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The totally original login screen of BonziWORLD ( Does it remind you of something?
A screenshot of the public chat room ( when it's not filled with infinite amount of autists and skiddies.

BonziWORLD (currently hosted at is a shitty cheaply-made Web 2.0 chatting website stylized as the experience of your computer being assraped by BonziBUDDY. Founded in mid-2016 by a nobody called "heyjoeway" (Powerword: Joseph Judge, aka "jojudge"), who has grown to hate the project and everything about it. BonziWORLD is one of those that every sperg has to end up discovering via JewTube videos, along with GoAnimate and VidLii, and as a result, over 93% of the site's users are 12 year-old Objectophilliac script kiddies that get off to gacha porn. If you even slightly enjoy this site, you're guaranteed to have a mental disability.

The original shut down, but there are still a billion pointless shitty revivals floating around the interwebz.

Basically, it's a shitty meme site (and an unfunny one at that).


NOTE: Read BonziWORLD's README's Commands section for all the other useless or otherwise unimportant commands. This section covers only the most basic shit (in case you have a death wish and want to visit the site). Square brackets ("[]") are placeholders.

  • /name [name] - Changes your Bonzi's name. PROTIP: You can include "{NAME}" in your name (Any instances of {NAME} in a message will convert to the nametag of the Bonzi that sent the message) (ie. "{NAME} is a nigger"), so you can make a 6-year-old call himself an asshole for a tiny bit of lulz.
  • /color [color] - Changes your Bonzi's color. The default colors are: red, brown, green, blue, purple, black and pink. If you don't type one you'll be given a random one.
  • /speed [speed] (values: min 125, max 275) and /pitch [pitch] (values: min 15, max 125) - Change your Bonzi's voice.
  • /youtube [video ID] - Post a YouTube video (or you could just paste the entire URL of the video). This one's the best for lulz generating, especially if you post something that might offend someone.
  • /asshole [name] - Calls someone (in this case [name]) an asshole (you can also do it by right clicking the Bonzi and click "Call an asshole"). The "asshole" message is a popular with the BonziWORLD kiddies so you can identify them based on whether they use this "insult".

Administrators (or "Popes") Only

  • /sanitize off - Makes you immune to message sanitizing, meaning you can now send malware through a fucking monkey chat site!
  • /pope - Sets you to an unique Bonzi Pope color. For some reason, the autistic community really fucking loves this color and wants to have it, so they can say ">ban someone123 reason: UR A FAGGOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111", pretending they've just banned someone.

Besides that, you can also cancel out someone's message (the same menu as the Asshole option). You can also mute someone (same menu), this is commonly used by butthurt faggots, which is everyone on BonziWORLD.

Most BonziWORLD Servers will have those along with a fuck ton of other useless ones added in.

To summarize, BonziWORLD is a useless site that serves no lulz on its own (without the help of its community at least).

BonziWORLD Servers

BonziWORLD servers are (usually) effortless modifications of the original website run by virgins who have an unhealthy obsession with a purple desktop monkey. Because everyone in the community is an autist, most of those servers are port-forwarded with most of them showing the host's IP, meaning any faggot can just run a cheap batch file that pings the server until the host's router turns into a black hole, leading to an epic win (unless the fucktard installed Cloudflare on it). Many of those servers are down half of the time, as they're hosted on 1984 IBM computers with a 2kbps dial internet.

  • (formerly - The first and "Main" BonziWORLD server with a slightly better choice of features and a faggy modernistic UI shit added to it that contradicts the whole point of having BonziWORLD to look like Windows XP in the first place. Barely moderated to attract more infants. Also you can donate with e-shekels to "keep BonziWORLD alive", despite the fact that it's still up even though no one donates it. Went down from October 7th 2019 to January 2020 because of exploits.
  • -'s even more retarded equivalent. This one was never ever moderated and the latest patch happened never, therefore it's a warzone of screaming 9-year-olds who will shit out a large-ass grounded threat that goes on for eternity once trolled.
  • BonziWORLD Revived Dead - The server to attract kiddies after pwnd itself. Made by some bipolar faggot called Seamus Cremeens, who can't decide if he loves or hates the site. It had a lot of useless shit crammed into it and had actual active moderation, which actually spawned a shit ton of angry homo videos of Bonzifags BAWWWWWWing. And then every bonzifag left BWR for when it came back, BWR died alone a while after.
  • Dead - A short-lived Windows 10 UI server. It had the most useless skins and colors to the point where they started including Mario characters and OCs of some UTTP sandniggers with 10 subscribers. Assraped by BWR and turned into some animu school shit.
  • OnuteWORLD - A bloated clusterfucked piece of shit with 100000000000ms latency. The site's retarded skid owner logs people's IPs when they use the site. Its earlier UI would give you both a seizure, and AIDS, killing you instantly.

