Then who was X

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Side effects include the shitting of bricks.
Occam's razor?
I bet it was this fag.

"THEN WHO WAS X" is a meme originating on 4chan's /x/ board. Most commonly, 'X' is 'Phone,' due to the original story. Newfags will frequently post "THEN WHO WAS X" if there is absolutely ANY vagueness in creepypasta. Go ahead, go to /x/ and post a vague story. But be prepared for floods of "THEN WHO WAS" spam, because it will happen.

The original creepypasta

So ur with ur honey and yur making out wen the phone rigns. U anser it n the vioce is "wut r u doing wit my daughter?" U tell ur girl n she say "my dad is ded". THEN WHO WAS PHONE?


Translated from moonspeak to ...

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You are making out with your girlfriend when suddenly the phone rings. You pick up and ask, "Hello?" The voice on the other end says "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH MY DAUGHTER?!" You ask your girlfriend how her dad got the number, but your girlfriend says her father's been dead for three years. THEN WHO WAS ON THE PHONE?



Deci tu si prietena ta faceati sex cand telefonul suna.Raspunzi "Alo",iar dintr-o data cineva spune "CE DRACU FACI CU FICA MEA?".Te intorci la prietena ta si o intrebi de unde are tatal ei numarul tau dar ea iti raspunde ca tatal ei este mort.DECI CINE ERA TELEFON?



Digamos que te estas follando a tu novia cuando de repente el telefono suena. Lo contestas y dices "¿Hola?", Entonces la voz te responde "¿¿QUE DEMONIOS ESTÁS HACIENDO CON MY HIJA??" Le preguntas a tu novia como es que su papa consiguio el numero de telefono, pero tu novia responde que su padre ha estado muerto por tres años. ¿ENTONCES QUIEN ESTABA AL TELEFONO?



Entaum vc ta c/ a sua mina e vcs taum dando uns amassos qdo o telefone toca. Vc atende e a voz diz "q vc ta fazendo c/ a minha filha?" Vc diz p/ ela e ela diz "meu pai ta morto". ENTAUM QUEM ERA TELEFONE?



Jesteś ze swoją laską i montujecie się kiedy nagle dzwoni telefon. Odbierasz i głos mówi "CO ROBISZ Z MOJĄ CÓRKĄ?". Mówisz swojej pannie a ona na to "mój ojciec jest martwy". WIĘC KTO BYŁ TELEFON?



Olet sekstaamassa tyttökaverisi kanssa kun yhtäkkiä puhelin soi. Vastaat siihen ja ääni sanoo "Mitä teet tyttärelleni?" Kerrot tytölle ja hän sanoo "Isäni on kuollut". MUTTA SITTEN KUKA OLI PUHELIN?



شما دوستخترتان را بوس می کنید وقتی تلفن را زنگ می زند. جوابش می کنید و می پرسید‍ید «الو؟» صدای طرف دیگر می گوید «با دخترم چه کار می کنید؟!» شما دوستدخترتان می پرسیدید چهگونه پدرش شمارتان را گرفت ولی دوستدخترتان می گوید که پدرش برای سه سال مرگ بوده است. در تلفن کی بود؟



Do vi estas kun via dolĉulino kaj vi oskulas, kiam la telefono sonas. Vi prenas la telefonon kaj la voĉo estas “kion vi faras kun mia filino?” Vi rakontas al via knabino kaj ŝi diras “mia patro estas morta”. DO KIU ESTIS TELEFONO?



じゃ、君は ガールフレンドといっしょにいて、よろしくやるときに、電話は 鳴る。君は 返事して、声は 「内の娘に 何をやってんの?」 と言う。君は ガールフレンドを 教えて、ガールフレンドは 「お父さんは 死んだ」 と言う。すれば、デンワハ ダレダッタ?


Translated from English to


When the abrupt telephone sounds, it makes your girl friend. Picking up and " You ask; Today? " Already voice of the edge of one side " You say; What is designated as my daughter? ? " Her father how obtained number, but as for your girl friend her father' You ask to your girl friend whether you say; 3 years it has died, but certain s. As for WHO in the telephone then it was?



You fuckin' yo bitch when da fone rings. You say "Wassup" and dat nigga on the other end say "Nigga, what the fuck you doin' wit my daughter!?" Then yo bitch say "My daddy got a cap in his ass". THEN WHO THE FUCK WAS ON DA FONE?



