R. Lee Ermey

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He will definitely fuck you up!
File:-US halfstaff sunset.jpg
In a show of respect, ED has its flag at half mast as a show of respect for R. Lee Ermey's passing

R. Lee Ermey was an older gentleman made up of about 35% badassery, 39% win, and 26% anger. Ermey has made a living out of rehabilitating scroungy fucks who, quite often, are completely disillusioned, unfunny, and unfit. As such, R. Lee Ermey is to be considered the ultimate tool when dealing with trolls; their tactics cannot block out his square-jawed fury, and his eyes have never been recorded blinking on film. AHH TENN SHUN!

IRL Tough Guy

Ermey was an outspoken IRL Tough Guy, having served in the U.S. Marine Corps in Vietnam for 14 months of his life, where he roamed the jungles, screaming at and killing AZN guys and raping their women. After sufficiently traumatizing Vietnamese families for generations, R. Lee Ermey went to Japan, serving two tours of duty, unleashing his righteous fury on all the Japanese soldiers. This is accepted as FACT by the world at large, although the timing doesn't really add up. In the 1970s, after decades of service and vitriolic abuse of painkillers, he was forcefully retired due to injuries sustained during GLORIOUS BATTLE.

After retirement, he took his IRL philosophies and successfully translated them onto the Silver Screen, spreading his message to trolls and internet fucktards on a scale never before possible.

Illustrious Movie Career

Since retiring from service, R. Lee Ermey has been in at least 100 movies, and plays the same fucking character in all of them. His roles include:

  • Angry Yelling Army Guy in Full Metal Jacket
  • Angry Yelling Army Guy in The Boys in Company C
  • Former Angry Yelling Army Guy in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre remakes.
  • Angry Yelling Army Guy in Purple Hearts
  • An Angry Yelling Person That is House's Daddy that is supposed to Explain why Gregory House is so fucked up
  • Angry Yelling Army Guy's Voice in The Simpsons, Toy Story, Spongebob, Batman: The Brave And The Bold and other Anime shit.
  • Dead Angry Yelling Army Guy in The Frighteners
  • Former Angry Yelling Army Guy, but with a shotgun in The Watch.

Teh Bravery

He can look into the eye of danger and not avert his gaze.


Musical Alternative

Why he is better than you

This is what waits for you if you deny any information in this section.
  • However tall you are, they don't stack shit that high.
  • You are not even a human fucking being. You are nothing but an unorganized grabastic piece of amphibian shit.
  • G-D loves him because he trained Marines IRL that made sure Heaven always had new souls.
  • As Wildcat, R. Lee Ermey stared into the Abyss before Batman and didn't blink. In fact, Ermey has a trophey from when he beat the Abyss in a staring contest.
  • It does not matter if you're a nigger, kike, wop or greaser. You are all equally worthless.
  • You're the kind of person that would fuck a guy in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him the reach-around.
  • You are the slimy little communist shit twinkletoe cocksucker who just signed his own death warrant.
  • You are unable to shit Tiffany cuff-links.
  • You climb obstacles like old people fuck.
  • The best part of you ran down the crack of your mama's ass and ended up as a brown stain on the mattress.
  • You will give your rifle a girl's name because this is the only pussy you people are going to get.
  • Do you suck dicks? (Obviously, yes.)
  • R. Lee Ermey doubts that you could get a Fat basement dweller to finish a Marine Corps Obstacle Course under time even if Pussy was guaranted in their doing it.
  • God Bless America.
  • He has your name, he has your ass. You will not laugh, you will not cry, you will learn by the numbers, he will teach you. You had best unfuck yourself...or...
  • He will unscrew your head and shit down your neck.
  • His videos are quotable.
  • He doesn't allow fried chicken and watermelon to be served on a daily basis in his mess hall
  • You can come over to his house and fuck his sister.
  • He has publicly stated that he has 6 stiff inches, from Colt Manufacturing LLC, that he'd like to put between the lips of every little Sissy bitch that avoided the Vietnam Draft by running to The Socialist Republic of Canuckistan.
  • Thanks to R. Lee Ermey: a non-basement dwelling generation was able to grow up knowing which was their weapon and which was their gun, which one was for killing and which one was for fun
  • If R. Lee Ermey had raised Americans instead of Mister Rodgers, TeleTubbies or any of the liberal brainwashing coming out that is called children's entertainment - Bronies wouldn't even be a thing and there'd be no need to make America great again.

Don't Ask, Don't Tell/Beating up English fockers

You're doing it wrong.
PWNED via Ermey's WOOD.

Ermey, as a completely fucking insane right-winger, has an extensive record of bashing the gay and Jewish communities, striving for a better tomorrow through the power of old man rage. Because of his long-practiced activism, he was challenged to an altercation by a young, to-this-day anonymous liberal britfag whose parents moved him to America. A quote from the young man's blog:

This old bigot is a detrement to society; i Swear I'm going to shoot him or somethin when he troks by Chicago.


Britfag of Chicago, apparently

On a tour for his involvement in the comedy Saving Silverman, sure enough, R. Lee Ermey stopped by Chicago, near enough to this asshole's neighborhood. Consequently, the crumpet-jockey threw a rock at Ermey, who proceeded to whip out a fucking nightstick and make him pay... or so one would think. The police report claims that Ermey shoved the young kipper-sucking faggot into the sharp corner of a heavy table, resulting in a crimson gash across his face.

Selling Out for Car Insurance

Our hero one day turned over 9000 years old, and decided that he wasn't filthy rich enough from acting to take his fortune to the afterlife with him, so he went to Geico. Geico decided it would be funny to have him play the role of a therapist, using washed-out versions of his old insults; instead of calling somebody a stupid piss-powered ball polisher mongoloid and threatening to skullfuck them, they opted to have him call people crybabies and Jackwagons.

The elusive Jackwagon.

So for now the ballad of R. Lee Ermey is at a lull; there is a strong belief that he will one day return to graetness in a big way.

Fired From Geiko For Telling The Truth About The Obama Admin

Selling Out To Glock Firearms

Selling Out To Wonderful Pistachios

Other IRL Tough Guys


See Also

  • Army
  • G-D: Thanks to his training of disciplined and well motivated Marines many of the Vietnamese discovered that Buddhism was a joke and the Judeo-Christian faith was the correct one when North Vietnamese soldiers found themselves standing before G-D thanks to a hole that suddenly appeared in their chest.
  • Guns
  • USMC: Uncle Sam's Model Children
  • Vietnam
  • World War II

External Links

R. Lee Ermey is part of a series on Television.
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Featured article August 9 & 10, 2012
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Featured article April 24 & 25, 2018
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