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<!--[[Image:Maximelebled gplus 2015.jpg|center]]-->

'''MaxOfS2D''', sometimes referred to as '''MaxOfSTD''' ([[powerword]] Maxime Lebled){{jew}}, is a [[faggot|French]] [[SJW|Social Justice]] ex-[[Brony|pony lover]] and [[faggot|3D model animator]] who lurks FPSBanana twenty-four hours and seven days in a week for any future quality models he could steal and claim his and furiously masturbates to the thought of any attention being given to him as he is the [[Pope]] of [[Attention Whore|Attention Whoring]] XIII, both negative and [[sarcasm|positive]]. He has the social skills of a baguette and will do anything for attention even if that means making a [[YouTube]] video of him cosplaying as his ''FemScout'' model or any of his other dumb and stupid models, only to DMCA it and making dozens of posts on tumblr condemning it because that is his only method for damage control. He will not hesitate to block you if you are proving him wrong on his own grounds like his [[YouTube]] channel, just like a true [[butthurt|French]] internet user would do.

Max is known for [[Earthbound]] Fortress 2 which has an even worse expectation to reality value than [[Feminist Frequency]] and also makes [[sarcasm|amazing]] dramatic readings of [[fanfiction|fan fictions]] created by [[13 year old]] [[autist|autists]] for a living. Most of these fan fictions are about ponies and Max sexually exploiting [[slut|Rebbacus]] or anyone else. He also hates [[GamerGate]] and regularly circlejerks with his fellow {{reddit|GamerGhazi|GamerGhazi}} members.
Maxime Lebled is a [[britfag|French]] [[Brony|bronyphile]] with a [[jewtube|youtube]] [[whore|partnership]] and 35,000 [[bot|subscribers]]. Maxime Lebled aka MaxofS2D has a long history of being [[Britfag|French]], and there for being a sneaky [[Pedophile|pedophile]] mime with a [[fetish|fetish]] for [[cock|long peaces of beard]]. It is well known that like most of [[france|French]] that he has the social skills of [[dolan|dolan]] and will do anything for [[Attention_whore|attention]] even if that means making a [[jewtube|youtube]] video where he tries to make a wheel of fortune game out of [[WTC|9/11]] and the [[holocaust|holocaust]], only to remove it 45 minutes later after his [[Your_Mom|mother]] sees it.<br>
|I think it’s pretty easy to see what [[Jonathan McIntosh|McIntosh]] is probably referring to. The game tells you that the angrier you are, the more violent the difficulty setting you choose, the more masculine you become. If you choose the least violent option, the game literally depicts the character as a baby.
[[LOL|Avoiding violence is thus presented as not manly.]]
|[ Yes, Max is that retarded].}}
[[Image:Maxofs2d_slowcancer.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Confirmation that he is indeed cancer.]]
Max's [[Sarcasm|notable achievements]] in life include being addicted to [[DotA|A.S.S.F.A.G.G.O.T.S.]], getting b& as a moderator from Facepunch, being a [[SJW]], being partially responsible for the shitty [[Doom]] and [[Quake]] clone [ Wrack] which took six fucking years to make, [[gay|futa porn]] and creating the most overrated character for [[Team Fortress 2]] known as the ''[[Slut|FemScout]]''. He also has worked for [[Shit|Facepunch Studios]] which created games like [[Rust]] and [[Garry's Mod]], Max completely ruined these just by looking at it with his French face and tease every change on his [[Jewtube|YouTube]] channel with monetisation turned on so he can buy more bread and extend his Netflix account even though he is too poor to afford one.
Unsurprisingly, as a Facepunch employee he was a [[fact|terrible Facepunch Moderator]] and in the end contributed nothing of important value at all because he liked to masturbate to [[Rule 34]] of his ''FemScout'' model and was too busy banning everyone. Facepunch's average drama level increased [[over 9000|over fucking 10000 percent]] every time Max showed himself in a thread. [[Facepunch]] hated him.
==Max's [[Sarcasm|Qualities]]==
Max spends all of his time on his computer, creating [[fact|shitty]] videos of 3D models trying to tell a story, in his early days his only skill was ranting on how terrible the [[Machinima]] and [[Garry's Mod]] community was including how [[faggot|69starmix69]] and [[faggot|Clovernoodle]] were worse than Hitler and their fans were even more [[retard|retarded]] than Max's. Max was pretty [[you|retarded]] back then and did pretty much everything he could to make sure he was the only biggest [[faggot]] in [[Machinima]] making. He successfully managed to to do so since he had quite a lot of help from his White Knights and no one really cared enough back then to contest against Max for such title when they could make actual good videos.
[[Image:Maxofs2d_femscout1.jpg|left|thumb|290px|[[fact|From Max's fap folder]]]]
Max eventually proceeded to tell [[faggot|Garry Newman]] that Garry's Mod was terrible and proceeded to use Source Filmmaker's non-public branch which was during that time extremely buggy and always crashed every second, this transition from an actual [[video game]] to [[Gabe Newell|Gabe's]] Mod was also part of the reason Max decided to make Earthbound Fortress 2 shit since Source Film Maker required much more effort than Garry's Mod. Eventually Source Filmmaker got a public release and since then Max has never left his fat ass out of the digital world. A true example of a [[fat]] [[nerd]].
In 2012, Max participated in the second annual Saxxy competitions. The Saxxy's is a [[fact|rigged]] competition run by [[Valve]] and requires people to make ''epic'' Source Filmmaker videos, if you were blessed to be chosen and your entry has not been eaten yet during upload by [[Gabe Newell]] then you won a virtual [[Team Fortress 2]] item that you could [[LOL|not sell, not trade, not equip on certain classes]] and had [[FAIL|hilarious exploits]] which Max was abusing and even made videos off but eventually removed since [[Valve]] was going after people who were ruining the game experience for all the [[13 year old|players]] by abusing said exploits with the Saxxy.
Killing someone with the Saxxy made them turn into a gold, thus an essential accessory for every [[jew]] out there like Max.
<center>'''Other [[shit|finalists]] from the Saxxy competition in 2012.'''</center>
{| style="margin: 0 auto"
|{{frame|{{videoframe|pingasXDDD|background-color: #0086FF;|font-weight: bold;
|<youtube>i73ICeA_Shc</youtube><br /><center>'''Best Short Finalist'''</center>
|<youtube>xR8b6saqBfs</youtube><br /><center>'''Best Action Finalist'''</center>
|<youtube>wAo8ktOQfFg</youtube><br /><center>'''Best Comedy Finalist'''</center>
|<youtube>MJ_QDkkSehQ</youtube><br /><center>'''Best Song Finalist'''</center>}}|border=#FF4000|background=#FF4000}}
[[Image:Femscout.png|thumb|left|200px|IS THAT U DADDY?]]
===His Egoism===
Saying that Max has a bit of an [[ego]] problem is like saying [[Black_Jesus|Obama]] is a bit of a [[nigger|nigger]], when Max's ego is threatened he will [[Nerd_rage|rage]] on you, [[cry|scream]] at you, chuck a [[cheap|300$ Toshiba Laptop]] that holds all of his [[Rule 34]] pictures of the ''FemScout'' and ''FemPyro'' out of the window and write at least 69 entries on his Tumblr profile on how much of an asshole and how worthless you are, try to troll you by and call his Army of [[White Knights]] onto you. Just block them and make sure to notice some [[rape]] to get rid of them, they are all [[13 year old]] children or [[SJW|Social Justice Warriors]] and some of them care way too much about [[GamerGate]].
[[Image:Maxofs2d_facebook.png|center|HAHA MAX IS SO FUNNIES XDXDXD]]
Max's exceptionally high ego has been build up from the beginning he [[sarcasm|created]] the ''FemScout'' which was originally made by ''AyesDyef'' but with a ribbon added, other causes include earning way too much [[money]] with his [[fact|overrated]] Garry's Mod and Source Filmmaker videos and winning a Team Fortress 2 item that can turn people into gold which concludes that Max is an egoistic [[jew]]. He also thinks he is an internet lawyer, throwing DMCA takedowns at people and game servers as his only weapon even though content created from Valve's assets like models, maps and materials are free to be shared by anyone and cannot actually be licensed. But don't even try telling that to any other [[Team Fortress 2]] modder or else they will lose their autistic shit knowing they cannot protect their [[pony]] models and awful Versus Saxton Hale maps.
You may reproduce and distribute the Mod in object code form, solely to licensed end users of Half-Life 2 or other compatible Valve products, provided that the Mod is made publicly available and distributed without charge on a non-commercial basis
In each case, except as otherwise expressly set forth in any applicable Subscription Terms, such reproduction and distribution right is conditioned upon your making the Mod or Derivative Work publicly available without charge on a non-commercial basis or to create derivative works of Valve game content (such as new levels for games, virtual items, or audio-visual content) based on Valve game assets (“Derivative Works”).
|tidbits from the Source SDK Terms of Use stating the facts}}