Also du machst mit deiner Freundin herum, als das Telefon plötzlich klingelt. Du gehst ran und die Stimme am Telefon sagt: "WAS MACHST DU DA MIT MEINER TOCHTER?" Aber dann erzählt dir deine Freundin, dass ihr Vater schon seit drei Jahren tot ist. WER HAT ALSO ANGERUFEN?



You with yo babe and you makin out when motorola ring. You answer it and it say "What are yuo doin with my son/" then yo babe said "my dad has died". THEN WHO WAS MOTOROLA?


[-+]Old English

Þū sitst mid ēower wīf, mid þǣm þe telefon hit clipaþ! Hīe fæder hit sægþ "Hwæt dēst þū mid mīn dohtor?" Būtan hīe fæder biþ dead... SIÞÞAN HWĀ WÆS TELEFON!!!???



Sae yair wi yair burd and yair nippin fan the phone joews. Yuh anser it n the vcie is "fit r yuh daein wae ma dochter?" Yuh tell yair lassie n she say "ma da is deed". SYNE WHA WIS PHONE?



You are studying the imaginary picture of your dream girl when your beeper rings. You say to yourself, out loud, "I'm going to answer that." You pick up your phone and call back, and the voice on the other end says, "Stop staring at my daughter." You ask yourself how he got the number, but you also inform yourself that your psychological imagery of the girl cannot possibly be transported telepathically through space and sub-atomically create a father that knows your number. THEN WHAT IS PHONE?



Du sitter in Ventrilo och hånglar DotA flickvän när telefonen plötsligt ringer. Du svarar med neutralt, "Hallå?" Rösten på andra sidan säger "VAD I HELVETE GÖR DU MED MIN DOTTER??" Du frågar din tjej hur hennes pappa fick tag i numret, men din tjej säger att hennes pappa har varit död i tre år. VEM VAR TELEFON?



Alright my yout, mi and dis fine gyal decide we waan fi go park, we went pon swing, pon slide, and even have good time a bounce pon teeter-totter. Buoy, it fun mi tell yuh. Been long since we frolic ina park. We sit dung a ground fi have lunch, afta lunch she waan fi go home, so we went to her house fi watch movie and sinting. Mi tell you, the gyal mus be one freak, cause she jump pon my lap and start suck out mi face. After 5 minute the blood clot phone ring and mi answer. One rated man come yell ina mi ear, man was livid! Him say sumthing like 'YO STAR, A WEH YOU A DO WIT MI PICKEY?' Mi just give one sour look pon my girl face and ask a wuh dis man business? Gyal tell me her dad ded, him ina ground, ded, ded, ded. A WHO DI BUMBACLOT DEH PON MY PHONE?



Ну ты типо с телкай зажигаеш и мобила тип званит ну ты береш а там пля голос такой "что ты делаеш с моей дочерью" ну ты гавариш типо ей а она такая "мой отец умер". И КТО ТЕЛЕФОН?



Alors, tu es en train de baiser avec ta copine quand y a le téléphone qui sonne. Tu réponds, et là, la voix de l'autre côté de la ligne te dit "QU'EST-CE QUE TU FOUS AVEC MA FILLE?". Tu demandes à ta copine comment son père a eu ton numéro et là elle te répond que son père est mort il y a trois ans. MAIS ALORS, QUI ETAIT TELEPHONE?



Stai facendo l'amore con la tua ragazza quando, all'improvviso, il telefono squilla. Rispondi e chiedi, "Pronto?" La voce all'altro capo del filo dice "CHE STAI FACENDO CON MIA FIGLIA??" chiedi alla tua ragazza come fa suo padre ad avere il tuo numero di telefono, ma la tua ragazza ti risponde che sono tre anni che suo padre è morto. QUINDI, CHI ERA AL TELEFONO??



Stai fottendo la tua bitcha quando, all'improvviso il Nokia squilla. Rispondi e chiedi, "Chi cazzo è?" Il fra all'altro capo del filo dice "CHE CAZZO VUOI DA MIA FIGLIA??" chiedi alla tua bitcha come fa suo padre ad avere il tuo Nokia, ma la puttana ti risponde che sono tre anni che è schiattato. QUINDI, CHI ERA AL TELEFONO??



