/2014, 10:51:45 PM] Peter Coffin: I thought that was what I wanted, too, but it isn't
[26/12/2014, 10:52:04 PM] Peter Coffin: it’s depressing looking back on it. just insane loneliness
[26/12/2014, 10:52:18 PM] Rob: I'd miss all the convenience of a city.
[26/12/2014, 10:52:29 PM] Rob: I like getting my groceries delivered, food that isn't just Americana, etc
[26/12/2014, 10:56:08 PM] Alex Lifschitz: RE: Russel Brand: About a year ago I found an old smartphone of mine, a Treo 650 I used in high school.
[26/12/2014, 10:56:26 PM] Alex Lifschitz: On the SD card was a single text file I had kept throughout high school.
[26/12/2014, 10:56:50 PM] Alex Lifschitz: It simple read:

"Things I could do without:

1. Russel Brand
2. Musical comedy (all kinds)"
[26/12/2014, 10:56:55 PM] Ian Cheong: Hahahahaha
[26/12/2014, 10:57:00 PM] Alex Lifschitz: That's it. That's how I'll forever remember him.
[26/12/2014, 11:05:22 PM] Ian Cheong: I see the Mods Are Always Asleep ad on KIA
[26/12/2014, 11:06:22 PM] Ian Cheong: "Anita weaponizes a school shooting against males, Ghazi tries to weaponize CP against innocent gamers. Really tired of dishonest comparisons and foul accusations, why does the social justice cult enable this kind of sick behavior from their followers?"
[26/12/2014, 11:07:17 PM] Alex Lifschitz: WEAPONIZE A SCHOOL SHOOTING
[26/12/2014, 11:07:25 PM] Alex Lifschitz: AGAINST MALES
[26/12/2014, 11:12:37 PM] Rob: That's awesome, Alex - the SD card lol
[26/12/2014, 11:20:50 PM] Ian Cheong: Some gator says I made a homophobic comment for calling Santa the Christmas fairy.
[26/12/2014, 11:21:24 PM] Ian Cheong: That's really rich coming from people who call each other f*gs all day.,
[26/12/2014, 11:22:42 PM] Ian Cheong: "What gives you the right to culturally appropriate my children's celtic heritage? Fucking hideous bigotry."
[26/12/2014, 11:23:03 PM] Rob: Oh lord
[26/12/2014, 11:23:11 PM] Ian Cheong: Got that in response to my post of Laphroaig whisky.
[26/12/2014, 11:24:39 PM] Ian Cheong: Good troll, would read again. A+++++++++++++
[26/12/2014, 11:26:10 PM] Rob: :D
[26/12/2014, 11:26:50 PM] Ian Cheong: So this happened.
[26/12/2014, 11:26:50 PM] Ian Cheong:
[26/12/2014, 11:26:53 PM] Ian Cheong: Kim Dotcom saves christmas.
[26/12/2014, 11:28:21 PM] Rob: wut
[26/12/2014, 11:44:44 PM] Ian Cheong: Rogue is tweeting non stop about me now.
[26/12/2014, 11:44:49 PM] Ian Cheong: Says I'm not a gamer.
[26/12/2014, 11:44:51 PM] Ian Cheong: Tell that to my Steam list.
[26/12/2014, 11:46:20 PM] Ian Cheong: Hmm then again it's not like I identify as a 'gamer'
[26/12/2014, 11:46:35 PM] Ian Cheong: What a bunch of bullshit.
[26/12/2014, 11:47:35 PM] Rob: :D
[26/12/2014, 11:47:42 PM] Rob: I get called a fake gamer and I just link to my shitty LP channel
[26/12/2014, 11:59:04 PM] Ian Cheong:
[26/12/2014, 11:59:23 PM] Ian Cheong: they try so hard to insult.