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boring slander crap
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[[Image:The joys of having children.jpg|right|thumb|Every Day at 4:30pm.]]
Maxime Lebled is a [[britfag|French]] [[Brony|bronyphile]] with a [[jewtube|youtube]] [[whore|partnership]] and 35,000 [[bot|subscribers]]. Maxime Lebled aka MaxofS2D has a long history of being [[Britfag|French]], and there for being a sneaky [[Pedophile|pedophile]] mime with a [[fetish|fetish]] for [[cock|long peaces of beard]]. It is well known that like most of [[france|French]] that he has the social skills of [[dolan|dolan]] and will do anything for [[Attention_whore|attention]] even if that means making a [[jewtube|youtube]] video where he tries to make a wheel of fortune game out of [[WTC|9/11]] and the [[holocaust|holocaust]], only to remove it 45 minutes later after his [[Your_Mom|mother]] sees it.<br>
Maxime Lebled is a [[britfag|French]] [[Brony|bronyphile]] with a [[jewtube|youtube]] [[whore|partnership]] and 35,000 [[bot|subscribers]]. Maxime Lebled aka MaxofS2D has a long history of being [[Britfag|French]], and there for being a sneaky [[Pedophile|pedophile]] mime with a [[fetish|fetish]] for [[cock|long peaces of beard]]. It is well known that like most of [[france|French]] that he has the social skills of [[dolan|dolan]] and will do anything for [[Attention_whore|attention]] even if that means making a [[jewtube|youtube]] video where he tries to make a wheel of fortune game out of [[WTC|9/11]] and the [[holocaust|holocaust]], only to remove it 45 minutes later after his [[Your_Mom|mother]] sees it.<br>

===About Max===
===About Max===
[[Image:Max005.jpg|right|thumb|Every Day at 5:30pm]]
[[Maxofs2d|MaxofS2D]] lives in a [[Homeless|dumpster]] somewhere in [[france|France]] where he spends most of the time [[Blowjobs|sucking pony dick]] to pay for [[Dialup|dial up]] so he can upload [[Shit|shitty]] animations and [ Dramatic Reading] that are so [[Vomit|awfully]] done you will want to [[AnHero|AnHero]] before the [[jewtube|youtube]] [[advertisement|advertisement]] is even done. When hes not [[work|sucking dick]] hes uploading [[ugly|pictures]] and videos of himself "making" things in [[Paint|3dsMax]], half of the time he has to tab out to [[Internet_Explorer|Internet Explorer 7]] to [[google|Google]] that what hes doing is right and that it wont accidentally send all of his [[CP|CP]] off to [[Chris_Hansen|Chris Hansen]]. [[Maxofs2d|Max]] does this to make it look like hes actually contributing something useful to the [[Cult|legendary society of 1's and 0's]]. [[Maxofs2d|Max]] is a [[jewtube|youtube]] [[whore|partner]] and wants to work full time as a 3D [[paint|animator]] for [[Disney|Disney]] so he can sneak into Disney Land during lunch brake to fuck a [[Tranny|tranny]] dressed as [[Furfag|mickey mouse]] while its a small world after all is playing in the background. [[Maxofs2d|Max]] is also a dumb fuck that got busted [[stealing|torrenting]] Sony Vegas Pro 11 by [] along with 92GB's of [[bestiality|bestiality]] [[porn|porn]].<br>
[[Maxofs2d|MaxofS2D]] lives in a [[Homeless|dumpster]] somewhere in [[france|France]] where he spends most of the time [[Blowjobs|sucking pony dick]] to pay for [[Dialup|dial up]] so he can upload [[Shit|shitty]] animations and [ Dramatic Reading] that are so [[Vomit|awfully]] done you will want to [[AnHero|AnHero]] before the [[jewtube|youtube]] [[advertisement|advertisement]] is even done. When hes not [[work|sucking dick]] hes uploading [[ugly|pictures]] and videos of himself "making" things in [[Paint|3dsMax]], half of the time he has to tab out to [[Internet_Explorer|Internet Explorer 7]] to [[google|Google]] that what hes doing is right and that it wont accidentally send all of his [[CP|CP]] off to [[Chris_Hansen|Chris Hansen]]. [[Maxofs2d|Max]] does this to make it look like hes actually contributing something useful to the [[Cult|legendary society of 1's and 0's]]. [[Maxofs2d|Max]] is a [[jewtube|youtube]] [[whore|partner]] and wants to work full time as a 3D [[paint|animator]] for [[Disney|Disney]] so he can sneak into Disney Land during lunch brake to fuck a [[Tranny|tranny]] dressed as [[Furfag|mickey mouse]] while its a small world after all is playing in the background. [[Maxofs2d|Max]] is also a dumb fuck that got busted [[stealing|torrenting]] Sony Vegas Pro 11 by [] along with 92GB's of [[bestiality|bestiality]] [[porn|porn]].<br>