Así que estás enrollándote con tu novia cuando, de pronto, suena el teléfono. Lo coges y preguntas: "¿Hola?" - y la voz del otro lado dice "¿QUÉ COÑO ESTÁS HACIENDO CON MI HIJA?". Le preguntas a tu novia cómo consiguió su padre el número, pero tu novia contesta que su padre está muerto. Entonces, ¿QUIÉN ESTABA AL TELÉFONO?



Bueno, estás con tu novia y se están besando cuando suena el pinche telefono. Tú contestas, y la voz de un cabron dice "¿Qué chingados estás haciendo con mi hija?" Le dices a tu morra y ella dice "Mi jefe se murio". ENTONCES, ¿QUIÉN ERA TELEFONO?



Estás na marmelada com a tua namorada quando, de repente o telefone toca. Tu atendes e a voz do outro lado diz "O QUE ESTÁS A FAZER COM A MINHA FILHA?". Tu perguntas à tua namorada onde é que o pai dela arranjou o número e ela responde que o pai dela morreu. ENTÃO QUEM ESTAVA AO TELEFONE?



Zabawiasz się ze swoją dziewczyną, kiedy nagle dzwoni telefon. Odbierasz i pytasz "Halo?". Głos po drugiej stronie mówi "CO TY DO CHOLERY ROBISZ Z MOJĄ CÓRKĄ?". Pytasz swojej dziewczyny skąd jej ojciec wziął twój numer, ale ona odpowiada, że jej ojciec nie żyje od 3 lat. WIĘC KTO BYŁ PRZY TELEFONIE?



Muchluješ se se svou holkou, když vtom zazvoní telefon. Zvedneš ho a sluchátka se ozve "CO TO KURVA VYVÁDÍŠ S MOJÍ DCEROU?" Tak se jí zeptáš, jak zná její otec tvoje číslo, ale ona ti odpoví, že její otec už tři roky nežije. TAK KDO POTOM BYL NA TELEFONU?



Miluješ sa so svojím dievčaťom, keď zrazu zazvoní telefón. Zdvihneš ho a z telefónu sa ozve hlas: "ČO TO ROBÍŠ S MOJOU DCÉROU?!". Zložíš a opýtaš sa jej, odkiaľže má jej otec tvoje číslo. Ona na to, že jej otec je už tri roky mŕtvy. TAK KTO BOL POTOM NA TELEFÓNE?



そして、あなたの娘としているとするときは携帯電話のリング。との声に対応する: "あなたが私の娘に何してる?その娘さんは、彼女は言う: "私の父は死んでいる。 "その後、電話ですか?



So jy soen jou hartlaam wanneer die telefoon lui. Jy dit beantwoord en 'n stem vra "wat verrig jy met my dogter?". Jy vertel jou meisie n sy sê "my Pa is dood". DAN WIE WAS FOON?



Je bent aan het zoenen met je vriendin, wanneer plotseling de telefoon afgaat. Je neemt op, en vraagt: "Hallo?" De stem aan de andere kant van de lijn zegt: "WAT BEN JE IN GODSNAAM MET MIJN DOCHTER AAN HET DOEN?" Je vraagt aan je vriendin hoe haar vader jouw telefoonnummer heeft gekregen maar je vriendin zegt dat haar vader al jaren dood is. WIE WAS ER DAN TELEFOON?



Du sitter og kliner med dama i det telefonen din ringer. Du svarer "hallo?" og stemmen i den andre enden sier "HVA FAEN GJØR DU MED DATTERA MI??" Du snur deg til kjæresten din og spør hvordan faren hennes fikk nummeret ditt. Hun sier faren hennes har vert død i tre år. HVEM VAR TELEFON DA??



Nii et sa oled oma kallikesega ja te armatsete kui telefon heliseb. Sa vastad ja mingi tüüp küsib "mida sa teed minu tütrega?" Sa ütled oma tüdrukule ja ta ütleb "mu isa on surnud". SIIS KES OLI TELEFON?



Tu skūpsties ar savu meiteni, un pēkšņi sāk zvanīt telefons. Tu pacel un dzirdi:"Ko tu dari ar manu meitu!?". Tu izstāsti par šo savai meitenei un viņa atbild:"Mans tētis ir miris!". TAD KURŠ BIJA TELEFONS?



Dok ljubiš svoju devojku, telefon zazvoni. Kad se javiš, čujes glas što kaže "šta radiš sa mojom ćerkom?" Kažeš devojki šta si cuo, i ona kaže "tata mi je umro." A ONDA KO JE TELEFON?



