Asking for it

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"Asking for it" describes all women's passive provocation of man to perform various sexual acts upon her.

They are ALWAYS asking for it, and to not give it to them is a crime.


They're going to get it!
Everyone knows JonBenet was asking for it.
Really Asking for it!
An obvious jailbait is obvious.
Moar asking for it.
A weaboo really asking for it
Room for one more ladies?

Since God created Eve, all women have been asking for it. Their very existence is an open invitation to rape, with their legs and their walking and their breathing, the sluts.

The mere fact that rape is more gratifying than regular, boring sex; because the terrified convulsing of the vagina around a man's rape rod feeling so fucking good, proves that God intended for rape to be a justifiable means of being fruitful and multiplying, as opposed to plain old, boring sex, which eliminates the drive and the "get (h)er done" attitude.

They also ask for it so they can blame all their later problems in life on it.

Feminism and Asking for it

Womens' Studies begun in the late '60s for mainly lesbians later caught on with hetero women in community colleges, has resulted in giving them a false sense of power, and worse yet....equality.

Once empowered by their feminist professors, the resulting graduates definitely were asking for it.

Definately asking for it.

In the '70s, certain elements of the female gender (ie. lesbians) decided that they were sick of getting it, and that they too would like to give it. This had the net effect of liberating women and giving them more "choice and freedom".

Choice and freedom in who is going to raep them, that is.

Feminists will just anger the stronger sex and make their cunts more sought-after.

They were sick of getting it, so they would like to give it too.

When Women Are Asking For It

Boys learn at an early age that women are "asking for it".
They're all 13!!
A group of sluts totally asking for it
A "subtle" asking for it
And a not-so-subtle asking for it

Women are ALWAYS asking for it, but a few situations should be briefly mentioned:

Abortion Clinic: This baby killer is whoring for sure. You can help by ensuring she doesn't even have to ask. ITS Awwright!

At the Gym: She's ready for it.

At the Concert: She's most likely going to go crowd surfing. Position yourself within her trajectory and hope she lands on your cock.

At the Mall: She is most likely spending a man's money therefore as a piece of property, she is asking for it. Who are you to deny her?

At the Park: Where better than to see how wild an animal she can be.

Bedridden/Invalid: While not quite as gratifying, if you can't find any females roaming the streets or in an unlocked house, incapacitated females can be quite kinky. You haven't lived until dodging a bed pan or colostomy bag thrown by a playful lover.

Breaking up with you for false claims of sexism: Obviously not true. You treat your bitch the right way. She's asking for it.

Church: She's not just there to be filled with the holy ghost if you get my meaning. Instead of asking for it she will be singing your praises to the heavens. Make her kneel down and catch your amazing graces.

Driving: Any female in control of a motor vehicle is just asking for it. These women's lib types just have it on their forehead like daddy's dick.

Homecoming: She has bought an expensive dress and wanna some dance and fun, so ITS Awwright!

Homemaking: If you're a woman and you overcook a man's pot roast, you're asking for it.

Homeless: She'll take it for a cheeseburger.

Fat: She'll take it for a cheeseburger too.

At school: She's trying to be smart, but remember all women are stupid. She's asking for it, so IT'S Awwright!!

Sadie Hawkins dance: She's definitely asking for it!

Other obvious scenarios for which no explanation is needed: Performing surgery, babysitting, giving birth, having limb amputated, voting, holding puppies, wearing tight pants and tight clothing overall, if she is alive, if she is dead.


Scenario: An unsuspecting newfag strolls non-chalantly into a *chan and begins taunting the /b/asement dwellers, uploading several face pics from his brand new 3G iPhone. Little did he know the iPhone encodes EXIF data into photos, giving away his IRL location. This newfag is asking for it, to get raeped by the Internet Hate Machine.

Now in Music!

Don't you just love when you find that one song that truly encompasses the raw emotions only a man could feel? Here at ED, that sentiment is always appreciated. So for your musical pleasure, here it is. A song unhindered by feminazis and liberals alike. Because folks, she was most certainly asking for it (keep in mind, this is a completely legitimate song).

A Notable Example

This stupid little emo ever-so-slightly "alternative" dyke is totally asking for it, and also asking for it on behalf of all 13-year-olds:

She wants you to watch two girls one cup. Be sure to troll srsly

Anyway, I was talking to my... life partner... woman; my life partner that's a woman... and we know this girl that's thirteen: she wants to have sex. And I was thinking: why?



Don't start early! And, like, even if you're like; twenty or thirty, forty or fifty or... five: don't do it. Don't have sex. Because nothing is good about sex. Nothing.



I am 9 years old


—JuniperSun's reply to a comment.

Sometimes I really, really hate being so different


—JuniperSun Tweets!

STFU about this Miss CA crap. What if she said she didn't think African Americans should be allowed to marry? SAME. THING.


—JuniperSun, Perez Hilton supporter.

The more I read about Gandhi as a young adult the more I get creeped out because we are so similar.


—JuniperSun, future political and spiritual leader.

Alice & I are going to be OFFICIAL decoys on DATELINE. Watch out, perverts.


—JuniperSun in association with Perverted Justice!

JewTube users - mostly pissed that a video entitled "13-year-old sex..." is not CP - respond:

you are SO asking for it.



by posting this video,YOU ARE ASKING FOR IT!!!






lol omg that made my day i want to have sex with a 13 y.o. now



This video. Every second. Screams




HAHAHA! The "never have sex" statement is a lot funnier for people who know JuniperSun well because she is a MASSIVE CUMDUMPSTER. In fact, she doesn't require the same daily fluid intake as the rest of us because she gets all she needs from the sperm provided by the 50 black homeless men she sucks off every morning. She's filled with so much black man sperm, in fact, that it often leaks through her eyes, ears, and other orifices.



Don't have sex, it's bad for you. Among other things, you'll become a psychologically damaged nympho-slut and start embedding foreign objects into your face.



black person faggot whore



i need to skull fuck this girl



I'm kind of sickened by the fact that you are so afraid of fucking. Grow the fuck up and get a double huckabuck like you know you want to. Trust me, it's OK. All pussies smell like that.



oh well all i know is i would fucking get happy with you and rip u apart i would leave you with cuts that soon turn into realy bad scars and when anyone els saw them they would ask what hapend and you would say oh parsons12345678910 fuck you up

and also your a slut



You are SO asking for it, and also asking for it on behalf of all 13-year-olds.


—MrBigRich, reiterating this article.

Litsen, I know you want cock, you totally asking for it. send me a message we can meet up, then make me a sammic an blow me good. CUNT!




So you're against 13 year olds having sex with 13 year olds.

But what about 29 year olds with 13 year olds. Cuz im 29 and I love pleasing little girls asking for it.



I love her page on EncyclopediaDramatica. HAHAHAHA.


JakB001, giving the game away.

did she say can a guy get happy at 15? lolwut? show of hands who came here from encyclopedia dramatica?


ChewbaccaCat, furthering the faggotry.

L2 grow breasts



man, came all the way over here for CP and this is what i get...some dyke talking..fuck

You lied to me lied to me



I bet your dad took it slow and easy on you, lol.



JuniperSun loves fan mail, and Twatter!


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