===Maxime Lebled Ego===
===Maxime Lebled Ego===
[[Image:RAGE_Mouse.gif|right|thumb|What did he just call me!?!?!/]]
Saying that [[Maxofs2d|Max]] has a bit of a [[Ego|ego]] problem, is like saying [[Black_Jesus|Obama]] is a bit of a [[nigger|nigger]], when [[Maxofs2d|Max's]] ego is threated he will [[Nerd_rage|rage]], [[cry|scream]], chuck a [[cheap|300$ dell laptop]] that holds all of his [[CP|CP]] out the window and then tell his [[Your_Mom|mother|]] on you. He will also say that your [ worthless] and try to [[fail|troll]] you from his [!/MaxOfS2D twitter] and brag about how [[Ugly|awesome]] he is to have [[100|35]] fans. Luckily like [[Justin_Bieber|Justin Bieber]] it doesn't matter because hes still a [[fag|Fag]] and all of his fans are [[12|12 year olds]] or [[Bot|bots]] anyway. His [[ego|ego]] tends to get him into deep shit as well, if someone rises questions about him or [[shit|his first grade level finger painting work]] he will try to get the info [[nuke|removed]] [[Special:RecentChanges|ASAP]] (by slapping down a [[DMCA|DMCA]]) so no one else sees it, infact theres a nice list going around that [[Maxofs2d|Max]] is trying very hard to make [[Delete_fucking_everything|disappear]] and has had it removed from [[Earth|pastebin]] [[100|6]] times, which is why this page is being [[ED:101|made]], see (3.4 The Facts List). Rather then try to [[Impossible|disprove]] them (he cant because the [[fag|faggot]] that wrote it linked to everything proving it was real) he turned it into a [[joke|joke]] and read [[Truth|fact number 27]] on [ camera] and then went right back to part two of his [[gay|homoarotic]] [[Twilight|fanfic]] involving a [[dolphin|dolphin]] and [[necrophilia|corpse]] it found outside a [[abortion|abortion]] clinic.<br>
Saying that [[Maxofs2d|Max]] has a bit of a [[Ego|ego]] problem, is like saying [[Black_Jesus|Obama]] is a bit of a [[nigger|nigger]], when [[Maxofs2d|Max's]] ego is threated he will [[Nerd_rage|rage]], [[cry|scream]], chuck a [[cheap|300$ dell laptop]] that holds all of his [[CP|CP]] out the window and then tell his [[Your_Mom|mother|]] on you. He will also say that your [ worthless] and try to [[fail|troll]] you from his [!/MaxOfS2D twitter] and brag about how [[Ugly|awesome]] he is to have [[100|35]] fans. Luckily like [[Justin_Bieber|Justin Bieber]] it doesn't matter because hes still a [[fag|Fag]] and all of his fans are [[12|12 year olds]] or [[Bot|bots]] anyway. His [[ego|ego]] tends to get him into deep shit as well, if someone rises questions about him or [[shit|his first grade level finger painting work]] he will try to get the info [[nuke|removed]] [[Special:RecentChanges|ASAP]] (by slapping down a [[DMCA|DMCA]]) so no one else sees it, infact theres a nice list going around that [[Maxofs2d|Max]] is trying very hard to make [[Delete_fucking_everything|disappear]] and has had it removed from [[Earth|pastebin]] [[100|6]] times, which is why this page is being [[ED:101|made]], see (3.4 The Facts List). Rather then try to [[Impossible|disprove]] them (he cant because the [[fag|faggot]] that wrote it linked to everything proving it was real) he turned it into a [[joke|joke]] and read [[Truth|fact number 27]] on [ camera] and then went right back to part two of his [[gay|homoarotic]] [[Twilight|fanfic]] involving a [[dolphin|dolphin]] and [[necrophilia|corpse]] it found outside a [[abortion|abortion]] clinic.<br>
{{Template:Butthurt}Max's Mother|0}

==Public Life==
==Public Life==
[[Image:Tumblr thefremen.jpg|right|thumb|Plz fuck me now]]
[[Maxofs2d|Max]] likes to hang around [[Facepunch|Facepunch]], which is basically a [[Retard|drop out section]] for people that cant handle [[4chan|4chan]] or even [[9gag|9gag]], and tries to act like the [[King|god]] of the short bus while waving his [[Cock|penis]] at the bus driver [ Garry Newman]. In a epic fail chat with another [[Youtube|Youtube]] [[Whore|Partner]] he compared himself to a [[Rape|rape victim]] and how people are always mean to him, 5 minutes later he posted a video on his youtube account about how [[loli|hes stalking a 15 year old girl from Canada]]. [[Maxofs2d|Max]] is shit-listed from most of the [[internet|Garry's Mod]] community due to a "[[Dumbass|Prank]]" he did that had such a backlash he [[Deleting_your_Youtube_Videos|removed the video]] and every place it was mirrored to as well by writing the [[admin|webmasters]]. This has happened 4 times. For the sites that would not remove the video he filed a [[DMCA|DMCA]] with the [[Jews|hosting providers]].<br>
[[Maxofs2d|Max]] likes to hang around [[Facepunch|Facepunch]], which is basically a [[Retard|drop out section]] for people that cant handle [[4chan|4chan]] or even [[9gag|9gag]], and tries to act like the [[King|god]] of the short bus while waving his [[Cock|penis]] at the bus driver [ Garry Newman]. In a epic fail chat with another [[Youtube|Youtube]] [[Whore|Partner]] he compared himself to a [[Rape|rape victim]] and how people are always mean to him, 5 minutes later he posted a video on his youtube account about how [[loli|hes stalking a 15 year old girl from Canada]]. [[Maxofs2d|Max]] is shit-listed from most of the [[internet|Garry's Mod]] community due to a "[[Dumbass|Prank]]" he did that had such a backlash he [[Deleting_your_Youtube_Videos|removed the video]] and every place it was mirrored to as well by writing the [[admin|webmasters]]. This has happened 4 times. For the sites that would not remove the video he filed a [[DMCA|DMCA]] with the [[Jews|hosting providers]].<br>