===About Max===
[[Maxofs2d|MaxofS2D]] lives in a [[Homeless|dumpster]] somewhere in [[france|France]] where he spends most of the time [[Blowjobs|sucking pony dick]] to pay for [[Dialup|dial up]] so he can upload [[Shit|shitty]] animations and [ Dramatic Reading] that are so [[Vomit|awfully]] done you will want to [[AnHero|AnHero]] before the [[jewtube|youtube]] [[advertisement|advertisement]] is even done. When hes not [[work|sucking dick]] hes uploading [[ugly|pictures]] and videos of himself "making" things in [[Paint|3dsMax]], half of the time he has to tab out to [[Internet_Explorer|Internet Explorer 7]] to [[google|Google]] that what hes doing is right and that it wont accidentally send all of his [[CP|CP]] off to [[Chris_Hansen|Chris Hansen]]. [[Maxofs2d|Max]] does this to make it look like hes actually contributing something useful to the [[Cult|legendary society of 1's and 0's]]. [[Maxofs2d|Max]] is a [[jewtube|youtube]] [[whore|partner]] and wants to work full time as a 3D [[paint|animator]] for [[Disney|Disney]] so he can sneak into Disney Land during lunch brake to fuck a [[Tranny|tranny]] dressed as [[Furfag|mickey mouse]] while its a small world after all is playing in the background. [[Maxofs2d|Max]] is also a dumb fuck that got busted [[stealing|torrenting]] Sony Vegas Pro 11 by [] along with 92GB's of [[bestiality|bestiality]] [[porn|porn]].<br>

===Maxime Lebled Ego===
Max has also been to the [[DotA|A.S.S.F.A.G.G.O.T.S.]] event known as The International, there fans of A.S.S.F.A.G.G.O.T.S., which are mostly neckbeards, meet each year to watch people who are not as fat and [[autist]] as them play A.S.S.F.A.G.G.O.T.S. for more than [[wtf|1 million dollar]]. Max gave a presentation about ''model animation being the key to a Dota item'' which only his (hot) ''girlfriend'' {{deviantart|ChemicalAlia|ChemicalAlia}} attended, also responsible for some pretty shit A.S.S.F.A.G.G.O.T.S. and [[Team Fortress 2]] items.
Saying that [[Maxofs2d|Max]] has a bit of a [[Ego|ego]] problem, is like saying [[Black_Jesus|Obama]] is a bit of a [[nigger|nigger]], when [[Maxofs2d|Max's]] ego is threated he will [[Nerd_rage|rage]], [[cry|scream]], chuck a [[cheap|300$ dell laptop]] that holds all of his [[CP|CP]] out the window and then tell his [[Your_Mom|mother|]] on you. He will also say that your [ worthless] and try to [[fail|troll]] you from his [!/MaxOfS2D twitter] and brag about how [[Ugly|awesome]] he is to have [[100|35]] fans. Luckily like [[Justin_Bieber|Justin Bieber]] it doesn't matter because hes still a [[fag|Fag]] and all of his fans are [[12|12 year olds]] or [[Bot|bots]] anyway. His [[ego|ego]] tends to get him into deep shit as well, if someone rises questions about him or [[shit|his first grade level finger painting work]] he will try to get the info [[nuke|removed]] [[Special:RecentChanges|ASAP]] (by slapping down a [[DMCA|DMCA]]) so no one else sees it, infact theres a nice list going around that [[Maxofs2d|Max]] is trying very hard to make [[Delete_fucking_everything|disappear]] and has had it removed from [[Earth|pastebin]] [[100|6]] times, which is why this page is being [[ED:101|made]], see (3.4 The Facts List). Rather then try to [[Impossible|disprove]] them (he cant because the [[fag|faggot]] that wrote it linked to everything proving it was real) he turned it into a [[joke|joke]] and read [[Truth|fact number 27]] on [ camera] and then went right back to part two of his [[gay|homoarotic]] [[Twilight|fanfic]] involving a [[dolphin|dolphin]] and [[necrophilia|corpse]] it found outside a [[abortion|abortion]] clinic.<br>

==Public Life==
[[Maxofs2d|Max]] likes to hang around [[Facepunch|Facepunch]], which is basically a [[Retard|drop out section]] for people that cant handle [[4chan|4chan]] or even [[9gag|9gag]], and tries to act like the [[King|god]] of the short bus while waving his [[Cock|penis]] at the bus driver [ Garry Newman]. In a epic fail chat with another [[Youtube|Youtube]] [[Whore|Partner]] he compared himself to a [[Rape|rape victim]] and how people are always mean to him, 5 minutes later he posted a video on his youtube account about how [[loli|hes stalking a 15 year old girl from Canada]]. [[Maxofs2d|Max]] is shit-listed from most of the [[internet|Garry's Mod]] community due to a "[[Dumbass|Prank]]" he did that had such a backlash he [[Deleting_your_Youtube_Videos|removed the video]] and every place it was mirrored to as well by writing the [[admin|webmasters]]. This has happened 4 times. For the sites that would not remove the video he filed a [[DMCA|DMCA]] with the [[Jews|hosting providers]].<br>

