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Of course he has a donate button since he's too fucking lazy to get a job.

Of all the whiny self-entitled brats that dwell and roam on tumblr, none take the cake as much as Post-Teenager (Kenneth Nishamura). Post-Teenager is an edgy weed smoking, Azn, pseudo-intellectual, Fat and Lazy, transgendered communist, along with being an unemployed NEET weeaboo brony living with a friend of his and mooching of them while not paying the rent in the apartment they share together. Long having to cease becoming a normal and functional person to society, he was a former brony musician and a damn failure at it, realizing how much of a failure he has become, along with slowly radicalizing far left political views, he decided to stick the tranny communist gig to get attention and money, which was already done. He considers his tumblr addiction to be his job, along with getting in arguments with other tumblr users who disagree with his edgy leftist views. He cannot argue or debate period, rather instead resorting to memes, Steven Universe gif sets as "responses", insults, and "facts" that he either made up on the spot or got from far-left media outlets. Anybody who disagrees with Post-Teenager is automatically a bigot in his eyes, even other communists have disowned him for the shit he's done and being an overall douchebag.

You get to sleep all day 6 feet under too!

According to Post-Teenager, anybody who disagrees with him is a fascist and must listen to his incoherent ramblings about why they're wrong and why he's always right, even when facts are posted against him. Then again, it's also safe to say that he's most the time he's posting his ramblings on tumblr, he's high while doing it. Even then when he's not high on drugs, he still doesn't understand that under communist rule in many countries, you couldn't be a jobless moocher spending all day on tumblr whining about everything, which further shows his great lack of any self-awareness, most of which has been dulled by his continual weed or crack smoking.

WORKERS OF THE WORLD, UNITE! Except me, I don't need to work.

The ugly tranny himself.

Post-Teenager is a devout follower of Karl Marx and his work, The Communist Manifesto. Along with his obsession with communism and far left political views, it's hilarious that he chooses not to work, rather instead he spends all day on tumblr bitching about everything. Especially capitalism and his hatred for the free market or anybody who disagrees with him. According to an account from a Kiwi Farms user on a thread regarding Post-Teenager, it's revealed that he's a rude and cruel control freak with no interest in working at all and demands respect for simply being a tranny, despite still looking like a dude. Post-Teenager is also cool with Shoplifting, thinking it's lifting a middle finger to the big evil meanie corporations keeping poor tumblr users in poverty. Despite all the evidence that shows Post-Teenager is a horrible person, he's still convinced that he's in the right for being against capitalism, routinely bullying and insulting people who disagree with his worldviews and then cries oppression. His lack of backbone and thin skin have made him an easy target for sane people, along with actual Nazis, because of 1 or 2 Nazis, or Nazi sympathizers trolling or responding to him, he is under the impression everybody against him is a Nazi.

Ok. I figured I had left this community, but I lurk occasionally still. And this thread caught my eye.


Believe it or not, I used to know Post-Teenager IRL. We've known each other for years, since before she came out as trans. I'm a little bit wary in posting this, as she knows some things about my power level and she's a very vindictive, hateful human being, but I think some things need to be said.

She is in fact half Japanese, half White, and her family is very well to do. She currently lives with a friend that she has mooched a great deal off of, finally got a job after proclaiming to me several times during our friendship that "my blog is my job," and now they struggle to pay the rent, supposedly. I don't know the details, we stopped talking because she essentially used me and was incredibly cruel and emotionally abusive to me.

There is a lot of her blog that is just her outright trolling. But let me be clear. This is all stuff she absolutely believes. She has stated IRL, several times, that she in general "hates people" and that she truly thinks that violence towards white people and "fascists" is the answer. In her mind, "fascists" is anyone that she disagrees with.

IRL, she can actually be very charming, witty, and an absolute darling to be around, although she is definitely a bit of a spazz and has to place herself in alternative subcultures. People should not be fooled though. I was so willing to wear rose colored glasses that I didn't see the red flags that she had basically outed herself as a psychopath that has little to no empathy for others.