[[Image:Retardsmash.gif|right|thumb|How he makes his Videos]]
[[Maxofs2d|Max]] is a [[Youtube|youtube]] [[Whore|whore]] that loves to read [[gay|gay]] [[Porn|pornographic]] [[Twilight|fan-fiction]] like "[[Gay|My Nice Penis]]" and "[[WTF|Blowing a Donkey on Christmas Morning]]" but [[Maxofs2d|Max]] mostly [[Upload|uploads]] shitty [[Garry%27s_Mod|Garry's Mod]] videos of him [[rape|molesting]] rag doll's after hes stapled [[tits|tits]] onto them and then talks about how [[Bullshit|hard]] hes work on his [[shit|videos]] and how he loves his [[Tranny|E-Girlfriend]] named [ Derek] that he ment on [[craigslist|OkCupid]]. Max has realized that his animation [[fake|career]] is a [[Fucked|dead end]] because it is not at studio level or even [[retard|first grade crayola]] level and only knows how to use things in the [[Half_Life|Half Life 2]]/[[Team_Fortress_2|Team Fortress 2]] universe, so now hes trying to become a [[Useless|voice actor]] however last time I checked its hard to do a [[Twilight|Dramatic Reading]] when you have 2 cans of [[Coke|coke]] a loaf of [[bread|bread]] and a [[My_Little_Pony|My Little Pony]] [[Fleshlight|fleshlight]] jammed up your [[ass|ass]] sideways. Max has a dream to become a E-Star like his hero [[Ray_william_johnson|Ray William Johnson]] and [[Shane_Dawson|Shane Dawson]] in hopes of being able to afford to rent [[Justin_Bieber|Justin Bieber]] for the hour and not have to sneak out after [[Cum|finishing]] with 58 minutes left on the clock.<br>  
[[Maxofs2d|Max]] is a [[Youtube|youtube]] [[Whore|whore]] that loves to read [[gay|gay]] [[Porn|pornographic]] [[Twilight|fan-fiction]] like "[[Gay|My Nice Penis]]" and "[[WTF|Blowing a Donkey on Christmas Morning]]" but [[Maxofs2d|Max]] mostly [[Upload|uploads]] shitty [[Garry%27s_Mod|Garry's Mod]] videos of him [[rape|molesting]] rag doll's after hes stapled [[tits|tits]] onto them and then talks about how [[Bullshit|hard]] hes work on his [[shit|videos]] and how he loves his [[Tranny|E-Girlfriend]] named [ Derek] that he ment on [[craigslist|OkCupid]]. Max has realized that his animation [[fake|career]] is a [[Fucked|dead end]] because it is not at studio level or even [[retard|first grade crayola]] level and only knows how to use things in the [[Half_Life|Half Life 2]]/[[Team_Fortress_2|Team Fortress 2]] universe, so now hes trying to become a [[Useless|voice actor]] however last time I checked its hard to do a [[Twilight|Dramatic Reading]] when you have 2 cans of [[Coke|coke]] a loaf of [[bread|bread]] and a [[My_Little_Pony|My Little Pony]] [[Fleshlight|fleshlight]] jammed up your [[ass|ass]] sideways. Max has a dream to become a E-Star like his hero [[Ray_william_johnson|Ray William Johnson]] and [[Shane_Dawson|Shane Dawson]] in hopes of being able to afford to rent [[Justin_Bieber|Justin Bieber]] for the hour and not have to sneak out after [[Cum|finishing]] with 58 minutes left on the clock.<br>  

====How To Be A [[Drama_whore|Popular]] [[whore|Maxofs2d]]====
====How To Be A [[Drama_whore|Popular]] [[whore|Maxofs2d]]====
Step 1 - Wake up and go full Retard<br>
Step 1 - Wake up and go full Retard<br>
Step 2 - Chop your dick off, not like you were using it anyway!<br>
Step 2 - Chop your dick off, not like you were using it anyway!<br>
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Step 10 - Profit!!
Step 10 - Profit!!

[[Image:Femscout.png|thumb|left|200px|100% NOT STOLEN]]
Once upon a time when the [[1980|Pope]] still had [[Aids|aids]] and [[Gabe_Newell|Gabe Newell]] was [[Lie|thin]], [[Team_Fortress_2|Team Fortress 2]] didn't have hat's it also didn't have a [[France|France]] [[You|faggot]] running around stealing shit and trying to pass it off as [[Original_content|OC]] after he [[rape|stapled tits]] onto them. Yes this was how the [[Slut|FemScout]] was born, stolen [[Camping|right out of the crib]] and forced into a [[forever|life]] of [[rape|molestation]] by the hands of the evil [[Maxofs2d|Max]]. [[Maxofs2d|Max]] him self must have been [[rape|molested]] as a [[child|child]] because after he gets bored of fapping to [[CP|CP]] he does full scans of his face and puts in on the [[whore|femscout]] model so he can be that much closer to tits. This also points out strong case of [[fag|gender confusion]].
Once upon a time when the [[1980|Pope]] still had [[Aids|aids]] and [[Gabe_Newell|Gabe Newell]] was [[Lie|thin]], [[Team_Fortress_2|Team Fortress 2]] didn't have hat's it also didn't have a [[France|France]] [[You|faggot]] running around stealing shit and trying to pass it off as [[Original_content|OC]] after he [[rape|stapled tits]] onto them. Yes this was how the [[Slut|FemScout]] was born, stolen [[Camping|right out of the crib]] and forced into a [[forever|life]] of [[rape|molestation]] by the hands of the evil [[Maxofs2d|Max]]. [[Maxofs2d|Max]] him self must have been [[rape|molested]] as a [[child|child]] because after he gets bored of fapping to [[CP|CP]] he does full scans of his face and puts in on the [[whore|femscout]] model so he can be that much closer to tits. This also points out strong case of [[fag|gender confusion]].  

[[Image:Typical_bdsm.jpg|left|thumb|200px|Just 5 more miles!]]
[[Maxofs2d|Max]] got [[lazy|lazy]] on this one and [[Copy_and_paste|didn't even add anything]], he reached into [[Internet|fpsbanana]] and pulled a pryo with [[tits|tits]] out and said OH GUD HEY EEVERPONY LOOK WUT I FOUNDDD I MEAN MADE. The [[whore|Succubus]] is a [[Pyro|pryo]] with [[tits|tits]],[[aids|aids]],[[herpes|herpes]] and wings that she found in [[Maxofs2d|Max's]] [[sex|sex]] dungeon during her [[9000|8 years]] of [[rape|imprisonment]]. Later he took the wings off the [[whore|Succubus]] and tried giving them to his [ Derek] to win his [[gay|heart over]], this started the Mecha war which was a [[Facepalm|fucking fail]] all around. The wings where made by [[Valve|Valve]] for a [[Halloween|Halloween]] event before Max [[Nigger|stole]] it.
[[Maxofs2d|Max]] got [[lazy|lazy]] on this one and [[Copy_and_paste|didn't even add anything]], he reached into [[Internet|fpsbanana]] and pulled a pryo with [[tits|tits]] out and said OH GUD HEY EEVERPONY LOOK WUT I FOUNDDD I MEAN MADE. The [[whore|Succubus]] is a [[Pyro|pryo]] with [[tits|tits]],[[aids|aids]],[[herpes|herpes]] and wings that she found in [[Maxofs2d|Max's]] [[sex|sex]] dungeon during her [[9000|8 years]] of [[rape|imprisonment]]. Later he took the wings off the [[whore|Succubus]] and tried giving them to his [ Derek] to win his [[gay|heart over]], this started the Mecha war which was a [[Facepalm|fucking fail]] all around. The wings where made by [[Valve|Valve]] for a [[Halloween|Halloween]] event before Max [[Nigger|stole]] it.