[[Image:Maxofs2d_hypocrite.jpg|RIGHT|thumb|300px|BAWWWLEEEETED and BLAAAWCKED]]
[[Maxofs2d|Max]] is a [[Youtube|youtube]] [[Whore|whore]] that loves to read [[gay|gay]] [[Porn|pornographic]] [[Twilight|fan-fiction]] like "[[Gay|My Nice Penis]]" and "[[WTF|Blowing a Donkey on Christmas Morning]]" but [[Maxofs2d|Max]] mostly [[Upload|uploads]] shitty [[Garry%27s_Mod|Garry's Mod]] videos of him [[rape|molesting]] rag doll's after hes stapled [[tits|tits]] onto them and then talks about how [[Bullshit|hard]] hes work on his [[shit|videos]] and how he loves his [[Tranny|E-Girlfriend]] named [ Derek] that he ment on [[craigslist|OkCupid]]. Max has realized that his animation [[fake|career]] is a [[Fucked|dead end]] because it is not at studio level or even [[retard|first grade crayola]] level and only knows how to use things in the [[Half_Life|Half Life 2]]/[[Team_Fortress_2|Team Fortress 2]] universe, so now hes trying to become a [[Useless|voice actor]] however last time I checked its hard to do a [[Twilight|Dramatic Reading]] when you have 2 cans of [[Coke|coke]] a loaf of [[bread|bread]] and a [[My_Little_Pony|My Little Pony]] [[Fleshlight|fleshlight]] jammed up your [[ass|ass]] sideways. Max has a dream to become a E-Star like his hero [[Ray_william_johnson|Ray William Johnson]] and [[Shane_Dawson|Shane Dawson]] in hopes of being able to afford to rent [[Justin_Bieber|Justin Bieber]] for the hour and not have to sneak out after [[Cum|finishing]] with 58 minutes left on the clock.<br>
Max is also a [[YouTube]] [[whore]] that loves to read gay [[Porn|pornographic]] fan-fictions like "[[Gay|My Nice Penis]]" and shitposts on Facepunch that are forced and not funny at all, he mainly uploads shitty Source Filmmaker videos that he spent too much time working on while he also could be working a full-time job at [[shit|Bioware]] or [[you|Gearbox]] since he fits the [[SJW|Social Justice]] agenda perfectly.
When Max's videos on [[YouTube]] did not bring in enough ad revenue he decided to unleash some spaghetti and start reading bad fan fictions and Facepunch Shitposts, combining his awful accent in content only [[13 year olds]] seem to enjoy. This acknowledgement of people enjoying Max's awful [[French]] accent made Max create another YouTube channel where he uploaded anything that was ''not good or serious enough for his main channel''. Videos in said category include [[let's play|let's plays]], even more dramatic readings and blogs about him becoming addicted to [[DotA|A.S.S.F.A.G.G.O.T.S.]] like a true [[autist]].

====How To Be A [[Drama_whore|Popular]] [[whore|Maxofs2d]]====
Step 1 - Wake up and go full Retard<br>
Step 2 - Chop your dick off, not like you were using it anyway!<br>
Step 3 - Change your name to [[Shit_Nobody_Cares_About|Maxofs2d]]<br>
Step 4 - Learn to use MSpaint, and then tell everyone your better then them because of it<br>
Step 5 - Fuck your mom<br>
Step 6 - Steal a copy of Sony Vegas Pro and get caught<br>
Step 7 - Take a shit in your next Generation Dell<br>
Step 8 - Take your crappy videos and upload them to youtube and set the advertisement to 3 minutes long just to piss people off<br>
Step 9 - ???<br>
Step 10 - Profit!!

===[[LOL|Finding Himself on the Internet]]===
Once upon a time when the [[1980|Pope]] still had [[Aids|aids]] and [[Gabe_Newell|Gabe Newell]] was [[Lie|thin]], [[Team_Fortress_2|Team Fortress 2]] didn't have hat's it also didn't have a [[France|France]] [[You|faggot]] running around stealing shit and trying to pass it off as [[Original_content|OC]] after he [[rape|stapled tits]] onto them. Yes this was how the [[Slut|FemScout]] was born, stolen [[Camping|right out of the crib]] and forced into a [[forever|life]] of [[rape|molestation]] by the hands of the evil [[Maxofs2d|Max]]. [[Maxofs2d|Max]] him self must have been [[rape|molested]] as a [[child|child]] because after he gets bored of fapping to [[CP|CP]] he does full scans of his face and puts in on the [[whore|femscout]] model so he can be that much closer to tits. This also points out strong case of [[fag|gender confusion]].
Max uses [[Google|Google alerts]] to find out (that is how he probably found this article just now, hi Max) if one of the following keywords are found if Google indexes a new or updated page:
* Max of s2d
* MaxOfS2D
* Maxime Lebled
* Max Lebled
* [[Faggot]]
* Baguette
* FemScout

[[Maxofs2d|Max]] got [[lazy|lazy]] on this one and [[Copy_and_paste|didn't even add anything]], he reached into [[Internet|fpsbanana]] and pulled a pryo with [[tits|tits]] out and said OH GUD HEY EEVERPONY LOOK WUT I FOUNDDD I MEAN MADE. The [[whore|Succubus]] is a [[Pyro|pryo]] with [[tits|tits]],[[aids|aids]],[[herpes|herpes]] and wings that she found in [[Maxofs2d|Max's]] [[sex|sex]] dungeon during her [[9000|8 years]] of [[rape|imprisonment]]. Later he took the wings off the [[whore|Succubus]] and tried giving them to his [ Derek] to win his [[gay|heart over]], this started the Mecha war which was a [[Facepalm|fucking fail]] all around. The wings where made by [[Valve|Valve]] for a [[Halloween|Halloween]] event before Max [[Nigger|stole]] it.

[[Maxofs2d|Max]] has a [[Bondage|Internship]] with [[Hitler|Garry Newman]] the creator of [[CP|Garry's Mod]] (a place where [[you|pedophiles]] meet their next [[Victim|victim]] and shitty role playing mods go to [[Kill_yourself|die]] for people that cant afford to play [[World_of_Warcraft|real games]]). During his first week of Internship he started a [[100|72 hour]] [[Goat|dog]] [[fisting|fisting]] contest in [[New_Jersey|gm_construct]] that broke the hand on every model on the game. He [[wtf|somehow]] bugged it out to the point where the [[You|models]] are trying to [[AnHero|reach into their own chest and rip out their heart]] out to get away from him.<br>

===DMCA takedowns===
''If you want to see more of Max's incredible achievements then be sure to check out {{pastebin|DwC1QHGC|this list}}! If some of the sources on the list got BAWWWLEEETED by Max then try to use [[Google|Google Cache]] or Web Archive.
[[Maxofs2d|Max]] uses [[Google|Google]] alerts to find out many [[Victim|children]] have reported him for [[rape|touching]] them and then if he finds something that [[Baww|he doesn't like]] he fills out fake [ DMCA] report and contacts the [[god|webmaster]] to get it taken down. Most of the time it works and the [[admin|admins]] remove it with hopes that he doesn't touch them until hes done [[fisting|fisting]] that [[Puppy_Pitcher|puppy]] hes [[rape|holding]]. Hes done this about [[9000|50 times]] and the fake [ DMCA] takedown around 20. Its also worth noting that the [[DMCA|DMCA]] hes filing is not his [[work|work]] but something he [[Nigger|stole]] from fpsbanana on his way home from the weekly [[Brony|bronie]] [[Orgy|meetup]]. <br>

===Dramatic Readings===
When [[Maxofs2d|Max]] is alone and [[nude|dressed]] in nothing but assless chaps and a hat made out of [[foreskin|foreskins]] he likes to read my [[gay|little pony fan fiction]] to himself while [[Fisting|fingering]] a [[Batman|Garry Newman]] blowup doll. [[true|In fact]] he [[Camwhore|records]] the whole thing and uploads it do [[jewtube|youtube]] with the title [[twilight|Dramatic Reading]] followed by the week number, so far he is up to week [[100|26]] meaning his has gone though no less then 5 [[cow|blowup dolls]], 2 [[Vibrator|vibrators]] and a [[what|cardborad cutout of Edward Cullen]]. Max reads this [[fanfic|fanfic]] because he knows he cant [[Homeless|make a living]] out of animating stick figures [[CP|fucking a 4 year olds]]. He spent 3 years in a [[fake|art school]] called Mjm Rennes where he spent most of his time trying to make clay [[cock|penises]] so he would have something to eat at [[Food|lunch]]. After seeing all the [[FanFiction|Dramatic Reading's]] we felt it was time to get him his own [[Winning|Encyclopedia Dramatica]] page, so he can be [[friends|friends]] with other people like [[Chris_Chan|Chris Chan]] and [[Jesse_Slaughter|Jessi Slaughter]] and maybe try to bum a few [[pictures|pictures]] off her. <br>

