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[[Image:magi-chan_stare.jpg|thumb|Magibon's one and apparently only look.]]
[[Image:magi-chan_stare.jpg|thumb|Magibon's one and apparently only look.]]
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[[Image:Magibon2.jpg|thumb|right|[[I'd hit it|Holy Magiboners!]]]]

Revision as of 23:45, 15 May 2011

Magibon's one and apparently only look.
Holy Magiboners!

MRirian (Magibon) is a short, huge-chinned, twenty-something wapanese camwhore that according to TOW became a YouTube celebrity.

It all began back in July '06 when Magiboo first started posting several videos- which consisted mainly of her flirting with the webcam, looking like a fan-trapped loli, and trying to be wapanese. All of this is, of course, without the much expected speech.

How have such antics granted her fame, you ask? Well, it is always carried out while showing off some decent cleavage, and speaking exclusively in Pre-school Japanese, As a result, this translated into sheer cock-baiting brainwash-ment for the thousands of fans. And in case you are still wondering, the Toddler-Japanese she so skillfully speaks is that of a butchered as only a basement-dwelling Wap could do variety- meaning all those "OMG how did u learn Japanese?!!" posters are sadder and more full of fail than even they themselves know.

What's more, Her YouTube profile also tricks the average YouTuber into believing she is Japanese. However, this YouTube trickery is nothing more than a clever ploy to lure in and sell herself as something more.

Sadly, the truth about this hick- if you didn't already know- is that she's merely the failed daughter of a typical broken white trash redneck family. Who unsurprisingly, still lives with her parents in her parents' house in Pennsylvania. Before going full-time YouWhore, she used to earn a living as a minimum wage cashier at the Sayre branch of CVS Pharmacy. During that time and even now she refuses to go to college, and frequently fights with her parents (particularly her step dad).

Oh, and she has really bad teeth.


Template:Magiinfo Magiboner was born in the fall of 1986 in sunny West Palm Beach, Florida. During this time, her real father was a 36 year-old white collar worker, and And her mom was a 24 year old waitress who worked part-time at Hooters- as expected in any text-book redneck marriage. Also as expected, the marriage between these two ended abruptly (the court notes indicate a series of domestic violence complaints.) Srsly though, there is nothing wrong with giving your wife a few good slaps a day just to show her who's boss, amirite?

Magibon's mother, having won her divorce and child custody rights, soon headed back to rural Pennsylvania where her blood-sister and father live. For a time, things were perceived to be good, and a thick bond grew between mother and daughter. It is specualtated that this bond alone is what actually stopped Magibon from simply auctioning herself off on Ebay. However, as strong as this bond may have been, it was inevitably severed.

Since Magi's mother constantly craved the cock, she could not last long staying single. Therefore, she knew she had to remarry. She quickly found herself another man-a deadbeat Tennessean. He was around her age, and also was a redneck- which made the coupling of this hick and Magi's mom a match made in heaven. According to a deleted forum post by Magibon, he was mentioned as charming at first, but as time passed the truth slowly unveiled, and it turned out he was a bit of a queer. I.E.: He could never accept Magibon as his daughter, nor could Magibon accept him as a father.

Most of Magibon's mental duress was caused by the fall out caused by the divorcing of her mother and birth father, and the subsequent changes that occurred when Magi's mother remarried.

So far, She has revealed that she has two step-sisters- a two year old (born '06) and another ten year old (born '98). Altogether she has three siblings (including step-sisters), and she is the eldest-making her only one that's NOT a delicious loli. In the forums, she often nags about how she has to sleep during the day and get up at night to avoid conflicts with her step dad. Because of all this, it's really no wonder why she eventually decided to suppress it.

On a final note about her family, Magibon refuses to bear her stepfather's family name. However, given the circumstances behind all of it, this is understandable. Even now, she still refuses to talk to him.

It is also known that Magibon usually frequents Sayre Public Library, which is a community library situated north of her home.

As typical of any wapanese, Magibon states on her MySpace profile how much she enjoys "Mangay, Animu, Pocky, Ramen and Cute Things,". This, of course, just shows what lengths she will go to in order to reformulate her own genetic code.

Typical Magibon Quotes


Regular Japanese girls don't groom down there either. Not that I care, I'm just stating a fact. Maybe some of you guys would be interested to know that when it starts growing back in, it itches. If Japanese men don't really care, then why should the girls shave?


—MRIRIAN, talking about genitalia in the forums, because every girl wants a teeny azn cock, amirite?

Go here to see more personal quotes by Magibon.

Not So Innocent

Contrary to the belief of Magi fan boys, Magibon is not as sweet and innocent as they have been fantasizing. For starters, she's a forum-trolling narcissistic dick weed.

In the Forumz

Unlike most camwhores who just skip the part of trolling, Magibon takes pride in ruining transient relationships between the denizens of Wapanese forums. Sometimes it is hard- if not nearly impossible- to catch Magibon in the act of trolling. In fact, she does it so subtly that even the Mods are blinded by her faggotry. In some cases, she has even managed to fool a mod into banning a Japanese girl she flame-baited.