[[Maxofs2d|Max]] has a [[Bondage|Internship]] with [[Hitler|Garry Newman]] the creator of [[CP|Garry's Mod]] (a place where [[you|pedophiles]] meet their next [[Victim|victim]] and shitty role playing mods go to [[Kill_yourself|die]] for people that cant afford to play [[World_of_Warcraft|real games]]). During his first week of Internship he started a [[100|72 hour]] [[Goat|dog]] [[fisting|fisting]] contest in [[New_Jersey|gm_construct]] that broke the hand on every model on the game. He [[wtf|somehow]] bugged it out to the point where the [[You|models]] are trying to [[AnHero|reach into their own chest and rip out their heart]] out to get away from him.<br>
[[Maxofs2d|Max]] has a [[Bondage|Internship]] with [[Hitler|Garry Newman]] the creator of [[CP|Garry's Mod]] (a place where [[you|pedophiles]] meet their next [[Victim|victim]] and shitty role playing mods go to [[Kill_yourself|die]] for people that cant afford to play [[World_of_Warcraft|real games]]). During his first week of Internship he started a [[100|72 hour]] [[Goat|dog]] [[fisting|fisting]] contest in [[New_Jersey|gm_construct]] that broke the hand on every model on the game. He [[wtf|somehow]] bugged it out to the point where the [[You|models]] are trying to [[AnHero|reach into their own chest and rip out their heart]] out to get away from him. Much like the the [[victim|victim's]] of rape this Internship will not end well for anyone let alone a [[Britfag]]<br>

===DMCA takedowns===
===DMCA takedowns===
[[Maxofs2d|Max]] uses [[Google|Google]] alerts to find out many [[Victim|children]] have reported him for [[rape|touching]] them and then if he finds something that [[Baww|he doesn't like]] he fills out fake [ DMCA] report and contacts the [[god|webmaster]] to get it taken down. Most of the time it works and the [[admin|admins]] remove it with hopes that he doesn't touch them until hes done [[fisting|fisting]] that [[Puppy_Pitcher|puppy]] hes [[rape|holding]]. Hes done this about [[9000|50 times]] and the fake [ DMCA] takedown around 20. Its also worth noting that the [[DMCA|DMCA]] hes filing is not his [[work|work]] but something he [[Nigger|stole]] from fpsbanana on his way home from the weekly [[Brony|bronie]] [[Orgy|meetup]]. <br>
[[Maxofs2d|Max]] uses [[Google|Google]] alerts to find out many [[Victim|children]] have reported him for [[rape|touching]] them and then if he finds something that [[Baww|he doesn't like]] he fills out fake [ DMCA] report and contacts the [[god|webmaster]] to get it taken down. Most of the time it works and the [[admin|admins]] remove it with hopes that he doesn't touch them until hes done [[fisting|fisting]] that [[Puppy_Pitcher|puppy]] hes [[rape|holding]]. Hes done this about [[9000|50 times]] and the fake [ DMCA] takedown around 20. Its also worth noting that the [[DMCA|DMCA]] hes filing is not his [[work|work]] but something he [[Nigger|stole]] from fpsbanana on his way home from the weekly [[Brony|bronie]] [[Orgy|meetup]]. <br>

[[Image:Emokidhitler.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Only my fanfic understands me]]
===Dramatic Readings===
===Dramatic Readings===
When [[Maxofs2d|Max]] is alone and [[nude|dressed]] in nothing but assless chaps and a hat made out of [[foreskin|foreskins]] he likes to read my [[gay|little pony fan fiction]] to himself while [[Fisting|fingering]] a [[Batman|Garry Newman]] blowup doll. [[true|In fact]] he [[Camwhore|records]] the whole thing and uploads it do [[jewtube|youtube]] with the title [[twilight|Dramatic Reading]] followed by the week number, so far he is up to week [[100|26]] meaning his has gone though no less then 5 [[cow|blowup dolls]], 2 [[Vibrator|vibrators]] and a [[what|cardborad cutout of Edward Cullen]]. Max reads this [[fanfic|fanfic]] because he knows he cant [[Homeless|make a living]] out of animating stick figures [[CP|fucking a 4 year olds]]. He spent 3 years in a [[fake|art school]] called Mjm Rennes where he spent most of his time trying to make clay [[cock|penises]] so he would have something to eat at [[Food|lunch]]. After seeing all the [[FanFiction|Dramatic Reading's]] we felt it was time to get him his own [[Winning|Encyclopedia Dramatica]] page, so he can be [[friends|friends]] with other people like [[Chris_Chan|Chris Chan]] and [[Jesse_Slaughter|Jessi Slaughter]] and maybe try to bum a few [[pictures|pictures]] off her. <br>
When [[Maxofs2d|Max]] is alone and [[nude|dressed]] in nothing but assless chaps and a hat made out of [[foreskin|foreskins]] he likes to read my [[gay|little pony fan fiction]] to himself while [[Fisting|fingering]] a [[Batman|Garry Newman]] blowup doll. [[true|In fact]] he [[Camwhore|records]] the whole thing and uploads it do [[jewtube|youtube]] with the title [[twilight|Dramatic Reading]] followed by the week number, so far he is up to week [[100|26]] meaning his has gone though no less then 5 [[cow|blowup dolls]], 2 [[Vibrator|vibrators]] and a [[what|cardborad cutout of Edward Cullen]]. Max reads this [[fanfic|fanfic]] because he knows he cant [[Homeless|make a living]] out of animating stick figures [[CP|fucking a 4 year olds]]. He spent 3 years in a [[fake|art school]] called Mjm Rennes where he spent most of his time trying to make clay [[cock|penises]] so he would have something to eat at [[Food|lunch]]. After seeing all the [[FanFiction|Dramatic Reading's]] we felt it was time to get him his own [[Winning|Encyclopedia Dramatica]] page, so he can be [[friends|friends]] with other people like [[Chris_Chan|Chris Chan]] and [[Jesse_Slaughter|Jessi Slaughter]] and maybe try to bum a few [[pictures|pictures]] off her. <br>
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==MaxofS2D's Wars==
==MaxofS2D's Wars==
Because of his [[aspergers|aspergers]] Max loves picking [[Shit_no_one_cares_about|fights]] all most as much as he likes [[fisting|teabagging]] bear [[Bomb|traps]]. In fact he starts a new war about every 4 months. First there was a war with [[shit|The Garry's Mod community]] then there was a war with some [[fag]] named [[Cool_Guy|Mecha]] and now hes going toe to toe with a [[Newfag|shitty hacker named Jill]] who's barely able to roll out of bed due to wighting [[Fatass|450lbs]] and being a [[nigger|nigger]]. To make him [[feels_good|feel]] better about having a [[pussy|dick]] the size of a [[Killdozer|tic tac]] he starts daily [[Flame_War|flame]] wars on his [[jewtube|youtube]] video comments and other peoples [[shit|videos]] that he feels are better then his [[crap|shat]] out content. [[Maxofs2d|Max]] will always better then [[FAG|YOU]] even if your [[GOD|Chuck Norris]] or [[Eduard_Khil|Eduard Khil]], at least in his mind!<br>
Because of his [[aspergers|aspergers]] Max loves picking [[Shit_no_one_cares_about|fights]] all most as much as he likes [[fisting|teabagging]] bear [[Bomb|traps]]. In fact he starts a new war about every 4 months. First there was a war with [[shit|The Garry's Mod community]] then there was a war with some [[fag]] named [[Cool_Guy|Mecha]] and now hes going toe to toe with a [[Newfag|shitty hacker named Jill]] who's barely able to roll out of bed due to wighting [[Fatass|450lbs]] and being a [[nigger|nigger]]. To make him [[feels_good|feel]] better about having a [[pussy|dick]] the size of a [[Killdozer|tic tac]] he starts daily [[Flame_War|flame]] wars on his [[jewtube|youtube]] video comments and other peoples [[shit|videos]] that he feels are better then his [[crap|shat]] out content. [[Maxofs2d|Max]] will always better then [[FAG|YOU]] even if your [[GOD|Chuck Norris]] or [[Eduard_Khil|Eduard Khil]], at least in his mind!<br><br>

