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This user appreciates Hipcrime. Come sign the Hipcrime Appreciation Station to show your appreciation.
/!\ LISTEN UP /!\

This user fucking hates
My Little Pony.

You can join the fight by sporting a mohawk and punching out every brony and their philly ponyphiles.


This user is a brony and should be sold to your nearest glue factory immediately.

^you must be wondering how that works.

When left alone, the man did not know what else to do. He called the nearest unicorn, and set about on a wondrous journey through space. He flew all the way past the planets into the sun. On the sun he met the sun people. The sun people didn't wear any clothes, because it was too hot on the sun to wear clothes. The man was declared king of the sun people and China.

The end.

Things Im working on (it would be great if you add a bit on too): ponychan

The preview button is this user's best friend.
This user travels a lot on ED.
<video type="youtube" id="4By8YHOnILo&autoplay=1&loop=1&start=0" />