The Death of the OG

In July of 2019, the worn out original website has finally an hero'd and got shut down by Joseph Judge. Immediately after it happened, thousands of GoFags, Gachafags, and unwashed manchildren starting BAWWWWWing and started demanding the piss litter to return, but it never did, fortunately.

This shutdown is the reason why there's a billion revivals today (that no one cares about).

The Community

the concept of BonziWORLD itself is not even bad, but the concept involves interaction with the users, and the BonziWORLD community is just fucking horrible and that's what makes it a deplorable website


Some argue

The BonziWORLD "Community" is a very terrifying and retarded fandom that surrounds this sorry excuse for a chatting client. It consists mostly of perverted 11-year-old boys (or "Kiddies") who get boners from Roblox Inflation shit they find on DeviantART and script kiddies who inject shitty JavaScript exploits that do nothing but change the background and sometimes blast out earrape, which can all be removed by refreshing the page. Many faggots also use the site for online dating and buttsex roleplays.

Many Bonzitards usually post their retarded activities on YouTube, which are mostly something called BonziWORLD Reacts, where the user says "BonziWORLD Reacts to (video)" and then plays the video, thinking they'll reaction from other users in the room, when they usually cancel the video instead.

Typical BonziWORLD Reacts Video

What the fuck are they even looking at

Trolling BonziWORLD fans

BonziWORLD is a giant shitpot filled with GoFags, Objectfags, Skiddies and alike, so you could visit a few pages and their "Trolling" sections, as most of those will also work on Bonzifags. Here are the fun ways you can get them to rage.

  • Insult. That's literally it.
  • Tell them that BonziWORLD sucks.
  • Call them a "kiddie"
  • Make fun of anything they like.
  • Start a proper argument. They will short-circuit and/or go with their GoFag rage the moment you say your first "fancy word".
  • Bring up the fact that replacing strings and images on a shitty JavaScript "Virus" template is not hacking.
  • If they threaten to hack you, tell them that they're too autistic to understand anything that's not JS.
  • If you wanna completely shatter their epic haxor delusions, you could hack their accounts yourself, and watch as they cry.

Notable BonziWORLDers

ED does NOT need a huge list of absolute nobodies, nor does it give a shit about your petty forum feud with that bitch who doesn't agree with your Zutara OTP. Rather than spreading your butthurt vendetta over to this site, how about you read ED:101 and ED:A User's Guide to Article Building. And while you're at it, how about contributing to some actual drama you fucking idiot?

Because everyone at BonziWORLD is a full on autist (all with their own lulzworthy doings), it would be impossible to list them all. So here are some "Notable" ones.

Diogo Mendes

This beautiful individual is the patient zero of the AIDS that killed BonziWORLD

Diogo (Powerword: Diogo Miguel Barros Mendes, known under the nickname "Doggis") is a severely autistic 15-year-old Porktuguese tranny psychopath who might be the closest thing you'll get to the BonziWORLD's CWC and has online dated people on Discord and BonziWORLD. He started out as an objectfag on YouTube who got popular from his poorly-made logo edits, reaching 400,000 subscribers before some random nobody haxed his channel and baleeted it.

Diogo has the first one to popularize this garbage site to kiddies, whereas before the website was only used by Vinesauce fanboys. Ever since 2017, the fetid children of this site worshipped this faggot while he was busy inviting more fucktards. Eventually, the entire chat client became a shitfest assburgers playground full of underage gofags.

Nowadays almost everyone hates Diogo, even a lot of various logo-faggots and 13-year-old boys who turned it into a cult that uses his videos as forced meme material, which is literally just associating Diogo with a restaurant called "DoggiS", and editing its commercials with kinemaster.

Other than that he used to do shitty webcam videos where he rages over some minor bullshit like dislikes or being called a name. Here are some reuploads of his tard rage videos, just to show how pathetic he really is:

An example of a "Ven a Doggis" meme, if you can even call it that

Onute Saulute

With the power of Jabba Script, he will fuck up ur ass.