===Shortbus Army===
===Shortbus Army===
[[Maxofs2d|Max]] has a [[Army|army]] that is mostly made out of the same [[retard|solders]] that used to be in [[Kony_2012|Konys]] army before [[Hipster|Jason Russell]] got [[9000|50,000,000]] [[Shit_no_one_cares_about|facebook]] likes for [[fap|jacking off]] in [[School|public]] and [[rape|freed them all]]. The rest of his army is the [[Down_Syndrome|down syndrome]] rejects from [[Facepunch|Facepunch]] and [[9gag|9gag]]. His [[fans|army's]] has [[100|two jobs]], first job is to spam [[F5|F5]] on his videos so Max can afford to pay for his [[AIDS|HIV treatment]] and secondly [[rage|shit talk/report]] post of anyone that offends their [[Hitler|fuhrer]]. [[Maxofs2d|Max]] has over 35 fans and nearly 520 video views making him the [[Poor|richest]] man in all on [[New_Jersey|France]], which is the net worth of 3 homeless people from [[azn|china]]. The poor guy is so lonely he makes [[twitter|twitter]] accounts to follow himself so he can hold off a [[AnHero|An-Hero]] until hes done molesting his [[Your_Mom|sister]].<br>
[[Maxofs2d|Max]] has a [[Army|army]] that is mostly made out of the same [[retard|solders]] that used to be in [[Kony_2012|Konys]] army before [[Hipster|Jason Russell]] got [[9000|50,000,000]] [[Shit_no_one_cares_about|facebook]] likes for [[fap|jacking off]] in [[School|public]] and [[rape|freed them all]]. The rest of his army is the [[Down_Syndrome|down syndrome]] rejects from [[Facepunch|Facepunch]] and [[9gag|9gag]]. His [[fans|army's]] has [[100|two jobs]], first job is to spam [[F5|F5]] on his videos so Max can afford to pay for his [[AIDS|HIV treatment]] and secondly [[rage|shit talk/report]] post of anyone that offends their [[Hitler|fuhrer]]. [[Maxofs2d|Max]] has over 35 fans and nearly 520 video views making him the [[Poor|richest]] man in all on [[New_Jersey|France]], which is the net worth of 3 homeless people from [[azn|china]]. The poor guy is so lonely he makes [[twitter|twitter]] accounts to follow himself so he can hold off a [[AnHero|An-Hero]] until hes done molesting his [[Your_Mom|sister]].<br>
[[Image:Stevecharge.jpg|center|thumb|450px|WE MUST PROTECT MAX'S VIRGINITY]]
[[Image:Maximum trolling64.gif|240px|thumb|right]]
Theres a nice little site on the [[Internet|interwebs]] calls [] that proudly points out [[Lol|most of his fuck ups]] (hes done 5 [ DMCA] takedowns to date on it), and is run by a [[nigger|nigger]] named [[Shit_Nobody_Cares_About|Jill]]. The highlights of this site are the [[Stalking|fallowing]], [[spam|reporting]] [[1337|hackers]] [[Maxofs2d|Max]] has sent after people, Max [[Lying|contradicting]] himself, Max going [[A_frank_discussion_of_mental_illness|mental]] on people that [[Captain_Obvious|point it out]], [[Maxofs2d|Max]] being a [[Christian|bigot]] and lastly max trying to [[Delete_fucking_everything|hide his actions]] harder then [[Germany|Germany]] trying to hide [[Waldo|waldo]] body in [[WW2|WW2]]. The site has [[Massive|a tag cloud]] the size of [[Oprah|Oprah's]] waistline before she got [[Amputee|liposuction]] and looked like [[Your_Mom|Jabba the Hut]].<br>
Theres a nice little site on the [[Internet|interwebs]] calls [] that proudly points out [[Lol|most of his fuck ups]] (hes done 5 [ DMCA] takedowns to date on it), and is run by a [[nigger|nigger]] named [[Shit_Nobody_Cares_About|Jill]]. The highlights of this site are the [[Stalking|fallowing]], [[spam|reporting]] [[1337|hackers]] [[Maxofs2d|Max]] has sent after people, Max [[Lying|contradicting]] himself, Max going [[A_frank_discussion_of_mental_illness|mental]] on people that [[Captain_Obvious|point it out]], [[Maxofs2d|Max]] being a [[Christian|bigot]] and lastly max trying to [[Delete_fucking_everything|hide his actions]] harder then [[Germany|Germany]] trying to hide [[Waldo|waldo]] body in [[WW2|WW2]]. The site has [[Massive|a tag cloud]] the size of [[Oprah|Oprah's]] waistline before she got [[Amputee|liposuction]] and looked like [[Your_Mom|Jabba the Hut]].<br>

