disassembly line

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notice: i resign

i'm done with this site. no matter who controls it, there was and will always be a glaringly obvious degree of being a yesman involved with the admins. this sounds obvious unless you were there before every single one of the current admins (a good example is H64, who has never taken kindly to me. this fucktard doesnt even remember who i am, lmfaoooo). this site is circular in such a way that it resembles an ouroboro eating its own tail: each time the site goes down...the same admins reappear on the new site.

gee, i couldnt imagine why the site keeps going down and why there is a diminished level of trust (or incentive to care about finding the latest iteration of ED...which will inevitably be controlled by the same individuals as before). as the very literal essence of contributing more than anyone else (including the a-e symbol itself), i resign. were done here. the site isnt legit if i dont use it. i was here before you and i'll be here after you. the rest is just larping.

i hope you find brighter days and wish you all well. i genuinely hope you anyone who reads this is in good health. i hope you find someone who isnt here to publicly suck the nearest admins dick until theyre given the keys encyclopedia dramatica, because it is this detail, alone, which i have always found to be the most truly offensive underlying detail about the continued state of this site. you look beyond those who actually built this site each and every time.

peace... Disassemblyline (talk) 00:50, 3 June 2024 (CDT)

who tf is disassemblyline? H64 (talk) 23:54, 3 June 2024 (CDT)
bro afaik we have never interacted. how are you gonna call me out like this q_q H64 (talk) 23:56, 3 June 2024 (CDT)

my stuff

page description
my sandbox holds a bunch of formatting copypasta so i dont forget it
sig guide simple guide to creating sigs like this: - DL | talk | contribs
sjis template first attempt at making a template (had to learn somehow). it basically lets you draw using moontext
photoframe template essentially the same thing as {{fv}} / {{Videoframe}}, but for images
ed balls the man. the myth. the ed. the balls.
regina hill youve read about encyclopedia dramatica admins pulling similar stunts but this is at a municipal level
starkiller88 co-wrote this article (along with digging for additional info)
stock market how to make a good disambiguation page on this site. most of these pages should be covered by now.
dj construction kit throw djs off a cliff with this one simple trick
🄾 "fix" rainbow blinkies a workaround for rainbow blinkies since <blink> and text-decoration: blink; were removed from most browsers
this page will not automatically fix them (yet, hopefully), it just serves as an idea for fixing them in a logical way
🄾 bizarre stuff on youtube weird stuff that might be useful additions to articles
🄾 list of lulz wikis a list of wikis similar to ED, contains wikis with their own articles, different languages, etc


Be all, end all
  • most underrated account of all time
  • the æ symbol was directly lifted from my username which i not only used in idlenet (originally), but still use elsewhere. "æœæœ", to be exact
    • wanna know who lifted it from me? that just happens to be none other than girlvinyl. ive never been credited or thanked for this, fyi
    • furthermore, girlvinyl was banned from this server by none other than cj, as if that wasnt a sign of things to come
      • she literally stole this symbol after being told "no, how about you be original" and was banned days later for...a multitude of reasons
  • originally, encyclopedia dramatica had very little to do with livejournal beyond the scope of ljdrama
    • this sounds redundant but there was (is) a major difference between "we document livejournal drama" and "we are ljdrama"
    • bantown had more to do with the creation of this wiki than ljdrama, in reality. these are two completely separate, distinct things fyi
  • i introduced odbtard to this wiki, the actual article i pointed him to was the troll article
    • his very first edit was on that same article, if my memory serves correctly
    • weev used odbtard to acquire "merit" and "credibility", yet he is nothing more than a neckbearded retard revered by autists
  • between 2012-13 until 2016-17, zaiger hosted fucking child porn on encyclopedia dramatica servers, albeit it was not served directly on ED
    • ade will stand next to anyone, even if theyre a pedophile or actively harbor pedophiles so long as she can acquire "merit" and "credibility"
  • satire rarely works. not because its ineffective or wielded wrong, but because people simply dont like that which they disagree with
    • the same reason why world peace can never exist, why opinions and wishful thinking are shouted over the facts, etc
  • did you know that world2ch existed before 4chan?

interesting quotes

To where my friends pushing records trying to put in work, I'm (on my way)


Speech Defect - I'm On My Way

I said "Thanks a lot"


Charlie Pickett & The Eggs - Slow Death

Oblivious to the moment when peace of mind sets in


Devastation - Subconscious

360 dunk in your face


Gang Starr - Now You're Mine (Tommy Guerrero Remix, famously heard in skate)

Search for the answers you have found here, unaware of the threads in the web that is wyrd


Sabbat - Mythistory

You ain't shit, I came with a gang thats brain-dead and walk around talking to themselves like Rayman


Styles Of Beyond - Live At The BBQ

I'll stomp your ass like I got south in me


Bumpy Knuckles - The ChanceSellor

I'm walking real slow coming off the back porch


DT Martyrs - Narcotics In The Carport

Falling right into ambitious agitation


Prong - Primitive Origins

This'll be his size


The Melvins - Honey Bucket

Might as well put down that phone


DT Martyrs - Miami Last Night

I guess it's true, apathy does prevail


Crumbsuckers - Trapped

You know I hang like a hex on a barn[1]


Clutch - Walking In The Great Shining Of Monster Trucks

Nothing is seen except / accept the darkness


Antisect - Out From The Void



Dead Milkmen - Ringo Buys A Rifle

My attitude is celibate: I just dont give a fuck, You're living a fantasy; Reality will interrupt


Jigmastas - Let Me Hear It

I never knew hustlers confessed in stereo


Jeru The Damaja - Ya Playin' Yaself

Going to the border for a suicide attack


FU's - Young Fast Iranians

No one rides for free


Fu Manchu - Space Farm

Listening to the media, accepting it as fact


Rick Agnew - O.C. Life

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