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2010 cat
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[[:Image:Worsethangoatse.jpg| I like gab, you should too.]]
'''{{PAGENAME}}''' was a great year for ED in regards to publicity. However, this was the last year when the internet wasn't completely garbage yet like it is now in {{CURRENTYEAR}}. Also, our comrade [[ODB]] became an hero; RIP.
Need a recap of what happened [[2009|last year]]? We've got you covered.
==Drama and Events from {{PAGENAME}}==
[[Image:Watt-satire.jpg|thumb|right|Watt is satire?]]
*Aboriginal page found by a [[Steve Hodder-Watt|local ape]].
:The [[Australia]]n Media [http://www.smh.com.au/technology/technology-news/google-agrees-to-take-down-racist-site-{{PAGENAME}}0115-maxd.html goes apeshit] over the Aboriginal article. [[Some argue]] it was [[User:Bunbajee|Bunbajee]] who tipped the media off. Needless to say, he was [[Banhammer|richly rewarded for his efforts.]]
*[[Australia]] bans girls with small breasts and female ejaculation
:Oops, you're a pedo!
*[[Dramasetter]] arrested
:Broadcasted live to you in [[EQ2]]'s Nagafen server!
*[[drp1zza]]'s [[Drpizza#Feline_AIDS|kittytrolled]]
:lol, aids.
*[[Ellie Light]] defends [[Obama]]
:Emails bomb towns and cities across [[America]].
*[[Firefox XPS IRC Attack]] launched by [[GNAA|gay niggers]]
:[[Freenode]] destroyed. Again.
*[[Girl on the Internet Syndrome]] published
:New disease discovered and treatment recommended.
*[[Haiti]] blows the fuck up.
:Starting the year off right.
*[[iPad]] announced.
:Wait... that's really what they're calling it?
*[[Jay Leno]] trolled
:Conan O'Brien takes his $32 million and STILL makes Jay Leno look like a douchebag
*[[Mill Park Tree]] destroyed
:And one of the criminals who did it was never arrested :(
*[[Polandball]] meme spread
:[[Krautchan]] teaches us about Poland's inability to space
*[[Shadow]] beheaded
:A tangled web is unravelled as we all try to find out whodunnit.
*[[Weev]] elected president of a reunited [[GNAA]]
:Good things are gonna come and that's all that I can say.
*[[Angie The Atheist]] tweets her [[abortion]] live.
:Shockingly, the internet is unimpressed.
*[[Dramatic Times]] founded.
:It's ED in ur inbox.
*[[Mickyy Moo]] is named the "Queen of the [[Trolls]]"
*[[Epic Beard Man]] beats the shit out of a black kid on a bus
:fanny pack boosts strength
*[[Facebook login]] problems cause widespread meltdown
*[[Fat Man]] trolls [[sp|/sp/]]
:/sp/ trolls Fat Man.
*[[Grace Saunders]] joins the ED scene
:He eats his fruits and veggies
*[[Jim Bunning]] takes a stand for the American taxpayer
:Pisses off the media, Democrats, Republicans, Jon Stuart
*[[Nodar Kumaritashvili]] starts the Olympics off right
:gets blamed for not being able to turn
*[[Operation Titstorm]] happens.
:[[Anonymous]] fights [[Australia]]n censorship.
*[[Pennsylvania Pedo Cam]]
:turns a new chapter in e-lawyer history
*[[Robot Unicorn Attack]] fags up the internet
:/v/ destroyed
*[[VampiricSpektor]] throws a fit all over youtube
:[[Cyberbullying]] experts on YouTube [[taking down ED]]. Again.
*[[Verizon]] blocks access to [[4chan]]
:Millions bored.
*[[STOFlames]] and ''Star Trek Online'' open
:Supposed to be the hip new MMO spot... right?
*[[Alexis Pilkington Syndrome]] occurs
:Cyberbullying activist attention whores cream themselves
*[[Angel Locsin]] throws a fit on [[twitter]] about [[ED]]
:700,000 [[phillipines|very ugly people]] curse us.
*[[Australian Media ED Interview|An anonymous sysop]] interviewed by [[Australia]]n media
:taking the five people who read it to school.
*[[Cheeseburger Josh]] wants his fucking cheeseburger
:gets taunted and then embarrassed on worldwidewebs
*[[Christian Spanking Blogs]] discovered
:laughed at
*[[Deeker]] discovered
*[[Dogo Nahawa Massacre]] occurs in Niger.
:About 500 Christians, mostly women and children, butchered with machetes by Muslims. Complicity suspected from the military as they allowed it to happen and did not intervene.
