Southern Dingo

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Southern Dingo is a Retarded White Supremacist from TheRalphRetort, who (for awhile) championed Ethan Ralph as a supporter of the "Pro-White Movement", dispite the fact that Ethan was originally on the liberal side of Gaymergayt, never voted for Trump, and had a Pakistani Wife. He's basically a Massive White Nationalist Sperg Retard who Sucked Ralphs Micro-Chode, until he realise ralph was disingenuous as hell, and stopped serving him.

To His Credit...

He does hate pedos; so that's good.

Appearances on the Killstream

Southern Dingo Disavows Ethan Ralph

After Dingo got butthurt that Ethan Ralph let a Jew on, he decided to go on a rant about how he does more for the White Community than Ethan Ralph does, which resulted in this fine audio clip right here. LOL JEWTUBE FAGFLAGGED IT

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Dingo VS Matt Jarbo & Phantom Organization

Eventually, Dingo decided to go on the Stream of Jabba the Almighty Boulder King and talked to him about The Gunt along with various other things. However, it all fell apart because dingo cant have a sane conversation for more than 10 minutes (if at all). Then Phantom Organization came on, and things just went down hill, for dingo (lol), from there.

Here is the autism bomb Southern Dingo let off onto Boulder Talk

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Possible Homosexual?

As you have seen from the multitude of videos shown, Southern Dingo is very quick to call other people out as gay. Why is that: he's a Gay White Nationalist, there's no other answer. Why would he be so insecure about his own sexuality if he isnt a fuckin fabulous faggot himself.

See Also


Southern Dingo
is part of a series on
The New Right Reich

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Southern Dingo is part of a series on National Socialists
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Southern Dingo is part of a series on
Gay Republicans