Whale Safe Beer

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Whale Safe Beer will be posted by the same
unfunny newfag until you like it.

In July 1855 a Cape Cod fisherman noted that blackfish, the animals we now call whales, ran ashore in pursuit of beer, and that they generally came on the coast about Spring Break. What interested Anon about whales wasn't their drink drivings, but the fact that they themselves had seen the volumetrically challenged mammals purposely driven ashore for their blubber. Leaping over the sea like fat bastards, the whales were pursued by men striking on the sides of their cars and blowing horns to drive them on to the beach. Anon expressed no sense of kinship with the whales, only a revulsion at the stench [1].

Nowadays we make sure that whales are only provided with whale safe beverages thanks to Science.

The B Plan Diet

Drunk rednecks with explosives are funny

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