*[[Gorgeous George]] files a [[lolsuit]] against three [[goon]]s.
:Ed Lollington expected to laugh it out of court.
*[[Joseph Evers]] contacted by Australian Human Rights Commission over abo article
:[http://www.blog.encyclopediadramatica.com/?p=84 Response], later covered by ninemsn and CBS news.
*[[moot]] gets sick of [[Kimmo Alm]]
:Sicks his doggs
*Obamacare bill passed, causing [[Health Care Rage]]
:ED on the scene to cover sweaty political bloggers.
*[[Parry Aftab]] goes on the Today Show
:Trolling's been a felony for 4 years!
*[[Quiptxt Day]]
:Think twice before sending your nudes over iPhone. Or anything for that matter.
*[[Real Life Super Hero]]s enter the scene, showing us just how [[Virgin|tragic life can be]].
:[[Ediots]] aren't much better, but at least we (mostly) don't wear spandex.
*[[Trololo]] bullshit
:I just don't get it
*[[Vampiricspektor]] buttdances his way into our hearts
:I ''hate'' faggots.
*[[Derek Smart]] obtains Quest Online, USI grows
:Have fun developing a game that less than 30 people play!
*[[Boobquake]] trolls Muslims
:causes earthquake
*[[Brenlo]] fired from [[SOE]]
:Trying to hide the fact that he was cheating on his wife, real info hit EQ2Flames like [[911|planes and towers]]
*[[Deeker]] featured
:Site 404s shortly after, after being up for 15 years.
*[[Deepwater Horizon]] oil spill
:I think that we shouldn't have oil spills, but no one ever listens to me
*[[Fergie Olver]] goes viral
:Were you creeped out by the Family Feud guy always kissing everyone? Now imagine if those contestants were ages 7-12.
*[[Fuckin Magnets]]
:How do they work?
*[[Kate's Birthday]]
:<font size=1>[fake]</font> Social event of the year! You're invited! And you're invited!
*[[KFC Double Down]] released
*[[Iceland Volcano {{PAGENAME}}]] erupts
:not internet related, whatever
*[[Ministry of lol]] returns
:Badder, blacker
*[[MissHannahMinx]] article on TOW
:Yay fanboys!
*[[Pandas]] vandalize the Catholic church amid more pedophilia accusations
:I blame the Jews
*[[Polish crash]] kills President of [[Poland]]
:and 84 other government officials
:all over your facebook-->
*[[Rainbow blinkies]] ruined by HTML people after [http://boingboing.net/{{PAGENAME}}/04/08/blink-tag-considered.html getting rid of blinking from HTML code]
:Good night, sweet prince
*[[Randi Harper]] AGAIN
:3 years later and she still hasn't learned
*[[South Park]] trolls [[Muslim]]s again
:[[Revolution Muslim]] trolls back
*[[The Human Centipede]] released
:Omg it's so gross don't watch it!!1
*Torrential rainfall pwns [[Tennessee]]
*[[Jack Bauer|24]], [[Lost]], [[Law and Order]] end
:the latter features [[moot]] causing some terrorism
*[[Catherine Deveny]] recommends sex to 11-year-old girl
:Worse than that, she's a liberal
:Dio's fans have a tough time "stomaching" his death, ha-ha
*[[DrMusic2]], the werejohncandy, tagged and bagged.
:No fucking idea
*[[Everybody Draw Mohammed Day]]
:Molly Norris creates event, pussies out.
*[[Freedom Flotilla]]
*[[Gary Coleman]] died
*[[Lawrence Taylor]] [[rape|mistreats]] a 16-year-old girl
:In Soviet Russia, [[Jake Brahm|football messes with you]]!
* Muslims, ever butthurt, attack some [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lars_Vilks Swede].
:JihadJane would be proud.
*[[Operation Dusty Trail]]
:More cat abuse, more resulting ruin
*[[Paramore]] accidentally tweets her tits
:[[Vanessa Hudgens]] 2.0
*[[Soulja Boy]] rips off [[Death Note]]
:Crank that weeaboo
*[[Teen Werewolf]]s!
:on ur news, furrying ur scene kids
*[[U413]]'s Alex Ford is on the scene
*[[Unabrower]] fails at bombmaking
:Get it? Unabrower? hehe
:Autistic cartoonist-wannabe threatens critics with shotguns.
[[File:Freeweev.jpg|thumb|FREE [[Weev|WEEV]]]]
*[[Aaron Williams]] exposed.
:Gay pedophilia is no laughing matter
*[[Are You Serious?]]
*[[Callum Stockley]] dies of a video game related death.
:''Believed'' to have [[Lies|accidentally hanged himself]]
*Cheer up [[Keanu Reeves]] day.
:I don't get it but w/e