Ти си с гаджето и телефона звънва. Вдигаш и питаш кой е, а от другата страна някой казва "К'ВО ПРАВИШ С ДЪЩЕРЯ МИ?!" Питаш приятелка ти кой може да е и тя казва, че баща и е мъртъв от три години. ТОГАВА КОЙ БЕШЕ ТЕЛЕФОНА?



Tu bučiuojiesi su savo mergina, kai staiga suskamba telefonas. Tu jį pakeli ir paklausi, "Alio?". Balsas kitame laido gale sako "KOKĮ VELNIĄ DARAI SU MANO DUKRA??". Tu paklausi savo perginos kaip jos tėvas gavo jo numeri, tačiau mergina tau pasako kad jos tėvas jau miręs trejis metus. TADA KAS ŠNEKĖJO TELEFONU?



Ge zijt uw wijf aant binnen draaien, wanneer just den telefon belt. Ge pakt op, en vraagt: "Veur wa dist?" Ge hoort iemand aan den andere kant van de lijn klappen: "WA ZITTE GIJ ME MIJN DOCHTER TE VOËZEN!?" Ge vraagt aan a lief hoe heuren aven aan uve nummer is gerokt, ma zij zegt dan da heur vader zaliger al jare dood is. WIE WAS DA DAN AAN DEN TELEFON?



Tá tú ag bualadh craiceann le do chailín nuair a ghlaodh an guthán go tobann. Freagair tú é agus iarraidh, "Cad faoi?" Arsa an guth ar an taobh eile "CAD IAD NA hIFREANN A DHÉANANN TÚ LE M'INÍON??" Iarr tú le do chailín conas a fuair a hathair an uimhir, ach deir sí gur cailleadh a hathair trí bliain ó shin. CÉ A BHÍ AR AN NGUTHÁIN?




إنت كنت أعد مع الشرموطة وبتنكها أول لما التليفون رن سمعت عرس بيقول "بتعمل إيه يابن خول مع بنتي؟" رحت قايل للشرموطة قالت "أبويا ميت!" مين كان تليفون؟



Sen bacınla sevşirken aniden tel çalar. Gelen çağrı kızın babasından ve o sana "Kızımla naapiosun sen öle?" die baarır. Sen hatununa anlatırsın ve o sana "Ama babam çoktandır ölü..." der. OZMAN TELFON KİM?



Λοιπόν, είσαι με την κοπέλα σου και φασώνεστε όταν ξαφνικά χτυπάει το τηλέφωνο. Απαντάς και η φωνή στο ακουστικό σου λέει "Τι κάνεις με την κόρη μου;" Το λες στην κοπέλα σου κι αυτή απαντάει "Ο πατέρας μου έχει πεθάνει." ΤΟΤΕ ΠΟΙΟΣ ΗΤΑΝ ΤΗΛΕΦΩΝΟ;



אתה מתמזמז עם החברה שלך כאשר לפתע פתאום הטלפון מצלצל. אתה עונה לטלפון ואומר "שלום?" הקול בצד השני אומר "מה לעזאזל אתה עושה עם הבת שלי!?" אתה שואל את החברה שלך איך אבא שלה קיבל את המספר הטלפון שלך, אבל היא אומרת שאבא שלה מת לפני שלוש שנים. אז מי היה בטלפון؟



Þú ert að klæmast með kærustunni þinni þegar síminn þinn hringir allt í einu. "Halló?" svarar þú og hinn aðilinn segir "HVAÐ Í ANDSKOTANUM ERTU AÐ GERA MEÐ DÓTTUR MINNI?" Þú spyrð kærustuna þína hvernig pabbi hennar gæti hafa fengið símanúmerið hans og hún segir að faðir hennar sé látinn. HVER VAR ÞÁ SÍMI?


[-+]black person

Bota bezig ta hode cu bo chick anto e telefoon ta ring. Bo ta coi e anto bo ta puntra: hallo? E persona ta contesta bo : "KI CONJO BO TA BEZIG DI HASI CU MI YUI MUHE?" Bo ta puntra bo chick con su tata a haya bo number. Anto bo chick ta contesta bo : Pero mi tata a muri caba. KEN TA PAPIA CUBO E ORA ANTO?



