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Oxymoron can mean:

  1. A spotty idiot who cannot rid his face of plague like acne, often in conjunction with jaundice and scurvy.
  2. Billy Mays
  3. A phrase or sentence which is inherently contradictory, e.g:
    • "America is #1!"
    • A Brony's sexlife.
    • Affordable Healthcare
    • Affordable Suburb
    • African Civilization
    • Alabama Institute of Learning
    • Alternative Fact
    • American Culture
    • American Education
    • American Freedom
    • American Intelligence
    • American Liberty
    • American Morality
    • American hero
    • Anonymous group
    • Anti-war neocon
    • Asian Driving instructors
    • Autism sufferer
    • Balanced Federal Budget
    • Black Father
    • Black person
    • Brave Jew
    • British Cuisine
    • Brony culture
    • Buzzfeed Journalist
    • Charitable Jew
    • Christian/Muslim morality
    • Christian-Science
    • Civil War
    • Clean Aboriginal
    • Comedienne
    • Communist Utopia
    • Congressional Bipartisanship
    • Consentual rape
    • Constructive Criticism
    • Conventional Wisdom
    • Credible News Resource
    • Dank Meme
    • Detroit Real Estate Agent
    • Detroit, the greatest city in the world
    • Divorce Court
    • Educated Fox News reporter
    • Educated Glenn Beck viewer
    • Evolutionary lie
    • Encyclopedia Dramatica Relevant 2024
    • Fair and unbiased news coverage
    • Family Friendly Eminem Song
    • Female Intelligence
    • Found Missing
    • Free Press
    • Free Jewgolds
    • Funny ED article
    • Funny Cracked.com article
    • Funny OhInternet article
    • Funny Uncyclopedia article
    • Funny female comedian
    • Furry art
    • Gay Pride
    • Gay-person (WARNING: This oxymoron is one of the most commonly utilized; be aware and substitute for Sub-human)
    • Gay rights
    • George W Bush; not an oxymoron, just a moron.
    • German Humor
    • German Nationalism
    • Girl Gamer
    • Good Cop
    • Good ICP Song
    • Good War
    • Good Anime
    • Good Furry art
    • Good Wikipedia article
    • Good Uwe Boll movie
    • Good Xbox 360 games
    • Goodlooking black person
    • Gorgeous English Woman
    • Government reasoning
    • Gun Safety
    • Happy Marriage
    • Hard working Mexican
    • Healthy at every size
    • Heterosexual European
    • Heterosexual Liberal
    • Holy War
    • Holocaust Survivor
    • Homeless Shelter
    • Honest Government
    • Honest Jew
    • Honest Politician
    • Honest cop
    • Honest mainstream-media
    • Humble American
    • Innocent Children
    • Innocent Blackman
    • Intellectual stoner
    • Intelligent Republican
    • Intelligent Chris Chan post
    • Intelligent black person
    • Intelligent woman
    • Intelligent Pollack
    • Intelligent Southerner
    • Interesting flat-chested woman
    • Internet culture
    • Jeb Bush! Energy Drink
    • Jewish Innocence
    • Justice System
    • Liberal Gun owner
    • Liberal Redneck
    • Livable neighborhood in Detroit
    • Logical religious-fundamentalist
    • Loyal wife
    • Mac Works
    • Male feminist
    • Military intelligence
    • Militant pacifist
    • Millennial job offerings
    • Millennial Retirement Savings
    • Moderate Muslim
    • Modern Art
    • Modern History
    • New Age
    • Peace in Detroit
    • Peaceful American
    • Peaceful anarchy
    • Pension
    • Polite Frenchman
    • Political intelligence
    • Poor Jew
    • Popular folk music
    • Professional Gamers
    • PS3 games
    • Reasonable Atheist
    • Rape Culture
    • Reasonable Feminist
    • Religion of Peace
    • Respectable Government Official
    • Responsible Drug Use
    • Restless Sleep
    • Riot Control
    • Russian Civility
    • Russian Hospitality
    • Sandy Hook Survivor
    • Sandy Hook real lol
    • Skinny Basement Dweller
    • Slave Wages
    • Slim Shady (in 2006)
    • Smart social justice warrior
    • Speedy Trial
    • Stoner's conviction
    • Straight feminist
    • Successful American regime-change war
    • Talanted Female Artist
    • Talented DeviantART user
    • Tough Love
    • Unbiased Opinion
    • Victimless Crime
    • Virgin Bride
    • War Hero
    • War On Terror
    • Webcomic artist
    • Woke up dead
    • Wii good

An oxymoron is therefore a contradiction in terms, such as "useful information from ED".


  • You are probably here because you have heard the word being said as Ox Moron, and as an insult against you, when your friends were trying to call out your contradicting speech.

See also

External links

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