[[Image:Maxofs2d video1.png|right|thumb|300px|This guy is the face of DMCA.]]
==MaxofS2D's Wars==
==MaxofS2D's Wars==
Because of his [[aspergers|aspergers]] Max loves picking [[Shit_no_one_cares_about|fights]] all most as much as he likes [[fisting|teabagging]] bear [[Bomb|traps]]. In fact he starts a new war about every 4 months. First there was a war with [[shit|The Garry's Mod community]] then there was a war with some [[fag]] named [[Cool_Guy|Mecha]] and now hes going toe to toe with a [[Newfag|shitty hacker named Jill]] who's barely able to roll out of bed due to wighting [[Fatass|450lbs]] and being a [[nigger|nigger]]. To make him [[feels_good|feel]] better about having a [[pussy|dick]] the size of a [[Killdozer|tic tac]] he starts daily [[Flame_War|flame]] wars on his [[jewtube|youtube]] video comments and other peoples [[shit|videos]] that he feels are better then his [[crap|shat]] out content. [[Maxofs2d|Max]] will always better then [[FAG|YOU]] even if your [[GOD|Chuck Norris]] or [[Eduard_Khil|Eduard Khil]], at least in his mind!<br>
Because Max is retarded and has an [[ego]] bigger than Mia Khalifa's implants he easily picks drama and fights which can be very simple ones like [[YouTube]] flame wars to drama actually requiring mass [[DMCA]] takedowns.
He also has an internet army that constantly presses F5's on his videos so he can make more shitty [[Machinima]] videos, buy more bread, extend his Netflix account and masturbate to his ''FemPyro'' videos. They are mostly [[13 year olds]] [[aspergers]].
===MaxOfS2D{{jew}} versus Mecha the Slag{{jew}}===
[[Image:Maxofs2d_email.png|center|Stay classy Max.]]
Max was a contributor to a [[Team Fortress 2]] group of servers known as ''SLAG Gaming'', ''SLAG Gaming'' is known for their [[shit|Parkour Fortress]] gamemode that is basically a poor man's Mirror's Edge and [[bullshit|one-of-a-kind]] inventory/shop system that is actually not as bad as A.S.S.F.A.G.G.O.T.S. games' shops like [[League of Legends]] where Max's items were [[LOL|99% of the shop]].
[[You|The server owner, Mecha the Slag]], apparantly was very rude to Max and his [[13 year old]] [[loli]] girlfriend {{tumblr|rebbacus|Rebbacus}} and thus Max and the loli decided to fuck stuff up. Max was a [[jew]], demanding that certain items were only usable by him like a real [[jew]]. Items included a custom player model that had fucked up hitboxes and huge oversized wings that were basically Valve's wings for the Pyro released during [[Halloween]] but larger and with jigglebones, as if his constant wanking to a jiggleboned ''FemPyro'' was not enough. Mecha the Slag declined this request and Max wanted his and Rebbacus' stuff gone from ''SLAG Gaming'' these included buyable items from the server shop and custom animations for the Scout model in Parkour Fortress but also other art assets supplied in the kit to create Parkour Fortress maps with.
====DMCA takedowns====
After having asked [[You|the server owner Mecha the Slag]] to remove his and his fuckbuddies' [[shit|content]] without success he started going apeshit and filed [[Over 9000|at least nine fucking million]] [ DMCA takedown requests] for his content because Max has too much free time.
Unsurprising enough Max proceeded to produce so much posts on his tumblr and videos about the drama and Mecha the Slag basically being the biggest jew, as censoring as [[Kim_Jong_Il#Kim_Jong_Un|a dictator]] and a filthy liar even though Max nuked his Steam Group during the drama and [[LOL|blamed a certain ''hacker'']] for it.
{{tumblr|mechatheslagtruth|Max's sockpuppet account which saved that huge drama queen post since he obviously knew leaving it on his main tumblr account wouldn't be smart because it is full of shit}}
To make it even better [[FAIL|Mecha started sending DMCA takedowns of his own on Max's videos and tumblr posts about him]] because it was breaching his copyright. Max got [[butthurt]] and started sending his own to Mecha's videos, in the meantime the ''SLAG Gaming'' forum was cleansed of Max and posting about the drama got you nuked. Posting quality went up with an average of [[Over 9000|ten thousand percent]] while Mecha got dissed at Facepunch because he "''...did not have any moderative powers there to defend himself...''" according to Max, while getting everyone else banned or their posts and IP passed to Max so he could try to make up some theories of people possibly working together to dethrone Max.
Eventually the game server provider of ''SLAG Gaming'' [ DiscountGameServers] and Max's web host [ Lithium Hosting] got tired of Max and Mecha constantly asking them to forward, retour, rechew and sit on their mails (read: DMCA requests and counter claims) to eachother, told them both to grow the fuck up and refused to forward any emails from one to another involving the drama, even though it was the only way the two parties could communicate, [[LOL|laughing out fucking loud]].
Mecha eventually started firing some shots by telling people about how Max's parents are in a divorce and that was the reason Max is being a [[butthurt]] monkey, Max got unsurprisingly even more [[butthurt]] and made a [[tumblr]] post about it.
|You present all the symptoms of anti-social personality disorder. “A pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others occurring since age 15”, “callous unconcern for the feelings of others”, “lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another”, and last but not least, “deception, as indicated by repeatedly lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure”. (That’s spot-on, don’t you think? Thanks, Wikipedia!) Please get a grip on the real world, and realize that your actions have consequences.
|[[Retard|Max]] [ calling out Mecha], even though Max is even more of a [[fact|retard]] himself.}} is born====
Eventually something fucking brilliant happened when Max found out a website called (which doesn't exist anymore, the domain redirects to his actual website now) was made via [[Google|Google Alerts]] and contained so much information about Max even he did not know he actually was that much of a [[loser|waste]] to have so much information of him on the internet. The website was WHOIS protected and its host, [ SiteGround], did not reply to Max's French cries. Max put on his [[Reddit]] Detective clothing and found out it was hosted in [[Canada]].
The website contained some hilariously bad [[Photoshop|photoshopped]] pictures by a [[13 year old]]. [[lulz|Max still went apeshit]].
He cried wolf at [[Facepunch]] and asked [[faggot|Garry Newman]], certain moderators and its [[neckbeard|users]] to track down the [[IP]] address of Mecha the Slag in the logs and eventually got so [[retard|retarded]] that he spend [[money]] to hire a hacker called '''Summer''' to wipe the contents of ''SLAG Gaming'''s content server but this failed horribly as Max got backstabbed really hard, just like with everything Max tried during the drama. '''The only thing he found out from the [[IP]] address hunt is that Mecha the Slag clicked on one of his tumblr posts because the IP's from tumblr and Facepunch matched at least 50 kilometers!''' At this point Max was so happy he [[fap|masturbated]] himself to sleep that night yelling "case closed kiddo's" in his microphone while preparing to create dramatic readings.
It was never known who made the website, it doesn't really matter because Max became [[butthurt]] when it was made and that is hilarious as fuck. Eventually dox was posted of Max on the website in its header in a font size even a [[retard]] could not miss. Nothing really amazing and most info was already known but he proceeded to [[cry]] louder than [[Muslim|Muslims]] yelling "Allah Akbar" when they are shooting people.
''Two months later it ended, nobody really cared and Max made a total ass out of himself all the time.''
===MaxOfS2D{{jew}} versus Bronies===
Max has a shitty [[Steam]] group full of [[13 year olds]] that was full of [[brony|bronies]]. Max, not being wanted to be associated with even more autism, decided to make the lives of these Bronies miserable by mocking their ponies which they furiously [[clop|masturbate]] to each day even though he himself was a brony too for a short time, even doing {{pastebin|HXkGh53J|ironic shit semi-erotic roleplays with his fans}}.
Bronies, being the most annoying pieces of shit lifeforms, went on their [ only home that is not their parent's basement] to rape Max with feelings and think of very evil [[autist|autistic]] plans to take down the baguette known as Max since they were very offended. This was because Max made a video telling a brony who stalked Max into the game server he was currently playing in at [[Counter Strike|CS:GO]] to basically fuck off and [[AnHero|kill himself]] and made a steam group announcement telling bronies to leave his group. Max proceeded kicking '''all bronies''' from his steam group and blocking both bronies and people who defended them, eliminating a huge chunk of cancer and autism and Max actually doing a good thing for once.
|I always thought that MaxOfS2D was a decent french guy with awesome personality, but obviously enough by now, he's a complete moron. It depresses me how fast things can fall apart.
Did I mention that he BLOCKS people who defend bronies? According to him, last night over 100 account got blocked, and still more to come. Even that shows what kind of a coward he is.}}
===Banned from Facepunch===