Du bummst mit deiner Freundin herum, wann das Telefon gerade klingt. Du antwortest und fragst, "Hallo?". Der Mann, den mit dir spricht, sagt "WESHALB IN DER HÖLLE BIST DU MIT MEINER TOCHTER?". Du fragst deine Freundin, wie ihr Vater deinen Telefonnummer gekriegt hätte, aber sie sagt, daß ihr Vater seit drei Jahre gestorben ist. DANN WER WAR AM TELEFON?


[-+]Polish to Soviet to Nazi to Chinese (simplified) to Wapanese to Terrorist to Gaelic and back to English, using Google Translate

His girlfriend and cooking, the landline unexpectedly. We have to ask: "is at the other end of the Hi!" Voice and said: "It's my daughter?" Girl in the Room, but her father, she said her father died three years ago. We call people?


Actual answer

A father is not the only person who can have a child or a raspy voice. Her mother was phone.


There aren't many kinds of the original story, although there must be over nine thousand kinds of BUT WHO WAS-. Common examples include "Then who was internet" and "Then who was post."

oK so basicaly its like this. youare at a friends house for like the night or watever and then you guys are making out on the couch (yeah!) and then like.. her dad calls on the phone and says “no i she likes it more if you use the other hand… yeah” and your alllike “oh dude your dad is trying to give me advice on how to diddle you” and then she’s like… “i don’t have a dad..” or whatever… but what!? WHO WAS PHONE?


Trap Version:

One night, you are sitting on the couch with your GF, and the phone rings.

You pick it up, and a raspy voice says;

Wtf are you doing with my daughter?

You freak out and hang up the phone.

You go back to your girlfreind who asks who was on the phone. You say it was her dad, asking wtf you were doing with his daughter. She says her dad has no daughters and pulls out her dick and roughly fucks your tender pink asshole.



Counter Strike version:

So yur with guerilla and yur planting bomb wen chat appears. U read the chat and the text is "wut r u doing with my base". U tell the guerilla and he say "GIGN is ded". then who was chat?


Verbose version:

Theoretically, you and your romantic partner, who is most likely of the female gender, are accompanying each other, when the cellular telephone, of which you are the legal owner, abruptly emits an audible tone, which is highly likely to be your default sound that will play when someone from another location, usually within your country of residence, depending on your telephone carrier or provider, inputs a finite pattern composed of numerical units into their legally owned cellular telephone, which in turn will send a wave that goes through a complex process that includes radios and telephone towers. You walk over to the area that the cellular telephone is physically placed, and you translate the telephone receiver from it's resting area, where it is mechanically constructed to fit into, all the way in the direction towards your ear drums, and then place the northern part of the device to your ear, and then place the southern part near your mouth, most likely onto your cheek. A voice that resembles that of an adult male proclaims "What activity are you currently in the process of completing, that involves having my female offspring attend!?". You immediately notify your female romantic companion, and she educates you on the objective fact that the paternal guardian that she normally refers to as "Father" has stopped living some time in the past, and is also currently deceased. If the details of this story are in fact, the truth, than it is now your duty to answer the question of 'Who was calling you and your romantic companion on your cellular telephone?'.



Super Mario version:

So U are Withe Youre bitcha and you arE licking her feet wen your Siemens squilla. You presse de geereenno button "CHE STAI FACENDO CON MIA FIGLIA??" you telle your bitcha n she say "My pimp is ded". who was Siemens?



This was discovered by L3G1ONNA1RE on December 13 2009 at 10:20:39 while eating KFC mac and cheese and posted it on /b/

However, /x/ seems to disagree. As posted one evening,

A homeless man is sitting on a park bench. You are jogging.

As you jog up to him, he holds his hand out and asks for change, you jog on past, pretending that you can't hear him over your iPod.

Feeling guilty, you stop. You reach into the pocket of your running shorts for a couple of bucks you were saving for a bottle of water. You turn around to jog back to the homeless man.

He is already standing right behind you. The park is suddenly abandoned. His eyes are wriggling masses of wasp larvae, he outstretches his arms, each which are 5 feet in length. His mouth opens inexplicably wide, his lower jaw touching his sternum. The only sound he emits from his gaping mouth is a dial tone.

Before he pulls you into the black cavernous throat of his, you have time to scream,

"Oh god. You were phone!??"


Actually, phone is really Captain Crunch spoofing his caller ID to impersonate moot.

Pix or it didn't happen you say?

The Lulzy Techno-Phreaking Remix

A list of possible suspects

E/x/ternal Links

Then who was X is part of a series on Creepypasta


Then who was X is part of a series on


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