*[[Derrick Bird]] goes <s>postal</s> [[Travis Bickle]] in the [[England|land of no handguns]].
:Butthurt ensues because he doesn't use the traditional pwning method of broken beer bottles and steel-toe Doc Martens.
*[[G20 Toronto Lollercaust]]
*[[Goatse Security]] leads to [[weev]]'s arrest
:AT&T did weev, never 4get
*[[Lyor Cohen]] from [[WMG]] is the skeevy Jew who [[DMCA|ruins]] all your [[YouTube]]s.
:He handed over boocoo [[Jew Gold]]s to have his ED article ethnically cleansed from [[Jewgle]]. This was relevant to [[Anon]]'s interests.
*[[Ruddkips]] nudged out of office
:[[Stephen Conroy]] expected to be next
*[[Vuvuzela]] debuts in the {{PAGENAME}} World Cup and /b/
*[[Boo]] dies
:[[CWC]] trolls' favorite internet dog gets much mourning.
*[[Blizzard]] announces upcoming [[Real ID]]
:Bricks were shat
*[[Faust]] travels to Canada.
:For [[ED IRC]] love with [[Pory]].
*[[Gawker]] and [[Adrien Chen]] realize an easy way to make money
:Insult 4chan, get pageviews from 4chan, get cash, repeat.
*[[Gloria Tesch]] discovered
:When did Jessi Slaughter write a book?
*[[Jessi Slaughter]] debacle
:Consequences, never be the same, etc.
*[[Mel Gibson]] hates women, niggers, asians
:Jews, hispanics, catholics, arabs, mormons, Communists
*[[Operation Earl Grey]]
:Oregon teapartiers take the We Are Legion slogan, bricks are shat.
*[[Paul]] the Octopus is undefeated
:Soccer proven pointless.
*[[Raoul Moat]]
:lol, murderers.
*[[World Cup]], world cup, world cup
:So many tempo-memes.
=== August ===
*[[Alvin Greene]] arrested.
:Pedonig, away.
*[[Antoine Dodson]]
:Saves his sister from rape, gets ridiculed by the world.
:KAWAII cat gets discarded, caught in the act by hidden camera, ruination follows.
*[[ED Singers]]
:[[Disgraced]] after she drops her nudes and cries when people talk bad about her.
:The whole world is shit.
=== September ===
[[File:Majora's Mask creepy Link statue.png|thumb|BEN will haunt you forever.]]
*[[Chris Armstrong]] wins student body election at University of Michigan
:Stalked by state attorney general for the crime of being gay. Thankfully we have straight men in office willing to learn everything they can about the homosexual menace.
*[[Duke Nukem Forever]] trolls fans again
*[[Hack is Wack!]]
:Snoop Dogg is not a fan of cybercrime.
*[[Haunted Majora's Mask Cartridge]]
:You shouldn't have done that...
*[[Puppy Pitcher]]
:People do not fucking learn about abusing animals and posting it on the internet.
*[[Tyler Clementi]] outed as gay
:Jumps off a bridge, the only reasonable reaction.
*[[William J. Lashua]] turns 90
:[[Reddit]] and [[b/|/b/]] send unwelcome well wishes.
*''[[Final Fantasy XIV]]'' released
:Turns out to be the worst new MMORPG released of all time.
*[[Eingee.com]] spams [[EQ2Flames]].
:Chinese gold-farmers get DDOS'd and spammed with ''Bass Masters Online''.
=== October ===
*[[Imperial Stars]] cause a traffic jam party to promote their bad music
*'''[[MLP|My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic released]]'''
:[[Raep|Ponyfags get unleashed!]]
*[[OldDirtyBtard]] goes to get the exclusive scoop from [[Mitchell Henderson]]
:([[slowpoke|That means he committed suicide]].)
*[[The Rent Is Too Damn High]]
*[[Giants Riot]]
:So you're incredibly happy about your team winning its first world series. Let's loot some shit!
*[[The Troll Hunter|A mysterious, masked vigilante]] emerges on [[YouTube]], declaring war on trolls and cyberbullies in the name of his hero, infamous Internet [[lolcow]], [[Christian Weston Chandler]].
:[[Shit nobody cares about|He is ignored by all, especially Chris-Chan]].
*[[Wikileaks]] dumps a fuckton of stuff
*[[David Tanny]] trolled hardcore
:Other members of the dementia community leak his music, including songs about dickgirls.
*[[Venomfangx]] returns to Youtube triumphantly! Thankfully this time around he brought less Christfaggotry but consequentially and sadly less drama for everyone to enjoy.
==See also==
{{Timeline|Dramatic Years|[[2009]]|{{PAGENAME}}|[[2011]]}}

