Rosie O'Donnell

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Photo taken from a photo shoot where Rosie models for XXXXXXXXXL sized clothes.

Rosie O'Donnell is a fat, unattractive bull dyke "comedienne" with a mouth an anus the size of Alaska. (S)he has recently become a celebrity blogger after offering her insightful and educated opinion on various talk shows and subsequently being fired.

In his/her spare time, (s)he enjoys ramming dildos up his/her ass. His/her ass is reamed out due to the frequency that (s)he "rams." (S)he is now forced to use larger items such as Pine Mountain logs or Renée Zellweger's cock or even a few freight trains.

Rosie is the kind of person that would push a guy in a wheelchair down a flight of stairs, and laugh at him because she is a feminazi. (S)he supports the legalization of adult sexual contact with children, abortions at any stage of pregnancy, gay-marriages, and child-pornography, because they are all "civil rights." The fat cunt has children. Luckily,(S)he feeds them with milk. This makes niggers look bad. Mostly because grape drink doesn't give you automatic Diabetes. Rosie's chesticles are composed of fat instead of milk,so(S)he must dick-sneeze milk for her bastards.

The Rosie Loophole

Rule 34 clearly states that "If it exists, there is porn of it." Furthermoar, Rule 35 states that "If pr0n of it cannot be found it WILL be created".

Howevar, despite the NO EXCEPTIONS clause, anon will refuse when "34 on Rosie" is called. Technically, this is not breaking The Rules Of The Internet because anon is not denying that Rosie 34 exists, nor that it can be created. Like draft dodging conscientious objectors, they simply refuse to find, create and/or upload it.

Whole lotta Rosie... About missing Pics
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Rosie O'Donnell and Donald Trump

The Donald proves that you can troll a troll.

Rosie is currently in an ongoing feud with Donald Trump and, as of last Thursday, is being sued by Trump for defamation of character; believe it or not, TOW is to blame. [citation needed]

You see, one night the naive, rotund Rosie the Googled "The Donald" for flame ammo and ended up with a bunch of half-truths from his bio on Wikipedia. The next day on her TV show, "The View", she went on a butthurt tirade, flaming Trump with TOW 'facts' including stating that Trump is financially bankrupt (which he isn't).

In retaliation The Donald fired back with a lollercaust of insults and a lawsuit to relieve her lard-arse of all her money and bankrupt her; so in effect, TOW pwned that fat bitch.

Chinese Jokes

Rosie needs a translator.
A translator has been found!

Like all lesbians, O'Donnell hates the Chinese and regularly pokes fun at Chinks.

Sadly her grasp on English is worse than that of the average chink leading to much lulz.




Rosie shows off her L33T Chinese skills

A response to skills, with plentiful lulz

Internet tough gal

Rosie in her finest hour
Rosie just out of bed

Rosie has fucking lost it. Her blog has gone from arch-libtard all the way to something that can only be described as "anti thought".

Consider this nugget:


out in the bay there r no words really

80 % say conspiracy re jfk hmmmm

gonna get a ? of the day button this will b fun

maybe a graph pie chart something

dolphins a nudge from above 4 me"


—Rosie, Poetry?

Here is her harrowing account of W's plan to kill this rising star:

"President Bush almost killed me. It's true, and I have the scars to prove it — multiple scars that are part of the public record — you saw them in magazines and on my show, and you can see them on my blog frequently — no twelve year wait required.

It was 2000, and the Republican National Convention was on television. The whole affair felt something like a home invasion, with a chronically smirking and arrogant George W. Bush as ringleader. Not wishing to be robbed of my optimism and hope at the time — or to tumble into depression and despair — I shut off the TV and decided to go fishing.

I needed gear, so I went to the store and bought a few things, including a knife, which I used to cut the price tags off of the fishing poles.

Now, I could have stabbed myself 100 times in the hand and not managed to do the damage I did with that one poke to the inside of my middle finger. I went all out, though, and got everything — skin, ligaments, tendons, nerves. Maximum impact, including a particularly nasty staph infection that almost left me dead".


—Crazy bitch, She stabs herself after watching the RNC, thus W is to blame.

See Also

External Links

Rosie O'Donnell is part of a series on

Homosexual Deviants

Visit the Faggotry Portal for complete coverage.

Rosie O'Donnell is part of a series on Television.
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Rosie O'Donnell
is part of a series on Donald Trump.

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