Post-Teenager has always been someone that speaks controversially, seemingly for attention. I rekindled a friendship with her this year before our falling out hoping she had grown up, but unfortunately, the reality is she only got worse, and found a place that feeds into this pathological attention seeking in the worst way. Post-Teenager is an appropriate moniker more than anyone here would have thought.

Post-Teenager has done things like embarrass me in front of a bunch of people at a house party by rejecting my gift of Rose Quartz (because she liked Steven Universe so much) and acting out about, "EWWWW GET THAT NEW AGE, HIPPY CRAP AWAY FROM ME!"

Post-Teenager has said things to insult my specific mental illness (BPD) in very abusive ways, and seemingly had no more empathy for me after I reached the point I needed a lot of emotional support, and my emotions were found to be annoying and inconvenient to her.

Post-Teenager has said fucked up things like denying that the genocide of political prisoners in North Korea is happening or has happened in the past. During this particular debate, which happened while she was actually sitting in the very chair I'm in now, when I stated that I believed forced abortion to be one of the worst things women in those kinds of countries had to go through, she sneered derisively at me and stated, "Ugh, if you think that's the worst thing that's ever happened to women, you're an ignorant liberal" and made me cry.

I mean, there's honestly so much fucked up shit. Going through the skype logs now is pretty emotional, because its just so obvious that she never really cared unless I was giving her attention that she liked. I'm not proud of a lot of things I said, and a lot of the ways I was unrepentantly clingy towards her because of my mental health issues, I'm not trying to claim I was a saint or that I'm totally normal and well adjusted, because I'm absolutely not.

But the facts are the facts, this blog is not a troll. This is a real person, a real person with abusive potential, and a clear lack of empathy for others that do not constantly praise her. I'm considering publishing some of the skype logs relating to her admitting things like, "All transphobes should be killed and I'm not sorry." I may not though.

I don't want to give her fodder to doxx me, or otherwise try to bite back, and the fact is most things in my skype logs relating to her hateful stance are things that she will put on her blog these days, though she seems to have toned down harassing other people and saying things like "fascists should be pushed into traffic."

Speaking of harassment though, I actually have been going around and sending some messages to the people that Post-Teenager will harass, trying to explain that they should really just not regard her as its her intention to be antagonistic and get any kind of attention.

One of the more screwed up ones I recently encountered was a lesbian blogger that attempted to explain why a trauma related reason for her not dating trans women is not transmisogynistic. Post-Teenager set off such a campaign of harassing her over being transmisogynistic that she was incredibly upset. Of course, after explaining in detail she was raped when she was 9 years old and cannot control her trauma, Post-Teenager immediately deflected to something completely different to try and ding her for "ableism" or something.

She is actually pretty smart, very well read in Marxist theory, but her techniques are from her own admission actually from Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals

In particular, she likes to follow through on this point: "RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)"

In conclusion, this is absolutely real and its about as deranged and worrisome as you all think. She is an abusive individual that absolutely believes in her perceived superiority over everyone else. She's a tyrant and I advise anyone remotely interested in Marxism to stay far, far away, because she has no bones about hurting her own comrades if they're not "red" enough.


—A Kiwi Farms user recalling being friends IRL with Post-Teenager, this explains a lot about his views.

Derpy Grooves, the failed brony musician

Bruh you also smoke weed?

Post-Teenager used to be known as Derpy Grooves. Under this name he made Fanfiction, music, and remixes of other horrid brony songs. He never got as big as some brony musicians such as The Living Tombstone. From 2012 to early 2015, he was just another low life brony with no talent. He even had a shitty pony OC that looked exactly like him and had a fucking Rasta cap on. His fanfictions were garbage, like all fanfictions ever written, no effort put into it at all, and His "music" was like every other brony musician's, bland, unoriginal, boring, and sounding almost exactly the same as everybody else's. He made only one album called "Don't even trip", and quit afterwards, which isn't surprising considering he did this all for money and attention. You can listen to his only album he ever put effort to below, WARNING EAR RAPE:

Eventually, as he lost followers and friends because people moved on from their ponyfag phase and realized there are more important things in life than cartoon horses and their fedoras, he decided to rebrand himself a radical commie in order to keep the attention flowing, which happened around the same time he started radicalizing his political views, he slowly started going more left with his political views everyday, which could most likely be blamed on tumblr and/or friends who joined the cult of feminism and Social Justice.


