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WTP is a commonly used 0-day variation of the phrase "WTF?!?!" among homosexuals. However, it is infinitely cooler than wtf because it uses a phrase from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series, "What the photon?"

Because wtf is incredibly overused and appears on several wishlists, this new term should most definitely take its place, though caution is needed because of infectious diarrhea that is believed to breed in wtp-organisms. As a matter of fact anyone using it should immediately roll into an MRI and their kkk membership should be revoked. Nietzsche once declared: "For every fat girl angle shot, God kills a photon". The reliability of the aforementioned statement is doubtful since Nietzsche was already in his emo phase at that time. NAMBLA researchers believe it was "For every complete rewrite" but it had been changed by a hippo with AIDS for verisimilitude.

The Origin

Ford Prefect: first to use the phrase "Wtp"

Examples of Usage

<emokid857> death iz so sexy
<cri2mymom324> o yeah, totally
<NeglectedShoe> ... wtp?  get a life.

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