Onute Saulute (Danielus Paulavičius), also known as "Jabba Saulute", is a fat Lithuanian potato gargler, a GoFag, and a massive skid with terrible grammar. He's the very proud owner of OnuteWORLD, which is BonziWORLD if Chris-chan got his hands on the site.

He also runs an illegal clone of GoAnimate called "Wrapper Offline Gold", which is where all the fucktarded children go after GoFagimate removes their favourite shit.

i'll infect your phone with malware so you can't boot the android os
not fucking phone



—Then who was phone?

you are grounded! go to your room immediately and you fucking bitchass so I don't need it to my life please shut up you fucking bald nigger I don't want to hear your accountant and get a job if you use of year 18, so get dunked on nerd assholes, I have a semi confident to get a misuse complaint to kill with coronavirus and die in your country so you don't wanna to hate me instead, go ahead and what happens if you hatred and pussy out of me to hate me, get sick on covid-19 nigga, GET YOUR BUTTS DOWN DUMBASS, HYPOCRITCIZE ALL YOU WANT OR NOT. SHITASS IS YOUR FRIEND, GET A LIFE NERDIES, BOOBIES, YOU FANS ARE UTTP COMMUNITIES ASSES, INSTALL PROTEGENT OR ELSE DIE IN A LITERAL WORLD ON YOUR SPACE



engrish is for japans
you pedo



—But it's for lithuanias too!

What location that you hate BonziWORLD, did you send into other states on USA? Pulling states is illegal, so irrelevant. You want to be worstest person on BonziWORLD. Kiss your mom was a gay when FBI is coming to raid your house, you're perole, right? Alright, well your siblings are fuckin gay, they don't want you to hate BonziWORLD, so get the pathetic life loser. Buy some drugs, then get sick for drugs, and go to hospital you dumb. Go to heaven while you have ever died. Or I will fight like a karate then I will kick your organs, stomach and brains off.




Who broke bonziworld community?

YouTube channel Discord ID

Other Nobodies

Here's everyone else:

  • Tyler London - A niglet who's a skid and pretends to hate BonziWORLD because he thinks he's cool by doing so. YouTube channel.
  • Rodrigo Gamer - A 9-year-old Brazilian thing that makes 6 million alts to hide and usually abandons his older alts. His alts are easy to identify as they usually are just "BonziBUDDY" or some other aspergic shit.
  • Geri/Bowgart/Pom Pom/Whitty/whatever - Hungarian 12-year-old who did sex roleplays with Diogo until they broke up. He also pretends to hate BonziWORLD and Diogo because it's some form of an autistic trend over there. Has some identity crisis and claims he's not "Geri"
  • SrKevonz - White version of Tyler London. Nuff said.
  • ArdaKirac - Some 12-year-old Turkroach who acted like a complete sperg until the BonziWORLD fake-hate bandwagon, obviously.
  • "Dioga" - Used to be an imaginary girlfriend for Diogo. Nowadays, the name "Dioga" is associated with Diogo due to his tranny status.

The funny thing is that most of these fuckwits pretend to hate BonziWORLD only to get free whiteknighting and worship. Mostly because no one on this rotten shithole has the balls to actually fucking leave it.

The May 12th event

May 12, 2021 was a "special" day, promoted as the end of BonziWORLD servers, started in April when some random autistic anon wannabe started spreading shit about him and his scary hacker buddies planning to take down BonziWORLD on May 12th. And so he got Bonzifags to spread his message, and they did, like the mindless shit puppets they were. Eventually, the whole community knew about this event, BAWWWWWIng about the end of an abomination that should've died long ago.

The funny thing is that the user in the screenshot of the video is fake and the user is not even Seamus. Just more proof it was all staged shit made as an attention grab.

What happened to BonziWORLD on May 12th

Nothing happened, obviously. Even if it were to happen, Tyler London was supposed to take part in it, meaning it would've been some ineffective JS injection spam anyway.


BonziWORLD fuckery About missing Pics
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How an average BonziWORLD user reacts to being banned

Yes, part twenty-fucking-six.

See Also

External Links (The "Main" BonziWORLD) And its skiddie-infested alternative.

The BonziWORLD repository on Github

Seeking instant death (from AIDS)? look no further!

Some faggot's pastebin (archive). Imagine failing at life so hard you go on to shit out broken pointless JS scripts for a living. The BonziWORLD Discord. The lulz goldmine that comes with a log channel

BonziWORLD is part of a series on


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BonziWORLD is part of a series on Aspies.