===The Mecha War===
===The Mecha War===
[[Image:Epic Air Ships.jpg|340px|right|thumb|TONIGHT WE DINE IN FAILLLLLL]]
Some time around [[Last_Thursday|late February]] [[Maxofs2d|Max]] lost his only pair of pants in a [[Hell|french nursing home]] after trying to [[rape|rape]] [[100|3]] patients that lived there and felt it was a [[Just_for_the_lulz|good idea]] to start a [[cock|dick]] waving contest over the [[internet|interwebs]] to impress his [[Kim_Jong_Il|E-Girlfriend]]. So he started a war with [[shit|SLAG Gaming]] which is still not as bad as [[twilight|twilight]] but dammit its trying, he claimed at least [[all|140%]] of the [[shit|content]] in the SVN for the [[Garbage|game servers]] was his and filed 4 [ DMCA] takedowns, which is funny because he stole it from FPS Banana and they stole it from [[Valve|Valve]] and [[Gabe_Newell|Gabe Newell]] stole it from the [[EA|all you can eat buffet table]]. In the end it was like the [[Cat_fight|nuclear holocaust]] but with [[Yaoi|Yaoi]] and [ DMCA] takedowns. After [[Maxofs2d|Max]] saw a [[lol|funny]] site called [] he cried for the help of [[Britfag|Garry Newman]] and the other [[Loser|Facepunch]] [[admin|moderators]] to help [[Stalk|track down]] the [[asshole|mean man]] that made the site. He got the [[IP|IP address]] and hired a hacker to wipe [[Cool_guy|Mecha]]'s [[CP|SVN]] of his [[Bullshit|Stolen]] work and then [[Pwnd|back stabbed]] him to make it look like the [[nigger|hacker]] went rogue. [[Nigger|Jill]] was not happy and turned over all [[Maxofs2d|Max]]'s info to [[Cool_guy|Mecha]] for the [[lulz|lulz]] and later [[Maxofs2d|Max]] nuked his own group to make it look like he was [[hax|hacked]], all 4 people where [[Ban|banned]] from the [[cult|group]]. After 2 months both sides [[Surrender|gave in]] because there [[Mom|mothers]] told them it was time to do the dishes and face fuck the [[Dad|garbage disposal]]. To this day [[Maxofs2d|Max]] is so [[Umad|butt hurt]] over it, [[everything|ANYTHING]] that makes him look bad he blames [[Cool_guy|Mecha]] for kinda like how [[Mel_Gibson|Mel Gibson]] blames the [[Jew|Jews]] for parking [[Paper_trail|tickets]].<br>
Some time around [[Last_Thursday|late February]] [[Maxofs2d|Max]] lost his only pair of pants in a [[Hell|french nursing home]] after trying to [[rape|rape]] [[100|3]] patients that lived there and felt it was a [[Just_for_the_lulz|good idea]] to start a [[cock|dick]] waving contest over the [[internet|interwebs]] to impress his [[Kim_Jong_Il|E-Girlfriend]]. So he started a war with [[shit|SLAG Gaming]] which is still not as bad as [[twilight|twilight]] but dammit its trying, he claimed at least [[all|140%]] of the [[shit|content]] in the SVN for the [[Garbage|game servers]] was his and filed 4 [ DMCA] takedowns, which is funny because he stole it from FPS Banana and they stole it from [[Valve|Valve]] and [[Gabe_Newell|Gabe Newell]] stole it from the [[EA|all you can eat buffet table]]. In the end it was like the [[Cat_fight|nuclear holocaust]] but with [[Yaoi|Yaoi]] and [ DMCA] takedowns. After [[Maxofs2d|Max]] saw a [[lol|funny]] site called [] he cried for the help of [[Britfag|Garry Newman]] and the other [[Loser|Facepunch]] [[admin|moderators]] to help [[Stalk|track down]] the [[asshole|mean man]] that made the site. He got the [[IP|IP address]] and hired a hacker to wipe [[Cool_guy|Mecha]]'s [[CP|SVN]] of his [[Bullshit|Stolen]] work and then [[Pwnd|back stabbed]] him to make it look like the [[nigger|hacker]] went rogue. [[Nigger|Jill]] was not happy and turned over all [[Maxofs2d|Max]]'s info to [[Cool_guy|Mecha]] for the [[lulz|lulz]] and later [[Maxofs2d|Max]] nuked his own group to make it look like he was [[hax|hacked]], all 4 people where [[Ban|banned]] from the [[cult|group]]. After 2 months both sides [[Surrender|gave in]] because there [[Mom|mothers]] told them it was time to do the dishes and face fuck the [[Dad|garbage disposal]]. To this day [[Maxofs2d|Max]] is so [[Umad|butt hurt]] over it, [[everything|ANYTHING]] that makes him look bad he blames [[Cool_guy|Mecha]] for kinda like how [[Mel_Gibson|Mel Gibson]] blames the [[Jew|Jews]] for parking [[Paper_trail|tickets]].<br>
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On June 14th a member of [[Anonymous|Anonymous]] posted a [ lulz list] about [[Maxofs2d|Max]] on [[earth|pastebin]] with 25 [[Truth|Facts]] and linked all the proof from the list so [[Maxofs2d|Max]] couldn't disprove it, He [[Baww|Bawwwed]] to the [[nerd|webmasters]] at [[earth|pastebin]] to get it [[DELETE_FUCKING_EVERYTHING|taken down]] and because of this the [[Anonymous|Anon]] added [[9000|10]] more [[Truth|Facts]] the to list and [[Copy_and_paste|reposted]] 5 times. When [[Maxofs2d|Max]] realized that he wasn't going to win this war and it would just keep getting cut and pasted he tried turning it into a joke like his sex life, it backfired. The 35 [[Truth|Facts]] about [[Maxofs2d|Max]] can still be found due to [[Google|Google]] cache and the WayBack Machine.<br>
On June 14th a member of [[Anonymous|Anonymous]] posted a [ lulz list] about [[Maxofs2d|Max]] on [[earth|pastebin]] with 25 [[Truth|Facts]] and linked all the proof from the list so [[Maxofs2d|Max]] couldn't disprove it, He [[Baww|Bawwwed]] to the [[nerd|webmasters]] at [[earth|pastebin]] to get it [[DELETE_FUCKING_EVERYTHING|taken down]] and because of this the [[Anonymous|Anon]] added [[9000|10]] more [[Truth|Facts]] the to list and [[Copy_and_paste|reposted]] 5 times. When [[Maxofs2d|Max]] realized that he wasn't going to win this war and it would just keep getting cut and pasted he tried turning it into a joke like his sex life, it backfired. The 35 [[Truth|Facts]] about [[Maxofs2d|Max]] can still be found due to [[Google|Google]] cache and the WayBack Machine.<br>
===Maxime Lebled's Dox===
===Maxime Lebled's Dox===
Name: Maxime Lebled<br>
Name: Maxime Lebled<br>
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Photo of his house<br>
Photo of his house<br>
===Max's Online info===
===Max's Online info===
IP Address : (as of 5/1/2012)<br>
IP Address : (as of 5/1/2012)<br>
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Revision as of 16:21, 25 June 2012