Latest revision as of 04:21, 1 February 2023

2010 is part of a series on Time

The Current Year


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2010 was a great year for ED in regards to publicity. However, this was the last year when the internet wasn't completely garbage yet like it is now in 2024. Also, our comrade ODB became an hero; RIP. Need a recap of what happened last year? We've got you covered.

Drama and Events from 2010


Watt is satire?
The Australian Media goes apeshit over the Aboriginal article. Some argue it was Bunbajee who tipped the media off. Needless to say, he was richly rewarded for his efforts.
  • Australia bans girls with small breasts and female ejaculation
Oops, you're a pedo!
Broadcasted live to you in EQ2's Nagafen server!
lol, aids.
Emails bomb towns and cities across America.
Freenode destroyed. Again.
New disease discovered and treatment recommended.
Starting the year off right.
Wait... that's really what they're calling it?
Conan O'Brien takes his $32 million and STILL makes Jay Leno look like a douchebag
And one of the criminals who did it was never arrested :(
Krautchan teaches us about Poland's inability to space
A tangled web is unravelled as we all try to find out whodunnit.
  • Weev elected president of a reunited GNAA
Good things are gonna come and that's all that I can say.


Shockingly, the internet is unimpressed.
It's ED in ur inbox.
fanny pack boosts strength
/sp/ trolls Fat Man.
He eats his fruits and veggies
Pisses off the media, Democrats, Republicans, Jon Stuart
gets blamed for not being able to turn
Anonymous fights Australian censorship.
turns a new chapter in e-lawyer history
/v/ destroyed
Cyberbullying experts on YouTube taking down ED. Again.
Millions bored.
Supposed to be the hip new MMO spot... right?