The incident started when Magi did her usual photo-whoring thread where she posted misleading pictures of her self and engaged the people who commented on it in conversation. The poor Japanese girl, assuming good faith, gave a sincere comment on it. It is not known whether or not Magibon actually became butthurt from it (as there weren't much desired comments at the time), but Magibon started attacking her for failing at Engrish.

This of course was the outcome Magi was hoping for, and the bait worked as the Japanese girl had unknowingly walked into Magibon's open jaws. She then tried to complain to the other board members to little avail, while Magibon went on subtly trolling her.

As their pussy fight dragged on, it soon caught the attention of Karyuudan-a mod of those boards at the time- who immediately (for unknown reasons) sided with Magibon, and the Japanese girl was given a perma-ban. See here: forum.

The Scam


Feeling that her endless droves of devoted fans owed her something more than simple love and loyalty, Magibon decided to cash in on her growing fame. She began her scam at 2ch where she begged 2ch-ners for funds (through a donation account on PayPal) so she can "go to Japan".

Gullible as most of her fans are, funds started pouring in into Magi's account. As a result, Magi's camwhoring was slowly starting to pay off.

However, as things progressed, the fans grew weary of donating blindly as she kept demanding more and more money, and a series of reasonable inquiries were made towards Magibon. By then however, Magibon having reasoned that she had suck them dry, slyly backed away from her horny Japanese fanboys and completely ignored them. Occasionally she does return to 2ch and does some light flirting with them in hopes it'd keep them dangling.

In this website, here, Magibon unintentionally makes a comment regarding her Youtube wages. Well, nuff' said.

CopyVio? In MY Tubes?

maginiffscentT, a faggot who got all butthurt over a CopyVio filed by Magibon on YouTube, finally learned the hard way about Magibon's true nature and tried to exact revenge by cuntpasting gay pics all over his YouTube profile. Of course this is not the first time as Forryga (the slave who translated all of Maggie's videos for her fanbase) was given the exact same treatment.

It is not clearly known as to why Magibon did it, but it was probably to secure the maximum amount of potential advertisement monies, or maybe she simply did it to flex her YouTube Partnership muscle. Whatever the reason, we now know that she is no different from the average pay-per-view cam whore. Magi expects to be paid for whoring, and that's no different from a typical prostitute. In fact, she has also gotten her self a whoring spot. However, it is still unclear exactly what goes on there.

The TEEFS Revealed


In April 2008, Magi's prayers were finally answered and she was invited to Japan by a joint collaboration of Japanese Weekly Playboy and a Japanese Entertainment Company called Gyao for an epic chance to see Japan. However, as she would have soon eventually find out, the epic chance turned out to be a massive trolling of her white honkey ass.

Many lulz were had as evident from the GyaO videos, which revealed that Mags had been using clever camera angles and flattering lighting in her YouTube videos to fool people into thinking she was hot. She also revealed to the world one incredibly fucked up pair of chompers, which she kept her hand over as much as possible. Yes, this is the face you've been fapping to.

On top of her rather plain appearance, there were other letdowns for Magi fans. Language-wise, her YouTube Japanese skillz evaporated like a cube of frozen miso blasted by a blowtorch as the show's hostess (former Morning Musume singer Mari Yaguchi) attempted to converse in what Magibon must have thought was rapid-fire "street" Japanese.

Worst of all, that famous Magi "charm" was absent throughout the entire show, no doubt buried beneath a thick, natto-like layer of scared-shitlessness. All in all, it was a disappointing performance that will no doubt send many of her horny fanboys in search of smaller-chinned fap material.

Need moar ass.

Part 2 of the GyaO Video News Links: GyaOJan 28Mar 26Apr 14Apr 08Apr 09

October 17 2008, Magibon returned to Japan. Luckily, it was another short trip. Unfortunately, This time she got more attention from the main stream press- though most of it are one-line mentions of her and her fellow cast members. She appeared in a short documentary and had a minor role of voice acting in French the part of a five year old nature-hugging boy. To sum it up, her appearance on the show was merely a clever play by the producers to bunk up the documentary's sales. As for news on the competition, the documentary failed.

News Links: [1][2][3][4][5][6]

Also November 2008, Magibon returns to Tokyo for a YouTube Live event. She also does some other shit, and she is still there doing a homestay with an unlucky Japanese family.

News Links: [7][8][9][10][11][12]

Shūkan Pureibōi OH SHI- Lulz

To sum it all up, Magiboner's fame beyond YouTube basically all started due to a Weekly Playboy Fap-azine Article (basically the Japanese version of Playboy). Which had Rikimaru Hotta searching for a mystery YouTube Idol. According to the translations, We finally caught the real Magibon in an obscure corner of the Appalachian Mountains; (what they really meant to say was that they found Magibon and she lived in a town full of hicks in rural PA.)