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Every Day at 4:30pm.

Maxime Lebled is a French bronyphile with a youtube partnership and 35,000 subscribers. Maxime Lebled aka MaxofS2D has a long history of being French, and there for being a sneaky pedophile mime with a fetish for long peaces of beard. It is well known that like most of French that he has the social skills of dolan and will do anything for attention even if that means making a youtube video where he tries to make a wheel of fortune game out of 9/11 and the holocaust, only to remove it 45 minutes later after his mother sees it.

About Max

Every Day at 5:30pm

MaxofS2D lives in a dumpster somewhere in France where he spends most of the time sucking pony dick to pay for dial up so he can upload shitty animations and Dramatic Reading that are so awfully done you will want to AnHero before the youtube advertisement is even done. When hes not sucking dick hes uploading pictures and videos of himself "making" things in 3dsMax, half of the time he has to tab out to Internet Explorer 7 to Google that what hes doing is right and that it wont accidentally send all of his CP off to Chris Hansen. Max does this to make it look like hes actually contributing something useful to the legendary society of 1's and 0's. Max is a youtube partner and wants to work full time as a 3D animator for Disney so he can sneak into Disney Land during lunch brake to fuck a tranny dressed as mickey mouse while its a small world after all is playing in the background. Max is also a dumb fuck that got busted torrenting Sony Vegas Pro 11 by along with 92GB's of bestiality porn.

Maxime Lebled Ego

What did he just call me!?!?!/

Saying that Max has a bit of a ego problem, is like saying Obama is a bit of a nigger, when Max's ego is threated he will rage, scream, chuck a 300$ dell laptop that holds all of his CP out the window and then tell his mother| on you. He will also say that your worthless and try to troll you from his twitter and brag about how awesome he is to have 35 fans. Luckily like Justin Bieber it doesn't matter because hes still a Fag and all of his fans are 12 year olds or bots anyway. His ego tends to get him into deep shit as well, if someone rises questions about him or his first grade level finger painting work he will try to get the info removed ASAP (by slapping down a DMCA) so no one else sees it, infact theres a nice list going around that Max is trying very hard to make disappear and has had it removed from pastebin 6 times, which is why this page is being made, see (3.4 The Facts List). Rather then try to disprove them (he cant because the faggot that wrote it linked to everything proving it was real) he turned it into a joke and read fact number 27 on camera and then went right back to part two of his homoarotic fanfic involving a dolphin and corpse it found outside a abortion clinic.

{{Template:Butthurt}Max's Mother|0}

Public Life

Plz fuck me now

Max likes to hang around Facepunch, which is basically a drop out section for people that cant handle 4chan or even 9gag, and tries to act like the god of the short bus while waving his penis at the bus driver Garry Newman. In a epic fail chat with another Youtube Partner he compared himself to a rape victim and how people are always mean to him, 5 minutes later he posted a video on his youtube account about how hes stalking a 15 year old girl from Canada. Max is shit-listed from most of the Garry's Mod community due to a "Prank" he did that had such a backlash he removed the video and every place it was mirrored to as well by writing the webmasters. This has happened 4 times. For the sites that would not remove the video he filed a DMCA with the hosting providers.


How he makes his Videos

Max is a youtube whore that loves to read gay pornographic fan-fiction like "My Nice Penis" and "Blowing a Donkey on Christmas Morning" but Max mostly uploads shitty Garry's Mod videos of him molesting rag doll's after hes stapled tits onto them and then talks about how hard hes work on his videos and how he loves his E-Girlfriend named Derek that he ment on OkCupid. Max has realized that his animation career is a dead end because it is not at studio level or even first grade crayola level and only knows how to use things in the Half Life 2/Team Fortress 2 universe, so now hes trying to become a voice actor however last time I checked its hard to do a Dramatic Reading when you have 2 cans of coke a loaf of bread and a My Little Pony fleshlight jammed up your ass sideways. Max has a dream to become a E-Star like his hero Ray William Johnson and Shane Dawson in hopes of being able to afford to rent Justin Bieber for the hour and not have to sneak out after finishing with 58 minutes left on the clock.

How To Be A Popular Maxofs2d

Step 1 - Wake up and go full Retard
Step 2 - Chop your dick off, not like you were using it anyway!
Step 3 - Change your name to Maxofs2d
Step 4 - Learn to use MSpaint, and then tell everyone your better then them because of it
Step 5 - Fuck your mom
Step 6 - Steal a copy of Sony Vegas Pro and get caught
Step 7 - Take a shit in your next Generation Dell
Step 8 - Take your crappy videos and upload them to youtube and set the advertisement to 3 minutes long just to piss people off
Step 9 - ???
Step 10 - Profit!!



Once upon a time when the Pope still had aids and Gabe Newell was thin, Team Fortress 2 didn't have hat's it also didn't have a France faggot running around stealing shit and trying to pass it off as OC after he stapled tits onto them. Yes this was how the FemScout was born, stolen right out of the crib and forced into a life of molestation by the hands of the evil Max. Max him self must have been molested as a child because after he gets bored of fapping to CP he does full scans of his face and puts in on the femscout model so he can be that much closer to tits. This also points out strong case of gender confusion.


Just 5 more miles!