Cyberbullying activist attention whores cream themselves
700,000 very ugly people curse us.
taking the five people who read it to school.
gets taunted and then embarrassed on worldwidewebs
laughed at
About 500 Christians, mostly women and children, butchered with machetes by Muslims. Complicity suspected from the military as they allowed it to happen and did not intervene.
Ed Lollington expected to laugh it out of court.
  • Joseph Evers contacted by Australian Human Rights Commission over abo article
Response, later covered by ninemsn and CBS news.
Sicks his doggs
ED on the scene to cover sweaty political bloggers.
Trolling's been a felony for 4 years!
Think twice before sending your nudes over iPhone. Or anything for that matter.
Ediots aren't much better, but at least we (mostly) don't wear spandex.
I just don't get it
I hate faggots.
Have fun developing a game that less than 30 people play!


causes earthquake
Trying to hide the fact that he was cheating on his wife, real info hit EQ2Flames like planes and towers
Site 404s shortly after, after being up for 15 years.
I think that we shouldn't have oil spills, but no one ever listens to me
Were you creeped out by the Family Feud guy always kissing everyone? Now imagine if those contestants were ages 7-12.
How do they work?
[fake] Social event of the year! You're invited! And you're invited!
not internet related, whatever
Yay fanboys!
  • Pandas vandalize the Catholic church amid more pedophilia accusations
I blame the Jews
and 84 other government officials
Good night, sweet prince
3 years later and she still hasn't learned
Revolution Muslim trolls back
Omg it's so gross don't watch it!!1


the latter features moot causing some terrorism
Worse than that, she's a liberal
Dio's fans have a tough time "stomaching" his death, ha-ha
  • DrMusic2, the werejohncandy, tagged and bagged.
No fucking idea
Molly Norris creates event, pussies out.
In Soviet Russia, football messes with you!
  • Muslims, ever butthurt, attack some Swede.
JihadJane would be proud.
More cat abuse, more resulting ruin
Vanessa Hudgens 2.0
Crank that weeaboo
on ur news, furrying ur scene kids
  • U413's Alex Ford is on the scene
Get it? Unabrower? hehe
Autistic cartoonist-wannabe threatens critics with shotguns.


Gay pedophilia is no laughing matter
Believed to have accidentally hanged himself
I don't get it but w/e
Butthurt ensues because he doesn't use the traditional pwning method of broken beer bottles and steel-toe Doc Martens.
AT&T did weev, never 4get
He handed over boocoo Jew Golds to have his ED article ethnically cleansed from Jewgle. This was relevant to Anon's interests.
Stephen Conroy expected to be next
  • Vuvuzela debuts in the 2010 World Cup and /b/
CWC trolls' favorite internet dog gets much mourning.


Bricks were shat
For ED IRC love with Pory.
Insult 4chan, get pageviews from 4chan, get cash, repeat.
When did Jessi Slaughter write a book?
Consequences, never be the same, etc.
Jews, hispanics, catholics, arabs, mormons, Communists
Oregon teapartiers take the We Are Legion slogan, bricks are shat.
  • Paul the Octopus is undefeated
Soccer proven pointless.
lol, murderers.
So many tempo-memes.


Pedonig, away.
Saves his sister from rape, gets ridiculed by the world.
KAWAII cat gets discarded, caught in the act by hidden camera, ruination follows.
Disgraced after she drops her nudes and cries when people talk bad about her.
The whole world is shit.


BEN will haunt you forever.
Stalked by state attorney general for the crime of being gay. Thankfully we have straight men in office willing to learn everything they can about the homosexual menace.
Snoop Dogg is not a fan of cybercrime.
You shouldn't have done that...
People do not fucking learn about abusing animals and posting it on the internet.
Jumps off a bridge, the only reasonable reaction.
Reddit and /b/ send unwelcome well wishes.
Turns out to be the worst new MMORPG released of all time.
Chinese gold-farmers get DDOS'd and spammed with Bass Masters Online.


Ponyfags get unleashed!
(That means he committed suicide.)


So you're incredibly happy about your team winning its first world series. Let's loot some shit!
He is ignored by all, especially Chris-Chan.


Other members of the dementia community leak his music, including songs about dickgirls.
  • Venomfangx returns to Youtube triumphantly! Thankfully this time around he brought less Christfaggotry but consequentially and sadly less drama for everyone to enjoy.

See also

is part of a series on

The History of Encyclopedia Dramatica
[Seal ThemOpen the Records]

Dramatic Years
Preceded by
2010 Succeeded by