User:Lord Raptor/Spider-Man Is Dead

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This pic pretty much summarizes what Spider-Man fanboys are feeling right now

On the night of December 17 of 2012, the 4chan board known as /co/ witnessed one of the biggest anal devastations ocurred in the Internet as a group of comic book nerds gathered to see leaked scans of the latest issue of the Amazing Spider-Man, where the title hero has his body swapped by one of his villains, Dr. Octopus, and next is killed by Octopus, while the bad guy realizes the wrongness he had done and decides to assume the mantle of the character (at the same time he is also allowed to fuck Spider-Man's girlfriend Mary Jane whenever he wants because no one noticed any difference).

The big deal here is that, while death of superheroes became so common in comics that no one gives a shit anymore, this one actually stroke the nerve of several geeks that waste their time reading stuff about adults in tight suits fighting against nigger robbers, to the point that a noticeable number of them Baaaawwed about the death of their beloved hero and sent countless "I'll kill you" messages to the writer responsible for this lulzy tragedy, Dan Slott.

OMG, They Killed Spooderman!

The development of this drama started in Amazing Spider-Man #698, where Dr. Octopus switches bodies with Spider-Man via a sci-fi gizmo. To make things worse, Octopus' body is a near-death state making Spider-Man unable to do anything against his enemy. And so it seemed that things would follow the usual superhero bullshit with the villain giving a hard time to the hero and the hero struggling to fix things back to normal, until a channer known as Marvelous made an intriguing post in /co/ in which he gave spoilers of the last issue of Amazing Spider-Man, and from what is seen there Spider-Man was far away of having a happy ending in his own comic:

Real Peter realizes he won't be able to swap brains and instead transmit his memories to fake Peter revealing that the real Doc Ock just wanted to be Spider-Man all along

Real Peter asks Doc Ock to please do what is right

He agrees and after another Uncle Ben moment Real Peter does

Real Peter passes on the mantle to Real Doc Ock after Doc Ock promises not to harm anyone after this revelation and will make sure Spider-Man is no longer considered a villain

Doc Ock takes up the name Superior Spider-Man


Happy last Spider-Man story, faggots

As soon that was posted, comic book readers and Spider-Man fans went in a massive uproar in /co/, while others just stopped to laugh at the torrent of angry/whiny comments of something that wasn't even proved that would actually happen. The most remarkable part of this event was the debate of unfortunate implications about Octopus having an affair with Spider-Man's girlfriend without she knowing he isn't the same man she loves, since these days people make a big fuss about any suggestion of misogyny and rape in comics.

Then, some days later, the scans were finally leaked. As pages were posted, several channers reacted in disgust, anger and sadness with the demise of the only hero that provided us immense moments of awesomeness and great reaction images, aside perhaps Batman.

Nerd Rage


Meanwhile, places like Twitter and Tumblr became filled of people raging over the comic, with some of them even going to harshly harrass the writer Dan Slott by sending him death threats and hate mails to his Twitter account. The situation got so out of control that Slott was forced to block and report everyone that is harrassing him. Because obviously, comic books, especially the ones about superheroes, are serious business, and God forbid you if you mess one little thing in them.

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