Even as a brony he was demanding and cruel to people, demanding one person to make a commission for him while being an all around jackass to him at the same time. As evident by the comment he left on one user's page, along with being disowned by friends as he slowly lost his followers.


After being exposed for the tranny faggot he is by kiwifarms, ken fled to the-church-of-no-recess, which has pictures of himself going back to 2014. Even without that, the content is pretty telling of his "style."

Ken, redistributing his posts to himself.

Post-Teenager's foes

Running Republican

Post-Teenager has quite a bit of friends and foes on tumblr, while his friends are all the same "CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE SHITLORD!" type of SJW basement dwellers, his foes are quite well known for literally reking the crap out of Post-Teenager nearly 100% of the time, or cause so much great butthurt, that causes Post-Teenager to block them.

Post-Teenager's arch nemesis.
How every argument between Running Republican and Post-Teenager goes.

By far, this is Post-Teenager's arch-nemesis and biggest thorn in his wannabe tranny ass. Running Republican is the epitome of everything Post-Teenager hates. A fit and healthy Ron Paul fangirl, soldier with the US Army, and Successful white cis hetero male who understands economics and how things work better than Post-Teenager ever would. Due to Post-Teenager being a failure at life and never going to college, it's hard for him make a comeback against this based man. He's had so many encounters with him that RR decided to have a tag dedicated to all his debates that wound up with one butthurt Azn bawwwwwlocking him. Post-Teenager is convinced that Running Republican is a racist and sexist man who hates LGBT people simply based on his political views, and kills and rapes innocent civilians for being a soldier in the army. Running Republican is also the founder of freeblr, a group of tumblr users who love Murica and freedom, and are also detested by nearly every tumblr Social Justice Warrior because they don't bow down to their leftist cult, and in return, they're jealous of freeblr's sanity and ability to not fall for everything they read on the internet. After getting schooled in economics so many times by Running Republican, Post-Teenager, in his great butthurt state he's always in, blocked him in order to keep his hugbox intact, along with a lot of Running Republican's followers under the typical guise of "OMG THEY'RE RACIST!!!!.


His infamous black knight icon spells doom for Post-Teenager and every tumblr SJW.

Many veteran tumblr users, whether SJ retards or completely mundane individuals, know of logicd, the based tumblr user who dispensed his wisdom via shitposting and caused at least 50, if not more, SJ blogs to deactivate because of his shitposting skills. Many assumed that Post-Teenager for the longest time, was a troll blog run by logicd. After logicd was banned twice, then the story was different, along with Post-Teenager's history as a failed brony musician beforehand and his selfies proved that it wasn't logicd, who runs a SJ troll blog taken seriously by tumblrinas. Either way, Logicd's wisdom is enough to cause PT to cower in fear of him, along with getting tumblrinas and everyone else wondering what his troll blog he runs is called.

See Also

External links

Post-Teenager is part of a series on

Social Justice

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Post-Teenager is related to a series on AZNS. [Domo ArigatoHerrow]
More Dangerous Than They Look

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Noted Tyrants

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Cam Whores

@OzcultAyuka NaritaBiostudentgirlEelgirlEmotion EricHard GayLittle FattyTila TequilaTubgirlThe Wine KoneTrap-kunXiao RishuYuri Kochiyama


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Musical Endeavors


Me No Rikey Velly Much

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Azn Stuff

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Post-Teenager is part of a series on My Little Pony

Featured article September 24 and 25, 2015
Preceded by
Vegan Gains
Post-Teenager Succeeded by
Kevin Johnson