The Khans

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Khizr Muazzam Khan (a.k.a. Kinky Lick) and Ghazala Khan are the still grieving parents of United States Army Captain Humayun Saqib Muazzam Khan, a true American hero who—unlike his useless, attention whoring parents—bravely sacrificed his life for his great country and fellow soldiers on June 8, 2004, when he was killed in action in Iraq by a car bomb during one of George W. Bush's retarded wars for oil. Because their son died as a hero to his country, both Khizr and Godzilla Khan believe that this somehow makes them special and worthy of attention as a so-called "Gold Star Family" – the official term for the USI-infested relatives of soldiers who gave their lives for their country.

Rather than speaking out against Dubya's stupid wars or Barack Obama's decision to continue dragging America into stupid wars despite repeatedly promising "change", the Khans instead decided to wait until the lead-up to the 2016 Presidential Election to come out of their hole and shill for world-renowned warmonger Hillary Clinton at the 2016 Democratic National Convention. The appearance left many viewers confused as to why a brown version of Danny DeVito was on stage next to an over-puffed marshmallow in a hijab.

Rare Video of Ghazala Khan Actually Speaking

See Also

The Khans
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The Khans
is part of a series on Donald Trump.

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