===Shortbus Army===
During Max's time of being a [[loser|moderator]] on Facepunch nothing made Max more [[butthurt]] than criticizing his moderator skills on Facepunch. Max's banhammer was ravaged and broken from how much it has been used to ban people posting "racist and hate-speech" while Max himself banned someone for being an "all-time sperg lord". If Max did not agree with your opinion on any topic in the Facepunch's Team Fortess 2 subforum then you were doomed to be banned. He also did not hesitate to make fun of you if your videos or screenshots were worse than his, everyone is obviously as [[sarcasm|good]] as Max right?
[[Maxofs2d|Max]] has a [[Army|army]] that is mostly made out of the same [[retard|solders]] that used to be in [[Kony_2012|Konys]] army before [[Hipster|Jason Russell]] got [[9000|50,000,000]] [[Shit_no_one_cares_about|facebook]] likes for [[fap|jacking off]] in [[School|public]] and [[rape|freed them all]]. The rest of his army is the [[Down_Syndrome|down syndrome]] rejects from [[Facepunch|Facepunch]] and [[9gag|9gag]]. His [[fans|army's]] has [[100|two jobs]], first job is to spam [[F5|F5]] on his videos so Max can afford to pay for his [[AIDS|HIV treatment]] and secondly [[rage|shit talk/report]] post of anyone that offends their [[Hitler|fuhrer]]. [[Maxofs2d|Max]] has over 35 fans and nearly 520 video views making him the [[Poor|richest]] man in all on [[New_Jersey|France]], which is the net worth of 3 homeless people from [[azn|china]]. The poor guy is so lonely he makes [[twitter|twitter]] accounts to follow himself so he can hold off a [[AnHero|An-Hero]] until hes done molesting his [[Your_Mom|sister]].<br>
Hilarity ensued when Max was eventually b& for talking about [[LOL|misogyny and sexism in video games]] for the millionth time, this finalized his transformation to become a [[SJW|Social Justice Warrior]].
Theres a nice little site on the [[Internet|interwebs]] calls [] that proudly points out [[Lol|most of his fuck ups]] (hes done 5 [ DMCA] takedowns to date on it), and is run by a [[nigger|nigger]] named [[Shit_Nobody_Cares_About|Jill]]. The highlights of this site are the [[Stalking|fallowing]], [[spam|reporting]] [[1337|hackers]] [[Maxofs2d|Max]] has sent after people, Max [[Lying|contradicting]] himself, Max going [[A_frank_discussion_of_mental_illness|mental]] on people that [[Captain_Obvious|point it out]], [[Maxofs2d|Max]] being a [[Christian|bigot]] and lastly max trying to [[Delete_fucking_everything|hide his actions]] harder then [[Germany|Germany]] trying to hide [[Waldo|waldo]] body in [[WW2|WW2]]. The site has [[Massive|a tag cloud]] the size of [[Oprah|Oprah's]] waistline before she got [[Amputee|liposuction]] and looked like [[Your_Mom|Jabba the Hut]].<br>

===The Mecha War===
'''Here is some stuff that (would've) got you banned from Facepunch by the swift hand of the baguette:'''
Some time around [[Last_Thursday|late February]] [[Maxofs2d|Max]] lost his only pair of pants in a [[Hell|french nursing home]] after trying to [[rape|rape]] [[100|3]] patients that lived there and felt it was a [[Just_for_the_lulz|good idea]] to start a [[cock|dick]] waving contest over the [[internet|interwebs]] to impress his [[Kim_Jong_Il|E-Girlfriend]]. So he started a war with [[shit|SLAG Gaming]] which is still not as bad as [[twilight|twilight]] but dammit its trying, he claimed at least [[all|140%]] of the [[shit|content]] in the SVN for the [[Garbage|game servers]] was his and filed 4 [ DMCA] takedowns, which is funny because he stole it from FPS Banana and they stole it from [[Valve|Valve]] and [[Gabe_Newell|Gabe Newell]] stole it from the [[EA|all you can eat buffet table]]. In the end it was like the [[Cat_fight|nuclear holocaust]] but with [[Yaoi|Yaoi]] and [ DMCA] takedowns. After [[Maxofs2d|Max]] saw a [[lol|funny]] site called [] he cried for the help of [[Britfag|Garry Newman]] and the other [[Loser|Facepunch]] [[admin|moderators]] to help [[Stalk|track down]] the [[asshole|mean man]] that made the site. He got the [[IP|IP address]] and hired a hacker to wipe [[Cool_guy|Mecha]]'s [[CP|SVN]] of his [[Bullshit|Stolen]] work and then [[Pwnd|back stabbed]] him to make it look like the [[nigger|hacker]] went rogue. [[Nigger|Jill]] was not happy and turned over all [[Maxofs2d|Max]]'s info to [[Cool_guy|Mecha]] for the [[lulz|lulz]] and later [[Maxofs2d|Max]] nuked his own group to make it look like he was [[hax|hacked]], all 4 people where [[Ban|banned]] from the [[cult|group]]. After 2 months both sides [[Surrender|gave in]] because there [[Mom|mothers]] told them it was time to do the dishes and face fuck the [[Dad|garbage disposal]]. To this day [[Maxofs2d|Max]] is so [[Umad|butt hurt]] over it, [[everything|ANYTHING]] that makes him look bad he blames [[Cool_guy|Mecha]] for kinda like how [[Mel_Gibson|Mel Gibson]] blames the [[Jew|Jews]] for parking [[Paper_trail|tickets]].<br>
* [[Nigger]]
* [[Autism]]
* [[You|Mecha the Slag]]
* [[13 year old|SLAG Gaming]]
* [[Fact|FemScout sucks]]
* [[Fact|Max is a gay twat]]
* Rebbacus is a guy
* What are you actually at Facepunch Studios
* give free [[rust]] keys plz