It then goes on about how Magibon claims to love Japanese culture, how she doesn't like studying, and how she burdens her mom by buying accessories online. As if that is not enough faggotry. It then goes on about how she loves eating pocky and how she can't make any irl friends. If that is not sad, I do not know what sad is.

Weekly Playboy 25 February 2008

We are not exactly sure as to what are the contains of this issue, but it had a lot of gray-scale pics of Magibon. (Most of this pics appear to be from Magibon's MySpace or ones that usually appear in a google image search.)

Weekly Playboy 14 April 2008

They came to her on this one. Taken in lonely Pencil-vain-ya, showing parts of her town. In short, a light cock tease, to keep the men hungry. Parts of this issue are archived in the gallery.

Contents: 1 2 3 4 5

Weekly Playboy 12/19 May 2008

Taken in a Pureiboi studio somewhere in Tokyo, possibly Chiyodaku, with four pages in color depicting Magiboner in several whorish, submissive poses. There are also a further three pages in monochrome. The monochrome part features short articles. This time considerably more flesh is shown, yet the elusive nipple remains hidden. In the meantime, feel free to fap to the Magibon pictures in the gallery below or lurk here for a possible chance to see the contents of the latest Playboy.

Gravure Links: 1 2 3 4

Weekly Playboy 10 November 2008

Latest appeareance, most of it related to Magibon appearing in Youtube live.

Analysis of Magibon

Analysis of Magibon Videos

Variety... What?
Pedobears!!! en masses

Most Magibon videos are like this one, save for a slight difference in movement or the size of her boobs (which vary interestingly at times). On the whole, they tend to be 50-second clips consisting of the phrase Minasan konnichiwa, Magi desu and the fucked-up bitch camwhoring herself. Nothing #11

That bitch is so ugly that she was made legal when she was born in hopes that some drunk would fuck her because noone would.

In earlier videos before the ape was known to the internets, videos were more like this one where we actually get to hear sum Engrish. However, due to the vile nature of the voice and the hog-like ugliness of the person uttering it, most of these videos have since been pulled. On a final note, an unknown Magi fan saved this video, which could easily have labeled Magi an emo camwhore: Emo Whore Magibon

What she usually does in her videos is camwhore from room to room, giving her viewers an inner glimpse of her underage step-sisters' bedrooms. Why this is done remains to be discovered. However, a widely accepted notion is that it is part of the clever ploy of baiting fans.

Magibon's Blog

Magibon's Yahoo blog is compiled using a combo of Google translate and wwwjdic (an online dictionary). Most of the content is conveyed through usage of simple three to four word sentences. For certain complex content, such as the one seen here. Magibon had to actually revert back to Engrish.

Magibon Stalkers And Haters

MRirian / Magibon stalker video is a website made by a digital media arts student (Joakim Danung) to experiment on you. The website features a single flash presentation in perpetual loop. The original presentation included what appeared to be pictures of a badly-drawn Frank (a fictional Japanese stalker) and Magi holding hands, and included the words such as "yaranaika(means "want to do it?" in Japanese), and "Hauu~ Omochikaeri~"(I want to take her home (and rape her) in Moonspeak).

Due to the senile nature of a typical Magiphile, this led many of them to believe that Magi's body would eventually be found floating in a stream somewhere and Frank would get arrested for child rape. Much butthurt was had as many of the Magiphiles started their reign of terror by e-raeping Joakim Danung.

Links: 1st : 2nd : 3rd : Current : Forum


Moar info: Firithfenion.


A typical Magibon fan and a known member of the pedophile-centric mririan_fangroup. This douchebag is highly aggressive and in search of Magi Haterz to prey upon. See here if you wish to know more.


As a YouTube celebrity, Magibon has attracted hate from all walks of YouTube, which comes has no suprise:
Typical Hate Video
Magibon Hate Song
Americunt Hate
Nigra Hate <-- Even niggers hate Magibon. Imagine that.
Weeaboo Hate
AZN Hate

What she is doing now

  • Magibon is currently doing a homestay in Japan. Unfortunately, her current whereabouts are still unknown. However, a close source suggest it's somewhere in Katsushika-ku, Tokyo.
  • Recently, she visited Tokyo Disney Land.
  • In a recent video on YouTube, it has been found that Magibon has a bodyguard.


[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

See Also

External Links


Fan Blogs

Fan Groups

Magibon Stalker Sites


Note: Magibon's YouTube channel can also be accessed through

Other Profiles

Related Profiles

Uncategorized Blogs

Uncategorized Links

Useful Keywords まぎぼん マギボン マギ まぎ マギボンちゃん ちゃん 2ちゃん U2cdYrhXD6


YouTube Related Links

MRirian is part of a series on YouTube.

Visit the YouTube Portal
MRirian is related to a series on AZNS. [Domo ArigatoHerrow]
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