Max got lazy on this one and didn't even add anything, he reached into fpsbanana and pulled a pryo with tits out and said OH GUD HEY EEVERPONY LOOK WUT I FOUNDDD I MEAN MADE. The Succubus is a pryo with tits,aids,herpes and wings that she found in Max's sex dungeon during her 8 years of imprisonment. Later he took the wings off the Succubus and tried giving them to his Derek to win his heart over, this started the Mecha war which was a fucking fail all around. The wings where made by Valve for a Halloween event before Max stole it.


Max has a Internship with Garry Newman the creator of Garry's Mod (a place where pedophiles meet their next victim and shitty role playing mods go to die for people that cant afford to play real games). During his first week of Internship he started a 72 hour dog fisting contest in gm_construct that broke the hand on every model on the game. He somehow bugged it out to the point where the models are trying to reach into their own chest and rip out their heart out to get away from him. Much like the the victim's of rape this Internship will not end well for anyone let alone a Britfag

DMCA takedowns

Max uses Google alerts to find out many children have reported him for touching them and then if he finds something that he doesn't like he fills out fake DMCA report and contacts the webmaster to get it taken down. Most of the time it works and the admins remove it with hopes that he doesn't touch them until hes done fisting that puppy hes holding. Hes done this about 50 times and the fake DMCA takedown around 20. Its also worth noting that the DMCA hes filing is not his work but something he stole from fpsbanana on his way home from the weekly bronie meetup.

Only my fanfic understands me

Dramatic Readings

When Max is alone and dressed in nothing but assless chaps and a hat made out of foreskins he likes to read my little pony fan fiction to himself while fingering a Garry Newman blowup doll. In fact he records the whole thing and uploads it do youtube with the title Dramatic Reading followed by the week number, so far he is up to week 26 meaning his has gone though no less then 5 blowup dolls, 2 vibrators and a cardborad cutout of Edward Cullen. Max reads this fanfic because he knows he cant make a living out of animating stick figures fucking a 4 year olds. He spent 3 years in a art school called Mjm Rennes where he spent most of his time trying to make clay penises so he would have something to eat at lunch. After seeing all the Dramatic Reading's we felt it was time to get him his own Encyclopedia Dramatica page, so he can be friends with other people like Chris Chan and Jessi Slaughter and maybe try to bum a few pictures off her.

MaxofS2D's Wars

Because of his aspergers Max loves picking fights all most as much as he likes teabagging bear traps. In fact he starts a new war about every 4 months. First there was a war with The Garry's Mod community then there was a war with some fag named Mecha and now hes going toe to toe with a shitty hacker named Jill who's barely able to roll out of bed due to wighting 450lbs and being a nigger. To make him feel better about having a dick the size of a tic tac he starts daily flame wars on his youtube video comments and other peoples videos that he feels are better then his shat out content. Max will always better then YOU even if your Chuck Norris or Eduard Khil, at least in his mind!

Shortbus Army

Max has a army that is mostly made out of the same solders that used to be in Konys army before Jason Russell got 50,000,000 facebook likes for jacking off in public and freed them all. The rest of his army is the down syndrome rejects from Facepunch and 9gag. His army's has two jobs, first job is to spam F5 on his videos so Max can afford to pay for his HIV treatment and secondly shit talk/report post of anyone that offends their fuhrer. Max has over 35 fans and nearly 520 video views making him the richest man in all on France, which is the net worth of 3 homeless people from china. The poor guy is so lonely he makes twitter accounts to follow himself so he can hold off a An-Hero until hes done molesting his sister.


Theres a nice little site on the interwebs calls that proudly points out most of his fuck ups (hes done 5 DMCA takedowns to date on it), and is run by a nigger named Jill. The highlights of this site are the fallowing, reporting hackers Max has sent after people, Max contradicting himself, Max going mental on people that point it out, Max being a bigot and lastly max trying to hide his actions harder then Germany trying to hide waldo body in WW2. The site has a tag cloud the size of Oprah's waistline before she got liposuction and looked like Jabba the Hut.

The Mecha War


Some time around late February Max lost his only pair of pants in a french nursing home after trying to rape 3 patients that lived there and felt it was a good idea to start a dick waving contest over the interwebs to impress his E-Girlfriend. So he started a war with SLAG Gaming which is still not as bad as twilight but dammit its trying, he claimed at least 140% of the content in the SVN for the game servers was his and filed 4 DMCA takedowns, which is funny because he stole it from FPS Banana and they stole it from Valve and Gabe Newell stole it from the all you can eat buffet table. In the end it was like the nuclear holocaust but with Yaoi and DMCA takedowns. After Max saw a funny site called he cried for the help of Garry Newman and the other Facepunch moderators to help track down the mean man that made the site. He got the IP address and hired a hacker to wipe Mecha's SVN of his Stolen work and then back stabbed him to make it look like the hacker went rogue. Jill was not happy and turned over all Max's info to Mecha for the lulz and later Max nuked his own group to make it look like he was hacked, all 4 people where banned from the group. After 2 months both sides gave in because there mothers told them it was time to do the dishes and face fuck the garbage disposal. To this day Max is so butt hurt over it, ANYTHING that makes him look bad he blames Mecha for kinda like how Mel Gibson blames the Jews for parking tickets.

The Facts List

On June 14th a member of Anonymous posted a lulz list about Max on pastebin with 25 Facts and linked all the proof from the list so Max couldn't disprove it, He Bawwwed to the webmasters at pastebin to get it taken down and because of this the Anon added 10 more Facts the to list and reposted 5 times. When Max realized that he wasn't going to win this war and it would just keep getting cut and pasted he tried turning it into a joke like his sex life, it backfired. The 35 Facts about Max can still be found due to Google cache and the WayBack Machine.

Maxime Lebled's Dox

Name: Maxime Lebled
Email: [email protected]
Country: France (FR)
Postal Code: 35000
City: Rennes
Address: 9, Rue Belfort
Region: Bretagne
Phone Number: +33.0685859509
Cell Phone : +33.0950486602
Photo of his house

Max's Online info

IP Address : (as of 5/1/2012)
Steam URL
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:19779739
Steam Community ID 76561197999825207
Steam Fan Group

Maxofs2d is part of a series on YouTube.

Visit the YouTube Portal

Maxofs2d is part of a series on My Little Pony