Peter Sotos

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Peter Sotos is a world-renowned pedophile and 'transgressive' author, and quite possibly the worst person in the world. The first person in the United States to be arrested for child pornography, he is the idol of every /b/tard. He is sometimes acredited as the modern-day Sade, hailed as exploring the dark psyche of serial killers when he is really writing, by his own admission, his personal fantasies. Popular themes include loli raep, murder, and forcible sodomy


Sotos was responsible for the creation of a short-lived magazine called 'Pure', the first publication to deal with serial killers. The second issue was nearly its last when its cover was found to be a photocopy from a CP magazine. Sotos was arrested for obscenity, possession of child pornography, and being a goddamn pedophile. The case was eventually dropped. The collected three issues of Pure, sans CP and including an extensive interview is available on Amazon. See bottom links.


Child abuse is a sublime pleasure. All the great extremes, genital torture, forced unlubricated rape, butchering; all these pleasures and more reach their pinnacle when the victim is a small child. The orifices are extremely tight and usually virgin, an absolute joy to mangle, rip and violate. The pained screams ring more shrill, more impassioned, unhampered from years of growing up fat and jaded. Virgin territory brings the fresh cries and intense reactions of crushed and forever retarded innocence. There is an added pleasure in child torture, a pleasure that lives on even after the child lay dead and rotting. Parents. The pain of the parents allows the libertine to forever enjoy his crimes. Little kidlings are precious to parents, their lives become meaningful and important because of the little bundle of love that bounces on their knees. Their grief and sense of loss is immense when their tiny gifts from god are destroyed, Their entire lives crumble and break. An excruciating pain that becomes omnipotent as the child's memory is rendered burdensome due to the brutality and masterful eloquence of the dominant.


"My father didn't molest me, and neither did my mother for that matter. My brothers and sisters are fine"-from Selfish; Little

"I recommend any pornography featuring retarded people"- from Proxy

"The internet is a series of links and files that teaches you how to masturbate at badly captured poses." -From his book "Selfish; Little" maybe he is onto something

"All girls are waiting to become waitresses. All waitresses are waiting to become mothers" -from Show Adult




Peter used to be in a hugely overrated noise band with a couple of britfags. He left in 2003. Whitehouse broke up last thursday

Peter looking pretty kewl performing with whitehouse

See Also

External Links

Peter Sotos is part of a series on
UnV& Pedophiles [-+]

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