===The Facts List===
<!--<center>{{fv|punchfisting|background-color:#ffffff;|font-weight: bold;|<youtube>7mzyhJeL694</youtube>|<youtube>WRMff7yElvc</youtube>|<youtube>rzNEowp7sqI</youtube><br />}}</center>-->
On June 14th a member of [[Anonymous|Anonymous]] posted a [ lulz list] about [[Maxofs2d|Max]] on [[earth|pastebin]] with 25 [[Truth|Facts]] and linked all the proof from the list so [[Maxofs2d|Max]] couldn't disprove it, He [[Baww|Bawwwed]] to the [[nerd|webmasters]] at [[earth|pastebin]] to get it [[DELETE_FUCKING_EVERYTHING|taken down]] and because of this the [[Anonymous|Anon]] added [[9000|10]] more [[Truth|Facts]] the to list and [[Copy_and_paste|reposted]] 5 times. When [[Maxofs2d|Max]] realized that he wasn't going to win this war and it would just keep getting cut and pasted he tried turning it into a joke like his sex life, it backfired. The 35 [[Truth|Facts]] about [[Maxofs2d|Max]] can still be found due to [[Google|Google]] cache and the WayBack Machine.<br>

==Private Life==
[[Maxofs2d|Max's]] [[scientology|private life]] is non existent, if he can put somthing into a [[TV|video]] to try to [[whore|make money off it]] he will. He has even made a video [[Baww|crying]] about his parents [[divorce|divorce]] to [[milk|milk]] complements the same way [[Fleshlight|women]] do when they post about how [[ugly|ugly]] they are after putting on [[100|4 hours]] of [[fake|makeup]]. [[You|Max]] has weird [[fetish|obsession]] with a game called [[DDR|Rhythm Heaven]] and has even tried to remake it on [[Jewtube|youtube]] staring him and a [[kidnap|kidnapped]] 4 year old.<br>
Until recently, Max decided to follow in the footsteps of his fellow egotist [[Tom Preston]] and roleplay as a woman with numerous weird fetishes relating to large tits. As Hyperfortress, Max made near countless images and gifs of inflated pyro tits, before moving on to ruin valves official models when he shifted to [[DotA#DotA_2|Dota]]. The blog was eventually deleted right after The International 5 (where a bunch of nerds play dota to get [[holocaust|6 million]] bucks) and Max got depressed about running the blog, although he won't admit that he pretended to be a woman because he fears it will be [[BAWWW|"a mistake that will have negative consequences"]] (said mistake being that all his feminist buddies will ditch him for being a hypocrite)

===Relationship with bronies===
[[Maxofs2d|Max]] [[love|loves]] [[bronies|bronies]] but mostly Apple Bloom's [[ass|PLOT]]. However [[Maxofs2d|Max]] understands that [[everyone|not everyone]] likes [[fag|bronies]] so he [[lies|pretends]] to hate them but will still [[fap|clop]] to them on [[Doing_it_for_the_lulz|camera]] and talk about how [[Sexy|hot]] Rainbow Dash is [[nude|without clothes]]. Along with having a derpy [[fleshlight|fleshlight]] and a blowup Rarity doll he has as [[fetish|fetish]] for [[dog|Winona]] because its a [[fleshlight|dog]] and that turns him on in at least [[9000|7 different ways]]. He can be found at weekly [[orgy|brony]] meet ups near [[San_Francisco|Rennes]] where he will [[pride|proudly]] walk in 5 minutes early and with [[Faggot|no pants]] just to ask if they are going to skip the [[foreplay|foreplay]] this week. <br>
{{cg|Max's best work|maxgallery1|center|<gallery perrow="4">
Image:maxofs2d 001.jpg
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</gallery>|<gallery perrow="4">
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Image:maxofs2d 007.png
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{{cg|FemScout|maxgallery2|center|<gallery perrow="4">
===Feminist Lifestyle===
Image:Maxofs2d femscout34 1.jpg
Its not really a [[No_shit|secret]] that [[Maxofs2d|Max]] is a [ Feminist] because its the only way he will ever get [[Pussy|laid]] but even after [[100|4 years]] of being one the closest to [[Vag|pussy]] has come to is from his [[grandmother|grandmother]]. Not long after he started being a [[Bitch|feminist]] to get [[fisted|laid]] be became one for [[wut|real]], and can be seen walking around in [[Stripper|high heels]] and a one peace [[Underwear|Bikini]] near the Eiffel tower. On his [ Tumblr] account he has [[Spam|reblogged]] no less then [[9000|5 pages]] of [[SHIT|shit]] tagged [ Feminist], and only talks about [[Equal_rights|equal rights]], but keep in mind he only started talking out of his [[ass|ass]] to get [[laid|laid]] and the second he meets his [[guy|girl]] friend [ Derek]from [[Brazil|Brazil]] and remembers that [ feminism] is fucking [[Retarded|retarded]] all of that shit is going out the window like his [[Cp|CP]] during the [[raid|FBI raid]]. <br>
Image:Maxofs2d femscout34 2.jpeg
Image:Maxofs2d femscout34 3.jpeg
Image:Maxofs2d femscout34 4.png
</gallery>|<gallery perrow="4">
Image:Maxofs2d femscout34 5.png
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Image:Maxofs2d femscout34 8.jpg
{{cg|FAP FAP FAP|maxgallery3|center|<gallery perrow="4">
</gallery>|<gallery perrow="4">

===Pedophile Activities===
Following the footsteps of his [[dad|father]] when [[Maxofs2d|Max]] turned [[adult|18]] he bought a white van with no windows and $700 worth of candy and went from town to town dressed as [[pedobear|pedobear]] trying to get [[laid|pussy]], after 18 months of being [[Raped|Tazored]] and [[Pwn|kicked in the balls]] he realized he was going about it the [[fail|wrong way]], he opened a [[craigslist|OkCupid]] account and set the desired age group down to [[pedo|11]]. It took him 2 weeks to get a reply, it was from his current E-Girlfriend [ Derek], when [[Maxofs2d|Max]] realized that [ Derek] lived to far away he knew he needed a peace of [[ass|ass]] that lived a little closer so he started [[Stalk|stalking]] a [[Child|15 year old]] that lived [[Canada|Canada]] to keep his inner [[Pedophile|Pedophile]] in happy, Max still does not understand that [[Canada|Canada]] is not in the [[UK|UK]] and to is date if you ask the [[Homeless|people]] that live in Rennes who the town [[PedoBear|pedo]] is, they will point to [[Maxofs2d|Max]] apartment. [[Maxofs2d|Max]] [[Upload|uploades]] blogs and videos about how he misses his [[CP|15]] [[child|year old fleshtoy]] and how they are going to grow [[old|old]] together and invent a new [[fetish|fetish]] that combines [[Horsecock|pony castration]],weed wackers and socks all into one act that would make [[you|God]] himself cry.<br>

===Maxime Lebled's Dox===
==External Links==
Name: Maxime Lebled<br>
*[ Homepage]
*[ Facepunch Profile]
Country: France (FR)<br>
Postal Code: 35000<br>
City: Rennes<br>
Address: 9, Rue Belfort<br>
Region: Bretagne<br>
*{{fb|MaxOfS2D|Facebook Profile}}
Phone Number: +33.0685859509<br>
*{{fb|MaxOfS2DAnimPage|Facebook Page}}
Cell Phone : +33.0950486602<br>
Photo of his house<br>
*{{yt|u|AlternativeMaxOfS2D|Second YouTube}}
*[ LinkedIn]
*[ Last.FM]
*[ Vimeo]
*[ Disqus]
*[ OkCupid], [ A picture says a thousand words]

===Max's Online info===
IP Address : (as of 5/1/2012)<br>
LinkedIn <br>
Steam URL<br>
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:19779739<br>
Steam Community ID 76561197999825207<br>
Steam Fan Group<br>


Latest revision as of 09:53, 20 May 2024

/!\ LISTEN UP /!\

This user fucking hates
My Little Pony.

You can join the fight by sporting a mohawk and punching out every brony and their philly ponyphiles.

MaxOfS2D, sometimes referred to as MaxOfSTD (powerword Maxime Lebled), is a French Social Justice ex-pony lover and 3D model animator who lurks FPSBanana twenty-four hours and seven days in a week for any future quality models he could steal and claim his and furiously masturbates to the thought of any attention being given to him as he is the Pope of Attention Whoring XIII, both negative and positive. He has the social skills of a baguette and will do anything for attention even if that means making a YouTube video of him cosplaying as his FemScout model or any of his other dumb and stupid models, only to DMCA it and making dozens of posts on tumblr condemning it because that is his only method for damage control. He will not hesitate to block you if you are proving him wrong on his own grounds like his YouTube channel, just like a true French internet user would do.

Max is known for Earthbound Fortress 2 which has an even worse expectation to reality value than Feminist Frequency and also makes amazing dramatic readings of fan fictions created by 13 year old autists for a living. Most of these fan fictions are about ponies and Max sexually exploiting Rebbacus or anyone else. He also hates GamerGate and regularly circlejerks with his fellow GamerGhazi (See removed posts: 1, 2) members.

I think it’s pretty easy to see what McIntosh is probably referring to. The game tells you that the angrier you are, the more violent the difficulty setting you choose, the more masculine you become. If you choose the least violent option, the game literally depicts the character as a baby.

Avoiding violence is thus presented as not manly.


Yes, Max is that retarded.

Confirmation that he is indeed cancer.

Max's notable achievements in life include being addicted to A.S.S.F.A.G.G.O.T.S., getting b& as a moderator from Facepunch, being a SJW, being partially responsible for the shitty Doom and Quake clone Wrack which took six fucking years to make, futa porn and creating the most overrated character for Team Fortress 2 known as the FemScout. He also has worked for Facepunch Studios which created games like Rust and Garry's Mod, Max completely ruined these just by looking at it with his French face and tease every change on his YouTube channel with monetisation turned on so he can buy more bread and extend his Netflix account even though he is too poor to afford one.

Unsurprisingly, as a Facepunch employee he was a terrible Facepunch Moderator and in the end contributed nothing of important value at all because he liked to masturbate to Rule 34 of his FemScout model and was too busy banning everyone. Facepunch's average drama level increased over fucking 10000 percent every time Max showed himself in a thread. Facepunch hated him.

Max's Qualities


Max spends all of his time on his computer, creating shitty videos of 3D models trying to tell a story, in his early days his only skill was ranting on how terrible the Machinima and Garry's Mod community was including how 69starmix69 and Clovernoodle were worse than Hitler and their fans were even more retarded than Max's. Max was pretty retarded back then and did pretty much everything he could to make sure he was the only biggest faggot in Machinima making. He successfully managed to to do so since he had quite a lot of help from his White Knights and no one really cared enough back then to contest against Max for such title when they could make actual good videos.

From Max's fap folder

Max eventually proceeded to tell Garry Newman that Garry's Mod was terrible and proceeded to use Source Filmmaker's non-public branch which was during that time extremely buggy and always crashed every second, this transition from an actual video game to Gabe's Mod was also part of the reason Max decided to make Earthbound Fortress 2 shit since Source Film Maker required much more effort than Garry's Mod. Eventually Source Filmmaker got a public release and since then Max has never left his fat ass out of the digital world. A true example of a fat nerd.

In 2012, Max participated in the second annual Saxxy competitions. The Saxxy's is a rigged competition run by Valve and requires people to make epic Source Filmmaker videos, if you were blessed to be chosen and your entry has not been eaten yet during upload by Gabe Newell then you won a virtual Team Fortress 2 item that you could not sell, not trade, not equip on certain classes and had hilarious exploits which Max was abusing and even made videos off but eventually removed since Valve was going after people who were ruining the game experience for all the players by abusing said exploits with the Saxxy.

Killing someone with the Saxxy made them turn into a gold, thus an essential accessory for every jew out there like Max.

Other finalists from the Saxxy competition in 2012.

Best Short Finalist

Best Action Finalist

Best Comedy Finalist

Best Song Finalist


His Egoism

Saying that Max has a bit of an ego problem is like saying Obama is a bit of a nigger, when Max's ego is threatened he will rage on you, scream at you, chuck a 300$ Toshiba Laptop that holds all of his Rule 34 pictures of the FemScout and FemPyro out of the window and write at least 69 entries on his Tumblr profile on how much of an asshole and how worthless you are, try to troll you by and call his Army of White Knights onto you. Just block them and make sure to notice some rape to get rid of them, they are all 13 year old children or Social Justice Warriors and some of them care way too much about GamerGate.


Max's exceptionally high ego has been build up from the beginning he created the FemScout which was originally made by AyesDyef but with a ribbon added, other causes include earning way too much money with his overrated Garry's Mod and Source Filmmaker videos and winning a Team Fortress 2 item that can turn people into gold which concludes that Max is an egoistic jew. He also thinks he is an internet lawyer, throwing DMCA takedowns at people and game servers as his only weapon even though content created from Valve's assets like models, maps and materials are free to be shared by anyone and cannot actually be licensed. But don't even try telling that to any other Team Fortress 2 modder or else they will lose their autistic shit knowing they cannot protect their pony models and awful Versus Saxton Hale maps.


You may reproduce and distribute the Mod in object code form, solely to licensed end users of Half-Life 2 or other compatible Valve products, provided that the Mod is made publicly available and distributed without charge on a non-commercial basis

In each case, except as otherwise expressly set forth in any applicable Subscription Terms, such reproduction and distribution right is conditioned upon your making the Mod or Derivative Work publicly available without charge on a non-commercial basis or to create derivative works of Valve game content (such as new levels for games, virtual items, or audio-visual content) based on Valve game assets (“Derivative Works”).



—tidbits from the Source SDK Terms of Use stating the facts

Max has also been to the A.S.S.F.A.G.G.O.T.S. event known as The International, there fans of A.S.S.F.A.G.G.O.T.S., which are mostly neckbeards, meet each year to watch people who are not as fat and autist as them play A.S.S.F.A.G.G.O.T.S. for more than 1 million dollar. Max gave a presentation about model animation being the key to a Dota item which only his (hot) girlfriend ChemicalAlia attended, also responsible for some pretty shit A.S.S.F.A.G.G.O.T.S. and Team Fortress 2 items.



Max is also a YouTube whore that loves to read gay pornographic fan-fictions like "My Nice Penis" and shitposts on Facepunch that are forced and not funny at all, he mainly uploads shitty Source Filmmaker videos that he spent too much time working on while he also could be working a full-time job at Bioware or Gearbox since he fits the Social Justice agenda perfectly.

When Max's videos on YouTube did not bring in enough ad revenue he decided to unleash some spaghetti and start reading bad fan fictions and Facepunch Shitposts, combining his awful accent in content only 13 year olds seem to enjoy. This acknowledgement of people enjoying Max's awful French accent made Max create another YouTube channel where he uploaded anything that was not good or serious enough for his main channel. Videos in said category include let's plays, even more dramatic readings and blogs about him becoming addicted to A.S.S.F.A.G.G.O.T.S. like a true autist.

Finding Himself on the Internet

Max uses Google alerts to find out (that is how he probably found this article just now, hi Max) if one of the following keywords are found if Google indexes a new or updated page:

  • Max of s2d
  • MaxOfS2D
  • Maxime Lebled
  • Max Lebled
  • Faggot
  • Baguette
  • FemScout

If you want to see more of Max's incredible achievements then be sure to check out this list! If some of the sources on the list got BAWWWLEEETED by Max then try to use Google Cache or Web Archive.

This guy is the face of DMCA.

MaxofS2D's Wars

Because Max is retarded and has an ego bigger than Mia Khalifa's implants he easily picks drama and fights which can be very simple ones like YouTube flame wars to drama actually requiring mass DMCA takedowns.

He also has an internet army that constantly presses F5's on his videos so he can make more shitty Machinima videos, buy more bread, extend his Netflix account and masturbate to his FemPyro videos. They are mostly 13 year olds aspergers.

MaxOfS2D versus Mecha the Slag

Stay classy Max.
Stay classy Max.

Max was a contributor to a Team Fortress 2 group of servers known as SLAG Gaming, SLAG Gaming is known for their Parkour Fortress gamemode that is basically a poor man's Mirror's Edge and one-of-a-kind inventory/shop system that is actually not as bad as A.S.S.F.A.G.G.O.T.S. games' shops like League of Legends where Max's items were 99% of the shop.

The server owner, Mecha the Slag, apparantly was very rude to Max and his 13 year old loli girlfriend Rebbacus and thus Max and the loli decided to fuck stuff up. Max was a jew, demanding that certain items were only usable by him like a real jew. Items included a custom player model that had fucked up hitboxes and huge oversized wings that were basically Valve's wings for the Pyro released during Halloween but larger and with jigglebones, as if his constant wanking to a jiggleboned FemPyro was not enough. Mecha the Slag declined this request and Max wanted his and Rebbacus' stuff gone from SLAG Gaming these included buyable items from the server shop and custom animations for the Scout model in Parkour Fortress but also other art assets supplied in the kit to create Parkour Fortress maps with.

DMCA takedowns

After having asked the server owner Mecha the Slag to remove his and his fuckbuddies' content without success he started going apeshit and filed at least nine fucking million DMCA takedown requests for his content because Max has too much free time.

Unsurprising enough Max proceeded to produce so much posts on his tumblr and videos about the drama and Mecha the Slag basically being the biggest jew, as censoring as a dictator and a filthy liar even though Max nuked his Steam Group during the drama and blamed a certain hacker for it.

Max's sockpuppet account which saved that huge drama queen post since he obviously knew leaving it on his main tumblr account wouldn't be smart because it is full of shit


To make it even better Mecha started sending DMCA takedowns of his own on Max's videos and tumblr posts about him because it was breaching his copyright. Max got butthurt and started sending his own to Mecha's videos, in the meantime the SLAG Gaming forum was cleansed of Max and posting about the drama got you nuked. Posting quality went up with an average of ten thousand percent while Mecha got dissed at Facepunch because he "...did not have any moderative powers there to defend himself..." according to Max, while getting everyone else banned or their posts and IP passed to Max so he could try to make up some theories of people possibly working together to dethrone Max.

Eventually the game server provider of SLAG Gaming DiscountGameServers and Max's web host Lithium Hosting got tired of Max and Mecha constantly asking them to forward, retour, rechew and sit on their mails (read: DMCA requests and counter claims) to eachother, told them both to grow the fuck up and refused to forward any emails from one to another involving the drama, even though it was the only way the two parties could communicate, laughing out fucking loud.

Mecha eventually started firing some shots by telling people about how Max's parents are in a divorce and that was the reason Max is being a butthurt monkey, Max got unsurprisingly even more butthurt and made a tumblr post about it.

You present all the symptoms of anti-social personality disorder. “A pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others occurring since age 15”, “callous unconcern for the feelings of others”, “lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another”, and last but not least, “deception, as indicated by repeatedly lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure”. (That’s spot-on, don’t you think? Thanks, Wikipedia!) Please get a grip on the real world, and realize that your actions have consequences.



Max calling out Mecha, even though Max is even more of a retard himself. is born

Eventually something fucking brilliant happened when Max found out a website called (which doesn't exist anymore, the domain redirects to his actual website now) was made via Google Alerts and contained so much information about Max even he did not know he actually was that much of a waste to have so much information of him on the internet. The website was WHOIS protected and its host, SiteGround, did not reply to Max's French cries. Max put on his Reddit Detective clothing and found out it was hosted in Canada.

The website contained some hilariously bad photoshopped pictures by a 13 year old. Max still went apeshit.

He cried wolf at Facepunch and asked Garry Newman, certain moderators and its users to track down the IP address of Mecha the Slag in the logs and eventually got so retarded that he spend money to hire a hacker called Summer' to wipe the contents of SLAG Gamings content server but this failed horribly as Max got backstabbed really hard, just like with everything Max tried during the drama. The only thing he found out from the IP address hunt is that Mecha the Slag clicked on one of his tumblr posts because the IP's from tumblr and Facepunch matched at least 50 kilometers! At this point Max was so happy he masturbated himself to sleep that night yelling "case closed kiddo's" in his microphone while preparing to create dramatic readings.

It was never known who made the website, it doesn't really matter because Max became butthurt when it was made and that is hilarious as fuck. Eventually dox was posted of Max on the website in its header in a font size even a retard could not miss. Nothing really amazing and most info was already known but he proceeded to cry louder than Muslims yelling "Allah Akbar" when they are shooting people.

Two months later it ended, nobody really cared and Max made a total ass out of himself all the time.

MaxOfS2D versus Bronies

Max has a shitty Steam group full of 13 year olds that was full of bronies. Max, not being wanted to be associated with even more autism, decided to make the lives of these Bronies miserable by mocking their ponies which they furiously masturbate to each day even though he himself was a brony too for a short time, even doing ironic shit semi-erotic roleplays with his fans.

Bronies, being the most annoying pieces of shit lifeforms, went on their only home that is not their parent's basement to rape Max with feelings and think of very evil autistic plans to take down the baguette known as Max since they were very offended. This was because Max made a video telling a brony who stalked Max into the game server he was currently playing in at CS:GO to basically fuck off and kill himself and made a steam group announcement telling bronies to leave his group. Max proceeded kicking all bronies from his steam group and blocking both bronies and people who defended them, eliminating a huge chunk of cancer and autism and Max actually doing a good thing for once.

I always thought that MaxOfS2D was a decent french guy with awesome personality, but obviously enough by now, he's a complete moron. It depresses me how fast things can fall apart.

Did I mention that he BLOCKS people who defend bronies? According to him, last night over 100 account got blocked, and still more to come. Even that shows what kind of a coward he is.


Banned from Facepunch

During Max's time of being a moderator on Facepunch nothing made Max more butthurt than criticizing his moderator skills on Facepunch. Max's banhammer was ravaged and broken from how much it has been used to ban people posting "racist and hate-speech" while Max himself banned someone for being an "all-time sperg lord". If Max did not agree with your opinion on any topic in the Facepunch's Team Fortess 2 subforum then you were doomed to be banned. He also did not hesitate to make fun of you if your videos or screenshots were worse than his, everyone is obviously as good as Max right?

Hilarity ensued when Max was eventually b& for talking about misogyny and sexism in video games for the millionth time, this finalized his transformation to become a Social Justice Warrior.

Here is some stuff that (would've) got you banned from Facepunch by the swift hand of the baguette:


Until recently, Max decided to follow in the footsteps of his fellow egotist Tom Preston and roleplay as a woman with numerous weird fetishes relating to large tits. As Hyperfortress, Max made near countless images and gifs of inflated pyro tits, before moving on to ruin valves official models when he shifted to Dota. The blog was eventually deleted right after The International 5 (where a bunch of nerds play dota to get 6 million bucks) and Max got depressed about running the blog, although he won't admit that he pretended to be a woman because he fears it will be "a mistake that will have negative consequences" (said mistake being that all his feminist buddies will ditch him for being a hypocrite)


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